in3rdy · 7 months
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wildshadowtamer · 2 years
hey, anyone ever notice that spamton’s shirt looks like gaster’s? just thought i’d point that out
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howlsofbloodhounds · 2 months
Hellooo! Can you tell more about Color Sans? I always see stuff about him, but I know nothing??? Like, I know that he has some connection to Killer, but I never undertand it :(
Gladly! I am actually working on a Google Doc for Color and his AU, Othertale, at the moment. It is not complete, but here is a link to the Doc if you’d like to give it a look. Not everything is on there yet and it’s not very organized I don’t think, but there’s some links, pictures, and the creator’s socials.
If you’d like to look up the creator, you can give superyoumna and othertale-blog here on Tumblr a look, or superyoumna over on YouTube.
Now Color’s connection to Killer is that they’re friends, and Color is trying to help Killer leave Nightmare and potentially fix his soul—as Killer has asked him to.
The exact nature of their meeting is left up to interpretation according to Killer’s creator, rahafwabas, and the exact nature of their relationship—platonic, romantic, queer platonic, etc—is also left to interpretation, although Killer’s creator has stated they see it more like bromantic than romantic.
Both Killer and Color’s creators, who were and still seem to be good friends (killer’s creator even helped design backgrounds for Othertale), also were very supportive of shipping them.
Color, according to Killer, is someone who gives him hope. He brings light to Killer’s grey, lifeless world; and Killer feels safe with him. Color makes him feel seen, heard, respected. And Color just really wants to do right by Killer, and help him to the best of his abilities.
Now, on to Color’s AU—Othertale. It’s probably more accurate to say that Othertale was an alternate timeline that, due to a choice, became an AU.
After going through his own sets of Genocides and Resets, Sans made a hasty choice in a moment of desperation—absorb the six human souls. This gave him new, very strong abilities—as you can see in the links in the Google Doc—yet his body is very fragile. Overusing his abilities can and will kill him.
So Sans manages to finally permanently kill the human, but this causes a Reset. Sans is sent to the Void with Gaster where he is forgotten by everyone, Frisk and Chara are erased and forgotten as well. So the world attempts to adapt to the absence of the six human souls and its major players.
This results in Othertale, in which Undyne is actually the main character. In this AU, Undyne encounters a young Papyrus in the garbage dump—dealing with bullying, appearing to be alone and homeless without anyone to take care of him, and only coming to Undyne for help from bullies since they met after “the explosion”—and proceeds to take him under her wings as her baby brother. She finds a passion for playing the piano, and often uses her abilities to entertain the Underground.
Because she was too concerned with raising Papyrus, she never attempts to join the Royal Guard; and so Gerson remains its Captain. As a further result, Papyrus has no interest in fighting or joining the Royal Guard either; instead becoming a math teacher.
The promise to Toriel never happens because Sans was not there to give it, although Color remembers it.
The amalgamates do not exist in Othertale, and so Alphys is a lot more sure of herself and confident. There is no way to break the barrier, although admittedly monsters in Othertale seem a lot more content in the Underground, although they still maintain hope. Mettaton was given his body a lot earlier, and seems more like a weapon than an Underground star.
However, trouble arises when an error suddenly reveals itself—going by the name of corrupted chara, although it seems pretty obvious that it is the Player, here to keep playing by taking other vessels now that Frisk is gone. In an attempt to stop this, Color and Gaster elect Undyne’s help—despite how she has no idea what’s happening.
And that’s the general premise of the AU. I am unsure if it is discontinued or if there’s still plans to continue, but it’s just delayed.
As for Color’s character on its own, we unfortunately don’t get much on him canonically due to him not being the main character and the AU not being finished.
He still has a lot of characteristics that Classic Sans does, however the traits and influence/compulsions of the six human souls he absorbed—kindness, patience, perseverance, justice, bravery, integrity—have an immense effect on him and his life, even to the point potentially being dangerous for him.
He is said to not make jokes as much as anymore, although he still does, and he often is quicker to emotional outbursts or anger. He has an intense fear of being alone or forgotten again, to the point he’d get involved in things that are harmful for himself or stick around groups to avoid being lonely—although his creator said he’s often likely to take on a “voice of reason” role in any group he’s in.
If you look of the effects of prolonged solitary confinement and isolation, it is understandable why he has a harder time controlling his emotions and doesn’t wish to feel that sense of being alone again.
A common interpretation in parts of the fandom is that, not only due to his isolation, but due to a hc that he is Autistic, he is often prone to overwhelm and overstimulation—often needing his alone time anyway, even if he’s likely to deny himself what he needs.
A common HC is that he is a nomad, full of wanderlust, not wanting to feel trapped or stuck in the same place again—having developed perhaps some special interests in traveling and keeping track of the lores of AUs he encounters.
It is due to his nature and being Autistic, but also the fact of wanting to stay near Killer wherever he happens to currently be, that it’s headcanoned that Color takes seasonal or part time jobs.
