#coral is my babygirl
f0rlorn · 9 months
i’m not a violent dog → coral
coral!tbosas x reader
notes → in which you get to understand coral a little better. feminine intended reader.
warnings → descriptions of brandy’s dead body, other typical thg warnings. also me giving characters angst alert!!! not edited & uploaded via iphone (i didn’t know how to end this lol) AND ME NOT REMEMBERING HOW THE BOOK WENT LMAO
     you barely managed to choke back a scream as brandy’s body dangled in front of you. heavensbee hall went silent, as the crane hauling her limp form, which was ridden with gunshots, paraded through the street. below brandy, the tributes could be vaguely made out, chained up. you couldn’t help but scan over them quickly, trying desperately to account for coral. spotting her, you sighed, though not of relief. perhaps it was shame that this is what your home had come to, exploiting the youth of it’s country. maybe it was even sympathy for coral, but seeing her in the state she was in brought anything but relief. coral was slouched over, making herself as small as possible, a stark contrast to the brave face she had put on at the zoo, when you had first met her. swallowing the vomit that threatened to rise, you decided to give her a visit later that night.
     when the time came, you vowed to immediately make your way to the zoo, declaring that determining her safety was more important at the moment. and as soon as class ended, you were off. peacekeepers formed a wall in front of the entrance, forcing you to buy your way in. after arguing with the peacekeeper, who finally gave in when you had offered him payment, you were allowed visitation, but only under supervision and for a limited amount of time. you tried to be polite with the gruff older man, making small talk with him as he guided you to the monkey cage, but once you saw coral you were out of his sight.
     “coral!” you cried. once she had noticed you she made her way to the front of the enclosure rather slowly. they still had the tributes chained up. “please tell me you’re not hurt.”
     “not. but i can’t take much more of this.” she admitted. her gaze was fixed to the floor, and the refusal to look you in the eyes broke your heart.
     “i.. i know. i’m trying my best to help but dr. gaul won’t give me the time of day.” you explained, eying her with worry. “i can’t believe they’ve chained you up like this, it’s inhumane.” while that was true, compared to the rest of the list of things the capitol was enforcing, this hardly scratched the surface.
     “i wish they’d just kill me already.” coral muttered, voice gravelly.
     “please, coral, don’t say that. you can win, i know you can.” you pleaded. her eyes bore resentment at your words.
     “why do you believe that, huh?” she gripped the bars that separated the two of you forcefully, “because i’m big and scary? do i intimidate you?” her voice rose and her tone grew angry. the chains holding her hands together rattled as she moved. seeing as you almost flinched, she scoffed, slouching once more. “i don’t want to be the way i am, y’know,” coral mumbled, her lip quivering. “i’m.. i’m not violent. i don’t know why i fight. we’re all animals to them, that’s all we’ll ever be.” her words brought tears to your eyes. 
     the dehumanizing of the districts had gone on for far too long. there had been countless encounters with your classmates where the district people were referred to as “animals,” and the thought truly disgusted you. but up until this point you had merely been a pawn. despite the countless opportunities you were given to speak up to your classmates, you remained silent. even worse, you had ignorantly laughed along with them in the past. but what better way to wash away your guilt than play the savior in someone else’s story? even if the ulterior motive went unbeknownst to you, the privilege you had couldn’t be ignored by yourself. you could make a difference if you tried, if only you knew how. the best you could do for now was try to get your tribute out of the games alive.
     “you’re not an animal, coral. you’re a girl. a strong one, and a really, really brave one. coral, please.” you begged her, you didn’t quite know what for, though. “the fight you have in you is nothing to be ashamed of, it’s how you survived. i’m sorry, coral. i’m so so sorry.” you broke down, allowing the tears to spill from your eyes. “i wish i could do more to help you. this is so… messed up,” you sobbed.
     “back home, they tell us not to cry. there’s too much work to be done for tears. me and my siblings start work before dawn, and we work till night. if only they could see me now,” she laughed humorously. “and the things they’d say about you, gosh… you wouldn’t last a day there, princess. i can’t imagine you being able to haul crates of fish. let alone be able to catch one.” you pressed your forehead against the bars and let her words hang in the air. after a minute or so, her head rest against the bars as well, nearly touching yours. silence rang in the air as the two of you sat, contently.
     “alright, girly, time’s up. you’re way too close anyway.” the peacekeeper approached you after a while, grabbing your arm and sweeping you away before you could object.
     “coral!” she glanced up at you. “i’ll see you tomorrow.” coral took that as reason to get ahold of herself, suppress her vulnerability and impress the cameras tomorrow. besides, the cameras weren’t the only thing she wanted to impress. maybe, just maybe, if coral won the games she could have you too.
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thalassic-p4rk · 1 year
scrolling through the captain barnacles tag and i shit you not my nose spontaneously started bleeding and i just think that’s pretty good timing LMAO
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zackcollins · 2 years
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You're not so bad yourself ;)
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cowsaresushi-coral · 1 year
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still thinking about gabriel mod in bomb rush cyberpunk.
mentally unwell, stewing, thinking, chewing
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wheneclipsefalls · 1 year
Forever My Babygirl pt.4
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Part 3 I Masterlist I ao3 I
Pairing: 16 year old Tuktirey x Male Metakyina OC
Summary: Safe under the florescent glow of the ocean, Tuk and Teeysal share a special moment. Unfortunately, keeping secrets is a dangerous game to play. 
A/N: To everyone that has stuck around while I’ve struggled to put together the trajectory of this story: you’re a true one, thank you! I’m already working on part 5 and I’m really excited about it so hopefully the next update won’t take as long this time
Warnings: Light angst, swearing, aged up characters, forbidden love
Yawne - beloved 
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Tsireya delicately looped the strands back and around one another, careful not to pull too hard on Tuk’s scalp. Her fingers struggled to keep hold of the various sections of hair while intertwining small shells into the woven work. Tsireya always had a hard time turning down Tuk’s request to do her hair, especially when she wove precious flattery into the pleas. Besides, Tsireya was simply happy to see Tuk finally recovered from being sick and back to her old self. 
“Such pretty shells.” She murmured admiring a particular speckled blue crescent shaped one that shimmered in the light. “Where did you find them, Tuk?” The innocent question made Tuk’s smile drop. 
She couldn’t tell Tsireya where they had really come from. Teeysal had spent hours scouring different beaches and coral reefs for the perfect shells, gathering them in a small netted bag that was sneakily presented to the Sully girl when her parents were out. The proud smile on his face when she expressed awe and approval still made her heart flutter fondly. 
“J-just been collecting them for a while.” The jumbled response came out hastily. Neytiri always said that Eywa had blessed her with an honest heart and a desire to do good, but now Tuk felt that these gifts were becoming a curse as it made every lie she told sink deep into her chest. A weight that was slowly bringing her down. 
“Well you will have to show me all the good spots to find them. I’ve been working on this choker for Lo’ak but it’s missing something. Can’t quite tell what yet.” Tsireya let out a light huff in frustration, her voice somehow still carrying the soothing softness that always had Lo’ak melting. 
Tuk had always found Tsireya’s gentle nature so calming. She was the best person to rant to with problems or concerns. Her large blue eyes had a great capacity to hold genuine empathy. It astonished the younger Sully girl. And yet it was just another reason that keeping her romance with Teeysal a secret was incredibly difficult around her sister in law. 
