#cool creepy dream in theory
silbeni · 3 days
Had a veryyy strange dream
#it was one of those looping ones where i would think i woke up but i was still in a dream again and again#and there were some parts of sleep paralysis#in the dream i kept having this dream about me being in a half-life style mod? or something#the mod was very involved and it had a lot of custom assets including locations#i remember telling my brother about the dream in my dream that the assets were nice but some of the models didn't fit the artstyle#despite being textured? bc i they looked too smooth and high quality#there was this one npc that kept coming up to me called mahmoud and he wouldnt do anything. i feel like he spoke but i dont remember anythin#he would be one of those reused civilian models so it was normal that he would show up more than once#but he kept coming up to me all the time. unsettling#then in parts where i would be alone#there was this one area i spawned in that was a desolate dock of some kind#no ships no boats there was just the ocean water this big rock? moutain that the white dock was built into#and there was some sort of gate also on that rock? presumably where there was a base inside. it was closed#i knew i was alone there. instinctively i knew. but this feminine voice kept telling me that someone was looking at me#and this happened several different times#oh also in the parts of the dream where i was 'awake' i would go somewhere and suddenly see mahmouds face again and id be in the dream#in one instance i went to the bathroom. a wierd shower room with pink tiles. we were on vacation or something? anyway his face was printed#on the wall. and it took me back to the game#cool creepy dream in theory#it sounds scary but idk i barely register fear in dreams. i was moreso mad i couldn't wake up#it was very gmod digital horror#unreality
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fazbearedits · 2 months
A eye for an eye
A continuation of this fic https://www.tumblr.com/fazbearedits/755620590954676224/overwhelmed
“Alright since Nicky seems scared we’ll regroup in the afternoon tomorrow and we’ll see if Nicky is ok to go plus it’s getting late” said Delroy,everyone agreed and left the park going to their house but Trinity walked Nicky home first before going back to her place because she knew he was shocked “goodnight Nicky,thanks for helping me” she said,she gave a smile to him to try and cheer him up but Nicky just shut his door and didn’t look back.it was the next day and while everyone was determined to go to this mysterious weather station Nicky was still scared but tried to hide it,he didn’t want to inconvenience anyone.
While walking through the forest Nicky and Trinity stayed behind the group and Trinity obviously saw through Nicky’s act,she then slides over to Nicky and held his hand and smiled “thanks trin” said Nicky “no problem! I’ll hold your hand the whole time” she responded.Enzo heard Trinity and looked back and saw the hand holding and them smiling,he was extremely jealous of Nicky holding her hand since he only held hers once before,it felt like a cloud that he could just sit on in the blue sky,except raven brooks had never had a sunny day only fog and cloudy skies no matter the season so he’d only seen it in media.
But Enzo slightly bumped into delroy in front of him while day dreaming as Delroy came to a stop,”we’re here” he said.The group looked up,the weather station towered over them,they felt like mice compared to it.A massive eyeball stood on a tower next to it as a set piece,it unsettled everyone but they hid it.Walking in the group split up and everyone had their different thoughts.
Maritza:Ew,it smells like a dead body!
Ivan:I hope crowface doesn’t catch us here….
Delroy:woah this place is so creepy…cool!
Enzo:ugh lucky Nicky…
Trinity:how old is this place I wonder?
Nicky:No no no no no no no-
A loud thud was heard from behind a curtain,the group crept over cautiously to it and Ivan pulled the curtain back to find tunnels and Delroy and Nicky looked over to each other as it reminded them of the tunnels that they were in back at the school.they crept behind the curtain and began walking through the tunnels and delroy started to slow down to walk at the level of Trinity and Nicky,who were at the back of the group and delroy began talking to Nicky “Nick I think these tunnels connect to the school”,Nicky actually responded “yeah I think so to delroy.” Delroy and Nicky actually began having a conversation and Trinity was glad because they were normally at each other’s throats so it was nice to see them get along.
Maritza suddenly yelled “wait everyone stop!” She blocked Ivan with her bat,Nicky,Trinity and delroy stopped and walked over to see and they saw a door across the room(?) to stairs that looked like they led to the halls of the school,this confirmed delroy’s theory but Maritza noticed them looking at the stairs but she said “no not that….that.” She pointed her bat down to a huge gaping chasm.Nicky quietly said to himself “no,not here” but everyone heard it and looked at him “let’s go.” Said Trinity,she continued “this is creepy and it’s freaking me out.” But just as everyone was about to react Enzo saw this as his “chance” and rushed over to Trinity,he made sure to go between her and Nicky though so they could stop holding hands but this ended up sending Nicky into a panic attack yet Enzo didn’t care unlike Trinity.
“It’s ok Trinity,I’ll hold your hand! You don’t need to worry!” But Trinity didn’t care about Enzo’s “request”,”Enzo I said let’s go.now I need to get to Nicky“ Enzo tried to push the ask more “No it’s fine! Plus Nicky can stand by himself you know,he’s not a child.” Trinity became irritated “ENZO.STOP” but he still wouldn’t budge the group tried to get to Nicky but Enzo also blocked them “NO! I JUST WANNA HOLD YOUR HAND IS THAT TO MUCH TO ASK!?” Trinity shoved Enzo but she did it so hard he nearly fell down into the chasam but luckily Ivan,Maritza and Delroy were able to hold onto him.once they lifted enzo up they all looked at Trinity who was hugging Nicky while he was calming down but he’s was looking stone cold at them,not caring that Enzo nearly died “Enzo,I’m finally gonna say this to you.stop.you’re a fucking weirdo who is in love with me and it’s fucking weird.I DONT LOVE YOU.”
No one said anything,they didn’t have to,Trinity just walked off with Nicky,completely deserting Ivan,Delroy,Maritza and Enzo.She was walking into the woods with Nicky when he said “I’m sorry you had to say that to Enzo” but Trinity responded with “it’s fine,Enzo has been acting weird to me for a while,it was about time I put my foot down.” They walked back to friendly court and they sat on Nicky’s doorstep for a while before walking back to their respective homes,Trinity didn’t care what happened the next morning with Enzo she didn’t care at all,all that mattered to her is that her friend was safe.
The end of this two parter :D‼️‼️‼️
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humanradiojmp · 1 month
My blind reaction to the Murder Drones Finale Part 1
Contains spoilers
Of course, got to have Cyn’s theme for the world ending. Fitting
The teacher could not care less the apocalypse is happening again. He is such a mood
Well there is no air in space, so it makes sense that there wouldn’t be sound, and that Uzi can’t really talk. communicating with space rocks and screens is a good solution
I like the parental advisory sensor. Do the worker drones have that automatically, or can they remove it at a certain point?
Space ship pilot!!! Makes you wonder though how and why they crashed the first time. got distracted or nervous or something?
I half expected the Wall-e kiss, but forehead taps are still good. got to have that comedic sensor cut off as well. I love this show.
Stop that. get help.
Not the Falling for You theme as they fall back to the surface!
