#consumer foam industry
tbrcresearchreport · 1 year
The Business Research Company offers consumer foam market research report 2023 with industry size, share, segments and market growth
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wahid007posts · 2 years
According to a new market research report, the “Consumer Foam Market by Foam Type, Resin Type (Polyurethane, Polystyrene, Polyolefins, Phenolic), End-use Industry(Bedding & Furniture, Footwear, Automotive), & Region (APAC, North America, South America, Europe, MEA) – Global Forecast to 2026″, The consumer foam market is projected to grow from USD 40.2 billion in 2021 to USD 50.9 billion by 2026, at a CAGR of 4.9% from 2021 to 2026.
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chemicalmarketwatch-sp · 11 months
From Comfort to Cutting-Edge: Exploring the Expanding Horizons of Consumer Foam Applications
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The versatile realm of consumer foam has evolved from providing sheer comfort to becoming an integral component in cutting-edge applications across various industries. Chemical industry experts keenly observe the dynamic landscape of foam applications, recognizing its significance in diverse sectors.
Industries Harnessing the Power of Foam:
Foam finds extensive utilization across a spectrum of industries, ranging from traditional comfort-driven sectors to high-tech applications. Automotive, bedding, packaging, and medical industries are some notable examples where foam has become an indispensable material.
Flexing the Numbers:
The flexible foam market has experienced significant growth, reflecting the increasing demand for customizable and adaptable solutions. Chemical industry analysts delve into market reports, such as Consumer Foam Market, to gain insights into the size and trends shaping the consumer foam landscape.
The Grand Scale of Foam:
The overall foam market, encompassing various types such as polyurethane (PU) foam, polystyrene foam, and polyethylene foam, is substantial. Chemical experts meticulously analyze the market size to understand the global impact and potential growth areas.
Decoding Consumer Foam:
Consumer foam, in essence, refers to foam products designed for end-user applications. These products cater to the comfort and convenience of consumers, encompassing mattresses, pillows, cushions, and other comfort-centric items.
Unveiling the Multifaceted Uses of Foam:
Foam serves a multitude of purposes beyond providing a soft touch. Chemical industry professionals witness its applications in insulation, soundproofing, and even as a key component in various industrial processes. The lightweight and versatile nature of foam make it an ideal material for a myriad of uses.
Polyurethane Foam's Wide Applications:
Polyurethane (PU) foam, a prominent player in the foam family, finds applications in diverse industries. From automotive seating to insulation in appliances, PU foam's versatility aligns with the demands of modern applications. Chemical industry experts track innovations and advancements in PU foam formulations, ensuring they meet evolving industry standards.
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Foam's Structural Role in Construction:
In the construction industry, foam plays a pivotal role in insulation and soundproofing applications. Chemical experts recognize the importance of foam in enhancing energy efficiency and reducing environmental impact in construction projects. Its lightweight and insulating properties make foam a preferred material in this sector.
As the foam industry continues to innovate and diversify, chemical industry experts remain at the forefront, deciphering market trends and technological advancements. The journey from providing comfort to contributing to cutting-edge applications showcases the transformative power of foam in meeting the ever-evolving needs of various industries. Stay tuned as we delve deeper into the chemistry and applications that define the fascinating world of consumer foam.
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stuckinapril · 6 months
Do you have any poetry recommendations? The poem poll made me realize that I like. ONLY know Iraqi poets. Like the only non-Iraqi poet I can name off the top of my head is Robert Frost
i'm literally hooked on poetry. even on days where i can't sit down to read a book, i try to consume at least one poem a day bc it keeps me sane. it actually does. i recommend signing up to one poem a day newsletters--those have been a game changer for me. as for recommendations, my favorite poems change every week, but current faves (whose authors i regularly go back to/are a good starting point) would be:
elegy for my sadness - chen chen (Who invented the word / “ennui”? A sad Frenchman? / A centipede? They should’ve never / been born. They should’ve seen me / in Paris, a sad teenage / exchange student. I was so sad / & so teenaged, one day my host sister / gripped my hand hard & even harder / said, SOIS HEUREUX. / BE HAPPY. & miraculously, / I wasn’t sad anymore. / All I felt was the desire to slap my host sister. / See, I was angry in Paris, which is clearly / not allowed. One can be sad in Paris (I was) / & one can be in love in Paris (I was not), / but angry? Angry in Paris?")
a pity, we were such a good invention - yehuda amichal ( "A pity / We were such a good / And loving invention / An aeroplane made from a man and wife / Wings and everything / We hovered a little above the earth")
like a small cafe, that's love - mahmoud darwish ("I say to myself at last / Perhaps she who I was waiting for / was waiting for me, or was waiting for some other man / or was waiting for us, and did not find him/me.")
bible study - tony hoagland ("Who knows, this might be the last good night of summer / My broken nose is forming an idea of what’s for supper / Hard to believe that death is just around the corner / What kind of idiot would think he even had a destiny?")
mother and child - louise gluck ("Why do I suffer? Why am I ignorant? / Cells in a great darkness. Some machine made us; / it is your turn to address it, to go back asking / what am I for? What am I for?")
america, america - saadi youssef ("We are not hostages, America, / and your soldiers are not God's soldiers... / We are the poor ones, ours is the earth of the drowned gods, / the gods of bulls, / the gods of fires, / the gods of sorrows that intertwine clay and blood in a song... / We are the poor, ours is the god of the poor, / who emerges out of farmers' ribs, / hungry / and bright, / and raises heads up high...")
the duino elegies (seventh elegy respectively) - rainer maria rilke ("Not only the devotion of these unfolded forces, / not only the paths, not only the evening fields, / not only, after a late storm, the breathing freshness, / not only approaching sleep and a premonition, evenings... / also the nights! Also the high summer nights / also the stars, the stars of this Earth! / O to be dead at last and know them eternally, / all the stars: for how, how, how to forget them!")
the endlessness - ada limon ("How was i supposed to feel then? About moving in the world? How could I touch anything or anyone without the weight of all of time shifting through us?")
psalm - adonis ("Open my memory and study my face beneath its words, learn my alphabet. When you see foam weaving my flesh and stone flowing in my blood, you will see me. I am closed like a tree trunk, present and ungraspable like air. Thus I cannot surrender to you.")
the war works hard - dunya mikhail ("The war continues working, / day and night. / It inspires tyrants / to deliver long speeches / awards medals to generals / and themes to poets / it contributes/ to the industry / of artificial limbs / provides food for flies / adds pages to the history books / achieves equality / between killer and killed / teaches lovers to write letters / accustoms young women to waiting / fills the newspapers / with articles and pictures / builds new houses / for the orphans / invigorates the coffin makers / gives grave diggers / a pat on the back / and paints a smile on the leader's face.")
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
"Plastic bags are everywhere - littering our streets, clogging up our rivers, and choking wildlife in the ocean.
But after years of campaigning from environmental groups, many places have banned them entirely.
Over 100 countries now have a full or partial ban on single-use plastic bags. Between 2010 and 2019, the number of public policies intended to phase out plastic carryout bags tripled.
The results of such tough rules are starting to show.
What is a plastic bag ban?
A plastic bag ban is a law that restricts the use of lightweight plastic bags in shops. Sometimes they are totally banned, and sometimes consumers have to pay a fee to buy them.
The bans often only apply to thin plastic bags, with thicker, reusable ones still available for purchase.
Bangladesh became the first country to introduce a ban on plastic bags back in 2002.
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Such total bans are common throughout Africa and Asia. These areas import much of the Global North’s ‘recyclable’ rubbish and so face the consequences of plastic mismanagement more acutely.
In addition to plastic bags, many countries ban other types of single-use plastic like in the EU which has got rid of single use cutlery, straws, balloon sticks, and coffee buds.
Which European countries use the most plastic bags?
In Europe, 18 countries have imposed bans on thin plastic bags - including France, Germany, Italy, Iceland, and Albania.
A further 23 countries require consumers to pay a fee. Two more - Switzerland and Norway - allow the plastic industry to impose a ‘voluntary charge’ on the use of the bags.
Plastic bag consumption is highest in the Baltic and Nordic countries, Eurostat data from 2019 reveals. Latvia (284 bags per person, per year) and Lithuania (332) consumed far more plastic bags than any other European country. This could change, however as from 2025, Latvian shops will no longer be permitted to give away free plastic bags. A similar prohibition will come into force in Lithuania this year.
The lowest plastic bag usage can be found in Portugal (8), Belgium (17) and Poland (23).  Portugal banned the bags in 2021, two years after Poland. [Note: To be clear, that is 8 plastic bags per person per year! Way lower than I thought was currently possible!]
Do plastic bag bans work?
Plastic bag bans have so far been highly successful. A ban on thin plastic bags in California reduced consumption by 71.5 per cent.
Research shows that taxes work too. According to a 2019 review of existing studies, levies and taxes led to a 66 per cent reduction in usage in Denmark, more than 90 per cent in Ireland, between 74 and 90 per cent in South Africa, Belgium, Hong Kong, Washington D.C., Santa Barbara, the UK and Portugal, and around 50 per cent in Botswana and China.
And the impact is visible on the ground too.
At a 2022 annual beach clean in New Jersey, US - where a ban was recently introduced - the number of plastic bags collected dropped 37 per cent on the previous year. Straws and takeaway containers dropped by a similar amount.
“It’s really, really encouraging to see those numbers trending down for the bags, straws, and foam containers,” said Clean Ocean Action Executive Director Cindy Zipf. Clean Ocean Action is a charity that is instrumental in organising the beach clean."
-via EuroNews.Green, 4/5/23
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bettsfic · 4 months
18 and 19
18. Choose a passage from your writing. Tell me about the backstory of this moment. How you came up with it, how it changed from start to end. Spicy addition: Questioner provides the passage.
passage below the cut! this is from Skinless when Layla and Henry meet. by this point we've mostly been in Henry's POV, where his coworker Layla seems like a nice young woman with whom he is foaming-at-the-mouth obsessed. we get to her POV (second person because that's just how she thinks, and also this is a flashback because her pacing and story structure is entirely separate from Henry's because i hate myself i guess) and find out she's been totally deranged for Henry from the beginning. this is the first time we see Henry from outside his POV.
the career fair scene went through many iterations but has become an unfortunate foundational turning point of the story, despite the fact that a commercial underwriting department of a bank would never be at a college career fair
i did once research every question of every exam for a class where i thought the professor was being cruel. i also went to the dean about it, and there was an investigation, and every single student in the class went from a C to a B. (that's how bad it was: we all had the same grade, based on basically nothing, which was deeply ironic considering it was a statistics class)
like Layla, i've also had the Kids in the Hall theme song stuck in my head for most of my life
ultimately Skinless is a light-hearted rom com about two walking red flags who are trying to make their relationship work even though one of them is not who he says he is and the other is plotting a murder
the ethics test at the bank was really only 10 questions
19. Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going?
the first thing i ever wrote was a series of stories in my diary when i was 8 or 9, and they all had the same premise in different settings: a child lives in a community but everyone hates him (they were always boy povs) and eventually the child runs away or is killed by the townspeople and everyone is much happier with him gone. the end.
a wrote a bit more here and there until i was 14 or so, at which point i seemed to forget writing fiction was even a thing. i kept a journal from 14 onward and that was the only creative writing i did besides the occasional poem until i was 24 and started writing fanfic.
i'm now 34 and i have an MFA in creative writing and half a PhD, and i've had some short publications and won some awards and i do artist residencies sometimes and have an agent. i'm hoping to put two manuscripts out on submission later this year or early next.
one of which will be Skinless, an excerpt of which is below the cut.
from Chapter 5:
In your final semester of college, you attend a career fair. As you wander the booths, you begin to consider that there might be industries more suited to people like you. You spot a bank. The man standing at the booth is talking to someone. You notice immediately that his congeniality is feigned, proven when the applicant walks away and his face returns to apathy. 
