#corsair iv
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usafphantom2 · 25 days ago
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Vought F4U Corsair #avgeeks #aviation
@Stealthy360 via X
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usafphantom-3 · 6 months ago
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Corsair fighter in an elevator aboard HMS Glory, off Rabaul, New Britain, 6 Sep 1945
@HistoryHT via X
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whohasfourthumbsand · 4 months ago
I have blown a kinetic rod via an IPS-N Kinetic rod driver through my arm....
With my Kinetic rod driver that's attached to my arm...
The rod went through the driver arm...
Any tips?
+ I'm assuming the damaged arm is mechanical?- You'd be way more freaked out if it wasn't, right? You didn't put a kinetic rod through your organic arm, right?
+ How did. How did you even do that? Is there footage?.. Can I see it?
+ My best tip; Print a new arm, and be smarter with it. I am so confused right now. How did you even attach a rod driver to your arm, they're the size of sledgehammers—
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parichutes · 8 months ago
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New computer 😏
She is so beautiful
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pigfear · 2 years ago
finally overcome my gamer sickness i no longer need rgb lights on every item i own
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bamsywrites · 5 months ago
And Comes Dawn pt iv
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Pairing: sauron/halbrand x reader
Summary: truths are revealed.
Warings: talk of mass murder, mentions of death, family loss, angst, reader gets angry a little bit, flashbacks, I'm sure yall will have more questions
Notes: this part is kinda short. I'm not super fond of it. I don't think I got galadriel down. Idk Idk I just think it doesn't read all that great. Feedback is appreciated. I love yall honestly.
Series Masterlist
He could feel the beast approaching before he saw the masts in the fog. The impending doom of everyone on board this raft was minutes away and the elf set his plans aflame with 4 words.
“I know your face.”
Her words and the look on your face as she spoke them played over and over on an endless loop. He could not figure out what you could possibly have done to gain the elves' attention. You stood there still, looking as if you wanted the sea to swallow you whole.
“Look! There's a ship.” Someone called. Everyone looked toward the horizon, but he slowly made his way towards you. He couldn't let you die, even though it was the sole reason he'd called the beast here. Perhaps he'd never be able to do it either way, but he knew now that your death wasn't an option.
There was a small back and forth, was it a corsair ship or was it help? It didn't take long before he hear your voice whisper the truth.
“That's our ship.”
No sooner had the words left your mouth, did screaming and panic set in amongst the ship inhabitants, one even pushing the elf overboard. He could see the fear on face, feel it emanating off of you. Your arms wrapped around your body and eyes clamped closed. His attempts to block you from his mind had made you feel alone. He could see that much. He knew in that instance he'd never be able to leave you to die.
“Sweet one,” He reaches for you, gently holding your face in his hands and making you look at him. Those eyes. What was happening to him? “Look at me.sweet one, I will die before I allow any harm to come to you. Do you understand? Stay by side.” He searched your eyes to make sure you understood. The way you fear disappeared under his gaze, and the little nod to your head was stirring something, a warmth, deep within him. If he reached back to distant memories within his mind, the feeling wasn't unfamiliar, and he'd once been filled with it.
It was unwelcome now, though, and he wouldn't allow himself to name the feeling. He banished it from his thoughts as his thumbs caressed your cheeks. This was nothing more than a deception to sate his growing curiosity and nothing more. He removed his hands from your face, and you instantly held on to his wrist, keeping him anchored to your side. He could feel your pulse quicken as the beast swam under the raft and again when it pushed its body into it.
“This way, sweet one.” He called over the sound of wood breaking and screams, the waves crashing. His fingers tangled with yours as he was all but dragged along with him. Quickly, he had untied a small portion of the raft, pushing it so you were out to safety.
“We can't leave her out there,” you motioned towards the elf, swimming away from the calamity.
He had no intentions of leaving her for a multitude of reasons, but it was interesting that you wanted to save her. She obviously knew something about you that you didn't want known, and it would all go away if you let the elf drown.
But you didn't want that to happen.
Of course you didn't.
He wouldn't be in this mess if you were that easy to read.
You sat back against one of the spikes, the raft causing your body to rock to and fro. You didn't look at Halbrand, nor at the elf - whose name you'd learned was Galadriel. You simply looked out at the waves, memories that you struggled to forget playing over and over in your mind.
“Up, up little one,” a deep voice laughed, picking you up and standing you on the table. Your father rested his forehead against yours, and you giggled. The music from the festival was loud outside the doors to your small home but Mama had said you couldn't go due to your fever. You needed rest, she had told you and your father repeatedly, but your Papa ignored her.
