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anoyms · 6 months ago
Timeless Elegance: Exploring the Charm of Vintage Brass Containers
Features of Vintage Brass Containers:
Antique brass dabbas, or containers, are valuable objects that serve a dual purpose and look great doing it. The strong and corrosion-resistant brass used to make these storage containers is of the highest grade. Every brass metal box is an example of masterful workmanship they enhance any room with their beautiful patterns and designs. These containers will be show-stoppers in both modern and classic settings because to the brass's natural shine. Because of their versatility, you may use them for a wide range of storage purposes, and they will bring a touch of natural elegance into your everyday life.
Benefits of Using Vintage Brass Containers;
Vintage brass vessels have a long lifespan, which is a major advantage. These storage containers are investments you can rest easy knowing will last for decades because to the brass construction. Brass is not damaged as quickly as other materials, so your brass dabbas will look great for a long time.
These metal boxes are long-lasting and functional storage options. You may store all of your kitchen essentials, including spices, dried fruits, tea, coffee, and more, in these. Because of their capacity to seal airtight, brass containers prolong the life of stored goods by keeping in their aroma and freshness. Plus, brass is naturally antibacterial, so it's a clean option for food storage.
The aesthetic value of recycled brass boxes is immense. They will elevate the look of your dining room or kitchen with their elaborate patterns and shiny finish. These containers will enhance the environment of your area with their effortless blend with rustic and modern décor trends. They are treasured by collectors and enthusiasts for their cultural significance and aesthetic value.
For those concerned about the environment, consider using historical metal containers instead of plastic ones. Choosing brass dabbas is a little step toward a more sustainable lifestyle since it helps decrease plastic waste. These containers are loved by eco-conscious consumers for their timeless attractiveness and environmental benefits.
Versatile Uses and Ideal Gifts:
One of the many great things about vintage brass containers is how multipurpose they are. They work well for preserving the fragrance and freshness of mukhwas, a traditional Indian mouth refresher. Furthermore, you can utilize these containers to keep your room clean and clear of clutter by storing jewelry, gifts, or even office materials. Their elegant style makes them a welcome complement to any home's dining area, living room, or bedroom.
You can't go wrong with these brass canisters as a present. Giving someone a brass metal box is an original and considerate way to show your appreciation for their vintage collection or for friends and family who share your love for it. Its classic good looks and functional design guarantee that it will be treasured for many years. Add a touch of class and history to any celebration by giving a gift of history and elegance.
Global Services:
No matter where you are in the world, our services will bring the magic of antique brass containers right to you. Our high-quality brass dabbas are proudly delivered to the doorsteps of consumers in the usa, canada, london, and many more. Each container is hand-crafted to the highest quality standards
Finally, antique brass storage containers are works of art that will enhance the beauty and practicality of your home for generations to come. They are an essential part of contemporary life due to their longevity, beauty, and adaptability. Whether you're looking to use them yourself or give them as a present, these metal boxes made of brass will be impressive. Bring a little more elegance into your life by embracing the allure of antique brass storage containers.Timeless Elegance: Exploring the Charm of Vintage Brass Containers
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myteeproducts · 1 year ago
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Container handling can be an incredibly daunting task, especially in the fast-paced world of logistics and shipping. The sheer size and weight of shipping containers, the precision required during loading and unloading, and the time constraints involved all contribute to the complexity of the operation. Yet, in the face of these challenges, there's a game-changer that stands ready to simplify the process and make container handling a breeze – Mytee's Shipping Container Jack Lug.
Key Features:
⚙️ Precision Handling: Mytee's Jack Lug is engineered to provide precise positioning of shipping containers. The task of aligning these massive containers with accuracy has long been a logistical headache. With Mytee's Jack Lug, that headache becomes a thing of the past. Say goodbye to guesswork, misalignment, and costly mishaps, and say hello to accurate and effortless handling.
⏱️ Time-Saving: Time is of the essence in the world of logistics, and every minute counts. Streamlining container logistics is not just a luxury; it's a necessity. Mytee's Jack Lug allows for quicker turnarounds. This means faster loading and unloading times, shorter transit durations, and ultimately, a more efficient supply chain.
