#corazon online event
putschki1969 · 9 months
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Store Specific Original Tokutens Revealed
We finally have visuals for the postcard tokuten (Source). As I expected, the HMV one is VERY pretty (although so far I am not seeing anything about the tokuten on their website).
Amazon.co.jp: “Mega Jacket” Other stores: Postcard [A] Tower Records: Postcard [B] Lawson HMV: Postcard [C] NEOWING: Postcard [D] Animate: Postcard [E]
■FC shop “KEIKO Official Fan Club Meat and Chocolate CD/DVD OFFICIAL SHOP” tokuten FC Shop: Postcard [F]
Online Sign Event
In celebration of Keiko’s upcoming physical single release, she will be holding two online sign events (as she did previously for her album release of "dew"). If you pre-order the target products at the target shop within the target period, you will either receive one out of two original photo designs or one of the cover images with your name and Keiko’s handwritten signature. The present will be shipped together with the ordered product. The sign events will be live streamed on the KEIKO Official YouTube Channel for everyone to watch (Source).
■ Date and time #1 Event: January 18, 2024 19:00- (JST) #2 Event: Janaury 23, 2024 19:00- (JST) ※The broadcasts are scheduled to be archived for one week.
■ Stream URL https://www.youtube.com/c/KEIKOOfficialYouTubeChannel?app=desktop
■ Target Products Single 「夕闇のうた」 released on 2024/1/24 ① 【CD+Blu-ray Disc】 (AVCD-61396/B) ¥2,420 ② 【CD+DVD】 (AVCD-61395/B) ¥2,200 ③ 【CD only】 (AVCD-61397) ¥1,540
[#1 Event: January 18, 2024 19:00- Bonus Details] A) ①【CD+Blu-ray Disc】 + ③【CD only】 ¥3,960 ⇒ Bonus: Original photo (pattern A in size L), with customer's name (nickname) and Keiko's signature. B) ②【CD+DVD】 + ③【CD only】 ¥3,740 tax included ⇒ Bonus: Original photo (pattern B in size L), with customer's name (nickname) and Keiko's signature.
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[#2 Event: January 23, 2024 19:00- Bonus Details] A) ①【CD+Blu-ray Disc】 + ③【CD only】 ¥3,960 (tax included) ⇒ Bonus: Cover image of ①[CD+Blu-ray Disc] with customer's name (nickname) and Keiko's signature B) ②【CD+DVD】 + ③【CD only】 ¥3,740 (tax included) ⇒ Bonus: Cover image of ② [CD+DVD] with customer's name (nickname) and Keiko's signature C) ①【CD+Blu-ray Disc】+③【CD only】 ¥3,960 (tax included) ⇒ Bonus: Cover image of ③ [CD only] with customer's name (nickname) and Keiko's signature D) ②【CD+DVD】+③【CD only】 ¥3,740 (tax included) ⇒ Bonus: Cover image of ③ [CD only] with customer's name (nickname) and Keiko's signature
■ Target sales period  #1 Event on January 18: January 11 (20:00 JST) - January 17 #2 Event on January 23: January 11 (20:00 JST) - January 22
■ Target store: https://www.corazon-store.com/event/2023/12-06/9497/
※Shipping fee is ¥880 ※Registration to the CORAZON site is required for purchases ※Please note that the number of products is limited. As soon as the target store runs out of stock, sales will end. ※The number of characters for the nickname is limited to 10 characters. Refrain from using inappropriate language or emojis. Kanji, hiragana, katakana and romaji are all eligible. ※The store only ships within Japan so you will have to use a proxy service like Tenso ※Overseas credit cards work
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spookspokay · 1 year
So im going through shakiras discography and i just found a bunch of interesting things, like the time she covered exactly three (3) songs to portuguese. Estou Aqui (Estoy Aqui). Um Pouco De Amor (Un Poco de Amor). Pés Descalços (Pies Descalzos, Sueños Blancos) We know that Shakira is not a stranger to translating her songs to other languages, but its curious that she put that much effort to rerecording three of her songs to appeal to brazil but never came back to it. Heres one i was able to find online.
I believe it was a part of a special edition of pies descalsos cuz it also came packaged with two remixes of her songs, namely estoy aqui, making it three versions of the same song in this alleged album. The thing is that this one is in spanish so probably it wasnt part of that collection, but the vibe of the song kinda makes me think that it was, because if i remember correctly, brazil was huge into this kind of eurobeat remix at the time. The other one, "Donde Estas Corazon (Remix Single)" has similar vibes so im confident on why they could have been packaged together with the rest of the album.
The other thing that kinda blew my socks off was a cover she did of Ciega, Sordomuda as a mariachi song, and past the pastige of the usual trap of latin beats that the us fell to in the late late 90s and early 00s, a mariachi song is basically old mexican folk, its more than just a guitar and some horns. Im kinda impressed that she actually managed to make a cover that, past some sloppy execution in genre translation, if someone told me it was an old ballad from the times of the mexican revolution, id believe you.
im genuinly surprised that this is the most accurate mariachi song from a colombian woman ive heard in my life. I seriously think that this could be played in september parties when people bring out the traditional mexican stuff. The track perse was found in a laundry service special edition with bonus tracks, i think the one im listening to is german for some reason??? Researching it a bit i managed to find she performed this at a live event for MTV allegedly but other than that the information is shaky.
As someone who always lover her music and kinda formed some of my musical brain growing up, its kinda wild finding silly stuff like this
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concertclown · 23 days
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John 5 Turning Jan + Caspian Coberly
Date + Time: Saturday, Sep 21st, 2024 | Doors: 6:30pm + Bands: 7:30pm
Location: El Corazon - 109 Eastlake Ave E, Seattle, WA 98109
+21? | Nope! (This event is all ages!)
Ticket Price: $28 ($37 with fees/tax)
Ticket Link -> Ticket
| Consider supporting the bands online too! |
John 5
 Instagram - Facebook
Turning Jane
Bandcamp - Instagram - Facebook
Caspian Coberly
Bandcamp - Instagram
-> Concert Clown Resources <-
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phawareglobal · 5 months
Karen Martinez - phaware® interview 466
Karen Martinez, a mother from Eastvale, California, shares her experience with Camp del Corazon, a camp for children with congenital heart defects and lung disease. Her daughter attended camp for the first time at the age of seven and has been going every summer since. The camp offers events throughout the year and fosters lifelong connections among the campers.  My name is Karen Martinez. I'm from Eastvale, California. When I was pregnant, I was diagnosed with a child with a congenital heart defect. Now, I'm the mother of a child who attends Camp del Corazon every summer. I remember getting a flyer when we were at the cardiologist's office. I took it and put it away in my desk. A few years later, I came across it and I reached out on their website. They were having one of their first annual family get togethers over at UCLA. I had missed the deadline to RSVP for the potluck. They were so kind and open to having us still join. We went out there. We met with them. They were completely amazing, welcoming, loving from day one. After that, my daughter shortly turned seven years old when we sent her off to her first camp experience.
