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dangerousstrawberryshark · 29 days ago
Dad Jokes
🇺🇸Pairing(s) 🇺🇸→ Steve Rogers x Muted male reader ⚠️CW⚠️→ No major warnings besides a panic attack and corny dad jokes.  🇺🇸Rating🇺🇸→ Fluff 🇺🇸Requested🇺🇸→ Yes
🇺🇸Word Count🇺🇸→ 1.0k
🇺🇸Summary🇺🇸 → You were saved by Captain America during an attack but now you both were trapped inside a building from the rubble blocking the exits. You began suffering from a panic attack after getting flashbacks, and Steve jokes to make you smile. Even though they’re dad jokes.
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You don’t know what’s going on. 
There you were, running errands in New York City, trying to complete them to return home to relax for the rest of the day. It was normal to leave the store with your notepad in hand in case someone didn’t understand sign language.
 You were walking down the sidewalk, shoulders brushing against the casual people with the constant sounds of cars driving by. In a bustling city filled with that signature ambiance known all over the world, a loud explosion is something you weren’t expecting to hear. 
Now, you were running among a panicking crowd. Piercing screams cut through the air, cars crashing into each other, and another explosion. Adrenaline was coursing through your body as you ran with the crowd. Then there was another explosion, but this time it was above you.
Turning to the right, the building across the street was struck. Large pieces of debris fell from the sky, impacting the ground as they fell everywhere. People's screams got louder as the building started collapsing, falling onto the street. 
Humans have the basic responses to dangerous situations; fight, flight, or freeze. Your body decided to freeze at that moment, watching as the large building was getting closer. Your breathing slowed down as it accepted your fate. 
Your life flashed before your eyes, especially ten years ago. Everything about this chaos was the same. Suddenly, you felt your body being pulled into a larger form, arms wrapped around you in protection as this mysterious man dragged you into another building. 
A loud crash rang through the air and a cloud of debris choked the air. Coming back to your senses, you began hyperventilating. Your ears rang as you looked around. There were other people, all of them scared. Some were coughing and crying, while others were on their phones, trying to contact their loved ones. 
Your heart rate got faster as tears started welding in your eyes. Nausea and dizziness were blocking your vision and you felt like dying. The ringing in your ears got louder as you held onto your head, but nothing was coming out of your mouth. The constant beating in your head and fast breathing was becoming too much to handle
‘This can’t be happening, I already lost my voice. I can’t lose my hearing!’ You screamed in your head, hoping that wasn’t going to be the case. 
You remember that day ten years ago. You were driving home when all of a sudden another car crashed into yours while turning left. Your ears rang while you were dragged out of the ruins and later transported to the hospital.
The doctors said you were alright but suffered from traumatic brain injury. The Broca's area of your left frontal lobe and the part of the brain responsible for speech production was permanently damaged,  rendering you unable to speak properly again. The emotions you felt that day were indescribable. 
It was happening again, you were having a panic attack. Your chest tightened, your heart beating too fast as the feeling of throwing up was coming up. Your eyes dashing all over the place, blocked by the debris dust as you coughed repeatedly. 
Suddenly, a large blonde man came into your view, hands holding onto your shoulders. You could feel him shaking your body, and his voice pierced through the constant ringing. “You’re okay, you hear me? Everything is going to be okay.” His rough voice can be heard as you snap out of your daze.
You nodded your head in response, but you were still having a panic attack. The mysterious man—who you now know is Captain America—began soothing you. The large man rubbed your back as he tried to calm you down. “Can you speak?” Steve said as he pulled back and sat down next to you.
Pulling out the notepad, you wrote down, “No.” Steve nodded in acknowledgment. There was a moment of silence beside the cries of the other people. You were still shaken up as you tried to control your breathing. 
“Hey, you wanna hear a joke?” Steve said as he smiled, waiting for your response. You nod and Steve tells the joke. “Why do melons have weddings? They elope… wait. No, I meant to say cantaloupe?” Steve says as he laughs before realizing he messed up the joke. You internally groaned at the corny joke but laughed at the stupidity.
“Okay, how about this one– Why can’t dinosaurs clap their hands? Because they’re extinct.” Steve said as he smiled. This goes on for a while as the blonde man tries to distract you from the situation. It was working as you were laughing or groaning from Steve’s corny dad jokes. 
“What’s blue and doesn’t weigh much? Light blue.”
“Where do you learn to make a banana split? Sundae school.”
“What cars do eggs drive? A yolkswagen.”
This went on for a couple of hours until the rubble blocking the main entrance was aggressively destroyed by the Hulk. People began cheering as they ran out. Steve gets up before holding out his hand for you. 
You grabbed his hand as he pulled you up and escorted you out of the building. You looked around, seeing the ruins of several buildings and burnt-out cars. Sirens and ambulance noises echoed through the air as there was an announcement playing on speakers, instructing the public on what to do.
“My name is Steve by the way. Maybe we’ll see each other soon. I hope we do.”
A/n: Hello, my strawberries! I never wrote reader being mute or having panic attacks, but I hope it's good! Very special thanks to my proofreader @sagethegaywitch 
TAGLIST: @hiddens-eden @spnfanboy777 @meyocoko @buckyshusband0 @zamfam4272 @raspberryyuuki @maxxioislost @furiousflowercreation
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monstersdownthepath · 3 months ago
Homebrew Horror: Galroscul, Nascent Lord of Gluttony and Cannibalism
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(Art done by the incredible @crankyteapot!)
First mentioned here, Galroscul is a fierce and powerful fiend who once coveted the throne of King of Demons, wishing to feed from Lamashtu's flesh to achieve his apotheosis... but before Lamashtu even registered his existence as a threat, he was beset by the combined forces of both Zura and Xoveron, who saw him as a challenger to their dominions over consumptive destruction and rampant gluttony. He was powerful, but not so much so that he could overcome such a fierce and coordinated assault from two Demon Lords and their armies, and yet his opponents could not simply kill him or he would rejuvenate and attack them while they were weakened, leaving them all back at square one... so they imprisoned him instead.
