carabanchelnet · 2 years
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📌Cristo ya nació… en la Cañada Real 📌Prepara tu carta para Papá Noel, el 23 de diciembre podrás depositarla en un buzón mágico en Carabanchel 📌Dos activistas de Futuro Vegetal tiñen de rojo el Cortylandia para denunciar el consumismo 📌El Gobierno pone fin al secuestro del Constitucional al suprimir la mayoría de tres quintos en el CGPJ para elegir magistrados 📌“Brooklyn” se llamará una promoción residencial de 143 viviendas en Carabanchel Alto 📌La perspectiva del colapso tendría que cambiarlo todo: de qué hablamos cuando hablamos de colapso 📌Alándalusoy, danza como instrumento: Programa de Intermediación entre Artistas y Distritos 📌La demolición de la sanidad pública https://carabanchel.net
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Cortylandia, el corte ingles https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmsq-ato9_G/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Hello! I've been lurking this blog for some time and I thought you guys would like ''Cortylandia" a-Christmas animatronic show from Madrid. It's a tradition there and every year the show changes. Have a good day!!
Oh, wow!! Great find!! For those who are interested, here’s the show from the 2019-2020 holiday seasons!!
It’s a simple show, but quite charming!!
- Mod Possum
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raqueros · 3 years
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Isabel Coixet- Cortylandia #isabelcoixet #coixet #cortylandia Hoy he soñado con Isabel Coixet, trabajábamos en una constructora y ella era arquitecta, no sé porque vivíamos en el extranjero y las cosas en ese país se habían puesto duras y nos iban a evacuar con un despliegue increíble de aviones a todos los empleados. No sé si volvíamos a nuestro país pero nos resultaba extraño también. Todos los empleados vivíamos en un mismo edificio. Las viviendas de Isabel y mías eran mejores pero yo me quejaba que en los dormitorios apenas cabía la cama. Isabel me tranquilizaba diciendo que al sitio donde nos trasladaban era mucho más amplio porque era una construcción pública. También me ponía nervioso porque en los planos que dibujamos, el mobiliario parecía horroroso y había que corregirlo.Durante todo el tiempo íbamos recogiendo nuestras pertenencias en cajas, teníamos de todo tres veces. Los vuelos iban partiendo, pero había mucha burocracia y se iban retrasando cada vez más. Nuestro avión era el último y lo que iban a ser unas horas de espera a un coche nos llevará al aeropuerto pasaban dos días. Nosotros no parabamos, que si está camisa me la llevo que está me la dejo. También limpiamos más o menos. En un momento dado nos dimos cuenta que una cañería estaba rota y había que quitar el agua del suelo. Yo buscaba una fregona porque sabía que a Coixet no le gustaban y quería apresurarme a limpiar. No la encontraba hasta que me dijo: está detrás de ti, intentaba apresurarme a pasarla pero Coixet no le gustaba el resultado, así que cogió ella misma la fregona y mandaba el agua para un sitio para el otro con gran destreza. No sé pero eso lo relacione con una pila o piscina que existía en el edificio y decía a Coixet que los hombres nos tirábamos al agua pero que había pocas mujeres que se atrevían. (en El Poble-sec, Barcelona) https://www.instagram.com/ramonblow/p/CYUOfTMqxBY/?utm_medium=tumblr
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#🎄#christmasdecor #christmas #christmasiscoming #navidad #navidad2019 #navidad🎄 #cortylandia #elcorteingles #decoracionnavidad #decoracionnavideña (en CC Pozuelo - Centro Comercial) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6L-oCFobrn/?igshid=1dyyri40sgsix
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campamentos · 5 years
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Consulta los horarios y fechas para visitar #Cortylandia 2019/2020, con el espectáculo #Elfolandia y la exposición de la Historia de Cortylandia, en #ElCorteInglés de la Calle Preciados en #Madrid! 🎶🧝‍♀️🧝‍♂️🤳🎅🎄 https://www.campamentos.info/Noticias/horarios-de-cortylandia-de-el-corte-ingles-de-preciados-en-madrid
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As Christmas is approaching, I wanted to make a post about how is the Christmas season in Spain! Keep in mind not in every place they have the same traditions, I’ve researched regional Christmas beings (namely the Apalpador, the Tió de Nadal and the Olentzero), but i’ll get more in detail with traditions in Madrid (and probably the rest of Castile) and in Valencia (or at least in my father’s hometown area). So, let’s start! I’ll be talking about each elements by date, chronologically, starting with the start of the season, at least for me, the December Long-Weekend!