That’s the understatement of the century
The ship being brought in looking like the creepy-ass hand that the solver drones got at the manor is such a nice touch
So J is aware of who Cyntessa really is and working with her. interesting. Like to know her reasoning why
Lizzy could not care less she’s about to die-
Is- is it?
Was holding my N-doggo plushy and squeezed him so hard and did leg tappies when I saw she was alive. V is back ya’ll!
With a little bit of Eternal Dream as well. I love this soundtrack and the attention to detail to it so much!
Not the sentinel wearing Beau’s hat. I feel like that’s horrible in a way but matches so well.
I laughed so much when I saw the meme.
And the name for V in Lizzy’s contacts. Wow
So much like V with her initial antagonizing towards Uzi, J sided with Cyn out of fear and a need to survive. She rationalized this was the best course of action, even if it’s siding with the obvious ‘bad guy’. But it’s nice to see J does have some semblance of care for her former team mates. Wonder if she also did it all for their sake as well as her own.
The sunglasses and cool pose. Their so cringe
I really like the animation of how Cyn walks in Tessa’s sink. Like it doesn’t quite fit and she doesn’t have complete control over it. nice touch to the creep factor of her existence
Oh yes, emotional and mental torture and manipulation is simply just ‘hurting his feelings’. It’s tots fine, he just needs to get over it.
And just like with Uzi, he can’t shoot Tessa, even if it’s no longer her. or maybe he knows it won’t work?
Nice little moment, but lesson number one kids – never take your eyes off the enemy, ever. Because then you’re going to get your heart stabbed out of your chest
Trying to push her core back in with no hands is so morbid
Of course she has wings. Why wouldn’t she?
I take back the J cares about her teammates statement. Unless she’s trying to make it less hard on herself?
The callback ping with the hands trying to find them, with N on the verge of a panic attack seeing Cyn clawing him out as well as the manor flashback is just so (satisfied grunting)
And Uzi’s heart trying to leave her chest because of the callback ping, her trying to keep it in but it’s pushing out like the monster from Alien (grunting continues)
Oh shoot, they don’t know she’s alive, and you can see just how traumatized the boy is. I really hope they get therapy after this if they survive. They really need it
You protected her from a trap, but at what cost?
V really was operating on fear, I knew it. I know a popular theory is that V remembered most if not all of what happened before Copper-9 and I wonder now if that theory has been proven true. Because she knew what this thing was capable of, and thought if she were to just follow orders, keep her head low, and not incite any callback of former memories, then maybe, just maybe, everything would be ok. But it never was going to be ok, was it? *draws V in for a hug* you need this. A lot.
Oooh, it was N’s core she was going to eat. Oh no.
Wait, Khan has the solver? Or was that a remote for something? (even watching it back, I’m still not 100% sure)
I really like how Uzi has full control of herself and her version of the solver, and how it’s hinted she has some control over the solver in general with how Cyntessa’s eye flickered purple. I kind of half wished they delved into that a little more in the fight to ensue, as it would have shown a cool mental version of a battle of wills. But…
Second part coming because of character limit
Second part
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silviakundera · 6 months
In Blossom episode 1 & 2 reactions:
* ML is your standard talented concubine-son of a noble house. I loved his actor in Ancient Love Poetry because he could deliver sweet-creepy. Let's hope he gets an opportunity to demonstrate.
* FL is an undertaker who tries out the graves herself and frightens children with skulls? I love her.
* Coroner disciple? So will we get some investigation cases like in Imperial Coroner?
* I've read the original Cases of Judge Dee, so it's cool I know the #1 trustworthy magistrate investigation tool is torture lmao (Step 2, dream interpretation theory)
* ML's hair is floating in the wind as he stabs stuff. The man knows how to make an entrance.
* Requisite Met As Kids backstory, copy/paste. How do all these people recognize the small child they used know in the face of a mature adult? I struggle with people I knew at 17.
* Naturally they are set upon by assassins. More than a little disappointed he's not the brilliant but physically defenseless scholar type.
Episode 2
* Finally we meet the bad bitch who's gonna steal undertaker FL's body. TBH I'm liking her deranged energy. Kinda sad that we won't get more of her a la Familiar Stranger (fyi if you haven't watched that mini-drama, this is your cue)
* Those "robbers" who massacred FL's fam were not actual robbers, right? ML's dad?
* Ghost Market????? This is just gonna disappoint me, isn't it.
* I'll give them this - his disguise was better than the cdrama usual. Not just throw a veil on.
* River full of knives? But... why??? This is some wuxia bullshit. Marry that man for his snake retrieval abilities if nothing else
* blah blah marry me my childhood sweetheart. tbh I'm not feeling this material that much because they didn't give me enough build up to "believe" yet that he's really in love with her vs guilty & nostalgic about his former playmate. And she doesn't really feel a connection with him anymore either. I'm guessing I'll actually get attached to the couple when they learn each other after her body swap.
* Hot body snatcher is bringing the chemistry that I'm missing.
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olivescales3 · 9 months
🔥 worldbuilding element you love and/or hate >:3
Thank you mutual for the ask!
Tumblr removed the access to edit drafts of asks... So whatever I wrote beforehand will be in a screenshot, sorry about that!
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Laval and Cragger's actions here were pretty disgusting as they took advantage of Reegul's deformity to make fun of him and even almost kill him.
I'll also point out that, in addition to Reegul's deformity, he also mutilated himself to look like he belonged to the Raven Tribe.
However, this is the only canon case of hybridization. Other hybrids (e.g. Lion x Crocodile, or Rhino x Eagle) would, in theory, result in stillborns.
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Lavertus' relationship with Crunket would eventually cause the fall of the Crocodile Tribe, as Crunket was the queen of the Crocodile Tribe, not just mere royalty. Without heirs, because Lavertus was in the way (due to them not being able to hybridize, and if they were able to, there would be ethical issues), there would no longer be a Crocodile Tribe unless another royal family took power, and Crominus did just that.
Not saying that Crominus was right, but Lavertus wasn't right either. He was placing the Crocodile Tribe's existence in jeopardy, whether in politics (fight between crocodiles and lions) or just descendance overall.
Note that Cragger kept a grudge against Lavertus too. Well, him knowing that Lavertus could've made him not be born is upsetting enough. IIRC, Cragger made a backhanded joke with Lavertus' catchphrase, after the lion had rescued him and the MCs; something along the lines of "I'm grateful for your help! Or... Am I?" and Lavertus didn't laugh. I couldn't find a transcript for this though, but istg it was on the episode A Phoenix Has Landed.
Sir Fangar also flinched at the idea of thinking that Li'ella was beautiful, simply because she was from another tribe.
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I also can't stop laughing at the idea that someone literally called Sir Fangar a pedo, when he clearly stated that he didn't remember her "Did I, what? No! Of course not!". He's just being delusional, and it's obvious by the way he speaks.
Outside of hybridization ethics, interpreting different species of animals as human races is icky at best... because pseudoscientific racism is a thing, y'know, the scientifically disowned theory of human ethnicities being each their own sub-species with their own traits... 😐
Something that I love about Chima's worldbuilding is that the Phoenixes made Chi and shaped Chima for the post-Illumination tribes.
