satorugojowidow · 5 months
Una terraplanista en la comisión de Ciencia de Diputados
La diputada de La Libertad Avanza Lilia Lemoine fue designada este martes como secretaria 1° de la Comisión de Ciencia, tecnología e innovación productiva de la Cámara Baja. La decisión despertó sorpresa entre quienes conocen su forma de pensar, justamente porque la legisladora adhiere al terraplanismo, ha difundido teorías conspirativas sobre el coronavirus y hasta ha planteado en el pasado dudas sobre la llegada del hombre a la Luna.
La designación se efectivizó este martes, en la reunión de la Comisión de Ciencia, tecnología e innovación productiva, presidida por Daniel Gollan (Unión por la Patria), donde además de la elección para la Secretaría 1° -cargo que estaba pendiente de designación- se avanzó con un cronograma de trabajo y "se acordó convocar a una reunión informativa para el 21 de mayo, con el objetivo de invitar a representantes del sector científico y tecnológico, para conocer sus problemáticas y también, escuchar sus distintas propuestas", informó la Cámara de Diputados.
Lemoine, que antes de ser diputada era cosplayer y maquilladora de Javier Milei, acumula una serie de declaraciones que, justamente, no se guían por postulados científicos. 
Durante la pandemia de coronavirus, por ejemplo, propuso una extraña metodología de testeo. "Digo yo, tenemos la Organización Mundial de la Salud, cada país tiene su Conicet, sus científicos. ¿Es tan difícil agarrar a un enfermo de coronavius, hacerlo toser arriba de una mesa y que después vaya otra persona, por supuesto sin factor de riesgo, a chupar la mesa y ver si se contagia o no se contagia? Es un test muy simple que lo podés hacer en tu casa”, planteó.
Tiempo después, adhirió en redes sociales a la teoría conspirativa según la cual la llegada a la Luna fue un montaje. Lo consideró algo "turbio" en base a que desde 1972 no ha habido misiones tripuladas y a que, según ella, la NASA admitió haber perdido "la tecnología para volver" (sic).
La diputada de La Libertad Avanza Lilia Lemoine fue designada este martes como secretaria 1° de la Comisión de Ciencia, tecnología e innovación productiva de la Cámara Baja. La decisión despertó sorpresa entre quienes conocen su forma de pensar, justamente porque la legisladora adhiere al terraplanismo, ha difundido teorías conspirativas sobre el coronavirus y hasta ha planteado en el pasado dudas sobre la llegada del hombre a la Luna.
La designación se efectivizó este martes, en la reunión de la Comisión de Ciencia, tecnología e innovación productiva, presidida por Daniel Gollan (Unión por la Patria), donde además de la elección para la Secretaría 1° -cargo que estaba pendiente de designación- se avanzó con un cronograma de trabajo y "se acordó convocar a una reunión informativa para el 21 de mayo, con el objetivo de invitar a representantes del sector científico y tecnológico, para conocer sus problemáticas y también, escuchar sus distintas propuestas", informó la Cámara de Diputados.
Lemoine, que antes de ser diputada era cosplayer y maquilladora de Javier Milei, acumula una serie de declaraciones que, justamente, no se guían por postulados científicos. 
Durante la pandemia de coronavirus, por ejemplo, propuso una extraña metodología de testeo. "Digo yo, tenemos la Organización Mundial de la Salud, cada país tiene su Conicet, sus científicos. ¿Es tan difícil agarrar a un enfermo de coronavius, hacerlo toser arriba de una mesa y que después vaya otra persona, por supuesto sin factor de riesgo, a chupar la mesa y ver si se contagia o no se contagia? Es un test muy simple que lo podés hacer en tu casa”, planteó.
Tiempo después, adhirió en redes sociales a la teoría conspirativa según la cual la llegada a la Luna fue un montaje. Lo consideró algo "turbio" en base a que desde 1972 no ha habido misiones tripuladas y a que, según ella, la NASA admitió haber perdido "la tecnología para volver" (sic).
También es conocido su video en el que apoya los postulados del terraplanismo, en contradicción flagrante con algo que los navegantes de la antigüedad tenían asumido muchísimo antes de que Juan Sebastián Elcano completara el primer viaje alrededor del mundo en 1522. La supuesta prueba empírica de Lemoine para darle la razón al terraplanismo es que "no hay vuelos comerciales a través del Océano Pacífico" (!) y que considerar plana a la Tierra permite "comprender mucho mejor las rutas aéreas" que si fuera esférica.
