#cotton cot candy
alien-magnolia · 9 months
Mine and His <3
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Fic Description: As a background type scientist, you aren’t very special in the world of Pandora. That changes, when you are noticed by Jake Sully, and fortunately, his rival, Colonel Quaritch. 18+ MDNI!!!
Tw: Implied non-con, power dynamics, dom-coded! Jake sully + Miles Quaritch, sub-coded hyperfem!reader, fingering, Jake/Quaritch talking down to reader/ bimbofication, ownership, major size kink bc human reader.
A/n: this turned out way longer than I thought, and I originally meant to post it on Christmas.its a bit hard for me to consistently post now. Anyways, merry belated Christmas/ holidays, and hope yall enjoy my first time bringing the very (hot) Miles Quaritch to life!! Don’t we love the balance between a young Jake Sully and an older Miles Quaritch <3 I am planning to make a part two with more intense smut! Stay tuned! (this was lacking a bit 😭) alsooo pls help a gorl out and reblog if you like this!!
The moon rose above you as you made your way to the forest, your mask in tow, and your boots. You were meeting Jake at the edge of the forest. He would not want you to venture in alone. Your tiny human form could not take it, as he would say. The Na’vi man was extremely possessive over you. The leaves rustled amongst the wind, bioluminescent crickets danced in the air.
You stand still as the ferns brush against your leg, wondering where your Jake was. You came to Pandora as a sort of background character — always behind the scenes, never noticed, usually brushed to the side. You were apart of the anthropological and religion team, researching and observing Na’vi culture, religion, and social relations and norms.
Every morning, you rose from your cold, metallic, cot, put on your oxygen mask, and worked at the lab from 8-5. Sometimes you would be invited into the community to learn, yet you never lingered around too long. The other scientists were more fluent in Na’vi than you were, and so, they would make a better impression.
It was only until one night, where the half-moon rose and shone over the sky, swirled as if it was cotton candy, was the night where you became noticed. You, made an impression.
~ Three months ago ~
You stayed to observe a Na’vi ritual, one called the “Sun Dance,” where one ingests a hallucinogenic worm in order to have a vision of their fate for the future, their destiny. This ritual served to breach the gap between the sacred and the normal, the ordinary, to alter reality in which a religion exists everywhere — not only in a book or a house. This was Na’vi religion — Animism.
You enjoyed the ritual and truly felt that you were starting to grow connected with the community. However, you were still a bit unfamiliar with the forest, and accidentally happened to wander onto a slippery log — that also acted as a bridge for a deep canyon below. Your tiny human feet stumbled across the bridge, and then slipped. You landed on your stomach, then realizing the vast canyon below — and that you would face sudden death if you were to drop into it. You screamed out in pain as a branch pierced your leg. You hear heavy steps behind you, you pass out.
You wake up beneath a bioluminescent large plant, with its long tendrils gently swaying over your face. You feel something on your leg, and look to see quite a handsome Na’vi man tending to your thigh, which had a large scrape on it.
“Hey. You’re awake. Almost fell there, girl.” You study his features a bit more. His hair is long, black, his eyes a deep yellow. Chiseled jaw, veiny arms, and wide shoulders <3 adorned with an interesting necklace. You muster the courage to speak to this beautiful man in front of you.
“Yes, I — um, sorry. I should have been more careful. I’m still a bit unfamiliar with the forest, although I’ve done many studies here,” you explain to him. “S’alright. I can take you back to your home base, if ya like,” the man offers, his tail swishing a bit. He must have been excited to talk to you. You blush at the note of attention from him, and agree.
The two of you begin walking back, the Na’vi man stopping momentarily to make sure there were no creatures of harm nearby. You learned his name was Jake. Jake Sully. You watch his long braid sway from side to side, like a pendulum, as you walk behind him. The two of you have been talking, sharing your stories, your journeys, what brought the two of you to Pandora, respectively.
“Was a marine, when I first came here. I was trying to pay for my surgery, to well — get my legs back. M’sure you know, the RDA loves screwing everyone over. ‘Specially me,” Jake explained to you, as he led you through the dark, softly glowing canopy of trees.
“So you weren’t very good at school, then, I assume,” you snicker, trying to poke a bit of fun at him. “And you are?,” he retorts back, emitting a deep hearty laugh, a sound you liked. “I do have a PhD, yes,” you giggle a bit as you look to see his reaction. He only huffs, yet you swore you could see a little smile behind that stoic face of his.
The two of you continued to walk back and engage in this somewhat flirtatious banter. He led you back to your lab, wishing you a goodnight.
“Jake, wait,” you touch his arm as he was about to leave, and he flinched, his ears folding back. He turns to you. “I would want to see you again. It would be nice, I think,” you offer, hoping he would take the initiative. “Hmm. Doubt it. You stay safe, miss PhD,” he retorts, and runs off into the forest.
Yet you wouldn’t take his “doubt it” for an answer.
The following night, you ventured again into the forest, hoping to find him. You might as well take a few pictures, hoping to find your way into the Omaticaya village. You did not find your way there, and instead ended up running into a few creatures. Jake saw, luckily, and saved your “prissy lil’ self” (as he called it) again.
Nights with Jake became a regular occasion. Although you and him had more of a fair share of differences, you found it to be true, that opposites attract.
~ Present Day ~
You smiled as you remembered how you first met him. The two of you only went on ‘dates’ together, where he would show you an interesting place he liked in the forest, or take you on a ride on his ikran. Nothing more, just conversation.
Yet, the more you got to know him, the more you wanted him. In a way that surpasses conversations or dates. You really had hoped that tonight, you could go further.
Everything about him was just perfect. His shining eyes, his strong arms, his beautiful voice that made you feel so safe <3.
You hear his footsteps behind you. “Babygirl. How’s my favorite scientist doing?,” he chuckles, his big hands gently gripping your face, giving you a kiss on top of your head. “Good,” you giggle, reaching up to give him a hug. You always have felt so safe in his arms.
“Where are we off to tonight?,” you curiously poke at him as he leads you over a bridge — the both of you hearing the gentle splash of the pond below. “You’ll see, hun. Somewhere real special,” he reassures. Where could this place be? How exactly could you get here, to be spending time with this beautiful Na’vi man, who possibly could be yours??
The anticipation was simply too much to handle. “Wanted t’a bring ya here, to ask somethin’. Was thinkin’ you see, that you could become a true member of the Omaticaya. Pass all our tests and all,” he says, while you lean your head on his shoulder.
You think on it for a bit. “But why, Jake? It would mean that I need a Na’vi body…,” you trail off. “Exactly. Ever since the day I met you, sweetie, I wanted you to be mine. You’re just too goddamn adorable for your own good,” he chuckles. “Can’t make you mine though, officially, without you becoming a tuté (woman) of our people. You will prove yourself to the Tsahik. We will mate, then. For life. You’ll be mine, girl,” he smiles warmly at you.
You agreed, overwhelmed with happiness!! “My Jake, why can’t we mate now?,” you ask, although as a Pandoran anthropologist, you knew the answer. Your human body was no match for his Na’vi strength. If you were to mate now, not only would it be against Omaticaya customs, his sheer power would most likely kill you!!
“Thought you knew the answer there, Miss PhD,” he teases. “How’s about this. I give you a little taste of what’s to come if you join the people of the forest,” his voice shifts to a deeper tone, his eyes a bit hooded now.
A large blue hand the size of your head gently grips your face, turning you towards him. His soft lips plant a few kisses on the top of your head, moving down to your neck. All of a sudden, your oxygen mask gets a little too hot for your face <3 your heartbeat quickens as well.
“Jake…I’d love nothing more than to join the Omaticaya,” you pant, in between breaths as he continues his ministrations. “That’s my good girl. See if those scientists of yours can make you an avatar. Want you to be mine,” he purrs, with a bit of a darker undertone as his large hands squeeze and grope the plush curves of your body — to the point where it’s painful.
