#cosplayers are Unhinged
cozylittleartblog · 3 months
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the vernnn. artfight 2023, character by @analog-television.
bookmark me for this year!
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n7punk · 9 months
i really want to know what it was about beauty youtube that invented a whole other breed of human because like there are a LOT of beauty gurus and i can't name a single normal one without a list of controversies longer than my arm. i know there's a lot of egomaniacs on youtube and i haven't kept up with the beauty side for a while but i was IN it for several years and at this point it seems like the most normal one left is the OG michelle phan and she's in a quantum physics healing magic cult!!
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thyandrawrites · 11 months
Me: I'm not really into halloween. I don't mind doing nothing for it
A friend: what about a themed party? It can be as light as you want, no need for full costumes, no pressure. Who's in?
Me: *is suddenly interested in halloween and does absolutely want a full costume*
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persephonaae · 1 year
I’m still dumbfounded that over the weekend someone was dead set convinced I copied the work of and stole techniques from another cosplayer on my Ranni cosplay and like when I tried to direct them to where they could see my progress they ignored me and still called me a liar despite there being clear proof that I came up with all of my designs on my own and used my own techniques for everything like. Girlie help. Why are you trying to gotcha me when I’m being polite and showing you exactly what my work was, literally what’s going on here is I’m simply cosplaying the same character as someone else, there’s no rules against that and I’m sorry I guess apparently you’ve never picked up a sewing machine enough to tell the difference between two different skilled craftspeople’s work attempts at cosplaying the same character
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siren-of-agony · 2 years
Finally coming back to this blog at the same time as falling back into a magnus archives hyper focus def does not influence my relistening experience at all
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fey-changeling · 11 months
Spent half an hour refilming the same 15 second video, changed my mind about the music, then decided there's no way i'm sharing cos it feels a bit too much but i fixed my issue with the wig
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gaysindistress · 10 months
My tiktok has become almost exclusively Ghost and König edits/cosplayers and it’s got me thinking.
Beefy Bucky meets Winter Soldier meets Mob!Bucky but make it Russian. I know, I know. It’s a lot but I have ✨inspo pics✨ to help us envision this man.
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I am absolutely feral, unhinged, gnawing at the bars of my enclosure for this man.
This Bucky, this James Buchanan Barnes, is the youngest Pakhan of the Barnes Bravta but also the most fearsome. He’s ruthless in his tactics, leaving bodies in his wake if he feels that it’s necessary. He spent his childhood being trained and perfected to be his brother’s Brigadier but when he was murdered, the role of Pakhan fell to him. He didn’t want the responsibility. He didn’t want to deal with the politics of it all. He didn’t want to learn how to be diplomatic as to not trigger conflicts with other Bravtas but he had to. It was just him and his brother so this Bucky became Pakhan and made everyone rue the day that his brother’s blood was spilled. He never let go of his Brigadier background and it made him the ultimate weapon. Everyone feared him, including his longest ally Alexei Shostakov.
This is until Alexei’s traitorous daughter shows up after years of being in hiding and is determined to bring Bucky down.
disclaimer: credits to original creator/poster of image/gif. found on google/Pinterest
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ladykailitha · 5 months
✨️ Out of the comments you’ve received on your fics, what are two or three of your favorites?
WIP Wednesday asks!
Oh gosh! Having to pick just a small handful is hard. Because there are just so many good ones.
My favorite types of comments are things that show that they were really excited by a part of the plot. Caplocked and keyboard smashes make me feel warm and fuzzy inside. @zerokrox-blog and @maya-custodios-dionach are some of my favorite versions of this comment. When I see that they've commented I know I'm in for unhinged and excited about the latest chapter.
I also love it when they ask questions about the plot or want a deep dive into the story. Those fill me with such glee. @eyehartart and @counting-dollars-counting-stars are great exampled of of this.
But I love all my regular commenters because they always bring me joy when I see them. @goodolefashionedloverboi @yikes-a-bee @anne-bennett-cosplayer @just-a-tiny-void @cryptid-system @bookworm0690 @gregre369 ... I could go on and on. But seriously if you have commented regularly on my work I love and adore every one of them!
