#cotton x sherbet
coookiesnapp · 2 years
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I’m actually sobbing they look adorable
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maeartzs · 4 months
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uselessalexis165 · 4 months
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Quick things I made with the comic creator (227/?)
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thedarkcircuswritings · 5 months
Can you write Sherbet x bald cotton? This might seem like a weird request, but I lost all my hair recently...due to alopecia, and Shercotten is a really comfortable ship for me..it would be nice..
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When Cotton's hair began to fall out, she felt devastated. She didn't know why this was happening and why she was losing patches over time, and it scared her, even more when she learned that this wasn't a curse, but just something baked into her dough. It stressed her out, especially since her hair helped her with the cold weather. This would affect her so much, and she felt so embarrassed... But Sherbet still offered his hand and promised to help her in any way he could. He held her each time she cried, listened to her vent, and comforted her when she felt upset or scared. Cotton once called herself ugly once, which Sherbet took her face by his hands and told her that she was the most beautiful cookie he's ever seen. That made her cry again, but she needed to hear that. Even when all of the cotton was gone from her head, Sherbet still went out in the cold to get medication that wasn't available in their village, no matter the weather. Heck, he even offered to buy her a wig if that made her feel more comfortable, and has worked hard to knit different hats and other coverings for her to wear in the cold weather outside. This has been very, very hard for Cotton, and while there will be many problems still, she's so, so happy to have Sherbet by her side. She loves him so much, and she's grateful that he loves her so much as well. He is the best boyfriend ever.
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beepborpdoodledorp · 2 years
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Well, this is disgustingly late, but still; better late than never.
I already said in that post from a couple days ago (which ended up being my last, very anticlimactic post of 2022) that the reason I went MIA is that I got Splatoon 3 for Christmas and have been absolutely glued to it for the past week and a half and that’s...still true. I was hoping to end 2022 with a bang but the virtual cephalopod people wouldn’t let me. Instead, four days late, I decided to come out with my own year in review of my CRK fanart! Since the game’s become such an important part of my fandom life I figured it would only be fitting to see how much my artwork for it has improved over the past twelve months. Here’s to another year of more talking cookies and their world of weirdly complex lore!
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luciddaydreamsstuff · 2 years
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Was supposed to be done in December but yea. Winter cookies!!
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jazzcat247 · 2 years
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So, that Cookie Run: Christmas event?
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macoto17 · 2 years
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I never grind so hard for this type of game, but I did it just for these 2 cookie babies to finally meet 😭
When I put them together and let them meet each other, I think they have the longest cookie interaction in this game compare to other cookies.
They interacted for like 1 minute, and when Cotton Cookie walk away to continue about her day, Sherbet Cookie continues to follow her around from behind her.
I guess they miss each other soo much 🥲 I know how that feel, but I can only continue to meet my loved ones who are already gone in my dreams.
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alexisprogrammy · 2 years
Songs That Remind Me Of Ships - SherCotton Part 2
When I'm Gone - Albert Hammond
When I'm gone Will you take good care of everything? Will you keep wearing your wedding ring? When I'm gone
And when I'm gone Will you take out all the photographs Maybe spend a moment in the past? When I'm gone
Will you miss me in the night? Will your arms reach out to hold me tight And keep me in your dreams In your heart, in your life?
Sometimes I'll wanna run to you like lovers do When love is new and just for a moment be close to you Pretending I'm still holding you. And even when I'm far away the dreams will stay. And someday after we've both chased our fantasies Love will bring you back to me When I'm gone I'll be thinking about you constantly' Cause you're locked inside my memory from now on And I know that we said we needed time apart But your love keeps pulling at my heart, pulling strong Will you miss me in the night? Will your arms reach out to hold me tight And keep me in your dreams In your heart, in your life?
Sometimes I'll wanna run to you like lovers do When love is new and just for a moment be close to you Pretending I'm still holding you. And even when I'm far away the dreams will stay. And someday after we've both chased our fantasies Love will bring you back to me
Sometimes I'll wanna run to you like lovers do When love is new and just for a moment be close to you Pretending I'm still holding you.
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sweetestofchaos · 2 years
Blackthorn Ch 1 | M.YG
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Pairing: Crown Prince Dragon!Yoongi x Crown Princess Impundulu!Keena Genre: Soulmate AU | Arranged Marriage AU | Fantasy AU | Fluff Word Count: 6.1K Warnings: None...very soft entry chapter Rating: PG16
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Hello Princess -  Princess Keena and her envoy enter the Min Empire. There, Prince Yoongi and the Princess meet face to face.
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a/n: Shout out to the great @sailoryooons for being my beta/banner maker! Also huge thanks to @nabiolive and @jessikahathaway for yelling at me to keep a special part of this chapter’s ending.
Taglist: @thickemadame​
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A sherbet colored sky, kissed with endless puffs of white cotton went for as far as the eye could see. Below, the land a mix of forest greens, sandy browns and deep greys were cracked with bottomless shades of blue. The air was crisp; it called to mind the bite of a fresh picked apple on warmer spring days. Light, weightless, disconnected from the turmoil left behind in a land a nation away. A given name, a title that held more power than any amount of gold sat coldly in a chest that heart was beating faster than the wings of a hummingbird. This was for the good of the people, the good of the nations; two different worlds coming together as one.
