#cookie cutie pops
gummybearrxo · 3 months
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Summer vibe 💙
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starboyshoyo · 2 years
Courting, Pining, or Flirting? 
Characters: All NRC students x reader (seperately)
Fandom: Twisted Wonderland 
Genre: fluff
Do the NRC boys court you, pine for you, or flirt with you? 
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Riddle Rosehearts will do his best in courting you. Raised to be strict and formal, he has virtually no idea of what love is, or how to express it. The best he got was the fairytales of princesses and knights in his childhood. So he’ll follow their lead to the best of his ability. Riddle will give you his blazer jacket, and take your arm in his when navigating crowded hallways- he’ll even bow to you when saying goodnight, placing a tender kiss on your hand. Riddle might need a bit of a confidence boost before he performs a moonlight soliloquy under your balcony, though. 
Ace Trappola, unsurprisingly, enjoys flirting with you. What can he say, he’s a fun-loving guy! That extends to all parts of his life, including you. When the two of you are watching movies on his laptop in Ramshackle Dorm, he’ll tug the blanket away, forcing you to cuddle up to him for warmth. One day in class, a crumpled paper ball will hit you on the shoulder, reading: DO YOU LIKE ME? YES/NO ;) It’s childish, but somehow endearing.
Deuce Spade, ever the gentleman, will try (keyword: try) his best in courting you. His mom didn’t raise a brat! Listening to her advice, he’ll buy you flowers, ask you out on the weekends, and drape his jacket over your shoulders when you get cold. It’s a lot less smooth than it sounds, though. He’ll be a blushing, stuttering mess the entire time and accidentally spill his plans to you before he can execute them. Then he’ll apologize and spill even more of his plans- and alas, the cycle continues. 
Trey Clover is surprisingly good at flirting! Trey is confident in his ability to charm people. Even the most uptight of Prefects tend to relax a little around him. Of course, the delicious handmade pastries he often brings along with him are just a bonus. They’re an easy way to strike up a conversation with you, getting you to spill more and more about yourself to him. He’s comfortable to talk to, isn’t he? Oh, is that baked good your favorite? Expect a box of them to show up on your desk within the next week, along with a coy little note: Sweets for the sweet. 
Cater Diamond, on the surface, is definitely into flirting. He chases anything and everything within a fifty-meter radius of himself, and giving his posts on Magicam so much as a comment will result in a Hey cutie ;) popping up in your DM notifications at 1 AM. But with a person that Cater truly loves, face to face, he won’t do anything more than stay by your side as a supportive friend, pining from afar. He’s afraid of messing this up. Do you even see him that way? Please say you do. 
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Leona Kingscholar does all three, in the order of pining, courting, and flirting. Hear me out: Leona pines, but not in a hopeless way. Instead, he just figures that he doesn’t have the time or emotional investment for a relationship. But once the feelings began to grow, Leona gets desperate. He doesn’t want opportunities to slip through his fingers without doing anything. So he’ll begin subtly hanging out with you more, until it reaches the courting stage. At that point, he becomes visibly softer and less harsh around you. He’ll only really be comfortable flirting and being playful with you once you’re in an established relationship, not before. 
Ruggie Bucchi is into casual flirting- Well, he’s into it until he realizes he’s fallen so hard that he can’t climb back out. It’s all fun and games to him at first. Oh, you want to pet his ears? Maybe trading that cookie of yours from the lunch buffet would be suitable collateral. You think he looks good in the PE uniform? There’s more where that came from. Want him to accompany you on a late-night errand? Of course! He loves spending time with you- Wait, when did that happen? 
Jack Howl follows his sharp instincts on everything, and every sign is pointing at him courting you like a true gentleman. He knows he’s a little rough around the edges, but he’s got no problem cleaning his act up for you. Putting on a suit and tie and using a bit of gel in his hair and around his ears is a small price to pay for your affection. He’s not particularly shy about showing you he has feelings for you, but outright telling you might take a bit more time and effort.
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Azul Ashengrotto is painfully, unequivocally deep in pining for you. There’s just no way around it is there? Oh, what he wouldn’t give to crawl into his tako pot and hide when you’re around. You’re on his mind every second of every day, and he lays in bed every night wondering if you see him the same way. Is he handsome to you? Is he smart? He wants to hold you so bad but he won’t do it until you tell him yes, I like you too, first.
Jade Leech, ever the calm, collected one, excels at smooth flirting. He just knows you like him as much as he likes you, and he’s not afraid to point it out. It’s not like you’re subtle about it either- with the way you sit in a corner booth of Mostro Lounge for hours, just to be able to talk with him after-hours over leftover pastries and tea. You wouldn’t mind if he did this with you more often, would you? 
Floyd Leech has his unique way of flirting, just like everything else in his life. You’re just so exciting, Shrimpy! Won’t you tell him a little more about your day? Even just the little things, like how many pages of notes you took in History of Magic class or an answer to a test question or two- he’s kidding, he’s kidding! All jokes aside, Floyd truly does enjoy your company and the ways you spice up his life. 
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Kalim Al-Asim does none of the three, surprisingly. He’s so bright it might not even occur to you that he’s interested until you’re already three layers deep. He’s always been a friendly person, so when he begins inviting you to hang out all the time, you wouldn’t give it a second thought. It’s only when you notice him trying to do things for you rather than just with you do you realize his feelings might run a little deeper than just friendship. He tries to be chivalrous, but it usually just comes off as him playing at being your prince charming. The closest you could get to describing what Kalim does is playful, friendly courting- albeit a very unconventional form of it. 
Jamil Viper is used to never getting what he wants. Somewhere along the line he stopped trying. So when you step into his life, shining but not blinding like Kalim, he hesitates. Is he ready to take such a risk? All he knows for sure is that he wants you in his life… someday. So quietly, in between classes and in the hallways, he’ll be pining for you from afar- hoping you’ll make the first move, so that he won’t have to worry about Kalim whisking you away.
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Vil Schoenheit thinks he has never met someone so beautiful before. You might even be half as beautiful as he is! It’s a huge compliment coming from someone like him. You’re also half as smart, almost as strong, and maybe he’d consider taking you out for lunch- but don’t get it twisted! He’s doing this out of the goodness of his heart. (He likes you. He really likes you. Please date him.) It’s not very good flirting, but he’s trying his best.
Rook Hunt is flamboyant and genuine in everything he does, which includes flirting with you, his longtime crush. You have the most beautiful smile he’s ever seen! Would you mind if he admired it for a while? He’ll brag about you to everyone around him, much to the irritation of Vil, who finds it offensive that his biggest supporter has ‘betrayed’ him for another. Rook doesn’t care, though. If you so pleased, he’d be more than happy to walk you to your next class. Anything to bask in your unmatched beauty just a few seconds longer. 
Epel Felmier is good at flirting, and he’s confident about it too! A rough and tumble farm boy like him needs a cute thing on his arm to show off, doesn’t he? Don���t laugh at him- he’s trying to impress you. He’ll do anything he can to prove to you that he’s a strong, capable person and your perfect match. Let him carry your books, and serve you in the cafeteria buffet line. When you share a snack together, he’ll lean just a bit too close, letting his cheek brush against yours before pulling away. Come on, look him in the eyes! Or are you too shy~
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Idia Shroud has never met you in real life. You’ve never seen his face, but he’s seen yours through the camera of his tablet at housewarden meetings. Maybe it’s the pent up stress speaking, but wow, you’re way out of his league. Best to make casual conversation and repress his pining over a game of online chess, lest he screw it all up in real life. 
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Malleus Draconia is a lonely soul who knows little more than a life of isolation. When you walk into his life, unafraid of the twisted black crown that sits on his head or the ominous aura that seems to surround him, he has to wonder if after all these years he’s finally found his soulmate. Immediately, he wants to make plans to see you every day, to listen to you ramble about anything and everything beyond the briar walls around his castle. Stay a while and talk with him, won’t you? Malleus is the true definition of patience and indulgence when he’s courting you. 
