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atzupdates · 9 months ago
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WY 🌙 [240708] fromm Chat
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loonavrsl · 1 month ago
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250214 [💌] Hyunjin films more content with Raina
I'm filming with Raina unnie today ㅎㅎ Hot-Item Lucky Happy ㅎㅎ
Translation by: litell_johnn / photo
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roadyblr · 6 months ago
hiii i wanted to thank you for making this blog cuz my country banned twitter recently so i had no way to see the xikers update accs i followed 😭😭 i was so sad when i realized i wouldn't see their selcas anymore but now i can !!! seriously ur a godsend
oh my god that sucks im so sorry 🥹 🥹 that's another one of the reasons i try to stay on top of this account because once that happened i knew it would shut a lot of kpop fans from updates about their groups so im happy to help with what i can
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perception-1111 · 1 year ago
“The only truly affluent are those who do not want more than they have.”
—Erich Fromm
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atzjieun · 10 months ago
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Song Ji-eun (Kor: 송지은), known mononymously as Jieun, is a fictional Korean singer-songwriter. She made her debut on October 24, 2018 as a member of kpop group ATEEZ under KQ Entertainment as their main dancer, lead vocalist and lead rapper.
admin | talks | shut up lai | asks
profile | visuals | trivia
iceberg | dorm tour | jiwoo playlist
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family | in ateez | outside of ateez | dating history
jihong | seongji | yunji | shyz | jisan | ssongz | jiwoo | jiho
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with sunwoo | during hiatus
hair through the eras | part two
photocards | aniteez mascot
— eras
all to zero | zero to one | one to all | all to action | action to answer | fever pt.1 | fever pt.2 | fever pt.3 | fever epilogue | ep.1 movement | from the witness | ep.2 outlaw | ep.fin will | golden hour pt.1 | golden hour pt.2
— covers
mamma mia |
— music
mixtape: sophie
all written works
scenarios | variety content
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twt posts | insta posts | fromm
atinytwt | livestreams | edits
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debut confirmation | hiatus announcement | king of masked singer |artist of the month
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undaughtered · 2 days ago
book recommendations? i’ve finally got my attention span back after deleting instagram and tiktok off my phone for lent and i want to read!
hello! im so sorry i took so long to respond to this! since its lent, i will recommend both fiction and religious work (i hope that's okay!) i've tried to choose short work that i personally really enjoy and turn to often, and an asterisk * marks a book that has some sexual content if you're trying to avoid that during lent
the long loneliness by dorothy day
waiting for god by simone weil
revelations of divine love by julian of norwich
the imitation of christ by thomas a kempis
the art of loving by erich fromm
jacob's room by virginia woolf
blue of noon by georges bataille*
rebecca by daphne du maurier*
rest and be thankful by emma glass
the edible woman by margaret atwood
the ravishing of lol stein by margueurite duras*
fragile animals by genevieve jagger*
the hour of the star by clarice lispector
notes from the underground by fyodor dostoevsky
salt slow by julia armfield*
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aicosu · 2 years ago
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On July 1st, the lonely house at the top of the mountain was finally sold.
— In which Jack(son) Overland tries his best to befriend his neighbor, one woodworking project at a time. { neighbors-to-lovers!fic, modern-mountain-living!au }
Prompt from @aicosu: Three-word sentences: "Just say it."
ao3 ❆
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dlstmxkakwldrlarchive · 7 months ago
240826 ONEW Fromm Channel Update
ONEW won't promote Beat Drum in Music Shows!
This is Griffin Entertainment. First of all, I would like to sincerely thank you all for your generous love and support to Onew. About the activities for Onew's 3rd mini album [FLOW], which will be released on September 3rd:
As a result of careful discussion with the artist about the direction of the 3rd mini album [FLOW], there will be no music broadcast promotion to show a higher performance in the future. We will meet you in Korea and Japan with "2024 ONEW FAN CONCERT 'HOLA!' and perform new songs from the 3rd mini album [FLOW], we are preparing to show you better music and a variety of performances, so please look forward to it.
We are well aware of the interest and expectations of many people, including JJINGGU who loves our artist more than anyone else, during the promotion of their 3rd mini album [FLOW] that will be released after a long wait.
Even though we can't meet you in person through music broadcasts, We will do our best to communicate with you through various contents and activities.