He is wearing a sharp black suit. Black dress shirt. Black tie. He is in his late twenties, perhaps. He has light brown skin and his hair is buzzed close to his scalp in a way that makes you eager to touch his head, feel it against your palm. He is tall and broad-shouldered, but he holds himself like he isn’t, slightly slouched, the way people stand in public transit to give others more room.
Something about him piques your curiosity, and as you walk toward him the small spark of your initial question mark grows into something that consumes you. You can’t even tell what exactly is drawing you to him. It’s not his beauty—although, aesthetically speaking, he is quite pleasing. It’s not his attire, though it’s strange to see a businessman in all black. It’s not the bored blankness of his face that reflects how you have felt these past four years pretending to be a peppy sorority girl. But it’s something, and suddenly you’re standing in front of him and handing him your resume.
He takes it and scans it. This is a bizarre interaction, this not speaking and not acknowledging each other thing, but he doesn’t seem to notice. Without even looking at you, he says, “Tell me about a time someone blamed you for something that wasn’t your fault, and what you did about it.” 
His voice doesn’t match him at all, this enormous man with this soft yet vaguely robotic voice. When you say nothing, he glances at you expectantly. You feel small and young. He doesn’t even see you. You are just one student among the many he will speak with today. 
“Last semester I had a professor who didn’t like me so he tried to give me a B,” you tell him. “I guess because I kept finding errors in our exams and proving it by cross-referencing the textbook. And it was outdated, so even if the exam matched the book, I’d be able to find newer research that conflicted with it. In a fifty-question exam, he would have to throw out almost half the questions and everyone got a way better grade.”
“You researched every question of every exam?”
“He called a girl stupid and made her cry. And anyway, it’s not really ethical to be teaching outdated research.”
“So you—”
“Got him fired.”
“Fired? Really?”
Not exactly. He just didn’t get assigned any sections the following semester. You shrug. “Adjuncts are expendable.”
“And you don’t consider any of that underhanded?”
“I’d rather be underhanded than complaisant.”
Briefly he looks you dead in the eye. It ignites something in you like a match being struck. All the stupid princess movies you hated growing up and which Candy still makes you watch are right: love at first sight is real, and it happened to you, the person least qualified to do anything about it.
When Angie from the bank’s HR department calls you to schedule a formal interview, you begin your preparations. You buy an interview outfit. You ask Candy to teach you how to do your makeup and hair. Then you study. Common interview questions. How to answer them. What the fuck underwriting is. 
You arrive at the bank certain that the beautiful career fair man won’t be there, but he’s the one who greets you in the lobby. He’s once more wearing all black.
“Hi, Layla, good to see you again.” He holds out his hand to you. “Henry King.”
“Henry King,” you say back, awed as you shake his big, beautiful hand and look into his big, beautiful eyes. You’re going to be Layla King one day. You promise yourself you won’t go home and practice your future signature, because that would be ridiculous. 
Now you are in an elevator with Henry King, going all the way up to the thirtieth floor. He opens his mouth to pop his ears at floor sixteen. 
“Mr. King?” You wait for him to say, Call me Henry, but he doesn’t. “Do you have any tips for me?”
“Wouldn’t that give you an unfair advantage?”
“Don’t you want me to have an unfair advantage?”
He looks down and away, scratches his head, and even though he’s not smiling you get the impression he’s pleased. “As long as you don’t admit to being a psychopath, you have nothing to worry about.”
“I would never admit that.”
The elevator doors open and he holds them for you to step out first. “Just be honest,” he says, “and be yourself.”
When you arrive on your first day, Henry King is waiting for you in the lobby again, and he’s still not smiling but there is something in his eyes that tells you he’s glad to see you. He holds out his hand and says, “Congratulations.”
You won’t be shaking Henry King’s hand. You hug him and he goes oof. Tentatively he pats your back. When you pull away, you say, “Thank you for getting me the job. It really means a lot to me.”
He seems to be short-circuiting, like you have suddenly initiated improv in a well-rehearsed play. It’s fine. You have the job now, and after all, he did tell you to be yourself.
During your training, you’re required to read the corporate ethics guide and take a ten-question test. The questions are so obvious that you don’t really have to read the guide. In fact, you only need an eight out of ten to pass—which has frightening implications for the state of ethics here—but you read it like you’re studying for the MCAT. 
The section on dating in the workplace is a single paragraph. Should two employees engage in a romantic relationship, it says, it must be reported to HR. It also says that a manager dating a direct subordinate is grounds for termination.
You hail Henry over to your computer and show him the company policy on dating. Any other person would see how obvious you’re being. Not Henry. Henry says, “The ethics guide is a CYA document.” 
He uses that acronym a lot. It means Cover Your Ass. More specifically, it means to analyze all documentation from the perspective of the documenting party, whose goal is, above all things, to avoid a lawsuit. And in the event of a lawsuit, to avoid losing it.
“Look,” he says, pointing at your monitor, bent over your shoulder as you sit in your desk chair, so close you can smell him. He smells so good it makes you angry. “It says you have to report it. It doesn’t say what happens after you report it. That means the decision moves to the manager of the employees in a relationship. Then HR can wipe their hands clean of it, and the manager can fire both employees, citing that a potential breakup would create a hostile team environment.” He points to the next sentence about managers and subordinates. “It says ‘eligible for termination,’ but it doesn’t say who gets terminated. Again, probably both.”
You look up at him. “So we really can’t date?” 
Given his lack of a reaction, he seems to take your “we” to mean all employees of the company.
“It’s unprofessional.”
Every day the stakes grow higher. You study Henry, in part, thinking that if you dig deep enough you will find nothing, you will discover he is like all the rest, boring, bearing the sad burden of existence and merely passing the time until death. Watching television. Picking up a hobby. Sports. Disgusting.
You decide that you must first befriend Henry King. You have learned that people like talking about themselves, and for the most part they love being asked questions, because it is the status quo in the world to be self-interested. For all your faults, at least you are not self-interested. You’re very interested in others, and you’re so glad to be able to see this, in some ways, as a strength. You are at once perfect at everything but also somehow have no admirable qualities. You ask Henry King many questions and he tells you, simply, “I’m not answering that.”
You take a different tactic: you tell him about yourself. You try to be interesting. The cool stuff you learned in the classes you took, the drama of Candy’s vocational school love life. He listens and goes “uh huh.”
Next, you try to make him laugh. You are a funny person simply because, like all things, you’ve trained yourself to be. You have watched many hours of standup comedy and sketch shows. You’ve had the Kids in the Hall theme song stuck in your head for most of your life. 
One day, you’re busy looking at a client file while returning to your desk and run into the cubicle wall. Henry King laughs at you. That’s a start. 
After many months being his personal court jester, you conclude that Henry King exists in the infinitesimal Venn diagram overlap between having a dry sense of humor and being totally unable to understand sarcasm.
You’ve been looking forward to your first annual review, seeing evidence of your excellence. You’ve spent this past year learning quickly, working hard. You work through lunch sometimes. You arrive early and stay late. You take on as many deals as you can, some weeks more than Henry. You make sure everyone on the team gets a card and a cake for their birthday. Finally, you enter Jerry’s office with a notebook and a smile.
Fifteen minutes later, you return to your cubicle with a single sheet of paper marking you adequate. In every category, you “meet expectations.” No raise. No bonus. No promotion. 
Henry has a bad habit of offering hard truths in a way that is not at all gentle. “Look,” he says when you slump down into your desk chair. When he begins a sentence with “look,” you know you’re about to hear something horrible. “You’ll never get an A at work.”
He goes on to tell you the worst of all truths—that banks thrive on inefficiency and hard work is rewarded with only more work. And if you do too much work, employees will start to get fired, because it’s clear the workload isn’t high enough to justify paying so many people. You’ll also set a new standard for yourself, and if you set that standard too high, if you burn out and stop meeting it, you’re the one who’s going to get fired. The only reward you’ll ever receive is the privilege of returning to work the next day. 
To prove it, he pulls a manila folder out of his desk cabinet and hands it to you. You open it. Inside you find eleven identical sheets, each one declaring Henry has met expectations for the year, each signed off by the revolving door of bookrunners.
He’s the hardest worker you’ve ever known. You have a crush on him, sure, but even if you didn’t, you would still admire him. He’s diligent and patient, level-headed. He’s at least as smart as you, if not more. In every way, Henry King has exceeded your expectations. 
After work that day, you cry in your car. You haven’t cried since the time you watched Lacey torture a squirrel, and you witness it with interest and confusion. You’re not crying; crying is happening to you. Henry passes your car on the way to his. He pretends not to notice.
The next day, he asks you to lunch. You tell him no thanks. He does what you do: leans on your desk and stares at you for so long that you can’t ignore him, which is actually super annoying. You can’t believe he tolerates you. And since you’ve never taken no for an answer, neither does he. 
“I’ll pick you up and carry you out of here,” he says, nudging your shoulder. You’re always touching him but this is the first time he has touched you. Your face feels very hot.
You enjoy the thought of him picking you up and carrying you. You like how big and strong he is, even though he doesn’t seem to know that about himself, like a giant dog that thinks it can sleep in your lap without crushing you. 
He might be flirting with you. You’ve never actually been flirted with. You go to the copier to get your printouts. They’re still printing. Suddenly you’re swept up into his arms. You yelp.
“Put me down,” you say.
“Not until you agree to go to lunch with me.”
He holds you like you’re no heavier than a big client file. You know you’ll get in trouble if anyone sees you, but everyone’s at lunch. He takes you to the elevators. 
“Okay, okay,” you say. “We’ll get pizza.”
At lunch, in a roundabout, somewhat evasive way, he tells you what a good job you’ve been doing and that he appreciates your hard work. 
“Thank you,” you tell him, choking up but refusing to cry in front of him. “I really look up to you, so that means a lot.”
A silence follows that would be awkward to anyone else, but you understand that Henry needs these occasional pauses. For him, silence is not something that stretches across time but must be carved into it. He makes spaces for feeling, for thinking, for simply being in the company of someone else. 
These traits make your crush grow to unwieldy proportions, but after a year of trying to get his attention, you’re still just a plucky young apprentice to him. You don’t know anything about him. You’re close to giving up and you’re shocked by how badly that hurts. A boy you like doesn't like you. Your broken-heartedness is so clichéd, so conventional, so boring, and yet it’s the worst thing you’ve ever felt. 
One day, you tell Henry a story about a high school friend, nameless, and he says, “Wait, is this Michelle or someone else?” 
You stop dead in the middle of the sidewalk. He listens. He’s been listening.
“Yes,” you say, “it’s Michelle.”
Another time, waiting for a table at lunch, you accidentally stand in the path of someone making their way to the host station. Henry puts a hand on your lower back and guides you closer to him, out of the way. 
Every once in a while, he plucks stray hairs that cling to your wool coat.
A new thing begins to grow, so nebulous and strange you don’t at first allow yourself to acknowledge it. Over time, it becomes too big to ignore, and finally you look right at it: 
You love Henry King. 
You no longer just want his attention, you want him to touch you, curl up on the couch with you and watch TV each night, have children with you, grow old and die with you. It’s disorienting to know something in your head immediately but not actually feel it until a year later. You wonder what other things you have only thought but not felt. You wonder how long you have confused thinking for feeling.
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truthdawn · 6 months
Bread is a staple food prepared from a dough of flour (usually wheat) and water, usually by baking. Throughout recorded history and around the world, it has been an important part of many cultures' diet. It is one of the oldest human-made foods, having been of significance since the dawn of agriculture, and plays an essential role in both religious rituals and secular culture.
Bread may be leavened by naturally occurring microbes (e.g. sourdough), chemicals (e.g. baking soda), industrially produced yeast, or high-pressure aeration, which creates the gas bubbles that fluff up bread. In many countries, commercial bread often contains additives to improve flavor, texture, color, shelf life, nutrition, and ease of production.
