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✿ 具だくさん【切り干し大根煮】
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Kofuku: known as Kofu, Kofu-chan, rarely Kofutan, Kofutaro,or Kofuku-san, and the alias is the black menace
He was adopted from the animal shelter when he was around 2months and a half. Although it was said he might not live so long because he had the anal prolapse, now he has no problems and has gotten so big.
He had a violent childhood attacking Mr.J every day, but his nature is only a home tiger so he can't greet with not only her guests but grandpa yet.
He hates being hugged, runs away when she calls him, and falls on the floor with the face that doesn't know what he's thinking these days, so it's still impossible for landlady to communicate with him. She can feel his affection only by his staying beside service with sharing her pillow when she wakes up.
He loves rice SO much and eats cooked rice or prepared mochi rice. And he always goes his way physically,then broke a lot of things at home so he let her spend quite an extra money...
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Compliments in Japanese
How do you give compliments in Japanese? Japanese tends to be a very 曖昧 (あいまい) or vague language, so direct compliments tend to be less common.
お世辞 おせじ compliment
誉め言葉 ほめことば compliment, praise
Here are some compliments that can be used in most situations.
Polite 髪の毛切りましたか?似合いますね。 かみのけきりましたか?にあいますね。 Did you cut your hair? It looks good on you.
Casual 髪の毛切った?似合うよ。 かみのけきった?にあうよ。 Did you cut your hair? It looks good.
Polite そのシャツ��ワンピース/服いいですね。 そのシャツ/ワンピース/ふくいいですね。 That shirt/dress/outfit looks good.
Casual そのシャツ/ワンピース/服いいね。 そのシャツ/ワンピース/ふくいいね。 That shirt/dress/outfit looks good.
Polite いい笑顔ですね。 いいえがおですね。 You have a nice smile.
Casual いい笑顔だね。 いいえがおだね。 You have a nice smile.
Polite 良くやりましたね! よくやりましたね! Good job! / Well done!
Casual 良くやったね! よくやったね! Good job! / Well done!
Polite お見事です! おみごとです! Great work! / Excellent!
Casual お見事! おみごと! Great work! / Excellent!
Polite 今日のプレゼン/スピーチ/アイディアとても良かったです。 きょうのプレゼン/スピーチ/アイディアとてもよかったです。 Today's presentation/speech/idea was very good.
Casual 今日のプレゼン/スピーチ/アイディアとても良かったよ。 きょうのプレゼン/スピーチ/アイディアとてもよかったよ。 Today's presentation/speech/idea was very good.
Polite 料理上手ですね。 りょうりじょうずですね。 You are good at cooking.
Casual 料理上手いね。 りょうりうまいね。 You are a good cook.
Polite 写真を撮るセンスがいいですね。 しゃしんをとるセンスがいいですね。 You have good photography sense.
Casual 写真を撮るセンスがいいね。 しゃしんをとるセンスがいいね。 You have good photography sense.
Polite 英語がペラペラですね。 えいごがペラペラですね。 Your English is very fluent.
Casual 英語がペラペラだね。 えいごがペラペラだね。 Your English is very fluent.
#日本語#japanese#japanese langblr#japanese studyblr#langblr#studyblr#compliments in japanese#japanese language#tokidokitokyo#tdtstudy
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YouTube Channels for Kids by JLPT Levels
(。•̀ᴗ-)✧ resources

こんにちは, Japanese learners! Learning a language is an exciting adventure, isn't it? To add a spark of joy to your Japanese learning journey, here's a collection of YouTube channels tailored for kids. Organized by JLPT levels, these channels offer a blend of education and entertainment for learners at different stages. Keep in mind, though, that JLPT levels aren't an exact science like math – language learning can be subjective in terms of difficulty. However, these resources provide a fantastic starting point and a fun way to explore the world of Japanese language and culture. Let's hop into this delightful world of animated learning and playful discoveries!
Friendly reminder to adjust your way of learning in order to make the most of what you're studying to reach the goal you truly want! read my post about it (ᵔ◡ᵔ)
꒰ა ˚₊ ✧・┈・╴N 5 ╴・┈・𐑺 ‧₊˚໒꒱
— Curious George (N5 level)
— Japanese folk tales/anime series (Japanese audio/Japanese subtitles) from BomBom Academy (N5 level)
— Peppa Pig (N5-4 level)
— Anpanman (N5-4 level)
— NHK education (N5-4 level)
꒰ა ˚₊ ✧・┈・╴N4 ╴・┈・𐑺 ‧₊˚໒꒱
— Cinnamon Roll, Sanrio (N4 level)
— [Anime] Atashin'chi (N4-3 level)
꒰ა ˚₊ ✧・┈・╴N3 ╴・┈・𐑺 ‧₊˚໒꒱
— Sesame Street Japan (N3 level)
— Chibi Maruko Chan (N3-2 level)
꒰ა ˚₊ ✧・┈・╴N2 ╴・┈・𐑺 ‧₊˚໒꒱
— Precure (N2 level)
꒰ა ˚₊ ✧・┈・╴﹕꒰ ᐢ。- ༝ -。ᐢ ꒱﹕╴・┈・𐑺 ‧₊˚໒꒱
#japanese#nihongo#studyblr#learn Japanese#learning Japanese#japanese langblr#langblog#japanese studyblr#日本語#study japanese#japanese resources#free resources#resources#japanese free resources#youtube#JLPT#JLPT N5
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Learn Japanese with Easy Story!
ゆで卵の作り方を学ぼう! Yude tamago no tsukurikata o manabou! Let's learn how to make a boiled egg!
とても簡単だよ。 Totemo kantan da yo. It's very easy to do.
まず、卵を一つ選んでね。 Mazu, tamago o hitotsu erande ne. First, pick an egg.
卵が割れていないか確かめてね。 Tamago ga wareteinai ka tashikamete ne. Make sure the egg is not broken.