Enough to stay afloat without having to be tied down to one spot or burn himself out trying to keep up with 9 to 5 jobs.
It is also headcanoned that, due to his fear of being forgotten, that Color develops a special interest in photography. Keeping a camera with him, filling up scrapbooks and walls, and journaling.
Maybe he even takes up baking and gardening sometimes. Color’s creator is also Egyptian I believe, so both he and Killer could likely speak Arabic, and it’s possible to implement parts of the culture and beliefs into his character. And also elements of his physical disability, given one of his eyes are gone and his skull is busted open.
Color is also said to be friends with Delta!Sans and Epic!Sans, forming a group known as the Epic Sanses, and I HC’d that when Color first accepted Core!Frisk’s offer to live in the Omega Timeline, that he and Delta were roommates.
Color also hates Nightmare. For how he treats AUs, innocent people, Color’s friends, and especially how he hurts Killer “the most.” Due to the fact that Nightmare canonically replaces Killer with other versions of himself, it is often accepted by Color!Sans lovers that Color’s PTSD worsens, he develops separation anxiety, survivor’s guilt, and compassion fatigue due to the many times he has tried and failed to save and protect all the Killers that Nightmare replaces.
Color struggles to give up on Killer, he can’t do it, and it very likely comes close to killing him more and more every time. Leaving Color to have to rely on the support of his friends Epic and Delta. Color’s opinion of Nightmare is formed by the absolute cruelty Color has consistently witnessed first hand from him, but also the cruelty he’s been on the receiving end of.
Color is often seen as that burnt out therapist friend, the one who everyone wants to go to in order to talk about their problems and ask for advice, and Color struggles to set boundaries in these areas—not only because he doesn’t want to run the risk of pushing people away and being alone again, but because kindness and justice often struggle to let him to.
Essentially, Color has been completely forgotten by the world he only ever tried to protect. For his attempts to save and protect the people he cares about more than anything, the world seems to just consistently punish him for even trying.
He’s forgotten, he’s alone, he’s pushed aside, he fails. He’s forced to watch everyone go on without him, and when Killer becomes his world, he’s forced to watch as he’s constantly destroyed over and over and despite everything Color somehow still survives.
Yet he refuses to give up. Doing so would go against everything he believes in, everything he is.
(. @qin-qin16 ).
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squidig · 9 days
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Meet my OC, Static Sans! He's a cameraman for Mettaton TV in the neutral timeline, working to give hope to the Underground. You can call him Cam or Static. He’s similar to Classic Sans but becomes corrupted, causing static to appear on his body—hence the name Static.
Static Sans was created on August 15, 2024.
The full story will be told in comic form.
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paintedhen · 2 years
i draw box mettaton a different size every time but the funniest option is if he was sooo small. a short king. undyne and mewmew are so concerned that mettaton is this horrible corrupting force on their loved ones and a bad influence and burgerpants is fucking terrified of him and then you look at the guy and hes a three foot tall unicycle living out his greatest dream of burning eggs on live tv
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utmvarchive · 6 months
Reapertale: a summary.
As stated before, some AUs seem to run in different formats. "Reapertale" is another such AU, but rather than running as a soap opera, this Tale seems to play out like Greek mythos, positioning monsters as gods.
Toriel, goddess of life and warmth, gave breath to the earthly realm and sprouted humankind... but they were not yet mortals, and as they continued to propagate, so did conflict among them, and the balance of the earth tilted. His majesty Asgore, god of the sky from which he and the other first gods were born, and to which they would return if ever they passed on, turned to Gerson, god of wisdom, for answers. And Gerson, in turn, commissioned Gaster, god of the arcane, to conjure a counterbalance. Together, they used the power of darkness to invent the gods of death– Sans and Papyrus. Their conception deeply offended her majesty Toriel, and she secluded herself on the earth to swear off any further creation.
Though life would continue, sterility and stagnation would break out in the goddess' absence, and humanity's faith in the gods would falter. This brought on the loss of the god of hope– Asriel– as he was reaching to save Chara, a devoted acolyte, from tragedy. He was too late, and when his stardust fell into a pool of their blood, he would be reborn as an emissary of despair... again as a golden flower.
As it would happen, Chara would be the reapers' first job; but the gods of death were still newly-formed, and the dark magic used to conjure them still leaked from their forms and their scythes. Thus, only a moment's hesitation was enough for Sans' essence to corrupt Chara's SOUL, which was already embittered by the betrayal of mortal and immortal alike. They would escape, adopting the role of a demon in the following centuries.
In his effort to find Chara, Sans instead found Toriel's hidden sanctuary. The two were confrontational at first, but soon it became clear that Sans liked finding somewhere that allowed him reprieve from his thankless job, being the brother in charge of collecting the SOULs of the damned and the restless. In secret, they grew close...
...and then, claiming a role as harbinger of entropy, Chara too found Toriel. Though a god, they struck her down using a scythe stolen from Sans, igniting an Era of Corruption– an outbreak of strife, stagnation and stillbirth.
