#cooling chamber manufacturers
newtronic14 · 5 months
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iframachine · 3 months
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blueiceindia · 1 year
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theredofoctober · 9 months
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Dark!Hannibal Lecter x Reader x Dark!Will Graham AU fic
TW for eating disorders, noncon, abuse, drugging, Daddy kink
This is chronologically the fifth chapter in the series
The day after the failed feast Dr Lecter enters your unhappy chamber to find you already awake, greasily feverish in the maelstrom of narcotic hangover. Moaning under the dripping cloth of your bedsheet, you wince from the light that punctures the room as Hannibal draws back the curtains with a determined flourish.
"This is what happens when you do not eat and drink enough, I'm afraid," he says, putting a lusciously cool hand to your brow. "The excitement around the table certainly didn't help matters. Had you been receptive, then you would have been hydrated, full-bellied, and ready for the day ahead. Alas, your mulish nature is the portcullis that refuses you entry into better health. I cannot raise it for you."
You haven't the life in you to retaliate to such sanctimonious jibes, and he well knows it.
Humming a strand of Vide Cor Meum, Hannibal glides about you, first plumping your pillow, then holding a glass of water to your lips until you must either drink, or drown. In fractured gulps you salve your chapped throat with it, then part your lips again for a spoon of porridge; to your surprise, the portion spilled from cutlery to tongue is slim, a suggestion of treaty, of a temporary kind.
"I will never make you eat more than is reasonable, little one," says Hannibal, meeting your narrowed stare so frankly that you are almost abashed by the look. "It would do you no good to upset your stomach any further. I will minimise your intake for a few days, at least."
The suggestion is so unbelievable that you search his plain expression for the merest taint of trickery.
"You're not... angry with me," you observe, at last.
Dr Lecter's head inclines.
"Any ill feelings between us were settled at dinner, were they not?"
He helps you to the bathroom, stepping politely outside the door as you list at a sloppy port-wise angle, gripping either side of the bowl with preventative force; you may fall should you let go, humiliate yourself in the necessity of further care.
That Hannibal reverts to a veneer of nurturing aid after an episode of violence with such undisturbed ease frightens you, as does your instinct to accept that profferred assistance. Too many years span from here to the last time you allowed yourself to do so, and though you know well Dr Lecter's malign in having manufactured such frailty, you may never regain the position to resist it without him.
As with Will, your way out of this house is to drive yourself further in.
"I'll return home early today," says Hannibal, as he eases you back into bed in stops and starts to accomodate each shimmer of nausea. "I can reschedule my afternoon appointments for another time."
"Don't bother," you mutter, against your pillow. "I want to be on my own."
"I'm aware of that. Nevertheless, I will be here to monitor you. If you're feeling better tonight, then I will conduct your next therapy session."
Fear flowers at your core, all thorn tipped leaves.
"I won't be better," you say, your lips still crushed to starched cotton. "That promise I made to you about trying— I can't stick to that. I can't be the person you need. And I can't eat. It's too hard for me."
Hannibal lays a hand on your back, soothing you as he might an infant with colic.
"I know," he says, simply. "Relapses are to be expected. Neither Will or I will admonish you for that. What I will not tolerate is rudeness. I have demonstrated what will occur if you do not keep your tongue in check."
At this your head snaps upright against the pull of sickness.
"Aren't you rude?" you ask, sharply. "And Will?"
Hannibal pats down your coverlet, quite unoffended.
"One might argue that is down to interpretation. I pride myself on cultivating elegance, which includes manners, as a matter of course. Will, however, is— unique. I overlook his cruder moments for the complexity layered beneath them. As for what we have done to you, it is unfortunate that you cannot observe the act through our eyes, and perceive its beauty, as well as your own."
To this, you have no answer. You can think only of snaring hands, of Will's stubble scarring your cheek, and the blood broken like bottled wine across your inner thighs, so much ugliness paraded as glory.
"Please drink the water I've left out for you," says Hannibal.
You do, for he will know, if you do not.
There was something in that glass, or the oats, you comprehend, for when you are next conscious you are propped upright in a leather chair, only part returned from witless repose.
A metronome clicks at your ear, back and forth.
Lights flash and cease, white and black their blinking through the timeless night in which Dr Lecter has you drown. You sit, or swim in it; you cannot tell. The fungal spell of Hannibal's cooking robs you of both voice and tether to the earth. You could be foam in a Homerean ocean, where men become pigs on its alien isles.
You too might be such a beast, or a child, or some sylph of amorphous matter trapped in such hampering skin.
The sound of your breath comes, shuttered and sharp.
A warm hand cups your chest, and your lungs seem to open to its gesture as though by unknown magic.
Then a voice murmurs from a face before you, its shape without edge, an orb.
"You are safe. You are cared for. You belong."
Like a switchblade across your eye the light comes again, and you are part of it, an impulse that is all life, all one.
Hannibal speaks your name, grounding you to him, as to a stack in some wild sea.
"I'm going to ask you some questions now," he tells you. "They may be difficult. Try to answer them honestly."
There is only a man here, there is only light; you cannot refuse them.
"Okay," you mumble.
Hannibal's pleasure in your answer is a current timed to the swishing metronome.
"How did your eating disorder begin?" he asks. "What did it look like, then?"
"Just a diet, at first," you say. "The meals got smaller and smaller. Then a lot of food scared me. I started counting calories. Throwing food out. Being around anyone eating was like I was being tortured. That's when I knew that something was really wrong with me."
You hear the scratch of a pen on an unseen pad.
"I see. And how did that realisation make you feel?"
"Nothing. I didn't care. Then I started to like it. Challenging myself. The compliments— feeling like I had something nobody else did, that I was so good at— It became everything I was. My identity, kind of."
How easy it is to speak, when you cannot see the expression of the listener before you.
"Trauma frequently shapes us in our formative years," Hannibal comments. "It is a natural response to build oneself in its image. So, let us retreat to older memories. Tell me of a time that you recall being afraid."
The flashing light numbs to an ebbing glow.
"There was this guy," you say. "A guy that my dad was friends with. Still is. His name is Leland Frost. He used to come over to our house all the time. He was always so friendly, but I knew that there was something wrong with him. There was something in his eyes, the way he laughed too much, or stood too close to me. Like he was putting on a rubber Hallowe'en mask of a regular guy, and everyone was just pretending it was fine, but they really weren't pretending."
You gnaw at your lower lip until you taste warm iron, and consider spitting out the calories.
"I tried to tell people about it," you say. "But Dad could never see it. He'd just say, 'oh, that's just Lee. Silly old Uncle Lee. That's just how he is.' But I knew. I saw him. I smelled the cheap rubber mask."