We will fully support our artist to be active on a wider stage, so please continue to give us warm support and love. Thank you.
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transformers-mosaic · 8 months ago
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Transformers: Beast Wars - Second Chances - Page 17
Originally posted on February 2nd, 2011
Story - Mike Priest Pencils - Ryan Miller Inks - Jake Isenberg Colours - Ray Fromme Letters - HdE
wada sez: See below for Mike Priest’s original script, titled “Lost and Found”.
Beast Wars: Second Chances- Page 17
“Lost and Found”
By Mike Priest
(FIRST PANEL- Starscream’s ghost/spark has phased through the Ark’s hull and is now hovering in a dim hallway.  “Emergency” red lights that line the walls appear to be blinking, indicating something is happening somewhere in the Ark.)
STARSCREAM: (Text box) Hmmm, now if I recall correctly…
(SECOND PANEL- Starscream ghost/spark “zooms” down the hallway and around a corner, leaving a streaking trail behind it.)
(THIRD PANEL- Starscream’s ghost emerges from a wall, half-phased through it.  His facial expression gives the self-satisfied impression of “success!” when he sees the contents of the room.)
STARSCREAM: (Text box) Ah-HA!  I knew I left that old thing lying around here somewhere…
(FOURTH PANEL- The Ark’s computer room, where Tarantulas’s image is on virtually every monitor.)
TARANTULAS: Security overridden.  Preparing to initialize self-destruct sequence.  Even beyond death, I will see my ultimate goal realized!  I will --
(FIFTH PANEL- Tarantulas’s computerized expression suddenly turns to shock as he notices someone enter the room.)
TARANTULAS: No.  You’re not supposed to be online!  That’s impossible!
(SIXTH PANEL- Large pay-off panel of STARSCREAM, in his original body, standing in the room with his hands on his hips, eyes narrowed and smirking his classic smirk.)
STARSCREAM: Wanna bet?
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dailyanarchistposts · 11 months ago
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A.2.6 Why is solidarity important to anarchists?
Solidarity, or mutual aid, is a key idea of anarchism. It is the link between the individual and society, the means by which individuals can work together to meet their common interests in an environment that supports and nurtures both liberty and equality. For anarchists, mutual aid is a fundamental feature of human life, a source of both strength and happiness and a fundamental requirement for a fully human existence.
Erich Fromm, noted psychologist and socialist humanist, points out that the “human desire to experience union with others is rooted in the specific conditions of existence that characterise the human species and is one of the strongest motivations of human behaviour.” [To Be or To Have, p.107]
Therefore anarchists consider the desire to form “unions” (to use Max Stirner’s term) with other people to be a natural need. These unions, or associations, must be based on equality and individuality in order to be fully satisfying to those who join them — i.e. they must be organised in an anarchist manner, i.e. voluntary, decentralised, and non-hierarchical.
Solidarity — co-operation between individuals — is necessary for life and is far from a denial of liberty. Solidarity, observed Errico Malatesta, “is the only environment in which Man can express his personality and achieve his optimum development and enjoy the greatest possible wellbeing.” This “coming together of individuals for the wellbeing of all, and of all for the wellbeing of each,” results in “the freedom of each not being limited by, but complemented — indeed finding the necessary raison d’etre in — the freedom of others.” [Anarchy, p. 29] In other words, solidarity and co-operation means treating each other as equals, refusing to treat others as means to an end and creating relationships which support freedom for all rather than a few dominating the many. Emma Goldman reiterated this theme, noting “what wonderful results this unique force of man’s individuality has achieved when strengthened by co-operation with other individualities . .. co-operation — as opposed to internecine strife and struggle — has worked for the survival and evolution of the species… . only mutual aid and voluntary co-operation … can create the basis for a free individual and associational life.” [Red Emma Speaks, p. 118]
Solidarity means associating together as equals in order to satisfy our common interests and needs. Forms of association not based on solidarity (i.e. those based on inequality) will crush the individuality of those subjected to them. As Ret Marut points out, liberty needs solidarity, the recognition of common interests:
“The most noble, pure and true love of mankind is the love of oneself. I want to be free! I hope to be happy! I want to appreciate all the beauties of the world. But my freedom is secured only when all other people around me are free. I can only be happy when all other people around me are happy. I can only be joyful when all the people I see and meet look at the world with joy-filled eyes. And only then can I eat my fill with pure enjoyment when I have the secure knowledge that other people, too, can eat their fill as I do. And for that reason it is a question of my own contentment, only of my own self, when I rebel against every danger which threatens my freedom and my happiness…” [Ret Marut (a.k.a. B. Traven), The BrickBurner magazine quoted by Karl S. Guthke, B. Traven: The life behind the legends, pp. 133–4]
To practice solidarity means that we recognise, as in the slogan of Industrial Workers of the World, that “an injury to one is an injury to all.” Solidarity, therefore, is the means to protect individuality and liberty and so is an expression of self-interest. As Alfie Kohn points out:
“when we think about co-operation… we tend to associate the concept with fuzzy-minded idealism… This may result from confusing co-operation with altruism… Structural co-operation defies the usual egoism/altruism dichotomy. It sets things up so that by helping you I am helping myself at the same time. Even if my motive initially may have been selfish, our fates now are linked. We sink or swim together. Co-operation is a shrewd and highly successful strategy — a pragmatic choice that gets things done at work and at school even more effectively than competition does… There is also good evidence that co-operation is more conductive to psychological health and to liking one another.” [No Contest: The Case Against Competition, p. 7]
And, within a hierarchical society, solidarity is important not only because of the satisfaction it gives us, but also because it is necessary to resist those in power. Malatesta’s words are relevant here:
“the oppressed masses who have never completely resigned themselves to oppress and poverty, and who … show themselves thirsting for justice, freedom and wellbeing, are beginning to understand that they will not be able to achieve their emancipation except by union and solidarity with all the oppressed, with the exploited everywhere in the world.” [Anarchy, p. 33]
By standing together, we can increase our strength and get what we want. Eventually, by organising into groups, we can start to manage our own collective affairs together and so replace the boss once and for all. ”Unions will… multiply the individual’s means and secure his assailed property.” [Max Stirner, The Ego and Its Own, p. 258] By acting in solidarity, we can also replace the current system with one more to our liking: “in union there is strength.” [Alexander Berkman, What is Anarchism?, p. 74]
Solidarity is thus the means by which we can obtain and ensure our own freedom. We agree to work together so that we will not have to work for another. By agreeing to share with each other we increase our options so that we may enjoy more, not less. Mutual aid is in my self-interest — that is, I see that it is to my advantage to reach agreements with others based on mutual respect and social equality; for if I dominate someone, this means that the conditions exist which allow domination, and so in all probability I too will be dominated in turn.
As Max Stirner saw, solidarity is the means by which we ensure that our liberty is strengthened and defended from those in power who want to rule us: “Do you yourself count for nothing then?”, he asks. “Are you bound to let anyone do anything he wants to you? Defend yourself and no one will touch you. If millions of people are behind you, supporting you, then you are a formidable force and you will win without difficulty.” [quoted in Luigi Galleani’s The End of Anarchism?, p. 79 — different translation in The Ego and Its Own, p. 197]
Solidarity, therefore, is important to anarchists because it is the means by which liberty can be created and defended against power. Solidarity is strength and a product of our nature as social beings. However, solidarity should not be confused with “herdism,” which implies passively following a leader. In order to be effective, solidarity must be created by free people, co-operating together as equals. The “big WE” is not solidarity, although the desire for “herdism” is a product of our need for solidarity and union. It is a “solidarity” corrupted by hierarchical society, in which people are conditioned to blindly obey leaders.
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10nantscompanion · 10 months ago
In case you were thinking of getting a bubble or fromm subscription:
here's how the idol's I am or was subscribed to text
seonghwa loml
he usually texts quite often!!
he's a very quick typer, so even though he's not online for long periods of time he still talks A LOT.
he talks very cutesy and slangy so - as a Korean learner - I sometimes have a hard time understanding him, but I feel like I've kinda gotten used to it by now haha I've definitely learned a lot of new words talking to him
sometimes he goes live on toktoq after being online on fromm 🥺
I've only just subscribed to him yesterday but he was online today so... I can give somewhat of a feedback I guess???
