#corpse retrieval
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Look At Yourself - MasterDisaster - Katekyou Hitman Reborn! [Archive of Our Own]
Khr rarepair week day 2: Corpse Retrieval
Pairing: Lambo x Reborn
Audience: teen and up (just to be sure, because there's a corpse? Pretty much very innocent aside from that)
Triggers: poisoning, and I guess Reborn could ask and kiss, not the other way round
Enjoy! @khrrarepairweek
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Five Times Vongola Settimo retrieved corpses at his CEDEF counterpart’s behest, and one time he made one
Vongola Settimo had the weakest Flame of all Vongola Bosses, but his CEDEF Commander was conversely, the strongest. Little is known of the enigmatic Spada, save that he was responsible for CEDEF's assumption of codenames based on herbs and spices, and that never had the CEDEF been more bloody and more brutal than under his leadership. Together, these two men laid down the foundations of what Daniela, the legendary Vongola Ottavo, would build upon to secure Vongola's place as the undisputed sovereign over a tight-knit Alliance of Families.
And yet these men's close-knit partnership broke apart, as the pressure of Iron Prefect Cesare Mori's campaign against the mafia grew. In the end, Spada chose not to rescue his dearest friend when he was imprisoned, awaiting trial, choosing instead to save and crown his goddaughter, Daniela, instead.
A love story with an angry ghost was always doomed to end in tragedy, and yet.
“You need not wish me well.” His friend kissed his hand, the hand bereft of the Vongola Ring for the first time in more than two decades. “You have already returned love to me, when all I had was hate. For your sake, Fabio, I shall avenge thee, and see your children grow old.”
Simora di Vongola, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1
“Fabio di Vongola, your father is fallen.” Katzbalger’s face was solemn. “I, his consigliere, entrusted with one half of the authority to appoint his successor, choose you in accordance with his wishes, and so discharge my last duty to him.”
Fabio took the lacquered box from the Sixth CEDEF Boss’s hands. “It is true then.”
The round-faced man closed his eyes. “The Vongola’s reach may span the world, but there was no cure to be found for Simora, in this land or any other. He has chosen his end.”
“May he rest—Damn it!” The Rings scattered onto the carpet that was probably as old as they were. “Damn it, damn it all to hell! Father knew that he was weakening, the Alliance knew he was weakening, our enemies knew that he was weakening! It didn’t make him step down even if it caused the Vongola problems, so why the fuck did he decide that now was the time to make things right? What made him think that now was the time to put duty first? Why the fuck would he leave now?”
“Perhaps…” Katzbalger began delicately.
“No, don’t you dare try to give me his excuses, he’s an egotistical fucking bastard, mother’s been praying to every saint in the book, lighting enough candles to burn the church down, she’d have fucking built one with her own bare hands if she’d thought it would give her another hour with her husband, but his pride would rather have him die as Vongola Sixth than diminish with the people who love him!”
Fabio took a deep breath. “Tell me he at least took all those Azzarà dogs with him.”
“Not quite.” Katzbalger moved towards the door, looking pointedly at the grandfather clock that stood against the wall, “He got most of them, but Spada is cleaning up the rest. You ought to bring your father’s body home and complete your Ring, Vongola Settimo.”
Vongola Settimo. Three years later than he expected, but he had the title now. How long would it take before no one called him anything else? Fabio di Vongola. Vongola Settimo. He was no longer the disappointment, only heir because he was his father’s only son. He was the Seventh in a line that had continued unbroken for a century and a half.
“Yeah,” Fabio said, following his Intuition to his ring and sliding it on his finger, “I should. So, about this Spada—he a Rain?”
The soon to be former CEDEF Boss smiled sardonically, “Because he’s washing away the blood spilled? Nah, that’s what we all do, Rain or no. If you want to know more about him, go ask him yourself.”
The smell hit him first.
After a brief, embarrassing interlude in which he picked up the Half-Rings he had scattered on the floor and distributed them to his Guardians, they had driven to the manor where Don Vongola had made his last stand. He had then left them outside while he headed past the perimeter alone.
