#cos idk Charlie doesn’t change all that much in this au
digitalmyyth · 4 months
Can we see your fem!Charlie pls?
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ditch-witches · 5 years
Insufferable (i) - George MacKay x reader
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(PART 2) (PART 3) (PART 4)
requested: yes/no (im so sorry this took so long holy scheisse, there are so many parts too)
Thank you so much to our first Instagram request! @/okay.l0z I had a lot of fun with this and had to channel Ryan and Hannah's angst to help me.
"Hi! I've been reading your fics and I love them so much bc there's hardly any around. I was wondering if you take insta requests and if so can you do one with George and the reader are like enemies to loves and they have really cute moments but then end up fighting all the time and then it escalates and they end up having sEx and then get together or something bc I will THRIVE IF YOU DO!" ... "Is it bad if I want it long ass?"
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also I thought about this like,,, a lot,,,
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pairing: George MacKay x reader
warnings: slow-burn introduction bAsIcalLy, I think there are swear words?
word count: 2,629
a/n: There are several things to be addressed...
accuracy to George's life is like 0/100 - scratch that, they have the same hair color
think of this as an AU because idk how else to explain it
it's a slow burn. if you need something that isn't, check the next imagine over and give it a reblog.
You put your chin in your hand and furrowed your brows as you listened to the actors in front of you. The bright stage lights kept you at a suffocatingly hot temperature, but at this point, you didn't mind. What your main concern for the scene was simple: your leading actor was George MacKay. You had spent constant, stressful hours trying to convince the director of the show that he was not the choice, yet when it came down to it, what he said went, and you had to deal with the cleaning up. Today was not like any other. An almost two-hour practice, script work, lighting, etc, were all thrown at the actors still attempting to memorize their lines.
But it was this part, in particular, that was becoming the most difficult. Maybe it was because you were the ghostwriter of the script and the director was trampling on all of your ideas and dreams with a man that you could one-hundred-percent deem an enemy. Your lead character, Charlie, had a soft side to him, despite having an overpowering sense of the dangers of the world and a body to match. George wasn't Charlie. George was one of the lost boys from Peter Pan and that's all you could see him as. He needed to grow up and be a pirate with only two motives: breaking the chains of the dystopian government regime keeping him away from his wife and captaining the deadly sea creature infested waters and getting back to his wife in one piece.
But George's motives seemed to be entirely set on getting into his co-star's pants.
His cocky attitude and facade of charm made you want to rip your hair out. Sure, he took his job seriously and had several esteemed colleagues of yours raving about him, but this role wasn't his. It didn't help that you knew him from primary school, of all places, and once he found out, that's all he could bring up around you.
George rolled his sleeves and dragged a hand through his thick, red hair, the veins in his arm becoming rather predominant as he did so. He was damn near playing footsie with the girl in front of him; their flirty gazes bouncing from each other to the crumpled scripts in their hands. You rolled your eyes, feeling as if your team could see the steam rolling off your shoulders. The director was doing nothing, merely smiling giddily at the two tearing the scene to shreds. "Stop," you took the reins, standing up from your position on stage and tossing your script down. You stepped over to the two and the director didn't move an inch. "What are you doing?" You nipped, crossing your arms and stepping between George and his co-star.
He towered over you by miles; you weren't sure if this made him feel the superiority he exuded, but you always made sure to square your shoulders when you talked to him. "What do you mean? We're practicing," he slyly stated, sending a wink over your head to the girl.
You took the script from his hands, flipping a few pages to the scene they were supposed to be working on. He smirked down at you, shifting his weight from one foot to the other as he watched you scan the page. His script was well-loved and worn as if it had been in his back pocket repeatedly, flipped through, folded, torn and taped, highlighted and annotated. You tried not to blush at the notes he had taken as if he had actually cared about his role. Notes such as movements and relative emotions were noted as if they were suggestions. You wet your lips, feeling George's easy-going gaze on you the whole time. "... Charlie, we have to get out of here..." You began, your eyes meeting his deep blue ones.