"Did this Uncle Lee ever hurt you?" asks Hannibal, softly. "Touch you in an inappropriate manner?"
This memory is dusky, a cobwebbed photograph.
"I don't know," you admit, at last. "I always thought he wanted to, though. I always thought the minute my parents left me alone with him something bad would happen. The waiting was always the worst part."
A pause, in which you sense rather than see Dr Lecter watching you through the dark-light-darkness.
"But maybe it wasn't Uncle Lee that I was waiting for," you say, at last. "Maybe it was you and Will."
The gloom becomes further marred by tears, and you feel a box of tissues being pressed into your loose hand.
"That's enough for today," says Hannibal, rising from his seat. "You've done well for me. This calls for a reward."
He crosses the room to pick up a telephone, glancing at you with an unintelligible heat in his eyes.
"Good evening," he says, into the receiver. "I hope this is a convenient time for you. Yes, that is correct; I'm calling about your daughter's progress. I am very satisfied with her cooperation today. We are approaching some early milestones."
Hearing the tinny, distant voices of your parents, you struggle towards a lucidity that feels so desperately out of touch.
Hannibal crosses the room towards you again and turns the phone away from his mouth to murmur, "I will allow you a few words to them, if you will be sensible."
By this he means: if you do not give the game away.
You nod your head jerkily and extend a fist as Dr Lecter introduces you into the conversation.
"She is here, now. Somewhat tired, but all is well."
You clenched the receiver to your ear, tears coming in such a quick patter that, at first, you can only sit in hyperventilating silence as your parents babble at you, their voices sharp with an underlying guilt.
"How are you, honey? It's so good to hear from you! We love you! Is everything okay?"
Each day you've been parted from them you've missed them as you would your most vital structures, with a sore and deathly strength, yet your love is not so stark as your disappointment in being so abandoned by them.
"No," you say, at last. "I'm not okay, Mom. Dad. How could you send me away and not even warn me?"
The babbling rises, panic in male and female iteration.
"We had no other choice. It was all we could think to do! We tried everything. But Dr Lecter's helping you, isn't he?"
Hannibal's stare is, itself, a warning.
Pressing your knuckles to your anguished mouth, you pass the telephone back to him, not trusting yourself not to scream for help and damn yourself to the harshest punishment that such an executioner of free will might hand to you.
"She is overwrought," says Dr Lecter, apologetically. "I'll call again next week."
He hangs up, and leans across to clean the tears from your face himself, ensuring the tissue is discarded in a wastpaper basket; even in this he must be perfect, organised and pristine. You hate him for it, this performance he makes of his life, preserving such details as no one would be likely to notice but him.
"I wish you hadn't let me talk to them," you whisper. "Now I feel even worse."
"Of course you do," says Hannibal. "Your family betrayed you. It would be much more unusual if you held no resentment towards them at all."
You squint up at him in accusation.
"You did that on purpose, didn't you?"
"Leaving a wound open may sometimes allow it to dry, and subsequently heal. You will not advance without acknowledging the harm your parents have done to you, whether through dispatching you to me without consent, or by ignoring your justifiable fear of Leland Frost. The map to your mental injury is unfurling before us: the continents take shape, as do the names that mark each turn in your unhappy life. In time, I will know them all."
Weeping, you slip down in your chair, not wanting to see the truth that thrusts itself up from the outcrop of evil.
"I will help you to your room," says Dr Lecter. "More sleep is in order, I think."
Will Graham enters the house some time in the night; you hear his low voice through the floorboards as you lie in swaying wakefulness, wondering what brings the professor here at so late an hour. He stays for so long that he accepts an invite into one of Hannibal's spare rooms, a fact that you discern from the voices passing your door in the hallway.
Again you sleep, though not pleasantly, your psyche disturbed by the third presence in the building, and by the lasting bruise of Dr Lecter's relentless torments.
In this sleep you dream of an antlered thing burying you in a terracotta wood, its face so darkly passive as soil smothers your airways that you might well be a bone, stored there to be gnawed at some late and starving hour.
When you emerge from this haunted slumber you still feel the threads of it still noosed around you; dream-sick, drug-thick, you stagger across your bedroom and, finding the door unlocked, tumble on into the hallway beyond.
By chance you find Will's room, letting yourself into quarters that smell of night-sweat, and pine, and male musk. You scarcely know what you do as you climb into bed with him against his salty heat, nor why it is he, of your abusers, that you seek.
Will starts awake, wild-haired and horrified as he senses your body beside him. Your name bolts from his lips, scarcely recognisable, the utterance of an animal groomed to speak a human tongue.
"What are you doing here? You should be in your own room."
Keeping your back to him, you drowsily reply.
"Had a bad dream."
Will breathes an ironic laugh.
"And you think you'll sleep any better in my bed? I destroyed you, remember?"
Self-blame, self-loathing, all jagged and tail-swallowing teeth.
"No," you mumble. "He did. Not you, Daddy."
You feel Will sit up behind you, scratching a hand through his unruly curls.
"You're not in your right mind," he announces, gruffly. "I'd better tell Dr Lecter to stop giving you whatever medication you're on. It's not good for you. No wonder you're having nightmares."
Still, he doesn't attempt to turn you out of bed, or to call Hannibal to eject you on his behalf. He only slouches, gazing at you, until you turn on your side to look back at his pretty, troubled face in its nest of brindled shadow.
Will's shoulders still droop in a mode of shame, yet the black of the room deepens the blue of his eyes into a yearning colour through which many a woman would gladly fall. He wants you here, you realise, perhaps likes the power he holds in having you soft and needful beside him, in his lair, after all he's done.
You should detest him for feeling it, and you do.
But recognising that craving within him reawakens the understanding of that power you may yet hold over him, in return, the mistress of a cur that bites all but those that direct the leash.
It is a long way off, this control, but the taste of it will do, for now.
"Let me stay," you implore, fluttering sodden eyelashes in a coquettish attempt to convince him. "Please? Just for tonight? I don't want that dream to come back."
You'll loathe yourself for this, in the morning, but now all you care for is the night. Will seems to be having the same thought, for he lies back down on the mattress again, taking care to leave ample space between you.
How does he compartmentalise his violence—his taste for it—from his revulsion towards you, and further still from the empathy that stirs in him like a stamped out fire?
"Just one night," says Will, sternly. "I don't know what Hannibal is going to say about this."
You pull the quilt up under your chin, almost giddy with your achievement, and with it the comfort that pours over you like a September afternoon. This strange happiness you will remember, and wonder at, when all you should have known were the tatters of despair.
"Dr Lecter left my door unlocked," you say, as Will moves in restless, settling motions at your back, still refusing to make contact with your skin. "So it's really his fault I'm here, you know."
