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mcnotok · 2 years ago
Tadaa have at thee
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They’re tied for first, sooooo
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discardead · 10 days ago
oh ! the request is open again :3
since you have done quite a lot of requests for others, why won't you make one for yourself, self - indulgent maybe ? like something you are associated with in general
- ✦ anon
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Lovecore Sea, Merfolk themed NPT
taglist ·· ✦ ·· @phantasyze @lvrlady @destinationyaoricentre @floraeth @princefrail @starrylitte @hauntina @murd3rh0rnetss @scythidol
I had a little fun with this. Thank you, silly! :3c
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Names ✧ ·· ✦ ·· ✧ Lovamour. Lovesse. Lovesth. Lovissia. Lovita. Lovaire. Loveine. Lovette. Loviera. Loveia. Lovenamor. Lovena. Lovelett. Lovelet. Lovelesth. Loverien. Loverian. Lovelith. Loveisth. Loveiur. Lovance. Lovarrow. Loverow. Loverowe. Lovera. Heartsyne. Heartisse. Heartice. Heartine. Heartelle. Heartain. Atrium. Atriumne Awfie. Affie. Affiesth. Affiene. Kissy. Kissyn. Kisetta. Kissine. Kiselle. Kissie. Kissia. Enamoriel. Enamour. Enamoire. Enamiore. Charmsou. Charmie. Charime. Charisme. Charmsie. Charmette. Charmelle. Charmisth. Cherish. Cherishe. Cherina. Cherie. Cupid. Cupida. Cupide. Cupidette. Cupidesse. Cupidesth. Cupideine. Cupideia. Darling. Sweetheart. Honey. Amias. Amadeus. Amatus. Amara. Amour. Amor. Cordelia. Romeo. Juliet. Noel. Noelle. Shore. Shorea. Shorean. Shoreen. Shorecia. Shoreia. Shoremi. Shorefi. Shoreli. Shoraline. Shoreia. Shoresine. Shorette. Shorelith. Shoresea. Shoresie. Shoreena. Shorine. Oceanus. Oceanide. Oceafine. Oceore. Oceanie. Ocean. Oceara. Oceanica. Mareine. Mare. Marelie. Marelia. Marefie. Aequor. Aequora. Aeqourine. Aquane. Aquaine. Aquaint. Aquainth. Aquafid. Nautilus. Naurefin. Nauticelle. Naucthius. Nauctiene. Nautesse. Seabed. Seabeth. Seabelle. Seasine. Seasyne. Seasell. Sealett. Sealace. Seanette. Seia. Seaniesth. Seasthe. Seamyne. Seasara. Sealune. Sealure. Seahymn. Seasing. Corallia. Coralise. Coralyne. Coralisth. Coralithe. Coralef. Coralief. Corasie. Coralie. Marinith. Eliqua. Melorine. Nairith. Nairesth. Syrelis. Sirelis. Sirenisth. Sirenielle. Sirenelle. Sirense. Siren. Aqua. Aquor. Aquarine. Shelly. Shelby. Cove. Marine. Marina. Marinus. River. Melody. Harmony. Symphony.
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Pronouns ✧ ·· ✦ ·· ✧ wav/wave. ti/tide. sea/seas. sho/shore. sea/shell. she/shell. bea/beach. san/sand. sand/sands. co/cove. cov/cove. cove/coves. wat/water. wate/water. wa/water. fi/fish. fis/fish. swi/swim. swim/swims. de/deep. deep/sea/deepsea. bel/below. ocea/ocean. oce/ocean. mari/marine. mar/marine. mar/mari/marine. mer/mers. mer/mermaid. mer/mermaid. mer/merman. mer/merfolk. fi/fin. fin/fins. sca/scale. cor/coral. cora/coral. co/cor/coral. sea/seaweed. shi/shiver. shiv/shiver. sai/sail. sail/sails. sail/sailor. shi/ship. ship/ships. di/dive. dive/dives. bub/bubble. bubb/bubble. bubble/bubbles. glub/glubs. glu/glub. blub/blubs. blu/blub. sur/surf. su/surf. surf/surfs. seasi/seasick. boa/boat. boat/boats. row/rows. crui/cruise. yac/yacht. orc/orca. orca/orcas. nar/narwhal. jelly/jellyfish. jelly/jellys. sea/angel/seangel. octo/octos. oct/octo. squi/squid. squid/squids. tenta/tentacle. ink/inks. nau/nauti. nauti/nautical. h?/h?m. sh?/h?r. th?y/th?m. vas/vast. vast/vasts. subma/submarine. scu/scuba. mar/mare. mare/mares. curre/current. si/sir/siren. sir/siren. sire/siren. siren/sirens. ke/kelp. kelp/kelps. flo/flow. rip/ripple. foa/foam. foam/foams. seafo/seafoam. dri/drift. pea/pearl. pear/pearl. pearl/pearls. re/reef. reef/reefs. lago/lagoon. isle/isles. isla/islas. isla/island. seasi/seaside. sea/seaside. mel/melo/melody. melo/melody. sing/song. sin/sing. sing/sings. hu/hum. lala/lalas. voi/voice. lu/lure. lure/lures.