Chi means god in igbo; Chima means "god knows it all" in igbo; Chi means knowledge in japanese; Chi means water and source of life in chinese; shima (with an s) means island in japanese. How cool is that?
Something that I despise in Chima's worldbuilding, however, is the persuader plant. It should simply not exist. It's lazy, unintuitive, and it erases a lot of coherence that ties character arcs and plot together. The dream sequences were also pretty out of place too.
Oh! Also! Eris is hinted to be a Phoenix, but not only is this something shoehorned and nonsensical, but it's also pretty weird, since Eris was supposed to be Flinx' mother, FLUMINOX' WIFE! Fluminox keeps hitting on her (praising her for having the soul of a Phoenix I guess) and it's pretty creepy. Her season 3 dream sequences are also lazy exposition too.
This has a lot of stuff going on. I hope I don't kindle some Chima fandom war or something. Ninjago's entire existence is already enough lol
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borathae · 5 months
ok finally doing this after a nap
Chapter 3
What is wrong with me *me 24/7, ALSO YES WHAT WAS ALL THAT???
Ever since you set foot into this estate, your brain went into a total frenzy YES EXACTLY AND it seems like she can remember hmmm
Why does everything here look so ancient? YOU NEED TO READ FANFICS to learn to live (except we dont get lucky yn parts just the unlucky embarrassing parts but thank god we aint dying every 5 chapter like yn)
You remember drinking one glass of wine. the said glass of wine:
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It is totally normal to forget your date’s name after sleeping in his guestroom never been on a date, but i forgot someone's name after sitting next to them all day and realized after class while talking to bestie and had to wait till attendance next day -_-
ok the door is still locked. he told her to keep them locked and she did, but opened it for a sec and locked it again during the night. and the entire teleporting happened. this is a bit confusing hmmm. like opening it for a sec caused the change, but she locked it again. then how did they get her inside again? the bruise is there so it means it was real. the lock must have some magic and opening it during night causes it to go away?? i will think later lol
Did you punch your own throat in your sleep oof
Why did he know where to look exactly it wasnt a dream babe
istg im about to bitch slap this bitchless dude (TAE I LOVE U DONT TAKE IT TO THE HEART)
You should take better care of your belongings Kim Taehyung damn
He creeps me out honestly speaking all of them are creepy, yoongi is 10% less
just like that all your worries are wiped away like magic. like magic or with magic 👀👀(were u silent or silenced)
your knees are buckling like crazy THIS WILL BREAK ME THIS IS GONNA BREAK ME
Okay not going to lie, this was kind of cool you know whats more cooler??? jimin feeding his cycle 😂 THAT REMINDS ME OF JIN RIDING THE CYCLE HANDS FREE *fans myself
You snort, “so very humble.” ikr sOoOo HuMbLe
hmm usually you see cats sitting on horses, chilling. yoongles must be a rare kitty
Tell me again, why are you studying?” seriously dude must be bored as fuck to study, or started to forget cuz its beeen toooo looong
hold on what if some old being makes some theories and is "killed/disappeared" and later, with a different identity, studies his own theories in college 😭 and continues with it lol
It earned you a scholarship, it clearly must be well written.” or was it something to bring her to them??? 👀 *sus
The entrance exam stole my sanity from me. Even after a week of completing it I still felt jittery.” what type of students go there? what type of university is that? very weird
Emma left, she won’t come back again EMMA DIED FOR SURE OOF
It was a clean and painless end whats that supposed to mean mr.dracula?
Taehyung was a man of such humour ikr him in interviews 😭
Taehyung knew such peculiar stories about places and that doesnt seem weird???
the rain part was soo cute it could me giggling and listening too still with you
wow the honesty was cool, though there is many secrets, some parts feels really raw.
we are both pick-me girls then BAHAHA PLS *starts playing pd48 pick me
they are so cute im gonna die
(the way i started slightly mad at tae and then ended up simping, sighs)
i cant wait for 2seokkook's pov and her talking to them woohoo
i love how smoothly its written, like everything just flows nicely, the scenes and dialogues, its like those nice cozy well directed movies that you watch with pillows and blanket and rested face, body and mind
its only been 3 chapters, obviously the suspense wouldnt make me grip my pillow yet but its already made me clutch my blanket/pearls lol
jjdafjs it took me so long to figure out how the wine pic happened HAHAHA this is such a funny idea help fjadjfs 😭😂
What is wrong with me *me 24/7, ALSO YES WHAT WAS ALL THAT???
Ever since you set foot into this estate, your brain went into a total frenzy YES EXACTLY AND it seems like she can remember hmmm
like the suspicion is growiinnggg
Why does everything here look so ancient? YOU NEED TO READ FANFICS to learn to live (except we dont get lucky yn parts just the unlucky embarrassing parts but thank god we aint dying every 5 chapter like yn)
it doesn't make sense to you yet probably but I wanna be SA!OC so bad jfasdjf
It is totally normal to forget your date’s name after sleeping in his guestroom never been on a date, but i forgot someone's name after sitting next to them all day and realized after class while talking to bestie and had to wait till attendance next day -_-
girliepop me all the time, I forget names so easily (the same with song titles FAFAJDS like I kid you not I even forgot BTS song titles sometimes like it's so bad)
ok the door is still locked. he told her to keep them locked and she did, but opened it for a sec and locked it again during the night. and the entire teleporting happened. this is a bit confusing hmmm. like opening it for a sec caused the change, but she locked it again. then how did they get her inside again? the bruise is there so it means it was real. the lock must have some magic and opening it during night causes it to go away?? i will think later lol
hmhmhmhm interesting theory indeed mhmhmmh or perhaps 👀 someone made her lock the door again and then think everything was just a dream 👀 mhmhmhm
You should take better care of your belongings Kim Taehyung damn
"belongings" LIKE THE ICK
He creeps me out honestly speaking all of them are creepy, yoongi is 10% less
JFJADSJF YES jhfahsdhf I agree fjadjfa
just like that all your worries are wiped away like magic. like magic or with magic 👀👀(were u silent or silenced)
Okay not going to lie, this was kind of cool you know whats more cooler??? jimin feeding his cycle 😂 THAT REMINDS ME OF JIN RIDING THE CYCLE HANDS FREE *fans myself
omg hahahaha this scene 😭😭 he is such a goof I love him 😭😭 Seokjin is honestly so hot I need to inhale him
hmm usually you see cats sitting on horses, chilling. yoongles must be a rare kitty
*cries* he is indeed a kitty
Tell me again, why are you studying?” seriously dude must be bored as fuck to study, or started to forget cuz its beeen toooo looong
hold on what if some old being makes some theories and is "killed/disappeared" and later, with a different identity, studies his own theories in college 😭 and continues with it lol
👀 interesting ohohooh
It earned you a scholarship, it clearly must be well written.” or was it something to bring her to them??? 👀 *sus
The entrance exam stole my sanity from me. Even after a week of completing it I still felt jittery.” what type of students go there? what type of university is that? very weird
lmaoaooaoao in her defence I have really sensitive eyes too and can barely stay in the sun without my eyes ACHING jfadsjfj so it IS possible
Emma left, she won’t come back again EMMA DIED FOR SURE OOF
👀 mhmhmhmmh
It was a clean and painless end whats that supposed to mean mr.dracula?
