#cosy boyfriend vibes
blamemma · 1 year
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Daniel Ricciardo | Zandvoort GP Media Day | via insta stories
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rickybaby · 7 months
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Daniel | COTA 2019
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jongside · 11 months
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Happy Birthday to THE man 🤍
wishing him nothing but happiness, success and so much love for this year. Thank you for all the emotions ~
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firstkhaoo · 2 years
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khaotungg on instagram
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simplyvyn · 2 months
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Nagi, lying for love? Thats not like him. But it is him. And he will love you today, tomorrow and forever. Even if it is just a fragment of his memory.
Seishiro Nagi x reader | wc 3.7k
Warnings: fluff to angst, ooc Nagi, implied fem! Reader, sick! Reader, some parts of this oneshot may not be similar to the original series i was gonna make, reader has like parent issues but it can be ignored
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You were minding your own business at your class, there were only a few of your classmates in the classroom. Guess you were early. The door opened, a white haired boy entered, he was with a purple haired boy. You didn't mean to eavesdrop on their conversation, they were only two steps from your seat.
"Reo, give back my nintendo switch."
"Not until you ask someone out. I can't believe you haven't even tried having a date. Let alone a crush at all."
"But 's such a hassle.."
"Just pick anyone! At all!"
And so he did.
Looking around for a few seconds, you felt his eyes land on you, even if you weren't looking. He wasn't gonna ask you, right?
Until the door opened, your teacher came in and the lesson started. The whole class, you felt a pair of eyes on you. You think it was from that white haired boy- what's his name anyways? Nagi was it?- Nagi Seishiro? Yea, that. Anyway, whenever you check him, his head seems to be plopped down on his forearms, on top of his table like he's sleeping.
Class ended and you stood up. Every student in your class left as you fixed up your items in your table, everyone seems to be in a rush.
"Hey. You." You startled when someone spoke, you look up at the voice and noticed Nagi. When you look up he asks you the golden question. Or request.
"Go out w' me."
You? You already ended things with your last boyfriend, thinking that he was your last. You only have at least a few months. You made sure nothing special will be left attached to you once you're gone.
"U-uh, yea, sure. Where exactly?" You asked as you held your bag in your arms. "Just the mall, lets go to the arcade?" That does seem kind of cute. So why not? After all this all will be fake anyways. You heard everything.
After that conversation, you asked for his number and waited for school to end. Eventually school ended and you went home.
You entered your cosy abode, taking off your shoes and putting it aside on the shelves. "I'm home." You spoke.
You were all alone.
You just took of your shoes with a sigh, putting them aside and going upstairs to your bedroom. Going back, the least thing you expected as of today was a date. You adming Seishiro Nagi had looks. But would having a date with him really matter?
Speaking of the date, you never asked when it is, did you? You decided to chat him.
Y/N: Hi Nagi! I didn't actually got to ask you, when is the date exactly? TT
You thought he'd probably reply late since he might be doing some soccer stuff so you scrolled down to your social media. To your suprise, a notification popped up from Nagi
Y/N: Hi Nagi! I didn't actually got to ask you, when is the date exactly? TT
Nagi: Tmr, after school. Is that good?
Y/N: Yea, sure! ^^
Nagi reacted heart on your message.
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Time seemed faster than it usually did. Class ended, and you two eventually were off on your date. You two went to the arcade immediately and played alot of games. He even played a claw machine and got a stuffed toy for you!
Eventually you two had your last tokens and spent it on a shooting game.
"You're very noob at this." Nagi commented.
"I don't do stuff like this much!"
His hands went out of his pockets and got behind you and held the shooter as you held the shooter.
He was so close to you, you can even smell him not in a creepy way, you know. The next thing you know he finished the game for you and you both even got alot of tickets. You both decided to give the tickets to a kid instead. After all, Nagi already got you a stuffed toy.
You both decided to just eat on Mcdonalds for simpler vibes you know.
"Hey Nagi."
"What" he spoke while munching his food.
"Why did you take me out? Not to be a creep but i heard you and Reo's conversation about it."
He pauses for a moment to swallow his food and to think. "Cause you're pretty."
You didn't expect that answer. You heard that little compliment most of the time, but from him why does it feel like your stomach your stomach just did backflips thirty times at sonic speed?
"I see. I'm guessing by tomorrow he will give you back your nintendo?" You said.
After the two of you ate, he insisted on paying for the food and you left some tip. You both went outside and you excused yourself to go to the restroom so you can drink your meds.
Gladly you did bring your meds and you have a water bottle so you drank your meds. You went out of the restroom as you see Nagi waiting on a bench.
"Lets go." You said and he stood up.
While you two were walking, he stopped.
"Are you taking the bus?" He asked
"Oh yeah."
Do.. you have money?"
"Of course i do."
"Oh okay." You didnt notice the slight disappointment in his eyes as he scratches the back of his neck.
"By the way, can you take a picture of me?" You ask and he nodded, he brought out his phone and you held the stuffed toy he gave you in your hands.
"Send it to me, okay? Oh! Thats also for proof if Reo asks you for some." You said as you both look on to the picture.
"Well, I will leave now. I don't wanna miss the bus." You turned around and took your step before you felt a hand on your shoulder.
"Be safe. Chat me when you get gome, alright?" He said. Your eyes widen at his words before smiling at him.
"I will and you too." You said as you wave goodbye at him and so did he.
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Its been about what? A month since your date? If it is then why do you still keep each other updated? Right, Nagi told you that Reo said you guys need to last longer to make it look real. But its not really.. I mean. It's fake, right? Right now you're chatting him all night. At rare times, you vc with him and play minecraft or roblox. Even Reo is believing this whole relationship. But hey! Today, spending time with Nagi is quite fun.
— "Hey N/N.. lets play roblox.. i don't have anyone to play a horror game with.." LIE. But for Nagi, you accept. "Sure! But you go first. I get scared easily." You took with a note. "Pshh, basic."
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Time flies quite fast, its shocking really. Nagi has a soccer match tomorrow, he insisted you go. Who were you to decline? People will be shock if you, the Mr. Genius lover, to not go to his match? So you did. You cheered your heart out for him. He even kind of seem motivated, it scared Reo a bit. But hey, they won! Nagi was a bit more happy than he usually did. His best friend noticed it but he, himself, didn't.
— "Hey, N/n. Don't forget i have a match tomorrow, y' better wear my jersey, okay?" Nagi reminded to you while tying his shoes for practice. "Yea yea. i always do anyways. Stay safe when you go home, okay? I need to go home now." "Alright, Buh bye." He said and you kissed him on the cheek. + motivation for practice you know.
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Out of curiosity Reo asked, Nagi seemed so out of character rather than he usually was. Why? Then it made Nagi think, now that he mentioned it, he seems like he is. He also dont know why. He didn't even know when it started. Reo said it started when he stopped playing games alone at night. Then it hit him. He stopped playing games alone when you came. When you came, he stopped playing alone and thats when he started being not like himself. He felt better than before. Not like what he was before was bad but this feeling was better. He wanted this feeling forever.
Reo asked what he saw in you. He saw everything. Everything he wished he'd seen sooner. Other than striving for seeinv people lose, he had only realize feeling this kind of comfort and joy is quite calming. Chill. He likes it
— "Why're you asking me this, Reo..?" Nagi look at Reo with a sigh as he leans more to the couch inside Reo's penthouse. "What? Can't his best friend find more about your relationship?" Reo asked as he played video games on the TV, Nagi paused. It came to realization to him again. What did he see in you? If it was your pretty face, it would be lust. Nagi Seishiro is not about lust. He eventually got more close to you.
"Maybe 's because shes really comforting." Reo also paused to look at Nagi. "Or maybe because her voice soothes my ears. Like shes singing a lullaby." Then Nagi looks down. "Or maybe i genuinely like her because her presence is very chill."
"Or maybe you can focus on the game now? You just killed us!" Reo answered.
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112 DAYS
It was raining at your school. How could it rain when its about to be summer? Gosh, you didn't even have an umbrella. You didnt have any options left honestly. It was like your unlucky day on this time. Woah will you look at that! Nagi's there! He took you home and let you sleep in his apartment. Today, you met his pet Choki. You were still abit taken aback of him having a pet cacti. Is he that unsociable? But hey, Nagi said his pet liked you, you we're happy about it. You two even watched Netflix and just chill for a while. And even ate ramen. You had to feed him because he was lazy.
Eventually the day after that, you two prepared for school together. You had cooked pancakes for the two of you while he showers. While he eats, you shower. He even helped you put on your shoes while you dry your damp hair. And then you two went to go to school together.
— Why did he even help you? You didn't ask for it anyways, he offered to help. You only accepted it because you do need it. And he wasn't particularly busy. And now he's beside you, walking you to school. You didn't even notice the your hand was brushing against his. Now he wants to hold yours. Your hands feels cold brushing against his warm hands. "Hey N/N?" "Hmm?" "Can i hold your hand?" He asks "My hands are cold though.." you answered. Gently he held your hand. "Then i will make them warm."
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140 DAYS.
What's wrong with you. You didn't go to school for at least three days. You weren't chatting him as well. Was he worried? Don't worry, you came to school tomorrow by that time anyways, he had ask you what happened, you said you just have been busy with stuff and needed alot of rest. He understood and said if you needed help, you can call him. You wish you can.. but theres no point in looking for help. No one can help. Nothing can help.