At this Will half-rises again, but whatever question or comment he murmurs is lost to your abrupt slumber.
By morning he is gone, and you are alone again, only the scent of the monster remaining about you to mark out your miserable self-treachery.
He is not there to see you thrust the sheets against your face and inhale their bitter stink, if only to claw back the triumph of having made vulnerable a man so very closed to contact of the most human kind.
He is not there, and he is everywhere.
Will is as part of this house as Dr Lecter, now.
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topnotchquark · 5 months
I'm just having some thoughts about Pecco/Luca in the wonderful Royalty au by @baking-soda and @xoxogossipzoe which has completely held my mind hostage. The drama, the stakes, the characters!
In my head this one is mediaeval era because my thoughts revolve around Pecco's poisoning and the aftermath:
Luca walking out on to the balcony in the balmy summer heat, wanting to confront Pecco. How Pecco had finally snapped for a moment after months of burying his worry under the surface. How Luca knew that this moment was coming and he was almost hoping for some sort of catharsis because he was sick of Pecco slowly turning into a ghost of himself. The moment Luca realised something was wrong, Pecco's eyes rolling back into his head. Watching Pecco's body crumple when he always took a great effort to make himself look graceful and still. Luca remembers how Pecco slumped forward into his arm. He remembers the blinding moment of sheer panic as he called for help and was breathing in the smell of citrus trees in the air along with the perfume of Pecco's soft hair. The castle and everything else completely torn asunder. Coronation ceremony suddenly on halt. Immediate preparation for war. Vale sent Cele away to a trusted friend, Bezz not made aware of where Cele was or when he would be back, which drove him mad. Luca would spend most of the day in Vale's chambers.
All of Vale's advisors bringing him information that could point to the mysterious enemy. The prevailing belief was of course, an older enemy, a Catalan family. Luca carefully watching the lines on Vale's face deepen as he was confronted with more fringe proof of the Marquez family's preparation for eventual war. Inconsequential things such as an uptick in winter clothing manufacturing or change in ration of grains in their storehouses being twisted into insubstantial claims of a grave transgression against Pecco's life. The rest of the day Luca would devote to his work at the ministry of finance. At night however, he could only be found at one place. Inside Pecco's chambers. Vale had unsuccessfully tried to send Luca away with Cele. Luca didn't say a word but the grave look on his face had been enough of an answer for vale. If amongst the chaos of the day there was a single moment of peace Luca would make his way to Pecco. Whatever little sleep he managed would be had sitting next to Pecco's bed, holding his pale hand. The healers had done what they could, draining some blood, trying to use the antidotes and herbs they knew of. The efforts were what was keeping Pecco alive, although in a vegetative state.
Luca helps the healers in taking care of Pecco. One of these days, gently wiping him and changing him, Luca notices a blue bruise on Pecco's throat. He also notices the moles and marks and scars. Trying to commit all these to memory and at once feeling nauseous that Pecco is already becoming a distant memory to him.
The next day, as he's sitting next to Vale listening to some advisor drone for the umpteenth time on the best probable date to go to war Luca decides he's had enough. He tells only Vale that he will try to look for an antidote because that's the only viable solution he can see to his own grief, to hell with the war and to hell with his duties. Vale doesn't stop him, he embraces him and tells him plainly that he scared for him and to understand what he feels like as his older brother. Luca promises to come back at any cost and leaves in the night.
He's finally able to think clearly away from all that din and decides to travel to every renowned healer to find the name of the poison. Luca is battered and tired after some days of nearly non stop traveling, trying to figure out the name of this elusive drug when he decides to stop near a river. He notices and small group of traveling men. Luca watches as they take a dip in the cool clear water. He almost misses the fact that two of the travelers bear the same blue-ish bruise as Pecco on their throats but he quickly snaps himself into action. Gently blending into the men, hedging his bets carefully, asking them questions as a fellow traveller. Carefully enquiring after the strange bruise. One of the older travelers tell Pecco that they collectively take a special drug brewed from the mucin of a particular snail found for a very brief time in a village a little way from here. That the drug was potent and could be fatal if an overdose were to happen. And that the bruises on the throats were the result of near brushes with death using the drug. Luca immediately goes looking for the village and the antidote. On the way the only thing he can think of is how it's a rather clever way to kill someone with an drug that people take for recreation.
None of the healers could recognise Pecco hadn't exactly consumed a poison and hence didn't respond to a standard antidote. He thinks of the fact that this has to be done by someone who was intimately aware of the region, someone who knew to time the coronation with the brewing of the drug to cause maximum chaos in the kingdom. How disturbing the public morale was a part of the plan. Luca knows exactly who's collecting the taxes in the region thanks to him spending time at the ministry. Knows who's likely responsible for this and that it is the same person currently telling Vale to double down on war efforts.
Anyway, Luca is able to secure the antidote. Makes his way back to the castle and immediately goes to Vale's chambers to find him talking to the last person Luca wants to see. It makes Luca's blood boil to see uccio planning out some proxy war where the entire aim is to destroy Vale and take charge himself but he has to be cautious that Uccio doesn't read his face. Luca solemnly embraces Vale and lies in front of both of them that he's failed in his efforts and that it likely means they will have to bury Pecco. Luca forces himself to cry in front of Vale that he can't just do it and can they make one final visit to Rome and pray and hope for a miracle and while pretend crying Luca is really just having a cathartic little cry because God it feels terrible to have someone you love be taken from you and he isn't even fully sure the antidote will work.
Of course Uccio immediately is like, we will make that visit and let's leave tomorrow so that we can be back soon. Luca hands the antidote to Bezz and tells him to have it administered right after they leave and make sure Pecco's recovery is kept a secret.
While on the trip to Rome Luca has the real challenge of actually convincing Vale that something is gravely wrong and he can't trust his advisor anymore and that he has to plan accordingly and not make war arrangements but go after Uccio's supporters that are fully trying to usurp Vale by forcing this war from which no victor can really emerge.
To be continued in some way I suppose but that's all I have rn :(
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December 30, 2023
DEC 31, 2023
One day short of his first 100 days in the White House, on April 28, 2021, President Joe Biden spoke to a joint session of Congress, where he outlined an ambitious vision for the nation. In a time of rising autocrats who believed democracy was failing, he asked, could the United States demonstrate that democracy is still vital?
“Can our democracy deliver on its promise that all of us, created equal in the image of God, have a chance to lead lives of dignity, respect, and possibility? Can our democracy deliver…to the most pressing needs of our people? Can our democracy overcome the lies, anger, hate, and fears that have pulled us apart?”
America’s adversaries were betting that the U.S. was so full of anger and division that it could not. “But they are wrong,” Biden said. “You know it; I know it. But we have to prove them wrong.”
