#conversation; annabel
lina-studen · 7 months
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it's the way annabel lee never tells that she did everything to stop lenore from being at duke's place to me. either she doesn't want lenore to feel guilty, or she just too stubborn to make excuses and wound her own pride, but in any case it's a curious detail about annabel's personality.
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gothofasaia · 10 months
Ada: But you don’t get! he’s hot, tall, funny, my parents like him a lot and we look good together! what do you find wrong with him
Annabel: he’s a man.
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summersnow82 · 3 months
Whoooo! This year, y’all. When they say tragedy comes in threes you better believe it. Some was expected, others were a complete shock. Please bear with me; this has been a difficult time.
Our last ordeal could’ve been much, much worse. I have a lot to be thankful for, and I’m praising God for His graciousness during this hard season. Listen to those red flags, y’all. It can mean the difference between a hospital stay and a funeral. Hug your loved ones. Life is too short.
I will be back with fic updates, but here’s an idea of my story priorities. Love y’all. Take care of yourself.
Fic Updates:
Scent of Roses: Pending. Updates in progress.
Somethin' Bad: Pending. Updates in progress.
That Familiar Feeling: Pending. Updates in progress.
Sins of the Past: Hiatus
Late Night Conversations: Hiatus. Pending a second part.
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gammija · 1 year
mikaele salesa is such an icon, i love his character and how he's voiced, and his conversation here with jon and martin is great. Martin defaulting to being the polite guest, smoothing over interactions with Salesa so he readily tells his story, Jon continually only asking questions, Salesa teasing him, it's all 👌. I wish we'd gotten to hear more of him... For the story it makes sense that we didn't, but he's just so fun to listen to @a-mag-a-day
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moonfromearth · 11 months
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Animal antics~
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I don’t remember who suggested this idea anymore, but 1. it was a brilliant idea 2. it still lives in my head rent free as one of the way to make S5 so much more sweeter to me;
In any case: I am still daydreaming about a S5 where, as Jon and Martin progress through the landscape of horrors, we also get (through statements? letters? Annabelle feeding it to Martin bits by bits? Who Knows) the story of Jonah Magnus, through his lips and others perhaps; we learn to see that, despite what Jon said in S4 (”he was always an evil man”) and despite what Jonah believes to be true even at this point (”it’s an awful truth to learn about yourself, Jon, but oh, the freedom of it”), Jonah was just a man, and not only a man, but a man similar to Jon in many ways.
And I want this to be, so badly, something that deep down Jon already knew. Something Jon had identified and seen in Elias all those years ago, hence why they got along so well, hence why he’d trusted him for so long. Jon already knew with Elias, and had already indentified himself to Jonah Magnus whilst trying desperately to find avatars being good “just like him” (while already believing himself to be the worst).
It would have brought SO MANY MORE REASONS FOR MARTIN TO BE TERRIFIED OF JON NOT BEING ABLE TO RESIST ALL OF THIS, eventually. Between the parallels and Jon sometimes whispering that all of this, all this horror, is so beautiful,.. why wouldn’t Martin be terrified of that? Especially since Martin knows how well the Lonely resonates with him, how easy it is to slip back in it, and Jon is constantly BATHING in it.
offering a chance for both Jon and Jonah to confront all of this then, at the end-- offering the choice of Jon to fully give in, and Jon going No. But he still becomes the pupil, therefore still leans into what Jonah offered him. Jonah’s “good luck” would resonate so deeply then, would make so much sense; to see his creation, his alter-ego, his mirror, his soulmate, agree to all the terrifying bliss in the world, only to make it all die, because Jonah ensured they were all already sort of dead already...............
(although to be clear i would just change the whole premise of the ending probably, OR will make it explicit that when Jon chooses Somewhere Else and Martin, it’s not - just- because of hope but because he’s realized as long as he hold the powers in his web, they won’t escape if he holds them, but yknow.)
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haechannabelle · 1 year
me teaching my fiancé the names of all the seventeen boys: that’s jeonghan, he has the best cheekbones and the most gender
him: oh okay i got it now
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songofdefiance · 11 months
madeline is terrifying
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infiinitys · 2 years
𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍: The Sound Factory.
