#cookies are just like the easiest
jackies-ear · 2 months
I wanna bake cookies or smth for group next week bc one of our counselors is leaving. Another member is gluten free. I’ve never baked gluten free
Anyone have a good gluten free cookie recipe or like flour they like… There’s just so much on google, I don’t know where to start
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milkbreadtoast · 2 years
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🫡 (wasnt sure abt some of these but. others im v sure abt dmcbdmdj)
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froggychair05 · 2 months
are you a bakey sort of guy? like, do you do the bake?
Well, I don’t actually work in a bakery, but I do enjoy baking!! I like to take pictures of what I’ve made just for fun, so here are a few things:
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quibbs126 · 2 years
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Alright, this might take some explaining, but basically this is just like an idea for an au I had based on my friend’s description of the premise of a show she and her mom are watching that I just decided I need to cross over with Cookie Run. Also I liked the premise
I’ll give you the rundown of what she told me right quick. Oh, also disclaimer, I don’t actually know what the show is called, nor do I know the names of any of the characters, since she didn’t tell me, as well as I believe the fact that she didn’t know how to translate the names into English
So basically, our main character is this prince who got exiled from his kingdom for being part of a rebellion. On his way leaving the kingdom, he gets accosted and loses all his magical items (I’m guessing the kingdom was either magic or divine in some way, I don’t remember if she explained), and basically is now stuck at the level of a normal person. So the prince ends up opening an inn in the mountains. Business isn’t the best but he’s getting by. Anyways, one day, a group of thugs comes in and basically demands the prince (he’s hiding his identity so no one knows he’s a prince and think he’s a regular dude, but I don’t know his name, so I’m calling just him that) lets them stay in his rooms, feed them breakfast (and I assume dinner) and basically do their bidding or they take him out. The prince says something along the lines of “you aren’t even worth a single thread on my jacket” and basically refuses. The thugs attack but it just so happens another traveler was at the inn at the time, and they use their martial arts to take out all the thugs, though in the process the inn gets destroyed. The traveler basically says their work here is done, but the prince is like “um no, you destroyed my inn! I can’t pay to have all this repaired, I don’t have that kind of money! You gotta pay for all of this!”. Now see, the traveler is going to this special tower (I think there might have been a tournament there?) which has something at the end of it. We don’t know what the traveler wants from the tower, but they want something. The traveler says to the prince that they’re going to this tower for a tournament and there will be a monetary reward, and once they win they’ll pay the prince back. The prince decides that they’ll go along, saying it’s to make sure they’ll actually keep their word and not run out on their debt (though my friend said that the traveler’s martial art school was known to be reliable and trustworthy, so he could trust them, it was for some other reason that they decided to join that I can’t remember). So yeah, the two set out towards this tower
And so yeah, in my brain as she was explaining this, I was connecting this to Dark Choco, and here we are. So in this au, Dark Choco takes the role of the prince (unsurprisingly), where after his banishment and losing all his stuff (I’m assuming that includes the Strawberry Jam Sword), he sets up an inn somewhere and one day meets a traveler by the name of Peach Cookie, and after an altercation that leaves his inn trashed, Peach promises to pay him back with money from this tournament at a tower (the only tower I know is the Tower of Frozen Waves, so maybe it’s there? But I don’t know much about that tower either), and Dark Choco, a bit suspicious, goes along with her, and they’re off on an adventure together towards this tower
Oh, or maybe this tournament has to do with that competition mentioned in Tiger Lily’s Golden Warrior costume? The one about the Temple in the Sky? Maybe it could be that instead, so it ties in more with actual Cookie Run stuff
Oh and as for the designs, I just wanted them to wear less conspicuous things (also Dark Choco might have lost his armor so he just has regular clothes), since I imagine they’re trying to keep a low profile. But maybe I should have drawn Peach Cookie in her normal outfit, that probably still would have worked. Unless au things change her backstory or something, I haven’t worked it out
I don’t know where this would go, but I thought the premise was neat and wanted to draw it. Also I just kind of want to see these two interact
Anyways yeah, I hope you enjoy the idea at least, even if there’s not much to look at
Edit: The show is called The Blood of Youth
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stevieschrodinger · 2 months
Part One
There’s a Beta standing in Eddie’s doorway. She’s slim, choppy ginger hair and red boots poking out from under the cuffs of her denim dungarees – Eddie likes her pretty much immediately.
She’s holding a plate.
She hasn’t managed to speak yet, but from down the hall, Eddie hears a voice hiss, “Robin!”
They both turn to look. The Omega of Eddie’s dreams face and...tummy...are both poking out of the doorway. He looks mortified.
“So sorry,” the Beta starts, “Steve was too embarrassed to come and ask a second time, but he’s basically had his nose pressed to the door for the past half an hour so…” she holds out the plate.
From down the hall, very faintly, the Omega, who Eddie now knows must be called ‘Steve,’ whines, “why are you like this,” and then clicks the door shut.
“I’m Robin, by the way,” and she holds out her non plate hand to shake.
Eddie ends up shaking one hand and taking the plate from the other. Eddie knew, objectively, that Steve must have a partner, but he still has to squish the disappointment of meeting them. “Eddie...just, give me a second. It’s chicken parm.”
Eddie goes and dishes up a portion, it was going to be tomorrows lunch but...he can’t deny the pretty little Omega anything. Maybe he should start cooking extra extras, even if Steve doesn’t come knocking, at least it’s a meal he can have another time.
“This is one of his favorites, no wonder he was so restless about it.”
“Yeah, well, anytime,” and Eddie could add that Robin should be making Steve’s favorites, but he doesn’t because he’s pretty sure Robin is cool and he already knows Steve is sweet and he’s just not that kind of person.
“I’m sorry, you’ve done what to the pulled pork?”
“Orange and Oregano, trust me Henderson, I’m about to blow your mind.”
“Uh hu, and someone else's by the look of it, you’ve cooked enough for us and that Omega guy twice over.” Eddie just rolls his eyes. “You got all your shit put away then?”
“Pretty much, and leave that alone.”
Dustin huffs but puts the spoon down and replaces the lid on the crock pot, “what are we having with it?”
“Was going to do dirty fries.”
“Oh my god. You’re a saint. A hero. You should be knighted like ye olde dragon-slayers of yore-”
“Yeah yeah, this will not score you any extra loot later.”
“Mayhap a smidgen of exper-” Dustin stops at the sound of knocking, looking to the door. “Is it your Omega?” He whisper hisses at Eddie.
“He’s not mine, he’s got a girlfriend,” Eddie whisper hisses back.
Doesn’t stop him pulling his shirt straight and tugging at his jeans and fluffing his hair real quick on the way to the door. All of that is kind of...reflexive, though.
Dustin’s smirk is actually slap worthy, and Eddie will get to that right after he answers the door.
“I am so sorry about this,” Steve is saying before Eddie even has the door fully open, “and I know you said you didn’t want anything, but I thought I could at least contribute.” He’s holding two plates, one empty, one stacked up with cookies, “they’re Reese’s.”
And Eddie’s mouth is watering, not just from the scent of Steve, but because he can see the chunks of partially melted Reese's pieces sticking out of the cookies, “they look incredible, thank you,” Eddie takes both plates, “it’s not actually ready yet, can I drop it by in like, thirty minutes?”
“Oh you are my hero,” Steve beams at him. It’s a happy smile, a smile that comes with the scent of pleased Omega. Happy Omega. Happy Omega with pup. The kind of smile and scent that digs it’s hooks deep into Eddie’s brain and fucking yanks.
“It’s pulled pork, would you rather fries or rice?” Eddie finds himself asking, completely on auto pilot.
“Whatever is easiest. Whatever you were already planning. Thank you so so much Eddie.”
Eddie watches Steve waddle back to his apartment down the hall before he turns, a plate in each hand, and nudges the door closed with his foot.
“Thank you so much Eddie. I made you cookies Eddie,” Dustin simpers from the couch, before making kissey noises.
“Oh shut the fuck up.”
Eddie stands in the hallway in his crocs. His apartment is new, so he has a strict no shoes policy; but he has a pair of crocs for in the hall and heading outside real quick. Also, they're comfortable as fuck, so Eddie refuses to be judged.
Especially since they’re black, and Dustin got him all these little button things that pop in the holes. Little swords and shields and D20’s and stuff. So they’re super cool.
Steve opens the door, wincing, one hand resting on the small of his back, but his face blooms back into the beautiful smile at the sight of Eddie. It does something, very briefly, to Eddie. That reaction. And then he viciously reminds himself that the reaction was for Eddie’s food and not at all for Eddie himself.
Steve goes to take the plate but, “it’s hot, I warmed the plate up in the stove, let me put it down somewhere for you?” A trick Eddie learned in his month of working in a kitchen one Christmas when he was a teenager, but it never left him, and he didn't want Steve’s dinner to go cold.
“Oh, gosh, you’re so thoughtful Eddie, come right in.”
Eddie’s heart gives a little flutter at Steve’s praise, and Steve shifts out of the way, letting Eddie into an apartment that’s a mirror of his own. It’s very neat and tidy inside; everything very clearly has a place. Nothing looks brand new, but everything does look well cared for.
Steve directs Eddie to the little two seater dining table, where there’s a place set. It’s so freaking adorable, a place mat with flowers and kittens printed on it, a white folded napkin, cutlery and a glass of juice set out. A single daffodil in a tiny vase.
Eddie puts the plate down carefully, turning to see Steve blushing furiously. “Sorry, I don’t get out much and I wanted to make it nice.”
“Don’t be sorry, it’s cute,” Eddie says, even as he feels himself grow irritated yet again with Robin, Steve’s nose twitches, eyeing Eddie with concern, so he does his best to push it down, “well,” Eddie tries his best to be cheerful, “I really hope you enjoy it. Maybe your girlfriend will take you out tomorrow?” He tries to say that with no hint of spite whatsoever.
Steve blinks at him, “girlfriend?”
“Robin? I thought...aren’t you two..?”
Steve snorts a laugh, actually ugly laughs and snorts like a cute little piggy and has to bring his hand up to his face to try and hide his reaction, “no. No, she’s my best friend. She’s home with her girlfriend.”
“Oh.” Eddie says, processing, “oh. Right sorry, I just, assumed…” he can’t stop his eyes from, briefly, flicking to Steve’s tummy.
“It’s okay,” Steve’s smiling at him, “you can ask.”
“Well...I mean when I thought you were with Robin I just assumed you’d used a donor or…”
“Yep!” Steve pops the ‘P’. “I did do that, and I did go to the appointments with Robin, but I’m single. Going it alone.”
And then Steve does quite possibly the sexiest thing Eddie’s ever seen in his entire life; he bares his throat, “see, no bite.”
Eddie has to clear his throat and shift a little where he's standing, lest his inconvenient biological reaction become overly obvious, “why did you decide to, uhm…”
Steve shrugs, smiling happily, “guess I just never was lucky enough to meet the right Alpha.”
And then Steve’s tummy rumbles very aggressively.
“I’ll let you eat your-”
“Gosh excuse me I’m-”
They speak at the same time, and then both end up laughing.
“I’ll leave you to your dinner,”
“Thanks again Eddie, I really do appreciate it.”