次に、卵をお湯の中に入れてね。 Tsugi ni, tamago o oyu no naka ni irete ne. Next, put the egg in a pot of boiling water.
約10分間、ゆでてね。 Yaku 10-punkan, yudete ne. Let it cook for about 10 minutes.
そのあと、卵を気をつけて取り出してね。 Sono ato, tamago o ki o tsukete toridashite ne. After that, take the egg out carefully.
殻をむいたら、ゆで卵ができあがり! Kara o muitara, yude tamago ga dekiagari! Peel off the shell, and your boiled egg is ready! Learn with CrunchyNihongo.com -> https://bit.ly/2Zk4l4K
まなぼう (manabou) – let's learn えらんで (erande) – choose (te-form of えらぶ) われていないか (wareteinai ka) – is not broken (negative form of われる / wareru) たしかめて (tashikamete) – check (te-form of たしかめる / tashikameru) いれて (irete) – put (te-form of いれる / ireru) ゆでて (yudete) – boil (te-form of ゆでる / yuderu) きおつけて (ki o tsukete) – carefully (te-form of きをつける / ki o tsukeru) とりだして (toridashite) – take out (te-form of とりだす / toridasu) むいたら (muitara) – after peeling (tara-form of むく / muku) Learn with CrunchyNihongo.com -> https://bit.ly/2Zk4l4K
ゆで たまご (yude tamago) – boiled egg つくりかた (tsukurikata) – how to make / method かんたん (kantan) – easy たまご (tamago) – egg ひとつ (hitotsu) – one (used for counting things) おゆ (oyu) – hot water なか (naka) – inside やく (yaku) – about (used when talking about time) ぷんかん (punkan) – minutes から (kara) – shell できあがり (dekiagari) – finished, ready (from できあがる / dekiagaru)
Learn with CrunchyNihongo.com -> https://bit.ly/2Zk4l4K
#nihongo#jlpt#japan#nippon#japanese#kanji#hiragana#katakana#hiragana reading practice#hiragana practice
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Japanese "Onomatopoeia" 『オノマトペ/Onomatope)』
There are two types in Japanese Onomatopoeia. One is 「擬音語(ぎおんご/Gi-on-go)」 which is “written sound” as we hear, and the other is 「擬態語(ぎたいご/Gi-tai-go)」 which is “written sound of status” as we look or feel.
1) 「擬音語(ぎおんご/Gi-on-go)」: “sound” onomatopoeias
As examples, let’s compare onomatopoeias for some animal sounds in Japanese and English.
犬(いぬ/Inu)「ワンワン(Wan-wan)」 Dog: “Woof woof” “Bow-wow”
猫(ねこ/Neko)「ニャー(Nyaa)」 Cat: “Meow”
牛(うし/Ushi)「モー(Moo)」 Cow: “Moo”
豚(ぶた/Buta)「ブーブー(Buu-buu)」 Pig: “Oink oink”
にわとり(Niwatori)「コケコッコー(Kokekokkoo)」Rooster: “Cock-a-doodle-doo”
2) 「擬態語(ぎたいご/Gi-tai-go)」 “status” onomatopoeias
This type is onomatopoeias of “status”. An easy-to-understand example is “わくわく(Waku-waku)” which became famous through “SPY x FAMILY.” “Waku-waku” means being excited or thrilled about something you look forward to. Although the status does not have that sound, we can imagine Anya’s facial expression and emotions just by seeing the word.
By using onomatopoeias, we can describe the situation or the person’s feelings in detail with simple and short words. For example, if you want to say “It’s raining,” here are some onomatopoeias, from the lightest to the heaviest;
①「雨(あめ/Ame)がポツリポツリ(Potsuri-potsuri)と降(ふ/Fu)っている」…Raindrops are falling at intervals.
②「雨がポツポツ(Potsu-potsu)降っている」…Just a few raindrops are falling.
③「雨がパラパラ(Para-para)降っている」…Raindrops are falling continuously
④「雨がしとしと(Shito-shito)降っている」…It’s quiet, but certainly raining continuously.
⑤「雨がザーザー(Zaa-zaa)降っている」…It’s raining hard and making a fair amount of noise.
⑥「雨がドシャドシャ(Dosha-dosha)降っている」…It’s raining dangerously hard.
Onomatopoeias have existed since before manga and anime existed, but manga has made us more familiar with them, and they have enabled us to share delicate expressions with visual images using just a few words. So I think you’ll be familiar with them naturally while watching anime or manga, without extra effort to memorize them.
Hereunder I’ll pick up some lines with onomatopoeias from Season 1 episodes;
From Episode 1 : Maomao
Maomao “Takaga uwasa-banashini nanio shinkenni natterunda. Konnanowa tadano okusokuni suginai. Suginaiga…chiito-bakashi itte-miruka. Sososososo…”
Maomao “Why am I taking a rumor so seriously? It’s all just conjecture. But still… I guess I can take a quick peek.”
Episode 13 : Serving in the Outer Court
Jinshi “Benkyono-howa yatte iru-noka?”
Jinshi “Are you studying?”
Maomao “Sososososo…”
Maomao “Sneak, sneak.”
Jinshi “Oi!”
Jinshi “Hey!”
Maomao “Sososososo…”
Maomao “Sneak, sneak!”
「そそそそそ…」: sneak, sneak. (This onomatopoeia might be newly created in this anime.)
From Episode 4 : The Threat
Maomao “Pyōn, pyon. Shikata nai. Mo ichido, tsukuri-naosuka.”
Maomao “Boing boing. Oh, well. Guess I have to cook it again.”
「ぴょん(Pyon)」: Jumping, 「ぴょーん(Pyoon)」: Jumping (higher or longer)
From Episode 5 : Covert Operations
Yabu Isha “Omatase shimashita, Jinshi-sa……Shun.”