Lilia Vanrouge isn’t one for mere high school relationships. He’s a father and a general! He’s got a teenager to raise and armies to lead, on top the infamously heavy homework load from NRC classes. You’d have to be really important to him to find a place in his ancient heart. Sure, he’ll have his fun with flirting and all, but no one can really expect a thousand-year old fae to fall in love… right?
Sebek Zigvolt is shocked, no pun intended. There’s no way a fae like himself has fallen for a mere human! No, he won’t accept it. Sebek will turn in somersaults and bend over backwards to make any excuse on why he is not in love with you, he’s just a bit agitated today! Ironically, he makes things harder for himself with this mindset, condemning himself to pining for you from afar. 
Silver, like his name, wants to be your knight in shining armor- he’s just not quite sure how to go about it yet. He supposes he’ll ask for your parents’ permission to begin courting you, first. That’s the tradition in the Valley of Thorns after all. But when Lilia points out that it’s a bit old-fashioned, he’ll simply agree and go along with whatever terrible plans the rest of Diasomnia comes up with next. Be prepared to be barraged with an awful yet endearing mix of pick-up lines, cheesy love letters, and classic romance songs that this quartet comes up with in their free time. The best thing? Silver himself won’t even be awake for half of it. 
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Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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tulliebxby · 2 months
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Alastor x Fem reader
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♡ themes: Alastor being a cutie pie, fluff, a little suggestive? ♡
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Theres nothing Alastor despises more about himself than the intense biological urges he’s forced through annually. He’s always prided himself as being a well presented man, however each October it gets hard for him to present himself as such.
His antlers grow without warning, making him prone to headaches with how heavy his head feels. Not to mention the pieces of stringy velvet that are always hanging off.
His skin feels hot to the touch, his forehead is always a little damp from the sweat, his eyes twitch, he itches everywhere.
He looks a mess, even when he tries to look presentable.
That’s why he makes himself scarce, every year on that dreaded month, he makes as little appearances as possible. ESPECIALLY now that he’s at the hotel, however being surrounded by this many nosy people, it gets harder for him to stay locked away for long without people questioning.
However, this year was different, you were here.
You have known Alastor a while, long before coming to the hotel, although you’ve never caught him during a rut before.
Now that you’re living in the same vicinity as the man, you’re (un)fortunate enough to catch it. And it definitely is strange for him, there are unusual feelings that weren’t there before you had arrived.
There was a strange sense of protectiveness he had over you.
Presently, it is the beginning of October in the depths of Hell. You decided to start the day by baking, because why not! You look at recipes for little desserts and find one for chocolate chip cookies that you had ingredients for.
You were in the hotel kitchen, an old 50’s song track on in the background as you mix up the cookie batter, you hum along happily mixing.
You hear a familiar popping of static in the air behind you, turning your head around to see your dear friend making an appearance from out of the shadows.
“Ah! What’s all this, my dear?” He tilts his head a little, smiling wide as per usual, you smiled back at him.
“Baking, I’m making cookies!!” You beamed, his smile became that little bit wider.
“How lovely!”
He likes a girl that can bake, and although he doesn’t have much of a sweet tooth, he still admires your efforts, he loves watching you either way.
Now that he thinks about it, he loves watching you do anything. Whether that’s reading, walking, talking, laughing, smiling..
His smile tightens at his thoughts, feeling fidgety all of a sudden, theres a fuzzy feeling in his stomach that seems to grow the more he thinks.
He blinks a couple times as his eyebrows furrowed, watching as you hum and pour the chocolate chips into the batter and stirred, gently folding over the mixture.
Too busy to notice that you have turned around once more, watching him stare at your delicate fingers.
“Would you like to stir?”
You smile, moving to the side a little, he seems to snap out of whatever trance he was in as you spoke, stepping forward and in front of the bowl and taking hold of the wooden spoon.
“Now.. the trick is to fold the batter gently, so the texture is kept light, like this..”
You slide your soft hand onto his, guiding the spoon across the mixture.
His chest felt a little tight as he breathed, looking down at your hand on top of his. Oh gosh, he swears he’s never felt this… fuzzy before.
What’s the matter with him? Why is he having these odd thoughts. He’s known you for decades, why are these strange… perverse.. thoughts pushing their way into his brain? Surely this was beneath him.
He couldn’t keep his crimson eyes off of your hands on his, good grief, was it warm in there? Why had he began to feel himself sweat?
He should get a hold of himself, really. A sweet little lady like you? He can’t believe himself.
What are you doing to him?
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stellamancer · 4 months
entreat (reader x yuta okkotsu)
notes: hellow hellow! this is actually my first time writing yuta ahaha. he's a sweet boy who deserves the world (like most of the rest of the cast). intially the idea for this fic was a bit different but, i think this is cute too.
this fic was a request written as part of the @/ficsforgaza initiative as a gift for @yutaleks. my requests are currently closed, but if you are interested please do check the ffg tumblr out! there are lots of writers participating!
contains: gn!reader, food (mentions of, eating and sharing), yuta okkotsu being a cutie patoot
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Whenever Yuta travels for a mission, he always brings back souvenirs; boxes of ridiculously sugary sweets for Gojo, bags of interestingly flavored potato chips for Maki, eclectic and downright gimmicky foods for Panda and Toge and for you—
Yuta brings back things he wants to eat with you. 
It started with the first-ever souvenir he brought back for you, from the very first solo mission he received after being reinstated as a special grade. He'd given it to you to say thank you for your support because just saying it has never been an adequate expression of gratitude for Yuta. 
But he'd apologized too, as he handed you the box– cookies from Hokkaido using locally sourced butter and cream, the prefecture’s pride and joy. 
Yuta is maybe the only person you know who would say sorry when handing someone a gift. 
“Why?” you'd asked.
He looked embarrassed as he answered. “I didn't know what you would like, but I couldn't just not bring you anything so I… got something that I thought sounded good…” 
His face was the picture of guilt, like he had admitted to the most heinous crime in all of history– not knowing what you would have liked. 
“It's okay if you want to throw it away or give it to sensei! I won't get upset or mad!” 
You remember distinctly thinking that if Rika were still here, she would send you to the grave if you threw away Yuta’s gift. Instead of that, you started to open the box, peeling away the wrapping and the box top to reveal two neat little rows of individually packaged cookies. You’d plucked one out and offered it to Yuta. 
“You said you thought it sounded good right?” you had asked. 
Yuta only stared, obviously unsure of what to do. 
“Come on, take it.” 
He hesitated, clearly not wanting to partake in a gift meant for you and for a moment you both stood there, unmoving. 
“Come on, Yuta, please?” 
That had been enough to get him to give in. You remember being surprised that was all it took. He gingerly took the cookie from you, handling it like a treasure, and you’d grabbed one of your own, knowing there was no way Yuta would eat one if you didn't first.
You'd tucked the box under your arm to rip the packing open and with another thanks you popped the cookie in your mouth. 
Honestly speaking, it had been one of the best cookies you'd ever had; crisp, yet tender, with a subtle sweetness that was nothing short of addictive.
When you had finished it, you stared at Yuta intently. It took him a second to realize that you meant for him to eat his, too, and with both yet another apology and yet another thank you, he delicately tore open the package and ate the cookie. 
You watched as he chewed it thoughtfully, evaluating the flavor. And when he finished, you tilted your head to the side and asked, “So, did you like it?” 
You remember how he nodded and smiled, carefree and innocent– a look you had always felt suited Yuta best. 
In return, you’d offered him a smile of your own. “You don't need to go through the trouble of bringing me back anything, but if you do, bring stuff like this— that we can share.”