“We have to prove democracy still works—that our government still works and we can deliver for our people.”
In that speech, Biden outlined a plan to begin investing in the nation again as well as to rebuild the country’s neglected infrastructure. “Throughout our history,” he noted, “public investment and infrastructure has literally transformed America—our attitudes, as well as our opportunities.” 
In the first two years of his administration, when Democrats controlled both chambers of Congress, lawmakers set out to do what Biden asked. They passed the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan to help restart the nation’s economy after the pandemic-induced crash; the $1.2 trillion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (better known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law) to repair roads, bridges, and waterlines, extend broadband, and build infrastructure for electric vehicles; the roughly $280 billion CHIPS and Science Act to promote scientific research and manufacturing of semiconductors; and the Inflation Reduction Act, which sought to curb inflation by lowering prescription drug prices, promoting domestic renewable energy production, and investing in measures to combat climate change.
This was a dramatic shift from the previous 40 years of U.S. policy, when lawmakers maintained that slashing the government would stimulate economic growth, and pundits widely predicted that the Democrats’ policies would create a recession. 
But in 2023, with the results of the investment in the United States falling into place, it is clear that those policies justified Biden’s faith in them. The U.S. economy is stronger than that of any other country in the Group of Seven (G7)—a political and economic forum consisting of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States, along with the European Union—with higher growth and faster drops in inflation than any other G7 country over the past three years. 
Heather Long of the Washington Post said yesterday there was only one word for the U.S. economy in 2023, and that word is “miracle.” 
Rather than cooling over the course of the year, growth accelerated to an astonishing 4.9% annualized rate in the third quarter of the year while inflation cooled from 6.4% to 3.1% and the economy added more than 2.5 million jobs. The S&P 500, which is a stock market index of 500 of the largest companies listed on U.S. stock exchanges, ended this year up 24%. The Nasdaq composite index, which focuses on technology stocks, gained more than 40%. Noah Berlatsky, writing for Public Notice yesterday, pointed out that new businesses are starting up at a near-record pace, and that holiday sales this year were up 3.1%. 
Unemployment has remained below 4% for 22 months in a row for the first time since the late 1960s. That low unemployment has enabled labor to make significant gains, with unionized workers in the automobile industry, UPS, Hollywood, railroads, and service industries winning higher wages and other benefits. Real wages have risen faster than inflation, especially for those at the bottom of the economy, whose wages have risen by 4.5% after inflation between 2020 and 2023. 
Meanwhile, perhaps as a reflection of better economic conditions in the wake of the pandemic, the nation has had a record drop in homicides and other categories of violent crime. The only crime that has risen in 2023 is vehicle theft.  
While Biden has focused on making the economy deliver for ordinary Americans, Vice President Kamala Harris has emphasized protecting the right of all Americans to be treated equally before the law. 
In April 2023, when the Republican-dominated Tennessee legislature expelled two young Black legislators, Justin Jones and Justin J. Pearson, for participating in a call for gun safety legislation after a mass shooting at a school in Nashville, Harris traveled to Nashville’s historically Black Fisk University to support them and their cause. 
In the wake of the 2022 Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Supreme Court decision overturning the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that recognized the constitutional right to abortion, Harris became the administration’s most vocal advocate for abortion rights. “How dare they?” she demanded. “How dare they tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her own body?... How dare they try to stop her from determining her own future? How dare they try to deny women their rights and their freedoms?” She brought together civil rights leaders and reproductive rights advocates to work together to defend Americans’ civil and human rights. 
In fall 2023, Harris traveled around the nation’s colleges to urge students to unite behind issues that disproportionately affect younger Americans: “reproductive freedom, common sense gun safety laws, climate action, voting rights, LGBTQ+ equality, and teaching America’s full history.” 
“Opening doors of opportunity, guaranteeing some more fairness and justice—that’s the essence of America,” Biden said when he spoke to Congress in April 2021. “That’s democracy in action.”
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trans-girl-nausicaa · 4 months
Top five favorite guns?
5. Dragunov SVD. Soviet-era design semiautomatic sniper rifle! I mean, what’s not to like?
4. Kriss Vector. High tech pistol-caliber carbine design from outer space. I love the cool recoil mitigation system. Recoil mitigation is important to consider not just for follow-up shots, but also user experience and reducing discomfort and fatigue!
3. Glock 43x in 9mm. One of the best concealed carry guns in my opinion. It’s a perfect size: The grip is just large enough for a medium-sized hand, it has just enough weight and barrel length for decent recoil and accuracy, and it has a capacity of 10 rounds (+1 in the chamber) which is p decent. You can also still install a red dot sight and a weapon light on it which are huge pluses. And of course it’s a Glock which is a famously reliable brand (which I can back up with my own experience).
2. Glock 19 in 9mm. I love this gun. Slightly larger than a 43x in basically every dimension except for the grip which is significantly larger due to the double-stack magazine for a higher capacity. Good accuracy, good recoil, compatible with a wide variety of red dot sights and weapon lights, fits great in my hand & would probably be fine with even larger hands than me. Comes with multiple backstraps to adjust the grip too. Default capacity is 15+1 but it also accepts 17 round Glock 17 magazines as well as the 33 round fun sticks if you’re feeling really spicy. Suitable for competition, carry, range fun. I actually carry a glock 19 concealed which some people find bonkers because it’s technically a “subcompact” so it’s on the larger side for a concealed gun but tbh for my body shape I find it reasonably comfortable and I have never had a problem with concealment.
1. AR-15. I mean, they’re the LEGO of guns. You can build one to a wide variety of specs, there’s a huge variety of high-quality parts manufacturers, and even if you just buy a complete rifle there is a shitload of aftermarket support and you can always buy new parts to upgrade or replace shit real easy. Good ergonomics, easy to operate controls, reliable (when you have good quality parts), on average they have relatively low recoil with 5.56, not super heavy (unless you add a shitload of accessories LOL), easy to troubleshoot and disassemble, and suitable for a wide variety of applications. You can run one with a long barrel for precision, you can get a .300 Blackout upper with subsonic ammo and a silencer and run a super quiet one, you can use one for hunting, you can use one for home defense.
I know some leftists love AKs, but if you live in America, the AR is a much more practical choice in terms of parts and ammo and high quality parts manufacturers. If you’ve only shot AKs, you gotta try out an AR. They’re just downright easier to use, you can operate them faster than the AK design. Also, to the people who say that AKs are more reliable than ARs? I would counter by saying that ARs are actually very reliable. There’s lots of torture testing you can look up on youtube. The AK has loose tolerances, but the tight design of the AR actually does a good job of keeping dirt and foreign matter out of it. And you can run an AR pretty dirty as long as you keep it lubricated. Does not really need to be cleaned that often. There’s even a product you can buy online that’s a lubricant bottle that stows away inside of the pistol grip.