On a far-off world under the lock and key of a cadre of hedonistic Zurans and Urgathoans, Galroscul is imprisoned in a great and terrible machine that draws from his demonic power, infusing cuts of meat with fiendishly addictive energy that assures a steady trickle of profits for the meatmongers as customers become unable to stop themselves from buying more. This also serves the purpose of providing tantalizing food for the man-eating demons and undead among their ranks, and all the while the would-be Demon King is slowly being driven insane by the pain of the machine sapping his power and the pain of his empty stomach seeing countless tons of meat pass him by while he has no mouth to eat them.
And yet, wracked with pain and hunger, Galroscul is far more clever than he appears to be, and his fierce desperation will drive him to enact a plan no sane being would ever consider. Able to still wield sparks of his demonic magic even while imprisoned, Galroscul will slowly but surely do the unthinkable, cutting pieces away from his body and shearing his own divine power out of himself bit by bit. Every piece of meat and drop of blood that he cuts away falls onto the procession of meat below, contaminating them with a far more potent form of demonic corruption that his captors intended. Soon after he begins this process, demonic tieflings bearing the features of fiendish boars will start popping up all over the planet as new, bizarre religious groups begin to form around demagogues bearing traces of the Demon Lord's might, contacted in their dreams by the Hunger Sealed in Steel and guided towards the effort to free him.
The statblock below does not represent Galroscul as he was or as he is; in the current time, he is still imprisoned on a far-off world in the torturous meat machine. Despite his imprisonment, his influence still grows in strange parts of the cosmos from both the lingering cultists he possessed when he was vying for the throne of Demon King, and where covert deliveries of demon-tainted meat are served, whether it be the prison world he is held on or another world that his cultists have managed to smuggle products to. As the years tick excruciatingly by, he will cut enough away from himself to slip the machine's shackles and put out a rallying call to all his corrupted sycophants and wicked "children" at once. The factory in which he is held will be destroyed in a single night, after which Galroscul will rampage across this distant world's surface for a hundred days, devouring everything he comes across in both gluttonous fury and rapturous joy at his freedom. For now, though, he simply dreams of the times to come.
Thus, these stats represents Galroscul shortly after his freedom. He is greatly withered both physically and mentally, but this is merely in comparison to his previous power at CR 29, and he still maintains a grip on vast portions of of his old might. As the picture above alludes to, he still has pieces of the imprisoning machine fused to his body. These are now welded to his very essence, and regenerate from damage just as his flesh and bone, serving as eternal reminders of his failure... and reminders to never let it happen again.
Galroscul, the Hunger Sealed in Steel CR 24 Chaotic Evil Huge Outsider (Chaotic, Demon, Evil, Extraplanar) Init: +8; Senses: Darkvision 120ft, Detect Good, Detect Law, True Seeing, scent (60ft); Perception +35 Aura: Frightful Presence (120ft, DC 29), Unholy Aura (DC 24)
------ Defense ------
AC 40, touch 20, flat-footed 32 (+4 deflection, +8 Dex, +20 natural armor, -2 size) HP 515 (27d10+351); Regeneration 15 (Good) Fort +32 Ref +20 Will +24 Defensive abilities Ferocity, Hog Wild; DR 15/Cold iron and Good; Immune Charm and compulsion effects, death effects, disease, Electricity, poison; Resist Acid 30, Cold 30, Fire 30; SR 34
------ Offense ------
Speed 80ft, burrow 30ft, climb 80ft Melee Bite +45 (2d6+19/19-20 plus grab), 2 claws +37 (1d8+7 plus grab), gore +44 (2d6+19/19-20 plus Dispelling Gore), sting +37 (1d8+7) Space 15ft; Reach 15ft Special Attacks Dispelling Gore, Down in One, Fast Swallow, Gruesome Gullet, Merciless Assault, Overhead Flip (DC 37), Swallow Whole (6d8+22 bludgeoning and piercing plus 5d6 energy plus Consume Essence (DC 29), 30 AC, 51 HP), Spell-like Abilities (CL 20th; Concentration +26)
Constant--Air Walk, Detect Good, Detect Law, Greater Magic Fang (bite, gore), Unholy Aura (DC 24) At-Will-- Dragon's Breath (any option) (DC 20), Greater Dispel Magic, Greater Teleport (self plus 50lbs only), Hunger for Flesh (DC 20), Slow (DC 19) Telekinesis (DC 21) 3/day--Bountiful Banquet, Dimensional Anchor, Hungry Pit (DC 21), Mass Reduce Person (DC 20) 1/day--Delectable Flesh (DC 22), Dimensional Lock, Freedom of Movement, Time Stop
------ Statistics ------
Str 39 Dex 26 Con 37 Int 22 Wis 20 Cha 23 Base Atk: +27; CMB +43 (+4 grapple); CMD 61 (+4 vs grapple)
Feats Cleave, Cleaving Finish, Combat Reflexes (B), Consume Essence, Dazzling Display, Dramatic Slam, Great Cleave, Greater Grapple, Improved Grapple (B), Improved Unarmed Strike (B), Intimidating Prowess, Multiattack, Overhead Flip, Power Attack, Savage Leap, Savage Slam, Weapon Focus (Bite)
Skills Bluff +29, Climb +42, Diplomacy +26, Disable Device +28, Escape Artist +38, Intimidate +50, Knowledge (Arcana) +16, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +16, Knowledge (Engineering) +20, Knowledge (Nature) +16, Knowledge (Planes) +19, Knowledge (Religion) +16, Linguistics +12, Perception +35, Profession (Chef) +23, Sense Motive +28, Spellcraft +16, Survival +25, Swim +23, Use Magic Device +29
Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Giant, Goblin, Gnoll, Necril, Orcish, Polyglot, Terran, Undercommon; Telepathy 300ft
SQ Nascent Demon Lord traits
------ Ecology ------ Environment Any Organization Unique Treasure Triple ------
Combat: From afar, Galroscul will buffet his foes with Slow and Dragon's Breath to soften them up, Hunger for Flesh and Delectable Flesh, to disrupt their ability to cooperate, and will set up Hungry Pits for future maneuvers. Against Outsiders or creatures whom he has seen use teleportation magic, he focuses his Dimensional Anchor and Lock to prevent them from fleeing. Against humanoids, he will prioritize Mass Reduce Person to shrink them down, allowing him to swiftly devour them with Down in One. After a very short setup, he rushes into combat and focuses his gore attacks on enemies with numerous magic effects on them to rip them asunder. Once in melee, he is not an especially complex creature: He seeks to devour as many enemies as he can at once, utilizing Great Cleave, Cleaving Finish, and Down in One to do so. Against meals that refuse to go down easily, he will utilize his Savage Slam feat line to pulverize his target (or hurl them into Hungry Pits) while Dramatic Slam allows him to continue terrorizing the rest of their allies.
