#coronavirus case in india
booster dose | booster dose in india | Covid 19 Vaccine | Covid 19 | healthy | who | Corona cases | coronavirus covid 19 india
WHO said this big thing about booster dose, know what is the opinion of the expert? Booster Dose: Corona cases are continuously increasing in the country. In such a situation, there is a continuous debate about booster doses. In such a situation, do you know from experts whether you can take a booster dose again and again? Image Source: WHO who_booster_dose Corona cases are continuously…
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srilanka1234 · 2 years
China says restrictions on its travellers abroad discriminatory: Warns countermeasures
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middaymumbai · 2 years
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newscast1 · 2 years
China slams 'distorted' reports on Covid response, eases further curbs
China slams ‘distorted’ reports on Covid response, eases further curbs
China will resume issuing passports for tourism in another big step away from anti-Covid controls, that isolated the country for almost three years, as it further eases curbs amid a massive spike in infection. A health worker waits for people to take swab samples to test for the Covid-19 coronavirus inside of a compound in the Jing’an district in Shanghai. (Photo: AFP) By India Today Web Desk:…
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India will experience COVID-19 cases in January
The next 40 days are going to be crucial for India because can witness surge in COVID-19 cases.  Omicron sub-variant BF.7 caused the upsurge in cases. https://scienceofpolitics.in/india-experience-coronavirus-cases-surge-january-covid-19/ 
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nationalistbharat · 2 years
CoronaVirus:कोरोना वायरस से चीन के हालात बिगड़े,भारत सतर्क
CoronaVirus:कोरोना वायरस से चीन के हालात बिगड़े,भारत सतर्क
नई दिल्ली:अपने पहले और दूसरे दौर में तबाही मचाने के बाद चीन में कोरोना(CoronaVirus)के नए वैरिएंट BF.7 से संक्रमण के मामलों में हो रही बेतहाशा बढ़ोतरी को देखते हुए भारत सरकार भी सतर्क हो गई और इस महामारी से निपटने के लिए राज्य सरकार को भी दिशा-निर्देश जारी किया गया है.चीन में कोरोना(CoronaVirus) से हालात बिगड़ते जा रहे हैं. जीरो-कोविड पॉलिसी खत्म होने के बाद वहां कोरोना के मामलों में भारी इजाफा हो…
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whenever you have time and energy, please let us hear more of your thoughts on violence under capitalism
Oh, I have the time and the energy, I just didn't want to make the previous ask/answer excessively long!
I think another basic point about both anarchism and communism is that there is violence inherent in capitalism. Capitalism requires the exploitation of the workers by the bosses in order to make profit.
If we take this on a global scale, I think we're all aware of the concept of "sweat shops" in the general, but often we don't consider how unsafe these places are to work. These are factories with no, or very limited regulation- we hear about factory collapses in Bangladesh, where people die in their hundreds. We don't hear about the individuals who are injured or killed every day globally due to unsafe working practices.
Even in the UK, a country that has reasonably good health and safety legislation (of course, legislation is not always followed), in 2018-2019, 147 workers were killed by "accidents at work", as well as 92 members of the public. That's more than 4 people each week. In 2020-21, bearing in mind there were mass lockdowns and many industries stopped working for a period of time, 123 workers, and 80 members of the public were killed. (figures from HSE). These figures do not include deaths from covid-19.
In fact, part of the reason I started this blog during the coronavirus pandemic was because I was aware people were being put in dangerous situations, and covid was being spread more widely because capitalism and profit were being prioritised above people's lives.
The way we are forced to work is killing many people, and injuring huge numbers. In 2021-22, about 150,000 people in the UK sustained an injury at work which meant they were absent for more than 7 days (so potentially quite a serious injury).
Injuries can be caused by unsafe working practices or environments, but equally things like rushing because you are under pressure can lead to a trip or a fall, or people trying to carry things that are too heavy or awkward on their own, and sustaining an injury. The nature of capitalism is that time is money, so we are encourage to work fast, to work when tired, and this can cause people to get hurt.
So that's a little bit about the violence inherent in "work", but what about the violence inherent in the system?
Capitalism kills people- capitalism has always killed people. The nature of the system is that some of us have money and access to all the things we need (food, housing, medication and so on) and some of us don't. People die, or are injured or get ill all the time due to homelessness, even in so-called developed countries. People die due to lack of food, even when there might be food available. People die due to lack of medicine all the time, even in countries where this ought to be freely available, because they cannot afford it.
