#cosmo bulgolyubov
cooltmoney95 · 2 years
Meet The Junior Spies
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Cosmo Bulgolyubov (11)- Son of Oswald, Moonstone, & Voltannia. He is the leader of the Junior Spies. He is a strong-willed and stubborn young boy who wants to be a spy just like his father. He is very protective of his friends and family and is always the first to step in to stand up for anyone in need. He is very outgoing and adventurous, and is always looking for a thrill. But being the leader of the group, he knows when to keep that side of him in check so that he can look out for his friends and family. He is the the type of friend who will hype you up when you're down and always know how to give advice and offer help whenever and however he can. But despite this, Cosmo tends to be reluctant to ask for help himself due to his stubbornness. But certain friends of his are always willing to make him swallow his pride and let them come to his aide. He and Olga are the only ones in the group who knew Cetus prior to training under Oswald. Since the three of them grew up together.
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Olga Bulgolyubov (11)- Daughter of Oswald, Moonstone, & Voltannia and Cosmo's twin sister. A shy and quiet girl who has difficulty standing up for herself and is easily frightened. But she does want to try and help others despite her timid personality. Out of all the junior spies, Olga is the most sensitive of the group. And is the one who's the most in tune with her emotions.
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Bonbon Oceania (11)- Daughter of Meelo Bubblegum and Hesperia Oceania. She is a happy, bubbly, and excitable girl who loves to bake and throw parties. Much like her father, she has a habit of being ditzy and childish, making it hard for her to focus on important tasks. Bonbon owns several sweet cannons, but her favorite is her sprinkle and birthday cake canons. And doesn't think twice about using them even in the worst possible times (much to the annoyance of the people around her.).
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Triton Sealungs (11)- Son of Marinus & Nerites Sealungs. Despite neither of his fathers serving under any sort of military or royal guard (nor having any espionage experience.) he always had an interest in becoming a spy ever since heard stories about Oswald & his friends and their adventures back when he was younger. By all accounts, Triton is often described as being a mini version of Nerites. He's sweet, excitable, and has a natural sense of curiosity. He also has the tendency to crush on almost any boy he meets and often tries too hard to impress them (which always ends with him making a fool out of himself.). He is also a bit of a jokester, and always takes the opportunity to crack a joke at any opportunity (Though it rarely ever gets a laugh out of people.).
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Marie Fly (11)- Daughter of Aspen & Helia. She is a stern, cold and strict little girl who takes her training very seriously. She is disturbingly skilled with daggers, shuriken stars, and spears, and is working her way up to wielding a katana outside of her spy training. She comes off as rather intimidating and anti social on first impressions (And has no qualms with playing into said first impressions.). She does have love for her friends and family. But doesn't really show in the most conventional ways. Marie has a strong belief in honesty, and thus has developed a tendency to be very blunt and straight forward with people. Even if she ends up hurting their feelings in the process. It is a common belief that she could possibly become the Flutter Johansen of her generation when she's older.
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Soleil Fly (11)- Son of Aspen & Helia and Marie's twin brother and the child prodigy/boy genious of the group. He is a a gifted and intelligent boy with a major sassy streak and has a habit of making snarky comments. But he means well. While his sister is more into physical combat, Soleil is more of a special/magic specialist. He is often seen practicing a wide variety of spells and techniques from whatever spellbook he's reading at the time. He may or may not experiment on people on occasion (spoiler alert: he totally does! Lol). Which does get him in trouble at times.
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Vesper Stix (11)- Daughter of Jet Breezemaker & Sugarina Stix. A confident and sassy little girl who's a bit of a brat and a drama queen. And tends to look down on those she seems beneath her. But does have a more caring side as well. She's just as skilled of a dancer as her mother, and combined with her air nymph abilities, she is able to pull off many great performances on stage. Is the most graceful of the junior spies and wants to learn how to be a spy to not only how to incorporate it into her dancing, but also because she genuinely wants to help people (though she'll never admit to it.).
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Falcon Redwing (11)- Son of Cardinalla Redwing and Spike Needles. An arrogant and competitive boy who often acts as his own hype man and likes to make himself a bigger threat than he actually is. Is the most boisterous of the junior spies and is the group's resident loudmouth. However underneath his inflated ego, Falcon is terribly insecure and has doubts about his actual strength. But he would rather die than admit that. Is a major Kings Crew stan. Particularly of Lars, whom he hopes to be like when he's older.