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𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐀'𝐒 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐅𝐓 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐁𝐄𝐄𝐍 quite eventful. On this particular evening it seemed like everyone was out for a good time, a thought that the young woman could certainly agree with. The night was certainly still young when she clocked out and so, she made the decision to stay for a couple drinks and some dancing before going home. Even still, she would be easily persuaded for another kind of adventure.
The woman turns, facing the individual next to her with a confident grin. Who knows, maybe she would make a new friend out of this. "Wanna do shots?" Anna asks, chestnut hair tossed behind her shoulders. "The night's just getting started, after all."
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taniushka12 · 2 years
a thing about me is that i will have any rando thought and then go "oh thats good" and then make an entire plot or conversation/scene between my faves w/ it, which is why im drowning in ideas 24/7 bc im constantly spouting bullshit in my head
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yknow thinking about it its kinda funny that i had already a predisposition to ship martin and annabelle bc like... my very very first tma oc back in 2018 was this woman who was a web avatar and had a Whole Thing with martin, and im pretty sure i dropped her story the moment i realized annabelle was more than a one ep character and that she actually HAD thematic parallels w/ him lmfao
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yesimwriting · 8 months
thinking about bestfriend!felix who's known for being touchy within his social circle, so when he holds your hand as you walk around campus and leaves giggly kisses against your cheek, your jaw, your neck after a few drinks, you think nothing of it.
especially because it comes up in conversation from time to time. everyone that hangs out with him regularly enough has at least one story: felix smoothed circles against my back until i fell asleep on the bathroom floor after a party; he's kissed the top of my head twice; i've never seen him end a hug first.
and you've seen things--at parties, while studying, while out with friends in general. so you genuinely have no reason to think there's anything strange or different about the way he treats you, and neither does anyone else.
at first.
one night, when you're still new enough to felix and his world that you feel extremely out of place at a party that he invited you to, he calls you over to where he and his friends are sitting. you walk over to them, greeting everyone politely before moving to take the available space next to felix.
he grabs your wrist before you can actually sit. you're confused, but given little time to react. felix mumbles an absentminded, "c'mere" before pulling you towards his lap. it's a little flustering, but you sit, because that's just how felix is.
okay. normal enough. conversation continues. no one thinks twice about it. farleigh thinks it's a bit of overkill, but just assumes it's a combination of alcohol and maybe an attempt at laying the groundwork to hook up with you a little later in the night.
then, someone asks about potential vacation plans over break and farleigh brings up an inside joke from the last trip he and felix went on. it's casual, but it's clear that felix is supposed to say something.
farleigh looks over in time to see felix holding one of your hands to his lips. alright. still not the most egregious display of platonic affec--felix takes his time pressing kisses to each of your knuckles.
it's not just the gesture. it's the way felix watches your reaction through his lashes and the amount of care in his focus. as if you're the only one in the room. there's a patience there that's practically devoted.
maybe farleigh had it wrong. he thought you were just one of those platonic friends that felix would cart around for a few months before getting bored. maybe it's more romantic, or at the very least sexual.
then felix's eyebrows draw together. "you're cold." you start to say that you're fine, but before you can get the words out, felix is holding both of your hands between his.
in the beat that it takes farleigh to recover from the slightly nauseating display, the rest of the group has gone quiet. they're all watching felix dote on you like you're the reason for the moon hanging in the sky. annabel whispers something about the "unsuspecting".
farleigh eventually tries again, directly stating felix's name. he finally looks up, a little confused, as if coming out of a trance. farleigh repeats his earlier comment, finally getting a reaction from felix. the group recovers because while the moment had been almost uncomfortably intimate for something so casual, this is far from the first time felix has started (casually) seeing an 'outsider'.
some time passes and you finish your first drink. when felix notices, he asks if you want another. you tell him that you don't mind getting your own, but felix is insistent. you stand so that he can get up.
a part of you wishes you could have found an excuse to go with him. the gesture, in theory, is nice, but without felix's protection, being left with his friends feels like he's thrown you to the wolves.
annabel, a little tipsy and now curious asks, "so, how long have you and felix..." she trails off with a knowing look.
you kind of get what she's implying, but it feels like too random and too unfitting of an assumption to be accurate. "oh, we've been friends since around right after syllabus week, felix ask--"
"no," she shakes her head, "i mean--" she tries again, this time asking with precise language.
your face grows a few degrees warmer. "oh." the slight laugh that follows the syllable is too genuine for it to be you playing coy. "no, it's not--we're friends."
