#cori's a smol bean
brittababbles · 7 years
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My new best friend at work.
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Full Detox
Dear Tumblr,
Thank you for the almost year we've had together. It'll be a year in October, but I've realized throughout the past year a few things about myself....
The first thing is that I've lost myself sometime during the start of quarantine. Actually... it started two years ago. I had a rough time in my life. I was just getting started with social media and some of my friends at the time weren't truly my friends.
I went to camp the summer of 2019 and I came back completely changed. It was two weeks of not talking to anyone through a screen except my best friend and I only called him. We didn't talk through a screen. I need time to find myself. This detox might be for the month of September, or it could be for longer. I don't know at this point.
My second and final point is: I need time to find out who I truly am. Thank you so much for the opportunity to know people online aren't as creepy as I've heard. There are some people I must admit, but overall, this experience has been one of the best of my life.
But I'm about to go on one of the best adventures of my life and I want to fully experience it fully present and in person without a phone as a crutch.
This is going to be the hardest thing I will ever have to do in my life, but I'm ready for whatever life throws at me. I'm going to try journaling my month-long adventure as it starts in about half an hour.
It's all over the place, I'm an emotional mess as I write this. I just wanted to tell you if you need to reach me, I will be going off of Instagram and Discord as well for this month. I'm even getting rid of Pinterest and Google Hangouts. I'm completely immersing myself in the new culture I've thrown myself into.
I also just need time for myself. I'm tired of not having anyone who truly knows me in a different state than I'm in. I love my irl best friends to death, but I'm tired of just bursting into tears at random times at home. I'm just so tired of what my life has turned into right now. I'm tired of just not feeling like I can have people who don't understand me at all. I just want someone in my life who can just understand what I've gone through and it's been traumatizing for me. I need time to heal. I also need time to myself because I feel like some people on here just forget I'm a person and I really just want to be seen as a person and not just a blog. Take the time to really think about whether you've been thinking about the blogs as the people they are behind the screen or just a blog. Also, just be mindful of what you are doing when replying or reblogging a post and want to add words. People may not like what you're doing and you really need to respect that.
But you also need to remember people have feelings and tumblr is a site where we can just express ourselves. When people don't respect that, it's not a fun environment to be in anymore. This is also why I'm taking the detox. People need to learn how to respect that people have feelings that don't need to be explicitly said everywhere. This needs to be figured out on this site or I will keep on having these detoxes and maybe even stop my main blog and just have my poetry blog. I'm really tired of keeping up my "reputation" of being sweet, kind, and a freaking sweetheart who wouldn't hurt a fly. I'm really tired of keeping up my "reputation" of being the person to turn to for advice, but with no one else to turn to. I'm really tired of keeping up my "reputation" as someone who always has to be sunny, happy, and doesn't know about the dark in life. I know about the dark in life; I'm an adult now and people need to understand that online and also irl, but this is more about online.
Yes, I know I sound salty, and that's because while this almost year has been one of the best almost years of my life, it's also been the most draining because literally everyone on here calls me a sweetheart and a cinnamon roll. I just wish I felt safe enough to be myself. But right now, I can't be truly myself. I'm hoping the detox will help me figure out who the heck I am. I implore you though please think of me as the adult I am and not some teenager who doesn't know what to do with their life. I have life goals and uni is going to help me with that. Please stop treating me like a smole bean who needs to be protected at all costs. Please.
I am also just like you all. I'm not a ball of sunshine all of the time (in fact when I'm talking to people who know me best they know I'm only a sunshine 20% of the time, the other 80% I'm so done with life). I want to be able to taken seriously. I don't want to just be known as the Hufflepuff who is so nice and knows everything about life advice. That's not true. I'm just a uni girl trying to figure out how the heck I'm going to spend four years away from my family. I'm trying to be nice online, but I also want to be salty and sarcastic and myself because irl is bad enough, but online it's just why. Why do I come off as a cute, smol little kitten who wouldn't hurt a flea? Don't you guys know f you get me mad at you you'll be the one crying at the end of the day? I'm heartless when I've had enough. I need you all to treat me like the person I am and not like an object. That's kind of how I feel this has gotten. There are some who are amazing and I adore them to pieces. But then there are other people who aren't considerate I just can't. So I need a break from just all of this. I can't be on here when people don't take me seriously. Like I said it's bad enough this happens irl. I don't want it to happen online too.