Quack Doctor “Thank you for waiting, Master Jinshi- Oh.”
「しゅん(Shun)」: Get disappointed and depressed a little
Episode 6 : The Garden Party
Guien “Jissai, wakaino. Datte, shujo-samao unda-noga… Kosho-kosho-kosho.”
Guiyuan “She is young. She gave birth to the emperor when she was…”!”
「こしょこしょ(Kosho-kosho)(with more comical nuance)」「こそこそ(Koso-koso)」: Talking in secret
From Episode 6 : The Garden Party
Infa “Mukaaa!”
Yinghua “Grr!”
Infa “Kiii! Maomaoni ayamari-nasaiyo!!”
Yinghua “Apologize to Maomao!”
「ムカッ(Muka)」 「ムカーッ(Mukaa)」「キーッ(Kiii)」: Getting angry
From Episode 6 : The Garden Party
Maomao (Hee… Koshite miruto, naka-naka… Omotta-yori, oerai-san nanoka. Yahari, bukanni mazattemo iwakanga nai. Hee, sakkino bukanmo, masseki-daga, nenreio kangaeruto shusse-gashiraka? Ano kira-kira shita kanganwa inai-kedo, maa do demo ii. O, soreyori, dokumi-da.)
Maomao (He looks pretty good there. I guess he’s higher up than I thought. He doesn’t seem out of place among the military officers. Oh look, that officer from earlier. He’s at the very edge, but given his age, I guess that’s still impressive? Our glittering eunuch isn’t there, but who cares? More importantly, food tasting.)
Maomao (…Atarashii kanzashi. Kanganmo kanzashio morau-noka. So-ieba, erimo sukoshi midareteru. Itsumono kira-kirasamo nai. U, ensekide sugatao minaito omottara, so-iu Kotoka. Demo, imanara toshi-so’o-no seinenni… to iuka daibu osanaku mieru. Kochirano-hoga mada iina.)
Maomao (A new hairpin? So the eunuchs gets hairpins, too? His collar is a little disheveled, too. Plus his normal glitter is gone. Is that why he wasn’t at the party? But right now, he’s acting his age more than usual… Or rather, he looks quite a bit younger. I prefer him like this, somewhat.”
Maomao (Shiorashii. Muchana koto’o itte-irunowa shochino ueka. Itsumo-doori, mudani kira-kira shitereba iinoni. Koko saikinno Jinshi-samawa, izen-yorimo zutto kodomono-yoni miete shikata-nai.)
Maomao (How modest. He realizes he’s asking for the impossible. He should just be excessively shiny like his usual self. For a while now, Master Jinshi has seemed much more childish than before.)
From Episode 7 : Homecoming
Maomao “Choki choki choki… Kacha kacha kacha.”
Maomao “Clip clip clip. Clunk clunk clunk.”
From Episode 7 : Homecoming
Maomao “Shaaaaa!”
Episode 14 : The New Pure Consort
Maomao (Ha! Daijina kyozai’o miseru-wake-niwa ikanai!) “Shaaaaa!”
Maomao (I can’t let him see my precious teaching material.)
シャー!(Shaaa!) : Hissing sound of cats or snakes. It can also show water flowing or something else, depending on the situation.
Episode 12 : The Eunuch and the Courtesan
Jinshi “Doyo-doyo… Iji-iji… Jime-jime…”
Jinshi “Wah, wah, boo-hoo, sob, sob…”
「どよどよ…」: Negative aura stagnates around there.
「いじいじ…」: sulking
「じめじめ…」: humid, muggy, gloomy mood
These words express how depressed Jinshi is, and he isn’t actually crying. I guess they’re translated into “Wah, wah, boo-hoo, sob, sob…” since there was no suitable short word.
From Episode 13 : Serving in the Outer Court
Pairin “Fufu. Tsuya-tsuyano puru-puruni shiagete oita-kara.”
Pairin “We got her all dolled up for you.”
「つやつや」: glossy, shiny, dewy
「ぷるぷる」: jiggly, texture like a jelly
From Episode 13 : Serving in the Outer Court
Maomao (Kono aida yakedo-gusurino jikken shita-kara, gucho-gucho nan-dayonaaa. Shimiruuu!)
Maomao (I just tried out some burn medicine the other day, so it’s really messed up right now. Stings!)
「ぐちょぐちょ」: wet and dirty, soaked and dirty
From Episode 15 : Raw Fish
Maomao (Fuguno doku…! Ano piri-piri shita shibirega iinda… Aa, tabetai.)
Maomao (Pufferfish poison… I love how it tingles and stings. Oh, I really want some now!)
From Episode 18 : Lakan
Maomao (Nanno kusuri daro…?) “Fun…Perori.” (…Imono konaka? Jinshi-samano kusuri dayona?)
Maomao (I wonder what kind of medicine this is.) “Lick.” (Potato flour? This is for Master Jinshi, right?”
From Episode 21 : How to Buy Out a Contract
Maomao (Ko-iunowa bera-bera hanasa-nain-dana.)
Maomao (So, he doesn’t blab about that.)
From Episode 21 : How to Buy Out a Contract
Yabu Isha “Nn…Nite-nakumo-nai-nee. Daeki’o maze-tara, norimo doro-doroja nakunaru-noka-nee.”
Quack Doctor “Hmm, I suppose so. Maybe mixing saliva into glue would make it less sticky as well.”
「ドロドロ」: muddy, thick, with a nuance of “dirty”
Episode 22 : Blue Roses
Shaoran “Daijobu dayooo. Poi!”
Xiaolan “It’s fine.”