friends. you genuinely believe it. annabel fixes you with a tight lipped smile that makes something in your stomach knot.
you decide that her question must have been prompted by you sitting on felix's lap. you've also heard enough stories about them to assume that they have an on again off again, sort of thing, and because you really don't want to make an enemy of her, you try to justify it, "that was just--you've known him way longer, he's just like that."
oh my god. he's fooled you. completely convinced you that that's normal. before annabel can really react, felix comes back. he hands you your drink and kisses your cheek before sitting down next to you. he doesn't ask you to go back to where you were sitting before, but he does keep a hand on your knee.
some bestfriend!reader concepts ft oliver
another bestfriend! felix blurb :)
bestfriend! felix and reader basically dating
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summersnow82 · 2 years
Late Night Conversations - Part 7
Summary: A late night conversation in the laundry room leads to interesting confessions.
Author’s Notes: I had to fight Tim for a happy ending to this chapter. I swear, the man overthinks, over analyzes, and basically is just determined to be difficult. He’s lucky I adore him.
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The damage to the SeaQuest was far more severe than Bridger or Wendy alluded to; it wasn’t until they were dry docked Annabelle got the whole story. An experimental war vessel had attacked them, and no one had taken responsibility for the attack. It had been enough to rattle some nerves at the UEO, and the SeaQuest crew members were still seeing ghosts in the water.
It was perhaps because of that sense of fear or caution that Wendy insisted Annabelle visit the military base hospital before finally clearing her for light duty. “It’s just a concussion, Wendy,” Annabelle had stressed. “I’m fine.”
“Humor us,” Bridger said, giving her a wry smile. It reminded her of her father when he was being overprotective, and thought she didn’t notice. “Most of the crew is getting shore leave or time off. Light duty isn’t such a bad thing.”
Annabelle sighed, knowing there was no point in arguing, which is how she found herself in the laundry room at eleven o’clock on a Friday night. Bridger wasn’t kidding – the SeaQuest was practically deserted. She’d finished her assignments early that afternoon, and now she was taking care of a necessary evil.
“Can’t sleep either?” She jumped at Tim’s voice, a hand fluttering to her heart.
“This place is too quiet, too empty,” she complained, catching his broad smile and chuckle at her expense. He leaned against the door jamb, arms crossed over his chest.
“Yeah, well, unfortunately they’re having to pull in specialists for some of the repairs. Some of it’s even too sophisticated for Lonnie, if you can believe that.”
“I can’t,” Annabelle said, picking up her laundry basket. “You look nice,” she said, nodding at his blue button down. “Did you go out with the guys?”
Tim pursed his lips, nodding slowly. “Yeah, yeah, I did. I just,” he paused, smiling at a thought, “I realized there was somewhere I’d rather be.”
“Oh yeah?” Annabelle flashed him a smile as she unloaded the dryer. “And where’s that?” She asked, moving to the table in the middle of the room.
“Here,” he replied softly.
Her brow furrowed and her tone conveyed her disbelief. “Here? On the SeaQuest? What’s here?” She paused her pursuit of pairing socks, and looked up because Tim hadn’t answered her yet. He was looking at her that same way he had when she’d talked about the second-hand bookstore, a small smile curling his lips, and it made her breath catch.
She loved that smile.
“You are,” he replied simply, that same sweet smile gracing his features. “It’s the funniest thing,” he said, pushing away from the door jamb, and moving to face her across from the laundry room table. “I just realized you’re where I want to be, and once I realized that I didn’t want to waste any more time.”
Annabelle’s mouth opened, but she couldn’t think of an intelligent reply. All she could manage was a soft, “Tim.”
This was the first time since her stay in Med Bay they’d been alone, and the air was palpable with possibilities. After she’d woken up, he’d come to visit, or read to her, and talk when he was off shift. There was the occasional touch – a brush of their hands, him pushing her hair back off her forehead, or a gentle swipe of her knuckles, similar to the chaste kiss he’d left when she’d first woken.
And of course, there were his smiles; Annabelle loved them all. The cocky, almost arrogant grin when he was feeling confident or snarky; his sweet, innocent smile when he was feeling hesitant or hopeful; the sudden, surprised smile always accompanied with a laugh, and a twinkle to his eyes. Her favorite, though, was the one he was giving her right now: genuine, soft, charmed.