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opedguy · 2 years
National Archives to Release Trump Archives
LOS ANGELES (OnlineColumnist.com), Dec. 15, 2022.--Under a Freedom of Information Act [FOIA] request, the National Archives said it would release several batches of emails related to 52-year-old Hunter Biden’s work at Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian natural gas company.  Unless 80-year-old President Joe Biden asserts executive privilege, the National Archives data could shed some light on why the U.S. is embroiled in a proxy war against the Russian Federation in Ukraine.  Biden never explained why the U.S. must trash its relations with Russia to defend Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.  Biden said that if 70-year-old President Vladimir Putin wins the Ukraine War, the rest of Europe, especially former Soviet satellites, would be at risk of Russian invasion.  Biden offers no evidence for his assertions only Putin’s Feb. 24 Ukraine invasion.  Kremlin Spokesman Maria Zakharova warned today about U.S. sending Patriot Missiles to Kiev.
Biden was former President Barack Obama’s Vice President when he landed Hunter a $83,333 a month job at Burisma Holdings, a corrupt Ukrainian natural gas company.  Hunter earned for over two years $1.5 million together with his business partner Devon Archer, all a big mystery, because Hunter had no experience in energy. No one in the press wants to touch anything connected with Hunter Biden, especially his overseas wheeling-and-dealing in Moscow, Ukraine and Communist China. New York Times and Washington Post, before the 2020 election, dismissed a report on Hunter Biden’s laptop as Russian disinformation.  Maybe the Times and Post think that Hunter made millions in Ukraine because of his well-deserved qualifications?  Knowing the press, they’ll do everything to discredit any FOIA request because it’s all right wing political dirty tricks.
Biden’s decision to start a proxy war using Ukrainian troops to battle the Kremlin has never been understood in terms of any possible national security scenario.  Since WW II, the U.S. has had decades of up-and-down but cooperative, pragmatic relations with the former Soviet Union and Russian Federation.  Since Biden took office, he has trashed U.S.-Russian relations to the point that Putin no longer trusts the U.S. or the NATO alliance.  Why Biden decided to put all his eggs into the Ukraine basket is anyone’s guess.  Biden’s plans to send Ukraine Patriot Missile Batteries could escalate the conflict to the point to U.S. and NATO direct involvement.  Zakharova was clear today that sending Patriot Missiles to Ukraine would signal to the Kremlin that the U.S. was now an enemy combatant along with Ukraine.  Kremlin officials have thought for some time that they’re at war with the U.S.
  Protecting Biden whether on Ukraine or the Covid-19 controversy goes with the U.S. press, unwilling to give the public the facts on the origin of the deadly novel coronavius.  When it comes to Hunter Biden, the press dismisses anything as Russian disinformation, not seeing how the Biden family played multiple covert business deals with Ukraine, Russia and China before the 2020 election.  Anything former President Donald Trump says about Biden must be discredited to the public.  Trump called the Biden family business out for its many corrupt dealings with Ukraine, Russia and China.  Biden’s obsession with Ukraine directly relates to when he landed Hunter his lucrative job on Burisma Holdings board.  How that relates to Biden’s commitment to proxy war against the Kremlin is anyone’s guess.  Biden can’t explain why he can’t let U.N. peacekeepers end the Ukraine war.
Biden’s proxy war in Ukraine has increased the chances of a wider involvement with NATO, possibly starting WW III.  As far as Ukrane’s 44-year-old President Volodymyr Zelensky is concerned, WW III has already started in Ukraine.  Biden so far has refused to commit U.S. troops on the battlefield in Ukraine.  If Biden defies the Kremlin and sends Patriot Missile Batteries to Ukraine, Putin could order attacks on U.S., especially if it takes 50 U.S. soldiers to run the Patriot Missile Batteries.  Zelensky has asked the U.S. and NATO for combat troops and a no-fly-zone, only to be told no.  Zelensky asked NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg to “fast-track” NATO membership, something that didn’t happen.  Biden can’t figure out that NATO wants no part of his proxy war with the Russian Federation.  No one in NATO wants to directly fight the Kremlin.
