#corporate back translation services
transcriptioncity · 4 months
Back Translation Services and Using a Back Translation Company
The Art and Science of Back Translation Services Translation is the process of converting text from one language to another. This practice ensures that information is accessible and comprehensible to people who speak different languages. Among the various methods of translation, back translation stands out as a particularly rigorous and insightful technique. The Importance of…
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torukmaktoskxawng · 1 year
tsamsiyu ta'em - prologue
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Masterlist - part one
Summary: Corporal Makayla Sully believed she was the last of her family. Her parents were long gone, her brother Tom was killed for his wallet, and his twin Jake abandoned her in exchange for the sunny paradise Pandora. Kayla is informed of Jake's passing and so she decides to take a job opportunity with General Frances Ardmore. She hitches a ride to Pandora with the intent of recovering her brother's remains, twenty years since the last time she's seen him. Instead of a box of bones or ash, however, she's given something she thought she lost a long time ago.
Pairing: Ronal/Tonowari/Original Female Character
Tag: #tsamsiyu ta'em fic
Word Count: 1k+
posted on ao3
Taglist: @mooniequeen
Warnings: canon-compliant, canon-typical violence, mature language, adult content, slow burn, polyamory, found family, cool aunt agenda, alien/human (technically avatar), jake sully sister agenda, time skips, I'm trying to hurry up and get to the good parts so bear with me, fluff, angst, adopted spider, tags to be added
A/N: The title loosely translates from "warrior from above" in Na'vi
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It's like a switch turned off in his head.
One minute he's drinking and actually enjoying life for once, the next he's thrown out of the bar and had been told his twin brother was dead. Seeing Tommy's body numbed everything, sobering Jake up before he even had a chance to puke the stuff out. It's one thing for his legs to stop working, it's another for his emotions to stop as well. The man barely said a word or even composed a proper emotion during the whole funeral process. After watching his brother's body being cremated, he hadn't been angry or even devastated by the loss. There wasn't a single tear shed on Jake's behalf during the service, his mind droning out the words exchanged and the condolences given.
Now, he sat in his wheelchair, staring out the window of his sister's crammed two-room apartment, not far down the road from his own living space. His hair was long and unkept with the idea of shaving it all off tomorrow, the dress jacket he had worn for the service now tossed to the couch behind him. The shaggy, old apartment didn't have much for lights, least of all a view, the only green to be seen being the lights of signs indicating a restaurant or a dollar store right outside. The familiar sound of ice clinking softly together in a glass could be heard behind him, along with a woman's voice.
"Jake? Jake."
The woman's voice drew closer as she crossed the room to him, "I found a job opening down the street. 'Pay is good. Thought we might check it out together?"
Looking up, Jake is met with a small glass with about a couple gulps worth of whiskey in it, and two ice cubes to make up for the shitty water content. He glances up at his sister as she offers the glass to him and he eventually takes the drink but doesn't acknowledge her words. Kayla's head tilts to the side, studying his reaction before speaking again, "What is it?"
His jaw tightens, taking the time to stare down at his drink while he finds the words, "... I'm taking Tommy's job. I'm gonna be shipped out on a shuttle tomorrow afternoon. In about... six years, I'll be landing on Pandora."
"... Really."
"Money's good," he tries offering the bright side, despite his brooding behavior. He gulps back his entire drink with one tip back of his head, tolerating the burn of alcohol before setting the empty glass on the window sill, "And they need someone with Tommy's face and DNA in order to sync up with the avatar they designed for him. I'll be saving them millions of dollars."
He doesn't need to see her face to know that Kayla was trying to refrain from scowling, "You don't know a single thing about science. You're a war dog."
"Not anymore, clearly," Jake muttered while his hands touched the wheels of his chair.
"You know what I mean. I mean you barely passed high school--"
"'And Tommy passed with flying colors', yeah I know," he responds flatly, a bad taste starting to form in his mouth, "I've heard that plenty of times, trust me."
"Jake-- why are you telling me all this the night before you're meant to leave?"
He finally looks up at her. Plain-faced and pale, Kayla still had a shadow of youth in her eyes, with plenty of life ahead of her. She may not be a twin like Jake and Tommy, but she still bore the resemblance of a Sully. Narrow nose, thin lips, dull blue eyes, and a pointed chin, Jake's younger sister could easily be misinterpreted as his twin now that Tom was no longer around. The thought made his stomach clench and the taste in his mouth got worse.
"So you wouldn't be able to stop me."
She huffs, unimpressed as she took a long sip of her own beverage, "Well, at least you're honest when you're drunk."
"I'm not drunk."
"When are you not drunk these days?" She hissed, "Do you think those scientists will take on a drunk in the RDA or whatever-the-fuck it's called?"
"I'll sober up in my cryotube. I'll be clean in six years and it'll only feel like six hours for me. It's a win-win."
"You mean a win-win-lose because that still means leaving behind your only living family member. Whatever happened to 'Sullys stick together?'"
Jake scoffs while taking a hand to rub his tired face, "You're not a kid anymore. You can make your own living, and start your own family. You don't need me and you definitely don't need this lifestyle. You could do anything with your life without your crippled brother holding you back--"
"Who died and made you the sole decision-maker of what I do with my life?"
"You're clearly leaving an opening for me to say 'everyone died.'"
She pointedly slammed her drink down on the window sill before she turned to walk away, "Fuck you."
"Kayla..." With his sister still exiting, Jake grabbed his wheelchair and made the motion to go after her, his arrogance and pent-up emotions now starting to boil over, "Hey! Kayla! What the hell do you want from me?!"
"I want to be the first choice!" She screams, whipping back around to point an accusing finger down at him, "For once! I have never been put first over anything else ever! Not with Mom or Dad. Not with Tommy. And now not even with you!"
The snarl he lets out startled even him, bitter coldness dripping from his words, "Grow up, Kayla."
"What, is it childish to feel wanted?"
"Yes! That's not how you survive out here!" He emphasizes this by swinging an arm in the direction of the window.
"Stomping down feelings and a need for your family will ensure your survival?"
"'A need for your family?'" He grins up at her, incredulous and in disbelief, "Do you even hear yourself? It's not like I'm your first choice for a caring older brother!"
"No, you're not. You're always drunk, mean, and miserable these days."
"Hence why you don't need me holding you back--"
"Shut the fuck up!" She roars back, "Only you can hold you back. So stop trying to sell me this bullshit excuse that you're not worth keeping around only so you can ditch me! Because that's what you really want, isn't it? To ditch your sister?"
The room is silent apart from both siblings trying to regain their breath and posture. Jake had a hard time admitting that his voice had cracked when he managed to tone down the volume, "... No matter how I answer that... it won't be an answer you like."
Pain flashed in her eyes, a visual that would continue to haunt Jake from that day forward. Kayla's dirty-colored hair spills over one shoulder as she straightens herself up, towering over Jake, the hurt quickly being replaced by a wall of cement that quickly hardened behind her blue eyes. Her face relaxed into an expression that slowly bubbled with anger instead of pain, her voice dripping with venom, "You're right. Because you're either leaving me here because you don't want me to watch you die, or you're leaving to start a new life without any reminders of me. Either way, you're a sick son of a bitch and I wish you died instead of Tommy! Go to Hell!"
For added measure, she takes her foot and kicks at his wheelchair, pushing Jake back as he rounds back with more hateful words, quick to defend and pity himself, "I'm already in Hell! Living here, breathing this air, looking like this! This whole place is fucking Hell and I'm sick of it! You can love life as much as you want and make the most of it, but it's still a dying dream! I hate it here! I'd rather blow my brains out on Pandora than here! At least there's something nice to look at when that happens!"
The silence is nearly deafening the apartment, Jake's ragged breaths of anger pounding in his ears as he glares up at Kayla. Spontaneous tears spilled out of her eyes the second Jake found the time to blink, her breaths shaking as she tried to control herself from letting out any pathetic noise resembling a sob. It was a struggle, to be sure, as Jake watched her entire composure slowly crumble and shake, trying to grasp whatever dignity she had left.
"I hate you..." the words sound forced out, but they stab Jake straight in the chest, nonetheless. Kayla's voice croaked as she continued the verbal lashing, "I hate you..." She furiously wipes away her tears with the collar of her dress shirt that she had worn for her big brother's funeral, "When I wake up tomorrow, you better be gone by then."
The pent-up rage had been released in a cold laugh under his breath as Jake tightly gripped his wheels, "How about I do us both a favor and leave now!"
He rolls past her and makes it to the door, letting it slide open for him with a bit of a struggle due to the little power left in the mechanics of it. He doesn't turn back as he aggressively wheels forward, calling over his shoulder, "Have a good life, kid."
"Fuck you, Jake."
Then the door slides shut once more.
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A/N: If you didn't see up top, I already have a masterlist starting since I have three chapters of this fic already published on ao3. Please check it out and leave kudos and uplifting comments if you enjoy, thank you!
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sasaranurude · 5 months
I'm a loser who both spends too much time playing gacha games and loves to hear myself talk, so here's another game review style post, this time covering my first day playing Break My Case. This time I'm not even being a little hater! I'm a lover! I'm cringe! I'm free! I love you Coly! I love you ikemen gacha games!!!!!!!
Break My Case is a new puzzle-music-adventure mobile game from Coly, the developers behind Mahoutsukai no Yakusoku and On Air. More relevant to BMC/BreMai is their game Stand My Heroes, with which it shares a writer, some gameplay elements, and of course a naming convention. Coly has developed a bit of a cult following for their unique status in the Japanese mobile gaming world: they're a company that was founded by women and hires women to make games for women. They put a lot of soul into their games. From the start, BMC is no different!
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"Could you have pulled a clean version of this image from the internet so it didn't have all the game junk" no. it's my tumblr and you get my screenshots.
I (with help from friends) overviewed the initial Break My Case announcement back when it dropped. You can read that here! I said in that post that I thought a "dark rhythm game" would be a really cool direction for the game… and that's more or less what we got! GO ME!!!!!
First: the game's presentation is fantastic. Super slick graphical design and just amazing atmosphere. The sound design of this game is incredible. Genuinely. Really, really, good. All the music is amazing—I'm not knowledgeable enough to say anything other than "IT SLAPS!", but it totally does slap. The illustrations for the cards are all wonderfully atmospheric in and of themselves, and are just a delight to look at on the homescreen with its chill background music. Even just navigating menus is a sleek, seamless experience. The live2d is well-done, although it clashes a tad with the art style for a bit of an uncanny look at times. 
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The atmosphere! The atmospheeeeeeere!!!
Of course, the draw to this game is the characters and story, so let's jump into that. I'll admit right now that I read the story through a machine translation—I have aaaalmost enough Japanese knowledge to fill in the gaps, especially since the story is fully voiced, but I'm definitely not getting the full nuance of the story that someone fluent in Japanese is going to get. THAT SAID, after completing the prologue, I was definitely intrigued enough that I want to continue slogging through the MTL just to read more! There's a great setup, centered around the bar Aporia and its three modes—a daytime cafe, a nighttime members-only bar, and, secretly, a "fixer" service who'll help anyone with any problem. Our main character, a woman who was just forced to quit her job at a corrupt company, gets hired to replace Aporia's eccentric owner while he goes on a who-knows-how-long vacation. The owner also has the role of "tail"—as in, the tail a lizard sheds to avoid being eaten. If anything in the fixer service goes wrong, it's the owner who takes the fall and the blame. This hasn't come to mean much in practice yet in the (quite short) prologue, but it's a fascinating setup. The story promises to touch on themes of the threads that weave our lives together, how small meetings can lead to massive life changes, and whether any human being is truly replaceable, even in our modern corporate world where people are treated like cogs in a machine. According to a staff interview, there are a handful of references to Stand My Heroes in BreMai, but the games' settings aren't otherwise closely linked.
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Rough translation in alt text. The Aporia manager Ai may be the most mysterious, intimidating character, but he also beefs with a parrot the first time you meet him, so...
All the characters are staff at Aporia with various unique roles and background. The prologue just gives you a little bit of each of them, but everyone does show up, and they all have interesting dynamics with each other already. Ai, the stern manager, has some history with the MC that he refuses to divulge, and goes so far as to force psychologist Riku to agree to not look into it. The range of relationships among the staff run the gamut from the calm and mature friendship between fortune teller Kiho and art teacher Kyoya, to the unfaltering dedication of Yu to his ex-mafioso savior Tomose, to the ridiculous Takeru and Soyogu who spend their first appearance waking up after having gotten black-out drunk together the night before. My favorite dynamic of all so far is that of Kou and Mao—Kou is a playboy who insists he's not a playboy, and is introduced evading a woman by… asking the icy Mao to pretend to be his boyfriend so that she thinks he's taken and gay and leaves him alone. Which Mao exasperatedly agrees to, telling Kou that he's used up his allotment for this month which ohmygod how often does Kou do this. Kou if you're asking this guy to pretend to be your gay lover so often he gives you a monthly limit I think you might just have to admit you want him to actually be your gay lover, Kou, oh my god— 
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Rough TL in alt text. Kou is letting the implication do all the heavy lifting here. He technically never said he was dating Mao. Technically. 
On to the gameplay. There's gameplay! Unique gameplay! Good unique gameplay! Oh my god, uncharted joseimuke territory! The main gameplay mode is a match-3 puzzle game with rhythm elements. As in other rhythm games, each song in the game is its own level, more or less. (Each character has two unique songs, and three songs shared with the other members of their unit.) You set up a team with cards you've collected from the gacha, which determine your power level and special skills. The "leader" of the team has to be the character whose level you've selected. The puzzle gameplay is a tile-swapping match 3—think bejeweled or candy crush—but the tiles you've matched are only cleared once a bar sliding across the screen hits them, clearing them in tune with the song. Everything cleared in a single swipe of the bar ups the combo counter. There's also a life system, where if the bar slides across the screen without clearing a single match, you lose a life… But the bar moves pretty slow. You're not likely to game over or even lose a single life any time soon. There are more difficult versions of the levels I've yet to unlock, so I'm sure the life meter becomes relevant then. There's also "auto" and "loop" features if you want to grind a level over and over for exp and items, but, of course, the computer can't score as high as you playing it yourself.
And, really, it's fun to play, so why would you want to!? The sound of matches clearing with the music is so satisfying and really makes you want to combo as high as possible. Once you've matched some tiles, you can't move them again, nor use them in a second match (eg, in a cross shape), so if you want to maximize your combo and make as many matches as possible with what's on the board, you have to think ahead about which matches you're going to make. The bar slowly crossing the screen adds a visual timed element that gives some urgency to putting all the matches together. It definitely feels like a game you can pick up an instinct for over time, which is super fun. 
All in all, a really solid, enjoyable little puzzle game. It would be fun to play even without the promise of anime boys. Stand My Heroes is also a match-3, for the record, which is what really cements the two games as being part of the same series.
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Admittedly, the anime boy staring at you while you play musical candy crush is a little disconcerting.
The second gameplay mode is "Snap'n Spin", a… gameplay-lite mode that just puts chibi characters in random strange situations and lets you take pictures of them. The mode is explained to be a video game within the world of BreMai, so it's not even trying to be realistic or relevant to anything else in the game. Once you take your pokemon snaps of the boys, they get a fun little caption. You can save up to 40 pictures in your album. Other than being cute, the main way this mode interfaces with the rest of the game is that it's the primary way to unlock card stories for the cards you pulled in gacha. 
This gameplay mode is... cute? I guess? It being so disconnected from the style and aesthetics of the entire rest of the game felt weird. The chibis are adorable, so it has that going for it. And I do like some of the captions you get on the photos afterwards. My favorite were the scenes you catch of a character drinking, and then the caption reveals their current favorite drink. That's a delightful detail for a game set in a bar. Mostly, though, this mode left me wondering "why?" ...And I imagine the answer is something like "because merchandisable chibi characters are a requirement for joseimuke games." This mode could've been anything so long as these cute, starry little dudes were in it.
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Urara here hated the drink and the caption revealed that, lately, his favorite thing is sparkling water. He's the youngest character in the cast, so I guess he hasn't grown into booze yet...