The smell of roast meat and gunpowder, sour piss and vomit and the stink of shit from fear-loosened bowels ripening in the summer heat, hung like a cloud in the hallway. The CEDEF agent on guard duty had to have been marinating in the stench for hours, that poor soul.
“Settimo.” The young woman saluted crisply, opened the door, and stepped aside.
Fabio acknowledged her with a nod and then headed in.
On second thought, he wasn’t sure whether he was sorrier for the girl or for himself. What had seeped through the cracks had developed into a foul but generally breathable fog, but the miasma at its source had congealed into an all but physical thing, thick and rich in the stagnant air.
He stepped over a disembodied limb and avoided the tangle of entrails spilling from its owner, shoes sticking to the ground. There to the right, a man and a woman, the man’s head at an unnatural angle, the woman’s body littered with the long, shallow gashes unique to Simora’s boomerang. Behind them, shards of bone and organs stuck to wallpaper that was liberally coated in blood and brain matter. Farther off, his father’s Flame had left a cluster of bodies unrecognizable, their clothes and hair charred and blackened, their skin covered in raised blisters, patches of pale round welts like cobblestones, some smooth, some burst and weeping clear fluid. And there, on the other side of the room, a trio of corpses pressed against a window, as if they had been struck down as they tried futilely tried to escape the room, so warped that they barely passed as human, with flecks of skin and flesh around their throats and great bites taken out of the meat of their torsos.
It was then that he decided to stop cataloguing the carnage; better to let the cleaners sort it out.
Sunlight poured in like molten gold, turning the charnel pit into an oven. His father’s body had been laid out upon a makeshift bier in a liquid pool of it, severe features softened by the gilt. Someone had combed Simora’s hair, damp with sweat, back into its usual neatness, slid his eyes shut, and folded his hands over his chest with his faithful boomerang clasped between them, as if he was a warrior-king of old, grave and grand and solemn in his repose.
What was he in comparison? The last and least, chosen only for lack of other options, the disappointing only son, no hero, no leader, more clerk than king.
“Hail, Vongola Settimo.”
Fabio turned around. The speaker was dressed in a snugly tailored black suit over a waistcoat of tell-tale indigo brocade, swinging a sword-cane with lazy grace. Just his luck, the Mist was a fucking peacock, strong enough to teleport and vain enough to show off. He steeled himself.
“I have you to thank for this mess, I presume?”
The Mist bowed, long, silver-blond hair swinging freely over one shoulder. “Spada, of the CEDEF, at your service.”
“Some service.” Fabio knelt by his father’s stiff body, where the ground was clean. “You couldn’t have gotten the Ring off before rigor mortis set in?”
“Why?” Spada asked, all mock scandalized offense, “Is it not meet that Vongola’s Heir should receive his Inheritance from Vongola’s Don’s hand?”
So speaking, he vanished the glass from the windows, letting in a tepid breeze. It did little to improve their surroundings and even less to change the fact that talking with the CEDEF agent was an exercise in forbearance.
Spada was a Mist, Fabio reminded himself, and there was always something wrong with the good ones. His own Ligurio wasn’t much better. He sat back on his heels, prize in hand. “Are you advising me, Outside Advisor?”
“Merely being conscientious.” The scent of orange flower water swirled about them as Spada joined Fabio at his father’s side. “After all, my authority extends only to this—”
He tapped the CEDEF Half-Ring on Fabio’s finger. “—and even then only when you bestow it onto me.”
A reminder. The man had not been confirmed CEDEF Commander yet.
Spada was presumptuous, insolent. But he had earned it with his casual power, exercised with breathtaking mastery, with Katzbalger’s trust, giving him responsibility over the matters of Succession, and with his encyclopaedic knowledge of law and custom, even if it was used to push the lines of acceptable conduct precisely as far as they would go.
Who, in their generation, could hold a candle to that bonfire? His father’s fingers were warmthless and stiff under his own.
Certainty was addicting, Will fed on itself. Don Vongola slid his Ring off and dropped both halves in Spada’s hands.