You pant and squeal as his fingers trace patterns on your soft tummy, his large face planting a few kisses there as well. “Love this human body, babygirl. Bet your Na’vi one would be even better…,” he praises you. <3
His fingers were getting lower and lower, tracing circles on the hem of your waistband. “Jake…,” you pant out. “Want you…,” a cry, a plea for help. You had no idea how intense your fervor was for him, until now.
“Can’t give you all of me, hun. You can’t take me yet, m’ too big for you. Don’t want ta hurt your pretty little body,” he chastised you, his yellow eyes full of concern.
Just about when you were to agree, to let him give you a taste, that taste that you’ve been waiting for, that taste that your heart (and other parts of you) ached for, the two of you heard a rustling behind, in the bushes.
Out step two steel toed boots, a blue RDA uniform. At first you thought it was someone human — you were surprised to see that it was a Na’vi man wearing the suit. You quickly try to hide, using Jake’s wide chest as a safe haven.
Jake’s eyes burn with rage, disgust. His ears fold back, a low growl escapes his throat, his Adam’s apple moving slightly.
“Miss me, corporal?”
This man had a smug way of expressing himself, hands on his hips. He looked to be a bit older than Jake.
“Forgot about our agreement, all those years ago, Sully?” Jake hissed in response, telling this man, whom he called ‘Quaritch,’ to kindly fuck off.
Quaritch, a man of his word, did not take this as an answer, and continued to move closer.
Until he saw you. He stopped. “Whose this you’ve got here, corporal?” Jake hisses again, standing up this time to shield you from Quaritch. “Leave her out of this,” his tone low, possessive, angry.
“Why don’t you come on out, cupcake?,” his eyes turn towards you. Just like your Jake’s, you saw that they were full of lust, hunger. No affection, though. They were cold, empty. This man was attractive — yes, yet something about him felt off.
Jake reassures you that you don’t have to do it — until Quaritch himself pulls you out from behind Jake’s back. Quaritch circles you, tutting, eyebrows raised.
He turns to Jake. “Got yerself a sweet little toy, huh, Sully? My, my, she’s quite a looker,” Quaritch comments, his voice sickeningly sweet, as his large blue hand plays with your hair. Jake was fuming — ready to start a fight with the man. It was clear that the two had a past rivalry, and never made amends.
It was also clear that the two wanted you.
“How’s about this, corporal? Your little girl here, could very well seal our agreement, don’t ya think?,” he taunts Jake.
“She’s mine, Quaritch. Don’t even think about it.” Quaritch then retorted that it was either this, or his rifle. Jake then agreed.
“Glad we’re on the same page, Sully. She’ll be ours, to share, won’t ya, cupcake? How’s about I show you how we do things where I’m from, hmm?,” his southern accent cooing at you goes straight to your core, between your legs.
You glance at Jake, hesitantly watching. Quaritch then sits down, his giant arms pulling you into his lap, one hand behind your head, the other on your hip.
“Such a pretty girl. Gonna give you something to feel good about,” he chuckles, peppering your face and neck with kisses, his fangs slightly biting into your shoulder as you gasp!!
Jake is infuriated, still watching from the side, although he looks like he is enjoying watching you get ravished by the older Na’vi. Quaritch’s soft lips trail down your soft tummy and waistline, your small hand intertwined with his rough, calloused one.
His fingers trail your waistband — realizing that Jake already pulled off your clothes — your wetness soaked his thigh. <3
“Aww. How cute, pussy’s all soaked f’me. I think I know what she wants,” he taunts you, showing you his big fingers, almost the length of your arm. <3
You nod vigorously, completely forgetting about Jake. “Yes. Please, please, anything,” you beg him. “How’s about you call me sir, hmm, sweet cheeks? More fittin’, don’t’cha think?,” his southern voice drips as if it were melted caramel, seeping through to your inner submission to these beautiful, tall, men.
You were their toy, theirs to own, theirs to play with, theirs to use as they please and see fit. That’s all you could think about, as your tongue hung out, your eyes closed, small hand gripping the watch on Quaritch’s hand, as his two fingers worked and massaged your gummy walls over and over.
You thought of belonging to the two Na’vi men, passed around from the loving arms of your soon to be mate, to the vicious and unrelenting force that was Miles Quaritch, your ‘sir.’ For these two men, you were fine with leaving your life as a scientist behind, just to trail them around.
You were giddy with the thought of it, as you came undone around Quaritch’s fingers, his reassuring words, “let go f’me, cupcake…,” and Jake’s hands behind you, rubbing the small of your back, this was a taste of a life you never knew you wanted.
Now that you had this taste, you were ready to risk it all to keep this.
You fall asleep in Jake’s arms, as Quaritch bids him a ‘till next time,” and your soon to be mate is left wondering what that phrase entails.
Avatar taglist: @aerangi @jake-sullys-whore @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @brioffthegrid
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thenewgraymare · 5 months
You know those amazing Pony dreams where you find rare and unreleased ponies at a thrift shop or garage sale for like $1 each? Well, I had that happen in real life and the ponies are still here!
Yesterday was the Marysville Toy Show and I had a blast vending it. The promoters really go all out with their themes and ensuring the vendors have a great experience. This year’s theme was GI Joe. Their logo display evoked a military encampment, with a cot and lantern inside one side, a Jeep exiting the other side, a helicopter landing pad, rafting rapids, and smoked shark over a fire pit. And, to top it all off, a paratrooper dropping by to join in the fun. Vendors were given folders stating our name, rank, and location. Inside were custom dog tags with our name on them, the toy show, and “Mission Holy Grail.”
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I set up my space and then browsed a little bit. Since my display took nearly the full four hours allotted to set up, I didn’t get much time to really shop and find goodies for myself. I mentally noted a few spots to check in the morning and headed home myself.
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The next morning, just before we opened to the early buyers, a friend tipped me off to a table I had somehow missed and I headed over to see what ponies they had. I wasn’t expecting much-- probably overpriced or some fakies. But then, from a distance, I spotted pink with yellow hair and the shine of pink tinsel. I dared to hope and picked up my pace. When I tell you I was shaking when I grabbed that pony, I am not exaggerating in the least. It was Rapunzel, the mail order I nearly had as a kid and my dad never sent in the filled out form with collected pony points. Then I grabbed blue hearts Dazzle Glow. Oh, and is that a pearly Baby Cotton Candy? And pearly Baby Blossom? AND pearly Baby Moondreamer? Wait, that’s ALL the pearly mail order babies! Spunky too! Tropical ponies, and Perfume Puffs and Candy Cane ponies. Gimme all the ponies and nobody pinch me because I like this dream.
I asked the vendor how much and they were all less than $10 each. I gladly took the entire lot and danced back to my booth. I’m still in shock. I never thought I’d be lucky enough to own a Rapunzel after not getting her as a kid.
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Mission Holy Grail? Mission accomplished!
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hannibalzero · 7 months
charthur omegaverse wip
(Southern nights au)
Not sure about this wip yet, let me know lovelies
it had all started with such a innocent question.
Jack had came to Arthur’s tent, stomping over in boots to big for him. as mad as a old wet hen if Arthur could call it anything.
Jack kicked off John’s boots, climbed into Arthur’s cot snuggling close hiding his face in Arthur’s chest.
Arthur’s old cot groaned at the extra weight, the lapping waves of flat iron lake along with a mocking bird song. showing a rare moment of peace for the outlaw.
Kissed Jack’s head, wasn’t everyday that someone wanted Arthur Morgan to love on them. besides his spoiled ass horses naturally.
he was about to take a nap himself but that could wait a bit. Arthur didn’t mind one bit.
Jack needed him.
Fat cheek resting on Arthur’s chest. Those blue eyes looking up to Arthur own with a frustrated look on Jack’s face.