One last feature I want to mention is the jukebox. Like many games, BreMai has a music player that lets you listen to tracks from the game… But its music player is, genuinely, a fully-featured music player app with shuffle, repeat, lyric displays, and even background play that works when you're in another app or your phone is off. What! Wild! When I first learned a few days ago that BreMai had a built-in player for its BGM tracks, my first thought was "Well, what's stopping someone from downloading the game just to use the music player and never spending a cent on it? Wouldn't you rather have the songs on spotify so you at least get a pittance of ad revenue, in that case? It's more than nothing."
But having played the game now, I see what they did to prevent that, lol. You don't unlock the songs in the jukebox until you get an SS score on the song's level. Which, I mean, that's normal rhythm game stuff, of course. Can't fault that decision. But, as in other gacha rhythm games, your score in a level depends on the power of your team of cards, and the cards you get from the initial handful of pulls aren't gonna get you anywhere near an SS score without significant investment. So you're either buying in-game currency to buy upgrade items, more gacha pulls, or both. Of course, you can also put a bunch of time into grinding for upgrade items—they drop from levels. Gacha currency is harder to come by. So you're not getting songs in the player without actually playing the game lmfao. The character solo songs in particular (the ones with vocals rather than just instrumentals) also require you to build up rapport with that character—the game calls it "Nice". You build up Nice with them by playing their other songs and using their cards in levels. It takes 1000 Nice on a character to unlock their song. In my first day of playing, I was able to get one character to about 250 Nice, another to 200, and a handful more with a few points, so it builds at an okay pace. There's ways to pay to speed up the grinding for Nice and for upgrade items with things like level skip tickets. So, basically: you're not getting that music player to a useful state without investing either money or time, lmao. Is paying-or-grinding to get cool music you can listen to while not playing the game more "worth it" than the usual freemium game goals of better units, new in-game outfits, or prettier card illustrations? ...Honestly, maybe it is? It's novel, at least.
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All gacha rhythm games have the same card select screen, don't they. These were my cards' levels after my first day of play, and you can see they didn't quite reach a suggested score of "A", much less the maximum "SS".
But I do want to stress, the monetization is, for the most part, pretty easy to ignore. Nothing in-your-face. The button to go to the shop screen is a different color, but it's not flashing with an eternal indicator, it's not popping up at every second, it's just sitting there alongside all the other menu buttons. The game isn't shoving timers in your face at all times—there's a stamina meter, which is mildly annoying, but you get ten plays when it's full, and if you're just playing casually you're probably not going to want to play the puzzle game over and over enough to fully deplete that. I know the bar is on the damn floor here but Tokyo Debunker seriously made me realize how bad it can be with mobile game monetization. BreMai is freemium, yeah, but as far as dark patterns go, it's not egregiously bad.
So, the verdict: if you're a joseimuke game fan and aren't afraid to play a game that probably won't get an English port and doesn't even have a fan translation yet (which I realize is already counting out 99.99% of people), definitely give this one a try. See if you like the gameplay—it really is worth trying—and do check out the story if you've got the ability. Or just look at the pretty anime boys. 
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colinmkl · 8 months
Kamen Rider NRV Lore Dump!
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Manticore LLC is a major medical technology company. Publicly, they are most known for their artificial organs and limb prosthesis as well as several other medical devices and equipment used in hospitals worldwide. Less widely publicized are their numerous military contracts, developing cutting edge medical treatment technologies but also advanced weapons, drones, and other offensive hardware.
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The scientific breakthrough that lead Manticore to dominate in the field of med-tech is the invention of micro-sensors that are capable of reading brain signals in the nervous system and translating them into data a computer can interpret with absolute precision. These microscopic sensors can be integrated into programmable nanomachines that interlock in a mesh that forms durable skin-like material called Nanoderm.  If an exposed section of human tissue is covered in Nanoderm and then allowed to heal, the Nanoderm will become integrated with the tissue like a layer of natural skin. Any impulses or signals sent by the brain to that part of the body will be received by the Nanoderm and translated into data. That data can then be read as motor commands by a Manticore prosthesis. Basic prosthesis models can receive this data via magnetic nodes embedded in the surface of the Nanoderm but more advanced models, capable of finer dexterity/expanded functionality, require a “bone spike,” a rod-like data plug that interfaces with a port in the Nanoderm area that is connected to more advanced sensors. The socket and sensor hardware is imbedded in the body through a surgical procedure.
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The catch with the Nanoderm system is it must be applied to the body before the exposed tissue heals over and the exposed nerve endings have a chance to close off, or in other words, while the wound is “fresh”, otherwise the healed tissue must be cut away and a fresh wound made. This means that in emergency situations a patient or their next of kin must make a snap decision to undergo the expensive Nanoderm compatibility surgery as part of their emergency treatment. Of course some insurance plans will cover some or all of this cost. Additionally Manticore has deals with some insurance providers that the surgery come standard with higher end coverage plans, forgoing the need for patient consent. Manticore has exclusive patent rights to the Nanoderm system, meaning once you are Nanoderm compatible, you are locked into the Manticore ecosystem of prosthesis and devices. Additionally your devises can only be serviced by Manticore certified technicians and only Manticore doctors are trained in Nanoderm patient care.
Remote Command (RC)
Manticore is a sprawling corporation with many secrets. One such secret is the Remote Command program. A project Manticore has been working on behind closed doors, the Remote Command program involves research into sending brain signals over great distances without a physical connection between the sensor and the receiving devise. With RC a person could control a prosthetic arm in another part of the world as though it were part of their body. This is achieved by broadcasting the impulses across a proprietary electromagnetic wave length to the receiving nodes. The signal travels point to point and back again at light speed. The potential RC has for the future of drone warfare is staggering, not to mention the potential for profit.
Sensitive as this information is, there’s another layer. All Nanoderm currently in use by people around the world is capable of receiving Remote Command. With the right inputs it can reshape its self, self-replicate, and even, under certain conditions, send signals back to the user’s brain, causing brain damage or, theoretically, controlling them. Whether this functionality of Nanoderm was an intentional feature or not is unknown to anyone currently employed at Manticore but the company has no pans currently to use the Nanoderm in this way. What is known, however, is that if this function ever becomes public knowledge it would be disastrous for Manticore, not to mention the chaos that would ensue if a bad actor were to exploit this function for malicious purposes.
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Manticore Special Security (Spec-Sec)
Manticore LLC has secrets, and it has enemies. To protect its secrets, combat its enemies, address the threats to public safety those things pose, (and protect its corporate interests), Manticore formed the Manticore Special Security Division. More than just your standard private security outfit, Spec-Sec is a fully equipped task force and strike force designed to identify, target, track, confront, and nullify any threat to the company and its assets. Thanks to Manticore’s history of generous donations and good standing with local police forces, the Spec-Sec Division is able to operate with a certain degree of discretion, allowing them to carry out operations without interference from police or the legal system. Lead by Special Security Director Sloane, her hand-picked crack team of Special Officers have carried out dozens of high risk operations with ruthless efficacy and, so-far, minimal casualties. Spec-Sec utilizes the most cutting edge technology and weaponry Manticore has, often before it’s even close to market ready. In some cases necessity dictates that Spec-Sec operations serve as ad hoc field tests for experimental equipment.
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Core Drivers, Data Boosters, and the Kamen Rider program
The Core Driver is a piece of technology that was developed as part of research into the use of Nanoderm to enhance a soldier’s physical performance on the battlefield. The concept was to temporarily cover the user’s entire body in a layer of Nanoderm mesh that could respond to the signals from the user’s brain in such a way that would increase their strength, speed, perception, and reflexes. The solution was the Core Driver, a device that would house the billions of Nanoderm nanomachines and serve as the computational core for the whole mesh network. Along with the Core Driver was the Data Booster, a flash drive-like device shaped like a syringe. The data booster contained the information that told the nanomachines to deploy from the Core Driver and cover the user. Additionally the Booster came with its own payload of nanomachines that, when the plunger of the syringe was depressed, would also be deployed through the Core Diver and take the form of armor and weapons. Basically, a user need only insert the Data Booster into the Core Diver, clearly speak a voice authentication phrase, and depress the plunger and they would instantly be wearing a powerful yet flexible armored body suit. The project was called the “Kamen Rider program” after the masked visage of the user’s armored faceplate (“Kamen” being the Japanese word for “mask”).
The Project had its drawbacks, however. For one a user would need to already be Nanoderm compatible for the suit to work at all, meaning, practically speaking, the user would need to be an amputee, and the prospect of convincing soldiers to sacrifice a limb to use the Driver was deemed a “hard sell” and the idea of a approaching a freshly maimed soldier with the offer of further combat, well, that wouldn’t be a good look either. The second and most important drawback was the simple fact that the Kamen Rider program was far, FAR too expensive to be profitable, and the thousands of man hours it took to produce just one Core Driver meant mass producing them to sell by the battalion, as Manticore had planned, was simply out of the question.
The Kamen Rider Program was not completely abandoned, however. The first completed Core Driver, designation SVR (Special Versatility Rider model or “Sever” colloquially) is currently coded to Director Sloane of Spec-Sec, who happens to be a double transfemeral amputee. With the Director’s input, the device and the suit itself have been modified heavily over its years of use. It now features the ability for additional Data Boosters to be employed, loaded with weapons and tools in the form of appendages that attach to highly advanced versions of Bone Spike sockets on the suit at the amputation sites of the Rider’s body. The nerve signal enhancing properties of the suit allows the Rider to manipulate these complex, non-human-like appendages with a natural ease and minimal adjustment period.
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A second Core Driver has just recently been put to use in the field at Spec-Sec. The first Kamen Rider designed from the ground up with Spec-Sec modifications. Designation NRV (Neo Rider Variant or “Nerve” colloquially) is encoded to the Division’s newest member, Special Officer Nat Agbayani. A right shoulder disarticulation amputee, he was promoted to the Special Security Division from the internship program in the research wing by the COO of Manticore himself… wait what? That can’t be right…
The existence of any other Core Drivers, in use or otherwise, is classified.
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Thanks for reading
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faggotmox · 1 year
Fandom: All Elite Wrestling (AEW) Rating: Explicit Time Period: After Blood & Guts 2023 Characters: Jon Moxley, Wheeler Yuta, Claudio Castagnoli, (background) Bryan Danielson, Blackpool Combat Club, BCC Relationships: Jon Moxley/Claudio Castagnoli/Wheeler Yuta, background Jon Moxley/Bryan Danielson/Claudio Castagnoli/Wheeler Yuta, BCC Polycule Summary: After the BCC's loss at Blood & Guts there are apologies to be made and punishments to be given. All in the name of strengthening the BCC. Word Count: 11,978 Writer's Notes: Shout out to @di0brando for proof reading/editing and also helping me work out Yuta's dom character. Kink list/warnings below cut (because long) but also exactly the same as on the ao3 link. This is also a celebration fic for me getting fired/quitting my hell corporate coffee job. Translations: Swiss German Terms of Endearment + Sternli means "little star" + Tigerli means "little tiger" (ya know when your boyfriend is huge so you're both "little" something or other.) -> link to fic on ao3
Final Writer's Notes: Okay okay, so here is the thing…the thing is they're horny and fit so they can come like 20 times. It's fine. Don't ask questions about that. Look at all the other kinks and (checks notes) the story? Anyways these sluts are definitely in an established BDSM relationship so like they don't need to negotiate and what not. Enjoy my return to wrestling porn! Roles: Dom/Top/Power Bottom Wheeler Yuta, Sub/Switch/Service Top Claudio Castagnoli, Sub/Bottom Jon Moxley, Background Dom/Top/Daddy Bryan Danielson Kink List: BDSM, Heavy BDSM, Multiple Orgasms, Dom/sub, Restraints, Spanking, Impact Play, Paddling, Cock Rings, Dildos, Sex Toys, Punishment, Degradation Kink, Humiliation Kink, Master/Slave, Domspace, Subspace, Service Top, Come play, Prostate Milking, Prostate Massage, Cock & Ball Torture, Rough Sex, Rough Oral Sex, BDSM Scene, Kink, Cock Warming, Force Orgasms, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Orgasm Denial, Forced Orgasm, Orgasm Control, Orgasm Delay, Dry Orgasm, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Objectification Kink, Pain Kink, Pain Play, S&M, Sadomasochism, Blindfolds, Gags, Choking, Face Slapping, Cock Slapping, Spit Kink, Yuta Worship, Bondage
Until I Say So
“You know what you have to do.” Bryan’s voice crackled over the headphones.
“He did the right thing.” Yuta walked along the cushioned carpets of the hotel hallways. 
“You still need to do this,” Bryan reiterated. “For him.”
“I know.” Yuta got to the door, his hands moving to get the keycard out of his pocket. “I’ll take care of it.”
“I know you will.” There was a brief pause. “That’s why I wasn’t worried about not being there tonight.” A silence hung between them before Bryan spoke again. “You must be at the door?” 
“Yeah. I’ll let you know how it goes.” Yuta pulled one of the buds out of his ear. “Bye.”
“Bye.” Bryan hung up.
The door opened as expected. Yuta walked inside, cleaned up and stitched back together. Chin held high because Yuta didn’t give up, and Yuta didn’t cost them the match. The balcony door that said ‘no smoking’ was open with Mox standing outside. The medical kit was all put back together on the bed, and the water was running in the bathroom. Claudio must have finished up with Mox and was cleaning up while Mox waited. Waited for Yuta. 
The man in question turned after a few moments of being watched. A half-smoked cigarette in his mouth as he took in Yuta. Mox ducked his head quickly, his hand coming up to take the cigarette and flick it into a can-made-ashtray. The door made a squeaky sound when Mox closed it. The older man wasn’t wearing his shoes. Just a pair of loose-fitting shorts and a few bandages. 
Mox’s head was still ducked down, his shoulders hunched forward, when he leaned into Yuta’s personal space to nudge his forehead against the side of Yuta’s. An apology. The way a puppy would apologize. For a moment Yuta indulged Mox’s feelings. One of his hands came up to rest on the back of the other man’s neck and pull him closer. 
“I shouldn’t…have tapped for you.” Mox finally said just as the bathroom door opened.
“Hang on, Claudio.” Yuta stopped any interruption preemptively. His hand gripped Mox’s chin. “No. You shouldn’t have tapped for me. You’re going to make it up to me, right?” Yuta stared hard at Mox before he got a jerky nod. “Get these off and get on the bed.” 
As soon as Yuta let go, Mox did what he was told to do. His shorts were discarded before he got on the bed, careful of any injury or bandage. Yuta turned around to Claudio once that was taken care of, and went to kiss the other man. There was probably some guilt playing in Claudio after the Pac altercation, but Yuta hadn’t been relying on Pac. Claudio had come through time and again during the match. So had Mox. 
“You did a good job patching him up.” Yuta gave a reassuring smile. “You did a good job tonight.”
“Thank you.” Claudio tipped his head and kissed a stitch on Yuta’s brow. “He’s good to go for you. All cleared, and cleaned up. Nothing too bad.”
“Hmm. Good.” Yuta ran a hand up Claudio’s arm. “Wanna referee?” 
“Yeah?” Claudio glanced between Mox on the bed and Yuta in front of him. 
“I want you to.” Yuta reassured. 
“I would like to. Thank you, Wheeler.” Claudio kissed the stitch again before kissing Yuta's lips.
They parted with Claudio going to change into a tank top and pair of boxers before settling into a chair nearby. Yuta stripped his t-shirt so Mox could see everything for the first time. What he gave to hold on, and Mox gave that up.
It wasn’t on purpose but Yuta always felt a little like he was in the ring when he tugged their equipment bag out from under the bed. What was it going to be? A barbed wire bat or a vibrator? Yuta was smirking to himself over his own dumb little jokes, but for all Mox knew he was smirking over the punishment he had planned. Now Yuta was smirking about that.
“Tell me your safeword, Mox.” 
“Regal. Yours?” 
They both nodded to each other before Yuta made his decision. Bryan had told him that he needed to take Mox down after that. Punish him for that decision even though Yuta could admit it was the right call. However Bryan didn’t provide a detailed plan of the punishment, and Yuta was working on the fly. He was a smart guy though, and he could kill two birds with one stone here.
“Make yourself useful while I set up for you.” Yuta unzipped the bag, not bothering to look at Mox. “Since Claudio carried the team on his back tonight, I think you should thank him properly. Some appreciation is in order for how well he patched you up, too.”