His face fell into a stern expression, his arms crossing heavily with a furrowed brow. "We've only just got here. I'm shipping out tomorrow. There's no way the Republic-" His Scottish accent was surprisingly thick and consistent. He was settling into Charlie.
"I don't care anymore. I'm tired of sitting idly by and watching you throw yourself away for a debt your brother can't repay." You swore you saw an actual feeling of hurt flash behind his eyes.
He chewed the inside of his cheek. "That debt is just as much mine as it is his. You're asking me to uproot and leave him, you know? I can't leave him."
"You'll die. You'll end up like the rest of the mariners haunting their wives for the rest of eternity. You're a slave." George took a few steps to stand in front of you, he was close enough that you could smell his cologne now: a sweet mix of sandalwood with hints of lavender. He smelled like a summer day spent at a cabin in the middle of a meadow. You hated it, but you wanted to bury yourself in his chest and bask in his scent for the remainder of your days.
He rested a hand on your neck, angling your face towards him as he whispered, "Look at me..." You attempted to ignore the beating of your heart in your ears and the sweat that began to spread across your back. "I'm free. I'm choosing this debt because, without it, he would die. He's the last piece of my father I have left."
You reached for his hand, covering it with your own. "What about me, Charlie? I'm here now. I'm flesh and blood in front of you. What about our child?"
"He'll be here when I get back." He pushed away from you, turning his back on you and settling his hands on his hips. "I'm not changing my mind." He looked over his shoulder at you. "Eden, I have to do this." You closed the script with a raised eyebrow, hiding how impressed you were that he actually knew his lines. The emotion he was conveying was nothing like how he had previously let on. You walked towards him and he turned back around. You pressed the script back into his hands and gave him a small glare.
"Practice how you play. I'm done with wasting time," you said more to the group than just him. The rest of the cast members weren't as proficient in hiding their amusement back as you were. The last thing George needed was another inflate to his ego. You went back to your spot, grabbing your clipboard and flipping over a few pages. The group began to gather around you slightly. "I need Eden and Charlie in with wardrobe now, the rest of you keep practicing your lines. I'll want to hear dialogue from Dane and Jack tomorrow. Give me another forty or so minutes and we'll call it?" The director nodded from the first row of seats. The crowd dispersed but George swam against the current of thespians, approaching you again.
He gave you one of his charming smiles. Be professional, you thought. "I was just wondering how that sounded to you?"
You thought for a moment, drawing the clipboard to your chest. "Yeah, it was good. Your accent's a bit dodgy, but the emotion is good. Why don't we see that during actual rehearsals?" You tilted your head at him and he looked at his shoes slightly, tucking his hands in the pockets of his jeans. Was he pretending to be humble?
"I don't know. I guess I like you more as Eden," he jeered, causing you to roll your eyes and he smiled wider.
"You're insufferable," you muttered, walking past him.
He chuckled. "Don't worry, I'll grow on you."
You scoffed slightly. "Go get fitted for suspenders and leave me alone, MacKay."
The next few days were full of constant rehearsals both in costume and script memorization. You had to admit that for some reason this show had you wrapped in a bundle of tension and anxiety. George slowly tore away at your nerves, becoming his own mess of anger and frustration as he picked up more and more on the fact that you weren't going to take his shit. You were serious about this job and you were serious about this play. His humor had diminished as it had gotten closer and closer to opening night and you weren't surprised when he would snap back at you for making an adjustment to his tone or a note on the delivery of a line.
"Stop being such a bitch!" He groaned, tugging at his hair as you crossed your arms.
"Calm down, primadonna! All I'm saying is quit pacing! Charlie isn't pacing! Where in the script does it say he's pacing-"
"THAT'S RIDICULOUS. IT DOESN'T MATTER." He moved to stand in front of you, his teeth gritting slightly. This was what your discussion had grown into, one hissy fit flaring up the other.