Whenever people criticise communism, they like to bring up the famine under Stalin. I'm not going to launch into a defense of Stalin, but when we criticise capitalism, we should therefore look at famines caused by it, or contributed to by it. Historically, the potato famine in Ireland, or the Bengal Famine in India (when it was under British rule) are just two examples. We can also look at the ongoing famine in Yemen, and increasing problems in Sudan and the surrounding area.
Many people consider these famines to be solely due to natural causes, "acts of god" if you will. But that's not the case.
If we look at the potato famine, sometimes called an Drochshaol in Gaelic, solely because that's the one I'm most familiar with, we can see that it was caused largely by a capitalist, colonialist system, and the impacts of it were made far more extreme due to capitalism.
People will tell you the potato famine was caused by the potato blight, but it's not as simple as that. There was potato blight across Europe, in the 1840s, leading to about 100,000 deaths across the whole of Europe. In Ireland, more than 1 million people died, and many more emigrated, causing a 20-25% fall in the total population.
Part of the reason for this was the reliance on a single crop. This wasn't a situation chosen by the Irish people. Instead, English landlordism pushed the poorest Irish people into a situation where they had very little land, and the only crop that could sustain them on their land was the potato. Meanwhile, much of the agricultural land was used to grow wheat or other grains, or farm meat, which was solely used for the profit of the landlords.
Arguably the greatest tragedy of the Irish famine was that there was plenty of food in Ireland. It was just all being exported, so that people could make money. And during the famine, people continued to do this, and continued to make money, even whilst people were literally starving in the streets.
And during all of this, the English landlords continued to charge rent. Even before the famine, many families in Ireland could not fully afford their rents, and were supported through relatives working abroad (usually seasonal work in Britain). During the famine, there were a huge number of evictions.
I recently watched a BBC TV show about evictions (because English landlords haven't changed at all) and one of the tenants facing eviction said something along the lines of "eviction is a really violent act"- which I believe is true. And it is even more violent in a situation where your family is starving and everyone around you is starving.
Anyway, my point is that the landlords were able to evict their tenants, in order to make more money, causing even more deaths. And all of this is was fuelled by a capitalist, colonialist system.
And in the last 170 or so years, we can see that on a surface level, things have improved somewhat in some countries. But equally, in England, we still live in a country where someone can evict you for no reason and make you street homeless if *you* can't find another house in time- yes, in some circumstances, "the council" will help house people, but the housing offered is often inadequate or limited for families- and it often doesn't exist for young, single people- so they end up sofa surfing or sleeping on the streets.
In the USA, people still die or end up in extremely difficult situations because they can't afford the medical treatment they need.
I'm sure anyone who lives in a capitalist country can point to some key injustice which leads to death or serious ill health, and is driven solely by profit and the property owning class. This is the violence inherent in the system, and it kills far more people than interpersonal violence ever could.
Again, this has become very long, and there's still more in it that I want to explore, so do keep sending me asks on these themes if you are interested.
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darkmaga-retard · 18 days
UN Forced to Admit Gates-funded Vaccine Is Causing Polio Outbreak in Africa
By 21st Century Wire
Global Research, September 05, 2024
21st Century Wire 4 September 2020
The United Nations has been forced to admit that a major international vaccine initiative is actually causing a deadly outbreak of the very disease it was supposed to wipe-out.
While international organisations like the World Health Organization (WHO) will regularly boast about ‘eradicating polio’ with vaccines—the opposite seems to be the case, with vaccines causing the deaths of scores of young people living in Africa.
Health officials have now admitted that their plan to stop ‘wild’ polio is backfiring, as scores children are being paralyzed by a deadly strain of the pathogen derived from a live vaccine – causing a virulent wave of polio to spread.
This latest pharma-induced pandemic started out in the African countries of Chad and Sudan, with the culprit identified as vaccine-derived polio virus type 2.
Officials now fear this new dangerous strain could soon ‘jump continents,’ causing further deadly outbreaks around the world.