Yuta was able to fish a few things he needed out of the bag rather quickly, and silently thanked Claudio for being so organized. He followed behind Mox and stood nearly touching him as he knelt in front of Claudio in the armchair. 
“Thank you, Claudio.” Mox frowned at the annoyed sigh from the larger man.
“Yuta, if you would--” Claudio gestured vaguely at Mox in a way he didn’t get, but Yuta did; he handed Claudio a cushion. “You just took a beating. Take care of our property, Jon.” Claudio made Mox move and kneel on the pad instead of the harder floor. 
“Sorry.” Mox cleared his throat when he felt Yuta smack the back of his head.
“Who are you, Bryan? Awfully quiet tonight, Mox. I want to hear you thanking Claudio for everything he’s done and then suck his dick until I’m ready to deal with you.” Yuta passed off a pair of cock rings to Claudio, and a blindfold. 
“Yeah. You’re right.” Mox cleared his throat and shifted to get comfortable before looking up at Claudio. “Thank you for carrying the team, and taking all the pain you did for us. For bleeding for us. I know you protected both of us more than once during the match. You fought hard. Thank you. But mostly thank you for not…not giving up on Yuta. I saw you fighting to get to him. I saw…”
While Mox rambled on, Yuta cleared off the hotel room desk, hoping that it would be sturdy enough to support their activities. Yuta didn’t have to watch to know that Claudio was getting them both into the rings, and Mox into the blindfold. It was easy. Everyone was getting what they needed, and if Yuta could pull it off they’d all get to walk away a little less wounded. Which he guessed was the weight Bryan was putting on his shoulders. 
The rambling had stopped but there were now sucking sounds. The heavy sigh from Claudio made Yuta smirk. It might be fucked up, but they were fucked up. A guilty blowjob from Mox was one of the best things in the world. Mox was obsessed with choking himself on Claudio’s dick anyways. As Yuta went over his restraint choices he glanced over to see Claudio lounged back, arms behind his head and eyes closed as Mox exorcized his demons. 
“Not to interrupt,” Yuta piped up, the wry grin still on his face as Claudio cracked an eye open. “It looks like a good thank you.”
“Oh, it is.” Claudio put a large hand on the back of Mox’s head to force him all the way down. “Fuck. Best thank you a guy could ask for.”
Mox gagged for a long moment as he was held down. He didn’t push or fight back. A tight moan worked its way out of his chest when he was close to a limit and Claudio let him up without a moment's hesitation. Mox swayed hard backwards. Heavy eyes blinked tears away as he tried to refocus himself. 
“Care to put him over this table for me, Claudio? Face down, please.” Yuta gestured to the set up. 
“No problem.” Claudio winked at Yuta. “You know how much I like to pick him up.”
It was true. Claudio had a thing specifically for picking up Mox. The dazed man didn’t even squirm when Claudio scooped him up, Mox’s damaged back meeting Claudio’s sculpted chest, and carried him over to the desk. Some of the pressure made Mox hiss as pain sparked in his wounds, but it also made his dick twitch. 
The cool wood did little to calm the fever Mox was in. Claudio reached to restrain Mox but Yuta gently stopped him and motioned for him to secure Mox’s lower half. Yuta liked when Claudio refereed for them. He knew Claudio liked it when Mox refereed for him. It was funny how they all had their own preferences. Yuta vaguely knew he was Bryan’s go-to. Yuta had seen Bryan and Mox do crazy things together.
The leather cuffs around Mox’s ankles were secured, and Claudio was quick to do his thighs as well. Yuta adjusted the blindfold, kissing Mox’s cheek before snapping one wrist in, and then going for the other. Yuta anticipated Mox’s spike of panic.
“Hey.” Yuta grabbed the scruff of Mox’s neck. “Stop it. Calm down, and breathe. You’re going to be cuffed, just like in the ring, and this time we don’t stop until I say so.”
Mox whimpered and gave one last push back before collapsing onto the table. Now Yuta could fully clasp the last cuff since he didn’t have to hold Mox down. Once everything was on, Yuta did a quick once-over to make sure everything was good to go before looking up to see Claudio smiling at him.
“Good call.” Claudio said quietly as he got up and moved around to pull a chair up to the side of the desk, near Mox’s head. 
One of the side tables had been dragged over for Yuta to put all of their necessities on. Claudio was where he needed to be to keep an eye on Mox, his hand occasionally stroking his hard on. The click of the lube cap startled Mox. Yuta chuckled as he pulled a pair of gloves on before dribbling the lube over Mox’s hole. The tiny moan that left Mox made Yuta wanna say fuck the punishment and fuck him right there. That’d make Yuta feel better. But he checked himself. This was about making Mox feel better, and doing something incredibly hot. 
“There’s one rule here, Mox.” Yuta teased a finger over the other man's hole, letting Mox adjust his feet and find how he needed to really stand like this. “What’s that rule?” Yuta started to push in his first finger, pulling a deep whine from Mox. “What do you think the one rule is here, Jon?” 
“Fuck.” Mox pressed his forehead against the desk. “Bryan’s a bitch for corrupting you.”
“Focus.” Yuta smacked Mox’s ass sharply, aiming for the horrific edge of the bruise where Mox had landed on the nail bed. There was already some admiration from Yuta for how much Mox could get off on his wounds. Pain was pain to the man, which was the same as pleasure in Mox’s wirecrossed brain. 
“It doesn’t stop until you say so!” Mox called out, his back arching. Yuta pushed two fingers in as a reward. “OH! Fuck.” 
“Good boy.” Yuta finger fucked Mox slowly to work in more and more lube that they would need. The praise made Mox relax some. The man loved to have his hole played with, Yuta was an expert on that now. Mox was truly a bottom, and enjoyed every moment of it. Even these moments. “Taking me so well. Let’s take things up a notch.”
Yuta started to work on a third finger, which had Mox letting out happily pained sounds. That was what Yuta put his efforts into. He stretched Mox’s hole, pushing deeper and adding more lube. As Mox started to break out in sweat Yuta started to work over his prostate. It was so easy to tease Mox like this, so Yuta did so without mercy. 
“Fuck, fuck. I-I-m--” Mox choked on his own words. “Come?” 
“You wanna come, big guy?” Yuta teased. “‘Cause I keep doing this?” Yuta worked two fingers over the other man’s spot, making him jolt and jerk. 
“Yes! Please! Please?” Mox gasped. 
“There’s only one rule, Mox.” Yuta reminded him.
“It doesn’t stop until you say it stops?” Mox repeated, not quite getting it but to be fair Yuta was working very hard to keep Mox from being able to think much. 
“Exactly. You can come as much as you want, Mox.” Yuta said in a sickeningly soft voice, like he was doing Mox a favor. “You can come now. And again. And again. And again. Doesn’t matter much to me. I’m going to keep doing what I want to you until I decide I’m done.”
“Wheeler.” Mox’s voice caught in his chest, his body tensing as a wave of pleasure built up and broke through. 
“So soon.” Yuta mocked a little as he kept playing with Mox. “We have so long to go. Hope it doesn’t start hurting.” Mox mumbled something that neither could make out. “What was that?” Yuta pressed a mean finger against a bruise.
“Fuck! I said,” Mox had to force his lungs to open up to breathe for a moment before the words could be made. “I fuckin’ said, I hope it does!” 
“That’s what I expect to hear from you, Jon.” Yuta laughed, leaning over the other to kiss his cheek.
The small display of affection was all Mox got before Yuta pulled his fingers free. Mox made a practically wounded sound that made the other two men laugh and muttered a ‘calm down.’ There was a towel below Mox so they didn’t destroy any carpet but Yuta did nothing about his leaking, dripping cock. Still hard from Yuta playing with his g-spot and the binding cock ring.
The next part was going to be a lot of fun for the neighbors. Mox wasn’t shy, and they were letting him be pretty loud right now. Yuta knew to give Claudio the go ahead to start a blowjob if Mox got concerningly loud. 
Off on the side table was Yuta’s selection of equipment. His hands sought out the toy he liked to use most on Mox. Slightly above average length, but thick especially at the head; not realistic but ribbed and grooved since Mox was so sensitive. The toy never failed to bring out the most responsive side of Mox, which was why Yuta always brought it with them. The crowd favorite, so to speak.
The blunt tip of the toy eased past Mox’s hole. There was a little whine that got louder the deeper Yuta pushed the toy. Once it was all the way in, Yuta turned the base and the toy buzzed to life. Mox jumped hard, and pulled against the restraints as Yuta gave tiny, hard, shallow thrusts with the toy. The restraints rattled and Yuta made sure the table wasn’t giving as he started to pull the toy out more and thrust it back in. 
"Wheeler!" Mox hollered as the toy slid over the little spot that sent sparks up his back. "Fuck!"
"If you're too loud, Claudio will have to figure out how to gag you " Yuta teased with the toy, running quick, short thrusts over Mox’s prostate. 
“I can- I can’t--” Mox choked out but Yuta didn’t let up. 
The hitching, gasping sounds Mox kept making clued Yuta into what was about to happen. It took Yuta very few adjustments to press the vibrator against that spot. It looked like a bolt of lightning went through Mox. His back straightened out completely, his hips bucked into the edge of the desk, and all the restraints rattled. 
All the tension snapped at once. Between Mox’s legs Yuta could see his straining cock spray again. Yuta’s mouth watered at the sight. The hard twitching length leaked more as Yuta kept up his torture. When Mox started to shake, Yuta slowly eased the vibrator out, turning it off and setting it aside. 
“W-Wheeler?” Mox stammered, his breathing coming rapidly.
“We're not done yet,” Yuta responded dismissively as he removed his gloves.
“Nah…” Mox shook his head. “E-Empty?” 
That got a good chuckle out of both Yuta and Claudio. It was important to let Mox rest between their bouts, but Yuta couldn’t say no. Not to that. Not with what he had planned for Mox’s ‘rest cycle.’ 
“Oh, you wanna be full, big guy?” Yuta gave a playful pop to the softer underside of Mox’s ass. 
“Fuck, yes!” Mox called out, completely forgetting about or not caring that they had neighbors. 
“Sure about that? You don’t know what’s coming.” Yuta gave the teasing warning but was already pulling out a plug for Mox.
“Yes, Wheeler, yes.” Mox grunted and tried to shake his ass a little. “Plea- Ah!” 
The plug was smaller for Mox. It was smaller than the toy they had just been using, but it would be enough to keep Mox occupied. The toy fit snugly into the bound man, who moaned and bucked back against Yuta. As if Yuta hadn’t just made him come twice and fucked him with the toy nonstop. Mox was ridiculous.
“The way I see it, Mox,” Yuta started as he reached towards his side table set up for something new, “there were five people in that ring you let down.” The words got a little nod from Mox, but Yuta waited for a moment before adding. “And one person at home.”
“...Bryan…” Mox mumbled sadly.
“That’s right. Bryan.” Yuta agreed. “So, I think you owe each of us five strikes.” 
That made Mox’s breathing stop. His hips pushed back and out to be at a good angle for striking. The area Yuta was working with was already pretty bruised and damaged from the match. The strict, wooden paddle Yuta picked would be harsh on what was already there.
Claudio, ever present of mind, got himself to their gear back and was returning to sit with Mox again. Despite looking a little red in the face, Claudio seemed unbothered by the raging hard on between his legs. Yuta watched as Claudio started to wedge Mox’s mouth guard into his mouth. They all had a mouthguard for impact play, courtesy of Claudio. Once the guard was in, Yuta came around to kiss Claudio hard on the mouth.
“I’ll take him to ten, if you’ll follow up with five.” Yuta smiled at the twinkle in the other man’s eyes. “Then next round we’ll do you opening with five and me finishing with ten.”
“I like that.” Claudio kissed Yuta’s cheek before he returned to standing behind Mox.
Giving Mox a spanking was like giving a dog a bone. The man would writhe and thrash, making all sorts of noise too. At least the mouthguard helped with the sound, because Yuta loved to work him up. He delivered ten perfectly placed, well-measured, painful strikes to Mox’s backside. Mox was moaning for more when Yuta handed off the paddle to his trusted ‘referee.’ 
Five blows didn’t take long, but Claudio was precious with his work. The worst of the overlapping areas Yuta left were assaulted by Claudio’s perfect swing. The Swiss giant was by far the best technically out of all of them. By the last strike, Mox was clearly crying. It may have been concerning if he wasn’t also begging for more in mumbled requests against the table.
“There’s the first fifteen. Good boy.” Yuta stroked along a newly minted welt on Mox’s ass. “We get back to it, huh?”
“Back to it?” Mox used all his energy to lift his neck but couldn’t see anything anyways. Claudio took out the mouthguard so Mox could repeat himself. "Back to it?"
“Back to it.” Yuta said again as he took the plug out with a quick jerk of his hand.
“Fuck!” Mox cried out.
“Claudio, could you?” Yuta gestured.
“My pleasure.” Claudio was laughing as he stood up and pressed the tip of his dick to Mox’s mouth. 
As Mox worked his mouth around the thick cock in front of him, Yuta donned another pair of gloves and pushed two lubed fingers into his hole. It was easy for Yuta to play Mox’s body like a guitar. A little like this, and more that way. Mox was extremely responsive, too. The man would make it clearly known if he was having a good or bad time. It was one of Yuta’s favorite things about Mox being his sub. It was never hard to tell what Mox did or did not want.
The next orgasm shuddered through Mox like a train wreck thanks to Yuta’s talented fingers. It was sudden and fast. By the end of it he slumped against the desk and gave up. His body going lax as Claudio fucked his mouth. There was no end in sight for Mox. He knew he would get fifteen more strikes, but he had no idea how long Yuta planned to milk orgasms out of him. 
“Slow your breathing, Jon.” Claudio encouraged gently from above. He stopped moving so deep so that Mox could get his breathing regulated again. “Good boy.” Claudio praised once Mox got himself grounded. “Keep sucking.” 
Just as Mox refocused his brain on breathing and sucking dick, Yuta pulled his fingers out and replaced them with the vibrator. This time the toy was already going, the setting on medium-high. Mox choked and sobbed around Claudio’s cock. The table kept Mox up, his legs and arms defeatedly relaxed.
Yuta tormented Mox with the vibrator to the point that Mox was just outright crying at the stimulation. If Bryan hadn’t taught Yuta so well he’d probably pull out his dick right now and jerk off because the power rush from making Jon Moxley openly cry was enough to make Yuta come.
“There it is.” Yuta called out as he watched Mox have the most painful looking orgasm. “Oh fuck.” 
The head of Mox’s cock was painfully purple. Yuta wondered how loud Mox would scream if he just put his mouth over the sensitive tip. Yuta watched waves of pain and overstimulation roll through Mox’s body as his cock weakly twitched in an effort to come. The toy was only left in long enough to make Mox start bucking his hips away. 
“Okay, okay.” Yuta laughed as he took the vibrator out and put it aside again. He wondered if Mox knew he had come four times now, or if he thought it was some stupidly high number or something. “Claudio?” 
Yuta got the paddle again and held it up for the other to take. Claudio gave a couple of small thrusts before slowly pulling his dick out. Sometimes Yuta called them his ‘goodbyes.’ Claudio’s cock was replaced by the mouthguard before Claudio came to the end of the table. The larger man got the paddle and examined the canvas before him. It didn’t take long for Claudio to rain down five absolutely brutal blows to Mox’s ass. Between the sobs and groans, Yuta heard something.
“What was that, Mox?” Yuta nudged him. “Speak up.”
“...it stops when you say it stops…” Mox had to push the mouthguard out to say it a few times before going back to mouthing the words to himself.
“Oh. That’s hot.” Yuta sighed and started palming his cock through his jeans.
“You’re very close to getting to take care of that.” Claudio grinned as he absently stroked the back of Mox’s head. 
“My turn.” The mouthguard was forced back into Mox’s mouth.
Ten more strikes were laid out on Mox’s pained ass. With Mox, the answer rarely was to go lighter, so he had put some heft into his strikes. The sounds the spanking generated from Mox were so hot Yuta was sure he’d jerk off to them later.
By the time Yuta put the paddle down Mox was shaking, his thick thighs quivering against the maroon restraints. The restrains were leaving red marks against pale skin. The bruising from the match mixed with Claudio and Yuta’s marks. It gave Yuta a head rush. The other bruises Mox had fought against, but the ones they left were welcomed onto his body. It made Yuta feel like he had a right to Mox’s flesh. 