Undyne, goddess of war, was next to find what was left of the fallen god's hideaway, and confronted Sans before she could see could see that he too was grieving. Papyrus managed to intervene and calm Sans, stopping the spread of his necrotic influence, redirecting Undyne's attention to seek guidance from the father gods.
Of the first gods, Asgore was still in mourning, Gerson had gone quiet, and Gaster had gone to consult an all-seeing mirror. The mirror could show him everything– past present and future– but Chara had found it first, clouding its vision to lure him closer. They trapped him in it, and they shattered the mirror, scattering him and all memories of him with its shards.
In an effort to buy more time to rediscover life, the goddess of knowledge... Alphys... would be tasked with finding alternatives for creation. Her... first attempt involved the willing sacrifice of other gods, but these efforts would be in vain. The second attempt involved making a new vessel for a prematurely disembodied SOUL, and so... Mettaton would be created as a golem, embodying self-love.
What remained of the slain goddess was eventually detected by the opposing reapers at the same time, but Sans was thankfully faster than Chara and took her SOUL into hiding within his and Papyrus' own realm. He procured a stained-glass flower she'd once made for him after his touch withered the live white lily she previously tried to hand him, and he sacrificed the gift to bring her back with the essence of hers it had preserved. Thus, her restoration was secured.
But it would not be until the emergence of Frisk, demigod of mercy, that Chara would be cured of corruption and instead represent faith, and the balance of their world would finally stabilize.
...Seeing that mirror for myself would make my job so much easier if it were still intact...
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drowninnoodles · 9 months
Finally, I wrote down everything that came to my mind, most of them were theories. So if I missed something, please let me know. Plus, I'll probably update this when I find something new.
Devil connections:
- His stats are with numbers 666
- He fell (into his creation)
- his font has the word Wing in its name
-the first version of deltarune was 0.666
-religious connections of characters in Deltarune
- Possibility that he is an Angel
-Dark, Darker, Yet Darker
- Speaks through the Device - Ouija board reference?
- Shadow Crystals as pieces of him
- is associated with the most hell-like place in the Underground
Enemies in Undertale are similar to the Main Boss of the area-
Characters in the core:
- Final Froggit: Searching for Life Meaning/ Giving life its own meaning. Threaten/Mystify
-Whimsalot: "There's still hope", "I've made my choice", "No regrets", Prayers, Butterflies,
-Madjick: Clear Mind, Magican, Emits Cross-shaped bullets
-Knight Knight: Sleeping, Good Morningstar, Knight
Following this lead, Mettaton should not be a Core Boss -> there is no connection. This is Gaster's place
Uncategorized things:
-The core we see is redesigned by Mettaton, we do not know its previous layout
-Into voice's typer text value is the same as Gaster's
-Everything related to him in the files is written in caps
-His theme plays in Bunker
-He is described as always listening
-Like the corrupted characters he has voice lines (the word Deltarune spoken in the intro, laugh in Undertale files and BIG SHOT)
- can break the fourth wall ( takes over Twitter account)
- Deltarune crashes after typing "Gaster"
-"Man.ogg" is Yume Nikki Fansong
- talks to us in Vessel maker
- is in the Void
-Ms.Zarves and Ray as Inspiration for Gaster
-Possibly a Skeleton
- is the creator of Deltarune
- speaks in hands (probably WingDings font)
- He knows Chara personally (they work together)
- Deltarune is owned by ROYAL SCIENCES, LLC
-is scientist
-He worked for Asgore
-Dark Totems in Core - Dark Fountains first version?
-Memoryhead emits Gaster-like bullets
-Memoryhead says “Lorem Ipsum Docet” -> It means something like "Pain teaches”
-Memoryhead can give you a piece of themself
-Piece is called “Bad Memory”, Follower 3 is recalling Bad Memory connected to Gaster
-Noelle’s Blog page is reference to MysteryMan’s appearance in Undertale
-The entirety of Deltarune is an experiment
-Freezing is both reference to Freezing computer and Dante’s Inferno
-is connected to phones - Part of Memoryhead looks like phone
-”Another Him” uses Giygas soundfont
-Gaster seems to be heavily inspired by Uboa from Yume Nikki and Giygas from Earthboud
-Giygas and Gaster have a machines tied to them. Both are strongly associated with the theme of the devil and prayers.
