#cornmarket street
lynx-013 · 4 months
15c shop on ship street, oxford por Karen White Por Flickr: The look of this 15c building on the corner of Ship Street and Cornmarket Street (it's actually 28 Cornmarket Street) appealed to me. I found a little of its history online: In 1772 a survey of every house in the city was taken in consequence of the Mileways Act of 1771. According to H. E. Salter, 28 Cornmarket was then in the occupation of Mr Constable, and had a frontage of 4 yards, 1 ft. and 9 in. In about 1813 Joseph Andrews had an auction business here, which on his death in 1830 was taken over briefly by his son Charles Wood Andrews. In 1835 the shop was taken over by Hughes & Company. At the time of the 1841 census Henry Hatch (22), a draper, lived here with his wife Sarah and their son Henry, plus a milliner and a servant. On 20 January 1844 Henry Hatch announced in Jackson’s Oxford Journal that he was moving to this shop at 28 Cornmarket Street from his former shop at 71 High Street. By 1849 No. 28 was occupied by another draper, Sweetman Brothers at a rental of £70 per annum. Lewis Solomon had a tobacco shop here from 1862. Harvey Brother, tea & coffee dealers, were here from at least 1880 to 1914. The photographers Penrose & Palmer were here from 1925 to 1932, with Ye Olde North Gate Tea Rooms upstairs. Thomas Rayson extensively restored this shop in 1951, saving the building from destruction.. From then until the present day it has been occupied by a number of different businesses; Speedwell Cleaning, Rhodes Opticians, Mobile Phones Direct, Chequepoint, and its current occupiers Laird Hatters. Source Oxford History The building is Grade II listed"
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moveleftslightly · 11 months
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Cornmarket Worcester 2016.
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ginandoldlace · 12 days
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Cornmarket Street Oxford 1920
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whataniceone2 · 1 year
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Upper part of 16th century house on corner of Ship Street and Cornmarket, Oxford
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thetrueparanormal · 8 months
Derby Gaol is also known as Friar Gate Gaol, and is located under numbers 50 and 51 Friargate, Derby. This particular gaol is one of five to have existed within Derby. The other gaols were the Guildhall Gaol, the Willow Road Gaol, the Cornmarket Gaol, and the Vernon Street Gaol. Friar Gate Gaol is the only location which remains to exist to this day, although it has not been used as a gaol since 1828, although one source does state that it was in use until 1846.
Over the years it was operational, many executions have occured in this location, and as a result it has been called one of the most haunted locations in Great Britain. Visitors, the staff, and even the owner of the location have all reported to experience strange occurrences within the gaol, with some even seeing apparitions. This post will explore the history of the gaol, along with its hauntings, and it will even go into detail regarding those who were executed here and why. Click the link below to read more...
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Wa terakhir nulis adalah minggu lalu hari Senin pas lagi libur CNY di Indo! Hmm apa ya yang sudah terjadi… Not a lot sih (cek kalender). Hari Rabu minggu lalu makan siang di Popeye Cornmarket street sama Selly dan Aisha (dan Rashid!). Aisha tau dari grup whatsapp Ox Islamic Society kalau Popeye ini ayamnya halal. Dan emang enak sih Popeye tapi ku lebih suka KFC sepertinya. Janjian jam 1 siang lalu ku datang jam 1.30 dan berujung ngobrol sama Aisha sampai jam 15 sepertinya, while Selly pulang duluan. Seru sih, ku sudah lama sekali nggak ngobrol real sama orang kayanya. Jadi beres dari situ sangat meng-evoke my social side (recently lagi introverted banget – in real life ya, not in social media).
Pas diinget-inget lagi ternyata minggu lalu ngerjain lumayan banyak hehe.
Selesai nyuci carius tubes
Masukin 2.5 g samples ke tubes (ini semua selesai di Selasa minggu lalu)
Nulis methods section (ini di hari Rabu)
Terus gara-gara ngerasa udah banyak kerja jadi Kamis sama Jumatnya w haha hihi banget bingung. Pas Rabu malem, ku nonton Evita di Oxford Playhouse sama Diny dan Selly. Sangat bagus! Walaupun nggak se-immersive Frozen secara visual (yaiyalah Non harganya aja udah beda), tapi membuatku appreciate sejarah more. Itu kemarin boleh dapet cuma £13 apa ya, Hamdalah mayan banget kan ya buat nonton play segitu.
Tadi pagi ngobrol sama Kalina katanya lagi ada ballet di New Theatre, dia semalam habis nonton. Ku belum pernah nonton ballet show sih jadi nggak tau if I would like it or not tapi ngga ada salahnya dicoba, cek harganya deh (langsung ngecek tapi mahal, paling murah £34.15 itu pun di pojok banget, skip dulu deh).