Shocking as it sounds, this Big Pharma debacle is not new. After spending some $16 billion over 30 years to eradicate polio, international health bodies have ‘accidentally’ reintroduced the disease to in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and also Iran, as the central Asia region was hit by a virulent strain of polio spawned by the a pharmaceutical vaccine. Also, in 2019, the government of Ethiopia ordered the destruction of 57,000 vials of type 2 oral polio vaccine (mOPV2) following a similar outbreak of vaccine-induced polio.
The same incident has happened in India as well.
It’s important to note that the oral polio vaccine is being pushed by the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI), a consortium which is supported and funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
All of this should be cause for concern, especially with western governments and transnational pharmaceutical giants all rushing to roll-out their new Gates-funded experimental coronavirus vaccine for the global population.
Currently, the first experimental COVID-19 vaccine is being tested on the African populationthrough GAVI Vaccine Alliance, another organization funded by the Gates Foundation. A large round of human trials is taking place in South Africa, run by the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg—another Gates-funded institution.
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brondingsloan · 6 months
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[Image Generated using DALL - E]
Reflecting on the case and the marketing strategies of Corona and Heineken reveals a tale of two varied approaches, each with its unique implications in the competitive landscape of the beer market.
As I read the case- I kept comparing the dynamic nature of advertising and selling beer in the US. Having grown up in India- the nature of ads from alcohol companies were very different. My reflection highlights some of the areas where regulatory frameworks lead to innovative marketing tactics such as surrogate advertising.
Finally- I could not help but wonder what the impact of the pandemic was on a brand like Corona (for obvious reasons). I remember listening to a podcast back in the day about the ultimate positive effect the pandemic had on beer consumption in the US, and my final point covers that.
Corona and Heineken's Divergent Paths Corona’s growth in the U.S. market, challenging Heineken's long-standing dominance, serves as an example of how brand imagery and lifestyle alignment can reshape market dynamics. While Heineken has promoted its brand as a premium quality, heritage, and sophisticated one, Corona adopted a different strategy. Its marketing campaigns evoked a sense of relaxation, escapism, and the simple pleasures of life, epitomized by the iconic image of a lime-wedged bottle on a sun-drenched beach.
The Indian Context: Surrogate Marketing Turning to the Indian market, where direct advertising of alcoholic beverages is prohibited, brands have resorted to surrogate marketing to make their presence felt in the consumers' minds. Companies promote products that share the brand name with the alcoholic beverage, such as music CDs, water, or even airlines, thereby maintaining brand recall.
For long, some of the funniest and most memorable ads, usually came from such brands. This strategy, while requiring creativity and indirect messaging, highlights the complex interplay between regulatory environments and marketing innovation, allowing brands to build a presence in a market with strict advertising restrictions. (Alcohol brand selling "Music CDs": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zhozmQCDYg&pp=ygUdbWVuIHdpbGwgYmUgbWVuIGltcGVyaWFsIGJsdWU%3D)
Lately, many brands have launched zero-alcohol products, using these as surrogates to gain market popularity. Heineken was definitely the winner in the Indian market – from my recollection, I never saw a Corona ad.
Any publicity is good publicity? - True for Corona!
The COVID-19 pandemic presented unique challenges particularly for a brand like Corona, given the unfortunate name association. Despite initial setbacks and market confusion (with rumors rife with association to the virus), Corona's marketing strategy demonstrated resilience and adaptability. Research suggested that the brand's visibility and consumer loyalty contributed to this growth, with each new COVID-19 case seemingly boosting Corona's sales by $5.30 weekly compared to other major beer brands. The article mentioned that Corona beer gained "accidental popularity" due to its name's association with the coronavirus, driving increased attention and sales during the pandemic​. Link to article: https://www.marketplace.org/2022/12/30/how-did-the-pandemic-affect-the-corona-beer-brand/
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liberaleffects · 2 years
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Yet another TRUMP TOTAL FAIL. In the USA OVER A MILLION PEOPLE, SO FAR, HAVE DIED from COVID, far and away the highest number in THE WORLD. India with about 3X the US population and severe poverty has had the second highest with 528,905 deaths so far, a little over half the number in the US.