You hate it. You hate it so much how you just need to accept you only have one choice and it is to ACCEPT you don't have any choices. No one can help. Your sick. Life is this, life has 50/50 chances of ruining or fixing your life and how you much you hate it because it broke alot of your relationships and friendships.
— Nagi had been calling you. 17 calls at least in a day. 11 chats per hour. Within three days, you responded to his chats. "I'm completely fine, Sei :> no need to worry just got tired and stuff, will come back to school tom !" He already read it within 2 seconds and he sighed in relief. "Whats wrong?" Reo asked beside him. "N/n is safe." "Of course, you're worried about her." Reo said.
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168 DAYS.
"Hey. Y/N." He called. You turned your head to him as you both walked to class. "Wanna go to the night market later? There's some good food there." He said while scratching the back of his neck. "Oh yea sure!" You answer while smiling at him.
"Hey Shiro." You were resting your head on his shoulder as you watched him play his game and eat. "You haven't loved someone genuinely, right?" Nagi paused. He already did. You did that to him. He just nodded. "If you ever did, will you love them today of tomorrow or even forever? Even if they will leave you soon?" You ask. Silly, he would already do that for you. And you only. "Pretty sure i will." Oh, he will. And he would gladly do that for you. "Then the chosen person for you must be lucky." You are lucky.
Sometimes, you wonder why did fate brought you a Nagi Seishiro. What is he, your soulmate? You were just too late. You didn't have time. You came home with crying eyes, walking to your neighborhood. Why were you even crying? Because you feel guilt for Nagi? Or because your scared you don't wanna leave Nagi?
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196 DAYS
Later that day, you asked Nagi to talk with you, thinking to stop the relationship now. But is it really the right thing? Why bother even wondering? Its not like even if its the wrong thing, its better this way. Fate just needs it to be this way so you chat your 'lover'.
— Y/N: "Nagi? Are you still awake? Ik its 10 at night but can we meet up at the night market? Our usual spot there?🥹" Read.
Nagi Seishiro sent a 'thumbs up' emoji.
You were waiting for Nagi at the bench. The night seemed colder than you thought. Or are you cold? You were even shivering, you were holding yourself. Maybe you werent cold. Or was the night cold. You were nervous. Of what?
A jacket was wrapped around you from behind. You turned around and see Seishiro there, he went to you and was about to sit down but you stopped him. You'll make this quick. "Whats wrong?" Nagi asked. This is wrong.
"Look i can't keep up this time Nagi." Nagi tilted his head. Its not Sei? Nor Shiro? "I know this whole thing is fake but we need to stop this relationship." Nagi's eyes widened with fear. "What? Why?.."
"I-.. I just can't do it anymore. Okay? If you need a new fake girlfriend, feel free to do so. Thank you, Seishiro Nagi for an unforgetable experience, i won't forget you." You bow at him. Well neither will he! So don't go bowing at him, no ones leaving!
"N/n.." he called, making you look up at him.
"I am not leaving you." What? No, he can't. You will die soon! Its a pity, he doesn't even know your sickness..!
"Why? Its just fake anyways! Was everything not..?" You ask. It was a mistake and you knew it when he went silent and looked down. "Nagi. Answer my question."
"I love you, Y/N." Nagi finally looked up at you with those eyes. What eyes exactly? Maybe its eyes of adoring someone. Or eyes of searching for an answer. Or eyes of loving you. "I love you so much, Y/N. I don't like this feeling of letting go.. Letting you go."
But you can't deny it either, can you? You also love Nagi. But the only thing that's stopping you is that will he accept that your dying? When your parents heard that you were dying of a young age, they stopped caring for you. Instead, they focused on getting more money. They just kept you buying stuff. Exchanging for their presence.
You don't want that again. You don't want to feel that pain again.
You sigh, then sitting back down again, and pat the seat next you, signalling Nagi to sit down as well. "Can i tell you a secret, Nagi?" He only nodded.
"I'm breaking up with you because.. I'm gonna die soon."
Nagi's eyes widen.
You chuckle slightly "I know I'm sounding insane right now like i can read the future but the doctor said so. Saying i have some lung disease that doesn't even have a cure yet. Today is my 196th day, you met me when i had 224 days."
"Y'know, when i met you, i actually saw in the internet, 224 means Today, Tomorrow and Forever. Meaning, like, One will love you today, tomorrow and forever!.."
You look at Nagi, who was already looking at you the whole time, You slightly smiled. "Crazy right?.."
Please say something, please tell me fate really brought us together, please say that we're meant to love eachother forever.
"Crazy. Very crazy." Nagi answered.
"Y'know what's crazier?" You were surprised Nagi was able to answer you, keeping the conversation in flow. You slightly tilt your head in confusion.
He put his large hand on top of yours. "It's that I'm willing to actually love you today, tomorrow and forever." He smiled looking at your shocked expression. But, you're gonna die soon! Is he even sure of this?..
"I know you will die even if i love you right now but if you've notice.."
"I'm glad i'm mostly the last person your spending time with." You were also glad.
"You're not gonna leave me?" You ask without even thinking.
"I love you so much, Seishiro Nagi but I'm gonna die, and you! I should be nothing to you by now, I'm dying! Are you hearing yourself?" You stood up in shock.
"No, Are you hearing me?" That took you back.
"I'll say what i said better.. I said, I am more than willing to love you today, tomorrow and forever, even if you're gonna die and I'll have to experience it. How are you saying you should be nothing to me by now, when you were everything to me? Even now, I'll make sure you were everything to me, today, tomorrow and forever."
Nagi stood up to face you closer. "Y/N, I am so fuckin' glad that i met you when you still had 224 days. If you're asking me, fate brought this to us, brought us together as if we're soulmates. As if you and i we're meant to love eachother. If loving you means i will get to see you dying soon, then i will keep loving you and have you in a special place inside this heart of mine when you're up there."
"Accept my love for you already and i'll make your remaining days feel like it's special, today, tomorrow, and forever."
Dear, he did.
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219 DAYS...
Recently, you just lived in with Nagi, as promised, you two spent everything together and did everything together. Even Nagi asked Reo for help which shocked him, and you even became friends with Reo. What a nice guy. Reo was the one setting you two up on dates and places where to go. Of course, Reo don't know that you will die soon. Its just a little secret between you and Nagi. Other than having dates, you guys also have private moments where you two just in his room, cuddling or kissing. Who knows? But you appreciated every moment you have done with him. Even if its just playing video games.
— "You're still aware that i love you, right?" Nagi asked out of the blue. "Forever. How bout you? You aware that i love you?" "Always." And you chuckle, putting a peck in Nagi's lips which he chases for when you let go. Continuing in a kissing session.
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223 DAYS
Tomorrow is your last day. By the time of 7 PM, you will surely die. Right now your in a hospital bed. Sitting up, and Nagi was laying his arms on your bed while resting his head in his arms. He seemed like he was waiting for you to wake up.
Gently, you pat his head making him awake and look up to you. "Thank god, your still awake.."
You giggled. "For now. Only have a few hours left till i go up."
"I love you, Y/N." you look at Nagi and he looks at you.
He hold your hand, and puts a ring in your hand.
"Just a ring. A promise ring." Nagi said.
"A promise ring?"
"A promise ring that i will love you today, tomorrow and forever."
Clearly, this is making you tear up. You didn't hesitate and let tears flood your eyes, pouring down your face like waterfalls. Nagi stood up and wiped the tears away your face. You were trying to say something and he just shushes you till you calm down, waiting for the opportunity to let you speak.
Soon, the tears stop falling from your face, you, having a red nose, reddish eyes and Nagi having his hands on your face as you hold one of his hands.
"I'm scared of leaving you.. I don't want to leave you just yet, Shiro.." tears were still slowly falling from your cheeks and Nagi kissed your forehead and the finger with his promise ring on it.
"Yours and my love will always be connected through this ring. So you better keep it in your hands till you go up there, okay?"
You nodded.
Silence was given to you two and you decided to break it.
"I'll always be watching your matches. Cheering for you, y'know."
"And i will know that you will through these rings. Our rings."
"Today, Tomorrow and Forever?" You ask.
"Today, Tomorrow and Forever." Nagi answers.
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Ya ill end it there.. I FINALLY FINISHED 224 DAYS W U aka love at first and last sight.. decided to change it a bit, same plot though BEEN MAKING THIS FOR WEEKS BRO IM FRL. Sorry for those who read the series and have been waiting for this.. its very long and i tried to make it not fast paced w/o so much words ok..
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nori-the-cat · 5 months
RIIZE Park Wonbin as a Boyfriend
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Cards: the hermit, three of wands, three of pentacles, seven of pentacles, king of wands, temperance, knight of cups, queen of pentacles, three of cups, the lovers, nine of pentacles, seven of cups, five of swords and ten of wands.
Remember, this is just my interpretation based on the tarot spread. All of this is alleged and for entertainment purposes only. Take it with a grain of salt. This was a requested reading.
With his love for fashion, dream of becoming a sushi chef, and secret desire to work at a clothing store, Park Wonbin is a man of many talents. It's no wonder so many fans are curious about what it would be like to date him.
Dating Wonbin would be like dating a low-key adventurer with a side of introvert. He probably loves his chill time and might not be all over you right away. Don't worry though, this quiet dude could secretly be a thrill-seeker.
Wonbin seems super chill when it comes to relationships. No drama, just teamwork. He'd be down to chat late-night about anything and don't be surprised if he shows you he cares with cute little surprises. Plus, this dude might be a natural leader, the kind who plans exciting date nights and weekend getaways. Basically, dating Wonbin would feel like having your bestie by your side, always down to conquer whatever comes your way, even if it's just trying that new ramen place you've been eyeing. Super low-key vibes with a side of excitement? Sounds like a win-win.