-“A jump into a black hole is a one-way trip. Black holes are regions of space where gravity is so strong that nothing can escape them, not even light. Even before you reach the event horizon – the point of no return – you would be “spaghettified” by the black hole's tidal forces.” -Supernova
-You fall into a Black Hole
-“Of course, no matter what type of black hole you plunge into, you're ultimately going to get torn apart by its extreme gravity and die a horrible death. No material that falls inside a black hole could survive intact.” - Spacendbeyondthebox
-is everywhere at the same time - after being torn apart
-“Negative Photons reading”
-He was scattered across time and space
-theory made by Reddit user Garble365:
“in Interstellar (the sci-fi movie), Cooper falls into a blackhole, and he gets access to every place in the universe, in this infinitely small blackhole. Basically he is everywhere, at the same time. He can look at his daughter and hear her. But he cannot speak to her with his voice, the sound doesn't reach her due to some reason. So he resolves to knocking a few books in a bookshelf in his daughter's bedroom. Her daughter thought it was a ghost, being small. When she grew up, she realizes it was morse code in the form of books being knocked over. It was her father. He was speaking with his hand”
- causes the files to become corrupted - the characters go insane after the meeting
-“The virus starts propagating, which is multiplying and replicating itself. The virus places a copy of itself into other programs” - Wikipedia
- mysteryman head shape
- Scientists/intellectual people are called Eggheads
- Humpty Dumpty Reference
- Eggs given by the Man - possible Gaster pieces?
-The eggs stick together into one piece
-eggs break the game's fourth wall and move between save files
-When you drop an egg it says "what egg?" as if it doesn't exist
-They were both replaced by Alphys after they left
-They are both highly respected by the people
-Religion references - Gerson’s son is priest
-Gaster in tarot card deck was replaced by Gerson
-GERSON is an anagram of the word GONERS
-Gerson in Undertale has knowledge that other monsters do not have
-Gaster Blaster looks like Turtle skull
-Noelle is playing dragon blazer's 3. She is currently at the snow drake.
- Gaster blaster resembles a dragon's skull and the "beams" could easily be snow, similar to the snow grave spell
- "knight knight" who has a strange reoccurring motifs of day, nights, and dreams. Her sprite is labeled as a dragon
-susie's axe, which is said to be made of a dragon's mane. Implying that susie herself is a dragon
Another Him
Darkness Falls
Scarlet Forest
Card Castle
Rouxls Kaard
Chaos King
The Circus
The World Revolving
The Holy
Girl Next Door
Welcome to the City
A cyber’s world?
Giga Size
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mrblank-0 · 4 months
Fallen!Tale Muffet (Corrupted Form)
The Fusion of
Demi!Tale by @crudaka
Under!World by @coulsart
Axe!Tale by @banana-frappe / @azulandrojo / @axetale
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This Art was made by @magicalmysteryperson
You can find more info of Fallen!Tale at theauthor0
Previous Art: Fallen!Tale Papyrus
Fallen!Tale Mettaton
Fallen!Tale Alphys
Fallen!Tale Napstablook
Fallen!Tale Toriel + Frisk
Fallen!Tale Asgore
Fallen!Tale Flowey + Souls
Fallen!Tale Undyne
Fallen!Tale MK
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cas-spirit · 5 months
Post truce au where Passive and Corrupted are different people. Passive is a ghost following around Nightmare. When Nightmare tells Dream this, someone (Ink probably) has the idea to give him a robot body Mettaton style.
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greyfacade · 10 days
Im surprised most havent caught on to what happened to Spamton...
Spamton is likely a ghost. Just like Mettaton.
When he was thrown in to acid it killed him. Hes dead. Hes now a ghost haunting an advertisement mannequin in his own image.
Thats why he can transfer his body in to NEO.
Thats why his NEO bullets look like ghosts.
Thats why he has minis like Mettaton and Mad Dummy.
Thats why he has a "dummy/mannequin" body just like Mad Dummy and their cousin.
Thats why his concept art looks a bit like box Mettaton.
Thats (partially) why the Addisons talk about him like hes dead.
Spamton was "deleted" and it corrupted his code. Hes a digital ghost.
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theabyssqueen · 1 year
Chara is our partner, not our victim (rant)
Warning: may sound like Chara hate to some, but Chara is actually one of my favorite characters in Undertale since childhood. I love them. Please keep this in mind while reading this.
Undertale fandom (especially on Youtube and ESPECIALLY Tiktok) try to use critical thought and realise after 8 years that Chara is just as responsible for the Genocide route and is a willing participant in it challenge (impossible)
Like how can you think that Chara is punishing you for your sins at the end of Genocide or is disgusted with you if they helped you throughout it all?
We do not corrupt them.
We do not manipulate them.
Chara is your partner on equal grounds. They make it very clear right at the end of Genocide that you were never in control.
I repeat: we are NEVER in control of Chara.
Treating them as a lost and confused baby without any freedom of choice or thought is a disservice to the character.
Proof under the cut.
The Genocide Run has strict requirements for it to be started. For red text to appear, you need to kill 20 monsters in the Ruins, fully clearing them out. Yet, if you kill the first Froggit you meet, AND 19 monsters, Genocide does not begin. Why is that? I thought Chara was corrupted by all the LV and EXP we are gaining!
It's because Chara doesn't care if the first Froggit is killed or not. Only the monsters after it count.
Additionally, the last chance that Genocide can be aborted is right before Mettaton NEO, at which point, you should be at LV 15. Thing is, this LV can be reached even during a Neutral Run, by grinding 39 Knight Knights in the CORE. Yet, red text still doesn't appear.