yunho talks a lot less cutesy than seonghwa does, so I can understand him quite well lol
was online for a longer period than seonghwa usually is, but he took his time typing his messages, giving me more time to think of a reply
I've been telling him "goodbye" "see you later" "have a nice day" for... idk like 10 minutes until he actually left. HE SEEMED LIKE HE WAS GONNA LEAVE FOR 10 MINUTES STRAIGHT BUT EVERYTIME I SAID GOODBYE HE CAME UP WITH NEW THINGS TO TALK ABOUT LOL
while writing this post he went online again
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I didn't have him for long cause he was always online at inconvenient times (usually around 4 or 5 am where I live) so I kept missing him :(
he's funny though!!! especially when he talks about forcing seonghwa to workout with him lol
I learned some verb endings from him that I didn't know before
can't really say much about the way he talks cause I kept missing him
I do love him 3000 though
lots of selfies!!! and when I say lots I mean LOTS!! mainly gym, taxi and bed selfies
also a lot of cat content!!! (very worth it imo)
doesn't text a lot but he "calls" A LOT (so basically lots of video and voice live streams) sometimes even daily!!!
Xdinary Heroes
usually texts everyday but mostly just 1-3 messages a day
however sometimes he's online for an hour or so!! he's very cute!! (gets shy when he's being complimented haha)
he likes to take photos while taking walks!!! he also sends selfies pretty regularly!!
he barely ever sends voice messages though!! I think he sent like 1 during the last year lol
daily selfies!!!
doesn't text a lot but he does go online daily!! (maybe it's different now I've only had him for a few months a year ago or so)
not online regularly BUT when he's online he sends a lot of voice messages of him singing!!
he also likes to send goofy photos lol
barely online BUT he translates everything he says which is very cute!!!
he's as delusional as we are lol
doesn't talk a lot BUT is online almost everyday!!
CAT CONTENT!!!!! (=^・ω・^=)
likes to send tiny LOUD voice messages
loves to take pictures of his food at very unflattering, unappetizing angles lol
I've only had him for a month or so a year ago
sends quite a lot of pictures which is cool!!
online almost everyday but only sends a few messages
sometimes online multiple times a day
occasionally won't be online for days or weeks though
BUT WHEN HE'S ONLINE he's online for hours lol
sends his entire camera roll
lots of voice messages (usually in Korean and English)
sometimes does song covers and asmr
lots of good night voice memos with kisses hehe
he's very silly and asks you to do aegyo in exchange for photos
he can be pretty sentimental at times too which is very cute!
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atzupdates · 10 months ago
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SH 💫 [240606] fromm Chat
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honeyhotteoks · 2 months ago
finally got time to properly read your reply (thanks for taking your time, i love your brain rots🫂) your insight is so true omg, clearly yun had been something else this new year and im loving it.
while it's true that most of the time, idols are heavily draw in to the fan service part of their job, it's also true that some of their actual personality behind doors is bound to bleed in. while i don't necessarily belive yunho is 100% fanservice driven, his content is, and that's where real yunho actually plays a huge part.
boyfriend pictures, the dates he usually goes on with the rest of the members and the photos he uploads of said dates (not only his face, but the scenery as well as pics with the other members too) appeals to all of us. we also know too that his aries is HEAVY on him when it comes to his fans. while he's not "in your face" he's made it clear time and time again that hotteoks are his and his only. and what you mentioned about him being a little jealous of other members being mentioned in his lives, it's clear that the boldness of that video has something to do with that as well.
im not trying to place yunho in a box, nor imply something he clearly isn't, but actions speak for themselves and our man has clearly been speaking with his content lately.
i'll not ramble this time, but thank you for your time and answer
oh my goodness please ramble away, i so look forward to your messages in my inbox!!
great thoughts on this too - i completely agree that it’s a blend of fan service and real person because how could it not be. it’s like how at our jobs we put on a certain persona but it’s not *not* us in some ways, but everyone has different levels of authenticity they’re comfortable with in different settings with different audiences.
i will say when it comes to fanservice i’m fairly cynical. as someone who’s been in the corporate world for over ten years (blech this made me feel old and lame), something i know with confidence is that their contracts are strict and wildly stipulated by the company, it’s just how these things work. so it would not surprise me in the least if they had contracted goals or quotas around different types of fanservice such as like…. number of times they communicate via fromm per month or number of social media posts, even number of times they go live on toqtok etc. That being said….. just because I’m cynical about that, doesn’t mean I’m cynical about the way the boys engage with those quotas and goals.
