#coran and lance friendship
Voltron Legendary Defender Masterlist.
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This post will have links to all things Voltron! This list will be updated as I add more posts.
Incorrect Quotes (text memes):
Hunk and Shay.
Adam thoughts
What if Adam was a part of Voltron?
Actually plotting to write this.
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lolabearwrites · 8 months
Random things I would have loved for Voltron
-Keith never leaves w/ the BOM and stays the leader of Voltron (I have no problem with him being a blade, I actually enjoyed watching it, but I just didn't like him choosing them over Voltron)
-also! I wished we actually saw the "Galra Keith reveal" w/ the team. Such a missed opportunity.
-More of Lance being Keith's second in command. I feel like we didn't get a lot of that.
-Shiro stays dead. Look I love the man. One of my favorite characters. But after S2 it always feels like he just doesn't quite fit into the story like he used to.
-Very biased. But. Klance romance. Not the "will they won't they" shit. No. A actual relationship development. If it was written well I could see it happening maybe in s4/s5?
-Lotor and Keith friendship! Bonding over being mixed race and not fitting in.
-Keith learning Galra culture! Maybe through Lotor? Or BOM?
-Lotura. Pls. They were so cute.
-Oh, should have said this before the other three, but a Lotor redemption arc.
-A Keith and Lance ep. Because in eight seasons they never had an episode centered around them like they did for other characters. Klance had moments. But not eps.
-A Pidge arc !! She had a motivation (save her family) but not really an arc. The same could be said for Hunk.
-follow through with Lance's character development. Writers...you already set him up for it, you just had to follow through with it and actually do something with it.
-more found family fluff throughout the seasons. Because I felt like they never actually got to the level of "found family" if that makes sense
-change the armor color to match the lions. Mostly because I feel Keith wearing Shiro's armor for the first time when he takes over would also have an emotional impact.
- Coran being fleshed out. I know he's a comic relief. But I really love Coran! And I'd love to know more about him.
- I wish the team all had their own little quirks or interests, just something that didn't really have big significance to the story but made them feel more real, you know.
-okay, but It would have been amazing if team Voltron came to a planet that had no idea there was life outside their planet. Just like earth. Idk I feel like it would be funny XD
Anyway, that's my food for thought, feel free to add to this post :)
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little-cereal-draws · 17 days
Incorrect Vld Quotes pt 2
Pidge: Hey, you wanna know a secret? Allura: No. Pidge: Okay. Allura: Allura: Do you smell smoke? Pidge: The secret is that the house is on fire.
Shiro: Ok, first of all, what the fuck?
Allura: Hi, who's this? Lance changed all of my contacts to mythical creatures. Keith: What's mine? Allura: Dwarf. Keith: HE'S SO MEAN, I'M NOT THAT SHORT! Allura: Oh, hey Keith. Keith: FUCK!
Lance: What goes up but never comes down? Shiro: The amount of stress you're bringing this family.
*talking on the phone* Pidge: Remember how I said that Lance and I were gonna have a calm night out for once? Hunk: Yeah… Pidge: Well, we’re in jail. Hunk: *hangs up*
Hunk: Stop saving the world and get a hobby. - Pidge: It smells like henway in here. Shiro: Coran: Shiro. Coran, forcefully: Doesn't it smell like henway in here? Shiro: *sigh* Shiro: What's a henway? Pidge: OH ABOUT TEN POUNDS!
Coran: So, Shiro, do you have a crush on anyone? Shiro: The only crush I have is this crushing anxiety.
Keith: Allura has only knocked me out three times this week. Our friendship is really developing.
*The squad is playing a team sport* Coran: Are you upset you don’t get to be on the same team as Keith? Lance: Have you ever played a game with Keith? Coran: No… Lance: Have you ever been trapped in a cage with a wolverine? *Meanwhile, on the other side of the field* Keith, chasing Allura: I SAID FASTER! DO YOU KNOW WHAT THE WORD “FASTER” MEANS? IT MEANS MORE FAST!!!!
Hunk: I didn’t want to do it, no one else wanted to do it, so I made Pidge do it!
Allura: This is a very powerful artifact. You’d be messing with some forces we don’t fully understand. Keith: That sounds like a dare to me. Allura: Oh my god.
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My Opinion on Lance from Voltron:Legendary Defender
Sooo I’m finally doing a post on everyone’s favorite character from Voltron, Lancey Lance the Amazing Ninja Sharpshooter. But sadly, Lance was thrown around like a dirty rag, and not shown any affection or attention by anyone (besides Keef <3), including the creators of Voltron. Dreamworks did Lance dirty, and I will never forgive them because of that.
1. Lance’s insecurities. Lance has shown that he is insecure many times throughout the show. For example, when he visits Keith to tell him that he wants to leave the team so he doesn’t become a burden to anyone, Lance explaining his feelings for Allura to the mice and NOT HIS ACTUAL FRIENDS WHO ARE SUPPOSED TO HELP HIM, and etc. If I’m not mistaken, Voltron is a KID’S show. This will probably influence kids to bottle up their emotions and to always try to make everyone happy, just like Lance attempted to do. Lance’s insecurities could have been handled with in a better way.
2. Lance and his ‘friendships’ with other characters. In the 1hr episode, “The New Alliance” we are introduced to Lance, Pidge, and Hunk, who are supposed to be friends (I mean in that episode they mostly spend time together, so it hints that they are friends?..) Anyways, as Voltron progresses, Lance is constantly made fun of, perhaps even bullied by the other paladins. The episode “The Hunted” is a perfect example of that. Near the end of the episode, Pidge (and I believe Hunk) make fun of Lance for his “natural stupidity” and Keith joins in saying “I know it’s fun to make fun of Lance” or something like that idk my memory is rusty. But Allura is the only one to come to Lance’s defense. Another moment is the “Garfle, Warfle, Snick!” episode. The paladins are playing against the Galra, and there is a point where ‘Zarkon’ says, “Hmm.. I’ll go with the dumb one!” which Lance responds by saying, “Whose that?”. During the episode Lance is constantly being corrected for saying the wrong answer or making a small mistake. Also, it seems like every paladin has a buddy with them. Pidge and Hunk are always together
Same with Keith and Shiro, and Allura and Coran. This leaves Lance being alone by himself, with no one to tag along with. I think the paladins don’t want Lance to be with them is because they think he’ll ask too many questions or something like that idk. Y’know the episode where Lance, Pidge, and Hunk all visit Allura and Lotor? Lance asks, after Pidge and Hunk leave him (what a surprise 😒) if they need help, to which they give Lance the silent treatment. Lance leaves with an upset expression on his face, and that made me FUCKING CRY. I thought he would at least hang with Pidge and Hunk because they seem like best friends in the first episode, but it seems like they’re not?.. Tho there is this one episode where the Garriosn Trio have fun by playing with a Galran robot they reprogrammed, but that is pretty much it. Lance being alone and made fun of breaks my heart, and not in a good way.
3. Allurance vs Klance. Yes, I know what you’re thinking. The old days of the Voltron fandom where shipping wars destroyed the show. But this time I’m dead serious when I say Allurance was one-sided. Allura has shown NO interest in Lance in the past 6 seasons whatsoever. Whenever he flirts with her she just gets annoyed and turns away from him. But now, all of the sudden, she has a liking for Lance after her dead ex-boyfriend Lotor died. On the other hand, Klance, actually has build-up and chemistry (as seen in the sunset scene, “We make a good team” scene, and so on.) Klance would have possibly been canon if weren’t for the toxic shippers in the fandom. In the end, Klance, despite all its popularity, was not made canon, and Allurance was rushed and made last-minute. Basically Allurance and Klance shippers were disappointed (at least most of them) because of how their ship was handled. But still, Allura would still view Lance as her second choice, no matter what. That’s why I support Klance,because I want Lance to be happy with someone who loves him back.
