#conure mom
mom-of-a-feather · 1 month
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makin breakfast for my kiddos
Green Beans
Baby carrots
Mixed berries
(Georgie gets and egg but it's still on the stove)
Alexi's (left)
She gets a bit more than her brother bc she's bigger. She's pretty picky and will probably be mad that I'm giving her fruits and veggies as opposed her normal food
Alexi gets super freaked out by new things, and she usually refuses to eat. But she needs to have fresh fruits and veggies as well
I also only try her on Fruit and Veg a few times a week (I only started offering her fruits and veg sometime last week)
Georgie is a stomach with wings, he just loves to eat, the way into this guy's heart is DEFINITELY food!!
He lives to eat, he's so happy when I give him his special bowl.
He recognizes the bags that hold his fruit's and veg's and gets so so excited!
Little Man is ALWAYS up for food! He will SCREAM sometimes for a soild few minutes when he's waiting for his food to defrost/cook!
He's a lil goofball!! XD
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carnivoraformes · 6 months
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//And for my stupid thought of the day; what if Robin hadn't died by her third appearance in game? Not just because more of my girl but just because I would love to explore the idea of Aventurine using Robin to get to her brother because she 'seems' like an easier target or because he knows it would get Sunday's attention. I don't necessarily believe it would have played out that way in canon but it is a thought. And my Aventurine probably would if the chance arose. This may or may not have sign his death warrant but I digress.
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modernminstrel · 6 months
These are my babies! Anyone wanna follow along on their journey with me?
I’ll post the update videos here, IG and TikTok (@eigethedeige on those) so whichever works best for you is cool with me. I’m just excited to have people join in with how psyched I am! 🖤
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angrybatart · 9 months
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A tribute piece to my very first bird, Peabody. Yes. Named after the tv show and movie. And there was a Sherman to go with him. I'll work on him next.
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The two goobers. (Left: Peabody; Right: Sherman)
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weaselishmcdiesel · 2 years
didn’t ask initially but would gladly listen to conure talk, my little brother had a phase where he really wanted one too hsgdjdksh
I JUST THINK THEYRE SO CUTE ESPECIALLY THE GREEN CHEEK CONURES (which is the kind i want to get) SOMETHING ABOUT THEIR FACES MAKE THEM LOOK REALLY SMART AND ok so i have this cat (across the country bc im in college) who is exceptionally smart and i love smart animals so i sorta think his FACE looks smart? if that makes sense? like cats have different face shapes and his looks smart to me i also love him so much he's my favorite out of the four we have AND SOMETHING. ABOUT GREEN CHEEK CONURES (not the cinnamon or pineapple coloration, specifically the ones with gray heads which is the type i want) MAKES THEM SO SMART AND REMIND ME OF MY CAT WHO I ALSO MISS SO MUCH EVERY *hits table* DAY I REALLY WANT A CONURE AND I HOPE YOUR BROTHER GETS ONE IVE BEEN WATCHING VIDEOS NONSTOP FOR THE PAST WEEK ABOUT CONURES AND OTHER BIRDS AND YET IVE NEVER INTERACTED WITH ONE (except once like. 10 years ago and it wasnt my bird) BUT I REALLY JUST WANT TO OWN ONE AND GIVE IT A REALLY GOOD LIFE AOGHHHHHHHH
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steorransaluki · 2 years
blue is literally the sweetest dinosaur ever and we all worship at her altar
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stealchain · 6 months
I love conures so much I wish my bf wasn't afraid of birds :((
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ashleysgalaxyart · 2 years
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The artist vs the art
Here’s my pet conure and I. And a digital design I made of my conure
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sheawritesstuff · 8 months
Redacted Pet Headcanons
[In no particular order]
Aggro is a black persian cat with yellow-golden eyes
Wampus is a short-haired white cat with orange tabby spots
Ivan had a green and gray conure growing up
Asher won a goldfish at a fair once and killed it by trying to feed it bacon bits
Marie spoils Aggro like she would a human grandchild
Sam had an old cattle dog he had to leave behind in Mont Blanc
Anton has a soft spot for senior animals and has adopted several throughout his life
David grew up with a basset hound but it died not long after Gabe did
Ollie's parents have a crusty-eyed white dog
Aaron has always wanted a rottweiler but has never had the time to actually take care of one
Elliot has a bearded dragon
Caelum once made a list of reasons Gavin and Freelancer should adopt a puppy because he wanted a reason to come visit them more
Camelopardalis loves snakes but doesn't like feeding them mice, so he's never had one of his own
Sam grew up raising chickens and always named them so he could refer to them all respectfully
Vincent has never had a pet but he spent a decent chunk of his childhood and adolescence visiting and volunteering at animal shelters
Geordi had a terrarium of insects that were very well taken care of
Lasko got a puppy for his birthday once but his mom got mad at him and took it to the pound a few weeks later
Huxeley's moms feed the deer in their yard every day and some of them still recognize Hux when he comes to visit
Damien had a hampster in middle school - he refuses to give details on what happened to it
Guy's family has what can only be described as an army of golden retrievers
Marcus had a gecko that would just lay on his shoulder while he went about his day
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mom-of-a-feather · 1 month
I want to preface by saying that MOST people SHOULD NOT own a bird. Not because they're bad ppl, etc, but bc most people are NOT equipped to handle a bird/birds.