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nariko-senpai · 7 months
Disclaimer: These are my opinions based off from interactions and my own views on the fandoms. Please don't come after me :/
My Hero Academia
Probably one of THE MOST TOXIC FANDOMS IN ANIME. I've seen so many messed up ships and fanfiction from MHA, I SWEAR IF I SEE DEKU X LITERALLY ANY ADULT I WILL DO A BACKFLIP OFF A CLIFF 💀 They're so unhinged and it reflects badly on the story. THE FANDOM LITERALLY HATES ON ONE ANOTHER. I've seen so many fights on wHiCh pErSon ShOuLd DeKu EnD uP wItH I'm so over it 😭 Also you get all the cringy cosplayers and pov videos from this fandom in particular. I have never seen a normal MHA fan apart from myself.
Demon Slayer
Generally okay, except for the SPOILERS. This fandom spoils so much, and without warning as well. But generally a pretty good fandom, just avoid the sibling shippers and Douma simps. Everyone is pretty tame tho, and generally polite. Everyone learnt how to be kind after having Tanjiro as the MC 😌
Attack on Titan
I SAID DEMON SLAYER SPOILS BUT THIS FANDOM IS ON A WHOLE OTHER LEVEL. It's like this fandom's goal is to spoil all the new readers/watchers as soon as the Google aot 💀 AND YOU ARGUE SO MUCH. Post a theory? Instantly get hurled abuse. Post eremika fanart? Instantly gets abused and attacked. YOU CAN'T TAKE A BREAK. But I do treasure the people who are just trying to survive the ending, they're the real ones 🤌
Jujutsu Kaisen
I LOVE THIS FANDOM. One of my favourite fandoms, y'all have the most unhinged humour and posts the goofiest shit but I'm so here for it. Fandom mainly consists of simps and psychopaths, but YOU'RE SO FUNNY. Again, you get spoils like all the other fandoms, but this is one of my fav fandoms, dark humour is where it's at 😃🤟
I swear, y'all ship everyone together, no one is straight lmao. But since the majority of characters are guys, you had to work with what you had ig 😀HAIKYUU HAS THE BIGGEST FANFICTION BASE THO, THERE ARE SO MANY FANFICTIONS! But they're actually good..? Will admit, wrote Haikyuu fanfiction, and everyone is a simp as well. I see you Kuroo and Oikawa simps 👀 Pretty cool as long as you avoid the smutty fanfictions and fanart.
Should I do a part 2, and if so, what fandoms?? 👀
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incomingalbatross · 1 year
Things about Gus:
He has ALWAYS lived a compartmentalized life. His parents didn't approve of Shawn, so his friendship with Shawn meant half-living over at the Spencers' as a kid, and putting "friend" and "home" in separate boxes.
This seems to continue into adulthood; Gus loves his parents and family, and maintains good relationships with them, but he also doesn't seem to share a lot of his outside interests or priorities with them. (Though I'm on S2 of this rewatch so I may not have all my data.)
He also compartmentalizes, as many people do, while at work. He's good at his career, knows the ins and outs of his workplace and coworkers, and puts in the work to stay in good standing there...but at the same time his work friends have NO presence in his life outside of work, and his job has very little overlap with the rest of his daily concerns. He knows which coworker hand-makes her own pasta and which routes have just opened up, but he also checks off his duties as quickly as possible and spends the rest of his work hours quietly coasting.
Psych, of course, is his hobby/side job/true calling, depending who you ask and when, and very much bound up in his friendship with Shawn. Gus clearly loves and is invested in it and equally clearly does NOT want it, or Shawn, leaking into the other areas of his life.
FURTHERMORE, however, Gus has even more interests and hobbies that are sectioned off even from Shawn's attention—mainly because Shawn thinks they're nerdy and absurd. He's a nerd! He got all excited about the Santa Barbara con. He knew several cosplayers there by name. He is WAY into Harry Potter. He collects coins and plays online poker and frankly gets up to all kinds of stuff that he doesn't talk about at work or with his parents or with Shawn. I know in my heart that he has a Livejournal.
Oh, and let's not forget he got married in college and never even mentioned it to Shawn until it came up.
Anyway! My point is, Gus is used to compartmentalizing his life, and when considering whether or not he thinks of himself as "normal," I think it's important to note he probably has a very relativistic understanding of "normal" as a concept. His double-act is considered weird and immature by most people, yes. But most of his hobbies would ALSO be considered weird and nerdy by most people, INCLUDING Shawn. And on the flip side, he probably knows that most of his coworkers have "weird" hobbies or interests of their own that just don't come up, and he definitely knows most of his weird fandom friends are leading "normal" lives irl.