The Old English word for bread was hlaf (hlaifs in Gothic: modern English loaf), which appears to be the oldest Teutonic name.[1] Old High German hleib[2] and modern German Laib derive from this Proto-Germanic word, which was borrowed into some Slavic (Czech: chléb, Polish: bochen chleba, Russian: khleb) and Finnic (Finnish: leipä, Estonian: leib) languages as well. The Middle and Modern English word bread appears in Germanic languages, such as West Frisian: brea, Dutch: brood, German: Brot, Swedish: bröd, and Norwegian and Danish: brød; it may be related to brew or perhaps to break, originally meaning "broken piece", "morsel".[3][better source needed]
Main article: History of bread
Bread is one of the oldest prepared foods. Evidence from 30,000 years ago in Europe and Australia revealed starch residue on rocks used for pounding plants.[4][5] It is possible that during this time, starch extract from the roots of plants, such as cattails and ferns, was spread on a flat rock, placed over a fire and cooked into a primitive form of flatbread. The oldest evidence of bread-making has been found in a 14,500-year-old Natufian site in Jordan's northeastern desert.[6][7] Around 10,000 BC, with the dawn of the Neolithic age and the spread of agriculture, grains became the mainstay of making bread. Yeast spores are ubiquitous, including on the surface of cereal grains, so any dough left to rest leavens naturally.[8]Woman baking bread (c. 2200 BC); Louvre
An early leavened bread was baked as early as 6000 BC in southern Mesopotamia, cradle of the Sumerian civilization, who may have passed on the knowledge to the Egyptians around 3000 BC. The Egyptians refined the process and started adding yeast to the flour. The Sumerians were already using ash to supplement the dough as it was baked.[9]
There were multiple sources of leavening available for early bread. Airborne yeasts could be harnessed by leaving uncooked dough exposed to air for some time before cooking. Pliny the Elder reported that the Gauls and Iberians used the foam skimmed from beer, called barm, to produce "a lighter kind of bread than other peoples" such as barm cake. Parts of the ancient world that drank wine instead of beer used a paste composed of grape juice and flour that was allowed to begin fermenting, or wheat bran steeped in wine, as a source for yeast. The most common source of leavening was to retain a piece of dough from the previous day to use as a form of sourdough starter, as Pliny also reported.[10][11]
The ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans all considered the degree of refinement in the bakery arts as a sign of civilization.[9]
The Chorleywood bread process was developed in 1961; it uses the intense mechanical working of dough to dramatically reduce the fermentation period and the time taken to produce a loaf. The process, whose high-energy mixing allows for the use of grain with a lower protein content, is now widely used around the world in large factories. As a result, bread can be produced very quickly and at low costs to the manufacturer and the consumer. However, there has been some criticism of the effect on nutritional value.[12][13][14]
Main article: List of breads
Brown bread (left) and whole grain bread
Dark sprouted bread
Ruisreikäleipä, a flat rye flour loaf with a hole
Bread is the staple food of the Middle East, Central Asia, North Africa, Europe, and in European-derived cultures such as those in the Americas, Australia, and Southern Africa. This is in contrast to parts of South and East Asia, where rice or noodles are the staple. Bread is usually made from a wheat-flour dough that is cultured with yeast, allowed to rise, and baked in an oven. Carbon dioxide and ethanol vapors produced during yeast fermentation result in bread's air pockets.[15] Owing to its high levels of gluten (which give the dough sponginess and elasticity), common or bread wheat is the most common grain used for the preparation of bread, which makes the largest single contribution to the world's food supply of any food.[16]Sangak, an Iranian flatbreadStrucia — a type of European sweet bread
Bread is also made from the flour of other wheat species (including spelt, emmer, einkorn and kamut).[17] Non-wheat cereals including rye, barley, maize (corn), oats, sorghum, millet and rice have been used to make bread, but, with the exception of rye, usually in combination with wheat flour as they have less gluten.[18]
Gluten-free breads are made using flours from a variety of ingredients such as almonds, rice, sorghum, corn, legumes such as beans, and tubers such as cassava. Since these foods lack gluten, dough made from them may not hold its shape as the loaves rise, and their crumb may be dense with little aeration. Additives such as xanthan gum, guar gum, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC), corn starch, or eggs are used to compensate for the lack of gluten.[19][20][21][22]
Physical-chemical composition
In wheat, phenolic compounds are mainly found in hulls in the form of insoluble bound ferulic acid, where it is relevant to wheat resistance to fungal diseases.[23]
Rye bread contains phenolic acids and ferulic acid dehydrodimers.[24]
Three natural phenolic glucosides, secoisolariciresinol diglucoside, p-coumaric acid glucoside and ferulic acid glucoside, can be found in commercial breads containing flaxseed.[25]Small home made bread with pumpkin and sunflower seeds
Glutenin and gliadin are functional proteins found in wheat bread that contribute to the structure of bread. Glutenin forms interconnected gluten networks within bread through interchain disulfide bonds.[26] Gliadin binds weakly to the gluten network established by glutenin via intrachain disulfide bonds.[26] Structurally, bread can be defined as an elastic-plastic foam (same as styrofoam). The glutenin protein contributes to its elastic nature, as it is able to regain its initial shape after deformation. The gliadin protein contributes to its plastic nature, because it demonstrates non-reversible structural change after a certain amount of applied force. Because air pockets within this gluten network result from carbon dioxide production during leavening, bread can be defined as a foam, or a gas-in-solid solution.[27]
Acrylamide, like in other starchy foods that have been heated higher than 120 °C (248 °F), has been found in recent years to occur in bread. Acrylamide is neurotoxic, has adverse effects on male reproduction and developmental toxicity and is carcinogenic. A study has found that more than 99 percent of the acrylamide in bread is found in the crust.[28]
A study by the University of Hohenheim found that industrially produced bread typically has a high proportion of FODMAP carbohydrates due to a short rising time (often only one hour). The high proportion of FODMAP carbohydrates in such bread then causes flatulence. This is particularly problematic in intestinal diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome. While in traditional bread making the dough rises for several hours, industrial breads rise for a much shorter time, usually only one hour. However, a sufficiently long rising time is important to break down the indigestible FODMAP carbohydrates. Some flours (for example, spelt, emmer and einkorn) contain fewer FODMAPs, but the difference between grain types is relatively small (between 1 and 2 percent by weight). Instead, 90% of the FODMAPs that cause discomfort can be broken down during a rising time of 4 hours. In the study, whole-grain yeast doughs were examined after different rising times; the highest level of FODMAPs was present after one hour in each case and decreased thereafter. The study thus shows that it is essentially the baking technique and not the type of grain that determines whether a bread is well tolerated or not. A better tolerance of bread made from original cereals can therefore not be explained by the original cereal itself, but rather by the fact that traditional, artisanal baking techniques are generally used when baking original cereals, which include a long dough process. The study also showed that a long rising time also breaks down undesirable phytates more effectively, flavors develop better, and the finished bread contains more biologically accessible trace elements.[29][30]
Culinary uses
Bread pudding
Bread can be served at many temperatures; once baked, it can subsequently be toasted. It is most commonly eaten with the hands, either by itself or as a carrier for other foods. Bread can be spread with butter, dipped into liquids such as gravy, olive oil, or soup;[31] it can be topped with various sweet and savory spreads, or used to make sandwiches containing meats, cheeses, vegetables, and condiments.[32]
Bread is used as an ingredient in other culinary preparations, such as the use of breadcrumbs to provide crunchy crusts or thicken sauces; toasted cubes of bread, called croutons, are used as a salad topping; seasoned bread is used as stuffing inside roasted turkey; sweet or savoury bread puddings are made with bread and various liquids; egg and milk-soaked bread is fried as French toast; and bread is used as a binding agent in sausages, meatballs and other ground meat products.[33]
Nutritional significance
Bread is a good source of carbohydrates and micronutrients such as magnesium, iron, selenium, and B vitamins. Whole grain bread is a good source of dietary fiber and all breads are a common source of protein in the diet, though not a rich one.[34][35]
Crust of a cut bread made of whole-grainrye with crust crack (half right at the top)
Bread crust is formed from surface dough during the cooking process. It is hardened and browned through the Maillard reaction using the sugars and amino acids due to the intense heat at the bread surface. The crust of most breads is harder, and more complexly and intensely flavored, than the rest. Old wives' tales suggest that eating the bread crust makes a person's hair curlier.[36] Additionally, the crust is rumored to be healthier than the remainder of the bread. Some studies have shown that this is true as the crust has more dietary fiber and antioxidants such as pronyl-lysine.[37]
Steps in bread making, here for an unleavened Chilean tortilla
Doughs are usually baked, but in some cuisines breads are steamed (e.g., mantou), fried (e.g., puri), or baked on an unoiled frying pan (e.g., tortillas). It may be leavened or unleavened (e.g. matzo). Salt, fat and leavening agents such as yeast and baking soda are common ingredients, though bread may contain other ingredients, such as milk, egg, sugar, spice, fruit (such as raisins), vegetables (such as onion), nuts (such as walnut) or seeds (such as poppy).[38]
Methods of processing dough into bread include the straight dough process, the sourdough process, the Chorleywood bread process and the sponge and dough process.Baking bread in East Timor
Professional bread recipes are stated using the baker's percentage notation. The amount of flour is denoted to be 100%, and the other ingredients are expressed as a percentage of that amount by weight. Measurement by weight is more accurate and consistent than measurement by volume, particularly for dry ingredients. The proportion of water to flour is the most important measurement in a bread recipe, as it affects texture and crumb the most. Hard wheat flours absorb about 62% water, while softer wheat flours absorb about 56%.[39] Common table breads made from these doughs result in a finely textured, light bread. Most artisan bread formulas contain anywhere from 60 to 75% water. In yeast breads, the higher water percentages result in more CO2 bubbles and a coarser bread crumb.
Dough recipes commonly call for 500 grams (about 1.1 pounds) of flour, which yields a single loaf of bread or two baguettes.
Calcium propionate is commonly added by commercial bakeries to retard the growth of molds.[citation needed]
Main article: Flour
Flour is grain ground into a powder. Flour provides the primary structure, starch and protein to the final baked bread. The protein content of the flour is the best indicator of the quality of the bread dough and the finished bread. While bread can be made from all-purpose wheat flour, a specialty bread flour, containing more protein (12–14%), is recommended for high-quality bread. If one uses a flour with a lower protein content (9–11%) to produce bread, a shorter mixing time is required to develop gluten strength properly. An extended mixing time leads to oxidization of the dough, which gives the finished product a whiter crumb, instead of the cream color preferred by most artisan bakers.[40]
Wheat flour, in addition to its starch, contains three water-soluble protein groups (albumin, globulin, and proteoses) and two water-insoluble protein groups (glutenin and gliadin). When flour is mixed with water, the water-soluble proteins dissolve, leaving the glutenin and gliadin to form the structure of the resulting bread. When relatively dry dough is worked by kneading, or wet dough is allowed to rise for a long time (see no-knead bread), the glutenin forms strands of long, thin, chainlike molecules, while the shorter gliadin forms bridges between the strands of glutenin. The resulting networks of strands produced by these two proteins are known as gluten. Gluten development improves if the dough is allowed to autolyse.[41]
Water, or some other liquid, is used to form the flour into a paste or dough. The weight or ratio of liquid required varies between recipes, but a ratio of three parts liquid to five parts flour is common for yeast breads.[42] Recipes that use steam as the primary leavening method may have a liquid content in excess of one part liquid to one part flour. Instead of water, recipes may use liquids such as milk or other dairy products (including buttermilk or yogurt), fruit juice, or eggs. These contribute additional sweeteners, fats, or leavening components, as well as water.[43]
Fats or shortenings
Fats, such as butter, vegetable oils, lard, or that contained in eggs, affect the development of gluten in breads by coating and lubricating the individual strands of protein. They also help to hold the structure together. If too much fat is included in a bread dough, the lubrication effect causes the protein structures to divide. A fat content of approximately 3% by weight is the concentration that produces the greatest leavening action.[44] In addition to their effects on leavening, fats also serve to tenderize breads and preserve freshness.