The paddle was put away but Yuta’s hand never left Mox’s welted ass. Claudio removed the mouthguard a final time, putting it away in its case to be washed later. Yuta took a moment to think about their next move and gestured to Claudio to check the blindfold. As a few ideas floated around in his head, Yuta made sure to check Mox over physically. Claudio had taken to whispering softly in German to their sub while he did his own checks. Making fillers so Yuta could have a moment to plan. That decided it. Claudio deserved a reward.
“How are you feeling, big guy?” Yuta groped Mox’s sore ass as he asked, getting back into their scene. There wasn’t a response so Yuta gripped harder. “I asked a question.” There was a long enough silence Yuta considered slowing everything down to check in better.
“Sorry I tapped.” Mox choked miserably on the words. He was so far down and crying so hard the words barely formed in his throat. "I'm sorry I tapped for you. I'm sorry I gave up. I shouldn’t have. I’m sorry."
"I know you are." Yuta gestured for Claudio to work on calming their bound sub down. The other was already moving to check Mox over. "That's why we're doing this. Because I know you're sorry, and I know what you need."
"Please?" Mox sighed, his head dropping hard onto the desk.
"Please what, Mox?" Yuta had been gently stroking Mox's hip while Claudio gently massaged Mox's shoulders and back. Together their work seemed to help.
"Keep going." Mox was turning into jelly now.
“You know I will, Mox.” Yuta leaned down to kiss a cared-for wound on his shoulder. “You’ve been a really good boy.” Those words never failed to make Mox moan. “I’m going to make you a little more comfortable for this next part, so you can enjoy it a little more.” 
“Wheeler.” Mox whimpered. “Don’t deserve--”
“You don’t get to decide what you deserve and don’t deserve. That’s my job.” Yuta reminded him with a sharp slap to the thigh. “Claudio.” Yuta reached up to undo one of the wrist cuffs so the larger man followed suit. “Take him around the waist and hold him up for a second.” 
Mox willingly moved, one arm swung around Claudio’s neck. It seemed to take all of his energy to do that. Quickly Yuta folded up another towel to put over the edge of the desk where Mox was bent over. Giving him a cushion he would need for their next round.
“Lay him back down, and lock him up.” Yuta helped lower Mox and put the cuffs back on. He noticed Mox twitched at being handcuffed again but didn’t outright panic. “Good boy. Ready for Claudio to fuck you?” 
“Claudio gets to fuck me?” Mox perked up.
"Yes, as a reward for being such a good boy." The praise made Claudio light up. Yuta reached up and pulled Claudio down for a rough kiss. "During the match and after." Yuta said once they broke apart, one last peck on the taller man's lips before they traded places.
The best words Yuta could use to describe Claudio were ‘service top.’ The man thrived on providing for them. Yuta could direct him and guide him to do anything and he just seemed so happy to do it. It was submissive in a way, and Yuta thought of Claudio as his sub in a lot of ways because of it.  Even when Claudio was fucking Yuta, it was Yuta running the show. 
“Do your worst, babe.” Yuta encouraged as he watched Claudio lather his huge cock with lube. “I want him to feel it tomorrow on our long drive home.”
“You got it.” Claudio had a little smirk on his face as he rubbed the head of his dick against Mox’s swollen hole.
“Please.” Mox whimpered as he tried to push his hips back. “Please, Claudio, please?” 
“Since you beg so nicely.” Claudio knew the cues from Yuta meant being a little rough and mean. “I think Yuta would like to hear you, so do not hold back.”
Without any more warning, Claudio pushed in and didn't stop until he bottomed out. The abrupt, huge intrusion made Mox scream. His back arched beautifully and his legs strained against the restraints as Claudio pushed into him as quickly as he could. If Yuta hadn’t been working Mox over all night, he probably wouldn’t be able to take it. But instead Mox was begging for more. Claudio pulled all the way out and pushed back in. Mox cried out again so Yuta decided it was time to keep him quiet. The fly to his jeans was snapped open and unzipped, his cock springing free finally. 
“It’s okay, sweetheart.” Yuta said softly as he pressed the head of his cock between Mox’s slightly-parted lips. “Suck on this so you calm down, or at least don’t wake our neighbors.” 
Mox wasn't quiet, but he couldn't be loud with Yuta’s cock in his mouth. Yuta didn’t move. He just let Mox suck on his cock while Claudio started to speed up. The sounds coming from Mox were desperate. Small little whimpers and whines as Claudio slammed into him. 
"How's he feel?” Yuta asked over Mox, like he wasn't there.
“Fucking incredible.” Claudio laughed breathlessly. “You worked him open so much he just took my cock. Fuck..” Claudio trailed off in a line of German curses Yuta vaguely knew. 
“You look so hot fucking him.” Yuta thrust into Mox's mouth a little when he whimpered. “Fuck him harder.”
“My pleasure.” Claudio grinned.
Huge hands grabbed Mox’s hips to readjust him to where he needed to be. Claudio shuffled a little, and adjusted his own angle. All the while completely inside a quivering, whimpering Mox. It was clear to Yuta that if he could see Mox’s eyes they’d be vacant. Mox was so far gone, so down. Yuta knew this had been important for all three of them.
Claudio started slamming into Mox. Yuta peeked around the edge of the desk to see Claudio pull all the way out and with a powerful snap of his hips pushed all the way back into Mox. Over and over. The desk started to creak and move as Claudio brutalized their sub. Mox was crying out with each thrust. Pained little cries each time around the head of Yuta’s cock. After a minute or so Yuta pulled his cock out of Mox’s mouth, neighbors be damned he wanted to hear.
“G-Gonna--” Mox was panting, his body flushed red as sweat poured off of him.
“Going to come for me again, Mox?” Yuta teased, his fingers sliding through Mox’s sweaty, short hair. 
“Fuck---” Mox choked.
“Hang on,” Claudio was breathless now as he spoke. Finally some indication that he was in this situation. A quick shift of his hips and he leaned over Mox’s back. That was it. “There it is--”
“Claudio!” Mox jerked against the cuffs as Claudio found an angle that made him see stars. “Fuck, fuck!” 
“Damn.” Claudio kept going, but his voice was tight which meant Mox was tight.
“I can’t, I can’t--” Mox sobbed out to Yuta, his hand closest to his dom reaching out for him. Yuta took his hand quickly and squeezed.
“I don’t want to hear it, Mox.” Yuta leaned down to speak directly to the other. “Claudio’s having the time of his life using you up for me. You’ll take as much as I give you. Why?”
“Shit!” Mox rolled his hips forward and arched his chest off the table. “Damn it! Because it doesn’t stop until you say it stops!”
“You’re so good at following the rules. Good boy, Moxie.” Yuta smirked as he petted the other man. 
Yuta wasn’t sure if Claudio just hit the spot or if what he said did it but Mox snapped for a fifth time. The already high-strung body tensed even more. Broken cries left Mox’s scratched throat as his cock throbbed and spilled what it could onto the towel. Yuta watched as the tension refused to leave Mox as Claudio kept up his deep, hard thrusts. Mox’s orgasm was still rolling through him when Claudio followed over the edge. 
Quick reflexes allowed Yuta to get to Claudio and seal a hard kiss against his lips as he came. Claudio’s orgasms were everything to Yuta. He felt the hard, sculpted muscles all flex. His hands explored the expanse of Claudio’s chest as they kissed through Claudio’s orgasm. As he pumped his load into a crying Mox, Claudio whined into Yuta’s mouth. It took a moment for Claudio to finish completely. His swollen cock pulsing in Mox’s tight heat.
“What’re you up to now, Jon?” Claudio asked as he slowly, just to tease, pulled out. His come and lube leaked out behind him, trickling down Mox’s leg. “Jonny?” Claudio pinched Mox’s ass when he didn’t answer.
“F-Five! Fuck, C!” Mox’s voice was so raw he couldn’t even yell at this point.
“You must be tired.” Claudio took a hand towel off the side table and started cleaning off his softening cock. The ring eased off as he did so. 
“Y-Yeah…” Mox mumbled. 
“Can’t be too tired.” Yuta ran his hand down Mox’s back. “You still have to take care of me, big guy.” His hand slid over Mox’s ass then his fingers ghosted across Mox’s over sensitive hole, making him jump.
“Wheeler!” Mox’s voice broke in the middle of Yuta’s name. 
“That’s the only thing you’ll be saying soon.” Yuta chuckled at the near miserable sound Mox made. “Ready?”
“Y-Yeah…” Mox nodded against the desk. 
“Oh, fuck.” Yuta groaned as he started pushing in. 
Maybe it’d gross out other guys but Yuta loved going after Claudio or Bryan. ‘Sloppy seconds’ were great. Between Claudio’s come and the lube from earlier, Yuta could go in dry as he carved out a space for himself inside Mox. The glide was easy as Yuta bottomed out with a hefty sigh. He had waited a long time for this.
It always amazed Yuta how Mox could still feel so tight even after everything they had done. The other man clenched and spasmed around Yuta in a way that took his breath away. Before the BCC, Yuta was no virgin by any stretch, but Mox was by far the best bottom Yuta ever had.
“Oh, shit.” Yuta’s head was thrown back and his eyes closed as he savored being in his favorite place. “You were right, C. He feels incredible.” Mox whimpered at the admission and Claudio chuckled. 
“He feels like no one else.” Claudio was back at the head of the desk with Mox, gently massaging his neck as Yuta had his religious experience. 
“Never fucked anyone who feels like you, big guy.” Yuta was already panting, his hips rolling a little as he sought to memorize this moment. 
“Wheeler,” Mox moaned against the wood. 
“Fuck, Mox, I can feel Claudio’s come in you.” Yuta grunted, his hips snapping harder. “Fuck. That’s so hot.” 
It was like Claudio had some sort of superpower; he could see Yuta unraveling quickly. Suddenly, he was flush against Yuta’s back. One of his huge arms wrapped around Yuta’s chest, his palm laying flat over the erratic heart trying to beat its way past Yuta’s skin. The other hand found Mox’s hip and kept all three of them together.
“It’s okay.” Claudio whispered, his mouth close to Yuta’s ear as he nuzzled against his neck. “I have you, Wheeler. I’m right here, and so is Jon.” 
“Claudio.” Yuta whispered as he leaned into the large chest behind him. 
“You’ve been holding on so tightly.” Claudio started moving their hips so Yuta was thrusting into Mox. “Let go. I’ll catch you.” The last part was said with a kiss behind Yuta’s ear. 
“Fuck. Yes.” Yuta started thrusting harder.
“Tell him to take it.” Claudio encouraged, giving the younger man room to start recklessly fucking their sub.
“That’s right, Mox, fucking take it.” Yuta grunted out.
It was clear Mox was still enjoying himself when he moaned loudly at the words. That just made Yuta go harder, Claudio at his back as a safety net. Everything felt so good. Letting loose was needed. It all made Yuta feel so powerful and invincible. No loss mattered right now because he was buried deep in Jon Moxley.
The rattle of the restrains was from Yuta as he fucked Mox for all he's worth. At this point Mox was boneless and panting hard. Few moans and groans came out of him. Another encouragement from Claudio spurred Yuta on, his hand coming up to the back of Mox's head. He pushed Mox's face into the hard desk.
"Take it, motherfucker." Yuta grunted, his fingers digging into Mox’s upper back and neck. "You'll take it just like I took all of that shit from the Elite." The next part came out darker. “From Hangman.” 
That made Mox hitch and cry out. The way Hangman hung them both, and the fact Mox tapped while Yuta refused to, was eating at Mox. There was something Yuta needed, reaching for it but couldn’t find just yet. His hips still snapped hard in shallow yet satisfying movements.
A large, warm hand reached around to lay just over Yuta's navel, slowing him down and grounding him as Claudio whispered a plan to him. At first Yuta was annoyed at being stopped but warmed up to the idea as Claudio explained it, his hand rubbing gently against Yuta’s navel to calm him down. His hips shallowly thrusting against Mox despite Claudio holding him back still. 
“Let’s do it.” Yuta nodded sharply before pulling out of Mox, the last of his self control. 
“Ah?” Mox grunted in confusion.
“Sh. We’re moving you.” Claudio explained as Yuta took a few steps back to collect himself. “Well, I think I’ll be moving you.” 
It was easier to let Claudio get Mox moved. Yuta felt like if he so much as touched Mox they might both violently explode. The larger man hoisted Mox off the desk and put him on the bed face-up. Claudio gave Mox a few sharp slaps to the face to bring him back some, then restrained each hand to the headboard. A few pillows were shoved under Mox’s ass.
The same hands that had calmed Yuta roamed over Mox’s battered body to soothe him as well. Yuta watched the paths Claudio traced over the damage. It was so enticing to Yuta to undo the healing Claudio had done, to pick and scratch at stitches and bandages. He knew Mox would like it, but he couldn’t bring himself to undo what Claudio had already fixed.
“He’s all yours again, Yuta.” Claudio leaned down to kiss Mox, biting at his bottom lip until Mox whined. “Show him how sorry he really should be.” 
Just as Yuta was darting to get onto the bed, Claudio was hoisting Mox’s legs up. The position left Mox’s battered ass totally exposed. Puffy, used hole gaping. Completely open for Yuta and on display. Leaking lube and Claudio's come. The bruises and marks from both them and the match framed Mox's abused hole perfectly.
Yuta sank right in. Mox made the most beautiful punched out noises as Yuta pushed all the way in one go. Each of Mox's long legs were hooked over Yuta's shoulders to free up Claudio’s hands. The perky, tight nipples nestled in ginger hair were plucked cruelly by Claudio.
"Fuck, Mox!" Yuta threw his head back. "Holy shit." 
The hard, unforgiving thrusts started to find a pace. A pace that left Mox whimpering as his legs were pushed back and Yuta pistoned into him. Every ounce of strength Yuta had went into wrecking Mox's hole. One of Yuta's hands held onto Mox's ankle so hard he was sure it'd bruise.
At that moment, something came over Yuta. The hand on Mox's ankle let go and moved between them. In one quick movement, Yuta tore away the blindfold to reveal Mox's glassy, lost, pale blue eyes shining behind the vacant look Yuta fucked into him. There was a moment where Mox didn't realize he could see until he locked eyes with Yuta's fiery, angry gaze. A whimper escaped the bound man when Yuta's hand wrapped dangerously around his throat.
"Yuta?" Mox begged, his body arching up into the other like he was expecting, wanting what would come next.
"You want it?" Yuta pushed his legs to the side so he could lean in closer, his hips still snapping. "Wanna know what it felt like?" The dazed look on Mox’s face was slapped off him. “Answer me!”
"Y…Yes! Fuck, yes!" Mox admitted, even though they all knew Mox had experience with what it felt like to be hung by the Hangman.
That simple yes flipped Yuta's switch. There was a reason Claudio was nearby. The calloused hand around Mox's throat closed tightly, effectively cutting off his air to just a wheeze. It lit Yuta's blood on fire as he watched Mox's eyes roll back in his head. More pressure was added, making Mox tense up and jingle his cuffs.
All of Yuta's focus was on choking Mox out and fucking him into the mattress. At first Yuta didn't realize he was spitting out degrading comments at Mox as sweat poured off of them both. A gentle tap on Yuta's choking hand let him know it was time to ease up, but he didn't for a moment. When he finally let go Mox sucked in a harsh, desperate breath that was quickly slapped out of his mouth.
"Go again." Claudio green lit as he watched the color come back to Mox's ruby red face.
"Fuck you!" Yuta pushed down again.
The pressure left Mox spluttering and gasping, eyes fluttering and out of focus. Yuta felt incredible, powerful even. His dick held tightly by Mox's sore hole, and his hand held tightly around Mox's throat. It amazed him that he was still hanging on.
After a moment Claudio tapped on the same hand. This time Yuta let up easier. When Mox opened his mouth to bring in some air Yuta moved on instinct. He leaned over Mox, a hand braced on the bed behind Mox's head, and spat into Mox's open mouth. It registered as a shock but Mox didn't spit out Yuta's saliva. Instead his eyes shined up at his brutalizer. Yuta did it again, and again. Watching as Mox swallowed each time until he went back to choking Mox.