“Even if there is, you know he won’t notice. He’ll just be happy it's from you. Lo’ak doesn’t know much else when it comes to attire.” Tuk scoffed teasingly. Tsireya’s soft laugh flitted across the wind as she continued to tightly incorporate the strung shells into the intricate dark braids that finally flowed down into loose waves. 
“Now, is that any way to talk about the mighty warrior that is bringing home this bad boy for dinner?” Lo’ak appeared at the mouth of the marui, hands proudly holding up the dangling fish half his size.  Tsireya affectionately awed at the size, congratulating her mate on the impressive catch but Tuk’s mind was elsewhere. Lo’ak home meant Teeysal would be back with the hunting party too. Tsireya’s absence of handling indicated her hair was completed. 
“You look so pretty, Tuk.” Tsireya cooed, helping Lo’ak to set down the fish in preparation. 
Tuk ran her fingers through the hair, a small giggle lacing her features as she beamed at the compliment. The change in hairstyle made her feel rejuvenated after days of squirming on the marui floor half awake. The thick braids leading into the free flowing waves reminded her of Tsireya’s own hairstyle and the comparison made her beam with a new confidence. The confidence of a woman, not some silly little child. 
“Thanks ‘Reya.” Tuk pulled the older na’vi into an eager hug before gathering her stuff to dart off. Lo’ak shot his sister a strange look at her hurried actions. 
“What? That’s it? You’re not even going to stay for the best meal of your life, baby sis?” Lo’ak crossed his arms, feigning a stern look that was sure to be imitating Jake. Tuk giggled at the hidden joke but shook her head regardless. Her window of opportunity was quickly closing.
“I can’t leave mom and dad alone for dinner.” 
“They’ve had you for five days, surely they will survive your absence for one night.” Already feeling caught in a lie, Tuk avoided her brother’s merciless gaze. She fought the urge to nervously fiddle with hanging beads on her loincloth. Still, the electric excitement prompting her to see Teeysal overcame the small trace of guilt at lying to her brother. There was no other way she would get to see the handsome Metkayina male otherwise. 
“You know how Dad gets.” She shrugged while subconsciously playing with the threads of her new hairstyle. It seemed that the excuse was enough to appease Lo’ak as he rolled his eyes and gave her a knowing look. He did in fact know how protective and even selfish Jake could be when it came to his littlest baby girl. Tsireya was already preparing the fish diligently at the corner of the marui. 
“Yeah yeah, I know. Fine, get out of here.” Lo’ak snorted with a playful shoo of his hand. Tuk wasted no time, quickly bidding them goodbye before running across the wovens paths of the village. The moon was inching closer and closer to overcoming the shine of the sun, luring the clan members to start settling in for dinner and tucking their small Na’vi into bed. 
Her eyes jumbled back and forth across the crowds of approaching figures to smoothly slot herself around or in between them to get by. She let out small squeaks and apologies at the appropriate times but never slowed down her pace. Tuk’s excitement only grew when she was able to see the last stragglers from the hunting party up ahead. She was just about to sprint haphazardly towards them and track down the handsome male when her father’s voice broke through her focus. 
“Tuktirey!” Jake called from her right, pulling in a small canoe with one hand. “Where you going, babygirl?” Jake questioned with a slight undertone of fond laughter. He flicked the thick dreadlocks out of his face to see his daughter better, canoe landing on the sand with a hollow thump.
“Hey Dad, just going out one more time before dinner.” Tuk despised how easy the white lie flowed from her lips. The distant chatter and laughter from the hunting party prickled at her urge to glance over and find Teeysal. Still, she wiggled her toes and focused on paying attention to her father. Jake Sully was a smart man that knew how to pick up on clues. His time in the military had only increased his awareness of the world around him and the importance of picking out tiny details. This attribute had always been one of her favorite things about her father, showing how useful it had been by sharing endless war stories. Now, however, it was becoming a nuisance. 
“Yeah I know you’re anxious to get back out there, kid.” Jake chuckled before gracefully heaving his body up onto the woven pathway. His smile held tender kindness and affection as he looked down on his maturing daughter. “How about I take you out? It’s been a while since the two of us have had some real daddy daughter time together.”
Tuk gulped. The sincere crinkles of his smile coiled her guilt in her gut, but she had been looking forward to this all day. Teeysal had his own responsibilities to tend to and there were few times that Tuk’s time left unsupervised aligned with his leisure hours. She knew it had been a while since her father and her had gone out like usual, but she was growing up and Tuk didn’t always have the same cravings as she used to. 
“I’ll tell you whatever consolation story you’d like to hear.” Jake had a plethora of stories he had produced and related to the stars for his children. There was of course his own story of Earth and how he had come from a star, but further stories consisted of simple fairy tales he had adapted and edited for his kids. Out of all his children, Tuk clung on to the stories the most. There was a whole year where she had Jake tell her the mashup of Rapunzel and Top Gun he had created over and over again. For a story that the ex marine had made up on the fly it became difficult at times to repeat perfectly, especially when his small daughter had memorized every detail. Whenever he would go off script or forget one of the lines, she was known to jump in to correct her daddy. 
Tuk’s sharp teeth nippled at the inside of her bottom lip. The last thing she wanted was to disappoint her father but there would be other nights she could listen to his far fetched stories. 
“Actually Daddy, I kind of was looking forward to going out alone. To be with my thoughts and all that.” Tuk’s soft voice was barely heard above the coastal wind. Jake’s smile wavered and his brow pulled together, accenting his creased forehead. She knew that look. The reminiscing look of a parent that was no longer needed by their child. Being the last one to leave the nest had gotten her very familiar with these poorly masked solemn expressions. 
“Right, of course.” Jake cleared his throat before nodding firmly. The ex marine naturally pieced together a touch front. For a man of such gruff demeanor, he failed horribly at maintaining that composure when it came to his daughters. 
Tuk’s heart ached at the sight of her father, Toruk Makto, softening in front of her eyes. 
“But we will have to go on a different night for sure!” Tuk piped up, grabbing her father’s wide wrist between her dainty hands. “It’s been ages since I’ve heard about the lost princess pilot, afterall.” Her father’s lips quirked up at the sound of her excitement, no matter how feigned it may have been. 
“Of course, babygirl. Whenever you want.” He chuckled before placing an endearing kiss along her stripped temple. Her muscles relaxed at the reassuring gesture. “But make sure to be back before dinner. I don’t want you out too far past eclipse.” 
 She beamed up at him, giving her promise before turning to dart off again. 
“Goodbye Daddy!” Tuk called behind her, hoping the remedial nickname would soften the blow. 
Her father’s wellbeing slipped to the back of her mind smoothly as she refocused on searching for Teeysal amongst the other hunters. Luckily, he was around the bend away from the potential onlooking gazes of Jake and nosy clan members. Teeysal’s cerulean orbs lit up instantly at the sight of Tuk. She took this as her sign to bound over, toppling into his arms. His toned arms pulled her body against his chest tightly and spun them around. Her shorter legs swung out into the air as soft giggles wracked her lungs. 
Teeysal smelt like fish and saltwater but it was an essence that the Sully girl had come to positively associate with his presence. She marveled at how easily he lifted her and twirled their bodies in place, her stomach doing somersaults at the thrilling momentum. The loose curls that had escaped his bun tickled the apples of her cheeks as she pressed her face close to his broad shoulder. 