He had caught the Mist by surprise, and the other man’s disconcertment was supremely gratifying.
“What is this, Fabio di Vongola?” Spada counterattacked, drawling to buy time, “Such impropriety. You have not received the Sin—it is not yet time for me to take this back.”
“The giving of these Rings from one hand to another’s signifies much.” Settimo said, meeting the eyes of what could be the strongest Mist in the world, but for the Arcobaleno, “From me to you—trust. From you to me…”
“…support.” Spada concluded, “Is that what you ask of me, Vongola Settimo?”
Fabio looked down at that little twist of some unknown alloy, passed down through the generations, “With his half alone, my father enacted vendetta that shall soon shake the Underworld, but in me, the blood runs thin. I shall need its mate as well, if I am to hold my own with the sword as well as the pen.”
“If that is what you require,” Spada completed the Sky Ring and held it for Fabio to take, “Then the strength of the CEDEF is yours to command.”
Fabio accepted the offering and rose to his feet.
The sun had moved. The light was fading. It was time. “Well?” He asked, “Who shall carry my father to his final rest?”
It was the question Spada had been waiting for, as expected. The peacock of a Mist stood and struck the ground with his cane.
“Who else, but the defeated dead?” He laughed, as mangled corpses shuddered to life.
“Who else.” Fabio repeated flatly. There was always something wrong with the good Mists, and he had chosen this one of his own free will. Who else indeed. He raised his chin and joined his CEDEF Commander at the front of the ghastly pallbearer’s queue.
Currently, CEDEF codenames are based on different types of swords, from the german Katzbalger to the Roman Spada. (Yes, Daemon is just going by his surname) Fabio’s guardians, on the other hand, are named after the characters from Machiavelli’s satirical comedy“the Mandrake”.
#khrrarepairweek2023#sky day#corpse retrieval#Vongola Settimo#Vongola Fabio#CEDEF settimo#Daemon Spade#Vongola Settimo/Daemon Spade#Vongola Daniela#vongola eighth#Vongola seventh generation guardians
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Dungeon Meshi Human Interracial offspring (Mostly Spoiler Free)
As you might know, in Dungeon Meshi "human" is a term that refers to not only "tallman" (the equivalent of our world humans) but also Half-Foots, Ogres, Dwarves and Elves.
Besides the weird bone counting classification Kabru made I think one of the defining "human" aspects might be being able to have offspring with each other (unclear if that's possible at all between human and demi-human).
That said the Adventurer's Guide has some information about it that I wanted to share.
First, Humans in dungeon meshi are divided between short and long lived races, those are:
Long Lived Human Races:
Short Lived Human Races:
As a general rule mixed offspring seems to be infertile but there's some exceptions.
Confirmed mixed race offspring that can leave descendants (Fertile offspring):
Tallman x Half-Foot
Tallman x Ogre
Dwarf x Gnome
An easy chart with the info! (It's not that complicated but its easier for me to see like this) (edit: added info what mixes have confirmed and speculated characters)
Seems like short-lived species can only have fertile offspring with each other and the same for long lived. Although there's no information about elves being able to have them with any other races, maybe because they live so much more than the other long-lived species (400 vs 200 & 240)
There's also no information about Ogres with Half-foot but I don't imagine the logistics to produce offspring would work there 😳
Another thing is that the Adventurer's Bible describes that the tallman have had an explosive growth due to having fertile offspring with half-foot and Ogres , so I wonder if that means their offspring are tallman too? Or are they still half-half-foot (a funny name) and half-Ogre? Unclear!
some of the confirmed mixed characters:
Corpse Retriever Leader - Half-Dwarf (Dwarf x Tallman)
Corpse Retriever Priest - Half-Gnome (Gnome x ? [Probably Tallman])
Fionil - Half-Elf (Elf x ? [Probably Tallman])
For the chart I added them as confirmed half-tallman due to their height/looks, I'm just being overzealous here.
