liketaylorswift · 1 year
hey bestie!! i Can only hOpe you’Re doing good. what’s somethiNg you’ve had on your Mind lately? personally, i’ve been Under a lot of stress with school and work (i got my First job recently!), but other than that im doing pretty good. on another note, are you excited For eras tour to start!!? i’m so pumped and excIted to see taylor and meet people at my show in tampa. see you sooN!
omg that’s so exciting for you!
YES im hype for tour! my show is june 30 and i can’t wait! have so much fun anon!
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turnallthemirrors · 1 year
hey bestie!! i Can only hOpe you’Re doing good. what’s somethiNg you’ve had on your Mind lately? personally, i’ve been Under a lot of stress with school and work (i got my First job recently!), but other than that im doing pretty good. on another note, are you excited For eras tour to start!!? i’m so pumped and excIted to see taylor and meet people at my show in tampa. see you sooN!
I'm okay! I'm pumped for tour - my date isn't until May but getting constant taylor content for months is going to be soooooo incredible. also love the secret message
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kauniste · 8 months
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Corn dog muffins made from scratch Get your taste buds dancing with these mouthwatering corn dog muffins - the perfect treat for any occasion.
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seethestarlights · 11 months
hey there mikaela it’s been awhile!! how are you? lots of things to Catch up On in my world! the job i was just starting the last time we talked ended up fiRing me after 3 months because i called their maNager out for stealing tips from our tip share so. that’s fun! not the best first entry into the workforce but it’s ok. my eras tour show was so aMazing, and i actually ended up standing outside the stadium in pittsbUrgh which was really fun!! i also went on a major Family vacation (not saying where because i’ve talked about it on my main haha) and it was incredible. but enough about me, what’s new with you? i know you had just gotten a new job last we talked, how's that going? what are your plans for this Fall? my fall is going to be fIlled with school, volleyball, and mIssing my sister as she just left for college :( see you sooN!
i'm sorry you got fired from your job! sounds likes a yikes situation 😬 hopefully you've found another place to work that's much better!! i'm glad you had fun at your eras show!! i'm so keen for mine next year. sounds like things are still going well for you despite some not so great things happening (although it sounds like you dodged a bullet with that job)!!! xx
i'm really loving my job at the moment!! it's been really fun and rewarding. and it's actually about to be spring here (i live in aus!) so i'm looking forward to the warm weather (which is apparently an unpopular opinion lmao) and probably catching up with friends!
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hollyhumbrstone · 1 year
hey bestie!! i Can only hOpe you’Re doing good. what’s somethiNg you’ve had on your Mind lately? personally, i’ve been Under a lot of stress with school and work (i got my First job recently!), but other than that im doing pretty good. on another note, are you excited For eras tour to start!!? i’m so pumped and excIted to see taylor and meet people at my show in tampa. see you sooN!
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moonteases · 1 year
hey bestie!! i Can only hOpe you’Re doing good. what’s somethiNg you’ve had on your Mind lately? personally, i’ve been Under a lot of stress with school and work (i got my First job recently!), but other than that im doing pretty good. on another note, are you excited For eras tour to start!!? i’m so pumped and excIted to see taylor and meet people at my show in tampa. see you sooN!
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jshatan · 2 years
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I call these Spiced Candied Pecan Corn Muffins. Now that it is officially autumn, I broke out the pumpkin spice and used it to make candied pecans, which I then tossed into the batter for these corn muffins. I used Ann Seranne’s classic Northern Corn Muffin recipe, with the only change being to swap in half a cup of whole wheat flour for more tooth. Really delicious, with most of the sweetness coming from the pecans. #pumpkinspice #autumnvibes #muffins #cornmuffins #baking #homebaking #homebaker #bakersofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CjX4OxTOzES/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fruitsclipper · 4 months
sweet cornmuffin
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ascendingtostardust · 9 months
I finally got buttermilk from a local farm so I’m making cornmuffins who’s coming over
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karamazovim · 1 year
WIP Challenge
Post the latest line of your WIP (or post where you last left off in your art) and tag as many people as are in the line.
I was tagged by @arecipeforfeels. Thank you! I’m so curious about your stories, those lines are intriguing~
I’ve been jumping around writing bits and pieces of various things recently without making that much progress on any of them lol. But here’s the one I technically worked on last:
She was not greedy, merely curious about what might be possible if she exerted herself.