So I think his response to the question would be...is he normal? Well, normal in what context? He can fit in well with a variety of people, and that's as much as anybody can truthfully claim, isn't it? What's normal for his parents isn't normal for work, which isn't what's normal around his nerd friends, which isn't what's normal around Shawn.
And like. There are some valid points there. It just completely misses the fact that he and Shawn together are an unhinged pair of 12-year-olds in adult bodies and no one else is reaching their native levels of Nonsense, ever.
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Can I ask you some questions
1. What does karmy generally think about I army ? From what we see I army especially I jkkrs always see karmy as this ultimate power which can confirm something related to boy or jkk etc
2. Is there heavy homophobia in SK like I see Jkk bloggers always warning about which will affect safety of Jkk. I'm confused as when I see street interviews many Koreans seems open minded about it.
3. Is it true that Karmy indeed knows 'tea' lol. I always see bloggers here saying they are hiding it for jkk and boys safety and only share it in their cirlces. But I'm confused, there are antis in SK too and even ex fans can turn antis. Even recently we saw some I- jkkrs turning against JK because he was pushed by company. If one of them really has tea won't it be shared online and harm them which makes me think Karny also knows infos like I army except maybe they'll be seeing boys often.
Speaking for myself here.
1 - Every type of fan you have in i-ARMY, you have in k-ARMY, it's just that in k-ARMY it's the more intense version. The antis are more persistent, hateful and vicious, the cosplayers are more devious, the shippers more certain, the chartmys more obsessed and calculating, the solo stans more unhinged and vile, the mantis more extreme, even the OT7s are more intense in how hard they go for every member, more than anything I've seen on the i-ARMY side. But I do think the general perception Korean fans have of international fans (in general not just k-ARMY), is that many international k-pop stans are very easy to manipulate and rile up. Manipulation happens on the Korean side too but with foreigners it's way easier. And I don't think this disadvantage to international fans is just down to language barriers. Cultural nuances between Korea and most Western countries is what drives the bigger role, in my opinion. You simply cannot afford to be thin-skinned and simple-minded as a Korean person in regular society, and in the k-pop industry this is the bare minimum requirement to succeed as an idol for a reason. I mean, have you sat down to think about the sort of brutal honesty, cynicism, and vanity that's rampant in a culture, for plastic surgery to be so common it becomes banal?
Anyway, to answer your first question, k-ARMYs see international ARMYs as somewhat easy to manipulate, but at the same time very volatile and entitled. Sometimes. That first point though means you and I are not the only people who've noticed some people gobble up anything so long as it's in Korean, and that bias can be abused.
That said though, in the jikook community at least far as I know, many k-jokers are legit ARMYs who don't want to endanger the boys by spreading reckless information. Sometimes there are cosplayers and sasaengs mixed in, who do have ulterior motives / misleading information, but the community so far has been able to keep bad actors to the minimum. Overall though, what I really think is that if you actually respect the guys, the ultimate authority/power to confirm something related to them is the boys themselves. Their own actions and words should be clear enough, and your mind capable enough of arriving at a reasoned opinion all on your own. You can test that opinion against new information such as, a Korean person who claims they are more knowledgeable on the topic - because as I've said, Korean is very nuance-dependent and cultural insight is integral to always getting the full picture. Think about what the new information means for your opinion, and move forward with the opinion that makes the most sense to you at the end. Brownie points if you can engage in fandom with people with differing viewpoints, somewhat respectfully.
2 - Yes, there's heavy homophobia. And yes the younger generation is more accepting of it but that doesn't ultimately matter because of how Korea works. In my perception of it at least. The hate you get being queer in Korea, never starts directly. They target your friends first. Then your family. Your dad getting a snide comment at work here, your mom getting disinvited from the women's neighborhood meet-up there, your brother getting weird looks... And then there's the state restrictions: gay/queer couples cannot adopt and there are no protections under the constitution. So yes, technically people are out and people can come out and live relatively normal lives, but the path is extremely complicated. For someone like an idol, I'd imagine even more so.