"FUCK, YOU'RE RIGHT. I TOTALLY FORGOT YOU WERE THE ONE IN CHARGE, MR. MACKAY. SHOULD I JUST SUCK YOUR DICK RIGHT NOW SINCE WE'RE ALREADY ADDING IN UNNECESSARY ACTION," you would bite back causing him to glare up at the ceiling with his jaw clenching in a sarcastic smile. He wore your patience thinner than tulle. And you were hoping to be doing the same to him.
On the eve of opening night, a storm broke out over the city. You hadn't received word from your ride at all---a man you had been seeing on and off for a while, but still managed to keep him at enough distance that the two of you weren't official. You glared at your watch, deciding to say fuck it and just walk the five or so miles it was to your apartment. Your rain jacket was already soaked, your umbrella proving to be no help whatsoever. But you persevered knowing full-well that if your character, Eden, were in the situation, she wouldn't have batted an eye before dropping him and his lack of communication. As the water soaked into your boots and chilled you rather quickly, you bit your tongue, regretting not waiting for the bus. Cars past you at rushed paces, wanting to get home to their loved ones if the rain worsened---you figured.
Your heart began to pound as a car pulled up beside you, causing you to wrap your hand around the bottle of mace in your coat pocket. The window rolled down, but you kept walking. "Do you need a ride?" Hollered an almost too familiar voice.
You crossed your arms and continued to walk. "No!" You called back.
The car rolled forward and you heard the driver door open. George stepped out slightly, drawing his jacket up to fight against the biting wind. "Come on! Look at this weather!"
"I'm good! Go home, George!"
He tilted his head at you with a deadpan expression. "Don't make me throw you over my shoulder." You furrowed your brows and rolled your eyes, sliding into the passenger seat of his car and taking down your hood. George watched as you did this. He slipped off his jacket. "Here." He pulled his hoodie over his head. "Take your shirt off. You'll get hypothermia."
"Excuse me?" You nipped.
It was his turn to roll his eyes. "I won't look. You're soaked. Take my damn hoodie." You looked out the front window and then let out a huff. You peeled off your upper layer, no longer giving a fuck if George saw you in your bra. You looked over to him while he leaned his arm against his door, his cheek resting against his fist as he held his hoodie out to you. You pulled the garment over your head and couldn't help but snuggle into it. It was oversized and warm, smelling just like George. Your cold skin seemed to sigh against the soft material and you felt tears prickling at the corners of your eyes at how content you were. George put the car into drive after he had made sure you were taken care of. You slipped your hands into the long sleeves and fought not to dig your nose into the neckline to breathe him in. His scent was like kryptonite to you and you hated it. "Are you hungry?" He asked, looking at you briefly and flipping the heat more to your side. He smiled almost proudly to himself at the sight of you enjoying his hoodie and the safety of his car.
You quickly braided your hair, attempting to combat the wet feeling of it against your neck. "No, I'm fine thanks."
"Come on. My treat? I've been a dick to you all week."
"Fine..." You mumbled. He found a nook of a restaurant jabbed into a part of London you had yet to explore. The rain had finally let up to a drizzle as the two of you made your way inside the softly lit eatery. The two of you tucked into a booth and ordered almost instantly, you now realizing just how hungry you actually were. "What were you doing in that part of town so late?" You finally asked after they brought out a hot tea for him and topped off your coffee. His large hands cradled the steaming mug in front of him, his nose slightly red from the chilly weather outside.
He chuckled slightly. "I forgot my script in the theatre and---for some reason---couldn't stop thinking about it." You nodded hesitantly. "Why were you walking home?"
You shrugged nonchalantly. "Such beautiful weather we're having. Thought I would take an evening stroll," you joked, causing him to chuckle lightly. George's face seemed to glow slightly under the cozy lights of the restaurant, his hair slightly disheveled and damp from the rain. You now got a full sight of the t-shirt he was wearing that commemorated a football team from the graduating year ahead of yours.
