#cosmic horror kin
citizenoftmrrwlnd · 9 months
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self care for : an cosmic/eldritch horror including some fidgets and focusing on the colors yellow and black, with themes of eyes and hands
x | x | x x | - | x x | x | x
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cosmic horror species euphoria culture is drawing eyes all over yourself to mimic the all the eyes you used to have
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ur-fav-cosmic-horror · 6 months
Some ideas for some sneaky otherkin gear, I suppose?
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So, multiple eyes first! Glasses with more than two lenses and eye themed jewelry!
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And wings!! Wing themed glasses and puffy/flared sleeves!!
I know it's only two things, but when I come up with more ideas, I'll reblog this with the updates or something, lol! Hopes this helps!!
(Also, as a side note, there is a thing called hoof shoes, for all you horses or unicorns or pegasus ((idk if I spelled that right)) or who/whatever else wants to look them up!)
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Girlfriend support.
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wonstop · 2 years
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Package for an eldritch horror pretending to be a pastel goth girl 🎀
pin ($8.90) - sweater ($29.71+) - hairclips ($8.95)
tealight holder ($14.99) - notebook ($45+) - plush ($29)
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Been obsessing over this fic idea about the role of mistresses, gender, magic, and menkhu in Gokrhon through Oyun's memories, isidor's perspective over the years, Gorkhon history, myth, and zoology anecdotes
anyway the very specific hell of being childhood best friends and developing feelings for the most important person your age when your the second most important person your age in your village so all the girls your age style and hang out with your crush as their posse and tease and flirt with you constantly and you are a teenager and you are shy and introverted and can't tell when you're being teased.
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paragonrobits · 5 months
something i think about a lot in fullmetal alchemist is the textual point, implicitly from the plot in general and outright stated by Izumi Curtis, is that the Truth is entirely justified in the cruel lessons it doles out to those arrogant and shortsighted enough to think they can just force the cycle of life and death to do what they want
and other series might have denounced the Truth, in some way, for doing it to children. Something like 'they were just little kids who missed their mother' or implying that any kind of morality applies to the Truth as fundamentally a force of cosmic judgement.
But the lines more or less outright say 'yeah, no. the Truth is cruel, but the truth is always correct. They were foolish, they were full of themselves, and they suffered the consequences for it"
no for nothing is the Truth established as basically mocking Edward to his face in a curt, criticizing method, condemning him for his arrogance. A child he may be, but it is still arrogance, still the destructive hubris at work.
"You have dared to knock on the door."
"Now the door has opened."
"Quiet, child. This is what you wanted, isn't it? Now I'll show you... the TRUTH."
And a big part of it is that the truth of the world is often cruel. It's harsh, pitiless, and shows the same exact amount of cruelty to grieving mothers of stillborn infants and children mourning the loss of their mother. And it is implicitly mirrored in the other horrors of the setting's history.
The mass graves of Ishval are pretty clear evidence of that; being children won't shelter you from the evils of the world. It's there in Alex Louis Armstrong sobbing as he holds the broken body of a child he is almost certainly responsible for killing, however indirectly. It's there in the Scarred Ishvalan dedicating himself to die in a destructive rampage because with no homeland or kin left, all he has left is vengeance.
There's no wriggle room out of it, no excuse. You fuck around, you find out, and the toll you pay for knocking on the door of the truth is to have what you can least afford to lose taken from you, as cruelly and violently as possible, so every single day you wake up and you're reminded of the lesson, over and over.
Is it cruel? Absolutely. But mere humans don't get to argue with the universe. You have to simply live with the consequences. Sometimes there's a way around it, as Izumi notes.
But perhaps it was outlined in the very first pages of the manga: "A painless lesson has no meaning, because mankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return."
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demigoddessqueens · 1 year
If your requests are still open, would it be possible to do a bloodborne hunter!s/o for vox machina?
I can imagine the hunter!s/o has quite the amount of scars from beasts and cosmic kin they’re willing to show the vox machina crew if they’re not being taken seriously.