“Tim,” she repeated, turning to face him as he moved around the table towards her. She wondered if he could see her trembling; she placed a hand on the table to steady herself, and tried to calm her breathing.
“We never talked about what happened in the Mag Lev,” he said softly, sliding his hand across the table, brushing the tips of her fingers with his own. “And if you want to forget it…,” he trailed off, but his dark eyes never left hers.
She shook her hair, loose tendrils from her ponytail framing her face. “I don’t want to forget it. I think about it all the time.” Her voice sounded breathy to her ears, and she would’ve felt pathetic if it weren’t for the way he was staring at her right that moment.
“So do I,” he murmured, reaching up to push a lock of hair behind her ear. Her eyelids fluttered closed, and she let out a shaky sigh, unintentionally nuzzling against his hand. “Belle,” he breathed the word out like a sigh, his breath tickling her lips.
Annabelle had wanted to kiss Tim O’Neill since she landed on top of him, flying out of a time wormhole. She knew his face – she’d seen it before in other men, other men she cared for, perhaps even loved, and she found each of them desperately handsome. But something was different with the Lieutenant. They meshed in a way she never had with the others; their values aligned, they challenged one another, and over time a deep friendship had developed which made her feelings for the linguist more intense. It was overwhelming, terrifying, and elating.
“Truth or dare, Annabelle,” he murmured, his lips so close to her own she could feel them move. His hand remained on the side of her face, cupping her cheek, and she was certain he could hear her heart pounding in her ears.
“I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”
The sound of their Captain’s voice had the two of them rocketing away from the other, turning wide eyed to face him standing in the laundry room door. Annabelle’s face burned with embarrassment, and a quick glance to Tim indicated the same. Both officers stood stock still, beet red in the face while their commanding officer looked on with bemusement.
Nathan Bridger chuckled, shaking his head. “At ease, you two.” Neither Annabelle nor Tim relaxed, and Bridger took the same position Tim previously had in the door jamb. “I’ve been wondering how long it would take for the two of you to get together.”
“Sir?” Tim asked, and he and Annabelle both exchanged curious looks before returning their eyes back to their Captain.
“I thought it was obvious. Was I wrong?” Annabelle chewed on her lip, and Tim remained silent. “How long has this been going on?” He asked, motioning between the two of them with a finger. Again, the two exchanged a questioning look with each other before turning back to look at Nathan. “You two are together, right?” He asked, his brow furrowing as if he’d misread the scene he’d walked in on.
“Ummm….,” Annabelle said unintelligently, still chewing her bottom lip.
“We’re uh… not officially together, sir,” Tim replied. He glanced over at Annabelle nervously before continuing, “But I was hoping to change that.”
Annabelle blinked, stunned. “You were?” She asked, turning to him with big eyes. She couldn’t stop the smile tugging at her lips.
Tim blushed, glancing back at Captain Bridger before turning to face Annabelle. “Well...I mean, yeah,” he said, that nervous grin gracing his features. “Unless… unless you…,” he hesitated, his smile faltering.
Her grin spread. “No, I… I’d love that. I mean, if you’re sure that’s what you want.” Her words offered doubt, but her grin remained intact.
“I’ve never been more sure of anything,” he said softly. His smile had disappeared, and the look on his face was one of deep conviction. She’d seen it before, and she knew he meant exactly what he said.
Nathan averted his eyes, ducking his head to hide his growing smile. He and Wendy Smith had debated the whens and ifs of Harris and O’Neill getting together for quite some time now, and while they both knew the risks an on-board romance entailed they also believed the two officers could make it work. He cleared his throat, jarring them out of their intense stare, and bringing the attention back to himself. “Two bridge officers in a relationship isn’t against any Naval or UEO policy, but it should be handled with care and discretion. I trust both of you are capable of that.”
It wasn’t a question, but a statement, and Annabelle and Tim both nodding with an affirming, “Yes, sir.”
Nathan nodded, moving to leave, then thought better of it, and turned back once again. “Maybe don’t make out in the laundry room. Regardless of the time.” Tim blushed a deep red, and Annabelle ducked her head to hide her smile. “Oh, and Ensign? You’re on shore leave effective immediately.”
“Thank you, sir,” Annabelle said, offering her captain a broad smile.
“Good night, you two.”