3 - I won't waste a lot of time on this since I already said quite a bit in point 1. The one thing I'll say is if there's one thing you need to note about this industry, it's this: k-pop is so insanely competitive, people are so ridiculously wicked and psychotic that anybody who has dirt on you won't hesitate to use it at the first opportune moment. (You in this case being an idol/group.) Like, any 'tea' that's worthwhile gets spilled before long given the churn rate in the industry. And this is true to a large extent for companies too. For example, I don't think BigHit/HYBE is all that different from other k-pop agencies in this industry, but I do think they are in many ways better because if they were just as bad or worse than other agencies, we would've seen the paperwork by now. We would've seen the lawsuits, the weeping idols, the 'disgruntled staff' blinds (SM is notorious for being so good at this one), we would've seen that mess by now. Because many people don't hesitate to walk, especially in the case of abuse. Also, there is a very real limit to what even Korean people can know if they're outside the team's inner circle. Usually what counts as 'tea' is sightings and schedules, which if not illegal isn't damning in the least. But there are other kinds of 'tea' that's clearly malicious, but oftentimes that sort of hit is contracted. For example, things like the targeted attack Jimin faced regarding his missed insurance payments, myself and a few friends believe that was 'contracted hate'. Something that's unfortunately not uncommon in the industry.
K-ARMYs / k-jikookers are very similar in behaviour to i-jikookers, just more intense, usually / in my experience (including myself). So weigh their words/actions accordingly.
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mikuyuuss · 7 months
I just went to the kny premiere and this is my OOTD.
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Since my hair is partially dyed pink, I went for a Mitsuri inspired look. I braided my hair, wore her shirt (that I got from the swordsmith premiere) and wore all her colors (pink white jacket, green skirt, and flower patterned socks.) Also close up of my pink hair below.
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I got this idea when me and my friend were window shopping for clothes. We were talking abt which clothes the kny characters would wear and which ones our oc would wear too, so that's how we thought of doing some casual cosplay during the priemere.
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My friend went for a subtle Tengen look, with a simple black outfit, since Tengen doesnt wear a haori. He also wore some jewelry as an homage to Tengens flashiness. He also loves Zenitsu so ofc he wore a Zenitsu bag.
The theater has less people and wasn't as lively as the Swordsmith premiere, probably cuz we went at the wrong time, but hey, more room for us to be unhinged without disrupting anyone tho haha. (I was sad not to see any cosplayers, we intended to bring our cosplayer friend too, but she was busy)
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There was a display so we took lots of pictures. We even made sure to stand next to our fictional crushes, me with Giyuu and my friend with Tengen.
Anyways here's what I thought abt the movie so far
-first of all I LOVE IT. I have no idea how much I miss seeing the rest of the characters so much. The Hashira Training arc is an arc that I really adore, bc it's one of the few moments where we get to see the characters slow down a bit. My friend says he finds it to be the most boring arc, but idk, with all the action in KNY I dig for some "boringness" once in awhile. Also we were joking abt how this arc is like the "school festival arc" or "beach episode" of KNY, again, one of the reasons to love this arc.
-I Never thought much about Sanemi and Obanai's dynamic before. I just know they are a besties, but this filler really made me interested in them! Snake breathing and Wind breathing visuals were just sooo cool!!
-Have I mention that I miss the cast so much, but also I find myself foaming at the mouth everytime I see Giyuu 💀🤣 I noticed that there seems to be a sad piano music that's playing when he was trying to leave the meeting (I wonder if that is his ost) meanwhile my friend is foaming at the mouth everytime he sees Tengen.
-I feel bad for anyone in the butterfly estate who had to sleep next to Zenitsu and Inosuke. XD
-Also it's so nice to see some Kanao and Shinobu moment! Shinobu looks extra gorgeous I noticed. They really yassified her this season, and I'm not complaining. Also I like how even after Giyuu left, Shinobu tried her best to include him when they were discussing the pillar training. I wish they didnt cut it short though, I wanna know what they talk about Giyuu behind close doors so bad lol.
-Mitsuri's "Tanjiro speech" was so well executed and adorable, and just when I thought it couldn't get more expressive in the manga, then they even added her ost, and it was just perfect! Kanahana knock it out of the park with this one too! Even if there weren't alot of people watching. I did hear some giggles in this scene (including ourselves)
-Overall, it was a very satisfying watch. I really enjoy this arc for being some of the slower moments before the storm that is the final arc, and I think they managed to nail that! All the little things such as the filler of Tamayo being informed about Shinobu helping her, and some scenes that were rearranged, made the flow of the story go more smoothly.
-Also yes the op really slaps.
Speaking of our cosplayer friend that we mentioned before, after we were done with movie, it's almost as if there was some fate or foreshadowing going on bc we did end up stumbling upon her (though not in cosplay) and we ended up going back to take better pictures with her in it!