Fun fact, in Spanish, a long-weekend is called “puente”, which literally means “bridge”, a really cool metaphor if I say so myself! Anyways, this long-weekend links up two national holidays; on December 6th is Constitution Day, where the Constitution of 1978, the one we (still) have vigent, was redacted, and on December 8th is a religious holiday, the Day of the Immaculate Conception (also the name day of women named Inma / Inmaculada!). It changes from year from year, this one for example the long-weekend is from Friday to Monday. 
In this long-weekend is when people usually decorate their homes and the cities turn on their christmas lights (although they usually do it a bit sooner but whatever). As for the decoration, it’s pretty standard, with a christmas tree, and the most important element, the Nativity, called in Spanish “Belén”! I suppose this one is important in all Catholic nations, but as I don’t see many of them in American shows, I wanted to mention them. Here are a few examples of them:
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(in my house we have the last one lol)
As you can see, they can get pretty elaborate!! Also, in Catalonia (although it has extended to the rest of Spain) they have a figure called “caganet”, which is basically a guy shitting. I don’t know why Catalonians have this weird conexion between Christmas and shitting??? Anyways, here is how it looks. We have it in our house of course.
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In my family at least, during this time we have the tradition of going downtown and see the christmas lights of Madrid, below are some Spanish cities with their Christmas lights!
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Also we used to go to the Plaza Mayor where they put on a Christmas Market with a lot of figurines for the Nativity and roasted chestnuts and my absolute favourite thing about Christmas, hot chocolate. Here are some markets in Spain:
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In Madrid we also have this kids show called “Cortylandia” that’s also very typical from this time of the year, I haven’t gone but yeah, it is one of the things to do if you go to Madrid during Christmas. Here is this year’s show.
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This is the most important national lottery of the year, and it is what officially blasts off Christmas. It has the highest price in all of the year, and people go CRAZY. Like, normally people would buy in Summer the Christmas lottery so if the prizes lands where they go on summers they won’t be left out. And some lottery buying points are active all of the year and there are ginormous waiting lines, like the most famous one, Doña Manolita, in Madrid.
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The whole day is really ritualistic in nature; the national lottery is televised, and all of the numbers are “sung” (that’s the verb we use) by some kids from the town of La Granja de San Ildefonso, in Segovia, that prepare all year for this. There can also be a live audience there, and they come dressed up in Christmas attires. Here are some photos of all of it:
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And here is where they delivered the first price last year:
As you see is a very important event. And then we have another National Lottery on January 5th for Kid’s Day!
Finally, I want to talk about another big part of the National Christmas Lottery: the advertisements. They are usually the best in all of the year, nearly always memed, and they are all memorable. Some iconic ones that I can remmeber right now are the worst ever, really really memed and really bad; this one with the mannequin factory; and this really heartwarming one. Normally are really good, the first one was just really out there, became really viral tbh (btw RIP Montserrat Caballé).
24 - CHRISTMAS EVE (24):
In Spanish is called “Nochebuena” (literally “Good Night”) and it’s pretty standard, all the family gathers round, we have a dinner, normally with seafood like prawns and lobsters. During this eve people can sing carols, here is one of the most popular ones (if you want I can make a post about Spanish carols!):
Pero mira como beben los peces en el río
But look how fish drink in the river
Pero mira como beben por ver al dios nacido.
But look how they drink because they’ve seen the borned god.
Beben y beben, y vuelven a beber.
They drink and they drink, and they drink again.
Los peces en el río por ver al dios nacer
Fish in the river because they saw the god be born.