Imagine this: It's Friday night and you're curled up on the couch with Wonbin, takeout containers scattered on the coffee table. You're both wrapped in cosy blankets, chatting about a movie or documentary you just watched. He laughs softly at a particularly funny scene, his smile making your heart flutter. You steal a glance at him, wondering what adventure he might be planning next.
Hold on, gotta unpack Wonbin's boyfriend vibes! This dude seems all about finding that ~balance~ in a relationship. You know, like open communication, patience, and understanding each other's feelings? Super chill. Plus, he's probably a romantic sweetheart – think cute gestures and remembering important dates.
Dating Wonbin would be like building a dream team. He'd be your rock, your hype man, always there to support you. He'd probably love going on adventures with you, trying new things, and just soaking up quality time together. Basically, Wonbin's looking for the real deal, someone to connect with on a deeper level. Deep feels and all that! Sounds pretty promising, if you're into that kind of thing.
Imagine this: You were having a terrible day. The presentation at work went south, and your favourite coffee shop was out of your usual latte. Dragging your feet through the door, you braced yourself for Wonbin's usual warm greeting.
Instead, he just smiled softly, his eyes holding a warmth that melted away your stress. He handed you a steaming mug decorated with a tiny heart drawn in chocolate syrup. "Rough day?" he asked, his voice gentle. You took a sip, the rich coffee and sweet chocolate instantly lifting your spirits. "The worst," you mumbled, a small smile playing on your lips.
Wonbin pulled you into a hug, his arms strong and comforting. "Let's forget work for a bit," he whispered. "How about we order takeout and build a blanket fort for a movie marathon?"
Another plus point about Wonbin is his provider mindset. Wonbin sounds like a total #adulting boyfriend! Financial security? Check. Taking care of his commitments? Double check. In a relationship, this dude's got his life together and wants to make sure you're comfy too. Imagine a partner who always pays their share (and maybe even surprises you with takeout sometimes). Plus, Wonbin's all about clear communication – no mind games here! He'll tell you straight up what's on his mind, which can be super refreshing in a relationship. Basically, dating Wonbin would feel mature and drama-free. You know exactly where you stand, and he's always got your back (and your feelings!). Sounds pretty ~adulting goals~, right?
Okay, so Wonbin isn't perfect (but who is, tbh?). Here's the tea on his chill vibes with a side of maybe-not-so-chill. Wonbin might take a while to decide, you know, like what movie to watch or where to eat. And don't be surprised if he has some idealistic expectations about love – gotta manage those butterflies! Commitment might take a while too, so patience is key.
Another thing about Wonbin is that he might be a bit of a control freak sometimes, wanting to do everything himself. Relationships won't always be sunshine and rainbows with Wonbin, but that's kind of normal. He might take on too much sometimes and forget to ask for help (like, hello teamwork!), and there might be some bumps along the road together. The good thing is, Wonbin's probably down to communicate openly. So, even if you argue sometimes, you can work through it together.
Basically, dating Wonbin would be real, with ups and downs, but hopefully more ups! It all depends on whether you're cool with a chill but indecisive boyfriend who's a sweetheart but needs a reminder to delegate.
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Channelled songs:
These songs remind me of him.
Note: This is a requested reading from @theridderhoe
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concreteangel92 · 3 months
Hi! I’m not sure if you’re taking requests but asking for a best friend!noah with trader after she breaks up with her boyfriend. Currently going through it right now so angst the comfort please 🥲 thank you if you can 🖤
Hey yeah I am taking requests atm and I’m sending all the positive, healing vibes your way beautiful and I hope you enjoy this 🖤
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• It had only been 1 week since your relationship with your boyfriend had ended
• You had been crying everyday, ignoring your phone so you could shut the outside world out and stay inside the safe space of your flat and veg out in front of the tv
• That was until you had a knock at your door, at first you tired to ignore it but whoever it was kept knocking until you had no choice but to get up
• On the other side stood your best friend Noah looking very concerned
• “Hey y/n, you’ve been ignoring my messages? I was worried”
• “Sorry, I’ve been ignoring everyone to be honest”
• Noah would give you a sweet smile “well I’m not everyone”
• You would then notice the bag in his hand. “I brought your favourite take out and I thought we could chill out, play some games or watch something?”
• “I’m not really the best of company right now”
• “you’re always the best company. And I’m not taking no for an answer”
• Within the next 30 minutes, Noah made sure you had jumped in the shower for a freshen up and he got your food ready and made a cosy set up on the sofa with loads of blankets and pillows
• You only picked at your food but Noah didn’t mind, he was just glad you were eating something. Not in the mood for games, Noah set up your favourite film and put it on
• Soon you’d find yourself cuddled up under his arm sharing a blanket, mindlessly watching the tv but not really paying attention, your mind wouldn’t stop going over everything
• “What’s wrong with me Noah? Why doesn’t he want me anymore?”
• Noah would wrap his arms around you in a big hug before wiping your tears away
• “There is absolutely nothing wrong with you y/n, he’s a fucking asswipe if he can’t see what an amazing, funny and beautiful woman you are! It’s completely his loss and I know it hurts now but it won’t last forever, I promise”
• You smile up at him “Thanks Noah, I’m glad you’re here”
• “You’ll always have me y/n, I’m not going anywhere and we’ll get you through this together”
• Although the heartache was still there, you smiled properly for the first time in a week and snuggled back into Noah’s side, to fall asleep not long later
• Noah would give you a very gentle kiss on the forehead and whisper “I’ve always got you beautiful” and he held you for the rest of the night until he fell asleep as well
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tteokdoroki · 2 years
Thirst: sleepy sex turns to falling asleep with his dick in your mouf
i have much to say about this !! tw for slight!somnophilia + mdni.
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yeah yeah cause imagine giving college!katsuki head after he’s had a real stressful exam— the vibes are cosy, you’re in his dorm in his hockey practice shirt and lapping at his tip while he holds your hair from your face or like cups your cheek, brushing a thumb over it affectionately.
“you gonna milk me baby, be my good girl?” he’ll ask you, hissing when you run your cheeky little tongue up the length of the milky slit on his mushroomed tip before sucking him into the heat of your mouth— letting katsuki’s cock bulge against the soft inner flesh of your cheek.
you let out a quiet ‘mhm’, taking him deeper down your throat to the point where you can swallow around him— bakugou groaning at the sight of his girth bulging in your pretty throat. you keep him there a few seconds, blinking up at him with hazy, bambi eyes and wet cheeks from fighting your gag reflex until you need to come up for air and pull off of him.
precum paints the swell of your lips like a layer of your favourite gloss, spit and strings of it connecting your tongue and the roof of your mouth to katsuki even when you free his cock from the blistering cavern of your mouth. his cheeks are flushed a cute pink, sleep and adoration laced with the dark brown flecks in his ruby gem eyes as he watches you.
“y-you know i love you, right?” bakugou bites on his lower lip, patting your baby fat cheek affectionately— while his lustful gaze hones in on the way your hand moves to jerk him off, barely fitting around his chubby, wet shaft, squeezing his heavy balls from time to time. “love my baby s’much. love when you treat me so good, suck me off. best sight in the fuckin’ world,” the blonde sings your praises, running a hand through his sweaty locks as they mat down against his forehead. “comin’ third to your cute cunt on my face, and your face when you cum f’me.”
with his hips arching off of the bed and into your soft, closed fist— acting as a makeshift pussy. you let out a quiet, kissing katsuki’s messy tip every time it peeks out from your precum stained fingers. “i love too, kats. so, so much,” you coo, grinning at how your boyfriend twitches in your grip when you confess your love for him.
“‘m gonna cum,” he states, voice strained and eyes rolling back into his skull. “wanna—c-can i be in your mouth when i cum, baby? wanna see you swallow it.” he’s desperate now, the knot in katsuki’s stomach tangling and untangling, bursts of sex crazed hormones shooting across his brain and through his blood stream, bringing him closer as he fucks your fist with the last of today’s energy. “please, please can i put it in?”
you don’t bother to give your verbal agreement, mouth back on your boyfriend’s dick before the end of his second ‘please’, letting bakugou thrust into your mouth shallowly until his seed floods your mouth in thick waves, a salty taste painting your tongue and he fills the room with curses, and darling murmurs of your name. he cums so hard, so much so that it seeps from the corners of your swollen lips.
bakugou uses a thumb to sweetly wipe your mouth, that same thumb pulling down your bottom lip so that you open up for him. “show,” he commands you, rasping as your mouth falls open to show him the white that coats your tongue. “swallow.” you do as he says, throat bobbing before you show him again. “fuck, aren’t you my good girl? love you.”
“c’mere, lemme clean us up and then we can watch one of yer fuckin’ crime docs or somethin’—“ he starts before you shake your head, missing your mouth being so full. “no? but’cha look so tired, baby.”
you shake your head no again, kissing katsuki’s inner thighs, feeling the exhaustion of the day taking over you. “‘m okay down here, s’comfy… besides, i-i kinda wanna sleep with your dick in my mouth?”
“you’re fuckin’ adorable,” bakugou chuckles fondly, squishing your cheeks together when you pout at your reaction and leans down to press a kiss to your lips— moaning at the taste of his release on them. “ai’ght,” he sucks air in between his teeth, pushing his cock into your mouth and brushing the back of your head soothingly. “y’tap my thighs if you ever wanna come up here ‘n cuddle, kay princess?”
