#corsi rosenthal box
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lesbianinthenightosphere · 2 months ago
Who knew that Anti-COVID activism and anti-eugenics are the key to communal solidarity? /s
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lilhawkeye3 · 2 years ago
some friendly advice as new areas of the country start having long-term wildfire smoke problems:
Don’t do extended exercise outside. If possible, don’t do extended work outside.
Shower once you’re back inside to wash the particles off your skin/hair. This helps to keep you from inhaling it when out of the smoke.
Hot showers and steam help sooth inflammatory airways (nose/throat)
Wear an N95 mask when outside for extended periods to help keep from inhaling smoke. Look at what size particles and how much the mask will protect against (ie 95% vs 99%).
Get an air filter for your office/room/house. They’re in the $50 range online (price May vary in person). If you can’t get one, look into how to make a Corsi-Rosenthal box (box fan, two air filter frames and lots of duct tape).
If you have an A/C (window or central air), turn the fan from “auto” to “on”. This will make sure your air is still being filtered even when the cooling part of the system is not on.
Drink water. (I mean you should try to do this anyways)
Important to note: you may feel side effects slower than others. You may feel them quicker than others. Sore throat, sinus infection, upper respiratory infection, itchy eyes, pink eye, exhaustion, difficulty breathing— these are all common side effects of prolonged smoke exposure.
The dangerous part is that in areas of high concentration, the particles are small enough to be absorbed into your bloodstream. So please, do what you can to help protect yourself and friends/family. Even when you aren’t feeling it, it’s affecting you.
signed, an Oregonian in the Midwest with permanent lung damage from wildfire smoke.
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pipzeroes · 2 years ago
The tune is based, with permission, on “How To Build A Fence” by Nova Scotia singer/songwriter Bob Snider.
How To Build A Corsi-Rosenthal Box
It’s time to clear the air Cause COVID is still there
 And if you want a cheap machine that will cancel tox- -ic pathogens in the air, Well then you oughta hear ‘bout the Corsi-Rosenthal Box.
First you get your fan, Keep the box that it came in You’ll need it for the floor; Now get filters, count 'em, four. What rating? MERV-13. The hardware store will know what you mean. As always, you’ll be stuck, Without your tape for duck. Now add a box-cutter, you're on your way to warding off the pox! This is everything you need to build a Corsi-Rosenthal Box.
With the filters, build the shell In order to build it well Look for the big arrow; It shows how the air should flow. First filter you begin With the arrow pointing in Then build a filter fence By butting up against Tape it up so every filter interlocks Now you’ve got four strong walls for your Corsi-Rosenthal Box.
Don’t worry there’s not much more But you’ve got to make a floor That shouldn’t come as a shock Since that’s why you kept the box So cut your square to fit Tape it on the top of it Turn it upside down and then You’re ready for the fan Now with all you’ve done you’ll find that you’re approx- -imately one or two steps from done your Corsi-Rosenthal box
Before you do the rest, You’ve got to give the fan a test You'll feel like such a jerk, If it turns out not to work, When you’ve used up all that tape To attach it to the crate And covered gaps and slits With tape and cardboard bits
Not to complicate, just make a little slit in the tape So the cord can escape Or else the thing will never go Make a little slit then cut another bit Also with a slit They fit Opposite And overlap them now you’re sealing soundly so– You’re sure it’s only through the filters air can blow– Also— They take out dust and pollen and smoke Which is good to know Tape the corners of the fan just to increase the rate of flow– Oh! Congratulations you just built one of the building blocks, For being safe to respire (Ahhh
) Now sit back and admire Your lovely little Corsi-Rosenthal Box
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bandomfandombeyond · 9 months ago
ha. fuckin HA.
one of the bitches who contributed to getting me kicked out of the "queer-oriented" "radical" camp for advocating that people mask and carrying around my CR Box CAUGHT COVID at it.
the Lord rebukes!!!!!!!
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mxlabradorite · 2 years ago
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Hey kids, a bunch of North America is on fire again, and the air quality in the places catching the smoke from weather patterns is somewhere between gangrenous and dogshit.
