#corona vaccination
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nando161mando · 7 months ago
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onlytiktoks · 9 months ago
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redlettermediathings · 3 months ago
It was the best of times, it was the best of the worst of times.
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suara-rakyat-blog · 6 months ago
Ini bukan sekadar suntikan atau vaksin untuk manusia. Ia melibatkan pengubahsuaian genetik tanah kita, udara kita, air kita, dan tumbuhan kita.
Tumbuhan mempunyai virus. Tumbuhan menghasilkan sebatian antiviral yang kita konsumsi dalam makanan kita, tetapi makanan yang diubah suai secara genetik (GMO) tidak akan mengekspresikan mRNA yang sesuai mengikut kehendak Tuhan sebagai makanan.
Jadi, ia melibatkan segala-galanya dalam persekitaran kita daripada glyphosate, Stephanie Senate, legasi toksik glyphosate kepada Dr. David Lewis, sains untuk dijual.
Dan beliau adalah orang yang mendedahkan perkara ini kepada EPA pada tahun 2015. Jadi sudah tentu, Bobby Kennedy telah menghadiri satu mesyuarat autism, mesyuarat penyakit neuroimmune, mesyuarat kanser bersama kami hampir selama tiga dekad kerana fokus utamanya adalah alam sekitar, alam sekitar, alam sekitar jauh lebih daripada merkuri yang beliau sedari.
Dan itu adalah Dr. Sherry Tenpenny, pada tahun 2005, apa yang datang melalui jarum boleh membunuh anda, tetapi siapa yang mendapat suntikan? Tumbuhan, haiwan, lembu, makanan palsu.
Dan sekarang, saya rasa saya nampak Bill Gates mempromosikan hot dog dan sosis. Burger yang mustahil, ia mustahil kerana ia bukan makanan.
It's it's not just shots or vaccines in humans. It's the genetic modification of our soil, our air, our water, our plants.
Plants have a viral. Plants make and antiviral compounds that we consume in our food, but any food that is GMO will not express the appropriate mRNA according to God as meant for food.
So it's absolutely everything in our environment from glyphosate, Stephanie Senate, the toxic legacy of glyphosate to Dr. David Lewis, science for sale.
And that was the EPA whistleblower back in 15. So of course, Bobby Kennedy has been at autism one meetings at the neuroimmune disease meetings at the cancer meetings with us pretty much for the last three decades because his whole thing has been environmental, environmental, environmental so much more than mercury he realized.
And that's Sherry Tenpenny, Dr. Sherry Tenpenny 2005, what's coming through the needle can be killing you, but who's getting the needle? The plant, the animal, the cow, the fake food.
And now I think I saw Bill Gates pushing hot dogs and sausages. You're the impossible burger, it's impossible because it's not food.
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bedsheetghost413 · 7 months ago
Hey, just so y'all know, free covid vaccines are ending in December of this year, so please make appointments to get an updated vaccine ASAP.
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lepetitmonique · 4 months ago
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quiensabecomo · 4 months ago
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Corona Capital CDMX 2024
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tardis--dreams · 1 year ago
I can't decide what's more frustrating. Job applications and communication with people there or trying to contact the doctor's office.
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xtruss · 7 months ago
We're Having A COVID Summer Surge. Should You Get The Updated Vaccines Now?
The FDA Just Approved an Updated Vaccines, and Officials Say Paxlovid is Still Effective in Preventing Severe Cases.
— By Sanjay Mishra | August 22, 2024
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A Colorized Ccanning Electron Micrograph of a Cell (Blue) Infected with the Omicron Strain of the SARS-CoV-2 virus (Yellow). Micrograph By National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)/National Institutes Of Health/Science Photo Library
The summer of 2024—the fifth since the COVID-19 pandemic began—is projected to be the biggest summer wave of COVID infections to date.
Since early May, COVID infections have steadily increased in the United States, Europe, Singapore, New Zealand, and Australia. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that COVID-19 infections are currently increasing in 25 states based on data from emergency department visits. However, hospitalizations and deaths from COVID remain at their lowest levels.