‘mhm,’ you moan around him, sleep taking over you, nestled between your boyfriend’s thighs— feeling safe and warm.
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yourmomxx · 11 months
hii, i saw you were asking for some cm requests and i always have cm on my mind so, i was wondering if you could do something with a nurse!reader and spencer or hotch?? maybe just both of them coming home after a long day (a 12 hr shift for reader, probably a closed case for him) and domestic-y cosy comfort vibes. maybe some late night talks that don’t really make sense or lead to anything
thank u!! 🫶🫶 (as always with every request, no pressure)
a/n: oh, that’s such a sweet request, I just had to do it for both of them! I hope you like what I did with it, I love domestic vibes
Sharing a home with Aaron Hotchner was a difficult thing to manage. Maybe, because the two of you weren’t home as much as a regular person would mostly be, but maybe because you had always been the proud owner of the ability to care - sometimes too much - about other people, and Aaron tended to go as far as to care not enough for himself.
So, after you both moved in together, it became sort of an unspoken contest between the two of you of who came home first, because it would inevitably set the tone for the rest of the night.
Aaron liked to spoil you senselessly when he came home before you, cuddling with you, making sure you relax, drink enough water, the whole deal.
And if you arrived home first, then, well - you did the things for him that he definitely missed out while he was away on a case.
You were standing near the stove, frying small slices of potatoes when the significant sound of turning keys and the front door opening rang through the halls.
When Aaron noticed your shoes standing out front, and the smell of freshly cooked food, a sigh escaped his lips that came close to a chuckle.
You just turned off the heat, when two strong arms were wrapped around you from behind, the feeling of soft lips pressing against the back of your head.
The warmth of a strong body was pressed against your backside. A content sigh slipped past your lips.
Everything safe and secure, you turned in Aaron’s hold and pecked his lips in a greeting kiss.
“Hello, handsome,” you smiled up at him. “Fancy seeing you again.”
Aaron let out a low grumble, corners of his mouth twitching upwards before he leaned down and kissed you again.
The feeling of him against you, in whatever way, was something you’d missed for the past three days that he had been away in - Nevada? Colorado? You didn’t know anymore.
“Hey.” The word came as a gentle murmur past Aaron’a lips as he broke away from you.
His eyes trailed over your shoulder and he craned his neck a bit.
“Are those fried potato slices?”
You nodded and pointed toward a bowl on the counter.
“With self made ranch, jalapeños and leek.” You dipped your head.
“Well, the jalapeños and the leek aren’t self made, but you know what I mean.”
Aaron smiled at you. “Yes, I do.” He kissed you again. God, it was so nice having him back.
Eating dinner with Aaron was also something that you had missed dearly, you did every time.
You would sit opposite each other on the old, but modern wooden table, and share stories about the recent cases you had worked, or patients you had treated, and you would spill the occasional - every single detail - about new gossip at work to your boyfriend.
Aaron didn’t always tell you everything about the cases he’s worked while he was away.
Some things simply were classified, some he just didn’t want you to be a part of, not in any way.
The warm light of the kitchen lamp illuminated his cheekbones beautifully.
Occasionally, the one or the other car would drive by the house.
Aaron dropped his go-bag on the floor next to your shared bed and pulled himself out of his work clothes to get ready for a shower.
You bent down to sort through the stuffed things of his duffle.
“These are all worn, right?” You asked him.
Aaron looked up at your question, but was as quick to wave you off.
“You don’t have to do that now, sweetheart,” He argued.
“You shower, and I’ll just do the simplest things in that time. Alright?”
Aaron weighed his head, and, after a few seconds of inner conflicting, agreed. “Alright. Thank you,” he said, and made his way to the bathroom.
You carefully sorted through his belongings, mentally patting yourself on the shoulder for choosing a partner that was as neat and organized as Aaron was, because that way, you didn’t have to inevitably wash and iron every single one of his shirts whenever he came home from work.
You pulled a dark t shirt from the bottom of the bag and folded it up. It was a simple cut, one-colored.
You held your nose against the fabric. It smelled like Aaron’s perfume, as probably the whole batch of clothes from the bag did, but not like it had been worn by him all that often.
Short-handedly, you changed out of your Pyjama top and pulled Aaron’s shirt over your head instead.
You smiled as you adjusted the soft material. It was a much better option, anyway.
You were tossing the dirty pieces in the laundry basket just as Aaron came into the room again, sweatpants and a tshirt on, rubbing his black hair dry with a small towel.
He halted in his movements when he noticed what you were wearing. A tilt of his lips, almost like a smirk grew visible on his face.
He stepped the few feet closer to you and drew you into a loving kiss. All his feelings were poured into the small point were your lips met his, were you both were connected, for the break of a lifetime, but as beautiful it could last eternally.
He didn't distance himself much from you, your noises were still touching, and you could feel the wavering in his breath as he spoke.
"Looks comfortable, what you're wearing there."
You smiled quietly.
Aaron drew the towel over his hair one last time, before folding it and tossing it over the heating neatly.
You were already waiting for him under the warm covers when he crawled into bed.
His head sinking onto the pillow, Aaron closed his eyes and drew out a long sigh. "This feels good," He whispered.
Your fingers found their way into his hair naturally, combing through the short strands carefully.
Aaron didn't open his eyes, but you felt the light push as he leaned into your touch.
"Missed this bed," He murmured. And he looked at you.
"Missed you."
You leaned forward and brushed your lips with his. The sheets rustled.
"I missed you, too."
You fell asleep that night, warmed by the heavy down blanket, fingers resting against the stubbly jaw of the man you loved, feet tangled together somewhere under the sheets, basking in everything that was Aaron Hotchner.
The warm breath of Spencer was slowly ghosting over your skin, where his head was tucked safely in your neck.
You felt his even breathing rhythm as his chest lifted up and down under your fingertips, which drew nonsense patterns over his light blue shirt.
Spencer and you had gotten home around the same time tonight, as much of a rare occurence that was.
The cold stone of the kitchen counter under your naked thighs was a nice cool in contrast to your heated skin.
When Spencer had entered the apartment, before the door had even clicked shut behind him, he had made his way over to you and pulled himself into you.
He had not let you go since.
The fingers of your one hand found themselves tangled in his dark curls.
Spencer was still leaning his weight against you, thumbs circling over the short sweatpants covering your hips, and tickling the sensitive skin there.
"Did you not sleep well, baby?" You hushed into his ear.
The only response to your question were indecipherable mumbles that Spencer gave from himself.
He had not been home for the past five days, being away on a case in another state kept him from that.
You knew about the way your boyfriend had difficulties with rest, sleep did not come easily to someone plagued by the images that he was every day on the job.
Your hand strayed down to his neck as Spencer ever so slightly leaned away, just the smallest bit to have your features in his view.
"I strongly dislike hotel beds," He clarified.
You hummed softly, straightening out his wrinkled brow with the tip of your thumb.
"Maybe we should get you those melatonin gummies at the store if you have more trouble sleeping, baby."
Spencer scrunched his nose, bottom lip circling into another frown.
"Can't you just heal me back to sleep?" He grumbled.
The soft shiver of a chuckle left your throat.
When Spencer was tired, he got grumpy. But not old man grumpy, more five year old child who didn't get his sweets-grumpy.
Pouty, if you want.
Though you would endure him either way, old man grumpy or child grumpy, out of the two options, you did prefer this one.
You ran your hands up and down his upper arms. “You know it doesn’t work like that, baby.”
Spencer groaned lowly into your neck.
You sighed and leaned slightly back, your hands immediately coming up to support your boyfriend’s head as if it would fall off from its sheer weight.
Maybe, with the way that Spencer wasn’t about to tense one muscle, it would.
You cupped his cheeks and stared lovingly into your boyfriend’s sleepy, dark brown eyes.
“Come on,” you urged him quietly.
“Let’s get this off of you,” Your fingers slid to the buttons of his shirt. “-and get you to sleep.”
Spencer whined. You grinned and shook your head.
You kept unbuttoning him slowly, until you reached the lowest one.
Your hands, warmed up by your boyfriend’s body, slid under the thin material and over his bare skin.
There was a tenderness in your touch, when you slipped the shirt off his shoulders. Spencer just stood there and let you work.
He didn’t take his eyes off you once.
But you didn’t see that.
“Come on,” you repeated, hushed, thumb slowly stroking over his slightly parted lips.
“Let’s go to sleep. I know you need it.”
Spencer’s eyes slid closed.
He nodded.
You leaned forward and touched his mouth with yours slowly, softly.
Spencer sighed. You felt his breath tickle the lower half of your face.
His hand was gripped in yours as you led him to the bedroom.
When Spencer shuffled to the bathroom, you let him.
He couldn’t go a day without cleaning his teeth. There was no way he would fall asleep, you had learned that a while ago.
You pulled your silk nightgown out from under the covers, and, for your part, changed your clothes.
When it was a few minutes later and Spencer still hadn’t come back from the bathroom, you threw a look to check in on him.
Your boyfriend was standing over the sink, head bowed and hair ruffled, toothbrush stroking over his teeth in slow, tired motions.
Slowly, you came up behind him and wrapped yourself carefully around his body.
Your fingertips were gliding over the skin of his chest like feathery touches, your lips breathed kisses along his upper back.
You felt Spencer’s muscles shiver when you trailed lower, feeling the hem of his pants and opening them.
You let them slide off his legs and pool on the heated floors.