This time Mox struggled more, tensed up more, and Yuta could feel it. Every muscle tensed up in a glorious moment that had Yuta in pure euphoria. Mox's loose legs came up to wrap around Yuta, the younger man could feel heels digging into him so he pushed harder. The only sounds in the room were their heavy breathing, the slapping of skin on skin, and the wet slip of Mox's hole.
"Fuck!" Yuta moaned loudly. "Oh, fuck, Mox."
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please." Mox gargled, his voice clipped and raw.
"Shut. The. Fuck. Up." Yuta punctuated each word with a harsh thrust.
"Yuta," Claudio was staring at him, now that he didn't need to worry about him choking Mox. "You look incredibly sexy like this."
"Thanks, C." Yuta grinned at that, their eyes meeting over the overstimulated body of their sub.
"I could watch you fuck him for hours." Claudio said truthfully as he gripped the reinvigorated length in his shorts. It never took Claudio long to get hard again. "So powerful."
"Get over here." Yuta demanded.
The hand that had just been a weapon on Mox pulled Claudio in close. Yuta sealed his lips together in a heated kiss, like Yuta needed to crawl inside Claudio. Mox had a full view of their kiss and whined at the display.
"Holy, fuck!" Yuta ripped himself away from Claudio at the sudden, overwhelming feeling in his dick.
Yuta looked down with a tight smirk as he realized Mox came again. Another time. He couldn't get enough of that. The thin, dripping liquid sprayed across Mox's body. Thankfully Claudio had the presence of mind to ease off the ring restricting Mox's exhausted cock. Yuta was captivated as he watched as Mox’s cock went soft, and laid against his thigh. 
"Thank--" Mox could barely move his head to the side to look up at Claudio. "--you."
"You're very welcome, tigerli." Claudio smiled down.
Mox stained up a little like he wanted to kiss Claudio so the Swiss giant leaned in to take his mouth. Keeping in the spirit of the scene, Claudio claimed Mox's mouth in a dominating attack. One huge hand wrapped around Mox's neck, fingers ghosting where Yuta's hand shaped bruises would be tomorrow. Mox made a sweet sound at the aggressive display of affection so Claudio dove deeper. His hand tightened and his mouth worked harder. Yuta watched the erotic moment while he fucked the last of it out of Mox.
"You guys are so fucking hot. Fuck. Shit." Yuta felt his breaking point coming.
The moment the younger man would shatter was just on the horizon. It was clear to Claudio that  his work was getting to Yuta, so he worked Mox's mouth more, pulling hefty noises from their sub and closing his hand harder so Mox would tighten up.
"That's it, fuck! That's it!" Yuta called out as he slammed one last time all the way into Mox.
Come spilled into Mox as he moaned, exhausted and loud. Much like Mox, it was pure heaven for Yuta as he felt his warm fluid coat the insides hugging him tightly. It felt so good Yuta had to keep thrusting into the gushy mess. Wave after wave crashed over Yuta, never-ending sparks dancing up his spine. Everything felt incredible for a long moment, but Yuta thought he deserved more. 
Yuta collapsed onto Mox's chest. Both arms slid up Mox's sides as Yuta's forehead met Mox's chest. His arms easily hooked over Mox's shoulders to get leverage for the still reckless thrusts Yuta delivered. In one last burst of energy Mox managed to wrap his legs over Yuta's hips and lock his legs by crossing his ankles.
"Still want more, huh?" Yuta grunted against the skill he rested on.
"S-Stops when you say." Mox mumbled, his tone showing he had clearly given up.
"Goddamn right." Yuta grunted as he chased for more. 
"Fuck, fuck, fuck." Mox whined as Yuta used his body in punishment.
"C-Claudio?" Yuta stammered out, one hand groping for his referee.
"I'm right here." Claudio shifted up onto his knees and took Yuta's hand. 
"Need--" Yuta squeezed the Swiss man's hand. "Wan-want you. More--" 
"Is it my lucky night, sternli?" Claudio chuckled as he moved around Yuta to settle behind him, a perfect view of Yuta's ass.
"You deserve it." Yuta groaned. "And I wanna make more of a mess."
"You want to make Jon more of a mess." Claudio placed his hands on Yuta's ass, kneading and groping him.
"Claudio." Yuta pushed back against the hands fondling his ass. 
"Yuta." Mox moaned as the other nearly slipped out.
"Fuck," Yuta pushed into Mox again with a heavy shudder. "God damn it." 
"Stay still, Wheeler." Claudio commented as he started to move off the bed to grab what he needed from the moved bedside table Yuta had used earlier. "Here--"
Before climbing back onto the bed, Claudio unlocked Mox's cuffs from the corners. Mox's arms fell limp onto the mattress. There was a growl from Yuta when his charge was set free, but Claudio quickly shushed that as his nimble fingers clipped Mox's cuffs together. Mox moved his arms down and dropped them over Yuta's neck, pulling him closer. Yuta turned his head in to meet in a harsh lip lock with his sub, pushing Mox down into the bed.
"Oh, fuck!" Yuta broke the kiss to moan as Claudio's lubed fingers circled his hole. "Fuck being a tease tonight, C."
"Still ever the dom, Wheeler." Claudio kissed the tense muscles along Yuta's back.
"And?" Yuta demanded, throwing a look over his shoulder. His eyes blazing with the taunt to Claudio to challenge him. Simply being bent over didn’t mean Yuta still couldn’t dom his boys.
"It's sexy." Claudio leaned forward to kiss the corner of Yuta's downturned mouth as he slid in a finger. "Love it when you tell me what to do."
"Ah." Yuta's eyes slid closed as he arched his back. "That's why you're mine." The growl came out of the smaller man, much louder and meaner than he meant but Claudio's cheeks turned rosy so Yuta ran with it. "Only use for you is getting that big dick inside me."
“Yes, Sir.” Claudio may have been trying to tease but the breathlessness in his two words told Yuta he knew it was true.
There were some words spoken in another language but Yuta was pretty sure that Claudio was cursing, mesmerized by Yuta's dirty talk. The toy Yuta used earlier on Mox was pressed against Yuta’s hole and eased in. There was a skill to it that Claudio possessed that made being stretched open the most pleasurable, erotic experience possible. The toy reached home making Yuta let out a few curses before turning his face into Mox’s neck, his lips and teeth finding skin to damage. The toy worked Yuta open in the most tantalizing way. Yuta could feel his cock twitching and pulsing inside of Mox’s warmth. 
The pleasure radiating off Yuta was that of a deserving God. As if Mox and Claudio owed him this worship. Yuta wanted to come again, and maybe more, and his boys owed him that. The toy had yet to be turned on, but Claudio was expertly fucking Yuta. Soft moans started to build in his chest as he rocked into Mox while Claudio fucked him.
"Ah, that’s it.” Yuta pushed up a little so that he wouldn’t be muffled. “My personal dildo and cock warmer." Yuta grunted, his head moving so they could hear. Mox's arms tightened. "My personal sex toys."
"Wheeler," Mox moaned, his hips rolling.
“We have a nine hour drive tomorrow.” Yuta growled against Mox’s cheek. “Going to have you in the backseat.” His words came out huskier now. “Keep you on my dick the entire time.”
“Ohh.” Mox’s body shuddered at the threat.
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you, slut?” Yuta laced the words with a little condescension. “Forced to keep my cock warm. Well, maybe not forced.”
“Yes.” Mox hissed. “Please, please.”
“You don’t have to beg, slut.” Yuta tried to laugh but couldn’t get the air to do it. “It’s going to happen.”
Before either man could respond the toy was turned on. Yuta cried out and pushed into Mox as deep as possible. The vibrations passed through Yuta to ghost through Mox. Little whimpers escaped the sub as Yuta shallowly fucked into him. It felt like Claudio sent Yuta straight to the moon. Something massive and hard was pressed into Yuta’s hip as the toy eased out about half and then thrust back in.
“Oh, fuck. Your dick is going to feel so good, Claudio.” Yuta reached back with one hand to grip Claudio’s hip.
“Hm. You’re going to feel good wrapped around it.” Claudio kissed trails down Yuta’s damaged back. “For now, I’m content watching you take this toy.”
“Yeah. Fuck me, baby.” Yuta got himself up, bracing on either side of Mox’s head with his hands. 
The invitation was met by Claudio. He pulled the toy out, added more lube, and pushed it back in. He continued that, forcing Yuta to relax and enjoy what was happening. There weren’t any words Yuta could form so he attacked Mox’s mouth. Violently, lips clashed with lips and hips met hips as Yuta and Mox tangled together in pleasure. Claudio’s hardon rocking against Yuta’s hip had Yuta’s dick aching, and the feeling of Mox’s wet, sloppy hole tensed tightly around him sent Yuta into the best kind of overstimulation. 
To Yuta it felt like a progress bar quickly loading. Everything kept adding up and adding up until it was too much. It was a glorious feeling. Yuta could hear the whines and whimpers forming desperate words as Mox felt Yuta come deep inside him again. Passively accepting his role in Yuta’s world as his personal cumdump. Behind him was Claudio, speaking heavily about how much Yuta deserved to let go, how good and tough he was; all the while Claudio rutted against his hip. It was perfectly consuming. 
“Easy, easy.” Claudio pulled the toy out with one hand while the other gently stroked the jut of Yuta’s hip.
“Fuck.” Yuta moaned as the toy slid out, the obscene sound of lube following that had everyone groaning. “That was so fucking good.” 
“Your hole…” Claudio trailed off, mesmerized by Yuta’s ass. 
“Feels good.” Mox mumbled, totally out of it except for feeling the multiple loads of come and lube inside him. Yuta was still nestled firmly inside, small thrusts and the cock ring helping to keep him hard. “Good. Fuck. So good.”
“That’s because you’re a fucking whore.” Yuta growled, giving a harsh thrust of his hips to both of their overstimulated bodies. “Feels good because you’re a cock slut, right? Say it, Mox.” One of Yuta’s hands came up to wrap around his sub’s throat, thumb already applying pressure.
“I’m--” Mox groaned, his eyes rolled back into his head as he leaned back to allow Yuta more room. “I’m a fucking cock slut!” 
“That’s fucking right.” Yuta felt like he was zooming, his body prickling with pain and pleasure. “Whose cock slut are you, Mox?” 
“Yours!” Mox called out, his already hard voice rubbed rougher from all the noise he had been making. “I’m a cock slut and I belong to you and Bryan.”
“Good boy.” Yuta leaned down to kiss Mox. 
Claudio’s large hands had been kneading at the meat, what little there was, of Yuta’s backside. It was like he was in a trance, his cock still hard and aching against the beautifully bruised thigh. Without much thought, since Claudio was pretty far gone, he slid two fingers deep into his Dom. Yuta’s shout was swallowed by Mox, who realized what was happening and started devouring Yuta’s mouth as Claudio fingered him.
More lube and another finger. Skilled strokes inside of Yuta like Claudio was playing his favorite instrument. One of Yuta’s knees forced Mox’s leg up more so he could scoot up and show more of his ass. They all were on cloud nine–even Mox, who was holding up 190 pounds of pro wrestler and had a spent dick by now. Through all the fog and haze of dom space, Yuta realized they all needed this after the loss they had. Not just because Mox had tapped for Yuta, but because they needed to be close again. In that moment of clarity, Yuta yearned for Bryan. Not so that he would be in charge or do all the leg work, but because they weren’t complete without him. And this was as whole as they could get right now.
“Sternli, please?” Claudio was completely out of breath and desperate. “Please, I need--”
“Shhh.” Yuta broke away from Mox and pushed himself up again, his eyes looking over his shoulder at Claudio. “You’re allowed to fuck me now, Claudio. Take what you need, baby.”
Relief was clear on the Swiss man’s face as he moved over to center himself behind Yuta. With four fingers of one hand gently stretching Yuta out to accommodate him, Claudio’s other hand grabbed the lube and dripped a generous amount onto his throbbing cock. The fingers left, Yuta growled at the loss but it quickly faded into a moan when the thick, blunt head of Claudio pressed against his hole. 
Like with most things, Yuta was always a champ about taking Claudio. The tip popped in with some force, causing a shared moan from both men. For a moment Claudio let them both adjust before easing in more. Even though Yuta was in fact a size queen, and used to taking Claudio, it wasn’t a process that could be rushed. One of Claudio’s arms wrapped around Yuta’s hips. The slow, tight glide was one of Yuta’s favorite things as Claudio made himself at home in Yuta’s hole. The burn was more intense the deeper Yuta was impaled.
The added bonus of Mox quaking around him had Yuta so far gone he didn’t know what to do with himself. Pushing off of Mox’s chest, Yuta hoisted himself up, one arm going over his shoulder to grab onto Claudio. Yuta’s back met Claudio’s front, and the hand wrapped around the back of the larger man’s neck making his chin sit on Yuta’s shoulder. The movement pushed Claudio deeper; they both groaned and Yuta arched his back. 
“Don’t you,” Yuta was panting hard, his body heating up again and causing sweat to pour off of him. Bangs plastered to his forehead. “Don’t you dare--” Yuta started over, growling the words at the man fucking him. “--come inside me.”
“Y-Yes, Sir.” Claudio confirmed, though confused. Normally Yuta wanted to feel Claudio come.
“You have to ask permission.” Yuta skipped over Claudio’s confusion. “Now get that cock all the way inside me.”
“Yes, Sir.” Claudio groaned, his head moving to be tucked against Yuta’s neck with his forehead on the smaller man’s shoulder. Both of Claudio’s arms were wound around Yuta to hold him up. “Anything for you, Sternli.”
“Good boy.” Yuta smiled lazily, turning to kiss Claudio’s temple. “As for you--” Yuta turned his attention back to Mox, his hand coming out of nowhere to smack Mox across the face. “You didn’t think I forgot about my favorite hole, did you?” Another smack.
“N-No.” Mox blinked hard a few times. His eyes were vacant and Yuta got a kick out of being the one to create that look.
“Does it feel good to still have my cock in you, Mox?” Yuta rubbed the reddened cheek just above Mox’s beard as the cuffed man nodded. “Say it then.”
“It feels fucking good to still have your cock in me.” Mox’s eyes fluttered a little as he rolled his hips.
“You should be grateful to even have my dick after what you did tonight.” Yuta scowled as he slapped the other man again. “Fuck, Claudio, that feels good.” The soft shallow thrusts sent waves of pleasure over him.
“I am grateful.” Mox moaned as Claudio’s thrusting started to transfer to him. “Grateful for your cock, Yuta.” Now that Mox’s hands weren’t cuffed down he brought them cuffed together to Yuta’s throat where the bruises from Hangman’s chain decorated his Dom. “Grateful for your come. Grateful for you.”
“You’re grateful I still let you be my greedy bitch.” Yuta’s voice got darker. Comforting hands squeezed him as Claudio slowly fucked him. “Grateful for my spit too.” 
Instead of repeating the words Mox opened his mouth like an offering to his God. That made Yuta’s head spin. The hands holding him up loosened some as Yuta leaned down. One of his hands gripped Mox’s chin while he spat into the offered mouth. Mox swallowed without hesitation so Yuta did it again.
“Fuck.” Claudio cursed over Yuta’s shoulders, his thrusts going deeper and his pace speeding up. The sight alone got him going and Yuta felt too good around him to hold back that much.
“That’s it, C. Fuck me.” Yuta growled. He reached out to grab Mox’s cuffed hands and brought them over his head. The links between the cuffs were held down by Yuta’s hand as he braced himself on the bed. “You’ve been good, Moxie. Maybe you deserve a reward.”
“Reward?” Mox moaned, his body being shook by the harder work of Claudio. 
“Yeah. A reward…” Yuta trailed off, his body leaning a little to one side so he could reach between them and take Mox’s soft, aching cock in hand.
“Wheeler.” Mox whined as his eyes slammed shut. The light grip alone was enough to send quakes through him. “Fuck, oh fuck. Please?” 
“Please what? I bet you don’t even know.” Yuta teased the head of Mox’s cock. “You wanna come again for me, Moxie?” Yuta grinned as Mox shook his head quickly. “Does it matter what you want?” 
“No.” Mox groaned and kept shaking his head.
“Good boy.” Yuta reached out to fondle Mox’s sore balls, making him gasp and twitch. 
