#construction project tracking software
cyberswift-story · 8 days
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Revolutionizing Project Management with the Project Monitoring Portal
In the dynamic world of project management, staying on top of every aspect of a project is crucial for success. The Project Monitoring Portal, powered by PPMS Software, offers a comprehensive solution for managing the entire project lifecycle with unparalleled efficiency and precision. From smarter planning to real-time progress tracking, this web-based application is designed to streamline project management processes, ensuring projects are completed on time and within budget.
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bimoutsourcing · 2 years
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rekhatech · 8 months
Navigating Labor and Timeline Challenges: Strategies for Success
In the dynamic landscape of project management, encountering labor and timeline obstacles is not uncommon. These challenges can impede progress, strain resources, and jeopardize the success of a project. However, with careful planning and strategic approaches, project managers can effectively surmount these hurdles. In this article, we will explore various strategies to overcome labor and timeline obstacles, ensuring the smooth execution of projects.
Understanding Labor and Timeline Obstacles
Common Issues Faced in Project Timelines
The Impact of Labor Obstacles on Project Efficiency
Strategies for Efficient Project Management
Utilizing Advanced Estimating Software
Team Collaboration and Communication
Overcoming Labor Challenges
Implementing Technology for Task Automation
Resource Optimization
The Role of Estimating Software
Definition and Significance
How Estimating Software Aids in Project Planning
Challenges in Implementing Estimating Software
. Addressing Perplexity in Project Management
The Role of Adaptability in Overcoming Challenges
Burstiness in Project Management
Utilizing Bursts of Productivity
Engaging the Reader with Analogies
Keeping it Brief and Simple
Importance of Concise Project Plans
VIII. Active Voice in Project Communication
Impact of Active Voice in Conveying Urgency
Rhetorical Questions for Reflection
Prompting Readers to Evaluate Their Project Management Strategies
What are the key challenges in project timelines?
How does technology aid in overcoming labor challenges?
Are there specific success stories with estimating software?
Why is adaptability crucial in project management?
How can project managers enhance communication using the active voice?
Understanding the Challenges
Robust Planning and Scheduling
The foundation of successful project management lies in comprehensive planning and scheduling. By developing a detailed project plan, including realistic timelines and resource allocations, project managers can anticipate potential challenges. Regularly updating and revising the plan as the project progresses allows for better adaptation to unforeseen obstacles.
Risk Management
Anticipating and addressing risks is a critical aspect of overcoming labor and timeline challenges. Implementing a robust risk management strategy involves identifying potential issues, assessing their impact, and developing contingency plans. By proactively managing risks, project managers can minimize disruptions and ensure that the project stays on track.
Agile Methodology
In today’s fast-paced business environment, embracing agile methodologies can be a game-changer. Agile allows for flexibility in project execution, enabling teams to adapt to changing circumstances efficiently. Short iterations, frequent feedback loops, and continuous improvement contribute to a more resilient project framework, better equipped to handle unexpected obstacles.
Resource Optimization
Collaboration and Communication
Clear and open communication is essential for tackling labor and timeline obstacles. Establishing transparent communication channels within the project team and stakeholders facilitates the identification of issues at an early stage. Regular team meetings, progress reports, and feedback sessions create a collaborative environment that fosters problem-solving and innovation.
Technology Integration
Leveraging technology can significantly enhance project efficiency. Project management tools, collaboration platforms, and automation software can streamline processes, improve communication, and provide real-time insights. Integrating technology into project workflows helps reduce manual errors and accelerates the pace of work.
Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation
Monitoring project progress in real-time allows project managers to identify deviations from the plan promptly. By continuously tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) and project metrics, teams can make data-driven decisions and implement corrective actions as needed. This proactive approach ensures that the project remains aligned with its objectives.
Training and Skill Development
Labor and timeline obstacles are inevitable in the realm of project management, but with the right strategies in place, they can be effectively managed. Robust planning, risk management, agile methodologies, resource optimization, collaboration, technology integration, continuous monitoring, and skill development are all essential components of a successful project management approach. By adopting these strategies, project managers can steer their teams through challenges, ensuring the timely and successful completion of projects.
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Tips to Increase Productivity in the Field Service Industry
Field service work is more complex than most realize. It's fiercely competitive and involves a good deal of logistics. Depending on the size of your company and what you do, you might have multiple teams on the field. Meanwhile, an in-office team does its best to communicate and provide support.
The goal of any company is to boost productivity. But if you're doing field service work, positive changes can dramatically improve how your company operates and generates revenue. Follow these tips to turn your teams into well-oiled field service machines!
Invest in Technology
Don't be afraid of technology. While many blue-collar workers show hesitation toward all things new, going digital can be a game-changer. Management software for field services can act as a centralized hub for every member of your team.
Use it to communicate with one another, monitor the progress of specific tasks, share documents like contracts and quotes, and more. The right platform can take productivity through the roof, ensuring that your organization stays connected no matter where your work takes you.
Allocate Tasks Strategically
Another way to use management software for field services is task allocation. One of the biggest productivity killers of field service work is assigning work without a clear strategy. While every team member should be capable of performing every job, some are better equipped than others.
The best way to improve productivity is to tap into your team's strengths. Use your software to determine what tasks need completion and who's available to work. Consider their skills, capabilities, and location. Careful task allocation can create a more productive work schedule while ensuring that your team does what they do best.
Stay in the Know
Our last tip is to stay informed. Just because you're in the office doesn't mean you have to be out of the loop. Management platforms can help you monitor the progress of every task and see where your field service workers are at any given moment.
