#coord backlog posting
lavendorium · 2 years
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A favorite Iron Gate coord, worn to Fanime 2022💀
🖤OP: MmM 🖤headdress: Sweet Dreamer 🖤overskirt: Ruby Princess Lolita 🖤tights: Teja Jamilla 🖤shoes: Demonia 🖤bag: Loris 🖤gatekeeper pin: Néant Glass 🖤necklace: Violet Fane
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littl3d0ll-art · 2 months
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A noble garb, fit for the leader of the cult
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charlisabeth · 2 months
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What I wore for one of the first warmer days this year. My girlfriend and I visited a castle that had a bunch of really curious peacocks running around the park
Dress, Blouse, shoe clips: Handmade Bag: BtSSB Everything else is offbrand
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pokemonlolitaproject · 4 months
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Our next coord is inspired by Pokemon #62 Poliwrath
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I am not "back" just posting some of my backlog because I don't like leaving this blog completely unattended.
I am/will be posting some Theme Park related (mostly Disney park coords) from my backlog on my other fashion blog here if that interests you
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frederickkittens · 4 months
Old Coords since I have quite a backlog to post
I just recently got my wisdom teeth out and haven’t been able to dress up… it’s so painful
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eldritchmochi · 1 year
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more of mochis fit backlog 58/????
experimental coord time!!! i really like this one a lot it was solidly comfy and VERY fun. my roommate and i had a blast being (very quiet) goofs in the alley behind our house that night
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i also took this picture of my hands, which like, yeah, is very much a lolita classic but this was probably like two months post the surgery i had on my hands that summer, so my scars were very fresh and visible, and i really wanted to memorialize them as only a weirdo lolita can. you can peep them between my first two knuckles on either hand 👀
jsk: clockwork rose's twinklebat
shirt: lolita collective but idk the brand itself
shoes: strange cvlt
accessories: all over, lots of angelic pretty, aa artists, and etsy shops
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pinkfakeflowers · 1 year
Diary & coord (oops I forgot to post)
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Today I worked on my channel, filming a couple of videos and starting to edit them. Actually, I haven't filmed in a couple months now, mostly because of the heat. Since I can't have my AC running and need the door closed and ring light on, it gets super hot !! But it was nice to get back into it and now I'm feeling more motivated :) I have to wrap up a video i've been editing for the last few months, it's nothing big but for some reason it's been really slow going. Normally I have around 2-3 videos in my backlog but now I'm at 0 >_< so I really need to wrap this one up, wah!
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sapphiresring · 1 year
Hello, can i ask you something? Ik you're not gonna make aikatsu render more but do you have friends or some acc who can taking my request?💗
My request is Ichigo season 2 school dress eyecatch to became a render i wonder who Will accept my request..
Sorry if I disturb you🙏💘
(What is up with this recent obsession with the torte coords? Like damn...)
All of the other Aikatsu render blogs I know haven't been active. I know one is on hiatus, and I won't name drop others because, well, I don't know if they have reasons for not posting as of late.
This probably will be the last message on publish about my sideblog on my main, because there's a reason why I made that sideblog. I might open up the inbox there soon, but I still won't accept requests until I clear up the backlog I currently have.
Which is a lot.
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kira-ouji · 5 years
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I have a huge backlog of ouji coords that haven't been posted here 😅. For now, here's this one!
Hat, blouse, salopette, shoes: Alice and the Pirates
Vest: Miho Matsuda
OTKs: Angelic Pretty
Brooch: Btssb
Necklace: Necrosarium
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icetigris · 6 years
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FROM THE BACKLOG: Rufflecon 2017 (rip). I have no idea why I never got around to posting these pictures, but better late than never. I didn’t get many pictures of this coord which frankly is a tragedy because I love it (pls ignore my mid-blink expression in the first one). Hopefully I can wear it again soon and get better pictures.