Sparing monsters in Genocide is possible and doesn't deter Chara from the Run (but only if it's a common encounter).
Chara berates you if Snowdrake gets away and Genocide is aborted immediately.
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Chara keeps count of the monsters needed to be killed and will stop you from advancing further in some sections if there are still monsters left.
They could easily just not do all of that.
Frisk's independent actions out of the Player's control during Genocide are actually not theirs, but Chara's. Chara kills Flowey, Asgore, and Sans. And while an argument could be made for us influencing Chara into killing Sans, the same cannot be made for Asgore's and Flowey's deaths. There isn't even any FIGHT button for us to press. The only thing we are doing at this point is advancing dialogue.
And this is considering that Flowey and Asgore were/are both Chara's family, or at least akin to one.
Listen, I get it. I also hate when people put all the blame on Chara. I also dislike when people just stamp "evil" onto them and erase all possible nuance. But that doesn't mean that we should go right into the opposite direction and act as if they're innocent or righteous.
At the end of Genocide, no matter your input on the matter, Chara ends the world. Not just you, not just the monsters still left alive in the Underground, but the whole universe. That indescribably outweighs all the misdeeds we have done during the Run.
Just think about it. Is really killing EVERYONE in the world justifiable, if you do it to punish someone? Even a murderer? To make them "see the consequences of their actions"?
How does that make sense?
How does that elevate them from you in any capacity?
Is it because they talk of "perverted sentimentality", which evades even them? Chara only talks about it if you try to return to the world you had a part in destroying. Chara only talks about if on the 2nd+ Genocide Run you do not comply with erasing everything.
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In fact, if you play along, they compliment you. And they don't say anything about your feelings on the matter.
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Killing and erasing is encouraged. If you do so, in Chara's eyes, you are a beneficial and trustworthy partner.
And the photo. The photo that appears at the end of Soulless Pacifist if you leave Toriel. Instead of Frisk, Chara is shown, and everyone else's faces are crossed out, implying that they are dead.
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Some argue that this is just Chara trying to scare you, or remind you of all the murder you've committed, keeping you responsible.
Alphys is scribbled out.
It is impossible to kill Alphys in Genocide.
It's possible she kills herself during some pretty bad Neutral Runs. Not to mention that, in general, a lot of Neutral Runs are just as, if not worse than Genocide.
Why won't Chara guilt trip you for having done them, then?
And I just can't wrap my mind around someone thinking that Chara is literally pulling a "just a prank bro" here. Especially considering that this is never shown or hinted at to be the case.
And as the icing on the cake, look at the text that appears after the end of Genocide in the Undertale Demo:
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To me, at this point, thinking that Chara is innocent is just denial.
Yes, Chara offers trying out a different route next time. Yet they sure as hell won't stop encouraging it if it is started all over again. No matter if it's the 1st, 2nd, or 100th time you decide to kill everyone to wipe out the world, Chara will play along. This is considering the fact that their dialogue changes on the 2nd Genocide, and thus, proof that Chara's memory is unaffected by RESETs or ERASEs.
Yes, Chara says that YOU were the one who lead this world to ruin. But in my opinion, considering their offer for you to try out a different path, and their actions in Soulless Pacifist (which are, again, out of their own volition and unprompted), Chara's ultimate goal is to take over your/Frisk's soul. Which is why the point fingers and erase their contribution in all the murder, to try and make you feel guilty for it, seeing how you clearly do not wish to part with this world so easily.
Evidently, they've succeeded.
Chara would never get what they want at the end, if not for your help. And you wouldn't get what you want, if not for Chara's help.
The Player and Chara are partners. Let's never forget that.
Credit to the Undertale Text Project for the screenshots and to the nochocolate blog for opening my eyes all those years ago. I love you nochoco.
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starlightrunesgang · 7 months
This new Undertale Au is created by our friend who created SubterLoved and her sister.
-**Au Name: SubrashyTale**
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In this Au, the story remains the same as Undertale, but with some significant differences.
The main difference is that the narrative is imbued with a sense of wonder and awe, exploring themes of discovery, personal growth and the power of optimism even in adverse circumstances.
-Underground locations: Are the same as in Undertale.
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-**Routes of this au:**
- **Pacifist Route**: Frisk embarks on a journey to reconcile the monsters and humans of the underground, finding goodness in everyone and promoting peace.
In this route after the monsters are freed Frisk gives a small part of his soul to Alphys so that Alphys creates an artificial soul using that small part, that artificial soul is to bring back Adara.
Alphys, after creating that artificial soul, gives it to Frisk and, as mentioned before, Adara, thanks to that soul, returned to life.
- **Neutral Route**: Frisk makes mixed decisions, showing compassion but also facing moral and ethical challenges on their path.
- **Genocidal Route**: In this route Frisk faces the temptation to surrender to despair and darkness, fighting against the corruption of his own soul while killing all the monsters in the underground.