Hey y'all! Well, I finally got this meet post for the Junior Spies done. Fun fact: I originally had planned to post this in 2022 alongside their debut fic. But personal circumstances forced me to put this on hold for a while. So I left it in my drafts until I was motivated to get back to it again.
Lucky for me I was. And hopefully I can keep this going too.
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cooltmoney95 · 2 years
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More Junior Spies interactions. This time with Cosmo, Soleil, and Falcon. Not a teaser for any particular chapter. Just doing some test writing.
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cooltmoney95 · 2 years
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Another teaser for The Adventures of The Junior Spies Chapter 1.
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cooltmoney95 · 2 years
The Bulgolyubov Kids Teaser
Osanne: As the top spy of my generation I intend to continue my family's legacy and do my part to help protect Mewni! I'm not called The Queen of Spies for nothing after all!
Osmond: Zodiac this! Titans that! I'm sick of always hearing about the big dogs in the pack getting all the praise! Mewni's got more to offer than just a bunch of overpowered muscleheads! And I intend on being living proof of that!
Ophelia: If you want to hang with me, you have to respect my three Fs: My Family, My Friends, & My Fashions! And I don't make compromises!
Jupiter: I pledge to do my part to aid all forms of life throughout the dimensions.
Lusamina: As the future empress of Starlight Meadow, I will do whatever it takes to make my people and my family proud.
Lucien: For me, there's no time for slowing down when a new adventure is just on the horizon! Now let's wave our flags in the air and get ready to set sail!
Cosmo: Someday, I'm going to be a master spy just like my dad & granny Kartina! And with my friends by my side, anything is possible!
Olga: I'll try and do my best to help everyone in Mewni. I hope I'll be as good of a spy as the rest of my family. But..I don't know if I will.
Nicholai: I'm not sure what I want to do yet. But I do know one thing, I'm gonna make the most of what life throws my way, and bite it in the booty!
Solidad: Goo, goo!
Typing out quotes to try and give ya'll a taste of the Bulgolyubov kids' personalities. I'll be posting full meet pics and mini-bios for each of them. But only Solidad, Nicholai, Lucien, Jupiter, Osmond, Ophelia, Lusamina, & Osanne will be on the "Meet The Bulgolyubov Kids" post. (Olga & Cosmo are gonna be posted alongside the rest of The Junior Spies. Which is drawing near, since I already have their meet pics done.).
Anywho, if ya'll have any questions regarding these kiddos, feel free to send them flying my way.
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cooltmoney95 · 3 years
Future AU Tales: I Spy..., Sneak Peek.
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A sneak peek of my next Future AU Tales fic.
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cooltmoney95 · 3 years
Future AU Tales: Visiting Uncle Oswald
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Synopsis: A few days after the fight with his father, Cetus decides to stop by Oswald's house to visit him & his family. As he explains what happened, he asks Oswald something the mewman/frog monster hybrid never expected to hear from the young prince.
SW: This fic may include references and possible spoilers for future plotlines in Oswald, The Spy. So those of you who don't want to be spoiled for that story, I advise you to not read this fic or at least please read with caution.
So...yeah. Just a little something I made in response to Kururu's fic "Fierce Fathering" (Which ya'll can read here>>> Fierce Fathering). I'll admit that I'm usually not that invested in making content for the Future AU. But after reading that fic, I thought "hmm.. let's see what I can make out of this." and then BAM! Went straight into Google doc and the rest is history. I don't know if I'll be revisiting this again. But I know one thing is certain: I really enjoyed writing it! And I hope ya'll will enjoy reading it.
Cetus Butterfly belongs to @kururu418
All other OCs belong to me
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cooltmoney95 · 3 years
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A simple sketch I did while thinking up some ideas for the Future AU story I'm working on. (Which isn't related to this image.). It's basically a sketch I made of Cetus with Bonbon & Cosmo. Cetus Butterfly belongs to @kururu418
Cosmo Bulgoyubov & Bonbon Oceania belongs to me.
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cooltmoney95 · 3 years
Future AU fic Preview.
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King really had to go and trigger my writing skills! XD
Anywho, got inspired by Kururu's latest Future AU fic to write this & thought I'd give ya'll a little preview.
Astro & Cetus Butterfly & Tales of Mewni belongs to @kururu418
Oswald, Cosmo, & Olga Bulgolyubov belong to me.
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