(the carol is longer but this is the main part. Also here is the full song with Spanish lyrics!)
We usually accompany the carols with the two essential Christmas musical instruments, the “pandereta” (tambourine) and the “zambomba” (zambombe) !
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Also, along with the main dishes, there are some desserts that are characteristic of all the christmas season: “turrón” (nougat), “mazapán” (marzipan) and “polvorón” (no English translation that I know of)!
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And of course, there’s Santa. It depends on the house-hold, as it is a foreign custom, there are houses that won’t celebrate his coming, others that would exchange gifts during Christmas Eve, and others do it on Christmas morning. In my family’s case, when we were kids, we would open the gifts on Christmas morning, but now we just do a Secret Santa. Also, in other parts of Spain, they have other traditional figures different from Santa that bring presents to the good kids:
-Apalpador: This is a Galician being that takes the form of a coalman that lives in the woods and, on the nights of December 24th and December 31th, he goes to the houses and feels the stomach of the kids (that’s where his name comes from, it literally means “the one who touches / feels someone” from the verb “palpar”, the same in Spanish) to see if they have eaten healthy during the year, leaving behind chestnuts and presents. Man, Galician are weird. Anyways, there’s apparently a song about him, I’ll leave the lyrics in Galician and translated to English, and after that I’ll leave some photos about the Apalpador:
Vai-te logo meu ninim/nininha,
Go running my little boy / girl,
marcha agora pra caminha.
go now to bed,
Que vai vir o Apalpador
That the Apalpador is gonna come
a palpar-che a barriguinha.
to feel your little tummy.
Já chegou o dia grande,
The big day has come,
dia do nosso Senhor.
day of our Lord.
Já chegou o dia grande,
The big day has come,
E virá y ir o Apalpador.
And the Apalpador is gonna come.
Manhã é dia de cachela,
Tomorrow is a day for cachela [a Galician instrument to roast chestnuts]
que haverá gram nevarada
there’s gonna be a big snow
e há vir o Apalpador
and the Apalpador is gonna come
c´uma mega de castanhas.
with a basket of chestnuts.
Por aquela cemba,
In that slope,
já vem relumbrando
it’s coming, shining,
o senhor Apalpador
mister Apalpador
para dar-vos o aguinaldo.
to give you the Christmas bonus.
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-Tió de Nadal: This one is the only tradition I’ve experienced first-hand, because my best friend when I was in primary was Catalonian and one year gifted us their old tió and we did all and even sung the song on Christmas Eve with my Catalonian aunt by the phone, it was very fun. Anyways, Tió de Nadal translates to “Christmas Log”, and it is a Catalonian tradition as you might’ve guessed. Basically, it consists of a log with a painted face and also normally with a Catalonian traditional hat, that, at the beginning of the Advent season, has to be taken care of, with a blanket so they are not cold at night, and leaving them some food so they are fed. I don’t know either. During Christmas Eve, kids have to chant a song while hitting them with sticks, so they would shit sweets and presents behind the blanket. I told you, Catalonians and shitting during Christmas man. Anyways, below are the lyrics of the song they have to sing, and some photos of Tiós de Nadal:
(In Wikipedia it says that there are a lot of regional variants of the song, I’ll put the one they say is the most common)
Caga tió
Shit, tió
ametlles i torró
almonds and turrón no caguis arengades
do not shit herrings que són massa salades
for they are too salty caga torrons
shit turrones que són més bons
for they are better tasting Caga tió
Shit tió ametlles i torró
almonds and turrón si no vols cagar
if you don’t want to shit et donaré un cop de bastó
I’ll hit you with the stick
Caga tió!
Shit tió!
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-Olentzero: The Olentzero is similar to the Apalpador, as he is also a coalman, but this one is from Basque mythology. He lives in the woods, and, on Christmas Eve, he delivers gifts to Basque and Navarre kids. There’s a procession on his honour and his wife, Mari Domingi, and, of course, a traditional song linked to him. Enjoy the hellish basque language:
Olentzero joan zaigu
Olentzero has gone
mendira lanera
to the mountains to work
with the intention
ikatz egitera.
of making coal.