Bread improvers
Main article: Bread improver
Bread improvers and dough conditioners are often used in producing commercial breads to reduce the time needed for rising and to improve texture and volume and to give antistaling effects. The substances used may be oxidising agents to strengthen the dough or reducing agents to develop gluten and reduce mixing time, emulsifiers to strengthen the dough or to provide other properties such as making slicing easier, or enzymes to increase gas production.[45]
Salt (sodium chloride) is very often added to enhance flavor and restrict yeast activity. It also affects the crumb and the overall texture by stabilizing and strengthening[46] the gluten. Some artisan bakers forego early addition of salt to the dough, whether wholemeal or refined, and wait until after a 20-minute rest to allow the dough to autolyse.[47]
Mixtures of salts are sometimes employed, such as employing potassium chloride to reduce the sodium level, and monosodium glutamate to give flavor (umami).
See also: Unleavened breadA dough trough, located in Aberdour Castle, once used for leavening bread
Leavening is the process of adding gas to a dough before or during baking to produce a lighter, more easily chewed bread. Most bread eaten in the West is leavened.[48]
A simple technique for leavening bread is the use of gas-producing chemicals. There are two common methods. The first is to use baking powder or a self-raising flour that includes baking powder. The second is to include an acidic ingredient such as buttermilk and add baking soda; the reaction of the acid with the soda produces gas.[48] Chemically leavened breads are called quick breads and soda breads. This method is commonly used to make muffins, pancakes, American-style biscuits, and quick breads such as banana bread.
Main article: Baker's yeastCompressed fresh yeast
Many breads are leavened by yeast. The yeast most commonly used for leavening bread is Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the same species used for brewing alcoholic beverages. This yeast ferments some of the sugars producing carbon dioxide. Commercial bakers often leaven their dough with commercially produced baker's yeast. Baker's yeast has the advantage of producing uniform, quick, and reliable results, because it is obtained from a pure culture.[48] Many artisan bakers produce their own yeast with a growth culture. If kept in the right conditions, it provides leavening for many years.[49]
The baker's yeast and sourdough methods follow the same pattern. Water is mixed with flour, salt and the leavening agent. Other additions (spices, herbs, fats, seeds, fruit, etc.) are not needed to bake bread, but are often used. The mixed dough is then allowed to rise one or more times (a longer rising time results in more flavor, so bakers often "punch down" the dough and let it rise again), loaves are formed, and (after an optional final rising time) the bread is baked in an oven.[48]
Many breads are made from a "straight dough", which means that all of the ingredients are combined in one step, and the dough is baked after the rising time;[48] others are made from a "pre-ferment" in which the leavening agent is combined with some of the flour and water a day or so ahead of baking and allowed to ferment overnight. On the day of baking, the rest of the ingredients are added, and the process continues as with straight dough. This produces a more flavorful bread with better texture. Many bakers see the starter method as a compromise between the reliable results of baker's yeast and the flavor and complexity of a longer fermentation. It also allows the baker to use only a minimal amount of baker's yeast, which was scarce and expensive when it first became available. Most yeasted pre-ferments fall into one of three categories: "poolish" or "pouliche", a loose-textured mixture composed of roughly equal amounts of flour and water (by weight); "biga", a stiff mixture with a higher proportion of flour; and "pâte fermentée", which is a portion of dough reserved from a previous batch.[50][51]
Before first rising
After first rising
After proofing, ready to bake
Main article: SourdoughSourdough loaves
Sourdough is a type of bread produced by a long fermentation of dough using naturally occurring yeasts and lactobacilli. It usually has a mildly sour taste because of the lactic acid produced during anaerobic fermentation by the lactobacilli. Longer fermented sourdoughs can also contain acetic acid, the main non-water component of vinegar.[52][53][54]
Sourdough breads are made with a sourdough starter. The starter cultivates yeast and lactobacilli in a mixture of flour and water, making use of the microorganisms already present on flour; it does not need any added yeast. A starter may be maintained indefinitely by regular additions of flour and water. Some bakers have starters many generations old, which are said to have a special taste or texture.[52] At one time, all yeast-leavened breads were sourdoughs. Recently there has been a revival of sourdough bread in artisan bakeries.[55]
Traditionally, peasant families throughout Europe baked on a fixed schedule, perhaps once a week. The starter was saved from the previous week's dough. The starter was mixed with the new ingredients, the dough was left to rise, and then a piece of it was saved to be the starter for next week's bread.[48]
The rapid expansion of steam produced during baking leavens the bread, which is as simple as it is unpredictable. Steam-leavening is unpredictable since the steam is not produced until the bread is baked. Steam leavening happens regardless of the raising agents (baking soda, yeast, baking powder, sour dough, beaten egg white) included in the mix. The leavening agent either contains air bubbles or generates carbon dioxide. The heat vaporises the water from the inner surface of the bubbles within the dough. The steam expands and makes the bread rise. This is the main factor in the rising of bread once it has been put in the oven.[56] CO2 generation, on its own, is too small to account for the rise. Heat kills bacteria or yeast at an early stage, so the CO2 generation is stopped.
Salt-rising bread does not use yeast. Instead, it is leavened by Clostridium perfringens, one of the most common sources of food-borne illness.[57][58]
Aerated bread is leavened by carbon dioxide being forced into dough under pressure. From the mid-19th to mid-20th centuries, bread made this way was somewhat popular in the United Kingdom, made by the Aerated Bread Company and sold in its high-street tearooms. The company was founded in 1862, and ceased independent operations in 1955.[59]
The Pressure-Vacuum mixer was later developed by the Flour Milling and Baking Research Association for the Chorleywood bread process. It manipulates the gas bubble size and optionally the composition of gases in the dough via the gas applied to the headspace.[60]
Cultural Significance
A Ukrainian woman in national dress welcoming with bread and salt
Main article: Bread in culture
Bread has a significance beyond mere nutrition in many cultures because of its history and contemporary importance. Bread is also significant in Christianity as one of the elements (alongside wine) of the Eucharist,[61] and in other religions including Paganism.[62]
In many cultures, bread is a metaphor for basic necessities and living conditions in general. For example, a "bread-winner" is a household's main economic contributor and has little to do with actual bread-provision. This is also seen in the phrase "putting bread on the table". The Roman poet Juvenal satirized superficial politicians and the public as caring only for "panem et circenses" (bread and circuses).[63] In Russia in 1917, the Bolsheviks promised "peace, land, and bread."[64][65] The term "breadbasket" denotes an agriculturally productive region. In parts of Northern, Central, Southern and Eastern Europe bread and salt is offered as a welcome to guests.[66] In India, life's basic necessities are often referred to as "roti, kapra aur makan" (bread, cloth, and house).[67]
Words for bread, including "dough" and "bread" itself, are used in English-speaking countries as synonyms for money.[1] A remarkable or revolutionary innovation may be called the best thing since "sliced bread".[68] The expression "to break bread with someone" means "to share a meal with someone".[69] The English word "lord" comes from the Anglo-Saxon hlāfweard, meaning "bread keeper."[70]
Bread is sometimes referred to as "the staff of life", although this term can refer to other staple foods in different cultures: the Oxford English Dictionary defines it as "bread (or similar staple food)".[71][72] This is sometimes thought to be a biblical reference, but the nearest wording is in Leviticus 26 "when I have broken the staff of your bread".[73] The term has been adopted in the names of bakery firms.[74]
See also
Food portal
Bark bread – Scandinavian bread used as famine food
Bread bowl – Round loaf of bread which has had a large portion of the middle cut out to create an edible bowl
Bread clip – Closure device for plastic bags
Bread dildo – Dildo prepared using bread, allegedly made in the Greco-Roman era around 2,000 years ago
Breading – Residue of dried bread
Bread machine – Type of home appliance for baking bread
Bread pan – Kitchen utensil
Crouton – Rebaked breads
List of breads
List of bread dishes – Dishes using bread as a main ingredient, listed by category
List of toast dishes
Quick bread – Bread leavened with agents other than yeast
Sliced bread – Loaf of bread that has been sliced with a machine
Slow Bread – Type of bread made using very little yeast
Sop – Piece of bread or toast that is drenched in liquid and then eaten.
Stuffing – Edible mixture filling a food's cavity
White bread – Type of bread made from white wheat flour
oh fuck yes bread
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palvichemical · 2 months
Understanding Product Labels: How to Identify Sodium Laureth Sulfate in Your Products.
Understanding Product Labels: How to Identify Sodium Laureth Sulfate in Your Products.
When scanning the ingredients list on your favorite shampoo, body wash, or cleaning product, you might come across the term Sodium Laureth Sulfate, commonly abbreviated as SLES. Understanding what SLES is and why it’s used can help you make informed decisions about the products you use daily. This guide will help you identify Sodium Laureth Sulfate in your products and explain why it's a widely used ingredient. This guide will walk you through the process of identifying Sodium Laureth Sulfate and highlight Palvi Chemical Industries Limited as a key supplier in Saudi Arabia.
What is Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES)?
Sodium Laureth Sulfate is a surfactant, which means it helps to create foam and lather. It’s derived from ethoxylated lauryl alcohol and is often found in personal care and cleaning products because of its effective cleansing properties. SLES is used to remove oils and dirt from the skin and hair, making it a staple in many hygiene products.
How to Identify SLES in Product Labels
When checking your product labels, look for the following names:
Sodium Laureth Sulfate
Sodium lauryl ether sulfate
These names refer to the same ingredient and indicate the presence of this surfactant in the product.
Why is SLES Used?
SLES is popular for several reasons:
Effective Cleaning: Its ability to break down oils and grease makes it highly effective in cleaning products.
Foaming Properties: It produces a rich lather, which is often associated with cleanliness and effectiveness in shampoos and soaps.
Cost-Effective: SLES is relatively inexpensive, which helps keep the cost of consumer products down.
SLES and Your Health
While SLES is generally considered safe for use in consumer products, some individuals with sensitive skin may experience irritation. It’s important to be aware of how your skin reacts to products containing SLES and consult a dermatologist if you have concerns.
SLES in Saudi Arabia
For those in Saudi Arabia looking for SLES for manufacturing or resale, Palvi Chemical Industries Limited is a leading SLES distributor, supplier, and trader. We provide high-quality SLES to meet the needs of various industries.
SLES Distributor in Saudi Arabia: We ensure timely delivery and quality assurance for all your SLES needs.
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Understanding product labels and identifying Sodium Laureth Sulfate can help you make informed choices about the products you use. Whether you're a consumer looking to avoid SLES or a manufacturer in need of a reliable supplier, knowing where and how to find this ingredient is essential. Palvi Chemical Industries Limited is your trusted partner for all things SLES in Saudi Arabia, ensuring you get the best quality for your needs.
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tweetsongs · 2 years
Transmigrating into the Reborn Male Lead’s Ex-Boyfriend Chapter 153
next chapter
so. funny story. i started reading this fun little webnovel, only to find out halfway through that the translation hadn't been updated in about a year, and there were only three untranslated chapters left.
me, a consumate completionist: oh, i think i could handle that!
please keep in mind that this is a translation by someone who hasn't read chinese since they were *checks notes* seven years old, and is completely unedited. the goal of this was mostly to have something more readable than the mtl. when the CG translation group updates i'll link to them instead since i'm sure i missed a ton of nuance/got a bunch of stuff wrong.
you can find chapters 1-152 here! be sure to send love to the og translators
anyways for anyone else foaming to know what happened to sxh and xym and their ridiculous love story here's chapter 153.
Except for his greeting at the very beginning, Xue Mian did not speak to Song Xuanhe again.
He constantly stayed quietly by Master McPhail’s side, occasionally laughing gently and speaking very little, like he had already left the entertainment circle. His beauty and gentle manner led many people to gaze over at him, lingering for a few moments.