Bloodborne sounds perfect for the fall/Halloween season
Cue the Cleric Beast/Cleric Amelia beast screech 😀
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He’s equally fascinated mostly by how you managed such feats and even offers to innovate some improvements if you’ll let him
Constantly asking questions and even praising you for fighting a beast with as many weapons as you could
Writes more of your feats into his songs but there a genuine wonder to them the more you realize
Equally hooked but so concerned about you and your well-being because of these stories go
He’s known his encounters with gods but your stories put those to shame as he eagerly listens and admires the battle scars you have
The cleric has had her fair share of cosmic horrors but she never anticipated types like these before, especially when you mention how some were clerics too
Not one to undermine you, she’s inquisitive and wants to know more about you, hooked onto every story
Interest aside, I’d imagine if they ever came across one of the Bloodborne Beasts/Bosses, they’d be like 😀🙃😨
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The Yanderes of the Autumn Court
(Fall has finally 'fallen' haha, and I couldn't resist writing this. I'd say this is based on fairies, but I love cosmic horror too much to not add a wee bit of it...so I named them Alterkinder or Alterkind for singular (lit just German for 'Older Children' smh 😞) because this is my bastardized version of them.
To avoid the overuse of this made up word, I also call them the Fallen, the Autumn Court, autumn fae, or the Wither. If I say 'Yandere' specifically, I'm referring to the Yandere. Though it might seem like it, not all fair folk are lovesick in this world of mine, so the yanderes are one of a kind even compared to their fellow eldritch abominations.
Enjoy this cosmic fairy shit, loves.)
Content: original worldbuilding, stalking as courtship, unintentional cannibalism, kidnapping, necrophilia, eldritch monsters and their own version of love. Took inspirations from Hades and Persephone, but besides the kidnapping scene, nothing else.
The Autumn Court.
Once the greatest of the Alterkinder, they bear scars from wars of ages past.
Nowadays, they are merely remembered as the Fallen, the Shadows of What Was. They were left to rot in the realm of ambers and russets, where the earth is too coarse and barren to grow much of anything.
As a result, the Fallen pride themselves on being resilient, persistent even at the face of hardship and humiliation.
Which is why for you, their mortal pet, it means rejection will never be an option.
Harvest Season
As patron deities of harvests and hunts, the Fallen treat courtship the same way a hunter would a promising prey. It's all a game to some of them. Whereas we mortals have dating rituals, the Autumn Court have what they call 'the Harvesting'.
Elder Fallen will know the season is coming before it even hits them. They will feel it in the breeze flowing through their hair, feel it in the slightest drop in temperature, or in the smallest change to their physiology.
The younger, inexperienced Fallen tend to fall victim to their basest instincts.
Should you find yourself the target of a Fallen's affection, and a Yandere one at that, just know that you will have until winter to dissuade them. Before the first snowfall, they can court you without interference from any other spirits besides those from their own court, so take advantage of it.
I wouldn't get your hopes up though. You'll realize the further more you read this what I mean by 'persistent'.
Finders, Keepers
It is a tradition in the Autumn Court that a fae must brand their chosen prey to prevent any conflict.
At this point, they will not show themselves to their chosen mortal just yet. Reasons vary, but for a Yandere, it's typically because their first priority is to let all the others know that you are theirs and theirs alone. They know just how heated territorial disputes within their court can get, and they'd rather keep you out of it as much as possible.
Though this tradition was founded to prevent any two autumn fae from fighting over the same prey, it isn't always respected. If the Yandere themselves haven't disregarded the brand of their fellow kin, then they are ensuring that nobody else would do the same. Realistically, that is impossible, but some of the more powerful members of the court could absolutely decimate anyone they think covets their pet.
From death by a thousand thorns to being mauled to shreds by their most vicious familiars, but I'll speak of their cruelties later.
How a Fallen chooses to brand their Darling is up to individual preferences.
Among the Headless Riders, their favourite method is to douse their target with their blood. Their human can scrub themselves clean, but little do they know, enough of it will still linger for any fae to notice.
Some are less dramatic and opt for something simpler, like runes and insignias.
I don't know about you, but the lack of blood make it a little less romantic...but that's just my opinion.
Pumpkin Spice and Apple Pies
After they have secured their ownership, this is when the true courtship begins.
Some Elder Fallen may still remember the magic of the Old Summers. They cannot stop the inevitable march of winter, but the chill won't drop any lower than is comfortable for a while just so they could see you wearing your favourite sweaters. Anythig to prevent you from wearing too many layers.