Annabelle and Tim stood frozen in place, listening to Bridger’s retreating steps. After a few minutes of straining to hear him, they turned to each other, exhaling loudly. Annabelle dissolved into giggles, while Tim raked a hand through his dark hair. “Well, that was humiliating,” he complained.
“It’s like being caught by your dad,” she laughed, struggling to compose herself.
“Did you mean what you said?” He asked, his nervous tone sobering her up quickly. “About being… with me?” Annabelle blinked up at him. How one man could go from certain and self-assured to anxious and insecure astonished her. Tim O’Neill knew his capabilities in the field, but in his personal life he often seemed to waiver in his confidence.
“Why does it sound like it surprises you?” She asked, careful to keep her tone low and even. Annabelle knew Tim tended to overthink, and if he started now he might torpedo their relationship before it even began.
Tim motioned in her direction. “Look at you, and look at me.” There it was – that flicker of self-doubt in his eyes. Bridger’s interruption had given Tim too much time to think. She needed to get him back to his confident, flirtatious self.
“I am looking at you, Tim,” she assured him, taking a step forward. “And I like what I see.”
“But you’re…,” he trailed off as she slowly, but confidently closed the distance between them, placing a gentle finger to his lips. His eyes widened a touch, and she smiled.
“If you’re not ready for this I will wait. Happily. But I want this,” she said softly, reaching for one of his hands, and drawing it between them. She withdrew her finger, cupping his hand with her two. “I know it’s risky and scary, but I want this. I want you.” Tim’s eyes were locked on her, but he’d lost that conviction she’d seen earlier. She could see him mentally asking a hundred questions as he gulped nervously. Annabelle lowered her eyes, trying to subdue her sigh. She really didn’t know how she could be any clearer with him. Her grip on his hand relaxed, and she began to pull away when she felt both his large hands grasp her own. She looked up, surprised, and saw his jaw set and his eyes steady.
“I want you, too,” he said softly but firmly, “and I don’t want to waste anymore time.” A mischievous smirk curled his lips, and he lowered his voice, repeating the earlier question, “Truth or dare, Annabelle?”
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TKATB Theories
Evidently spoilers ahead for chapters 1 and 2!!
This is my analysis and theories based on 3 character's we got intense lore drops for including Sol, Crowe, and Hyugo.
CW: mentions of drugs, and implied abuse,
Credit for header goes to the wonderful @arklayraven
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So, the recent lore drop for Hyugo was crazyyyy. The whole thing about him and Geo being brothers was implied especially with Geo's introduction on Fantasia's twt where he talks about disliking Hyugo. There definitely has to be a reason beyond sibling bickering to why Geo dislikes Hyugo. Whether it's Hyugo's vigilante tendencies or his connection with a potential crime syndicate.
One of my theories is that possibility Geo and Hyugo's father are a part of the syndicate or some kind of organizer. The reason Geo possibly despises Hyugo so much could be due to the fact he believes Hyugo is so heavily intertwined in the world of crime? I guess we'll find out in the next few chapters??
Okay so idk if Hyugo is skipping town in both endings but I think regardless of what choices we've made he'll be skipping town bc of the events that took place in the theatre. Whether we were present or not. What I think hints towards this is the particular ending we get when we go to the arcade and when Hyugo asks us to "take care of Sol". Then he smiles and leaves. It may not be as obvious at face value, but I do think we won’t see him for a good while.
ALSO, the deal he made with Sol??
I think it has to do something with definitely gathering information on us, or it could be as someone else said supplying Sol with sleeping pills. However, I think it's implied that Sol does unfortunately missuses them, but they are intended for Sol to be able to get sleep.
More than likely I think the simpler version of their deal would consist of Hyugo keeping quiet of Sol's list of many many crimes, and Sol doing the same for him.
I think will generally be the shortest, however I think my theories for him are more based on context clues and reading between the lines rather than baseless conjecture.
As we know literature and double meanings play an extremely important role in this visual novel. We see this in reference to Anabel Lee and the constant references between our past and the poem and how each verse links each chapter.
Where getting to in this is during Crowe's route when he asks for the MC's opinion on Marie Antionette. In the answers we give he seems to take them to heart, and when a negative opinion of her is brought up he seems to take them strangely to heart.
It is clearly evident is some way shape or form Crowe is somehow connected to the man that took our farm away. I think it is most likely that he is Crowe's father. Crowe evidently feels guilty about the place he takes and the role that he is forced into in regard to our debt. He more than likely can’t say anything either out of guilt or second party purposes. Regardless he is obviously trying his best to support the MC from the sidelines in any way he can.
