notcryptian-blog1 · 9 years
「 @vasccubus 」
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「 ✗ 」 Long pink hair wasn’t so difficult to spot on the street, and lucky for Junior, the other demon faced away from him. Smiling, he walked up behind her, and once he got close enough, he leaned forward to drop all his weight on her. Surprise trust fall, Jay.
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What is that like three bucks?
ya so it’s like less that 2 dolla per cheek
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comicxomen-blog · 9 years
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The boy was covering his body with an apple box, looking at the girl while trembling, clearly nervous about the whole ordeal. Boingo never had to actively make a prediction come true as there was usually other people to do that for him, but since both his brother and Hol Horse’s at the hospital, he had to take a much more active stance if he wanted things to change for the better.
Without saying a single word, the kid grabbed another loaf of bread, and threw at the girl again, just to hide his entire body inside the apple box completely, hoping that now it would take effect.
“Dammit, why is it not working?”
He mumbled to himself from inside the box, feeling slightly confused he pulled the manga from outside his vest, opening at the last drawn page.
“I threw the loaf of bread at her, where’s the money rain?”
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Two dollar. Two dollar a cheek. You draw ass then?
buy me the new imscared and we have a deal i’ll even put in detail
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@corrxptela from this post
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“Eh?  You make it sound a bit delectable than soft.”  He blinked a bit, trying to at least get the gist of what she was talking about.  “Besides, I think pillows are softer!”
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What a strangely bright sight. The woman, or perhaps ‘little girl’ could still be applied, had exceptionally long pink hair. By no means was it shocking to the eye but that shade on someone so small belonged somewhere in Valentidus’ residence. Another pastel puff among his decorations. 
The picture of that girl standing beside an even smaller person prompted a smile to tug at her lips...along with another sensation.
Despite appearances, Safiria found that this girl didn’t belong in front of a sunny backdrop. An evening mist suited her more. 
“How curious,” Safiria noted, regarding the little lady as she touched her chin in thought. “There is a familiar air about you. One that I don’t believe I’ve chanced to brush by in the recent centuries. Ah, good evening nonetheless.” Caught up in old hazy memories, the vampire queen stated a greeting for the sake of manners.
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Draw James ass
pay me
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crimson-warrior · 9 years
@corrxptela  Continued from here
Hakuro chuckled.  “You love a human that was experimented on.  And I love a human that was also experimented on.”
He leaned back against the wall.  “The only difference is that your man was turned into a powerful tentacle creature and mine...was turned into an organic fire elemental.”
The taller demon sighed.  “Tell me Jay, if Koro was in danger, would you do everything in your power to make sure he was safe?”  He asked, staring up at the sky, worry plastered all over his face.
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mentatsghcul-blog · 9 years
                Send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion.
ooc.  as someone who struggles with being bipolar ii and struggles with the stigma that comes from how bipolar people are treated in the world,  seeing people give their characters the catch - all term of ‘ manic depression ‘  makes me extremely frustrated.  bipolar disorder is a spectrum.  there are so many different kinds of being bipolar, and you’re playing up the stereotype that bipolar people can only be  one thing,  all the while attaching an outdated term to your character that shows you didn’t do an ounce of research.
by all means  --  write bipolar characters,  even if you yourself aren’t bipolar.  give us the representation we deserve!  but do your research,  and don’t tack on  ‘ manic depression ‘ because you think it’s quirky or cute, because you’re doing bipolar disorder a massive disservice.  like come on, y’all!!
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majokkojester · 9 years
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More sneezing.
“What in the world is happening?! I never had allergies before!”
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cfmcnsters-blog · 9 years
{ continued from  ♰ }
Candy Queen
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Reaching over, Jay grabbed hold of that bastards finger and slowly pulled his hand away, ready to snap it all the way back if need be.
  ❤”You had BETTER stop that, or you’re going to LOSE it.”
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            “ Bring it.”
Dean of course whenever he’s threaten never takes it seriously even if they could break him--then of course this certain succubus just taunted him more && more or made him want to taunt her. One way or the other, someone is going to bleed && its more than likely going to be Dean. 
The albino boy used his other hand && gently poked the girl once more on the cheek. He mentally wished she would bite it off. 
                                  “ Oops.” 
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