Spencer lightly bended over to wash out his mouth. Water still dripping from his chin, he turned around to face you.
You were gazing up at him.
Spencer leaned his forehead against yours. You closed your eyes in content.
Spencer hummed lowly.
You breathed out. “Yeah,” you said.
You let your hand slide down his lower arm and grabbed his hand in yours. Spencer followed you when you somehow pulled him into the bedroom.
He noticed too late that he'd been cold, only when the warmth of the thick blanket wrapped around him, he realized.
He felt a radiate of heat close to him, you had slipped under the covers as well. Spencer automatically drew closer to you, and the comfort you had to spare.
It was a routine, a studied motion, when he cuddled up to your chest, and your hands found his hair again, and his thumb stroked over the naked skin where his hand had slipped beneath the material of your nightgown.
There was nothing sexual to it, just his touch, that was grounding you as well as reminding him that you were real and that you were here, and that you liked to be.
Spencer liked to think that the way you were scratching at the roots of his hair, that it dimmed his migraines.
He was a man of logic, of course, so, in theory, it wasn't really possible.
But that was maybe the one situation where his logical mind had surrendered to his emotional one without putting up much of a fight.
Your soft and carefull voice glid over his ears like the softest lullaby.
You were telling him about your day.
About work, about the nice employee at the coffee shop, at the young daughter you got to reunite with her injured daddy.
Spencer liked when you told him about your day. In-between his life of death, and destruction and manipulation, he enjoyed hearing about the good that happened to the bad he witnessed.
It was an anchor, a proof of what the world had to offer that were not brutally murdered victims.
He didn't notice when he fell asleep, carried away by the tunes of your words, at some point you just felt the heavings of his chest turn more slow and even.
You didn't stop talking, though. Not until the muscles in your jaw weighed heavy, and the words didn't come as smoothly anymore, and you, as well, drifted away into the dark, but comforting arms of slumber.
You would wake up the next day with your back pressed against Spencer's chest, his arm slung tightly over your middle, and nose buried in your bed-tousled hair.
And you would smile as you felt him before you had even opened your eyes, and turn in his arms and kiss him softly good morning.
And you would love it just in the same way that you had the countless mornings that had been before.
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mgcldydrms · 2 years
Admirer ( George Weasley )
requested by anon: "ooh if it vibes with you I think you'd do the prompt "I'm not staring at you, I'm admiring you." with George weasley really well :3"
word count: 1.2k
warnings: a whole lot of fluff, like a lot a lot
pairing: george weasley x fem!reader
author's note: I needed some fluff and this was the perfect request. thank you for sending it in. I definitely vibed with it.
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On some weekends, when most of your fellow students were all in Hogsmeade, you liked to stay behind and enjoy the quietness of the common room. There were still the first and second years around, but seeing as though it was now spring, most of them were outside and enjoying the warmth of the sun.
You sat on the sofa, in front of the fireplace that wasn’t lit up, yet it still felt cosy to sit there. You had your favourite book in your hands, smiling every so often whenever something funny or sweet happened to the characters. From time to time, other Gryffindors walked past you to either go up to the dormitory or to slip through the portrait hole.
You were too immersed in your book that at first, you didn’t even notice someone sitting down next to you. Only when they cleared their throat you looked up at that person. A bright smile graced your face once you noticed that it was your boyfriend, George.
“What are you doing here? I thought Fred, Lee and you would be in Hogsmeade getting new stuff for your products.”
George shook his head, moving closer to where you were. He pressed a soft kiss on your temple, quickly glancing down at the book that you were still holding tightly in your hands before he looked up into your beautiful e/c again.
“We were supposed to get a few things, but the delivery takes one more week, so we all must wait. And I, the good boyfriend that I am, thought I would come back and spend the rest of the day with my gorgeous girlfriend.”, he explained, wiggling his eyebrows.
You couldn’t help but laugh while you playfully pushed him away from you. You looked down at your book, swiftly flicking through the pages, noticing that there were only a few more pages left.
“This is really sweet, but can you give me a few more minutes? I’m almost done with this chapter and I want to finish it. It’s getting really interesting now.”
“Sure. I’ll just sit here and wait.”, your boyfriend stated, moving away from you so he could completely stretch out, his feet almost touching yours.
You uttered a quick ‘thanks’, and before you knew it, you were back in the world of your book, reading as quickly as you could without missing a thing. You didn’t want George to wait for too long. Seeing as though the young man who you were lucky enough to call your boyfriend was a year older than you, hence you weren’t really able to see one another as much as you would like. He was not only busy with schoolwork, which of course he sometimes neglected a bit too much but he was also immersed in developing his and his twin brother’s new products. So, normally the two of you mostly saw each other late at night in the common room or in one of the abandoned classrooms that no one really used anymore. You were able to spend most of your time together on the weekend though.
Occasionally, you looked up at George, wanting to know what he was up to, but whenever you glanced his way, you noticed his eyes already watching you, a soft smile gracing his lips until you looked at the words in your book again.
The more you peered over at your boyfriend, the more embarrassed you got. Why couldn’t he stop staring at you? Of course, it was adorable, but it also made you lose focus.
“Can you quit staring at me? I can’t concentrate.”, you said, shutting your book a bit too harshly.
“I’m not staring at you, I’m admiring you.”
You could feel the heat rushing up your cheeks after your boyfriend's confession. You put your book in front of your face, hearing George chuckle. He moved closer to you again, lifting his hand up only for him to lower your book.
“Why are you hiding? I love to see you blush.”
It was true. George loved to make you blush and seized every opportunity to do so. He loved the way your face was almost as red as a tomato whenever he complimented you or whenever he teased you. You were lucky though. It was mostly compliments that your boyfriend used to make you blush.
“And what were you admiring? I was just reading my book.”, you mumbled, putting the book on the floor before you sat up properly and waited for George to explain himself. You pushed a strand of hair behind your ear, your eyebrows lightly raised.
“You looked really cute … beautiful actually. You were so concentrated on the story, and your eyes moved so quickly from side to side. Your hair fell in front of your face multiple times. Sometimes you didn’t even notice, but when you did, you pushed them back, only for them to fall back. You even tried to blow them out of your face. You pouted, I don’t know why, but it looked adorable, and - ”
“Okay. I get it.”, you said quickly.
George chuckled once more, stretching his arm so his hand could find yours, which he gently squeezed. He pulled you closer to him, wrapping his arms around you before he pressed a gentle kiss on top of your head.
“I could see the passion you have for this book. Maybe you can lend it to me, so I can find out what it’s all about.”
You looked up at the young ginger-haired man, your eyes slightly widened, still comprehending the words your boyfriend had just said to you.
“You? You want to read? Voluntarily?”
You both couldn’t help but laugh out loud, knowing exactly that George would never read a book. He wouldn’t even read the books he needed for his classes. He always hoped that you or maybe Hermione had already read it. Although both of you were younger than the twins, you liked to read books that needed advanced knowledge.
“You just know me too well. Come on, let’s go outside.”
Your boyfriend got up from the sofa, simultaneously pulling you up as well, only for you to stand face to face now; George was just a bit … a lot taller than you.
Now it was your time to admire him. His beautiful smile, the slight crinkles by his eyes, his fluffy hair …
“Stop it.”, he interrupted you, his lips finding yours almost instantly, kissing you as lovingly as possible.
You smiled into the kiss, reluctantly pulling away, knowing that a few first years sat in the common room, watching the two of you making out in the middle of the room.
“Let’s go, admirer.”, you whispered against his lips, kissing him once more before you made your wait through the portrait hole.
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howlsmovinglibrary · 9 months
Top 5 Books of 2023!
I don't know if this blog even counts as a book blog anymore, but this year I read 60 books, which is twice as many as last year (and therefore also double my 2023 Reading Goal). I'm so pleased to have overcome my three year reading slump that has plagued me since Covid, and wanted to celebrate by... yknow. Actually doing a book blog post lmao. So here are my five favourite books of 2023!
1) Emily Wilde's Encyclopedia of Faeries by Heather Fawcett
Not only was this book written Specifically For Me (faeries, rivals-to-lovers, academia), I just think it's a really good example of a cosy fantasy that is well-written and well-paced. The vibes are wholesome and fanfic-adjacent, but that doesn't mean that nothing happens. I'm not a fan of the new 'cosy' subgenre generally, but I think this book combined the right amount of comfort with action.
2) The Thousand Eyes by AK Larkwood
I read the Serpent Gates duology this year, and while the first book was good, the second book was just overwhelmingly brilliant. I loved the way this author manages time and character development - we follow all the characters for decades of their lives, so the final heroic triumphs in each of their stories just... hit different. It was such a wonderful book series, that left me feeling inspired to write.
3) The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi by Shannon Chakraborty
I love Shannon Chakraborty's writing generally, but it was really fun (after the slowburn pining of the City of Brass books) to give her a far less pious and brazen heroine that resulted in an entirely different tone of story from her previous trilogy! I loved the narration and plot of this novel, also obsessed with this pirate milf and her demon boyfriend.
4) A House With Good Bones by T Kingfisher
I love T Kingfisher but I've never been able to get all the way through one of her horror books before - idk why, I just don't tend to vibe. But this book, which leaned more towards Gothic horror, twisted to fit a modern setting, was so gripping - I read it all in one sitting. I love the funky little bug archaeologist protagonist, who's first sign that her house is haunted is the fact that there are no insects in her mother's garden.