There was a beat of silence between you two. "Why..." George tugged his bottom lip between his teeth, attempting to find the right words. You furrowed your brows. "Why do you hate me so much?" If you weren't looking at him, you would have sworn he was smiling behind his question.
He nodded. "Seriously."
"You dated my best friend, Sophie, and broke her heart," you answered bluntly.
George sent you a puzzled expression for half a second before grinning slightly. "Yeah, but I was ten."
"Yeah, but now she's twenty-one and we still talk about it," you quipped, taking a sip of your coffee.
He exhaled. "I was... I was ten..." He furrowed his brows. "She was pretty. Hasn't some other guy broken up with her since me?"
You shrugged again. "No, she has this mindset where if she starts getting the feeling that things aren't working, she cuts out."
"She's been dwelling over me for how many years?" He couldn't fight the grin threatening to creep across his face.
You bit the inside of your cheek in thought. "I guess that would be twelve years." He whistled. "We're good at keeping grudges."
"Well, if I ever run into her, I'll apologize." He added a lump of sugar to his tea. "Is that the only reason?"
You debated ripping him a new one, but the tiredness you felt reflected in his eyes. "It's the kick-off point. Why? Do you wanna be buddies now?" You joked, sticking your spoon in your mouth.
He rested his hand in his chin. "Nah," he pursed his lips in thought. You furrowed your eyebrows at his answer, letting a titter escape your lips. "You're too young for me." You laughed a bit harder.
"Age is just a number, baby," you hummed and he smirked at you, a sparkle in his eye.
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Comment if you would like to be tagged in the next part! Let us know what you think!
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casimania · 5 years
Lucifer!AU idea: the concept of Sensates/homo sensorium going on in Sense8 but it’s the Lucifer human characters. All the stuff in the Lucifer universe (Heaven, Hell and the rest) still stands BUT there’s also the psychic connection thingie some humans can have. Just for funsies. So Chloe, Dan, Charlotte, Linda, Ella... and Pierce (just to keep things interesting lmao) are part of the same cluster... (under read because I wrote a lot lmao)
.... I’m proposing Pierce as a very “what the fuck” member because of his actual age, like he was born thousands of years before any of them and shouldn't be part of the same cluster... but he died and then came back to life at the exact same time the Chloe&co. cluster members were born once, so funky connection was created (maybe part of the curse? extra punishment every time he tries finding a way out of it and dying permanently, he’s reborn with the ability to be part of a new cluster that’s also born in that same moment, it just hasn’t happened again since the Chloe one so they’re latent connection was there and then it also gets activated and the not so fun times for everyone begin. For him especially, extra people to get close to that then die uh oh). Might not make too much sense coming from a Sense8 pov... but I’m just gonna say “Godly shenanigans” and leave it at that lmao.
I just like fucking up canon a lot. Like, Pierce comes to LA ready to die and instead “oh no oh fuck not again hhhhhh” (because he's been part of at least a couple of other clusters and maybe even gave birth to at least one idk, he doesn’t like it) and he’s the only one that knows what’s going on while everyone else is absolutely freaking the fuck out. And they all discover exactly who is pretty soon (even before Lucifer does probs). Also his death pact with Lucifer is a little more difficult because the others feel when he dies and Lucifer isn’t about to do that to them for funsies, so his attempts are a little more somber from the start. They probs have like a group discussion about it (with a confused Lucifer and only Pierce actually physically present, it's weird for everyone) cause he wouldn’t agree to try kill him in the first place knowing it’s something everyone else could feel (especially Chloe). But they do agree on at least a couple of tries cause what if Lucifer can actually do it? I haven’t decided yet who’s the cluster parent tho or how it happens. Or how much to actually fuck up the timeline. Like... it all starts before Chloe even meets Lucifer (this would change the most things lol)? Right after? Season 3 when Pierce shows up? Man just, the potential of everyone discovering Pierce is the literal Cain from the Bible before they fully believe Lucifer is the actual Devil lmao, Lucifer would be so offended (”I’ve been telling you for ages!!”). The Goddess!Charlotte thing could also turn even more complicated like this holy shit.
