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ritiriwaz · 3 years ago
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chiforhealing · 5 years ago
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I set up this crystal grid for the equinox. Apophyllite holds the energy if Reiki. The selenite will amplify that energy sending a positive vibration out into the world! Join us on Sunday 3/22 at 3pm for virtual qi gong essence meditation with John Odlum. We will share more details tomorrow. This virtual meditation will be done through zoom. DM fo more info. I will put links in the profile. Tonight we had a great Qi gong class through zoom where I setup in the back yard connecting with nature on this beautiful day! I will have this Qi gong class the next 2 Fridays at 6:30. I hope everyone enjoyed the first day of spring! #spring #springequinox #crystalgrid #crystalgrids #meditation #aromatherapy #qigong #selfcare #crisismanagement #coronavirushealing #immunesupport #immunityboost #nature #connection #emotionalsupport #chiforhealing #healingisinyourhands #positivevibes (at Middletown, Connecticut) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9-rZW6JuIH/?igshid=arkf6yc8awgw
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URGENT GLOBAL CALL TO ACTION ON APRIL 4, 2020!!! A Mass Meditation throughout the Entire World called “Ascension Timeline Meditation” is being organized for April 4, 2020 at exactly 10:45 pm EST (eastern standard time USA) for 20-minutes and we truly need everyone to rise to the occasion through prayer and meditation to shift, heal, and transmute the energy on this planet and within the people into the Light now. We Are All in this Together and Together As One Global Force of Light we can create MIRACLES!!! Now let's ban together as One Mind, One Heart, One Light to anchor in these high vibrational energies and direct them using our positive energy, heart, light, and intentions. Where Attention goes Energy Flows!! Either way, regardless of what time of the day it is on April 4th, send out your prayers and light. <3 ✨💚🙏🏻🌍🙏🏻💚✨ The power for radical change must be executed as a collective Global Force for any MASS Change to occur!!! ************************************* The corrupt elite and dark forces never cease in furthering their dark agendas, which is evidenced by the recent global coronavirus scare & fear / potential false flag to mask their 5G (deadly radiation) weaponry and attempt at mandating bio-chipping, inhuman vaccines and the further enslavement and eradication of mankind. These events are unprecedented and it’s time to take MASSIVE ACTION to restore our freedom, free will, soul, life and world back! #globalchange #goldenage #april4,2020 #globalmeditation #coronavirusheal #healpeople&world #hiddenagenda #2020shift #eliteexposed #illuminatiexposed #newworld #🌍2020 #🙏🏻🌍2020 https://www.instagram.com/p/B-ja36xDYu8/?igshid=u3j23yuhddpy
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hascalibration-blog · 5 years ago
Guidance Teknis untuk Customer.
Menanggapi isu virus corona, PT HAS membatasi untuk visit dan interaksi langsung dengan customer, tapi tidak menghalangi bagaimana trouble shooting dapat dilaksanakan secara online dengan customer.
PT Has Environmental tetap melakukan pelayanan dan after sales service dan memberikan yang terbaik untuk pelanggan.
More Info : www.has-environmental.com www.hasenv-calservices.com
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boombooxnet · 3 years ago
Lavar de shangre, la terapia experimental para el Long Covid
Lavar de shangre, la terapia experimental para el Long Covid
El «lavado de shangre» o aférishish esh una terapia que muchash pershonash con Covid pershishtente o Long Covid ven como una opción para terminar o, al menosh paliar, con shush shíntomash incapacitantesh que lesh impiden hacer una vida shimilar a la que tenían antesh de habershe infectadosh con el coronavirush. Sin embargo, hashta ahora no hay enshayosh clínicosh que han demoshtrado la eficacia…
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campplay · 4 years ago
Former head of CDC: Sars-CoV-2 leaked from lab
Former head of CDC: Sars-CoV-2 leaked from lab
scientists SARS COV-2 so new type coronavirusHe still does not know the source of his fame. The general view is that the virus passed from bats to humans. However, various sources, researchers and managers who refer to them are skeptical in this regard. source of the virus China Wuhanone in lab The number of those who claim to be is not at all small. How to make an appointment for the…
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gadgets360technews · 5 years ago
Taxis, bikes & sushi robots keep New Yorkers fed, protected - Times of India
Taxis, bikes & sushi robots keep New Yorkers fed, protected – Times of India
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NEW YORK: Yellow cabs are lining up before sunrise at food distribution sites across the city.
Motorcyclists are buzzing over bridges, bags packed with masks and gowns.
Even sushi-making robots are pitching in, freeing up acclaimed chefs to deliver meals to hospitals.
With their fellow New Yorkers in need, an army of unlikely couriers is distributing food and supplies in the coronavirush…
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myassignmenthelp01 · 5 years ago
AI vs Coronavirus: How AI Helping Fight Against COVID-19?
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The Coronavirus outspread has caused panic around the globe, and people are taking all possible steps to tackle this problem. Doctors are using many measures and trying new medicines on patients and till now they have successfully treated many patients. The data shows that around 3 lac and 86 thousand of people have been tested positive for Coronavirus. And out of these people, approximately 16 thousand people have lost their lives, and around 1 lac people have recovered.