4. Lance’s Character Development. As a HUGE Lance stan, I was raging at how he was treated. First of all, the poor man barely gets any screen time. I mean he does get screen time, but it’s only when he’s with Allura or it’s just filler to lighten the mood in the episode. The only character development Lance gets is in Season 7/8, where he finally has a girlfriend. Dreamworks basically did this: “Oh! Let’s just forget about the other characters in the show and only give so and so character development and a character arc because they’re the most liked by the fandom!” (Cough cough PIDGE SHIRO KEITH IM LOOKING AT YOU THREE) I thought that this was straight up stupid. Why create a character if you’re not going to give them just as much attention than the other characters? At this point Voltron should just be named “The Keith, Pidge, and Shiro Show!”. It’s also angers me that everyone got what they wanted at the end of Voltron. Keith wanted to be loved by his family and all that bullshit and guess what? He’s helping other people do that (I kinda forgot what Keith did at the end of Voltron forgive me for any mistakes) Pidge was super smart and wanted to be a scientist; She became a scientist. Hunk wanted to be a chef; Now he’s leading his OWN FUCKING CULINARY CHEF ARMY. SHIRO WANTED TO BE AT PEACE AND GUESS WHAT HAPPENED? HE RETIRED. AND LANCE BECAME A FARMER WHEN HE WANTED TO BE A FUCKING GODAMN PILOT! I’m so sorry, but Lance retired when he was probably still in his late or early twenties. Not to mention he was constantly looked down upon and yelled at at the Garrison, so that’s prob one reason why he didn’t pursue his dream to be a pilot. But Lance should have lived his life and enjoyed it while it lasted before he retired.
5. Conclusion. I will never forget about Lance probably 70 years from now because of how lovable and funny he was. Some people have said that Lance was treated in such manner because the creators disliked him, others have said totally different things. It doesn’t matter about how you think about the character, it’s about how you develop and describe them. Lance McClain was betrayed, and I want to give him an extremely huge bear hug because of that.
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discordiansamba · 9 months
was rotating the beta concept for cosmic dust while making dinner and somehow I rotated it too hard and came up with a concept that I basically like to call. oops! all Galra!
(well, except for Allura and Coran)
Keith is half-Altean, half-Galra and grew up on Altea as Allura's childhood friend. His mother Krolia worked as an ambassador to Altea, and ultimately sided with King Alfor over Zarkon. Keith was sealed away in a cryopod alongside Allura and Coran, while Krolia left before Altea's destruction to ensure that a rebellion against Zarkon would remain among his people and founded the Blade of Marmora.
They wake up on their own and have to figure out where to go from here. They know Keith has the potential to fly the red lion, but they'll need to find the rest of the lions and the rest of the paladins if they're going to have any hope of defeating Zarkon. They concentrate on finding the lions first, since perhaps they can use them to find their paladins.
Pidge is a low-ranking Galra working at a work camp for prisoners. She's not fond of the Empire, half because she's a runt and they treat her poorly- ignoring her talents and forcing her to work a terrible job that no one else wants instead. But half because she's used her talents at hacking to see things the Galra Empire doesn't want it's citizenry to see, and she's horrified. She strikes up a small friendship with a human prisoner named Matt, and when rebels come raid the prison, she helps bust him out.
He in turn asks if she wants to come with him- a chance which she seizes. She becomes a rebel, working alongside Matt who gradually becomes like a big brother to her.
(Matt holding up Pidge under the arms: hey mom. hey dad. I adopted a little sister while I was in space. hope you don't mind.)
Hunk is a low ranking Galra foot soldier stationed on a Balmera, but the lifestyle of a Galra soldier has never sat well with him. He's inherently kind, something which the Empire has tried and failed to stamp out. He sneaks extra rations to the Balmerans, doing what little he can for them, even though it's not much.
(Also there's a cute Balmeran girl named Shay he kind of has a crush on? He wishes he could do so much more for her, though...)
Lance is a member of the Blade of Marmora... in training. He has years to go before he can actually have a shot at the trials, even though he's got a burning urge to go out there right now and do something. Understandably, when he meets the literal son of their founder and he turns out to be a hotshot pilot who was personally trained by the Krolia, he feels the brewing of a rivalry.
(Keith still does not notice. Some things never change.)
Shiro was raised to be one of the Galra Empire's elite. He was promoted to Lieutenant at a young age, and served Zarkon loyally- until he was sent was sent on a mission to help locate the four remaining lions. He crash-landed on Earth and lost his memories, but was found by Adam. Without his memories, he became a kinder, gentler person- and falls in love with Adam in the process.
When a second scouting party arrives two years later, he's forced to confront his past- and vows to do better. To be better. He reveals himself to the Galaxy Garrison and works with them to strengthen their defenses. The true purpose of the Kerberos mission was to set up deep space sensors that would alert them of any incoming ships into the system... they were successfully installed, but what a bitter irony it was that they were too late for the Kerberos crew.
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Coalition!Lance AU really saves my life everyday I think
Thinking about him taking over Allura's work and being insecure that he can do it at first but slowly settling into the role. He begins just as a helping hand but quickly becomes a point of reference for everyone (all the planets leaders and every Coalition member) because he may not realize it but he knows his stuff. He is battle smart and always thinks things through because he's so scared to mess up. Always puts others first. In a matter of months everyone's in silent agreement he is the leader.
He's very busy but happy. He gets to be both a hero and Allura's legacy. He gets to bring Voltron's goal forth and liberate all the people who are still under regime. He rarely gets out in the field himself, since he's always required in meetings and ceremonies, but his experience makes every mission successful.
Small detail, but very important: Coran is at his side, and notices all the similarities between Lance and Allura. His princess lives on in him. She would be proud. Coran surely is and often gets emotional when no one is looking.
With Lance as its leader, the Coalition also secures the best form of collaboration with the Blade of Marmora, thanks to his friendship with Keith.
Keith refused becoming the official leader of the blade, but of course he kind of became anyway. He's one of the best fighters and has vast battle experience, which quickly make him the center of every action. He's strongminded and capable of keeping a disperse amount of agents together. Plus, his personal relationship with the Coalition head makes him always involved in logistics, large scale strategy and decisions.
Gradually but in relatively short time, they become two of the most important figures in the liberation front. Their lives are full, always on the move, but rewarding. They are tired but content.
The only downside is they hardly get to see their friends and family. It's not like their first disappearence during the Voltron experience (they keep in touch with everyone) but it's sorta like being very important diplomats. It's hard to be home for the holidays and birthdays when the Universe is counting on you.
They share this fatigue. They share a lot, actually, both of them being the center of attention not because they wanted to but because they were needed. Their friendship somehow grows, even though they only see each other at official meetings and Keith hardly attends any. But they resonate.
They start keeping in touch mostly because it's handy. Why sending mountains of paperwork when you can videochat your buddy and explain? But it quickly becomes their way of letting steam off. They start calling each other every night. It's always super late when they both clear all of their full schedules, but they never miss a day.
It's not like they have anything to tell each other most times. They just, talk. For the sake of it. Tell each other their days or random stuff they think about. Often they're too tired to make sense of anything. Often Lance rambles about office gossip and Keith listens, or better, he listens to his voice, and if Lance's eyes weren't so bright and beautiful his own would drift closed. Often Kosmo is in the room with Keith and he pets him and Lance says he misses Kaltenecker, and Keith laughs because a cow isn't a wolf and you don't pet a cow. Lance pouts.
They feel warm, knowing they both just want to hear each other's voice and give the other some comforr from long, exausting days.
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apple-juice16 · 10 months
Fanfics I found enjoyable. Like a lot. My personal favs.
Masterkey override or the one time when everyone realised that Lance was smart ClaraCivry (Kat_of_Dresden)
No Archive Warnings Apply, Lance & Pidge | Katie Holt, Hunk & Lance & Pidge | Katie Holt, Lance (Voltron)Pidge | Katie Holt, Hunk (Voltron), Matt Holt, Coran (Voltron), Smart Lance, Surprised Team, Insecure Lance (Voltron), Awesome Pidge, Types of intelligence, Realisations, People appreciatng Lance, Fluff
Basically, Lance asks Pidge to teach him some technical stuff, and it turns out that he is more intelligent than any of them thought (including Lance himself). A smart Lance fic, for all your smart Lance needs, featuring awesome teacher Pidge and startstruck team.