Part three
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Crumbl Cookies Actual Chocolate Chip Recipe from a former employee who is no longer bound by their NDA:
to make approximately 35 cookies (or 140 minis!):
2 pounds of SALTED butter
1 pound of white sugar
1.5 pounds of brown sugar
8 whole eggs
4 pounds of flour
*half an ingredient pack* Crumbl has an ingredient packet that goes into their cookies to make sure that no one but corporate officially knows their recipes. however based on what is missing from a standard chocolate chip cookie recipe and what happens to the cookies if you forget the packet I have come up with this solution
5 tablespoons baking soda
5 tablespoons baking powder
2.75 pounds milk chocolate chips *** Crumbl originally used Ghirardelli but switched to their own brand in the summer of 2021.
preheat your oven to 290 degrees F or 143 C
soften your butters in your microwave, this step is crucial. you want them NOT at all melted, but soft enough to mold with your hands easily
put your butters and sugars into a large bowl, it’s easiest if this is a stand mixer, but if not an electric hand mixer is fine. you *may* attempt this by hand but i would recommend you don’t.
if you have levels choose your most medium level and beat your butter and sugar for 10 minutes. seriously. and it’s probably not done. scrape the sides, if there is any resistance it’s not done. the texture you’re going for is like passing your spatula through a cloud. you should feel no resistance, the mixture will be light, fluffy and if you feel it between your fingers it will be silky with *slight* sugary texture. imagine applying it to your face, it’s a daily cleanser not a weekly exfoliant.
when you’re pretty sure you got it to the right texture go for 1 more minute just to be safe.
now that’s over with turn your mixer down to 1, and add half of your eggs. let them mostly incorporate. all yolks should be broken and you should only see slight streaks of yellow. then add your second half of the eggs and look for the same consistency.
scrape the bottom of the bowl to make sure no yolks are hiding down there!
now add your flour all once! yup! mix it on low *just* until you see a dough start to form. There should still be plenty of unincorporated flour!!!
then add your chocolate chips.
mix until you have a smooth and consistent mixture.
crumbl cookies weighs each chocolate chip cookie at 5.5 ounces.
my best approximation is that you’ll be making about 35 cookies so go for that if you don’t have a scale.
the shape of the crumbl cookie can be achieved by making a large ball of dough then tearing off the top to leave a ripped top. those cracks and spikes are part of the signature. so you can skip this step if you just want a good cookie recipe.
*if you want to make the minis like Crumbl does for catering the weight is 1.3 ounces and the bake time is 10 minutes*
place on a parchment lined baking sheet leaving 2 inches between each cookie and the edges of the baking sheet. You can fit 9 on a standard cookie sheet.
bake your cookies for 16 minutes, rotating the pan 11 minutes in! (Crumbl has ovens the rotate while baking constantly so this will help even cooking times)
*important* i know the temptation to eat the cookies directly out of the oven is great. BUT. the cookies actually are not done baking fresh out of the oven! they bake outside of the oven in their own heat for 5 minutes while they cool! so wait at least 5 minutes or 10 if you have self control!
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jiarkives · 3 months
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚ summary — you ask your boyfriend to watch your followers.
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚ character — bucky barnes (marvel)
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚ content — fluff
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚ notes — rushed ending WEEWOOWEEWOO also, this is based on @loveisallyouneed1125’s idea, i just added a ~little~ twist to it. i hope this is to your liking, bestie! 🤍
Occasionally, you would do a cooking and baking livestream where you would teach your followers how to cook certain dishes or bake, while you talk to them about other stuff. Your teammates would sometimes pop in and talk for a few minutes before leaving you to your thing once more.
Today, however, you had decided to let Bucky join you since your followers have been asking you for more boyfriend content with Bucky.
So you quickly set up your phone on the kitchen counter, making sure to leave enough space for you to work while also being in the camera’s view, then you went live.
You and Bucky waited for your followers to flood in, greeting some of them as they left comments and greetings. Although most of them were just smashing their keyboards and emojis, you still did your best to greet them.
After a few minutes, you got started on your baking with Bucky helping. You had mutually decided on baking chocolate chip cookies, finding it the easiest to bake together. Throughout the process, you occasionally gave out instructions to both Bucky and the viewers.
“Okay, you guys, let me just pop these into the oven real quick,” you said as you placed the last piece of dough on the baking tray. “Babe, can you please watch them while I do this?”
While you were busy with the cookies, Bucky watched the comments like a hawk, staring at them as they flooded in.
User 1: dude you’re literally so fucking cool
“Someone said a swear!” Bucky called out to you as he continued staring at the camera, his eyes narrowed.
“Tell them not to swear, it’s bad,” you chided like how a mother would to her child.
Bucky then recited the username of the commenter, pointing at the camera, “You better watch your language, kid. Your mama’s not going to like that. Mine certainly did not.”
The comments were flooded with all kinds of keyboard and emoji smashes, and words that are borderline incoherent as they reacted to you and Bucky acting like strict parents.
User 1: sorry mom and dad 😔
User 2: pls adopt me y’all are literally my parents
User 3: do u guys need a dog i can bark
User 4: ilysm pls dont die yet
“I don’t think your parents would appreciate you having Avengers as your new parents. Sorry, kid.” He shook his head in mock disappointment. “No, we don’t need a dog. We already have Sam. And no, I’m not dying anytime soon. Thanks for your concern, I guess...”
Sam, who was currently in the livestream, spammed the comments with all sorts of insults for Bucky. He, of course, ignored them all, but not without rolling his eyes.
User 5: i’m gonna tell my friends i spent time with the avengers on the weekends 😎
“Well then, tell your friends I said hi.”
“Tell them I did too!” You said as you came into the camera’s view. “And you seem like you’re having fun without me. I am very hurt.”
User 6: NOOOO we love you mom!!!!
User 7: mommy? sorry. mommy? sorry. mommy? sorry. mommy? sorry. mommy? sorry. mommy? sorry. mommy? sorry. mommy? sorry. mommy? sorry. mommy? sorry.
You snorted as you saw the comment, while Bucky’s brows furrowed, “What does that even mean?”
You laughed, “I’ll teach you all those slangs later, babe.”
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Seventeen as dads part 3 (All members)
I am so obsessed with this series, I’m weak for dad!seventeen More dad!SVT and other fics on Seventeen Masterlist <3 Genre: FLUFF
→Choi seungcheol
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"Will you help dada fix the showerhead?" Seungcheol asks your first born daughter, Siah. Seungcheol was in the bathroom being stubborn that he could fix the showered in the bathroom himself. Your 2 foot high daughter leans on the door frame looking up at her father.
She nods as her dad asks her to help.
"Can you hand me that wrench?"
"Wench?" she repeats wrongly.
"W - RENCH" cheol corrects her again.
"This one?" she points her little finger to every tool in the box and finally gets to the one he wanted. Cheol was very patient with her. He believed in her, it helped built her confidence too.
She handed her dad the wrench.
Cheol did some pushing and pulling, meanwhile siah really wanted hands on experience in this plumbing apprenticeship.
"How are my two star plumbers doing?" you ask walking into the bathroom to see what trouble these two were up to.
Cheol now had Siah on his shoulder while she played with the showerhead acting like she was helping fix it.
"We're almost done, my associate here is new so she's a bit confused" he says pointing to her daughter on him.
Suddenly there is a 'thak" sound and water comes down pouring on cheols face.
You burst out laughing.
“What are you laughing at?” He asks playfully and pulls you into the shower area so now you’re also soaked. This is responded with some sqeals and squeaks.
“Never calling this plumber duo again” you say laughing.
“Well the plumber duo loves you” he says with a cheesy smile and takes siah off his shoulder to bring her between the two of you, now shes soaked too.
→Yoon Jeonghan
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"Stop pushing our kid into the pool" you say giggling as Jeonghan playfully throws your 5 year old son, Hyun woo into the water.
Hyung woo hated the water when he was younger, especially the sea. But now it's a mammoth task to get him out of the pool.
"Again! Again!" Hyun woo screams while you could see jeonghan's energy battery running low.
"He'd make you do this all day" you say sitting poolside, reading a book.
"That's all, that's enough" Jeonghan says and pulls Hyun woo out of the pool, now comes the tantrum. Jeonghan uses the last of his power to pull his son out of the pool and airplane him to where you are sitting. He dropped your tantrum throwing son on you. He made you scoot in the small pool chair and stuck close to you, putting his head on your shoulder, boy was he exhausted.
"Does your battery have enough power to pass me the sunscreen?" you playfully ask him.
"There's always a reserve battery for you my love" he says and also gives you a complimentary peck on the shoulder before he retracted to the same position as before.
→Hong Joshua
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There was chaos in the Hong Residence as two boys, Dojoon 7 and taehyun 5, run around yelling and screaming. Two hyperactive boys were definitely a lot to handle.
"Boys, Boys!" Joshua claps his hand to get their attention.
"I have a mission for you"
their eyes light up and Joshua has their full attention. They loved missions, they recently got into spy movies and when they hear the word mission, they snap into their alter ego, little spies.
"Dojoon's mission is to clear up your toys on the floor and Taehyun's mission is to bring all the clothes from the dryer to the living room then mom and I will teach you how to fold laundry" he recites all the tasks. You loved doing chores as a family, it was possible on the weekends and you thought the boys would learn how to do things. It was the easiest way.
The kids rush to do their chores and the first one to finish was the elder one. This made the younger one upset, he came crying to you. The two boys are very competitive.
You end up giving them both some cookies. The calmed Taehyun down.
“We need to get them off cookies”
“Just this once please” you tell your husband pulling a cute puppy face. The boys loved cookies and it was easier to calm them down that way. Joshua hates it.
“Last time, promise?”
“Promise” you say pecking his cheek.
→Moon JunHui
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“Noo I don’t want to, what if I hurts, and you flush it away”
“You want to keep it?”
Your son nods.
Your 2 and a half year old son is sobbing on his potty chair, not pooping because he thinks its a part of his body and he’s going to lose an arm if he poops.
You knew if was something Jun might’ve told him so you call him over.
“Hes not letting me flush his poop, he thinks we can raise it” you explain to jun sighing.
Jun ends up laughing at this.
“Please?” Your son asks in a small timid voice.
“Its going to start stinking baby”
“It already does” Jun chimes in.
“You think its a caterpillar?” Jun asks and your son nods.
“Its just rubbish, it goes into the dustbin, the toilet is the poop dustbin.” Jun tells his son.
After half and hour of discussion, your son was finally ready to let it go.
“Where is he learning all this?” Jun comments in general.
“Are you sure its not you?” You ask playfully.
“No wayyy!” He says clearly lying.
“You’re lucky we didn’t have to raise his poop”
→Kwon Hoshi
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"Appa, I'm going to fall, I'm going to fall" you 6 year old son, Ji ho screams at the top of his lungs. Both the tigers are very loud, it took you some time to get used to. You literally gave birth to a Soonyoung junior. They're too similar. So they clash a lot.
“I haven’t even let go, stop screaming”
“Appa appa!” The little boy screams and goes down the small hill at the park.
“Don’t look back, look ahead, you’re doing it”
“Im going to hate you if you let go!” Your son screams at your husband.
Knowing your husband, he definitely let go and you hear your sons screams again.
“Appa i hate you!”
“You’ll never learn if i don’t let go, you want me to hold the back all the way to school? Whats the point of riding?” Hoshi scolds him.
Your son comes running to where you were sitting and he takes his shoes off to sit on the blanket.
“Appa is not trust worthy”
“You’ll thank me one day!” Soonyoung says and plops himself next to you on the picnic blanket, putting his head on your lap.
Your son joins him and now the two boys were playfully fighting to keep their heads on your lap.