Morale: Galroscul's morale is a fickle thing. His loss of power leaves him vulnerable to death, something he fears immensely while his cult is fractured and weak, but he gets lost in the thrill of combat and the taste of blood to the point he often does not realize how hurt he has become until he reaches a specific hitpoint threshold which forces him to go Hog Wild. Once Hog Wild, his frenzied state sees him acting like a desperate predator alternating wildly between fight and flight depending on how often his attacks connect with their intended targets and how many of his enemies are still standing. Because Hog Wild prevents him from teleporting away, he will fight to the death if he cannot instantly spot an escape route.
------ Special Abilities ------
Dispelling Gore (Su/Sp): The runes carved across Galroscul's tusks grants his bite and gore incredible power while having a ruinous effect on all other magic. Each time he strikes a creature with his gore attack, that creature is affected by a targeted Dispel Magic. If he confirms a critical hit with his gore, the creature is affected by a targeted Greater Dispel Magic instead.
Down In One (Ex): Galroscul's jaws can briefly unhinge to quickly snap down morsels before they can even react. Once per round when reducing a creature of any size to 0 HP with his bite attack OR when confirming a critical hit against a Small or smaller creature or object with his bite attack, he may immediately swallow that creature whole without needing to make any grapple checks.
Gruesome Gullet (Ex): While his crushing and gnawing innards are usually enough to kill most foes, Galroscul has numerous stomachs he can move meals into, each capable of digesting a wide variety of material. Creatures swallowed by Galroscul take an additional 5d8 points of Acid, Cold, Fire, or Electricity each round, chosen by him; he can divide the damage types as he desires between each swallowed creature by shunting each of them into different stomachs as a free action once per round. His multitude of stomachs allow him to continue swallowing victims even after some have previously cut their way out, and their reinforced tissues benefit from his full natural AC bonus, rather than half.
Hog Wild (Ex): Galroscul has been defeated once before, and refuses to ever lose again for fear of going through the same tortures. If he begins his turn below 150 HP, as a free action he enters a frenzied state in which he cannot use any of his spell-like abilities, but he gains the Dual Initiative extraordinary ability, with his second turn immediately added to the current initiative order. When he goes Hog Wild, all creatures within 300ft must immediately save against his Frightful Presence with a -4 penalty to the saving throw, even if they had succeeded the save previously that day. While going Hog Wild, Galroscul is immune to the staggered, fatigued, and exhausted conditions, and cannot be put to sleep through any means. He remains Hog Wild for 1 minute or until the current combat ends, whichever comes first, and cannot go Hog Wild again until 24 hours pass.
Merciless Assault (Ex): Once per round, if a creature within Galroscul's reach is knocked prone or becomes shaken, frightened, or panicked, he may make an attack of opportunity against that creature. In addition, when damaging a creature with his Savage Slam feat, the damage dealt is instead equal to the natural attack he established the initial grapple with.
Nascent Demon Lord Traits: Galroscul has lost enough of his power to have been reduced to a Nascent Lord instead of a full one, and as such he has the following traits:
Immunity to charm and compulsion effects, death effects, Electricity, and poison.
Resistance to Acid 30, Cold 30, and Fire 30.
Summon (Sp): Once per day, Galroscul can summon any demon or combination of demons whose total combined CR is 20 or lower. This ability always works, and is equivalent to a 9th-level spell.
Telepathy 300 feet.
Galroscul's natural weapons, as well as any weapon he wields, are treated as Chaotic, Epic, and Evil for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Galroscul can grant spells to his worshipers, which requires no actions on his part. He grants access to the domains of Animal, Chaos, Destruction, and Evil, with the subdomains Fur, Demon, Rage, and Cannibalism. His favored 'weapon' is bite attacks.
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ips-northstar-official · 1 year ago
Good morning. I contacted your company a few days ago regarding the warranty of one of your products, a Lancaster. To be more precise, I had some concerns that welding an apocalypse rail to it, like one of my soldiers suggested, would void the warranty, but you assured me that would not be the case. You also asked for an update should I proceed with the idea, and that is why I am messaging you this time.
Against my better judgement, I approved my subordinate’s idea. Due to the paracasual circumstances that I mentioned in my last post, the risk of loss of life was near to non-existent, so at worst I thought the explosion might be good for morale.
After moving a couple of clicks away from base, we booted up the Lancaster. It supported the massive weight of the apocalypse rail surprisingly well (to the dismay of some soldiers who had betted their rations against it). Afterwards, we placed a few Everests equipped with Whitewash Sealant Spray on standby, to deal with any fires.
And after all personnel (except for our pilot) was a safe distance away, I gave the all clear.
As predicted, the power draw of the gun was too much, and the reactor stressed very quickly. Most surprisingly however, it was that it didn’t have time to explode, it melted into slag almost immediately, and the apocalypse rail suffered the same fate. The heat released was strong enough than a couple of the units we had on standby reported stress damage on their reactors despite being quite a few meters away.
This is the part where I commend your products however. Even though the apocalypse rail melted into slag, the Lanny withstood the heat, and even though it was red hot for multiple hours after the test, we could find no structural damage during repairs.
Most peculiar of it all however, was what we found in the cockpit. Our brave pilot was cremated, as you might have expected (though I assure you he walked out of the base printer unharmed as usual), but his “Number 1 Mom friend” mug that came with his Lancaster license, which he had forgotten inside, was completely unharmed. I expected this level of quality from your frames of course, but I am very pleased with the care that goes to the little things.
On related news, you should receive a request for a shipment of mugs, lunchboxes, cutlery and other such items soon.
We’re so glad to hear that the test went that well! We design all of our products to endure all the rigors our spacefaring customers may ever encounter—from the bulk of a Lancaster down to our cutlery sets. No matter where in the galaxy you may roam, IPS-N will be there with you. When we call ourselves your friend in an unfriendly sea, it’s more than marketing talk—it’s a promise.