🔒 Enhanced Safety: Safety is paramount in container handling, and Mytee's Jack Lug prioritizes it above all else. The secure lifting, precise positioning, and reliable locking mechanisms ensure that containers remain stable and secure throughout the process. You can handle containers with peace of mind, knowing that safety is never compromised.
🏋️‍♂️ Heavy-Duty: In the world of shipping containers, weight is a constant challenge. Mytee's Jack Lug is built to withstand the heaviest of containers. No matter how massive or densely packed, this tool handles the job with ease.
💼 Versatile Application: Whether you're in logistics, supply chain management, or warehouse operations, Mytee's Shipping Container Jack Lug is your go-to solution. Its versatility ensures that it adapts to your specific needs and workflows, making it an indispensable tool in various industries
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permettez-moi · 2 years ago
Duel at araluen spoilers:
The scene where Horace and Gil read Maddies message in the fort brings great joy
Gil realising it's her due to the feathers is beyond adorable
Horace having to containr himself from ripping the paper out of Gil's hands? My heart flutters and melts simultaneously
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i am shrunkn down and brought to th gnom world and whn i attmpt to assimilat to thir cultur I us an acorn cap as a hat and thy all laugh chrfully at my silly mistak of waring what thy us as a bowl lik a cap and though this is a transgrssion that would hav humiliatd m in my human lif I am instad laughing alongsid thm at my humorous misundrstanding
Oct 12, 2023thy ask m what I would lik to at and knowing that gnoms njoy fruit i ask for my favorit fruit, an appl, and thy all laugh raucously and say that i must b vry hungry indd to dsir an ntir appl rathr than just a small chunk, and i go along with thir jok and say that whil my body may hav shrank my stomach has not! and thy all guffaw with dlight until thir facs turn rd and s that my rqust is mt and w all sit around a toadstool and shar many appl slics togthr
Oct 12, 2023
ovr my tim spnt with th gnoms, my antics ar still rgardd with much dlight. though i am past th ag in which i am confusd by thir customs and norms, i occasionally prtnd to b clulss about simpl and asily undrstood things, such as shock at how toads ar as tall as I am. thy all continu to laugh at my fignd surpris, and somtims join in, asking m if I nd any hlp distinguishing what brris ar for ating and which ar for painting. i laugh, too. thr is a sns of grac that coms with my shortcomings amongst th gnoms. thy ar ntrtaind by my misundrstandings, ys, bcaus lif is to short to not b jolly.
i wak up on morning back at my original siz. th small cavrn in th roots of a tr that i livd in is dstroyd in my slp. my cloths, tailord from cut-up scraps of fabric, ar shrddd around m. i am a human again. i am horribly mbarrassd.
th gnoms of th community gathr around whr i sit, all looking at m and xchanging glancs with ach othr, non of thm spaking th obvious. i can no longr stay hr, now that i am not thir siz. but i was part of thir community. i bcam on of thm, indistinguishabl from ths popl only from my past. how am i supposd to rturn to th world of th humans now? thr is no lif lft for m thr. that is not a lif whr i may fish for minnows in a babbling brook and fast off a bounty of raspbrris. i am distraught. i cry.
my community comforts m. frinds, all minuscul to m now, pat m whrvr thy can rach, nimbly dodging th tars that fall from my fac. on of thm offrs m watr. thy don't hav any containrs that ar big nough for m, thy apologiz, so just this acorn cap filld with morning dw will hav to suffic.
i tak th acorn cap and look at it in my hands. it is so small now. with a sniff, i put it atop my had.
th gnom chuckls. thn laughs. thn bnds at th waist, bllowing with laughtr, supporting himslf on my kn. thn i am laughing too, fac rd, tars still falling, and my community of gnoms laughs with m as wll, so loud that a flock of birds taks off in th distanc, and i am still laughing vn as i stand to my ft and lumbr away, back to whr i onc cam.
i am shrunken down and brought to the gnome world and when i attempt to assimilate to their culture I use an acorn cap as a hat and they all laugh cheerfully at my silly mistake of wearing what they use as a bowl like a cap and though this is a transgression that would have humiliated me in my human life I am instead laughing alongside them at my humorous misunderstanding
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thejeksburyguy · 6 years ago
It's gym and I can't participate in the game for medical reasons, but sitting on th sidelines is still dangerous because these kids don't give a fuck if they hurt you with their bullshit. Luckily, I found a big wooden box-stack-pallete thingy and have made it into my hidey hole.