「ぽい!」: light tossing or throwing small thing away
#apothecary english#apothecary romaji#the apothecary diaries#apothecary diaries#learning japanese#japanese#薬屋のひとりごと#薬屋のひとりごと 英語#薬屋 英語 学習#japan#KNH
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Hi YuuRei! I just have a question because I do have a hard time finding it due to not being able to read Japanese but I remember on YouTube there was a video somewhere with two TWST VAs (one of them i think was Rook?) doing a cooking show where they cooked Jade's chef event tofu hamburger and Silver's meat stew and have Rook's VA taste test it and I was wondering that if it was real or not? Thank you so much!
Hello hello! ^^ Thank you for this question!
It was real! It was an installment of Crewel's VA Ito Kent's "Good Boy!" series for the Disney Games channel!
There do not seem to be videos of the VAs themselves cooking Jade's chef event tofu hamburger with a taste-testing of Silver's stew available anymore, but the cooking of the hamburger and stew are there!
Tofu hamburger here!
Meat stew here!
If you are interested more in "VAs cook and then eat" videos, we have Crewel's Ito and Cater's Kobayashi both preparing and tasting Cater's potato galette dish and Idia's stuffed bell peppers!
Potato Galette here!
Stuffed Bell Peppers here!
If you are more interested in just the how-to cooking of those dishes without VA involvement they are available here (potato galette) and here (stuffed bell peppers).
And those are all the cooking episodes available!
If you are super sure that you saw a video once of Rook's VA tasting the dishes--you are right 👀
As seen above, two of the videos available are listed as #18 and #19, and yet there are only 12 videos available in the "Ito Kento's 'Good Boy!'" playlist. Rook's VA Itokawa's appearances in episodes #7 (Twst Gourmet: Beef Stew) and #8 (Twst Gourmet: Tofu Hamburger) are no longer viewable!
This is because the official Disney Games YouTube Channel will regularly delete its videos. I am not sure why, but maybe something related to VA appearances? (Most of the VAs come from different agencies, we have no way of knowing the content of one person's contract vs. the content of another's, and I have heard it is all very complicated!)
There used to be a lot more available, such as appearances by Rook's Itokawa, Floyd's Okamoto, Azul's Tamaru, etc. (clips of which can be seen in this compilation video), but videos like Azul's Tamaru hosting an entire episode about keychains, another about Octavinelle rhythmics and a third about Azul's English localization are now gone :<
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"When you visit a local market, you get a glimpse of the local cuisine. The Public Market in Naha City, Okinawa, sells seafood, meat, and more. On the second floor, there are shops that will cook the seafood you buy, making for a great experience. Fresh fish, grilled with salt, simmered, or as sashimi—it's the best! The photos are available for free download, so feel free to use them."
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The Restaurant of Many Ingredients (Much Meat)
As he strokes his red crest,
Fry Kitchen grumbles that he's covered
Head to toe in white hairs
This is the first time in his life
生まれて初めて 昔は
That he's ever ground flour with a stone mortar
This hadn't been his standing in life in the past
Though he'd stooped to the position of undead servant
Though his form had changed to that of livestock
It actually isn't all that bad
It was now that he realized
That stacks of money piled up on a desk
Don't really mean anything
The smell of charred meat wafts through the air
He prays that he isn't next
He'd always been so bored and fed up
So he finally bid farewell
To his 23 siblings
Pork Chop had set out on his own
This should have been a happy thing
But somehow it was a little lonesome
He cuts vegetables while snuffling and snorting
He's gotten used to holding a knife
Since he's chopped up countless people
He'd once been uncommonly stingy
But nowadays he can't even hold a candle
To those blockhead cousins of his
The bear's eyes are looking his way
He prays that he's not its prey
Chateau Briand had declared that
As long as it was by the one he admired
He wouldn't mind being eaten
He hadn't been able to speak to them that day
And so couldn't save them
His regrets linger even now
He'd become the 16th cook
Though he had mustered his will and applied for an apprenticeship
The mansion was already an empty husk
And now everything
Is different from the way things were then
Yet there are some things that haven't changed
He spies a listless looking red cat
It pats the meat of his belly
I wordlessly gaze upon
The sight of my pupils
Carrying out their clumsy cooking technique
I've forgotten most of my past
Even so, this kitchen
Has a scent that brings back memories
To go traveling with someone, and make food with them,
Wasn't that the life that I had once
Wished to have?
These guests from the parallel world bustling through the restaurant,
I reach for the new ingredient
That I've prepared for them
The flower of happiness is a lovely red
It'll be a perfect spice for the main dish
Again he looks towards his apprentices
He'll have to select
The main ingredient for the main dish
He isn't lacking in choice
This is Mister Dog's restaurant
Of many ingredients
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Fun fact: The name of every main character in grand maison Tokyo contains the name of a type of food or seasoning.
尾花夏樹 (おばな なつき)
早見倫子(はやみ りんこ)
みりん: mirin
平古祥平(ひらこ しょうへい)
こしょう: pepper
芹田公一(せりた こういち)
せり: celery
たこ: octopus
蛯名美優(えびな みゆう)
えび: prawn
松井萌繪(まつい もえ)
いも: potato
峰岸剛志(みねぎし つよし)
ねぎ: scallion
柿谷光(かきたに ひかる)
かき: persimmon/oyster
丹後学(たんご まなぶ)
ご ま: sesame
リンダ・真理子・リシャール (りんだ・まちこ・りしゃーる)
ちこり: chicory
久住琹奈(くずみ かんな)
みかん: orange
江藤不三男(えとう ふみお)
とうふ: tofu
相沢瓶人(あいざわ かめひと)
わかめ: seaweed
京野陸太郎(きょうの りくたろう)
のり: another type of seaweed, dried and edible, often used for wrapping sushi
Some of these are quite obvious like 芹田, 蛯名, and 柿谷 which already have food-related kanjis in them. And some of them are kinda reflective of these characters’ personalities. Banana in natsuki’s name is so cute, yellow one the outside and white on the inside. Mirin, the quintessential Japanese seasoning is symbolic of rinko’s cooking style, incorporating traditional Japanese ingredients into French cuisine. It’s no coincidence that both names of aizawa and kyono, who used to work with obana back in Paris, contain a type of seaweed. The versatility of wakame is representative of aizawa’s talent for paring ingredients. Nori, on the other hand, is very dry like kyono, difficult to eat it alone. Kyono is like nori in that he always needs partners.