Camp del Corazon is a camp for kids that are born with congenital heart defects, but campers may also have other accompanying medical ailments. So it encompasses a lot of different medical issues, but primarily cardiology related diagnosis. The best way to describe it's a summer camp for kids between the ages of 7 to 17, but Camp del Corazon also offers events throughout the entire year so that you can build a community with other families, other children that have congenital heart defects. When you're first diagnosed with this, I personally felt lost, completely overwhelmed. It was something that we didn't understand. I had nobody to turn to. To have a community that not just embraced you, welcomed you, but also gave you the support in a desperate time of need, it's just amazing. Sending her off our first year at seven years old, oh boy, many tears involved because we kept her safe, in our opinion. At seven years old we made the decision, okay, we're going to send her off for five days. Let's hope and pray for the best. But let me tell you, the first three days I cried, the next two days my husband cried. Finally, when we went to the dock to pick her up, when we saw her get off that boat, a huge smile from ear to ear. The first words out of her mouth were "Mom, in 365 days, I get to go back!" She just lit up as bright as can be. It set our hearts at ease. We just knew this is where she needed to be. She started at the age of seven, and this will be her last year. In August, she'll be turning 17, so she'll complete 10 years total that she's been going. It was only one year she missed because of COVID, but they did online camp. For us, we look forward to it every single year because we know this is the five days that she gets to disconnect from the world completely, technology, all that good stuff. She gets to be in a place where she feels "normal". She doesn't have any limitations, any restrictions. She's with people who understand her, who love her, who accept her for who she is. She doesn't feel like she has to have limitations or she's different because of her scar. We look forward to it because we've seen this little girl grow up from the age of seven to now have this confidence, this independence that we know is hugely in part because of Camp del Corazon. There's definitely a difference when I see her with her regular school friends versus her camp friends. It's lifelong connections that she has with the kids, staff, volunteers at camp. I think it's a unique bond that they have in what they experience, in what they have in common, that drives her to have a different connection with them. Yes, she has school friends, but there's a unique connection that she has with her people from camp. Just to give you a quick little scenario. I remember her growing up she would never show her scar. It was this thing where she always was covered up. One year, coming back from camp, I noticed that she started showing the scar a little bit. It wasn't until maybe a year ago we had a discussion and she said one of her camp friends helped her understand that the scar is who she is, who makes her understand where she comes from, how she's fought to live. It makes her unique. She embraced the scar. Even though as parents, we were telling her till we were blue in the face, right, exactly what the friend told her. But hearing it from somebody else who's her age and from camp made her understand, wow, it does make me special. It does make me who I am. It's something to embrace and look as beautiful and not ugly. How other people might incorporate it when they see her.
Coming across different families and different people that I've connected with throughout the years, I will for sure, for sure describe my faith as one of the most important things that have gotten us through. Initially, like I said, it was overwhelming getting the diagnosis, not knowing where we were headed. By far, it's been our faith above everything else, because of God she is here. The second thing that always automatically comes out of my mouth is talking about the greatness of Camp del Corazon, because like I said, it's not just a community, but the events and the opportunities that they allow these kids, they're overwhelmingly beautiful. They're things that I can never do for my child. I can try. I advocate for her, but in all reality, it's events, it's speaking to other kids that are going through the same things that she's going through that help her at the end of the day. So by far, it is one of the best things that I could always introduce another family to. I always carry flyers with me to share with people the greatness of Camp del Corazon.
In order to find Camp del Corazon, you could obviously Google search them. Their website has all the information needed for registration for camp, which is now open. If for example, you live out of state, you're far and financially, you can't have your child travel to attend summer camp with Camp del Corazon, they have a virtual camp set up where familes are able to participate with activities. They get a beautiful special box mailed to them prior to the event. They'll be doing all of the activities online via Zoom. It's just a wonderful opportunity so that if you can't be there in person, you could do it virtually. It's just amazing as you see everybody's faces light up when you are doing the activities, engaging with the different groups, the breakout groups. It’s just overall fun. We sign up for it as well.
One of the things I do want to emphasize is when I sit down and imagine the cost of camp, what would it cost me to send my child to camp? I have to take into account not just the fact that there's cardiologists there, nurses there, the feeding, the shelter, everything. It would be a crazy amount of money that would be spent sending my child here. But thank God this organization makes it where it's free for me to send my child to summer camp. And for me as a camp mom, what I feel, and I've never been told I need to, but out of my heart, every single year, I fundraise in whatever way I can to turn around and be able to give back to camp. In my heart of hearts, I feel it's important not just to spread the word, but to keep this organization going. So we've gone from selling World's Finest Chocolates to now hosting Queen Bingo Nights at Hamburger Mary's, because we've made it a priority for our family to fundraise and put the name out there for Camp del Corazon. Not because it's an obligation, but because we choose to. We truly believe in what they do and what they provide for our child. From the bottom of my heart, I will never be able to express the gratitude I feel towards Camp del Corazon, every staff member, every volunteer, every counselor, every cardiologist, nurse, etc. Ultimately, they give to my child something I could never, as a parent as I wish I could. I'm lost for words when it comes to this, because genuinely I am so grateful. I can speak days and days of how wonderful they are, and I truly appreciate every single thing they do. They are a reason my child has become who she is. This is Karen Martinez, and I am aware that my daughter is rare.
Learn more about pulmonary hypertension trials at www.phaware.global/clinicaltrials. Follow us on social @phaware Engage for a cure: www.phaware.global/donate #phaware Share your story: [email protected]
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Sitting down with Media
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By: Winnie Angelica Li, Davey Ian Laciste, and Audrey Rodriguez
When it comes to reporting news, there are bound to be moments when the news can not cover the whole situation for the public. The traditional media structure enables only the media organizations to wield power over controlling the narrative. However, humans evolve and so does the mediascape (a product of human inventions and interactions). Humans compile information for words to get around, which results in people being informed of events around them and how they may affect them, but people within a certain media organization can only do so much in delivering “complete” news. There are bound to be sides from unexpected parties that media organizations themselves may not reach. The ability to gather information from all possible sources is expanded considerably through the emergence of social media.
Media organizations have lost their power to be the sole distributor of “credible” information. They have also compromised and shared their control with the public in determining what news is “newsworthy”. The digital revolution has initiated so many shifts in gathering, publishing, and disseminating information that the media, at large, had to adapt. One of the Philippines’ earlier newspapers, the Inquirer, is an example of adaptors of change when they shifted from a media organization to a multimedia organization.
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The Philippines has always been known for its way around gossip, news, and information. Inquirer, established in 1985, is one of the most prominent newspapers in the Philippines. Often regarded as the Philippines’ newspaper of record, they are an English-based newspaper that covers the latest breaking news of both local and international. 
It was first run and founded under Eugenia D. Apostol, Betty Go Belmonte, and Max Soliven. Interestingly the Inquirer was one of the first papers to be published under the final days of former President Marcos, a time when the media was under heavy control. As time went on, the media of Inquirer was able to document several important events like the campaign of Corazon Aquino as well as the People Power Revolution. It is said that this period was one of the heights of the company as there were around half a million copies sold per day.
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In 2017, Inquirer became the most-read newspaper in the Philippines, especially with the expansion of their service to online platforms. With this, information has become much easier to access with their online domain. Even with the domination of their online presence as technology moves forward with consuming online content, Inquirer garners nearly 3 million reads a day, and it is considered one of the most trusted news sources in the country. Currently, the company is run by President Rudyard Arbolado and their main office is located in Makati City, Metro Manila. They offer many columns aside from breaking news such as discussions, news analysis, opinions by the authors, and editorials. They also have a dedicated website for their stories and archives as well as an online presence on social media platforms like Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter (now called ‘X’), and even TikTok as they never fail to keep up with the current media trends for their audience.
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We sat down in one of De La Salle University’s classrooms in Miguel Hall with one of the Inquirer’s photo editors, Mr. Remar A. Zamora. In the 30-minute interview, we tackled the different issues that Inquirer may be facing in this digitalized mediascape.