(Also, intern’s note here: can you pass along the video footage? That sounds sick af)
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askwithsafecompany · 3 months ago
List of Reasons Why Gun Safes Are a Must-Have for Owners
Owning a gun has become a hobby for many individuals. However, it has also become a means to protect their family in case of danger. If an intruder comes to your house, you will want to make sure that you are ready to defend against them and keep your loved ones out of harm’s way.
Although having a gun at home can increase safety, it also becomes a danger to any family when it isn’t stored properly. Keeping firearms out of reach of family members and friends is just as important as protecting them when intruders come. This is where gun safes come into play.
Here are four quick reasons why gun safes in Perth are a must-have for owners.
Gun Safes Keep Firearms Out of Reach
Your top priority when owning a gun is the safety of yourself and your loved ones. Having a police regulation-compliant gun safe lets you protect your family and valuables from accidental harm.
At Askwith, we install home gun safes for Perth residents. We can provide you with law-compliant gun safes to ensure that your firearms stay locked away safely. Our products also guarantee that your guns are secure from kids who could accidentally get their hands on them.
Protection Against Gun Theft
Owning a gun safe also means that you can protect your firearms from possible theft. In case your residence has been broken into, burglars will not be able to steal your guns if they have been secured in gun safes.
Thieves place high value on firearms, and at the worst, may use your guns against you if you have not secured it in a legally-compliant gun safe.
You may also keep other valuable items in home safes Perth to keep everything secure.
Keeping Guns Away from Home Invaders
Most law-abiding gun owners fear the idea that a home intruder can cause damage with a firearm you own. You purchased a gun because you want to keep your loved ones safe. If someone uses that gun against you, this purpose has failed.
Our gun safes Perth ensures that you can stash your firearms securely while allowing only you to access it when needed. Having a bedside case ready also lets you get to your guns quickly and easily.
Making Your Gun Safely Accessible
Some of you may worry about not being able to access your guns immediately in case of a break-in.
With the modern gun safes in Perth that we provide, you can keep your firearms secured while providing hasty access when required. Some of our contemporary gun safes even allow you to access your firearms quickly in just a matter of seconds.
Is A Gun Safe Worth It?
If you want to keep your loved ones safe from home intruders and accidental discharge, then you want to make sure that you have a reliable gun safe to store your firearms.
Our gun safes in Perth are a long-term investment that can last you for many years. They are definitely worth the cost if you purchase one today.
Can Gun Safes Be Broken Into?
With enough time and the proper tools, any gun safe can be broken into by a persistent thief.
However, top-quality safes, such as the ones we offer, are going to take time to crack open. Our gun safes have been designed to protect firearms from theft and they incorporate anti-drill protection as well.
The additional welded lock strap behind the lock adds an extra safety feature against thieves.
Feel free to contact us today to learn more about our gun safes in Perth.
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udhhyog2 · 4 months ago
Buy MS Seamless Pipe from Leading Manufacturers in Delhi
When it comes to purchasing MS seamless pipes in Delhi, finding a reliable and trusted supplier is essential for ensuring quality and performance. Mild Steel (MS) seamless pipes are widely used in various industries, such as construction, oil and gas, plumbing, and manufacturing, due to their strength, durability, and resistance to corrosion.
In this article, we’ll explore why MS seamless pipes are important, their applications, and how you can find the best suppliers in Delhi.
What Are MS Seamless Pipes?
MS seamless pipes are made from mild steel, a low-carbon steel known for its flexibility and weldability. These pipes are manufactured without any seams or joints, providing a smoother finish and superior strength compared to welded pipes. The seamless construction ensures that the pipe can withstand high pressure and temperature without weakening, making it ideal for demanding applications.
Applications of MS Seamless Pipes
MS seamless pipes have a variety of uses across multiple industries, such as:
Construction: Used for building frames, scaffolding, and structural support due to their high tensile strength.
Oil & Gas Industry: Perfect for transporting fluids and gases under high pressure, ensuring safety and efficiency.
Water Supply: MS seamless pipes are used in water distribution systems as they prevent leakage and can handle large volumes of water.
Automotive: Employed in making parts for vehicles due to their strength and lightweight properties.
The versatility of MS seamless pipes makes them essential in industries where strength and reliability are paramount.
Why Buy MS Seamless Pipes from Leading Manufacturers?
Purchasing MS seamless pipes from leading manufacturers offers several advantages:
Guaranteed Quality: Leading manufacturers ensure that the pipes meet international standards, providing high durability and strength.
Wide Range of Sizes: Established suppliers offer a variety of sizes and specifications to cater to different industrial needs.
Competitive Pricing: Leading suppliers often provide the most competitive prices due to their ability to source materials and manufacture in bulk.
After-Sales Support: Trusted manufacturers provide excellent customer service, helping you with installation, maintenance, and any other post-purchase concerns.
Where to Buy MS Seamless Pipes in Delhi?
If you’re looking for the best MS seamless pipe supplier in Delhi, Udhhyog is a top choice. Udhhyog is known for its wide selection of MS seamless pipes at the lowest prices in India. They cater to both large industrial needs and small business requirements, ensuring that every customer finds the right solution.
Why Choose Udhhyog?
High-Quality Products: Udhhyog ensures that their pipes meet stringent quality standards, making them durable and efficient for various uses.
Competitive Pricing: By leveraging their strong supply chain, Udhhyog offers MS seamless pipes at highly competitive rates, helping businesses cut costs without compromising on quality.
Wide Availability: As one of the leading suppliers in Delhi, Udhhyog ensures that you can easily get the sizes and specifications you need for your project.
Reliable Service: Udhhyog prides itself on excellent customer service, offering prompt delivery and responsive after-sales support.
How to Order from Udhhyog?
Ordering MS seamless pipes from Udhhyog is straightforward. You can visit their website to explore their product range, check specifications, and place an order. You can also contact their sales team for any specific inquiries or bulk orders. Udhhyog offers flexible payment options and ensures timely delivery across India, making procurement easier for businesses
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tubetrading · 8 months ago
Spiral welded pipe supplier in Gujarat | tubetrading
Tube Trading is your go-to spiral welded pipe distributor in Vadodara, offering a wide range of high-quality pipes to meet various industrial needs. As a trusted spiral welded pipe supplier in Gujarat, we ensure that our products meet the highest standards of durability and performance. With our extensive inventory and commitment to customer satisfaction, Tube Trading also serves as a leading spiral welded pipe dealer in Vadodara, providing reliable solutions for all your piping requirements.