Words: 1,323 - Chapters: 1/1
Monopoly was a bad idea - AuroraDownTheRabbitHole
No Archive Warnings Apply, Keith/Lance (Voltron), Allura/Shiro (Voltron), Keith & Shiro (Voltron), Keith & Pidge | Katie Holt, Allura & Coran & Hunk & Keith & Lance & Pidge | Katie Holt & Shiro, Keith & The Blade of Marmora, Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Allura (Voltron), Coran (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Kolivan (Voltron), Ulaz (Voltron), Thace (Voltron), Antok (Voltron), Swearing, Team as Family, Board Games, Monopoly (Board Game) - Freeform, Chaos, Domestic Fluff, Dads of Marmora (Voltron)
The blade of marmora members really shouldn't have let the paladins play Monopoly,you know what they say you only play board games with the people you want to break bonds with ............. this was a big mistake.
Words: 660 - Chapters: 1/1
An Eye for an Eye - DpsMercy
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Martin Blackwood & Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Sasha James & Tim Stoker, Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist & Tim Stoker, Michael | The Distortion & Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Helen | The Distortion & Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Martin Blackwood, Sasha James, Tim Stoker (The Magnus Archives), Elias Bouchard | Jonah Magnus, Not Them (The Magnus Archives), Michael | The Distortion (The Magnus Archives), Helen | The Distortion (The Magnus Archives), Other Character Tags to Be Added, Jon is from Night Vale, Crack Treated Seriously, Friendship, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Fix-It of Sorts, Jon becomes friends with most avatars, Spooky shenanigans, Jon is too chill to be scared, No beta we die like Gertrude's assistants, Typical Night Vale Weirdness, Typical Night Vale Violence, Canon-Typical Worms (The Magnus Archives), typical TMA horror
In which Jonathan Sims is not from the UK but instead, if you took his origins and turned them sideways twice then flipped them over, he technically would be from the US, the town of Night Vale specifically. Elias can’t do shit about it and gets a headache and slowly creeping madness instead. ***** On indefinite hiatus
Words: 15,555 - Chapters: 9/?
Welcome to...The Magnus Institute? - princeetheo
No Archive Warnings Apply, Martin Blackwood/Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Carlos/Cecil Palmer, Georgie Barker/Melanie King, Elias Bouchard/Peter Lukas, Martin Blackwood, Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Tim Stoker (The Magnus Archives), Sasha James, Elias Bouchard, Peter Lukas, Rosie Zampano, Georgie Barker, Melanie King, Jessica Law (Fictionalized), Jordan Kennedy, Ben Below (fictionalized), Basira Hussain, Alice "Daisy" Tonner, Carlos (Welcome to Night Vale), Cecil Palmer, Dana Cardinal, Steve Carlsberg, Janice (Welcome to Night Vale), Abby Palmer, Cecilos are Jon sims parents AAAA, Non-Human Cecil Palmer, Cecil Palmer is Described, Autistic Carlos (Welcome to Night Vale), Trans Carlos (Welcome to Night Vale), Awkward Carlos (Welcome to Night Vale), jon sims and dana cardinal are childhood besties, steve carlsberg is the best uncle, Cecil Palmer's Fashion Sense, Dork Carlos (Welcome to Night Vale), eye avatar cecil palmer, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, FUCK CANON !, we ball, no beta we die like danny stoker, Pining Martin Blackwood, The Mechanisms Were Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist's College | University Band, Autistic Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, He/Him and They/Them Pronouns for Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Trans Martin Blackwood
Carlos 'The Scientist' Sims and Cecil Palmer are Jonathan Sims parents, that's it. that's the fic.
Words: 2,325 - Chapters: 3/?
jonathan sims: part-time archivist, part-time wanted murderer, full-time bitch
No Archive Warnings Apply, Jon & Several Cats, Martin Blackwood/Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Georgie Barker, Jude Perry, Michael "Mike" Crew, Basira Hussain, Alice "Daisy" Tonner, Elias Bouchard, Martin Blackwood, Humor, Comed, ya bit cracky, Based on a Tumblr Post, everyone thinks jon killed leitner and they revere him for it, Season 3, Season 3 AU, Canon Asexual Character, Asexual Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Cats
Jon didn't kill Jurgen Leitner, but no matter how many times he tries to tell people that, they just don't seem to believe him! It's not all bad, though: while he is a wanted murderer on the run from the cops, Leitner was apparently so universally despised that Institute employees and Avatars alike are tripping over themselves to help him out. Now, he just has to figure out how to clear his name (though that's easier said than done).
Words: 17,189 - Chapters: 10/10
The White Wolf - JaskiersWolf
No Archive Warnings Apply, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion, Jaskier | Dandelion, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Triss Merigold, Nenneke (The Witcher), Shapeshifting, Shapeshifter Jaskier | Dandelion, Wolf Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Non-Human Jaskier | Dandelion, Feral Jaskier | Dandelion, Established Relationship, Protective Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Protective Jaskier | Dandelion, Pack Cuddles, Sleepy Cuddles, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, Canon-Typical Violence, Mild Blood
Following an unfortunate encounter with a mage, Geralt gets cursed into a wolf. Jaskier and Geralt must travel the Continent in search of someone that can help them. - Can be read as a stand alone
Words: 6,018 - Chapters: 3/3
Five times Jaskier hid nothing from Geralt and one time the Witcher finally noticed the obvious
No Archive Warnings Apply, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia & Jaskier | Dandelion, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Jaskier | Dandelion, Jaskier can talk to animals, Geralt is so dense he might collapse into a black hole at any moment, can be read as pre relationship, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia Cares About Jaskier | Dandelion, curses gone right, 5+1 Things
Jaskier has a special talent he never tried to hide from Geralt: He can understand and talk to animals. He never tried to hide this from Geralt, but our witcher is a bit dense.
Words: 6,747 - Chapters: 1/1
The Viscount - pukner
No Archive Warnings Apply, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia & Jaskier | Dandelion, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion/Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Jaskier | Dandelion/Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Jaskier | Dandelion, Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon, Original Characters, Eskel (The Witcher), Essi Daven, Valdo Marx, 5+1 Things, POV Multiple, Human Jaskier | Dandelion, Jaskier | Dandelion Being a Feral Bastard, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia is So DoneIdentity Shenanigans, Trans Jaskier | Dandelion, Genderfluid Jaskier | Dandelion, we're spicing things up yk, canon-typical weird euphemisms, POV Outsider, update it has feelings now, and yennskierand geraskierand geraskifer, why is it getting long
"I can't imagine just telling people I'm from Lettenhove, though," the man says, a smile caught in his voice, "How do you do it?" "Can I tell you a secret?" asks Jaskier, tone taking on a conspiratory tilt. Then, in a whisper that is no quieter than his earlier speech, "I think it's funny." "Funny!" says the man, laughing. Funny, thinks Geralt, bemused. Lettenhove isn't actually a real place. But Jaskier is certainly the Viscount of it. (Or, five times Jaskier tells someone he's the Viscount of Lettenhove, and one time he tells the truth.)