-**The Human Souls of this Au and the deaths of the 6 human souls of this Au:**
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**Kindness**: A girl who always seeks to help others, with a generous and compassionate heart.
She died helping a monster and fell into the lava in Hotland.
**Integrity**: A girl who values honesty and consistency in all her actions.
She died because of Undyne in a battle against her.
**Justice**: A girl who strives to do the right thing and stand up for fairness and equality.
She died defending Burgerpants from Mettaton.
**Perseverance**: A child who never gives up in the face of obstacles, always fighting to achieve his goals.
He died lost in Gerson.
**Patience**: A calm and serene girl, capable of waiting the necessary time to achieve her goals.
She died waiting for Toriel in the ruins.
**Bravery**: A brave and determined child, willing to face any challenge with determination.
He died due to a confrontation with Sans when leaving the ruins.
**Determination**: Those who possess the soul of determination are: Frisk and Adara.
Frisk the eighth human soul and Adara the first human soul.
-**Biography of Frisk and Chara/Elisse from this Au:**
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- **Appearance**: She is a little girl, with brown hair and bright blue eyes.
- **Outfit**: She wears a very light blue and pink striped sweater, blue shorts, and brown shoes.
- **Personality**: Frisk is innocent and curious, always willing to see the best in others and find creative solutions to problems.
**Chara/Elisse:** In this Au Chara her name is: Elisse and she is the youngest and biological daughter of the kings of the monsters: Asgore and Toriel.
- **Appearance**:
She is a a little monster girl, with blonde hair and light yellow eyes.
- **Attire**: She dresses in royal clothes, but also wears a heart-shaped brooch that Frisk gave her.
She also often dresses in a very light yellow long-sleeved shirt, wears a light blue skirt with the Delta Rune on one side of the skirt, white stockings and the skirt has a flower design, and wears pink shoes.
- **Personality**: Although initially reserved, Chara opens up to Frisk and becomes their confidant and close friend, showing a fierce determination to protect those she loves.
She is kind and friendly and has a personality similar to that of her brother Asriel.
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-**New Unique Character of this Au - "Adara" (playing the role of Chara)**:
**Who is Adara?**:
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She is the first of the humans who have fallen into the Underground after climbing Mount Ebott.
She is a little girl that Toriel and Asgore adopted when they fell into the Underground, and therefore, adoptive sister of Asriel Dreemurr and Chara/Elisse Dreemurr.
Her, at the end of the Genocide Route is the desire to acquire STATS (LOVE, PE, attack, defense, etc.).
- **Personality**:
She is brave and determined, but she also keeps a secret that could change the fate of the underground. Like Chara in the original Undertale story, she plays a crucial role in the development of the story in this Au.
She also has the same personality as Chara from Undertale but she is a kind and good person.
- **Appearance**:
She is a little girl who bears an incredible resemblance to this Au's Frisk, mostly in the "choice of clothing".
Her SOUL is "red" in the same way as Frisk since her soul, like Frisk and soul, is determination.
She has heterochromia, meaning her eyes are a different color.
She has rosy cheeks.
His hair is black with yellow lines and bright blue and yellow eyes full of mystery.
- **Outfit**:
She is wearing a very light yellow and pink striped sweater, light blue shorts, and brown shoes.
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zinthefuture60111 · 3 months
One of my friends played Undertale recently because I kept going on and on about how it was my favourite game, and he was like "Why is this Z's favourite game??". So he played it, giving me updates about how his first playthrough (pacifist) was going.
Start of playthrough - Kept replaying the Toriel fight bcs he kept closing the game before reaching the next save. Reason? He just wanted to stay with her.
Middle of playthrough - Telling me all about the characters he finds interesting. I think he mentioned the dogs and Mettaton, and of course, Sans.
End of playthrough - Sends me a screenshot of all the characters together right before the Asriel fight, with the caption "Friends :)". I'm laughing my ass of at this point.
After playthrough - Saves his very first playthrough onto a USB so that he never has to get rid of it. Plays a genocide route and saves that onto the USB too. Then plays pacifist again, and still gets the good ending bcs apparently moving your entire files onto a USB gets rid of the corruption, so that's nice.
He said he understands now why this is my favourite game. He's been watching Undertale Youtubers/Streamers (Mentioned CiblesGD and Shayy) and whenever he feels bored, he gets an urge to play Undertale again.
Another one successfully converted, boys.
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nochocolate · 2 years
Theory: Chara's motivations
lucabicono submitted to nochocolate:
I recently found this blog and got drawn back in to reading theories and speculations, and after reading a few, I noticed a common thread that I never had before, connecting a lot of elements regarding the narrative of Undertale, Chara's behavior and motivations, and the significance of the Goner/Gaster characters: the idea of being forgotten. I'm not sure if anyone else has pointed any of this out, but I wanted to submit it for consideration. I also haven't come up with any theories of my own in a long time, and my knowledge of the inner workings and unique scenarios (fun values, kill count changes, etc.) present in Undertale is elementary at best, so I figured you might be better at piecing this together and seeing if it holds water at all.