Beautiful ruby red and white klei eagles flew in a tight formation around a giant cape teal duck, its wings were a glossy muted grey with browner ones on its back. A spot of bright yellow hovered in the air, one single pale yellow eye peered into the modified gama attached securely to the back of the duck. The purple curtains were pinned down to keep the cool air from freezing the occupant tucked away inside. As the sun graced the sky with its warmth and bright light, a demure and soft silhouette was cast against the light fabric. The Citron Crane’s voice sang and echoed across the sky as the Min Empire’s shoreline came into view. Below on the coast, a small envoy of royal guards and emissaries waited with bated breath as the large cape teal, the size of four oxen, descended from the sky and sank into the water. The eagles formed a tighter barrier around the duck as the Citron Crane flew ahead while the duck paddled in the water towards the shoreline.
The crane stood at the water’s edge, its soft yellow wings reflected off the water’s surface before it shifted silently. A large man with rich oakwood skin and yellow topaz eyes, stood before the Min Empire’s envoy. His hair was twisted tightly in neat ropes of thick braids with gold and yellow feathers clipped to a few to show his high position in the Escistan’s royal guard. His robes were vibrant, fiery red and yellow, stitched together by careful hands. A large golden medellin rested in the center of his chest, a hamerkop with a bolt of lightning behind it carved into the metal, the royal sigil of Escistan. The head of the Min Emperor's royal guard stepped forward and hit his chest with a closed fist, a common greeting among soldiers.
“The Min Empire welcomes you with open arms.” The man had fair skin, scares littering his hands and face. His outfit was muted grey, cream, blue and peach while his brown hair was pulled into a topknot. “I am Daehyun. General of the royal guard. I will take you and your company to the palace.”
“I am Aga, second in command of the Escistan army -” Aga crossed his arms over his chest and bowed his head. “-the Princess looks forward to her audience with his Majesty.”
Aga turned his attention to the duck behind him as its webbed feet slapped against the ground.  The eagles around the duck shifted and in their place stood six large men dressed in the same armor as Aga without the golden medellin around their necks.
“Bese kò ou.” Aga commanded over his shoulder to the duck.
The cape teal duck settled on the stony beach and four members of Daehyun’s group stepped forward to lower the gama from the duck’s back. Aga held his hand out with his palm facing outward and the small group stopped.
“No need.”
At his words, all heads tilted upward towards the sky and Daehyun was shocked to see a small formation of large brown birds still in the sky. The birds flew towards the ground, openbill storks, and shifted easily into servants all dressed in different shades of tans and yellows. Aga nodded his head and four servants walked over to the cape teal. Aga watched as they easily untied the gama and situated it over their shoulders without the Princess being jostled too much.
“Ale lakay.”
Aga waved his hand towards the sky and the duck flew away with a soft quack that whistled. He reached into the brown pouch on his hip and pulled out a small, smooth, round bead, the size of a walnut and the color of fallen snow. Daehyun watched as Aga threw the bead to the ground and it split in half with a small spark. In its place, between the broken halves a black Vlaamperd horse stood strong and unphased.
“A Charoite bead? I’ve never seen one in person.”
“Many in our lands,” Aga pulled himself onto the horse's back and motioned for his company to do the same. The members in Aga’s party pulled a Charoite bead from around their necks and threw it to the ground. Ten Vlaamperd horses stood in place and waited as their riders jumped onto their backs. Aga fell into Daehyun’s formation with the rest of his own people. He kept his eyes on the Princess’ gama as he passed and took his place at the front of the formation. “Lead the way.”
The journey to the palace was silent, the steady clip clop of horse hooves acted as a cadence. The path to the capital was filled with wide planes of grass, wheat and wildflowers. Farmland stretched on for miles, different crops created a colorful backdrop as the empire came into view. Women and men alike stopped their daily chores as the procession passed by. The outskirts of the capital were well taken care of. The people weren’t dressed in the finest of robes but they weren’t dirty or covered in rags. From his place above the ground, Aga took notice of a large box that many of the younger villagers sat in. It seemed to hold sand from the beach for them to play in. 
Horns and drums signaled their arrival as they passed the gates to enter the capital and the townsfolk were lined up on the side of the marketplace, pushing each other to get a better glimpse of the passing procession. A large golden dragon, the sigil of the Min Empire, embroidered on the banners of the procession gained everyone’s attention. Deep blues, vibrant purples and radiant golds dazzled the common folk as a single gamma was carried past by four strongly built men, not from this region of the world. They were outsiders, their dark skin tones a stark difference to the lightly tanned faces shielding them. They were honored guests being led to the palace by the Emperor’s very own royal guards. 
Aga rode with a purpose and once he passed through the town, he let himself breathe properly for a moment. Once at the palace gates, the procession came to a smooth halt and Daehyun announced the arrival of their foreign guests. As the gates opened music started to play and the procession continued to march into the palace’s open courtyard. 
The stonework was inviting as it led towards the steps of the emperor’s throne room where he sat proud with his wife - the empress - and his only son, the crowned prince by his side in front of him. As drums banged out a traditional greeting as the procession came to a full stop in front of the steps and Aga unmounted from his horse. 
The gamma was lowered to the ground and Aga walked over as the curtain was pulled back. From his seat at the front of the throne, the crowned prince, Yoongi, watched as the man held out his hand. A breeze blew through the palace, freshly fallen dogwood petals caught in the current. As a small dark hand, rich and smooth like the brown obsidian gems in the north, poked out from the gamma, Yoongi’s dragon growled low in his chest. Princess Keena emerged from the carrier and the petals seemingly danced around her. Yoongi couldn’t get a good look at the young princess, for her face was covered by a bold orange veil that only showed her warm brown eyes, lined in thick charcoal. She was stunning and Prince Yoongi couldn’t look away.
