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inatungulates · 10 months ago
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Javan banteng Bos javanicus javanicus
with slender-billed crow Corvus enca
Observed by roylesafaris, CC BY-NC
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corvid-mania · 2 years ago
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Slender-billed Crow (Corvus enca)
© Fabio Olmos
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dc-vs-marvel-tournament · 10 months ago
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corvid-tournament · 7 months ago
Corvid Tournament Corvus Bracket Round 2.1: Slender-Billed Crow vs Violet Crow
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Slender-billed crow (corvus enca): This mid-sized bird is all black with a distinctive long, curved beak that gives it its name. It lives in various parts of southeast Asia including Brunei, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Peninsular Malaysia. Its diet is largely fish and shrimp. Its conservaiton status is “least concern."
Violet crow (corvus violaceus): The violet crow was considered a subspecies of the Slender-billed crow until 2017 when it was recognized as its own distinct species. It is an all-black bird with a bluish shine that gives it its name. It has a slightly shorter bill than most others in the genus corvus. It lives only on the island of Seram in Indonesia. Its conservation status is “least concern."
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koval-ptaki-birds · 4 months ago
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70) Corvus typicus; Wrona białoszyja, piping crow (wrona rurowa) - gatunek średniej wielkości ptaka z rodziny krukowatych (Corvidae). Występuje w Indonezji, nie jest zagrożony wyginięciem. Wrona białoszyja zamieszkuje środkowy i południowy Celebes oraz mniejsze wyspy Muna i Buton.
Gatunek po raz pierwszy opisał w 1853 roku francuski ornitolog Karol Lucjan Bonaparte, nadając mu nazwę Gazzola typica. Jako miejsce typowe Bonaparte podał błędnie Nową Kaledonię (fr. Nouvelle Calédonie); niemiecki ornitolog Erwin Stresemann w 1953 roku określił lokalizację holotypu na wyspę Buton. C. typicus czasami umieszczany był w nieuznawanym obecnie rodzaju Nesocorax. Blisko spokrewniony z wroną jednobarwną (C. unicolor), do której jest podobny w budowie; do niedawna uważano, że obydwa gatunki należą do „grupy C. enca”, ale różnią się od tego taksonu swoim zachowaniem i odgłosami. Gatunek monotypowy.
Nazwa rodzajowa: łac.corvus – kruk (w legendach kruk był początkowy biały, ale pomimo jego rzekomego daru proroctwa, został zamieniony w czarnego ptaka z powodu jego zdrady). Epitet gatunkowy: łac. typicus – typowy, typ, od gr. τυπικος tupikos – typowy, zgodny z typem, od τυπος tupos – typ.
W Czerwonej księdze gatunków zagrożonych Międzynarodowej Unii Ochrony Przyrody został zaliczony do kategorii LC (ang.Least Concern – najmniejszej troski). Globalna wielkość populacji nie jest znana, ale gatunek wydaje się być lokalnie umiarkowanie pospolity. Występuje w wielu obszarach chronionych, w tym rezerwatach leśnych i parkach narodowych. Populacja wydaje się być stabilna ze względu na brak dowodów na jakiekolwiek spadki populacji lub inne istotne zagrożenia.
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crow-suggestions · 4 years ago
caw caw
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ladytano · 4 years ago
venomade said:  the only valid scott/jean came from this cartoon it has my 100% RESPECT. but yeah it’s  best x-men cartoon to date.
True. This is also the only version of Scott that I like in literally anything. It’s Evo!Scott or nothing.
corvus-enca said: I grew up watching Evolution and I will always stand by it as one of the best superhero shows ever. I was in love with young Kurt
Kurt is extra wholesome in this show. Also his romance with Amanda is *chef kiss* beautiful   
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coelura · 4 years ago
The "go forth and do gay shit" ask was me. Accidentally clicked anon. It wasn't in reference to anything in particular. It was just a directive to go forth and do gay shit.
