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triflesandparsnips · 2 years ago
Would you mind me asking What kind of soap recipy uses a morter and pestle? It looks super nice and fluffy and fun tho. My wife and I mostly make regular cold process soap.
Not to get overly excited about this, but you have ACCIDENTALLY STUMBLED upon my NOT-SO-SECRET LAIR of HYPERFIXATION GLORY.
...which is to say, for about a year now I've been fucking around with turn-of-the-18th-century (pre-1718 being my arbitrary Our Flag Means Death cutoff) household and pharmacological manuals for the purpose of experimental archaeology.
With regard to soap in particular, the very very short version is that Nice, Scented, Solid Soaps, during this very particular time period, were basically dried/grated Middle Eastern (hot process) olive oil soap that was then reconstituted in Western kitchens/stillrooms/apothecaries. Mortars and pestles were the basic go-to for it, though bain-marie's were also on occasion utilized.
(For the longer, more fun version, see my link list below or click here.)
While the majority of my shit can now be found under my #funky little alchemist with funky little interests and #trifles the amateur history enthusiast strikes again tags, we all know that tumblr is nonsense, so here's a brief link list:
It started with "a pomatum for the lips" -- i.e., lip balm, from the 1711 English translation of Nicolas Lémery's Arcana Curiosa
I then went on to the significantly more complicated and in-depth matter of SOAP --
     -- My long post regarding a great deal of research and first attempts (encompassing: "Update 1: Let's Talk about SOAP", "Update 2: Cursed Once Again with a TERRIBLE DISCOVERY", and "Update 3: Sometimes Science Gets Ugly")      --My still-ongoing follow-up post (encompassing: "Update 4: Return of the Soap King")      --Several mini-updates that take place between those two posts
     --Aaaaand this post answering someone who asked about infused oil versus essential oil in these soap recipes, which eventually turned into a whole thing about HUMORALISM
And I've just started poking at the matter of "another fine pomatum for the face" -- i.e., a pearl-powder face cream, which is still early days with "Update 1: A Brief History of PUTTING PEARLS IN THINGS (IN EUROPE) (AND MY KITCHEN)"
...With regard to soap in particular, I am super aware that I'm playing around from the opposite end of most modern soapmakers -- there may be very obvious ways to accomplish the stuff I'm trying, or there may be very known reasons for why the stuff I'm doing is or isn't coming out right. But since my entire vibe is """What If: Shenanigans,""" I'm trying to suss my way through all this via just the manuals and receipts I can find, and seeing what happens based on that.
If you want to play along, soap-wise, I do link to several recipes as I go, but here's what I've referenced so far:
"Balles of fope for barbers of diuerfe fortes and favours" (Balls of soap for barbers of diverse sorts and savors), The secrets of the reverend Maister Alexis of Piemont (1595)
"A delicate wafhing ball." (A delicate washing ball), Delightes for Ladies (1609)
"Of Soaps that Beautifie", Cosmeticks or, the beautifying part of physick (1660)
"CHAP. XVIII. Of perfuming Soaps", Polygraphice (1685)
"A delicate washing-ball", The Accomplish'd ladies delight (1686)
"To make excellent Washballs", Pharmacopaeia Bateana (1694)
"Of Wash-balls", The French Perfumer (1696)
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pananonimoffical · 5 years ago
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kiwitro · 7 years ago
It always goes crazy, when it comes to the smells. I’m the huge fan of different scents and it’s important to me to have a good scent around me. So, every year I find some new smells and always use them. This year was not an exception and I’m going to show you a few of my favourite fragrances.
BonBon Chérie by Faberlic
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Basic shades of the smell: sweet 10/10 fruit 6/10 floral 4/10 tropical 3/10 citrus 2/10 herbal 2/10
This perfume is perfect for people who love sweet fruity scents with flower&herbal undertones. It’s not that heavy, it doesn’t oppress and perfect for the summer or, maybe, spring. The flacon is gorgeous, it’s pink and hexagonal, not that big. The perfume is long-lasting, so you wouldn’t be worried about your smell till the shower.