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Hera asteroid mission
In its latest test of readiness for space, ESA's Hera spacecraft for planetary defence is being operated for around three weeks in hard vacuum, while being subjected to the same temperature profiles it will experience during its journey to the Didymos binary asteroid system.
The 1.6 + 1.6 + 1.7 m spacecraft was slid inside the 4.5-m diameter, 11.8-m long Phenix thermal vacuum chamber at ESA's ESTEC Test Centre in the Netherlands.
"You're always a bit nervous when your baby gets moved about," remarks Ian Carnelli, overseeing Hera for ESA. "Right now it's being shut into a dark airless box for weeks on end, but we have confidence it will perform well."
Hera can be seen receded into the rectangular 'thermal tent' within Phenix. The six copper walls of this internal box can be heated up to 100C or cooled via piped liquid nitrogen down to -190C, all independently from each other.
Then, after the main door of the stainless steel Phenix chamber was slid shut, the air within the chamber was pumped out during a lengthy 20 hours process down to approximately one billionth of outside atmospheric pressure. This will allow the Hera team from ESA, European Test Services operating the Test Centre and Hera manufacturer OHB to test the spacecraft's thermal behaviour as the temperature changes around it.
Space is a place where it is possible to be hot and cold at the same time if one part of your spacecraft is in sunlight and another is in shade. And because there is no air, there is no conduction or convection to lose heat from your spacecraft. Instead thermal experts employ insulation and radiators to keep the body of a spacecraft within carefully chosen temperature limits. In general spacecraft electronics - just like their human makers - work best at room temperature.
"We already have detailed models of the spacecraft's thermal behaviour, and this spacecraft-level thermal vacuum test lets us correlate these models with reality," explains Hera's Product Assurance and Safety manager, Heli Greus.
"More than 400 thermal sensors have been placed in and around Hera to give us precise knowledge of what is going on, and the test is being supervised on a 24/7 basis in case anything anomalous occurs. The spacecraft is now being put through a series of 'cold plateaus' and 'hot plateaus' representative of its mission, which will allow us to test the thermal limits of each specific unit aboard."
Hera is Europe's contribution to an international planetary defence experiment. Following the DART mission's impact with the Dimorphos asteroid in 2022 - modifying its orbit and sending a plume of debris thousands of kilometres out into space - Hera will return to Dimorphos to perform a close-up survey of the crater left by DART. The mission will also measure Dimorphos' mass and make-up, along with that of the larger Didymos asteroid that Dimorphos orbits around. Hera is due for launch in October 2024.
The ESTEC Test Centre in the Netherlands is the largest facility of its kind in Europe, providing a complete suite of equipment for all aspects of satellite testing under a single roof.
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country-corner · 4 months
Less than Lethal
"Just buy a gun."
Oh wait you live someplace where the Police wont approve your CCW permit or even a FOID card. Screw you for self defense. Break the law, get and carry a gun anyway, after your arrest I'll get your gun from my buddies on the force (yes the same ones I bad mouth in public to make myself look cool).
Oh wait. Your company wont let you have a firearm at work. Screw you for self defense, quit the job you've had for decades and get a job elsewhere at lower pay and crappy new employee hours just so you can carry a gun. Or better yet ignore your employer and take a gun anyway, yes if caught you'll likely be fired and may be arrested but your cool and will have a real gun until your arrest, then I'll get it from my buddies on the force to add with the others I got from them.
Screw you and your self defense because I'm superior and own a real gun. But don't point that less than lethal "toy" at me, it's no better than a BB gun and only old women and wimps would consider less than lethal.
Your less than lethal hits at 300fps or more and will break auto glass but that is just like a fly landing on me because I have a real gun.
I'm immune to all forms of OC and CS gas, I walked through the gas chamber in bootcamp like a clean mountain meadow singing God Bless America, because I'm cool and own a real gun.
That small jolt from the leads on the taser, that put the big bad Army Drill Sgt on the ground, will just tickle me because I'm superior because I own a real gun.
Oh, you have a guard dog. How cute, I have a gun so screw your self defense. Buy a real gun.
Salt, Byrna, Taser, or any number of other less than lethal options including owning a guard dog has their place within a self defense world. Because, not every situation calls for a lethal response.
I daily carry a gun with hollow points and spare magazine. But, I also carry a collapsible baton. I have used the baton on more occasions than I've drawn the gun. Not because I think the baton is superior, but because the situation didn't call for a lethal response. But, I had the gun if things escalated to the need of lethal force.
I see some people in the gun community lately get a stick up their butts sideways at the thought of someone having a less than lethal option. When less than lethal is brought up they react as if the only answer to any and all situation is lethal. Someone is running at you across the parking lot with something in their hands, shoot them. Someone steps on your property covered in blood, get a nice double tap on them. Someone throws a rock at you from 30 yards away, make sure to empty the magazine into them. Shoot to kill first, ask questions later. You sir/madam are the poster child for the gun grabber community.
Now don't get me wrong, which I know some of you will, I advocate owning and training with firearms (handguns, rifles and shotguns) but having a less than lethal option is great. Start training as young as possible. Train with all forms of firearms, alternate hunting equipment and less than lethal self defense tools. Train hand to hand if that the only alternate means of self defense you have. But train.
Get that firearm, but also get that $20 collapsible baton. Get those 12ga less than lethal rounds for your shotgun. Buy that $30 1 mil+ volt flashlight stun gun or the $60 stun gun that shoots 8 mil+ volt leads out. Pay the $300 or more (depends on brand and manufacture) for the gun that will shoot an OC/CS balls or canisters, as well as kinetic balls or pellets that will hit at 300fps to 1000fps (depending on the LtL gun). Get that trained guard dog, or even just a dog that you can train yourself if you have the skills. And again train with what you get.
Once again. Not every situation calls for a lethal response. Find that less than lethal alternative that is right for you and train.
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maridiayachtclub · 3 months
let's try documenting a big Satisfactory project!
so i have this facility called SPINE. it's a multi-function structure with a stupid (but cool) name. pics under the cut because they're big:
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it's bad and it could stand to be renovated.
it was one of the first large facilities i built. it was conceived as a centrally located factory that would gather in resources from the surrounding area, use them to manufacture various fundamental parts like iron plates and screws and whatnot, and then funnel them outward to specialized factories. where possible, additional functions could be built within what felt at the time like a roomy interior, and the structure could be extended upward to make more factory space within.