His hands clasped your face, “Perhaps we cannot dance out there, but we will in here.” A kiss pressed to your nose as he lifted you in his arms and danced throughout the living area as your body shook with laughter.
You were pulled from your memory by Halbrands voice, “You needn't keep your distance.”
“I am not keeping my distance. I am simply wondering what manner of man would leave his companions to die,” the elf replied back, eyes not looking at him nor attention away from her task.
“One who knows how to survive.”
Those words tore you back into your memories.
“If you do not do this, you will never know how to survive.” Your brother towered over you with his arms crossed, looking at you expectantly. He was 11 years older than you, and he tried to parent you often.
“Papa says I'm only 6, and I needn't worry about that yet.” You responded by pushing your plate away and crossing your arms, staring up at him with a firey defiance.
“You must always be ready for….”
“For what, boy?,” your uncle interjected, “ I heard no marching of armies? No horns blaring. I simply see a young girl who wishes not to eat the radishes your mother made for dinner. It is hardly a matter of life and death.”
Your brother sighed, sitting back and crossing his arms. He had the best intentions, he truly did. He simply wants what was best for you, wants you to be healthy and strong and not have a hunger in your belly.
Halbrand and the elf continued their bickering as your mind swarmed with the happy memories you had of your family. Your mama helping you make your first pie, which your father ate in its entirety though you suspect it was hornedesly inedible. Your father's deep voice as he'd sing, sometimes rocking you to sleep or dancing with you through the house, it was your favorite song. Sitting atop your uncle's shoulders as he walked along the path to the village. Your brother's jokes and how he'd always sneak you an extra serving of cake.
Your family had been happy, your home full of laughter and light. Your parents had adored each other, and the love they had was the envy of all young girls searching for true love. He brought her flowers and danced with her even when there was no music. You loved your life, and you had taken that happiness for granted. It all came crashing down when your mother caught a fever and nothing could break it. Those were memories you refused to wallow in or entertain. They were locked away so far in the back of your mind that it would break your very being to bring them out now.
“I have pursued this foe since before the first sunrise bloodied the sky,” you were pulled from your thoughts to the heated conversation between Galadriel and Halbrand. “It would take more than your lifetime to even speak the names of those they've taken from me.”
You scoffed. Your body filled with irritation as you shook your head, their heads snapped to your direction. You felt anger fill your veins as you remembered everything you had lost. Not just your family, but your village and all those who lived in it. “Our loss isn't less significant than yours simply because our lifetime is shorter.”
Galadriel appraised you for a moment, her anger written on her face. “You have grown into the spitting image of your brother. It is a coincidence, is it not, that orcs burned your village and a wyrm destroyed your ship and yet you live.”
Halbrand chuckled in disbelief, “What are you saying? That she, of all people, commands an orc army and controls a wyrm. What do you think she is?”
Galadriel never took her eyes off you, she spoke two words in elvish that had been haunting you for 15 years. Whispered behind your back anywhere you roamed.
“What does that mean?”
“Elf slayer,” you said quietly. “Your king himself said I am not the sins of my father. That I was a child. That I was to be unpunished.”
“It is still his blood that flows through your veins,” Galadriel spoke coldly, “Does your companion know that your father was an insane cultist? He has a right to know of whom he travels with.”
Halbrand looked at you, his brows furrowed in confusion, “What is she talking about?”
Your lip trembled, and you caught it in between your teeth. You took a deep breath to calm your nerves, but your breath was still shaky. “My father, uncle, and brother butchered a small village of elves as they slept. They were caught and executed for their crimes.”
Halbrand looked speechless. He turned his attention back to Galadriel as if looking for more answers.
“It was a blood ritual with the hopes of bringing back the enemy,” Galadriel looked to him. “To use elvish blood to resurrect Sauron,” her eyes turned to look at you, her accusation clear in them.
“ I do not wish to bring evil upon this world. I do not wish to subjugate my people's under the will of a tyrant. I have done nothing with my life besides try and repent for the atrocities committed by my family. For you to stand in accusation of me when your people, when your king, absolved me of any guilt. If you recall correctly, I was merely 8 and asleep in my bed when it happened.”
Galadriel opened her mouth in retort but closed it quickly as thunder cracked and storm clouds formed in the sky. This conversation wasn't over, but there were more pressing matters at hand now.