Exotic animals in general should not be bought willynilly or on a whim.
My mom (MiL but she's more like a mom to me) has a bird rescue, and my husband's been raised around birbs since he was in single digits.
I was raised on a farm (from ab 4yrs to 23yrs old) and have been raised around tons of exotic animals, such as, horses, Cows, Rabbits, guinea pigs, etc, etc.
Suffice to say, both me and my Husband have TONS of experience. So please please don't get a bird
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carnivoraformes · 9 months
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//Ship Tags Drop (romantic and otherwise). Still pending cause I know I probably haven't even begun to get everyone so bear with me because I wanted to do this while I updated it on my carrd!
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Ayato & Milou. Husband/Wife.
my love my life my pain in the ass (❤️ todestochter / ayato + milou ❤️) //
Yae Miko & Milou. Chaotic Mother/Daughter.
truly you are your mother's daughter (🦊 todestochter / yae miko & milou 🦊) //
Ei & Milou. Estranged Mother/Daughter.
it takes more than being a mother to be a mom (💢 todestochter / ei & milou 💢) //
Wriothesley & Milou. Tormenter/Tormented & Partners In Crime.
my pain amuses you doesn't it? (💢 todestochter / wriothesley & milou 💢) //
Neuvillette & Navia. Potential (?) Romantic Ship.
loving a woman made of gold and stronger than iron (❤️ todestochter / neuvillette + navia ❤️) //
Neuvillette & Furina. Potential (?) Romantic Ship.
my heart is an river and it tied to your ocean (❤️ todestochter / neuvillette + furina ❤️) //
Way More Pending ;v;
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Diluc & Isolde. Lovers.
you are the ice that calms my unrelenting fire ( ❤️ thewaywardsnowflake / diluc + isolde ❤️) //
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Dehya & Sara. Lovers.
the heart of a lioness melts only for her tengu ( ❤️ ahellofalotofmuses / dehya + sara ❤️) //
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Jing Yuan & Sora. Lovers.
no matter how much space may separate us i will always come back to you ( bishonenprince /❤️ jing yuan + sora ❤️) //
Wriothesley & Sora. Bad Influence.
got a real good feelin' somethin' bad about to happen ( 👿 bishonenprince / wriothesley & sora 😇) //
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Jing Yuan & Eivor. Lovers.
this lion only bows to the wolf that hold his heart (❤️ wolfkcst / jing yuan + eivor ❤️) //
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Jean & Wriothesley
a girl i want to be good for ( ❤️ screenviolense / wriothesley + jean ❤️) //
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bonefarm · 4 months
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Well, I wasn’t really planning on adding another bird but this lil guy has been looking for a home near me for a long time and after talking to his previous owner it sounded like my house was going to be a unicorn fit for him. His mom loves him a whole whole lot but had some big life and health circumstances change. He is a boredom feather picker but doesn’t appear to really be capital P plucking.
He needs some work on diet but I’m hopeful he will improve, he immediately went for the palm rolls and palm tassel toys which gives me some hope for redirecting. He speaks a LOT for a conure.