Pronouns ✧ ·· ✦ ·· ✧ yea/yearn. yearn/yearns. lo/love. lov/love. love/loves. love/loving. love/lover. lover/lovers. belo/beloved. ki/kiss. kiss/kisses. chu/chus. affe/affection. affect/affection. hea/heart. he/heart. heart/beat. badu/badump. hu/hug. embra/embrace. cud/cuddle. cuddle/cuddles. luv/luvs. love/lovely. amor/amors. amo/amour. cor/cors. cor/cora. cora/coras. valen/valentine. rom/romance. rom/roms. ro/roms. devo/devote. devote/devotes. devote/devoted. devote/devotion. cher/cherish. cher/cherie. che/cher/cherish. da/date. dae/date. ros/rose. rose/roses. bou/bouquet. bouqu/bouquet. pet/petal. swa/swan. fore/forever. confe/confess. confess/confession. love/letter. lovele/loveletter. <3/<3s. gif/gift. gift/gifts. des/desire. desire/desires. ador/adore. adore/adoration. adore/adored. adore/adores. cou/court. cour/court. fon/fond. fond/fonds. bon/bond. attra/attract. char/charm. care/cares. care/caring. pass/passion. dote/doting. coo/coos. no/note. noe/note. love/lovenote. admi/admire. admire/admires. cu/cupid. cupi/cupid. cupid/cupids. darl/darling. dar/darling. hon/honey. hun/huns. dea/dear. boo/boos. swe/sweet/sweetheart. sweet/heart. hie/hier. hie/hiem. sie/sier. sie/siem. tie/tier. tie/tiem. h♡/h♡m. sh♡/h♡r. th♡y/th♡m.
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Titles ✧ ·· ✦ ·· ✧ The Merman/maid/folk. The Sailor's Siren/Mer(man/maid/folk). The Siren of Love. The Merman/maid of Love. The Merman/maid and prn* Love/Lover. The Merman/maid and prn* Betrothed. The Sea Dweller. Prn* Sea Life. The Merman/maid-[marine species]. Prn* Iridescent tail. The Sea's Angel. The [noun] on a Rock. Prn* who calms the Sea. The Good Omen for Sailors. The Sailor's Good Omen. The Little Mermaid/man/folk. Prn* Life in the Sea. Prn* Sailor. The [noun] with prn* Sailor. The [noun] onboard. The [noun] in Love. Prn* Ship on Sail. The [marine species] caught (by Sailors/[noun]). Prn* who Swims. Prn* who Swims across the Sea. The [noun] washed ashore. The Merman/maid/folk adored by All/[noun]. The Adoring [marine species]. Prn* who adores You. The Merman/maid/folk devoted to prn* Sailor/[noun]. Prn* Devotion. Prn* at the Seafloor. The [noun] with (fishy) Scales. Prn* who gifts you prn* Scales. Prn* who Flows across the Sea. The Deep Sea's [noun]. The Devotion of [name]. The Devotion of this [noun]. Prn* filled with pure Love. Prn* who embodies Love. The Love for prn* Sailor/[noun]. Prn* of Charms. Prn* who charmed you. Prn* who charmed prn* Sailor/[noun]. The Lover's Embrace. The Lover of Loves. Prn* who's the Lover of [name]. The Lover's Whispers. Prn* Secret Admirer. The Secret Admirer of [name] / this [noun]. Prn* Love letter. Prn* who writes Love Letters. The Lover's Note. The Merman/maid/folk of Valentine's. Prn* sweetest Darling. Prn* Love for the Sea. Prn* Love for Mermen/maids/folks. The Ocean's Heart. Prn* who's part of the Sea. Prn* in the Shipwreck.