Use that technology to assign tasks, adjust your schedule, and pick up more on the fly. When you know what's going on, you can take steps to improve productivity in any way you can.
Read a similar article about mobile GIS for field services here at this page.
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izicodes · 1 year
Improving Your Work Ethic
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I had a meeting with my manager on Friday on three key skills I need to look out for when working. She said being in school/apprenticeship and working in a company are two different situations. There are skills you only learn by working in a team with real-life projects. She mentioned; Work Ethic, Communication and Time Management.
I decided I would talk about each one and give tips that she mentioned and others I found out myself and over searching online. This post will be about improving your work ethic. The advice my manager gave is from a Senior Software Developer's point of view but the advice can be carried over to other industries you work in!
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What is Work Ethic?
Work ethic refers to the values and principles that guide how a person approaches their work or responsibilities. It involves having a positive attitude, being diligent, and demonstrating a strong commitment to doing your best.
Imagine that school project you had to complete. Having a good work ethic means that you approach the project with enthusiasm and dedication. It means taking responsibility for completing your work on time and putting in the necessary effort to produce high-quality results!
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Tips To Improving Your Work Ethic
This is a long list but worth while to think upon! Here are all of the tips that my manager gave me and some extra notes I made afterwards:
Understand Expectations
Do you know what is expected of your role and responsibilities at work? If you don’t, you need to. Not just what the job description said when you applied but directly from your team manager or your boss!
Be Punctual
Arrive on time for meetings, scrums, and work-related commitments. Being punctual demonstrates respect for others' time and shows your dedication to the team.
Meet Deadlines
If you know me, you’ll know I struggle with this a lot. Consistently meet the deadlines for your tasks and projects. Plan and prioritize your work to ensure timely delivery. If you’re struggling with the project/work somewhere, ask for help.
Take Initiative
Show initiative by seeking opportunities to contribute beyond your assigned tasks. Take ownership of challenges, propose solutions, and actively participate in team discussions. I like this because I always come up with new add ons a project!
Be Accountable
Take responsibility for your actions and outcomes. Admit and learn from mistakes, and avoid making excuses. It may be hard but just say you messed up and it won’t happen again.
Practice Self-Discipline
Develop self-discipline to stay focused and motivated in your work. Minimize distractions and maintain a strong work ethic even when faced with challenging tasks. This is why if you struggle with this, do a Studyblr study challenge to stay on track and be motivated!
Be Proactive In Learning
Continuously expand your knowledge and skills by staying updated with the latest industry trends and technologies. Seek out learning opportunities and take advantage of professional development resources. Especially in my field of Tech, something new is happening all the time! My workplace gave us Pluralsight for free so we can be studying on the site as we work!
Communicate Effectively
Work on your communication skills to convey information clearly and professionally. Keep your team members, stakeholders or anyone necessary informed about your progress, challenges, and achievements!
Get Feedback
Actively seek feedback from your teammates, supervisors, and mentors. Constructive criticism can be good, see it as an opportunity for growth and improvement!
Collaborate Effectively
Practise positive and productive collaboration with your team members. Contribute to team discussions, listen actively, and support others when needed.
Be Adaptable
Changes at work, project or whatever can be scary, and sometimes quite annoying, however, embrace change! Be open to new ideas, technologies, and processes. Learn to adapt quickly to shifting priorities and evolving project requirements!
Take Care Of Your Well-Being
Prioritize your physical and mental well-being. I had a time when I was mentally stressed from my apprenticeship, I took a week-long holiday off and rested at home. You should maintain a healthy work-life balance, manage stress effectively, and take breaks when needed. You're not you when you're tired, mentally strained and hungry...!
Reflect And Improve
Regularly reflect on your work ethic and areas for improvement. Set personal goals and actively work towards enhancing your work ethic over time.
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Improving your work ethic is an ongoing process that requires self-awareness, discipline, and a commitment to personal growth. Some people can do it alone whilst other people need a little push, such as myself and my manager.
Think over the tips I gave and see how you can change things to improve your own work ethic. If you're not working, this can be applied to a school setting or something you can be wary of when looking to start working!
Hope this helped you and thanks for reading! 👩🏾‍🎓💗
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priya-joshi · 7 months
The Roadmap to Full Stack Developer Proficiency: A Comprehensive Guide
Embarking on the journey to becoming a full stack developer is an exhilarating endeavor filled with growth and challenges. Whether you're taking your first steps or seeking to elevate your skills, understanding the path ahead is crucial. In this detailed roadmap, we'll outline the stages of mastering full stack development, exploring essential milestones, competencies, and strategies to guide you through this enriching career journey.
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Beginning the Journey: Novice Phase (0-6 Months)
As a novice, you're entering the realm of programming with a fresh perspective and eagerness to learn. This initial phase sets the groundwork for your progression as a full stack developer.
Grasping Programming Fundamentals:
Your journey commences with grasping the foundational elements of programming languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. These are the cornerstone of web development and are essential for crafting dynamic and interactive web applications.
Familiarizing with Basic Data Structures and Algorithms:
To develop proficiency in programming, understanding fundamental data structures such as arrays, objects, and linked lists, along with algorithms like sorting and searching, is imperative. These concepts form the backbone of problem-solving in software development.
Exploring Essential Web Development Concepts:
During this phase, you'll delve into crucial web development concepts like client-server architecture, HTTP protocol, and the Document Object Model (DOM). Acquiring insights into the underlying mechanisms of web applications lays a strong foundation for tackling more intricate projects.
Advancing Forward: Intermediate Stage (6 Months - 2 Years)
As you progress beyond the basics, you'll transition into the intermediate stage, where you'll deepen your understanding and skills across various facets of full stack development.