“She’s my mom!” Jiho tells his dad to grt off of you. All this makes you giggle.
“Shes my wife! Get your own wife!” Soonyoung tells him off playfully.
“Im 6!” Your son exclaims.
→ Jeon Wonwoo
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“See, now if I move my piece 4 places, I catch one of yours, so you take it back to your house” wonwoo explains to your 5 year old daughter.
She was suddenly on the verge of tears when her dad captured her piece in a game of ludo. She clearly hated losing.
“Appa is cheating!” She kicks her feet in annoyance.
“Thats the rules” Wonwoo says very logically defending himself from a 5 year old. It was hilarious to watch.
“She’s 5! Let her win” you say from the couch shile you watch the two cuties play ludo on your living room floor.
“She’s going to become a brat if I let her win” wonwoo comes back to you with more logic. Hes not wrong but once?
“Just let her win once!” You ask him again. He shakes his head.
“Come here, you and me, we’ll be one team” you say as you slide down the couch on to the floor.
Your daughter calms down a little while she sits on your lap. “Lets make daddy lose” she says and rolls the die again.
You very strategically play and capture 2 of wonwoos pieces in the next 3 rolls. Your daughter was happy now and wonwoo was stressed.
“Yes! We won! Daddy lost!” She sticks her tongue out at Wonwoo.
“See? This is what I meant” he says and bites his lower lip acting like he’s angry about the gesture.
You giggle at your cute husband.
→ Lee Jihoon
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“Im going to throw it now, eyes on the ball okay?” Jihoon tells his 6 year old daughter who is wearing a hand glove thats bigger than her face. It was cute to watch.
You could see them through the living room window where you sat to read a book.
Jihoon makes the first throw that goes over the little ones head.
Her eyes follow the ball like her dad asked her to.
“Its too high”
“Jump to catch it” he teaches her but she groans.
“Just throw me a ball I can catch”
“Jump jump” he repeats stubbornly throwing another ball over her head.
She hates running to get the ball. This time she makes it her mission to make her dad run and get the ball. She throws the ball full swing and it hits jihoon right where the sun don’t sun.
You burst out in laughter watching the love of your life fall to the ground and groan in pain.
“Thats it for the day” he says between the pain and finally gathers himself enough to come back to the living room.
“That was some revenge shot”
“Our daughter is very powerful” he says remembering the pain and almost wincing again just at the thought.
“Im sure she takes after you honey” you smile at him.
→ Xu Minghao
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Your younger daughter and your husband, Minghao, were standing in front of the bathroom mirror.
Minghao lost a bet yesterday about something silly and the punishment was to make your daughter hair. It was punishment because your daughter hated it when someone touches her hair or brushed it. It's a recent development. She would throw tantrums and it was just difficult.
It was minghao's first time touching her hair and he was visibly nervous too. He didn't want to hurt his little princess. Understandably.
"What do you want me to do today, princess?" he says hovering his hand over her hair, not sure where to put it.
"I don't want to!!" here it starts.
Minghao gets down to her level on his knees to talk to her. That's how he gets everyone. He has a way with words. A smooth talker you fell for.
"Why not?"
"It hurts"
"Daddy will do it softly, very very softly, and we stop the second you feel hurt okay?" he explains to her and try to touch her hair again.
He does it so softly like even the slightly touch would hurt his daughter.
"Ah" your daughter lets out a yell and Hao begins to inspect that area softly pushing hair away so he can see.
"Look, she has a rash"
she was not throwing a tantrum. She really was hurt, it made you feel horrible. you immediately apologise to her and bring some ointment for it.
"I'll brush it softly okay? so the knots are out" he tells her before he continues. She trusts him, you trust him.
You take some ointment out to put on her but she refuses.
"I want daddy to do it" she says and you nod understandingly.
He helps her with the ointment and your daughter finally has brushed hair. She hops away happily while you watch.
"I can't believe I missed it"
"It's normal, don't worry" he reassures you.
"This wasn't even punishment, she loves you doing her hair" you complain and he chuckles.
"Want me to do your hair?"
"Only if you do it as softly"
→ Kim Mingyu
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Kim mingyu, your husband of 5 years was working out in his work out room, he made a area attached to the living room a work out area so he didn't have to go to the gym, but occasionally still sometimes ends up going to socialise with friends while he exercises.
He had become much more of an exercise person once Bora was born cause he wanted to be as energetic with her as possible. He wasn't ready for his body giving up if he had to play with Bora or worse save her life.
You were passing by his work out area with the laundry basket but watching him working out your feet stopped and you ended up staring at him.
"What are you looking at?" his voice snaps you out of your staring.
He smirks and you throw a sock at him at shut him up. If you stared longer you would've drooled physically.
You watch Bora's little legs run to her dad.
"Hello, to you too!" you say sarcastically and playfully as your daughter ignored you. Bora found Mingyu's gym contraptions very fascinating. She might be into exercising too. She loves being active.
Bora climbs her dad and somehow gets to his shoulders. What a total monkey. Only her tail is missing.
He ends up doing chin ups with bora on his back, no idea how he is this strong, but you were glad that he is.
while you come back to the living room with dry clothes to fold you see mingyu doing push ups with Bora on the floor.
"You're too sweaty" she screams as Mingyu's seat drops on Bora who was under him, every time he came down he would shower bora with kisses as she counted.
It was the sweetest thing to watch.
"I'm done, you can stop staring"
oh the things you would do to wipe that smirk off his face, right now all you could do was throw a dry towel to his sweaty face.
→ Lee Dokyeom
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"What is this you do daddy?" the little girl asks her dad while he puts on multiple toner pads on his face.
Since it was a Sunday, dokyeom scattered all his skincare on the living room floor, ready with a bare face to pamper his.
"This is for my skin, so it's soft and pretty, like yours" he explains to her while she listens intently.
"My skin is soft and pretty?"
"of course it is, because you're a baby"
"I'm a big girl, I want to do this too" she whines a little. You overhear this conversation.
"should I cut you some cucumbers to put on your eyes?"
You take your child to the kitchen and she watches you cut some thin slices of cucumber, she was very excited. She ends up taking the plate to her dad rushing to be a part of this salon play.
You follow her out while she lays on the floor next to her dad. You sit by her feet and suddenly DK starts a salon skit.
"Hello Ma'am, what would you like today?"
"Cucumbers" she responds cutely.
DK places the cool cucumbers on her eyes that make her shiver.
"Would you also like a foot massage ma'am?" you ask her as you rub her feet. You hadn't done this since she was a little baby. It brought back memories and how much she had grown.
Your daughter, meanwhile is busy munching on the cucumber she's supposed to have over her eyes.
"Hey, are you just eating it!" DK scolds her playfully.
She giggles in response. Her giggles are the most adorable sound.
Between the massage and the cucumber facials, your daughter falls asleep in the middle of the both of you. DK slides his butt to sit next to you. You subconsciously put your head on his shoulder.
"She's growing up too fast, I don't like it"
"Wait for the day she says 'I don't need you' I'm going to start bawling my eyes out" DK says and a visual of him doing that dramatically flashes in your head that makes you giggle.
"I'll be right next to you probably also sobbing my eyes out" you mention and he gives you the sweetest smile.
→Boo Seungkwan
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Your husband was pacing back and forth with your 2 year old son in his arms trying to get him to go to bed. It was 11pm already, way past his bed time, but you just couldn't get him to sleep.
It had become practice that Seungkwan sings him a soft lullaby and some walking in his father's arms knocks him right out.
You saw him whispering a song and couldn't help but hum it yourself while you put away all the toys he played with today so they don't poke your feet in the morning.
Your humming perked his eyes and seungkwan gave you a side eye for waking his baby up, you mouth a sorry.
"Mommy's here?" you wakes up to find you. He never gets to see you in the night because you come home late from work.
He immediately wants to come to you, you take him for a second say hi give him some kisses and give him back to seungkwan, despite all his whining, sleepy whining.
You pat seungkwan's back as a 'best dad' pat and move on to the toys on the living room.
→Choi Vernon
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You were surrounded by paper and scissors and scrap paper. Your kindergarten going son, Derek had a project at school to make a jar full of cranes to bring to class.
Of course, a child's project is the whole house's project. Now, it was you, Vernon and Derek Sunday afternoon, making a jar full of cranes.
You were teaching Derek how to make a paper crane and the folds were too tough for a 3 year old.
Vernon folded one crane a little too big and filled the entire jar.
"Tada! We're done!" he announces clearly with so much space left.
Derek giggles. "No daddy, there is so much left"
"No look? It's all done, one big crane fits the jar, just tell your teacher that" he jokes with him.
It makes you giggle too.
You end up having a nice family bonding time when you do arts and crafts with Derek.
→Lee Chan
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“The same one?”
Your daughter nods.
Your daughter, 5, has been asking for the same story about the elephant and the ant for the 100th time. She only sleeps once shes heard that story.
Chan can recite that story in his sleep. Its the same thing over and over. Your daughter could finish his sentences at this point. Once the story was done, Chan tucks her in and turns the light off.
“How can I forget?” Chan pretends to gasp and showers your daughters face with kisses.
Your daughter wipes her face.
“Don’t do that, Im a big girl now”
“Okay okay” He says and shuts the door, it does break his heart a little bit.
He comes to you looking a little mopey.
“Is she in bed?” You ask your husband. “Yeah” he says and comes to cuddle you.
“She said she doesn’t want to be tucked in with kisses anymore” he mutters. You run your fingers through his hair. “She’s growing up a little too fast, I don’t like it” he pouts.
“She’ll always be your little girl” you tell him.
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cinnnamongrl · 1 year
college!ellie and innocent bsf!reader
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based on this request! [18+] MDNI as usual. ellie is in love with reader but this is pretty much just smut Lol<3 reader is ‘innocent’ but there’s no mention of past experience or lack of so it’s up for interpretation, one reference of readers hair going past her neck, strap referred to as ellie’s cock/dick, praise, some dacryphilia, edging, some degradation. (lmk if i missed anything!)
ellie had mixed feelings about being your best friend.
on one hand, it was the easiest thing in the world. you were thoughtful, kind, sweet, you always made the effort, always knew how to cheer her up, you would even do cute things like bake little cookies and leave them in her dorm every week. she was lucky to have you and she knew it.
but on the other hand, it was fucking torture. not because of how you were as a friend, of course not. more because of how pathetically hard ellie was pining over you. and the worst part was that you had no fucking clue. no clue how she felt. no clue that every time you would innocently rest your head against hers and cuddle up to her while you watched a movie her heart would beat a million beats per minute. no clue that she often spent more time watching you than the movie. no clue that every time you wore one of your pretty little skirts that barely cover your thighs she lost her fucking mind. no clue that after every single hookup, no matter the girl or how hot or interesting she was, after the deed was done ellie swiftly left their dorms to go and spend time with you (and didn’t stop thinking about you during, either). no clue that she only started dating cat to try and prove to herself that maybe she was just lonely and craved a relationship, that it wasn’t you specially that she wanted. and no clue about the real reason they broke up.
