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tiffanythielke · 5 years ago
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Happy #sketchbooksunday everyone! How are you doing with the stay at home order? I broke out a bunch of different supplies for a triptych watercolor circle set using different techniques and paints for each one. Then I took picture and added some lettering to the top of them. . This one is with my @grumbacherart watercolors and then I used some of @maxulichney watercolor brushes on #procreate to create some watercolor splashes. What do you think? This is one of the three- . #alittletouchofart #tltart #tlt #fargomoorhead #fargomoorheadartist #mnartist #art #artist #artoninstagram #artistoninstagram #watercolorpainting #coronaviruscoping #copingwithart #grumbacherwatercolor #watercolorart (at Moorhead, Minnesota) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-VJJGyp44h/?igshid=yen81aqxow9
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travelhopupu · 5 years ago
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You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop. #rumi #coronaviruscoping #sanelijostatebeach #hopupulife #travelhopupu (at San Elijo State Beach) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEXS-1Jj7f_chHDes86Ys7uUeDFFp6VaymMmeI0/?igshid=zpm4i5kqz1zo
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thegrammardominatrix · 5 years ago
This seems basically perfect for some mental escape/calming games!
Spent the day just re-learning how to play Viva Pinata, levelling just enough to have the largest garden size and now contemplating themed gardens I can make.
I have the Trouble in paradise version so there’s a bunch of things that are different, including desert and snow pinatas I’d never earned.
Gott do a horsey garden to earn the unicorns, and maybe a rainbow garden with all the butterflies? I remember doing one with hippo and eagles together when I played it years ago.
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travelhopupu · 5 years ago
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When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be #laotzuwisdom #staycalmkeepcool #coronaviruscoping #hopupulife #travelhopupu (at The LODGE at Carlton Oaks Golf & Resort) https://www.instagram.com/p/CECQDYvjTp8_VvIknqmrX_ILfSEfPCUB_Jkr7I0/?igshid=oy25h34t59ia
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travelhopupu · 5 years ago
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San Onofre BiRtHdAy SurF! #happybirthdaygrace #wheresthebirthdaygirl #campaloha #coronaviruscoping #sanonofrebeach #hopupulife (at Old Mans, San Onofre Surf Beach) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCCrXFuj6FczDFBHdv4nSlVVz-c8zze30YmyiA0/?igshid=1grxacnas5n6b
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travelhopupu · 5 years ago
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Look all around, there’s nothing but blue skies. Look straight ahead, there’s nothing but blue skies #icanseeclearlynow #jimmycliff #johnnynash #portuguesebendreserve #coronaviruscoping #hopupulife #yaman! (at Portuguese Bend Nature Reserve) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAljD94DRTjl66yWOSkBG7Qi1ahEnXY6Iy-qGc0/?igshid=annk9yynlhpc
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travelhopupu · 5 years ago
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Get up, stand up! Stand up for your rights! #suptime #jeepjeep #bobmarley #everybodyloves bob #coronaviruscoping #hopupulife (at Redondo Beach, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAliB0aj5qJWWX8hl3C8x93_GeNjKQIaK7zesU0/?igshid=lfiai97e93bz
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travelhopupu · 5 years ago
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What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything #vangoghqupte #coronaviruscoping #newpainting #luciaartstudio #hopupulife (at Redondo Beach, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAGSttcH5hGzH7MZkpcoXuW9onVhTm5TwN_Wzg0/?igshid=hme0nqiceiip
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travelhopupu · 5 years ago
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The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new lands but in seeing with new eyes #marcelproust #coronaviruscoping #hopupulife #travelhopupu (at Pacific Ocean) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_sYzdUjDz4SVGCVPNOXWrAuKcRqRnFlFFObhU0/?igshid=ue397yb328jz
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travelhopupu · 5 years ago
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Where do you think LA’s Best Hamburgers come from? Let me know what you think, and I will tell you where this Burrgahh came from! #bestburgerinla #survey #kaididntfinish #coronaviruscoping #ducatiscramblericon #ducatiscrambler #hopupulife #travelhopupu https://www.instagram.com/p/B_VUwe6j4nLRn3ABLOSIWdTcIMhrLwU2dha37M0/?igshid=1lu2l57if4c0s
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travelhopupu · 5 years ago
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A ‘one hua o ka mai’a i ka la ho ‘okahi ‘A ‘ohe pala naio. #hawaiianproverb #allknowledgeisnottaughtinthesameschool #malibutunacanyon #ducatiscramblericon #customscrambler #coronaviruscoping #hopupulife (at Malibu, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_O6123DFCW13s7fMseyxYk7zrE1nguxP_t_LQ0/?igshid=5b2dx8f6fcah
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travelhopupu · 5 years ago
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There are always flowers for those who want to see them #henrimatisse #butwillitbloomorslowlyfade #newpainting #coronaviruscoping #hopupulife #luciaartstudio https://www.instagram.com/p/B_FvXSrD-3k8klREBDJ339z0cdUl4k7rTz5P640/?igshid=15t2agexhmuva
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travelhopupu · 5 years ago
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The Supreme Good is like Water, which nourishes all things without trying to. #laotzu #coronaviruscoping #needthebeach #meditated #hopupulife (at Ave A - Redondo Beach) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-3NdCljDU1qonwSTCq1QfPy59pOVvJFTnuLg00/?igshid=1wghspevjspze
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travelhopupu · 5 years ago
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Going left! #itsalittlewalledtoday #breakwall #coronaviruscoping #staycalmandgoskate #hopupulife (at Hermosa Beach, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-u7QemjwCTHsE2vZQZrnaSzc2MQ6to7KKnsTQ0/?igshid=teubdbvcaesy
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travelhopupu · 5 years ago
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Mermaids are GO! #newpainting #mermaidsarego #coronaviruscoping #lucialoungeartstudio #hopupulife #travelhopupu https://www.instagram.com/p/B-htpXZDoSOShQ66CFI92XWjWf5bmLANhiGs_U0/?igshid=9cfdtb2hub1z
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travelhopupu · 5 years ago
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Stay Calm and Go Ride! #pchmalibu #topangacanyonride #ducatiscramblericon #ducatiscrambler #coronaviruscoping #hopupulife #travelhopupu (at Malibu, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-VzueTjCn9_Qb-brBiWQiAfc-i9Xcygd7w5Ic0/?igshid=167qae6f107xe
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