Some could even bless your lands with fertility to ensure a plentiful harvest for the local farmers in your area, or make it drizzle everyday should they see how much you like how it sounds against your windows.
But what can a young Fallen do when he doesn't have much power or prestige to his name?
A feast.
It isn't official, but any Fallen worth their salt must show they are capable providers. The Autumn Court as a whole not only finds pride in being survivors, but in thriving where their enemies thought they will perish.
Roast meat, your favourite desserts, and fruits you cannot name will all be beautifully arranged on your table regardless of how small it is.
But never ask what the meat is from. Don't ask what these fruits are either. The apples' flesh is red, bleeding, for a reason. You wouldn't want to know why.
The feast is simply a symbol of their dedication to you. The Yandere hopes that by showing you the fruits of their labour, you will believe them when they promise that you will never feel fear or hunger ever again.
Just let them take care of you.
The Reaping
At last, fall is coming to an end, and the Fallen are beginning to feel the approach of winter. The time has come for them to choose whether or not they want to keep you.
The Reaping is the last stage, and it is perhaps the most scariest thing the Yandere can do to you during the Harvesting.
This is because for many mortals, they wouldn't even see their suitor until this stage in the Harvesting. It's not like they could have known that the owl, falcon, cat, mountain lion, and fox that they have been encountering was just their secret admirer in disguise.
And as the wise of old said: "The longer the wait, the sweeter the fruit."
Knowing this, the Yandere would certainly abstain from talking to you just to keep the Reaping special.
It would be the first time they'll hear your voice directly being spoken to them, and only them.
It would be the first they'll feel the warmth of your skin and supple flesh, take in your scent and taste.
At last, they have you all entirely to themselves.
It all seems romantic...for the Alterkind. But for you, the first meeting is nothing less than a kidnapping.
Imagine the earth shaking out of nowhere. When you thought it was only an earthquake, the ground quite literally parts in half, and a great hole forms before you. Just as you try to even make sense of it, a great black steed leaps out. Its rider--of course it has a rider. It won't be able to wear the most noblest of accruements otherwise--simply whisks you away, back to which he came from. Your screams of terror will be ignored.
Every Fallen has their own unique love story, but if there is one thing common in all of them, it is that none of the brides were willing.
Zealous Protectors
Their defeat at the hands of the Summer Court and Spring Court had heightened something that every Alterkind has: possessiveness.
For one thing, having their home realm taken from them has made them deeply paranoid. Being stripped of all their wealth and power was like rubbing salt on their wounds.
As such, the Alterkind of the Autumn Court learned to be wary of anyone who so much as look at their possessions wrong.
The average Fallen are zealous in their guardian duties. Elder Fallen especially are known for taking their vows of protection seriously. After all, the memory of what they've lost is still fresh in their mind.
So optimistically, your devoted Alterkind was born several generations after that fateful war, but don't expect much improvement.
One of the most cruelest deaths whispered within the Court came from someone even they least expected.
There was once a prince of a quiet nature. Though far from a pacifist, his temper was not as tempestuous as the winter blizzard or thunderstorms of spring. He planted thorn berries within the belly of a spring fae, nurtured it until they grew out of her bleeding mouth and tore her stomach open.
All of this because she regarded his beloved mortal for longer than what he allowed.
Possessiveness runs deep in the veins of the Alterkinder, be they of autumn, winter, spring, or summer.
But you must know, the culture of the Fallen was built from humiliation, the detritus of their golden age act as its foundation. It nurtured them to become what they are now:
Like Leaves in Fall
Ironically, the court that finds virtue in change and transition have some of the most...'inflexible' members.
You might think concepts often associated with autumn like decay and inevitability would make them more accepting of death, but alas. Once in a blue moon, you will hear tragic tales exemplifying just how much lower the Fallen Kinder could fall.
The Lovesick of the Autumn Court are just that; patron spirits of rot and inevitable death, unable to accept that even something immaterial and abstract like love can be taken from them.
They themselves can decay. It isn't unheard of for an autumn kind to slowly devolve into the very thing they are masters of. Their skin dries and peels like dried bark as their joints and bones go brittle.
They can grow lonesome.