5) You and Me On Vacation by Emily Henry
I went on a beach holiday for the first time since Covid and proceeded to devour every single fucking book Emily Henry had ever written. Although I loved all of them, You and Me On Vacation was the one written Specifically For Me, which was surprising given that the other two most popular releases by her are about books (oh well...mutual pining, my beloved).
Special Mentions:
Wintersmith by Terry Pratchett
I read all of the Tiffany Aching books for the first time this year, based on a diagnosis from a pal that Wintersmith would be 'my' Terry Pratchett book. Reader, she was right... (which says more about me as a person than I'd like).
If anyone wants to give me any recs for good books they read this year, feel free to reply to this post!
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toomuchracket · 9 months
birthday!party matty and girlie christmas vibes! walking around london all wrapped up in scarves and coats, buying and wrapping gifts, trimming up his/her flat (and maybe getting a bit frisky by the fireplace when the tree is up), christmas eve with the infamous red wine! lots of ideas. too many ideas.
matty's grumbling about going out and buying presents for everyone one night he's over at your flat and you're like "d'you want me to come with you?" - he just beams immediately and says "would you, darling? i know i'd be happier if you were there. always am" and kisses your nose, and you're like "oh you're cute, healy. of course i'll go" and kiss him. he stays over that night, and you set off together the next morning all cosied up in your winter jackets (you pouted at matty last month until he pulled the snuggle buddies coat out of retirement lol) and gloves; before you left, matty put his nufc baseball cap on you because "we can't have that perfect head of yours getting cold, sweetheart", but also he just loves it when you wear his clothes (especially his football stuff) lmao. on the tube in, the two of you come up with a little list of what sort of things you want to buy for certain people and where you want to buy them, so you don't get stressed and/or distracted - that fails miserably, though, because matty somehow manages to find something in every shop "that would look perfect on you, babe" and is adamant he's going to buy it for you, so you have to convince him not to (well, you relent a couple of times. you're only human). but for the most part, it's a successful day. and a nice one, wandering around london on a crisp winter morning with matty's hand in yours/arm around your waist or shoulders, stopping for coffee and then lunch and a pint to refuel, before you drag him into liberty to go to the christmas shop for a new tree decoration; you're like "we should pick one out together, start a tradition of getting a new one every year. i know you think nostalgia's a sickness, but i like the thought of us looking back at them every year and reminiscing lol. like yeah that's sappy but... i like being a sap over you", and matty just kisses you really quickly and says "you're not the only sap in this relationship, darling. right, let's pick one, and we can put your tree up when we get in". you settle on one that looks like a bottle of red wine, because of course you do (although matty is highly entertained by the one shaped like a glittery pigeon), and then head back to your flat for a quick dinner before getting properly christmassy - you crack open a bottle of The red wine, matty puts the holiday on tv in the background, and you have a proper laugh getting your tree up and decorated, the new ornament going in the dead centre to be shown off and matty lifting you so you can put the star on the top. then you sit on the floor together, passing the wine between you, wrapping presents and enjoying the end of the film, kissing in between gifts and getting a bit tipsy. and getting a bit turned on, too; when you crawl forward to put the presents under the tree, you hear matty go "fuuuuuuuck, baby" at the good view of your leggings-covered arse, and you cheekily grab one of the present bows and reach back to stick it on yourself and say "oh! looks like you'll need to unwrap me". your boyfriend moans as he obliges, and again when you shake your arse while he unzips his jeans - you hear him shuffling around, and then feel his hands on you as he gently pulls you back and says "that's it, sweetheart, sit back a bit on your knees for me", before you sink down onto him with a whine. you fuck lazily like that for a bit, half doggy half reverse cowgirl, before you both get too needy and matty rolls you onto your back so he can fuck you properly; he's so beautiful above you, illuminated by the lights from the christmas tree, jaw trembling as he gets closer and closer to cumming. you hold each other tightly as you both finish, murmuring i love yous and kissing when you catch your breath, and just lie there contentedly under the tree for a while. dreamy <3
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asterdisaster06 · 1 year
Strawberry Pie
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Simon "Ghost" Riley x gn!reader
summary > The four times Simon helped you, and the one time you helped him.
word count > 2.5k
cw > Serial killer AU. Inaccurate police information + procedures for plot reasons. Allusion to murder + getting away with crimes, yeah, that’s the kind of help (:<
a/n >  inspired by hannibal + “strawberry” by andrew montana
“How does it look?” A simple twirl following the words accompanying the small smile. Lips painted blood red with a new lipstick. 
“Beautiful love, absolutely stunning,” Simon says with a slow blink, a cat-like behaviour to express his adoration for you.
“I found this sundress while out shopping. And I got my nails done while I was at it! I followed your recommendation,” You answer with a smile as soft as the blanket beneath your rosy fingertips. 
“And the lipstick?” Simon asks, tilting his head. 
“Something I found in college. It’s served me well all these years,” You send a grin filled with sharp teeth towards Simon. His sweet little vixen. 
“Others would call you crazy,” Simon mentions, the teasing tone trailing off as he stares at you intently.
“But, I admire your gumption, sweetheart,” Simon says, cupping your face gently in his hands; laying a tender kiss on the tip of your nose.
“You missed,” You remark with a twinkle in your eye.
“Oh did I now?” His voice softened from its usual gruff timbre. 
Simon RIley leans in to kiss your forehead, and then one corner of your mouth to the other, and then finally landed home onto your lips. He didn’t seem to mind the transfer of dye nor the chastising you did because of it. It was messy, it was sweet, it was entirely and so wholefully the two of you with the only disturbance being the gentle breeze shifting the pastel curtains. The ones that Simon insisted on keeping open to let the precious sunlight in - he claims that the way it brushes against your skin is a look into heaven itself. 
“Okay, okay, I really have to go this time. You’ve kept me trapped here like your little Rapunzel for far too long, Simon,” You urgently get out between fits of laughter and giggles alike. 
“So satanic, the way you plan to simply leave the love of your life here to die alone,” Your boyfriend sighs, sagging back into the comfort of the mattress you both were now laying on. Of course, he was being dramatic. As per usual. It would be endearing if it wasn’t so humorous to see the giant of a man turn into a feeble ghost of the soldier he usually is. Price would be proud to see that his subordinate does in fact have some humanity left within himself. 
“Don’t panic. You’ll live, I’m sure of it,” You reply, giving him a sympathetic kiss on the cheek, before getting up.
“Hey love?”
“Yes, Simon?”
“You missed,” Was all he could get out before you rolled your eyes and gave him exactly what he wanted - despite the fact that it made you a minute late. 
. . .
“Welcome to our humble abode,” You smile, giving a sweet little twirl and a flourish of your arms. The team had to admit that it was a cosy little thing out in the sticks. The interior design was no doubt your doing, a cottagecore vibe, considering the fact that Simon was limited to plain walls being his entire experience. Plants here and there, sunlight streaming through the glass paned windows, and pots and pans hanging with their herb friends. 
“Thank you for having us,” Price responds.
“What he said,” Came from the other two. 
“Where’s your lover?” Soap asks teasingly.
“Oh, he’s out in the garden gathering a few last minute spices,” You say, a gentle expression taking over your features at the thought of your love doing so much for you. You see the group share a knowing look and a few chuckles were heard from behind you. A soft reminder is all they need to stop with their shenanigans while you’re cooking. Of course, Gaz offers a helping hand with chopping up various vegetables for the stew and Price had called dibs on doing the dishes. He claims it was the least he could do for the host. Soap on the other hand insists on being the taste tester. A gentle ring of a bell alerts you to Simon coming in from the outside, completely drenched. 
“What happened to you? You look like a stray dog,” You laugh, leaning against the counter. 
“In my defence, it started as a drop before it ended up pouring a minute later,” Simon grumbled, 
“We’ve needed a good shower, wouldn’t you say? Good for the fertiliser,” You say, sending your lover a wink as you scoot over to allow him access to the sink.
A playful eye roll is what you earn in response as he says, “This is what I get for agreeing to hide out in the country.”
“Bite your tongue if you know what’s good for you,” You nudge him good-naturedly. 
“You know I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world, love,” He says, facial expression softening into pure adoration. He sends you this look even as he’s scrubbing his hands of the dirt and blood from the garden. The scent of decay quickly running down the drain, tainting the water black. 
“I know. My saviour day in and day out, wouldn’t you say?”
Before Simon got the chance to answer, the timer - the one in the shape of a chicken because Simon just couldn’t say no when you held it up to him with those puppy dog eyes - went off. 
“Your world famous strawberry pie? Again?” You click your tongue and shake your head with a sly smile.
“It’s world famous for a reason, love. And, we have guests that have yet to taste my creation,” Simon grins back at you. 
“Whatever you say, Simon,” You huff out with a laugh. 
Laughter filled the air as the dinner party continued later into the night before it all quieted down with the departure of the boys. A simple contentment washes over the two of you left on the couch, a fleece blanket encasing your figures. Something about it warmed your beating heart as you listened to the rhythm of Simon’s long after you drifted off into unconsciousness. 
. . .
“Simon, you wouldn’t happen to be busy right now, would you?”
“Of course not, love. What do you need?” Simon answers over the phone.
“There was a roadkill accident, and my car isn’t in tip top shape anymore. Do you think you could come pick me up? I’m about two klicks down the road from our house,” You say, your phone tucked in between your ear and shoulder as you slide latex gloves over your hands. 
“As you wish,” Simon’s voice rumbles in your ear, sending shivers down your spine. 