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shaktiknowledgeblog · 2 years
Covid 19 in India | Coronavirus | COVID19 | covid19 cases | Covid19 Top updates | Covid19 news | Today Covid case
Covid 19 in India: First death from Corona after three months in Bengal, 1890 infected confirmed in 24 hours 1,051 patients have also recovered in the same period, which has increased the number of patients recovering from the corona to 4,41,63,883। As a result, India’s recovery rate is 98.79 percent. Image Source: FREEPIKFirst death from Corona after three months in Bengal Covid 19 in India:…
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Five Common Myths About Crowdfunding
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You must be agreeing with the fact that crowdfunding is a fairly new concept in a developing country like India. People are still often confused about what the term crowdfunding means. In simple terms, crowdfunding is defined as the practice of funding a project or venture by raising money from a large number of people, typically via the internet. Crowdfunding is a form of crowdsourcing and alternative finance. In 2021, the global crowdfunding market was valued at 13.64 billion U.S. dollars and was forecasted to double by 2028, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.2 per cent.
So crowdfunding isn’t a dying market at all. On a similar note in this article, we will clear the top five misconceptions regarding crowdfunding. Here are they listed below:
Yes, All the Cases Are Genuine!
We at Filaantro personally go the extra mile to verify the genuinity of all of our campaigns. Moreover, these cases are evaluated on a periodic basis. We put utmost work into embedding the importance of making sure that our crowdfunding platform is safe and trustworthy of the donor’s and the patient’s belief. Documents like hospital bills and doctor’s prescriptions are shared without any masking to enable the donor to confirm the genuinity of the campaign.
2. Yes! The Money Is Actually Being Received By The Patient/Beneficiary
As far as money is concerned, for all the medical crowdfunding campaigns the money is transferred directly into the bank account of the hospital. So there is a hundred percent transparency. Whereas if there is a campaign for a personal cause the money is directed to the individual’s account. We make sure to provide the correct, accurate bank account details in the campaign description itself so that any donor can verify and safely transfer the money to the needy campaigner.
3. Yes, It’s Totally Safe to Donate on a Crowdfunding Platform
Whatever data you fill in while donating or starting a crowdfunding campaign is never shared with any third-party website. We at Filaantro use the highest SSL encryption system to make sure your data is in safe hands. You can rest assured about your data all while donating or starting a new crowdfunding campaign.
4. Fundraisers Are Just for emergencies
This is one of the most common myths about crowdfunding campaigns, that a crowdfunding campaign is only for emergencies. People can surely start crowdfunding campaigns during emergencies as well as during funerals, to pay for education, to pay for costly medical bills, etc. Due to the novel coronavirus pandemic, many people lost their jobs and livelihood, such people can also start a crowdfunding campaign to ask for help and gather funds to pay for their basic necessities.
5. Money Can’t be Raised for an Individual
Surely money can be easily raised for a larger cause but on a similar note, money can be also raised for an individual entity. If the individual’s needs are genuine and authentic, people don’t mind donating to the person’s campaign. There are a multitude of stories where people have donated generously for an individual crowdfunding campaign.
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We, at Filaantro, believe in crowdfunding for a cause. It is the platform that allows any individual, society or community across the globe to raise funds for any cause such as medical, education, natural calamity, sports, rehabilitation, non-profit, animal support, emergency, arts and media, technology, rural development, and other causes, with great ease. Our vision is to connect like minded Individuals and communities through our platform and inspire them to raise funds for the greater good. And our mission is to help campaigners achieve their goals through trust, transparency and simplicity.
It takes only a few minutes to register with us and raise your campaign. We believe in your cause. We believe in your dream, We believe in you.
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tiapandayblogs · 2 years
Five Common Myths About Crowdfunding
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You must be agreeing with the fact that crowdfunding is a fairly new concept in a developing country like India. People are still often confused about what the term crowdfunding means. In simple terms, crowdfunding is defined as the practice of funding a project or venture by raising money from a large number of people, typically via the internet. Crowdfunding is a form of crowdsourcing and alternative finance. In 2021, the global crowdfunding market was valued at 13.64 billion U.S. dollars and was forecasted to double by 2028, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.2 per cent. 
So crowdfunding isn’t a dying market at all. On a similar note in this article, we will clear the top five misconceptions regarding crowdfunding. Here are they listed below:
Yes, All the Cases Are Genuine!
We at Filaantro personally go the extra mile to verify the genuinity of all of our campaigns. Moreover, these cases are evaluated on a periodic basis. We put utmost work into embedding the importance of making sure that our crowdfunding platform is safe and trustworthy of the donor's and the patient’s belief. Documents like hospital bills and doctor’s prescriptions are shared without any masking to enable the donor to confirm the genuinity of the campaign.