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in addition, it was built on legs, making space underneath for three purposes:
allowing tractors and other vehicles to pass through (at the time, i had an automated tractor running stuff back and forth between a few buildings, and anticipated having a fleet of little wheely friends going to and fro)
making space for ceiling-mounted conveyor belts that would not just move materials through the building but provide the means to deliver them up into the building's interior for processing
room for aminals to wander through :)
so, seeing as this was going to be the center of a general stream of many different products needed throughout my growing factory-city, it seemed analogous to a a spinal column. hence, SPINE, or rather, S.P.I.N.E. what do the letters stand for? i figured i'd think of an appropriate combination of words eventually, but i never did. the name nevertheless stuck
SPINE has been doing what i have asked of it for a while now. the inside chambers mostly look like this
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anyway, as mentioned, this was made early on, and while i think the concept is sound, the implementation has ultimately proven insufficient. the space underneath ended up being too small for the variety of materials i require to move through, as well as all the necessary branches needed to move things back and forth between the transport space on the bottom and the factory spaces inside. here's what the underside looks like:
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seriously it fuckin sucks down here bro
i can't just keep extending the conveyor lines further down from the ceiling; making enough space to move all these materials and move them up into the factory requires all sorts of stupid twisty turny conveyor belt tricks. the backside, where everything funnels in, is absolutely embarrassing. wizard-of-oz-man-behind-the-curtain bullshit. glasgow willy wonka experience-ass levels of fulfillment. slapdash mickey mouse duct tape effort. real "I didn't do my homework and now i gotta make up this presentation live in front of the class and they can see me sweating" energy embodied.
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the horrid tangle running through SPINE is complicated by its output, set up so that it delivers things to my central storage barn. things need to leave the facility in a very specific way, like so:
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this part, at least, works fine. this massive vein of conveyor belts is a bit ugly but it works very well. i put a lot of time into designing my central storage barn (there were spreadsheets involved) and it paid off. look at this shit, look at how neatly everything gets sorted into easily accessed bins
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i love it. the power fantasy of living in an organized environment, realized here in digital form!
unfortunately the clean functionality of this building just draws into stark relief how bad SPINE is. even if I spruced up its exterior, fully finishing the walls and adding fripperies such as signage and doors and lights, its core functionality is insufficient for my needs. SPINE was conceptualized and built far in advance of my understanding of what i would actually need it to do and i can't stand it any longer! no more!
so, i'm planning to tear it all down and replace it with a bigger, better-organized SPINE. in addition to making it look nicer, it could actually be expandable without adding another strand into its already tangled guts. it would give me an opportunity to incorporate the functions of numerous smaller satellite facilities, cleaning up the surrounding landscape a bit and making room for other factories i know i will have to build in time. it would, potentially, allow me to incorporate a train station or two, so products could be picked up or delivered as needed... not something i need at this time, but even if i never do, having the capability of entertaining visiting trains is a worthy goal in itself.
anyway i haven't started on that yet. SPINE 2.0 is still in the planning stages, and i'm leaving on a trip in a day or so so i'm not gonna be able to start on this project in earnest for at least a week.
i might keep documenting the project here for funsies. i love Satisfactory; it's a perfect vehicle for one of my favorite things to do in a game: turning nothing into places. if you're in a video game and you see a bunch of hills and trees and rivers and piles of iron ore and other natural features, it doesn't really mean much on its own, but spend enough time there and you grow accustomed to it. you put together a mental map, figure out whatever routes you're going to be taking through it, learn how to navigate it quickly and efficiently, and soon that random bit of wilderness is a place. the rocks you have to navigate around and the rivers you have to jump over become familiar sights. and if it's a building kinda game, and you're populating this unsullied wilderness with the mortal profanity of civilization, that place is even more place-y than before. i very much like the places i have built in Satisfactory, so regardless of how this is received, it's fun to talk about it, get some of my internal thoughts on this project down in a format that can last. at least until tumblr shutters its doors and gets sold to some venture capitalist vultures in 2026
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luedlclell · 8 months
Find den Typen Cameron Rosin so cool einfach:
Do I watch the news? No. That information has no personal utility, and its energy is one of manufactured futility. Anything that perpetuates hopelessness, ditch it! Unfollow the gore, tune out of the gossip, leave the echo chambers, and surround yourself with people, information that inspires, uplifts, and empowers you. Decide what comes in, and what goes out. Trash in, trash out, Gold in, Gold out. Learn to express yourself with heartfelt intensity. Reclaim your voice *breath* and use it with intention. breath in, breath out
"Turning off the noise, tuning into inspiration. Ditching the despair, embracing empowerment"
(Ich hoff es ist okay dass das insta Content ist?:)) [naja, hab's dann doch extra transkribiert, sodass du es eig nur schauen "musst" wenn es dich interessiert seine Aura mitzubekommen:)]
btw es gibt zu dem thema in ein paar tagen auch noch input, von dem anderen Buch "Die Kunst des Klaren Denkens" :) stay tuned haha
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newtronic14 · 5 months
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Cooling Chambers manufacturers india
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altraviolet · 9 months
Would LOVE to see what was going through Roddy’s head here
The resonance hit him like a dazzling fist. Stunning yet alien. Soundwave's spark swelled, struggling to intertwine its energies with Rodimus's. The resonance was incomplete and incompatible. It danced, delicate, thinning in the confines of Soundwave's ruined spark chamber. It behaved nothing like the soundwave he had once taken from prisoners.
must hurry
For the first time, Soundwave commanded his inner, effervescent machinery not to manufacture the resonance's inverse. Instead, he overlaid it with the heartbeat of 2938 Cybertron. Rodimus's resonance paled beneath it.
too alien! too different! losing substance
He needed to mesh the energies together, but Rodimus's resonance was too soft and thin to work with. Soundwave's spark shifted. Snippets of Mirage and his inset gems and the arena flitted through his processor.
must magnify resonance
need time
Rodimus burbled. Soundwave snapped back to reality. His tentacles and arms were scorched. Rodimus was taking agonizing, gasping vents. Pink liquid, tinged with gold, dripped from his eyes.
Soundwave removed his tendrils from Rodimus's chest as quickly and gently as possible. The relative coolness of the room shocked them stiff. One had a tip coated in silver. Soundwave hastily tucked it away. He released Rodimus from his tentacles but not his arms. They were weak and shaky. He would hold Rodimus still and safely out of Megatron's sight until his spark finished working the resonances.
Soundwave flashed a status bar on his visor: 43% complete. “Need time. Don't speak. Don't mov-”
Rodimus smashed his fists against Soundwave's arms and jumped back, out of his grasp. “What the fuck, Soundwave!” Rodimus pressed his hands against the flame of his chest. Blood bubbled around his fingers. Black smoke poured from his chrome. “Augh, fuck! That fucking hurt!”