“that’s the second fucking time this has happened, ellie! doing it once is one thing but twice? we’re fucking done.” cat screamed from across her dorm. “it was an accident i just- she was on my mind because i’m seeing her later.” ellie spoke back, voice calmer than cat’s. “that’s the fucking problem isn’t it! you’re seeing her later when you could be spending time with your girlfriend. and even when you’re with me, you’re thinking about her!”. ellie sighed, “it’s not like that. she’s my best friend-“ “you said her fucking name while you were having sex with me, ellie! just- go. we’re over.”
ellie felt guilty about it, she really did. but not as guilty as she felt having to lie to you about the reason for the breakup. and no where near as guilty as she felt for the way her clit pumped in her boxers when your tits pressed into hers as you gave her a sympathy hug. “‘m sorry els.” you spoke gently with a little pout on your lips that she wanted to kiss right off you.
truthfully, although you felt bad, you weren’t really sorry they’d broken up. you didn’t like cat. you couldn’t really say why; she was pretty funny, you guess she was kind of cool, and she seemed to really like ellie. but maybe that was the problem. she would drape her hands over ellie, she would kiss ellie’s cheek, she would hug ellie. hug your ellie. so you couldn’t help but feel a little bit happy that now you didn’t have to share her anymore. that’s how everyone felt about their best friend right?
ellie really did feel like a perv when she started to have feelings for you. it was like you were trying to tease her, despite her being sure you had no idea of the effect you had.
“is this dress too short d’you think?” you asked her, craning your neck to look behind you into the big mirror in the tiny dressing room you’d dragged her into. “uh- no it’s fine” she murmured. “yeah but look, if i-“ you bent over slightly and the dress rode up even further, barely covering your ass, and you analysed your reflection “-do that, isn’t it a little too… revealing” no matter how hard she tried couldn’t tear her eyes from you, couldn’t rid herself of the mental image of your hands smudging the mirror as she fucked you from behind, watching your pretty face in the reflection, grasping a hand over your mouth to keep you quiet. “uh i guess it’s pretty short but you um- look good” you smiled big and stood up straight “thanks els.”
it also didn’t help that you were so fucking tactile. holding her hand when you walked to places together, cuddling up to her when you were both chilling on her bed. the first time you put your head on her lap while you watched tv she very nearly audibly groaned.
and god was it hard when you were stressed out. it’s like you became 10x as touchy, practically using her as a stress toy; squeezing her hand, arms, and laying your body across her lap as you ranted about the professor you hated or that upcoming deadline. and she did half of what she wanted to do; she stroked your hair, comforted you with her words, sometimes took you out for ice cream to distract you (which she realised the first time was a grave fucking mistake as soon as she was forced to keep her composure while she watched your tongue swipe agonisingly slow up your cone to collect a sweet vanilla droplet that was travelling towards your hand, and then grin all cute at her like you hadn’t just made her boxers damp). and the other half that she wanted to do but couldn’t? carry you to her bed, undress you all sweet and slow, and then fuck every last inch of stress out of you until the only thing your mind could possibly think about was her and the way she was making you feel.
but none of those moments of temptation and pining rivalled the fiery jealously ellie felt exactly 1 week ago when you told her that a girl from your class had asked you on a date. ellie pretended she didn’t care; what reason could she possibly give for not wanting you to go on a date with a perfectly nice girl. she was always telling you you needed to get some. a stupid part of her brain thought that teasing you like that would cover up that she wanted to be the one to give you some. and an even stupider part of her brain thought maybe if she teased you about it enough that you’d snap and beg her, your more experienced and caring best friend, to take care of you.
secretly, you didn’t really care much about this date, or the girl. she was pretty, but not really your type, and you didn’t really seem to have much of an interest in dating. you weren’t sure why, but a part of you wished ellie told you not to go. you couldn’t understand why “cool. you should go if you want.” made your smile drop slightly and heart feel flat. she was being supportive like any best friend would so why did you feel disappointed? regardless, someone nice wanted to take you out, so you thought ‘why not?’
tonight was the date ellie had been dreading for a very long 7 days. her eyes were following you round your dorm room as you moved from corner to corner scrambling for hair clips, shoes, a jacket, all while a foamy toothbrush stuck out the side of your mouth.
“els help me find that necklace you bought me. the one with the sun on it.” you spoke, words muffled and hands ruffling through your makeup bag. “you’re gonna wear the necklace i bought you?” you looked up “yeah, why not?”. ellie crossed her arms. she had no defence. she just hated the fact that you would be wearing the necklace she bought you for your birthday last year on a date with someone else. “it’s my favourite!” you chirped.
ellie watched for a little longer, making no effort to look for your necklace, manspreading on the edge of your bed. you hated when she did that. it made your tummy feel all funny and squirmy.
“finally!” you spoke suddenly after a few minutes of searching, turning to her with the necklace dangling from your fingers. ellie raised her eyebrows in faux enthusiasm. you weren’t stupid, you sensed she was a little off since you’d been getting ready. “you ok els?” she shuffled a little on your bed “yeah, why wouldn’t i be?”. you walked a little closer to her, “do you not think i should go on this date?” you asked. ellie’s mind flooded with say yes say yes say yes “no-“ she spoke “no- you should go if you want.” seriously? but what excuse did she have anyway? please don’t go on a date with a perfectly nice girl because i’m desperately in love with you and the thought of you with someone else makes me want to rip my heart out. whatever, she just hoped the date sucked. “oh ok.” you replied, a little flatly. did you- want her to say yes? ellie thought. there were a few seconds of silence that hung in the air.
you turned the other way and stood still, “can you do me up?” ellie stayed still, confusion evident in her voice “what?” you turned your head to look at her “my necklace!” “oh-“ ellie stood from your bed and stopped when she was standing facing your back. your hair fell past your neck, covering the back of the necklace, so ellie gently gathered it and laid it to one side over your shoulder. her movements were slow. lingering. almost like it was an effort to take her hand away. her fingers grazing your neck made little tingles gather at your skin which you hoped she couldn’t read from you. ellie always made you feel these weird pleasurable little buzzes when she touched you or looked at you in certain ways, but right now it was heightened, making it harder to ignore, harder to convince yourself they were normal things to feel around your best friend. she moved a step closer as she picked up the two ends of your necklace to attach them. she was close now, her chest almost pressing up against your back.
ellie knew she was treading the line, she allowed her fingers to linger for a few seconds too long as she helped you but she couldn’t help it. it was as if it was her last chance to touch you in case the date went well. she attached the two pieces together and let go of the chain, not moving from her place behind you. she let out a slow breath and it met your neck. you shivered. you hoped she didn’t notice.
she did. her eyes watched you; you were still, apart from the slight movement of your shoulders from breathing a little heavier. ellie’s lowered her voice to a whisper, “you shivered”. you didn’t turn back around. didn’t want her to see you flustered, see your chest rising and falling a little more rapidly and your heart beating quickly. “‘i’m cold” you lied. “yeah?” she questioned, unconvinced. “it’s july.” she added, voice low in your ear. a small sound left your throat, and she chuckled at you. “y’look so pretty. she’s a lucky girl.” you mumbled a ‘thanks’ and she moved both hands to let her fingers stoke alongside the straps of your dress and then slowly down the side of your ribs. “gotta be careful though. you almost look too good… wouldn’t want her getting the wrong idea” you stayed silent. “hm, pretty girl?”. you swallowed, “mm” you managed back. what the hell was she doing to you? something had switched; you were always touchy with each other but this was different; it felt like she knew something about you that you didn’t even know yourself. all the attention and her soft condescending tone was making your head spin.
“you nervous for the date?” ellie asked. a small “mhm” passed your lips. another lie. you weren’t nervous, you just didn’t want to go. ellie tutted a little insincerely “why?” and now her hands were on your sides, thumbs stoking up and down, increasing the nervous tingly buzz through your body. “you don’t wanna go?” you hesitated for a moment and then shook your head. “w-wanna stay here with you” you admitted. she dipped her head down to the curve that meets your neck and your shoulder and she kissed the skin there. “why’s that?” her hands were moving to your hips, she was letting them roam a little, treading that line even further with every inch closer to your thighs. you squeezed your eyes shut, your body felt like it was on fire and you equally hated and loved how weak she was making you feel right now. “cause y-you’re my best friend” you replied weakly. she chuckled again. “best friends don’t make you feel the way people you date do.” a boldness had seemed to ignite in her, sparked by her sudden realization that although you couldn’t see what you did to her, she made you nervous. and ellie had been with enough girls to read the signs when someone is fucking turned on. and that, you were.
her voice was low in your ear, tone darker, “best friends don’t make you nervous.” your eyes remained shut. ellie removed a hand from your hip and ran a finger up the skin your inner arm, bringing goosebumps to the surface. “best friends don’t make you feel all tingly” before you could make up your mind whether to defend yourself or completely give in to her, her hands were back on your hips and she pressed herself against you. your head fell back slightly onto her shoulder. “best friends…” she dipped a hand under your dress and cupped a hand around your clothed cunt “…don’t make you wet”
you whimpered, and reached your hand back to grip onto hers, keeping yourself steady. “els” you whined. she ran a finger over the damp fabric and you whimpered again when it reached your clit. “isn’t that right?”. you nodded, managing a quiet “mhm”. she moved your panties to the side, sliding two fingers through your wetness “who’s this for, hm? who got you this messy?” she taunted. “you” you whispered back, barely audible. “that’s right. y’think your little date could get you wet like this?” god she was mean. she knows. she knows about your secret feelings you’re not even sure you understand yourself. you wonder if she knows the extent. that she makes your head swim whenever she calls you calls you pretty, that you spend endless nights pathetically humping your pillow desperately pushing down thoughts of her trying to convince yourself she was popping up because you just spent so much time together. what you don’t know is that she only figured all this out 3 fucking minutes ago.
you shook you head “just you els”. she tutted mockingly “poor baby. you need me to take care of you?” she continued to let her fingers rub through your folds, “please”. she tapped your hip “turn around, i wanna see your pretty face” you turned, shyness forcing your head to face down to avoid her eyes. ellie grabbed your chin to lift your face up and she kissed you. you moaned into it and a groan escaped her throat at hearing you. your date was long fucking forgotten. “y’sure you want this?” “yes els, please.” she smiled at your desperation and picked you up, your legs instinctively wrapping around her. she pressed you down onto the bed, her hips snug against yours.
not even 5 minutes later you were stripped bare, little whimpers and moans tumbling from your lips as she worked her mouth on you. every time you got close she stopped to place little kisses on your inner thighs, obsessed with seeing you huff in desperation. “elliiieeee” you’d whine and she’d shush you as soon as her mouth was back on your clit. after your third orgasm she finally drew her mouth from you. she moved her face back up to yours and kissed you, sloppily mixing her saliva with yours.
after that, the two of you barely left each others beds all day. ellie was even more feral than she’d been before, something she didn’t realize was possible. when you were in class? she was texting you shit like ‘wanna taste u again‘ knowing you’d be scrambling to turn your brightness down. and as soon as class was over and you knocked on her door? she was dragging you in, caging you in against the wall and pushing your skirt up.
and it wasn’t too long until she finally got to make use of that strap she’d never even opened (despite not believing her feelings would ever be reciprocated, she’d bought it with only one person in mind, and she just couldn’t bring herself to use it with anyone else that wasn’t that one person…)
she was hovered over you, dragging the silicone cock up and down your slit at an agonising pace, teasing little sounds from you. “you sure you can take it?” she teased. “mhm, i can take you, promise” fuck, you were killing her. she filled you slowly, letting you get used to her size. “more” you near-whispered, eyes squeezed shut from embarrassment. “hey- eyes on me,” she instructed, and you let your eyes fall onto her “you want more?”. you nodded, “please”. ellie pecked your lips and started to move her hips, her cock dragging against your walls making your mouth fall open. ellie was watching you, eyes full of lust and something more. “so so good for me. so pretty” she cooed. your head was already going fuzzy, she’d always made your heart feel fluttery when she praised you but like this, it was a whole different story. she was deep, filling you completely and then nearly pulling out again, making you feel so full in the most perfect way. she snaked a hand under your head and lifted it slightly so you were looking at where your bodies connected “look at that,” she breathed, “taking me so well”. a moan escaped your throat as you watched her cock disappear in and out of you.
despite the desperation pawing at her skin to fuck you stupid as soon as her strap was inside you, she decided she would rather drag it out… get you desperate, pleading, hear your needy little whines, see your eyebrows drawn together in that adorable little expression that screams “please fuck me faster ellie” and when she finally did, she was still dragging it out, being so mean and not letting you cum. after 20 minutes of the same routine of giving you exactly what you wanted and then slowing down again when you got close, you didn’t even notice your eyes filling up with tears, and the pathetic begs coming from your mouth skipped past the filter that usually would’ve caught them before they were spoken.