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Venturing into Backend Development:
In the intermediate stage, you'll venture into backend development, honing your proficiency in server-side languages like Node.js, Python, or Java. Here, you'll learn to construct robust server-side applications, manage data storage and retrieval, and implement authentication and authorization mechanisms.
Mastering Database Management:
A pivotal aspect of backend development is comprehending databases. You'll delve into relational databases like MySQL and PostgreSQL, as well as NoSQL databases like MongoDB. Proficiency in database management systems and design principles enables the creation of scalable and efficient applications.
Exploring Frontend Frameworks and Libraries:
In addition to backend development, you'll deepen your expertise in frontend technologies. You'll explore prominent frameworks and libraries such as React, Angular, or Vue.js, streamlining the creation of interactive and responsive user interfaces.
Learning Version Control with Git:
Version control is indispensable for collaborative software development. During this phase, you'll familiarize yourself with Git, a distributed version control system, to manage your codebase, track changes, and collaborate effectively with fellow developers.
Achieving Mastery: Advanced Phase (2+ Years)
As you ascend in your journey, you'll enter the advanced phase of full stack development, where you'll refine your skills, tackle intricate challenges, and delve into specialized domains of interest.
Designing Scalable Systems:
In the advanced stage, focus shifts to designing scalable systems capable of managing substantial volumes of traffic and data. You'll explore design patterns, scalability methodologies, and cloud computing platforms like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud.
Embracing DevOps Practices:
DevOps practices play a pivotal role in contemporary software development. You'll delve into continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, infrastructure as code (IaC), and containerization technologies such as Docker and Kubernetes.
Specializing in Niche Areas:
With experience, you may opt to specialize in specific domains of full stack development, whether it's frontend or backend development, mobile app development, or DevOps. Specialization enables you to deepen your expertise and pursue career avenues aligned with your passions and strengths.
Becoming a proficient full stack developer is a transformative journey that demands dedication, resilience, and perpetual learning. By following the roadmap outlined in this guide and maintaining a curious and adaptable mindset, you'll navigate the complexities and opportunities inherent in the realm of full stack development. Remember, mastery isn't merely about acquiring technical skills but also about fostering collaboration, embracing innovation, and contributing meaningfully to the ever-evolving landscape of technology.
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sartajsingh · 3 months
Strengths and Weaknesses in Entrepreneurial Skills
Reflecting on my journey as an entrepreneur, I've identified my strengths and areas where I can improve. Understanding these will help me grow and become a better business leader.
Oral and Written Communication: I'm good at expressing my ideas clearly, both when speaking and writing. This helps me confidently pitch ideas and write strong business proposals.
Time Management: I excel at balancing multiple tasks and meeting deadlines. I use calendars and task management apps to stay organized and on track with my goals.
Computer Literacy: I have a good understanding of various software and online tools needed for running a business. I feel confident managing finances with accounting software and using social media for marketing.
Sales/Negotiation: I can connect well with people and understand their needs, which helps me close sales and negotiate deals that benefit both parties.
Financial Planning: While I know the basics of financial planning, creating detailed long-term financial strategies is challenging for me. To improve, I'm planning to take a financial management course and get advice from experienced mentors.
People Management: Managing a team effectively is something I need to work on. I sometimes struggle with delegating tasks and giving constructive feedback. To improve, I'm reading leadership books and attending workshops on team dynamics.
Teamwork: Although I work well independently, I find it challenging to work in a team. I plan to join more group projects and seek feedback from team members to improve my teamwork skills.
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bookpublisher1 · 11 months
Resources and Tools for Writers
Resources and Tools for Writers: A Comprehensive Guide
Writing is a beautiful and often challenging endeavor, where words become art, stories take shape, and ideas find their voice. To support the creative journey, writers have access to a vast array of resources and tools that can enhance their craft, streamline their work, and expand their knowledge. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the diverse resources and tools available to writers, from writing software and reference materials to writing communities and self-publishing platforms.
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Writing Software and Tools
1. Word Processing Software: Word processors like Microsoft Word, Google Docs, and Scrivener are essential tools for drafting and editing your work. They offer features for formatting, spell-checking, and document organization.
2. Grammar and Editing Tools: Online grammar checkers like Grammarly and ProWritingAid help writers identify and correct grammatical errors, punctuation issues, and style inconsistencies.
3. Mind Mapping and Outlining Tools: Software like MindMeister, Scrapple, and Workflowy can help writers brainstorm, outline their work, and visualize the structure of their projects.
4. Note-Taking Apps: Apps like Evernote and OneNote are perfect for jotting down ideas, collecting research, and organizing notes on the go.
5. Writing Prompts: Websites and apps like Writing Prompts, Reedsy, and The Write Practice provide daily writing prompts and creative exercises to stimulate your imagination.
6. Writing and Word Count Tracking Tools: Tools like NaNoWriMo's word count tracker and online timers like TomatoTimer help writers set goals and monitor their progress.
7. Reference and Research Tools: Tools such as Zotero, Mendeley, and EndNote are useful for managing references, citations, and research materials.
8. Thesaurus and Dictionaries: Online thesauruses like Thesaurus.com and dictionary resources like Merriam-Webster are invaluable for finding synonyms, antonyms, and definitions.
9. Readability Checkers: Tools like Hemingway Editor and Readable.io assess the readability of your writing, helping you create content that's easy to understand.
10. Screenwriting Software: If you're a screenwriter, software like Final Draft or Celtx can assist you in formatting scripts to industry standards.