“There you are.” Teeysal warmly smiled after setting the small Omatikaya girl back on her feet. His broad hand cupped the side of her face sweetly causing Tuk’s heart to skip a beat. 
Ayte cleared his throat, awkwardly third wheeling the interaction. Tuk’s head finally snapped to the side to notice the other Metkayina male. A light blush painted her cheeks when she realized they were in fact not alone, she sent him a gracious smile regardless.
“Hi Ayte.” 
 She tried to detach herself from Teeysal, worried that their cover was completely blown. Tuk went to wiggle her way out of his strong arms and give Ayte a hug as a cover but Teeysal only held her tighter.
“It’s ok. He knows.” He chuckled into her ear while enfolding her in an embrace from behind. Ayte noded and rolled his eyes to confirm the claim. Her cheeks remained a glimmer of pink but she relaxed in his arms at the information. Teeysal’s newfound confidence had come with more frequent physical displays of affection. Small moments that the pair managed to steal away throughout the day were always accompanied with tender forehead kisses and prolonged hugs that allowed her to seep into the warmth of his chest. 
This uncharted territory spun her nerves into a tumbled mess but Tuk couldn’t be more delighted. This intimacy had always been something she had observed in others and yearned for herself. Even as a small child she beamed whenever Jake tucked his head into the curve of Neytiri’s neck or intertwined their mismatched hands together fondly. 
“Yeah and I know when I’m being a third wheel.” Ayte grumbled but there was an undertone of friendly mirth in his tone. A small smile twitched at the corners of his mouth whenever he saw that dumb dopey grin on his friend’s face. “I’ll bring these back myself. See you later, lovebirds.” He chuckled, dragging off the baskets of fish. 
Teeysal and Tuk called out their respective thank yous while watching the male disappear into the village. It was then that Tuk felt the soft sensation of fingers tracing over her new woven hairstyle and embedded shells. 
“Wow, look at you. They are so much prettier on you.” Teeysal marveled reverently. She couldn’t contain her grin at the compliment. She had been itching to show him since Tsireya had put the first shell in her hair. Warmth flooded along her skin, sending pleasant tingles down to her toes. 
“You like it?” Tuk asked although she already knew that answer as he gently guided her to do a twirl for him. Their eyes met and it was difficult to keep the gleeful giggle from her throat.
“Very much.” Teeysal’s warm voice filled her to the brim with happiness. He always seemed to hold a special kindness in his aurora, especially when around her. Those ocean blue eyes could easily put her into a trance, so crystalline and pure. Every glimmer of emotion visible. 
“Come, come. I want to show you something.” He eagerly grabbed her hand and dragged the girl towards the nearest ilu. The covering moon had begun to signal the beginnings of bioluminescence, bringing a dim glow to fauna and coral underneath the surface. The two didn’t bother finding another ilu, instead opting to ride together. 
Tuk wrapped her arms around his shoulders tightly and blushed as Teeysal hooked one hand around the back of her thigh before they dove into the water. An instant calm settled around her as they were encompassed by the pressure and weight of the ocean. Here in the place where the outside world was deafened and the boy she cared for held her tenderly, Tuk couldn’t think of anywhere else she would rather be. 
They soared along the reef, diving in and out of curved structures of corals and sponges. The sizzle of sloshing water tickled at her flicking ears. Everything was in its full glow, bursting the sealife into radiant colors that danced through the water medium.  No matter how many times Tuk saw it, she never tired of marveling over the beauty of the ocean, especially during eclipse. The sea was a different place entirely, feeling like another planet she could step into within a moment's notice. 
The two na’vi only had to breach for air a few times before reaching the desired spot. 
“Deep breath.” Teeysal instructed. She filled her lungs slowly until they had expanded to the point of pushing against her ribs. The ilu dragged them down towards the substrate until Teeysal released him and motioned for Tuk to follow. Curiosity rose like a swell within her. Whatever it was, Teeysal could not keep the giddy grin from his face. 
She mimicked his smooth undulations, following after him. Despite the commotion of marine life around them, Tuk found herself swerving to catch glimpses of those loose curls that had escaped his bun and were flowing with the water. She had always been fascinated with the Metkayina curly hair, having little representation of its texture in the Omatikaya clan. However, for biased reasons, she believed Teeysal’s hair to be the prettiest. The soft strands were an enchanting contrast to his sharp jaw and high cheekbones. It seemed that Teeysal's entire form was a walking contradiction. Sharp lines and features mixed with gentle eyes and a caring smile. 
Teeysal finally signaled for them to stop, each holding on to the nearest coral structure. Her golden globes swept across the area, in search of the wonder he promised to show. A large hand on her shoulder caught her attention once more. Teeysal pointed up ahead under the curve of a concave rock. It was then that she finally spotted what had him all excited.
Intelligent eyes peeked out from under the rock. The octopus was easy to miss in the haze of marine activity, perhaps its purpose in seeking refuge in the tight space. However, once it had deemed the surroundings clear it began to stretch forth its tentacles in differing directions. Its motions were fluid and controlled as the creature crept from the dark hole. 
It had not been her first time seeing an octopus but her wonder was still ablaze. They were such simple yet intelligent creatures, making them hard to catch on most days. She was satisfied with this surprise, turning to Teeysal and giving him a wide grin that expressed this sentiment. He seemed to almost chuckle underwater, shaking his head softly. 
‘Keep watching.’ He signed.
With a perplexed expression she obeyed. The octopus was out from the makeshift cave and for the first time she spotted a glimpse of something else behind it. More textured skin peeking out from behind different tentacles. Tuk squinted in concentration. Small eyes peeked out from behind the octopus. Their black dots were barely noticeable as the tiny creatures emerged. A plethora of baby octopus blanketed the backside of the mother. 
Were she not already holding her breath, Tuk knew it would have caught at the sight. The juvenile creatures were so small, almost reminding her of the glowing fauna that laced their reefs. They followed the mother, finding refuge and protection between her outreaching limbs. Her heart warmed at the sight. Just like a Na’vi mother sings lullabies and tucks her children away in the marui for the night, this mother had found a safe home for her children underneath the rock. In moments like these, Tuk couldn’t help but recognize how similar they truly were to every other living creature on Pandora. They were all brothers and sisters, looked after by the Great Mother. 
With diligent caution, Tuk reached out one hand, inching closer and closer to one of the tentacles. The mother seemed to watch her for a moment, deciding whether or not the imposing digits were a threat. One tentacle furled out and immediately suctioned to Tuk’s hand. Gleeful excitement raced through her. The texture from the tentacle almost tickled. She was always surprised by how strong their suction truly was. 
Tuktirey turned to the Metkayina boy in victory to show him the accomplishment, but he wasn’t looking at the octopus. Those blue orbs intensely watched her reaction with a fond demeanor. Accentuated by the sparkling freckles around the creases, Tuk couldn’t help but stare back into Teeysal’s eyes. She was oblivious to the retracting arm of the mother octopus, even missing as the mother and juveniles swam away. 
They drew closer, pulled by the intensity of the other’s gaze. However, the depleting supply of oxygen in Tuk’s lungs shattered the moment. She was tempted to ignore the strain in favor of playing out this scenario, but the harsh contraction of her muscles told her there was no choice. Teeysal was quick to understand what was going on.
Grabbed by the wrist she was pulled through the water quickly. Teeysal’s thicker paddle-like tail swished with his body in a pattern that quickly had them gaining speed. The beat of her heart obediently slowed to the soothing thoughts that floated through her mind. Whenever Tuk would feel inclined to take a breath she had learned that distracting her mind with sweet melodies and memories overpowered the urge. 