Kamis Jumat literally di rumah (buset). Kamis ngapain ye w… lupa. Jumat pun... Jumat Bu Yani ke rumah ngedrop Ayam Rujak dan Klepon (sangat hepi). Sabtu iceskating sama PPI Oxford dilanjut makan pizza di Buona. Nilta ngajak makan di Franco Manca karena lagi ada promo 1 pan £5 tapi karena kami datang di malam minggu jadi penuh tempatnya dan harus nunggu sejam… Esketing seru, w tapi nggak terlalu enjoy karena RUAME banget. Kalau rame banget gini tuh w anxious karena skill level orang beda-beda kan, bisi ada yang jatuh di depan kita, atau ada yang ngebut-ngebut banget. Akhirnya kayanya w di dalam arena cuma 15menit palingan, ga sampe 4 lap LOL.
Minggu di rumah doang seharian. Senin juga. WOW. Kemarin pengen exercise pake app sebetulnya, tapi entah kenapa mager. OH! Kemarin w bermasalah sama abang DHL- OMGGGGG. Intinya adalah ku dapat email dari VFS Global hari Jumat kalau visa w sudah jadi dan akan dikirim passportnya ke rumah Senin. Terus DHL ngeSMS kalau deliverynya akan sampai antara jam 10.15-12.15 terus w tungguin dah tu, dengan asumsi w bisa ke office after I signed the delivery.
Terus baru datang jam 20pm DONGGGG. Bodoh banget emang kalau service tu di Indonesia udah paling juara deh. Mana harusnya w datang ke receptionnya Saba di Pembroke jam 17pm terus akhirnya ga berangkat karena anxious ni paket kapan datengnya... HADEH... Terus akhirnya ku dapat Schengen visa cuma berapa lama tebak???? 1 bulan!!! Dari 4 April sampai 15 Mei... Which means I will have to make another visa for the conference on July di Lyon (dan Lollapalooza juga – ini ku belum beli tiketnya sih, masih mempertimbangkan financial situation, walaupun sekarang jadi lebih mudah karena visa InsyaAllah dicover research fund).
Hari ini berangkat dari rumah jam 11 siang... Laper jadi langsung ke covered market buat jajan Sasi’s beli Padthai dan Ice Thai Tea (batuk udah sembuh langsung makan es adalah saya). Terus dilanjut mampir ke Blackwells, ada buku judulnya Otherland ku naksir banget tapi masih banyak banget buku di rumah yang belum selesai dibaca AHHHHJKSDHFJKDHKFJDHJF. Sama bukunya Geta Thunberg?? Covernya sangat atraktif it kept calling me. Yaudah Non gapapa diselesein aja itu semua buku yang lagi dibaca plssss.
Ok terus dari Blackwells ke library deh sekarang (ngetik ini posisi lagi di VHL). Sengaja lewat Mansfield Rd karena lagi pengen ganti scenery, terus tiba-tiba ditepok sama Alexa. Btw I ALWAYS felt bad to people who sees me in the road karena I BLAST my headphones really loudly so the chance for me to hear them (if they shouted and called me from far away) is ZERO. Makanya most of the time ppl will chase me dan nepok??? Anyway… iya. Alexa told me she got her visa ALSO until 15 May??? But she’s leaving to NL in 2 weeks (which means she got longer duration of visa).
OMG—SUMPAH ANEH BGT NI HARI. Barusan betul-betul si keyboard tiba-tiba jadi ngetik in Greek (SYOK), hasil googling adalah karena I’ve might accidentally pressed Command+Spacebar yang ternyata akan mengganti bahasa keyboard.
Terus pas lagi jalan itu si Alexa lagi jalan juga sama temannya, ku bilang ku mau ke VHL, “well my department is across the library but I don’t feel like coming to the department, you know see and talk to people” terus si temannya Alexa ini (I’m so sorry I forgot your name huhu) bilang “omg she’s so real for this” LOL tapi iya gaksi. I bet a lot of people can relate??? Kayak.. yaudah mau kerja sih tapi mau skip basa basi sama orang satu kantor aja gitu.
Hhhh buset banyak banget ya yang mau w omongin. BRO??? Capek banget the keyboard kept switching back to Greece everytime I tried to type lagunya DAY6??? Mau bilang let’s love bagus bangettt (kalau kuketik judul koreanya SUMPAH ASLI GA BOHONG akan langsung ngeswitch ke Greece ni keyboard: URI APERO TO SARANGHAJA). OMO sekarang nggak!!!! Anyway mau bahas kenapa judul post ini “Scary” tapi apparently I had SO MANY THINGS TO SAY that I came to this after 11 paragraphs.
Iya.. jadi beberapa waktu lalu ku ketemu Mba Lhuri (ini kayanya pas Pak Desra ke Exeter deh, iya betul). Terus dia yang “wah sibuk apa Non tahun ini? Kan dulu PPI UK, PPI Oxford… kamu mah selalu ada aja ya yang dikerjain”. Terus itu sebetulnya mah ya komen selewat doang but I ended up thinking about it so much? Of course I had non-productive days where I just stay home doing nothing (seperti yang kusampaikan di intro di atas dari Kamis, Jumat, Minggu, dan Senin I literally didn’t go out), tapi sesungguhnya ku anaknya gabisa diem banget. Recently I just registered myself on volunteering in science fair day di Brookes on Feb 18th, terus ini lagi contemplating if I should apply for summer fair Royal Society outreach juga di London in July.