I think it’s obvious that some members are more communicative with fans vs others, some members are more clear with ‘boyfriend’ boundaries than others (*cough* *cough* san and mingi) but they still do the fan engagement because i’m sure they like it, but it’s also part of their job. they’re just at a point in their careers and probably in their own self confidence and self worth that they know what they will and won’t engage with. I like to think Yunho is the same, he’s a convicted person with clear ethics, so if he’s posting content that’s really boyfriend-y and coming on lives all the time and on fromm a couple times a week….. I truly believe it’s because it’s a part of his job that he enjoys doing and so he does more of it. That’s kind of why I describe him as more “persona-less” etc., I seriously just think he’s this guy and he’s showing us that part of himself. Does it hit two birds with one stone contractually and for the fans, sure, but no one’s holding a gun to his head to do this kind of content (at least at this point in their careers) and that’s nice to know.
I also think as far as his dedication to hotteoks……… this is where the parasocial line gets blurry so I want to be super clear about how I feel. Not at all to disagree with you, but as a fic writer who writes self-insert I feel like it’s important to represent how I really feel about these parasocial connections that frankly I’m aware that my fic is contributing to. So on that note: I think Yunho loves hotteoks and is dedicated to hotteoks in the sense that he feels grateful to us, feels loved by us, feels accepted and encouraged by us, and he’s a kind person who understands the weight of holding all of those people’s expectations and hopes and happiness. I think two years ago it appeared he was going through a tougher time but wasn’t really sharing, but in the past year he’s been honest about the pressure of being an idol and being a person that is “responsible” for fans happiness, and instead of letting that pressure crush him he’s come out with more love, more joy, and found more ways to support his fans. However - I do think it’s important to understand that there’s a difference between THAT and a romantic connection or commitment to a partner. I don’t think you meant that in what you said, but I do think I see Atiny sometimes describe “dedication” to fans as all encompassing and meaning they aren’t dating/seeking romantic connection, so I feel responsible for saying it as a fic writer.
I write self insert fic knowing that it will probably strengthen a parasocial connections between people and Yunho, hell, it’s probably strengthened my own parasocial connection to him. BUT I think if we’re responsible consumers of media, responsible fans of a famous person, that we will always remember those boundaries are real and exist for good reason. Yunho is so dear to me for so many reasons, but despite how genuine I believe him to be and how much analysis I do….. ultimately, I don’t know him. I’ll never know him, and at this point as a writer he’s become a character for me. I just want to be sure everyone knows where I stand as a writer and ‘yunho analyzer’ lol - I’m delulu ofc, but not like that.
I believe that we can see him as an idol and trust his authenticity with engaging with fans, but not allow that to become a twisted conception of him, this leads to fans crossing boundaries they haven’t been giving permission to, and assuming familiarity they don’t have. The parasocial element of kpop is a dangerous one for that reason, so I just wanted to add these thoughts to my original analysis, especially since you noted his dedication to hotteoks as “one and only” - I totally know what you mean there, 100%, but I don’t know that everyone does and I work hard to have delulu fun in this fandom while at the same time trying to keep everyone level headed about all the parasocial stuff.
Hopefully this makes sense - I’ve honestly been thinking about this for days since I wrote that original reply and your message is really just a springboard for continuing to talk about it and clarifying a few things so…….. i guess i’m the one rambling now hahah
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ultrakdramamama · 11 months ago
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240513 taemin_bpm [#태민] 📢
태민 공식 팬클럽 ‘TAEMate (탬메이트)’ 1기 모집 안내
🌱 가입처 : 프롬 fromm (https://bit.ly/4a9Ir7T) 🌱 모집 기간 : 2024/05/13 16:00 (KST) - 2024/06/02 23:59 (KST)
🔗 https://taemin-official.com/contents/66417b141e6415394461b3db
@xoalsox #TAEMIN #TAEMate#탬메이트
[eng tran] [#Taemin] 📢
Information on the 1st recruitment of Taemin’s official fan club ‘TAEMate’
🌱 Where to sign up: fromm (https://bit.ly/4a9Ir7T) 🌱 Recruitment period: 2024/05/13 16:00 (KST) - 2024/06/02 23:59 (KST)
🔗 https://taemin-official.com/contents/66417b141e6415394461b3db
@xoalsox #TAEMIN #TAEMate#TAEMate
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mayhem-things · 2 years ago
Pelle x Reader / priority ( Jack kilmer)
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Pelle and Y/N enjoy an evening together as a phone call botherstheir peace.