Words: 14,584 - Chapters: 4/5
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tarantula-hawk-wasp · 3 months
Finally Posted Chapter 2 (after almost a year of not having time to finish/edit it)
don't hold a glass over the flame (7231 words) by thecityofthefireflies Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Pidge | Katie Holt & Shiro, Lance & Shiro (Voltron) Characters: Shiro (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Lance (Voltron) Additional Tags: badthingshappenbingo, Platonic Relationships, Hurt Pidge | Katie Holt, Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst, landmines, Cauterization, Blood, promise it isn't very graphic, Shiro (Voltron) is a Good Friend, Protective Shiro (Voltron), Bad Things Happen Bingo, This Is for Your Own Good, Pidge | Katie Holt & Shiro Friendship, Field Surgery, Shiro introspection, the lance & shiro friendship is also important, so is shiro & coran as in all of my fics tbh Series: Part 3 of VLD Hurt/Comfort fics, Part 1 of bad things happen bingo fills Summary: A peaceful hike on an uninhabited moon takes a terrible turn and Shiro is forced to use his prosthetic to hurt Pidge to keep her from bleeding out. I simply love putting Shiro in situations where he is sooo stressed. Prompt fill for the badthingshappenbingo prompt "This is for your own good"
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Colleen had spent the last several minutes arranging the small, brightly wrapped packages on the dining table in the Holts’ private suite onboard the Atlas. This wasn’t exactly where she expected to celebrate her daughter’s eighteenth birthday. Colleen never could have imagined that her youngest child would have been fighting in an intergalactic war at such an age, or that Colleen herself would be out in space with the rest of their little family instead of planning a quiet little party at their home.
She placed the smallest of the packages on top of the stack of colorful boxes. It was wrapped in bright blue paper and tied with a green ribbon. Curious, Colleen glanced at the card. It read “With Love, From Lance.” She smiled to herself, wondering what the gift could be. She knew Katie loved all of the other Paladins like older siblings, but with Lance things had been different. She always sat close to him at meetings and at mealtimes. She blushed when Lance complimented her and pouted when her father set a curfew on her late night video gaming sessions with him. ”Leave the door to your quarters open when that boy is here,” her husband had insisted.
Boy? She thought. No, he was a young man, Lance was nearly twenty, and was of an age to have a more serious view of dating and relationships.
More than once Colleen had noticed that Lance had casually slipped one of his long arms around her daughter’s slight shoulders when the Paladins gathered with her family to have a movie night. She also noticed that Katie wrapped her arms around Lance, clinging to him and affectionately nuzzling his chest, a gesture that always made him smile and draw her even closer to him.
Colleen had always thought they were cute together and had hoped for the longest time that their friendship would blossom into something more. She smiled at the recollection of how Lance had won a stuffed Green Lion for her when they went to the Clear Day carnival together. Katie cuddled with it every night, falling asleep with it in her arms.
Sam, on the other hand, wondered what his daughter saw in the boy.
“He’s not as smart as Hunk,” Sam had observed after Katie had gone to bed one evening. “Why would she like a boy who isn’t even close to being her intellectual equal?”
“Shh! She’ll hear you,” Colleen whispered.
”She’s asleep,” Sam replied. “I still think that she and Hunk would make a good match though. He’s a very bright young man—“
“Who’s in love with a very sweet Balmeran girl,” Colleen reminded him. “Katie has told me things about Lance. Did you know that he nearly got himself killed while saving Coran from an explosion? Lance was practically comatose from his injuries, but he woke up momentarily just to take a shot at Sendak when he was trying to hurt our daughter. Did you know about that?” Sam shook his head. “Did she tell you what Lance did when they were captured by Galra Pirates? Those fiends wanted to torture our child, but Lance wouldn’t allow them to come anywhere near her, so they gave him a good thrashing instead.” Colleen stood with her hands on her hips, as if daring Sam criticize Lance for his heroics.
”No,” Sam paused to consider this new information. “She didn’t tell me about any of that.” He didn’t comment on their daughter’s choice of boyfriends any further, but Colleen was still half-convinced that Sam still believed that no one was good enough for their little girl. Not wanting an argument, Sam changed the subject to what Matt had been doing on his latest missions with the Rebels.
Their son was, at the moment, far away from this sector, fighting in a battle in a distant solar system whose name Colleen couldn’t even pronounce.
So much of their time together as a family had been cut short by the apparent tragedy that had befallen Sam and Matt on the Kerberos mission. The grief she experienced at their mysterious disappearance consumed her, then was multiplied when Katie ran away from home to join the Garrison under a false identity. She later found out that her daughter and her friends had been abducted by a sentient spaceship and taken through a wormhole to the other end of the universe. Her only daughter was lost among the stars for three years, and when Katie finally returned home, Colleen could barely recognize her. Her long hair was shorn, her beauty concealed by the disguise of her brother’s old round spectacles. Most shocking of all, she was clad in the hard shell of some high-tech armored alien spacesuit. Although she had returned home physically unharmed, Colleen knew her the little girl she had raised was gone forever.
Every time she watched Katie fall asleep in her narrow bunk, she could momentarily forget that her daughter was a confident young woman who was, among other things, a Paladin, a scientist, and a veteran of far too many battles in the endless war that had been tearing the universe apart centuries before she had been born. Losing this war might mean the end of humanity’s freedom and possibly its very existence. Of course, they weren’t just fighting for Earth’s freedom, but for the liberation of all of the sentient beings that the Galra Empire had enslaved over the last ten thousand years. Defeating Honerva was all any of them could think about these days.
And here she was, making preparations for her youngest child’s birthday party. Colleen sat down at the table and covered her mouth to stifle a sob. But there was no one around to hear it. Sam and Katie had already departed for the mission briefing. She let the tears flow only when she was alone. Then, in order to face the day, she straightened her uniform and donned the steely facade of the brave officer and loyal crew member that she had to present herself as. She wiped the corners of her eyes and hastily departed for the main conference chamber.
[Pidge’s 18th birthday doesn’t go as planned in this fic. This is an excerpt from chapter 2 of one of the best multi chapter fics that I have ever written. Angst, drama, space battles, sword fights, friendship, loyalty, courage, humor, romance, and an epic conclusion with a satisfying epilogue. What are you waiting for? Go read it! ]
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Chapter 2: Hi
Summary: The team makes their way back to earth and gets picked up by the Garrison. Shiro sees Adam since he left for Kerberos. Tension runs high.
Word Count: 2,799
Shiro’s POV 
“GUYS DO YOU SEE IT!!!!” Lance screamed on the video chat, a wide smile on his face. 
“Oh my, that’s Earth?” Allura exclaimed, clasping her hands in front of her as she marveled at the planet in front of them. 
“I didn’t expect it to be so…blue,” Coran added, twisting his mustache. 
“Yeah, most of Earth is made up of water. And most of the water is salt water and we call them ocean…” Lance began to explain more about his home planet. 
Shiro felt the smile fall off his face. His stomach plummeted the closer they got. Adam was there. 
“You okay?” Keith asked, silencing the coms as he shifted his body to look at him. 
Shiro gave him a forced smile and nodded. “Just…excited to get home.” 
Keith gave him an unsure look. Turning back to look out of his lion. 
It took them longer than they needed to reach Earth. The Galra has already placed its stamp on the world. Not fully consumed, but enough to squeeze most of the remaining earthlings into a couple of garrison bases. 
Pidge jumped out of the vehicle, hugging her mother tightly. Lance was greeted by his family next. Shiro did his best to send Hunk a reassuring smile when his family didn’t make an appearance. He took a deep breath, preparing himself to introduce their Altean allies. His breath hitched when his eyes fell on Adam. 
He didn’t look too different from the last time he saw him. Though, that was in passing as he made his way to the rocket. He stopped being able to spend time with him after they ended things. He fought back a frown. Heartbreak begging to swallow him whole. 
His throat tightened as emotions began to rush to the surface. The urge to cry mixed with the desire to hug him and never let him go. He squeezed his hands into fists, forcing his feet to stay planted on the ground. 
Adam wasn’t his anymore. He would never be his again. He was a fool to think he was actually over him. But being forced to fight for Galran's entertainment right back into leading Voltron made his mind a bit too distracted to think about Adam. And what they had. And what they lost. Along with how to move on. 
“Welcome home,” Iverson sent them all with an unsure smile. He sent the Alteans a tentative look. 
Shiro fell into autopilot, quickly introducing Allura, Romelle, and Coran. His eyes flicker between Iverson and Adam. Who still hadn't truly looked at him.  
“Well, anyone who is willing to help in the fight against the…Galra is a friend of Earths.” Iverson gave a welcoming nod at the Alteans. Coran took over the conversation, twisting his mustache as he began to tell Iverson of the time of his youth. 