I love Crowe… :( My sweetybear snookums pie…
ughhhh this man.
I love him but he's clearly insane. Okay let's talk about him bc I have so much to say.
My first theory unfortunately is my least favorite, and it is that potentially MC is not Sol's first soulmate, and he is projecting an image of someone else long gone onto us as the MC.
My reasoning behind this theory is because of his views of rebirth, death, and life. Specifically on two occasions that really made me think of this.
During the conversation you have with him in the library after making the decision to sit on his lap you ask him about his interpretation of the poem Annabel Lee, which the game takes heavy inspiration from. During this conversation Sol speaks of "being separated by death" and it's followed by Sol's responds in a fast dialogue something along the lines of "I won’t. it won’t happen again." Which leads me to believe we may potentially remind him of someone in his life that has passed.
There's also a second dialogue during day 02 which sparked this idea, in which based on the player's pronoun options Hyugo says something along the lines of "you remind me of her/him/them." It's unknown if Hyugo and Sol are childhood friends, but if it is likely then it may confirm that we remind Hyugo and Sol of an entirely separate person.
The only thing that sways me away from this theory other than the fact I detest the idea of it is during Crowe's route on day 02 when Sol mentions something about how…
"It has always been you, Ichabod."
This line could imply a multitude of things really. This could also imply that he generally detests the family due to the fact that they play a role in the MC's suffering. However, for now, I'll diverge into a separate theory that definitely more likely being Sol somehow knows us from childhood.
I like the theory that a fanfiction author pointed out that our farm may have been near the sea, and the reason why Sol detests it so much is due to the fact we the MC were separated from him, and the sea may remind him of that.
There are also these implications of the flowers in his hair in Fantasia's braiding hair post with the "forget me nots" in his hair.
I also believe the key carries around him has something to do with our past as well. Given that in fantasia ask box when someone asked about how Sol and MC first met, he actively fiddles and plays with the key that he wears? Where does it unlock? Where does it go to?? Only the lord knows.
Seeing Sol's back in the last CG absolutely broke my heart. It's clear that his back is riddled with bruises and burn scars clearly from recent abuse. (after my second check I also noticed his stomach with bruises??)
Obviously out of respect for fantasia's terms I will not link it nor post it, but it's there in game and I recommend other theorists checking it out.
The reason why I say recent is due to the fact that if they were just scars, we most likely would have seen the marks features in Day 01's NSFW art, seeing as it also has his stomach exposed.
Again, this all conjecture, and they could be in places we couldn’t have seen.
On the subject of scars, I think it's also evident that Sol is more than likely hiding a scar on his neck or some sort of burn scar behind it. He's extremely self-conscious about his looks, and Fantasia has stated that his choker will more than likely stay on at all times when he's with his soulmate.
The side however, and its coverage eludes me considering the only time we've seen Sol's neck is in art Fantasia has given us (but his neck is covered with a scarf or ribbon). The only time we see a little smidgen of his neck is in the Day 01 NSFW ending, but it's barely anything to form a for sure statement on!
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I think here is where I'll wrap up my theories for now!! Thank for reading this extremely long yap fest! Fantasia if you are reading this I just wanted to say I love your game and I love Sol!! Hope he knows this very much! Thank you for your hard work and I hope your internship goes well!
Very excited for the future of this wonderful game! I will now go lock in for finals season! This is peach signing off!
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taylorswiftstyle · 1 month
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10 cities for 10 albums.
Taylor Swift Style is a love letter.  To fashion, of course.  To Taylor and her music, naturally.  But also to YOU as a community for making this highly niche topic something that a publisher realised people would have an appetite for. 
There is no TSS without you. TSSers who are kind, thoughtful, insightful, curious, excited, and unafraid of the deep dive. You want more from conversations and connection and emotions. You crave intensity and thoroughness and thoughtfulness. You want to magnify the small because it’s those tiny microscopic details that make up the shattered mosaic of our hearts. It’s why we’re Taylor Swift fans, right? I so hope that at least one of you sees a bookstore that you love and have fond memories of on this list. And I’m so excited at the chance to make new ones together on this tour. 