“please ellie, please. wanna cum so bad” she pouted down at you as she wiped a tear that had rolled down your cheek “you crying baby? you wanna cum that bad?” you nodded your head frantically, blinking the tears away. she tilted her head to the side, “i might not let you- you look so pretty like this”. a strangled whine left you at her threat. but she picked up her pace again, and only a few minutes later you were almost reaching your peak again and this time she was nice. so so nice. as you started to reach your climax she kissed you. you gripped her tightly and your body started to shake as she groaned into your mouth “that’s right. come for me, pretty girl”.
ellie thought missionary would always be her favourite; she wanted to be able to see your face twisted in pleasure, to have your neck, your tits, your stomach right in view on display for her… but the first time you let her hit it from the back? it was like it released something feral inside of her, and she was suddenly spilling everything she’d been keeping inside for so long.
“god, you know how fucking hard it was for me? when you’d walk around in those tiny fucking skirts? cute little ass almost showing-“ she was rambling, words falling out of her mouth as she fucked you, your ass arched up and her hands gripping your hips as she drove into you hard “made it so hard for me not to bend you over and make you take it.” you clenched around the plastic at her words “mmgh you- you should have.” you managed in broken breaths, both of you too drunk on each other to really process what you were saying. “yeah, you woulda liked that? filthy little thing. bet you did it on purpose, huh? wore those little clothes cause you wanted me to snap and finally fuck you like a little slut?” your breathing was all over the place, practically panting as your head went fuzzy from her words. “mhm” you mumbled. ellie was close herself, the harness rubbing deliciously against her clit as she fucked you, mind fuzzy with the idea of coming with you. “rub your clit for me, angel” she spoke “wanna see you cum all over my dick”. you obeyed, lifting a hand to rub little circles on your swollen bud, intensifying the pleasure by tenfold and brining you even closer to your release. it wasn’t long until the pleasure was all-consuming, your eyes rolling back as she fucked you through your orgasm. before you could come down from it she was reaching her own a few seconds later, her pretty mouth hung open in pleasure and hands still gripping your hips tight.
a few minutes later you were both laid beside each other, limbs crossing and bodies sticky with heat as your breathing started to return to normal. “was that all true? was it really that hard to be around me?” you giggled. ellie snorted “yeah, to be honest. drove me fucking crazy” she smiled at you teasingly, “you’re still hard to be around”. your eyebrows raised “in a good way?” ellie let out a small laugh, “yeah in a good way. in a ‘how can you walk around looking that beautiful and expect me not to wanna kiss your face off in front of the entire lecture hall’ way”. you giggled, “that’s so sweet”. she smirked at you, “and then have your legs held up on my shoulders as i ea-” “ellie!” you shoved her playfully, embarrassment returning in your post-sex come down. she laughed out loud “don’t get all shy on me now! did you hear yourself 10 minutes ago?” she teased. you twisted your body the other way to hide your face but she grabbed you, holding you down and ignoring your giggly pleas, nipping little kisses all over your face and neck.
it didn’t take long for your laughter and playful teases to settle and sleepiness to overtake. and both of you always slept well like this; curled up tightly against each other, completely still apart from rising chests and a hand tracing little circles on a leg or stomach. and now a slight movement from your hips that accidentally pushed into ellie in a not-so-innocent way, or a sweet sleepy sigh that makes her heart flutter, didn’t interrupt her sleep with racing thoughts of guilt and confusion- now they simply lulled her into contented rest, knowing that you were all hers.
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misscinnamonroll16 · 9 months
Don't mind me, just have trolls brain rot. Here are some of my headcanons
Jd and Floyd are both left handed, clay is right handed, Bruce and Branch could either way for me.
Clay was an absolutely FERAL child. No filter, bad ideas left and right, a little chaos gremlin. Boy should have been put on a leash.
Clay was also a creepy kid. Hed stare into JD and Bruce's souls in the middle of the night.
It probably goes without saying but Floyd was a crybaby. Especially when he was a baby.
Jd knows how to do magic tricks. It was a dumb skill that he learned to entertain his lil bros. But when they got older they started to think it was lame so he stopped. He still uses it when he encountered a kid on his travels
Clay once pulled one of Floyd's baby teeth out to get the quarter that the tooth fairy would leave
Until the band broke up, JD was the only one who knew how to cook.
Clay is great at math (thus why he's a CPA). So when they were still in school, Bruce and JD tried to get clay to do their math hw for them.
There were times when JD and Bruce ganged up on the younger ones and told them lies. Some of which being: they have a long lost brother, anything to do with Santa,the tooth fairy, or monsters and that you can buy babies from a special store (clay was on sale)
Johns go to greeting now that they're older is a smack on the butt for his bros
John still tries to pick up his brothers despite the fact that they are grown ass adults. Floyd's the easiest to pick up, then Branch then clay then Bruce.
Before branch, Floyd was closest to john
Jd and Bruce knew Floyd was gay before Floyd knew he was gay. They made jokes about it that went over the younger twos heads
When Floyd got into makeup, he looked like every little girl who got into her mom's makeup. Bruce caught him and helped him out the best he could despite the fact he had no idea what he was doing
Clay and Floyd also ganged up on the older two. Pranks and generally annoying younger sibling stuff.
Brandy is an only child, Bruce is not. So when their kids do something that their father did as a child, he knows what's up. Example: one or more of them put on a "show" to distract their parents while the others steal cookies out of the cookie jar. Bruce immediately knew something was up and called them out on it
That's it for now
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delulu-baddie · 1 month
Between Sister and Heart
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Summary: You begin to question your morals after getting into a relationship with your sisters ex Caitlin.
Pairing: Caitlin Clark x Reader
Warnings: Cheating and a few curse words
A/N:  I’m getting ready to go back to school so lifes been kind of hectic, but this is going to be a multi part series. As always thank you guys so much for reading and all of the love on my past projects. Lastly, make sure to send in some requests so that I can give you guys stories that you want to read. <3
You knew it was wrong and you should've stopped this a while ago. You two are going to cause so much hurt to someone that you love, but something about Caitlin made all of your morals go out the window. 
Caitlin and your sister Audrey had been together for the past two years and while you weren’t exactly fond of her in the beginning, you grew to like her, which turned into a great friendship, and you should have stopped there but didn’t. As time went on your feelings for the girl began to grow and for a while you were able to keep them to yourself, until you werent. 
9 Months Ago
Tonight one of Caitlins teammates was planning on throwing a party to commemorate the beginning of the new school year. Your sister is a STEM major, and has always taken her academics seriously, putting school work before anything else. You on the other hand were the opposite. You had a pretty easy major, probably one of the easiest your school has to offer. You liked going out to drink with friends, and going on random adventures, even when you knew you should be at home finishing assignments. Caitlin had always liked that about you. Typically when Audrey would tend to flake on certain events whenever she had a big assignment or a test coming up which ultimately was the reason she decided to start hanging out with you more, and tonight was no different.
Caitlin had let your sister know about Kate's party weeks ago, and while she didn’t give a definite ‘yes’, it still surprised Caitlin when she got a text saying she wasn’t going to be able to go because one of Audreys professors had already scheduled a test coming up in a week. Audrey knew her girlfriend hated going places alone when she planned on drinking so she urged Caitlin to ask you to go to her place. But what she didn’t know was that her girlfriend was happy that she had told her to ask you to go in her place. 
You had just finished up an assignment for your math class and heard a notification from your phone, quickly checking it and seeing a text from Caitlin.
                                            CC <3
CC <3
hey, ik this is totally last minute but your sister bailed on 
me and i need someone to come with me to my friends
party tn. so could you be the most perfect friend ever
and come with me. I’ll buy you crumbl cookie!
wow… glad to know im a
scapegoat. :’(
CC <3
omg you're right that sounds so insensitive, im sorry!
you don’t have to go, im sure you already have plans
for the night, i just figured id ask.
          chill clark, you had me at crumbl
what time do i need to be ready??
CC <3
in like two hours, you can come over to mines
to get ready if you want
okay, ill be there in like 30. im
going to shower rq
CC <3
tysm! you're an angel!!!
You quickly take a shower and start getting your stuff together running back and forth between yours and your sister's closets trying to piece together an outfit. Once you come up with an outfit you deemed appropriate for a house party you say goodbye to your sister before making your way to Catlins. 
The drive is short since she only lives about ten minutes away, but you still rush out seeing as you have a little over an hour to get your hair and makeup done. You make your way to her front door and knock before its swiftly opened by a smiling Caitlin.
“Well if it isn't the life saver herself” She says bringing you into a hug.
You giggle at the comment before responding “Life saver or scapegoat?”
“Okay you know I love you and that I hate making plans with people at the last minute. It's not personal.” she says, rolling her eyes playfully and walking back towards her room to finish getting ready.
You follow the tall girl deeper into the apartment before making your way into the bathroom next to her and laying out all of your hair tools. After about half an hour you finally finish your hair and quickly do your makeup and get dressed so you two can pregame a bit before calling the uber and heading to Kate’s. 
About an hour into the party, it's pretty safe to say the two of you were plastered, however, even with the level of drunkenness you were at, you could tell Caitlin was being a lot clingier than usual. She was constantly wanting to be near you, holding your hand, even going as far to have you sit on her lap when all of the seats got taken during a group game sesh. At first you thought that she was so drunk that she was confusing you with your sister. That was until she pulled you out onto the balcony when she wanted some fresh air. 
The two of you just sat in silence, focusing on the trees blowing in the wind and the occasional late drivers passing by. After about ten minutes you felt her place her hand on your thigh. You hated to admit that you felt butterflies in your stomach at all of the little touches of affection she was showing you tonight, but you knew it was wrong and decided to correct her on it before things got too far. 
“Caitlin, this isn’t right, and maybe i'm reading into this too much and you're just too drunk to realize that i'm not Audrey, but this can't happen” you say, sliding her hand off your thigh, breaking the silence.
“I know exactly who you are,” she says, grabbing your hand from off your lap. “You’re the girl who will drop anything to come help me out with something,even when you know you have other things you should be focusing on. The girl who comes to all of my games so that I know I have someone personal there for me because her sister who i'm with refuses to put her disliking for the sport aside to come support me. You’re the girl I'm in love with, and I can't, no I refuse to go another day without telling you.” She rants. “And don't tell me that you don't feel the same because I know you do. I feel the way your heart starts to race every time i hug you. I see how you look away every time your sister and I share some sort of affection. I need you to tell me so that I don’t feel stupid for telling you this right now” she finishes now facing you completely, staring at your eyes desperately waiting for an answer.