“You know who does deserve to come again?” Claudio asked, his head still resting on Yuta’s shoulder as he fucked into the smaller man.
“Who?” Yuta asked back as he gave a light tug on Mox.
“You.” Claudio started kissing Yuta's neck. 
"You're right." Yuta was glowing. Both of these men were working to bring Yuta pleasure and that went straight to his head. "Make me come then."
"I will, Sir." Claudio grunted, taking the challenge seriously as he bent Yuta over more to get a better angle.
"Oh, fuck!" Yuta moaned loudly and had to drop onto his elbow. The other hand was still torturing Mox's balls.
"Wheeler." Mox whined, shaking his head. "Can't--" Mox let out a horse shout when Yuta tugged harder. "Need--?" It was hard for him to gather his words.
"Fuck do you need, slut? You're getting what you deserve." Yuta said through gritted teeth as Claudio sped up. 
"Gag?" Mox finally got the word out, his body twitching and jerking at the attention he was getting.
"Ah." Yuta mumbled. "Of course." He grabbed the blindfold that was just a bandana and stuffed that into Mox’s mouth, making him gag a little. "Better?"
"Ymm." Mox nodded as he bit down on the cloth. 
"Good. 'Cause I don't want to ruin the neighbors’ night doing this-" Yuta gave a cruel squeeze to Mox's balls, making him scream. Luckily it was muffled. "Fuck yeah. Love that." The tensed, pained muscles gripping Yuta made him feel lightheaded. 
"Feels so good." Claudio moaned. "Him tensing up makes you tighter, Wheeler."
"Feels fucking great." Yuta closed his eyes as he felt himself succumb to the feeling of being sandwiched between both of them. "This is where you both belong."
"Fuck." Claudio shook his head, his hands gripping Yuta's hips harder.
"Mhm." Mox made some sort of sound but nothing got through so he bucked his hips.
"Ha. He wants more, C." Yuta let his hand return to Mox's shaft and give that a good squeeze.
Everyone moaned together when Mox cried out and thrashed under them. The tight heat pawing at Yuta's sanity intensified and Claudio took that moment to start thrusting harder. Yuta felt the shift of Claudio putting one foot on the bed to fuck him better. His large cock hit Yuta just right deep inside. With the edge fast approaching, Yuta released Mox's cock and gave it a few good slaps. The gag kept all of Mox's noises down but it drove Yuta crazy. The reactions he was getting made him want to stay right here forever.
The tension bled out of Mox. He relaxed and went limp on the bed. Yuta gathered his breath and shifted his hips so Claudio could get more out of him. It was too close to ending and Yuta wasn't ready so he gave himself and Mox a moment to rest. A little denial for Claudio since Yuta knew he liked to work for it. One large arm wrapped around Yuta’s middle.
“You are such a tease.” Claudio groaned in his ear, breathless and helpless to Yuta’s control over their joint pleasure. “Bring it home, sternli.” 
“If you insist.” Yuta sighed but took the signal. There was no telling what time it was at this point. “You ready to finish this off, big guy?” Yuta grinned at the whine his sub made around the gag.
Yuta’s firm hand wrapped around Mox’s cock again, he could feel Mox trying to get hard again. The jumps and twitches against his palm made Yuta moan. His hips started rolling, eyes closing as he let him go and tried to focus on the moment. Feeling everything both men had to give him after he gave so much for them.
Mox bucked up against Yuta again, trying to beg for more without words. It would be funny if Yuta wasn’t so turned on. His hand gave one final, mean jerk of Mox’s cock before reaching down to palm his balls. The tired eyes looking up at Yuta were pleading for more, and as far as Yuta was concerned it was his job to give more. So he started to grip Mox’s sorest area and give his sac a rough twist. 
It worked like magic and Yuta felt everything start to topple over. His body started to shudder as Mox arched off the bed and cried into his arm. Yuta was barely even able to fuck into Mox with how tight he tensed up, and Claudio knew exactly when to start heading for home. His thrusts rocked Yuta to his core. Hard, long, deep assaults on Yuta’s hole; his only mission was to get Yuta off. 
“Fuck! That’s--” Yuta choked on his own words as he came deep inside Mox. Again. 
It felt never-ending. Little tugs made Mox convulse and milk Yuta’s cock in a way that made his orgasm stretch out at Mox’s expense. Through the haze of it, Yuta could see Mox’s cock trying so hard to come again. Finally, as Yuta came down from the high, he let go of Mox’s balls and slumped forward onto him with a huge sigh. Claudio pushed deep into Yuta’s warm hole and held the base of his cock, trying to push off his orgasm and wait for permission. 
“Please?” Claudio finally broke, his voice had a tremor through it. “Wheeler, I can’t--”
“Shh. Claudio, easy. I haven’t forgotten.” Yuta knew he was taking a little too long to be fair so he pushed himself up and finally pulled out of Mox’s sloppy hole. “Oh, fuck.”
“Yeah…” Claudio mumbled in agreement as he watched. 
“You want that, right?” Yuta smirked at the look on Claudio’s face.
“I do.” Claudio looked so close to breaking.
“Finish inside him.” Yuta shifted and started to pull away.
Both of them groaned at the loss but Claudio was quick. Maybe Mox had shut off or just hadn’t heard, but he jumped when Claudio’s huge hands grabbed his hips without much thought to the bruises and injuries. Quickly, Claudio had Mox’s shoulders down on the bed, holding Mox’s hips as he pushed all the way inside. It was partially a high stack, and Yuta didn’t miss that. Claudio was pinning Mox. Asserting himself over the other. If Yuta hadn’t just had an earth shattering orgasm he would have gotten hard again. 
“Fuck!” Claudio grunted as he worked himself in and out with ease. “You know how to tighten up, Jon.” 
“Just slap his balls.” Yuta teased but Claudio did just that.
“Ah!” Mox cried out, his back arching but he couldn’t move as Claudio pinning him. 
“Better.” Claudio moaned, letting his head fall back and enjoying himself. 
Mox whimpered at another few smacks. The feeling had Claudio’s hips stuttering and snapping hard. He was so close. Yuta leaned up quickly to kiss him. Both of Yuta’s hands grabbed Claudio by the neck, much like he would in the ring, and directed the Swiss man into a hard kiss. While Yuta swept Claudio’s mouth he must have smacked Mox again because the sub thrashed under them and Claudio moaned loudly against his mouth before breaking off to breathe. 
Claudio was beautiful when he came–no less than he usually was. The light flush of his cheeks and chest, the battle wounds and scars, the tensed muscles. Yuta watched as the larger man kept giving Mox shaky, shallow thrusts as he came down from his own high.
“You look so hot.” Yuta grinned, leaning forward to kiss him again but softer. “Pull out. I wanna see what he looks like.”
“Shit, Wheeler.” Claudio laughed as he slowly eased out. “You’re still going?” 
“Kinda.” Yuta grinned back at the Swiss man. “Look. How can you not when he looks like that?” 
“...You’re right.” Claudio moaned as he watched Mox’s gaping hole. “Here.” He reached down to take the gag out. “Color?”
“Green.” Mox mumbled like he didn’t even care that they were admiring his ass like this.
“He’s just as bad as you.” Claudio teased as he watched Yuta gather the come and lube around Mox’s hole and push it back in.
“Fuck…” Mox let out a low moan. “God damn.” 
“Like that?” Yuta chuckled. “Hang on. There’s someone else who’d like to see this.” Yuta stretched over to reach his phone on the bedside table and pulled the camera out. 
“Bry?” Mox lit up a little.
“Yeah. For Bry.” Yuta held his phone up and without even having to ask, Claudio reached out to hold Mox’s cheeks open so he could get a clear view. 
“Fuck you guys.” Mox grunted but there was no real threat. “When’d I ‘come a porn star?” 
“You could have done well as a porn star if wrestling hadn’t worked out.” Claudio gave the bruised ass under his hand a hard smack.
“You’re our porn star, big guy.” Yuta shifted back. “You wanna see if we can get Bryan to call us?” Mox’s eyes shot open and he nodded quickly. “Alright. Claudio, push everything back in again, like I did. Really sell it for the camera, Moxie.” 
“You got it.” Claudio made sure Yuta was recording.
The video started as Claudio circled Mox’s twitching hole, gathering the fluids that had leaked up. His fingers ran over the puffy rim making Mox gasp and jerk against Claudio’s grip. After a few seconds of teasing Claudio pushed two of his large fingers into Mox.
“Bry.” Mox moaned loudly, making a show of it and arching as Claudio finger fucked him a little. That little whining undertone that everyone knew Mox used to drive Bryan crazy. “Fuck, Bry.” 
Yuta cut the video and sat back on his heels, having to take a moment to breathe. Mox could play dirty and he knew how to play the filthy devotion between the two of them well. It was always hot to watch, but to see Mox really play it up made Yuta want to go again. Instead he sent a few photos and then the video with the caption “it’s done (except your part).” 
The best part to Yuta was that in a few minutes they’d all be in the bathroom, taking showers and cleaning up, which meant they’d miss Bryan’s horny call. Yuta figured he owed a little fun to Bryan, too. Maybe he would follow through on the threat to make Mox his cock warmer for the entire trip home and drive Bryan a little crazy with that. 
“You ready, sternli?” Claudio asked as he finally let Mox lie flat on the bed and started working off his cuffs. 
“Yeah. Let’s get cleaned up. Hey,” Yuta leaned over Mox.
“What?” Mox grumbled but was clearly on cloud nine.
“You did good, Mox.” Yuta sealed the statement with a sweet kiss. 
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
I hate how republicans always bring up debt. You know what would help bring that down? Tax the fucking billionaires! But can’t do that since they give them money. And they always say that it’s the democrats fault, but didn’t Clinton have a surplus when he was president? So clearly it’s not an automatic democrat thing since bush entered with a surplus and ended with a deficit. I wish time machines existed so I could go back and kick Reagan’s ass.
Here, let me translate from Republicanese: "we need to cut government spending" means "we want to cut social services and welfare programs that might help anyone, but especially people of color, so we can rack up staggering deficits by cutting taxes on billionaires and corporations while preaching about being The Party of Fiscal Responsibility."
Clinton had a $4 billion surplus. Obama rescued the economy from the 2008 financial crash under Dubya. Biden reduced the federal deficit by one Trillion With a T in his FIRST YEAR.
Reagan, Dubya, Trump? DEFICITS GALORE, BABY! YEEHAW! Plus some, yknow, ruinously expensive foreign wars, economic crashes, giant tax cuts for rich people, etc.
Every single part of the "REPUBLICANS ARE GOOD FOR THE ECONOMY!!!" myth is, I have written about many, MANY times, a total lie.
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pinkanonwrites · 1 year
ohmigod does streamer au mean that Knives is like. Vash's twin that visits his apartment to ensure Vash is okay (as a disabled person myself who lives alone, i get weekly visits from my mom and brother lmao) and comes in with groceries, leaves with trash, comes over to drive Vash to his doctor appointments, and tells Vash to get a real job??
does the chat see Knives as like. a cryptid. and the chat spams with acknowledgement as Knives moves about in the background and Vash goes "Chat says hi! ...Knives?! Did you hear mE?! CHAT SAYS HI!!" and he shouts back "I heard you both times, but I'm not acknowledging your no-life-having enablers!" or some shit
Knives feels like he has a trenchcoat and briefcase and has some high-up position like, idk, i feel like hed be an enviromental lawyer but also a corporate lawyer yet he also feels like he could be a radio/podcast celebrity with Bad Takes (i might just be describing Andrew Tate or somebody whoops) and a reputation for being shitty to his fans. like i could Knives being either objective scum with a cult following. or being like a eco-friendly protestor who put a politician's house on fire but hasnt been caught bc he wore one of those face-masks that distorts pictures and made sure not to leave any finger-prints. maybe he's something in-between, like he supports PETA, i dunno. or maybe he and Vash are actually estranged
im really curious how you would characterize Knives in this au, theres definitely a lot to go with considering the vast differences in his 1998, 2023, and manga variations (im partial to 2023 myself, but manga is a close second and 1998 is in the dust for me personally) since his genocide nonsense doesn't have a 1-for-1 translation in a modern world. the only act of Knives that i can think of that would track is 2023!Knives blaming himself for Vash's amputation (as opposed to other variations, if i remember right, where Knives did it to punish Vash, i liked that they went with a "Knives did it bc he loves Vash and didnt see another way to save his brother" direction instead) bc maybe the amputation happened in an accident that Knives blames himself for Vash being a victim in. but yeah, so many variations
also Rem. but Rem is a bit easier because there's always the "Well, Rem is still dead" option mixed with "She was our foster mom" (oh, maybe Knives works in the Social Services) whereas Knives, again, has all these variations
(anyways, i have a Part 2 to this that's not related to me asking questions about your streamer au, but rather me just saying a hc i have for Vash+Knives Modern AU that is very biased to my own personal history and therefore is irrelevant to your streamer au, so do hold up briefly, i do wanna ramble about that bc rambling about Trigun Modern AUs is fun)
I think I can tell you guys some about the ideas I had in mind without spoiling too much!
So I've bounced it around a bit in my head, and I think I've come up with something that works for this AU in particular. Rem was in fact their foster mom, she adopted them both as babies. While Nai was a pretty normal kid growing up, a bit cynical and intelligent for his age but nothing concerning, Vash was the type of kid who got sick really often. Like, immunodeficient, multiple hospitalizations sick. I was thinking something like CVID, which makes it so you're way more susceptible to getting respiratory and lung infections. He was a happy kid, but in and out of the hospital a lot.
In late middle school he had a really bad reaction, and while rushing him to the hospital Rem got in a car accident that cost her her life and Vash his left arm. Vash feels like he's the whole reason the accident even happened in the first place, while Nai blames himself for Vash being even worse off because maybe if he'd just been able to keep calm Rem wouldn't have been so distracted. There's also a fair bit of survivor's guilt in him, being the only one who got out of the wreck generally unscathed.
So he's kind of taken himself up as his brother's keeper, balancing his own post-graduate work life with checking in on Vash, bringing him to appointments, and just generally making sure he doesn't do anything stupid. He's a conservation biology major and a huge ecology nut, who often says (in a deadpan tone that Vash thinks is a joke) that the planet would probably be better off if all the humans on itwere wiped out.
Nai has complicated feelings about Vash's streamer lifestyle. On one hand he's not as deeply, deeply depressed as he was in early high school, most days it being a chore for Nai to even get him to eat or drink. On the other hand, he thinks that a job like this isn't stable enough for Vash, that he could be doing more with his fantastic intelligence, and that Vash cares way too much about what random strangers on the internet think about him. It's the sparking point for many arguments, because as much as they love and care about each other, they just don't see the world from each other's viewpoints.
(He'd also never say it, but Nai is actually very grateful that Vash has Nicholas as a roommate. As much as he despises the guy, at least there's someone around to make sure Vash is eating real food and actually going outside when Nai isn't there to check on him.)
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terrence-silver · 1 year
Could we please have Terry body worshiping or just worshiping Beloved in general. Thanks :)
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Nyotaimori. (女体盛)
He observed the practice in Japan back in the 80's and beforehand too, as far back as the 70's, in Korea; From Onsens to corporate company afterparties behind closed doors he frequented in high end Tokyo afterhours before the turn of the millennia. The act of being on display and the nude form being used as an artistic canvas for serving food presented on sanitized leaves on sufficiently flat areas of the physique while the subject lay perfectly still, not interacting with any of the patrons under the strictest traditional decorum. It translated to body sushi. Nantaimori (男体盛り) its male equivalent. Terry hums in contentment at the etymology as he observes the fish rolls and seaweed covering your nipples, forming an immaculate pattern. A handful of supple fruit, berries and black grapes in the crevice where your tights touched, forming a v-shape. Bamboo leaves and rose petals covering your legs riddled with circles of lined up fresh fruit, a colorful mosaic of Julienned Daikon raddish and thinly cut stripes of salted Anago eel and yellow melons. A fragrant, tiny, softly cooked, partially caramelized peach in your mouth, balanced carefully between two lips, serving as a makeshift, edible gag in a room filled with lit candles and a red tinted hue. A single red cherry adorning your bellybutton like a shimmering ruby. He never allowed any of his chefs to arrange this. His waiting staff. No catering service under the sun he could pay for in The Valley and beyond. They never laid a hand on you. Never saw you like this. He did this, all of it, personally. Laying you down. Undressing you. Decorating you. Washing you beforehand, not missing a single nook or cranny on your skin.