“whats gotten ya all fired up? been’a long time since ya cuddled up ta me.”Arthur murmured rubbing a big hand up and down Jack’s back. with a rare gentleness that Arthur was able to share.
the worn cotton shirt in a faded cream color that Jack wore was as soft as butter under Arthur’s fingers. Everything about Jack was soft still, Arthur couldn’t help but to savor these moments.
Jack wouldn’t be a small soft pup for much longer.
The little boy gripped Arthur’s faded blue shirt in frustration.
“it ain’t fair, uncle Arthur.” He whined softly burying his face back into Arthur’s chest sniffling loudly as he fought back tears. 
“What ain’t fair?” Tilting his head and moving Jack closer. “must be somethin’ mighty big if ya crawled into the cot with me.”
Arthur encouraged Jack to look up at him, with a careful tap at his chin. he wouldn’t hurt Jack, he wouldn’t hurt anyone he loved. Arthur was nothing like his own daddy.
lip wobbling, tears in his eyes that Arthur was wiping away with careful touches. “ain’t no kids around, ain’t no siblings ether.” he whined hiding his face back into Arthur’s chest. wiping his nose in Arthur’s shirt the way all children do. 
made a face at his shirt being used as a handkerchief but Arthur supposed he had been covered in far worse things. “aw, Jack. it can’t be helped in this life. its why we work so hard ta get us out of it. being a gunslinger and all that. want ya ta have friends.” Arthur soothed best he could keeping his voice soft. “what got ya thinking on this?” he asked, his forehead lined with worry.
Jack pilled off his thumb, the little fella still sucked his thumb when soothing. Popping off his thumb giving a brave sniff..
Arthur held up his handkerchief and smiled at bit as Jack honked loudly into the poor checkered rag. “there ya go, come on now…tell me what ya need me ta know.” 
the little fella smiled a bit now calming down thanks to Arthur’s efforts.
Man, Jack would be one hell of a outlaw. Pup was a brave wolf already. 
Setting his jaw, making firm eye contact with Arthur, Jack started his story in a serious voice. His hands still balled up in Arthur’s shirt. 
“I went with Uncle Sean and Uncle Lenny inta town. We’a found ten dollars from Micha.” Jack started with a huff. 
“hate ta interrupt ya there pup, why did ya, Sean and Lenny steal from Micha?” Arthur couldn’t hide the playful smile that spread across his face. 
Anything bad happening to Micha? was a wonderful day.
Like when Micha’s horse Baylock got tired of Micha’s bullying him and knocked Micha into the ‘latrine’ ditch. it was beautiful.
Arthur almost cried from the beauty of that moment.
Jack looked away, eyebrows knitting together. “Cuse Micha said he was gonna take’me fishin’ and give me candy. but he was messin with me. Told Uncle Sean and Lenny. we ran’a job on Micha!” his voice dripped with pride. He couldn’t help it, Arthur busted out laughing ruffling Jack’s head. loud and strong, it had been a while since he had laughed so hard. 
“Pup! ya little outlaw!” Arthur settled himself with a little snicker. “oh my word, made ma week.” he took another breath. “Micha earned it, now back ta your story. Lenny, Sean and ya went ta Roades right? ta the store?”
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Written for @remadoramicrofics day 9: candy. Many thanks to @merlins-sequined-hotpants for beta'ing, and for providing the inspiration for this little tale. G, 879 words. Read below or on Ao3.
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A blue and purple, furry toy sat inside a colorful box, freshly unwrapped for Teddy’s first birthday. His chubby little hands reached out for it, babbling excitedly, as his hair morphed to match the toy’s fur.
“What is it?” asked Tonks, looking down at her sprightly, 70-year-old grandmother.
“It’s a Furby,” Granny Tonks replied. “It’s all the rage with children these days. You can’t turn on the telly without seeing it!”
“What does it do?” Remus lifted the box, inspecting its details. “’The more you tickle and joke with me, the more I’ll laugh and play’?”
“The sales girl said it was quite rare,” Granny Tonks continued. “This cotton candy purple-blue one is the last one they had left! I even got the batteries for it, you know.”
Teddy reached up for the figure, his lavender hair becoming redder as he struggled to get the box from his father. Granny Tonks lifted Teddy and then took the Furby from Remus. She led them to her sofa, where she unboxed it for the eager boy and inserted batteries into the bottom.
“He reminds me so much of my Ted . . . always keen for something new. He’d have just loved his grandson.” Granny Tonks kissed Teddy’s head and shook the Furby from side to side.
Tonks and Remus watched the toy come to life, with its ears twitching back and forth and its eyes opening and closing.
“Hee hee hee!” the Furby began. “Pet me!”
Tonks met Remus’s eyes. There was no way they would be taking this monstrosity home with them.
“Oh, how darling!” Granny Tonks smiled at the furry, mechanical thing, and Teddy stared, transfixed at it.
“Aah aah ahh! Me scared!”
Teddy laughed and clapped. The Furby laughed with him, and Granny Tonks was smiling like she used to, before Ted died, so they took the toy with them.
It took an hour for Remus to remove the Furby’s batteries, and a dramatic, one year old’s temper tantrum to return them.
It took a day for Tonks to try silencing the Furby, but the batteries didn’t respond well to magic, and it became louder.
It took two days for the Furby to begin talking to itself and anything that would listen, with increasingly disturbing messages.
“Uh-oh! Me no listen!” came after Tonks asked it to be quiet.
“Food! Me hungry! Tickle tickle!” was the reply Remus received when he told the Furby to go to sleep.
“Wah-wah-wah-wah me hide!” was the phrase that kept them all up at night, even when they stowed the Furby in Teddy’s wardrobe. They gave up after three nights, when Teddy’s accidental magic (or the Furby’s apparent possession) let it out and dropped it in Teddy’s cot.
The toddler seemed to be immune to the toy’s intrinsic darkness, so two weeks into their stint as its hostage, Tonks knew there was only one way out.
The fire was set and the moon was full. Teddy was fast asleep next to Remus, who was curled up in front of the hearth, breathing deeply, his paws resting gently on their son. The fire that Tonks had set, unlike the one warming her husband and son, was kindled by hand. She wasn’t going to let magic be the reason why the Furby lived to see another day.
“Borro borro! Hug me!”
The Furby’s large, gleaming eyes seemed to look right into Tonks’s soul.
“No like! Me scared! Aah aah ahh!”
“This is the end for you,” Tonks warned, before chucking it into the bonfire, seeing its plastic fur melt and the sounds die, warbled and wonky. She stood there until it was a pile of scorched wires and a purple, oozing mess.
“Doo doo doo doo!”
The nightmarish sound woke Tonks the morning after the full moon.
“No,” she whispered. “No.”
“Da da da doo doo!”
Tonks wrapped her robe around her body, assuring herself that she’d completed the job. The Furby was gone by moonset, when she’d taken Teddy back to his cot and waited for Remus’s screams to die down as he transformed back to a man. She helped him up to their bed, and now she was rushing back out, trying to convince herself the Furby couldn’t have come back from its certain demise.
“Noo-loo! Party party!”
Tonks was halfway down the hall when she heard the hair-raising sound.
“Loo loo loo! Me very happy!”
She turned back, hoping she was hearing wrong, and burst through the door to her son’s room.
Teddy was sitting up on the middle of the floor, the infernal Furby planted between his legs, blathering at it cheerfully.
Tonks rushed forward and scooped Teddy up, to get him away from the toy, but both boy and toy protested.
“Me no like! Wah wah wah!”
Teddy wailed in unison.
“Is everything all right?” Remus croaked, pale and shivering in the doorway. He gaped at the Furby, and then glanced back at Tonks. “Why does it have scorch marks?”
“You will never believe me,” Tonks said roughly. She set Teddy back down on the floor and gave him the Furby. “We’re stuck with it for the rest of our lives. Don’t ask me why.”
She thundered out of Teddy’s bedroom, her exit marked by the Furby’s high-pitched, electronic laughter.