You were quiet for a minute, however that felt like hours for the girl standing in front of you. She had just poured her heart out confessing her love to the sister of the girl she was dating. While you sat trying to process what was just said to you, Caitlin was freaking out internally hoping that she didn’t just fuck up her chances of ever speaking to you again. You finally decide to respond to the girl, but it wasn’t what she was expecting to hear as a response. 
“I think we should leave, it’s getting late and my sister is probably waiting for me to get back home.” you say, before walking back into the house to say your goodbyes to everyone and calling an uber back to Caitlins so that you can retrieve your stuff and head back to your place. 
Caitlin stood there in shock, she couldn’t believe that that was all you had to say. She had just let her guard down to tell you how she truly felt about you, and your only concern was the time and your sister sitting at home. She soon walks back into the party to say her goodbyes as well before following you out the door to get into the uber you had ordered a few minutes ago. Her teammates had noticed the change in demeanor between the two of you from when you went outside to when you came back in, but everyone decided it was best not to bring it up at the moment. The ride back to her place was quiet. Caitlin was hoping that you would say something, occasionally looking over at you, but you didn’t. You just stayed quiet, fiddling with your fingers and staring out the window for the whole 15 minute drive.
Once you guys had finally arrived back at her place, you begin getting all of your stuff together, mentally scolding yourself for not telling your true feelings to the girl. You could tell that she was angry at you for it, and it broke your heart, but she's your sister's girlfriend and you would never want to hurt Audrey even if that meant causing hurt to yourself. You finish grabbing all of your stuff and tell Caitlin you're going to head out before she stops you. 
“Look, I know you don't want to be around me right now, but Audrey would never forgive me if I let you drive home knowing that you had been drinking. Just stay the night here and you can leave in the morning, I'll just sleep on the couch.” She says looking everywhere but at you. 
“I’m fine, I promise. I can drive back home, I don't want to intrude.” you say looking down at the floor. 
“You could never intrude, if anything your absence would annoy me more.” she says, grabbing your chin to make you look at her.
Staring into her brown eyes made your heart melt. You were so in love with her and you didn’t want to fight it anymore. Before you could think twice you grab her face, pulling her into a kiss. It caught the girl off guard, but she quickly melted into it, placing her hands onto your waist pulling you in closer. The kiss was what you had been wanting to do for the past five months.  What you didn’t know was that she had been wanting to do it since the first time she laid eyes on you. The two of you eventually pull apart just looking at one another smiling. This felt right.
“Does that mean what I think it means?” she asks with a slight smirk on her lips.
“Yes Clark, that was my way of saying I love you too” you respond rolling your eyes but failing to hide the smile creeping up on your face. “But we have to do this the right way. If you want to be with me, you have to end things with my sister, I don't want to be the other woman.” you say sternly.
She swiftly brings you into a hug and whispers “For you, i'd do anything.”
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demonic0angel · 1 month
Haunted Paintings Sketches!
Part one
I hope you enjoy the sketches I made of the paintings!
Also! You’re free to use my ideas (please give credit ofc) if you’d like, bc I REALLY don’t think I’ll write this one, no matter how much I want to. It’s just too much and I’ve already got 3 unfinished fics and several other series to write for. If you have any questions, feel free to ask or send me a submission! You can also DM if you’d like!
TW: mentions of suicide, murder, depression, mental illness, just really dark, creepy stuff bc these are haunted paintings and they torment people :/ no scary drawings tho! I only described them (click for clarity)
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Description: Jazz is sitting at a table in the middle of a flower garden with a book in one hand and a teacup in the other. She looks tranquil and is dressed formally. On the table are a few plates, a plate of cookies, a bookmark, an opened envelope and a bloody butter knife, and a teapot that is slightly out of view.
Use of mediums: gouache paint, watercolor, and pencils
Focus: Jazz amidst the flowers
• The Queen of Hearts from “Alice in Wonderland”
• Galna from “Mairimashita! Iruma-kun”
Location: She used to be in the home of a random crime lord in Gotham for intimidation purposes. She was kept in the crime lord’s office before being relocated into Wayne Manor, where she sits in the hall across from the library.
Extra facts:
+ Her scary form would be one where her tea is filled with blood and the roses would be replaced with decapitated heads. The sky would turn dark red and the ground would be a pool of blood. Jazz would smile and look at the viewer with shark-like fangs and hollowed out eyes.
+ The tea she drinks is Darjeeling and the cookies are chocolate chip.
+ Although Jazz is the weakest painting, her effects are deadlier, more painful, and longer lasting than the others if her victims survive.
+ She causes paranoia and dizzy spells. Her effects are rather weak compared to the others, but when spending enough time with her, victims can also display symptoms of scurvy, which cannot be cured.
+ She was the first one I drew and also the easiest to plan. I just love her so much, she’s one of my comfort characters so it’s not hard for me to find ideas for her 😭
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Description: Valerie stands in the middle of a dark, foggy forest, wearing a long dress and pressed close to a tree as if she is about to hide behind it. A branch covers her face and the trees around her curve into a circle with multiple holes within them. There is a Fenton thermos in the background on the floor and an axe in front of Valerie, sticking into the tree and oozing something.
Use of mediums: pencils and watercolor paint
Focus: Her hidden face
• The Son of Man by René Magritte
• The Beast from “Over the Garden Wall”
Location: She was kept in the back of an art museum, but the director has been hoping for someone to buy her and get rid of her, since he cannot handle the strain of having her inside of the gallery. Now she stands near the door to the entrance of Wayne Manor, a silent and deadly sentry.
Extra facts:
+ Her scary form would have her surroundings to turned into the entrance to a mouth or an intestine, red, fleshy, and bloody. There would be bones littering the floor everywhere and Valerie herself would become bloody and stained, with her face still hidden. Tortured faces would be seen through the fog.
+ The holes on the trees sometimes leak a mysterious substance.
+ Valerie is not the weakest, but she is not that powerful. However, she does amplify the others’ effects to fatal degrees.
+ She causes paranoia and auditory hallucinations, often causing her victims to feel as though they are being watched relentlessly, which cannot go away. Eventually, her victims will shut themselves into their rooms and starve to death from the fear.
+ She and Tucker had switched ideas, but I had to trash them. I never got the opportunity to draw those ideas because I struggled so much with Tucker that when I eventually got inspiration for Valerie, I just went with it. I’m quite happy with Valerie’s portrait now.
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Description: Dani, dressed formally, sits at the head of a table with a large painting and curtains behind her. She holds a fork and a knife over a pig head. Her gaze is downward and she looks like she’s frowning softly. The dinner table is messy with three other dishes and a knocked over bottle of wine.
Use of mediums: oil paint and oil pastels
Focus: Dani holding the fork and knife
• Rosie’s Tea Party by Mark Ryden
• “Spirited Away” (specifically that one scene where Chihiro’s parents eat the food)
Location: She was hidden by Vlad and kept safe with him. He keeps her in his office, where he can watch her. He only recently found her again, and he was determined to watch over her. Now she stays in the Wayne Manor's dining room, but often changes her position to be next to everyone else in the bedroom hallway.
Extra facts:
+ Her scary form would be one where all of her food dishes would be replaced by very obviously human parts, especially with the pig head becoming a human head. The curtains would turn to blood dripping down the wall and Dani would be smiling, taking a direct bite of the human head that was in front of her with her fork and knife.
+ The dishes she eats in the painting are: pig head, vulture thigh, lamprey eels, and sheep brain.
+ Her at the dining table is meant to signify greed and gluttony, 2 of the most simplest sins.
+ She causes great feelings of hunger and paranoia in others. When spending too much time with her, some victims turn to self-cannibalism to sate their never ending starvation.
+ Originally, both her and Dan’s ideas were switched, so Dan would’ve been the one feasting and Dani would’ve been the one looking at her reflection. However, I switched them around because I felt like it would’ve been spookier. I even finished the drawing with Dan and everything, but then I just erased him and drew in Dani 😓
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Description: Dan is standing in front of a mirror, glancing behind his shoulder, while his reflection shows something different: him looking at everyone else and the door behind him by looking at the mirror. The party guests are all wearing masks and there are chandeliers on the ceiling. The party looks vaguely fancy, but messy with secrets.
Use of mediums: Oil paints
Focus: His reflection
• Jeff Lee Johnson and his art
Location: He was kept in a locked safe within a rich person’s house in Italy. He had to been wrecking havoc on the nerves of everyone around him, but he is now safe and happy in Wayne Manor, where he is kept in the office to the entrance of the Batcave.
Extra facts:
+ His scary form would have all of the party guests dead, but their eyes would face the viewer. Dan's reflection would also be dead, but his actual self would be the same, only with an eerie smile as his eyes follow the viewer. In the doorway would be the figure of Danny. Blood would cover the entire floor and walls, but nobody would react to it.
+ Dan keeps his own masquerade mask in his pocket.
+ The woman who is directly staring at him is supposed to look like Maddie.
+ He causes viewers intense mood swings and long, often violent mania episodes or mind-numbing depression episodes. Those who keep staring at him will gain the feeling of being watched and haunted, often with visual hallucinations, resulting in losing their mind from fear and then killing others in their terror and panic.
+ I tried so hard to make Dan as handsome as possible. I think I pulled it off bc I’m a little bit in love with him ong, but I also kinda have to be bc I draw him so often
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Description: Tucker is in the back shot of a desert, with his back towards the viewer, staring at a large skeleton that is seemingly climbing over a large sand dune. The skeleton has flowers in its eyes, and its hand reaches over the horizon. There is a single sun in the sky and an arm holding a pocket watch sticks out of the sand close to the viewer.
Use of mediums: gouache paint, pens, and pencils
Focus: The large skull
• JT Music (specifically their JT album covers)
• The Giant God Warrior from “Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind”
• “Dune”
Location: He was originally kept in one of the rooms within the GIW headquarters. Now, he is kept within Wayne Manor, and stays in the theater room, where he whispers to the Wayne residents what movies he wants to watch. Sometimes, he moves to the garage.
Extra facts:
+ His scary form is one where the skull becomes covered in meat and flesh, oozing blood and tar while the sand turns red. The scene turns to darkness, and more limbs would sprout from the ground. Tucker would be nothing but a pile of flayed skin, crumpled into the sand.
+ GIW agents were unable to experiment on him, since he would purposefully cause machinery to misfire and slowly corrode his surroundings.
+ His painting is meant to be a little comic book-esque with one of his mediums being ink, but I felt like that wouldn’t be a PAINTing, so nvm
+ He causes visual hallucinations, hypovolemia, headaches, blindness, and osteoporosis :). Often, when his victims are autopsied, sand and salt can be found within all of their organs. He emits so much radiation that he can wear down the materials of the place he is stored in.
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Description: Sam stands on top of a small, grassy hill with a path leading to a grave and an angel statue on top of it, close enough that she is blocking it. Around the hill are pomegranate trees and hanging corpses. There is no sun, but there are clouds as Sam stands with her back to the viewers in a long goth-styled dress.
Use of mediums: paper, glue, acrylic paint
Focus: Her standing on the hill
• This Reddit picture of a liminal garden
• A mix of weirdcore and dreamcore aesthetics
Location: She was tossed into the ocean by her parents when they first saw her, but she later washed up on an island and now the animals and plants there act erratically and strangely. Finally, she was relocated to Wayne Manor, where she hangs on a wall within the greenhouse, happily watching over the plants there.