JSK: Little Squirrel - Metamorphose
Blouse: Angelic Pretty
Mushroom necklace and hair accessory: Lily of the Valley
Tights: Lily of the Valley
Shoes: Alice and the Pirates
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lavendorium · 2 years
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Almost entirely Bodyline coord to see Ghost last year🖤
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priparaashlee89 · 7 years
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I told you I had a backlog 😅😅😅 So a couple of these are just some of the coords I have made in game, that Red & Blue "Baby Monster" Coord is actually based on a Aikatsu Stars Coord I liked & wanted to replicate (Can you guess which one? 😉). At this point I REALLY can't quite remember what happened in the story but I do believe it kinda went down like this: * Non wants to find team mates but is having trouble * Chili was being Chili and she got up Non's nose * It was another Kami Dress Design Grand Prix (Shoes probably) and I got that, leaving one more part left to get * The other characters encourage both Non & Chili to make a Team Together. They're quite reluctant at first but they do eventually agree * Suddenly Pepper! 😱😄🎉(I think Pepper is adorbs!) And she wants to be a part of the team too! As I was going through my images I was wondering, hang on, I've got all the parts of the Kami Dress, WHY don't I have any images from the chapter where I get the last part (Also it's the chapter Non, Chili & Pepper spend most of it arguing). Short Answer: I don't. I must have completely forgot to screen cap that entire chapter.....OOPSIE! 😱😣 I DID however find an image of Hibiki in a HILARIOUS situation, that was probably from the side stories, so there's that lol! 😆🤣 So considering I've got all the parts of the Kami Dress, I probably got one more main story chapter left, the one where I attempt to wake Falulu up, but I'm not ready for that yet. I got heaps of side stories to clear & Coord stuff to unlock. So expect a lot of filler screen caps for now (Here's hoping I actually remember to do that). By the way guys, I know I HAVEN'T posted ANY Friend Tickets from this game yet, I'm still waiting on some more unlocks (example: My Fav hair) but rest assured, as soon as I do....There will be A FLOOD! 😄 (I'm exaggerating of course, there won't be that many) Please look forward to all that soon 😄 Enjoy! 😊💕
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charlisabeth · 3 months
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From last month when the colours in this park were almost unreal.
Dress/ brooch is handmade, necklace Meltywish, everything else offbrand
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Can i request a donphan coord when you have time?
I have one in my backlog let me just post that for you!
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okaywowcool · 8 years
PLEASE don’t send in a request twice because you think i’ve ignored your first one. i have a backlog of over 50 requests that i plan to do rn and i work on things from oldest to newest. the only time i answer new asks is if they’re something i can help with extremely quickly or if they’re time-sensitive/related to whatever is going on right now (like a question about a recent post). i realize everyone wants their requests addressed instantly but i just don’t have the time to do that sort of thing, not with the volume of them that i receive daily. 
i do weed through them sometimes but chances are if you’ve requested a how to wear/coords of any kind i’m going to do yours, so don’t worry. (that’s the stuff that is most fun for me.) just please don’t shoot several messages bc you think your thing hasn’t been gotten to yet, it’s really stressful on my end and when it’s something i know i can’t feasibly ever really catch up with (considering every time i fill a request it tends to spawn 3 more--just because people don’t realize it’s a thing they can do!) then first come-first serve is really the only organized way to do it. 
this isn’t me complaining about getting requests or anything either, i love doing them and helping folks in general and ESPECIALLY love doing the more detailed kind of stuff like how to wear/trend guides and giving actual advice type stuff so feel free to send stuff in any time, just pls don’t resend stuff like you’re frustrated bc i haven’t gotten to you yet!!!! 
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eldritchmochi · 1 year
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more of mochis fit backlog 22/????
(told you i got better at photos)
this is by far the best coord i have ever worn. it uses a lot of really interesting items in ways i had never really thought to, thanks to a thread in closet of frills where you could post your wardrobe and have people pick items for a coord. the person who did one for me had IMPECCABLE taste
they chose the base pieces of clothing and i picked accessories + the specific way of styling. there is so much in this outfit lmao
jsk: angelic pretty's horror candy shop
shirt: killstar (its actually a skater dress: genius)
cardigan: w💖c
socks: sourpuss
accessories: god everywhere. brands, cons, artists, etsy, amazon, u name it something is from there pls dont make me name em
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