Contact us today to learn more about our spiral welded pipes and how Tube Trading can meet your project needs with top-notch products and exceptional service!
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joysunsafetygloves · 9 months ago
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Application of Leather Working Gloves [Infographic]
Leather working gloves are a versatile type of protective handwear that are commonly used in various industries and applications.
Here are some of the main applications of leather working gloves:
Construction and Carpentry:
1. Protect hands during tasks like sawing, hammering, and handling rough materials. 2. Provide grip and dexterity for handling tools and materials. 3. Prevent cuts, abrasions, and blisters.
Automotive Repair and Maintenance:
1. Safeguard hands when working on vehicles, engines, and machinery. 2. Offer protection from oils, grease, and sharp edges. 3. Enhance grip for tasks like changing tires or working with tools.
Metalworking and Welding:
1. Shield hands from heat, sparks, and molten metal during welding and fabrication. 2. Prevent burns and cuts when handling hot or sharp metal components. 3. Maintain dexterity and control for precise work.
Gardening and Landscaping:
1. Protect hands from thorns, brambles, and other sharp plant materials. 2. Provide grip and dexterity for tasks like pruning, digging, and handling tools. 3. Safeguard hands from blisters and calluses during prolonged manual work.
Manufacturing and Assembly:
1. Offer protection for hands during handling of raw materials, parts, and finished products. 2. Maintain dexterity and tactile sensitivity for delicate assembly work. 3. Guard against cuts, abrasions, and impact injuries.
Maintenance and Cleaning:
1. Protect hands when handling cleaning chemicals, tools, and equipment. 2. Provide grip and dexterity for tasks like scrubbing, wiping, and polishing. 3. Guard against skin irritation and exposure to hazardous substances.
General Outdoor and DIY Activities:
1. Offer protection for hands during tasks like wood splitting, rope work, and equipment maintenance. 2. Enhance grip and dexterity for improved control and safety. 3. Safeguard hands from cuts, abrasions, and environmental exposures.
The choice of leather working gloves depends on the specific application, the level of protection required, and the need for dexterity and flexibility. Factors like material, thickness, and design features are important considerations when selecting the appropriate leather working gloves for the job.
For more information about Leather Working Gloves, visit here www.joysunsafety.com/product-category/leather-working-gloves or contact us +86 13603019083
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xtremeplasma · 10 months ago
Xtreme Precision Engineering Ltd, based in Gloucester, Gloucestershire, is your go-to solution for various engineering services, catering to your specific project needs with highly skilled engineers. Our comprehensive offerings include advanced technologies such as welding safety equipment, CNC pipe cutters, CNC DXF digitising systems, CNC plasma cutting, r-tech p100 CNC accessories, CNC plasma tables, and both mig and tig welding machines, along with essential welding supplies. Known for our quick and efficient service, we pride ourselves on producing high-quality products, from prototypes to full-scale manufacturing. Our central location enables prompt services and fast product delivery nationwide. With our expertise in CNC technologies, we can bring precision engineering directly to your production space, providing technical support during regular working hours. For engineering solutions and to discuss your needs, contact Xtreme Precision Engineering Ltd today or visit our website for an extensive overview of our services. We are dedicated to assisting you from initial consultation to the final delivery, ensuring your engineering project exceeds expectations.Xtreme Precision Engineering Ltd
Website: https://xtremeplasma.com
Address: Unit 1 Capitol Park, Pearce Way, Gloucester, Gloucestershire, GL2 5YD
Phone Number: 01452 739025
Contact Email ID: [email protected]
Business Hours: Monday - Friday : 08:30 am - 04.00 pm Saturday : 09:00 am - 01:00 pm Sunday : Appointment Only
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jasmine654 · 10 months ago
Office Chair Repairing Services and Manufacturing in DLF Ankur Vihar
In today's fast-paced work environment, employee comfort is paramount. A crucial but often overlooked element is the office chair. A well-maintained chair promotes good posture, reduces fatigue, and can even boost productivity. This is where Arif Chair Repair steps in, offering exceptional office chair repair and manufacturing services in DLF Ankur Vihar.
The Importance of Maintaining Your Office Chairs
Over time, even the most robust office chairs experience wear and tear. Hydraulics can weaken, wheels may wobble, and upholstery can tear. Ignoring these issues can lead to discomfort and even injuries for your employees. Regular maintenance and repairs can significantly extend the lifespan of your office furniture, saving you money in the long run.
Arif Chair Repair: Your One-Stop Shop for Office Chair Solutions
Arif Chair Repair is a trusted name in DLF Ankur Vihar, renowned for its quality workmanship and commitment to customer satisfaction. Their team of skilled technicians possesses extensive experience in handling a wide range of office chair repairs, from minor adjustments to complete refurbishments.
Here's a glimpse of what Arif Chair Repair offers:
Expert Repairs: Their technicians can diagnose and fix a variety of issues including hydraulic repairs, frame welding, caster replacements, and upholstery repairs.
Genuine Parts: They prioritize using genuine replacement parts to ensure optimal functionality and chair longevity.
On-Site Convenience: For your busy schedule, Arif Chair Repair offers the flexibility of on-site repairs, minimizing disruption to your workplace.
Refurbishment Services: Looking to breathe new life into old chairs? Arif Chair Repair's refurbishment services can transform tired chairs into comfortable and stylish seating solutions.
Custom Manufacturing: Do you have specific needs for your office furniture? Arif Chair Repair doesn't just fix chairs; they also manufacture custom chairs tailored to your requirements and budget.
Benefits of Choosing Arif Chair Repair
By choosing Arif Chair Repair, you're not just getting your office chairs fixed; you're investing in the well-being of your employees and the overall productivity of your business. Here are some key benefits:
Cost-Effectiveness: Repairs are significantly cheaper than replacing entire chairs.
Improved Employee Comfort: Ergonomic and well-maintained chairs promote better posture and reduce fatigue.
Enhanced Work Environment: Professional-looking chairs contribute to a positive and productive work environment.
Environmentally Friendly: Extending the lifespan of existing furniture reduces waste and promotes sustainability.
Arif Chair Repair: Committed to Quality and Customer Satisfaction
Arif Chair Repair understands the importance of keeping your office running smoothly. They offer prompt, reliable service and are dedicated to exceeding your expectations. Their commitment to quality is reflected in their:
Competitive Rates: They provide fair and competitive pricing for their services.