Extra facts:
+ Her scary form would be one where eyes would replace all of the pomegranates, staring at the viewer. The paper used to make her would become flesh textured and bloody, and Sam would appear abnormal, broken into pieces and cracked, turning around and smiling at the viewer with shark-like teeth. The grass would become hairy skin and the sky would become red, with swirls and more eyes.
+ Sam's "painting" is actually made of mostly paper, since it is a collage. It is a bit touched up by paint and all of the materials used are vegan and ethically sourced, though they do change.
+ The flora and fauna in the island she landed on have mutated so much that they’re basically mindless. They protect Sam relentlessly.
+ She causes general insanity and relentless symptoms in her victims, such as paranoia, intense episodes of mania and depression, itchiness that can result in self harm, and violent, unexplained behavior in animals and plants. She also emits so much radiation that she can cause sporadic DNA mutations, resulting in several forms of cancer and mental instability, often resulting in victims becoming inhuman and monstrous forms of themselves.
+ Originally, Sam’s portrait was supposed to be in a garden, but I wanted it more “liminal space” themed, and I think I got it right. I think it’s really simple, but I also feel like if I was able to create it in real life, it would be more interesting because it is a collage of paper and paint.
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Description: a picture of black blotches and scribbles with muddy and red stains. Any features besides the ornate frame is hidden underneath the stains.
Use of mediums: pencils, ink, charcoal, tar, blood
Focus: His crying
• SCP-035 (“The Possessive Mask”)
• The Anguished Man by an unknown artist (it’s a haunted irl painting!)
• Bendy and the Ink Machine
Location: He was cloning himself in order to jump through universes to find his family. In the current universe, he was with the League of Shadows before he was found and brought back to the Wayne Manor. He is in the hallway with the bedrooms of the Wayne residents.
Extra facts:
+ His scary form is technically his normal form because he cannot turn it off. Once he is happy again, his normal form would be one with him and his family, smiling and happy. Until then, he haunts the minds of others and ravages their sanity.
+ He’s been traveling all over the multiverse in order to find his family. Coincidentally, they’ve all been in the same world for some time.
+ He screams all day and night for his family. It’s so bad that Danny has destroyed thousands of worlds in his grief.
+ He causes the worst of all symptoms, often causing the viewers who look at him to go insane and kill themselves or others, even if it is only a few seconds. Even those who stay in the same room next door to him are consumed with suicidal thoughts and intense moments of psychosis. Those who have survived encountering him and have some semblance of mind left say that he “cries” relentlessly. His paintings leak a black substance that corrodes the place around him.
+ Literally all I did for this picture was scribble in my notes app, take a screenshot, and then scribble some more on photos LMAO
Extra notes:
+ Jazz, Dani, and Dan showing their face while Sam, Tucker, and Valerie hiding theirs is intentional. Danny is a mix of both, because he actually IS showing his face, but you can’t see it past the black and red.
+ Every painting has a flower inside of it, specifically a carnation, which are often funeral flowers, and can mean gratitude, remembrance, love, and affection.
+ Every painting also has a mention or appearance of Danny in it.
+ I also tried to put hints of bad omens or signs of death within every painting. Some examples are Dani’s painting with the chopsticks sticking out of the bowl (a sign of bad luck and death), or Dan’s painting, where a woman is being strangled in the background and another is being killed.
+ All of the paintings generally have an ability to teleport to places nearby and can actually snatch up viewers to shove them into their domain. This can be a defensive mechanism (the paintings protect the Bats) or an offensive ability (they pull victims in and kill them). They also all have weapons on them that are hidden or not so hidden.
+ I struggled a lot with ideas and how to get started on some characters because I just had so many, and I wanted it to be creepy, but not noticeably creepy, like most paintings. I’m sad to say that I wasn’t able to use some of my planned ideas from inspirations of actual haunted paintings.
+ Discarded inspirations: The Rain Woman by Svetlana Telets (my favorite!! Please look it up if you can!!), this picture I saw on Reddit of a sheep being stuck under ice with its back exposed, a workshop idea with Tucker, and Dani and “Daughter of Evil” with mirrors and everything.
+ The world where Danny and co., come from is different from the world they’re currently in. It’s like a world where some people are the same, but others are not. Example: the GIW, Maddie, Jack, and Vlad exist, but Danny and Jazz never made it past their childhood. So basically a What-If world or something.
+ Their backstories are somewhat undecided, but basically, something dangerous happened to them in their home dimension and it was so bad that Danny captured all of their souls and put them into paintings so they would live (with the help of Clockwork). However, by doing this, he scattered their souls and paintings throughout the universes and he went crazy from it, and turned himself into a painting too so he could find them. Now his cloned paintings travel and sends itself to other worlds to find his family again, often leading to their destruction from his power.
Or something? Lol
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littlereddream · 25 days
Biomimicry, anyone?
Reader is gn in this one, little coffee shop meet cute with Jason and reader. I didn’t even know biomimicry was an actually major prior to looking a few things up for this fic. The more you know!
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Nope, no good.
One more try.
With a groan, you fall back in your seat at the booth, hoping the paper you’re glaring at can feel enough of your frustration to suddenly supply you with all of the answers to your problems. It wasn’t like you wanted to be sitting in an empty cafe close to midnight working on homework for a class you don’t even take. You thought you’d be done hours ago, the assignment seeming so easy when your friend initially begged you to do it for her so she could attend her sister’s wedding.
Said friend fully neglected to let you know that the assignment required detailed notes from the related four hour long lecture. The same notes she forgot to give you before apparently losing all signal that would allow her to send them to you.
Teaching yourself the lesson from a class you’ve never even considered taking isn’t the easiest task. It’s time consuming, exhausting, and, most of all, boring. It’s what has you offhandedly doodling alternative ideas for your celebrity signature in the corner of your page. At least, that’s what you were doing before you pressed the pen into the page too hard and tore half of it apart.
The old woman who runs the cafe took pity on you ages ago, supplying you with an endless amount of white macadamia cookies while you work. On the house, she insisted. The green discoloration on the edge of the cookies told a different story of her reason for giving them away so easily.
You pick up the pen to try again, this time turning your attention back to the assignment directions sitting on your laptop screen, when a bell chimes into the otherwise quiet space.
The later the night, the fewer customers visit the shop. Most people don’t dare tempt the idea of walking this end of the city, especially not when it’s this dark out. The civilians feared the criminals, the criminals feared the Bats. It’s that same, seemingly endless food chain that has every sensible person who can help it steering clearly of nightly escapades.
Clearly, the man who just walked in has just as poorly sensible as you.
He’s the typical, shady Gotham figure. Thick jacket, hood turned up, hands stuffed into pockets, and head angled down. He’s either about to pull out a weapon to threaten Miss. Aublergine with or demand a pre-agreed upon payment from her.
Neither of those possibilities warrant the old woman’s response. It’s enough to ease your tension, the way she lights up entirely upon seeing him.
You’re sat close enough to hear most of their conversation, abandoning the tricky assignment in favor of listening in.
“You! I’ve been wondering when you’d stop by this week,” she scolds, pulling out a small paper bag from under the counter to drop fresh, warm chocolate chip cookies into.
You can’t really see the man’s face from where you’re sat, but you can make out the minute shrug of his shoulders.
“Got busy,” he says.
You can see him pull out a leather wallet, but Miss. Aublergine is quick to slap away his hand from dropping cash into the tip jar.
“I’ve told you, I don’t want your money. If you really want to pay me back, get the loner sitting back there out of my shop so I can close already.”
She’s leveling you with a knowing look, hands on her hips and a single brow raised, and you drop your gaze back to your laptop. Either you were too obvious of an eavesdropper or she had the eyes of a hawk. Probably a mix of both.
“Yes, okay, message received. I’ll head out now,” you mumble.
While you’re busy gathering all the papers in a neat stack, you can just barely make out the muted conversation happening some feet away. Not enough to understand what’s being said, unfortunately. A few seconds later, footsteps echo over tile to where you’re sat, and worn out boots enter your field of vision. Hoodie dude.
You look up, right into alert green eyes. Green eyes that are focused on the laptop still out on the table.
“Need any help?”
“Not unless you happen to know anything about biomimicry,” you huff.
He smiles, and what a sight it is indeed. “I do, actually. Mind if I…?”
Too late, you realize that he’s gesturing to the empty seat next to you. At your nod, he lowers himself down.
With his help, the missing lecture notes suddenly don’t seem all that important anymore, every gap in your resources filled by the knowledge he just happens to have. He seems engrossed in the work, hardly paying attention to you next to him as he explains everything. At some point, his hood comes down. At another, your shoulders relax.
Somewhere between both of those points, you’ve both inched a little closer.
No one else enters the cafe for the entirety of the time you and him are sat together. It’s like the world around you has gone silent, sound itself pausing to give the both of you space to breathe.
And then you’re shutting the laptop with a relieved sigh, paper written and assignment finished. Neither of you move right away, but soon enough you start to pack the laptop away with the rest of the papers. It gives him an opening to stand, and when you look back up, the hood is back on.
“Thank you,” you say.
He seems genuinely surprised that you’re still talking to him, enough for his response to take a second longer than it should.
“It’s no problem. Glad I could help.”
He steps back a little, giving you enough space to slide out of the booth yourself.
“You really did. I have no idea how I was gonna get that done myself. Before this, I had no idea biomimicry was an actual major.”
He angles his head to the side a little. “Not your homework?”
“Nope. Friend of mine needed help.”
He gives an understanding nod, and the two of you are thrown back into silence. With a glance outside, it seems the night’s only gotten darker.
“I gotta head out, thanks again.”
Slinging your backpack over your shoulder, you’re stopped by his hand around your wrist. It’s instinct to snatch your arm back, but by the look of his face, the way he’s staring at his hand like it doesn’t belong to him, he hadn’t even realized he’d done it.
“Sorry. I just- sorry. Um.”
Somewhere outside, far off into another block entirely, a car alarm echoes down the street.
“You’re walking home?” He asks.
To give the random, still suspicious stranger who helped you with homework the answer to a possibly identifying question, or not.
He looks uneasy at that, eyeing the street outside the glass windows like they’re personally whispering threats into his ears.
“It’s late.” He points out.
“I noticed.”
“Dangerous neighborhood.”
“Noted and confirmed.”
He sighs, rolling his eyes in a way that suggests he’s seconds away from dragging a hand down his face.
“I’m saying, you shouldn’t be walking alone.”
Suspicious, suspicious man.
“Walked here just fine, didn’t I?” You reply.
He gives you an unimpressed look. “At a much earlier time, I’m sure.”
Finally, you decide to do you both a favor and beat at the bush instead of around it.
“If this is you trying to walk me home, I think I’m gonna pass. I appreciate the offer and all your help, but I don’t even know your name and I’d rather take my chances walking alone.”
Too harsh? Maybe. Possibly. He did just help you. Should you take it back? Say something else to soften your words? He doesn’t give you the chance to.
“Oh, right. I got it, no problem. Sorry. Be careful, no shortcuts,” He rambles, sincere and apologetic. You almost feel bad, if not for the fact that Gotham’s taught you how much better it is to be safe than to be sorry.
Just as you’re about to leave, a cough rings out from behind the register. There’s the old lady, hacking up a storm and making odd flapping motions with her hands. What- oh. She’s waving you over.