Harajuku Lovers Baby by by Gwen Stefani
Basic shades of the smell: musk 7/10 floral 6/10 powdery 9/10 vanilla 5/10
Baby by Gwen Stefani is in the group is of tailor made floral-musk fragrances for ladies. The author of the fragrance is Harry Fremont. As to me, I think it smells like a beauty powder. It’s really cool, I love to use the Baby when I go out with my friends or family. It’s perfect for every situation.
So, these two smell has become my favourite ones. I really like them and, also, they look extremely cute.
The Smell of the 2017 It always goes crazy, when it comes to the smells. I’m the huge fan of different scents and it’s important to me to have a good scent around me.
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kazytka · 6 years ago
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lscholar · 5 years ago
with apologies to daniel lavery
"It's Not A Sex Thing": The excessively chaste very holy little boy, thwarted again
1.     Slim, and unmannishly smooth;
2.     Pale
3.     Delicate;
4.     Crossed properly at the ankle, which has earned you many admonitions to toughen up from your ever-worried mother and distant father
1.     They wish I were more like my brother Chadwick;
2.     How ill-behaved and effortlessly masculine he is, constantly fidgeting at lessons;
3.     His legs are never smooth;
4.     Perhaps…if I were to fashion false breasts ingeniously using my skill with fabric and disguise myself as a Girl….I could be taught the lesson I so dearly wish I could learn, with the harshness I deserve
1.     I shall fret over and attend to her daily, attired in an affectation of a Doctor’s coat which pinches tightly around my narrow waist… I will prescribe gentle remedies and prove once and for all that boys can care most dutifully for the sick
2.     I shall fashion false breasts for myself and disguise myself as a Girl, and longingly await the arrival of a wealthy prince on whom to perpetrate my hideous deception, and who will send me home with a reverse ransom-dowry of luxurious silks upon discovering the horrible depths to which I was forced to maintain the family fortune
3.     I shall long to wear a dress and disguise myself as a Girl so that,
4.     I really should just covet women’s clothings and duties constantly, see if that helps bring mother’s fever down by redirecting the eye of God and His judgement upon myself instead
5.     I mean it can’t hurt
6.     Don’t you want Mother to get better, Chadwick?
7.     Look, just as a general policy, you can assume that if anyone in the family gets sick, just to be on the safe side, I’m going to yearn ardently for the trappings of femininity, which I do not deserve but desire with all my sick mad sinful heart
8.     And,,,, dresses,,,,, oh, dresses,,, i weep to think of them
9.     And I’ll have a sorrowful gaze… and be called Ophelicia, or possibly Annabethelle
10.  Only for my dear mother, who doted upon me in my youth and now despairs of my ever attracting female attention
11.  Did you know sometimes girls kiss other girls. I do, and I have contemplated it, and therefore I am a wicked and vile pervert
12.  Listen, before you say anything, hear me out: First I must contrive to hide my face and my shoulders and my hands and my voice and my feet and my
13.  I’ll have a slender waist, like a young willow tree or a little bee, who sups upon the flowers with her little tongue