And Yuta did just that. 
Now, every time he comes back from a mission, he comes bearing souvenirs from all over Japan: chestnut daifuku from Nagano, gyoza senbei from Tochigi, Kobe pudding from Hyogo… the list goes on. Sometimes, it’s just one thing. And other times, he comes back with two or three, looking apologetic as he tells you that he just couldn't decide. 
You don't mind, though, you never do– in fact, you actually look forward to when he brings multiple. More to share means more time with Yuta.
And this time, this time is no exception, but….
“...this is an awful lot…” you say looking at the array of ten different boxes that Yuta’s brought back from his latest mission. 
“I'm sorry!” He apologizes automatically and then, just like always he adds. “It was so hard to choose… Everything sounded so good.”
He's not wrong. Every single thing he's brought back sounds absolutely delicious and catered specifically to your tastes. It kind of makes you wonder if he's been taking notes all this time, commiting the things you've liked to memory. 
“It's fine!” you insist. “I'm just not sure if we can finish all this together…” 
At least not all at once. The things that are individually wrapped should be fine, but there are a fair amount of things that are probably meant to be eaten in a single sitting. 
“...maybe we should see if the others want some too…” you murmur thoughtfully. It's been a while since all of you ate together, between missions and the like. It would be fun. 
Yuta makes a soft sound and you look toward him. He’s very obviously avoiding your gaze, fiddling with the hem of his shirt. You know him well enough to realize that means he's got something on his mind.
“What's up?” you ask. 
He doesn't say anything, not at first, but it's obvious he's debating whether or not to tell you. If you wait long enough, though, you think he'll say it. And sure enough, after a minute or two Yuta takes a deep breath and says, “I was actually hoping we could still just share everything just the two of us!” 
The words come out in a two-breath rush and you stare at him as the meaning of his words sink in. You did tell him to bring back things the two of you could share, it just never occurred to you that he thought that meant only the two of you. 
Yuta, on the other hand, looks mildly horrified, regret instantly visible, as if it was a mistake to voice his own desires, and so he adds. “But— but if you want to eat with everyone, that's fine! I can call Toge and Panda and–”
“Actually,” you interject and while you don't want to talk over Yuta you want him to know— need him to know that it's fine. It's fine for him to say what he wants, because not only will you always listen, you’ll—
“I take it back. I think we can eat this all ourselves. Just the two of us.”
You’ll never, ever refuse him. 
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yuff7e · 3 months
okokok request hehehe:
katsuki x reader, they are in a secret relationship and he gets caught sneaking into her dorm by denki, he just chlillibg and thinks nothing of it when he suddenly sees y/n with a hickey the next day
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₊˚.༄ getting caught with katsuki bakugo !! ೃ - sfw + light nsfw (not rlly tho lol)
female reader
hii anon ! omg this is such a silly request i love it :3 LETS WRITE IT !!! RAAHGGGF !! (enjoy >_•)
the cuties song -> www.spotify.com
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katsuki treads through the dim school hallways, texting on his phone thoroughly. your messages lighting up his screen as he cuts corners, thumbs tapping the screen excitedly. “i’m comin’ gimme a sec” is all you see pop up on your phone as you set it down, hopping up to a small knock on your door.
you rush over to it, thinking it’s katsuki - until you open it and it’s denki. “denki? what are you doing here?” you ask, arm falling to your side as the door hangs open. “hey [name]! uh i was wondering if you wanted the last of these cookies from the party i was just at, i know how much you love these things so i thought id just stop by and give ya some.” he says, holding out a small baggy full of sugar cookies.
denki was one of your good friends, you’ve known him for a while now and you actually met katsuki through him. (him being in his group and all) you kindly accept, taking the baggy out of his hands and holding it as denki continues the conversation. your anxiety spikes a bit as the conversation carrys on, you checked your phone and saw how close katsuki had become.
“hey denki, sorry to cut the conversation short but i’m really tired! so i gotta go— sorry!” you begin to shut the door but denki stops you with his foot, “can i come in for a sec? my dorm isn’t on campus and i don’t have a ride, can i just hang in your living room so i can call a few people?” he pleads with these big ol’ puppy eyes and you can’t resist, letting him in.
instantly you whip out your phone and head to your room as he walks into your living room, typing at the speed of light so katsuki would get your message before he arrived.
[name] : “hey babe denki js got here and ik it sucks but can ya wait a lil until he leaves?? js for a sec he won’t be here long” 10:34pm
but right as you hit send, you hear denki start talking. “bakugo? what are you doin’?” your heart sinks. there’s no way. you throw your phone across the room and jump toward your door and press your ear against it, listening to what they’re talking about.
you hear katsuki and his voice gruff and persistent, he sounds irritated. “what the hell are you doing here?” - “what?! you know i’m friends with [name] bro! i’m just hanging here until i get a ride, i didn’t know you knew [name] like this!” the rest of the conversation seems to go muffled and you hear the door shut.
you’re confused because of how silent the room is until your bedroom door is swung open and you trip forward into someone, “oh shi— sorry!” is all you say before looking up and realizing who it is, your secret boyfriend - katsuki bakugo.
“why the hell is denki here?” he questions, shutting your bedroom door quietly behind him and wrapping his arm around you. “he said he needs a ride to get to his apartment off campus.. i told him i was really tired but he was persistent and i felt bad! you know im friends with denki, i couldn’t just deny him like that..” you cross your arms in defeat and katsuki just watches you.
“mhm, alright.” is all he says before taking you to bed.
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next morning rolls around and you’re strolling to first period, pretty giddy. (hmm i wonder why) you enter the classroom and look around, looking at each of the different groups. you walk towards yours which included denki, sero, kirishima, and of course katsuki.
“hey guys, what’s up?” is all you say before denki screams, “[NAME] WHAT IS ON YOUR NECK?!” denki and you have a sibling-like relationship, so it didn’t come surprise to you that he practically started freaking out. what did surprise you was that he noticed it so quickly and responded like.. this. “denki! wha— it’s nothing!” you quickly hide it with your hand, pulling up your shirt to cover it a little more.
“no! i know what i saw! show me tha— wh.. who did that to you?!” denki is asking you a billion and one questions and you become dizzy with all of them, “denki it’s nothing! i’m a grown adult i can care for myself, thank you.” kirishima stares at you and starts grinning, “mhmmm, we didn’t know you were like that [name]! hahahah! just kidding, right bakubro?”
kirishima hits katsuki in the side with his elbow and looks at him, but once he sees his face he notices his temper beginning to stray. and quickly. “hey denki you ever heard of buzzing off? yea, how bout you do that?” katsuki hisses, causing denki to turn around.
“hey! what’s with the attitude bro? you were in her apartment yesterday!! wait.. WAS IT YOU??” denki points his finger square in katsukis face and that’s when all hell broke loose. he grabbed ahold of denkis shirt and yelled at him for “getting in other people’s business that wasn’t his own” denki immediately calmed down but was still irritated. 
“why are you getting so mad anyway? you don’t even know [name] like that! so what’s with the defense?!” denki throws his arms up in the air in protest as kat clicks his teeth and looks away. your face is flushed with embarrassment as denki basically outed you to the whole classroom.
“denki seriously it’s nothing don’t get so worked up please.” is all you say and you look down, he notices your embarrassment and shuts up but still glares at you and katsuki. “whatever! i don’t even care anyway..”
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katsuki and you lie together in your bed in silence, “i can’t believe he noticed it like that..” he whispered, touching the purple hickey on your neck with his thumb - causing you to flinch back. “babe! stop touchin’ it! that hurts…” katsuki chuckles at your reaction, “sorry baby, you’re just too cute..” he wraps his arm around your naked torso and presses you up against him. “yeah, but that’s just denki for you i guess..” you stay silent and look into your boyfriend crimson eyes, he was so beautiful.