It takes five seconds for you to cross the distance over to the counter and one second for Miss. Aublergine to pull you closer by the arm to where you can just barely hear her whisper.
“Jason has been coming here almost every week for the past few months. He always tries to tip me extra, sometimes comes in with his brothers or sister,” she trails off, taking a second to return to her original thought. “Point is, I know him. He’s a good kid, not a single bad intention in him. Let him walk you home,” she hisses.
You falter, looking behind you to where the man—Jason, apparently— is closely examining the specks of dust on a nearby table. His gaze lifts to catch yours, then immediately returns to the table. He’s as bad at hiding his eavesdropping as you are.
You trust Miss. Aublergine. You know she wouldn’t throw you to the wolves if she knew better.
One last encouraging look from Miss. Aublergine has you turning back and walking over to where Jason is now overwhelmingly interested in the marble tile. You stop in front of him, aiming for an easy smile.
“Still up to walk me home?”
With a matching smile, though it seems like it takes a little effort, Jason nods.
“Of course.”
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star-dust-shark · 3 months
PJO characters as dumb things me and my friends ( bonus one with my parents ) have said part two
Will: what's your type?
Nico: you
Will: that's sweet but I meant blood type
Percy: oh fuck I'm blue now
Percy: but like actually blue
Percy: like a smurf
Percy: being sad's for idiots lmao
Leo: everyone hates me lol
Jason: what am I??? like???
Nico: and Axl Rose's real name wasn't Axl Rose
Percy: *crying* STOP
Will: easiest way to come out to people is tell them that you listen to coldplay
Nico: Im gonna fugging krill myself
Annabeth: krill????
Nico: isn't that like a fish or smth
Piper: *knocking on Leo's door* WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THERE
Leo: uh shit uh erm uh
Leo: *moans loudly*
Will: *joking* we should makeout
Nico: I really wanna
Will: what
Nico: ...
Nico: did I say that out loud
Piper: *sobbing* why are penises so ugly
Annabeth: math is weirdly calming to me sometimes ngl
Annabeth: *flips page over to read massive paragraphs of words*
Annabeth: *bursts into tears*
Will: I just had to help hatch a baby chick
Will: I'm waiting for applause it was so gross
Will: if you drink the water I'll give you a forehead smooch
Nico: *glances at water, thinking*
Nico: nah you wanna give me one anyway
Will: gods dammit
Rachel: MY BABY
Rachel: *kisses it*
Hazel: ugh I want someone to fuck me
Hazel: hahah jk that shit's nasty
Piper: yeah I've noticed after watching you for a bit that you smile whenever Nico messages
Will: aww that's so swee-
Will: wait why are you watching me
Piper: *stares into his soul*
Nico: I miss you
Nico: *replies an hour later* that was a moment of weakness fuck you
Will: what if I say "darling" in a seductive voice
Nico: no
Will: u sure?
Nico: I ahdiamdveip dnsjhbksahcblaiwcbjsd-
Will: like at first I wanted to be you but then I realized that there's a diffrence between wanting to "be you" and wanting to "be on you"
Percy: I'm depressed
Percy: ...
Will: wtf are hickeys??
Will: I'm an experimental learner btw
Leo: omg guys look the guitar strings made my finger darker
Leo: *looks at finger* do you like watermelon, sir?
Will: you are so close to being hit in the head
Frank: *points* haha you've been fingered
Hazel: love... no
Reyna: technically you already are
Thalia: *passes out*
Octavian: ugh I'm so single
Nico: *sighs* me too
Nico: FUCK YEEEEEEEEAH *smashes table*
Annabeth: what's ur favourite animal I'm gonna buy you something
Percy: shark but don't waste your money
Annabeth: but my parents told me to spend it on something important
Percy: *cries*
Will: I'm autism!!
Will: *turns to Nico, wiggle eyebrows* I could be in you
Nico: tism rizz????
Frank: I love these drama videos
Reyna: *massive bags under her eyes* why do you want more drama wtf
Jason: honestly scared to sit on the edges of chairs at my trans boyfriend's house
Percy: *over text* jason are you gay for me
Jason: no gtg
Percy: he's hiding something
Piper: don't mean to be heterophobic but why is straight porn so gross
Nico: agreed gay porn is much better
Percy: are there any not cool lesbians
Reyna: I mean they probably exsist
Annabeth: no
Leo: *sighs sadly* cock and ball torture
Will: guys I learnt how to play my favourite song on guitar *starts playing good lookin by dixon dallas*
Leo: *playing adopt me*
Leo: chat chat guess what I'm on acid
Leo: wait since when do you play adopt me
Reyna: yk those yummy smelling shampoos
Nico: yea
Reyna: well I went to walmart and thought I found some and started smelling it but this lady was giving me weird looks
Nico: oh?
Reyna: yeah
Reyna: so uh
Reyna: it was lube
Will: hey bbg *winks*
Nico: I will slam you down and makeout with you right now
Percy: hi
Jason: hi
*leaves swirl around them*
Leo: don't mind me just massaging my clit
Nico: WHAT????
Nico: OH
Leo: *singing* coked up dick sucking hoe?
Jason: *walks in*
Leo: oh haiiii
Leo: how does it feel to be Draco Malfoy
Jason: idk how does it feel to be tweek
Leo: idk pretty good
Reyna: you don't deserve it
Percy: yeah I do
Percy: I've been a good boy
Percy: jesus I just turned myself on wtf
Leo: *in sad voice* I'm a cheeseburger
Jason: a sexy little cheeseburger
Will: *gets text from Nico*
Annabeth: SIMP
Will: ???
Will: darling
Nico: *throws phone, screams into pillow, face red* I hate that man
anyway part three will cum ( pun intended )
thanks to @crowwolf8 @justagremlinoncaffeine @localcosplaymushroom @secret-mewtwo and my om and dad for being inspiring an shit
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reallyromealone · 11 months
Hear me out. Bonten Mikey x omega male reader
A few years after mikey and m/n broke up, mikey discovered that m/n has a 6 year old daughter who looks like a copy of mikey, and mike like connects rhe timeline and realizes m/n was pregnant at the time of their break up but m/n never told him bc he didnt want his kid to be involved in the mafia/gang shit
-🐰 (late birthday gift for me 🥹?)
(Name) smiled as he put his little pups hair in pigtails, her bangs/fringe pinned back with a cute bubble hair band, today they were visiting Draken and Inui and little (daughters name) wanted to dress her best for her favorite uncles--- don't tell the others.
(Daughters name) was (name)s world, the sweetest little pup in the world who was absolutely precious.
Though sometimes it hurt to look at her, she was literally a spitting image of her father-- (name) never realized how feminine Mikey looked till his pup came into the world, but he loved her so much. She was the kindest and most selfless little thing ever. It wasn't the easiest at times but with the support of his friends he managed. Just starting first grade, (name) was thankful to work at the bike shop and being able to collect his little sunshine.
"Don't forget the cookies papa!" (Daughters name) said excitedly as left for their visit, without a care in the world.
Many would ask "where's the sire" upon learning (name) was a single parent, the question annoying and invasive but (name) always lied and made up an excuse about the father being overseas and such.
He refused to let anyone know about the actual reason, that being (daughters name)a father was the most dangerous man in Tokyo, (name) was thankful as much as he was hurt that Mikey dumped him.
He refused to let anyone go through what he did with Kanto Manji Gang.
With what Mikey was quickly becoming.
It was sheer /fucking/ chance that Mikey was waiting for the light to change in his limo as (name) stood at the cross walk holding hands with--
Holy s h i t.
"...boss are you seeing what we're seeing" Kakucho and Sanzu stared in Shellshock as they looked at a tiny Mikey with pigtails and a little dress, all of them doing the mental math and coming to a quick realization that holy fuck (name) was pregnant.
He was pregnant that day, oh my god that's what he wanted to talk to Mikey about!
"What are your thoughts on kids?" (Name) asked awkardly as they ate dinner, Mikey surpisingly home for once to do so "annoying, would get in the way" the blond said simply "a liability"
(Name) forced himself not to place his hand on his stomach, anxiety riddling his body "I see..."
"Just curious"
Mikey was always so disinterested in (name) these days, (name) always suspected that he was cheating, never saying anything though.
(Name) wanted to just scream.
Mikey remembered that night.
It was the night Mikey dumped him, a rash decision on his end and during one of his dark impulse moments.
He immediately regretted it after, the pained look on (name)s face and they hadn't seen each other since.
(Name) had many expectations of life, but seeing his ex sitting on his couch after he put his pup to bed, noticing the other Bonten men guarding the apartment "the fuck are you doing here" Mikey expected (name)a hostility and glanced up "that's my kid"
"What do you want Mikey" (name) wasn't having any conversation, he wanted to know what the hell he was doing here "I want to meet my kid"
"And get involved in your bullshit? Absolutely not! "Babies are a liability" remember that Mikey?" He hissed out and Mikey sighed, knowing this wasn't going to be easy "I deserve to meet her"
"You lost that chance when you broke up with me, I'm not letting my daughter deal with your shit, Mikey you're /dangerous/! She's six and I don't want her to ever go through what I went through!"
"I can keep you both safe!"
"YOU COULDN'T EVEN KEEP ME SAFE!" (name) was crying at this point, so angry at his once beloveds audacity"I kept her away for a reason Mikey, you are dangerous! She gets to play with her friends and have sleep overs! Has sleep overs at the friends you left behind! She gets to have a childhood that isn't currupted!"
"Why can't you let her have that?" (Name)s voice was broken and his body shaking, he would sacrifice everything for his daughter and at this moment he would stand his ground.
Bonten would poison her.
"Can...can I just please /know/ my daughter"
(Name) was tired, he was tired of it all "if you can /promise/ me that nothing will happen to her, I will let you meet her but one slip up Sano and I will never let you see her again"
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padawansuggest · 6 months
Breha: *giggling*
Bail: *annoyed*
Mace: You want… to give Kenobi back? Didn’t you fight tooth and nail to get him moved in with you two.
Breha: We did, we adore him, he’s such a sweetheart, please don’t take him back.
Bail: Take him back or I’m tanning his hide.
Breha: Careful, he might like that.
Mace: *head in hands* What could he have possibly done to offend you this much?
Breha: *laughing* It was at brunch- with my SISTER-
Bail: I don’t care about that part, I have never seen something so vulgar-
Breha: *breaking out into giggle snorts*
Bail: He put a tea bag right into a glass of champagne.
Breha: *snorting louder* I’ve never seen my sister and husband agree on something before, they both hated it. I adore Obi-Wan, you cannot have him back.
Bail: That was a thirty-thousand dollar bottle-
Breha: Why is it the only time you can stand to criticize him it’s something good related? What did he feed you that has made you so biased against his odd tastes?
Bail: *thousand yard stare* there are some things I cannot speak of.
Mace: …he used to feed me salt cookies when he was tiny.
Bail: 😳
Breha: 👀
Mace: Yeah. He always said he mixed the ingredients up, but I think he’s just… like that. I think he burnt off half his taste buds on Mandalore later, he’s always been a bit of a mess.
Breha: 😍 I adore him. We’re keeping him.
Bail: ugh. I need a refund. Or a therapist to break the trauma-bond.
Mace: Good luck with that. Didn’t work for me when he was a toddler, and that’s the easiest age to remove a trauma-bond. Have fun. *hangs up on them*
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