Welcome to the flock Roswell
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flock-talk · 4 months
My literal one year old of a conure tried claiming a nest and I had to break it to her that she’s much too young to be a mother lol
🎵 a single mom who works two jobs who loves her kids and never stops 🎵
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femmesandhoney · 10 days
1) i am so jealous i have wanted a sun conure for SO LONG!!!! 2) fruit salad is a beautiful name for a babygirl
FRUIT SALAD FOR A BABY BOY 🫶 and lmao its my moms bird, shes been wanting one for ages. i don't think most people realize how expensive birds are 💀 like you gotta really save up for one! we were lucky to find a lady selling em for "cheap", hope you get one one day!
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delicateartisantrash · 2 months
(Bird-mom Venting)
Not me blasting 20 of the 13 spoons of energy i woke up with today, because I ache all over and needed to rest and yake it slow and easy aaaaand...
...in the middle of getting my birds corralled for breakfast and settled, Echo (Indian Ringneck) is acting funny for his usual behavior at breakfast. I thought perhaps my routine and well-being being off was provoking it, and then i saw movement in my peripheral and both my birds attention shifted
like literally the basement door to my apartment has a little slide lock on it so I can ensure kitties cannot open the door by figuring out the doorknob, and also because doing that means NORMALLY paying attention and not forgetting to ensure the door is fully actually shut not just almost shut aiabfiwoeofnyvidbe.
*screaming crying vibrating in place*
And i think i might have actually teleported across the room after Echo took flight, and Gizmo promptly went "what the fuck was THAT WOAH" and turned to trot after him towards the livingroom and i
Channeled energy i haven't used since the last time i had to yeet over and grab my baby Bongo (green cheek conure) off Echo's cage because she is so pretty and so emotionally aware and astute with PEOPLE because she was hand raised and taken from her parents by people and AAAAAAAAH SHE JUST STOOD ON HIS CAGR TO LET HIM ATTACK HET LIKE A CONFUSED GOLDEN RETRIEVER.
i did not faint this time after crisis was averted, however. That was good. Last time after I got Bongo off Echo's cage and the blood stopped with cornstarch over her confused beeps, told my mom who to call (thank the Gods for good Zoos with good exotic species veterinarians) and I think i passed her off not let her fly over, and then i promptly blacked out. Not from panic, though that didn't help, the panic actually came after i came to sitting up and someone telling me i passed out and THEN i panicked because i realized i was utterly useless in a crisis situation but at least i got everything critical accomplished and passed off to those who could (Bongo was okay, one expensive vet trip and my forever sorrow she's now missing one talon but it healed remarkably well)
I never feel more like a failure as a bird or cat or anything mom, as the viscerally real and tangible moments when my babies get hurt or could have gotten hurt.
Whooooooo weeee. Okay. Yeah.i just had to scream about that for a hot minute there because i got everyone settled, everyone is fine, Gizmo heard me raise my voice in full No Nonsense Mom Emergency Command hollar (the kitties are the newest members of our family) for the first time ever, and Echo finally went in to eat his breakfast.
Now I'm shaking and chilling with oatmeal and tumblr and wow okay imma just. Sit here for a bit. O w.
(for context, those of you new to my blog, i have chronic issues that cause problems with balance and paina nd just kind of existing on the physical plane in general weeeeee, so thr things i am not suppossd to do that i used to do all tbe time, include moving fast, standing up quickly, and turning pr moving my head too quickly. All of whi h i just did l. Weeeeeee. That is why i mentioned blowing all my spoons of energy. That one crisis save just killed most my plans for tbe day vut also wow it was more effective than any coffee or energy drinkcould ever be on waking me the fuck up.)
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widespot · 3 months
Orphans Triumphant
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Well! Somebody's got his goal firmly in mind!
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Gabriella finds that Connor the Conure is a great person to confide in. "So Gallagher knows about lube now. I can't wrap my head around it!"
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Since Rocky's going to live back home with Mom and Dad, and they already have a piano, he's given the residence piano to Gavin and Sadie for a wedding present. This leaves him with a lot of time on his hands, which he spends blogging about music.
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Gavin sees no reason to wait to go home and marry Sadie. They need him in that house! So he throws his party as soon as he feasibly can. Herbert and Faith are feeling a bit under the weather and send their apologies, but that's all right - he'll be right there with them soon enough. A little too much with them, even. It's clear they need help, but he's not certain how the living arrangements are going to shake out.
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