It was obvious that Master McPhail was also fond of him, often pausing during his conversations to turn to Xue Mian to explain bits of complicated terminology without concealing the fond look in his eyes. Because of this, everyone present could see that Master McPhail liked his companion very much.
Master McPhail had always been known as a master jewelry craftsman with an independent personality, who rarely invested in or cooperated with others professionally. The fact that he came with the Xue family this time already surprised many people, and their surprise only grew as they saw how happy he looked with the Xue family heir. 
These masters at the apex of the design industry weren’t the types to be concerned about any treasured heirs from some bigshot family, but if the person in question was a child that their friend looked fondly upon- well, that was a different matter.
In a matter of moments, the majority of the banquet guests were looking towards Xue Mian’s gentle expression.
Song Xuanhe observed all of this. Rather than grabbing a seat at a banquet table to talk with anyone, he sat by a window silently, sipping his tea as he thought.
This banquet was something that he dreamed of, to the point that at the beginning, he already had several designs for outfits and had talked to several of his peers and Feng Tong about his thoughts and creative visions for his debut. Normally, Song Xuanhe would be ecstatic to be able to talk shop with these like-minded people.
However, for a few days now, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of foreboding.
He didn’t know why, but he constantly felt a sense of unease in the pit of his stomach, and found it difficult to calm himself down.
He couldn’t shake off the memory of the vague words that Xiao Yuanmu had said at lunch that day, and the strange expression on his face after he talked with Xiao Lin. He could tell that these things were connected, but no matter how he tried to connect the dots in his mind, he couldn’t string together the clues into a single answer.
“Mr. Song.”
A voice spoke by his ear. Song Xuanhe lifted his eyes to an unfamiliar face.
The person approaching laughed, and lifted a finger to point at a table in the middle of the room. They spoke in a soft voice: “I heard that you snatched up Master McPhail’s cufflinks, and now he wants to look for you.”
Song Xuanhe followed his pointed finger and, sure enough, he saw the smiling Master McPhail. Not only that, beside him were other familiar faces: not only Xue Mian, but also Feng Tong, Bai Mo, and Jiang Deyi.
“Did you bring the cufflinks?” The person swept their gaze over Song Xuanhe’s sleeve. When he didn’t see anything, he continued: “My friend, you were able to attend Master McPhail’s banquet because of those cufflinks. If you are not wearing those cufflinks, it might seem like you’re not respecting the host.”
Song Xuanhe acknowledged the good advice, giving his thanks with a composed expression. He then said: “The cufflinks are currently with the person that are best suited for them. I believe that Master McPhail understands that.”
The person nodded. “Once Master McPhail speaks to you, I’m sure he’ll understand.”
Song Xuanhe put down the tea in his hand and began to walk towards where Master McPhail was. The closer he got, the more he was able to see the mood of the cluster of people there. The corner of his smile deepened as he came to stop beside Master McPhail.
“Hello, Mr. Song,” Master McPhail gestured for him to sit, then said laughingly: “I heard that it was you who bought my cufflinks. I won’t lie- out of everything I’ve made in my life, those cufflinks are the things I’m most proud of. When I first agreed to participate in the option, I was very conflicted. But now, looking at you, I think that they’ve found a pretty good owner.”
The corners of Song Xuanhe’s eyes turned up, his gaze clear and limpid. Looking into his eyes, his sincere admiration and respect was obvious. “Out of all the things I’ve bought for my collections, these cufflinks are my favorite.”
Master McPhail’s face grew happier at the words, and he said: “Then, child, would you allow me to meet those cufflinks one last time for a goodbye?”
Song Xuanhe ran the corner of his gaze across Feng Tong’s worried face, as well as the frowns that Xue Mian, Jiang Deyi, and Bai Mo couldn’t quite hide from their eyes. He then smiled and said, shaking his head: “I’m afraid not, Master McPhail. I’m not currently wearing those cufflinks.”
“How strange that something Mr. Song loves and treasures so much wouldn’t be worn to the banquet hosted by our host,” Bai Mo said, smiling. “I imagine that there was some sort of misunderstanding that made you forget about them, or that they aren’t suited to the outfit you coordinated for today. There must be many reasons for something like this happening.”
Master McPhail’s smile didn’t change, as if he hadn’t heard what Bai Mo said. Instead, he continued to smile at Song Xuanhe and asked: “May I know the reason, child?”
Song Xuanhe nodded, his eyes crinkling upwards slightly. His eyes were shining as if they were filled with diamonds, sparkling with fragments of light. He said: “Right now, those cufflinks are on the person I love most in the world. He likes them very much.”
Master McPhail fell silent for a few moments, before raising his hand to pat Song Xuanhe’s arm. “I hope that the person wearing those cufflinks will be able to receive the blessing that I gave them when I was making them.”
“What kind of blessing?” Song Xuanhe asked.
“A love that will stay with them for the rest of their lives.” Master McPhail smiled again, eyes fond. “I’ll give this blessing to you as well.”
Song Xuanhe wasn’t sure why, but he felt a tingling behind his nose. He dipped his head and said: “Thank you for your blessings.”
Master McPhail patted his arm again, and moved his eyes to the manuscripts he was holding. “I noticed your design manuscripts earlier. If it’s not too much trouble, would you mind if I took a look?”
Song Xuanhe’s distracted gaze caught Feng Tong’s excited and nervous look, as if Feng Tong were afraid that Song Xuanhe would reject his offer. He urged him with his eyes to quickly accept.
“Of course you can.” Feng Tong was overreacting. There was no way that Song Xuanhe could reject the chance for Master McPhail to critique him.
Master McPhail took the manuscripts and looked over them, eyes bright and expression happy. As he began to speak, he paused and looked over to the rest of the people with him, saying: “If these gentlemen don’t mind, I’d like to speak with Mr. Song alone.”
Xue Mian laughed a little. “As it turns out, I was just thinking of going to grab a drink. Does anyone want to come with me?”
Feng Tong responded immediately that he would go. Bai Mo and Jiang Deyi looked at each other, then glanced at Song Xuanhe coldly before leaving as well.
Actually, this banquet was meant to be an open place to critique, with many design manuscripts piled on tables as people around them discussed them. There was no need to send anyone away.
That’s why, when everyone began to walk away, Song Xuanhe looked warily at Master McPhail. He smiled back without explaining, and instead began to ask him about his inspirations.
“I saw a video of your first show and your designs are inventive and clever, especially your use of color. However, these designs seem to be a bit different from the ones I saw before. Can you tell me about that?”
Song Xuanhe pulled back his train of thought, and began to discuss with Master McPhail. The discussion stretched into the night, the two never seeming to run out of energy. As they spoke, Master McPhail even pulled over some old friends to introduce them to him. One of them was a designer for a popular international luxury brand, and they were very interested in Song Xuanhe’s designs, exchanging contact information with him.
Until the end of the party, Song Xuanhe took full advantage of his time.
As dinnertime drew closer, people began to leave one by one. Master McPhail kept a few of his old friends around to have dinner with him. Because of their lively discussion, Song Xuanhe was also invited to stay, but he chose to tactfully refuse the invitation.
Xue Mian, hearing this, looked at him in surprise. Before, he had seen Song Xuanhe’s involvement in the design industry as a frivolous gamble. After this afternoon, he had to change his mind. He saw now that Song Xuanhe really did have talent in design, to the point where Master McPhail acknowledged his skills. Song Xuanhe himself seemed to genuinely treasure this opportunity as well, so when Master McPhail invited him, Xue Mian thought that he would definitely join them. 
Even if Xiao Yuanmu returned today, Xue Mian had thought that there would be plenty of things that Song Xuanhe prioritized over him.
Once again, he was proven wrong.
Song Xuanhe explained: “It’s because of the person I bought the cufflinks for. We haven’t seen each other in thirty-two hours, so I can’t help but want to meet him now.”
At his answer, Master McPhail smiled at him, and the people around him looked at him affectionately as well. The eagerness of young love always made other people feel fond.
Master McPhail answered: “Then I wish you a wonderful evening.”
Song Xuanhe began to leave, but Xue Mian called out to him as he was walking away. He was surprised, but stopped walking.
Xue Mian caught up to him and gestured to another table to the side: “Why don’t we have a chat?”
“I don’t think that we’re close enough for that involved of a chat,” Song Xuanhe rejected. “But I will thank you for today.”
The invitation that Master McPhail extended towards Song Xuanhe was because of Xue Mian. Song Xuanhe knew that his sense of design was good, and his conversation that afternoon was very genial, but he wasn’t conceited enough to believe that one afternoon of talking was enough to receive special attention from someone like Master McPhail, who must’ve seen countless clever, talented newcomers before him.
Besides, Master McPhail made no mention of him staying for dinner during their discussion, only extending the invitation after Xue Mian whispered something to him.
“Don’t thank me,” Xue Mian said. “Master McPhail already liked you. I only gave him a little suggestion. Besides, I have my own reasons as well.”
Song Xuanhe looked at him, neither asking nor speaking.
The corner of Xue Mian’s lip flattened, and he looked away. “You have deeper feelings for Xiao Yuanmu than I had imagined, but have you ever thought about how long the two of you can go on for?”
“That’s our business,” Song Xuanhe said indifferently.
“Of course,” Xue Mian laughed, a hint of mocking in his tone. “This was never my business. Don’t worry, I’ve already thought it through to my decision.”
“Is your decision that you can’t bother us?” Song Xuanhe looked at the time, then turned and said: “If there’s nothing else, then I’ll be going first.”
Xue Mian called to his back: “Do you know why Xiao Yuanmu left the country?”
Song Xuanhe’s steps paused. “I’ll find out tonight.”
Xue Mian laughed sharply, his eyes bitter and regretful. “I don’t think you will.”
Song Xuanhe turned around suddenly, watching his shadow as he left.
After he returned, the bad feeling Song Xuanhe was having grew heavier on his chest. He habitually turned to look at the clock, eyes tracking the ticking of the hands. The corners of his lips kept flattening, tense.
The time slowly slipped from five to seven, the sky turning from blue to grey. The neon lamps in the city slowly began to brighten, casting the darkening streets back into light.
[Xiao Yuanmu is back.]
The sound of the system in his mind was abrupt, making Song Xuanhe startle out of his blank look. He looked at the clock- it was seven twenty-five.
At the same time as the system, Xiao Huang suddenly raised his head, ears pricking up as he looked towards the door. A second later, his tail began to wag, and he ran towards the door enthusiastically.
The sound of the elevator rang out, and the sound of the elevator door opening preceded the sound of leather against the floor, ringing out in tandem with the sound of Xiao Huang’s paws against the floor.
Song Xuanhe looked up, his eyes meeting Xiao Yuanmu’s across from him.
“I’m home.” Xiao Yuanmu looked down slightly, face slightly pale and laugh soft and slightly warm.
Song Xuanhe stood up and walked over, first sweeping his eyes over his figure, quietly releasing a breath, the heartbeat that was picking up in pace finally slowing again. Smiling, he said: “Have you eaten dinner?”
Xiao Yuanmu looked back. “I bought groceries.”
Yang Jie came in as well, giving Song Xuanhe a greeting before turning to go into the kitchen. He put down the groceries before silently looking at Xian Yuanmu.
“Go.” Xiao Yuanmu glanced at him, speaking mildly.
Yang Jie gaped at him, mouth moving as if he wanted to say something. Ultimately, he didn’t speak, bending to give Xiao Huang a pat before leaving.
There was something streaking through Song Xuanhe’s heart. His lips hooked up as he said: “Did Yang Jie do something wrong? Why is he scuttering in and out without even glancing at me?”
“I’m thinking of having him transfer back to China,” Xiao Yuanmu took off his cufflinks, carefully putting them away. “He doesn’t want to.”
“Why?” Song Xuanhe followed him into the kitchen, Xiao Huang following behind. “His family should still be in China.”