#takuya kimura#木村拓哉#La grande maison Tokyo#グランメゾン東京#kyoka suzuki#鈴木京香#it just makes me wondering if the screenwriter came up with the food names first and then characters names or the other way around#editing this post was very exhausting as I had to switch between keyboards and I had around a dozen of keyboards on my phone😵
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✿ かぼちゃと枝豆のお焼き風
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He is the menace also for my landlady...so I'm going to tell you about his wrongdoing again.
れいぞこの こおりすとっかーをあけて できたこおりを ぜんぶとかした
家主がこおりを作らなくなったら こおりすとっかーに入っていた
たおるカゴに入り くろい毛だらけにした(シャシンさんしょう)
ゴハンじゃぁ たいまーじかんまえにフタをあけて ゴハンをダイナシにした
ゴハンじゃぁ かってにあけてくう
パスタのふくろを あけてかじる
らぁめんのふくろを あけてかじる
He opened the ice stocker of her refrigerator and let all ice cubes melted
↑it inundated the floor
He entered that stock space after she quit to make ices
He entered her towel box(example photo) and put black furs all the towels
↑ she needed to buy a new box with a lid
He threw away her kitchen cloth box when he climbed and entered the shelf
↑she needed to wash them again
↑ she needed to buy a new box with a lid
He opened the rice cooker before it started to cook so she couldn't have rice at the morning
He opened the rice cooker and ate rice
She needed to buy a new cooker with the side button
He ate rice in her lunch box
He ate mochi rice before she cook
He opened the package of pasta and ate them
He opened the package of lamen and ate them
He raids her every time while she's eating her favorite pudding
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[B! 増田] 日本語では一つの名前で表されるのに英語だと二種類以上あるもの
亀 - Turtle (海亀)、tortoise (陸亀) ワニ - Alligator, Crocodile
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はてなブックマークがトリビアの披露大会になっていて、知識が集まってる。 逆パターンも 「英語では一つの名前で表されるのに日本語だと二種類以上あるもの」
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聞く:hear, listen 見る:see, look, watch 海:sea, ocean, waters, marine(海の) 仮説:hypothesis, assumption 罪:crime, sin (「罪と罰」の罪は以外なことにcrimeのほう *)
Museum:美術館、博物館 Requirement:要件、要求 Space:空間、宇宙
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「総称だけ存在して、細かな違いを呼び分けない」ものと、「総称は無いが、個々の細かな呼び分けだけある」ものに分けられるかも。 総称:亀 / 個々に:Turtle (海亀)、tortoise (陸亀) 総称:皿 / 個々に:dish、plate、saucer 総称:brother / 個々に:兄、弟
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秋のAutumnとFallのパターンは、意味もニュアンスも同じで、言い方が違うだけかな。 Fallが「秋」「落下」の2つの意味。
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一番有名なのはネズミ(mouse, rat)だと思ってた。他にもphantom/ghost、coast/beach、house/home、college/university、space/universe、earth/globeとか。厳密には意味が違うんだろうけど。
言語とその話者の世界観が相関することは言語的相対論と呼ばれる。国がcountry, nation, stateに分かれるのは島国と多民族大陸国との違い。https://gijodai.jp/library/file/kiyo2011/yoshitaka_sato.pdf
ちょっと違うが、"将来に対する希望"と、"睡眠中の幻覚体験"を日本語でも英語でも「夢 dream」という一語で表現するのは全くもってピンと来ない。
麦は日本語でも大麦・小麦・ライ麦・エン麦は区別はしてるけど、英語ではbarley wheat rye oatで「麦」に対応する単語がないのよね
アプリ開発で Apple の審査担当とやり取りする際「修正」の言い方が複数あって fix, correct, modify, revise, alter などを使い分けてくるので毎回意図を汲みとれてるか不安になる。(まあ日本語にも修正の類語いっぱいあるけど)
「毒」 poison / venom / toxin
試験: 学力・知識を問う→examination,quiz,test 評価や実験→experiment 試みる→trial��ただ「試験」で纏められるだけで日本語でも「考査」「実験」「試行」と分けて書くこともできるが。
足の指(toe)もfinger じゃない
馬車がとてもややこしくて面倒くさい / 辻馬車 cab, hansom 荷馬車 (horse)cart, wagon, (horse-drawn)carriage, horse and buggy 駅馬車 stagecoach 二輪馬車 curricle, tilbury ,jaunting car ,jinker 馬二輪戦車 chariot まだまだいっぱい…
政治家 politician / statesman たまご egg / spawn / roe ちなみに逆もあってegg 卵 / 玉子
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言語学で言うところの有標と無標も関係してそう。 作家:男女問わず作家の全般、女流作家:作家の中で女性の場合
標識 (言語学) - Wikipedia
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Translating the Human Side introductions for Witch's Heart, because I've always wanted to know what they said. If someone else has translated these without DeepL, please let me know.
[ translated with DeepL. ] [ localized by me. ] [ DeepLで翻訳 ] [ ローカライズ ]

Claire Elford
"I'll take care of it!"
The main character of this story.
She loves pretty and beautiful things,
and longs to live in a fairy tale world.
She lives alone in the forest on the outskirts of town.
She is earnest at heart and quite good-natured.
She also works out on a regular basis and is extremely strong.
and I'll include the Japanese text as well, because there's no reason not to. The golden text [ 操作キャラクター ] is just [ character ].

Ashe Bradley
"You know what they say about researchers.