Now, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved updated vaccines to protect against current variants of the virus.
This recent surge has been driven mainly by a new group of closely related Covid subvariants, known collectively as "FLiRT."
As the summer winds down, students across the U.S. will return to school. Traditionally, this also coincides with the season of respiratory viruses, such as flu, RSV, and increasingly COVID.
"Not sure what will happen this fall and winter," says Kei Sato, a virologist at the University of Tokyo. While the FLiRT variants are likely to keep evolving after summer, entirely new subvariants cannot be ruled out. "An Omicron-like event” seems to have occurred every year in the fall since 2021, says Sato.
Here's what you need to know about the new variants and the new vaccines.
What Are FLiRT Variants?
The "FLiRT" variant family includes the majority of currently circulating variants, identified with the letters KP, JN, and the variant LB.1.
The unofficial name "FLiRT" is an acronym for a set of mutations on the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. The virus uses spike protein to bind with ACE2 receptors in our nose and lung cells to cause infection.
All proteins are made up of amino acids that string together like beads. Mutations can change one amino acid to another, thereby altering the behavior of the protein and making the virus more or less infectious, or able to dodge immunity.
The FLiRT subvariant family members are descended from the JN.1 variant that was dominant in the U.S. in early 2024. JN.1 itself was highly unusual because it acquired 41 mutations that differentiated it from Omicron XBB.1.5, which is the variant upon which the current bivalent COVID booster is based.
Should You Get The New Vaccines?
The two updated mRNA vaccines, manufactured by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna, target a FLiRT variant called KP.2. Anyone over the age of 12 can get the new shots, as long as they haven't received a booster in the last two months.
“Vaccination continues to be the cornerstone of COVID-19 prevention,” Peter Marks, director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research said in a statement.
Another vaccine targeting the variant JN.1 and manufactured by Novovax is also under review and could be approved soon.
Previous research also showed that older vaccines based on XBB.1.5, an earlier subvariant of Omicron, were still effective in preventing severe COVID-19. While this vaccine produces antibodies that still target the FLiRT variants, the efficiency is notably reduced. A recent infection from the JN.1 variant also seems to provide strong protection against all the FLiRT variants.
That said, the CDC recommends that everyone six months and older get a COVID vaccine. Those at high risk for serious COVID-19 should get vaccinated with the most recent versions available.
How Alarming Are FLiRT Variants?
Coronaviruses, such as SARS-CoV-2, frequently mutate to avoid recognition by antibodies. The two FLiRT mutations remove the sites on the virus where antibodies bind the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Additional mutations on the FLiRT variants can either help the virus bind more efficiently to ACE2 receptors making it more infectious, help it evade previous immunity, or both, says Adrian Esterman, an epidemiologist at the University of South Australia, Allied Health & Human Performance in Adelaide, Australia
Early studies show that all existing FLiRT subvariants are very good at dodging previous immunity acquired through multiple COVID vaccinations—including the most recent COVID bivalent booster—or a breakthrough infection from a previous strain of Omicron.
But the good news is that by escaping the antibodies, the FLiRT variants have also seem to lost some ability to infect their target because the virus needed the original antibody-binding sites to bind the ACE2 receptor and enter cells.
"These variants are not yet particularly concerning, even with the new mutations that affect certain aspects of the virus's biology," says Shan-Lu Liu, a virologist at the Ohio State University.
It is common for viruses to acquire mutations that help them dodge immunity, which can affect their ability to infect cells, says Liu. "The viruses can quickly evolve new mutations to restore their infectivity."
But in the meantime, Sato thinks that waning immunity from previous vaccinations and infections, coupled with the FLiRT variant's ability to dodge remaining immunity, are probably the main reason for the recent surge in infections.
Liu also agrees that the currently rising numbers of COVID infections are mostly due to low booster uptake and increased summer travel.
Are COVID Medicines Still Effective?
Emergency department visits, hospitalizations, and deaths have all spiked during this summer but are still much lower compared to earlier waves of the pandemic.