Teeysal successfully dragged her through the water and up into the bulbous plant, finally giving them each access to an air pocket. Oxygen surged through Tuk’s lungs in an audible gasp, but her lips still curved into a smile. The bioluminescence of the plant painted their skin a cool shade of green as they caught their breath. 
“Tuk! Are you alright?” Teeysal’s worried tone was only white noise to the joy that tickled at her heart. 
“That was so amazing! Did you see all the little babies?!” Tuk words tattered on the edge of a squeal as she beamed back at the Metkayina boy. His troubled expression softened into that of fond chastisement as he fought back a laugh. 
“Yes I saw them Tuk, but-”
“They were so tiny! Barely bigger than megafauna and yet they still have these beautiful little eyes!” The excited shrill echoed along the walls of the bulbous flower, magnifying her voice. Tuk fondly babbled about the beautiful creatures till her lungs were fighting for oxygen again. It was then that Teeysal finally deemed it time to step in. 
“Tuktirey!” He urgently caught her attention, wide golden eyes staring back at him. “You can’t scare me like that. If you need to breathe you have to tell me.” Although stern, his voice carried a vulnerable tremble to it, showing how much he truly cared for her wellbeing. 
“Sorry.” She mumbled, biting her bottom lip. 
His ears dropped back and a heavy sigh left his lips. 
“It’s my job to take care of you. I don’t know what I would do if something were to happen to you.” Despite the sad words, Tuk’s heart raced as she saw the pure adoration and concern gleaming in his ocean eyes. Butterflies swarmed her stomach as she saw that vulnerability. 
Tuk was used to having people watch over her, whether or not she asked for it. Her father and brothers in particular were constantly protecting her from any harm that could come her way. She was used to watching them scold her for reckless behavior or circle her into their arms in order to shield the small girl from potential threats. On more than one occasion she would roll her eyes at the dramatics and pout at their concern that sometimes felt like a leash. 
However, with Teeysal, it was different.
His protective nature wrapped her in a warm glow, tinting her cheeks pink. A new feeling of admiration settled over her. It was the same feeling that surfaced when she would watch him carry nets full of fish or drag a canoe along the sandy shore. He was a provider and protector and Tuk was more than happy to allow him to fulfill that role in her life. 
“You do take care of me.” Her slim finger cupped his cheek softly. Teeysal relaxed under the touch, apprehension sizzling away with the current. She swam closer and was quickly received in his loose embrace. A strong arm wrapped around her waist, effortlessly helping her stay above the water’s surface. With their bodies so close to one another, Tuk swore he must’ve felt the charged prickle along her skin and the pounding of her heart. Still, she didn’t shrivel away or try to hide it. 
Idle dark blue fingers thumbed at his loose baby hairs, bringing the curve of a smile to his lips. Lips that suddenly caught her attention, her gaze heavy and reluctant to pull away from them. The heat of his own stare bore along her flushed face. When yellow finally met blue again Tuk suddenly realized how close they were. They shared the same warm breath. 
“Hold still.” Teeysal whispered softly. 
Anticipation climbed higher, yanking at her raging heart, but Tuk obeyed as he leaned in even closer. Their noses brushed and the gentle touch had the Sully girl’s eyes fluttering closed. Soft lips met her own, a tender and gentle caress. Tendrils of electricity rippled underneath her skin, breath caught in her throat as he kissed her. She followed his lead, tentatively moving her lips against his. 
It was short, barely more than a few seconds but it still left Tuktirey feeling breathless. Teeysal let out a slight exhale, corners of his lips perking up into a crooked smile. The sight made shuffle closer into his embrace, hands resting on his broad shoulders. 
Tucked away deep in the sea, they had found a sanctuary away from protective fathers and courting expectations. Tuk yearned to stay there forever. Safe and warm in his arms. Her first kiss forever on Teeysal’s lips. 
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Tuk stood on the ilu, hands gripping Teeysal’s shoulders to steady herself as they glided along the water’s surface. Teeysal’s lips pulled back into a dumb grin, revealing his sharp canines as Tuk’s carefree singing continued. Her sweet melody held no trace of shame, openly singing for him as they neared the village. Occasionally he would reach back and fondly squeeze one of the hands placed on his shoulders. This action was always met with a slight giggle to intermix with her singing. 
The stars were vibrant, the ocean warm, and the girl of his dreams clinging to him while filling the air with unbashful melodies. Teeysal was confident this was the best night of his life. His heart felt like it could burst at any minute as he recalled the kiss they shared. The soft movement of her hesitant lips against his own. The trust she showed while easily fitting herself into his awaiting arms. He was sure there was no Na’vi happier than him tonight. 
“Your turn, you sing.” Tuk insisted suddenly. Teeysal immediately shook his head. 
“I’m not much of a singer, yawne.” The pet name flowed from his lips effortlessly and Teeysal wondered if she noticed the endearing term as much as he did. 
“That is no excuse.” Tuk giggled mischievously. “I demand you sing.” She feigned a stern tone, using the same unyielding timber her father possessed when telling them off. However, it was anything but intimidating as her light voice strained to deepen into something unnatural. Teeysal’s chest heaved as he laughed freely. 
“Oh really? You demand it, huh?” His neck strained to look up at the Sully girl who still pouted firmly in efforts to exert her power. “And what are you going to do if I don’t, hm?”
“I will…take you down.” Her confidence was slowly slipping between the cracks but Tuk was not one to back down from a game. Even growing up she found herself wrestling with her much older brothers only for them to pin her down over and over again and tickle her till she giggled out pleas for mercy. 
She squealed as Teeysal suddenly reached back and flipped her body over his shoulder. She landed messily on his lap. He latched one arm around her waist before she could try and wiggle away. A playful triumph glimmered along his blue orbs, smirking down at her.
“You sure about that, yawne?” A gleeful chuckle slipped into his tone causing the infectious laughter to yank at Tuk’s own amusement till she was fighting back the urge to giggle. Tuk lunged for him. Pushing his broad shoulder back until he was laying on the ilu. They giggled and shot back firing challenges as they wrestled one another. 
The two Na’vi were oblivious to the closing distance between them and shore, too enraptured with overpowering the other. 
A sharp whistle cut through the night air. 
Limbs entangled in the middle of Teeysal pinning her down against the ilu’s back, they strained to see where the noise came from. 
“Tuktirey!” Jake’s voice shocked the two enough for Teeysal to loosen his grip causing Tuk to unintentionally slide off into the water. She barely let out a squeak before hitting the water. Tuk quickly resurfaced only to spot her father’s ominous figure looming in the moonlight on the beach. Lo’ak sat on a rock beside him, watching Teeysal with a frown. 
“Out of the water. Now.” The deep rumble of his voice effectively prompted her to swim frantically towards the shore. Once back on the sand, Lo’ak helped her up and used his body to block her from Teeysal’s view. The Metkayina boy was already washing up onto shore, hands raised and ready to explain the situation. 
The submissive approach didn’t seem to matter as Jake’s jaw clenched in anger. His rigid posture and heavy breathing was a clear indication to the boy that he had pushed the male too far. Lo’ak’s beady eyes followed his frame while simultaneously stopping Tuk from getting past him to see what was happening. 