I can do anything for the sake of research.
I can even camp in the wild…………….!"
A man who travels around the world for one reason or another.
He is energetic, cheerful, and friendly.
However, he is a bit too talkative.
He likes to cook.

Wilardo Adler
"How much fun is it to go to the same place over and over again?
It doesn't change."
A taciturn, unsociable man.
He only speaks the bare minimum.
It is unclear why he came to the mansion.

Sirius Gibson
"Do you people really believe those fantastical rumors?
They're absolutely ridiculous."
A man who claims to be the owner of the mansion.
He is misanthropic and hysterical.
He is especially hostile to Claire.
He reveres "The Witch Dorothy",
and is sensitive to any mention of her.

Noel Levine
"Look, look.
The stars are so beautiful tonight!"
A soft-spoken man from downtown.
He is a sensible man with no venom in his voice.
However, due to his work, he is nocturnal and sleeps all day long.
[ Obsessed with Noel being from downtown... And Sirius' hysteria ]
#witchs heart#witch's heart#claire elford#ashe bradley#wilardo adler#sirius gibson#noel levine#illym translation
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Ikkiuchi - Lyrics + Translation (一騎打ち)

English title: One-on-one combat / Duel
Translator's notes can be found at the end and are marked with an asterisk.
Please do not repost/retranslate without permission.
【Re】 ヨーホー! ヨーホー!
誰もが恐れおののく 俺は海賊
コックのように フルコース
味わわせてみせよう 華麗な技を
【Ce】 イーハー! イーハー!
誰よりも誇り高き ボクは戦士
【Re】 笑わせるな
お前はルーザー 俺はクローザー
【Ce】 生きるか死ぬか 覚悟はできたか?
【Re】 生意気な若造 世間を知らな���
口先ばかりで 恐怖も知らない
【Ce】 何を生き急ぐ? 驕り高ぶる大人よ
【Re】 死なない人間などいない
【Ce】 だからこそ譲れない
【Re】 「やるな……」
【Ce】 「そちらこそ!」
【Re】 「さぁ、決着をつけよう!」
【Ce】 「望むところだ!」
【Re】 知らないがゆえに 壇上を舞う強さ
【Ce】 知っているゆえの 盤上の駆け引き
【Re・Ce】 讃えよ
【Re・Ce】 海の藻屑となるがいい
【Re】 Yōhō! Yōhō!
Daremo ga osore ononoku ore wa kaizoku
Kono fukku ga chōri shite yarou
Kokku no yō ni furukōsu
Ajiwawa sete miseyou karei na waza o
【Ce】 Īhā! Īhā!
Dare yori mo hokori takaki boku wa senshi
Kono Taigā Rirī ga tatakai no yorokobi o oshieteageru
Senjō o seisuru rūrā
Tatakai no rūru wa boku sa
【Re】 Warawaseru na
Omae wa rūzā ore wa kurōzā
Omae no inochi o owaraseru mono
【Ce】 Ikiru ka shinu ka kakugo wa dekita ka?
Inochi ga mijikai no wa dochira no hou?
【Re】 Namaiki na wakazō seken o shiranai
Kuchisaki bakari de kyōfu mo shiranai
【Ce】 Nani o iki isogu? Ogori takaburu otona yo
Dōse shini yuku sadame na noni
【Re】 Shinanai ningen nado inai
Toki wa dare shimo byōdō de zankoku na no sa
【Ce】 Dakara koso yuzurenai
Kono mi o toshita ichigeki wa
【Re】 “Yaru na……”
【Ce】 “Sochira koso!”
【Re】 “Sā, ketchaku o tsukeyou!”
【Ce】 “Nozomu tokoro da!”
【Re】 Shiranai ga yue ni danjō o mau tsuyo-sa
【Ce】 Shitte iru yue no banjō no kakehiki
【Re・Ce】 Tataeyo kasaneau tsurugi
【Re】 Hana o chirashite
【Ce】 Hana o chirashite
【Re・Ce】 Umi no mokuzutonaru ga ī
【Re】 Yo-ho! Yo-ho!
I am a pirate that makes everyone shake from fear
With this hook of mine, I’ll cook
A full course like a chef
I’ll give you a taste of my brilliant technique
【Ce】 Yee-ha! Yee-ha!
I am a warrior, prouder than anyone else
This Tiger Lily will teach you the joys of battle
I am the ruler who controls the battlefield,
The one who makes the rules of the battle is me
【Re】 Don’t make me laugh
You’re the loser, I am the closer*
Who will end your life
【Ce】 Are you ready to live or die?
Which of us shall have the shorter life?
【Re】 You’re an impertinent young lad, ignorant of the ways of the world
You’re all talk and no bite, and you don’t know terror
【Ce】 What’s the hurry? You’re an arrogant adult
Even though you’re doomed to die anyway
【Re】 There’s no such thing as a human who will never die
Time is equal and cruel to all
【Ce】 That’s why I won’t give up
The single blow I’m risking my life for
【Re】 “Not bad…”
【Ce】 “I could say the same.”
【Re】 “Now, let’s settle this!”
【Ce】 “That’s what I want!”