As the guard led the Princess up the steps, the rest of the procession followed before the head attendant announced the Princess’ arrival at last. Her royal garb was bright, brighter than any sunrise Prince Yoongi remembered seeing. The clothing was different, two main articles, a skirt and blouse joined together by short and long pieces of fabric wrapped at the Princess’ waist while a large strip of woven fabric rested across her left shoulder. A matching headdress sat on the Princess’s head; braided fabric twisted and piled into a crown with the veil attached neatly.
Princess Keena removed her hand from the guard; golden bangles and rings caught the light as she crossed her arms over her chest with her hands on opposite shoulders before she offered an eighty-degree bow, her eyes downcast to the floor. Beside her, the guard dropped to one knee and crossed his arms over his chest as well, lowering his head.
“The nation of Escistan gives thanks to the Min Empire. May the sun grant you many bright days ahead.”
The princess raised to her full height and the guard behind her did the same before he rolled his shoulders. A small group of emissaries came forth, carrying large chests filled with a cornucopia of rare goods from the foreign nation. One by one the chests were opened before the royal family and the Princess looked on with a smile hidden behind her veil as the Emperor's piercing copper eyes shined brightly.  
“My father sends well wishes and hope for endless joys in the days to come.” Princess Keena, motioned to the large man beside her, “- Aga, is my father’s testament to our nation's strength. He will teach your army the way of our warriors.”
The Emperor smiled, a single dimple sunk deep into his skin. He clapped his hands, covered in small jade and pearl colored scales, as he looked at the gifts before him, his blood red robes swayed around his wrists.
“Your tributes are as beautiful as they are rare. I hope our alliance with Escistan will only grow stronger during your stay, Princess Keena. The Min Empire welcomes you with open arms!”
Emperor Min stood from his seat, and everyone dropped to a bow while the Princess lowered her head, with her hands clasped in front of her. Emperor Min offered his hand to his wife and helped her stand before he turned his attention to the Princess again with an unknown light in his eyes.
“The Empress has hand selected your attendants; they will help you settle into your chambers at once. We shall hold a banquet in your honor tonight and welcome you once again to the Min Empire!”
The Emperor’s eyes crinkled at the corners as he stared at the princess, and he ran his tongue over the sharp fangs in his mouth.
“Your attendants will be shown to their quarters and will teach your new hands the customs of your nation. Do you have any requests for me?”
“Thank you for thinking of my comfort, your Majesty. I have no requests.”
Satisfied with the Princess’ response, the Emperor exited the throne room with the Empress on his arm. Prince Yoongi stood to his full height and walked down the set of steps before he stopped in front of the Princess. Prince Yoongi kept his face neutral as he offered his arm to the Princess.
“Allow me to show you the way to your chambers, Princess?”
Princess Keena bit her lip to keep from laughing at Yoongi. He was much more serious than she thought he would be. She nodded her head once and placed her hand on the Prince’s forearm, the fabric of his red gangsapo the only thing that kept their skin from touching. The remaining members of court bowed deeply as the Prince and Princess exited the throne room and Aga stayed six steps behind the pair. Hoseok, Prince Yoongi’s personal guard fell in step beside him and the two exchanged a simple nod in greeting.
“Did you have a pleasant time during your travels?” Prince Yoongi stared straight ahead as he spoke and the Princess thought about her trip. It was pleasant enough, no one had been hurt or gotten sick.
“It was a long but safe journey, my Prince.”
Yoongi’s dragon coiled tightly around his heart when his title rolled off the Princess’ tongue. It was a pleasing sound. Yoongi nodded his head and spoke no more as the pair walked down long corridors that turned every which way. Guards, servants and council alike all bowed low as they passed. Some looked at the Princess for longer than was deemed polite and Hoseok kept a running checklist in his mind to report on later.
The Princess took the chance to glance at Yoongi’s profile. He was not what the Princess expected. The words he shared with her in his letters were the rawest form of his soul. He was rose petal soft and fruit with honey sweet but there in front of her, Prince Yoongi had a firm jawline enhanced by patches of black scales. His eyebrows were a dark contrast to his blond hair and the Princess wondered if that was a trait given to everyone or just dragons. What she had imagined to be dark brown irises were the blackest pits of tar that reflected the sun and shined just right behind small triangular eyes. Prince Yoongi was jagged, rough around the edges, but his written words told the Princess of a much softer, warm summer days side to him.
“Here are your personal chambers, Princess.” Yoongi stopped in front of two armed guards. They stepped to the side to show a set of large red oak doors with a blackthorn tree in the center of a beautiful hand carved and painted black dragon. “I hope you find everything to your liking. Please, do not hesitate to ask for anything during your stay.”
“Thank you, your Highness.”
The Prince fought the muscle on his face. He didn’t like that the princess had called him by such a formal title. He stared at the Princess for a moment and she stared back. Her eyes told him everything her words could not. She had changed his title because others were around. Yoongi moved his arm, turnt right side up before he pulled it back and allowed for the Princess’ hand to slide into his. Their palms touched and warmth filled the Princess’ cheeks. The Prince’s hand was hot, liquid heat ran beneath his skin and his nails were long, the tips filed to a blunt point. The Prince hadn’t broken his stare with the Princess and wrapped his fingers lightly around her hand.
“Will you allow me the honor of escorting you to the banquet tonight?”
“It would be my honor, your Highness.”
Yoongi bit his tongue and kept from speaking out while Princess Keena slowly pulled her hand from his. Her own nails lightly scratched Prince Yoongi’s palm and the Prince nodded his head as he took a step back, a shiver crawling up his arm and down his spine.
“Would you allow me to send a small welcome gift?”
“It would honor me, so.”
Prince Yoongi bowed his head and Princess Keena repeated the motion.
“Rest well, Princess.”
The Prince walked away with Hoseok right behind him while Aga grabbed the Princess’ attention. He looked at the doors and Princess Keena nodded her head, “Ou mèt tcheke, Aga.” 