Doing so for himself. By himself. For his eyes only. For his taste buds.
Terry was both the artist and the consumer tonight.
Chopsticks long since forgotten and entirely discarded, Terry deliberately chooses to proceed ahead with a silver fork at his own leisure as he's seated in front of his very own spread on a table that is both the place of dining and your bed and he eats, savoring the Shizoake and the spiced rice served on your thigh, a single tiny round ceramic dish of soy sauce to dip his rounds into on your knee. Was there ever a better plate? -"In 2005, China outlawed this. Can you believe it?"- Custom demands that he don't speak to you but he supposes he can't resist, even though he knows you can't and shouldn't respond, the peach in your mouth standing as hindrance. He has to chuckle into his own chin, amused at the anecdote he was about to regale. -"It never ceases to amaze me how some people just don't know how to live."- He proceeds, shaking his head with a smile, the tip of the fork carefully impaling itself on a handful of Sashimi, making contact with your skin enough to pinch as he places the bite into his mouth, chewing. Content. Watching your body still. He washes the residual food down with a quick shot of Whisky. -"Not like us."- He adds tenderly, looking at you even though your gaze was firmly pinned to the ceiling from the position you were laying down in, your head resting on other end of the table, feet facing his torso. Each toe adorned with a ring of pineapples. You could hear him. Oh, you could hear him, even though you couldn't exactly see. -"We're so good together. So perfect."- He coos, leaning down, until his mouth was brushing against your smallest finger alongside his tongue, devouring the fruit crowning your toe, leaving the slickness of his saliva behind.
Kissing the aftermath.
You were delicious.
The most delectably delicious morsel Terry Silver's ever tried.
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boyakishantriage · 1 year
"My first time in space wasn't peaceful. As always."
Masked things ran down the street, guns held in open threats. Daring anyone to come forward, standing shoulder to shoulder, a voice muttering in english. Translators missing the language as she tuts. A mask of three orbs of some sort, jewels arranged within splendid masks. A mass show of power and force, weapons sharpened and soldiers silent as they broke ranks. Marching behind their leader, black cloak draped over her shoulder.
The door thundered open, the room hardly small enough to echo, but each step boomed with power. Even those with anything that could see behind saw a straight frowning face, keeping solid as she lounged in a seat.
"Princess, explain to me why your troops shit down my soldiers."
She glared at the servant beside her, as the girl stammered.
"You are mistaken. Many-"
"Don't pretend with me. Stop acting, or I'll shoot the most powerful woman on the planet."
The room almost immediately tensed, before loosening. Killers, runners. The scum of the earth, as always the best scum had rose to the top.
"... I thought Terrans had no such technology to reach us."
"I thought my deal was clear."
She'd cut in, an insult. But doubtful-
"Third degree, fourth punishment. Right?"
"... You dare-"
A finger held her blade down, glaring up at the larger girl she smiled.
"We have a deal, I'm willing to give you three more chances. Back down, or I kill your brother."
The threat echoed across the room, finger retracted as she made it clear.
"I have no brother."
Snapping her fingers, a young man were shoved in. Hind legs barely showing, a bag over his head.
She'd caught her blade, the iron cutting through her hand but she'd not even flinched. A warrior's custom, an ancient one at that.
"You dare-"
"Go against me? The stars themselves shall burn before I am done with you."
"... Osda 4th millenium."
"so, that's it?"
She snapped her fingers, soldiers thrown into the room.
"Nice try."
She dryly said, grasping the woman by the neck, her arm badly moving as she moved the woman down.
Now at eye level, legs straining against the force she spoke loudly into her ear.
"I'm going to say this once. You have three chances, if the next time this happens. I'm killing these men, the second I'll throw them in. Then I'll slit their throats. Once more from that, I'm removing you from power."
"You dare-"
She'd been thrown across the room.
"I don't care about your lineage, your customs. Your little empire. If it were up to me, I'd tear your mind to shreds and leave you to see what I see. Now, am I clear?"
"I am the leader of the Federation-"
"You've seen the files about what we can do right? Our history, experiments. All of it?"
"That's just human, what we are. We're Hybrid. Hundreds of branches of humans who evolved into new dangerous species, so mixed blood we should be dead. And I'm a corporal, in a system built off strength. Do you really want to see what I can do?"
"It's ok if you're afraid, if you don't trust me. The best and worst people are. And if anyone in this room thinks their leader is weak..."
A heavy weight, hundreds of souls growing out her cloak. Silently roaring, weeping. Reaching out of the clock.
"Who else wants to see my cloth?"
Her blood had ran hot, bumps appearing across her skin. Tail frozen as she glared at the council.
"Everyone's dismissed, another council in a week-"
"So how long until anyone notices me?"
Wearing a cloak, red eyes shimmering with blood. The girl looks around.
"Captain Vampy at your service, member of the Bitches subsect of the Wolves. Consider me keeper of peace and your emergency soldier. Order follows your systems hierarchy, and before you ask. Yes. I'm the Terran species of Vladat, and no. I don't have any of the weaknesses they had."
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william-r-melich · 6 months
Tik Tok Bill/HR 7521 - 03/16/2024
Bill HR 7521 passed 3 days ago in the house of representatives by a vote of 352 - 65. If this bill passes in the Senate, which looks likely, Joe Biden said he will sign it, which will purportedly ban Tik Tok. It wouldn't really ban it, but what it will do is force Byte Dance, the Chinese company that owns Tik Tok, to divest by providing a description of what assets would need to be divested to execute a qualified divesture. In other words, they would have to sell it. They would also have to shut down their internet hosting service. Someone in the U.S. would buy it. I've been on the fence with this one as well with whether or not Biden will remain on the ticket. After reading a portion of the bill I saw a loophole regarding what can be done with a foreign person. Donald Trump, who back in 2020 wanted to ban Tik Tok, he's now against banning it. He said that banning Tik Tok would give the government too much power and would make Facebook more of a monopoly. I sure hope his 180-degree shift wasn't partly made because he has a big campaign donor from Tik Tok. Elon Musk is against it. He thinks it will lead to the government having too much control of wording and censorship on all media platforms. He argues that it doesn't just involve foreign adversaries. Republican Congressman Thomas Massie on X posted this: "The president will be given the power to ban WEB SITES, not just Apps.--"The person breaking the new law is deemed to be the U.S. (or offshore) INTERNET HOSTING SERVICE or App Store, not the 'foreign adversary.' " The CCP (Chinese Communist Party) controls what content is allowed on Tik Toc, and the version that is used in China is very different to what's allowed on it outside of China, like here in the U.S. In China they're teaching their children strict discipline and loyalty to the CCP without other harmful content, brainwashing them into their collectivist ideologies. Outside of China they are allowing and promoting content that encourages self-harm and suicide. The big concern in Congress is that the CCP is using the platform to collect as much personal data as they can to be later used against us for nefarious reasons.
Bytedance is the parent company running Tik Toc, and it's former CEO, Zhang Yiming, in 2018 wrote an open public letter of apology to the CCP's headquarters. He was in trouble for not directing his tech companies to push the party's communist agenda far enough, including for what they termed as Xi Jinping thought. Here's some of that letter translated in English:
"I sincerely apologize to regulators, our users and colleagues. I have been in a state of guilt and remorse since I received the notice from the regulatory authority yesterday afternoon and stayed up all night."
"Toutino will permanently shut down the app and the Wechat account of Neihan Duanzi. The product has gone astray, posting content that goes against socialist core values. It's all on me. I accept all the punishment since it failed to direct public opinion in the right way."
"I blame myself for failing to live up to the guidance and expectations of the authorities. In the past few years, the authorities have given us a lot of guidance and help, but I failed to understand properly and to correct properly in the past that resulted in the repercussions today."
"I blame myself for failing the support and trust of our users. We one-sidedly focused on growth and scale without paying timely attention to quality and responsibility of guiding users to obtain positive information. We have failed to undertake corporate social responsibility, and lack emphasis and understanding of our roles in carry forward the positive energy, and guide public opinion properly."
"I reflect that the deep-seated problems for the company are: a weak understanding of the 'four consciousness,' a lack of socialist core values, and a biased guidance of public opinion. 'In the past, we have placed too much emphasis on the role of technology, and failed to realize that socialist core values are the prerequisite to technology. We need to spread positive messages in line with the requirements of the times while respecting public order and good practice.' "
The "four consciousness," to which he referred is described in the following CCP directive as translated into English; CCP Central Committee Publishers Plan for Deepening the Reform of Party and State Agencies. March 18, 2021:
"To deepen reform of the Party and state agencies at this new historical turning point, we must comprehensively implement the Spirit of the 19th Party Congress and persist in taking Marxism -- Leninism, Ma Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the Important Thinking of the 'Three Represents,' the Scientific Development Concept, and Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the guide. We must firmly establish political consciousness, consciousness of the big picture, consciousness of the core leadership, and consciousness of falling in line with party directives. We must resolutely maintain the authority and centralized unified leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core. We must adapt to the development requirements of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, persist in the general principle of seeking progress while maintaining stability, and adhere to the proper direction of reform. We must persist in being people-centered, and persist in comprehensively ruling the country according to law."
It seems clear to me that the CCP wants to dominate the world and control how everyone thinks. We can't let that happen. The harmful content on Tik Tok can be found on some of the other platforms, but apparently on Tik Tok it's been more harmful and addictive to kids. Amnesty International 2 reports: "Driven into the Darkness: How Tik Tok Encourages Self-harm and Suicidal Ideation and the I Feel Exposed: Caught in Tik Tok's Surveillance Web - highlight the abuses experienced by children and young people using Tik Tok Outside of China. Between 3 and 20 minutes into our manual research, more than half of the videos in the 'For You' feed were related to mental health struggles with multiple recommended videos in a single hour romanticizing, normalizing or encouraging suicide."
Here's how a portion of the Tik Tok bill reads - HR 7521:
(iii) a subsidiary of or a successor to an entity identified in clause (i) or (ii) that is controlled by a foreign adversary; or (iv) an entity owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by an entity identified in clause (i), (ii), or (iii); or (B) a covered company that -- (i) is controlled by a foreign adversary; and (ii) that is determined by the President to present a significant threat to the national security of the United States following the issuance of -- (I) a public notice proposing such determination; and (II) a public report to Congress, submitted not less than 30 days before such determination, describing the specific national security concern involved and containing a classified annes and a description of what assets would need to be divested to execute a qualified divesture. (4) FOREIGN ADVERSARY COUNTRY, -- The term "foreign adversary country" means a country specified with respect to a covered company or other entity is -- (A) a foreign person that is domiciled in, is headquartered in, has its principal place of business in, or is organized under the laws of a foreign adversary country. (B) an entity with respect to which a foreign person or combination of foreign persons described in "subparagraph (A) directly or indirectly own at least a 20 percent stake; or (C) a person subject to the direction or control of a foreign person or entity described in subparagraph (A) (B). (2) Covered Company -- (A) IN GENERAL -- The term "covered company" means an entity that operates, directly or indirectly (including through a parent company, subsidiary, or affiliate), a website, desktop application, or augmented or immersive technology application.
The loophole I see is that there are people here from China that are legal to work and live here (green card) and who have a residence in China. The President (Joe Biden) could divest any website or app operated by a company with such a person in its employ from China with a green card who happens to own at least 20% of that company. I haven't read through the entire bill, nor am I an expert on Congressional bills or policies, but there might be other loopholes to be found. Given all that I have considered on this, I think divesting Tik Tok is a good idea, but only with no loopholes or wiggle room. I don't trust the government, their too giddy about this and I suspect they may have something up their sleeves. Next to our own ability to destroy ourselves from within, I think China is our biggest threat. This is serious stuff and we're in some very dangerous situations. We've got to get this right and get the right leader in the White House, which, in my humble opinion, is Donald J. Trump.
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talistheintrovert · 11 months
So, upon hearing you talk about it, I have now watched most of my lovely boxer. And thoroughly enjoyed it for the most part. (Also, it's the first non-queer show that I have watched in a *while*.) It has kinda become part of my routine as I have been watching an episode a day, every day before going to sleep. And now that I'm nearing the end of the show, I need a new show to fill that spot. So I wanted to ask if you have any recommendations, because I trust your judgement.
ooooh OKAY 👀
if you want more DRAMA in your dramas, befitting the angst in My Lovely Boxer, might I suggest Doom At Your Service?
Woman accidentally signs a contract with Doom to end the world in three months when she dies. Has three of my favourite korean actors in it and I'm obsessed with everything about it but it did make me ugly cry, so WATCH OUT! Also it's GORGEOUS.
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if you want more of the banter of My Lovely Boxer and also to stay in the sports lane (pun intended) I recommend Run On. This show had me in a vice-grip the entire time it was airing. Runner meets a translator and they spark up a flirtatious friendship, lots of subtle queer rep (a big deal in korea) and the back and forths between all the characters are the best. Once again features a bunch of my favourite actors.
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do you want more of the conspiracy/going up against shady companies part of My Lovely Boxer?? in that case I suggest Mad Dog! a team of people go up against shady ceos of shadier corporations to take them down. Lots of angst and in-fighting but once the team finds their rhythm it's extremely found family ride-or-die, and once again features some of my favourite actors (are you noticing a theme)
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these are all pulled directly from my Google doc favourites list, of which there are about 80 more, so I'm full of recs if you like any of these lmao 💜
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lensdeer · 2 years
This was supposed to be a short two paragraph rant but I got carried away. Rant about capitalism and the moral viability of me doing art professionally under the cut:
I don't think I could do art professionally. See, I have no issue with taking money from asshole capitalists and faceless companies, but I have no way to actually do art for those kinds of clients: I work too slowly for the relative "quality" of my art, and I don't have the contacts to get big corporate clients anyways. With that out of the way, the only option I would have to put food on the table via art would be a successful Patreon/Ko-fi/monthly pledge situation: Even if we ignore how hard it would be for me to secure enough patrons for it to be a viable alternative to even my current under-minimum-wage job, I do not feel comfortable with this on a weird moral high horse level:
The kind of art I would like to make would not attract wealthy patrons; my audience would be largely composed of my peers: queer, probably disabled people in kinda shitty economic situations. These people would likely be struggling as much if not more than me, so it would feel wrong to get their money and take advantage of their suffering in the capitalist meatgrinder so that I don't have to go through it myself.
Not to quote a generic white boy, but Bo Burnham kinda conveyed my feelings on the matter perfectly in that one line from "Art is dead" where he comments on how he gets to sleep in late and do art while being paid by an audience who who has much less freedom over their lifestyle and is largely stuck on dead-end jobs. If I somehow managed to secure enough Patreon donations to live off them, I would still be disabled and severely mentally ill, so the amount of art I output would probably not be much higher than what I do currently. It would not feel right to only do art ocassionally and instead spend most of my day reading and scrolling Tumblr while people stuck in the very same situation I just escaped are paying me to do so.
I have a very similar issue re: translation; it's the very reason I'm working a job I hate instead of doing what I got a five-year univeristy education for, honestly?
When I tried to find individual clients, I mostly only got contacted by students and people who could NOT afford to pay me a fair rate for the amount of work translating hundreds of pages and/or transcribing hours of audio entails; and I could not afford to charge far enough below the usual market rate for those services so that my clients could pay me. So I tried to get bigger clients in corporations and such, but clients at that level never called me back or would still try to underpay me bc that's how capitalist pieces of shit function.
I'm not building up to a point, I'm just frustrated.
This resonates a bit with my thoughts on anarchism and whether it's actually pragmatically possible for me to live in a sort of commune situation: I understand on a truly anarchist society people who are disabled/ill/old/otherwise unable to work would be taken care of by the community, but in reality resources are limited, even more so when you are a small countercultural group embedded in a capitalist society. In the current world, a small anarchist commune/group/whatever would not be able to afford providing for members like me who would be unable to do meaningful work for it, because the group would be struggling against a capitalist environment that's hellbent on not allowing mutual-aid based societies to prosper.
I am well aware that a bunch of this is utter bullshit, but idk.