I'm starting with two months, but as I do more of these in the future, it might get longer.
This might be my only two month long detox or it could be longer. If it's longer, I will let you all know! I promise, but for now, I'll miss you, I love you, keep being the you I know you can be, drink your freaking water!, remember people on here are people and have freaking feelings and emotions and lives and experiences, and I will see you all November 1st!
@procrastinationonvacation @clarys-heosphoros @reyna-herondale @ghafa-dale @captainwaffles @cory-was-hexed @nebulanike @im-someone-i-guess @writing-with-tea @simpingforwillsolace @simpingforpjo @writingsbypb @cloudygreywolf @crzyprsn42 @seven-halfbloods @nyxx-chaos @avakrahn @annlillyjose @kiriti-savyasachin @shaonharryandpannisim @chaoticchefherepleasesaveme @captainorthred @carrie-haha @justmemyselfandthefridge @daughter-of-sunshine @da-nerdy-turtle @stars-a-n-d-scars @ambidextrousarcher @ace-loves-cake @devereaux-fan @clarys-heosphoros @willsolacekinnie @valdezey @whatrambles @spoopycrowe @hyacjnthus @ileaurel @thatrandomfangirlll @purple-magic-2002 @the-young-and-forgotten
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🎃 Frightful October Act XI, #31 ~ Happy Halloween! (Crossover)
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📑 Table of Contents
Genre: Crack, Crossover, AU
Word Count: 1,328
Pairing: Reader, Various
World: Various
Author’s Note: It took me three days to render this god-forsaken gif and I realized after the fact that it’s not even the same gif that I originally used ._.) It’s complete trash but oh well. It’s three days of work!
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“Y/N, honey, you got a letter!”
Curious, you headed downstairs to the kitchen where your mom was working on dinner. Your brow furrowed at the white envelope sitting on the counter, your name written in a messy print on the front. There was no stamp or return address, and the back flap was easily opened, revealing a sheet of lined notebook paper. Had your mom forgotten to give you this? Or did this arrive just now? Who delivers mail after dark?
You pulled the letter out and began reading.
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You frowned at the letter, feeling something stir in the back of your mind. It was extremely suspect, but you felt compelled to attend, almost as if you had no choice in the matter. You showed it to your mom, but she didn’t seem at all concerned about the legitimacy of the letter and simply told you to have a good time.
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Dressed in your costume of choice, you approached the abandoned mill, decorated to the nines. The baren earth leading up to the mill was covered by scattered tombstones and the occasional boney hand sticking out from the ground, fingers bent at odd angles. Ghosts hung from the neck on the bare branches of the trees surrounding the property. Plastic stickers of black cats, bats, owls, and candy had been stuck to the windows, and a metal plate had been bolted to the door. ‘Welcome’ was painted on the plate in a bleeding font, in shades of purple, orange, and black.
‘Should I knock?’ you wondered, hesitating at the door as your hand hovered in mid-air. The decision was made for you when the door slowly creaked open. Low Halloween music reached your ears as you stepped into the entryway. Loud voices and laughter floated from the left and you followed the sound into the front room, which had been converted into a living room. Several people, all wearing costumes, were scattered around the room, dancing or chatting with one another.
A long table was set up against the back wall, offering various drinks placed in ice and snacks on plastic plates, decorated like pumpkins and eyeballs. You grabbed a red solo cup and poured your favorite drink before munching on a cookie, observing the other guests as they interacted with each other.
“Oi, Tetsu! I told you not to scare me like that!”
“I’ve been standing here the whole time, Aomine-kun.”
“I can’t believe you dressed like a cartoon girl, Dean.”
“It’s anime and it’s art, Sammy.”
“You are unworthy of being in Beelze-sama’s presence, Pikachu.”
“Don’t hate me because I’m beautifully electric~”
“There’s so many sweets, look Jackal!”
“Please don’t eat yourself into a sugar coma, Marui.”
“Mada mada dane.”
“There’s no candy corn…”
“I hope the cheesecake eyeballs taste good, I tried hard not to mess them up…”
“Hyung, can we go back to the forest? It’s way too stuffy here.”