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acronym-chaos · 2 months ago
Jellyfish Themed ID Pack
[PT: Jellyfish Themed ID Pack].
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[ID: A purple thin line divider shaded at the bottom. End ID].
[PT: Names].
Abyss, Aelura, Althaea, Amarae, Anemone, Aqua, Aquelle, Aurore, Azure, Belline, Biolume, Brine, Caelith, Cerulean, Cnidaria, Coralyn, Cyanea, Deepsea, Euryale, Fluiris, Glimmer, Gliss, Hydro, Iridessa, Ismara, Lirael, Lumestra, Marinda, Meda, Medis, Medusa, Nereida, Nymphae, Oceara, Ophelis, Pelagia, Prism, Quoralia, Radiara, Rivael, Salis, Scylla, Seluria, Serula, Tethys, Thalassa, Thalrae, Tide, Umbra, Undine, Vellara, Viridia, Zaleia, Zelis
[PT: Pronouns].
Aby / Abys / Abyss, Aq / Aqu / Aqua, Be / Bell / Bells, Drift / Drifts / Drifts, Flo / Floa / Floats, Flo / Flow / Flows, Gli / Glint / Glints, Glo / Glow / Glows, Jel / Jelm / Jeler [Jellyfish], Li / Light / Lights, Pulse / Pulses / Pulses, Se / Sea / Seas, Si / Siphon / Siphons, Sti / Sting / Stings, Stro / Strobe / Strobes, Vei / Veil / Veils, Wa / Water / Waters
[PT: Titles].
[Pronoun] Who Glows in the Dark, [Pronoun] Who Lingers in the Abyss, A Creature of Bioluminescence, A Drifter of the Abyss, The Bioluminescent Wanderer, The Glow Beneath the Surface, The Light That Shimmers Underwater, The Ocean's Lantern, The Pulse of the Deep, The Silent Floater, The Stinging Phantom
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[ID: A purple thin line divider shaded at the bottom, End ID].
Requested by @thestarsareweeping
Also tagging: @id-pack-archive
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marvelshifter111 · 3 months ago
Selkie names
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Female names
Muirin - Irish, meaning "born of the sea"
Nerida - Greek, meaning "sea nymph"
Ailith - Old English, meaning "noble kind"
Coralyn - Inspired by coral reefs
Seren - Welsh, meaning "star"
Lira - Inspired by "lyre," a melodic and oceanic instrument
Ondine - Latin, meaning "wave" or "water spirit"
Saoirse - Irish, meaning "freedom"
Eira - Old Norse, meaning "snow" but associated with icy waters
Thalassa - Greek, meaning "sea"
Male names
Cian - Irish, meaning "ancient" or "enduring"
Alaric - Old Germanic, meaning "ruler of all"
Finnian - Irish, meaning "fair" or "white"
Kai - Hawaiian, meaning "sea"
Dorian - Greek, associated with the sea breeze
Ronan - Irish, meaning "little seal"
Callan - Scottish, meaning "rock" or "power"
Malachai - Hebrew, meaning "messenger of God," with a flowing sound
Torin - Irish, meaning "chief"
Lochlainn - Irish, meaning "land of lakes"
Unisex names
Merle - French, meaning "blackbird," but associated with sea tones
Aeron - Welsh, meaning "berry" or "battle," but also linked to water deities
Morgan - Welsh, meaning "sea-born" or "sea circle"
Islay - Scottish, referring to the island Islay, known for its coastal beauty
Skye - Inspired by the Isle of Skye in Scotland
River - Nature-inspired, evoking flowing water
Bryn - Welsh, meaning "hill" or "mound," but adaptable to maritime lore
Adriel - "Flock of God"
Frost - Nature-inspired, tying into icy waters
Azure - Meaning "sky blue," often associated with oceans
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Ability list | Supernatural beings masterlist | Masterlist
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steamandart · 2 months ago
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Coralyne Lyu (3D art)
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all-too-random · 2 years ago
For some reason, when I was younger, I would always want to create oc's that were th3 children of my favorite ships. Every once in a while, I'll revisit these oc's and redevelop some. That's what I did the other day.