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lostfirefly · 1 month
Bugust. Day 19. "Is this for me?" Buggy x OC (I'm sorry, I love writing about them)
“You all piss me off sometimes, honestly!” Buggy sat on a pista with his head in his hands.
“Captain. There's a courier waiting for you.” Cabaji sat down next to him, muttered softly.
“What courier?”
“Outside your office.”
“What a fucking day! It's all wrong!! Spotlight was late, you completely missed my entrance. Five fucking times! This is a rehearsal but everything must be perfect!! Fine!" Buggy clapped his hands. "It's an hour break. I need a break from you all. I'm surrounded by a bunch of idiots.” Grumbling to himself, he strode to his office.
"So where's the fucking delivery guy?" Buggy looked around. "Fuck him too. All right, I'll at least rest for an hour. Need a nap. Oh, and I'll send a picture of Richie to cot---" He opened the door to the office. "Cotton candy? What are you doing here?"
"Hi!" Catherine sat cross-legged on the couch and waved at him.
"Cathie-pie.. Seriously?" Buggy pointed at her clothes. "You have a picture of a whale playing drums on your t-shirt?"
"Don't laugh at my clothes, jerk! I love this whale. He looks like a true rock star."
"You've been coming in here more often, haven't you?" Buggy grinned and sat down next to her on the couch. "How long have you been here?"
"I don't know, about twenty minutes. Oh, saw a guy in a cap, he brought you some papers. And I carefully put them on the table, but I didn't touch anything, don't worry. And decided to wait for you a little. But I was about to leave but see! Here you are!" Catherine squealed and hugged Buggy around the neck and kissed him on the cheek several times. "Hi-i-i!! I was just passing by." Smack. "And thought I'd drop off a present for you." Smack. Smack. Smack.
"A present?" Buggy tried to dodge her kisses. "Geez! Stop doing this, woman!!"
"I want and I kiss you!" Smack. "Yes, the gift. Here!" Catherine held out a small box to him.
"You're all covered in my makeup now." Buggy gave Catherine tissues and opened the lid. "What is this?"
"Oh," Catherine wiped her lips. "I ordered you some new gloves. When I threw the things in the wash a few weeks ago, I noticed your old gloves were already a little frayed. And since your girlfriend is not a very good seamstress, I went to the best sewing atelier in all of Cairo and a lovely sweet girl, you'd like her by the way, made you new gloves."
“Why would I like her?”
"I don't know." Catherine shrugged. "She was pretty and from the conversation, I understood she can sew, cook, keep the house in order. Well.. I'm not really good at any of those things she mentioned." She rested her chin on Buggy's shoulder. "Maybe somewhere in a parallel universe you are together, who knows."
"My personal advice, talk less to people, Cathie-pie. I don't give a shit that you can't sew, and you're not a super cook. Although I do love what you cook for me. And.. And you're the.. the.. the most beautiful girl in the world." Buggy blushed. "At least in this universe."
Catherine laughed, squealed and kissed him on his nose.
"Fuuuck, Catherine!! Stop it!!" Buggy took the new gloves out of the box and examined them. "So.. Did you go to the atelier and order these special for me? Is this gift for me?"
"Of course! I can't let my Buggy Bear performing in ragged gloves. Your fangirls wouldn't understand such a thing."
"I don't have fangirls, stop mocking me, little shit!"
"No, you have! I saw them!" Catherine took one glove in her hand. "Try them on, please! I want to make sure I got the size right."
Buggy shrugged, put the glove on, and clenched and unclenched his fist a few times. "Perfect."
"Great!" Smack. "Oh, I also brought sandwiches." Catherine pulled a lunch box out of her bag. "I remember you took a couple this morning, but I decided to bring you some more."
"Do you remember how the sandwiches ended up last time?" Buggy giggled idiotically. "Need I remind you? It was here on the couch." He started imitating her. "Oh, yes, Buggy. More, Buggy. Damn! I will remember that day for the rest of my life."
Catherine punched him in his shoulder. "Fuck you, honestly. First, speak more quietly, someone might hear. Second, your office is banned again." Catherine opened the box and gave him a salmon sandwich.
"We'll see, Cathie-pie." Buggy grinned and winked at her. "Yes! With salmon!"
"I hate you and your natural charm." Catherine narrowed her eyes. "I don’t understand at all how you conquered me after you wanted to leave me in the desert."
"Fuck!! I didn't leave you!!"
He sniffed the food and took a bite.
"Tasty?" Catherine asked, stroking his hair.
"So fucking good."
"You know, when my dad wasn't on business trips, my mom always left the bakery on her lunch break to bring him lunch to work. They'd go out to the park near his office, and there was a bench under a lilac tree. They would sit there for an hour, talking about everything. One time, when I studied at university, I passed by that park and saw them on the bench. Dad was holding mom's hand, eating rice with his other free hand. But you know, I'll never forget the way dad looked at mom. They had been married for over twenty years, and he looked at her as if he had just fallen in love with her. I thought at the time how happy they were. And when my dad went on business trips, he always came home with lilacs and my mom met him with pecan pie. We always knew that if Mom baked it, it meant Dad was about to arrive. You'd love her pie. It was soft, spicy and smelled like home." Catherine exhaled and put a turkey sandwich in Buggy's hands. "So, when my dad came back he always kissed mom on her cheek and she stroked his back. After dinner, dad would sit on the couch, mom would sit next to him, pour him cocoa, and he would tell her how his trip went. Yeah, they'd fight sometimes, but then dad would pull some stupid romantic crap…"
"Like what?" Buggy asked, with a mouthful of food.
"Chew than talk." Catherine laughed and kissed him on his cheek. "One time they had a big fight and mom didn't talk to him for three or four days. So my dad climbed in their bedroom window, dressed up in the clothes he met her in. By then, dad had gotten a little fat and his jacket didn't fit him very well. Imagine this." Catherine started laughing. "My well-fed dad crawling down the wall into his own bedroom with a jacket that barely buttoned up on him and lilacs in his teeth. My mom laughed for a long time afterward, but forgave him right away. She loved my dad very much. Like I love you." Catherine put both arms around his neck and kissed his cheek a few times. "Love, love, love you so-o-o much." Smack. "Okay, I think I should go, you're busy, and I don't want to distract you. I'll leave you sandwiches and go on my walk. I wanted to go to the library and dig through some books, remembering the depressing time I had working there." Smack. "I'll be waiting for you at home with pizza." Catherine was about to get up.
"Well, actually. We're on break for an hour." Buggy cleared his throat. "Can you... Can you stay?"
"Are you sure? I'm not gonna bother you?"
"How can you bother me?" He shrugged.
"Okay. Then let me make us some coffee." Catherine got up off the couch and ran over to the coffee machine. "But take note, clown! We only drink coffee and eat, okay? Because I know you and your naughty hands!"
"But you never complain!"
"Buggy!" Catherine crossed her arms.
"Fine." Buggy took a bite of the sandwich. "Cathie-pie…"
"What, my blue-haired love?" Catherine looked over her shoulder at him as she placed her cup on the coffee maker.
"Tell me more about your parents."
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mynameistakensadtimes · 6 months
My Pronouns!