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bangobeep · 8 months
A Love Letter to Jazzpunk, by Ed
It's crazy how fast time can go by when you're enjoying yourself. It's been about three years since I first encountered this game, and I could not be happier with where it's brought me. I've learned so much and met so many wonderful people through it.
For a game that can be played in 2 hours and a half, it sure is complex; so full of jokes and content that can take literal hours to be taken apart. It's brought me closer to an appreciation of things like abstract art, the cyberpunk genre, analog tech, vintage clothing, suits, among a few others.
I remember my first interaction with the game. Funnily enough, it was not through Ranboo like what I usually tell. Back in the day, 2021, I was a mere high school student who, to cope with the horrors of the pandemic, used to be into the DSMP. Woo. Yeah. No shame in admittance. Well, only a little bit.
There was this one cosplayer I used to follow on TikTok (if I recall correctly, their name is Fern [they/them]); mainly because of their c!Foolish cosplay. I was drawn to them and their energy and the way they portrayed characters! So, naturally, I followed them and interacted with their videos every now and then.
On the 23rd of June of 2021, I found myself doom-scrolling on the app (as one does), and I came across one of their videos, though this one was not from any media I knew or was used to watching from them.
The song spy? by WHOKILLEDXIX started playing, and there he was. Glasses and (makeshift) orange tie. Business card. Coat. A little unhinged, yet classy. The Editor.
I feel as if I was so drawn to him because of what I wanted to do after high school. I wanted to study literature in college to become an editor myself! I wanted to correct people's texts, be annoying about it and get paid for it! And would you look at that, the name of the guy is quite literally The Editor. LOL.
As the days went by, I found myself going back to the video, waiting for them to upload more, to feed into my curiosity. I loved the video I saw so much I saved it to my gallery the exact same day I saw it.
Then came the second one, with actual footage from the game. "Quick, look behind you." The Director says, and the camera cuts to the ground, and Fern's shoes. I heard their voices for the first time. "Improvise, I know you'll do well by me." He says again, and I grow ever so drawn to it. Five videos are more than enough. And while I don't look it up just yet, it's in my head.
Until the 25th of July 2021! Like I said, I used to be into the DSMP, though by then, the fixation was fading, and I found myself in that limbo where nothing quite caught my attention. On that day, Ranboo tweeted something about a Jazzpunk stream, and it instantly caught my attention. I was quick to put down anything I was doing to find out what it really was.
And though I was not particularly interested in them, or their streams anymore, I was hooked! I was not the kind to stay for an entire stream, yet there I was. Two hours and thirty something minutes of being beamed in the brain with pure madness.
And then it was over. And I found myself gripping every single piece of fanart I could find with my bare hands, screaming because there had got to be more, right? There had to be more.
And there was! That's when Tumblr became my main form of internet presence. First was Instagram, then came Twitter, and well, would you look at that, I made it here.
I started drawing. I must admit, my first few drawings were atrocious, but looking back on them now, I feel proud. People say that when you fixate on something, your art develops as you go, and they're right!
A year and a half are all my prior account lasted. By the same name. I made a stupid joke to my boyfriend, sending one (1) spam message in their ask box and it was gone! And so, bangobeep 2.0 came to fruition. But that's not the point.
Back when I first got into the game, the need for connection was strong. I found myself craving the partnership; the long, late-night talks about little details of the game, the roleplaying, the scenario thinking, and so the Jazzpunk server came to life on the 13th of August 2021. Named Jazzpunk Moment. I sent a DM to the people I saw most often in the tag back then: Pangolin-404 and Vendotlover, both of which I admired very much!
I remember looking at their art and reading their fanfics and thinking to myself: 'Wow, what I'd give to be able to talk to the cool kids!' And well, I did! I talked to both, and they both agreed to give me their discord, after which they (and a few others with time) joined the server.
Some time after that, I befriended them personally through our mutual love for the game and similar interests, as well as through general chitter chatter about me being hyperactive when on caffeine, 404/Caligula telling me about Sammy Lawrence from Bendy and the Ink Machine, and Ven telling me of xeir OC whose name came from Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss. I’m happy to say nowadays I still talk to both Caligula and Ven very often. In fact! I consider Cali one of my best friends, and I am kinda gay dating Ven. So, you know. Fun things bring fun people together. :)
Then came around people like Jazz Jazzanon, Zippy Zippycup, Jazzhands, Noah, Wither, and a couple others that, while I won’t mention, made this experience something wonderful for me.