“Dad, it’s not what it looks like!” Tuk’s soft voice drawed out in desperation. Jake turned his attention to his youngest daughter with a raised eyebrow. The youngest Sully tried not to shrink under his domineering gaze. 
“You and I will talk about this later.” The words might have well been a threat the way it made Tuk’s stomach do a summersault. Teesyal could just barely make out the shift of her ears pinning backwards. His first instinct was to gather the pouting girl in his arms and find a way to bring her out of the spotlight but Jake was already turning back on him. 
“You seem to have no respect for me or my family, kid.” Jake glowered down at the younger male with a heated intensity, tail swishing violently behind him. 
“No sir, that’s not i-”
“Did I or did I not tell you to stay away from my daughter?” Jake’s clipped tone hung heavy in the air. Tuk was now pushing at Lo’ak to try and get past but her efforts were in vain. 
“You did.” There was no way to lie himself out of this one. Still, Teeysal refused to show any more weakness than was necessary. His blue eyes held Jake’s stony glare with an unyielding determination. This strength went unappreciated as Jake let out an angry huff. 
“Have you or have you not been sneaking off with her behind my back?” 
Teeysal’s heart skipped a beat and the back of his neck broke out into a sweat. How did he know? They had been careful, perhaps not perfect but there was never anyone around when the two set off on their adventures. Tuk peeked over Lo’ak’s shoulder, standing on her tiptoes, and their eyes caught. It was clear she too was confused as to where they had gone wrong. 
But then his eyes grazed past Lo’ak’s expression. 
There was an air of cockiness surrounding that devious smirk and within an instant Teeysal knew who had figured it out. 
“You’re not as sneaky as you think, cuz.” Lo’ak scoffed. 
Jake no longer needed a verbal confirmation. A guilty composure was enough to validate his concerns. A protective wave of emotion washed over him until he was holding back a growl deep within his chest. This boy had the audacity to sneak his babygirl away without permission to God knows where. There was no telling what could have occurred between them. How many ways she could have gotten hurt with Jake none the wiser. 
Worst of all, this boy could hurt her in a way no one else could. 
A broken heart is one of the few things a father’s embrace and protection can not fix.
He knew it was time to intervene before things went any further. 
“I don’t like repeating myself, boy. I warned you once to stay away and now here we are again.” Jake’s gravelly voice deepened into an ominous snarl. Teeysal felt his mouth run dry, trepidation dancing along his nerves till his ears were cautiously flicking against his curly hair. Retaining eye contact had become a true struggle, Lo’ak’s unfaltering attention only added to its difficulty. 
“Daddy it was my fault.” Tuk pleaded, but Jake only held a hand out to signal her silence, his eyes never straying from the Metkayina boy before him. Tuk knew better than to push her father when he entered military mode. 
“I’m only going to say this one more time.” Jake’ jaw clenched roughly like hard steel. “Stay away from my family or there will be consequences.” Teeysal’s gaze finally lost the battle and drifted to stare down at the damp sand. A few stray curls curtained over his temple, ear pinned securely against his head. 
“Do I make myself clear, boy?”
“Yes sir.” He muttered out the phrase half heartedly but Jake didn’t seem to care, he was already ushering Tuk and Lo’ak back up the expanse of the long beach. Reluctantly following with Lo’ak’s arm over her shoulder, Tuk managed one last glance back at the Metkayina male.
Teeysal tried to quirk the corners of his lips upwards into a reassuring smile but he knew the action looked forced. Even with the increasing distance he could see the clear glimmer of unshed tears hazing over her beautiful eyes. He vowed to not have this sigh of her distraught face be their parting image. Call it foolish hope or unyielding stubbornness, but Teeysal was determined to earn his place by her side. 
This time, he would do it the right way. 
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Taglist: @valentique​  @creepytoes88​
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psycholuvrgirl · 1 year
hale (pt. 3 | n.s.)
summary: kiri grows suspicious of srewtompa.
pairing: srewtompa [metkayina!oc] x neteyam
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warnings: none
a/n: I literally made up the fruit in this idk what they be eating there
word count: 2k
series masterlist
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“Lo’ak, let go!” Kiri says through gritted teeth.
“No way,” Lo’ak says, tugging the shell away from his sister. It slips out of her hand and she hisses at him, reaching for it but he holds it away from her.
“I hate you, Lo’ak!” she yells.
“Stop,” Jake says, looking over at his kids with a flat face. “You two are too old for this.”
“She started it!” Lo’ak exclaims, “She was trying to--”
“Too old,” Jake says again, “Babygirl, please just go find another shell. There’s a million more out there on the beach.”
“But that one--”
“But nothing,” Jake says. Kiri groans, muttering something about Lo’ak disappearing soon as she walks away from her brother. Her eyes catch a flickering in the distant marui, the orange glow a stark difference from the slowly rising sun. She narrows her eyes, trying to get a closer look at what is going on in her friend’s marui. Kiri glances at her dad, then back at the marui. 
“I’m gonna go for a swim,” Kiri says. Jake nods, continuing to carve the piece of wood in his hands. She slips out of their home and runs through the village, nearly knocking a child into the water. She shouts an apology, but doesn’t slow her run. She turns back forward and her body hits another’s. 
“What are you doing?” Neteyam asks, tilting his head as he holds Kiri to steady her. Kiri mocks him and pushes him off of her, but his stoic expression doesn’t falter. “I’m serious.”
“Not now,” Kiri says, looking over his shoulder. He moves his face in front of hers and stares expectantly, still waiting for her to answer.
“Kiri,” he says warningly, “Tell me what you are doing.”
“I am going for a swim!” she shouts, frustrated by her brother blocking her path.
“Bullshit,” he says, “Tell me where you are going now.”
“Why do you care?” she asks, “It’s none of your business.”
“It is my business if you’re going to get me in trouble,” he says.
She rolls her eyes. “I’m not Lo’ak, leave me alone.” She starts to walk away, but he grabs her arm.
“Seriously, Kiri, just tell me,” he says, “If you have nothing to hide…”
“Well clearly I have something to hide,” she says.
His mouth opens momentarily, but Kiri pushes him away. Neteyam loses his footing, his grasp on her arm faltering as he falls down into the ocean. She runs to hide behind a large tree root. Neteyam looks around for his sister, but can’t seem to find the girl. He huffs in frustration, swimming away to shore. Kiri watches until he’s a good distance away before running to the marui. She grabs hold of the entrance covering, pulling it to the side enough for her to peek inside.
Tompa’s arms are waving over a fire and she’s muttering something, but it’s too quiet for Kiri to understand. Kiri’s brows furrow as she observes her friend’s actions. The fire grows as her arms lift, falling as her arms fall. Her eyes open, but they’re different. They almost glow, and not with the fire. Her head snaps in Kiri’s direction, causing her to gasp. Tompa’s hands make a closing motion, the fire going out immediately. Kiri stumbles back, looking around and deciding to dive into the ocean. She dives further, hiding underneath some pieces of coral.
Tompa rips the tarp away as she exits, looking around. “Kiri! Kiri, where are you!”
Kiri can see the way her name is being shouted, although muffled under the water. She closes her eyes, trying to focus on anything but the fact that her lungs burn unlike they ever have. Then Tompa is gone, no longer in the spot from earlier to find Kiri. She slowly resurfaces, seeing Tompa talking to Neteyam.
“Have you seen Kiri?”
Neteyam shakes his head, “I was talking to her earlier. She was up to something, but wouldn’t tell me what.”