The stinging, grief-filled pain from before spread through Soundwave's limbs. He tried to shake it off, but the more he looked at Rodimus, the stronger it got. He ached to hold Rodimus in his tentacles again, gently this time, carefully-
“We feed you!” yelled Rodimus. Pink and gold rolled down his cheeks. Soundwave wanted to wipe it away. “You can't feel like that! We feed you!”
Megatron's gnashing eyes shifted towards Rodimus. soundwave, what are you doing? destroy the autobot.
plan: compromised
rodimus: in danger
49% complete
new plan: need time
Beneath the chaos of Megatron's mounting impatience and the ache in his lines, Soundwave heard liquid hitting the floor.
drip, drip
Rodimus's angry and pained expression rounded to one of shock. Red light from Soundwave's visor – he didn't know what he was displaying – reflected off his crest. Rodimus extended an arm and held his hand under Soundwave's chin.
drip, drip
His hand came away covered in blue.
There was hot liquid running down his face, from his right eye to his chin. Beneath his visor.
You're going to learn what Rodimus was thinking and feeling in this scene for sure. Maybe not in great detail, and I haven't written that scene yet, but you'll get an idea. I can tell you he was in a LOT of pain and reallllllyyyyyyy struggling with the fact that he wanted to trust SW, SW seems to be killing him, he doesn't want to burn the hell out of SW cuz he knows if, somehow, they get out of this, it's going to be impossible to fix him... very complicated scene...
And then SW shows him what was in his spark and he cries, and all the fear and confusion clears up because... well, you'll find out :)
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every-bad-thing · 2 years
Ghosts Are Boring
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(Exitmanned, CC BY-SA 4.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0>, via Wikimedia Commons) The world is shattered by the revelation that ghosts are real. It's confirmed by everyone, from respected scientists to noted politicians to prominent social media influencers. They all report the same thing. Ghosts really do exist and, what's more, they're extremely common. It is very like there are at least six ghosts within ten feet of you right now, maybe more.
This, of course, has wild implications, one of which being that life after death has been definitively proven. The specific nature of this afterlife, or even whether this is the only one, is completely unknown, but the fact it exists at all leaves everyone shocked.
But even more shocking than their existence was their wide array of industrial applications. It didn't take long to develop technology to control them, and soon ghosts were vital to the world economy. The souls of the dead, it turned out, were a superior source of energy—abundant, clean-burning and portable. A single one could power anything, from a phone to a building, for years at a time before dissipating. A few thousand, compressed together in a tight enough chamber, can power a city. Ghosts also make the best computer processors. When bound into a chip and exposed to a current, a ghost is capable of making complex calculations much faster than any silicon unit. Scientists explain this is likely because of quantum entanglement taking place on a sub-atomic level, but aren't completely sure. What they do know, however, is that ghosts in the machine enable practically infinite memory and processing power, which allows science to advance dramatically.
Certain spirits can even be used in manufacturing, mining and other physical jobs. While poltergeists—ghosts capable of affecting objects in the living world—are less common, there are still millions of them around the world available for work. Soon poltergeists are not haunting creepy mansions or suburban television sets. They are bound to assembly lines, producing finished products all day and all night. They wander the streets, picking up garbage thrown out by the living. They wash dishes and mop floors and unclog toilets. But they do not, under any circumstances, haunt.
And--because of course--military forces around the world use ghosts in a variety of inhuman weapons of war. Reserved for these purposes are the most vengeful of spirits, the most violent, the most hateful. They are dropped from planes onto enemy armies or, more commonly, civilian populations. If you've ever seen a horror movie, you know what their effect is.
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( "Navajo power plant" by bass_nroll is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0. ) No one knows what the ghosts think of all this, or if they can even think at all. Few have ever bothered to ask, and for the ones that did the only answers they seem to get back are “OoooOoo!” or “AaaaaaAhhhhhh!” or “Uuuuuhhhhoooo.” One person with a Ouija board said a ghost told him “My soul has been chained to this Earth, please release me for my existence has become one of unending misery and pain” but no one has ever been able to replicate the result and the incident faded into the realm of urban legend.
Ghosts in this world are many things. They are a vital economic resource. They are essential to public infrastructure. They are an intense field of academic study. They are not, however, mysterious, spooky, scary, magical or even remotely cool anymore. They have become as mundane as garbage trucks, air conditioners and aspirin. To be interested in ghosts now is akin to being really, really into stamp collecting. Ghosts are boring.
Which isn't to say it's all running smoothly forever.
It is estimated that 121 billion people have lived and died in the entire history of our species. Of those 121 billion people, scientists calculated that around 39 percent have become ghosts. If this is correct, that means there are about 47 billion ghosts in the world. This is, to be sure, a lot of ghosts. But it is also finite. The world realizes this only after ghosts became essential the world economy. By the time the problem of “peak ghost” is taken seriously, it is believed there are only about 14 billion ghosts left.
Technological advance does much to make ghosts more efficient, but this doesn't solve the problem. People seem to be meeting increased efficiency with increased consumption. Like, ghosts to power cars become very cheap, so people start driving more, thus canceling out the gain. This effect is found everywhere it's figured out how to do more with less. People just... Do even more than before.
World governments, plus a few corporations that may as well be governments, met to discuss the issue. The main problem was that the supply of ghosts wasn't really increasing. Sure, a few thousand people here and there would die and become ghosts, but those were just a drop in the bucket. They needed more, much more. They decide on a drastic solution.
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By now the process behind which someone becomes a ghost is pretty well understood. They need either some sort of unfinished business or a particularly traumatic death. The problem is that, with ghosts raising the standard of living far beyond what had ever before been achieved, there are very few people who die in such circumstances. It is decided that this is what must change.
A new order is instituted. Before death, everyone must report to their local Spectral Conversion Center to be traumatically euthanized. Failure to do so results in steep fines for the loved ones who survive them. The program is considered a success: 89 percent of those processed become ghosts, which are then sold to businesses for any number of purposes. The only ones who avoid this fate are the very wealthy, who are allowed to pass on in peace to wherever it is they go when they die.
But for everyone else? The question of happens to you when you die has been now definitively answered. And the whole world suffers for it.
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NASA's innovative rocket nozzle paves way for deep space missions
NASA recently built and tested an additively-manufactured—or 3D printed—rocket engine nozzle made of aluminum, making it lighter than conventional nozzles and setting the course for deep space flights that can carry more payloads.
Under the agency's Announcement of Collaborative Opportunity, engineers from NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, partnered with Elementum 3D, in Erie, Colorado, to create a weldable type of aluminum that is heat resistant enough for use on rocket engines. Compared to other metals, aluminum is lower density and allows for high-strength, lightweight components.