【Re】 The strength to dance on the stage because of ignorance
【Ce】 The ability to use tactics on the board because you know them
【Re・Ce】 Praise be
To the overlapping swords
【Re】 Let us fight fiercely
【Ce】 Let us fight fiercely
【Re・Ce】 Until one of us dies at sea
Translator's notes:
(クローザー) Closer- “In baseball, a closing pitcher, more frequently referred to as a closer, is a relief pitcher who specializes in getting the final outs in a close game when his team is leading.” [Wikipedia]
#uta no prince sama#utapri#translation#english#drama cd#otoya ittoki#masato hijirikawa#natsuki shinomiya#tokiya ichinose#ren jinguji#syo kurusu#cecil aijima#dramatic masterpiece show#nan#never again neverland
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Memo for Episode 11 (Ep.35) “The Hunt”
Basen “Rī, to-iu koku-mei’wa, sono hito-moji’de, kenkoku’no monogatari’o arawashite-iru. Kusa’no shita’ni mittsu’no katana… Kusa’wa hana, mikado’no senzo-de-aru Obo’o sashi, sono shita’no mittsu’no katana’wa Obo’o tasuketa san-nin’no bujin’o shimesu. Mittsu’no katana’no-uchi, shita futatsu’ni kurabete ookii katana’wa, kita’no daichi, Shi-Hoku-shu’o sasu. Shi-hoku-shu-ittai’wa, kōryan’ya mugi’o saibai-shite-ite, sarani kita’ni ikuto, sangaku-chitai’ga hirogari…te, kiiteru-noka?!”
Basen “The character used to write the name of our nation, ‘Li,’ also depicts the story of its founding. Three swords under grass. ‘Grass’ is for ‘flower,’ representing the Mother Royal, ancestor of the emperor. The three ‘swords’ under it represent the three warriors who helped her. Of the three swords, the one larger sword represents the Shihoku-shu, the northern lands. That entire area grows sorghum and wheat. If you go further north, you enter a mountainous region… Hey, are you listening?!”
In this line, Basen explained the Kanji “茘(リー)” in detail. For your better understanding, please see below.

Basen “Nande konna musume’o chichi-ue’wa…”
Basen “Why does my father care so much about this girl?”
The fact that he said this to her shows how young and immature he is, although she is also at fault for dozing off while listening to his explanation.
Maomao (Hate?) “Nanika, kawatta shuko’demo?”
Maomao (Huh?) “Is this some kind of strange rule?”
趣向(しゅこう/Shuko): There seems to be no word which directly refer to it in English… Idea, plan, or taste is used depending on the context.
趣味・趣向(しゅみ・しゅこう) is sometime used in Japanese. 趣味(Shumi) is “hobby”. For example, let’s say I have a hobby of Karaoke and I have a karaoke party with my friends once a month. And I say 「来月は趣向を変えて、コスプレでアニメソングのカラオケパーティをしよう!」. It means “Next month, let’s do something different and have a cosplay karaoke party singing anime songs!” In this case, 趣味(Shumi) is “hobby: karaoke”, and 趣向(Shuko) is “how we enjoy karaoke: cosplay and sing anime songs”. So I guess I can say 趣向(Shuko) is an idea to enjoy something based on your taste.
The word is also used in the following line later;
Maomao (Kari’wa, yado’kara sanjuppun uma’ni yurare, toho’de ichi-jikan yama’o nobotta taka-dai’de okonawareru. Oera-gata’ga tsukamaeta emono’o sono-ba’de chori-suru-to-iu shuko’no-yoda.)
Maomao (The hunt takes place at a location half an hour away by horse, and then one hour up the mountain by foot. It seems like the point of the event is to cook the game caught by the nobles on the spot.)
Maomao “So-desuka…” (Yappari Jinshi-sama’wa ii-toko’no de nanoka… Un, un.)
Maomao “I see.” (So Master Jinshi is from a good family, after all.)
いいとこ(ii toko): good family, good place = いい所(ところ/tokoro)
The word is also used in the following line later;
Rihaku “Kon’nichiwa? Aaa! Jochan-ka! Do-shitanda? Konna toko’de.”
Lihaku “Hello? Hey! Little miss! What are you doing all the way out here?”
Gaoshun “Shaomao’wa rei’no koto’o nani-hitotsu shira-nai.”
Gaoshun “Xiaomao knows nothing about it.”
例の(れいの/Rei’no): the, that, it
This word is used in situations where the speaker and listener know what it refers to, or when they feel embarrassed to say it directly. It enables you to speak without a third party being able to understand.
The word is also used again in the following line later;
Otoko-Ichi “Korega rei’no… zuibun kogata dana.”
Man-1 “Is this it? It’s quite small.”
Maomao “Haa. Moto-moto Jinshi-sama’no oshokuji desu.”
Maomao “Well, it’s your food, after all.”
はぁ(Haa): casual and broken way of saying “はい: Yes”. It shows that Maomao is questioning why he asks such a question. Otherwise “はぁ” may be considered a rude response.
もともと(Moto-moto): originally
Jinshi “Honto’ni ii-noka?!”
Jinshi “Are you absolutely sure?”
Maomao has no idea why he’s asking so emotionally, but you all do, maybe. His condition is already not good at this point, and he seems to be unable to control his emotions.
Jinshi “Aa. Mushiro kue.”
Jinshi “Yeah. In fact, I order you to.”
むしろ(Mushiro): rather
むしろ+命令形(めいれいけい/Meirei-kei: instruction form): Or rather, do it.
Maomao “Naze-to iware-mashitemo… So-iu taishitsu desu-kara.”
Maomao “All I can say is that’s just how I’m built.”
体質(たいしつ/Tai-shitsu): constitution, physical makeup
Maomao (Owakai-towa taihen’de aru.)
Maomao (It’s not easy being young and vigorous.)
If I translate it directly, it will be “It is tough to be young.” But Maomao’s way of saying is suggestive, such as “お若い” instead of “若い” even though it’s not necessary to add “お”(Keigo, honorific) for Basen in her monologue. And also judging from the context, we can understand that “…and vigorous” is hidden in her line.
Maomao (Yuami-made dekiru-towa…zeitaku-danaa… Ashita’wa kari-ka… Tsutsuga-naku owaru-to ii-kedo.)
Maomao (A bath, too? How extravagant. The hunt starts tomorrow. I hope it goes without incident.)
つつがなく(Tsutsuga-naku): formal word which means safely, well, without any incident/trouble.