oh thank you 💖 dont worry ive got it covered i promise i will go forth and do gay shit
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birdygotback · 2 years ago
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Slender-billed Crow (Corvus enca)
© Gerry Danen
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birds-and-flowers · 3 years ago
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Slender-billed Crow (Corvus enca)
© Mark D. Read
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corvid-mania · 2 years ago
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Slender-billed Crow (Corvus enca)
© Gerry Danen
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petrichor-musings · 3 years ago
Now with MACHINE-RELATED NAMES! (& half a dozen others)
It’s been a while, hasn’t it? For those not in the know, this is like the second or third post on this blog. It’s been AGES since it was last updated. Recently @local-robotgirlthing asked for some robosona names, so I went through computing history & electronic components to pull out my favs :>
We hoard names we like, not necessarily names that we’ll use for ourselves, but names we think are interesting. Anyone is welcome to take a name for themselves, members of their systems, pets, OCs, characters, whatever they need!
Types of names included: Birds, Space, Machines, Colors, Trees, Plants, Earth, Word-names, names of gods & legends, names from books & stories, names from my ancestry, & a bunch of other names (mostly older or foreign names) that didn’t fit elsewhere!
Also, if you like these names, check back every few months years, as we (occasionally) update this list!
-Birds Corvie/Corvus/Corvid/Corvin Enca Mellori Pinyon/Pinion Steller Tuft Pica Avia/Avian/Vian Tawny Byrd/Byrdie Phoenix Lark, Larks- Jay/Jaye Wren Robyn/Robin Quill/Quillow Kestrel
-Space & Physics Messier Cosmo Sterrenacht Altaire Star/Starlight Arcturus/Turin Eridanus Lyra Polaris Rigel Orion Sagittarius (Sadge for short) Alcor Fermion (Fermie for short) Lepton/Lepto Meson Anya (short for Anyon or Anion) Lux(e) Nyx/Nox Andromeda/Andromache Castor Wander Luniel Nocturn(e) Selene
-Machines Synthé (pronounced sin-thee with a soft th) Spark  Nixie (like Nixie tube) Ferra Nanode Deka (as in Dekatron tubes) Cathode Rheo/Rhea (as in Rheostat) Nicra/Nichrome Solenoid Surge Enia/Eniac Cray(a) (as in Cray Supercomputers) Operand Kibi/Mibi (as in kibibyte & mibibyte) Qubit/Qbit Quanta Univac Dera (1950s vacuum tube computer) Mosfet Altair (as in Altair 8800) Eta (as in the greek letter or the ETA10) Vesa Curta (as in the Curta Calculator)
-Music Lyric Crescendo Iona Doria/Dorian Lydia/Lydian Aeolia/Aeolian Locria/Locrian
-Colors Indigo Saffron Vermilion Viridian Cerulean Azure/Azura/Adora/Azul Sapphire Cobalt Skye/Skylar Hue Onyx Violet Ivory
-Trees Aspen Rowan Hazel Alder Willow Acacia Oak
-Plants Sage Cayenne Lichen Moss(y) Orchid Hedera Helix Xylem Sprig Floral/Floran Fern Thistle or Tilly for short Rosemary Violet Thorn Azalea/Azzy
-Earth Taiga Tundra Abyssal Marsh Bog Alpine Fjord Veld Fen Heath Marsh Feldspar Agate Heliodor Dune Sphalerie/Sphene (short for Sphalerite) Vitreous/Vitruvius/Vitruveous
-Words Stormy Coda Haven Voidling Absynthe Naissance Puissance Petrichor Vellichor Mimry Nell/Knell Jazz Quill August Monday Winter Jinx Autumn Spark Cambrian Fox Nary Trinket Saga
-Gods & Legends Freya/Frey/Freye/Freyne Nim/Nym Grimwald/Grimvald Lugh Oberon Herne Aine Aoife/Aoifa Lir/Lyr  Morrigan Tuatha Danu Fae/Fay/Faun Woden/Odin Aeneas Gwydion Cade/Caede Bram/Brahm Aoife Asir/Aesir Merlin/Myrrdin Minerva Linore/Lenore Alector/Alecto Glydwr Gwynned Leif Arisla Aéron or Aérin
-Books & Stories Bronwyn Antsel/Ansel Abhorsen Clariel Myrdal Virilidaine or Daine for short Yvonne Juno Arlo Kell Jax Geth(e) Jayce Idris Abraxas Aster Asi Emrys Rafferty Emory Alaric Vera Alyss
-Ancestry Arvid Vernik or Wernich Svyde Vanylven Rasmus Bjorn Eloise Magnus Carolius Rangvald Jean-Marie Dagmar Marius Martildus Nekoline