*RSVPing is highly encouraged and free! Some events will require free registration beforehand* 
**Ticketed events require a ticket purchase beforehand. This applies only to Naperville, IL**
💚 Tuesday, Oct 8 | 7PM PT || Third Place Books (Seward Park) in Seattle, WA. UPDATE: SOLD OUT.
💛 Wednesday, Oct 9 | 7PM PT || Bookshop in Santa Cruz, CA. RSVP HERE.
💜 Thursday, Oct 10 | 7PM CT || Andersons Bookshop in Naperville, IL in conversation with Kate Kennedy. UPDATE: SOLD OUT.
❤️ Saturday, Oct 12 | 11:15AM CT || Heartland Book Fest in Kansas City, MO in conversation with Melody Rowell. RSVP HERE.
🩵 Tuesday, Oct 15 | 6:30PM ET || Barnes & Noble (Atlantic Ave) in Brooklyn, NY in conversation with Olivia Muenter. INFO HERE.
🖤 Thursday, Oct 17 | 6PM PT || Black Bond Books (Broadway) in Vancouver, Canada. INFO HERE.
🩷 Saturday, Oct 19 | 3PM PT || Annabelle's Book Club in Studio City, LA in conversation with Elizabeth Holmes. PURCHASE TICKETS HERE.
🩶 Monday, Oct 28 | 6:30PM CT || Parnassus Books in Nashville, TN in conversation with Bryan West. UPDATE: SOLD OUT. WAITLIST HERE.
🤎 Wednesday, Oct 30 | 7PM ET || Kramers in Washington, D.C.. RSVP HERE.
💙 Friday, Nov 1 | 7PM ET || Brookline Booksmith in Brookline, MA. UPDATE: SOLD OUT.
And as Taylor would say 🔜🇨🇦😘
If you haven't yet, Taylor Swift Style is available to pre-order at a number of major retailers HERE.
Pre-orders mean everything in the world of book publishing. Pre-orders determine how many copies a bookstore orders, how a book is displayed in stores, and they largely determine best seller lists. How incredible would that be if TSS were on one? (There's a particular one I have in mind ... which is perhaps dreaming impossible things). All that to say, if you were thinking of waiting for release that a pre-order would mean so much!
With love, Sarah
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blacknedsoul-blog · 10 months
An incessantly detailed analysis of the (re)encounter between Annabel and "Leo"
So I was writing something related to that scene and I wanted to share a detail that I love. From what we know about Lenore, yes, she knows that Annabel is lying when she says that their whole friendship was a con, but from there to Annabel wanting to be part of this fraud, it's a pretty big stretch.
So in this scene, Lenore makes a bet with her heart on the line (she has nothing more to lose anyway). So she introduces herself to Annabel and gets… this face.
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Annabel tries to pull her hand away, obviously in shock, but Lenore won't let her (possibly thinking how suspicious the situation would be) and greets her like a gentleman. This is not a good prognosis for how Annabel feels about this at all.
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I like to think that the reason Lenore speaks to him in such a nonchalant manner is because she notices that Annabel is not reacting at all and wants to divert Ira's attention.
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So she steers the conversation to the thing that brings her here: she will try to win her hand, and that is what she communicates to her with that sentence. Lenore has laid her cards on the table. This is the moment when Annabel can either accept or reject the absolute madness that Lenore is proposing.
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And Annabel's answer is …
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I love Lenore's shocked little face at this point, like, girl, I know Annabel has nerves of steel, but you broke her with this.
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As she's fanning her on the floor, you can see Lenore's expression start to shift from confusion to panic: maybe she's starting to doubt that this was all a good idea.
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Annabel comes to, and to Lenore's surprise (who at this point must be wondering what the hell to do), not only does she start playing along, she smiles at her and even lets herself touch her.
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Look at that smile! This woman must be throwing confetti in her head: they haven't said a word to each other, but she can see that Annabel is okay with it, and at this point, at least, that's all she could ask for.
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So he allows herself to flirt a little, and Annabel blushes when she does! If Lenore had any doubt that she was being reciprocated, she can now breathe a sigh of relief.
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At this point, neither of them knows exactly what the future holds for them, but at least they know they're in it together. The scene ends at the exact moment when, if Annabel was already in love with Lenore, she is now definitely eating out of her hand:
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It's just a beautiful scene. You have to enjoy it (especially when the current situation suggests that we won't have one of these for a while).
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