“En,” Xiao Yuanmu paused while rolling up his sleeves, eyes moving to the bags of groceries where Song Xuanhe stood. His eyes were dark as they looked, tugging his sleeves downwards as he spoke calmly. “His mom is living alone in China.”
“But Yang Jie left, who’s taking over for him?” Song Xuanhe asked.
“Right now, it’s temporarily Qiao,” Xiao Yuanmu replied.
The hand that Song Xuanhe was using to put the groceries in the fridge froze for a moment, then he closed the fridge door and turned to meet Xiao Yuanmu’s eyes. “Are you hiding something from me?”
“What kind of thing?”
“When you went back to China this time, was it for the Xiao family?” Song Xuanhe grabbed Xiao Yuanmu’s hand, using it to pull him away from the kitchen towards the study. “Let’s talk for a bit.”
Xiao Yuanmu allowed himself to be pulled miserably, following obediently behind with a downcast gaze. After they entered the study, Song Xuanhe closed the door behind them, letting go of his hand.
“You said before that you wouldn’t lie to me,” Song Xuanhe looked at Xiao Yuanmu. “I believe you.”
The hand that Xiao Yuanmu let fall back to his side clenched and unclenched, He rolled up his sleeve, revealing a sturdy arm.
Song Xuanhe’s eyes fell on that arm, then moved away. “Xiao Yuanmu. Why exactly did you go back to China this time?”
“Some private business.”
“About what?” Song Xuanhe asked. “If it’s private, why didn't you let me know that beforehand?”
Xiao Yuanmu moved forward to hold Song Xuanhe, his chin resting on his shoulder. “I’m very tired.”
Song Xuanhe paused, the words bubbling up his throat swallowed back again as he lifted his hands to curl around Xiao Yuanmu’s waist.
“Once it’s the right time, I’ll tell you everything.” Xiao Yuanmu pressed his face deeper into Song Xuanhe’s shoulder, voice muffled. “Can you...not ask me anything right now?”
After ten or so seconds of silence, Song Xuanhe replied: “Okay.”
Xiao Yuanmu returned to the kitchen to make dinner, hands moving like usual. For once, Song Xuanhe had little appetite.
“How was Master McPhail’s banquet?” Xiao Yuanmu asked, putting down his chopsticks to ask.
“Not bad,” Song Xuanhe got up and went to the living room, bringing back his design manuscripts for Xiao Yuanmu to look at. “These are the drafts that I was busy making for the past few days. The details haven’t been finalized yet, but the basic idea and the measurements should be fine. Master McPhail really liked this outfit.”
Xiao Yuanmu looked at the designs. “When can these be made?”
“Maybe for the fall or winter lines?” Song Xuanhe said, unsure. “Or even later. I’ve already made my fall and winter lines, and these don’t quite match the same mood. It might be a bit hard to integrate these in the lines. By the time it goes into production, it might be quite a bit after.”
“Were these designed for me?” Xiao Yuanmu looked at Song Xuanhe.
Song Yuanhe looked down. “Everything I’ve designed has been for you.”
Xiao Yuanmu looked at him with an adoration that couldn’t be hidden, his lips tilting upwards helplessly. “I want this outfit. There’s nothing like it. Make it for me. Can you make it before next week?”
Song Xuanhe frowned. “It’ll be a bit too warm to wear this outfit in this kind of weather.”
“It’ll get cooler soon.” Xiao Yuanmu looked at Song Xuanhe.
Song Xuanhe gave in. “You’re lucky that I’m not as busy now. I don’t have any materials or machines to make it, though.”
“I can get someone to send things over.”
Xiao Yuanmu kept his word. After getting Song Xuanhe to let him know everything that he would need, he got everything sent over to their apartment within a day’s time.
Not only that, but even with the apartment having empty rooms, Xiao Yuanmu still insisted on clearing out space in the study for Song Xuanhe to work in instead. The study was large enough that after a bit of cleaning, it didn’t feel crowded with the two of them working together at all.
The side of the room facing the shining french windows was originally where Xiao Yuanmu worked, but now it had become Song Xuanhe’s workspace. Xiao Yuanmu instead moved all his work over to one side, so that the two of them could feel comfortable working in tandem.
After the renovation, Xiao Yuanmu didn’t go back to his office. He was still as busy as ever, spending upwards of fifteen hours every day in the study. The only difference now was that whenever he looked up, he could see Song Xuanhe on the other side of the room, drawing and sewing with single-minded focus.
Three days passed in a flash, and Song Xuanhe found himself acclimating to the new normal, sharing a space with Xiao Yuanmu, each working on their own in the same room as the day passes.
One day, however, a sudden stream of people began to flow in and out of the apartment, one after another. Because they had never met before, Song Xuanhe politely greeted them, and Xiao Yuanmu made introductions, occasionally interrupting Song Xuanhe’s work.
After meeting Xiao Yuanmu’s financial advisor, lawyer, and doctor, Song Xuanhe couldn’t resist opening his mouth: “Why are all these people swarming in at once? Did they all agree to descend at the same time?”
“I am taking over the Xiao family,” Xiao Yuanmu’s lip lifted slightly, and he ran his hand over Song Xuanhe’s hair as if to pacify him. “I still had people from the Xiao family who want to leave and talk to me. I haven’t been going into the office, so of course they’ll have to come here.”
“Even your-”
Song Xuanhe was interrupted as Yang Jie knocked on the door. “Xiao-ge, Song-shao, Mr. Zhang is here.”
Ever since Xiao Yuanmu began to work from home, Yang Jie also worked in the apartment with him. Usually he worked from either the living room or another room, but today he acted more like a butler, escorting guests in and out of the house.
“Let him in,” Xiao Yuanmu said, smiling at Song Xuanhe as he spoke.
Zhang Siwei walked in, giving a smile and greeting to Song Xuanhe before saying: “I heard it’s been busy around here.”
“Just cleaning house,” Xiao Yuanmu said indifferently.
“Makes sense,” Zhang Siwei went over to the sofa and sat down, eyes catching on Song Xuanhe’s work area with interest. “Song-shao, are those your new designs? They look pretty good. As a close acquaintance, may I order a set in advance?”
“No.” Xiao Yuanmu rejected him flatly. “These designs were made for me. There’s only one set in the world, and only I can wear them.”
Zhang Siwei raised an eyebrow, noticing the pride behind Xiao Yuanmu’s fathomless eyes. He smiled and said: “I see, something like that can only be given to you. Let’s talk business, then.”
Xiao Yuanmu nodded, walking to sit across from him. The two pulled out their laptops and began to speak quietly. Song Xuanhe turned his gaze back to his work, focusing.
Like this, the days passed. The system inside of Song Xuanhe’s mind counted down. In this period of time, there really were quite a few people that came to visit their apartment. This lasted for three days, before their apartment returned to its usual quiet.
Without Yang Jie knocking on their door periodically, without the sound of soft conversation across the room, Song Xuanhe was surprised to actually feel disquieted for a moment. However, after a bit of time, he fell back into the rhythm of his work.
The outfit that he’s been working on for a week had finally come together. It still needed some final detailing, but after that it would be ready to wear.
Song Xuanhe looked up at Xiao Yuanmu, who was signing a document. Feeling his gaze, Xiao Yuanmu looked up as well, smiling softly at him before looking back and flipping to another document.
“You’ve had to sign a lot of these lately, huh,” Song Xuanhe put down the button in his hand. “Has Louis been slacking off and sending all of his stuff to you?”
“Louis is signing even more documents than I am,” Xiao Yuanhe paused in the middle of writing something before starting again, lightly flipping a page. “It’s been busy lately.”
Song Xuanhe nodded. He knew that it was busy lately. Compared to before he went on the business trip, he was even busier working at home. Xiao Yuanmu didn’t have much time to relax, either. Nowadays, he was barely sleeping five hours a day before going back to work.
Hopefully it’ll slow down soon. Song Xuanhe looked away again, thinking to himself.
Engrossed in his work, it was easy to forget the time. By the time he found himself cutting his final thread, the morning had already passed. He looked at the completed outfit, nodding to himself with satisfaction. He  turned towards Xiao Yuanmu: “I’m done with the outfit, do you want to try it on to see how it fits?”
There was no answering voice behind him. Song Xuanhe thought at first that Xiao Yuanmu was too engrossed in his work to answer, and turned to look at him. 
Xiao Yuanmu was half-sprawled on the table, looking collapsed with exhaustion.
Song Xuanhe put down the clothes in his hands and walked over to the sofa, grabbing a blanket to lay over Xiao Yuanmu, eyes soft and sad.
Xiao Yuanmu really had been worked to the bone lately. Not only was the already enormous Xiao family expanding their business, but there was also the whole issue with Lady Xiao and Xiao Baicong. It must’ve been a lot of pressure on him.
Song Xuanhe brushed away the longer strands of hair that fell over his face, lightly touching his forehead. It was a little warmer than usual. There was a light wrinkle between his eyebrows. He prepared to try waking him again when he noticed the open document out of the corner of his eye.
Contract of Property Transfer - First Party: Xiao Yuanmu
He pulled the document from his hand. Before he could take a look, the system sounded in his mind: [Xiao Yuanmu is not doing well right now! He’s not asleep, he’s unconscious- you should send him to the hospital immediately.]
“Give him a full-body checkup.” Song Xuanhe immediately put down the document in his hand, placing it on Xiao Yuanmu’s  forehead. It felt scalding hot. His hand began to tremble, and his heart began to thud violently with unease. He pulled out his phone with one hand to call Yu Yan, while the other kept gently shaking Xiao Yuanmu while he called his name. Xiao Yuanmu didn’t twitch.
Yu Yan picked up the phone quickly, the phone barely ringing before his voice answered: “Mr. Song? Is something wrong?”
“Xiao Yuanmu is running a fever, and he looks very unwell. Where should I bring him?”
“Wait!” Yu Yan pushed off Zhou Nan’s hand, getting up and going to his landline. Dialing the landline with one hand, he kept speaking to Song Xuanhe. “I’m going to send over some people to get you and Chief Xiao immediately. Are you two in your apartment right now?”
“Please wait a little longer, they should be there in around ten minutes. In the meantime, try to bring down Chief Xiao’s fever as much as you can, but be careful not to let him catch a chill. Is that alright?”
Song Xuanhe hung up the phone and called Yang Jie.
Yang Jie had a key to Xiao Yuanmu’s apartment. Not two minutes after Song Xuanhe called, he was running into the apartment. When he saw the figure lying on the sofa and recognized Xiao Yuanmu’s face, his face turned pale in an instant.
Song Xuanhe was holding a towel soaked with cold water, and looked up to see the expression on Yang Jie’s face. He couldn’t bring himself to ask about it, instead immediately turning back to Xiao Yuanmu’s condition.
“Song-shao...” Yang Jie asked. “Did you call the hospital? Who did you call? You can’t have called a public ambulance, right?”
“No,” Song Xuanhe said. “I called Yu Yan.”
Yang Jie let out a breath. Looking at Song Xuanhe’s taut face, he opened his mouth a few times, but when he saw Xiao Yuanmu’s unconscious body out of the corner of his eye, he could only close his mouth tightly.
Yu Yan had given them a time bracket of ten minutes, but after seven minutes, the people he called for already arrived. They were very prepared, and the moment Xiao Yuanmu was loaded into the car they were already checking him over. 
Song Xuanhe sat beside him, looking with a tense expression as the doctors looked over Xiao Yuanmu. The car slowly pulled out of the quiet streets into the city.
“Where are we going?” Song Xuanhe looked away from Xiao Yuanmu towards Yu Yan to ask. “I don’t remember any hospitals in this direction, and the Xiao family private hospital isn’t in this direction either.”
In the face of Song Xuanhe’s interrogation, Yu Yan remained calm. “The Xiao family can’t find out about Chief Xiao’s current condition. Right now we’re going towards a hospital that Chief Xiao personally invested in- to be more accurate, it should be called a long-term care clinic, Xiao-ge’s private clinic. Still, the facility is up-to-date, and the equipment is better maintained than many private hospitals. You don’t need to worry.”