Reference Materials
1. Style Guides: Manuals like The Chicago Manual of Style, The Associated Press Stylebook, and The Modern Language Association (MLA) Handbook provide guidelines for formatting and citation.
2. Writing Guides: Books like "On Writing" by Stephen King, "Bird by Bird" by Anne Lamott, and "The Elements of Style" by Strunk and White offer invaluable writing advice and wisdom.
3. Dictionaries and Thesauruses: Traditional print dictionaries and thesauruses are still valuable reference materials, especially for writers who prefer the tactile experience of flipping through pages.
4. Writer's Market Guides: The "Writer's Market" series provides information on publishers, literary agents, and markets for various genres.
5. Grammar and Style Books: Resources like "Eats, Shoots & Leaves" by Lynne Truss and "The Elements of Eloquence" by Mark Forsyth offer in-depth exploration of grammar and style.
6. Online Blogs and Articles: Numerous writing blogs and websites, such as Writer's Digest, The Creative Penn, and The Write Life, provide articles, tips, and inspiration for writers.
Writing Communities and Workshops
1. Writing Groups: Local and online writing groups, such as Meetup, Goodreads, and Facebook writing groups, writer’s circle provide a space to share your work, receive feedback, and connect with fellow writers.
2. Writing Workshops: Many organizations and universities offer writing workshops and courses, both in-person and online. They often provide structured learning and feedback opportunities.
3. Critique Partners: Building relationships with critique partners is a valuable way to get constructive feedback on your work. Websites like Critique Circle and Scribophile can help you find critique partners.
4. Author Forums: Websites like Absolute Write Water Cooler and KBoards (for indie authors) are popular author forums where writers can ask questions, share experiences, and seek advice.
5. Writing Conferences: Attending writing conferences and book fairs can help you network with industry professionals, learn from experts, and gain insights into the publishing world.
Publishing Platforms and Self-Publishing Tools
1. Traditional Publishers: If you're pursuing traditional publishing, resources like the Writer's Market guide and QueryTracker can help you find literary agents and publishers. Confused if to go or not for traditional publishing here are 5 Reasons Why Traditionally Published Books Sell Better Than Self-Published Books
2. Self-Publishing Platforms: If you're considering self-publishing, platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), IngramSpark, and Smashwords provide tools and guidelines for self-publishing your work.
3. Book Cover Design Tools: Software like Canva and Adobe Spark can assist with designing eye-catching book covers.
4. Formatting and Layout Services: For professionally formatted books, services like Vellum and Brave Healers Production can help you create professional interior layouts.
5. Book Marketing Tools: Social media networks are essential for book marketing and promotion.
6. Email Marketing Services: Services like Mailchimp and ConvertKit are valuable for building and maintaining a mailing list for your author newsletter.
Income and Rights Management
1. Royalty Tracking Software: Tools like BookTrakr and AuthorEarnings provide insights into book sales, royalties, and income tracking.
2. Copyright and Contracts Resources: Authors should familiarize themselves with copyright law and have legal resources for contract reviews if working with publishers.
Author Platforms and Websites
1. Author Websites: Creating a professional author website is a must. Platforms like WordPress, Wix, and Squarespace offer user-friendly website builders.
2. Blogging Platforms: Blogging can help you connect with readers and showcase your writing. WordPress and Blogger are popular blogging platforms.
3. Social Media: Building a presence on social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook can help you engage with your audience and promote your work.
Financial and Business Tools
1. Tax Resources: As an author, you may need to navigate complex tax matters. Tax software or the services of an accountant or tax professional can be invaluable.
2. Business Tools: Software for bookkeeping, invoicing, and project management can help authors manage their finances and business affairs effectively.
Online Writing Tools
1. Online Writing Platforms: Online platforms like Medium, Wattpad, and Vocal.Media provide opportunities to publish and share your writing with a broad online audience.
2. Collaborative Writing Tools: Tools like Google Docs and Scrivener support collaborative writing projects by enabling real-time editing and sharing.  Don’t miss the 5 FREE Writing Tools Authors Must Try In 2023
The journey of a writer is a continuous exploration of creativity and self-discovery. The resources and tools available to writers today are as diverse as the voices and stories they bring to life. This comprehensive guide should serve as a valuable reference for writers looking to enhance their craft, navigate the publishing world, and connect with their audience. Whether you're just starting your writing journey or have been on it for years, these resources and tools are here to support your passion and help you turn your ideas into art.
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piqueconcentration · 5 months
Jitterbug Perfume - Immortality, Sex, and Discomfort
Originally posted January 31, 2024
As is apparently my preferred introduction: It has been quite a while since I have written anything on my computer, but as generally happens after I manage to read or, dare I say it, complete an actual, tangible book, I now am doing so. I type this knowing that Google docs is using my writing to train adolescent artificial intelligentsia, and theoretically I could make the switch to another software, but as is the case with Adobe, the monopoly’s Matrix-style robotic belly-button parasite keeps a firm hold on my psyche, with an extra bonding agent in the form of a powerful distaste for the effort that it would take to learn an entirely foreign user interface, just to marginally weaken the hold that Google has upon my intellectual property, when they are already in possession of basically all of my identifying information. They could probably construct an AI that would perfectly replicate my online presence, idiosyncrasies and ego included, and the only thing that they would have to do at this point to make convincing blog posts from my perspective is post them about as regularly as an agave flowers. If anything, if this particular post goes up on the internet at all, maybe that’s a red flag- I would have to be a mind outside of my own in order to return to a creative project even after my attention span’s honeymoon.