“when are we going to tell people.. y’know?” kat stiffens at your request, looking to the side - eventually, he moves a piece of hair out of your face and sighs “y’kno i’m popular babe…—” before he could finish you cut him off, “mhm, popular with the ladies~” you coo and he pushes you off playfully.
“shut up, y’kno what i mean. like, everyone’s gonna be in our business.. ya saw how denki acted.” you listen to his words and nod slowly, “right, well…” you sigh, outstretching your arms and falling on top of your boyfriend once more. “at least i get my privacy with you for now.” - “mhm.”
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STOPP THIS WAS SI CUTE TO WRITE TUSM FOR THE CUTEST REQUEST EVA !! and btw everyone im getting to yalls too !! dont worry !! <3
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mahou-furbies · 7 months
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57 years of magical girls!
List of series they're from:
Pic 1
Row 1: Sally the Witch, Himitsu no Akko-chan, Cutie Honey, Mahou Shoujo Lalabel, Minky Momo, Creamy Mami
Row 2: Persia the Magic Fairy, Magical Emi, Pastel Yumi, Sailor Moon, Magic Knight Rayearth, Wedding Peach
Row 3: Nurse Angel Ririka SOS, Saint Tail, Cardcaptor Sakura, Mahou Tsukai Tai, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne
Pic 2
Row 1: Ojamajo Doremi, Corrector Yui, Time Stranger Kyouko, Tokyo Mew Mew, Cosmic Baton Girl Comet-san, W.i.t.c.h.
Row 2: Pretear, Princess Tutu, Mermaid Melody, Kamichama Karin, Sugar Sugar Rune, Winx Club
Row 3: Futari wa Precure, Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, Uta Kata, Fushigiboshi no Futagohime, Happy Seven, Shugo Chara!
Pic 3
Row 1: Futari wa Precure Splash Star, Powerpuff Girls Z, Nanatsuiro Drops, Yes! Precure 5, Balala the Fairies, Kaitou Tenshi Twin Angel
Row 2: Fresh Precure!, Invaders of the Rokujouma!?, Umimonogatari, Heartcatch Precure!, Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt, Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Row 3: Wish Upon the Pleiades, Suite Precure, Magical Lollipop, Symphogear, Smile Precure!, Magical Girl Ore
Pic 4
Row 1: Vividred Operation, Doki Doki! Precure, Day Break Illusion, Magical Girl Site, Fate/kaleid liner Prisma Illya, Katsute Mahou Shoujo to Aku wa Tekitai shiteita.
Row 2: 6 Hearts Princess, Kill la Kill, Samurai Flamenco, Happiness Charge Precure!, Magica Wars, Machikado Mazoku
Row 3: Yuuki Yuuna is a Hero, Lolirock, Go! Princess Precure, Miss Guillotine, Mahou Shoujo Nante Mouiidesukara, Sleepless Domain
Pic 5
Row 1: Punch Line, Apricot Cookie(s)!, Magical Girl Spec Ops Asuka, Concrete Revolutio, Miraculous Ladybug, Magical Suite Prism Nana
Row 2: Myriad Colors Phantom World, Nurse Witch Komugi-chan R, Mahou Tsukai Precure!, Flowering Heart, Mahou Shoujo? Naria☆Girls, Magical Girl Raising Project
Row 3: Matoi the Sacred Slayer, Flip Flappers, Balala the Fairies: Over the Rainbow, Pop in Q, Acro Trip, Kira Kira Precure a la Mode
Pic 6
Row 1: Märchen Mädchen, Twin Angel Break, Re:Creators, Magia Record, Cloudy Wondrous, Strawberry Seafoam
Row 2: HUGtto! Precure, Balala the Fairies: Ocean Magic, Tsukurotte Piature, Gushing Over Magical Girls, Star Twinkle Precure, Stellar Witch LIPS
Row 3: Healin’ Good Precure, Catch Teenieping, Mewkledreamy, Dame Daffodil, Sasaki and Peeps, Tropical Rouge! Precure
Pic 7
Row 1: Blue Reflection Ray, Magical Mom, Magilumiere Co. Ltd., Tea Tea Cherry, Delicious Party Precure, Balala the Fairies: Magic Star Fate Castle
Row 2: Hirogaru Sky! Precure, Magical Destroyers, Magical Girl Tsubame: I Will (Not) Save the World!, Wonderful Precure!
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mrsvalbaker · 1 month
Okay but Eddie...
Picked up another job this summer, with the summer carnival coming up, a surprise trip to Disney World, our little town freak has plans for his coffin cutie this summer.
He was to be the pool boy for Loch Nora residents, namely The Cunninghams, and our little batty barbie was pissed about it.
She has every right to be, with Chrissy "Captain of the Cheer Squad" Cunningham, parading around in her high cut bikinis with her perfectly toned body spilling iced tea on her cleavage as Eddie scrubs her pool and mows her manicured lawn.
Was she being a little bratty?
Doesn't she realize Eddie has no interest in Chrissy's cookie cutter body when he has his luscious little witch?
Doesn't she understand he is trying to earn more money for her?
She's clouded by jealousy and rage worthy of a Greek goddess right now.
She made a Chrissy voodoo doll but when that didn't help soothe her anger, she decided to play dirty, she decided to spend more time with Steve "The Hair" Harrington, spending this summer in her black, thong bikini's, the most she wears are obscenely little shorts, Indiana summers are humid and sticky after all.
She and Steve have cold sandwich and firecracker pop picnics in the Hawkins' Cemetary, she makes her homemade orange lemonade that tastes like candy and happens to be Eddie's favorite.
She swims in Lover's Lake in that thong bikini with Steve, having her pretend to drown her.
Eddie can't take it any longer when he hears from Henderson that Steve is having his little succubus over at his mansion for nightly dips in his pool (that Eddie cleaned!) and a private horror summer movie themed marathon.
What if his little moth gets too much of a taste of the good life and doesn't want to return to his trailer and smelly van? What if she likes the security of Harrington's life, what if he can be a better protector?
He would do ANYTHING to prevent that, his little bat made him realize something about himself, Eddie isn't as sweet as he thought, he's actually rather selfish and controlling and while he loves making his Morticia the happiest girl in the morgue, he would rather her stay with him and be unhappy then let her have a chance of happiness with anyone else.
He would maim and possibly kill the guy he has considered his new friend, just to keep her.
He was jumped the Harrington's fence, his parents are vacationing in St. Barts right now while his uncle is on a fishing trip, the difference of their families is astonishing. he opens the back slide door of the mansion and bursts in guns blazing, not literally, but his fists were balled and clad in rings that'd be painful to the face.
He was screaming at the both of them, that they were sorely mistaken if they thought he'd allow them to get away with this that he will rip off Steve's dick and put it down the garbage disposal if he touches his girl, and then he wasn't screaming or making threats anymore, his voice was becoming weak, the thought of her no longer being in his life was too much to bear. He felt sick, his nausea swirling in his guts, he felt clammy and tears were pouring down his sweet face as he fell to his knees and clung to his girl's legs begging her to not leave him, he'll go and rob a bank and case houses to make sure she doesn't go without.
And our little horror bimbo felt so rotten, it went too far. She took it too far, she got lost in a jealous rage and then she did have a lot of fun hanging out with Steve, but just hanging, she doesn't find Steve physically attractive at all, his voice doesn't make her melt, and their hugs were so friendly and not making her heat up like her Eddie Teddie.
And every time she hung out with Steve she felt hollow, missing her Eddie, he is her limb after all, he's her Dr. Frankenstein.
Steve could never be Eddie not even close, he doesn't have that Hershey chocolate kiss gaze, those surprisingly strong arms, that warm embrace when they cuddle, the obsessive looks and touches, his constant worshipping, the smell of his Irish green soap and Brut aftershave and red Marlboro cigarette perfume with the undertone of weed. He smells like smoke and herbs and pine and like the lord of the wood, like her own Cernunnos, and oh how she worships HIM.