Song Xuanhe didn’t actually suspect Yu Yan of anything. Even if he didn’t trust Yu Yan himself, the fact that Yang Jie didn’t say anything about this meant that it was something that he had known about. It was just that he had never heard Xiao Yuanmu mention investing in any long-term care clinics, let alone building any private hospitals in said clinic.
Thinking about this, Song Xuanhe felt his heart grow heavier, and his expression became clouded. He hoped that the right time that Xiao Yuanmu had promised him to tell him about everything would be, in fact, the right time.
The car was very quick and efficient. Not thirty minutes had passed before they were driving into a place that was remote, but really looked to have the facilities that even top-notch private hospitals couldn’t compare to.
Song Xuanhe didn’t pay attention to his surroundings, quickly following Yu Yan into a private building. The doctors pushed Xiao Yuanmu into a private room to look him over. Yu Yan stayed at the door, and Song Xuanhe and Yang Jie waited together.
Finally, Song Xuanhe was able to exhale a little. He turned to Yang Jie: “Is Xiao Yuanmu hiding something from me? Or rather, are you and Xiao Yuanmu working together to hide something from me?”
Yang Jie pursed his lips, not looking into Song Xuanhe’s eyes. “Xiao-ge...he said that he would tell you.”
“When you left the country before, what exactly was that for?” The smell of disinfectant in the air made Song Xuanhe feel more tense. His expression became colder, and his voice also lowered as he said: “Tell me.”
Yang Jie avoided his gaze, pressing his mouth even more tightly together before saying: “I can’t tell you, Song-shao. Wait until Xiao-ge wakes up, and he’ll tell you himself.”
Seeing his evasiveness, Song Xuanhe had to take a deep breath to press down his temper. He asked  the system: [What condition is Xiao Yuanmu’s body in?]
[It’s complicated,] The system said. [I need some more time to get a more accurate result.]
Song Xuanhe furrowed his brows. [Shouldn’t your technology be more advanced than the technology of this time? Why do you need so long just to check his body?]
[When you finished your mission, many of my functions became limited,] the system said. [My physical scanning system is also not as advanced as before, sorry.]
Hearing the system’s apology, Song Xuanhe felt like a bucket of cold water had been dumped on him, forcing him to calm.
[You don’t have to apologize,] Song Xuanhe rubbed his temple, walking to a sofa against the wall and sitting down. Putting his head in his hands, he said: [I was scared and lost my cool. I should be the one apologizing to you. Sorry.]
[You don’t need to apologize,] the system said. [I’m...just a system. You don’t have to apologize to a system.]
Song Xuanhe managed to lift his lips slightly with difficulty. [Why so heartless? You’ve already called me brother so many times. No matter what, aren’t we friends now?]
[Friends?] The system said hesitantly. 
[What? Do your regulations not allow you to make friends?] Song Xuanhe asked.
[Of course not.] The system responded quickly, then fell silent. After a few seconds, it spoke again: [I’ll be sure to properly check over Xiao Yuanmu’s condition. He’ll be fine, don’t worry.]
Song Xuanhe managed to drag up the corner of his lip before it fell again. He made a soft sound of acknowledgement.
Actually, when he snapped at Yang Jie earlier, he was just venting.
From the time that Xiao Yuanmu started to become more taciturn- when he started to work overtime more and more- him flying back without a clear reason- the complicated look Xue Mian had given him- the words that Yang Jie had bitten back after they returned overseas- Xiao Yuanmu getting visits from his financial advisor, his lawyer, his doctor- Xiao Yuanmu collapsing- the property transfer documents on the table-
The truth had always been right in front of him, on clear display. It was just that Song Xuanhe had never been brave enough to touch it.
After a while, a doctor left the emergency room. He addressed Song Xuanhe: “Mr. Xiao’s condition isn’t good  right now, but the details are still unclear. We need more time to inspect him to know more.”
Song Xuanhe wasn’t surprised. If the system needed more time, then the doctors could only take longer. “How much time?”
“About three hours,” the doctor said conservatively.
Song Xuanhe nodded, returning to the sofa with a downcast gaze, not speaking.
An indeterminable amount of time passed, and the system slowly spoke, voice complicated: [Xiao Yuanmu is...]
Just then, Yang Jie ran into the room and said to Song Xuanhe: “Xiao-ge is awake!”
Song Xuanhe stood up suddenly, turning and running to the private room. At the door, he suddenly came to a stop, then took two steps back. Behind these doors are the answers that he had been looking for. But now, he wasn’t sure if he actually wanted to know.
“Song-shao?” Yu Yan came up to him. “Chief Xiao is awake. Aren’t you going in?”
Song Xuanhe hesitated, pulling the door as he spoke. “I’m going to go in soon.”
Yu Yan nodded and left. Song Xuanhe took a step into the sickroom. On the bed was a person who, apart from being paler than usual, didn’t look much different. Their eyes met.
The hand that Song Xuanhe was using to grip the door tightened. As he was preparing to walk in, he stopped to look at Xiao Yuanmu quietly.
Xiao Yuanmu blinked at him and said: “Are you mad?”
Without waiting for an answer, he looked at him with clear, dark eyes and continued: “I bought congee for you to eat, so don’t be mad at me, okay?”
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chemanalyst · 7 months
Melamine Market is Expected to Grow at a CAGR of 3.87% during the forecast period until 2032
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The melamine market has witnessed remarkable growth and diversification in recent years, propelled by a myriad of factors shaping the global landscape. Melamine, a nitrogen-rich organic compound, finds extensive applications across various industries, including construction, automotive, textiles, packaging, and food service. Its unique properties, such as high flame resistance, thermal stability, durability, and chemical inertness, have made melamine a versatile and indispensable material in numerous manufacturing processes and end-use applications.
One of the primary drivers of the melamine market is the increasing demand from the construction industry. Melamine-based products, such as melamine formaldehyde resins and melamine foam insulation, are widely used in construction applications such as laminates, decorative panels, flooring, countertops, and insulation materials. With rapid urbanization, infrastructure development, and construction activities on the rise globally, the demand for melamine-based construction materials is expected to surge.
Read Full Report: https://www.chemanalyst.com/industry-report/melamine-market-812
Moreover, the automotive sector represents another significant market for melamine, driven by the increasing demand for lightweight, durable, and aesthetically appealing materials. Melamine-based components, such as automotive interior trim, dashboard panels, door panels, and decorative parts, offer excellent properties such as scratch resistance, color stability, and surface finish, thereby enhancing the overall aesthetics and functionality of vehicles. As automotive manufacturers focus on improving fuel efficiency, reducing emissions, and enhancing passenger comfort and safety, the demand for melamine-based automotive materials is projected to grow substantially.
Furthermore, the textiles industry presents lucrative opportunities for the melamine market, particularly in the manufacturing of melamine-formaldehyde resins for textile finishing and coating applications. Melamine resins impart crease resistance, wrinkle resistance, and color fastness to textiles, thereby enhancing their durability, appearance, and performance. With the growing demand for high-quality textiles, home furnishings, and apparel, the demand for melamine-based textile additives is expected to increase.
Additionally, the packaging industry represents a significant market for melamine, driven by the rising demand for lightweight, durable, and eco-friendly packaging materials. Melamine-based products, such as melamine-formaldehyde resins and melamine foam packaging, offer excellent properties such as thermal insulation, moisture resistance, and shock absorption, making them ideal for packaging applications such as food packaging, electronics packaging, and industrial packaging. As consumers increasingly prioritize sustainability, recyclability, and environmental friendliness, the demand for melamine-based packaging solutions is expected to grow.
Despite the promising outlook, the melamine market faces challenges and constraints, including fluctuating raw material prices, regulatory compliance issues, and environmental concerns related to formaldehyde emissions. However, industry stakeholders are actively addressing these challenges through initiatives focused on product innovation, sustainability, and regulatory compliance. Moreover, strategic partnerships, mergers, and acquisitions are driving consolidation and market expansion in the melamine industry.
In conclusion, the melamine market is poised for continued growth and innovation, driven by its versatile applications, inherent properties, and compatibility with evolving market trends. By leveraging its strengths in construction, automotive, textiles, packaging, and other sectors, the melamine market can navigate towards a more sustainable and prosperous future, ensuring its relevance and competitiveness in the global marketplace.
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Some everyday materials have memories, and now they can be erased
Some solid materials have a memory of how they have previously been stretched out, which impacts how they respond to these kinds of deformations in the future. A new Penn State study lends insight into memory formation in the foams and emulsions common in food products and pharmaceuticals and provides a new method to erase this memory, which could guide how materials are prepared for future use.
"A crease in a piece of paper serves as a memory of being folded or crumpled," said Nathan Keim, associate research professor of physics at Penn State who led the study. "A lot of other materials form memories when they are deformed, heated up, or cooled down, and you might not know it unless you ask the right questions. Improving our understanding of how to write, read, and erase memories provides new opportunities for diagnostics and programming of materials. We can find out the history of a material by doing some tests or erase a material's memory and program a new one to prepare it for consumer or industrial use."
The researchers studied memory in a type of material called disordered solids, which have particles that are often erratically arranged. For example, ice cream is a disordered solid made up of a combination of ice crystals, fat droplets, and air pockets mixed together in a random way. This is in stark contrast to materials with "crystalline structures," with particles arranged in highly ordered rows and columns. Disordered solids are common in food sciences, consumer products, and pharmaceuticals and include foams like ice cream and emulsions like mayonnaise.
Read more.
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wahid007posts · 2 years
According to the new market research report "Consumer Foam Market by Foam Type, Resin Type (Polyurethane, Polystyrene, Polyolefins, Phenolic), End-use Industry(Bedding & Furniture, Footwear, Automotive), & Region (APAC, North America, South America, Europe, MEA) - Global Forecast to 2026", published by MarketsandMarkets™, the Consumer Foam Market is projected to grow from USD 40.2 billion in 2021 to USD 50.9 billion by 2026, at a CAGR of 4.9% from 2021 to 2026.
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mattressstar · 1 year
Innovations in Mattress Technology: Exploring the Latest Trends for a Better Sleep Experience
In an era where technology permeates every aspect of our lives, the mattress industry has also embraced innovation to provide us with the ultimate sleep experience. It’s more than crashing after a long day of work on whatever soft surfaces happen to be around. The quest for a quality mattress begins and ends with the materials, comfort level, and technology backing up the construction and design.
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Let’s run through a quick journey of the various top trends the mattress industry is experiencing due to tech advances. These features will help transform your sleep into a fantastic new experience with the comfort and support you need to wake up ready for the next day.
How Technology is Changing the Mattress Industry
Advancements in technology have paved the way for groundbreaking developments in the mattress industry. Manufacturers are focusing on improving comfort, support, and overall sleep quality, offering new options for consumers seeking the best rest possible.
In most cases, this involves technology used to create a better designed mattress. Manufacturers apply everything from AI to deep-sensor manikins to test new materials and eco-friendly options for your sleep habits. The result is you get a wider choice than your parents or grandparents ever did.
Top Mattress Trends for Better Sleep
1. Customized "Split Firmness" Mattresses
Recognizing the unique sleep preferences of individuals, customized "split firmness" mattresses have gained popularity. With different firmness levels on each side of the bed, these mattresses cater to couples who desire personalized comfort without compromise.
This helps eliminate the frustration of being woken up by your partner at all hours of the night. Simply set your side of the bed to your preferred firmness and comfort levels and drift away happily.
2. Eco-Friendly & Organic Materials
With increasing environmental awareness, the demand for eco-friendly and organic materials in mattresses has risen. Materials like natural latex, organic cotton, and sustainable foams are not only better for the planet but also provide a healthier sleeping environment.
You’ll find many customers asking about the origins of the materials being used to ensure their allergies don’t perk up and for the peace of mind of knowing they are doing their part for the environment.