The guards pushed open the doors and the servants inside all rushed to stand in a single file line as they heard the doors open. Aga walked into the room first and the Princess stepped inside after. She watched as Aga searched the room for any hidden dangers while the women cowered away from his stoic face. Aga nodded to the Princess and placed a hand over his heart before he bowed his head.
"Mwen pral-" Aga started to complain, and Princess Keena shook her head.
"Ou pral tcheke chanm ou yo epi tounen yon fwa ou fin etabli, Aga."  Princess Keena smiled as she motioned towards the women in the room and Aga sighed knowing that the Princess was right, she was in good hands. "Mwen nan bon men. Montre fanm sa yo respè yo merite.”
Aga pressed his mouth into a firm line at the Princess’ words and turned towards the four women in the room who were all equally confused by their shared words. Aga bowed quickly and left the room. Once the door shut behind Aga, Princess Keena turned towards the women and bowed her head.
“I am Princess Keena, daughter of King Baasi and Queen Tiali. Please lend me your hands and forgive me for I do not yet fully speak your mother tongue.”
The four women all bowed deeply and smiled softly at the Princess. Her dress was something they had never seen before, and it was beautiful. However, it was not something that the Princess could wear to the banquet tonight. The tallest of the four women stepped forward and introduced herself as Kim Yongsun and the others were Byulyi, Wheein and Hyejin. Yongsun explained to the Princess as she spoke slowly that they were to bathe and dress her for the banquet that night as well as give her a small lesson on their etiquette.
“I would like to learn your etiquette first. My attendants will be with us shortly to help with my undress.”
“As you wish, Princess.”
Yongsun led the Princess to a table that sat low to the floor where Hyejin sat with a small smile on her face. As the Princess sat and started her lesson with Hyejin, the other women bustled around the room as they put away the Princess’ possession. A knock at the door grabbed Byulyi’s attention and she rushed to the door. She opened the door and bowed a quarter of the way as she stepped back to allow Princess Keena’s servant to enter the room. 
Izaso, Keena’s head servant crossed her arms over her chest and bowed her head. The four other women did the same as Princess Keena stood to her feet. “Nou la pou ede. Ki kote ou ta renmen nou Princess?” Izaso questioned as she looked around the room.
“Izaso, sa yo se medam yo ki pral okipe bezwen mwen isit la nan palè a. Tanpri montre yo etap dezabiye mwen pou aswè a.” Princess Keena explained to Izaso and the other servants that they had to work together to get her ready for the banquet tonight.
Princess Keena watched as Yongsun lined her women up and Izaso did the same. Yongsun started the introductions and Izaso allowed for the servants under her to speak first. Alinafe, Fatsani, Limbani, and Chimika introduced themselves in broken Laibic and the Princess was proud. She had spent a few days prior to leaving her nation teaching her servant how to say simple Laibic phrases so that they could ask for help if they needed any.
As the women spoke, the Princess acted as the translator and together the nine women started the long process of readying the Princess for the upcoming banquet. When the Princess’ crown was removed, Wheein was surprised to see that the hair wasn’t straight like her own. Princess’ Keena had hair that reached down towards the floor and stopped at the small of her lower back. Her hair was darker than any ink within the palace and it smelled of the sweetest fruits and flowers. It was twisted into tight braids only a blueberry in diameter with golden metal wire wrapped around different braids. Small golden jewelry with different gemstones were also attached to the braids.
The shock on Wheein’s face wasn’t hidden fast enough and Chimika laughed before she showed the young woman how to carefully wrap the Princess’ hair so that it wouldn’t get wet while bathing. Once Princess Keena’s hair was piled on top of her head and wrapped messily in a headscarf, it was Fatsani and Hyejin’s turn to bathe the Princess. The private washroom was huge, smooth stones covered the floor and dipped down into a wide open pool of water. Rocks of different sizes lined the wall that blocked the inside from anyone who would have tried to look in. It was beautiful and the Princess felt excited at the thought of bathing. 
Hyejin reaches out to untie one of the wraps on the Princess’s waist and Fatsani was quick to stop her. Hyejin looked confused and Princess Keena smiled softly, she knew what Fatsani was afraid of. The Princess cleared her throat and focused solely on Hyejin as she spoke.
“Do you know of the Impundulu, Hyejin? It is known as the lighten bird in my nation. The Impundulu has ruled Escistan since the first rainfall.” Princess Keena motioned for Fatsani to remove her iborun and pele. “The mark of the Impundulu is a sign of royal blood. Every blood born Impundulu has these marks somewhere on their body.” Princess Keena thought over the words that would best explain her feelings and she cleared her throat.
“The mark of the Impundulu isn’t always pleasant to look at but it is a mark I wear with pride…I hope that these marks do not frighten you.” 
Once the Princess was finished talking, Fatsani allowed for Hyejin to help with the undress and made sure that Hyejin stayed in front of the Princess at all times. Hyejin folded the clothing and placed them on a wooden cart to keep from getting wet and when she turned back around, she covered her mouth, her startled gasp muffled. Princess Keena was faced away from Hyejin, her back fully exposed. Hyejin could see dark scarring that resembled ice crystals in the shape of wings. It was a beautiful and terrifying sight, the scars weren’t raised, they were placed directly along the slope of the Princess’s back. Hyejin thought back to what she had been told about the Impundulu and all that came to mind were Hamerkop's wings. 
Hyejin made no comments on the Princess’s scars and Fatsani offered the Princess a hand to help her into the waters. When Princess Keena stepped into the water, she was surprised to find that the rocks on the bottom were heated which kept the water warm.