1.     I think it would be horrible if I were to have to be dressed as a girl
2.     To SAVE the FAMILY, of course
3.     You think I want to wear soft clothing and eat sweet foods and never ever play sports ever in my life??
4.     Because this has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with what I want, Ferdinand
5.     I’m just PIOUS
6.     This is about proving how great boys are
7.     You have to call me Ophelica to prove that boys are just terrific
8.     How is anyone ever going to realize how great boys are unless I’m forced to live in a convent with an abbess with a gaze that brooks no foolishness, and I’m her novice and my body grows soft from prayer and unuse and she says, some kind of very holy prayer that only women are allowed to say, to me each night
9.     I will never ever make eye contact with her
10.  Or maybe I’ll have to flee to Court, where I will be besieged by worldly-wise older men with impeccable personal style and beautifully muscled arms
11.  And they’ll all flirt wildly with me according to an incredibly severe and minutely-watched code of conduct, such that every single word or act, no matter how small, is fiercely imbued with meaning and possibility
12.  The stakes will be impossibly high – my makeup impossibly well-done– my purity impeccable, my guileless ignorance of the etiquitte and my painfully obvious lack of cosmopolitan sophistication effortlessly and graciously forgiven, my dress immaculate
13.  These men will be just unbelievably sexually experienced
14.  It’s not a sex thing
1.     Thank goodness I already had all of my dress-making kit with me, otherwise who knows how long it would have taken me to jury-rig something out of a, whatever this is I’m wearing
2.     A few hours, probably, and some lace for the edges, and some new fastenings and a mannequin and, and
3.     I have to do it because of Society
4.     What I’m doing is actually VERY GOOD because it’s about keeping our nuclear family together and safe and definitely doesn’t have a sexual component to it
5.     Use your elaborate knowledge of Cosmeticks to fashion me makeup, Marguerite
6.     Maybe someone will want to look at me with a mixture of arousal and disgust but mostly disgust later
1.     Carry the 9….hang on, let me hide in the bathroom and hold a towel around my waist in a way approximating, roughly, a dress, see if that helps
2.     I must walk back to the house at a reasonable pace, with my hands clasped against my chest from worry, to see if Mother is ill…maybe Mother is ill, or maybe she’ll be ill later….or maybe she’ll be asleep later…sleeping is kind of like being ill…if I go back to the house at midnight and Mother is asleep, then I’ll know it’s time to be kidnapped and taken away to the capital city disguised as a girl so I can learn to become a, scholar of religions or common whore
3.     I wish I lived at the library with the Librarian and that she used a vast array of very small very soft brushes and creams and ointments and powders to make me as close to presentable as I’ll ever get each morning, inspecting me scrupulously
4.     Instead I’ll pine forever and never ever speak of this to anyone
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seasidecollectibles · 8 years ago
Top Beauty Sets for the Week
Top Beauty Sets for the Week by polyvore ❤ liked on polyvore.com
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bratstopmom · 8 years ago
Top Beauty Sets for the Week
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2cooltostaystill-blog · 8 years ago
Top Beauty Sets for the Week
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mellamanrachel · 8 years ago
Top Beauty Sets for the Week
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driyartikahafizhah-blog · 8 years ago
Top Beauty Sets for the Week
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ana-b612 · 8 years ago
Top Beauty Sets for the Week
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kiwitro · 7 years ago
This year is coming to the end, so I think it’s the best time to make a few posts about my faves. I’ll make them not only about cosmeticks, but the first one is all about beauty, yeah.
Sj, what can I say about Catrice Cosmetics? I’m in love with their beuty stuff. Once I had a big beauty haul and bought an interesting gradient lipstick. I did’t know about that brand, so that was my first experience. And, let’s be honest, I enjoyed it a lot.
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There a lot of different peices of cosmetic by Catrice Cosmetics: different lipsticks, a powder, shadow palettes, eyeliners… I’m showing some of my actual faves.
PRIME AND FINE Prime and Fine is my favourite primer. It’s light and pleasant to touch, doesn’t stick to the fingers and easy to wash off your hands after the using. The Primer helps your skin to look healthier and saves it from the bad influence of the foundation. It also hides an uneven skin.
NUDE ILLUSION LOOSE POWDER I love this powder because of rhe matt finish which it leaves after the using. It helps to hide all my acnes and doesn’t  drie the skin. The powder is uncolored, so it can be used for the skin of every color.
GLAM & SMIKEY EYESHADOW PALETTE This eyeshadow palette is perfect for smokey-eye look lovers! Eyeshadowas are bright, good pigmented and long lasting. I’m not a big fan of dark looks, but this palette makes me love them!
ULTRA FINE INK EYELINER Well, let’s be honest, I’m not a professional in eyelines. (I just can’t, okay?!) But this Ink Eyeliner is pretty good for people like me. The liner brush is  fine and it absorbs the ink really well, so you do not need to dip it again and again.
EYE’MATIC EYEPOWDER PEN The fist thing I want to say is just WOW. The eyeshadow in the pen! It’s bright, pigmented and long lasting, good shading. Also the eyeshadow pen is not big, so you can easily take it with you in a bagpack or a bag.
2017 is coming to the end, but it’s not the end of the world. Hope Catrice Cosmetics will make something interesting next year!
    My dear Catrice This year is coming to the end, so I think it's the best time to make a few posts about my faves.
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glitterystarlightpirate · 8 years ago
Top Beauty Sets for the Week
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agoratudoposso · 8 years ago
Top Beauty Sets for the Week
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norekynstyle · 8 years ago
Top Beauty Sets for the Week
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emaxtees-blog · 8 years ago
Top Beauty Sets for the Week
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