Otoko-Ichi “Koko’de, ano kata’niwa shinde-morau.”
Man-1 “This will be where they die.”
方(かた/Kata): It’s like a Keigo of “人(ひと/Hito): person”, same as “お方(おかた/Okata)”. With “お” or without, it means honorific feeling to the person. And if it means more than two people, 方 becomes “方々(かたがた/Kata-gata)”, so this 方 only refers to the single person: Jinshi. I wonder why they translated it as “they”, which could lead viewers to mistakenly believe that Maomao was also a target. If I were to translate it, I would use “that gentleman.”
死んでもらう(しんでもらう): It's hard to translate this expression into English. ~してもらう means “have someone do” and maybe “Here, (is the place where) that gentleman shall die (for us).” would be my direct translation. In Japanese, such expressions are often used, especially in movies or games, just before someone is going to kill the other person, as a softer way of saying.
This line can be more polite, if you change もらう to いただく: ここで、あの方には死んでいただく.
Maomao “Chotto goshimei’ga atta-mono’de.”
Maomao “I was asked to join.”
指名する(しめいする/Shimei-suru): ask for a certain person, appoint, designate
Maomao (Rihaku-sama’mo shimei’o uketa-nowa iiga, chiho-shusshin’no-mi. Hoka’no kigurai’no takai goei-tachi’ni, oidasareta kuchi daro. Saikin don-don shusse-shite-iru-yodaga, sono-bun kaze-atari’wa tsuyoku-naru.)
Maomao (Master Lihaku got invited to join too, but he’s from the countryside. The other prideful guards must have pushed him out. He seems to be climbing the ranks recently, but that does tend to be met with resistance.)
~口(くち)だ(~kuchi da): be one of those who~
気位の高い(きぐらいのたかい/Kigurai’no takai): have lots of pride, prideful
風当たりが強い(かぜあたりがつよい/Kaze-atari’ga tsuyoi): windy, windswept, receive harsh treatment, greatly criticized
上座(かみざ/Kami-za): the top seat of honor, upper seat ⇔ 下座(しもざ/Shimo-za): the bottom seat, lower seat
I don’t know how it is in China, but in Japan, there are usually 上座 and 下座 in each room, and the guests are guided to 上座. Normally, 上座 is located at the farthest from the door/entrance, and 下座 is at the closest. It depends on each room, and even if it’s not the farthest from the entrance, the seat near the 床の間(とこのま/tokonoma) alcove or one with a good view may be the 上座.
Maomao (Are’ga Roran-hi’no chichi, Shisho-sama. Shi-Hoku-shu’no osa’de, kono kari’no shusai-sha-da. …N? Nanika iwareta-noka? …Iya, ano yatara soto-zura’no ii kangan’ga, anna akarasama-na taido’o toru-daroka… Moshika-suruto, kono atsusa’no sei’de…)
Maomao (That’s Master Shishou, Concubine Loulan’s father. He is the leader of the Shihoku-shu region and the organizer of this hunt. Hmm? Did he say something to him? Would that infinitely well-mannered eunuch show such an obvious attitude? Wait, could it be, because of the heat…)
外面のいい(そとづらのいい/Soto-zura’no ii): looks nice outside (but…)
It’s usually used in a negative sense, like “彼は誰にでも外面はいいが、家族には横柄だ(かれは、だれにでもそとづらはいいが、かぞくにはおうへいだ : He looks so nice with everybody outside, but he’s arrogant towards his family.”
あからさまな(Akara-sama-na): obvious, bald, bare, blatant
It’s also usually used in a negative sense, like “彼女はあからさまに私に意地悪だ(かのじょは、あからさまにわたしにいじわるだ/Kanojo’wa akara-sama-ni watashi’ni iji-waru da : She’s obviously mean to me.”
Jinshi “Jibun’de yaru! Omae’nomo kase. Ore’no-hoga chikara’ga aru-daro.”
Jinshi “I’ll do it myself. Give me yours, too. I’m stronger than you.”
Maomao “Haa.”
Maomao “Yes.”
Here is はあ instead of はい again, which shows Maomao is wondering why his mood seems worse. I think they just translated it as “yes”, because replacing by “yeah” or something would sound too rude.
Maomao (Yokatta… Sakki-yori taicho’wa yosa-soda. Kigen’wa waru-soda-kedo.)
Maomao (Good, he looks healthier than earlier. His mood seems worse, though.)
It’s interesting that Maomao has no idea about his behavior, in spite that he’s just embarrassed.
Maomao “Somatsu-na mono’de moshi-wake ari-masen-ga, shoku-shite-itadake-masu-ka.”
Maomao “I know it isn’t much, but would you like to eat any of this?”
粗末な物(そまつなもの/Somatsu-na mono): something shabby/poor/simple
That is a standard phrase to humble, which is used when giving a present in Japan, but in this case Maomao is saying that because butterbur is just a vegetable and it’s not something gorgeous.
~していただけますか(~shite-itadake-masuka): Would you mind if~? Could you~, please? Would it be possible to~?
Although they translated it into “would you like~,” I feel something is off a bit. I think “I’m afraid it’s just something simple, but could you please eat this, please?” is better, because she is not asking him if he’ll eat it, and actually, she’s asking him to eat it.
I’m sure you all thought “Don’t end here!” The incident where he jumped into the waterfall wasn’t in the original web novel, so when I read this in the light novel first, I was so surprised and thought “What? What’s going on?!” I’m really looking forward to the next episode, but I’m also a little worried, because some online and YouTube posts have overemphasized the sexiness of the scene. (Sorry, it might be the opposite of what you expect!) Anyway, let’s enjoy the next episode together!
#apothecary english#apothecary romaji#the apothecary diaries#apothecary diaries#learning japanese#japanese#薬屋のひとりごと#薬屋のひとりごと 英語#薬屋 英語 学習#japan#KNH#season 2
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