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I'd like to see them fukkin try to crush my gremlin ass now >:3
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loulieblack · 3 years ago
Transparent containers can be plastic bottles, glass bottles or jars, antique bottles, vintage glass vases, etc. So many options.
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A fairly narrow top to the vessel is favourable in order to support the original slender stem cutting.
Unfortunately,the light will cause algae to form in the water so add a piece of charcoal to guard against this.I found a charcoal twig in with barbecue charcoal and broke small chunks off. 
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I am not sure if the coloured containers, ie the vintage marmite jar
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and this lovely purple coloured re-purposed bath essence bottle will need charcoal as they won't let so much light in. As I said, it's an experiment.
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ashyslashyy · 3 years ago
muahaha... SCIENCECORE SLIME...all alone in her little containre... so sad... where are him slimey friends?.? oh no no no....
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kristalpepsi · 4 years ago
GANG I mde redoin the whle page code HARDR on myslf bc i wntd 2 anim8 the bottom right arrow so i cld put a Fancy Source/credit thngy bc i like quotin vines on the quote box
b i HAV NO IDEA HOW 2 DO CSS ANIM8IONS so i litrlly spnt hrs studyin hw 2 do css hovr anim8ions bc im stbbrn
the whle coupl of hrs ws rlly me jst goin *readin w3school* *googls* *googls* *reads 5 diffrnt resourcs on wht css hovr anim8ions r* *”google whats a flex proprty?? y do I need CONTAINRS”*
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Romania 1800:*elita tarii pune bazele scolii romanesti si creeaza limba, literatura, metodologie, manuale*
Romania 2020: "daca e sa fie o sa fie, daca nu nu, alta intrebare" /// fakem scuala an containr k nu estem saraki
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ellewritenow · 4 years ago
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gadgetflow · 3 years ago
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Propr Office Containr Slim Rolling Pedestal provides 2 drawers of storage under your desk https://thegadgetflow.com/portfolio/propr-office-containr-slim-rolling-pedestal-provides-2drawers-storage-under-your-desk/
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the-firebird69 · 3 years ago
and he was spoke to the man from van halen and said this so we are scerwed all. and mb.  and that is why. we have a special event tonight HUGE HUGE HUGE MEET..YES.  A MEET. AND ARE ANNOUNCED ON OUR SITE.  and many others and at the Enertainment site and casino and it is a huge pile of Hardknock tons of them big ones no..there are not any bigger than a sportster...none.  and so far so good.  and we see him but we hold.. and sell now...we sent out one..and it was a hit and girls liked it a Cruiser...and they are at it and not much larger in length it is but in keeping wiht Hardknock Kicker and light to be handled well and used well.  and we see them they see..we know.  tons of us do...and the Special is out and up there and we drive it and in odd places...on bars and up on tables lined up and two guys lift i down not huge.  and humans. no not billium. and it is  a cool lookng bike resembles the Soft Tail.  we hold to it too and call  it that, no, it is a Hardknock Kicker 5150 Softail and that is that.  the only one like our bobber and it is accessorized and cheap and super light.  about 290 pounds dry.  or less depending tht is with the bars and other ok stripped it iis 260 and some like it that way, he does it is performacne rest adn sstuff at home...though ti distracts he says. tons buy it stripped.  tons want the Wolverine look in a Hardknock we say it it is a Fatboy we run a test pilot, ask the character opposite Arnold Schwarzenneger he agrees..and is off...and yeh is a cop bike too as is the Softail.. they use it for sales..and we work and make money ok.  assemble.  now too. and finally . geeeezuuuuusss. nad ok hahah.  tons in. we buy up tons most and all mb.  and we see thy have aswembly plants and send lots and huge ones and yes in shipping containrers red ones.loaded with them all are alike for police specials no decals or added paint unless ordered they agree and assemble now...apply decals for paint we agree and can make those too they agree but no have tons of that lol. and it is on we have tons of things to do now..and up at the Entertainment center...and a contest he says for the chopper centerfold on the calender. and john c rielly will make a dirty magazine he wont and it will be a dirty name...he has aname and his idea for the forum name onliine and in the mag famous or hilarious comments or comments by famous ppl there and his line the titel is in now and yeh it is ripe Hardcock Licker and it is the forum title...and we use the thing too...now tons of girls sign on and buy bikes...and bike p arties ensue.  