“Be patient, we’ll leave soon, Junhong.”
“It’s kinda boring. I shoulda brought my Ouija board.”
“Didn’t that go horribly wrong for you?”
“Pft, Luigi Board.”
“Hyung, you’re so embarrassing~!”
You smiled at the various groups of people as they mingled together, drinking and having fun. So many varying personality types… it was awesome to see everyone together. Maybe coming to the party wasn’t such a bad idea, after all.
The music started to fade before being replaced by a female voice coming from the speakers. “Hello, and welcome, everyone! Thank you so much for attending my 2019 Halloween Gathering, I do hope you’re all enjoying yourselves.”
Hilda stepped forward, her green eyes narrowed at the speaker mounted in the corner near the ceiling. “Show yourself, coward. How dare you kill off my beloved Y/N!”
Saitama huffed from behind her. “You made Y/N get kidnapped in my story!”
“You made my beautiful Y/N a murderer!” Denki whined, his bottom lip jutting out.
“Why didn’t I get a kissing scene with Y/N?” Killua pouted. “Even a peck on the cheek would’ve been fine.”
“Killua…” Gon sweatdropped. “Shouldn’t you be more concerned about the demon that attacked Y/N?”
“My chapter was great! No complaints here~” Marui grinned, folding his hands behind his head.
“But you ruined mine,” Ryoma glared at him. “I missed my kiss with Y/N because of you.”
Laughter filled the mill before the woman spoke again, amusement clear in her tone. “You all complain and yet you give no pause to think about your ‘beloved’ Y/N, who has been forced to live through so many events.”
As if one single unit, the entire room turned to stare at you and you gulped, stepping back until you hit the snack table. You sweatdropped. ‘Just how many lives has this chick given me?’
She laughed again, reading your mind. “More than you will ever know, my dear Y/N! You are quite precious to me, after all, for, without you, my tales simply could not be.”
“Glad I could help,” you muttered unhappily.
“Now, then. I’m sure all of you are quite curious as to why you have been gathered here. Well, I wish to extend my thanks to you all for being unwitting participants in this year’s festivities. It was a long and stressful ride to be sure, but worry not! I am proud of my accomplishments and shall rest well once this night comes to a close.”
“This has to be illegal, aru.” Yao frowned, folding his arms within his long sleeves.
She giggled. “But my dear, beautiful Chinese man, it’s only illegal if you get caught!”
A chill went down his spine and he paled.
Cory turned his head to stare directly at the camera, breaking the fourth wall. “Please don’t do this at home, kids.”
“This is stupid, I’m leaving.” 
The group watched as Nathan stalked to the front door, but the lock clicked before his hand could grab the doorknob. He tried to unlock it, tugging on the door with all of his strength, but it wouldn’t budge.
A streak of lightning split the dark sky, lighting up the mill with an ethereal light. The woman’s sudden laughter made the teen jump away from the door as if it had just shocked him.
“Come now, did you really think it would be so simple to leave?” Footsteps echoed throughout the mill, the stairs creaking. A heavyset woman descended the steps, dressed in a taco costume and wearing a Dr. Pepper hat atop her short hair.
Everyone sweatdropped at the ridiculous sight before them.
She smirked, stopping halfway down the stairs. “I’m afraid all of you belong to me now. We’re going to make such wonderful tales in the future!”
“This is definitely illegal,” Izuku cried, grabbing onto the closest person to him, which happened to be the smol bean, Near.
“There’s more than thirty of us versus just one of you!” Youngjae growled, baring his canine teeth in anger. “You can’t take all of us on!”
“But my dear wolf, I already have,” she grinned, holding her arms out to her sides. A pink and black mist, sparkling in the light, filled the air. Everyone quickly covered their noses, but it was already far too late for them. One by one, the guests dropped to the ground, unconscious.
You were the last one, sprawled out on the shag rug as you fought against the darkness trying to claim your mind.
The woman angled her body toward the top of the stairs before kneeling down. “My lord, I offer you forty-one ripe, new souls for your army.
You listened as the ceiling creaked under someone’s weight, footsteps approaching the top of the stairs. Your eyes widened in disbelief.
“Good job, gamer!” Pewdiepie smirked, his blue eyes scanning the group. “Send them over to Marzia for de-aging and then join us in my closet for some G-Fuel powder while we feast on dank memes!”