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Rem Zamora
There is no doubt that the shift not only initiated great changes within the media organization system but also the audience behaviors. When asked about the changing preferences in consumption of the public, Mr. Zamora mentioned that “the declining readership has had direct consequences on the business side of journalism, which prompted them to reshape their organization’s operations.”
This decline in readership not only results in decreased revenues but also places constraints on resources such as budgeting. Furthermore, it requires the editorial team to adjust to the changing preferences of their readers. Davey Laciste, our interviewer, referenced his learning experience in his Fundamentals of Publishing (CAMPUBL) class regarding the shortening attention spans of recent generations. Mr. Zamora agreed with this statement and further reinforced the idea of the required editorial adaptation to the recent social media trends and platforms.
Alongside the profound changes in audience behavior and the impact of social media on news consumption, Inquirer has been facing other major challenges in this age. The organization has also been facing trust issues and skepticism as a credible news source from social media users. Newspapers have been slowly phasing out and citizen journalism has replaced them as a “more reliable” source of news. This trust issue has led to decreased inclination to gather information from established media outlets.
To regain trust, Mr. Zamora emphasized the importance of “awareness”. People should understand that not all online content is factual or unbiased. This is where news organizations have the upper hand in publishing trustworthy news as they follow rigorous journalistic protocols and can be held accountable for their content. The quality of journalism, adherence to processes, and editorial integrity set them apart from self-published online sources. 
"We are accountable for what we publish or what we broadcast. I'm not saying all people publishing online are bad, it's just that there are certain protocols that people should follow. There are certain processes and ideologies that journalists follow that most self-published people on the internet do not do.", Mr. Zamora stated.
To tackle these issues, Mr. Zamora indicated that Inquirer has been planning to be more adaptable to the demands of the public by providing news forms. Just like the shift from newspapers to radio form to television, media organizations have continuously adapted. Even in this era of AI-driven innovations, Mr. Zamora has not diminished the potential of this technology. According to him, “AI is already here and it's here already. But the thing is ChatGPT can eliminate the mechanical type of job. Like, there are a lot of organizations using AI already to do, let's say, sports, statistics, or business reporting with the stocks.”
He suggested that “human journalists can provide analysis for AI to relate to”. However, there is no guarantee how long the innovation of AI will develop to replace human journalists. Mr. Zamora emphasized the superiority of good journalism derived from good sources with factual information.
Ultimately, journalists still have a role in this world as well as media organizations. These people work hand-in-hand to deliver timely and credible news to the masses. For the youths who look forward to being part of the media industry, Mr. Zamora advised that “even if technology is really diverse and may seem intimidating, it comes with a sense of excitement in discovering a good story to tell. People will listen, even if you present them with different forms of media.”
While some struggles have been encountered by media organizations just like Inquirer, they eventually conformed to the new standards and started producing quality journalism for the ever-curious readers. Good journalism always prevails and just like Mr. Zamora’s final quote, we should remember that “while the medium may change, the power of a compelling narrative remains timeless.”
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ultraericthered · 1 year
Choose violence - Spider-Man. 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22.
1. Raimiverse Mary Jane Watson, easily. 3. NOPE. That'd take way too long to find!
4. "No Way Home saved MCU Spidey 'cause they fixed their shit and listened to all the fan complaints, period! No way was this always the set plan or else they'd never had made him Iron Boy to start with!" 6. Both the Peter/Mary Jane AND Peter/Gwen Stacy stans. If anything could make a good case for shipping Peter/Harry... 7. Carnage. He's hard to make engaging in canon as is, but his disproportionate popularity among fans is what I really hate. 8. There are many, but off the top of my head: every negative thing expressed about Raimi!MJ and MCU!MJ, the notion that Eddie Brock/Venom is some essential aspect of Spider-Man that has to be done and done right, and the purist idea that Spider-Man has some inflexible, stone-set canon mythos that must be adhered to in all adaptations or else it's some grave disservice to Spider-Man that fails to do the character and source material any justice (wonder if the whole "canon event" thing in AtSV is partially a shot at that).
9. Which canon? :P
10. The rampant purism, sexism, racism, and double standards. 12. Raimi!MJ, Spectacular!Sally Avril, 2017!Anya Corazon, and the Hobgoblin in general. Oh, and I also unironically like Michael Morbius and believe he deserves morb love! 16. Going back to MJ and Gwen, the "blind date build-up/party girl phase" for MJ and "the Death of Gwen Stacy" for Gwen. Lightning struck once, but trying to apply these to other iterations of Spider-Man comes off not only as forced but incredibly dated and dull.
17. More crossovers. The Spiderverse is practically beckoning us to try that out and see what we come up with! 18. The 2017 Marvel's Spider-Man series. It inevitably falls in the shadow of the 90's animated series and The Spectacular Spider-Man, but it's a solid take on Spider-Man in its own right and delivered some truly brilliant stuff, especially with its take on Doc Ock. 19. Aside from Morbius? The Spot. Not the new menacing version from AtSV, I mean the wimpy, whiny one from a single episode of the 90's animated series! The way he was written and handled was so bad yet so pivotal to the later proceedings in the plot that it crosses the line into So Bad It's Good for me. 20. The Clone Saga in the 616 comics, Season 4 and most of Season 5 in the 90's animated series, the Venom arcs of The Spectacular Spider-Man, the Cellar arc of Marvel's Spider-Man, and the Amazing Spider-Man film duology in general. 21. The Death of Gwen Stacy, Kraven's Last Hunt, and nearly everything to do with Venom and Carnage in the comics, The Amazing Spider-Man (2012) back when it was getting hype online, and yes, Into The Spiderverse, which remains a very, very solid movie but not the best Spidey film and in retrospect it was merely a warm-up for what we've got now in Across The Spiderverse and Beyond The Spiderverse. 22. The motherfucking Hobgoblin! Namely Roderick Kingsley as the original one in the comics, and the 90's animated series' version of Jason Philip Macendale. Easily one of my top favorite Spider-Man villains who deserved better in canon, and still deserves more appreciation and adaptations.
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braidedjanes · 1 year
Houston TX
By Andrew Doyle
After another great trip to perform for the Corazon Migrante Tour in Houston, Texas, I wanted to share a little about our experience.
After some unexpected fees and a damaged amp during our last trip together in Nogales, Arizona in March, we decided to rent some of our equipment from a Guitar Center in Houston, not far from our hotel. It was a good dose of relief knowing we didn't have to travel with as much this time around and it was probably a little cheaper in the end too. 
We had rented a car at the airport and after a long time in line we drove straight to the hotel to unload our luggage and instruments.The weather was beautiful and we were ready to indulge in some good southern cooking. Juny's long-time friend Raul who lives in the Houston area had recommended a place we could meet up for a crawfish boil and maybe a beer or two. That sounded amazing to me, but I was trying to hide my enthusiasm. 
When we arrived, and met up with Raul there were some big hugs being thrown around and we quickly got to having some good laughs and ate until we couldn't move. 
Juny picked up her cajon after lunch and we went back to the hotel to freshen up. Still full, we met back up with Raul in an old town called The Heights (? - must confirm town and place) for a few Old Fashions and more good laughs. The service was outstanding and made us feel right at home. I think any gitters I had from being away from home and in a big city like Houston were officially evaporated at that point. 
When we got back to the hotel we ran through our set, as much as we could; as we didn't have my amp yet and we were trying not to wake the people in the rooms next door. 
