#this startd off as a jok and turnd into. somthing ls
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i am shrunkn down and brought to th gnom world and whn i attmpt to assimilat to thir cultur I us an acorn cap as a hat and thy all laugh chrfully at my silly mistak of waring what thy us as a bowl lik a cap and though this is a transgrssion that would hav humiliatd m in my human lif I am instad laughing alongsid thm at my humorous misundrstanding
Oct 12, 2023thy ask m what I would lik to at and knowing that gnoms njoy fruit i ask for my favorit fruit, an appl, and thy all laugh raucously and say that i must b vry hungry indd to dsir an ntir appl rathr than just a small chunk, and i go along with thir jok and say that whil my body may hav shrank my stomach has not! and thy all guffaw with dlight until thir facs turn rd and s that my rqust is mt and w all sit around a toadstool and shar many appl slics togthr
Oct 12, 2023
ovr my tim spnt with th gnoms, my antics ar still rgardd with much dlight. though i am past th ag in which i am confusd by thir customs and norms, i occasionally prtnd to b clulss about simpl and asily undrstood things, such as shock at how toads ar as tall as I am. thy all continu to laugh at my fignd surpris, and somtims join in, asking m if I nd any hlp distinguishing what brris ar for ating and which ar for painting. i laugh, too. thr is a sns of grac that coms with my shortcomings amongst th gnoms. thy ar ntrtaind by my misundrstandings, ys, bcaus lif is to short to not b jolly.
i wak up on morning back at my original siz. th small cavrn in th roots of a tr that i livd in is dstroyd in my slp. my cloths, tailord from cut-up scraps of fabric, ar shrddd around m. i am a human again. i am horribly mbarrassd.
th gnoms of th community gathr around whr i sit, all looking at m and xchanging glancs with ach othr, non of thm spaking th obvious. i can no longr stay hr, now that i am not thir siz. but i was part of thir community. i bcam on of thm, indistinguishabl from ths popl only from my past. how am i supposd to rturn to th world of th humans now? thr is no lif lft for m thr. that is not a lif whr i may fish for minnows in a babbling brook and fast off a bounty of raspbrris. i am distraught. i cry.
my community comforts m. frinds, all minuscul to m now, pat m whrvr thy can rach, nimbly dodging th tars that fall from my fac. on of thm offrs m watr. thy don't hav any containrs that ar big nough for m, thy apologiz, so just this acorn cap filld with morning dw will hav to suffic.
i tak th acorn cap and look at it in my hands. it is so small now. with a sniff, i put it atop my had.
th gnom chuckls. thn laughs. thn bnds at th waist, bllowing with laughtr, supporting himslf on my kn. thn i am laughing too, fac rd, tars still falling, and my community of gnoms laughs with m as wll, so loud that a flock of birds taks off in th distanc, and i am still laughing vn as i stand to my ft and lumbr away, back to whr i onc cam.
i am shrunken down and brought to the gnome world and when i attempt to assimilate to their culture I use an acorn cap as a hat and they all laugh cheerfully at my silly mistake of wearing what they use as a bowl like a cap and though this is a transgression that would have humiliated me in my human life I am instead laughing alongside them at my humorous misunderstanding
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