“Of course, m’lord!” her grin was the last thing you saw before darkness claimed you. “Welcome to the nine-year-old army, gamers!”
───── ⋆⋅🎃⋅⋆ ─────
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hawkinsabvclub · 5 years
Season Two Review
Maddi and Cori talk about Samwise, D&D, and all things season two. Maddi loves Eleven's telenovela episode and Cori continues to love her smol bean Will.
Check out this episode!
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i’m trying to find people who have god/ goddess oc’s that are willing to rp so Cori can get to know other gods. i don’t mean people who rp with a carictur they call a god or goddess (not saying thats wrong to do, not telling you how to make a carictur). i mean people who rp with an oc that has parents that are actual greek gods/goddesses. so he can learn from them, his mother Gaia dacended into back to alimpus so he never got to meet her and he knows she doesn’t want to meet him now because he’s a half blood and he thinks she will think less of him because he found a human mother that kills people (jane the killer a creepy pasta) and he doesn’t want to disapoint her. 
Name: Gorisa Corinne Sanches
parents: Gaia and some wherewolf dude
speshies: Half god half warewolf
age: 15
hight: 4″3
eye color: green and pink 
abilitys: controling all 8 elements and shifting into a wolf
notes: origanaly a girl but got M!A-ed to turn him into a boy and forgot how long so i kept him a boy. he has 9 children that are all either full warewolf or half warewolf half human exsept one that he adopted thats half dragonj half human. he trys to act tuff but he’s really just a smol dorky bean that wants a hug. 
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mk-the-niffler · 6 years
7/20 Google Hangout Highlights
-Reading a very intense scene of Frankenstein to Elliot and having Allison join in the call in the middle of it.
-My cat latching onto my shirt and nearly exposing my chest.
-Jamie joining the call slightly drunk.
-Bringing up Hunchback for the first time out of many and nearly crying.
-Allison and Carolina trying to stop everyone from kidnapping me.
-Kaye bribing Elliot with $5 for him to kidnap me and take the fall for her.
-Cori telling Elliot to commit the crime in Ohio so her mom can be his lawyer.
-Kaye and Carolina planning Allison’s murder and funeral.
-Carolina being Kaye’s sugar daddy.
-”Oh! I have a new condom review I need to make!”
-Gilderoy Lockhart hair.
-Crying over Marcus
-Three Texas Gals forever talking about living in Texas
-Allison talking about having an existential life breakdown.
-Emily joining in the call as Elliot shows a picture of me wearing a Penguin Face Mask
-Cate talking about her skipping school almost everyday in her senior year of high school.
-Cate freaking out about her next campaign for D&D.
-Allison and Cate talking about how many dice they have.
-Kaye planning multiple felonies in general.
-”I think being murdered is one of the best ways to die”
-Kaye saying she’ll get Allison pregnant.
-Elliot saying that he will help with caring for their child.
-Elliot and Allison pulling a sudden Bonnie and Clyde Cosplay on us and being absolutely amazing
-”Is a slurpee one of your pregnancy cravings, Bonnie?”
  “Oh you bet.”
-TT is Kaye’s biggest fear (not really).
- “If TT were to approach me online, I would probably pass out”
- “That’s such a long tie. It’s a very long tie.”
   “Oh, so it’s a long tie is it? *wiggles eyebrows*”
-Everyone talking while Kaye silently puts randoms objects in her hair.
-Me and Allison geeking out over musicals
-Elliot blushing over Anna Kendrick
-”So we watched Newsies and then that, so we had double Jeremy Jordan, but the problem is Anna Kendrick was in it and she’s also super hot” 
-Talking about something and being cut off by my mom screaming bloody murder over finding a dead lizard by our front door.
-The fact that I know Kaye’s stepbrother and he drove me home from school one day was shocking to find out.
-”Carnal embrace is the practice of throwing ones arms around a side of meat”
-”There wasn’t any room. For bees.”
-Going through vv old posts on our tumblrs and reliving those memories.
-Allison being angsty.
-Kaye bringing up angsty things randomly thoughout the night
-Me helping to fix the angst because smol bean power ya know
-”I mean, I don’t think I’d want a little smooch from a giant squid, that seems terrifying.”