“Fire stones, Princess.” Hyejin had explained when she saw the Princess pause in her steps. “There are many magic stones and gems in the palace that make life more practical.”
Fatsani and Hyejin showed each other their methods to cleaning and Princess Keena enjoyed the extra attention. She had been worried that Hyejin would no longer want to be her attendant, but Hyejin showed no sign of leaving. 
The journey to the Min Empire was long and the air quality wasn’t always the best. The Princess felt dirty enough that the extra fussing didn’t bother her.  Once out of the bathing waters, Princess Keena was quickly patted dry before Fatsani helped her into a thin cream and gold dressing robe. In the main room, Byulyi and Alinafe discussed the best way to style the Princess’ hair for the banquet. Alinafe wanted to do a traditional style from the Escistan kingdom while Byulyi thought it best to do a hairstyle in favor of the Min Empire. Limbani was smart enough to suggest that they mix the two styles and when there was a knock at the door, Yongsun was quick to rush and answer it.
Hidden behind the white Hanji partition with golden leaves painted along the border, Princess Keena stood nude while Limbani massaged citrus and sweet scented oils to her skin before the Princess slipped her robe back on. While hidden, a male servant entered the room with a large box in his hands. He set the beautiful, decorated chest on the ottoman by the bed and left with a small bow of his head. Yongsun clapped her hands and called for the Princess.
“His Imperial Highness has sent you a gift, Princess.”
Princess Keena couldn’t stop the smile that danced on her lips. She stepped from behind the partition and walked over towards the large platform bed. The chest in front of her was no bigger than a large shoe box and it was decorated in gold paint and jade gems. 
“What do you think it is, Princess?” Izaso wondered out loud and the Princess had no clue. She thought back to the letters exchanged with Yoongi and one thing came to mind.
As careful as she could, the Princess opened the chest and everyone’s eyes widened at the items inside. A delicate pair of matching golden hair pins sat on top, a cluster of blackthorn flowers replicated by mother of pearls, yellow apetites and jades shone in the soft sunlight that came into the room. Underneath the hair pins a pouch rested neatly. Princess Keena picked it up and was shocked by the craftsmanship. The pouch itself was light weight, a little larger than the size of her fist. Its body was round with a squared neck that would be cinched by black silk strings. The purse was a soft lilac with a black dragon embroidered into the center, around the bottom of the bag golden flower petals lay while the dragon rested beneath a large blackthorn tree.
Princess Keena traced over the blackthorn tree and smiled. How many times had she spoken of her favorite flowers? The Prince remembered and that made the Princess’ heart flutter in her chest. Attached to the pouch was a gold tassel that had a large white moonstone encased in a beautiful cross stitch. When the Princess looked at it more, she saw that the moonstone opened and inside was hollowed out and stored two rings with thin gold bands and three white scolecite gems on each. “What is the name of this?” Princess Kenna asked and Byulyi answered that the pouch was called a Duru-Jumeoni and the tassel was called a Norigae.
Princess Keena set the Duru-Jumeoni aside and laughed, the chime like bells loud and clear as she stared down at the Min dynasty inspired Dashiki. Prince Yoongi had asked many questions about the type of clothing the Princess wore, and she had sent him a few pieces to see for himself in person. A Boubou in black and gold, colors that the Prince had stated he liked and a Kente, in red, black and gold to contrast the Boubou if he were to ever wear the two together. The Dashiki was lilac, white and a darker purple with gold and black beading embroidered along the rounded neckline and colorful patchwork on the arms and bottom. Princess Keena was impressed, the Prince had taken notes and put them to use.
“Do you like it, Princess?” Yongsun had asked and Princess Keena touched the garment lightly, the smile still on her face.
“These are very thoughtful. I’ll be sure to thank his Highness at the banquet.”
“Would you like to wear the hair pins tonight?”
“Oh! They would look wonderful with your hanbok!” Byulyi gushed and the women all nodded their heads in agreement.
Princess Keena allowed for the women to use her new hair accessories and she sat before the mirror while Byuyl and Alinafe applied mint and argan oil to the Princess’ scalp and hair before they started to style it together. Izaso and Yongsun took their time as they applied lip tint, eye liner and rouge to the Princess’ face.
“Èske rad yo pare?” Izaso looked away from the Princess’ face towards where the other women were smoothing out a lilac colored hanbok that had many more pieces than the Escistan Iro ati Buba that the Princess wore earlier. Wheein giggled as she grabbed the matching socks and shoes. Everything was ready; they just needed the Princess's body. 
Fatsani spoke up and answered Izaso’s question that everything was ready. Satisfied with Princess Keena’s hair, Izaso and Yongsun each placed a hair pin neatly in place before they led the Princess over to the bed and stepped back to allow for Fatsani and Hyejin to handle the dressing. Princess Keena removed her dressing gown and followed the simple instructions that Hyejin gave while Fatsani assisted with the unknown garments. The Princess counted in her head each item that was placed onto her body, and she was surprised that seven items didn’t feel heavy at all. Her range of motion was still flexible and when Izaso placed her dressing gown back on, the Princess sighed.
“There are five more pieces that need to be worn,” Wheein had explained. “However, we will get back to your etiquette lessons until it’s time for the banquet.”
Once again, at the desk with Hyejin, Princess Keena started her lessons while the rest of the women tidied up the room. Limbani came over the small desk and suggested that the Princess take a break and enjoy some refreshments that were brought in. Princess Keena agreed and Lambani carried a tray of small sweets over. 