Shiro didn’t hear him. His attention was still on Adam, who finally met his eyes. Briefly, but he did. He found his feet moving forward before he could stop them. Adam purposely looked at the vehicles who just brought them into the base. He stopped about two feet in front of him. “Adam,” his voice came out in a whisper. 
The other man looked at him, a neutral expression on his face. “Commander Shirogane, happy to see you’re alive.” His voice didn’t match the smile that formed on his face. 
Shiro gave a tense nod, ignoring how his stomach dropped at the name. The formality. He didn’t have to deal with it after the breakup. They didn’t speak, only quick glances. “Yeah…it was a hell of a time.” 
“Well,” Adam pushed his glasses up on his face, “I look forward to reading about it in your published report.” 
Shiro fought back a frown. There really isn't anything between them anymore. Not even a friendship. He took a wobbly breath, if any reconnection were to happen he would have to be the one to start it. “Adam, if you are willing I would like to-” 
The other man turned his head, raising his voice to speak to some workers behind him. “Make sure these vehicles are charged and no damage is found. They need to be ready to go for the next supply mission.” 
The workers nodded, making their way toward the vehicles. He turned his attention back to Shiro, “make sure Iverson shows you to your room.” He pivoted on one foot, doing a 180 as he turned to leave the area. A voice causing him to halt in place. 
“You’re seriously going to walk away before I can even say hello?” The voice jogged at the older man, wrapping his arms tightly around him. 
“Lance, this isn’t very professional,” Adam kept his hands to his side. A smile on his face as Lance squeezed him even tighter. 
“Shut up. I just kicked ass in outer space. If I want to hug my favorite advisor I will.” The younger boy protested. 
Adam laughed, the sound filled the air. Bringing a warmth Shiro hadn't felt in years. Along with a pang of jealousy at not being the reason for the sound. He always loved making Adam laugh. He wrapped his arm around the younger boy, chuckling at something else Lance mumbled to him. 
“So…Lance knows Adam?” Keith cautiously asked, having moved closer to Shiro. His hand was placed on Kosmo’s head. His thumb moved in a small circle. 
“I guess…” Shiro furrowed his brows, trying to remember if that name ever came up in conversation. It was possible Adam became his advisor after he left for Kerberos. 
Keith placed his free hand on Shiro’s shoulder. Giving it a comforting squeeze. He knew this was going to be a hard adjustment. 
“And this is where you will stay while you’re here.” Iverson led them to a blocked-off quarter. They would still be able to share a living room together and a kitchen. But each would have their own bedroom. Like the castle. 
“Thank you, Iverson.” Shiro sent his former colleague a smile. Ignoring how Keith and Lance were already fighting over which room they wanted. He wishes they would just confess and kiss. End this childish rivalry that they hide behind. 
“Come on Shiro, you’re not a cadet anymore. How many times do I have to tell you to call me Mitch.” Iverson smiled at him, patting his back in a friendly manner. 
Shiro chuckled. “Just keep repeating it.” 
“Tomorrow I think we should touch base and learn what you all know. For now rest. The fridge is full of food but the cafeteria is still open. Rest up,” he sent everyone and nodded and left the room. Lance immediately snickered as the door closed. 
“His name is Mitch?!” He threw his head back in laughter. Hunk joined in soon after. 
“Yeah…” Shiro made his way to the couch. Silently vowing to take whatever bedroom wasn’t claimed by the end of the night. He glanced at Lance and Pidge. Curious why they didn’t want to room with their family. 
Maybe they too didn’t want to split up this family. 
“How do you know Adam?” Keith crossed his arm, sinking back into the couch. His eyes trained on Lance. 
“He was my advisor. For before and after acceptance.” Lance stated as if it was everyday knowledge. He squinted his eyes back at Keith. “How do you know Adam?” 
Keith’s eyes flickered to Shiro for a moment and he shifted uncomfortably. Unsure of what to say. Coran broke the tension. 
“I have to ask, who is this Adam? Just someone who works for the Garrison?” 
“He’s a fighter pilot…and professor.” Shiro stared at the coffee table the couch circled. “He’s also my… ex-fiancé.” 
The room fell into silence, Keith apparently being the only one who was aware of the fact. Pidge scrunched up her nose, “you were engaged?” 
Hunk frowned, “ex…?” 
Shiro sighed, sinking back into the couch. Briefly praying it would swallow him home. But this was his team. His family. “We met during our first semester at the Garrison. Both of us were in the fighter pilots course.” His eyes softened at the memory. The first time he had ever seen Adam. 
Both of them were eighteen. The first class of the semester. Shiro had walked in a couple of minutes before the class officially started. His roommate was chatting excitedly about the upcoming semester. His senses froze as his eyes landed on him. 
A skinnier boy was sitting at a desk, slouched back in his chair. His head tilted up at the ceiling, his eyes closed weakly. Shiro forgot how to breathe for a moment. His heart pounded in his chest. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from that nameless boy. 
His roommate touched his arm. “Come on dude we have to sit down.” 
Shiro nodded and followed his roommate to an empty seat. Forcing his eyes forward the entire time. Fighting the urge to look toward the kid who he now had a name for thanks to role call. Adam. 
“We quickly became friends and then we found ourselves together. Then after we graduated,” he paused. Glancing down at his robotic arm. Silently deciding to keep his former illness a secret. “We got engaged.” 
“What happened?” Allura asked. Her tone was cautious but supportive. 
He released a tense breath through his nose. “I took the Kerberos mission.” 
Nobody said anything. Their eyes cast down to the ground. “So you two ended things because you were going on a year-long mission?” Pidge raised their eyebrows questionably. Her voice was unconvincing. 
“More or less,” Shiro found his foot tapping silently on the carpet. There was a lot more to the story.  A lot more.  But he couldn’t bring himself to open up right now. Couldn’t confine to the others as he needed to be. 
The team shared a look, silently communicating to drop the subject. Hunk clasped his hand together, gaining everyone's attention. “How about I cook us some dinner?” 
Shiro didn’t sleep that night. Every time he closed his eyes his mind repeated the earlier interaction with Adam. The coldness. Was he always that emotionless? No, he wasn’t. His Adam wasn’t. 
What happened that made him this way? Was the breakup really that devastating for him? Shiro frowned as he stared into his coffee. His reflection looked back at him. Adam was upset when the engagement was called off. Rightfully so. He was upset with himself. 
But Adam bounced back. Within a week he was back to his normal self. He had moved out of their shared space. Leaving nothing behind. He didn’t even call off work once. Did he even cry over it? 
“Morning Shiro,” Keith reached for his own mug. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes. 
“Morning,” he brought the cup to his lips. He missed coffee. “Sleep okay?” 
“Like a baby.” Keith stared at the liquid slowly filling his glass. “Better than sleeping in the lions.” 
Shiro chuckled. Letting the silence move over them. For once they could sit. The Galra was still a threat but for once they didn’t need to move. They could just enjoy the now. The other slowly woke up. Each grabbed their own drink and migrated to the couch. Idly chatting filling the space. 
“Anyone want to cook or we can go down to the cafeteria,” Lance asked, holding his cup of coffee closer to him. 
Hunk stood, “I have something in mind.” 
Everyone stood as they entered the room. The voices dying quickly. Iverson cleared his throat. “Welcome, thank you for joining us. Please, have a seat.” He gestured to the eight empty seats on one side of the table. 
Shiro let his team pick first, quickly realizing that left the last seat next to Adam. He must have realized the predicament at the same time since his body stiffened and he gripped his folder tighter in his hands. 
He swallowed down his own emotions and moved to sit down. Sending his ex a weak smile as he sat down. 
Adam shifted his eyes away, looking at the blank screen in the front of the room. Iverson cleared his throat, drawing attention from everyone in the room. “Let’s start with what we know.” He clicked the screen on. “The Galra have been on Earth for only a month. In that time,” he clicked to the next screen, “They have pushed the remaining population into seven locations. All Garrison bases.” 