Hunter Biden’s emails could shed some light on why the U.S. trashed decades of diplomatic relations with Russia to defend Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.  Biden has paid Kiev’s government salaries and the war effort since Feb. 24, spending billions of U.S. tax dollars to defend a country that has no national security interest to the U.S.  No one knows what kind of information the Ukraine government has on Biden that would lead him to give Kiev a blank check.  Biden, while Obama’s vice president, was accused to getting Kiev prosecutor Viktor Shokin fired when he said he wanted to investigate Burisma holdings.  So whatever the Hunter emails show, they’re not likely too flattering on the Biden family.  Chances are Biden will assert executive privilege to stop the FOIA request for Hunter’s emails.  Nothing sheds light on the 10-month –old Ukraine War.
About the Author  
John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of OnlineColumnist.com and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma. 
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pwh3 · 4 years
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180th street, The Bronx, August 1st, 2020.
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Barcelona, Spain. Part II (August 2021). — The European Union recommended on Monday that Americans should be banned from nonessential travel to its member states after a rise in Coronavirus cases in the United States. Countries within the 27-nation bloc have been advised to reinstate Covid-19 related restrictions and halt the arrival of tourists from the U.S. and five other countries. Europe had begun opening up to U.S. travelers in May with destinations dependent on tourism dollars from across the Atlantic eager to recoup heavy losses incurred during successive lockdowns. The European Council, the EU's governing body, recommended in June that the bloc lift restrictions on nonessential travel from 14 countries, including the United States. However, Covid-19 cases in the U.S. have surged in recent weeks, as the highly infectious Delta variant spreads among unvaccinated Americans. Covid-19 cases among children are also hitting levels not seen since winter. However, this guidance is non-binding, so individual countries in the E.U. bloc can decide impose their own sets of restrictions. Travelers should expect a messy patchwork of different rules and regulations across the continent, much like they encounter a mishmash of non-uniform rules and regulations across the U.S. The United States never reopened its own borders to E.U. tourists during the pandemic, a point of contention among many Europeans. The new recommendation, they say, reflects a certain reciprocity. — The threshold for being on the E.U. safe travel list is having fewer than 75 new Covid-19 cases daily per 100,000 inhabitants over the previous 14 days. Currently the U.S. has an infection rate roughly seven times above that threshold. — #EU #europeanunion #covid_19 #coronavirusespaña #coronavius #coronaviruspandemic #travelbans #travel #travelphotography #barcelona #barcelonaespaña #spain #catalunya #photojournalism #fotoperiodismo #documentaryphotography #everydayeurope #everydaybarcelona #everydayspain #everydaycovid19 #everydaycoronavirus #everydayeverywhere (at Barcelona, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTO_TY0ndwQ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thehalfwaypost · 5 years
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breakingnewsworld · 3 years
"Oxygen concentrator, on the face of it, is a life-saving device," the court says.
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a-grayscale-galaxy · 5 years
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Our school district, sending cryptic emails after getting the county’s shelter in place order
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sugarbakergirls · 4 years
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When you start dressing up to go to the mailbox.
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arrested-family · 5 years
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Coronavirus Quarantine | Instagram Accounts
Hello everyone, I hope you’re all staying safe, healthy and self-isolating or staying at home (if you can).
It seems that Instagram is the place to be for quarantine entertainment at the moment, If you’re looking for a good laugh or some light-hearted fun, I’ve listed some instagram accounts below (I’ll try and keep this list updated):
Portia de Rossi (Cooking and Leggo)
Tony Hale (Archibald and interviews)
D-Nice (12 hour DJ live streams)
Ellen Degeneres (The Ellen Show from Home)
Jimmy Kimmel (Jimmy Kimmel Live! from Home)
Russell Howard (UK Talk Show Host & Comedian)
White Yardie (English / Jamaican Comedian)
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livingd3adgay · 4 years
I’m pissed, thanks to this shit my coke dealer cant get ANY coke because his guy got fucking blasted for being out after the corona curfew in the city..... FUCK THIS STUPID FUCKING VIRUS I WANNA DIE FUCK! this is the worst, i want coke not ecstasy goddamnit
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emily84 · 5 years
what baffles me about this is, [insert your country's name] is literally just Italy a month ago.
making jokes, not taking it seriously, looking at China with pity, thinking their "draconian measures" were too much, let's just ban fights from China and be racist to Chinese people and we'll be alright, our economy can take it and we have excellent hospitals, etc. etc... like, literally, down to a T.
and boy do I have news for you....
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forbidden-toxicity · 4 years
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2020 be like...
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search4y · 4 years
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thepurplelilac · 5 years
Getting coronavirus rattles ready for shippinghttps://etsy.me/3cm1ZZM
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juujujudy-blog · 4 years
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