Please wear a mask when you're outside! (You should still be wearing them inside, but I can only say that so many times. Just kidding, I'm gonna keep saying it.)
If the air in your living space is getting smoky, see if you have the materials or can get them for a Corsi-Rosenthal Box!
NYC had literally the worst air quality on the planet yesterday.
You can check on the air quality in the US here, and in Canada here.
Stay safe!
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fishelfe · 1 year ago
To be safer...
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shadow27 · 2 years ago
How to build a Corsi Rosenthal Box
If you’re in an area with a lot of wildfire smoke consider building a Corsi Rosenthal Box for about $50 worth of materials and a few minutes work
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sarahthecoat · 2 years ago
where i am, the filters and the box fan are each in the neighborhood of $20, so if $100 for the full setup is too much all at once, the fan and a single filter taped to the intake side, is a fine start. the fan should last years, especially if you can oil the axle between the motor and the blades. i use sewing machine oil, which comes in a little plastic bottle with an extendable tube nozzle. i get a drop of oil in there if i notice the fan seems louder than i remember, and that often quiets it down.
to anyone in the areas impacted by the wildfire smoke, my #1 biggest piece of advice as someone whos been dealing with wildfire smoke in the NW united states for years, is build yourself a Corsi-Rosenthal Cube
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they perform as well as expensive HEPA air cleaners, and are comparatively VERY inexpensive. all you need is a box fan, 4 air filters, a piece of cardboard, and some duct tape!!!!
i think it took us maybe a half hour to put ours together, if that, and we replace the filters every 3 months. it's really made a HUGE difference, both when the air quality is bad, but also with our allergies
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theculturedmarxist · 2 years ago
Poor ventilation in classrooms can increase the risk of infectious disease transmission, such as COVID-19, because it allows respiratory aerosol particles that may contain viruses to accumulate. Air purifiers can effectively reduce transmission rates in community spaces, including classrooms, because they increase the air change rate in the room and reduce particle concentrations. In this study, we investigate the effectiveness of Corsi-Rosenthal Boxes (C-R Box) in reducing particle concentrations in active, occupied classroom settings. A C-R Box is a do-it-yourself, cost-effective alternative to commercial air purifiers built from a box fan, four readily available filters, cardboard, and duct tape. We collected measurements of coarse (particles with diameters > 2.5ÎŒm) and fine (particles with diameters 0.5ÎŒm - 2.5 ÎŒm) particle number concentrations and PM2.5 (particles with diameter < 2.5ÎŒm) mass concentrations. Specifically, we compared measurements in occupied classrooms before and after we turned the C-R Boxes on. In our testing, C-R Boxes reduced fine particle number concentrations by 56-91% and PM2.5 mass concentrations by over 70% after we turn on the C-R Boxes. We also simulated velocity profiles in the classrooms with running C-R Boxes showing mixing throughout the classroom ensuring that all air can encounter the filter.
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chena-h · 4 months ago
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fox-bright · 1 year ago
Covid Update, USA, late December 2023: Buckle up, folks.
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Takeaway from his (very informative) thread:
Wastewater counts are obscenely high right now, belying the official case numbers. Considering that we've stopped collecting or reporting most COVID data, wastewater is the best way we have to judge the actual infection rate now.
We are currently seeing ten million new infections a week, and can expect that to greatly increase within the next three weeks.
If you've stopped masking, please start again, for your own safety and the safety of your community. Many hospital systems are already trending toward being overwhelmed right now; let's do what we can to lighten their burden.
Avoid unnecessary gatherings where possible.
Ventilate your spaces well (this is a good time to build that Corsi-Rosenthal box you were thinking about! I made one, it's great).
And just from me, personally--now's a good time to reevaluate casual habits. I've been careless, again, about touching my face. Time for me to knock it off!
This is a period where we need to act with more care. Not a time to panic, but a time to be more cautious.
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verschlimmbesserung · 9 months ago
Here's the link for normal round fans
Practical tip for those dealing with wildfire smoke now: you can make a very effective air filter for a reasonable amount of money using a box fan & one of those filters meant for your furnace.