he says we can sell a biker bar and modular...and we shall fun idea...and tons of Kicker 5150 memorabilia...tons.  and fun. ok.  it is fun. now about ours ok.  and we say this Vegas must know no...and we are there and request a biker band there and they arrive, well a bunch...and we request to place our Hardknock Kicker as a prize and John c rielly is there and thenno and no. and where is rd...we find him and then no way ok and off the street with those...its not a movei it is a business. and a stylish bike and tey laugh ok...but are we too loud..no no it is ok and we see it  and fun.  and rd says here here and  here...and good..we go and do that.  and he says a paper one and tons file in the place is flooded..now too. too many lol...and no dispensor  well..and my casino  and for gear...? ok, will try it smaller ones and yeh ok...not too small and picks and they are off..and to gamble for a bike lol we do it now too. rd is crushed but ok...and we do that RD says and fun..and prob good unless...and im there Andre shows and opens a Pancake house..and yeh helping.  and now too and we float our own in..hahah fat no ok it is our idea...and are in shortly.  and RD says where. tons arrive. and we place two Hardknock kicker towers only 8 story on his boarwalk area, and two Replica of famous gangster cars and ganster type cars, a huge hit..and oh one more for the ladies, the furs and more joey had that one good one Joey and oh the costume jewelry and more..and tons show and  yes to gamble for or purchase but our retail and fo course it is more we want you to win it.. and we see...fun.   and Cigars and Raule smokes them sells his brand..and he is there and we buy  them up and you truck them in good. and now we ahve a business. he bets on the fight no we do..and in Japan. and the Jaeger  the mutant is to be the Phoenix  we see wow.wow is right i need an organizer and there are many aps.  and so  on..  and bill does it and yeh a game setup in his place  and you are to gues the outcome and path and the path can win after losing adn yeh it is fun tons of celebrities comein and cosplay and more it is a nightmere so fun is good. and they pull up and Poor Pirate is offloaded and two humungus tanks full  they are about 8000 gallons each..i seel it .50 cents a snort a fullone...tons love it. and we say this fun too....and an atomium? no you will be charged for it lol ok.  where a huge one permanent...and ours nope...and i renovate and own it and yeh BG and how big is it, only liek the one in belgique good not that one though but...no no hahah ok and we aprpove rd says good enough. and the race went well no bloodshed.  and properly..and fighting later yes but nothing then. and fun.  he won the guy who is SIM and who..we shall see. Rd john c rielly bg Zues Hera Thor Freya Thrym preston we are there and make the pancakes and justini will show up soon..tons live his version and the belgian waffles are a huge huge hit.. tons love it and crepes all big.  giant. and we are there now..huge bill for rd yes no we dont..and john c rielly says whywe say this costs too much to pay you to drop off the gift cars as rd is a wise one and he knows now you see it they are ok with it...and stuff.  john c rielly doddles off drives themup hands over the titles and says this is it ok Sebstian..and we roll on it we do it too..and fun. bikes to be won..rolled up two new Harley Softail type Hardknocks and are a lot cheaper out of the box full warranty and guarantee, assembled fully lubricated ready to start...title in your hand registered usually no add.  only 2500 and needed...and in the box same base model, only 1800, it is harder to asemble fully and really it comes partially asembled engine in, and other prts electrical main all is plug and play  and go really ok. Hera Zues
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dbzbr · 5 years ago
Mau cerita dikit. Biar inget klo lupa.
Gue senenggg dong hr ini. Bersyukur sebanget banget sama Allah yg telah kasih berkah sangat melimpah.
Kemarin gue sempet sedih krn gue merasa menyia2kan waktu dan berasa tidak ada gunanya di dunia.
Sebenrnya intro ke cerita setelah ini agak ngga nyambung tp gapapa. Gue mau cerita aja, biar diri gue inget klo lg sedih sama cerita ini.