Free Estimates: Get a transparent cost assessment before any work commences.
Guaranteed Workmanship: They stand behind their repairs, ensuring your satisfaction.
Invest in Your Office, Invest in Your Employees
Don't wait for your office chairs to become unusable before taking action. Regular maintenance and timely repairs from Arif Chair Repair can keep your employees comfortable and productive.
Contact Arif Chair Repair Today!
For a free estimate or to discuss your specific office chair needs, contact Arif Chair Repair today. Their friendly and knowledgeable staff is happy to answer your questions and guide you towards the best solution for your office.
Arif Chair Repair
Contact- +91-9772381091, +91-9720959993
Address- DLF Ankur Vihar, Nearby Police Station, Ghaziabad
Choose Arif Chair Repair and keep your office running smoothly, one comfortable chair at a time!
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meghmanimetal · 1 year ago
Supplier of Industrial Valve in Tamil Nadu
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Meghmani Metal: Meghmani Metal is an ISO 9001:2015 certified supplier of industrial valves based in Tamil Nadu, India. The company offers a diverse range of stainless steel products, including steel flanges, SS fasteners, steel butt welding, steel pipe fittings, steel rods, wires, coils, and flats. Meghmani Metal crafts industrial valves from various material grades, including stainless steel and high nickel alloys. Their warehouse stocks a variety of valves such as ball valves, gate valves, control valves, needle valves, globe valves, butterfly valves, check valves, safety valves, and more.   Specifications: Standard: ASTM A240, JIS4304-2005, ASTM A167, EN10088-2-2005, GB/T3280-2007, etc. Specifications: ASTM A240 / ASME SA240 Sizes: Ranging from 1000mm x 2000mm, 1220mm x 2440mm, 4′ x 8′, 1250mm x 2500mm, 1500mm x 3000mm to 6000mm, and 2000mm x 4000mm to 6000mm. Length: Options include 2000mm, 2440mm, 3000mm, 5800mm, 6000mm, etc. Thickness: Varying from 0.3mm to 100mm. Range: Extending from 5mm to 150mm.   Surface Finishes: Various surface finishes are available, including hot rolled plate (HR), cold rolled sheet (CR), 2B, 2D, BA, NO.1, NO.4, NO.8, 8K, mirror, checkered, embossed, hairline, sandblast, brush, etching, SATIN (met with plastic coated), and more.   Service Coverage: Meghmani Metal serves as a prominent supplier of industrial valves in Tamil Nadu, covering areas such as Arcot, Chengalpattu, Chennai, Chidambaram, Coimbatore, Cuddalore, Dharmapuri, Dindigul, Erode, Kanchipuram, Kanniyakumari, Kodaikanal, Kumbakonam, Madurai, Mamallapuram, Nagappattinam, Nagercoil, Palayamkottai, Pudukkottai, Rajapalayam, Ramanathapuram, Salem, Thanjavur, Tiruchchirappalli, Tirunelveli, Tiruppur, Thoothukudi, Udhagamandalam, and Vellore.   For further inquiries and information, interested parties are encouraged to contact Meghmani Metal. Read the full article
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digitalillustrators · 1 year ago
Mechanical Drawings - Digital Suntech
Mechanical drawing, also known as technical drawing or engineering drawing, is a form of communication used by engineers, architects, and other professionals to convey the details of a design. It is a precise and standardized way of representing objects and their relationships in a two-dimensional or three-dimensional space. Here are some key aspects of mechanical drawing:
Orthographic Projection:
Mechanical drawings typically use orthographic projection, where a three-dimensional object is represented by two-dimensional views from different angles. Common views include front, top, side, and isometric views.
Line Types:
Different line types are used to represent various features. For example, solid lines may represent visible edges, while dashed lines may represent hidden or invisible edges.
Dimensions are essential in mechanical drawings to provide accurate information about the size and location of features. Dimensions are typically expressed in terms of length, width, and height.
Drawings are often created to scale, meaning that the size of the drawing reflects a proportional reduction or enlargement of the actual object. Common scales include 1:1, 1:2, 1:5, etc.
Symbols and Notations:
Symbols and notations are used to represent specific features or materials. Examples include welding symbols, surface finish symbols, and material specifications.
Title Block:
A title block is usually included in the drawing, providing information such as the title, drawing number, date, scale, and the name of the drafter or designer.
Isometric Drawings:
In addition to orthographic projections, isometric drawings may be used to represent three-dimensional objects in a more realistic way.
CAD (Computer-Aided Design):
Many mechanical drawings are now created using computer-aided design (CAD) software, which allows for more precise and efficient drafting.
Tolerance information is often included to specify the acceptable variations in dimensions.
Revision History:
Drawings may include a revision history to track changes and updates made to the design over time. Creating accurate and detailed mechanical drawings is crucial for manufacturing, construction, and other industries where precise specifications are essential for the fabrication of products or structures.
Digital Suntech is a specialized firm proficient in the creation of meticulous mechanical drawings and a wide array of illustrations. Leveraging cutting-edge digital technologies and expertise in computer-aided design (CAD), Digital Suntech excels in producing detailed and precise engineering drawings that cater to diverse industries. Their skillful team employs orthographic projection, dimensioning, and sophisticated line types to accurately convey the intricacies of designs, ensuring seamless communication between engineers, architects, and manufacturers. With a commitment to quality and efficiency, Digital Suntech stands as a reliable partner for clients seeking top-notch illustrations, whether for manufacturing processes, construction projects, or other applications requiring precision and clarity in technical documentation.
Contact Digital Suntech for expertly crafted patent mechanical drawings and a comprehensive range of illustrations. Our skilled team utilizes cutting-edge technology to deliver precise and detailed designs, ensuring your intellectual property is accurately represented and protected. Trust Digital Suntech for all your illustration needs, from patent applications to technical documentation.
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merakistar · 1 year ago
Copper Nickel 70/30 Sheets And Plates Exporters in UAE
Meraki Star Metals Oil & Gas Equipment Trading L.L.C. industry has sorted out some way to acquire a recognizable market in collecting, conveying and giving broad assortment of Copper Nickel 70/30 Sheets and Plates. We give the client an obliging method for managing satisfy the requirements of our clients to satisfy their necessities.