And, keeping in the spirit of my predecessors, a bonus (from which I’m not using the word count):
There was never jealousy between them. Not even when one crush in common grew into a frankly comical series of crushes.
No pressure to participate! And if you want to join in but don’t have any current WIPS, photos of your pets are also valid and much appreciated contributions ^-^
Tagging: @combeauferre @venndaai @lorenzobane @cornmuffin @its-aclever-url @ofhouseadama @wild-oats-and-cornflowers @pilferingapples @july-19th-club @bijoumikhawal @dom-monet @thoughts-i-have-had-in-passing @wikipedie @chaoticrushu @autumni
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thestrangledwriter · 1 year
hey bestie!! i Can only hOpe you’Re doing good. what’s somethiNg you’ve had on your Mind lately? personally, i’ve been Under a lot of stress with school and work (i got my First job recently!), but other than that im doing pretty good. on another note, are you excited For eras tour to start!!? i’m so pumped and excIted to see taylor and meet people at my show in tampa. see you sooN!
cornmuffin??? what does that mean lol😂
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antiticketmaster · 1 year
hey bestie!! i Can only hOpe you’Re doing good. what’s somethiNg you’ve had on your Mind lately? personally, i’ve been Under a lot of stress with school and work (i got my First job recently!), but other than that im doing pretty good. on another note, are you excited For eras tour to start!!? i’m so pumped and excIted to see taylor and meet people at my show in tampa. see you sooN!
Same with school, but I got Spring Break coming up and it’s been on my mind. I’m definitely …ready for it ;)
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ifindtheartifacts · 1 year
hey bestie!! i Can only hOpe you’Re doing good. what’s somethiNg you’ve had on your Mind lately? personally, i’ve been Under a lot of stress with school and work (i got my First job recently!), but other than that im doing pretty good. on another note, are you excited For eras tour to start!!? i’m so pumped and excIted to see taylor and meet people at my show in tampa. see you sooN!
The stages of this were: oh letter weird, specific letters weird, CORNMUFFIN
Hello! Im a kindergarten aide so the main thing on my mind is finding a way to marry rich or move to a convent. Good luck with your first job! I hope it goes so well!! Im so excited for Eras Tour to start! Im going in Cincinnati with a friend and can’t wait! I also just pre-ordered the Taylor children’s biography so I can read it to my students, so she’s the main reason I can keep it together!
Have a great weekend!!!!
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mewfeuillez · 1 year
#girlwin eyeglass repair kit for 4 bucks has a mini screwdriver so i can mod my 3ds
#beastwin dinner is serving bbq ribs and the dogboy in me is SO HAPPY ABT IT
#countryboywin dinner also serving cornmuffins
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sanctamater · 2 years
happy december 25th, loser ! say one word about me being late and I'll find more cursed disney youtube videos than you ever could and I'll spam you with them. I honestly don't know when we first started following one another because its been years at this point I'm pretty sure, but I do know that there will never be another milfyclaus for me. Thank you for adding me to the block train against my will, thank you for the weird videos I legitimately can never fully get out of my head and thank you for all of the time you have spent talking to me about bioshock lore. I swear I'm gonna play it soon! Your writing is impeccable and thanks to you, I'm really into lady cornmuffin. I can't imagine this site without you, claire. and that's the honest truth.
i actually challenge you to find more cursed videos than me. nothing will ever top daddy preminger honeymoon asmr immersive rp and you fucking know it. anyway, lucas it truly has been SUCH a long time since we became mutuals and i am always in awe of your writing and your care, attention, and time taken for your characters (as i said i am literally considering actually attempting to watch ouat again and finish it even though i had the sense to quit as a high schooler after the peter pan arc LMAO). as the conductor of said block train i enjoy having you and thirty plus other passengers who did the misdeed of liking a post or breathing in my general direction held at gunpoint on said train. choo fucking choo. ANYWAY. lucas you are a gem and you never fail to make me laugh - you have and continue to make my experiences here memorable and wonderful and i am so glad to call you a friend. <3
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urutt · 2 years
tagged by @toytle to post my lock screen, the last song i listened to, and the last picture i saved… this is frankly humiliating
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i will tag @cornmuffin @muppetkin @thecrusher and whomstever else would like to do this
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