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I'm posting my Pronouns because why not! I'm sorry it's long
★- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -★ Basic He/him/his They/them/theirs ★- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -★ Neos
↳ It/its Void/voidself
↳ bloo/blood/blood/bloods/bloodself bo/bon/bons/bons/boneself cor/corpse/corpself dae/daem/daeself de/dea/dath/death/deathself de/dem/demon’s/demself dead/deads/deadself dem/demon/demonself dulla/han/dulls/dulls/dullself, dullaself, or dullahanself ecto/ects/ectself en/tombed/tombs/tombs/tombself, tombedself, or entombedself fran/franke/franken/frankenself gar/goyle/gars/gars/garself gheist/gheists/gheistself gho/ghos/ghostself ghost/ghosts/ghostself ghou/ghoul/ghous/ghouls/ghoulself go/gor/gors/goreself gore/gores/goreself gri/grim/grime/grimeself grime/grimes/grimeself gro/gore/gross/gross/goreself gro/gross/grosself haun/haunts/hauntself hell/hound/hells/hounds/houndself hell/hund/hells/hunds/hundself li/lich/lis/lichs/lichself necro/necrom/necself nyc/nycto/nyctos/nyctoself py/pyre/(pyr/pyre)/pyres/pyreself rake/rake’s/rakeself rie/eer/eri/erie/eeriself sin/sins/sinself ske/skel/skels/skeleself slud/sludge/sludges/sludges/sludgeself spir/spirit/spiritself spiri/spirs/spirself vam/vamp/vampself wer/weres/wereself wi/wight/wis/wighs/wightself wit/wits/witchself wit/witch/witchself (coined for witches) zo/zom/zos/zombself zom/zomb/zom’s/zombi/zombself
↳ magic/magic/magics/magics/magicself wand/wand/wands/wands/wandself mage/mage/mages/mages/mageself spell/spell/spells/spells/spellself myth/myth/myths/myths/mythself mystic/mystic/mystics/mystics/mysticself potion/potion/potions/potions/potionself wiz/wizard/wizards/wizards/wizardself mag/magic/magics/magics/magicself magic/magical/magicals/magicals/magicalself conjure/conjure/conjures/conjures/conjureself cast/cast/casts/casts/castself mystic/mystical/mysticals/mysticals/mysticalself fairy/fairy/fairys/fairys/fairyself elf/elf/elfs/elfs/elfself charm/charm/charms/charms/charmself hex/hex/hexs/hexs/hexself
↳ ma/mar/marine/marines/marineself bri/brine/brine/brines/brineself se/sea/sea/seas/seaself she/shell/shell/shells/shellself sea/shell/seashell/seashells/seashellself cra/crab/crab/crabs/crabself kri/krill/krill/krills/krillself oce/ocea/ocean/oceans/oceanself lo/loch/loch/lochs/lochself squ/squid/squid/squids/squidself oct/octo/octopus/octopi/octopuself shrim/shrimp/shrimp/shrimps/shrimpself nau/naut/nautical/nauticals/nauticalself al/alg/algae/algaes/algaeself ke/kelp/kelp/kelps/kelpself co/cor/coral/corals/coralself co/coa/coast/coasts/coastself jelly/fish/jellyfish/jellyfishes/jellyfishself mo/mol/mollusk/mollusks/molluskself ur/urch/urchin/urchins/urchinself dri/drift/drift/drifts/driftself wa/wave/wave/waves/waveself
↳ Rot/Rots/Rotself Mush/Mushs/Mushself! Dirt/Dirty/Dirtself! Forest/Forests/Forestself! Oak/Oaks/Oakself! Rock/Rocks/Rockself Pebble/Pebbles/Pebbleself
↳ Baa/baaself Bun/bunself Plush/plushself Squish/squishself Candy/candyself Sweet/sweetself Fuzz/fuzzy/fuzzyself Fuzzy/fuzzies/fuzzieself Prince/prince/princeself Princess/princess/princesself Pop/poppy/poppyself Yarn/yarns/yarnself Bunny/bunny/bunnyself Pup/puppy/puppyself Teddy/teddies/teddyself Ted/teddy/teddyself Fluff/fluffy/fluffself or fluffyself Cot/cotton/cottonself Pink/pinky/pinkyself Hug/hugs/hugself Toy/toys/cotton-self Berry/berries/berryself Cram/cranberry/cranberryself Flor/flora/floraself Kitty/kittens/kittyself
↳ sun/sun/suns/sunself moon/moon/moons/moonself star/star/stars/starself planet/planet/planets/planetself mercury/mercury/mercurys/mercuryself venus/venus/venuses/venusself mars/mars/marses/marsself jupiter/jupiter/jupiters/jupiterself satur/saturn/saturns/saturnself uranus/uranus/uranuses/uranusself neptune/neptune/neptunes/neptuneself pluto/pluto/plutos/plutoself galaxy/galaxy/galaxys/galaxyself comet/comet/comets/cometself rocket/rocket/rockets/rocketself dust/dust/dusts/dustself solar/solar/solars/solarself lunar/lunar/lunars/lunarself asteroid/asteroid/asteroids/asteroidself eclipse/eclipse/eclipses/eclipseself orbit/orbit/orbits/orbitself satellite/satellite/satellites/satelliteself universe/universe/universes/universeself sky/sky/skys/skyself nebula/nebula/nebulas/nebulaself constellation/constellation/constellations/constellationself cosmos/cosmos/cosmoses/cosmoself
↳ ali/alien/aliens/alienself alu/minum/aluminum/alumiself astro/astro/astros/astros/astroself astro/astronomy/astronomies/astronomyself atom/atoms/atomself bea/beaker/beakerself bio/biology/biologies/biologyself bot/botany/botanies/botanyself chem/chemistry/chemself ear/earth/earthself elec/tricity/electriself ento/entomology/entos/entomologyself ex/experi/ment/ments/experimentself flask/flasks/flaskself geo/geos/geoself geo/logy/geology/geoself grav/gravity/gravityself gravity/gravityself hy/hypo/hypotheses/hypoself lab/labs/labself lab/labaratory/labaratories/labaratoryself paleo/paleontology/paleos/paleoself sci/science/scienceself space/spaces/spaceself spa/spark/sparks/sparkself theo/theory/theoryself
↳ cupcake/cupcake/cupcakeself Cake/cakes/cakeself haunted/haunts/hauntedself horror/horrors/horrorself terror/terrors/terrorself fox/foxs/foxself blood/bloods/bloodself haunt/haunts/hauntself robot/robots/robotself bear/bears/bearself Balloon/balloons/balloonself Bonbon/bonbons/bonnieself Bonnie/ bonnies/bonnieself Chica/chicas/chicaself Ennard/ennards/ennardself Foxy/foxys/foxyself Fred/bear/fredbears/fredbearself Freddy/freddys/freddyself Glitchtrap/glitchtraps/glitchtrapself Mangle/mangles/mangleself Minireena/minireenas/minireenaself Springbonnie/springbonnies/springbonnieself Toybonnie/toybonnies/toybonnieself Toychica/toychicas/toychicaself Toyfreddy/toyfreddys/toyfreddyself ai/ais/aiself death/deaths/deathself Bite/Bites/Biteself Food/Foods/Foodself Mask/Masks/Maskself
↳ dra/dragon/dragon's elf/elf's hobbit/hobbit's orc/orc's witch/witch's magic/magic's magician/magician's goblin/goblin's forestelf/forestelf's fantasy/fantasy's dwarf/dwarf's centaur/centaur's werewolf/werewolf's fairy/fairy's arkenstone/arkenstone's unicorn/unicorn's Phoenix/phoenix's Cat
↳ fe/fel/feline/felines/felineself fel/feli/felis/felis/feliself cat/cats/catself mew/meow/rowr/rowrs/meowself purr/purrs/purrself whisker/whiskers/whiskerself wi/whisk/whisker/whiskers/whiskerself kit/kits/kitself kit/cat/kits/cats/kitself kit/kit/kitty/kittys/kitself claw/claws/clawself
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4 notes · View notes
revenant-coining · 1 year
[ pt: RockstarXDCotCandial ]
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[ID: a rectangular flag with 4 concentric circles. colors in this order, outermost to innermost: dark grey, grey, off-white, blue. End ID]
requested by anon
RockstarXDCotCandial: a gender connected to the appearance of the Cotton Candy Rockstar Xdurance can; a gender that looks like the Cotton Candy Rockstar Xdurance can.