Aditu duenian
When he heard
Jesus jaio dala
that Jesus had been born
lasterka etorri da
he has come running
berri ona ematera.
to bring the good news.
Horra! Horra!
Look at him! Look at him!
Gure Olentzero!
Our Olentzero!
Pipa hortzetan duela
He is sitting
eserita dago
with the pipe between his teeth
kapoiak ere baditu
he also has cocks
with little eggs
bihar meriendatzeko
for the afternoon snack of tomorrow
botila ardoakin.
with a bottle of wine.
Olentzero buruhandia
Olentzero with a big head
entendimentuz jantzia
so wise
bart arratsian edan omen du
yesterday afternoon he drunk
bost arruako sagia
a lot of litres of wine.
ai, urde tripahaundia
Ay, what a big stomach!
la, lara, lara
La, lara, lara
ai, urde tripahaundia
Ay, what a big stomach!
la, lara, lara, laralara.
La, lara, lara, laralara.
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In Spanish this day is called “Nochevieja”, which translates literally to “Old Night”! During the day, there’s a famous marathon in Madrid, the San Silvestre Vallecana, in the district of Vallecas:
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But the main event, of course, happens at night. So, in Spain (and I think also hispanic countries) things work a bit different, maybe you’ve heard of the 12 grapes? 
Basically, all of the country (except the Canary Islands I suppose, they are an hour behind), tunes into the clocktower in the Puerta del Sol, in Madrid, when the clock is about to hit 12 o’clock. Then, the clock will be counting the last 12 seconds of the year with 12 bell chimes (before that there are 4 warning chimes tho). For each bell chime, you are supposed to eat a grape (if you don’t like grapes like me, you can eat anything else, I have 12 gummys for example). And after the 12 chimes, then you can say hello to the New Year!!!!!!! There’s an amazing song that tells this, I’ll make a post about it when I finish the Rosalia posts, so stay tuned! Here is a video of how the chimes go, of course they are televised:
Here are some pics of the celebrations in Puerta del Sol!!!
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The typical thing of New Years is also to put on a thing called “cotillón”, you can see it in the photos above, it’s basically a pack with party stuff, here are some examples:
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Also, among the other foods I’ve talked about, in the New Years dinner the stars are champagne and cava as the main drinks!
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On January 1st on the majority of Spanish households, people will see in the morning the New Year’s Concert at Vienna, I suppose this also happens in the rest of Europe. And the best part is the ending, it is always with the Radetzky March and we all start clapping along with the rhythm! Here is last year’s Radetzky March!
Also in Barcelona a bunch of crazy people decide to go on the cold waters and take the first bath of the year.
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Translates to “Night of the Kings”, and “Day of Kings”, and they are the most important days in the Christmas season, as they are dedicated to the main gift-givers in Spain, the Three Wise Kings, called Reyes Magos in Spanish, which literally translates to the “Wizard Kings”. They are three: Melchor, Gaspar and Baltasar, and every one has “their” king, kinda like the Hogwarts houses (I’m from Melchor btw). On this night, there is a really big parade in all of the cities and towns of Spain welcoming the kings, that stand up in their carriages, on their way to deliver the presents. During the parades, the people in the carriages would throw sweets to the spectators, that try to catch them in multiple ways (I’ve seen people bringing umbrellas to catch them). After watching the parade, one has to leave their shoes where they’ll leave the presents, and leave cookies for the kings and milk for the camels. The following morning is the “Día de Reyes”, where all the kids open and play with their presents! Also, the typical dish of this day is “Roscón de Reyes” (”Doughnut of Kings”), that has typically an “haba” (”bean”) inside, and a present. Whoever gets the bean, has to pay the Roscón, and the bearer of the present gets to keep it (they are normally little figurines of one of the three wise kings). Here is how it looks, and it is normally eaten with Hot Chocolate!