Whatever. I finished a book, and now I am compelled to write. Actually, I finished two books. The first was Brandon Sanderson’s Mistborn, the first of the Mistborn trilogy, one that i meant to read way back in high school because some youtuber that I liked at the time had recommended it for its magic system- magic systems, as a concept, I would continue to grow increasingly interested in; the books would remain untouched on my shelf. The second was lent to me by one of my housemates, though I can’t remember the conversation that led to that happening- Jitterbug Perfume by Tom Robbins.
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Actually, now that I’m thinking about it, the declaration about me being compelled to write after reading books is only true in the barest sense. Yes, I do feel an urge to write after being exposed to writing that I like, but by no means does that mean that I actually end up, or even begin for that matter, writing anything at all! Also, that same urge doesn’t just apply to writing. I consume manga at a frightening pace, and though by saying this it may imply the opposite sentiment: I do not say that in order to brag- the speed at which I go through webcomics and manga alike is, frankly, detrimental to my experience of the media in question, as I end up retaining almost nothing of what I have had my head immersed in so much that my neck develops knots that hold it at a painful right angle to my torso. I don’t really stop and breathe in the images that the mangaka probably spent hours and hours drawing; if anything, I mostly pay attention to the words written on the page which, in turn, presents a palpable irony in that the reason I have felt unable to read traditional books in recent years is that my attention span balks at walls of text! 
Hey, authors! I won’t read your book even though I’d probably like it, because it doesn’t have any pictures in it! Show me your work once you’ve learned to draw!
Oh, holy shit the irony goes even deeper. Even though I feel that creative urge when I read manga, all of my attempts at making comics or even working to be skilled enough at drawing to feel confident in my capacity to do so are stopped in their tracks by the thus far insurmountable obstacle of not being able or willing to pay attention to the thing that I’m drawing for long enough to finish anything. Good lord. 
Anyway, the way Jitterbug Perfume was written really affected me. I still can’t tell if I liked it very much (the writing style), but to be fair, I really loved the way George Elliot’s Middlemarch was written, but I have been thus far unable to finish that book by virtue of its inexhaustibly prim density; therefore I suppose that the content of a book and its writing style tend to stay fairly separate considering my enjoyment, and the former aspect seems to have a stronger influence on whether or not I actually manage to make it to the back cover.
In this case, the content was excellent. Jitterbug Perfume was described to me as being about immortality, smell, sex, and beets, and I can’t honestly think of a better way to describe it. It’s a jigsaw puzzle of a story, if all of the pieces on the table were from different moments in time, and at the end, when the pieces fit, you are left with a complete picture that somehow shows an unbelievably cohesive, intimately personal tale, despite the massive scope, time-wise (there are very important events that take place before the advent of Christianity, and plot points of similar influence continue to happen all the way up until modern day).
Now that I think about it, the quality of maintaining a story’s characters and relationships, and especially keeping them as tantamount to the direction and tone of the piece, even when the scope of the story has expanded to include over two thousand years of history, even if that history is embellished upon or entirely invented, is an incredible achievement, and one that I think deserves unending praise. So frequently I find myself put off of pieces of media when, though I once enjoyed them for their characters’ dynamics or their dialogue or their writing styles, those aspects eventually were beaten out of the story by the growing scale of the events taking place. It becomes very difficult for me to continue to be invested in the little things that I like, and for that matter, for the author to continue stipulating on those little things’ presence, when suddenly the fate of the world is at stake, or the consequences of failure become so dire that there is no longer room in the work for mirth. 
Jitterbug does this by keeping the story focused almost entirely upon a static set of characters. In all honesty, I do tend to find it a bit grating when a book throws pretty much all of the people that will be introduced over the duration at me all at once, and I also tend to get annoyed when a book switches perspectives back and forth frequently, as it is inevitable that I will be more interested in one of the followed points of view above all of the others (or vice versa, that one of the points of view is especially dull). Let it be known, though generally the book in question pays most attention to the characters that happen to be changing the most, it does do this.
The upside, though, is that even as the setting around the characters morphs drastically with all the changes associated with the world and culture since literally the year 1, the reader is still anchored in the everyday realities of the main characters. The tone of the story stays heavily reliant on each of their emotional states and their changing dynamics. The plot directly follows in the tracks of the characters’ desires and aspirations. As opposed to them being “interesting” people to be around in situations that they have no agency in, they are the driving force of the plot itself, and in this way the book can get away with a mind-boggling amount of in-universe time passing without it ever detaching the reader from the story, or impeding their willingness to care.
That feeling of detachment is exactly the sentiment behind me dropping To Your Eternity by Yoshitoki Oima, a manga that also tackles the concept of immortality, but in a way that I eventually found extraordinarily grating.
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Some pieces of media, especially if they continue for a really long time, and even more especially if they are about characters that live much longer than a normal human lifespan, end up bestowing upon these characters a very particularly draining character arc: eventually becoming the most fucking boring people ever. This isn’t really, I don’t think, a product of repetition of personality beats -One Piece, for example, has a main cast that are each fairly one-note, but to me they remain compelling because of the unrelenting new situations, characters, and settings that they rotate through- rather, a common sentiment on the concept of immortality is that a person who is subjected to it will elect that it is a much smarter thing to avoid attachments and emotions as a way of staving off the pain of repeated loss. Combine that with the formula of introducing a bunch of new people, spending a lot of time with them, and then killing them off and meditating on how pointless it all was, and you will have on one hand: a philosophically engaging story about life’s purpose and value; and on the other: one that I will not be reading anymore. Fuck you.
Each time skip in To Your Eternity, my dejection would build, and even though I did enjoy the concepts therein quite a bit, I eventually quit reading when there was a time skip that jumped over so many years that the archaic setting I had been enjoying was gone, along with any characters aside from the protagonist that I may have liked, and I no longer had the will to continue.