-Other names Asa Beau Elowyn Silv- Nicodemus Johan(nes) Amos Silas Llewellyn/Llywellyn (hloo-ellen) Eoin Leroy Catriona Sullivan/Sulliman Barnaby Theodore Eamon Giuseppe Taryn Cailin (Colleen) Lilly/Lily Felix Taran Fea Finley/Finnegan Raevyn Raelyn Lucienne/Lucianne Alastor or Alistair Ajax Eryxe Damon Evander Leander Winona Soren/Sorin/Sorine Lyn/Lin Mellan Rai/Ray Torben Linariel Lyna(e) Lynde Lynnea Embry Enfys Pim/Pym Linden
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dc-vs-marvel-tournament · 11 months ago
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Submitted by @corvus-enca
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corvid-tournament · 7 months ago
Corvid Tournament Corvus Bracket Round 1.1.2: Palawan Crow vs Slender-Billed Crow
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In preparing for round 2, I found that the corvidae Wikipedia page is outdated and the Slender-billed crow has recently (within the past 4 years or so) been separated into 4 species, only one of which was on the Wiki page. Instead of reworking the bracket entirely, I thought that since it’s an even number we can have little mini sub round with just these 4 species. These will only be up for a day so vote while you can!
Palawan crow (corvus pusillus): The Palawan crow was previously considered a sub-species of the Slender-billed crow, but it has since been identified as its own distinct species in 2020. They are all black birds with distinctive long, thin beaks. They live in the Philippines on Mindoro, Palawan, and the Calamian Islands. It does not have a listed conservation status.
Slender-billed crow (corvus enca): This mid-sized bird is all black with a distinctive long, curved beak that gives it its name. It lives in various parts of southeast Asia including Brunei, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Peninsular Malaysia. Its diet is largely fish and shrimp. Its conservaiton status is “least concern."
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koval-ptaki-birds · 4 months ago
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64) Corvus pusillus; Palawan crow (wrona z Palawan) - ptak wróblowy z rodziny Corvidae, z rodzaju Corvus. Wcześniej uznawano go za podgatunek wrony smukłodziobej (Corvus enca), ale dowody filogenetyczne wskazują, że oba są odrębnymi gatunkami i dlatego został podzielony przez Międzynarodową Unię Ornitologiczną. Występuje endemicznie na Filipinach, gdzie występuje na Mindoro, Palawanie i Wyspach Kalamijskich. Jego naturalnym siedliskiem są subtropikalne lub tropikalne wilgotne lasy nizinne oraz subtropikalne lub tropikalne lasy namorzynowe.
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scavenger-rey · 5 years ago
Quarantine Q&A
Tagged by @starkillerjones thank you! :)
Are you staying home from work/school?
experiments that are running I am doing at work, the rest I’ll try to do at home
If you’re staying home, who’s there with you?
crippling anxiety
Are you a homebody?
like I’m really introverted and typically super fine with it but since social distancing is also enforced at work (like it’s supposed to) my social contacts are definitely not fullfilling and I just wanna go out
What movies have you watched recently? What shows are you watching?
at the weekend I watched Birds of Prey and Gemini Man, also Scott Pilgrim vs The World. I started rewatching Fresh Prince and started The English Game on Netflix (soccer yay).
An event that you were looking forward to that got cancelled?
2 concerts and a 3 week trip to the US through Cali, Nevada etc finishing in Disneyland to build my own lightsaber. Fuck this
What music are you listening to?
movie soundtracks, metal/rock, Kacey Musgraves... all kinds of stuff
What are you reading?
Inkmistress, but I really can’t bring myself to read atm
What are you doing for self care?
painting, playing the guitar, started BodyCombat stuff and yoga, also watching stuff with actresses I’m into... and rewatching The Force Awakens when I am feeling too miserable for anything
Tagging: @captainpoe @corvus-enca @cptmarvel17 @hopelesschaser @briannelarscn and everyone who sees this
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