Taehyung was a man of such humour ikr him in interviews 😭
I love him 😭😭
Taehyung knew such peculiar stories about places and that doesnt seem weird???
kfadjsfasj she is just here for a good time not a long time lmaooa
wow the honesty was cool, though there is many secrets, some parts feels really raw. they are so cute im gonna die (the way i started slightly mad at tae and then ended up simping, sighs) THEY ARE GONNA HAVE ANOTHER DATE YIPPEE YIPPEE YIPPEE
fjadjfjad I love how you switched instnatly JFJADSJF THIS IS SO ME WHEN SANGUIS TAE FJADSJFJ
i love how smoothly its written, like everything just flows nicely, the scenes and dialogues, its like those nice cozy well directed movies that you watch with pillows and blanket and rested face, body and mind. its only been 3 chapters, obviously the suspense wouldnt make me grip my pillow yet but its already made me clutch my blanket/pearls lol
gaaah thank youuu <3 I'm so happy that you're having such a good time with it heheheh istfg I love reading your comments, they're so awesome heheheh 🥺😭💜💜
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strawbrygashez · 9 days
Under the cut is questions and answers to some otp prompts I gathered. They are for Fillmore x Gnarly bc no one cares enough about the ship to ask me questions about them 💀💀
• Who fell for the other first?
Fillmore totally fell in love first. I think Gnarly knew of Fillmore but didn’t think much of him tbh. He thought his style was kinda cool and wouldn’t hate talking to him but he just didn’t think much about him. For Fillmore, it was pretty much love at first sight.
• Who made the first move?
While I think Fillmore would have been the first one to try to start a conversation, Gnarly is the one who would have to make the first real ‘romantic’ move. Fillmore is too awkward to do it himself.. and or he’d do something he thought was an ‘move’ but Gnarly misses it because Fillmore is so awkward/weird about it.
I haven’t thought too much about what the first move Gnarly would exactly do is but maybe something like holding Fillmores hand while they walk because Fillmore keeps bumping his hand on his.. hm 🤔
• What personality trait do they love the most about each other?
Gnarly loves how weird and off putting Fillmore is. Gnarly has just always found himself enjoying the company of ‘weirdos’ and loners most his entire life. He also is entertained by how passionate Fillmore is about his interests even if he himself doesn’t believe in all of his conspiracy theories.
Fillmore loves how effortlessly cool Gnarly is. Even taking away the crushing aspect, I think Fillmore genuinely would look up to him in a few ways. Like yeah Fillmore has fun freaking people out by screaming about conspiracies but he also dreams about successfully pulling off the ‘mysterious bad boy vibe’ like Gnarly 💀 but a few things are stopping him.. (mostly the mental illness)
• What are things they don’t agree on?
Conspiracy theories
Extremely g0rey movies & extreme metal music (Gnarly loves them)
Weather preferences. (Gnarly loves winter, Fillmore doesn’t because he always feels cold no matter the time of year. Winter just makes it worse)
The Smiling Friends (Gnarly doesn’t hate them as much as Grim does but he still thinks they are lame)
How many blankets should be on the bed. (Gnarly would be fine with a super thin blanket with holes in it while Fillmore could sleep with every single blanket he can get his hands on in the house)
• Love Language, Flirting Style, bigger tease?
Fillmore in my mind is terrible at flirting. He can barely even do it if he tries. Most of the time whatever comes out of his mouth that’s supposed to be ‘flirting’ might come off as creepy or just weird. Hes better at flustering Gnarly when he doesn’t think of what he’s doing as ‘flirting’. Like when he just genuinely speaks from his heart or puts a lot of effort in to show that he cares about him, that gets to Gnarly a lot more than just some odd ‘flirting’ line. So I guess his main love languages are acts of service and words of affirmations.. OH yeah Fillmore complements him lots :) for his looks, stuff he does, and how.. he smells (ew)
Gnarly is a horn dog IMO!!!!!!!!!! His flirting is really blunt and freaky.. and he’s the ‘bigger tease’ between the two. He doesn’t even need to do or say much to have Fillmore swooning tho tbh. But when he does flirt it’s like.. really just saying what he wants to do with him once they are done with whatever bullshit they have to do during the day 💀 He’s big on physical touch also. Half the time he doesn’t even think about it when he puts his arm around him and whatnot.
• How do they comfort each other?
Fillmore can NOT tell Gnarly he learned his comforting techniques from Pim because Gnarly would probably get even more frustrated that they work LOL but yeah he learned a lot from Pim back when him & Pim were in high school together and Pim helped him through breakdowns and panic attacks.
Gnarly prefers to have space when he’s upset and Fillmore will respect that. He’ll use what he’s learned from Pim once Gnarly has calmed down a bit which usually includes them talking it out. If Gnarly doesn’t feel like talking about whatever happened in the moment, Fillmore is fine with just being there for him and taking care of him.
Gnarly is so bad at comforting others but he tries if he REALLY cares about the other person. In the beginning when Fillmore would have a breakdown, Gnarly would just be like “uh..I guess I’ll head out then so you can deal with whatever this is..” 🤦‍♀️ Eventually when Fillmore starts begging him to not leave him when he’s like that, Gnarly will get more used to at least being near him when he’s upset.. and then he slowly learns that he doesn’t even really need to talk it out with him. Fillmore is someone who just needs help getting grounded in reality sometimes so something as simple as Gnarly holding his hand is enough to somewhat calm him down. And if the relationship gets SUPER serious,, Gnarly will email Pim ONCE to ask for some advice and what worked the best to help Fillmore in the past. He threatens Pim not to tell anyone about the email though. If Fillmore realizes what Gnarly must have done to know what used to help him in the past and points it out, Gnarly is quick to tell him to shut up 🤭
• Who’s more sentimental?
Gnarly tho he’d never admit it.
• What happens if the other is sick?
Fillmore is there for him 24/7. He doesn’t care if he gets sick. Hes either running around getting stuff for him or is cuddled up in bed hugging him all the same if that’s what Gnarly wants.
Gnarly also will get him things but probably won’t be so quick to be all up on him. Hes mumbling ‘ew’ when Fillmore sneezes or something and tells him he looks like shit (so sweet 😍). He’ll leave the door open so Fillmore can yell for him if he needs to while he’s off in the living room doing whatever.
• Do they get along with each others family/friends?
Gnarly doesn’t care much for Pim or the UFO group. Hes not gonna be terrible to them really. Hes just gonna kinda mostly ignore them and would probably just be on his phone for the most part.
Fillmore wants Grim to like him but Grim finds his obnoxious and his romance with Gnarly, cringe.