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Here are some photos of the parades, called “Cabalgata de Reyes”:
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Keep in mind this is not in ALL of Spain. In my father’s hometown, and I don’t know if in more parts of Valencia autonomous communities or even only Alicante province, they have the kings helpers, called “pajes” (”pages”) who are who deliver the presents, and the figure of the “heraldo” (”herald”), a representant of the kings in the town, that has a parade on their own a few days prior. Also, during the parade, you can see the pages going inside people’s houses (they have portable ladders) and, after the parade, kids will have their presents, not the morning before. Here are some photos of my father’s hometown (and some nearby towns) parade:
(beware of blackface, I don’t fucking know why they do it like that, I’m really sorry)
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And that basically was all! I’m sure I’m leaving stuff out, so please feel free to add more stuff!!!!
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isabelmanibardo · 5 years
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Ayer por la mañana pintando el escaparate navideño de Cortylandia con UrbanSketchers Madrid.😄 Yesterday morning painting the Christmas decorations of Cortylandia with UrbanSketchers Madrid. 😄 #art #watercolor #painting #акварель #artstagram #instaart #artist #artwork #水彩 #水彩画 #수채화 #acuarela #aquarelle #aquarell #artoftheday #inspiring_watercolors #waterblog #artofinstagram #sketchbook #arte #sketchbook #watercolorpainting #usk #uskmadrid #art_gallery #urbansketchers #stillmanandbirn #sketch https://www.instagram.com/p/B4XOKoMoeBm/?igshid=hi5ryzodj760
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peternautico · 5 years
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Pues a falta de ir al cortylandia, ya he hecho el madrileño un rato: pasar toda la tarde en el centro comercial.
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adolfodelossantos · 6 years
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#cortylandia #navidad2018 #muñecos #niños #infancia #ilusion #adelossantos (en Gourmet Experience) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq-2N4CBnbN/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1gqrtvzbpz4i0
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galakia-com · 7 years
Los mejores planes navideños en Madrid
Sin lugar a dudas ha llegado. Un ambiente cargado de luces e ilusión, calles abarrotadas de sonrisas y escaparates llenos de regalos. La Navidad está aquí y os contamos los planes imprescindibles para disfrutar al máximo de esta mágica fiesta en la ciudad madrileña.
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misslacito · 7 years
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Ya tengo hasta enero cantando #Cortylandia 🎶 (en Cortylandia)
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madridfree · 6 years
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¡Cortylandia, Cortylandia, vamos todos a cantar! via Instagram https://ift.tt/2QFauHA
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franmagacine · 3 years
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Ocaso de Cortylandia. https://www.instagram.com/p/CYl-WwsNAjJ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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marimoreh · 3 years
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Cortylandia Disfruta del tradicional espectáculo musical con figuras animadas para felicitar la Navidad👪👩‍👩‍👧👩‍👩‍👦👩‍👧‍👦👩‍👦👨‍👩‍👦👨‍👨‍👦‍👦👨‍👨‍👦👨‍👧‍👦👨‍👦👦🤩😄😁😍🇪🇸🤳 . . . . . . #alegriadeserrubronegro #pensamientos #felicidad #feliz #momentos #photographer #inmobiliaria #cute #smile #makeup #athleticomadrid #mataderomadrid #madridgraffiti #realmadridfarsi #gaymadridcentro #conciertosmadrid #boraviajar #queroviajarmais #viagensimperdiveis #mochilao #viajandoporelmundo #fotografíablancoynegro #fotografíadeboda #fotografíacreativa #fotografías📷 #fotografíadecalle #cmadrid #madrid @cmadrid @secretosmadrid @madridlowcost @madridentrecalles @granviademadrid @pasionpormadrid @madrid.explore @spainexplore @madridenruta @madriddiferente @madrid.te.quiero @unlimitedmadrid @metro_madrid (en El Corte Inglés) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYIFPrSD6p7/?utm_medium=tumblr
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campamentos · 7 years
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Horarios de #Cortylandia en navidad 2017/2018 de #ElCorteInglés de Preciados en #Madrid 🎄🎅🤶🐻⛄️❄️ https://www.campamentos.info/Ultimas-noticias/horarios-de-cortylandia-de-el-corte-ingles-de-preciados-en-madrid
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