She missed playing Dungeons and Dragons with him, missed it ending dirty with him seducing her Witch character, missed him getting excited and nerdy over things, they didnt even go to a concert this summer yet!
She missed her Gomez, her Cernunnos, her daddy.
And she was teary eyed as she apologized profusely and they started eating each others tears and licking each others wounds until they were in a passionate embrace in the middle of Steve's living room and he had to leave his own house to let them make up.
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please give a warm welcome to the 128 contestants of the pink hair swag tourney, part three !!
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we have 57 new contenders and 71 returning competitors vying for the crown !! starting on 06/21/2023, we'll start voting to determine which of these pink haired characters is the swaggiest of all time !!
PART ONE - 06/21 Iris Lovefeather - Tales of the Rays VS Lightning Farron - Final Fantasy Molli Pop - Candies n’ Curses VS Lily Tabacchi - Lily’s Well Yuyuko Saigyouji - Touhou Project VS Kasen Ibaraki - Touhou Project Madoka Kaname - Madoka Magica VS Aya Maruyama - Bang Dream! Vivian - Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door VS Anne Faulkner - Paradox Live Reona West - Prism Paradise VS Mirai Momoyama - Sparkling Prism Channel Crona - Soul Eater VS Chibiusa - Sailor Moon Satsuki Momoi - Kuroko no Basket VS Alice Asmodeus - Mairimashita! Iruma-kun
PART TWO - 06/22 Meninas McAllon - Bleach VS Neon Nostrade - Hunter x Hunter (1999) Shima Renzou - Blue Exorcist VS Szayelaporro Granz - Bleach Ln'eta - Sucker for Love: First Date VS Miyako Shikamori - Shikamori’s Not Just a Cutie Hot Pants - Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure VS Yasuho Hirose - Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Sheena Murphy - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles VS Scary Girl - Total Drama Cleo - Dragalia Lost VS Amy Pile - Grand Chase Mashiro Nijigaoka - Hirogaru Sky! Pretty Cure VS Nodoka Hanadera - Healin’ Good Pretty Cure Rina Tennoji - Love Live VS Mei Hatsume - My Hero Academia
PART THREE - 06/23 Mizuki Akiyama - Project Sekai VS Utena Tenjou - Revolutionary Girl UtenaSakura Miku - Vocaloid VS Goku Black - Dragon BallRose Quartz - Steven Universe VS Bonnibel Bubblegum - Adventure TimeLilim - Puyo Puyo VS Harpy - Puyo PuyoUlala - Space Channel 5 VS Jerrica Benton - Jem and the HologramsKohaku Oukawa - Ensemble Stars VS Ramuda Amemura - Hypnosis Mic Sara - Tales of Link VS Meido - Heaven’s Design TeamNatsu Dragneel - Fairy Tail VS Marluxia - Kingdom Hearts
PART FOUR - 06/24 Popuri - Harvest Moon VS Lyla - Harvest Moon Ramsey Murdoch - Epithet Erased VS Yoomtah Zing - Epithet Erased Trixie Roughhouse - Epithet Erased VS Giovanni Potage - Epithet Erased  Estellise Sidos Heurassein - Tales of Vesperia VS Sophia - Stardew Valley Expanded Clover Field - Zero Escape VS Zizel - Witch’s Heart Nikki - Love Nikki VS Zero Two - Darling in the Franxx Nana Hiiragi - Munou na Nana VS Amu Hinamori - Shugo Chara! Maggie Pesky - The Buzz on Maggie VS Jinmay - Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go!
PART FIVE - 06/25 Reo Maruyama - Paradox Live VS Kazuichi Souda - Danganronpa Seraphine - League of Legends VS Violet - Arcane Jewelry Bonney - One Piece VS Koby - One Piece Perona - One Piece VS Shirahoshi - One Piece Minato Aqua - Hololive VS Himemori Luna - Hololive Mina Ashido - My Hero Academia VS Anya Forger - Spy x Family Kaoru Sakurayashiki - Sk8 the Infinity VS Nadeshiko Kagamihara - Yuru Camp Molly - Bubble Guppies VS Toadette - Mario Series PART SIX - 06/26 Hitori Gotoh - Bocchi the Rock! VS Mitsuri Kanroji - Demon Slayer Hinako Mishuku - Your Turn to Die VS Nao Egokoro - Your Turn to Die Riamu Yumemi - The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls VS Miyu Sakurada - Dig Delight Direct Drive DJ Sucy Manbavaran - Little Witch Academia VS Chuatury Panlunch - Gundam: The Witch from Mercury Ran - Urusei Yatsura VS Akira Kogami - Lucky Star Ilima - Pokemon VS Pastille - Starry Flowers  Kumatora - Mother 3 VS Amy Rose - Sonic the Hedgehog Setsuno - Toriko VS Genkai - YuYu Hakusho PART SEVEN - 06/27 Aubrey - OMORI VS Iris Sagan - AI: The Somnium Files Muku Sakisaka - Act! Addict! Actors! VS Tori Himemiya - Ensemble Stars Ribbon - Kirby VS Strawberry Crepe Cookie - Cookie Run Cotton Candy Cookie - Cookie Run VS Rambutan Cookie - Cookie Run Narciso Anasui - Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure VS Diavolo - Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Yanagi Hanabusa - DREAM!ing VS Shion Mikekado - DREAM!ing Delta - Honkai Impact VS Elysia - Honkai Impact Kory Anders - Titans VS Gamora - Marvel Cinematic Universe PART EIGHT - 06/28 Sakura Haruno - Naruto VS Euphemia Li Brittania - Code Geass Kipo Oak - Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts VS Tom Lucitor - Star VS the Forces of Evil “Big” Jack Horner - Puss in Boots VS Princess Poppy - Trolls Machi Komacine - Hunter x Hunter VS Chika Fujiwara - Kaguya-Sama: Love is War Slurpuff - Pokemon VS Tinkaton - Pokemon Hilda Valentine Goneril - Fire Emblem: Three Houses VS Yae Miko - Genshin Impact Ortega - Pokemon VS Nurse Joy - Pokemon Tenebria - Epic Seven VS Tecna - Winx Club
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
What clown teacher reader with v, maybe either his parents convinced him to go to college or they're neighbors
"You're going to love it here, Vinny!"
"Doubt it." V slams the car door in his sister's face before she had the chance to get out, speed walking up to the steps of the building as she screams. Seven schools rejected and his parents thought bringing him to the same school she went to was a good idea. The sooner this was over the better so he could just go home and get back into bed.
Not in the mood for dealing with his guide, V opens the door leading into the main building of the campus and steps inside. In sync with him flinging open the door, a person carrying a large bakery box appears from behind it - bumping into him. Their expression of concern is met with V's look of annoyance which boils to bewildered intrigue with a glance at their attire.
"Sorry about that! Kinda hard to see where you're going with your hands full."
"It's fine. You work here dressed like... that?" V motions with a limp hand at their clothes. They look down at their colorful robes, seeming to be checking for stains. Realizing their blunder, the clown laughs.
"Oh, nono. I run the daycare across the street. Just passing out some cookies I made to the faculty or whoever wants one." Their voice drops to a whisper as they lean in, covering the side of their hand with their mouth. "Don't tell anyone- the reason I made so many is because I'm moving in a few days and didn't want to move everything over.... Would you like some? Please take as many as you want- Trying not to leave leftovers."
The teacher lightly shakes the box to emphasize their offer. Opening the package was all it took for V to dive head in. He pops a cookie in his mouth and scoops two more into each hand before the taste can even register on his tongue. Biting down, he doesn't regret the decision at all as the ball of baked dough is one of the best desserts he's had in years. Even by standards of the bakery next door to his complex. V snags another cookie as he wolfs down the first - the clown giggling at his antics.