It may hold onto the rotting corpse, too broken to acknowledge the maggots infesting its sludgy flesh, and imagine movements. In desperate hope, their decayed heart will jump as they think, "They're alive! They're waking up! I don't have to be cold and alone anymore!"
But once the Kind realize they were wrong, the grieving process starts anew, and they hurt all over again.
Their entirety withers. Their thoughts and memories may drift away. Their grasp on reality becomes just as lost as fluttering leaves.
Where you truly ever theirs to begin with?
The Fallen Fae becomes bitter. Cold.
This cold bitterness grows and grows until it turns into something all-consuming. It will destroying whatever kindle was left in their heart, making it impossible for them to feel the warmth of love or hope ever again.
And so...they hold onto their Darling. A hollow shell of what their love once was.
In the shadows of the past.
Mind scattered in the wind like fallen leaves.
Ivies grow here.
In this cold dungeon of old.
Hush, for you will miss it.
The crying of the Withered.
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scarab-daily · 7 months
Tell me why you like that weird ass bug (no hate, I love that bug too)
Dear LORD what is there to say about him i haven't allready rambled about, ok i'm just gonna break it into 2 categories. So bit of Lyme lore, i have been going THROUGH it mid to late 2023 and decided to get into fnc during a SEVERE DEPRESSION, [initally i was here because i got..kin assigned simon as i was and still am recovering from a really bad psychotic episode], but i dunno bug man captivated me 9/28/23. and i have not been the same. my current comfort object is a plushie of him i have made So. now that we have the sentimental part of why scarab is important to me out of the way. i'm just gonna come out and admit it for those who don't follow my main. I AM A CRAWLIE. I LOVE BUGS I LOVE WHEN BUGS ARE ALSO PEOPLE AND I AM ABNORMAL ABOUT THEM OK??. i have an in depth rant about how much scarab's design appeals to me here . i could be here all day ranting about bug parts and body horror and the uncanny nature of scarab's design but. put me in a discord call you'll hear it all in an hour. as for personality wise i just,,,i fuck with the fact scarab is an inheritly jelious and petty person [i have..a lot of mental issues that make me a diffacult person to be around], i just i like that he's FLAWED. the fact this all powerful god is just some cosmic repo guy who really has no reason to be that fucking flashy and theatrical. ,,,,,,,i don't know what else to say other than i love him so fucking much and to please dispell the rumor i spent 60 dollars on a bodypillow because that toally never happened. so heres screenshots of me being abnormal about him to my girlfriend <3
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are there any things about the future arcs you can say? If not you can ignore me!
I can talk about them!
There are 4 planned arcs right now, with 2 mini arcs planned as well.
The 2 mini arcs are known as: Skyfall, the story of what happened when Skyclan left; and Missing Moons, the stories of some cats whose development years were stuck in between The Hopless Storm and A Vision Of Shadows.
The main arcs coming are: Dark Times, the immediate aftermath of ASC's Downer Ending (Berryheart and Splashtail becoming leaders of their Clans); as well as an Arc that I have split in half.
Beyond the Stars, Sunlight Edition: More slice-of-life story about the remains of The Kin, lead by 5 young Protagonists, one from each Clan.
Moonpaw, daughter of Fringewhisker and Spireclaw from Skyclan.
Rowanpaw, daughter of Dovewing and Tigerstar from Shadowclan.
Spottedpaw, son of Spotfur/Silverspots (name undecided) and Stemleaf of Thunderclan.
Saplingpaw, daughter of Toadstep and Featherpelt of Windclan.
Floatpaw, daughter of Sneezecloud and Havenpelt of Riverclan.
The 5 come together and must work together to not only stop the Kin threat, but help the cats hurting from it to heal.
The other half is Beyond The Stars Moonlight Edition. Cosmic horror with a single Protagonist. Bristlepaw of Thunderclan.
A bold, curious young molly determined to push boundaries and find about about her origins, and right a wrong that no one seems willing to speak of. An unlikely group of allies may just be the key to success.
The Fourth and Possibly Final Arc takes place many, many years in the future. A reunion of every group we have seen. Thunderclan, Windclan, Skyclan, Riverclan and Shadowclan now live around the lake with Warriorclan and Bloodclan, who have lived their for years. Peace on the horizon, the cats must overcome their differences one final time, and come together as one, once and for all.