Etymology: rockstar, xd(urance), cot(ton), cand(y), "ial" meaning resembling or pertaining to, having the characteristics of
@radiomogai , @imawanokiwaaa
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[ID: a pink line divider with a pink and purple sun in the middle. End ID]
11 notes · View notes
beetlejuiceearrings · 2 years
Cute themed neopronouns <33
25 notes · View notes
moonjellee · 11 months
sour patch kid
sour patch sticky on my tongue candy flossed a hole into my teeth sugar honeyed in my mouth it stung the blessings of a bee-kiss it bequeathed
sour patch sticky down my throat riding down a wave of soda pop flowing through esophageal moat walls of tissue bidding it to stop
sour patch sticky in my tummy spinning in a pool of whirlwind flavor breaking down that sweet and well-worn gummy cotton candy form that fell from favor
sour patch sticky in my bloodstream sugar rushing up into my heart singing high and sweet and soft like whipped cream ballroom dance en pointe like venal art
sour patch sticky in my bones settle down into their beds of marrow lay their heads on off-white honeycombs dozing in a bed both warm and narrow
on cavity towers and lovelorn gums of operatic tunes and sweetheart hums
on viscous tracks and back-wash showers of vessel blooms and bloodborne flowers
on rivers of glucose and acid-washed walls of helpings of dinner and oft-hallowed halls
on spiderwebbed cots and osseous pillows of sugary highs and mellifluous billows
on streamlined paths and high-kick burst of sour patch kids and sugarsweet thirst
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the-type-a · 2 years
Bro my mind is RUNNING I love circus’s lmfao
Courtney taking off her makeup & undoing her pinned up hair at her vanity in her trailer while Duncan lounges on her cot, twirling his smaller daggers 🗡 “can you help me with my corset?” “Sure thing, doll.”
Courtney always getting nervous when Duncan does the more extreme and dangerous tricks, She screams in joy with the crowd when he succeeds!
Duncan being an ass and occasionally making the audience(and her) believe he severely injured himself but then finishing his trick completely fine to the surprise of the audience! He doesn’t do it often to keep the element of surprise 👀
Courtney in the middle of teaching the cats to do new tricks but when they see Duncan wander into the closed off area they pile him for cuddles which both frustrates and melts Courtney’s heart ♥️
Sharing cotton candy in each of their trailers after hours✨
Sometimes when the cats are moody or not feeling good and Courtney can’t control them, Duncan will push courtney out of the cage first in the chance they pounce, he’ll get the brunt of it, Courtney’s the trainer but he ain’t risking SHIT
Courtney always gets amazed when he swallows a sword that’s on fire, she holds her breath for the same amount he does 🔥
Each time Duncan learns a new trick, or Courtney trains one of her cats something new, they always show each other first before Chris or before they bring it to the ring 🎪
They’re each other’s unofficial carnie buddy, neither will be seen without each other
Duncan has thought of escaping multiple times but won’t leave her behind and Courtney stays because she can’t imagine life outside the circus and won’t leave behind her babies 🐅
They unintentionally coordinate their costumes, even tho Izzy is Duncan’s ring partner(cuz of fire tricks lmao) occasionally a child will point it out✨
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All of these will be major points in the fic. It’s been added to the list, it’s going to be great!
They throw popcorn at each other and try to catch it in a fun little game of 20 questions or some shit. And at the very end, when they get to the deep and personal questions, Duncan throws a handful at Courtney to avoid being “sappy”.
Since Izzy is Duncan’s partner for this, imagine her just blatantly saying Duncan and Courtney are in love with each other because she sees them interact the most. Like she’ll mess with them and just run off laughing before they can even flip out on her 💀
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theantichrost · 1 year
I can only make text posts now because the app is glitchy so uuh here goes
Normal Innocent Man: ey gimme some of that cotting candy
Evil Clown vendor at fun fair: ohooheehooheeoo have a tasty candy flos (that's what they call cotton candy in my country)
Evil Clown: yeah
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polyglotnotes · 2 years
American English to British English
airplane - aeroplane
apartment - flat
apartment building - block of flats
arugula - rocket
ATM - cashpoint/cash machine
attendance, take - register, take the
baby crib - cot
bachelor party - stag do
bachelorette party - hen do
bandaid - plaster
bangs - fringe
barf (verb) - chunder (verb)
bathrobe/robe - dressing gown
bathroom/restroom - loo (slang)
bathroom/washroom - toilet/bathroom
bathtub - bath
beets - beetroot
bell pepper - pepper/sweet pepper
Bic - biro
blinds - curtains
blood sausage/boudin noir - black pudding
broil (verb) - grill (verb)
bus - coach
camper van/RV - caravan
can - tin
candy - sweets
caravan - convoy
caregiver - carer
cart - trolley
cash register - till
checkers - draughts
checking account - current account
chic/classy/fancy - posh
closet - wardrobe
co-education/co-ed - mixed school
coach class - economy class
comforter - duvet
cookie - biscuit
corn - maize
corn starch - cornflour
cotton swab/Q-tip - cotton bud
couch - sittee
counterclockwise - anticlockwise
CPA (Certified Public Accountant) - Chartered Accountant
crosswalk - zebra crossing
custom-made - bespoke
diaper - nappy
downtown - city centre
eggplant - aubergine
elevator - lift
eraser - rubber
exclamation point - exclamation mark
expensive - dear
faculty member - academic staff
fall - autumn
faucet - tap
fire truck - fire engine
first floor - ground floor
fish sticks - fish fingers
flan (=sweet soft food) - flan (=fruit cake, not sweet)
flashlight - torch
flyby - flypast
freeway/highway - motorway
french fries - chips
French press - cafetiere
front desk - reception
furnace - central heating boiler
garbage can - dustbin
garbage collector - binman
gas/gasoline - petrol
gearshift - gearstick
grade - mark
green onion/scallion - spring onion
grocery store - grocery shop
ground beef - minced meat
ground/grounded - earth/earthed
ham - gammon
high beam (car) - full beam (car)
high school - secondary school
hot (sexy) - fit (sexy)
intersection - crossroads
janitor - caretaker
jumper dress - pinafore
jungle gym - climbing frame
kindergarten - preschool/nursery school
knickers - parcel
ladybug - ladybird
line - queue
liquor store - off license
mailman - postman
math - maths
median strip - central reservation
mom and pop store - family business
mommy/mom - mummy/mum
motorcycle - motorbike
movies, the - cinema, the
open house - open day
overalls - dungarees
pajamas - pyjamas
panties - knickers
pants/slacks - trousers
paper towel - kitchen roll
parking - car park
pay raise - pay rise
period - full stop
pharmacy - chemist
pickle - gherkin
pimple/zit - spot
pitcher - jug
plastic wrap - clingfilm
potato chips - crisps
principal - headmaster
public holiday - bank holiday
puffer vest - gilet
purse - handbag
quotation marks - inverted commas
rappel (verb, climbing) - abseil (verb, climbing)
recess - breaktime
round-trip ticket - return ticket
rubber boots - wellington boots/wellies
rummage sale - jumble sale
schedule - timetable
scotch tape - sellotape
second floor - first floor
shots - jab
sidewalk (=pavement is concrete/tarmac road) - pavement (=road for pedestrians)
silverware/flatware - cutlery
sink - washbasin
sketchy - dodgy
sneakers - trainers
soccer - football
soda/pop/coke/tonic - fizzy drink
special election - by-election
spelunking - potholing
store - shop
stove - cooker
stroller - push chair
study (verb) - read (verb)
subway/metro - underground/tube
sweater - jumper
sweater vest - sleeveless jumper/slipover
swimming suit - swimsuit
table (= verb – delay) - table (= verb – suggest)
tap - faucet
teachers' lounge - staffroom
teleprompter - autocue
teller - cashier
thong (=shoe) - thong (=underwear)
tic-tac-toe - noughts and crosses
tire - tyre
traffic circle/rotary - roundabout
trailer park - caravan park
transportation - transport
truck - lorry
trunk - boot
undershirt - vest
underwear - pants
vacation - holiday
vacationers - holidaymakers
vest - waistcoat
wallet - purse
windbreaker - cagoule
windshield - windscreen
woods, the - wood, a
yard - garden
ZIP code - postcode
zipper - zip
zucchini - courgette
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 3 months
071 of 2024
Do you say....
by joybucket
Alright so since I seem to be the only one here whose first language is not English, I will choose the English word I use the most and put the word from my native language in brackets okay?