3. Multi-Functional Beds
To enhance convenience and relaxation, manufacturers have integrated smart technologies into beds. Features like LED reading lights and USB ports, make it easier for individuals to enjoy their favorite activities and stay connected without leaving the comfort of their mattress.
We spend a third of our lives resting in bed with smartphones and mobile devices on our nightstands. That means you have a full-blown entertainment center needing lights, chargers, and stands. You can find most of those options at a nearby mattress store.
4. Mattress with Cooling Technology
Overheating during sleep can lead to restless nights. Mattress manufacturers have introduced cooling technologies that regulate temperature and wick away heat, ensuring a refreshing and comfortable sleep even on warm nights.
The goal is to lower your body temperature. Even the healthiest human being can “burn a little hot” while off in dreamworld. Having a mattress designed to cool your body offers a much more comfortable experience, especially when that tech is extended to your pillows.
5. Bedding with Smart IoT Tech
The Internet of Things (IoT) has transformed the way we interact with our surroundings, including our bedrooms. IoT-enabled bedding allows users to control mattress settings, track sleep patterns, and access personalized sleep insights through their smartphones.
Many of these mattress options will be integrated with voice control technology like Google Voice, Amazon Alexa, or Siri from Apple.
6. Latex, Memory Foam, & Hybrid Mattresses
The search for the perfect mattress material continues, and manufacturers offer a variety of choices, including latex, memory foam, and hybrid mattresses. Each material provides distinct benefits, catering to different sleep preferences and needs.
Be sure to ask our professional salesforce at Mattress Star about the specific combination of springs, materials, and support structures inside our latest mattresses. You want to get the spinal alignment you need for comfort as well as the durability of materials for your investment.
As technology continues to revolutionize the way we sleep, the mattress industry presents us with exciting innovations that enhance our sleep experience.
Embrace the future of sleep by exploring the latest innovations in mattresses and bedding. Upgrade your sleep experience today to enjoy the benefits of cutting-edge technology. Visit our store in Glendale, CA, to discover a range of options that promise to transform your nights and greet your mornings with a refreshed mind and body.
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giazhou1 · 1 year
Nano Sponges Contain Formaldehyde Contamination?
Kitchen grease cleaning has always been a headache, and traditional cleaning sponges often need to be used with chemical cleaning agents, making cleaning stubborn stains time-consuming and laborious. In recent years, the new nano sponge has become popular because it is ideal for cleaning stubborn stains and does not require any chemical cleaning agents. So where does the cleaning superpower of the nano sponge come from?
A discreet and introverted "techie".
Nano sponges are known by the scientific name melamine foam, commonly known as magic wipe, high-tech sponge and so on. The main component of the nano sponge is a melamine resin foam, made from melamine and formaldehyde polymerisation. The melamine resin has a high porosity three-dimensional mesh structure, each "bubble hole" has at least 3 holes or 2 destructive surfaces, and most of the bubble prongs are shared by at least 3 structural units. The capillary openings in the sponge automatically absorb stains from the surface during the wiping process. Because of its comprehensive properties such as good sound absorption, flame retardancy and resistance to humidity and heat, nano sponges are widely used in the construction industry, electronic products, biological treatment processes and other fields. The nano sponge is also a good helper in household chores, with high grease removal capacity and high water efficiency (only 30-40% of the water used in traditional cleaning methods), making it a highly acclaimed cleaning tool.
Rumoured to be toxic?
While melamine and formaldehyde are both toxic chemicals when singled out, the synthetic amine resin is a stable substance that does not decompose into formaldehyde again. However, during the polymerisation of the two molecules, some of the unreacted free formaldehyde is present in the nano sponge. Therefore, manufacturers reduce the free formaldehyde content by improving the foaming process and maturing the formaldehyde removal process. In addition, formaldehyde itself is a water-soluble and chemically unstable substance and can be removed by placing it in a ventilated area or rinsing with water before use. If you buy a nano sponge from a qualified merchant, ventilate it for a period of time, rinse it and then use it, you can basically avoid the danger of formaldehyde!
From a hygiene point of view, the spaces between the sponges can accumulate a lot of grease and food residue, which should be rinsed and dried after use.
Do not use the nano sponge on electrical products that are not suitable for contact with water.
Do not use bleach or hot water to disinfect the sponge as this will cause the sponge to yellow and deteriorate and will shorten its life.
More information or free samples or price quotations, please contact us via email: [email protected] , or voice to us at: +86-28-8411-1861.
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punkysdilemma-blog · 2 years
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The new Uniqlo U Spring-Summer 23 is a pretty mixed bag, the quality for the past few seasons seems to be suffering from the inflation thats affecting product quality throughout the industry (lighter, flimsier fabrics with higher blends of synthetics) but there are still some winners: for me the parachute trouser in what felt like a typically Japanese typewriter cotton (a sort of mid-weight poplin) was the most elegant take on the streetwear staple I’ve seen, with hidden buttons on the back pockets and a hidden draw string allowing them to be taken in or left loose that holds in place. It’s the kind of subtle piece that feels like it could have come out of the Lemaire mainline and while the mens styling is pretty poor (a t-shirt?, with sandals, thats it?) the women's shows the versatility, worn with a blazer and vest or with a tonal shirt and contrasting Mac jacket it has an unexpected versatility, yes you can wear it with a t-shirt like ever other 20-something but it’s possible to dress it up too, and in this way it reminds me of the designs presented by Calvin Klein in the late 90s. 
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Uniqlo U’s other winners are the usual roundup of jerseys in a range of unusual mid-tones and colours, and the superb outerwear, the Mac jackets and lightweight work jackets in particularly are as good as anything you would get at designers charging 3 or 4 times the price and a good example of what Uniqlo’s buying power can do, same goes for the block tech accessories and their expanding bags and shoes. The teva-esque sandals (or Chaco-esque possibly?) were another winner, they are unexpectedly spongy like softened crocs rather than the harder plastic or foam feel I would have thought from the images and the matte olive tone would look good with just about anything. 
A final shoutout for the art direction and launch video which captures the simple appeal of the range perfectly. Uniqlo U is a difficult proposition in which one of the most consistent and influential designers of our age oversees a range thats affordable for the vast majority of consumers without watering down his aesthetic, no one else is even trying to do this (in fact its arguable that no one has tried this since Jil Sander’s +J line for Uniqlo) and I think for this he should be commended.
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ausetkmt · 2 years
Boycotting Adidas and Gap in the Name of Kanye West Is Misguided
Kanye West has a new pronouncement: He is done with corporate America.
“It’s time for me to go it alone,” Ye explained in an interview with Bloomberg that was published Monday. “It’s fine. I made the companies money. The companies made me money. We created ideas that will change apparel forever. Like the round jacket, the foam runner, the slides that have changed the shoe industry. Now it’s time for Ye to make the new industry. No more companies standing in between me and the audience.”
West is referring to Adidas—with whom he has an arrangement to produce his sneakers that expires in 2026—and Gap Inc., which is under contract to produce his apparel until 2030.
"They my new baby mamas,” the rapper now legally known as Ye added. “I guess we’re just going to have to co-parent those 350s.”
In recent months, West has called Adidas out for allegedly “blatantly copying” his designs—notably with the AdiFOM Q and the Adilette 22. As for the Gap, the rap game’s David Koresh claims the clothing company was copying looks from his Yeezy Gap Engineered by Balenciaga line.
“No one should be held in that position where people can steal from them and say we’re just paying you to shut up,” West explained to the outlet. “That destroys innovation. That destroys creativity. That’s what destroyed Nikola Tesla.” I don’t think that’s quite what led to Tesla’s demise, but Yeezus also complained about being left out of business meetings. He posted screengrabs of text exchanges with various executives on Instagram.
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Rich people fight all of the time about money. Why are some of us pretending this is some kind of civil rights issue worthy of a boycott?
Last week, Sean Combs, who I still prefer to call Puffy, wrote on Instagram: “Since the era of Run-DMC, @Adidas has always used Hip Hop to build its brand and make billions off of our culture. BUT WE ARE MORE THAN JUST CONSUMERS NOW, WE’RE THE OWNERS. @KanyeWest and YEEZY are the reason Adidas is relevant to culture. WE KNOW OUR VALUE!”
The post was accompanied by a screenshot of an apparent text exchange with our distressed fashion king/doll. “I’m done wearing Adidas products until they make this right!! We have to support each other!! Everybody repost this please!!” Puff added.
Separately, Swizz Beatz wrote: “I usually mind my business but this is DEAD WRONG! If we let them do this to @kanyewest it will happen to us also! This man created this groundbreaking innovation and it should be respected as a creative !”
“YE is only asking for his work to be respected and not stolen that’s not crazy to me !! We not buying these !!!!!!!!!!!!” he continued. “@adidas you’re supposed to be original do the correct thing please !!!”
Of all the issues to bring attention to, this ain’t it.
Once again, Ye is painting a picture of persecution when the reality is that he has been lobbying these corporate giants to give him billions of dollars and carte blanche to “create.”
Details of West’s contract are unknown, but Bloomberg reported that Yeezy made $191 million in royalties from the Adidas partnership in 2020.
Kanye made a choice to sign a contract with those enormous brands. It presumably allowed them to do whatever they want—including taking some of his creative direction and applying it elsewhere within the product line. They want to make money and since his affiliation alone arguably saved the brand, they’re going to target the customer as much as possible.
As I recall, after complaining about the major fashion houses ignoring him, he was happy to sign with them.
In an interview with Angie Martinez in 2014, he announced his deal with Adidas and said, “I’m going to be the 2Pac of product.” I still don’t know what that means, but he tried to do it on his own then without as much success. Then he retooled, used other people’s money and infrastructure, and now has an estimated worth of more than $1 billion.
And he seems to know that. Regardless of what he said this week, last week he suggested an interest in partnering with Authentic Brands Group, whose roster of brands includes Forever 21, Barneys New York, JCPenney, and Reebok. Ye also told Bloomberg he’s working with former Adidas executive Eric Liedtke, who now operates the plant-based clothing label Unless Collective, to help establish his empire.
Good for him, but I’m not sure starting a corporation is the best way to cut ties with corporate America.
By now, Kanye has an established pattern where in the event of a perceived transgression, he uses his Instagram page to malign people with insults and accusations—and then deletes everything. If anyone knows this, it’s his estranged wife and her now-ex-boyfriend. If he can go at the mother of his kids like that, close business partners are certainly not safe. I’m less inclined to treat major corporations as individuals, but there is something very Trumpian about his approach. He has a built in audience/cult that will fall for it, but this comes across as the frustrations of a manipulative micromanager who probably slowed down production (see his perpetually delayed and disjointed album releases).
Sidebar: I love how he ignores all of the times he’s been accused of copying.
Once again, Ye is painting a picture of persecution when the reality is that he has been lobbying these corporate giants to give him billions of dollars and carte blanche to “create.” He got what he wanted and they got what they paid for.
I don’t back Trump supporters with their boycotts—he shouldn’t have signed that contract if he wasn’t cool with the terms. If anything, all of these complaints have made me want to buy Adidas even more, just to spite him. Unless Beyoncé tells me something bad about the company, I’ll pass on the boycott.
I understand Puffy and Swizz want to support their fellow rich friend, but this feels like civil rights-themed hustle with beats. Sorry, not sorry, and thanks but no thanks.
Update: Kanye has since severed his relationship with Gap, announcing on Thursday (9/15) that he’s terminating his partnership with the Gap because of “substantial noncompliance.”
In a statement, his lawyer Nicholas Gravante said West was left with “no choice but to terminate their collaboration” because the retailer allegedly breached their partnership by not opening branded Yeezy stores and distributing his apparel as originally planned.
“Gap’s substantial noncompliance with its contractual obligations has been costly,” Gravante wrote. “Ye will now promptly move forward to make up for lost time by opening Yeezy retail stores.”
Let that be a lesson to all: Rich people will always be fine so long as they complain to their lawyers rather than IG.
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