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Also, I've managed to pick up 2 of the box fans for very cheap/free from yard sales. Make sure you get a filter rated for wildfire smoke, I think this one cost about $20.
These make a huge difference in the indoor air quality.
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pumpacti0n · 1 year ago
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thefirsthogokage · 2 years ago
If you're in an area that is suffering from wildfire polluted air, I just saw this on Twitter:
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Here's a site I found that can tell you how to make these:
Edit: There have been some extra pointers (about open sources of water in the home, and I believe some other things) in the reblogs, so I highly recommend taking a look at the notes of this post!
Also: Cloth masks are NOT sufficient. Use KN95s or N95s!
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thesocialmag · 2 years ago
Corsi-Rosenthal Method Gains Popularity to Combat Wildfire Smoke
In an era of increasing concern over the impact of wildfire smoke, social media users have found an unexpectedly effective solution to protect themselves from the toxic haze that has engulfed the East Coast. With just a box fan, four air filters, and some duct tape, individuals are sharing their DIY air purifier creations on platforms like TikTok and Facebook, sparking a surge in interest and

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a-queer-little-wombat · 1 year ago
I cannot fucking EVEN with folks who still think the vaccine is having any substantial impact on *transmission*. It isn't, it hasn't since Delta or so, and it *never* was intended to do so.
The goal of the vaccine was to stop *severe* symptoms and *death*.
Please, for the love of your health, your children, your friends' children, your pets, whoever and whatever you love that will get you past this mental barrier, WEAR A RESPIRATOR MASK. GET YOUR KID TO MASK AT SCHOOL AND DAYCARE.
N95, KN95, KF94, ELASTOMERIC, P100 ... whatever seals well your/their face and you/they can comfortably wear.
Cloth masks and those blue surgical masks? Neither are effective against current strains. Please upgrade, I'm begging you.
Covid is not a cold. Covid is not the flu. Covid can and does cause widespread organ and immune system damage, *even in mild and asymptomatic cases*.
While I'm at it....
The current at-home "rapid" tests are generating a lot of false negatives with the current variants. If you suddenly feel like shit, odds are really good it's fucking COVID even if you get a negative rapid / lateral flow / antigen test.
Relatedly, the most accurate way to use those tests is to swab your cheek and throat, then your nose. Nose alone is often not enough these days.
Relatedly, *many* people have been reporting for months that they don't test positive until 2+ days after their symptoms start.
One test alone is NOT an "all clear".
While I'm at it ...
The whole "go back to work after 5 days" thing? ZERO basis in science. It is purely a capitalism thing. Anyone with COVID is almost certainly still infectious after 5 days, and may still be infectious after 10 days.
Also, folks rebound, and not just with/because of paxlovid. SO...
Anyone with COVID should not consider themselves not-infectious until they have two, separate, consecutive negative rapid tests at least 24 hours apart.
While I'm at it ...
Yes, you can get reinfected with a different strain of COVID nearly immediately. There's not much cross-strain immunity anymore and there are *so many* strains going around. So, do NOT rely on a window of immunity after getting it.
While I'm at it ...
CLEAN YOUR AIR. By which I mean run HEPA filters in your homes, classrooms, workspaces, etc.
If you can't afford a commercial HEPA air purifier, look into Corsi-Rosenthal boxes ... they're basically a box fan with a MERV-13 heater filter taped to it.
You need HEPA or MERV-13 level of filtration to clear COVID from the air.
Note: there's a lot of "personal" size air purifiers out there. They're honestly really too small to do much of anything unless it's literally inches from your face the entire time, which is awkward.
While I'm at it ...
Because testing is becoming less available and because official folks are barely or not even reporting deaths and hospitalizations and because many people just do rapid tests at home and don't report the results to anyone and because fucking capitalism... about the only reliable data we have left is wastewater tracking.
Here's the current graph from BioBot, which aggregates the data from what wastewater processing facilities are still doing and reporting their testing:
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So, especially if you live in the Northeast USA, assume COVID IS RAMPANT right now.
PLEASE take care of yourself and those you love and MASK.
I just want to be able to participate in society again without risking life-long disability and/or death ....
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