You drag the corpse into the bushes and thank whoever was listening that the only evidence left was the blood pool. It would be quite a shame if any innocent had to feast their eyes on the remains of the carrion. Vultures would have to find another meal elsewhere - this one was yours. Right on time, Simon’s car reverberated down the gravel lane. 
“I didn’t think you would become so reckless, angel,” Simon chuckles, hopping out of his truck to help you lift the body into the back of his car. 
“I like the word hasty more. It sounds better, don’t you think?”
“Whatever you call it, just remember I’m always here to help clean up your messes.”
“And I you, darling,” You nudge Simon as he opens the car door for you. 
“I should’ve seen it in your eyes when we first started seeing each other. You were trying to warn me,” Simon chuckles, humour lacing his words. 
“I always wanted to be able to see you in the morning, Simon,” You begin solemnly. “I don’t wanna be alone, it’s quite boring, isn’t it?” You shrug. 
“Oh, baby, let me finish. I’m keeping you, you menace. Until the day one of us kills the other,” Simon smiles, giving your hand a tight squeeze. 
“That would be how it ends, wouldn’t it?”
“Of course, there’s no other way,” Simon says, a simple grin on his lips. A rare sight, but a common one with you. And just like the rain, it was washed away just as quickly.
. . .
“Shit, love, did you go after a military man?” SImon asks as he gently wipes away dirt and grime from your face. Your clothes were receiving the same treatment in the washer after you took a shower.
“I somehow doubt her boyfriend got into the military with that weak of a punch. He just got the jump on me. . . and had a pocket knife,” You explain, wincing when Simon brushed over your wounds. 
“That would explain all these lacerations, now wouldn’t it?”
“Actually those were from the girl clawing me half to death. The guy did jack all if I’m being honest. Tried to run like a pussy too,” You laugh, your ribs protesting at the act. 
“Sounds like you did her a favour, showing her the real colours of her boyfriend. A shame she isn’t alive to make a change,” He hums, confidently bandaging your arms and face like he had done a million times before. And like he would continue to do a thousand times over. As he does that you down a cheap whiskey from the bottle to ease the pain. 
“Quite a shame. Almost as much as the fact that I have some cleaning up to do later. They were surprisingly bloody for how little it took to bring them down,” You sigh, raking your hands through your hair before realising your hands were still stained metallic red.
“You just take a shower and leave the rest to me,” Simon says with a quirk at the edge of his lips. 
“What would I do without you?”
“Probably end up in jail.”
“That’s both true and insulting.”
“Whatever you say, love.”
. . .
“Simon? I think it’s time for a change.”
“What colour?”
“You know me so well. I was thinking something colourful this time around, really make the sight a seemly one before they meet their end,” You say, looking in the mirror and preemptively mourning for the identity that would be no longer. 
Not if Simon had any say in it. He had a surprising knack for disguise; although, you suspect that a few missions would require a little bit of magic to make it work. Odd, though, considering it’s doubtful that anyone would be left to tell the tale of the infamous Simon “Ghost” Riley. 
“You just get into the bathroom, I’ll be there soon with the dye,” Simon calls out from across the house. 
“Have I ever told you how much I love you?”
“Not today,” Simon answers.
“Well, I love you very much for all that you do for me,” You say, expressing your thanks.
“I love you too, sweetheart,” Simon chuckles, entering the bathroom with all that you could ever need for an identity change. “Although, have you ever considered wearing a mask? Speaking from personal experience, it does make a wonderful impression alongside shielding you from the public eye.”
You hum thoughtfully before responding with, “I have, although I’ve discovered the personal touch makes it all the more better. That, and, I think between the two of us, you pull it off way better than I ever could.”
“If you insist, love,” Simon laughs, the sound reverberating throughout you. 
“It’s the truth, now which colour would suit me better?” You ask, alternating two dyes in your hand and in your favour. 
“Tough question. I fear we might need a second opinion,” He teases. 
“You know me too well, get the team on the phone,” You grin, practically bubbling over with excitement. Some may say you were too enthusiastic given the circumstances, but not Simon. He always supported you in your little hobby and dinner parties - much to your surprise. He was everything that you could’ve ever asked for, and more.
. . .
“Hey, love, are you busy right now?” Simon asks over the phone - a surprising event considering that he was never one for calls. They irked him, verbatim words that make you giggle at the absurdity of all.
“No, of course not, Simon. What do you need?” You ask, slightly busy with cooking dinner but Simon always came first. You did put him on speaker though to make it a little easier. 
“Could you come down to the station? Some stories need to be set straight, if you know what I mean,” Simon almost growls out.
“I’ll be there in five,” You reply, dropping the pleasantries as a dark look overtakes you. 
. . .
“What seems to be the problem, Officer?” You ask, acting the part of an innocent victim.
“Can I get you some water?” Fake pleasantries. Nothing upset you more.
“No thank you. I’d prefer to get this cleared up as soon as possible, sir,” You spit out, decisive and curt with your words. 
“Of course. There appears to be significant evidence that forty-eight hours ago your significant other was put at the scene of a crime near the Lincoln bar. Likely as a perpetrator,” Is what the officer tells you, much to your chagrin. Despite the calm facade that you were putting forth, you were fighting the urge to roll your eyes. You know exactly what happened, exactly who was killed, and the reason behind it was all because of a jealous spat between Simon and a man who had the misfortune of hitting on you in front of the infamous Ghost. He just couldn’t control himself when it came to you.
“I find that highly unlikely,” You say brusquely.
“And why is that?”
“He was at the Lincoln bar, but both myself and three other people were with him the entire night. Here, I’ll write their numbers down,” You say, quickly uncapping the pen on the table. 
“We’ve already checked the surveillance, but thank you for these witnesses. There is a gap of time between 9:31 PM and 9:39 PM that we are awfully curious about.”
“From what I remember, he went to the bathroom,” You answer genuinely.
They continued their line of questioning, asking if you had any connection to the victim, if you had seen anyone suspicious, along with other interrogations that all ended with the classic ‘if you think of anything else, notify us.’ You had high hopes that Simon would be released almost immediately and you were proven right when he walked right out of the building over to where you were on the curb. 
“There’s my saviour,” Simon says, embracing you tightly.
“You haven’t forgotten our promise, right?” You ask with a smile.
“Of course not, love. I simply wanted to show my appreciation, as per usual,” Simon chuckles lightly.
“Be your alibi, and never ask why,” You say, interlocking your pinky with Simons.
“Never ask why,” Simon whispers back, promising it like a vow. 
“The boys invited us out to dinner at Price’s, angel. You feeling up to it?” You ask.
“Always if it involves you,” Simon flirts.
You roll your eyes, replying with, “You menace.”
“You know you love me,” Simon laughs. And you did. So, very, much. 
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seangelfish · 1 year
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A/N: His unbloomed for his fs2 is sooo cute, I'm literally in love with him, AHHH!!! 😫💓 Please, I am begging for a lover like Jun. He's literally boyfriend material, just look at his card!! Beautiful. The sweetest boy. He would do anything for his lover, I know it. I think this is the shortest fic I've ever written, but I NEEDED to write it. That's how much I love Jun Sazanami.
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"I want to tell you that every day."
Jun Sazanami x Reader ♡ Tags: Extreme fluff – just wholesome vibes all around, established relationship, loving relationship ♡ Word count: 451 ♡ Synopsis: Inspired by Jun's unbloomed fs2 (the picture above). The two of you were going home after buying groceries. Jun wants to carry all the bags, but you want to help him out!
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"Jun, let me take one of the bags..." you begged.
You and your boyfriend had just finished grocery shopping together. It took a while since he also decided to buy stuff for Mary. The sun was setting now, but it was warm. The atmosphere you two were in felt incredibly warm and cosy, and something you would like to bask in for a long time just because he was here with you.
"Nah, it's fine. I can carry them," Jun replied, lifting one of the bags up and down as if it were some weights to assure you that he was okay. "Anyway, you always struggle whenever you carry our groceries."
He was right, but you didn't want him to do everything for you. It made you feel bad. You didn't want to seem like you were using him.
On the other hand, Jun was willing to do everything you wanted him to do. You just had to say it. Well, actually, he'd do it for you without you needing to tell him anything. It was one of his love languages, and he was willing to help you out no matter what. He doesn't mind the constant begs for help, the way you'd pester him to help you with your homework or performances, he was just always happy that you confided in him.
So just leave the bags to him!
"But Jun... I wanted to hold your hand too..." you shyly admitted.
Jun instantly blushed at this. Is that why you kept whining at him to give you one of the bags? You were so cute. Everything that you did or have said has made him fall deeper in love with you every day. Today was the same. His heart skipped a beat upon hearing those words despite their simplicity. He chuckled and placed the bags down.
Before he gave you a bag to hold, he sorted the contents out so that all the lighter items were in one bag, and the heavier items were in the remaining bags.
"Here," he said, handing you over the lighter bag. Then he reached for your vacant hand. Automatically, your fingers interlocked with his.
"Happy?" he asked, smiling down at you.
You nodded. "Mhm!"
Hand in hand, the two of you walked down the street.
"I'm in love with you," you said as you looked into his eyes. "I want to tell you that every day."
He laughed, his face a deep shade of red that matched the sunset.
"I love you too, (Y/N)," he responded. He squeezed your hand even though all he wanted to do to you right now was pepper your face with kisses. "More than you could ever know."
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jamiedryssnail · 3 months
Never Change
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Ryan Leonard x McKenna Estapa
Ryan gets a hard time at first for dating McKenna. She is very head strong and as cringe as this sounds she isn’t like other girls.