Ku jadi mikir kan, kenapa ya w anaknya gatel banget selalu pengen ngapa-ngapain. Apparently ini adalah manifestasi dari diriku yang kesepian??? (Ini self-diagnosed sih). Tapi beneran ku menyadari kalau lagi sendirian dan ga ngapa-ngapain (ga KPOP-an, ga ngelukis, ga baca, ga main game, ga nyanyi), otakku bekerja dengan sangat scarily (ngomong apasih Non campur-campur). Iya, tapi beneran ngerasa my brain works super scarily when it’s on idle. I keep being mean to myself and would just say bad things to myself aja gitu: ntar tiba-tiba ngelintas idea “Non, you don’t deserve to be in Oxford, you’re just lucky, you don’t have the capacity to think and write as good as these people around you.” Ya you know the drill lah ya, intinya those dark thoughts yang gave birth to this exact tumblr: I need gratitude journal to be grateful for what I’ve got right now, where I am right now.
Iya… makanya I think: I should always do something. Kayanya dulu jaman S1 nggak pernah ngerasa dan mikir kaya gini samsek… Kenapa ya… Ini mulai sejak di Ox sih. Sejak ku menyadari I SUCK at writing (I used to, sekarang sudah better InsyaAllah). My brain might end up to be the one who kills me kayanya. Yaudah sebetulnya cuma mau ngeluarin unek-unek itu aja sih (tujuan awalnya buka msword dan drafting this post, but it gets too scary that I ended up beating around the bush and not writing it earlier).
Oh iya! Terus ku lagi baca Natasha Lunn’s Conversations on Love. Tbh it’s… ok (?) I guess? It’s not that spectacular and it’s not like you can learn A LOT of new things, tapi lebih ke realisation aja sih kayak: oh iya ya, I have my family around me, my friends, my colleague, my GOD whose love to me means a lot and love doesn’t always have to come from that one man you called soulmate. But it’s a fun read. I recommend.
Dah gitu aja. Buset ini nulis ini doang sampe 2 jam saking bacotnya w. Habis ini mau ngedesign materi buat pelatnas 1 IGEO dan take a walk sambil call Iqbal sepertinya. Nanti malem jam 19.30 ada Jardine’s CNY Dinner di Grand Sichuan. Huf. Btw wishing everyone a great week!
VHL 14:54pm 31/01/2023
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bansuvs · 7 months
Barclays are notoriously funding the climate catastrophe too so I'm sure they deserve the protest they get. We had an XR protest outside and in the same branch pre-covid.
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Oxford City Centre, outside McDonald's. Cornmarket Street facing George St and the road to Summertown.
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enricosketching · 2 years
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This old building stands on the corner of Cornmarket Street. It was built on 1362 and it is now occupied by a hat shop. If I would ever need an hat, I'l buy it here, but it is unlikely as my head is too big. . . . #oxford #lairdhatters #watercolor_oxford #artdrawing #art #sketch #draw #artwork #drawingart #artoninstagram #sketching #urbansketching #illustration #wercolorillustration #watercolorartist #watercolorpainting #watercolorart #artistoninstagram #instagramartist #watercolorsketch #inkandwatercolor #urbansketchers #watercolors #penandwash #penandwatercolor #danielsmith #davincibrushes #escodabrushes #sailorpen (at Oxford, Oxfordshire, UK) https://www.instagram.com/p/Co4No_6tStx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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londonara · 2 years
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Outreach at 11 a.m. on Sunday 30th October in Southampton
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donncha · 2 years
Selling Oranges on Cornmarket Street
Selling Oranges on Cornmarket Street
In front of Castle Jewellers, June 2005.
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This is the year of Dr Whooves searching for his own special telephone box!
This is photo number 63 of 365.
Here is Dr Whooves looking at two phone boxes in Cornmarket Street, in Oxford, England. These are not the boxes he is looking for.
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moveleftslightly · 11 months
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Worcester 2016.
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kellisanth · 7 years
Carmilla's Gap Year Travel into Oxford
Carmilla and Laura have arrived at Cornmarket Street in Oxford England, which is part of their Gap Year traveling.
(teaching myself green screen editing and other video fun stuff thanks to the green screen grab bag by @carmillaseries)
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itsstreetlove · 3 years
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Dancing in the street outside The Royal Exchange pub, Worcester.....the music was ‘Time of my life’ from Dirty Dancing. Nice to see people enjoying themselves once again.
Cornmarket, Worcester.....July 2021
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bluesman56 · 3 years
Carfax, Oxford by Tony Via Flickr: Carfax is at the junction of St Aldate's (south), Cornmarket Street (north), Queen Street (west) and the High Street (east) in Oxford, England.[1] It is considered to be the centre of the city. The name "Carfax" derives from the Latin quadrifurcus via the French carrefour, both of which mean "crossroads". The Carfax Tower, also known as St. Martin's Tower (it is the remaining part of what was the City Church of St. Martin of Tours) is a prominent landmark and provides a look-out over the town.
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