Anyway, the point is that Jitterbug Perfume deftly avoids this problem by holding the human experience as an inalienable thru-line. Longer-lived characters don’t become harder to identify with- if anything they become more dear to the reader, as the sentiments that are the crux of their longevity are easily identified with. Their goals, whether they are aware of it or not, are the preservation of emotion and connection- things that the reader can presumably empathize with quite well.
The writing style I would describe as “irreverently confident and connotatively confusing.” The majority of the instances in which Robbins describes anything in this book are unrelentingly riddled with descriptors of every kind, and often of opposing kinds- many sentences use several adjectives to describe a single thing, and the adjectives often carry wildly different connotations. A single line may depict something as both gorgeous and disgusting, just by virtue of the words chosen. Jitterbug is more than willing to yank the reader back and forth like this, and the literary whiplash results in this sort of all-encompassing feeling of mild discomfort. The prose itself is captivating, but in less of the fashion of a ballet performance and more so like a lapdance that really walks the line between attractive and nauseating.
Regardless of whether or not I enjoy the style personally (I still can’t really tell, but I’m leaning toward the favorable side), it strikes me as being exactly what the author wanted. Off-putting, certainly, but one hundred percent intentional. A significant portion of the book’s subject matter consists of topics and sentiments that are at most culturally taboo, and at least playing fast and loose with modern morals and sentiments, especially when it comes to sex. This book, which I really enjoyed, which made me smile and frown and think and even write… will not shut the fuck up about sex.
Every character is steeped in it. Every metaphor is constructed with it. I feel like I could purchase a brand new copy of this fucking thing and its pages would already be stuck together. To get a sense of my feelings (historically) about this- one of my favorite quotes of a friend of mine is from when they asked me: “Hey [my name], would you rather have sex or be stabbed with a knife?”
My point about the “motion sickness” writing style being that it works in favor of the subject matter. The fact that the whole novel is written in a way that makes the reader a little nauseous, figuratively, creates a tone that is much more conducive to, well, not necessarily the intimate discussion of what our society views as crossing lines in the social sand or what should or should not be allowed, but rather the regular enunciation of kind of uncomfortable topics. Combined with a fairly unconcerned and playful tone, the book is able to deftly accept the discomfort that arises from a journey that holds sex as a central theme while progressing through several different settings -cultural and chronological- all with differing views and judgements about a traditionally awkward topic.
Anyway, I liked the book. There is a sentence in there that goes: “Like jugged bees, the funeral orations droned on (134).”
If you think you can make it past all of the disconcertingly flowery (ha, ha.) descriptions of bodily fluids for long enough to make it to that absolute banger of a quote, this may be one to check out.
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wedelivergravel01 · 1 year
Stone Slinger Services and the Role of Technology in Modern Construction
In today's fast-paced world, the construction industry is constantly evolving, driven by advancements in technology that aim to enhance efficiency and productivity. One such innovation that has revolutionized material placement in construction projects is the stone slinger service. In Toronto, WeDeliverGravel.com has emerged as a leading provider of stone slinger services, combining cutting-edge technology with exceptional customer service.
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Cutting-Edge Technology for Precise Material Distribution: WeDeliverGravel.com's Advanced Fleet
A stone slinger service involves the use of specialized trucks equipped with conveyor systems that can precisely and accurately distribute a variety of construction materials, such as stone, gravel, sand, and soil. This innovative approach eliminates the need for manual labor-intensive processes, saving time and reducing the risk of injuries on the worksite.
WeDeliverGravel.com utilizes state-of-the-art stone slinger trucks that are operated by highly skilled professionals. With our expertise, we can maneuver the equipment to deliver materials to even the most challenging and inaccessible areas, such as steep slopes, tight spaces, or elevated surfaces. This level of precision and versatility allows for more efficient and effective material placement, ultimately enhancing the overall construction process.
Maneuverability and Accessibility: Overcoming Construction Challenges with Stone Slinger Services
The role of technology in stone slinger services goes beyond the vehicles themselves. WeDeliverGravel.com leverages advanced software systems to optimize routing and scheduling, ensuring prompt and reliable delivery to project sites. This streamlines project timeline and minimizes delays, enabling construction teams to work with greater efficiency and stay on track.
Efficient Delivery Management: Streamlining Project Logistics with Technology
Moreover, technology plays a vital role in the monitoring and maintenance of stone slinger trucks. WeDeliverGravel.com utilizes telematics and GPS tracking systems to monitor the performance and location of our fleet in real time. This proactive approach allows for timely maintenance, reducing the risk of breakdowns and ensuring uninterrupted service.
Proactive Fleet Monitoring and Maintenance: Ensuring Reliable Service and Minimizing Downtime
The adoption of stone slinger services with advanced technology offers numerous benefits for construction projects in Toronto. It eliminates the need for manual material handling, reducing physical strain on workers and enhancing safety on the job site. Additionally, the precise and accurate material placement provided by stone slinger trucks improves the overall quality and consistency of the construction project.
WeDeliverGravel.com, with its commitment to leveraging the latest technology, stands as a trusted partner for stone slinger services in Toronto. we combine the power of innovative equipment with experienced operators to provide exceptional service tailored to the unique needs of each project.
In conclusion, stone slinger services have redefined material placement in modern construction. 