After a much-needed sleep, I took the car to pick up my rental amp and when I got back we set out to find a place nearby to get some lunch. We had found a place online but quickly realized that we wouldn't have time to drive there and back and be ready to leave the hotel for soundcheck, so we kept driving in hopes that we would find something good to eat as it would likely be our last meal until after our show. 
We soon stumbled upon a restaurant called El Muelle and as we walked in I saw a bowl of soup that caught my eye. I had never seen anything like it before and knew I had to try it. It was called Mariscada de Centro America, a seafood soup in a creamy curry broth that was to die for. It was as good as the Albondigas de Camaron I had in Nogales, Arizona. I was truly in heaven. I also had tried their Coctele Vida which had squid, shrimp and raw oysters; that was so fantastic too. 
Still smiling from an amazing meal, we went back to the hotel to get ready for our show. While driving back we realized we still needed to get the PA speaker Raul had offered to loan us for the show and we were running out of time. Getting around Houston quickly is no easy task. At the point we thought we would just have to make due with the amp the Consulate said they had for us. Not long after that realization, Raul showed up at the hotel with the PA speaker! So we didn't have to drive across town to get and didn't have to rely on a speaker we hadn't seen yet. This was the MVP move of the trip. Without Raul dropping everything he was doing at that moment and bringing us the PA speaker before we were to leave for soundcheck, I don't know if we would have had a show quite honestly. 
When we got to the Consulate building we were a bit awed by how beautiful the inside of the building was and how it felt like we were up in the trees as the windows on both sides of the building showed mostly just trees and light coming in. The art was up on the wall and sculptures were displayed on clean white wooden pedestals throughout the space. There was a great aura and vibe there as everyone was warm and friendly as usual at these events. 
We got set up and did a quick soundcheck. My cousins Amy and Jonathan and his girlfriend Nikki all live in Houston and were able to come see our show. Jessica's cousin Lizette lives there too and she and her family were there as well. Seeing your family and friends at a show when you're so far from home is an amazing feeling; we're so grateful for them making it and for being so supportive of us. They made it almost impossible not to have a great show. 
It felt so good to play for such a great audience and to be a part of the Migrante Tour and mission. I love Mexican culture and the people so much! 
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The outfit on the right side is so pretty *_*
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jamespotterthefirst · 3 years
Ethan x MC Masterlist
All my Ethan x MC works organized by year 
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Open Heart: Year One Pictagram Series: The events of year one retold through social media posts and messages
All Posts in the series
Prelude (Three moments leading up to their fateful meeting.)
As Long as You Love Me So ( She needs a fake Christmas date. Urgently. )
Auld Lang Syne (More fake dating. Part 2 of As Long as You Love Me So)
For You (Ethan confronts Landry for his betrayal)
Most Beautiful (the morning after their first night together)
Diamond scenes written from Ethan’s POV
Don’t Let Me Down (1.1)
Drinks For Two (1.2)
Little Miracle (1.4)
Enchant Me (1.6)
The Art of Observation (1.7)
Along the Seashore (1.10)
Winner Takes it All (1.10)
In the Afterglow (1.10)
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Lovely Series: (Continues to “Beyond”) Adding her on social media was a dangerous mistake. Particularly when she posts a picture looking like that.  
Ocean Eyes
Everything I Wanted
Fake Husband Series:  (Continues to “Beyond”) When they run into her ex, Ethan pretends to be married to her to spite him
Fake Husband
Fake Husband II
Fake Wife/ Fake Husband III
Unsaid (The last time they see each other before he leaves for Brazil)
Knowing Me, Knowing You (AU: She is dating someone else when he returns from the Amazon)
All I Ask (A jealous Ethan confronts her about Bryce)
Irreplaceable (Prompt: “Just- uh … try not to die. I’m really not bothered to replace you”)
Valentine ( A jealous Ethan watches her flirt with someone else on his most hated holiday. Set during book 2)
Adore You (Ethan realizes how utter powerless he is before her.)
Beautiful Thing (A training session with Ethan turns romantic)
Macarons (Prompt: “I got these because I know they’re your favourite” )
Birthday (On her birthday, Ethan shows up at her door with a gift)
Lunch Date ( It is time to finally talk about the next steps after their kiss outside his apartment. Set after 2.8)
Adrenaline Rush (Another stolen kiss after breaking into Mass Kenmore)
Hands (Prompt:  “I really like your hands.”)
Most Ardently (Days after her recovery, he tells her of the Pride and Prejudice vibe they apparently give off. Set after 2.11.)
Without Words ( Desperate and afraid of losing her, Ethan turns to his mentor. Set during the events of 2.11.)
All-Nighter (He’d do anything for her, even fly across the country on moment’s notice. Set in the Vegas chapter, book 2)
At Last (It’s the day after gala and they’re not hiding anymore.)
Hit the Town ( After enjoying drinks with their friends, they escape to a quick dinner date)
Home (Their last words before Edenbrook shuts down)
NSFW: Warnings: Strong Language, Smut, NSFW content. Please use discretion and caution when viewing this work.By viewing of these works, you consent that you are 18+
Rivulets [NSFW]
Satin Sheets [NSFW]
Wish and Command [NSFW]  
For Lost Time [NSFW]
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Late Night (Harper Emery is eager to share a new prospect with her old colleague, Ethan. But when she visits his apartment late at night to discuss, she is stunned by what-- or rather who-- she finds there.)
His Own Medicine (When Bryce Lahela brings her a coffee, Ethan Ramsey gets a taste of his own medicine.)
A Dance With the Devil (What will Ethan Ramsey do when he watches her dance with Tobias Carrick?)
Mariposa (Ethan should have known better than to take dancing lessons with his vivacious girlfriend)
Whispers (The dress she ordered online was not what she expected. Set in Book 3.)
Mirrors (They have always found comfort in one another.)
Sunrise (Suddenly, marriage doesn’t seem like a pointless endeavor for Ethan. Set in 3.10)
Cariño ( After their confessing their feelings to one another, everyone can see something has changed. Set in 3.11)
For A Long Time Now (He can finally tell her the three words he meant to say for a long time.)
Open Heart Third Year: A new year, a new relationship, and a new Edenbrook. Will everything go as smoothly as they had planned? (IN PROGRESS: ON HIATUS)
Prologue: His Beloved
Chapter 1: Promises
NSFW: Warnings: Strong Language, Smut, NSFW content. Please use discretion and caution when viewing this work.By viewing of these works, you consent that you are 18+
Burgundy [NSFW]
Private Lessons [NSFW]
Stress Relief [NSFW]
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Beautiful Thing Together Pictagram Series
Other Pictagram posts
Speechless (Prompt: ““You’ve finally rendered me speechless”)
Homesick (Prompt:  “You’re the only reason I’m coming back”)
Blinding Lights (Dr. Ethan Ramsey would do anything for his patients and for his girlfriend)
Four Hearts (Who was texting Dr. Ramsey during his Hope Springs interview and why was he smiling so much?)
You Outshine the Morning Sun (She finds out she is pregnant. How will he react?)
Where We Belong ( Waking up to her boyfriend making breakfast for her? What did she do to deserve him?)
Corazon (When Ethan meets her mother and sister for the first time, they accidentally embarrass her by remembering the crush she used to have on him.)
October 31st (Ethan Ramsey doesn’t do costumes… except maybe for her.)
Five Birthdays ( Ethan’s birthdays with her in the next five years.)
Christmas Music ( What is Ethan’s favorite Christmas song?)