“Oh,” Tompa says, nodding and looking around.
“Yeah, she pushed me into the water and ran off,” he shrugs, “Why? Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, yeah,” she says. She’s distant now, too busy looking around for Kiri. 
“Hey,” Neteyam says, pulling the girl’s attention back to him. Her eyes soften at him, his hands grabbing hers. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yeah,” Tompa nods, squeezing his hand, “I’m okay.”
Kiri grimaces at the displays of affection, slowly sinking under the surface to swim away.
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Tompa sits on her knees, holding the small piece of food in her fingers. Neteyam opens his mouth and the girl feeds the food to him. His thinking face quickly changes into wide eyes and a big smile.
“That’s good. What is that?” Neteyam asks. The girl giggles, showing him the whole fruit.
“Txampaymauti akalin,” she says. She sits next to him, pointing into the distance. “Look, there.”
“That tiny island on the far left,” she says, “Those trees.”
Neteyam’s eyes drift away from the island as she begins to go on and on about things that can be found on the island. Instead, his eyes land on her face. He watches the way Tompa’s eyes crease with her smile, that her eyelashes are longer and thicker than any other Na’vi he has seen. The way the smile never leaves her face as she goes on her tangent. She went on a lot of those. She talks a lot, but luckily Neteyam enjoys listening.
“And then there’s--” She cuts off her sentence early when she turns to him. Her eyes widen a little, smile fading into an agape mouth. “What? Do I have something on my face?” She wipes at her face, trying to get off whatever could be making Neteyam stare.
“No, no, no,” he says, shaking his head. He laughs a little, “There’s nothing on your face.”
“Oh,” she says, trying to stifle her smile.
“Neteyam! Neteyam!” Tuk calls from behind the two. They turn to see the little girl make her way down the hill, nearly tumbling down into the sand. “Dad says you have to come home for lunch.”
“I’m not hungry,” he says, turning away. Tompa’s eyes widen a little, wacking his arm. She gives him a warning look and he rolls his eyes. “Yeah, okay. I’ll be home in a minute.”
Tuk skips away from the beach and Neteyam grumbles to himself, laying back on the sand. Tompa can’t help but giggle at the boy next to her, poking his chest.
“Get up,” she says, “Your family wants you.”
He sighs, covering his face. “Do I have to?”
“You do,” she says, “Come on. You’ll be fine.”
“No, actually. I might die,” he says, “If I go to this lunch… I don’t know if I’ll make it.”
He dramatically splays out his limbs, hitting the girl’s legs in the process. His head falls limp to the side, sticking out his tongue with his eyes closed. She laughs at his act, shaking her head.
“Oh no!” she fake-cries, “How could this happen?”
He opens his eyes and smiles, “If you just let me stay here on the beach, that won’t happen.”
She rolls her eyes with a snicker, “As much as I would love to be selfish, your family deserves to see you sometimes. I guess.”
“They see me all the time,” he says.
“Oh yeah,” she nods. The sarcasm is practically dripping from her lips. “Because when you get back at dark every single night and leave early in the morning, they get to see you a lot.”
“I guess you have a point,” he says, sighing.
“I always do,” she says.
“You’re humble.”
“I am very humble,” Tompa says, “But you should sing some of my praises too.”
“In your dreams fishgirl,” he says, evoking a gasp from the girl.
“Neteyam!” This time Lo’ak is the one to call him. The two look up at the boy, standing at the top of the hill. “Quit tonguing your girlfriend and come get lunch.”
“Shut up, skxawng,” Neteyam snaps.
“I’m just saying, mom wants you now.”
Neteyam rolls his eyes, “Until next time, fishgirl.”
“Until next time, treeboy,” she says. He makes a face as he starts standing, unimpressed by her rebuttal. “I’ll work on it while you’re gone.”
“Good idea.”
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“So… is everyone having a good day?” Jake asks. Although a few weeks have passed since the family’s arrival, the children were still having a hard time adjusting. Though the days are filled with happy memories and fun moments, the night is filled with dreams of their real home. It’s silent after his question. He looks around the table for any sign of a reply. He clears his throat, “Kiri, how was your swim earlier?”
“Yeah, Kiri, how was your swim?” Neteyam asks, taking a bite of the fish.
“It was fine,” Kiri mumbles.
“Yeah? Where’d you go?” Neteyam asks. Kiri looks up at him with a flat face.
“Nowhere. I just swam around near the village,” she says, “Collected shells and stuff.”
“Why don’t you show ‘em,” Neteyam says, “I’d love to see.”
“Yeah, that’s a great idea,” Neytiri says, “Show us, Kiri.”
“I don’t have them on me,” Kiri says, “And we’re eating.”
“Well I wouldn’t mind waiting for you to grab them,” Neteyam says, challenging her further. Jake’s smile falters, picking up on the tone his eldest used.
“I don’t want to show them,” Kiri says, “Lo’ak might take them from me.”
“That was my shell!” Lo’ak exclaims.
“Lo’ak,” Jake says, a warning to the boy not to continue. Jake looks at Kiri, “Why don’t you show us babygirl, he won’t take them.”
“Yeah, don’t worry, Kiri. He won’t take your precious shells from your swim today.”
“What’s your issue?” Kiri asks. Neytiri and Jake’s smiles officially drop, looking between the two teenagers.
“Where did you go today Kiri?”
“Nowhere, ‘Teyam!” she exclaims, “Eywa, do you not know when to give up? I swam! Look!” She grabs his hand, touching it to the string on her top. “Wet. I was swimming.”
“This morning?”
“I was swimming!”
“Enough,” Neytiri says, “What is going on you two?”
“Neteyam won’t leave me alone!”
“And she’s lying!” Neteyam argues.
“No I am not!” Kiri says, hissing at her brother from across the table. He hisses back at her, and Jake hits the table in anger.
“Enough you two!” Jake barks. They both look at their father, their defensive looks melting away when they see his frustration. He takes a deep breath. “Kiri, where were you today?”
“Swimming,” she says, “I went swimming.”
“And why do you think your sister is lying?”
“She was sprinting through the village,” Neteyam says, “When I was asking what she was doing she was avoiding me. She even said she had something to hide!”
“Kiri, were you actually swimming this morning?” Neytiri asks.
“Yes, mother,” she says, “How can I prove it to you?”
“Kiri was spying on Tompa,” Tuk says. Kiri’s head snaps to Tuk.
“Tuk!” Kiri shouts.
“Why were you spying on her?” Neteyam asks, the anger in his body reaching a boiling point.
“I was not!” Kiri exclaims, “Just because someone brings up your girlfriend doesn’t mean you can get mad!”
“I did see you at her marui this morning,” Lo’ak says.
“Oh my Eywa,” Kiri says, slumping back. “I was not!”
“Kiri?” Neytiri says gently. Kiri lets out a frustrated cry, standing and marching out of the marui. Neytiri begins to stand, but Jake puts out his hand.
“It’s okay, I got this,” he says. He stands, calling out for Kiri as he exits.
“Neteyam, you can’t be so hard on her,” Neytiri says.
“She was lying!” he exclaims.
“Do not raise your voice at me,” she says. He says a quick apology, lowering his head a little. “Why did you not trust your sister?”
“Because I’ve lived with these skxawngs my whole life,” Neteyam says, “I can feel when they’re up to no good.”
Neytiri sighs, “You must be more gentle, son.”
He rolls his eyes, “Fine. If she stops spying.”