The arc will be extended with a view to each of the 7 Clans, along with how Starclan and The Dark Forest are doing now.
The Arc, jokingly referred to as Warriors Violet (in reference to the futuristic Pokemon Violet) has now been given an official name.
The Last Clan.
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katyspersonal · 1 year
It is a really a cool reoccurring bit of lore for me that Elden Ring sort of reused the "conflict" between Choir and Willem's teachings from Bloodborne with Raya Lucaria's primeval current and the ideas that Carians brought!
Imposter Iosefka is the best example of the Choir's generic mindset we have, speaking about transcending the "stupidity" and forcibly turning people into cosmic Kin! More or less Sellen is a very good successor to this character, especially with the fact that Choir and ancient sorcerers (?) both have history of experimenting on children (Choir's Orphanage + little Aurelia and Aureliette being implied to have their souls cut with a glintstone blade). And in general, Raya Lucaria and Research Hall (that IS the past of what is now the Choir) are okay with experimenting!
But Willem, after all, suggested that humanity is better evolved and improved than abandoned completely, he said to possibly level with Great Ones as men! I can see this sort of parallel with Rennala and generally Carian standards being brought back; interest in the 'Moon' suggests something closer to the human plane. Like, instead of obsessing over stars and nothing but stars and sipping that cosmic horror and "returning" to them as "fallen children of the stars", it brings more attention to THE satellite that is close to humans and is less otherworldly both physically and philosophically! Both games have their academy that fell for its own hubris to propose the conflict of 'do you see humanity as useless shackle to cast away and become something bigger, or as something you should cherish but also improve and evolve with the wisdom you can get from otherworldly sources?' . And this is so cool!
Again, I guess it is the question players should answer to on their own. Both games try to nudge us to sympathize with 'humanity is not a liability' side of the question, saying that Willem was different from Choir and would be heartbroken about Mensis, and posing Carians as more sympathetic guys with showing Sellen (that speaks for primeval current) as this kinda... callous, determined woman... But you still COULD say that true discovery and knowledge demands great sacrifices and people that can't choke their human morality won't bring TRUE progress. Just... Elden Ring opened and explored the conflict way better, it is much plain to see advantages and disadvantages of both sides! It is less of intuitive speculation with subtle details than in was in Bloodborne, I am just DELIGHTED that they revisited the interesting issue in the next game. Basically nothing shows caring about the messages they want to deliver and discussions they want to raise in the fandom than "We didn't say that loud enough in the previous game, let's try again but better".
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krentle · 1 year
Thinking about Nimona (2023)...
There are a million things to say about this movie, but primarily, I want to focus on the representation for gender and identity stuff. First though a bit about myself.
I'm a nonbinary person with a really complicated relationship to my gender and even my identity as a whole. For me, it's something that is ever shifting and really very hard to quantify. I cope by having very unconventional gender expressions with many neogenders, neopronouns, and kins. With kinning especially being important to me. Shifting from fickin to fickin and various otherkin identities. Vash The Stampede, Xion, Chloe Price, Shark, Cosmic Horror, Changeling, etc.. Each kin representing for me some complicated collection of emotions, gender feelings, and interests. It's a thing that I feel like I HAVE to do frequently to relieve stress and feel more comfortable and at peace with myself at that time.
Okay, now actually back to Nimona. If you've seen the movie, I'm sure you recognize what I'm making a comparison to. The scene where Nimona talks to Bal about how it feels to shapeshift, or more accurately, why they feel the need to. Describing it as an "itch" and that if they forced themselves not to shift, it would cause harm. Not physically but emotionally, so much so that they wouldn't feel "alive" if they couldn't be allowed to express themself like that. I'm paraphrasing, but that's the general idea.
Beyond that, there is the general insistence Nimona makes throughout the movie on not being a "girl" or "person". Nimona is other, a thing, a creature. Nimona is "Nimona".
It's genuinely extremely personally touching to see representation for trans, nonbinary, and even otherkin, and the struggles we go through to be ourselves against societal expectation and discrimination. In what is at the end of the day a children's movie on a mainstream platform, and to such a major success.