Speculated mixed from the race portraits
In order: Half-Foot page: possibly half-dwarf | Elf Page: possibly half-foot or gnome mix | Dwarf page: possibly half-gnome.
Sources and Spoilers Bellow the cut
From the page about tallman in the adventurer's bible (p134)
From the page about dwarves in the adventurer's bible (p140)
From the page about Ogres in the adventurer's bible (p140)
Page about 'other characters' (p098)
Fionil Profile (p096)
Spoiler And ofc I did not forget Marcille! I just don't want to tag this as spoilers since that would be pretty much the only spoiler
#dungeon meshi#adventurers bible#dungeon meshi races#fantasy race#worldbuilding#mixed races#half-elf#half-dwarf#half-gnome#Fionil#Dwarves#half-foots#tallmen#elves#gnomes#Ogres#fantasy worldbuilding#longpost#long post#corpse retrievers#for referencing#half elf#half elves
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See this lil' thingie on my neck? It's a Steppe talisman... against maras like you!
Day 12, Amulet
#do you ever think about that changeling route quest where saburov asks her to interrogate grief about the spreading of the plague#and he refuses to answer her until she retrieves a severed head for him..#and that's the only way to distract him and make him confess that his men have been killing people and dumping infected corpses in the rive#pathologic#clara i'm so sorry#clara saburova#the changeling#bad grief#grigory filin#pathologic fest#pathologic_fest#day 12!#pathologic fanart#jajadraws#hope everyone is having a nice day!! this will be my last pathofest drawing for a while I think :)#Мор Утопия#artists on tumblr#commander wolf
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Dungeon Meshi OCs! More about em under the cut
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So there's this game called Lethal Company...
Been playing a lot of LC with a couple of discord server pals and predictably this generated two OCs.
Remember my first Blender sculpt? Yeah, with a lot of help from @egg-exe it became a custom cosmetic for our group's collective modpack, and it is the main gimmick of my Employee character. The story behind it is that The Company decided to use alien creatures to scout hostile moons and planets via mind-melding with "volunteers". Basically an organic ROVER program of sorts. The experiments didn't yield very positive results, with Frogsilon being the worst possible outcome (the Frog was not an animal, rather, a sentient species of alien who completely took over the subject).
Leon, on the other hand, is part of an offshoot project (same sort of base concept, different end result sorta scenario) where eyeless dogs were captured and slowly domesticated via a lot of selective breeding. Their purpose is to collect bodies from failed full wipe-out missions where no one survives. Because obviously The Company doesn't believe in wasted resources and would use the bodies of the Employees for whatever purpose they deem fit.
That's enough exposition for now. Enjoy these character concepts and fun doodles (Buddy the Masked and its Crew belong to @pangolin-404, check out their fics about this oddball group! They're fantastic!)
#Eps Draws:#Lethal Company#Lethal Company OCs#Frogsilon#Leon the Corpse Retriever#Employee OC#Eyeless Dog
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shounen characters love having the dumbest arguments over morality ever written
#bolo liveblogs#''let's risk our own lives to retrieve this corpse!'' is NOT something to which#''but what if the person you want to save did something bad?'' is the best or even a reasonable response
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I had another Dungeon Meshi style dream but this one involved Quickscope!! She was a half-elf/half-dwarf and her cybernetic arms and legs were now metal gauntlets and grieves. She was hunting the mage that cursed her body.
Scope ran into a small adventuring group that had a kobold, half-foot, and tallman. She argued a lot with the half-foot a bit but near the end when she left the group, the camera quickly cut to Quickscope working on a hard mechanism to trip every trap. She jumped from ledge to ledge, showing off her dexterity as she dodged each spike popping out. Scope did this purely to make the item the party was searching for easier to obtain. She was worried it would kill them, so she helped out in her own way because she didn't want them to die lmao
#quickscope#scope#dungeon meshi vibes#dungeon meshi au#she pulled off one of her arms to prove it actually was her arm just now a metal gauntlet#the hand moves while she held it with her other hand and spooked the kobold lol#“so are you a corpse retriever or something?” “no I'm an assassin” “...” “don't worry not for you."#she was taller than the average dwarf due to her elf blood#the cutest big curved elf ears poking out
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Fell Xenologue Alfred.