She basically never wears dresses or excessive makeup. Her vibe could only be described as salted granola in some respects.
Obviously if she goes to a party or fancy dinner she will dress will dress appropriately but otherwise it’s baggy pants and a little fitted shirt. Paired with her berks, bostons, or sneaker.
She has always been described as one who can stand her own ground. Being compared to Kat Stratford at times and honestly she did agree. There was some resemblance in there personalities not a lot but definitely some.
She had never in her life felt self conscious before in her life. But now she was in college it was new and strange. She was always told kids would act differently in college but she didn’t think this would happen.
In what world do you get made fun of in college. She would get teased constantly in one of her classes and when she met Ryan i guess that fell onto him.
Guys wether they were freshman to senior we’re making fun of her. Kenna had no idea this was happening until her best friend Tallulah brought it to her attention. Lu was Ryan’s sister but ever since she has met kenna they has instantly connected and became besties.
Lu has overheard a group of three boys who were known school dickheads, talking to Ryan. Lu was walking to one of her media classes and saw this happening. Being this sticky beak she is she couldn’t help listen in to what they were saying at Ryan. Not to Ryan at Ryan. Jerks.
Something around the lines of you sure she’s not gay, have you ever seen her in a mini dress, is she even a girl. Followed by laughter and laughter. Ryan stood there with a blank face but couldn’t say anything. Just nodding.
“We’ll Lu I appreciate you telling me this but I have to ask” kenna asks
“Yea I thought you would have wanna known” she said
“But go ahead hit me what’s ur question” Lu said knowing what she was already going to ask.
“Did Ryan stand up for me, or did he just laugh with them” she asked quietly.
“He didn’t laugh, but he kinda just stood there with a blank face” she said regretting it immediately.
“Oh, well um I um I better go” Kenna said stumbling over her words rushing out of Tallulah’s dorm.
As soon as she shut the door a single year well down her cheek. Then two, then the next thing she was balling. She ran to her dorm that luckily wasn’t much further. Once she arrived she layed in bed eating some old cereal and watching her favourite movie how to lose a guy in the days.
Although she wash all cosy in bed she couldn’t help the flying thoughts in her head. Was her style weird. Should she wear makeup more often than parties and dinner. Should she be more agreeable.
She was a naturally gorgeous girl, stunning even. Everyone could see it, but everyone also has something to say about what she was wearing and what she looked like in it. Her mother always telling her to show off her figure more. Even blaming her last boyfriend for cheating on her because she never wore dresses on there dates. In her mothers words why wouldn’t he cheat.
She has to fix something.
-The Next Night-
McKenna was getting ready as it was Saturday night and her and Ryan always went out on a Saturday night. Tonight they were going to a house party. It was going to be filled with bc students as the hockey team had also just won there game. Meaning she was meaning Ryan there and going with Lu.
Lu would pick her up at 7:30 and it was 6:00 right now so she started to get ready. She searched through her closet and pulled out a little dress and cute boots. She did her makeup and even she admitted she looked really good.
Just as she grabbed her bag she heard a knock at the door.
“Hey out here we gotta go babes” Tallulah yelled.
“Coming” Kenna yelled back
“Oh my goodness you look stunning”Lu said shocked at the outfit.
They chatted for another few minutes and then decided they were super late and needed to leave asap.
When they arrived at the part the whole vibe felt different for McKenna she had eyes on her and not judging ones admiring ones. But all she cared about was trying to find Ryan.
Once she spotted him she skipped over to him and he took her under his arm.
“This is well is this new” he exclaimed knowing he had never seen that before.
“Oh this no I’ve had it for ages, never had the chance to wear it” McKenna lied right through her teeth.
“Yea right” Ryan said barely above a whisper in a kind of sarcastic tone. He knew her to well and something was wrong. She never dresses like this and she has blood shot she’s suggesting she has been crying earlier. Her makeup was done more than both of them even liked and her tone of voice was wavering.
Sounding like she was ahout to break down. Which honestly she was she didn’t want to lose Ryan the man she was in love with. Little did she know he loved her styles, makeup, and personality.
He fell in love with her and didn’t want her to change herself for others.
Just as gabe has walked away he left space for someone else to join the conversation. Oh and who exactly the guys who made the comment in the first place.
“Leno how are you bud” the main guy said as the other two faded into other conversations obviously uninterested in any drama.
“Leave us alone aye Tom” he said with a stern tone.
“Calm down Lenny, oh and what the fuck happened since when were you dating a girl not a fucking man” he whispered antagonising Lenny even more.
“Shut the fuck up before I rip your head off” he finally yelled grabbing Kenna and ditching the party.
Kenna didn’t even realise but she had started crying. She caused a scene and she couldn’t take the comment he made about her it pushed her over the edge.
As Ryan heard her sniffles he wanted to do nothing more than to take her home cuddle and kiss her and tell her how beautiful she was. Ryan looked down and saw her sad little pout making him ache inside. He hated seeing her sad it made him feel horrid.
“Oh no baby please please don’t cry” Ryan softy told her
All he got in response was sniffles though.
“Baby you gorgeous, most definitely the most ravishing girl ever, you are so perfect and you don’t even know. Your eyes are such a perfect shade of green and your face is all around gorgeous. Your personality suits mine perfectly like we were made for each other. And I know you don’t like wearing dresses it’s not your style and I get it. Frankly i think you look so pretty in whatever you want to wear your style is so cool. And please for the love of his don’t lie and say you like it because I know you too well and your thoughts are written all over your face. I love you so much and you are my favourite person in this entire world”. Ryan rambled on and on.
“Aw Lenny I love you too, and thank god you said something because I could not were this every weekend it’s so tight and not in a good way” they laughed together.
After the nights events they settles away into his dorm and cuddled and made out until they drifted off to sleep. Him praising her with words of affirmation as she drifted into sleep. All McKenna and Ryan needed was each other and they knew that.
Xoxo 🩵🩷💙❤️💚
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 2 years
infatuating incantation
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summary: “did you take my pipe?”
warnings: Eddie Munson/reader, witch!reader, cosy magic vibes, lesbian witch aunts, kissing, magic, sexual references
word count: 680
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
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“Wow…” Eddie muttered, still in a daze as he draped his arm around your bare waist. 
“Yeah,” you slowly lulled your eyes open, curling your body deeper into his musk. 
“I mean, that was-“
“I know, I told you,” you tilted your chin up and flashed him a victorious grin, “sexual activities during the full moon really is something.”
“I just kinda thought you were kidding about the levitation part.”
“Oh, baby,” your thumb and forefinger caught his chin, “I never kid,” you reminded him in a dramatic tone, before capturing his lips in a kiss. 
Just before you could slip your tongue past his lips, he broke away and asked, “can you do that thing again?”
“What thing? I do lots of things,” you ran your fingers down his chest in a manner as if you were already trying to start something again. 
“You know, that thing,” he gesticulated with one hand, fluttering it around over your heads. 
“Oh, that thing,” getting what he was hinting at, “sure,” you rolled over, a motion that successfully stole most of the covers from your boyfriend, surely exposing his spent manhood, you reached down to your backpack on the floor and fished out the small intricate pipe that was in the front pocket.
Scooting back into place, you placed the tip to your lips and puffed a few times. Readjusting the duvet, Eddie curled one hand behind his head and stretched the other one behind yours, letting you use his bicep as a makeshift pillow. 
Carefully blowing the smoke up into the air above you, it curled and formed clear little clouds of marvellous shapes.
“Uh, that one looks like a sheep!” your excited partner pointed to one of the few clouds that weren’t shaped like anything fantastical, but just kinda looked like a regular cloud, “and that one looks like, um, cotton candy maybe?”
“Babe, I give you the full-on Gandalf treatment, I mean, that one over there literally looks exactly like a pirate ship and those two are the ones you rave about? Any day, you can look up to the sky and see those exact ones.” 
“Well, it’s just-“ Eddie didn’t get to clarify any further as a sudden knock at your door found both of your ears. 
Acting quick, Eddie yanked the comforter over his head, successfully wafting the clouds out of the air, and you covered yourself enough so they you couldn’t tell that you were in fact stark naked under it.
“Y/n,” your aunt with her greying hair perfectly pinned as always, swung open the door unceremoniously, “did you take my pipe?”
Under the duvet, you tightened your grip around the very objects in question and lied, “hi, um, nope, no I didn’t.”
“I could have sworn I smelled the faintest bit of smoke coming from up here…”
“Well,” you scrambled your brain for a suitable explanation, “you know, Eddie did lend me his jacket today at school and I never got around to returning it, so that might just be what your nose picked up on.”
“Oh, okay” she thankfully seemed to buy the story, “why are you in bed?”
“Um, I have a bit of a headache, so I was just trying to take a nap.”
“Really?” worry washed over her usually tranquil features, “you are tired on a full moon? Did you get cursed again? Do I need to draw you a cleansing bath?”
“No, no, no,” you rushed out before she could manage to run after the lavender, “I didn’t get cursed, don’t worry, I was just a bit tired, that’s all.”
“Alright… well, dinner is in an hour, okay?”
“Cool,” you bit down on your bottom lip as you felt Eddie’s warm body shift slightly, pressing further up against your own. 
“And let me know if you find it,” she really drew out her exit. 
“Will do!”
“Okay, have a good nap, darling,” she smiled, and just before the door closed, she added through the crack, “you too, Eddie!” 
Finally, he bashfully revealed his wild curls and replied instinctively, “thanks, ma’am…”
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© 2022 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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