"Well I'm glad you like them! I haven't seen you around before, but if you're a new student just know my doors are always open to you guys if you don't make too much noise. After seven you can roam as you like, but until then you can spend time in the main area where we keep old movies and other things."
"Mhm..." V blitzes through his stack of cookies and wipes his hands on his jeans, attention directed back at the clown. He was curious about what they looked like underneath. The rosy blush on their cheeks brought out their eyes in such a way they had to be at least above average. His stomach tied in knots just staring at them. Probably just the cookies.
"So... What's your name?"
"Right, it's Y/n. Nice to meet you." You shift the box on one arm as you extend your hand. "And you are?"
"Just V is fine..." V trails off, reluctant to take your hand. His palms are sweaty and he's never been one for physical approach. He reaches out like he's sticking his hand in a moustrap, but eases into the handshake as the warmth and softness of your hand envelops his. He wishes his pillows were this inviting. Realistically, how long could he go without washing his hand? Lefting go, you pull out your phone.
"Gotta get the kids in. Come by if you're ever in the area, okay? Bye, V!"
Once you're out of sight V looks in the direction you headed, inputting the daycare's name and yours to find out more. He steps aside and holds his phone closer to his face as someone else hops up the stairs, letting out a pitched scream as they grab his shoulders.
"Heyyy, Vinny~ Saw you talking to the cutie from across the street. Shame they're out of your league. Anyway, we've spent enough time here and should probably move on to the next school-"
"I'm joining this school even if I have to push your ass down these stairs first."
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persona-spawner · 8 days
Are you still taking orders? If so, could you make one for me inspired by loli, sweets, cute things in general?:3
inteName:Sugar, Candi, and Cutie
Cisids:Cutecore lover,Cat lover,frayromantic,demisexual,Cynophobia(fear of dogs),Proshippper,Darkshipper
Based off:loli, sweets, cute things in general
Personality: typical tiktok proship personality, "'Hiiii! ^w^!!1 owo :3" type person
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fatuismooches · 10 months
PART 3 TO THE DOTTORE FIC WAS ABSOLUTELY LOVELY AND YOU RELEASED IT SO FAST I WASNT EXPECTING IT SO SOON!!! gosh the pacing of it was so well, and I absolutely adore how you write fragile!reader and Zandik. AND THE NUDITY SCENEEEE!! >w< it was so so soft I absolutely adored it words cannot describe how much I was smiling during it. AND THE LITTLE ZANDY SNEAK WITH HIM BEING ALLOWED TO SEE ALL THE PREPERATIONS COLUMBINA IS DOING FOR FRAGILE!READER AND THEIR OUTFIT <33 AHHHHH!!!! Also the book scene as well 😭 SOB!! poor reader getting exposed out of nowhere because Zandik was “curious”… AND THE WEDDING SMOOCHES OH MY GOSH!!! I wasn’t expecting to read them getting married in this fic but im overjoyed to see you write it!!! their ceremony being private and the clumsy dancing after they’ve been officially married made me giggle and kick my feet in the air!!! honestly the marriage reminded me of an old ask I sent MONTHS ago!! fragile!reader and dottore having a private ceremony and how Dottore would most likely keep his ring in his box, but fragile!reader enjoys wearing it everyday as it’s a sign that Zandik truly does love them for who they are, and they’re bonded for eternity. :((( I would absolutely LOVE to see what type of rings you had in mind for them and what kind of suit you portrayed Zandik wearing!! I love these two so much that im honestly scared for the fourth and final part. :( my heart is not ready for angst…I loved all the hurt and comfort in this fic it’s literally my favorite thing!! and to say I will reread this AT LEAST 5 times, (just like I have with the first and second part) is an understatement. I always appreciate seeing you also mention me in your notes it’s so cute mwa mwa!! <33 make sure to rest sweetheart alright? currently dying because of midterms but I know part 3 will get me through it. AND BEFORE I EVEN FORGET THE MENTION OF BATHING TOGETHER ADJNDJAIJSJDK!!!! still one of my favorite ideas EVER im so happy to see it being dropped for a second in the fic it made me blush <33
But I truly hope you have an absolutely wonderful day and week and happy December cutie!!! Christmas will be here soon and I honestly can’t wait to bake. always imagining m fragile!reader because of my condition >_< im very delusional for him I think of him every second, minute, hour, day, every week!!! not a day goes by where I don’t think of him AT LEAST ONCE! but ANYWAYS!!! I give you loads and loads of cuddles and chu chus <33 I love you so much I just wanna hug you so tightly and swell up your cheeks because of how many chus I gave you!!
-from your dear boo boo bear 🎐 anon! ౨ৎ
AHHHHH 🎐 ANON IM SCREAMING TOO!!! YOU'RE TOO NICE!! I'M SO GLAD YOU LIKE IT!! please, my weekend literally consisted of two things, writing that fic, and finishing a project for college, i kept alternating between the two 😭 I WAS JUST SO EXCITED I HAD TO! AND OF COURSE!! Bb Zandy gets all the privileges (he gets the last cookie in the jar too, much to the other clones' dismay) 😌
AND YEAHHH the book idea just came to me one day. i just thought it'd be not only cute but funny, since i also love thinking about the playful banter you two have 🥺 HEHE I'M GLAD YOU LIKED THE WEDDING SCENE TOO!! I JUST HAD TO WRITE IT SINCE I FEEL IT NEEDS TO BE INCLUDED IN THEIR LIVES!! and yeah i was thinking about your asks too, because i like to go back and reread the asks on your tag 😭💗 Dottore keeps his ring in his box so when he's stressed he can just pop it open and admire it, thinking about you if you're not around, and put it away again now that he's had some time to slack off thinking about you. You though? Oh boy everyone has every detail of your ring memorized by how much you've gushed about it (poor random Fatui agents)
AND I'm not gonna lie i didn't really picture the rings or outfits inside my head. 😭 but i did look up some rings rn to see if i could find anything that's cute!! (i think. I'm not very good at fashion/aesthetics and this stuff 😭) but i think these first three for reader are pretty!! i feel like they're pretty elegant but not too much at the same time! Dottore's as i said would be much simpler, i can't find a good picture but i feel like the last one would be similar, thin with fewer jewels though. But ngl, i always love this interpretation of the ring Dottore would give you!! It's so pretty and to think he'd make the ring yourself is so!! AND I WOULD GIVE YOU OUTFITS BUT IM SORRY IM SO BAD AT THEM. Honestly though. I'd probably imagine him in like, the classic black and white suit. Maybe with some pieces of blue here and there. There's a fanart i'd show you too but the comments are EXTREMELY down bad so yeah,,
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🎐 ANON DON'T WORRY 😭 THERE WILL BE ANGST BUT HOPEFULLY THE FIFTH PART WILL MAKE IT BETTER!! AND OMG OVER 5 TIMES??? I'M HONOREDDD 🥰🥰🥰💗💗💗 MAKE SURE TO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF TOO OKAY?? i know midterms are the worse but you got this!! And omg have fun baking!! I wish i could taste your sweets, they must be delicious!! AND I LOVE YOU MORE!! mwah mwah!!
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darkstar225 · 1 year
Twice's 10th member is babysat by Kwon Eunbi
A/N: Heyyy, I'm coming up with a lot of stuff for you guys so I can make up for the time I'm gone lol! Sry for taking so long to post :D I hope that my friend LyraHarris8 who gave me this idea on Wattpad likes it! :)
The request: Hi I want to request can you do where the members have to go away for a day and they ask eunbi(kwon eunbi) to look after y/n as y/n were still a minor and eunbi adore y/n. Eunbi play with y/n all day and at night y/n ask eunbi to cuddle and she thought it was adorable. Y/n really love her eunbi unnie. Thank you ❤️
PS: Tysm for everyone who reads what I write, I hope I can bring a smile to your faces every time I post! I'd like to thank whoever sent me this idea 'cause I loved to write it <3
The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm, golden hue over the bustling city of Seoul. It was a rare day off for TWICE, the K-pop sensation that had taken the world by storm. But even on their days off, there were responsibilities to be met, and today was no different.