Copper Nickel 70/30 Sheets and plates are made using premium quality copper. These sheets and plates come in various shapes, sizes, length and thickness. Further, they can similarly be framed by the prerequisites and solicitations of the clients. They come in different designs like rolls, circles, foils, ring (flange), penetrated sheets, checkered plates, shim sheets and plain sheets. They have different lengths like twofold erratic, single sporadic and cut length. They furthermore shift in finishing as a couple of sheets and plates have hot moved finishing, some have cold rotted finishing, etc. They in similar manner come in different hardness types like sensitive, hard, half hard, quarter hard, spring hard, etc.
The sheets are used in condensers, power plants, and seawater directing and exchanger shells. The plates are used in versatile metal hose, weld wire, pot parts and welding backing rings. These sheets and plates are furthermore used in various endeavors like substance organizations, drugs, power industry, sugar production lines, crush and paper industry, and substantial industry.
Due to their high disintegration impediment, incredible versatility and flexibility, the Copper Nickel 70/30 Sheets and Plates are significantly famous. These sheets and plates moreover have properties like adversaries of damaging, high warm and electrical conductivity. They, moreover, have extraordinary mechanical and appealing properties. The sheets are unyielding in nature and besides have plausibility.
They have extraordinary solidness, astounding surface culmination, and harsh turn of events, and can persevere in high temperature locales and in significant weights, heavenly layered precision. The sheets and plates, moreover, have the limit of oxidation.
Before Copper Nickel 70/30 Sheets and Plates are full and conveyed to the clients, they go through various testing cycles to satisfy the quality and rules of the thing. A part of the tests integrates pitting impediment test and hardness test. Huge scope/little test, intergranular utilization test, positive material conspicuous evidence tests, praising test substance and mechanical test.
Cupro Nickel Sheets and Plates Specification : ASTM B151 / ASME SB151 Dimension Standard : JIS, AISI, ASTM, GB, DIN, EN, etc Width : 1000mm, 1219mm, 1500mm, 1800mm, 70 / 300mm, 2500mm, 3000mm, 3500mm, etc Length : 70 / 300mm, 2440mm, 3000mm, 5800mm, 6000mm, etc Thickness : 0.3 mm to 120 mm Form : Coils, Foils, Rolls, Plain Sheet, Shim Sheet, Perforated Sheet, Chequered Plate, Strip, Flats, Blank (Circle), Ring (Flange) etc. Surface Finishing : Hot rolled plate (HR), Cold rolled sheet (CR),2B, 2D, BA, NO.1, NO.4, NO.8, 8K, mirror, Chequered, embossed, hair line, sand blast, Brush, etching, SATIN (Met with Plastic Coated) etc.
For more information : Visit our website : https://www.merakimetals.ae Contact us : +971-523973687, +971-48801107, +971-48240333 Email : [email protected]
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rd400 · 1 year ago
Spec2 pipes in production
Gary Shumake sent me theses pictures recently (November 2023). These are the F1's, his best and most expensive RD pipes. Pricing in 2023 is approximately $1,000 plus shipping. Gary takes awhile to get the work done, I've been waiting close to one year.
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Here are the main bodies. Note these are cones being welded together. Many of his older pipes were hydro-formed.
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Here are the headpipes.
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Exhaust flanges.
If you want to contact Gary for expansion chambers and other work, his e-mail is: [email protected]
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slashtakemylife · 1 year ago
I think I'm just realizing I've been so deeply shellshocked by Endgame... It has literally taken me 4 years to finally, finally start mourning it
I just... Please if there's anyone out there willing to talk to me because how can I tell anyone in my close circle I'm mourning a MOVIE
And not just that, I'm mourning it 4 years later
I guess it really is the stages of grief and I've lived in denial for 4 years because I simply just couldn't bring myself to believe a franchise that I have absolutely adored and poured all my love and trust... Kicked me back like that... And after giving me a movie that was everything I could've asked like... I just don't know how to say it and I'm sorry I'm using tumblr as a personal journal but I simply have to put it down for words.
Endgame for me was everything.
It reunited storylines, characters and even made dumb internet jokes canon
That's America's ass
I can still cry of joy and laugh at so many scenes I still remember softly so to admit it's actually garbage... Would mean I'd have to admit nearly 10 years of dedication have gone down the drain and everything I loved is now gone and my trust was severely used.
I'm broken
And for me personally it really just boils down to one fcking character
Sure I've seen talk about other characters but my main favorite, my all time beloved my just everything
Steve steve oh god I can't take it, I can see why they did what they did, they do have real life restrictions like the actors' contracts and the fact is a movie and just their plain open "white male writers" but... It's my Steve, I've been rooting for him and emotionally attached myself to him so bad
I still remember the fxking joy I had watching every movie, the absolute sheer glee when I was gifted an avengers vase because it had been everything to me
Steve's ending broke me and not just as a stucky shipper but a steve fan and a bucky fan and yes I absolutely knew stucky WOULD NEVER be canon like trust me I knew, never asked for it to be true, didn't even engage with the hashtag GiveCapABoyfriend but I at least expected them to end together as in friendship as in finally journeying together this new world after the main threat was finally over, their fight for each other finally welding results.
Now I have to live with Steve's BULLSHIT ending that not only breaks their own premise on time travel, it also breaks the foundation that is Steve, breaks everything that's been building up straight up from his introduction and literally the third fxking movie in this mega cinematic universe
And ofc since this is a connected cinematic universe of fcking course they have to rub it in my face.
I see you the falcon and the winter soldier and partially loki since he is directly from their disastrous time heist.
I'm starting to understand why I can't enjoy this anymore and only marginally have with production that have minimal contact with the source
Aka Eternals, Black Panther (although this mostly because of Namor and maya cultura and I am mexican so) and Shang Shi, I do get a punch in the gut like in Eternals and Shang Shi like everything goes back to normal as if fcking half the population did not just left and magically all went back and just everything was back to normal and just occasionally mentioned?
Bitch we couldn't stop talking about covid and has been the main topic for as long as it happened and it took years for it to truly just be a passing topic and these mf be like oh shame well carrying on
There's not a single movie I look forward to watching and I'm still debating on seeing the marvels and if I did it would just be out of curiosity but honestly now that I'm letting out my tears... I don't want to, i never liked how Carol has been handled, mind you, not her, I love her but her character has been severely butchered since her introduction and also at this point I don't even know what they are building and also now I'm not even sure I care.