By embracing technology and utilizing advanced equipment, companies like WeDeliverGravel.com are revolutionizing the construction industry in Toronto. With our precise and efficient material distribution, we enable construction teams to work faster, safer, and with greater precision. When it comes to stone slinger services in Toronto, WeDeliverGravel.com stands at the forefront
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y2klostandfound · 1 year
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Rez on Dengeki Playstation Vol.182 (Videogame Magazine) (27/07/2001)
Scanned by kitsunebi (Retromags)
Translation in English:
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Autumn Forecast:
SEGA/UGA underpriced MC2 (KB number not yet added)
A new dimension game experience created by sound and light!
Sega's first PS2 title has finally been revealed. We take a closer look at the contents, along with an in-depth interview with producer Tetsuya Mizuguchi.
Interview - Tetsuya Mizuguchi
Aiming for a "good-natured game"
<I wanted to express the pleasure of manipulating music and images in the game>
At the PS2 software presentation "PlayStation Party" held on June 27, Mr. Mizuguchi, who demonstrated while actually playing "Rez", said, "The pleasure of musicians and DJs may be like this. I thought." That feeling is exactly what Mr. Mizuguchi tried to express in this game. "I went to Switzerland and witnessed a music festival attended by 400,000 young people. When people gathered to listen to house or techno music, they danced crazy. I was amazed. They are also very particular about the lighting, and when they see it moving in sync with the music, what if I could become the player and be able to control the sound and light? I thought it might make you feel better."
<Because it is simple, you can forget the time and be immersed>
Mr. Mizuguchi chose 3D shooting as the game system to experience this feeling. “I wanted something that could be played physiologically without thinking, with simple and clear rules, and something that everyone could play intuitively. I wonder if I was just thinking, "Is it too difficult?" "A long time ago, there was a 3D shooter called "Star Wars" in Atari's game. It was a simple screen composed only of wireframes, but I remember being so absorbed in it that I lost track of time. That kind of feeling. I also want to evoke the feeling of excitement.I think the excitement I felt 20 years ago is still valid today.”
At the start of the project, Mr. Mizuguchi said to the staff, "If there was a shooting game in which the music is composed when you successfully defeat the enemy, and the visual effects construct the world at the same time, it would be great. Don't you think it's good?" and the development of the game seems to have started.
“In conventional shooting games, all you have to do is think about how to make the enemies appear, but this game has a different trick that uses sound and light to create a pleasant feeling. It took an enormous amount of time to complete the program.”
<People who think they have no sense of rhythm should develop a sense of rhythm>
There have been many games in the past that use sound to create a pleasant feeling. But how are they different from the so-called rhythm games of the past?
I think that the traditional rhythm game was "forced". There is a certain point at which you have to play a note at the right time or you will make a mistake. Of course there is such a fun aspect, but in "Rez," there is no "compulsion," so you can play as you like, which is liberating. If you defeat the Enemy with your own timing, various sounds will come out and become music. I think there are quite a lot of people who shy away from playing sound games because they think they don't have a sense of rhythm." I think there are a lot of people who think they don't have a sense of rhythm and shy away from playing music games. However, this is a game that I want those people to try. First of all, I can tell them to try it without worrying about their sense of rhythm. Besides, the game is also fun to play as a shooting game. But when you get good at the game, you will realize that you have a good sense of rhythm. In fact, it was the same for me.
↑ Mr. Mizuguchi playing "Rez" at "PlayStation 2 Party". Mr. Shigeo Maruyama, the chairman of SCE, received a lot of attention.
3D shooter?
Basically, it's a 3D STG where you shoot the enemies that appear with lasers. However, according to the timing of the shot, the music playing in the background is further overlapped with the sound, and bright lights fly around the screen. A major feature of this game is the effective use of music and images.
(Page 165)
Pleasure created by simple operation
Hold down the missile launch button and move the cursor to lock on the enemy. Release the button to fire a laser that hits the enemy. The operation is very simple, so you can fully enjoy the STG-like pleasure of shooting.
Create your own "Rez"!
For example, if multiple enemies are destroyed individually, or if they are destroyed after being rocked together, the way sound and light are created will be different. How to shoot enemies and what kind of music and images to create. It's up to the player's preference.
Trance-like gaming experience
As you progress through the stages, enemies will appear continuously, so the sounds and lights that are generated will be dizzying. You'll feel a "high" that you've never experienced in a game before, with a brain-numbing intensity.
Profile of Tetsuya Mizuguchi . Born in Otaru in 1965. Joined SEGA in 1990. Produced hit titles such as "Sega Rally Championship", "Sega Rally 2" (both arcade), and "Space Channel 5" (Dreamcast).In 2000, when Sega was spun off, he became the representative of United Game Artists.
↓ Mizuguchi's masterpiece
← "Sega Rally 2" (left) and "Space Channel 5" (bottom).
Finally, we asked them how they felt about entering the PS market. I have a very good image of PS users.I think they will thoroughly ignore anything boring, but if we do something interesting, I think they will respond very well to it. So I have high hopes that they will be into "Rez".
*The full text of the interview with Tetsuya Mizuguchi introduced here is available on Dengeki Online (URL http://dengekionline.com). Check it out if you want to know more about the world of "Rez"!
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digitalillustrators · 9 months
Mechanical Drawings - Digital Suntech
Mechanical drawing, also known as technical drawing or engineering drawing, is a form of communication used by engineers, architects, and other professionals to convey the details of a design. It is a precise and standardized way of representing objects and their relationships in a two-dimensional or three-dimensional space. Here are some key aspects of mechanical drawing:
Orthographic Projection:
Mechanical drawings typically use orthographic projection, where a three-dimensional object is represented by two-dimensional views from different angles. Common views include front, top, side, and isometric views.
Line Types:
Different line types are used to represent various features. For example, solid lines may represent visible edges, while dashed lines may represent hidden or invisible edges.