And if we are going with the theory that James might be Gnarlys brother, James would pick on Fillmore and keep asking stuff like “Where the hell did you find this freak?”
• A song that perfectly describes their relationship?
Love at first fright by Murderdolls
• Favorite games to play with each other?
Mortal Kombat, Postal (they take turns), Guitar Hero, Doom.
• Who uses more emojis?
Oh god. Fillmore. Almost every text he sends has a emoji at the end.
Gnarly uses them mostly in a dad way like sending 👍 👎
• Who’s a light sleeper?
Fillmore. He jumps a lot at every sound during the night. Gnarly has to sling an arm over him to get him to stop moving so much and to stay in bed.
•Pet names/nicknames?
Cringe warning for this. I think it would be funny if Gnarly randomly called him Philly Cheesesteak once, found it amusing and then started calling him Philly or Phil from then on. He has him saved as ‘Philly Cheesesteak 🖤’ in his phone.
Fillmore doesn’t really call Gnarly anything crazy besides sweetheart maybe lol
• Who’s more possessive/jealous/protective?
Fillmore ‘knows’ everyone is just dying to have Gnarly as their boyfriend but is actually pretty chill unless he thinks Gnarly is actually flirting with someone back. If he thinks something like that is happening, he’d try to drag him off.
Gnarly is protective of Fillmore more than he is possessive ?? I guess. Like he knows most people would be quick to give Fillmore shit for the way he acts and whatnot so he’s always on guard in public with him. If someone looks at Fillmore wrong he’ll stare them down until they get uncomfortable enough to look away.
I also can see Fillmore being kinda guillble so if Gnarly thinks someone is trying to mess with him, he’ll have the same protective feeling come over him.
(Ok that’s enough for now.. I answered more than I thought I would 💀)
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enlighten3d · 1 year
its amazing.
(spoilers for tmnt mutant mayhem!!!!!)
this is all going to be very incoherent and in all caps
SO I FUCKING LOVE IT. ITS NOT MY FAVOURITE (thats rise, i owe my soul to rise), BUT.
gods its so amazing
leo is. in the words of my good friend, @sp-teri, "leo is cringefail". i love leo so much. donnies my favourite, but. leo is wonderful. HE DOESNT KNOW WHAT HES DOING AND HAS LITERALLY NO RIZZ (donnie described it perfectly) HES AMAZING
how is superflys plan even supposed to WORK. i mean, he wants to turn all animals into mutants and kill humans. HOW DOES THE OOZE (i love that its called ooze in this. ooze rights.) DIFFERENTIATE BETWEEN ANIMALS AND HUMANS????? HUMANS ARE ANIMALS TOO...
idk, ill chalk it up to movie logic, i guess.
HES A KPOP STAN. im so proud of him.
AND DONNIE HIMSELF. HES MY FAVOURITE. I LOVE HIM. HES SO SASSY AND AMAZING AND HE HAS SO MUCH PERSONALITY AND. i stan every version of donnie (...even 2012 donnie...) BUT MM!DONNIE? HES MY SECOND-FAVOURITE (once again, my soul belongs to rise).
donnie is. hes so cool Ɛ>
i literally dont have words.
and oh, oh! that weird boss lady that wants to milk the turtles (every damn time they said that they were gonna milk the turtles, i was. that shits hilarious. "they/we dont even have nipples!")! my theory, with basically no evidence to it, is that SHES A KRAANG OR SMTH. IDK. i mean, she mentioned utroms????
and omg the turtles get to go to school. im so happy for them. THEY GET TO BE TEENAGERS! i do not approve of them taking their masks off, but pop off ig LMAO.
oh my gods the fuckin childishly drawn scene near the beginning where theyre dreaming about their 'impossible' future is. IT COMES TRUE!!!! almost. BECAUSE THE CHILDISHLY DRAWN VERSIONS OF THEM HAD SIXPACKS, ABHAHAHEBRBDJGJKE THAT IS SO FUCKING FUNNY TO ME-
Back to the art! it was all so... 3d... which is a bit of a redundant statement, considering that i watched the movie in 3d, BUT. it was so... lively ! they were all so animated (pun intentional)!! its such a UNIQUE artstyle and is so amazing and wonderful Ɛ>Ɛ>Ɛ>
im. i dont draw so i cant rly properly marvel at the wondrousness of the art, BUT AS SOMEONE WHO KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT ART??? ITS SO FUCKING PRETTY AND BEAUTIFUL!!!!!
oh and all the little connections and references and parallels to the other iterations of tmnt!!! their goofy-ass belts w their initials, splinter being like... was it 2003 splinter that was originally a rat instead of a human? OH the movie also kinda reminded me of bay tmnt in some ways! cant rly explain it... but there are connections to all the other shows and movies and its so cool ... (not pointing out any rise or 2012 connections because theyre just so INHERENT??? mm is, in a way, kinda like if rise were 2012. BUT ALSO NOT. BECAUSE ITS A SEPARATE THING. but its one way to describe it.)
but also, quickly going back to aprileo thing, i dont. im not into it. leo, i support your rights and wrongs, TRUST ME I DO, but. idk abt this one, man... i rly hope they dont make aprileo properly canon and april just rejects leo. tbf im not big on romance in general, but i rly do think of the turtles and april as being family. aprileo is just odd. BUT I AM VERY GOOD AY IGNORING ROMANCE SO. hopefully i wont have to do that tho.
SPEAKING OF ROMANCE. THE FUCKING SPLINTER X THAT ONE COCKROACH MUTANT? THAts KINDA DISGUSTING BUT ALSO FUCKING HILARIOUS. never thought id see a rat and a cockroach making out be animated in a movie. that cockroach is splinters cockroach friend back when he was just a rat, wasnt she... SHE DIDNT DIE AFTER GETTING RUN OVER BY A SCOOTER!!! accurate to real life cockroaches lmaooo
and the climax of the movie!! i cant believe leos 'we can do it' speech worked. like. POP OFF, but. raph is right, only time leo was ever cool Ɛ> /aff
and the ending of the movie,,, THEY GET TO GO TO SCHOOOLLL!!! WITH APRILLLLLLLL (O'NEILLLLL)!!!!!!
mikey gets to join the improv comedy club.... im unashamed to say that i legit laughed at his 'australian nike is crikey' joke LMAO. its. im laughing just thinking about it. dont. dont question me, i love bad jokes sm
mikey looks like a watermelon Ɛ>
watermelon guy... but fr, mikey is v pog tooooo!! i dont particularly have much to say about him,, i didnt pay much attention to him honestly, but hes still VERY COOL
and raph is cool too!!! i just didnt pay much attention to him either qhdhjd
i love them all so much holy shit.
i love this movie so much.
its so amazing.
its so pretty.
the plot is so goofy.
i cant wait for the tv show.