“What you have in front of you is Yakgwa, a honey pastry -” Byulyi pointed to the deep fried treat. “- Bukkumi, a rice cake dumpling with sweet red beans -” Byulyi again pointed to another treat that was shaped like white half moons with colorful edible flowers on them “- and lastly, we have Dasik, a tea cookie!” Byulyi beamed, as she offered the plate of small colorful cookies to the Princess.
“These all look wonderful. Thank you for sharing them with me.” Princess Keean tried the Bukkumi first, and she enjoyed the soft and chewy texture. While she ate and practiced her etiquette, Princess Keena offered the treats to the women, and they all agreed that it was best to partake so that the Princess could show what she learned. 
Once the treats were eaten, Yongsun called for someone to take the empty trays away and Princess Keena started to get restless. The sun hadn’t set much, it was just past midday which meant there was still a lot of time that needed to pass before the banquet. 
“Would you like to rest before the banquet?” Yongsun offered and Izaso had started to protest when Yongsun motioned towards the bed.
“May I step outside for some air?” Princess Keena requested and Yongsun looked towards the door.
“I will ask for a guard to guide you.”
Yongsun stepped out of the room and Wheein jumped to her feet. “If you are going out, we need to finish getting you dressed, Princess.”
Princess Keena nodded her head and watched as Wheein and Hyejin rushed about the room, a different hanbok in their arms.
“So that your hanbok for the banquet doesn’t get dirty during your walk, Princess.” Byulyi explained as she grabbed matching socks and shoes.
"Izaso, Alinafe, Fatsani, Limbani, ak Chimika, yo ranvwaye ou. Tanpri repoze byen epi jwi aswè a."
Princess Keena’s servants crossed their arms over their chest and bowed their heads before they took their leave and soon after Yongsun came back into the room while the other women were dressing the Princess. 
“Minho has been tasked with escorting you, Princess. Your guard Aga is outside as well.”
“Thank you, Yongsun.” Princess Keena smiled brightly and held onto Hyejin and Wheein while Byulyi helped her into her footwear. The hanbok that the Princess wore was cream colored with light and dark shades of pink throughout that tied everything together. Princess Keena waited while Yongsun opened the door and Aga stood tall in a fresh new uniform that matched the guard beside him. "Koulè yo kostim ou, Aga."
Aga smoothed down his new uniform and grunted before he offered Princess Keena his arm while the guard beside him bowed deeply. “I am Choi Minho and it would be my honor to lead you through our gardens, Princess.”
Minho was charming, he had a strong face and eyes that were very expressive. He was older than Aga and that made the Princess trust him more. Princess Kenna bowed her head as she placed her hand on Aga’s arm.
“I leave myself in your care, Minho.”
Minho led the way through the palace with the Princess, Aga, Wheein and Hyejin in tow, Servants and guards alike all stopped and bowed when the Princess passed by. She kept her head held high and once outside in the fresh air; Princess Keena inhaled the flora scents around her. Many scents she had not smelled before and it was all a little overwhelming. Wheein stepped away to grab another round of refreshments for the Princess while she enjoyed her time outside. Minho led the Princess to a small gazebo that was on the edge of what looked to be a cherry blossom garden. Each breeze lifted fallen petals into the air and Princess Keena watched with sparkling eyes as the petals waltzed around her. Princess Keena sat on the pale green bench and stared out at the cherry blossom trees, as a million different thoughts swirled in her mind.
“Princess, would you care for some tea?” Hyejin offered as Wheein stepped into the gazebo.
Princess Keena nodded her head in thanks and waited silently as a cup of tea was poured for only herself.
“Yes, Princess?” Minho turned to face the Princess and watched her with wide eyes.
“How many gardens are on the grounds?”
Minho thought for a moment, of course he knew the answer, but he had to check with himself to make sure. “Six gardens, Princess. I have been told that a seventh garden is in the process of being added.”
“This is a beautiful place. It’s peaceful and offers a sense of comfort.”
“Her Majesty is very fond of cherry blossoms.”
Princess Keena turned her face upward, reached out a hand and a cherry blossom petal fell into her palm. Aga watched with a fond hint of some memory in his eyes as the Princess closed her hand into a fist and pulled her hand to her chest. She whispered a quiet wish to the petal and opened her palm with a soft smile on her face. The breeze blew; up, up and away the petal went as it carried the Princess’ unknown wish. 
The petal was carried on the wind, lightly and surely as it soon found home on the shoulder of Prince Yoongi. He sat by his window, the sunlight warmed him from the outside in, with his eyes closed. When the petal landed on his shoulder, Yoongi’s eyes opened slowly, and he glanced at his shoulder. The petal stood out, small, pink and fragile against his blood red robes and he carefully plucked it between his fingers. 
Prince Yoongi stared at the petal silently and turned his attention back to the sun outside. He sighed and reached his hand out the window, before he parted his fingers and let the petal continue its journey. He watched the petal as it flew alone, and he frowned to himself unsure why he felt a sudden rush of longing.
“Hoseok!” Prince Yoongi called out and shortly after, Hoseok appeared beside him right outside of his window. “Where is the Princess?”
“Princess Keena is in the cherry blossom garden.”
Yoongi blinked slowly at the information and stood from his seat. “Let’s go.”
“Wait! Your hair!” Hoseok grabbed the sleeve of Prince Yoongi’s gangsapo and climbed through the window. “Her Majesty will have my head if I let you walk around with your hair like this.” Hoseok pushed the Prince towards his vanity and quickly fixed his topknot before he deemed the Prince good enough to be seen outside of his chambers. 
Together, Prince Yoongi and Hoseok left the bed chambers and made their way to the cherry blossom garden. In the distance Prince Yoongi saw the Princess under the gazebo as she chatted away. Prince Yoongi fought the smile that tugged at his lips and the moment Minho saw him, the older man cleared his throat and bowed deeply. Princess Keena looked in the direction of which Minho was bowing, and she rose to her feet while the others around her bowed. 