#Alfred#I used the poem from the start of the firene part :)#SPOILERS FOR FELL XENOLOGUE BELLOW! THE TAGS ARE FULL OF THEM!#Alfred fe engage#alfred fe#fell xenologue#non fell alfred and alear vs fell alfred was a cool part to play#he was so sad and it was tragic#also the funny 'huh I guess I'm not hench in this universe either...' from alfred as fellfred was sobbing telling the Devine dragon he woul#destroy her so completely that no-one could misuse her corpse and turn her into a corrupted again and that her pain broke his heart#ah sweet alfred never change#cough *beacuse angst turns you into sad fellfred* cough#ah yes the beautiful muffin of no-thoughts-head-empty golden retriever turned KING OF THE STREWN FLOWERS!!#who would have thought alfred would become angst incarnate when he lost alear?#anyway#I enjoyed this bit#and alfred deserved to be a bit more zomby-ish on account of being a corpse revived after he fell in battle along side alear and everyone#so corpse-y alfred and lots of death imagery because its awesome#fe engage#fe17#f!alear#fire emblem#fire emblem engage#creativesplat draws
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i feel like if surja and kabru met while The Island Dungeon™ still existed surja would kneel down on both knees n try to scam/steal from kabru but also worship him like a god and he would be like "haha thanks but youre kind of weird and i see right through your act. " and then kabru beheads him and his head rolls lmaooo
HELPPPP his negative rizz has devastating consequences
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whenever the galaga enemy captured my ship I felt kind of flustered, and when I managed to take it back to get the double guns I felt awesome
#first video game crush#also that's such a unique game mechanic that they really don't use enough nowadays#the closest thing I can think of is how soulslike games debuff you after death but you can retrieve your corpse souls to re-buff yourself
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#qsmp liveblogging#i refuse to go to bed until acau retrieves his corpse#okay maybe i lied but i need him to get his stuff back
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#the fucking audacity to ask why anyone is not documenting their own slaughter correctly is baffling&offensive just in general#but we have had to watch an actively documented genocide be questioned for validity. families carrying trash bags#full of children's body parts. videos of families mourning in public bc they cant reach corpses for proper burial or retrieval.#press confrences happening surrounded by the dead&wounded. released death tolls&official documentation.#&we have watched the most powerful forces in the world deny that any of this is happening. not just encourage it but FUND it.#deny the doll counts. deny the atrocities that we can see w our fucking eyes.#i still remember how many fucking ppl were adamant about 'what does sharing any of this do??? what does sharing the documentation do#other than upset ppl???'#how fucking dare the same fucking ppl ask questions of why the sudanese ppl arent documenting their genocide clearly enough.#its all the same flavour of willful genocide denial&hiding their heads in the fucking sand&it makes me want to rip chunks out of ppl#w my bare fucking teeth.
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Had to rescue some game saves from a computer who died and the entire time I treated it like I was rescuing a little AI buddy. Had to pull them from the corpse, drag them out with the help of a different non dead computer, copied them to a thumb drive and held that thumb safely in my shirt pocket near my heart.
#magical experience#wanted to parade around the old memory card like it’s a trophy#didn’t do that#but I wanted to#how does the ai feel about being left behind#the original not truly retrieved but a copy of a copy#some soma shit right here#I should play soma#keisuke is safe#hopefully#haven’t actually opened the save truely#but he is safe#away from the corpse
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The frog wasn't the only cosmetic I have made for @egg-exe 's custom accessories pack. I have also made a puppy Leon and a baby thumper (Thumpuppy) for myself and @pangolin-404 respectively (among several other cosmetics that I have made and plan to eventually make).
Sometimes you just need a little creacher as emotional support.
#Eps Sculpts#3d modelling#3d sculpting#lethal company#lethal company oc#Leon the Corpse Retriever#Eyeless Dog#Thumper#Thumpuppy
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