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belovedhyacinths · 8 months
One of my favorite Spirit phone songs is You’re at The Party, don’t get me wrong- I love every song on that album, but the chaos that unravels at the end of this masterpiece is just AAAAA funky. I haven’t gone too deep into the meaning of the song, but I love how it starts off somewhat normal and then by the end it starts descending into madness. With all of the repeating voice lines together, it induces this feeling that the listener is listening to something they shouldn’t be. Not in the sense that it’s creepy but rather that the lines overlapping seem to be contradictory. The louder voices are showing that the person in the dream is having the time of their lives while the quieter ones are insisting for you to “wake up” or that it’s “too late”. It gives some depth to the song which is kind of cool.
My theory is that someone broke into your house while you are sleeping which is… probably not correct.
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jarognieva · 1 year
Jara (❤️), tell me - what Micolash means exactly for you? I mean, we all love him, but every person has their own reasons. Maybe he represents for you something or is associated with anything? Or something else?
Hiii 🖤
Soo with what should I start hmm...
I've been always into villains I think? Always. Even as a child I was huge fan of Scar for example (back then I was feeling bad for his pathetic end but... now I think this is excellent. Really. Bad guy ending in pathetic way as consequences of his failed ambitions instead of turning into sweet cool guy who decided to be good somehow. Evil until the end. I love this). Or Jadis from The chronicles of Narnia. Yes, I was little shit and already then I've been feeling that villains are cool xD Especially when they have dark gothic aura like The Witch-King from Angmar (I was obsessed about him for years).
Okay but you asked about Micolash xD He fit into all of these things I mentioned before! He's evil, his ambitions led him to pathetic end, also he's kind of (stinky) gothic nerd xD
During my first playthrough I was... pleasantly surprised? This was something new. The boss fight which is not quite a fight. I had to looking for him and quickly I realised that THE HUNTER here is in fact the toy in his play. You see, Micolash doesn't only run away. He WAITS for you, he looks if you follow him so he can troll you by making tricks like disapearing in the fog or jumping into mirror (shame he doesn't have two healthbars like some bosses in Dark Souls 3 or Elden Ring, so the trick with "dying" in the first phase wasn't so convincing). Most (if not all) boss fights are kind of duel (okay, very hard duel but still) and here you completely lost control of the situation! You don't see the opponent or you can't reach him, meanwhile he mocks you with his disturbing and charming at the same time voice. This is HIS wonderful nightmare, his lucid dream in which he can do whatever he wants. I was absolutely delighted. And surprised when I found out on the internet that people hate him because of all of this.
It is worth to mention that... I adore evil, disturbing and cursed things? The more creepy stuff I find about him, the more I'm in love. His both cutscene and ingame models are cursed? Excellent. He's responsible for all terrifying things that we've seen in Yahargul and feels no remorse for it, and probably enjoys all of this? GREAT! Theories and headcanons that turn him into more evil mad man? Hell yeah! This man lives rent free in my head! He's my nr 1 blorbo ever.
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karinamay · 28 days
Writing interview tag game
Thank you @cinnamontails-ff for the taaaag now I get to ramble about writing hell yes
When did you start writing?
I've been writing stories basically as long as I can remember, and I was a very avid journal keeper between ages like 7 and 21. First time I decided I was going to "write a book" I was 10, and me and my best friend at the time got permission to spend 2 hours or so every week at school to work on it because it was a "good creative persuit", whic was pretty cool. I have been writing fiction ever since, and I think I started writing fanfic around when I was 16 or so, so about 14 yearsish ago.
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
I write (urban) fantasy/romance pretty much exclusively, but I read all sorts. I do enjoy me some good dystopian, and some scifi here and there, and from time to time I 180 into reading less fantastical literary fiction that borders on nihilistic-satire-black comedy ish (I've read Bret Easton Ellis' entire bibliography, to give an idea). In the end most of what I read is in the fantasy with either romance or found family (or, ideally, both) realm though, I love escaping to magical worlds.
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
I try not to compare my work actively to other writers'. Of course there are writers I admire and look up to, but there isn't a writer that I want to "write like" really. I write very much like me. And with that, I don't think I've ever specifically been compared to another author? Not that I can remember anyway.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
My current writing setup is in my living room, which is not ideal, it's just because my wifi doesn't reach into my office well enough. I am in the process of moving my shit over there though, so I'm excited to turn that into a bit more of an inspiring space. The only nice thing that I currently have in my writing space is my recently spruced up "bookcase" (I'll put a picture under the cut.)
What's your most effective way to muster up a muse?
Work for it. Nine out of ten times when I sit down to write I don't already have the spark or whatever that I need. (The tenth time is a great day, but it just doesn't happen very often, and it also doesn't actually necessarily mean your writing will be better that day.) When I have sat down on the days when it's not immediately there, and I start writing, it will usually come. It's kind of a stupid writing will come from writing loop that feeds itself, if that makes sense.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
Healthy communication is a big one, whether that's between romantic partners or any other kind of relationships. I write a lot about power and corruption and I'm big on found family. None of this is surprising at all. What is surprising to me is that I've started leaning more into creepy/eerie/horrory realms over the past year or so, which isn't really a theme, but definitely a genre I never thought I would enjoy so much.
What is your reason for writing?
Because it's the closest we can get to magic in this world. I get to dream up worlds and people and watch them try and fail and succeed and evolve, give them life, give them reason, fear, doubt, love, everything. It's fucking brilliant, and even though I get stuck and it's frustrating, I will never be able to not do it, because I don't know how not to.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
"I felt like I was there" is something that will always get me, that motivates me to no end. And I love when people start theorising, trying to figure out what's going to happen next. I weirdly get drawn into the theories, even though I know what happens next. I love it.
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
Huh, I don't know. As someone who really cares deeply about the story I'm writing, I think. And hopefully as someone who captures the voices of the characters they love and who does them justice.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
Dialogue. My stories are very dialogue driven, and I take a lot of pride in how the dialogue runs. And hand in hand with that dialogue, knowing when to throw in a bit of humour, especially in a dark story, without it feeling cheap.
How do you feel about your own writing?
Depends on the day, although I'm starting to get to a place where I'm generally pretty happy with it. There are many things I know I can improve on a lot still, but in the end, I do like what I'm writing, and I do think other people do/would like to read it.
It's a work in progress but the vibes are vibing imo.
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re-bee-key · 2 years
Hey Willow Fandom, I have a wild theory. Im doing a rewatch, and I'm at the scene in The Gales where Graydon reads the Pnakoptic written on the Mother's Gate. And as he is reading, the world shakes. Specifically when he mentions the Wyrm's Harbinger.
And when we get to the end of the season, Graydon wakes up in the Wyrm's domanion. With what seems like an illusion of Elora. (I have mixed feelings on if she is Wyrm Illusion Elora or Corrupted Future Elora.) And she tells him she needs him. To bring her light to the world. Very creepy Wyrm shit.
And, when the Crone is dying, she tells Airk he is the chosen Harbinger.
And this got me thinking, there must be some kind of prophecy for the Harbinger. Just like there was for Elora. Whispered hopes among the evil who serve the Wyrm.