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rainhadaenerys · 7 months ago
People in this fandom will constantly complain that Dany "never shuts up about her long list of names and titles". So I decided to actually count the times Dany does this. I searched for "Stormborn" in a Search of Ice and Fire, so it's possible that there's one or two instances missing if that word isn't included, but probably not a lot. In this post, I'm not including instances of a herald saying Dany's titles before a former introduction like an audience or a party (because that isn't an instance of Dany "not shutting up about her titles", that's Dany following the etiquette rules of her world). I'm also not including when other people say Dany's titles spontaneously, without Dany's command. So here are the instances of Dany herself talking about her titles to other people:
The Dothraki exchanged uncertain glances. "Khaleesi," the handmaid Irri explained, as if to a child, "Jhaqo is a khal now, with twenty thousand riders at his back." She lifted her head. "And I am Daenerys Stormborn, Daenerys of House Targaryen, of the blood of Aegon the Conqueror and Maegor the Cruel and old Valyria before them. I am the dragon's daughter, and I swear to you, these men will die screaming. Now bring me to Khal Drogo." - Daenerys IX AGOT
ons . . . dragons . . . other voices echoed in the gloom. Some were male and some female. One spoke with the timbre of a child. The floating heart pulsed from dimness to darkness. It was hard to summon the will to speak, to recall the words she had practiced so assiduously. "I am Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, Queen of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros." Do they hear me? Why don't they move? She sat, folding her hands in her lap. "Grant me your counsel, and speak to me with the wisdom of those who have conquered death." - Daenerys IV ACOK
"You require passage for a hundred Dothraki, all their horses, yourself and this knight, and three dragons?" said the captain of the great cog Ardent Friend before he walked away laughing. When she told a Lyseni on the Trumpeteer that she was Daenerys Stormborn, Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, he gave her a deadface look and said, "Aye, and I'm Lord Tywin Lannister and shit gold every night." - Daenerys V ACOK
"The corsair wanted only a hundred, your worship," Dany heard the slave girl say. He poked her with the end of the whip. "Consairs are all liars. He'll buy them all. Tell her that, girl." Dany knew she would take more than a hundred, if she took any at all. "Remind your Good Master of who I am. Remind him that I am Daenerys Stormborn, Mother of Dragons, the Unburnt, trueborn queen of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. My blood is the blood of Aegon the Conqueror, and of old Valyria before him." - Daenerys II ASOS
"Woman, you bray like an ass, and make no more sense." "Woman?" She chuckled. "Is that meant to insult me? I would return the slap, if I took you for a man." Dany met his stare. "I am Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, the Unburnt, Mother of Dragons, khaleesi to Drogo's riders, and queen of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros." - Daenerys IV ASOS
And that's it. In the four books Dany appears, she says her titles to other people five times. In two of these times (Dany IX AGOT and Dany IV ASOS), Dany uses her titles to sound more intimidating against her opponents (Khal Jhaqo and the slaver envoy). Twice, she uses her titles as a way to try and convince people to let her buy something (the Unsullied in Astapor and the passage to Westeros), which makes sense, given that she is trying to convince others that she has power/money/influence, so it makes sense to try using her titles. And then there's the one time in the House of the Undying in which she uses her titles as a proper introduction that she was instructed to practice and say when she met the Undying. None of these moments are about Dany being overly prideful or arrogant. For a fandom that keeps complaining about Dany "never shutting up" about her titles, she doesn't say them all that much.
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squeakitties · 3 months ago
can I still send asks about other ocs Corsair. Because Corsair my beloved (don't ask/question it but they're how I found you and your blogs and also it directly lead to me Getting Better about my issues, so. yay!!!)
I also really like its design? Just very gaming computer-like. My new laptop is officially For Gaming and has rgb lights and stuff and that just makes me appreciate Corsair's design more : D
corsair is interesting because ive turned her into one of my antagonistic characters over time, having infinite 24/7 internet access in her brain turned her into a chud type lol
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corsair-news-alliance · 2 months ago
Miss Morse somethins ben bouncin around in my head 4 a while and i wanna get it out. sorrg if this is sudden or weird or wahtever
wut u said when u discharged me. "You're not a monster, and you never were." somethin like that... i always noticed how ud react when i called myself that. u always looked so sad. like some1 kicked a puppy in front of u.
i want u to know i dont think that means what u think it means when i say it. when other peopl say that they tend 2 mean bad peopl. peopl as evil as my old commander. but when i say it im not callin myself evil. im not putting myself down. im not bein mean 2 myself. im just stating a fact.