Y/N, the youngest member of the group and still a minor, had been left in the care of Kwon Eunbi, a former member of IZ*ONE and a close friend of the TWICE members. Eunbi adored Y/N like a little sister, and she had eagerly agreed to look after the young idol for the day while the rest of TWICE attended various appointments and meetings.
Eunbi arrived at the luxurious apartment building where Y/N lived with her older sisters, her heart fluttering with excitement. She had planned a day full of fun activities to keep the young idol entertained. As she stepped into the lobby, she was greeted by Y/N, who was dressed in comfortable loungewear and had a bright smile on her face.
Y/N - Eunbi unnie! 
Y/N yelled as she rushed over to hug Eunbi. 
Y/N - I'm so glad you're here!
Eunbi returned the hug warmly, her heart melting at the younger girl's enthusiasm. 
Eunbi - I'm happy to be here, baby. We're going to have so much fun today!
TWICE's honey nodded eagerly, her eyes shining with anticipation. 
Y/N - What are we going to do first, unnie?
Eunbi pulled out a list of activities she had prepared. 
Eunbi - Well, first, we're going to start with some arts and crafts. How does that sound, love?
Y/N's eyes lit up. 
Y/N - That sounds amazing, unnie!
They spent the morning crafting together, making colourful friendship bracelets, painting pictures, and laughing as they got paint on their hands and faces. Eunbi was amazed at her dongsang's creativity and artistic talent. She marvelled at how such a young idol could be so mature and talented.
After finishing their arts and crafts, they moved on to baking cookies. TWICE's cutie pie insisted on decorating them with beautiful icing and sprinkles, creating a delicious mess in the kitchen. Eunbi couldn't help but laugh at the youngest's enthusiasm and the way her face lit up with every successful batch of cookies.
As the day wore on, Eunbi took Y/N to a nearby park, where they played on the swings, had a picnic, and ran around like carefree children. Eunbi couldn't help but be amazed at Y/N's boundless energy and joy. She was a reminder of the simple pleasures in life that Eunbi sometimes forgot in her busy idol schedule.
As the sun began to set, they returned to TWICE's dorm. Eunbi had one more surprise in store for the young idol. She had set up a cosy blanket fort in the living room, complete with fairy lights and fluffy pillows. Y/N's eyes widened in awe as she stepped inside.
Y/N - Wow, unnie! This is incredible! 
Eunbi - I thought you might like it, hon. Now, what do you say we watch a movie and have a little snack? *smiling*
Y/N nodded enthusiastically, and they settled down in the blanket fort with a bowl of popcorn and a stack of DVDs. They chose a heartwarming animated film and snuggled under the blankets, their laughter filling the room as they watched the movie together.
As the movie neared its end, Y/N turned to Eunbi with a shy smile. 
Y/N - Unnie, can I ask you something?
Eunbi turned to her, curious. 
Eunbi - Of course, darling. What is it?
TWICE's lovebug hesitated for a moment before speaking softly. 
Y/N - Can we... cuddle?
Eunbi's heart melted at the girl's request. She had always seen her as a little sister, but in that moment, she realized just how much the young idol looked up to her and trusted her. Without hesitation, Eunbi wrapped her arms around Y/N and pulled her close, cuddling with her under the soft blankets.
Y/N let out a contented sigh and snuggled closer to Eunbi, resting her head on Eunbi's chest.
Y/N - Thank you, unnie. I really love you.
Tears pricked at the corners of Eunbi's eyes as she held her little sister close. 
Eunbi - I love you too, sweet girl. You mean the world to me.
They stayed like that for a while, watching the stars through the window as the night grew darker. Eunbi couldn't have asked for a more perfect day with Y/N. She cherished these moments when they could just be themselves, away from the glitz and glamour of the idol world.
Eventually, Y/N's eyelids grew heavy, and she yawned. Eunbi gently tucked her in, making sure she was warm and comfortable.
Eunbi - Goodnight, angel. *whispering*
Y/N - Goodnight, unnie *murmuring since she's already drifting off to sleep*
Eunbi watched over Y/N for a while, her heart full of love and gratitude. She knew that being an idol could be challenging, but moments like these made it all worthwhile. She was determined to be the best unnie she could be for Y/N and all the other members of TWICE.
As Eunbi settled down to sleep herself, she couldn't help but smile, feeling truly blessed to have Y/N in her life. It was a day she would cherish forever, a day filled with love, laughter, and the sweetest cuddles from the youngest member of TWICE. And this made her have only one thought:
We all love our dear maknae.
A/N: I'm sorry for any errors, English is not my first language. Pls, let me know if there's something wrong, ty for reading <3
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wonnieluv · 5 months
I’m trying something new with this one.
I decided I’m gonna write out a dream I had in fanfic format so enjoy this rollercoaster of a crackfic
Post concert depression presents itself in a variety of forms and can be felt in many different ways. It’s been 24 hours since you’ve last seen Enhypen at the FATE+ tour and as a coping method you’ve decided to go to the local corner store nearby. Opting for a cool drink to go with the depression healing cookies you bolt to the back of the store where the fridges are located. The most refreshing looking Red Bull that one shouldn’t be drinking this late is just sitting there calling your name as you reach for the fridge. Just as you’re about to grab the handle someone else does so prompting you to swiftly retract your hand.
“No it’s ok go ahead” you hear in the most familiar Australian accent. As soon as you look up you’re met with the warmest brown eyes to match the warmest smile and if you weren’t standing face to face with Jake Jaeyun cutie-patootie-I-wanna-have-ur-babies Sim, you probably would’ve stared a little bit longer.
“No don’t worry you go ahead” you didn’t want to keep this man here too long where someone could see him nor did you want to wait until he could notice you were decked out head to toe in Fate+ merch and very visibly emotionally distressed.
You don’t give him the chance to answer before you turn around to swiftly walk to the other side of the store and look at the very interesting boxes of cake mix sitting neatly on the shelf but before you could even say “Sunghoon marry me” you were bumping into someone’s chest. At this point you’re begging in your head for it to just be some random dude but when you’re met face-to-face with Kim Sunoo all higher brain function completely stops. Without even missing a beat he asks “how did you like the concert”
“It was wonderful I had the best time!” You exclaimed. It’s hard to sum up such an amazing concert in such few words but you felt you shouldn’t say “I literally had the best time and I love you’re smile and you’re so hot and can you come back I’m literally so depressed cause the concert is over and I love you so much please drop the skincare routine cause you are GLOWING. Did I mention I love you?” That could wait for another time.
As if on cue, just as you finished speaking Jake comes up behind you and asks the same thing but before you could answer Jay pops up and asks the same thing, and then Heeseung, and then Sunghoon, and Jungwon. At this point you’re being completely surrounded by Enhypen asking you if the concert was great so you start backing up feeling very overwhelmed. Before you could get anywhere you knock into a body behind you. Turning around to see Ni-ki smiling down at you and starts asking the same question. Let’s just say no one could predict your late night trip to the store down the street would result in you be cornered by all 7 Enhypen members. I’m not sure if you should be flattered and a bit turned on or extremely scared but let’s pretend you’re mentally stable and say that you were terrified. It’s as if they kept getting taller and taller and the next thing you know it…
You’re waking up from sleep dripping in sweat
How was this? It’s very based off of a dream I had last night that I found very goofy and I felt I’d share it! Please lmk what you think 🫶
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rwac96 · 1 year
Nightly galancy
Ok ok...I gotta know what the others' reaction to see jaune's so call Dream girl just appearing before them. Also already trying to take her claim by staying on his lap.