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ur-fav-cosmic-horror · 6 months
Me, patting my human self:
Human Me: Oh God, what is life and the universe, I'm so small in the grand scheme of things oh my god
Me: (´д`|||)
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the0garden0of0eyes · 1 year
As much as everyone hates forbidden woods I think it is a great turning point of bloodborne. You start in beast infested village, get lost in the snake woods to eventually meet your presumably first kin specimens otherwise known as the blueberry goobers. It somehow connects to the starting area of the game and opens up new paths. And don't forget the suspicious beggar.
You think you somewhat understand what is going on in Yharnam, you get lost in the woods and the everything just fucking takes an 180 degree turn into cosmic horror. I love it.
Pay respect to the woods.
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ad-nai · 5 months
#AD-NAI  is  an  independent,  canon  divergent  &  selective,  hazbin  hotel  multimuse  writing  &  roleplay  blog.  it  features,  in  alphabetic  order:  adam,  alastor,  the  architect  (god),  roo,  rosie,  sera, stolas (test), &  valentino.  documented  by  your  local  degenerate  polymath,  romeo  iscariot  (xe/xem,  mixed  race,  25+,  lgbtqia+)
vivienne  medrano  critical.   established  2024. currently under construction
DEAD  DOVE,  DO  NOT  EAT.   (or  do,  i’m  a  roleplayer,  not  a  cop).   hazbin  hotel  &  the  lore  from  which  is  draws  are  rife  with  taboo  material  that  i  will  not  shy  away  from  in  my  writing.  therefore  i  ask  that  you  do  not  interact  if:  you  are  a  minor,  are  vulnerable  to  sensitive  topics,  or  have  difficulty  differentiating  between  fiction  &  reality.  please  do  not  follow  or  interact  with  the  intent  to  harass  or  self-harm.  specific  content  warnings  differ  between  characters  &  will  be  posted  in  their  respective  abouts.  blog-wide  warnings  for:  abuse  (all  kinds),  mental  illness,  blasphemy,  religious  imagery,  prejudice  (all  kinds),  oppression,  violence,  gore,  war,  &  sexual  content.
affiliated with: @televanghell / @pridemaster, @voxxisms / @condemnedsouls
rules below.
001.  blog  abides  by  roland  barthes’  literary  theory  the  death  of  the  author.  meaning  that  as  far  as  my  interpretation  goes,  i  only  take  what  is  shown  into  consideration.  &  only  so  far  as  it  aligns  with  basic  logic  &  storytelling.   personal  headcanons  &  theories  will  largely  dictate  my  characterization. that  being  said,  i  am  more  than  happy  to  meet  my  fellow  roleplayers  in  the  middle,  particularly  in  regard  to  their  own  theories  or  canon  divergence.
002.  this  blog  is  not  to  be  taken  as  a  condemnation  of  any  religion  or  those  that  practice  it.  while  christianity  serves  as  a  clear  inspiration,  i  also  take  inspiration  from  classical  literature,  hellenism,  judaism,  history,  pop-culture,  folklore,  &  cosmic  horror.  much  of  my  research  on  voodoo  /  voodou  &  hoodoo  come  from  the  works  of  professor  charles  porterfield,  kenaz  filan,  &  several  modern  &  1920s  documentaries  (the  latter  only  used  to  measure  public  opinion).  an  important  note  is  that  alastor  is  no  better  a  representation  of  hoodoo  than  he  is  of  asexuality,  in  that  he’s  terrible  for  both.
003.  inconsistent  activity.  i  work  full-time,  volunteer  part  time,  &  suffer  from  chronic  illness  &  autism.  due  to  any  combination  of  these  factors,  don’t  expect  me  to  respond  in  a  “timely  fashion”.
004.  standard  rp  etiquette  applies.  please  keep  in  mind  that  none  of  these  characters  are  particularly  easy  to  overpower.  when  engaging  in  altercation  based  threads,  it’s  wise  to  plot  out  the  victor  first.  beyond  that  godmodding,  infomodding,  &  other  extreme  power  imbalances  require  prior  consent.  if  you  write  with  the  architect  or  roo  some  amount  of  consent  for  infomodding  is  generally  presumed. otherwise,  harming  or  killing  my  characters  is  generally  fine  provided  it:  serves  a  plot  purpose,  is  an  appropriate  narrative  escalation,  &/or  is  in  line  with  the  behavior  clearly  outlined  for  your  character.