Another slide. “Thanks to Sam Holt we were able to prepare before the Galran reached Earth.” He went on to explain how the Galran attacked and how quickly Earth fell. Things they have tried, things that have worked and failed. The projects they were finishing up; such as the Atlas. Iverson sat down, ending his section of the presentation. 
“If you all would like to tell us more about this ‘Voltron’ and what the battle has been like in outer space. That information would be beneficial.” Admiral Sanda spoke, leaning forward. Her elbows pressed on the table. Her chin rested in his hands. 
Allura spoke first. Explain who Alteans were. What Altea was and the history of the Galra. She spoke with grace and confidence. Her voice was unwavering as she retold her history. Romelle and Coran pipped in when needed. And eventually, the attention was shifted to the paladins. 
They didn’t have too much to add after what Allura said. They mainly explained what the lions were and how they could help. Shiro tapped his finger ideally on the table. Letting his mind wander. A voice pulling him from his thoughts. “Shiro, is that something you are comfortable talking about?” 
He cleared his throat, adjusting awkwardly in his seat. “Sorry. Could you repeat that?” 
The admiral gave him a professional smile. “I was asking if you were okay discussing your first return from Earth. Before the Blue Lions discovery.” 
“Oh,” he stared at his missing arm. “After we were all taken by the Galra. Sam, Matt, and I. I had to fight in this…gladiator ring. I was known as the ‘Champion’ there. But after a year I had memorized the soldiers' patterns. How often they passed my cell. And over my year stay, I had located the flight hanger. I just…made myself escape. And I landed on Earth.” He refused to meet anyone else. Staring at the smooth table. 
Hushed whispers filled the room, and he swore he felt Adam stiffen beside him. But he didn’t want pity. What was done was done. He wasn’t going to relax until the Galra were defeated and taken care of. 
The meeting ended soon after. Most of the Garrison officials stayed around to mingle. Pidge and Hunk mentioned going down to look at the Atlas. Keith was dragging Lance to train. Allura, Romelle, and Coran were being shown around the base by Iverson and Veronica; Lance’s sister. 
Adam quickly stood, briskly making his way out of the room. His fingers crumpled the papers he was holding. 
Shiro found himself standing, the chair nearly falling backward at the motion. His feet moved before his mind realized what he was doing. He stepped into the hallway, “Adam!” 
The man froze for a second, keeping his back to Shiro. The passersby in the hallways all looked at Shiro. He ignored them, his legs moving toward Adam. “I just…was wondering if we could talk.” He stopped, about an arm's length away from him. 
Adam didn’t make any attempt to turn around, his back remained stiff, his head looking forward. His shoulders rose and fell slowly. Something he did when he was trying not to show how he was feeling.  “About what?” 
Shiro blinked, his heart swelling at the response. At least he was speaking to him. “Anything. You can tell me everything you’ve done in the time I’ve been away. We can just catch up.” He cleared his throat, swallowing down the desire to reach forward and embrace him again. 
Adam didn’t move for a couple of seconds before he eventually spoke. “I have work to do.” He stepped forward, disappearing around the closet corner. 
Shiro wasn’t sure how long he stayed in that spot. Silently kicking himself for how things went. How they crumpled around him. Irreversible damage. Someone placed their hand on his shoulder. He glanced at the owner of it. “Hey Shiro, remember me?” 
He smiled at his former roommate. “How could I forget?” 
His friend chuckled. “Want to get some coffee? Catch up?” 
He nodded. “Yeah…” His eyes lingered on where Adam went. “As long as we talk about anything other than the Galra.” 
His friend smiled at him. “Whatever you need buddy.” He squeezed his hand on Shiro’s shoulders. “It’s good to have you back.” 
Shiro gave a tense nod, “it’s good to be back.” 
Thank you for reading <33333
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ethereance · 4 months
Some allurance soulmate aus for all your (my) allurance needs:
-Soulmate au where you have a counter on your arm that counts down to the moment your soulmate dies. As soon as Allura’s hits 0 during omega shield, she knows.
-Au where you dream of your soulmate before you meet. Childhood friend-ify them. As kids, Allura keeps having dreams of this strange boy with round hideous ears, and Lance has dreams of an elf princess cosplayer. Who he eventually realises is an alien. From space. They form a fast friendship in this dreamscape, chatting out about anything and everything. In the waking world, Allura will look up this planet ‘Earth’ but no records of an ‘Earth’ exist. Strange. Was it just a normal dream after all? Except they meet again and again.
“Where is this ‘Earth’?”
“It’s in the Milky Way.”
“The Milky Way?” Allura’s never heard of such a place.
Lance starts explaining the plots of his favourite sci-fis to her, and asks if she knows any aliens like that. She tells him she doesn’t know what a Jedi is, has never heard of aliens who can travel through time, though this E.T he speaks of reminds her vaguely of a species she has met. Allura teaches Lance some Altean songs she knows that he’ll later try and recreate on his guitar. Allura talks often about her family, her father especially, and the royal advisor, Coran, who unintentionally taught her the word ‘quiznack’ after stubbing his toe (Lance will start using this word in the waking world and no one knows where it came from). And Lance follows up with stories about his family, his sister mainly, and how they’re not to be trusted if they’re being far too suspiciously nice. Allura laughs, and wonders what it would be like to have that many siblings.
Eventually, Allura’s stuffy events she has to attend involve suitors, and Lance is moving into the garrison, just like his hero Shiro. Allura likes the way his eyes light up as Lance talks about flying.
“Maybe one day I’ll be able to fly to space. And see you,” he says.
“Perhaps,” says Allura.
Maybe Earth is hidden from star maps, yet to be discovered by the Alteans, as wide spread as their data is. Allura has spent her free time searching these maps for so long, but maybe it’ll be easier for him to come to her.
Lance starts talking about his new friend Hunk, and how he wishes Hunk could meet her, and about this annoying guy with a mullet.
“Why don’t you like Keith?”
“Why would I like Keith?”
Allura’s there for him as Lance learns he’s been listed as a cargo pilot.
“I’m sorry, Lance. I know it wasn’t what you were hoping for.”
Lance’s disheartened face steels itself. “… It isn’t over yet. I won’t stop until I reach fighter pilot class. I’ll just have to do better. I’ll be the best cargo pilot they’ve ever seen! So good they’ll have no choice but to move me up!”
Allura starts expressing her unease over Zarkon.
“He’s… strange these days. Father and him have been arguing. I’m worried something terrible is coming.”
“Like what?”
“I’m not sure.”
Then Allura goes radio silent, and Lance is uneasy, and suddenly Pidge is talking about this being named Voltron. And.
“Voltron’s a robot,” Lance says.
Pidge gives him this strange look, trying to get a read on him. “How do you know?”
“My soulmate’s father built it.”
Hunk’s eyes widen. “Dream girl?”
Lance nods. “Dream girl.”
It continues mostly the same, but. But.
“It’s you,” they’ll say as they meet, Allura tumbling into his arms.
A long awaited meeting.
(Longer than they realised.)
“You’re Lance?” Coran says after initially trying to battle him. “I see Allura wasn’t exaggerating about the ears.”
“Can everyone just leave my poor ears alone?!”
-A vaguely Your Name inspired au where soulmates show themselves in a whole manner of ways. Some present themselves through soulmarks like counters, or glowing tattoos, some have visions of their soulmate, some get soulmate telepathy, some keep finding their soulmate’s lost things tucked under their pillow. It’s different from person to person.
For Lance and Allura? They’ve been bodyswapping for as long as they can remember.
It’s confusing, at first, waking up not just in a body that isn’t your own, but an entirely different world. Thankfully, because of the power of brain hijacking, they at least understand the language people around them are speaking or else this world be x10 more scary for a pair of lost kids.
Lance’s family are a little thrown by this posh speaking version of him, but once they realise this is his soulmate, they’re pretty accommodating. This is Lance’s soulmate, after all.
“Are you from England?” Luis asks her.
“No. I’m from Altea.”
Allura gets confused as to why they’re searching maps of their own planet for it.