I can’t quite find the words to express this something so dear to me. Jazzpunk, as short as it is, changed my life in ways I could’ve never imagined. I’ve started researching things I thought I’d never be into, started books I loved, got into music I had never listened to before, and it all helped build me as a person these three years. It’s brought me unimaginable amounts of comfort and joy, and I don’t think I’ll ever find something else that will make me feel this whole.
I could go on and on about how I have projected so many little aspects of my life onto my interpretation of it. About how the way I interpret Polyblank is highly influenced by those I love. About how the paintings in The Editor’s house fit him and his personality, but those are topics for another day.
The world out there is wacky and crazy, and Jazzpunk does a great job at feeding into the fact it can be strange, it can be difficult, and it can be fun.
So, to 10 years of community, 10 years of happiness, 10 years of a game that will stay with me forever, and many more to come!
Thank you, Jazzpunk.
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theficlistpodcast · 7 months
If you're coming to Awesome Con DC this weekend, come to one of our panels; our schedule is below the cut! I promise not to be so serious 😂 I'm just feelin' grateful, is all!
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Friday, March 8
Um, Actually...(Fandom Trivia with The Fic List) 4:00-4:45 PM Room 207A Um, actually... are you sure you know your fandom history? Based on the hit game show from DROPOUT, join the creators of The Fic List podcast (a fan-fiction book club podcast you should definitely be listening to) in this fast-paced, hilariously pedantic test of fandom facts, figures, and tropes. Reign victorious and be rewarded with the greatest prize of all - being right!
Into the Omegaverse: A Long, Hard Look at Smutty Fan-Fiction 7:30-8:15 PM Room 206 From slash to the citrus scale to A/B/O, fan-fiction boldly goes where traditional literature, film, and television often does not (does knot? We digress...). In this 18+ panel, join the team behind The Fic List podcast to explore and celebrate fan-fiction sub-cultures in all their queer, kinky, unhinged glory. This panel is rated E for Explicit.
Saturday, March 9
OTP or NOTP: A Tournament of Cosplay Pairings 3:15-4:00 PM Room 207A Blackbeard/The Joker? Jawa/Princess Peach? Vegeta/Bob the Tomato?!? Join The Fic List (a fan-fiction book club podcast you should definitely be listening to) for this low-stakes, highly silly Tournament of Pairings. Do we ship it? It’s up to the audience! Cosplayers of all levels and fandoms are welcome and encouraged to drop in, show off, and square up in random pairings to determine the ultimate OTP. Participation in the tournament will be on a first-come, first-served basis, so come by early to ensure your spot! During the event, we will randomly pair cosplayers together, and the audience will vote for the pairings they ship (OTPs). Silliness may ensue. We're voting on the character pairing - not the quality of your cosplay - and the goal is to have fun and generally celebrate fandom and shipping culture.
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gravehags · 5 months
the post you reblogged about minors in the ghost fandom is so true!! it's been bugging me for a while tbh and that's why i don't interact with the fandom outside of tumblr because the rest is just 15yos ranting about adults doing adult things in the fandom of a band that outwardly encourages sexual freedom and simultaneously whining about ppl with 'mdni' in their bios, like idk don't you have math homework to do instead?? always searching for reasons to call other people cringe over stupid shit is middle school bully behavior, y'all weren't roleplaying in wattpad comments with no concerns of being 'cool' and it shows. like i straight up saw someone saw ghost cosplayers doing thirst traps were cringy and weird, like you disregarded their boundaries by engaging with their 18+ content and then got butthurt that it's not made for you??? once again they're as obnoxious as my catholic school 'holier than thou' classmates
anyways i'm done rambling, or maybe not don't get me started on how the ghoulettes are treated compared to mlm ghoul pairings but that'll be a rant for another time ig
-unhinged family anon
go offfff i’m so tired of minors wanting to own a space that was created for and maintained by adults. literally go do your algebra homework and quit worrying about my horny posts.
and ohhhhh the rant i could go on with you :) being a wlw in this fandom is fucking excruciating especially when you could give less of a shit about mlm pairings. i’m tired of the ghoulettes getting continuously ignored because they’re women or they “ruin” your slash ship or you have some weird jealousy thing going on with the musicians. i’m done being nice about it, i’m out for blood.
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mamasplat · 5 months
I need Courtney to get a pokemas alt so I can start being labeled “that one Courtney cosplayer” by being wildly unhinged and cosplaying every outfit she gets ever
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