However, due to its low tolerance to extreme heat and its tendency to crack during welding, aluminum is not typically used for additive manufacturing of rocket engine parts—until now.
Meet NASA's latest development under the Reactive Additive Manufacturing for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, or RAMFIRE, project. RAMFIRE focuses on advancing lightweight, additively-manufactured aluminum rocket nozzles. The nozzles are designed with small internal channels that keep the nozzle cool enough to prevent melting.
With conventional manufacturing methods, a nozzle may require as many as thousand individually joined parts. The RAMFIRE nozzle is built as a single piece, requiring far fewer bonds and significantly reduced manufacturing time.
NASA and Elementum 3D first developed the novel aluminum variant known as A6061-RAM2 to build the nozzle and modify the powder used with laser powder directed energy deposition (LP-DED) technology. Another commercial partner, RPM Innovations (RPMI) in Rapid City, South Dakota, used the newly invented aluminum and specialized powder to build the RAMFIRE nozzles using their LP-DED process.
"Industry partnerships with specialty manufacturing vendors aid in advancing the supply base and help make additive manufacturing more accessible for NASA missions and the broader commercial and aerospace industry," Paul Gradl, RAMFIRE principal investigator at NASA Marshall, said.
NASA's moon to Mars objectives require the capability to send more cargo to deep space destinations. The novel alloy could play an instrumental role in this by enabling the manufacturing of lightweight rocket components capable of withstanding high structural loads.
"Mass is critical for NASA's future deep space missions," said John Vickers, principal technologist for STMD advanced manufacturing. "Projects like this mature additive manufacturing along with advanced materials, and will help evolve new propulsion systems, in-space manufacturing, and infrastructure needed for NASA's ambitious missions to the moon, Mars, and beyond."
Earlier this summer at Marshall's East Test Area, two RAMFIRE nozzles completed multiple hot-fire tests using liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen, as well as liquid oxygen and liquid methane fuel configurations. With pressure chambers in excess of 825 pounds per square inch (psi)—more than anticipated testing pressures—the nozzles successfully accumulated 22 starts and 579 seconds, or nearly 10 minutes, of run time. This event demonstrates the nozzles can operate in the most demanding deep-space environments.
"This test series marks a significant milestone for the nozzle," Gradl said. "After putting the nozzle through the paces of a demanding hot-fire test series, we've demonstrated the nozzle can survive the thermal, structural, and pressure loads for a lunar lander scale engine."
In addition to successfully building and testing the rocket engine nozzles, the RAMFIRE project has used the RAMFIRE aluminum material and additive manufacturing process to construct other advanced large components for demonstration purposes. These include a 36-inch diameter aerospike nozzle with complex integral coolant channels and a vacuum-jacketed tank for cryogenic fluid applications.
NASA and industry partners are working to share the data and process with commercial stakeholders and academia. Various aerospace companies are evaluating the novel alloy and the LP-DED additive manufacturing process and looking for ways it can be used to make components for satellites and other applications.
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mw4outfitters · 11 months
What Are The Best Performance Upgrades For Dodge RAM 1500?
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The Dodge RAM 1500 is the vehicle of choice for many when it comes to off-roading… From 3.0- liter EcoDiesel V-6 engine to 5.7- liter HEMI V-8 engine; Dodge RAM 1500 has a robust engine line up. And, guess what??? With a few simple performance upgrades, you can unlock its real potential that the manufacturer had left on the table.
Interested in learning more about these performance upgrades??? Well, read this blog post all the way through…
Improve Your Dodge RAM 1500 Performance with These Upgrades
Before we begin… let’s us clarify a few things. This article has a generalized explanation of Dodge RAM 1500 performance upgrades. No particular Dodge RAM engine type is being discussed here. Therefore, if you need specific information on 5.7L HEMI V-8 engine performance upgrades, or information about other engine types for that matter, contact a qualified expert.
It's time to move on to our main topic now that the disclaimer has been concluded.
Upgrade #1- Cold air intake
Installing a cold air intake system is one upgrade you can make to improve the performance of your Dodge RAM 1500. Cold air intake, as is evident from the name as well, is a system designed to feed the engine with cold dense air. More air promotes fuel burning inside the combustion chamber, which produces more power.
But, before you install a cold air intake system, you should understand about its benefits and drawbacks, such as how it will affect your vehicle's fuel consumption, torque output, etc…
Upgrade #2- Performance tuner chip
Plugging in a performance tuner chip to your Dodge RAM 1500 is another option to improve its performance. For those who don’t know, the performance tuner chip is a computer unit that can make a few tweaks to your RAM's engine control module, or ECM, to improve engine performance.
Plus, it has been found that the use of performance tuner chip can significantly improve a vehicle’s gas mileage. But, but, but… using such technologies to boost engine performance has several downsides that you should be aware of.
Upgrade #3- Throttle body spacer
Adding a throttle body spacer to your Dodge RAM 1500 engine is one more change you can make to bring out its full potential. The RAM's throttle body and upper intake manifold is where you must put them. The part will significantly enhance your RAM’s air intake capacity. It will funnel more air into the combustion chamber of the engine.
And, as we just explained in the above paragraph, more air would result in effective fuel combustion and increased torque production. But, again… do some research before installing it.
Upgrade #4- Exhaust modification
The exhaust system can also be upgraded for greater engine performance. The combustion gases are essentially vented to the outside air by the exhaust system. The exhaust system installed on your Dodge Ram has limits on how fast it can discharge engine emissions. You may improve the exhaust fume flow rate of your Dodge RAM by upgrading the exhaust pipes.
Increased exhaust flow can dramatically improve your vehicle's torque production. But… you should only have qualified technicians modify the exhaust system on your Dodge RAM.
Upgrade #5- Cooling system upgradation
The torque output of your Dodge RAM will not be directly affected by cooling system upgrades, but the durability of its engine most certainly will be. The cooling system essentially keeps the engine temperature within the permissible range; thereby preventing it from overheating.
Off-road vehicles' engines, like the one in the Dodge RAM 1500, occasionally have to work harder and produce a lot of excess heat. You'll need a performance water pump, a multi-core radiator, and a heavy-duty electric fan in these circumstances to dissipate extra engine heat.
Key Takeaways
These performance upgrades can help your Dodge RAM 1500 unlock its full potential and transform it into a real off-roader. There are numerous other things that you can also do to get the most out of your Dodge RAM 1500.
In any case, before you start upgrading your vehicle, you must do some research on the pros and cons of using those technologies to unleash the power that you are not supposed to. That’s all for today’s blog post. We hope this had added value to your knowledge.
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