“Okay, okay,” he says in surrender. “I’ll try.”
“Thank you,” Neytiri says. A silence falls on the table for a few minutes. Neytiri looks up from the meat in her heands to her son. “Is she really your mate?”
“No, mom!” he says, groaning in frustration.
“I was just asking,” she says with a giggle. He rolls his eyes, muttering under his breath grumpily.
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amoebab22 · 7 months
I started playing Coral Island and Surya blushes so cute every time you give him a gift, babygirl I am going to take you back to my farm and destroy you.
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risingsh0t · 23 days
hello my bestie... n and m for the oc initials 🫶
mariah: my rook for datv hehe. including her just for the smallest bit of lore i have... she's a (human) orphan from antiva that stowed away on a merchant ship and was found by the captain. he put her to work on the crew, bc why not, can always use an extra hand even if she's only nine 💀 but not long after, he ends up losing a ton of money and business so he sells her to the crows for whatever he can get. there will be More lore of her time with the crows eventually but tbd!
maris starling: my fo3 lone wanderer. ahhh. my homesick, lonely babygirl. she's so kind and determined but is constantly afraid people are going to leave her. dogmeat and butch really change her perspective there, but it takes a while. post-game she's a bit of a horticulturist and still helps with project purity. she still has some contacts in the brotherhood but doesn't associate with them much anymore.
melina holmes: resident evil. moved to raccoon city with her husband to continue her paramedic training. unfortunately it was a ruse bc her husband actually works for umbrella. she teams up with leon and ends up becoming his partner when they start working for the government, but they don't admit their feelings until re4 🫶🏼 melina eventually has like. a boss fight with her ex bc he's insane. there's also a whole plot with her adoptive sister, who also betrayed her! SHDHDHDH
nell tsang: coral island. she is so baby. formerly a part-time model and part-time veterinary assistant. she was really working to make rent until she gets her family's farm on a TROPICAL ISLAND. there was no hesitation. and now she's thriving bc she loves the ocean and being outdoors. you'll generally find her diving or volunteering at the animal shelter!
nicole "nicki" ortiz: stranger things/frank stone. in both verses her mom marries another man, august, and he becomes a big part of her story after her mom dies. in st she has a baby half sister that she's trying so hard to protect from the horrors while mourning her multiple losses (sorry girl). her relationship with steve and how it unfolds is so special to me tho. in frank stone she's trying to make movies with her chaotic friend group...and there may also be losses. but she's enemies to lovers with christine <3 bickering directors my beloved
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coralsgrimes · 3 months
Coral... check deux... they posted shadow unemploy daddy GF 😂😂😂
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First of all, thank for grabbing the screenshot 🥔🥔🥔
Second.... I would say - idk if they are dating or not. I mean she ain't a normie but she not a somebody either. Like besides being yet another copy of Benny's fave pre made girl type, there's nothing about them. So technically nothing to hide because no one cares anyway and... on no wait Benny is obsessed cuz the babygirls might get mad when they have the realization™ lol
And yeah honestly the likes are nothing crazy lol his other insta beloved that brown haired mermaid girl is getting more attention from him lol
What I would say about this tho is that this DM shite almost word for word what a muffin sent to me and what I posted lol
Not the first time it happened too. We had the NYC trip here and then at DM, we talked about lil hike and it's on DM next, we talk about that Ella (??? that was her name?) and then it makes it's way to... DM xd
So I would say we either are trendsetters here and someone reads it here and moves it further OR they do be sending it to me and to DM too and SOMEHOW my late ass still posts about it first lol
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daisymeade · 11 months
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I waited over a year for Coral Island but couldn't wait two more weeks so bought it a couple days ago. 🙈 This is what I have dubbed, "Human Heulwen". I don't usually make legit OCs for these sorts of games so I just made my most OC of all time.
To avoid confusion, in this game her name is Atikah which I chose from babygirl's faceclaim, Atikah Karim.
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gilmores-glorious-blog · 10 months
i rewatched the original hunger games movie,, have a liveblog because why the fuck not:
- i have such a hard time connecting donald sutherland’s snow with tbosas snow
- okay wait does every district have their own effie?? bc i want to learn more about that
- peeta is so much more babygirl than i remember him being
- okay now i’m seeing it a bit more because snow really does sound like gaul at certain points
- god this whole premise is so fucked up. like. oh my god.
- i love haymitch so much,, him being katniss’ father figure makes me so 😭😭
- the tech of the arena is wild i forgot how man-made it is
- i adore how charismatic haymitch can be when he wants to
- rue my beloved :’)
- the tracker jacker scene is CRAZY what a fucked up way to die
- rue’s death scene & everything that immediately follows it is ROUGH,, i’ve seen this movie multiple times before but i was still crying
- but also the katniss and sejanus parallels that people have pointed out in that scene (her with the flowers and him with the bread crumbs) make me insane
- “everyone likes an underdog” “i don’t.” 👀
- snow talking about going to district twelve and i’m just like 🤨🫵
- i literally could not give less of a shit about gale,, every time they cut to him just brooding back in district twelve?? awful.
- peeta going “then come here. please.” and them cuddling?? i’m insane 😭
- “now there’s no way i’m letting you go” no bc why is peeta so much more charming than i remember!!
- the guy from district 11 not killing katniss always gets me 🥲
- this is somewhat unrelated but,, if i had a nickel for every time i watched hunger games on an airplane with really bad turbulence, i’d have two nickels. which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it’s happened twice.
- the theory (that i wholeheartedly believe) about foxface killing herself is so. god. yeah.
- i always wish the movie had the whole thing from the books about the wolf-mutt things being the dead tributes because that is the type of fucked up shit i enjoy
- cato’s whole “i’m dead anyways” speech versus coral’s “i can’t have killed them all for nothing” bit……. i love me some messed up parallels
- the gamemakers changing the rules again is so fucking foul,, like i know that’s the whole point but goddamn….
- i genuinely had no memory of seneca dying,, little bitch deserved it though and also the method of killing him was lowkey kinda cool
- i love the new context tbosas gives,, snow saying “what a lovely pin” but we know that internally he’s freaking the fuck out
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Lilac and Coral for the ask game!
Lilac -> funniest submissions?
There are two in particular that didn't make it in but were hilarious!
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Also I just found it real funny how some submissions were like, full on passionate essays... (attaching here my personal favorite, about Ghetsis's Castle Snuggie, it's just so... narrative... so intense... I'm captivated)
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And then some other ones just went
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Coral -> participant(s) you did not expect to make it this far
I severely underestimated three characters in particular, whose source material I knew nothing about (originally).
Number one is Wiggle, she's out now but holy shit she made it far, I had no idea that the Bugsnax fandom even exists prior
Number two is Trexel. His atrocities. I really thought the submissions were exaggerating. But no. No. He really is Like This. And now he's in the semifinals and he's also my gross, gross babygirl since I started listening to that podcast
Number three is obviously our resident meme Gabriel Swaglesste </3 I get surprised every day with new cursed info delivered to my inbox like fresh cookies 🥲
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asteroideaaa · 2 years
‘ak [ʔak̚] intj. ow, ouch
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Genre: fluff
Ao'nung X female metkayina
Word count: 1.4K
Authors note: running out of ideas...I think I'm going to write more shorter fics to put more quality into the writing.
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I was his from the day he became a man.