They also probably meet other Sensates at some point who are absolutely bewildered but the fact that the members of their cluster literally live inches from each other. Like, 1) what are the chances and 2) talk about tight knit?? A cluster with basically everyone working in such close proximity is plain :O. Obviously God is involved in that tho, lol. Maybe some plan to like, bring a little change in how Heaven and Hell work (and they’re all needed) or stop an apocalypse idk. And I also want the Decoy Sinnerman to have a bigger more nefarious role. Like dude was so ominuos and had such an anticlimatic end. I want him to have somehow not only gone rogue but also double crossed Pierce.... hell, maybe by knowing Pierce he's gotten involved in some divine shenanigans he needs Pierce and his Mark and Chloe and her Miracle status for. Just all the fucking weird drama babey! They think the literal First Murderer is the baddest bitch around and their main problem but nope, there’s something worse waiting for him AND them.
Also there's Linda trying really hard to keep Lucifer’s sessions separate from the cluster because they all know him and oooohh boy isn’t that fun. And pregnant Linda having shitty days and Chloe and Charlotte help her from afar because been there done that we’ve got your back (also Charlie’s birth isn’t fun for any of them but at least Linda has a lot of support). And also to flip canon even more, life or death situation for Charlotte who’s separated from the others and Pierce is the first one to show up and lends his expertise to save her. And a scene like Pierce helping Chloe defuse the bomb only instead of via phone he’s doing it for her and everyone else is standing around freaking out for her. And literally everyone knowing not only the Cain thing but that he’s technically the original Sinnerman BUT his pupil (also-sorta-friend-son-figure) went full Murderer and snatched all his connections under his nose. Like they know that and show up at work and he’s just sitting There. They all probably have some sort of truce for that. They can’t arrest him, they can’t kill him and also he could help bring down the decoy Sinnerman who’s totally out of control so uh, guess they’re keeping him?? After they deal with the fake Sinnerman they also still can’t do much about it cause he’s just There and Unkillable/Un-incarcerable and he’s like “I’m staying right here being a nuisance for you all until I can fucking Die”, they just can’t get rid of him. But they probs make his criminal life literal Hell. He’s insufferable and Lucifer is constantly worried he’s gonna put everyone in harm’s way...... But then he probably ends up losing his Mark/potentially dying via doing something risky to protect his cluster, because they grew on him. The assholes. Before them he kept as much distance as he could from other cluster members and people in general  because Pain. But missed out on helping them out on a lot of occasions that way. And between all the shit that starts when he shows up in LA he ends up caring (in his own way) for their fates (very very slowly). And he does something selfless and God’s like FINALLY, YOU BITCH. 6000 years and you finally did it.
... Orrr maybe not Lucifer universe at all? Haven’t thought much about the timelines or anything, just thought it was a funny concept. Like.. You could also go the completely AU way without any Divinity stuff and add human Lucifer and Maze in the cluster mix or something? Instead of the concept of Sensates dropped into the Lucifer universe with all its (un)holy shenanigans it could be the Lucifer characters who are made humans and plopped into the Sense8 universe?
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ilovelotsofthings · 3 years
My Fnaf timeline is…
Pre Fnaf 4, Fnaf 4, Fanf 5, Fnaf 2, Fnaf 1, Fnaf 3, Fnaf 6, Onwards. (From 1970s onwards)
(William killed 10+ kids… god)
Wilbur and Tommy are bio brothers here.
Wilbur was born 4, almost 5 years older than Tommy.
Tubbo and Ranboo are here too. They are 2 years older than Tommy and 1 year older than Tommy.
They are all dead and possess the animatronics.