Prince Yoongi stood before the Princess and she gave him a pleasant bow before she greeted him with that charmed smile of hers. The Prince stared at the Princess and bowed slightly, “Hello, Princess.”
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poppy-glitters · 5 months
SHERCOTTON AND FROSTFIRE ON THE WEDDING CAR (frost fire is Frost Queen x capsaicin)
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🤎💙Sherbet and Cotton🤎💙
🧡🤍Frost Queen and Capsaicin🤍🧡
Awwww, there you go!
❤️Send your CRK Ship to my inbox for them to ride in the Wedding Car❤️
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Solar Opposites: Mighty Solars The Movie Ch. 11
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The next day, Miss Frankie is heading towards the metal detectors so she can take out anything magnetic. Then suddenly…
Miss Frankie: Wh-what’s happening to me?!
Miss Frankie suddenly gets metal claws
Police Officer: Holy shit!
Miss Frankie accidentally stabbed the guard as she screams in horror. Next, Principal Cooke was about to head into the lounge to get coffee until suddenly he blazed there.
Principal Cooke: Woah.
Then, Ms. Perez starts writing on her board until the power goes and she starts glowing, much to her shock. Mia was getting coffee until she can through the wall with her eyes.
Mia: What the fuck?
Later, Kevin was gettiing mail, until he digitals in the house, much to his shock as he faints. Then, Randall is staring at a Blackhole, that he actually created.
Randall: Wow...
Then, Darcy is putting their own mug until she creates a Star blast as she gasp. Then, Jamie was reading a book, until suddenly he is on fire.
Darcy: gasps Jamie!
Jamie heads outside and drop and roll, only to realize he is unharmed. Finally, Sherbet is at a Junior job at a sweets parlor, until suddenly her hands starts fizzing grape soda.
Sherbet: Huh? suddenly summons scotch mints Oh fuck! Everyone take cover!
Sherbet then accidentally combine the scotch mints as it makes a huge delicious explosion. Everyone is splattered in a mess. Sherbet looks at everyone in a nervous regret and runs off in a fast pace. Later, the humans starts panicking once they meet up with each other.
Jamie: What is going on?!
Miss Frankie: I don’t know! I got Wolverine claws but it wasn’t Yumyulack and Jesse this time and Perez can glow, Cooke can blaze and Mia has x-ray vision!
Ms. Perez: Okay okay everyone calm down.
Kevin: Well what do we do?! You’re not the only ones! I had powers like the movie Tron, Jamie is like a human torch, Darcy has Star powers, Randall can summon black hole and this kid here has powers based on desserts. We need a plan guys!
???: offscreen I have one.
The humans turn and sees the two hooded persons.
??? #1: How about we train you guys? To control your powers?
Sherbet: How?
??? #2: It’s okay. We’re friends. We have a training course. Come on.
Principal Cooke: You are? Huh, I think that’s good idea. What do you guys think?
Miss Frankie: I say...let's do it!
The Rest: Yeah. Seems a bit shady but I’ll take it. Great idea. Let’s trust them.
The scene then cuts to the training course.
Sherbet: Wow. That’s big.
Principal Cooke: I know right?!
Randall: So… when do we start?
Cue the song, “Untraveled Road” from Thousand Foot Krunch:
The humans put on training suits.
Miss Frankie: I look ridiculous.
Darcy: I think you look nice.
Jamie: I know you always look pretty, Darcy.
Darcy: Aw. Thanks boo. kisses Jamie on the cheek
???: Okay! Guys, it’s time!
??? #2: Get ready!
The training montage starts. Miss Frankie starts balancing. Principal Cooke is climbing up while dodging wrecking balls as he yelps. Sherbet is meditating with cotton candy color lights flashing. Jamie busy doing twirls to keep his fire powers balance. Kevin is doing electronic tennis while trying to dodge balls.
Kevin: Oh shit! dodges balls Fuck fuck fuck! Aaaah!
Randall is busy trying to use his black holes right. Mia is using her eye vision to see through the right stuff. Ms. Perez is busy concentrating on her glowing powers. Soon, enough as the training progress, the humans’ powers abilities starts to feel controlled as they starts to get the hang of it. The scene then cuts to Darcy doing gymnastic right and suddenly recieved a super suit of her own. Jamie blushes.
Darcy/???: Wow! I look rocking awesome guys!
Soon enough, each of the humans receive their own suits one by one as the training montage ends. The other humans grow amazed by this suits.
Sherbet/???: So, how do I look?
Randall/???: You look awesome!
Ms. Perez/???: I always knew look the sun.
Miss Frankie/???: Pretty great! Ooh, we should tell Korvo and the others about this later! They will be surprised!
We then cut to the Solars' house where AISHA is working and is worried about Korvo.
AISHA: to herself Oh man, how am I gonna tell the family? I don’t think I should do this. If I tell them, I’ll break their hearts. They are so happy with Sonya. I can’t destroy it…
Korvo: offscreen AISHA? Is everything alright?
AISHA turns around and sighs happily.
AISHA: Yes. Everything is fine…
Korvo: Thanks. I’ll leave you to it.. leaves
“What Was I Made For” from China Ann McClain plays in the background:
AISHA then flashes back to the good times she has with Korvo and his family throughout their lives. AISHA sheds a tear, when suddenly she hears something digitalizing.
AISHA: What the hell?
Then, MAX appears while laughing as AISHA screams and backs away.
MAX hugs AISHA. Then she sees the family staring in shock.
Yumyulack: AISHA, is that another you?