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fff777 · 1 year
Watched the Exo corp role play lol (Part 1)
I have to split it into two posts because Tumblr won't let me post more than 30 pictures in a post anymore :x
So the hierarchy is:
Jongin: President
Junmyeon: General Manager
Chanyeol: Deputy Manager
Kyungsoo: Manager
Jongdae: Assistant Manager
Baekhyun: Senior Staff
Minseok: Staff
Sehun: Intern
Starting strong with the Seho are we
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Love being reminded that Chanyeol is just a giraffe among corgis
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Omg the intern is the president's son, Sehun is going to abuse the shit out of his privilege ToT And Junmyeon let him because he's going to be a corporate simp lol.
Junmyeon going from "where is the intern! 😤" to "hewwo viewers 🥰" real fast
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Everyone standing up for the intern X'D The nepotism is strong here X'D (maknae privileges even at exo corp)
I KNEW IT CORPORATE SIMP (corporate snake 😤)
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Junmyeon dropping "we're going bankrupt" real casually on Monday morning huh
Chanyeol being the annoying socmed oversharer 😭
Minseok wearing a penguin hand warmer on his arm uwu
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Doggy bag. Fashion baby as always
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Ok but Sehun looks big here
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"H-how could you forsake me?" or alternatively "Get it together!" My suchen uwu.
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Minseok wants to be maknae so bad
"Pick a partner" energy
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But then Chanyeol immediately going into hyung kink
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Minseok continues to play with stuffed toys :3
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I wished the subtitles translated the titles they were calling each other by instead of their Exo stage names. It would make the role play more fun.
Sehun leaving his team up to fate and then Junmyeon getting him~ <3
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Teasing Junmyeon hours is always <3 (Teasing him about getting Sehun on his team)
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Sehun is a lucky charm X3
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Lmao I'm loving these short team chants. I have no patience for the long cheesy ones and I guess these old men don't either X'D
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Just screenshotting because he's so handsome 😔
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Just a thought: I wonder if Exo is doing this kind of concept because they know that their fans are probably older and a good portion probably also work corporate :P Thanks for the shoutout Exos :3
They're dressed in suits but using markers. Office or kindergarten?
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Thinking faces. They're so serious X'D I think it's also because they were speaking very quietly so it felt like they were actually putting together a secret project lol
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Troublemaker Kyungsoo activate
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Intern Sehun lecturing about the importance of customer service ^^;;
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LMAO it is a mess X'D
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They do NOT care about games at all lmao. Sehun is going mad from the pain and Kyungsoo is just walking back
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Baekhyun and Kyungsoo are once again speaking quietly to each other hehe
Chaos for the towers
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Baekhyun and Kyungsoo won, both in time and in amount of water left :3
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aliz5karga · 2 years
Fuck the government.
I'm still angry. I'm still not surprised. I'm still holding my tears since it happened. We've lost more than 40,000 people. More than 30,000 died in Turkey and more than 5,000 died in Syria...
From all those who were killed in Turkey, how many of them would still be among us if the government stopped neglecting us and spent our fucking money to build and improve our infrastructure ? The « Earthquake tax » that was created after the İzmit earthquake (1999), all the money we gave since it was invented – where the fuck did it went ? We're talking about BILLIONS of dollars ! Where did it go ?!
...Oh ! Yeah, right, it was given to the State's friends who then proceeded to build crappy buildings – blatantly lying to people, to convince them to live in their unsafe buildings, by saying that they were earthquake-resistant when it wasn't true. All those people, from the government to their greedy and corrupted friends, THEY KILLED THOSE WHO DIED IN THE RUBBLE OF THEIR HOMES. And to top it all, Erdoğan has said that all those deaths and destroyed buildings “couldn't have been prevented”... Bffr. Earthquakes don't kill people, buildings do. If this government wasn't so greedy and corrupted, if Erdoğan wasn't so self obsessed and selfish, if those corporations weren't as shitty as the State, many of those we lost would still be among us right now.
Also, one thing we shouldn't forget is how systemic racism also played a role in this case. The majority of Kurds in this country lives in the South. Now, only people who choose to turn a blind eye to this issue will pretend that it isn't true/real, but the Kurdish community has always been a marginalized/oppressed community in Turkey. I mean, until 1991, Kurdish was officially a banned language and even after its legalization, there's still people who are persecuted by the authorities and the State solely over their Kurdish identity. I'll always talk about that man who was arrested in 2009 and spent the rest of his life in prison just because he spoke Kurdish. He died in prison because he spoke his mother tongue.
And even during this crisis, they still found a way to be racist. The government announced translation services in 7 languages except Kurdish. They've translated crucial earthquake information in multiple languages, including Pashto... except in Kurdish, when those who are mainly affected by earthquakes are Kurds.
They failed them. Many cities had to wait for days to finally receive aid when we all know that the first hours are crucial. Many cities were simply abandoned by the State. And let's talk about when the government thought that their ego was more important than lives : they restricted access to social media, like Twitter, when it helped rescuers to locate people stuck under the rubble. They also arrested people just because they dared criticize the government. Dozens have been arrested over "provocative posts". That's exactly what they did during the 2021 Turkey wildfires. Because just like back then, the government did a poor job. They failed, once again.
They don't give a damn about us. They never did. They blatantly show how much they don't see us as people but only as tools and workers. Where's the money going ? The money we keep giving to this stupid government?
We all know the answer, don't we ? It goes in Erdoğan's and his puppets' pockets. He spend OUR money on his stupid palace, and when he feels generous, he gives OUR money to his little friends. « 7-days national grief » my ass. He doesn't fucking care. He's doing this because the elections are coming soon and he wanna stay in power forever. Everything THEY, all the political parties, are doing isn't genuine – it all has to do with the incoming elections. It's an opportunity for them.
When will we put an end to this ? When will this stop ? When will enough be enough ?
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By the way, let's not forget Syria. They're also badly affected by the earthquakes. It's very hard to send help to those affected by the earthquakes because of the Assad regime and the Turkish gov. The sanctions against Syria also doesn't help. Talking about Syria, guess who decided it was the right time to bomb Syria? Isr*el, of course... They killed civilians and destroyed a historical building. It doesn't matter if it was owned by Iran-backed militias. it's just NOT the right time. Fuck you, Isr*el.
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sanguinifex · 1 year
Fun fact: did you know that American insurance and healthcare companies still HEAVILY use faxes in 2023?
Yup. Faxes.
If you’re old enough to drink, your parents might have one in a closet. If you’re a little older than that, you might have seen it on a Mr. Rogers rerun, or if you’re a bit older than that, when that episode first aired. Weird oversized desk phones with paper reels in them? Sometimes office-capacity ones that double as printers? Ring a bell?
Well, you see, twenty-first century American capitalism tends to form duopolies or triopolies, explicit monopolies being illegal since the previous century. And how do these companies hold onto users, how do they create dependency and up the cost to switch? They deliberately avoid interoperability. Apple vs Android vs Microsoft. Google Drive vs OneDrive (plus, in the corporate world, AWS). Epic Systems vs …there are others, but all the medical systems I’ve interacted with since college use Epic. Which is only ever pronounced ironically. Anyway, all these different insurance and healthcare companies are keeping all their very important info and documents in individualized and often proprietary databases that they can’t mutually access. Sometimes you can’t even open the native filetypes on different software, like how Mac word processing had to be exported as .doc so you could open it on the Windows school computers to print it off your 2-gig flash drive.
Here’s the magic of fax. The US telephone system is a public utility. While the provision of service to your phone and my phone may be handled by different entities—again, courtesy of twentieth-century monopoly breakups—it is illegal for one service provider to not be interoperable with another service provider. It is standardized like railroad gauges or 0.7 mm pencil lead. You can have a T-mobile phone plan and call someone who has Verizon and be able to hear what they say, and it won’t be distorted, pitch inverted, or translated into Swahili simply because of the difference in cell carriers.
This means that fax is the ONLY universal document format in the United States. You can use it to transform a paper form into a stream of fax data, which can then be turned into another paper form or into a PDF file on someone’s computer via conversion software (which, this being America, there are multiple proprietary programs for, none of which can talk to each other except by fax). You can also convert a PDF into a fax, and then print it or convert it back to a PDF at its destination. Yes, it’s possible to send a fax that has never, at any point in its life cycle, been a physical piece of paper!
So yeah, the US healthcare system and also property insurance runs on faxes, literal grandpa technology, because capitalism hates interoperability so much that it’s sabotaging an industry, insurance, that only exists because of capitalism. Also interoperability should be mandated on the same international level as the Geneva Convention and if tech companies position themselves as digital infrastructure, we should nationalize them.
But yeah, that’s why I have fax machine duty on Wednesdays at work.
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wetbloodworm · 2 years
thinking about AIverse/zephyr and andrew's storyline today, misc ramblings and thoughts about robotics in that universe
how does one articulate their thoughts outside of bullet points...
anyway as a quick reminder, in this universe i borrow terminology from mass effect, namely AI vs VI. AI is self-aware and sentient/sapient, capable of independent thought and growth and decision-making etc. VI can be highly sophisticated and highly intelligent but it is not self-aware and operates on a limited capacity based on its programming. AI is highly sought-after but not thought to be possible in this universe, though zephyr is an AI due to plot fuckery don't worry about it
androids aren't the only type of VI on the market, or even the most common. due to them being some of the most expensive they're REALLY not the most common; they're considered like Top Tier when it comes to robotics (whether all models are like functionally better than others or not) but non-android robots are typically what people think of since they're fucking everywhere.
something similar to the staffbots in fnaf are probably what come to mind first for most people when you say the word ‘robot’. robots that are meant to represent a human without actually trying too hard to look like one. they’re used in all kinds of service jobs so you see them all over the place. they’re also cheaper so you’re more likely to see someone with a personal robot having something like that vs an android. there are also robots that look even less human that have specialized designs for specialized tasks, or just to look cool.
androids are generally seen as being a thing that rich bitches or corporations have. they can be cheaper if their programming is less advanced, or if their bodies are less... squishy, i guess? upkeep on the squishy robots can be pricey, like you can run to home depot to get something to cover up the scratch on your cheaper all-metal robot but if your android with human-like skin gets a bad cut you’re going to have to go to a specialist.
the company that andrew works for/zeph came from is a robotics company that specializes in mid-tier androids. their primary market is companies in the service sector that prefer androids over non-humanoid robots or individuals who can afford pricier personal bots without getting into the super fancy stuff. higher-tier androids can do more, run longer and more efficiently, have greater storage and memory capabilities, etc, but if you're mostly going to use them for customer service or everyday personal assistance then you really don't need all that.
i’m naming the company Chapetech, referencing the Čapek brothers who created/popularized the word ‘robot’
trying to think of what personal androids can actually DO aside from be companions, and i imagine they do a lot of interfacing with other electronics. thinking of the mid-tier bots specifically here. can store their user's info like IDs and CC info so they can make purchases for the user with or without them present, check them into hotels and stuff, etc. recall stored information or look up stuff online, perform calculations, provide real-time translations, play back messages. sync with smart home appliances and other smart stuff so all you gotta do to use any electronics in your house is say something to the robot hanging around. basically super advanced smart phones that can carry your stuff and make dinner for you. aside from the assistant-type services, a lot of what androids do CAN be done by smart phones or whatever, just quicker and in fewer steps, so androids are absolutely considered a luxury item or status symbol. especially since, again, a lot of these things can also be done by non-android robots that are cheaper.
companionship is a big draw for androids over other robots, since while any robot with sufficient programming can hold a conversation and really humans can pack bond with anything, there’s still an appeal for a lot of people to having the robot look more human.
some android critics think it’s weird to prefer that your robot that you own mimic a human as closely as possible. why do you want to own something that looks and acts like a human, hmm? and that’s even before people start getting into debates about how intelligent a thing has to be before it’s weird to own it.
zephyr’s model is designed to be a personal bot for individual use, so for just a regular person vs him being designed for a company for customer service work. that type of model generally has a wider range of simulated emotions with more complex communication skills and is designed to do more tasks to assist people in everyday life instead of only things that a bot would need to do working at a store and interacting with customers.
his model is also... pre-made, i guess, vs being made-to-order? there are robotics companies that definitely do custom stuff but chapetech does not. zeph was made in a batch with a bunch of other androids of the same model but he never made it past quality control to be sold.
been thinking about how andrew gets zeph out of chapetech after he learns he’s sentient and i think it makes the most sense that he just goes through the company and pulls some strings to purchase zeph. sneaking him out wouldn’t work because then zeph would have to hide out at his house and never leave, since he’d be stolen tech on top of being unregistered tech and andy could get in huge trouble. which andy would absolutely be willing to do, but for the story i don’t want those limitations. chapetech absolutely lets their employees buy their products, but the roadblocks would be 1) buying this very specific product which got held up in quality control, and 2) coming up with the money to afford an android. for 2, andrew basically has to empty his savings and get help from a friend, but he manages. 1 is the trickier roadblock, but he has a good reputation at work and a decent relationship with his bosses, so he just had to do some lying and a lot of schmoozing. says that zeph will likely need to be wiped, the glitch in his programming is too deeply ingrained to be worth spending the time and money to untangle, but andrew finds him charming as he is. willing to forgo the warranty, would argue for a discount on top of his employee discount but not too aggressively, doesn’t want to seem unreasonable and also getting zeph out of there is the priority, but he’s got to at least ask because otherwise it feels suspicious to him to just offer to pay near-full price for specific damaged goods when he could just go through the regular channels for getting an android if he really wanted one. don’t want to draw too much suspicion as to WHY he wants THIS robot.
it works, andrew gets zeph with minimal questions. doing this legally has the benefit of getting zeph properly registered to andrew. the biggest benefit there is that there are records on both the company side and the customer side that zeph legally belongs to andrew, so if anyone ever checks that registration it won’t be an immediate flag. there aren’t too many situations where someone would need to check, especially checking with the company’s logs vs just what’s logged on zeph himself, but it’s a non-zero chance. andrew’s also trying to think about the future and the possibility of either zeph being AI coming out on accident or them choosing to go to someone with that information (stressing ‘them’ because it’d be zeph’s decision in the end). if it comes out that the first known AI is a chapetek product, the company is going to go fucking feral and want zeph back IMMEDIATELY, which will be harder for them to do if zeph’s not stolen.
i’ll do a more detailed drawing eventually but added cyberware-lines to my androids in this post here. cp77 is my main source for Future High-Tech Universe content so i’m mostly borrowing those concepts. expanding on the actual utility of the markings and the hand thing here.
in AIverse, while androids are made to look human, there are always visual cues marking them as an android. this is one part branding (all companies have different markings), one part avoiding confusion/needing to mark thing that are ‘other’, one part aesthetic. there are also certain situations where someone genuinely needs to know if something is human or an android for more than social reasons or curiosity; robots can interfere with certain electronics or sensors or systems and have to be handled appropriately in those situations.
the visual cues are typically markings on the face similar to the cyberware in cp77, shown below; they appear like carvings or indents and are purely aesthetic. sometimes there’s no color to them and they match the skin for a more subtle look, sometimes they’re more intricate or come lined with different colors or metal coating for a slightly flashier look. zephyr’s model has markings that are minimal but rose gold because they wanted it to be pretty.
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god the legacy editor is the only way i can make bullets with indents but it gets fucked up when you add pics. anyway
a lot of androids also have indications on their hands, because that’s the default way for androids to interface with other systems that don’t purely connect like via bluetooth or whatever. like cash registers have a sensor for your robot to interface with to make purchases, and androids will typically just hold their hand up to the sensor. that sort of thing. it’s common for their to be metal or some kind of coating on an android’s palm both to protect the sensors there and indicate ‘this area is special, avoid damaging it’. also just an aesthetic thing, looks cooler holding up a hand and it’s covered in metal.
my sketch was very simplified but i imagine the pattern, again, being like cp77, once again shown below. i don’t imagine there’s anything raised or exposed on the palm though like on the picture, at least not on high or mid-tier androids. zephyr’s model has a flexible smooth coating of rose gold over the sensors on the palm, plus over the middle finger and around the wrist for aesthetics. it’s more decorative than protective since the model isn’t designed for any real manual labor
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i think i’m done with this post for now, will reblog with additions if i want to talk more
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