First off, the obvious connection to the idea of being forgotten, or rather, the concept of memory. The game itself remembers the actions of the player, even in new games and fresh resets, but it doesn't simply stop with the game. Characters like Sans and Flowey obviously either know about previous playthroughs, or at least have some awareness of them. Even Frisk is implied if not outright stated to have some recollection between runs; Toriel's comment that they look like they've "seen a ghost" if the player kills her and then reloads a previous save, and Frisk outright telling Asgore how many times he's killed them.
Another pretty obvious connection is with the Goner characters, specifically Gaster and his followers. Gaster himself was completely erased, past present and future; forgotten by existence. The only people remaining who know about him (aside from, implicitly, Sans) are characters like the Goner Kid, whose entire spiel is about "a world world where everything is exactly the same...except you don't exist", or essentially "a world that has forgotten you". The Goner Kid also asks for the player to forget about them when bringing them an umbrella.
And there are plenty of other allusions to the idea of being forgotten, and having the world move on without you. For example, the Echo Flower that Flowey speaks into says the following: "She'll find another kid, and instantly forget about you." This also ties into the game’s overall theme of letting go.
Having read the theory on here regarding how Chara's influence is tied to number of kills and how the player isn't necessarily corrupting them, as well as the theory surrounding the use of the “*...” dialogue, I began thinking, what exactly is Chara's motivation? Because just having them be a demon or whatever is boring.
Could Chara be motivated at least partially by a fear of being forgotten?
It would explain their hatred of Toriel during a genocide route, who took in fallen child after fallen child even after their passing. It would explain how they're able to one-shot Mettaton NEO despite his monster soul being protected by his robot body; the fountain having possibly been made in to celebrate Chara's arrival having been altered to instead honor Mettaton. I would explain why Chara makes sure to remind the player of the consequences of the genocide route in a soulless pacifist run. It would explain why, even when the player is on a neutral or true pacifist run and they have no soul of their own and basically no influence, Chara is still Determined to let the player know that they're there through things like flavor text ("You laugh and keep laughing", "All you can do is FIGHT", etc).
Given how prevalent the concept of being forgotten by the world is, as well as Chara implicitly wanting to become the angel to "free" the monsters, and how their/the player's in-game theme is quite literally "Megalovania", I think it's entirely possible that they would find the idea of being forgotten terrifying.
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mirror-ralsei · 1 year
or, why this pile of rock is going to tear my heart out
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Ralsei is a Titan.
"The unending pillar of darkness that gives my body form" dedication in Ralsei's manual matches Ralsei's description of Titans "tak[ing] form from the FOUNTAINS"
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Ralsei's body completely disappears when downed
Ralsei was first completely shadowy and amorphous within his hooded cloak, then a bit more defined but still shadowy under his hat, before finally settling on a more visible form at the end of Chapter 1
Just before removing his hat, for a couple of frames Ralsei's sprite changes his paw color from black to white. As well, where Ralsei previously had black paws in various animations such as clapping or spell use, they are now white in Chapter 2. These suggest that Ralsei's shadowy appearance is not simply caused by the shade from his hat.
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Ralsei's initial description is a somewhat ambiguous "Dark-World being"
Unlike normal Darkners, Ralsei does not turn to stone and can seemingly teleport between Dark Worlds at will
Ralsei is the sole denizen of Castle Town, an area seemingly abandoned or evacuated, where Titan-like eye marks and darkness covers the land
Ralsei knows a lot about the Roaring
"Do not be alarmed... I am not your enemy." is one of Ralsei's first words to Kris and Susie
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Ralsei wants to redeem himself for participating in the last Roaring by stopping it from happening again.
Again: Ralsei is the sole denizen of Castle Town, an area seemingly abandoned or evacuated, where Titan-like eye marks and darkness covers the land
Ralsei’s portrait/sprite when talking about the Roaring seems haunted
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Ralsei says “I...I’m sorry!!! I repent!!!” in the generally foreshadowy Poppup dialogue
However, Ralsei is an unwitting pawn in a greater villain's scheme.
Ralsei is characterized as overly keen to follow orders.
Poppup dialogue: “Ralsei moved to click on an ad with a bunny on it teaching you how to make friends... ...and accidentally clicked on an ad of a machine gun that appeared over it!” / “Ralsei tried to click on an ad with a castle on it... ...but it was actually an ad for a company that demolishes buildings with bazookas!”
Again: Poppup dialogue: “I... I didn’t mean to do it... I... I’m sorry!!! I repent!!!”
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In order to fix his mistakes or save the world, Ralsei may sacrifice himself, perhaps becoming the Waterfall statue in Undertale.
Undyne states "That statue's been here forever... No one knows where it came from." This description seems similar to Gerson's explanation of the Delta Rune: "That emblem actually predates written history. The original meaning has been lost to time..."