Gingerbread (The competition is on when they each help their patients make a gingerbread house.)
Bouquet (A Mother’s Day Surprise)
Espresso (She confesses years later that she didn’t like the Espresso Romano)
Observation Deck (Ethan knows it was her with Bryce on the observation deck during her intern year)
The Hunt (Easter egg hunt with the Ramsey children)
Babysitter (Ethan babysits five children who demand pancakes.)
Autograph (A young intern flirts with Ethan in front of his wife.)
Attending (Those poor, wide-eyed interns have crushes on the new attending at Edenbrook. How will her husband react when one decides to make a move?)
Apologize (Years later, a guilt-ridden Ethan apologizes for making her cry on her first day as an intern.)
That Morning (They enjoy a crossword puzzle before the chaos begins)
Are You In Love? (Ethan takes a Cosmo quiz)
Brave at Heart (What Hogwarts House are they in?)
Flirt (Ethan takes flirting advice from Bryce)
Mi Viejito ( Father’s Day more than twenty years later.)
Sick Day (Prompt:  “You won’t take care of yourself so I will”)
Alternate Universe
1800s AU: At a ball, Doctor Ethan Ramsey is entranced by her beauty, not knowing there is so much more to her than meets the eye.
She Walks In Beauty
A Red, Red Rose  
How Do I Love Thee
The Viper (AU: Detective Ramsey is a step closer to capturing a notorious criminal. If only Miss Allende, a key witness, would cooperate)
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rz-jocelyn · 3 years
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[NEWS UPDATE] The Brow Beat: An Online Fan Signing and Online Release Event for The Brow Beat's New Album "404" Have been Announced
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For fans who pre-order the album "404 (Type A)" from the Corazon Store, they stand the chance to win an autographed version of the album, which will be signed live online. There will be two sessions for fans to select from.
Date: April 22, 2022
[Session 1] 17.00 (Japan time) to 19.00 (Japan time)
[Session 2] 20.30 (Japan time) to 22.30 (Japan time)
Pre-Order Period: Now to 23.59 (Japan time) on April 19, 2022
To pre-order the album from the Corazon Store, please refer to this link: HERE
Fans who don't win the autographed version of the album can also watch the event.
To watch the event, please refer to this link: HERE
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For fans who pre-order the album "404 (Type B)" and "404 (Type C)" as a set from the Pony Canyon store, they can participate in the online release event.
Date: April 30, 2022
Participants: Ryuji, HAKUEI
Guest: Kusano Kayoko
Pre-Order Period: Now to 23.59 (Japan time) on April 03, 2022
To pre-order the album from the Pony Canyon Store, please refer to this link: HERE
To participate in the event, please refer to this link: HERE
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For fans who prefer the bonuses available with pre-orders from other stores, please refer to this link: HERE
NOTE: For more information on proxy services available in Japan, please refer to this link: HERE
Source(s): ( x , x )
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Loki Temporada 1 Capitulo 5 [1x05] ver serie TV Online Gratis Español
Ver serie TV - https://loki-capitulo-5.blogspot.com/
El episodio 4 de la temporada 1 de Loki, "The Nexus Event", es la gloria suprema de esta temporada. Este no solo es el mejor episodio de esta serie, sino que posiblemente sea el mejor episodio de cualquier serie de Disney + Marvel hasta la fecha.
Después de sentarse a través de densas historias embotelladas y de construcción de mundos, Loki está listo para dejar caer las piezas donde puedan. Las consecuencias son un complejo rompecabezas de ingenio rápido y dientes más afilados mientras el caos reina supremo.
El episodio 4 de Loki comienza la mitad posterior de la serie con un episodio que presenta más giros y vueltas que un tobogán en un parque acuático. “The Nexus Event” comienza después de los eventos de “Lamentis”, cuando Loki (Tom Hiddleston) y Sylvie (Sophia Di Martino) son recapturados por Time Variance Authority. Conmocionado por la revelación de que la TVA está poblada por variantes de otras líneas de tiempo, Loki intenta convencer a Mobius (Owen Wilson) sobre el engaño que la TVA está tirando, mientras que Mobius desconfía de las maquinaciones del juez Ravonna Ravenslayer (Gugu Mbatha-Raw) . Mientras tanto, Hunter B-20 (Wunmi Mosaku) se enfrenta a Sylvie sobre los recuerdos de su vida pasada.
El episodio comienza con la infancia de Sylvie, ya que fue arrestada por la TVA a una edad muy temprana. La rutina de TVA para procesar variantes, que dio un giro cómico en el estreno de la serie, está filmada con una nueva perspectiva aterradora para la joven Sylvie. La directora de la serie Kate Herron filma la secuencia de eventos con múltiples ángulos holandeses y poca luz, haciendo que TVA se sienta menos como una burocracia intergaláctica y más como una casa cósmica de los horrores. En Lamentis, la Sylvie adulta también cuenta cómo escapó y se vio obligada a vivir su vida en varios apocalipsis, y la actuación de Di Martino conmoverá incluso a los corazones más duros. Di Martino ha sido una adición bienvenida a la serie desde su primera aparición y espero que continúe hasta el final de Loki.
El propio Loki principal también obtiene una buena cantidad de desarrollo de personaje, gracias a estar atrapado en una prisión que lo atrapa en uno de los peores recuerdos de su vida y también sirve como devolución de llamada a la primera película de Thor. Loki admite que sus acciones son las de un narcisista y que su mayor miedo es estar solo. También lucha por lidiar con sus sentimientos de carga por Sylvie, lo cual, dado que ella es una versión alternativa de él, es completamente comprensible. Me sorprende que incluso después de una década de interpretar a Loki, Hiddleston continúe encontrando nuevas capas para el Dios de la Travesura.
"The Nexus Event" finalmente comienza a despegar las capas de TVA, especialmente en lo que respecta a Ravonna. Aunque Mbatha-Raw ha interpretado principalmente a Ravonna como una empleada de la TVA, aquí podemos ver más de su amistad con Mobius. Dicha amistad toma un giro oscuro hacia el final del episodio cuando Mobius acepta el hecho de que él es una variante, mientras que Hunter también tiene una revelación similar. Es un buen giro dramático para Wilson y Mosaku, especialmente porque Wilson es conocido principalmente por su trabajo cómico. Y los espectadores no creerán dónde terminan ambos personajes.
El público también podrá ver por primera vez a los Time Keepers, los misteriosos seres que gobiernan la TVA. Fieles a las enormes estatuas creadas a su semejanza, los Guardianes del Tiempo se sientan en una enorme sala del trono, con una niebla azul oscuro arremolinándose a su alrededor. También se ven apropiadamente alienígenas con su piel escamosa, largas túnicas blancas y voces incorpóreas. Como corresponde a una organización envuelta en secretos, hay uno muy grande sobre los Guardianes del Tiempo, y sugiere la aparición de otro villano de Marvel. Y debo decir que es bastante apropiado que un programa de Marvel basado en el Dios de las travesuras y las mentiras se enrede con una organización que se basa en el secreto y la mentira.
El Episodio 4 de Loki presenta giros y vueltas a lo largo de su tiempo de ejecución, comenzando la mitad posterior de la serie con abundantes revelaciones. Los fanáticos no querrán perderse este episodio o la escena posterior a los créditos, lo que sugiere que Loki puede ganar algunos aliados poco probables en su lucha contra la TVA.