1. pop, soda, tonic, cola, coke? 🥤 (frisdrank) 2. couch, sofa, or davenport? 🛋️ (zetel; official Dutch word is bank, but my dialect says zetel) 3. do you call the last meal of the day dinner, supper, or lunch? (avondmaal) 4. fall or autumn? 🍁 (herfst) 5. cotton candy, candy floss, or fairy floss? (suikerspin) 6. grocery cart, shopping cart, shopping trolley, buggy, or carriage? 🛒 (karretje) 7. fireflies, lightning bugs, glowworms, firebugs, or June bugs? ✨ (vuurvliegjes) 8. sucker or lollipop? 🍭 (lolly) 9. drinking fountain or bubbler? 💦 (drinkfontein/waterhappertje) 10. milkshake or frappe? 🧋(milkshake; we don't have our own word for that) 11. roundabout, traffic circle, or rotary? (rotonde) 12. sneakers, gym shoes, tennis shoes, or trainers? 👟 (sportschoenen) 13. sprinkles, jimmies, or hundreds and thousands? 🍩 (hagelslag; but in my dialect we say muizenstrontjes, which literally means mouse poop, no kidding) 14. potluck or carry-in dinner? (potluck; again, no other word for this. I've never heard anyone use it, though) 15. popsicle or ice lolly? (ijslolly) 16. stroller, baby carriage, pushchair, or pram? (wandelwagen/kinderwagen) 17. frosting or icing? 🧁 (glazuur) 18.sub or hoagie? 🥖 (belegd broodje) 19. highway, freeway, motorway, or expressway? 🛣️ (autosnelweg) 20. do you call the end of bread the heel, end, crust, or butt? 🥖 (kontje because I'm quarter Dutch; my husband says korst - literally crust) yard sale, garage sale, tag sale, or rummage sale? (garage verkoop) garbage can, trash can, wastebasket, dustbin, or rubbish bin? 🗑️ (vuilbak in my dialect; standard word is vuilnisbak) semitruck, tractor-trailer, or 18-wheeler? (trekker) bathroom, restroom, toilet, john, or loo? (toilet) ER or A&E? 🏥 (spoedgevallen) pothole, chughole, or chuckhole? (kuil) goosebumps or duck bumps? (kippevel) faucet or spigot? 🚰 (neither; in English we'd say tap, in Dutch kraan) you guys or y'all? (jullie) French fries or chips? (frietjes; no French! We strongly believe fries are a Belgian invention ) apartment or flat? (appartement) garbage, trash, waste, or rubbish? (afval) cookie or biscuit? 🍪 (koekje) parking lot or car park? (parkeerplaats) pants, britches, slacks, or trousers? (broek) windshield or windscreen? (windscherm) booger or bogey? (neuspeuter) dude or bloke? (kerel; boy is jongen) lollygag or faff about? (never heard of these terms ) theater or cinema? (bioscoop) fringe or bangs? (pony) barrette or hairslide? (haarspeldje) bulb or bauble? (gloeilamp) chips or crisps? (aardappelchips) closet or wardrobe? (kast) crib or cot? (kinderbedje) diaper or nappy? (luier) elementary school, junior school, or primary school? (lagere school) gas or petrol? ⛽️ (benzine) hood (of a car) or bonnet? 🚘 (motorkap) license plate or number plate? (nummerplaat) mailbox or postbox? 📮 (brievenbus) oven glove or oven mitt? (ovenwant) pacifier, binky, or dummy? (fopspeen) sled or sledge? 🛷 (slee) subway or underground? 🚇 (metro) soccer or football? ⚽️ (voetbal) suspenders or braces? (bretels) takeout (food) or takeaway? (afhaal) thumbtack or drawing pin? 📌 (duimspijker/punaise) tic-tac-toe or noughts and crosses? (boter-kaas-en-eieren in Dutch, but in Belgium we say oo maal oo) trunk (of a car) or boot? 🚗 (kofferbak) turn signal (on a car) or indicator? (neither, we'd say blinker; in Dutch, richtingaanwijzer) undershirt or vest? (onderhemd) vacation or holiday? (vakantie) vest or waistcoat? (gilet) zip code or postcode? (also postcode in Dutch) zucchini or courgette? (also courgette in Dutch) oatmeal or porridge? (havermout) socks or stockings? (kousen) underwear, underpants, or panties? 🩲 (ondergoed) pudding or custard? (vla; also pudding, but vla is typically Dutch dessert) hat or cap? (muts) shirt or top? (hemd for shirt, top for top) coat, jacket, or parka? (jas) college or uni? (universiteit)
0 notes
cinnabuncombyne · 6 months
𝐂𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐞 𝐑𝐮𝐧: 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐝𝐨𝐦 - 𝐂𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭
Some Cookies are also in OvenBreak. To avoid doubles I will list all of the characters in Kingdom here but doubles will be removed off of OvenBreak. Website(s) Used: List of Cookies | Cookie Run: Kingdom
Black Lemonade
Black Pearl
Black Raisin
Blueberry Pie
Burnt Cheese
Candy Diver
Captain Caviar
Caramel Arrow
Caramel Choux
Cherry Blossom
Chili Pepper
Cotted Cream
Cream Puff
Cream Unicorn
Crimson Coral
Crunchy Chip
Crème Brûlée
Custard III
Dark Cacao
Dark Choco
Dark Enchantress
Elder Faerie
Fire Spirit
Frilled Jellyfish
Frost Queen
Golden Cheese
Icicle Yeti
Jung Kook
Mala Sauce
Mercurial Knight
Milky Way
Millennial Tree
Mint Choco
Moon Rabbit
Pitaya Dragon
Poison Mushroom
Prune Juice
Pumpkin Pie
Pure Vanilla
Purple Yam
Red Velvet
RM (Rap Monster)
Royal Margarine
Sea Fairy
Shining Glitter
Snow Sugar
Sorbet Shark
Space Doughnut
Squid Ink
Strawberry Crepe
Street Urchin
Tarte Tatin
Tea Knight
Tiger Lily
Twizzly Gummy
White Lily
Wind Archer
0 notes
unikbrick · 2 years
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0 notes
brandonwayneb · 2 years
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White Roman
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Fall Customers
Fall Quad Cum Circle Jerky Horse Stone Keys
Red Skin Jerky
Furniture Decor
Circle Jury Jerky House Horse Stone Jockey Short Key
Mod key
Mid Key
Mod Lodge Key
Wooden Spoon.
Spear Harpoon.
Sky Wales.
Paper Shop
Paper Towel Heads
Micro Organisms
“Gretchen Gray Hair Twine”
Bitch Wet Check.
Bitch Wreck Shop.
Bits, Bytes, Terra, Bugs, MURDER MODELS,
Homocide GYM
Murder Valley
Murder Mallard Mall War
Vad EYE KKK rants.
Blow Out Cans.
Cannon Ball
American Mass Genocide Coverts.
Towels and Shoe Laces
Shower, Hot Hotels and Hotdogs
White Hebrew
White Roman
Cash Ops
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‎الاستيلاء ، التسول عربي عربي ،
‎ إمساك ، حصى ، ستون يارد
‎ الحصى ، القاضي الخشبي المطرقة.