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The statue is greyscale and cracked, like Darkners such as Lancer when turned to stone
The statue has horns, like Ralsei (note that the direction of Ralsei's horns varies across sprites/portraits and concept art, sometimes being turned inward and other times outward)
The statue is associated with the song "Memory," which is associated with Asriel, who appears connected to Ralsei
The statue in Waterfall may have been part of the original Royal Memorial Fountain before Mettaton's statue replaced it
If so: Ralsei is associated with all three concepts of a "Royal Memorial Fountain," being a prince who is made from a Dark Fountain and, as "memory" is a prevalent theme in Deltarune and Ralsei sings its "Don't Forget" motif in battle, with remembrance as well
Other things:
Ralsei appears self-aware in the same way as Jevil and others.
"(SAVE and take a break anytime you want, OK?)"
"Even if it's not real, you can still have fun, right?"
"It seems like it was just a corrupted program."
There may be multiple "Ralsei"s in some way.
“They [two Ralsei plushes] are both correct. Both beautiful.” (Toby Fox on Ch 1 Livestream)
“Every Ralsei is equally beautiful.” (Toby Fox on Ch 1 Livestream)
“I just wonder what... being “Ralsei-like” even is...?”
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Unknown: why does Queen not notice Ralsei?
“How Thoughtful You Two Have Come To Help Me / Kris, Susie / Which One Of You Wants To Be The New Knight”
“Hey Was There A Third Guy?????????”
“I Will Miss Each Of You / Noelle, Your Un-needed Honesty / Susie, Your Foolish Bravery / Kris, Your Chill Vibes / ... / B...Burghley?”
Unknown: why does Ralsei (seemingly) know about the ThornRing?
"..." if given
(screenshots: 1 2)
DISCLAIMER: this is a predictions post, just laying out the predictions that i have currently and my personal reasoning. eg. i am by no means the first or only person to consider titan ralsei rofl
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The differences between this story and the canon:
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*In this story, Frisk is stoic at first, but he become a warmer and softer person over time, when Frisk gets to know Papyrus better. Frisk actually helps Papyrus when he loses all hope later in the story. Unlike in canon, Frisk doesn't forgive the ones that hurt him right away, they'd have to EARN his forgiveness.
*In canon, Frisk and Chara are non-binary... in this story, they're both boys... because the girl versions of them often get sexualized and it makes me uncomfortable.
*In this story, Papyrus is much less childish and naive (thanks to Toriel teaching him many things instead of leaving him in the dark, like Undyne and Alphys and Sans sometimes do), he's still arrogant but the whole journey will humble him and he chooses the side that prevents humanity from being wiped out (cause Toriel told him stories of monsters and humans once getting along).
*In this story, Undyne is still stubborn and hotheaded, but not as quite much as in canon and she is somewhat more mature as well... She also has an actual reason for hating humanity, which is connected to her eyepatch... And she doesn't enjoy attacking Frisk, like she does in canon, but she believes that she has to cause it's her job.
*In this story, Alphys is a bit sassier and snarkier, especially around Mettaton... She also idolizes Papyrus (for protecting Frisk and acting like a rebellious hero, similar to MEW MEW KISSY CUTIE) and she wants to be seen as a fellow hero by him (which backfires horribly for her).
*MEW MEW KISSY CUTIE is about a heroic cat girl rebelling against a corrupted city.
*In this story, Mettaton is a bit nobler and kinder then in canon... Instead of instantly ditching Napstablook, Mettaton begged Napstablook to let Alphys a robot body for him as well, so they could be TV Stars together, but Napstablook refused... Also, Mettaton views himself as the only true human fan (believing that Alphys only likes human stuff, not the species, since Alphys doesn't want to actually help Frisk get past Asgore) and Mettaton wants to save the humans as well as become one of them... even if it means getting a human soul first.
*In this story, Muffet is kinder then in canon... She doesn't scare her costumers into buying her treats and they're not as expensive either... Flowey kidnaps one of her family members and convinces her that Frisk did it.
*Grillby gives Sans some advice later on.
*Asgore Dreemurr's personality is mostly the same, but the Kingdom something a little messed up here... So the future generations won't question why they should wipe out humanity, when one of the King's children was a human... Most parents lie to their children about Chara's story: Saying that Chara was an adopted monster and was killed by the first human that came underground. Asgore killed the human, Asriel absorbed the human soul, crossed the barrier and tried to get more to free everyone, but the human village killed him first. Thus, the King declares war... Asgore wanted to stop these lies, but Gerson stops him, saying that this propaganda will encourage and inspire the kingdom more than the truth could... Asgore lets the propaganda happen and he hates himself for it.
*Toriel Dreemurr is mostly the same as in canon, the only thing that's different is that she's more aware that the deaths of the previous humans are almost as much her fault as they are Asgore's fault... However, she's still angry at Asgore for letting the future generations of the kingdom think that Chara was an adopted monster child, not a human child... Her anger is somewhat more justified then in canon.
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