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putschki1969 · 8 months
【1/18】KEIKO 「Yūyami no Uta」 Online Sign Event
If you have time, be sure to tune in for the live broadcast of Keiko's Online Sign Event! In celebration of Keiko’s upcoming physical single release, she will be holding two online sign events (as she did previously for her album release of “dew”). If you pre-order the target products at the target shop within the target period, you will either receive one out of two original photo designs or one of the cover images with your name and Keiko’s handwritten signature. The present will be shipped together with the ordered product. The sign events will be live streamed on the KEIKO Official YouTube Channel for everyone to watch (Find all the details HERE).
■ Date and time #1 Event: January 18, 2024 19:00- (JST)
Had to watch most of the broadcast on mute because I had a work meeting at the same time but thankfully I noticed my name both times. BANZAI! So happy to see that Hikaru had joined the chat as well. Loved the Waka-chan name-drop at around 1:49 when they were talking about Hikaru's live in Fukuoka and what she should be eating (=> udon). Keiko's manager/staff member mentioned a particular restaurant and Keiko said that she would have to ask Wakana about it.
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phawareglobal · 2 years
Roslyn Rivera, RN, BSN - phaware® interview 387
Roslyn Rivera, RN, BSN is the Fetal and Pediatric Cardiology Outpatient Nurse Coordinator at the UCLA Children’s Heart Center. Since 2013, Roslyn has volunteered with Camp del Corazon, a nonprofit organization offering year-round activities for children and young adults with CHD.  She holds the role of Nurse Coordinator and as an Advisor for their adult CHD program called PACE. 
Roslyn discusses the work of Camp del Corazon and its lasting impact on children and families affected by CHD and Pulmonary Hypertension.
Don't miss CDC's upcoming Family Festival (FAMfest FUNdraiser) October 29th in North Hollywood, CA. You can also participate in the Online Auction (Oct 22-29, 2022). Learn more at: https://www.campdelcorazon.org/famfest @campdelcorazon
Hi, I'm Roslyn Rivera. I'm a pediatric cardiology nurse. I currently work at UCLA in Mattel Children's Hospital. I've been a nurse for about 17 years now. I've always worked in pediatrics, specifically critical care, so in the pediatric ICU and with cardiology patients. So I have an extensive background in pediatric cardiology and pulmonology care. I would love to talk to you today about Camp del Corazon, which is one of the volunteer aspects of my nursing career. Camp del Corazon is a non-profit organization that provides summer camp and really year round opportunities for children and families with congenital heart disease. They have a summer camp every summer where there are hundreds of children that come out. It's a medically safe camp. Most of the time these children are deemed a little bit too sick to attend a normal children's summer camp, so this is their opportunity to experience summer camp; riding in kayaks on the ocean and climbing rock walls and having those opportunities because it is medically safe. There are nurses and doctors there to help care for them. Camp del Corazon does offer year round opportunities, including educational opportunities for families and events for the CHD community to get together. They also have a young adult program for young adults who are 18 to 25. It's called Progressive Adult Cardiac Experience or PACE for short. We do sometimes monthly events. We have a virtual book club. We've had beach days. We've had movie nights. We also have an annual camping trip that's every October where we take these young adults camping in tents at campsite just to experience and learn new skills. Camp del Corazon was started in 1995 by Dr. Kevin Shannon and his nurse Lisa Knight at UCLA. The reason they started this camp is because they had a patient who was a teenager who was really nervous about his procedures, really embarrassed about the scars he had from his heart surgeries and he didn't know anyone else like him. Dr. Shannon and Lisa Knight decided he needs to meet other kids like him. How can we do that? How can we facilitate that happening? Ao they just created this camp. They decided we're going to have a small camp with some of our patients from UCLA and we'll get them together and we'll go to a campsite and have a few days. It was really bare bones and just kind of started really small and now we're serving nearly 450 children every year at summer camp. It was really their vision to provide a place for children who have complex heart conditions, to be able to meet other kids like them and to not be nervous or anxious about going to the doctor. A place for them to really just be kids, because oftentimes they are in the hospital for several months out of the year of have major surgery. It's difficult for them to find a place where their families feel safe for them to do the activities that we do at camp, whether that's even just hiking around or swimming in the ocean. Sometimes we've had kids that have never even seen the ocean before, come to camp and be able to swim in it. It's really life changing. One of the best things about camp is the community. The children that attend make some of the best friends of their whole life, friends that they keep in touch with. We have counselors that were campers back in the early 90s. Some of them are still best friends with the kids they met when they were seven, eight years old in the mid 90s. Camp del Corazon has really created such a glorious community where kids with heart disease can really just share their experiences together. It really goes for the families as well. Camp really wants to offer support for families of these children, because it's can be distressing to have a child who is so sick. The fear of the unknown is a reality for these families. So being able to provide this camp community is really provide a lot of hope for our families. There is always the camper who is crying at the dock as we are about to get them on a boat to separate them from their parents. They don't want to leave and they don't want to go somewhere foreign. They don't know where they're going. Within a few hours, they're on the island with other kids their age running around laughing and have completely forgotten that they are missing home. It's just the environment that camp really provides them with the activities that they may not necessarily have at home. We have archery, like none of these kids have ever held a bow and arrow before. I mean, I haven't until I went to camp as an adult, as a counselor, as a nurse. We have a saying at camp, it's challenge by choice. That simply means we're going to present these new activities to you and challenges and you can decide if you want to do them or not. It can be as much as you're staring at the rock wall and you're terrified of getting up off the ground, because you're maybe afraid of heights. So maybe the challenge for you this year is to just put on the harness and maybe just touch the wall. Next year you can challenge yourself to do a little bit more to actually climb that wall just a little bit and just see how far you can push yourself knowing that we are here to support you. One thing that I tell my patients and their parents when they're in clinic when I'm talking about camp, because I want all the kids to come, is I really just talk to the kid and I show them the pamphlet, I show them the video of what camp looks like, the activities we do. I explain how fun it is and how they're going to meet someone just like them. Then I look at the parent and I say, "it's very medically safe." We have at minimum two doctors there at all times, they are pediatric cardiologists. Each cabin of campers has its own med nurse. So that's about one med nurse for every eight campers for the most part. There's also other counselors there and a good portion of them, I'd say at least a third, do have some kind of medical background. Whether that's an EMT paramedic, maybe they're a phlebotomist, they have some kind of medical background. So that's extra eyes for us as the med team that is there in the island to make sure that we're keeping the campers safe and healthy. With the medications, we administer them all the ways that the parents and the doctors have prescribed them to be. We're definitely making sure that the kids that are there are keeping up with their medical regimen as well. That being said, definitely there to have fun. Camp del Corazon is a nonprofit. That being said, it is funded through donations. They have several fundraisers there throughout the year. They have a big gala that's usually every April. They have a golf tournament, as well, that's sometime in the late spring. We have a FamFest that is usually every fall, usually in October. Those are just some of the big fundraisers. We do have some smaller fundraisers throughout the year to allow these children to be able to attend this camp for free. It is completely free for the parents. They do not pay anything for them to come, because we want it to be an opportunity for everyone to attend. Especially the children that may not have another place to go, another camp where they are going to be able to be cared for in the way they need to in order to have such a great experience. Camp del Corazon isn't just based out of UCLA anymore. It has expanded tremendously over the past two decades. We have campers that have come from out of state, from Arizona, from places in Boston, from Florida. We've had campers that have come from Canada. We actually have quite a few that come together, usually they fly on down. Really we've gone international.  