Jadi akibat tragedi malam kmrn yg kepala bidang gue ngechat di grup perihal pgw yg wfo tp ga ada di kantor, alhasil pagi td gue ke kantor dg kondisi blm tidur dr semalam akibat jam tidur yg udah berantakan. Di kantor berjalan seperti biasanya. Pulang kantor gue langsung balik dan pesan makan setelah itu tidur sampai abis magrib. Gila ngga sih gue tidur kaya org mati padahal udah pasang alarm. Gue juga bangun krn dibangunin tmn rumah gue yg abis bukber diluar. Keluar minum doang, masuk kamar lg tidur lg. Bangun lg krn diketok tmn serumah klo dia mindahin makanan gue ke containr krn ada semut dibungkusannya.
Bangun2 ternyata udah jam 10an wkekekkwkw. Emg busuk gue klo udah tidur. Sempet sakit kepala tp skrg udah seger bgt. Langsung gue inget ttg tmn gue yg ga ada kabar dr kmrn padahal udah sering gue telpon tp ga diangkat dan ga direspon. Jd td langsung kepikiran dan gue tlpon dia. Dan benar dong dia lg ada apa2. Tp gue seneng dia baik2 aja. Ngobrol lah kaya biasanya. Trs kelar ngobrol gue main hp dan krn nyokap ngechat, akhirnya gue tlpn dia.
Gue ngomongin adek gue yg sakit, bokap dan adek gue yg wfh, ngomongin gue mau beli tiket lebaran idul adha tp disuruh jgn beli dulu, trs ngomongin tetangga gue yg anaknya sakit, asuransi kesehatan, vitamin biar sehat, dan masakan selama puasa yg ternyata nyokap gue puasa masak rendang. Astagaaa gue mau pulang. Berakhirnya telponan krn gue kebelet pup. Pup lancar sampai perut gue kempes wkwkwk, meskipun kamar mandi jd bau. Abis bebersih gue solat dan ngaji, senengnya ngaji gue fokus dan dikit lg hampir tamat 1ain. Gue juga ngejar target ngaji krn ada ngaji brg keluarga gue digrup wa. Yg dibagi per ain. Gue terpacu krn bokap gue ikutan dan lebih dulu kelar dr gue. Trs skrg gue nulis tumblr krn gue seneng.
Tau ga ditengah corona kaya gini, gue masih bisa senang bgt dan bersyukur bgt banyak berkah yg gue dpt. Gue masih bisa tidur dg nyenyak, makan enak, ngga takut bsk bisa makan apa ngga, ngga hrs kerja ekstra untuk dpt penghasilan ditengah corona, bahkan gue punya waktu santai yg banyak, yg seharusnya bisa gue isi dg kegiatan bermanfaat. Tp tenang aja, jgn buru2, nikmatin aja. Efek abis nonton drama korea still17 dan wawancara boy sama maudy. Bikin gue seneng, tujuan emg akan berubah dan pasti bisa muncul bisa juga ilang. Jgn buru2 nikmatin aja prosesnya yg penting lo seneng.
Dan inti dr kenapa gue perlu nulis ini. Biar lo ga lupa, klo banyakkkkkkkk bgtttttt hal2 yg berharga dan menyenangkan yg ada disekitar lo. Lo sedih kmrn krn lo lupa aja ttg hal2 ini. Lo terlalu melihat jauh kedepan, padahal disekeliling lo banyak bgt yg hrs disyukuri. Gapapa klo nnt lo sedih dan lupa. Lo bisa baca tulisan ini lg, dan semoga lo jd inget rasanya bersyukur, kaya apa yg gue rasain skrg pas nulis ini.
Love u myself.
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virtuality500 · 6 years ago
Such a pretty water containr
you think coming out as gay is hard? try telling marvel fans you dont like tony stark
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meowvampink · 5 years ago
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Open jam every Tuesday 6-9pm Cantainr open air stage #yyc #livemusic #jam #calgaryevents #calgarylife #calgarysing @springboardyyc (at Containr Site in Sunnyside) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0R-KZxhrDG/?igshid=ncw1yi93qrv2
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recdpooh · 6 years ago
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YYCFOODTRUCKS TACO TAKE OVER!🌮🌮🌮 (at Containr Site in Sunnyside) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx8DQgnH3VC/?igshid=1irxvvn9siv37
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