(600 something words)
One evening, Pelle and Y/N found themselves lying in bed together, their bodies entangled in a comfortable embrace. The room was filled with a warm and intimate ambiance, and they relished in the peacefulness of the moment.
Pelle's hand gently brushed over Y/N's frame, his touch tender and affectionate. She snuggled closer to him, finding solace in the safety of his arms. It was a sanctuary where all worries and fears dissolved, replaced only by their shared love and devotion
.Suddenly, Pelle's phone buzzed, indicating an incoming call. He glanced at the screen to see Euronymous' name flashing across it. A sigh escaped his lips as he realized it was a call about band practice. Y/N's eyes filled with concern, recognizing the internal struggle he faced.
"Do you have to go, Pelle?" she asked softly, her voice laced with worry.
Pelle looked into her eyes, his gaze filled with a mix of determination and tenderness. He caressed her cheek, his voice gentle yet resolute. 
"Y/N, you mean everything to me. Mayhem is important, but so are you."Y/N's heart skipped a beat, a loving smile played on his lips as he spoke, his voice filled with unwavering conviction.
 "I've decided that being with you, making memories and cherishing our time together fuels my inspiration. You are my muse, Y/N and i'm sure they won't die from me not showing up." Y/N's eyes filled with happiness as she realized the depth of his commitment. It was a beautiful affirmation of their love, a testament to their connection surpassing the boundaries of music.She reached out to hold his hand, squeezing it gently. 
"Pelle, your dedication to our relationship means the world to me. I'm honored to be your priority."With a sense of relief and contentment, Pelle discarded his phone, immersing himself fully in the embrace of their love. However their peace was soon interrupted once again as they were close in bed, him spooning her from behind. This time he didn't need to peak a look at the screen to guess who was disturbing their wordless affirmation of physical touch.
It was a call fromm the founder of the band,  Euronymous. Pelle didn't decline the call so eventually the voicemail option played on, Øystein furiously leaving a message, the sound of Euronymous' voice filled the room in result.
"You bastard! Why the hell aren't you answering your damn phone? Are you too busy jerking off again? We have band practice, you idiot!" Euronymous' frustration and annoyance were palpable in his words.
Pelle glanced at Y/N, a wry smile playing on his lips. He knew that Euronymous could be difficult to deal with at times, but he also knew that his decision to prioritize their relationship was the right one.
He turned off his phone completely, his attention fully focused on Y/N.
 "Let them wait, my love. This time is for us. I choose you, and I wouldn't have it any other way."
They spent the night intertwined, whispering words of affection and basking in the profound connection they shared.
In the days that followed, Pelle continued to prioritize his relationship with Y/N, choosing to create beautiful memories together instead of attending band practice. While his decision may have raised eyebrows among his bandmates, Pelle knew deep down that he was living his truth.Their love became a source of inspiration for his music, infusing it with an unparalleled intensity and authenticity. Mayhem, too, found strength in understanding the significance of Pelle's bond with Y/N and supported his choice wholeheartedly.And so, Pelle and Y/N embarked on a remarkable journey together, their love transcending the boundaries of fame and music. They became each other's refuge, nurturing a flame that burned brighter than any stage lights ever could-a flame that would forever guide them through the chaos of life.
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maven-makes-zines · 4 months ago
On my instagram I’ve been highlighting (reviewing?) zines I’ve enjoyed and I think they would get more love on here! So I’m planning on posting them here from now on :)
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Hey guys I’m back with another zine highlight! I loved the zine Try Loving! by Rosie. It’s inspired by Thicht Naht Han, a Vietnamese Buddhist Monk, author, and activist as well as Erich Fromm, a 20th-century German author, psychoanalyst, and philosopher. The colors and artwork that line the pages feel so cozy and bright and the content of the zine was amazing. (If I told you guys everything I liked I think I would be typing all day long.) An idea that stood out to me was Rosie’s concept of what love truly is. In the author's words, “Love is difficult to define. That is because it is an EXPERIENCE, not an OBJECT”. I love the idea of experiencing love vs. having it in your possession. In my opinion, understanding love as an experience makes it feel more abundant like there’s more than enough to go around. I’d hate to spoil this one for you guys so I highly suggest reading it yourself if you ever get the chance!!
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