In 1984…
Wilbur (10 years old) and Tommy (4/5 years old) were invited to Tubbo's 7th birthday party.
Tubbo also invited Ranboo (6 years old) and Ranboo's Niki (6 years old).
This party happened in December as that is when Tubbo's birthday is.
Anyways. The party got chaotic so no one noticed when a Gold Rabbit walked up to the birthday boy and his friends + their siblings.
He (William Afton) lured them. Tommy was the youngest and most trustful of them and he followed. They all followed him. William killed them.
Still a sad note but.. C.C Afton was still killed by Fredbear and Elizabeth by Baby.
Happier note I guess is Michael lives and the original 5 kids live.
Moving on to who possesses which animatronic is…
Freddy: Wilbur
Foxy: Tommy
Chica: Niki
Bonnie: Tubbo
G.Freddy: C.C & Ranboo (C.C is the vengeful one here. To William tho not Michael)
Puppet: Charlie (Still ☹)
Here the possessed animatronics aren't at all like animals.
They have only really harmed (not kill) nightguards. But NDAs mean they can't say shit.
Wilbur does his best to help Tommy and the others as he is the oldest. Doesn't matter that he is only 2-5 years older, he is the eldest.
Foxy was Tommy's favorite… Now he isn't so sure.
I mean Tommy was happy for 1-3 days but then homesickness started happening and he doesn't understand why he can't.
Same with Tubbo and Ranboo. The difference is they know something bad happened but not what. Niki and Wilbur know they died as Niki died second to last.
Wilbur tells them after 2 weeks. Everyone (minus Wilbur) started asking him why? I mean Niki knew they died but she doesn't know why.
Wilbur doesn't understand either as he is just a young kid himself who had to see his baby brother and his friends die.
Tommy understands he is dead now and just spends days crying.
(4 year olds partially understand death. I lost my grandpa at that age and understood he was never coming back and I just didn't stop crying. Idk how one would react to yourself being dead but I am basing Tommy's (and others slightly) reactions on how I reacted when my grandpa died. Also based on how I reacted when my cousin, pets, and grandma all died) That is crying and avoiding the subject.)
Tommy gets the full force of how I react. As i said he spends days crying and then he just stops and just ignores that he is dead. He is aware but he doesn't acknowledge that. Also Tommy feels guilt as he trusted him and lead his friends and brother to their deaths. He has breakdowns whenever there is a birthday (his, friends, or Wilburs) or other holidays… It also happens sometimes randomly.
Tubbo's reaction is different… sort of? I mean it looks the same on the outside. Which is crying then moving on. How it is different is he accepted it, he doesn't like it at all and he will still get upset but he just knows it can't change. I think his reaction kinda hurts differently idk why.
Ranboo's reaction is pretending nothing is too wrong. Which is hard when you share a body with another child who wants revenge for him (I mean it was his dad who killed Ranboo and Co). So Ranboo is a mess of pretending nothing's wrong while consoling the others. :( When he accepts it C.C will hug him and help him feel better. Also sadly Ranboo only gets to see everyone else when the night guard is injured.
Niki saw them die so she wants revenge. She also only spent half a year mourning herself and others. She gets along well with C.C who wants revenge (Wilbur too but he focuses on staying and helping Tommy). She is however still a 6 year old so some days (death day and birthdays and holidays) she will just break down. Tommy does too, the others not so much.
Wilbur… he saw everyone die and he didn't die quickly so he had time to accept he was dying. However when he awoke as a ghost and possessed an animatronic he just cried and screamed and declared revenge… he stopped when he heard the others. So his grieving has been sort of on hold for like ever because he needed to act like Tommy's older brother and to just be the eldest and help. He does have breakdowns like Niki and Tommy (The others not so much) but his are more random. 
Tl;DR of their coping. They're not :/
Charlie does try to help. She really does as she is only a year older than Wilbur. Also she isn't a therapist and you can't really help much. She tries and they do become friends.
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