Yes! The Money Is Actually Being Received By The Patient/Beneficiary 
As far as money is concerned, for all the medical crowdfunding campaigns the money is transferred directly into the bank account of the hospital. So there is a hundred percent transparency. Whereas if there is a campaign for a personal cause the money is directed to the individual's account. We make sure to provide the correct, accurate bank account details in the campaign description itself so that any donor can verify and safely transfer the money to the needy campaigner. 
Yes, It’s Totally Safe to Donate on a Crowdfunding Platform
Whatever data you fill in while donating or starting a crowdfunding campaign is never shared with any third-party website. We at Filaantro use the highest SSL encryption system to make sure your data is in safe hands. You can rest assured about your data all while donating or starting a new crowdfunding campaign. 
Fundraisers Are Just for emergencies:
This is one of the most common myths about crowdfunding campaigns, that a crowdfunding campaign is only for emergencies. People can surely start crowdfunding campaigns during emergencies as well as during funerals, to pay for education, to pay for costly medical bills, etc. Due to the novel coronavirus pandemic, many people lost their jobs and livelihood, such people can also start a crowdfunding campaign to ask for help and gather funds to pay for their basic necessities. 
Money Can’t be Raised for an Individual:
Surely money can be easily raised for a larger cause but on a similar note, money can be also raised for an individual entity. If the individual’s needs are genuine and authentic, people don’t mind donating to the person’s campaign. There are a multitude of stories where people have donated generously for an individual crowdfunding campaign. 
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We, at Filaantro, believe in crowdfunding for a cause. It is the platform that allows any individual, society or community across the globe to raise funds for any cause such as medical, education, natural calamity, sports, rehabilitation, non-profit, animal support, emergency, arts and media, technology, rural development, and other causes, with great ease. Our vision is to  connect like minded Individuals and communities through our platform and inspire them to raise funds for the greater good. And our mission is to help campaigners achieve their goals through trust, transparency and simplicity.
It takes only a few minutes to register with us and raise your campaign. We believe in your cause. We believe in your dream, We believe in you. 
Source - https://filaantro.org/blog/five-common-myths-about-crowdfunding/
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newscast1 · 2 years
China censors report on this city seeing half a million Covid cases a day
China censors report on this city seeing half a million Covid cases a day
Amid the reports of crematoriums being flooded with bodies and hospitals running out of space, a Chinese health official claimed that half a million people in Qingdao city are being infected with Covid every day. New Delhi,UPDATED: Dec 24, 2022 12:16 IST Patients lie on their beds at Central Hospital in Zhuozhou city in northern China’s Hebei province on Wednesday, Dec. 21, 2022. Nearly three…
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bigtvtechman · 14 days
Monkeypox Cases in India | Monkeypox Symptoms in Telugu|Monkeypox vs Coronavirus |@chotanewsofficial
Monkeypox Cases in India | Monkeypox Symptoms in Telugu|Monkeypox vs Coronavirus |@chotanewsofficial #CoronavirusVsMonkeypox #MonkeypoxInIndia #COVID19India #HealthAwarenessIndia #chotanews In this video, we explore the #Mpox virus, commonly known as Monkeypox, and discuss whether it is similar to the Coronavirus (COVID-19). We highlight five key differences between #Mpox and Corona, focusing on…
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Simulating Worst-Case China Coronavirus Pandemic (Using Plague Inc.)
These aren’t projections. It’s just an exercise to explore what may happen in a pandemic, and government strategies to contain it.
China’s Lunar New Year Celebration is the biggest human migration on Earth. Millions leave the country — all using planes, trains and crowded buses. A new virus has emerged at the worst possible time — it’s called 2019-nCoV, or novel coronavirus. The CDC thinks it started with an animal source — but has since become airborne, spreading from person-to-person by coughing and sneezing.
In some cases, pneumonia and kidney failure kill. What began in central China is now in the Western U.S., India and Thailand. North Korea has already shut its borders. We don’t know how bad this will get. But consider this: officials think the virus may have up to a two week incubation rate in some individuals.
An Imperial College London report stated the outbreak “has caused substantially more cases...than currently reported.” So, we thought: what if we used a video game to simulate a worst-case Chinese New Year? What could happen? And what should governments do to stop it?
It's Bloody Science!
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