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In order we have Clawmilla Wolf (daughter of Draculaura and Clawd Wolf), Diana-Claire Valentine (daughter of Kieran Valentine and Spelldon Cauldronello), Coralyn "Cory" Webber (daughter of Lagoona Blue and Gil Webber), Bayley Webber (son of Lagoona Blue and Gil Webber), Dione Gorgon (daughter of Cleo De Nile and Deuce Gorgon), and Ginny Wake (daughter of GiGi Grant and Finnegan Wake)
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thedungeonstore · 7 months ago
Coming to Weekly Hot Spot Podcast
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This week, Brittany Wilson, our sales and marketing director is talking with @experiencedmistressolivia and Ms. Erika on The Weekly Hot Spot Podcast. 
These women are active in the BDSM and fetish scene. They talk about a variety of adult topics and interview guests to discuss sissification, power exchange, Femdom, edging, clubs, and life in the dungeon.
Wilson will be on air for two episodes, starting with the magic side of kink and highlighting our latest occult books and oracle cards. Then she'll have a half hour episode with Olivia & Erika on violet wands and electric stimulation for long distance play.
We'll have links of the interview soon. But you can start listening to The Hot Spot Podcast shows with guests like Jane Boon, Coralyn Jewel, and Mistress Mia Darque. Listen in now at https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-weekly-hot-spot--2986857
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twistedeuphoria · 9 months ago
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“Tennis uses the language of life. Advantage, service, fault, break, love – the basic elements of tennis are those of everyday existence because every match is a life in miniature.”
Hara / Body: REBORN by eBODY v1.69.6 Hair: Beusy: Daemonette V2 Hair + Cap (New! @ kustom9) Clothing: ISON - clara halter shirt (New! @ Collabor88) True Damage-Challenge Skirt (New! @ kustom9)
Saber / Hair: Stealthic - Statement | Kustom9 Dress: Astralia // Coralyn Dress | Kustom9 Shoes: Palette - Eliza Sneakers | Kustom9
Pose + Props: K&S - // Lisa. Bento poses Backdrop: K&S - // Tennis court. Arena
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emptyskyworld · 9 months ago
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Just a little rant. Kinda make me sad when an author or a person who follow stop playing skyrim xd. Idk why...is just...that feeling...like...even if you don't know that person it just feel...that emptyness...when an online friend just go off for years...idk man...is just sad.
ps: the cutie woodelf from the pics is Coralyn, my replacer on nexus
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lolitamour · 1 year ago
La calma mi devasta non sto bene nella quiete ho bisogno dell’elettricità che si respira quando qualcosa di inevitabile ti travolge ti ruba l’anima e devi arrenderti alla bellezza del brivido.
- coralyn
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mcnotok · 2 years ago
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GOSH I hope these guys designs don’t change anymore I’ve been so indecisive
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emptyskyworld · 1 year ago
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I'm cleaning my screenshot folder so I want to share these. The first one is my OC, Adielle Geverose. She need an updated!
The second one is Coralyn, a replacer that I did and it's on nexus.
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pumilo · 5 months ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: STEVE MADDEN CORALYN SHOES.
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14617guy · 6 months ago
@levicoralynn Levi Coralyn. Always so beautiful. Always a repost.
RED Friday
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pumilo · 5 months ago
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: STEVE MADDEN CORALYN SHOES.
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cosmic--marmalade · 2 years ago
Oh big rant about a childhood bully under the cut
A girl who was once my frenemy, and also long term childhood bully, just reached out to me to invite to her wedding in Kentucky.
I hadn't thought about her since 2014, and I guess I am not over the 15 years of constant isolation, disparaging comments, and entitlement because I let her have it. Really really lost my shit on her to the point that I am cold, shaking and crying. She made my life a living hell, she made Many people's lives a living hell.
Her mom reached out afterwards, deeply confused, and I spilled every piece of gossip, drama, and act of bullying that I could remember.
Blocked both of them but fuck. I might actually egg the church cult I used to attend.
Fuck Coralyn, I hope she suffers for literally the rest of her life.
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