I think in this prophecy, it must have been said that the Harbinger would be a man of great power. One to rival Elora's.
Which is why the Crone kidnaps Airk. Because he has the blood of Bavmorda, which should, in theory, mean he has great magic potential.
I think Sorsha suspects this, and that's why she gives the warning to Kit.
But I think the Crone got the prophecy wrong. I think Graydon was the dark prince promised. I mean, heck, still at a beginner level, he impressed the Crone with his magic. If the Wyrm were to guide him and lend him his magic, then Graydon could have unlimited potential.
Graydon is the Harbinger.
Which is why the ground shook when he read the bloody runes. Its like a narrative forshadowing of his destiny.
Or, at least. Thats my theories. Im pretty sure the writer gave him such a minor, comedic role to make it more shocking and novel when this is all revealed.
I also think it lends to a potentially cool "fuck destiny" moment. That i think everyone in the party needs to have.
Anways. Thanks for coming to my rambling ted talk.
Side thought: I saw on some fandom wiki that Pnakoptic is a reference to a Lovecraft story. And I think that is so interesting. Like. This means the Wyrm is more than some lazy "fantasy devil lord of darkness" reference. No, the Wyrm is a straight up Lovecraftian elder god.
Its interesting that he's a wyrm. Because worms bore holes into things. Their bodies snaked and nestled snug inside. Like a parasite it feeds and the thing dies.
I think the Wyrm is doing that to the planet. We see him in his own realm. But we are told he's actually some place sleeping. So what if is just a dream realm we see. And his real self is snaked deep throughout the world. His body appearing on the surface occasionally as we see when Elora looks out the door.
Eldricht gods are beings of illusions and nightmares and horrors beyond compression and possession. Above all, they are of unknowable madness and manipulation.
Also, a key thing. They are beings of knowledge.
Graydon is the smartest person in the party. He's basically done nothing but read his entire life.
Most people in eldricht horror stories that try to understand elder gods knowledge go mad. And maybe thats what the lich process is in Willow. The Crone and all them are corrupted by the power and knowledge the Wyrm can give.
Which brings us to Graydon. Maybe he's smart enough that he can learn without getting too corrupted. His mind in tact, so the Wyrm can have a tool, not a puppet.
In most Eldricht stories, people who mess with dark magic die. I know Graydon "died" so this is a mooy point. But still.
I hope, that the show continues to subvert tropes and that there are themes of fighting against destiny. And we see Graydon either not becoming the Harbinger, or using his Harbinger powers for good instead of evil.
Ok, second ramble over.
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c-herondale · 2 years
I keep seeing this theory going around about Matthew getting lost in fairieland and I LOVE it.
I think it would work out so perfect if after CHOT when he's going on his travels he stumbles into faerieland, maybe accidentally, maybe on purpose. My dream scenario is something like Mark and Helen Blackthorns' dad and how he fell in love and stayed there, but I could also see the seelie queen being up to no good. It would fit really well because faeries and other downworlders often make remarks about his beauty in a kind of creepy way. Bonus points if he was tricked by a faerie because then the thing about how he was tricked into poisoning Charlotte would be like foreshadowing!!
Also his previous addictions could link in somehow. I know he's sober now but maybe something happens and he gets desperate and drinks or eats something in faerie...
I just think it would be really cool and tie some things together nicely. Like, maybe no time passed for him and one day Ash or Kit or someone finds him in faerie and brings him back for TWP. And then he's there with all his friends and family's descendents, and Clary would have a great-whatever-uncle to deal with as well as a nephew, and Jem and Tessa could see him, and maybe we could finally see him fully fulfilled!! (Please!!)
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apurikottotii · 5 months
april song recs!
bro i am about to die from stress (aps, college, LIFE???) but that's ok because i found so much banging music this month. trying to not feel sad by being busy af. but being busy also makes me sad. talking to other people make me sad. smh. idk man. however es milgram has entered my life and i am very happy for that (i love you pookie).
after looking at this list will you believe me if i say i don't like deco27?
--- hibana (es cover) - deco27
i think i listened to this song more than any other song i've listened to for the past YEAR. i need hibana (specifically the es cover) injected into my soul RIGHT NOW. it's so goddamn good. i love the chord progression, how es sings every line, the bridge, how much emotion there is, everything about the song. when es's cv whispers the words with the sung version layered with it my soul transcends. like every other deco27 song, of course it's a complicated song about love. but!!! but!!! i also love the "knock knock", etc. that starts every verse. it's so good. i also love HOW THERE'S A VERSE IN ENGLISH THAT IS SO COOL I DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE UNTIL I READ THE LYRICS ASDFISDNFASN. when es sings "ah-ha-ha" i go IUFAINDASIFNASIDASUD. when i hear the background harmonies i go AISUDFNASDFOASDNFASMFAOS. personal favorite lyrics: "I don’t want to harbor a love that will never end" / "it’s “incomplete”, I’ll say it time and time again" / "amidst a love that missed hitting 'NO'" / "come on, melt me more properly!" i love you es.
--- the good child and the fox spirit - kikuo
guess who finally listened to this song after it being on my "to listen" list for months because of a milgram animatic. listen, when you're starved for content you gotta do what you gotta do. anyways, that animatic is so fire i love it so much but this is not about the animatic. I LOVE THIS SONG SO MUCH. it's so catchy and creepy and the notes slide into each other so well i can't believe kikuo never had formal music theory education.
--- string theocracy - mili
this shit is CRAZY. at first i didn't notice that it was in english because of the distinctive sort of "j-pop" style, but as i listened closer, my brain exploded. it's so jazzy, so fun and the lyrics are really really profound and moving. this song supports my argument that songs in english are not inherently cringe- it's just that they've been molded into a specific style that sounds really cringe. personal favorite lyrics include: "if you're gonna control me, at least make it interesting theatrically" / "if you're gonna replace me, at least have the audacity to kill me throughly" / "and if you love me, can you love your everything too, for me?" i also love the reference to "do androids dream of electric sheep" awww yeah. it's just such a fun listen and it's so indie. makes me feel so... asdfnsf. did i mention it's SO JAZZY???
--- half (es cover) - deco27 (milgram)
--- liar dance - deco27
--- android girl (haruka cover) - deco27
--- diary of underage observation - kurage-p
honorable mentions: little party never killed nobody (i love the great gatsby okay), happy synthesizer (i need to listen to more classics- i did not expect this and kimagure mercy to sound so good but they absolutely SLAP), sobakasu (this song makes me :( when i listen man... reminds me of an old friend. i absolutely love the timbre of the singer's voice- it's so RAW. i've never heard a song with more emotion)
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sirins-cove · 2 years
Chapter 7 part 2 thoughts
𝕾𝖕𝖔𝖎𝖑𝖊𝖗𝖘 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖓𝖊𝖜 𝖙𝖜𝖘𝖙 𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙
Consider me shook y’all, this is not what I wanted my first post on sirens cove to be but chapter 7 has grabbed me by the throat. I’ll be breaking down my thoughts into
Overall thoughts
and what's next to come
𝕺𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖚𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖘
This chapter made me cry and fear for the characters. I love that we finally got some lore about the fae, knowing malleus is still considered a child in the eyes of fae cause he becomes a adult when he turns a thousand. Another thing is we finally got Lilia actual age, he is 700 years old and he explains that he’s kind of fae live to 1000 but because of his reckless past he now dying earlier.