Fishing and weaving wasn't really my strong point but medicine was my great passion. I spent my days in the jungle among the reefs. Always following behind me was nonother then than Ao’nung. We were never separated. My theory is he lives to annoy me. He always had something to say whether it was flirting or just being him.
“Ao’nung must you follow me everywhere?” I say speeding and walking to get out of his sight. Making sure to walk into leaves to smack him.
“Then who would keep you company baby girl?” he says smirking, giving me those eyes I can't stand. He knew I thought he was attractive but he also knew I’d never give in. making my way to the brush I don't hear his footsteps anymore. I sign in relief. I bent down picking some flowers for the herbal tea Tsireya and I always drink. My ears perk up with awareness as I hear a foot walk into a moon pool. Looking over at him to see him smiling and motioning his hand for me to come. I made my way over to a rock where he was sitting standing in front of him. I looked up at myself with the most breathtaking stare. He puts his hand on my hips
“Come sit pretty girl. Let's take a break, you deserve it.” he pulls me down sitting me in between his legs. I didn't talk, I had too much on my mind. Guilt takes over my body, I should be working not playing around with a boy. 
“Ao’nung I should be harvesting herbs…” I sign about to get up but, he pulls me back down pulling his chest on my back. “Relax, we have many healers you’re not even tsahik.” I can tell he's rolling his eyes. He’s not wrong I should relax for at least today.
“How can I relax when you’re always around ma ‘nung?” I jokingly sigh. With that, he picks me up hovering me over the water
“Ma ‘nung, please! Don't please!” not listening to me he drops me into the water. Taking this chance I dive deeper into the water. Hiding behind coral I watch him look for me. Ever since we were little, we have played this little game. I swim into an underwater cave coming to the surface and taking in air. I walk into the cave looking for a particular plant. 
“Found you babygirl.” Ao’nung says hugging me from behind. He helps me pick leaves off the glowing plat. I smile at the leave he hands me. Though he was known as a bad boy in the village I've never seen that version of him when we're alone. “We should probably go back ma ‘nung. Didn’t you say you were going to go fishing with the men? You still have duties Ao’nung.” I lecture him like his mother. He sighs grabbing my hand to bring me back into the water.
Many hours later we made our way back to the village. I watch the ground as he leads the way holding my hand. He suddenly grabs in tighter making my attention shift forward. I see some guys Ao’nung hangs out with
“You're late ma Ao’nung. Hurry up and let's go”
“Leave your little toy alone for once” Ao’nung didn't like that comment and smacked the Na’vi male in the head. I watched them leave into the canoes. As they disappeared into the horizon I made my way to my muri.
“Dude just proposed to her already. If you don't I will.” I knew he was telling the truth. She was a very sought out woman. I glared at the boy na’vi trying my best not to smack him some more. The truth is I’m scared to tell her my true feelings because we've been childhood friends for so long. She is everything I want in a woman. My own mother approves greatly, but I'm scared of rejection. 
“Look what you did Rotxo. He's freaking out.'' The boys laughed at me. I know they meant no harm, but I can't help to feel annoyed. 
“Enough! We came here to fish!” I yell rowing faster trying to distract the buzzing in my head.
“Ma Ao’nung don't you fret I have a perfect plan to win your girl's heart. All you need to do is hang out with other girls.” Is this guy stupid or something?
“How would that help me in the slightest!?’ i yell even more frustrated 
“Just think about it. She’ll see you with another girl and get jealous. She’ll realize how much she wants you ma Ao’nung. Trust me it has worked many times for us.” he says confidently looking around the group of boys for validation. I looked at the water contemplating if this was a good idea. I didn't really have many options other than this. I’ve made up my mind.
“I will do it I say loudly standing up” they cheered for me as I picked up my spear
“First course of action ma Ao’nung you must catch the biggest fish to give to a girl.” Once again they all cheered and dove into the water.
I missed Ao’nung. He’d usually be back by now showing off his catch and gifting it to me. It's often quiet in my muri without him here. Not wanting to sit here in silence I make my way to the village center. I stop standing afar from the people admiring the beauty of the village. 
I feel my ears perk up listening to a conversation behind me. 
“Did you think Ao’nungs plan would work?”
“It should I  mean what girl wouldn't want him.” my heart sinks, maybe I was too cold to him. Maybe I pushed him into the arms of another, but I was quickly given reassurance.
“I can't believe he’s too much of a wuss to ask Lun out, he has to make her jealous.” I look down at my feet smirking trying not to laugh. So he does have feelings for me after all. I'm disappointed he couldn’t just tell me directly. I’m going to have fun with this. I make my way to the bond fire making sure to sway my hips to get Ao’nungs attention. He sat there with some random girl in his lap. I internally roll my eyes, how could he be so stupid? I sat on the opposite side of the fire right next to some guys. 
“Ma Lun you came tonight. I thought you’d be too busy for the feast tonight.” Meuia said with a soft smile. He was a sweet, kind boy. Though coming from a family of warriors tis, not his nature, we knew each other from our fathers. “I thought I should get some fresh air you know?” I say politely. I watched him look away nervously rubbing his fingers as if he was in pain. I grab them quickly observing them.
“Ma Meuia what has happened?”
“Oh, this is just weaver's hand. It is quite normal”
“ You should let me fix it. I wish the weavers would have come to me sooner there is a cure for this ma Meuia.” I grab his hand swaying my hips as we walk past Ao’nung. I can feel him burn holes into my backside. From the corner of my eye, I see him get up and follow us. 
We make our way into my muri. I bent down making sure to show off the roundness of my ass.
“I know it is here somewhere,” I say knowing exactly where it was. I wag my tail back and forth knowing Ao’nung is watching somewhere nearby. 
“Ah, I found it. Come here so I can fix you up.”
He walks over to me kneeling. I grab his hand rubbing herbs on it.
“So are you courting anyone yet ma Meuia?” I ask innocently giving him puppy eyes
“Well know but I want to ask you if-” he was quickly shut down by Ao’nung barging into my muri
“I’m going to have to ask you to leave ma meuia. I need to speak to Lum about a very important business.” he sternally says, opening the cloth door and asking him to leave. He gets up before I can speak and rushes out the door. 
“Ma Ao’nung what could you possibly want now? Come to bother me now? You should go to that other girl.”
“I want you babygirl.” he couldn’t be more clear than as of right now. “I wanted you from the moment I became a man. You are everything to me. I was stupid to ever think making you jealous would make you confess your love. I was a coward and I'm sorry please forgive me.” I didn't know what to say. All I knew is that I wanted him. 
“Ma Ao’nung…I want you to.”
✧・゚: ✧・゚: :・゚✧:・゚✧✧・゚: ✧・゚: :・゚✧:・゚✧✧・゚: ✧・゚: :・゚✧:・゚✧✧・゚: ✧・゚: :・゚✧
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cowsaresushi-coral · 6 days
thank yew... for gabe art.. i will die happy
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anything for gabriel <3
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darksouls2yuri · 2 years
milk snakes/scarlet kingsnakes very much so overlap with coral snakes (its like. their whole deal) so yeah dont mess with them unless youre sure. i lost all faith in coral snake identification when that post was floating around of ppl misquoting the rhyme. like babygirl you are getting your ass envenomated because you cant get red-black=OK red-yellow=BAD straight
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anyway i have to wake up at 2am this was my snake rant gbye
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strawberri-syrup · 2 years
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here she is :) ive done a LOT more w her since this picture was taken but i dont have it on my laptop </3
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