I dread the next cap movie and thunderbolts because I know I'm going to see them wh0re out Bucky until his last breath as if he hadn't just being dumped by his best friend and only connection to the past, sure he can make new friends, Sam is but it's not the same you know?
I don't know what to do with myself and I have to keep it together and pretend I'm a functioning adult just doing their 9 to 6 as if my head isn't splitting in half
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udhhyog2 · 4 months ago
SS 316 Flanges Q&A About Specifications, Pricing, and Features
What is an SS 316 flange?
An SS 316 flange is a flange made from 316 stainless steel, known for its superior corrosion resistance, especially in marine and acidic environments. It is commonly used in industries like chemical processing, oil and gas, and food production due to its durability and resistance to chloride-induced corrosion.
What are the features of 316 stainless steel flanges?
316 stainless steel flanges are highly resistant to rust, corrosion, and extreme temperatures. They are particularly valuable in environments exposed to saltwater, chemicals, or acids. These flanges are widely used in the pharmaceutical, chemical, and food industries.
What is the SS 316 flange price?
The SS 316 flange price depends on factors like size, type, and order quantity. Udhhyog offers competitive pricing on all stainless steel 316 flanges. To get the most accurate pricing, visit our SS 316 flange page or contact us for bulk orders.
What are the specifications of an SS 316 flange?
The SS 316 flange specification includes:
Material: 316 stainless steel
Corrosion resistance: Superior, especially in chloride or acidic environments
Temperature tolerance: Excellent performance in both high and low temperatures
Standards: ANSI, DIN, JIS, etc.
Pressure ratings: Available in various pressure classes (PN6, PN16, etc.) For detailed specifications, visit our website or technical datasheet for SS 316 flanges.
How does the price of SS316 flanges vary?
The SS316 flange price can vary based on size, flange type, and order volume. Larger or more complex flanges, such as weld neck or blind flanges, may have a higher cost. Check our SS 316 flange page for detailed pricing.
What are stainless steel 316L flanges?
Stainless steel 316L flanges are a low-carbon variant of 316 stainless steel. The lower carbon content improves corrosion resistance after welding, making 316L flanges suitable for applications where the flange will be welded without reducing its corrosion resistance.
Who is a reliable SS 316 flange manufacturer?
Udhhyog is a trusted SS 316 flange manufacturer, providing top-quality stainless steel 316 flanges that meet international standards. We specialize in offering durable and corrosion-resistant flanges for various industrial applications.
Where can I find SS 316 flanges at the lowest price?
You can find SS 316 flanges at the lowest price at Udhhyog. We provide competitive pricing for both small orders and bulk purchases. Visit our SS 316 flange page to learn more about our pricing.
What types of SS 316 flanges are available?
At Udhhyog, we offer a wide range of SS 316 flange types, including:
SS 316 Slip-On Flanges
SS 316 Blind Flanges
SS 316 Weld Neck Flanges
SS 316 Threaded Flanges
SS 316 Socket Weld Flanges
How can I buy SS 316 flanges from Udhhyog?
To buy SS 316 flanges, simply visit the SS 316 flanges page on our website, select the flange size and type, and place your order. For bulk orders, you can contact our sales team for personalized pricing and assistance.
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middleeastvalve01 · 1 year ago
Gate Valve supplier in Oman
Middleeast valve is one of the best  Gate valve supplier in Oman . We supply to cities like Ibri, Sur, Muscat, and Mutrah.
A gate valve is a type of valve used to control the flow of fluids (liquids or gases) by using a gate or wedge-like disc that moves perpendicular to the flow path to either block or allow the passage of the fluid.
The main function of a gate valve is to provide a tight shutoff, effectively stopping the flow of fluid through the pipeline when the valve is fully closed, and allowing unrestricted flow when the valve is fully open. Gate valves are commonly used in applications where the fluid flow needs to be completely shut off, such as in water supply systems, oil and gas pipelines, industrial processes, and more.
Gate valves consist of several main components, including the body, gate (wedge), stem, actuator, and seats. Here's how they work:
Open Position:
In the open position, the gate (wedge) is fully retracted into the valve body, allowing the fluid to flow through the valve with minimal obstruction. The gate moves perpendicular to the direction of the fluid flow. The valve is opened by turning the valve stem (either manually using a handwheel or with an actuator) which is connected to the gate.
Closing Position:
To close the valve, the stem is turned in the opposite direction, causing the gate to move down into the flow path of the fluid. As the gate descends, it gradually restricts the flow until the valve is completely closed. The gate makes contact with the valve seats located at the bottom of the valve body, forming a tight seal that prevents any further flow.
Middleeast valve is the greatest Gate valve supplier in Oman and are known for their ability to provide a tight seal and low pressure drop when fully open. However, they might require more turns to fully open or close compared to other valve types like ball valves. It's important to use gate valves in appropriate applications and avoid using them for flow regulation where frequent adjustments are necessary.
Available materials: SS304, SS904, SS904L, SS316, Aluminium Bronze, Monel, Bronze, Brass, Duplex steel, Inconel, Incoloy, Titanium, WCB, CF8, CF8M, CF3, CF3M, WC1, WC6, WC9, Cast iron, super duplex
Size: 1/2″- 64”
Class: 150 to 2500
Nominal Pressure: PN10 to PN450
Operations: Hand Wheel Gate valve, Gear operated Gate valve, Electric actuated Gate valve and Pneumatic Actuated Gate valve
Ends: Flanged(FF,RF,RTJ), Buttweld, Socket weld, Threaded
Standards: API607, DIN, BS, ANSI, AWWA, ASME, API6D
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Gate valve types:
Rising Stem Gate Valve                                                               
Non Rising Stem Gate Valve
Bellow Seal Gate Valve
Pressure Seal Gate Valve
Cryogenic Gate Valve
Forged Gate Valve
 Gate valve advantages :
They have low fluid resistance.
They have superior sealing capability.
They come with a wide application range.
They have dual flow directions.
Gate valve Industries:
Power generation.
 Petrochemical plants.
 Chemical industry.
Paper factories.
Gate valve parts:
Hand wheel.
Stuffing Box.
Body seats
Visit our website: https://www.middleeastvalve.com/product-category/gate-valve/
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