During our virtual camp, we had campers that were from South America and Puerto Rico who joined us. That was something really incredible and really special and it really expanded our own volunteer counselors. Most of those campers, English was not their first language. We had a special section that was speaking Spanish to them during our virtual camp. Being able to provide something like that to them that they had definitely not experienced before, it's really unique. It's fun to say that Camp del Corazon is now international. One of those campers from Peru, I believe, did actually attend camp in person a few years ago. It was just something that she was glowing about. It was such a great experience for her. I’ve talked a lot about Dr. Shannon and Lisa Knight and their vision in creating this tremendous camp. Unfortunately, we lost Lisa a few years ago. She lost a battle to cancer and with that we definitely did not lose any hope in keeping this camp alive. Her daughter, Chrissy, otherwise known as Penny Lane, really took hold of this camp. While those are very large footsteps to follow, she has continued camp the way that her mother Lisa would want. She is out there as the face of camp and has been involved since her early 20s, so for several years herself. It's really inspiring to see how Chrissy has really taken on the legacy of Lisa to continue this camp and continue with the attitude of, we can do this. How can we do this? We will do this. I know I've talked a lot about heart disease and how Camp del Corazon is here to support families of children with heart disease, but we have expanded and are including patients with pulmonary hypertension as well. In general, in my clinical experience, children with pulmonary hypertension are seen by cardiologists. That's one of the necessities for campers to attend camp is to be seen by a cardiologist. With our pulmonary hypertension patients who are seeing cardiologists, they're definitely welcome and we are excited to have them at camp. As a nurse, I know that pulmonary hypertension is quite a debilitating disease. We want these children who again, don't really have a great place to go and be a kid, to be able to experience that and to meet other children who are similar to them and to just have the opportunity to participate in activities just like any other kid, just like their peers. So as I've mentioned, Camp del Corazon could not be possible without donations from people like you. We really want to expand our community. FamFest fundraiser is Camp del Corazon's fall event. It's a 5K. There'll be some carnival games. It's really a way to join with the community. You can meet other people from camp, whether that's counselors or other campers and their families. That's being held on Saturday, October 29th in North Hollywood Park. There's also an online auction. If you go to the Camp del Corazon website, that will be held the week prior, so October 22nd through the 29th, where you can find some really great goodies to bid on and help out camp to get more kids to camp. My name is Roslyn Rivera and I'm aware that I'm rare.
Learn more about pulmonary hypertension trials at www.phaware.global/clinicaltrials. Follow us on social @phaware Engage for a cure: www.phaware.global/donate #phaware Share your story: [email protected]
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sirajaburung-blog · 4 years
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Detalles Sitios oficiales: Facebook oficial | Instagram oficial | País: Corea del Sur Idioma: coreano Fecha de lanzamiento: 12 de agosto de 2020 (España) También conocido como: Península Créditos de la compañía Productora: Movic Comics, Next Entertainment World, RedPeter Film Mostrar más en IMDbPro Especificaciones técnicas Color: color
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Definition and definition of film / film
While the players who play a role in the film are referred to as actors (men) or actresses (women). There is also the term extras that are used as minor characters with few roles in the film. This differs from the main actors, who have larger and more roles. As an actor and actress, good acting talent must be required that corresponds to the subject of the film in which he plays the leading role. In certain scenes, the role of the actor can be replaced by a stunt man or a stunt man. The existence of a stuntman is important to replace the actors who play difficult and extreme scenes that are usually found in action-action films. Movies can also be used to deliver certain messages from the filmmaker. Some industries also use film to convey and represent their symbols and culture. Filmmaking is also a form of expression, thoughts, ideas, concepts, feelings and moods of a person that are visualized in the film. The film itself is mostly fictional, though some are based on actual stories or on a true story. There are also documentaries with original and real images or biographical films that tell the story of a character. There are many other popular genre films, from action films, horror films, comedy films, romantic films, fantasy films, thriller films, drama films, science fiction films, crime films, documentaries and others. This is some information about the definition of film or film. The information has been cited from various sources and references. Hope it can be useful. TV FILM The first television shows were experimental, sporadic programs that from the 1930s could only be seen at a very short distance from the mast. TV events such as the 1936 Summer Olympics in Germany, the crowning of King George VI. In Britain in 19340 and the famous launch of David Sarnoff at the 1939 New York World’s Fair in the United States, the medium grew, but World War II brought development to a halt after the war. The 19440 World MOVIE inspired many Americans to buy their first television, and in 1948 the popular Texaco Star Theater radio moved to become the first weekly television variety show that hosted Milton Berle and earned the name “Mr Television” demonstrated The medium was a stable, modern form of entertainment that could attract advertisers. The first national live television broadcast in the United States took place on September 4, 1951, when President Harry Truman’s speech at the Japanese Peace Treaty Conference in San Francisco on AT & T’s transcontinental cable and microwave relay system was broadcasting to broadcasters in local markets has been. The first national color show (the 1954 Rose Parade tournament) in the United States took place on January 1, 1954. For the next ten years, most network broadcasts and almost all local broadcasts continued to be broadcast in black and white. A color transition was announced for autumn 1965, in which more than half of all network prime time programs were broadcast in color. The first all-color peak season came just a year later. In 19402, the last holdout of daytime network shows was converted to the first full color network season.
??? formats and genres ???
See also: List of genres § Film and television formats and genres TV shows are more diverse than most other media due to the variety of formats and genres that can be presented. A show can be fictional (as in comedies and dramas) or non-fictional (as in documentary, news, and reality television). It can be current (as in the case of a local news program and some television films) or historical (as in the case of many documentaries and fictional films). They can be educational or educational in the first place, or entertaining, as is the case with situation comedies and game shows. [Citation required] A drama program usually consists of a series of actors who play characters in a historical or contemporary setting. The program follows their lives and adventures. Before the 1980s, shows (with the exception of soap opera series) generally remained static without storylines, and the main characters and premise barely changed. [Citation required] If the characters’ lives changed a bit during the episode, it was usually reversed in the end. For this reason, the episodes can be broadcast in any order. [Citation required] Since the 1980s, many FILMS have had a progressive change in the plot, characters, or both. For example, Hill Street Blues and St. Elsewhere were two of the first American prime time drama television films to have this kind of dramatic structure [4] [better source required], while the later MOVIE Babylon 5 further illustrated such a structure had a predetermined story about the planned five season run. [Citation required] In 2020, it was reported that television became a larger part of the revenue of large media companies than the film. Some also noticed the quality improvement of some television programs. In 2020, Oscar-winning film director Steven Soderbergh declared the ambiguity and complexity of character and narrative: “I think these qualities are now being seen on television and people who want to see stories with such qualities are watching TV.
Thanks for everything and have fun watching
Here you will find all the films that you can stream online, including the films that were shown this week. If you’re wondering what to see on this website, you should know that it covers genres that include crime, science, fi-fi, action, romance, thriller, comedy, drama, and anime film. Thanks a lot. We inform everyone who is happy to receive news or information about this year’s film program and how to watch your favorite films. Hopefully we can be the best partner for you to find recommendations for your favorite films. That’s all from us, greetings!
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yumidarkheart · 5 years
21 Qs
tagged by @beckyshtar @shoheiakagi @anewmourning
RULES: Answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people you want to get to know better.
I’m NOT gonna tag 21 ppl here because literally half of the ppl I would tag tagged me first and the other half it’s practically dead onlin so I’m only tagging the friends and mutuals I know are active.