AISHA laughs nervously.
Korvo: MAX?! What are you doing here?!
MAX: Korvo?! What’s up?! Your sister sent me here to keep on eye on you guys with AISHA. sees Sonya Who’s this kid?
Terry: Wait. You know the purple guy?
Korvo: Yeah. He’s a prototype my sister made back in Shlorp. gasp as he smiles in tears Oh my God! She’s here?! What did she say?!
MAX: Well, she wanted me to tell you-
AISHA gasp and covers MAX’s mouth.
AISHA: laughs nervously MAX, a word in private?!
AISHA sighs.
AISHA: MAX, we can’t tell them. Because we do, Korvo will die…
MAX: Die? He's already going to die without the spirit!
AISHA: I know! But if we tell them, they’ll be heartbroken… they have a new daughter now… we don’t wanna risk ruining their happiness…
MAX: But...
MAX then realize how serious AISHA is right now as he looks at AISHA sighing sadly.
MAX: Okay. But you must promise me we can tell him when the time is right.
AISHA: Of course MAX. We will tell them when the time is right. God, what have I done? I think I did the wrong thing MAX. Think about how Terry and the kids will react.
MAX: What do you think will happen?
AISHA: I think they’ll be crush if they find out. Mostly Terry. Korvo is his whole world… But I don’t think Janiz won’t like if we tell her we couldn’t tell them. She’ll be heartbroken if I don’t…
AISHA starts crying.
MAX: Hey come on… dries AISHA’s tears It’ll be okay… AISHA smiles
Korvo: offscreen AISHA?
AISHA sees Korvo smiling at her.
MAX: Don’t worry Korvo, I was really gonna say, your sister hopes to see you again. When it’s the right time.
Korvo tearfully smiles and hugs MAX.
Korvo: I'm glad you're back...
MAX smiles. The scene cuts to the hooded figure saddened as MAX tells her what happened.
MAX: So they have a new daughter… and Korvo never felt happy before… we couldn’t risk telling him.
??? #1: Oh God...
??? #2: But, he’ll die if he doesn’t know.
MAX: I know. But AISHA doesn't want Terry to be heartbroken...
MAX sighs sadly.
MAX: Even their kids too… and Phoebe… and their friends…
The hooded figure cries.
??? #1: This is all my fault… I should’ve told Korvo before Shlorp exploded… sniffles I have to go after him. It’s the only way I can make up for not being there for him when he needed me.
The hooded figure then removes their hood.
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bevanne46 · 1 month
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Sherbet Plaid Quilt
Beautiful Cotton Plaids in Colors of Pinks, Blues, Greens, Yellows and Purple on a Soft Smokey Blue Fleece with a Hot Pink Gross Grain Ribbon Binding.
Quilt Measures Approx. 62"W x 77"L
Find it here: https://www.tedooo.com/product/66441532af0c0bd56b6acbf5
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nightmyst14-blog · 2 years
CRK/ CROB Valentine Day HC pt 1-4
Sorry for me dissipearing yall, I've been a little busy.
But I'm back with some Valentine Day's headcanons for Cookie run!! Up to the 14th
I'll be doing one Romantic, one Platonic, and Familial headcanons. I labeled them so no one can call me out for shipping children with adults (DISGUSTING).
Btw, these are all MY headcanons and thoughts. Don't leave any hate messages here if you don't like something.
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Romantic- Millennial Tree x Ananas
-Ananas fell for the Nature god first, but was nervous to share their feelings. Millennial Tree is only one to see Ananas' softer side
-They adore bringing each others gifts, With Ananas bringing Millennial Tree fresh fruits and jewelry from their islands, and Millennial Tree giving them flowers from his grove.
-Their first date was a slow dance on the beach at night, during a meteor shower.
-Nicknames- Ananas to Millennial Tree " My jewel or flower" Millennial Tree to Ananas " My sun or my darling"
Platonic- Cotton and Sherbet
-Sherbet gives Cotton gifts from his travels, like a seashell from the beach or a flower from the jungle
-Cotton likes to sew up Sherbet's cape whenever it gets torn, he appreaciates it.
-Sherbet has cold hands and Cotton has warm hands, excellent for hand holding ( Don't come at me for that meme)
-Sledding together is always fun, with Sherbet always making it snow or pulling her along as he flies
Familial- Eggnog, Butterbear, Tiramisu, and Lollipop
-It shown that shown that Eggnog and Butterbear are siblings(which I LOVE) , they are not blood related, they have such a strong bond they see each other as brothers
-Butterbear is the older brother, only by like a year
-Tiramisu and Lollipop likes to spend the day coming up with ideas for toys for Butterbear
-Butterbear made Tiramisu's hat and antlers while Eggnog gave Lollipop her large bow
Butterbear and Lollipop likes to work to swing music, sometimes end up dancing around the toyshop.
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hourly-cookie-run · 2 years
Today's Ship of the Day is Cotton Cookie x Sherbet Cookie
The Ship name is Shertton
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creamecream · 1 year
Because it is within my power, I took some pictures of my Cookie Run ships on dates.
Tried to order them most normal to most weird/most popular to least popular.
Cotton Cookie x Sherbet Cookie
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Parfait Cookie x Licorice Cookie
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Vampire Cookie x Sparkling Cookie
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Wizard Cookie x Strawberry Cookie
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Madeleine Cookie x Dark Choco Cookie
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Raspberry Cookie x Princess Cookie
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Candy Diver Cookie x Black Pearl Cookie
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Squid Ink Cookie x Pumpkin Pie Cookie
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Clover Cookie x Lilac Cookie
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Capsaicin Cookie x Cherry Blossom Cookie
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