“It’s up there,” she says, pointing skyward. Beyond the blues, where the stars twinkle and shine, her home resides out there. Somewhere.
They joke that she’s an alien. But oh. Hang on. She actually is.
“Aw, lucky! I wish mine was from space,” laments Rachel.
The siblings get incredibly excited and start showing off the ‘coolest’ parts of Earth (Allura is from an advanced civilisation. A mobile phone doesn’t fascinate her). But what interests Allura the most is the rain. It’s refreshing. Much calmer than the rocks that storm Altea’s skies. It doesn’t ‘rain’ often in Altea, luckily, and they had to develop force fields to accommodate for it.
When Lance returns to his body, he’s convinced it was all a dream for all of five minutes until he gets hounded by questions on what the alien planet was like.
Altea had been stunning. A place straight out of fantasy. They even had space elves, how cool was that? Also he was a princess who owned far more dresses than the ones his sister would play dress up with him in. The wardrobe was far bigger than even his parents’ room.
A man called Alfor visited him after he was late for etiquette class, wondering if his ‘daughter’ was okay.
“And then I got a tour of the planet!” Lance explains. His family hangs onto every word.
It’s just the first swap of many. They’re random. One day they could wake up as themselves, or the other.
Lance wishes he could meet this person his whole family have met except him.
They start writing notes for each other. Usually just so they can keep track of things that need to be done. But they’re also their only mode of communication to the other. It’s almost as if they’re pen pals.
Lance grows up knowing the paladins of old, knowing Coran (who takes an instant liking to him), and Allura’s family. Allura grows up knowing his. And his school friends (which quite a different environment compared to her homeschooling). The more she learns of Earth, the more bizarre she finds it. Do these people really believe themselves to be the only form of life within the universe?
Meanwhile, when in Altea, Lance still can never give an accurate location of Earth.
“I don’t recognise those stars,” he’ll say to Alfor.
Lance tries clambering into Blue one time. It’s how he meets Blaytz.
“Oh, who’s this sitting in my chair I wonder?” teases the man.
“I’m Lance!” he says, beaming as Allura.
It gets a little more difficult to manage the tag team bodyswapping as they grow up. Studying for a test could be rendered pointless if they swap on the day. Allura proposes they study for both their tests, and the other’s. Which sounds like a horrible idea to Lance. That’s double the studying. He’d rather she just call in sick. Also, Allura’s exams involve giant holograms that can beat her up (though. This body is super strong. And wait. What do you mean Alteans can camouflage?)
Allura finds it a little difficult to keep up appearances around lance’s friends (though it’s marginally easier now that she has managed to mimic his accent). This is different to polite idle chatter when they host visitors from other planets, and his naturally outgoing personality is a little difficult to match. When she returns home, she’ll find that she has new Altean friends there that she has yet to meet.
Being on Earth lets Allura unwind, she finds. She isn’t a princess here. And yet, being a princess is all she has known. It’s strange.
Lance is fun, she thinks. She wonders if she’ll ever meet him.
Lance loves meeting new people, and they’re aliens! Aliens! Though, having to involve himself in Altean diplomacy like this has him very much out of his element. They’re using forks that don’t even look like forks, and some that levitate food. (And then sporks are just this universal thing? What’s with that?)
Allura smiles fondly as she reads this note. She agrees that there are some very strange forks they have to use.
They’re still swapping when Lance is in the garrison. Allura likes being able to get pilot training out of this, though the technology is quite the back step compared to Altean tech, and she does feel like she’s overstepping on Lance’s dream.
Lance gets close enough to Hunk to explain this who swapping thing to him.
“You know, this does explain some things. Sometimes it’s like you’re…”
“A whole other person?”
“Yeah. And you forget things sometimes. And the other day, when you spoke to Jenny—”
“—Wait?!?! Jenny???? I spoke to Jenny?”
You know how the story goes. How Shiro falls to Earth, and everything falls in motion.
But this time Lance recognises the word ‘Voltron’ and so too does he recognise the Blue lion.
She roars upon recognition.
“You’ve been here before?” Keith asks.
“No. I last saw her on Altea. What is she doing here?”
“Same as she always has. Waiting. Are you sure you saw the same lion?”
“There’s only one Blue.”
Lance also recognises the castle of lions.
But this isn’t Altea. That he knows.
Why is it here?
Allura tumbles into his arms.
“Father?” she asks, then her eyes widen in recognition. “Lance?!”
It’s clear everything has changed since they last time they swapped.
It’s not until after Coran awakens (and Coran!!! This is the first time Lance meets him as himself) that they realise they’ve been travelling 10,000 years apart.
(“If I had known. Then maybe this war…” starts Allura.
“You couldn’t have known,” Lance assures, though guilt eats at him too. What was all of this for if not to save lives? “We… couldn’t have known.”)
Whilst they wish the circumstances of meeting each other could have been better, it’s nice to finally be able to talk face to face.
Knowing Allura before was like piecing together a puzzle, small snippets of a person. Now he has the whole picture.
Lance falls. Bad.
He hears her laugh, not his laugh as her, but her laugh as her. And it just hits him. That this is the person that’s been interwoven in his life since he was a kid. She’s incredible.
(What did he do to get her as a soulmate?)
This time Allura has a much better understanding of Earth, and has a closer connection with the paladins earlier on from having connected with them as Lance. She doesn’t feel quite as isolated.
And Lance basically grew up on Altea. It wasn’t his world, not at first. But grew into a second home. Maybe he wasn’t ‘himself’ but he has so many fond memories there, and all of the people. It’s hard to imagine that was 10,000 years ago. He wasn’t even born then.
Allura does get someone else to reminisce about Altea with.
The swaps don’t stop, however. Not even after they meet.
Which is a bit of a problem when they need ‘Allura’ to operate the castle’s teleduv whilst simultaneously having a blue paladin.
Allura first pilots the blue lion when stuck in Lance’s body.
“I know I’m not him. But. Please. We have no other option.”
Maybe the swaps stop eventually through some means. Maybe they don’t.
Just. Bodyswap shenanigans. These two meeting before they meet
-That one roleswap soulmate au I started working on years ago wherein they’re called ‘quintessence mates’ and everyone’s born with pretty pattens adorning their skin. One day. One day I shall return to you.
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msvox · 2 years
Happy Birthday Keith!
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Coincidentally, it’s also MY birthday today :)
In celebration, I’d like to finally share the absolute monster of a VLD fic that I’ve been working on for so long. I’m at almost a 100,000 words and this saga, this epic, this absolutely tower of a project is still a WIP, but y’all? I’m proud of this thing and I’d love for you to take a read.   
“Why now?” I hear you say. “It is... 16 chapters in?? But it is not yet done! It is incomplete! You don’t seem to know when it will end, either. This seems really awkward.”
Friends, I’m posting this today because I’m a troglodyte who doesn’t know anything about how Tumblr works, and it’s kind of insane that I don’t know how tumblr works, so I flopped around on my keyboard to finally make the blog post go. It is awkward.
But also fuck it. It’s my birthday!
Have you been craving something that re-imagines the entire story of Voltron through a Sheith-y perspective? Do you want tons of pre-Kerberos backstory that shows how Keith and Shiro cross paths, become friends, and then save the universe? Do you want all the missing scenes that should have been in canon? Do you want to learn facts about aviation and space and stuff? 
Get some Sheith back in your lives, y’all.
Part 17 is coming soon! More details & stuff below.
Chapters: 16/?
Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Keith/Shiro (Voltron), Adam/Shiro (Voltron), (but it's pretty secondary)
Characters: Shiro (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Adam (Voltron), Voltron: Legendary Defender Team, Voltron ensemble, Lance (Voltron), Hunk (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Allura (Voltron), Coran (Voltron), Pretty much everybody will be in this, Shiro's Parents (Voltron), Original Characters
Additional Tags: Canon Universe, Canon-Compliant until it isn’t, Missing Scenes, Pre-Kerberos Mission, Backstory, Canon Era, S1 to S8, POV Alternating, Shiro’s pov, keith’s pov, Shiro’s Illness, this man is sick, Friendship, Pining, Unrequited, Slow Burn, Friends to Lovers, eventually, Demi-sexual Keith, keith is bad at feelings, trials and tribulations, difficult conversations, Feels, Angst with a Happy Ending, shiro is a dork, Keith is a spitting cat, Adam is just doing his best, Descriptions of Captivity, Grief, Canon-Typical Violence, Mild Gore, Brief body horror, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
At sixteen, Shiro's world ends with a diagnosis.