@finalgale @danaescrazybitch @twisted-twosided-fate @redloveashes @kuroh-is-my-queen @endless-season @kurgy​
Friendly reminder no one is obligated to do this! uwu
1. HEIGHT: like 168 c or something like this but I’m not ure at all.
2. ZODIAC: Capricorn with an Aies ascendant and moon on Taurus
3. LAST MOVIE I SAW: Zootopia. (On theather Mary Poppins Returns)
4. FAVORITE MUSICIAN: I like a lot of artirts but my favs forever are Skillet, Kenshi Yonezu, Daft Punk, Cascada, Whitim Temptation, Florence and the Machine, EGOISt and Hollywood Undead. I also love a lot of anime OST compositors like Kajiura Yuki, Kevin Penkin and Yoko Kano.
5. FAVORITE AUTHOR: I have a lot of time I don’t read actual books but I can say I like a lot edgar allan poe(?).  Sorry it’s hard to read new books on a country where we don’t get any kind of outside influence since 2012...
6. FAVORITE FANFICTION:   Well I have a lot so here goes my personal list.
Español / Spanish
Caldo de Pollo por  Airam09 ( Fanfiction de Code lyoko, es un one shot super fluffy de Oddlita y es todo lo que se necesita saber)
Tras las conquistas, existió una historia  por  Bicho Raro  ( Fanfiction de Axis Powers Hetalia, centrado en Prussia, su historia como país y como  Federico II el Grande influyó en su persona, un fanfic muy interesante, grasioso y un poquito rompe corazones)
Mente Frágil por  MagiDunkelheit ( Fanfiction de Yu - Gi- Oh!, Kaiba x Yami, es un AU de manicomio donde seto es un médico que se adjudica el caso de un joven inestable responsable de la muerte de su hermano menor yugi moto, pero realmente es el asesino? tristemente no esta completo pero es una buena lectura)
Yo te Protegeré  por  NightKids ( Fanfiction de Axis Powers Hetalia, DenNor & RusNor, Advertencia de una relación super tóxica, violaciones e intento de asesinato, pero vale la pena leer)
It’s right here in front of You  por  Becky Ishtar (Compilado de oneshots de Fujieric, algunos muy llenos de drama otros muy tiernos, si te gusta la pareja es super recomendada la lectura)
Cuestión de Tiempo  por  Becky Ishtar ( One Shot de Fujieric muy suave con tematica slice of life y muy rosa)
De gatos gordos y llamas cálidas por  Becky Ishtar ( One Shot de Fujieric (que sorpresa conmigo lmao) un poco mas dramático pero muy bueno para leer)
Palabras  por  Becky Ishtar (Otro Oneshot Fujieric super tierno, hyper recomendado)
English / Inglés
Toy Soldier by Kittyclaw (Code Lyoko Fanfiction, Odd centric, has an interesting twist of what if the xanafied character wasn’t William but Odd).
Opposing Tides by  xTAx  ( Code Lyoko Fanfiction, Yumi and Aelita centric, Oddlita and Ulumi, Pirates AU, hella good and highly recomended)
C R E A T I O N  by  WingsxOfxThexRaven ( DRRR! one shot, bassically shinra created an Izaya clone that was called Hachimenroppi and it’s kind of interesting)
The Lip-Lock Jinx by  Cassis Luna ( Harry Potter one shot Fanfiction, Drarry, post book events with a really cute interactions, highly recomended if you’re looking for a fluffy thing to read)
Unter Dem Licht Des Vollmondes by Gaxxy ( Axis Powers Hetalia, WARNING: Germancest, BUT before any of you judge me neither Lugwig or Gilbert are brothers here, it’s slettled on a medieval fantasy AU where Gilbert it’s a werewolf and it’s a really fun fic to read because their interactions are hella good)
The boy who leapt through time by  Fabulously Distressed ( Axis Powers Hetalia, Sealand and nordics centric)
Confusion, Delusion, Misapprehension by  Comic Goldfish (Axis Powers Hetalia Fanfiction, Amrica centered, AmeEng & DenNor based on a fantasy universe with magic and a aparent goverment complot, it’s not complete but it’s a good reading)
Sealand Spends the Night by  EarlyMorningMassacre (Axis Powers Hetalia, Norway centered, super angsty but with a good final on it)
Let me In by Winged Senea  ( K project Fanfiction, Eric centered one shots about his life in HOMRA and his adaptation procss, HIGHLY recomended and it’s super IC)
Slow Burn by  Sententiae ( K project one shot Fanfiction, Fujieric with a Fujishima PoV, hella good I highly recomend it)
The Most Incredible Thing by Diglossia ( K project Fanfiction, Eric and Dewa centered, has a good mistery and everyone it’s super IC, good interactions and good suspence)
Train a Child by  Midorima Kazunari  ( K project Fanfiction, HOMRA centered one shot about a simple night with Fujishima, Eric and Kusanagi at the bar)
7. FAVORITE MOVIE: I can’t think on most of them right now but sure I love N°9, tangled, Spirited Away,Howl’s Moving Castle, When Marnie was Here, The witch's flower, The angel’s egg,  Hoshi o Ou Kodomo, Mary Poppins, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban & Goblet of Fire,  Red Riding Hood (A super guilty pleasure) and a lot of horror movies.
8. FAVORITE ANIME: Neon Genesis Evangelion, Serial Experiments Lain, K project, MoB Psycho 100, Shigeki no Bahamut (second season never happened to me), Mawaru Penguindrum, Cad Captor Sakura.
9. PLAY ANY INSTRUMENTS?: I used to play tambora and maracas but lost the practice.
10. RANDOM FACT: I can see and hear death people (not joking, sometimes it’s creepy as fuck and sometimes it’s wonderful)
11. LUCKY NUMBER: 3,6,13.
12. DO YOU GET ASKS?:  Once every blue moon and mostly from my friend @stergens when she is bored and active, which is rare lol.
13. FAVORITE FANDOM(S): i wouldn’t say i have a favorite one. i don’t go too deep into fandoms themselves i guess? i just enjoy lol
14. FAVORITE SONG:  the list it’s to big sorry.
15. WHAT ARE YOU WEARING: Black T-shirt, pink sporty pants, lilac socks and a pink heart choker.
16. HAIR COLOR: dark brown.
17. EYE COLOR: sometimes brow, sometimes ambar, sometimes olive.
18. FAVORITE FOOD: Tuna, ocean food in general, italian food, spicy tuna roll, venezuelan hamburguer “con todo mixta” (meat, chicken, pork, egg, cheese, tomato, lettuce, chips, a lot of sauces).
19. HOBBIES: draw, roleplay, lay in bed and procastinate whil watching youtube critics or vlogs.
20. FAVORITE WEATHER: Template, like cold but not TOO COLD , with the sky gray and calm wind. Or when it’s sunny but the wind it’ cold, the sky blue and the wind is fresh.
21. FAVORITE SUPERHERO(S): I’m not muh in to super heroes fanbase but I like spiderman, thor, ironman and idk...Chat Noir???(?)
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shopmivida · 6 years
Tumblr media
MI❤️VIDA STILO This educated Mujer spotted at Bioneer conference in San Rafael my son was on! He said, “Mama we are everywhere!” Tag this Chula if you know her. Spreading AMOR Y CULTURA. Shops open 1-7pm today✨ . . . Corazon Patch Pullovers available online or at these events this weekend: SATURDAY 10/27 in SD @dayofthedeadfestivalnorthpark SUNDAY 10/28 in OC @patchesandpinsexpo https://www.instagram.com/p/BpU3idWAufD/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1092h2xjfv3fj
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