Seeing Silver yell and cry was shocking to say, although my favorite character I never expected him to show such a outburst since he never did that in any of the stories he showed up in. It hurt hearing him blame himself for what is happening to Lilia and that he couldn’t do more to help.
I love the Sebek character development and Lilia getting on his ass about not liking humans, basically he told Sebek to cool it and asked the first years to look after him once he [Lilia] leaves the school.
I know the time loop theory is huge in the twst community, but I don’t believe its going to happen. My theory is that we are stuck in a endless dream where we get everything we want, since Malleus does tell us “we well all be heroes of the fairytale” at the end of the chapter. So I think we are all stuck in our own separate dreams basically being “rebirthed” into a new world.
But I do agree with the theory of Idia and Leona “saving” the day. Idia wasn’t in diasomnia when the cruse was casted and as far as I know the curse only made people in the dorm fall asleep and everyone else on sage island. Note every dorm is its own mini world and since Idia was in his dorm when the curse was casted it didn’t effect him. 
Now onto Leona as stated Leona probably knows when he is dreaming (this was pointed out in the English version of chapter 6) So if anything Leona probably will figure out that he is dreaming and try to find a way out of it. It also helps the Leona best subjects is ancient magic/curses and it was never told if the curse was Malleus’s UM, so that's another plot point.
There is not enough words in this world to describe what my thoughts on this man is but I will try my best. Malleus overblot design has to be one of my favorites he legit looks like the mistress of evil herself and I am living for it.
But I don’t think he fully overblotted since his voice sounded normal and the phantom wasn’t speaking through him, he also seems fully aware that he overblotted and doesn’t really care. He just wants everyone to be happy and safe (the yandere vibes I swear)
I think what makes me laugh about all of this that he got this idea from the fucking Tamagotchi, since every thirty days the pet files away leaving a egg for Malleus to look after and raise and the cycle repeats which gives Malleus the idea of “rebirth” tied in with the fact Silver was crying to him about how worthless he felt.
I am I saying Malleus feels reasonable for other peoples happiness, most likely that's one thing he feels but also that he doesn’t want to be lonely again cause remember he had such a lonely childhood. Although I didn’t think he would overblot 30 chapters into chapter 7 you know.
Side note: I fucking love his humming of a twisted version of “once upon a dream” at the end of the chapter. Its creepy and gives the vibes that we might not be able to defeat him alone, overall it hits all the right spots.
𝖂𝖍𝖆𝖙'𝖘 𝖓𝖊𝖝𝖙 𝖙𝖔 𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖊
Its all up in the air about what next to come, but whatever it is I am excited and scared for whatever it is.
I hope you enjoyed my unedited ramble of my thoughts and theories of this chapter, after this the silver character analysis may come out but I might post bone it until chapter 7 is done. So most likely you’ll see me analyzing Leona Kingscholar and his possible depression. I hope you all have a amazing day/night and I’ll see you in the near future ^^
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agardenandlibrary · 2 years
The Dragon Reborn: Chapters 39-56
buckle up, my dears, I have FINISHED the book. Do I remember what happened in these last 17 chapters? HIGHLY DOUBTFUL. But here we go.
Could I split this into several posts? Technically yes. Will I? Absolutely not.
Okay, first off, I feel like this whole "Rand looks like Tigraine (the lost heir to Andor)!" thing came out of literally nowhere. Elayne just brings it up randomly like it's something she's talked about before and I just??
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We have expanded upon Laman's Sin -- the reason the Aiel came down from the Wastes and fucked everyone up for a while. He cut down the offshoot of the Tree of Life to make himself a throne. Honestly, he deserved it, bye bitch.
So the girlsquad is making their way to Tear and get kidnapped by some randos and then rescued by the Aiel (!!!).
Meanwhile, Mat and Thom eventually make their way to Caemlyn but not before they rescue an Illuminator who gifts Mat with a roll of fireworks.
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Also ongoing: most countries have a surprise new ruler/advisor who seems to be encouraging the countries to go to war! I'm sure that's fine!
Mat delivers Elayne's letter to Morgase and on the way overhears two men plotting to kill Elayne. One of those men is SURPRISE Morgase's new squeeze/advisor, so Mat backs out of there and is immediately like "WELL, GUESS I GOTTA RESCUE ELAYNE, EGWENE, AND NYNAEVE NOW" what a champ.
Mat's weird luck stuff is happening! It's neat! It's creepy! It works on loaded dice! Importantly, he figures out that it's bound to randomness. Works great on dice, bad for systematic searches.
Everywhere our main characters go they hear the NPC ambient dialogue: "I had a strange dream last night... of a tall man with red hair and grey eyes..."
Moiraine et al discover that the Forsaken are loose and taking over countries. Moiraine has rediscovered how to use balefire, which is the only thing that can kill a Forsaken? I guess?
Perrin spends all his time upsetti that Faile is along for the ride. He does start doing his cool wolfbrother dream stuff!! And he gets to do more blacksmithing!!! Good for him. He is gifted a hammer and spends a good amount of time staring at it vs. the axe. To fight or to build, that is the question.
Everyone is conveniently in Tear at the end. Every single one of them glimpses a tall man with red hair and thinks "he looks like Rand... but it couldn't be him..." babes. my darlings. You were literally following him the whole way. Why do you think it's not him??
Egwene, Nynaeve, and Elayne get kidnapped... again... (This time by the Black Ajah) Mat uses his firework bundle to blow a hole in the impenetrable Stone of Tear and get in to rescue them.
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Faile gets caught in a dream trap and Perrin embraces his cool wolfbrother dreaming stuff to go in and rescue her.
It's Rand v. Forsaken, round 3! What's that?
It's Moiraine with the Balefire!
Rand takes Callandor (the sword in the stone....) and chases after Ba'alzamon who shows up to taunt him. I'm feeling vaguely vindicated in my theory that Ba'alzamon is just some dude and not actually the Dark One.
The Aiel show up and fight for Rand, we find out they're called the People of the Dragon, they're still way cooler than everyone else, what else…
Rand declares himself the Dragon Reborn!
which I guess is why that's the title of this book but honestly I would've liked a different title.
Mat and Rand are like "Well! That was fun! Thank the Light we've defeated all evil!" and Nynaeve, Egwene, Elayne, and Moiraine are all like "Yeah fucking right, buddy."
Obviously I skipped a lot. The Black Ajah threatened to turn Egwene et al to the Dark. Egwene did more dope dreaming stuff, including trapping someone half awake and half in dreams. Egwene asked Nynaeve to sing her to sleep ;_;
But that's it for The Dragon Reborn! See you next time I have 2 months to read a book @_@
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