- “What are you doing with your hand?”
  “Why are you pretending to play the organ?”
  “I’m the phantom”
-Allison and I stressing over everything we have to do.
-”I mean, mine isn’t as stressful as what ever you guys have- wait, well, Elliot is actually doing anything.”
Thanks for the fun 7 hour Google Hangout last night (Allison and Elliot being the OG’s who were there almost the entire time with me)! We’ll have to do it again!
@rainbowsandsilverlinings @askpadfootsiriusblack @pighmypuff @drarry-obsession @thediariesofastoriagreengrass @askjamessirius @princess-kaye3 @the-moon-and-stars-my-love
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asksinnythedemon · 6 years
Sinny, what's your and Toby's wedding party looking like?
Mun: Okay, here’s the wedding party plus attendees thus far...
@asksinnythedemon, the Bride
@justyouraverageproxy, the Groom
@phoenixtheoc, one of the groomsmen
@lullaby-bye, one of the bridesmaids
@ask-jane-the-best-killer, attendee (possible bridal party member, hasn’t been asked yet or decided what she could be)
Sally (either controlled by @justyouraverageproxy or myself, we’ll duke it out later), flower girl
@smol-bean-phoenix, Ring bearer?
@gori-cori-the-killer, attendee
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sternentreue · 6 years
Robin and Cory are smol bean and tol beanpole
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orangejellyace · 7 years
top 5 animes you recommend watching?
tbh i havent watched anything for a very long time bc of school BUT i still remember my faves so here we go:
1. Haikyuu!! (surprise, surprise)
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For some reason, i think you already know what HQ is about; sports anime. volleyball. all that stuff XD But the good thing about this anime is that you literally end up liking everyone regardless of what team they’re from. And if you dont knoooooow, now you know ;) XD
2. Daiya No Ace
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(Haruichi looks so badass in this gif i cri) Another sports anime! This time it’s baseball. It is also a m a z i n g. Everyone’s so dedicated to the sport and they’re all working so hard i love it. Can’t say much cause i don’t wanna spoil it XD
3. Sket Dance
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OKAY THIS ONE GOES ALL THE WAY BACK TO MY JUNIOR HIGH DAYS LMAO. It’s comedy and is very underrated in my opinion. If you like Gintama, then you’ll like Sket Dance too! In fact, there was a crossover episode between the two, it was amazing omg. (i’d rec gintama too but i’ve only watched a few eps of it and i was like, a smol bean back then ahahaha)
4.Zankyou No Te—*sob*—rror
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*cries* ZNT’s uhm a psychological anime. A n g s t! but i think it’s great. Looking at this gif alone, you can already tell the atmosphere of the anime. Don’t be fooled by those peace signs.
—omg i just remembered my forgotten Kagehina x ZnT drawing idea….
*p.s. if you end up liking this one then you might like Zetsuen no Tempest too.
5. Cory in the—no im kidding, my 5th rec is: Yamato Nadeshiko
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Ah yes, yet another blast from the past. This is a rom com anime.. i think. lmao. I forgot if the romance was actually ever developed in the anime. Uhm ok so the story is about this girl (who’s sort of like an outcast, that’s another way of putting it) who ends up living with 4 pretty boys. Too cliche? lol but i think this is actually one of the first anime to have this sort of plot ? not sure but it sure was the very first anime i’ve watched with the living-with-hot-guys plot.
I wanted to make half of this rec list about some underrated anime cause i figured if you haven’t watched the popular anime yet then maybe it just doesn’t interest you? lol so yeah. but normally i would’ve put Naruto, Bleach, and HunterxHunter in the list too.
Then there’s also One Punch Man, Boku No Hero Academia, and Nanatsu No Taizai. I’d recommend them but i haven’t actually watched the anime yet. I’ve only read the manga series because they didn’t have their own anime adaptations back then haha. But they’re worth checking out! if you havent already uh checked them out that is XD
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noahsflynn-archive · 7 years
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erinrrichards Strike a pose. @gothamonfox familam. Love me some badass villains. #gotham #villains [x]
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hawkinsabvclub · 5 years
Season One Review
The one where Maddi explains how the first 8 minutes of the first episode scarred her for life and Cori talks about her favorite smol bean: Will Byers.
Check out this episode!
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