There is no indication that these new FLiRT variants are more dangerous than other Omicron strains.
A study shows that Paxlovid is still effective against FLiRT variants. Other antiviral drugs such as molnupiravir and remdesivir are also expected to work since their mechanism of action is not affected by mutations in the spike protein.
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carldoonan · 1 year ago
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Got my booster shots for both Flu and Covid today! Please schedule yours if/when you can! 💉⬆️✨
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nando161mando · 9 months ago
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Why is everyone sick?
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kajaono · 2 years ago
Sometimes I remember I was vaccinated in an opera (twice), a supermarket and an abandoned drug store
What was the wildest place you were vaccinated against Covid?
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jloisse · 2 years ago
Stefan Oelrich du groupe bayer explique au sommet mondial de la santé , qu'il a fallu mentir pour que les doses du pseudo vaccin Covid soient acceptés par la population car sinon personne n’en aurait voulu.
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suara-rakyat-blog · 5 months ago
Mereka telah meletakkan suar magnet, jadi bukan sahaja orang akan diubah secara biologi, tetapi mereka akan ditandakan.
Dan ini dimiliki dan dikendalikan oleh Rockefeller.
Ini adalah sebahagian daripada inisiatif Barcode for Life untuk menandakan dan mengenal pasti semua bentuk kehidupan.
Tiada lagi bentuk kehidupan yang suci.
Jadi, itulah yang mereka lakukan, mereka mengubah kita sedikit supaya kita boleh dipatenkan.
Situasi COVID ini adalah pengenalan pertama bagi sebuah konstruksi, satu bentuk kehidupan baru.
Mereka telah belajar cara menggabungkan kehidupan biologi dan robotik.
Dan tujuannya adalah untuk pemusnahan, kerana mereka tidak mahu apa-apa dari dunia lama.
Mereka mahukan dunia baru dan mereka mahu menjelang 2025 semua manusia lama dihapuskan.
Dan mana-mana manusia mulai sekarang pada asasnya perlu direkayasa di makmal dan dipertingkatkan dan ditambah serta sebahagian daripada matriks.
Mereka sedang mengubah suai dan menyambung semula badan kita.
Setiap daripada kita sekarang mempunyai 20 hingga 30,000 nanozarah.
Mereka mahu meletakkan cip dalam otak manusia, tetapi mereka tidak mahu melakukan pembedahan.
Oleh itu, selepas bertahun-tahun, akhirnya mereka menghasilkan gel.
Gel ini dipanggil hidrogel atau titik kuantum, titik kuantum Bill Gates.
Jadi apa yang akan berlaku dengan vaksin adalah anda akan disuntik dengan vaksin itu dan kemudian ia akan membentuk dirinya sendiri.
Dan kemudian ia menyerbu ke seluruh tubuh anda dan melintasi penghalang darah-otak anda dan mengambil alih otak anda.
Ia menuai cecair dalam badan anda, kelembapan anda ketika ia tumbuh dan ia berkembang sehingga kita bukan lagi manusia.
Kita termakan.
Kami adalah nod dalam komputer kuantum dan diri biologi mati kerana tiada apa yang tinggal.
Satu-satunya cara untuk mengelakkannya adalah dengan mengatakan tidak kepada ujian COVID kepada vaksinasi.
Akan ada topeng hidrogel di mana setiap nafas yang anda ambil, anda akan bernafas dalam zarah hidrogel ini.
Mereka telah menyebarkan semua sin bios, nano, sin bios ini ke dalam badan kita.
Mereka boleh membawa racun dan dikatakan mereka menerima arahan bergerak dari frekuensi yang disasarkan kepada mereka.
Seperti yang saya katakan dengan topeng, ujian COVID dan vaksin, adalah penting untuk tidak mengambilnya.
Ia bioakumulatif, yang bermaksud semakin banyak yang anda perolehi, ia kekal di dalam badan anda dan ia tidak akan keluar.
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juliushofmann · 2 years ago
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Biontec, 50x40cm, acrylics on canvas, julius hofmann
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miss-bubles · 1 month ago
I got the riggors
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