Teams RWBY & JNPR sat in a circle, enjoying a picnic. Ruby munched away at sandwiches, strawberries, and cookies, getting crumbs all over herself much to Weiss' displeasure as she was eating a burger with silverware. Yang mocked the lieutenant of her team while Blake enjoyed a tuna sandwich, Ren made sure Nora didn't eat up all the food in the picnic basket. Jaune munched away at a sandwich as Pyrrha scooted closer to him until violet mist began to appear.
"The heck?" Yang Xiao Long looks down, the mist driving her away from mocking Weiss' habit. "Where did this mist come from?!"
Blake Belladonna blinks, her bow wiggled due to her ears being underneath, and her nose wiggled as she picked up a peculiar scent. Before anyone said anything, a puff of smoke exploded in front of the leader of Team JNPR. The blonde swordsman lets out a 'manly' shriek, while a pink-haired, flat-chested girl with wide hips and noticeable rear appeared. The winged newcomer lands upon the flustered Jaune's lap, giggling as she wraps her arms around his neck.
"Found you, Cutie," Lilith Aensland said, Jaune's cheeks turning crimson as Team RWBY and his team looked on in shock.
"Jaune," Pyrrha was the first to speak up, furrowing her brows. "who is that?"
"Lilith," the succubus answered for the aspiring Huntsman before he said anything, "his dream girl~." She winked at the Mistral Champion, who gave the newcomer an unamused glare.
"Dream girl?" Weiss squints at the winged girl, "Arc," she turns to Jaune, "did you make some Faustian bargain for a paramour?"
"Didn't you hear me before, you judgemental prude," Lilith said, which made the middle Schnee child huff. "I'm his Dream Girl, AKA, he moved on from you, Rich Girl."
"Oh, damn," Weiss said sarcastically, "I'm so jealous of a random, demonic harlot."
"Demon?" Blake grimaced, her bow popping off of her head, revealing her feline ears. "Jaune, what the hell?!"
"A DEMON'S GOT JAUNE-JAUNE!!" Nora hollered, "Let him go!" She proceeded to charge at the pair, only for them to disappear in a swarm of bats, making the hammer-wielder smack into a tree. "...Ow."
"This is concerning," Ren said as he looked up, seeing Lilith holding his friend in her arms.
Ruby and Yang looked on in deep thought as if they witnessed something like this before. "Yang," the silver-eyed girl spoke up, "doesn't she look...somewhat familiar?"
"Like Uncle Qrow's green-haired girlfriend?" The Blonde Brawler turned to her sister, then returns her gaze to Lilith kissing a stuttering, flustered Jaune. "There's certainly a resemblance."
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piggycyberwarrior · 2 years
What nicknames the Arcane characters would give you //HC
Summary: What nicknames the Arcane Characters would give you. And what nicknames you would give them
Includes: Ekko, Vi, Silco, Jinx
a/n: Jinx’ is a little short. Daily reminder that your special and I love youu
Warnings: none
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I think he would stick with the normal couple names like babe, baby ect. 
but he would also call you "firefly" or "sunshine" when you are alone.
You on the other hand.... hehehe..... 
“Hey Mister Man! Do you need anything? I'm going grocery shopping  now." 
“I. Am. going. grocery. shopping. do. you. need. something, cookie kiss?”
you call him names like: “Macho Mack”, “Noodle doodle”, “Nutter butter” “cutie patootie” (last ones my fav)
Sometimes he just chuckles from the hilarious nicknames, but he loves them. Also that you are so creative about that.
it is logical that vi calls you cupcake or sweet cheeks. 
that's what she had called you even before you were together
i think vi is with someone who holds her back when she gets into another fight
like a mother figure (my opinion...) 
So I think that she likes it when you call her nicknames like: “sweetie”, “Blub”, or “Pumpkin”
“Hey Love, could you pass me the salt please?” “mhmmm, if I get a kiss.” she slyly said. you chuckled. “Of course sweetie.”
Silco, silco, silco.
He would definitely call you names like: beloved, darling or love (i want thaattttt!!)
he started it when you accidentally hurt yourself once and he patched you up-
"this is going to hurt a little bit, darling." "What, what did you call me?" “Darling?” 
Y/n EXE. has stopped working. 
“Love why is your nose bleeding? Here, a tissue.” silco said concerned
until then, you didn't think he would use nicknames. he was always so serious. So you started doing that too
“Mhmmm.” groaned silco pleasantly as you played with his hair.
“I love you, Handsome.” God you dont know how much he loves hearing that from you.
jinx would give you some crazy nicknames
Pudding Pop, cuddly-wuddly, snookums everything out of the ordinary
“Snookums? Ah here you are! Look what I found!!” she giggled as she showed you what she found on a mission.
“Mhm? Oh thats cool, Ducky!” 
you, on the other hand, like to call her names like: Ducky, Bee, Birdie.
She really likes them and is deeply offended when you call her by her real name. 
No shit, She then sulks like a toddler
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t0msvi4gra · 2 months
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BCHLDGKDFKDHLCOYAFALUCAKYFAOUFAOUFSOUSFUPSTPSUGSJPGSJPCOHSFJSPFISGUPSFHPSFOYSCSOHAXOHFSHOCSHLCSGOCSHOSCHOSCGOSCSHOS HOLY honey woney munch kins hubby boo sugar bun pumpkin patch sweet sweet bay sugar plum kitty cat honey pie senpai blossom flower pie sweet cheeks snookums baby doll muffin ducky baby cakes pudding sugar pie treacle pickle sexy pants monkey socks squidget fluffy gooey smoothie kissy snuggly fuzzy puppy pumpkin spice snuffly spicy tasty widdle snoopy hunky huggy poopsie love widdle candy sugar cookie hat fudge sparky unicorn poop spanky buns nugget boo boo McSmooches cake pants bottom lolipop pup pup cuddle muffin coke poo poo booger bear dumpling pancake doodle nookie nookie num nums bunny Babe/ Baby Shona Cutie pie/babypie/ basically anything pie Bae HoneyHoneybun Babu/ Babushona Boo-boo Sloppy Nuts Minion. Pork Chop Baby Face Tater Tot Tootsie Pop Q Tip Cool Kid honey woney munch kins hubby boo sugar bun pumpkin patch sweet sweet bay sugar plum kitty cat honey pie senpai blossom flower pie sweet cheeks snookums baby doll muffin ducky baby cakes pudding sugar pie treacle pickle sexy pants monkey socks squidget fluffy gooey smoothie kissy snuggly fuzzy puppy pumpkin spice snuffly spicy tasty widdle snoopy hunky huggy poopsie love widdle candy sugar cookie hat fudge sparky unicorn poop spanky buns nugget boo boo McSmooches cake pants bottom lolipop pup pup cuddle muffin coke poo poo booger bear dumpling pancake doodle nookie nookie num nums bunny Most anything food-related, not limited to Pudding, Baby Cakes Honey Pot Muffin Snuggluffagus JuJuBee Cowpie Giggles Nugget Teacup Kiddo Smarty Boomer. Scout Ace Stud Muffin Cookie Kiss Hunk Monkey Batman Big Guy Captain Cutie
Handsome Heartthrob Honeybun Darling Hot Stuff Lover Mister Man Papi Shampoo Sailor My Knight Tight Butt Prince Pookie Lover Man Papa Bear Old Man My Boy Boy Toy Monkey Sweets Papi Chulo Macho Mack Kiddo Hulk Hot Pants Jellybean Schmoopy Foxy Dumpling Cowboy Ranger Handsome Big Buddy husband Noah soooo much
He answered me baba:3
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