At ten, Keith's world ends with a phone call.
This is just the beginning for both of them.
A re-telling of pretty much the whole story, from before the start to after the end.
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ask and you shall receive, @rottenseaweed my dear!!! julance drawing prompts for all my artist friends:
1. baby lance based on this image:
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2. lance trying to do the cool wall lean and smirk to flirt with someone except he misses the wall and falls
3. lance and pidge furious and snarling at each other, fully ready to kill each other, so shiro separates them and starts giving them shit and they look at each other and start laughing bc they are asshole younger siblings who can’t take getting yelled at seriously
4. lance, leaning on hunk’s back as he rambles, and hunk completely focused on his work but reaching back to pat him on the head occasionally
5. coran fucking LAUNCHING lance into the pool
6. lance, visibly wearing something sparkly and pink that is Not His, terrorized expression on his face as he sprints away from allura who has murder written all over his face and is chasing him at top speeds
7. lance very carefully making charm bracelets for everyone
8. lance smiling softly as he pulls a blanket up over a couch-sleeping shiro
9. lance standing in front of like an easel or something with garbage memes on them, face very prim and instructional, holding a pointer and very clearly lecturing about meme culture to a wide-eyed, frantically note-taking allura
10. lance climbing kitchen cabinets to get something while hunk shouts at him in panic
11. lance absolutely kicking ass with a bow in this way from this video, if you’re into animation
12. lance standing with his hands on his hips, lecturing somebody about something, while hunk stands behind him with a photo of mrs mcclain whom he is imitating exactly without realising
13. lance braiding keith’s hair with like a million cutesy barrettes and charms and shit and just blabbing and keith is like fire truck red like truly glowing and lance is just completely overjoyed to be “fixing his mullet” and the rest of the team is losing their mind laughing at them
14. lance giving finger guns and winking at rebel matt who raises an eyebrow in amusement and pidge is mortified on his behalf
15. lance zooming around a moon, full armour and everything, picking up a thousand rocks and bringing them for shiro to hold bc they’re on a recon mission and shiro is watching this nerd boy in amusement (he is also geeking out about the rocks he’s just embarrassed about it)
16. veronica judo flipping lance upon their reunion on earth
17. lance, tongue out in concentration, knitting tiny little mouse sweaters
18. lance giving hunk a big ol’ cheek smooch bc he’s obnoxious (hunk pretends to be annoyed but is clearly holding back a smile)
18. coran and lance, faces both streaked with tears, hugging each other really tightly
19. keith really excitedly showing lance all the caves he explored when he was following blue’s trail and lance just staring at him, totally and completely whipped
20. pidge holding lance in a chokehold as he bites her. there are hearts around them bc they are both having literally so much fun even though they won’t admit it under pain of death
21. lance in daisy dukes and a cowboy hat, leaning against kaltenecker
22. lance, armour scuffed back from a rescue mission, teaching a bunch of scared alien children how to make friendship bracelets
23. lance and keith, on their honeymoon, faces half-obscured by the glare of the sun, grinning at the camera in front of the grand canyon (like this pic of my parents):
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24. lance wearing a “i flexed so hard the sleeves ripped off” but the sleeves are very clearly still on. in fact the shirt is long-sleeved
25. preteen lance, beaming so wide his eyes squeeze shut, pink braces on his teeth
26. young lance, like maybe six or seven, missing four front teeth, giant satisfied smile on his face, at the beach (wearing shark swim trunks obviously) and holding a sea shell bigger than his entire head
27. tiny lance sitting on his brother’s shoulders, laughing, rest of his smiling family around him
28. a mirror of the food fight scene except it’s cake that the whole team (including the alteans!) are covered in, with a cake that says “happy birthday dorkbrain” absolutely destroyed with like clear imprints of people scooping up handfuls to throw
29. lance, in the backdrop of space, limp and unconscious, with both red and blue rushing towards him with protective snarls
30. lance hugging an alien scorpion the size of like a fucking horse, tears streaming down his face as if he’s looking at a particularly adorable kitten
31. the entire team except lance (he’s on a mission or smth) gathered in the common room, lounging on the couches. someone says “man i miss lance” and everyone is immediately like “oh my god me too i was waiting for someone to say it” “RIGHT ME TOO” “castle just isn’t the same without him” “seriously i’m so bored where is he when you need to bother him” etc etc
honestly i might do more of these dm me if u can come up with alliteration for a day of the week and i’ll post drawing prompts weekly
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justaz · 2 years
allura, lance, and coran is my fav trio. LISTEN lance learning altean to bring a bit of home to allura and coran. allura and coran picking up on spanish to bring a bit of home to lance. matching friendship bracelets that they made together one night. lance making them honorary mcclains so they have a new home on earth if they want to stay there. them holding a silly little crowning ceremony to make lance a prince bc if they’re a part of his family then he should be part of theirs. them going to the mall and causing so much goddamn chaos for pretty and sparkly things, coran threatening shopkeepers while allura gets distracted by everything pretty and lance being torn between pulling allura back and taking the knife out of coran’s hand.
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circusclownsam · 8 months
I like that Coran n Lance were bonding over missing their homes.
Their friendship is really underrated
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lolabearwrites · 8 months
This is just a ramble post about my thoughts of S8 of Voltron. Biased shipping opinions ahead. This is not written in a neat order it's just bullet points of random thoughts
-Seeing non evil Zarkon and baby Lotor in the ending was so sad because like, Zarkon wanted to be a good dad he was excited too.
-In the dream-scape of the final EP when it shows memories of Allura and Lotor's time together then Haggar is like "he was happy...he deserved better" like no shit Sherlock. He should have gotten better by the writers just decided not to?? Like how they wrote him, I can't tell if they were trying to make him be irredeemable or not?? Because I would have loved some Zuko arc shit for Lotor. And Lotura I absolutely love them as a couple. Like I can say no to enemies to lovers I'm not that strong
-The ending scene after the "one year later" where Keith is standing Infront the Galra empire and giving his speech LOVED that. Especially because he was saying things like "We as the citizens of the Galra empire" or "cleanse the mistakes of our forefathers" just love that he accepts himself as part of the Galra race.
-It was so disturbing to me once we learned Haggar was using Lotor's ship with his melted corpse inside. Creeps me out a little ngl
-The lions should have been sacrificed instead of Allura. And the fact that they disappeared regardless just feels like an insult to injury.
-Allura's death really felt like a cheap way to get people to feel emotional about the ending. Also, no one really pushed back against the idea of Allura sacrificing herself, which I thought was odd
-If I hear one more time about how their strength comes from their bond and their friendship I will lose it. Especially given the fact that they seemed like co-workers this season.
-Yeah so, Broganes?? Ya know the ones who had the most fleshed out relationship the whole show? Nope. Guess not anymore.
-Farmer Lance? Wtf. No thankyou. Like, if he wants to do it for sometime to be able to heal after Allura's death that's fine! It's cool and makes sense! But for the rest of his life??? No.
-I am so happy Keith and Axcea (Acxa? I'm not sure how to spell her name, but she was one of Lotor's generals) didn't become canon. That came out of left field. Her and Veronica tho? Doesn't matter if it's a ship or not but I did enjoy their friendship, but again, don't know either of them as characters very well so not too many thoughts for them
-So the writers took Lance's character development. Crushed it. Stabbed it. Burned it. And threw it out a window. All he did this season was be Allura's bf. He is a good bf I'll give him that, but he has more to offer than just that
-Coran didn't get to say goodbye to Allura and that's one of the things I'm the most salty about.
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