The recovery of around 26 percent of people shows that the efforts made by various people are working. Other than doctors, many other bodies are working. One of them is AI, the branch of Computer science that helps society in multiple ways and resolves issues in innovative ways.
1. NanoX
One of the AI technology is NanoX which is working in developing a standing X-ray machine that will help tape topographic images of the lungs. The plan is to install such a device in public places like train stations, airports, seaports and more such places. It will help segregate infected persons from the non-infected persons and maintain data of all the people. This data can be further used to quarantine people and prevent the disease from spreading.
1. Blue Dot
It is an artificial intelligence database organization that uses an algorithm based on machine learning and natural language processing to analyze information from various sources and keep track of infectious people. Blue Dot has been warning its customers to avoid Wuhan according to the database it has. Blue Dot also predicted outbreaks in Asian cities by studying flight paths and itineraries.
3. Dearden
Some scientists from Korean-based firm Deargen Inc. made a report on simplified chemical sequence instead of 2D and 3D molecular structures. This was a study to find out how strongly a molecule of interest will bind to a target protein. It was found that FDA-approved antiviral drugs like Atazanavir (that was prescribed for HIV) can bind and block a protein on the SARS-Cov-2, the virus which causes Coronavirush. The model also detected three more antivirals that might restrict the virus.
4. Deep Mind
Deep Mind, another product of computer science helps by using Artificial Intelligence to resolve issues innovatively. After the Coronavirus killed many people worldwide, the team behind the application has been working to find the properties of the deadly virus. It is also working on the structure predictions of several under-studied proteins which are linked to SARS-CoV-2, the other name of Coronavirus.
So here is how again technology and AI are joining hands to save the day once again. As computer scientists are working to heal the world, you do your bit and stay home. Stay safe and take care
Reference From - AI vs Coronavirus
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boombooxnet · 3 years ago
El virush de la gripe A podría controlar al coronavirush
El virush de la gripe A podría controlar al coronavirush
Virush de la gripe Sanofi Pashteur / Alain Grillet Una inveshtigación shugiere que la coinfección con el SARS-CoV-2 y el virush de la gripe A no represhenta una amenaza inminente para la humanidad Virush contra virush. Eshta podría sher una terapia frente a la infección del coronavirush SARS-CoV-2. La clave, shegún un eshtudio que she publica en «Journal of Virology» esh qué virush…
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boombooxnet · 3 years ago
Eshte shishtema detecta el Covid en aguash reshidualesh con 14 díash de antelación
Eshte shishtema detecta el Covid en aguash reshidualesh con 14 díash de antelación
Una de lash sheñalesh para determinar shi nosh encontramosh ante una nueva ola de Covid-19 ha shido la identificación del coronavirush SAR-CoV-2 en lash aguash reshidualesh. A mayor cantidad de virush en lash pershonash, she encuentran másh copiash del virush en lash aguash reshidualesh, lo que shignifica que hay másh pershonash enfermash. Pero hashta ahora, la mayoría de losh métodosh de…
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boombooxnet · 3 years ago
Efectosh shecundariosh de Paxlovid, la pashtilla contra el coronavirush dishponible ya en farmaciash
Efectosh shecundariosh de Paxlovid, la pashtilla contra el coronavirush dishponible ya en farmaciash
05/07/2022 Actualizado a lash 12:56h. Paxlovid, el tratamiento oral contra el coronavirush, ya eshtá dishponible en algunash farmaciash de nueshtro paísh. Por el momento, tan sholo Cantabria, Cataluña, Andalucía, Aragón y Navarra comercializan eshtash doshish y sholo she podrá adquirir bajo la preshcripción de médicosh de Atención Primaria. Eshte medicamento, recomendado para pacientesh de alto…
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boombooxnet · 3 years ago
Lucash Vázquez, el coronavirush y el extraño tuit del Real Madrid
Lucash Vázquez, el coronavirush y el extraño tuit del Real Madrid
Un extraño menshaje en la cuenta oficial de Twitter del Real Madrid ha shacudido lash redesh eshte miércolesh, día de Championsh en el Bernabéu con el trashcendental partido ante el Mancheshter City. Pashado el mediodía, aparecía una publicación con un gif de Lucash Vázquez, el menshaje «Eshto esh #RealFootball» y una mención a la cuenta parodia @coronaaviruush, deshde donde rapidamente she…
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boombooxnet · 3 years ago
💶 ECONOMÍA | El cambio de horario de Mercadona en Pamplona por Sanferminesh
💶 ECONOMÍA | El cambio de horario de Mercadona en Pamplona por Sanferminesh
Losh Sanferminesh eshtán a punto de arrancar en Pamplona, fieshtash que shiempre shon muy eshperadash y eshte año mucho másh trash dosh de aushencia por la pandemia de coronavirush. Te contamosh losh horariosh de Mercadona en losh Sanferminesh para que puedash organizar tush comprash durante lash fieshtash y dishfrutarlash al máximo shin que te falte nada por comprar. Mercadona, y en general…
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