HA started the Sekhmet Project to make a weapon. they wanted a killin machine that they could use to tear thier enemies to shreds. they wanted a monster. of all 8 kids i was the only success. i was their monster. thats what they made me in the most... wahts the fuckiin word... literal sense.
i can bite through a light hardsuit. i can survive piloting an enki. ive killed more peopl than ive rembered 2 count. with big scary claws and teeth stained with human blood. a THIRST for blood. its all a part of what i am. i think about the kaiju im gonna fight as a jaeger and i feel a connection 2 em. the only real difference between us is that im smart and there stupid. i got a handler 2 reel me back in and i can go back to bein a person after a fight.
idk if this makes u feel any better or worse i just dont want u thinkin i hate myself or something. u, postage, corsair, yall helped me become my own monster instead of HA's. i hope that makes u feel better at least...
[The audio quality is worse, Morse is clearly not in her office and sounds heavily shaken]
Rrr.r.rrrr..r.rr.r.r.i...r.r.r..rri...right..... Stay..s.s.a...sss.s.ss..safe s..a...sally...
[Morse Sniffles]
Commodore did... make mo.... monsters.
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isyourmechrunning · 2 months ago
A Merry Mechmas (a late one) from CORSAIR
[Inside a massive cargo container sits the wrecked frame of a G-GW Tolkien]
"Enjoy picking it apart or whatever you want to do with it I know you like weird shit so have fun!"
>>Ive only ever worked on one other C-GW mech this is AWESOME!!!!! Ohhhh there might be some cool shit in here I can put on Bughouse Brawl!!! Ohhh oh this is the best mechmas gift EVER!!!!!
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flmboyz · 5 months ago
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1959 Fords Ad: Lincoln Mark IV Continental Limousine, Edsel Corsair 4-door Sedan, Mercury Park Lane 2-Door Hardtop.
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usafphantom2 · 1 month ago
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Corsair outside pub in Cranfield village after students at local College of Aeronautics had pushed it there from the airfield. It's now an exhibit at @FleetAirArmMus
@Brabazon via X
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usafphantom-3 · 6 months ago
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Painting l did in 2021.
Vought F4U Corsair of the Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm off the coast of Japan in July 1945.
Acrylic on paper 40 x 29cm
@PeteHill854 via X
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tigersharko · 4 months ago
ok i do have a question
how down bad is lancer tumblr (lumblr?) for ol' four thumbs?
not terribly, not like poor @corsair-mc-official 's Morse, just the occasional person being very very awkward about having a crush or something on the lil' dude! i don't mind it, ive only gotten a handful (3-5) that were anything beyond "c,c,an i hold h,hishands,, ////" yk?
that being said he is canonically aroace, he just doesn't know it in-universe (yet) haha
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c-130jsuperhercules · 2 years ago
In order:
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crow-posting · 1 year ago
Destiny NPCs according to: RZ-3
*note: this is not indicative of the author's personal opinions so if you feel like jumping to the comments / tags to defend [insert character here], save your energy.
- - -
"This is my favoritest person in the whooolee world":
"I'd kill for you":
Colonel 🐓
Eva Levante
"Ghost" = Ori
Quinn Laghari
Saint-14 ("Uncle Saint")
Shin Malphur
Shuro Chi
Sjur Eido
the Starcats 🐱✨
Viragni "Sid" D'Sydney
"I call you [familial title] bc it's funny and also I secretly believe it":
Zavala ("Dad")
Ikora ("Mom")
Lord Saladin ("Uncle Sal")
Rasputin (��тарик)
"You're weird but I like you":
Benedict 99-40
Lord Shaxx ("Uncle Shaxx")
Xivu Arath
"You're okay":
Alis [Alice] Li
Ana Bray
Arcite 99-40
the Corsairs
The Emissary
Kadi 55-30
Lady Efrideet
Shaw Han
Tyra Karn
"Customer service voice activated":
Amrita Vae
Master Ives
Master Rahool
Tess Everis
"I tolerate you at a distance. Come any closer and I'll bite your fingers off.":
also Drifter :)
Arach Jalaal
Sam Moleyn
The Speaker
The Traveler
"F**k off":
also Xivu Arath
Dominus Ghaul
Dûl Incaru
Elsie Bray
Executor Hideo
The Fanatic
Jisu Calerondo
The Nine
see also: dungeon/raid bosses
"You're lucky you have diplomatic immunity":
"Murder is illegal. I might kill you anyway.":
Clovis Bray
Uldren [RIP]
Brother Vance
The Witness
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