005.   i  don’t  have  any  personal  triggers  in  regard  to  writing.  i  ask,  however,  that  you  avoid  discussing  any  persons  real,  ongoing  delusions  with  me,  politics  &  current  events.  (i  work  a  job  that  requires  me  to  be  both  politically  active  &  informed,  tumblr  is  where  i  go  to  to  turn  off).  do  not  involve  me  or  my  muses  in  any  discussion  involving  kinning,  fictives,  or  endogenic  systems.  i  also  ask  that  you  please  do  not  call  my  alastor  a  w*ndigo  in  any  context  for  cultural  reasons.  i  tag  any  trigger  i  can  think  of,  canon  typical  violence,  cursing  etc.  won’t  generally  be  tagged.  please  let  me  know  if  you  need  something  tagged.  i  tag  val  specifically  as  “romeo’s  val  cw”. in  addition  to  tagging,  if  a  reply  from  me  ever  makes  you  uncomfortable  (even  if  the  boundary  crossed  was  not  pre-established),  you  can  ask  me  to  rewrite  it  &  i  will  do  so  to  the  best  of  my  ability.
006.   ocs  &  crossovers  are  encouraged!  i  have  a  live-action  fc,  a  human  verse  etc.  for  most  of  these  characters.  the  same  goes  for  duplicates!  a  gentle  note  on  archangel  ocs  —  they  will  be  considered  sera’s  equals  at  best  if  not  actively  under  her  will.  sera’s  importance  in  the  angelical  hierarchy  in  heaven  is  emphasized  repeatedly  in  the  series  &  given  the  treatment  of  lucifer  before  he  fell,  i  doubt  that  ‘archangel’  means  much  at  all  to  her.
007.  open  to  shipping,  but  it’s  not  the  main  focus.  polyamorous  ships  may  occur,  but  #ad-nai  is  multiship  (ships  take  place  in  different  verses/times  unless  specified).  please  approach  me  before  involving  my  muse(s)  in  content  involving  non-canon  actual  or  implied  infidelity.  i  won’t  generally  ship  val  x  velvet  (i  view  his  feelings  towards  her  as  paternal),  i  am  unlikely  to  ship  adam  x  charlie  or  adam  x  emily.  my  sera  is  aroace  &  is  unlikely  to  be  shipped  with  anyone.  alastor  asexual  &  is  shipped  extremely  selectively.  the  architect’s  relationship  with  those  he  has  created  is  complicated  &  not  inherently  paternal,  nor  is  it  biological.  while  i  understand  that  mormons  view  his  relationship  with  lucifer  as  that  of  a  father  &  a  rebellious  son,  that  was  not  how  i  was  taught  it  nor  is  it  how  i  perceive  it.  i  generally  default  to  them  having  been  friends,  lucifer  created  as  an  adult  &  for  the  purpose  of  being  a  companion  &  jester.  i  will  default  to  my  writing  partner  for  how  their  relationship  developed  beyond  that  &  abide  it.  but  you  will  see  them  occasionally  written  romantically,  or  more  accurately  as  sad,  bitter,  spurned  exes  on  this  blog.
008.  i  generally  prefer  to  rp  on  tumblr  over  other  platforms  (i.e.,  discord),  but  i  am  willing  to  move  threads  over  if  a  plot  is  deemed  too  triggering  for  dash  or  a  mutual  prefers  writing  nsft  content  in  private.  i  write  with  rich,  literate  formatting  but  will  send  ‘clean’  (unformatted)  versions  of  replies  upon  request.  i  prioritize  threads  over  asks  &  plotted  stories  over  spontaneous  interactions.
my  replies  can  get  lengthy,  so  the  matching  length  isn’t  a  big  deal,  but  the  matching  of  effort  is.   i  don’t  want  to  carry  the  interaction.
009.  please  do  not  steal  /  use  /  take  significant  inspiration  from  my  content  without  getting  permission.   i  actively  run  the  gambit  of  being  anti-fanon  with  my  interpretations  so  I  WILL  KNOW  if  you  do.
010.  graphics  &  psd  by  me.  additional  resources  from,  kaledya_,  ShoutinS,  BlackLeah,  Robin  Z,  snail-pngs.   
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