Hazmat Murders ، "Tan Til Eyes"
‎ "وعاء من حساء البصل ، مقصورة خشبية للنزل ، حمى المقصورة ، حلوى حلوى قصب رون هول وور ، رون هوارد ، التفوق الأبيض ، الإبادة الجماعية العالمية"
‎ "العبرية البيضاء ، تقتل العرب ، على حد قول غرافيل ستون"
‎ أقفاص أضلاع العظام العربية
‎ الإبادة الجماعية للأسنان الخشبية جزازات العشب
‎ "رود ستيوارت"
‎ "رون هوارد"
‎ الإبادة الجماعية ، "القتل التعاوني"
‎ "جرائم نخيل الوجه المخفية البيضاء"
‎ "شفرات دماء مراوح السقف"
‎ "شفرات الدم جزازة العشب"
‎ متجر الجليد سكيت شيت الهندي الأيرلندي ،
‎ حمامات الدم الجلد الأحمر ،
‎ هوت سونا سبا ،
‎ سويت شوب هوج لودج ،
‎ كبائن النبيذ الخشبية
‎ الموت عند 3
‎ الموت في الخامسة
‎ الموت في "الخلية المنجلية المريضة"
‎ موت التفوق الأبيض يلقي بأنماط الإبادة الجماعية العالمية.
‎ "نهب شون"
‎ مطابخ الجنس البيضاء
"White Casting War Rafts at Death Cast Podcast Radio Episodes TIDAL WAVES."
‎ الإبادة الجماعية للبيض تلقي تصويت الموت العالمي
‎ قيمة نقدية
‎ مهرج شرطي المال 💵
‎ بلينغ تشيك الدجاج
‎ أجراس العشاء
‎ المثلث على الجانب القطري الدنغلي دونغ.
‎ المستندات ، BAY BAY الأحواض البيضاء.
‎ هليكوبتر ديكس.
‎ "هنرو داك"
‎ "أبيض ه�� يشرب"
‎ "العبرية البيضاء ، HEN DEN BREW"
‎ "هينبرو" هنس ...
‎ ذقون قلم الاوز
‎ ني وي وايت.
‎ عش الشاي الأبيض
‎ معسكرات عمليات الإبادة الجماعية White Coo Ops
‎ أمريكان سبيس نيدلز سياتل واشنطن ،
‎ ملح البحر
‎ بوت كوربس
‎ عبري أبيض
‎ روماني أبيض
‎ تعاونية استلام البحر في البحر
‎ البحر على الإطلاق
‎ مقعد طويل
‎ قاعة الموت في كشك مقعد
‎ خوض تدريبات الموت
‎ إبر مقعد البحر
‎ مبيدات الحبيبات البيضاء النقدية ...
BLEACH BROWN BLEACHER SCHOOL جريمة قتل ، تعليم منزلي ، كوخ خشبي مزيف ، تجميع
‎ بركة نبيذ كابينة
‎ المنزل
‎ ورق خبز الذرة
‎ رون بول ، ثقب الذرة
‎ مبيض الأنف البني
‎ محطات غاز الخردل ، الانتحاريون ،
‎ الأبيض "جراب صغير كوادرا DOM Win Dixie Dock Bay Cast"
‎ شراب الدجاج الأبيض
‎ أبيض هو الشراب
‎ روماني أبيض
‎ أسواق بوسطن البيضاء
‎ صندوق أبيض يقف الإبادة الجماعية
‎ حافظ على نفسك أكثر أمانًا
‎ حافظ على سلامتك
‎ أمل وتخطي.
‎ على مرتكبي الإبادة الجماعية
‎ حفر الاعدام
‎ التمثيليات في المستشفى
‎ السحابات الصغيرة الخطرة
‎ بطة بطة اوزة،
‎ رقبة الإوزة
‎ عثرة الإوزة
‎ تفريغ اليقطين
‎ الإبادة الجماعية في البيوت البيضاء "العبرية والرومانية"
‎ تيتان و المصارعون يعززون الجنس
‎ ستير جريئة ،
‎ المكملات الكاذبة.
‎ مجموعات الجنس الفرعية
‎ مرحلة الجنس
‎ مرحلة الإبادة
‎ الرهينة لا يزال
‎ الرهينة تقف قبالة
‎ قتل الرهينة حازمت
‎ مزاعم عكسية من Hazmat
‎ كارمن الكترا
Xmen Psyloche
Xmen العملاق
‎ رجال الشرطة نسخة الجنس عبر الإنترنت
‎ سقوط CUM الزبون الخشب الرقائقي
‎ عملاء الخريف
‎ سقوط رباعية نائب الرئيس دائرة متشنج مفاتيح حجر الحصان
‎ أحمر الجلد متشنج
‎ ديكور أثاث
‎ دائرة لجنة التحكيم جيركي هاوس هورس ستون ستون جوكي مفتاح قصير
‎ مفتاح التعديل
‎ منتصف مفتاح
‎ مود لودج مفتاح
‎ ملعقة خشبية.
‎ رمح هاربون.
‎ سكاي ويلز.
‎ "كلمات المصارعة الجريتشن"
‎ "ساحرات المصارعة"
‎ أوراق مالية
‎ رؤوس المناشف الورقية
‎ الكائنات الدقيقة
‎ "غريتشن غراي خيوط الشعر"
‎ جريتشن ،
‎ فحص الكلبة الرطب.
‎ فحص مبلل
‎ فحص السرير
‎ متجر حطام الكلبة.
‎ بت وبايت.
‎ بت ، بايت ، تيرا ، البق ، نماذج القتل ،
MODS القتل
‎ القتل الرباعي
‎ الإبادة الجينية
‎ جرائم القتل ATM 🏧 CASH MACHINE
Homocide GYM
‎ "الأفكار المثلية الجنسية"
‎ امسك نفسي ،
‎ الإبادة الجماعية جرائم الحرب الجماعية
‎ وادي القتل
‎ قتل حرب مالارد مول
‎ ضوء الغاز ODD DUCKY
‎ ضوء قبالة مفتاح اللعنة
‎ مفتاح اللعنة
‎ مفتاح MOD
‎ مفتاح دوم
Vad EYE KKK الصدق.
‎ تفجير العلب.
‎ مدفع الكرة
‎ نموذج DOM
DOM الحديث
‎ روبوت هيبرو
‎ روبوت رومان
‎ أغطية الإبادة الجماعية الأمريكية.
‎ المناشف وأربطة الأحذية
‎ الدش والفنادق الساخنة والهوت دوغ
‎ عبري أبيض
‎ روماني أبيض
‎ العمليات النقدية
‎ دفع رجال شرطة مستحضر الأرواح جثة روبوت
‎ اشتعلت النخر نيرك القراد
‎ أسرة قطنية ضيقة الأفق
‎ نيرد هاكس
‎ الهواء الأبيض الإبادة الجماعية
‎ العثور على المطارات في KISS في أحذية BARBIES PEDEL
‎ باربي مع حذاء سيارة بطائرة من طراز بانكيك
‎ قل.
‎ "تا"
‎ وتحدق في عينيك في STARE AT TALKS
‎ تحدق في المحادثات
‎ "عالية تا"
‎ انتصار طويل.
‎ أخطر
‎ الهواء العام الاتصالات
‎ من أي وقت مضى تا
‎ من أي وقت مضى "TA"
‎ يأخذ الملكي الاحتفاظ
‎ رويال كييب سايكس
‎ "عدد القتلى الأصفر الحار من الفهد"
‎ "الفهود الساخنة الفهود الساخنة القط خدش قصص الموت تمتد ، نهب ماكسي ، حلقة ماكسي ، الحد الأقصى جرائم القتل متجر الخشب الفأس."
‎ "ورقة ساخنة ، جرائم الإبادة الجماعية للمال ، رجل مرتفع ، رجل منخفض ، دائرة الدم في مياه البحر والشعاب المرجانية والشعاب المرجانية الفهد نموذج الفتحات"
‎ "أطباق الفهد الصفراء والقوس والأسهم الهندية"
‎ "جنس النساء أسماء Boe" "القوس القوس"
‎ النساء الانتصارات ، لا يقتلون القطط
‎ "الفهد الأصفر الأبيض سوبر البحر قوافي الموت جرائم الإبادة الجماعية."
‎ "الأسنان الوردية"
‎ "الخنصر الخنصر ، إصبع الخنصر الأسنان."
0 notes