Dimensions are essential in mechanical drawings to provide accurate information about the size and location of features. Dimensions are typically expressed in terms of length, width, and height.
Drawings are often created to scale, meaning that the size of the drawing reflects a proportional reduction or enlargement of the actual object. Common scales include 1:1, 1:2, 1:5, etc.
Symbols and Notations:
Symbols and notations are used to represent specific features or materials. Examples include welding symbols, surface finish symbols, and material specifications.
Title Block:
A title block is usually included in the drawing, providing information such as the title, drawing number, date, scale, and the name of the drafter or designer.
Isometric Drawings:
In addition to orthographic projections, isometric drawings may be used to represent three-dimensional objects in a more realistic way.
CAD (Computer-Aided Design):
Many mechanical drawings are now created using computer-aided design (CAD) software, which allows for more precise and efficient drafting.
Tolerance information is often included to specify the acceptable variations in dimensions.
Revision History:
Drawings may include a revision history to track changes and updates made to the design over time. Creating accurate and detailed mechanical drawings is crucial for manufacturing, construction, and other industries where precise specifications are essential for the fabrication of products or structures.
Digital Suntech is a specialized firm proficient in the creation of meticulous mechanical drawings and a wide array of illustrations. Leveraging cutting-edge digital technologies and expertise in computer-aided design (CAD), Digital Suntech excels in producing detailed and precise engineering drawings that cater to diverse industries. Their skillful team employs orthographic projection, dimensioning, and sophisticated line types to accurately convey the intricacies of designs, ensuring seamless communication between engineers, architects, and manufacturers. With a commitment to quality and efficiency, Digital Suntech stands as a reliable partner for clients seeking top-notch illustrations, whether for manufacturing processes, construction projects, or other applications requiring precision and clarity in technical documentation.
Contact Digital Suntech for expertly crafted patent mechanical drawings and a comprehensive range of illustrations. Our skilled team utilizes cutting-edge technology to deliver precise and detailed designs, ensuring your intellectual property is accurately represented and protected. Trust Digital Suntech for all your illustration needs, from patent applications to technical documentation.
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valeriankam · 9 months
SVEN: Surveillance Video Entertainment Network
by Amy Alexander, Wojciech Kosma, Vincent Rabaud
"If computer vision technology can be used to detect when you look like a terrorist, criminal, or other "undesirable" - why not when you look like a rock star?"
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When I was researching for my thesis, I stumbled upon this surveillance-themed art-project, which I found quite interesting in light of our discussions on subcultures and production of the other:
"SVEN (Surveillance Video Entertainment Network) is a system comprised of a camera, monitor, and two computers that can be set up in public places - especially in situations where a CCTV monitor might be expected. The software consists of a custom computer vision application that tracks pedestrians and detects their characteristics, and a real-time video processing application that receives this information and uses it to generate music-video like visuals from the live camera feed. The resulting video and audio are displayed on a monitor in the public space, interrupting the standard security camera type display each time a potential rock star is detected. The idea is to humorously examine and demystify concerns about surveillance and computer systems not in terms of being watched, but in terms of how the watching is being done - and how else it might be done if other people were at the wheel.."
This conjunction of CCTV face recognition system and subculture in this project allows to draw out several points:
the subculture can be dissected on a multitude of traits and signifiers, which belong to these subcultures and can be recognized as such
the subculture does not appear as self-identification from within the subject, but is imposed on a subject from the outside, applying meaning on already existing traits
"negative" characteristics (terrorist, criminal) and "positive" characteristics (rock star) are not distinctive in their construction: in both cases they are imposed upon a person from the outside, forcing them into distinctive categories
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accomparison · 1 year
Comparing FreshBooks vs QuickBooks: Features, Pricing, and User Experience
Are you a small business owner searching for the perfect accounting software to streamline your finances? Look no further than FreshBooks and QuickBooks! These two platforms offer comprehensive features, competitive pricing, and user-friendly experiences. But which one is right for you?
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In this article, we’ll compare FreshBooks vs QuickBooks in terms of their features, pricing plans, and overall user experience so that you can make an informed decision for your business. So sit back, relax, and let’s dive into the world of accounting software!
What are QuickBooks and FreshBooks?
QuickBooks and FreshBooks are two popular accounting software options for small business owners. QuickBooks is a product of Intuit, while FreshBooks is owned by 2ndSite Inc. Both platforms offer cloud-based solutions that allow users to access their financial data from anywhere with an internet connection.
QuickBooks caters to a wider range of businesses, including those in manufacturing, construction, and retail industries. Its features include invoicing, expense tracking, payroll management, inventory tracking and more.
On the other hand, FreshBooks specializes in providing time-tracking tools alongside its basic accounting services such as invoicing and expense tracking. It also offers integrations with various payment gateways like PayPal or Stripe making it easier for clients to pay you directly through your invoices.
Both platforms have mobile apps available on iOS and Android so you can manage your finances on-the-go.
QuickBooks focuses on more extensive bookkeeping capabilities while FreshBooks prioritizes simplicity by offering online invoicing & payments along with helpful time-tracking tools perfect for freelancers who bill hourly.
What do QuickBooks and FreshBooks offer?
QuickBooks and FreshBooks are cloud-based accounting software that cater to different types of businesses. QuickBooks offers accounting features for small to medium-sized businesses, while FreshBooks specializes in invoicing and time-tracking for freelancers, solo entrepreneurs, and small business owners.
QuickBooks allows you to organize your finances by tracking income and expenses, creating invoices, reconciling bank accounts, generating financial reports like profit & loss statements or balance sheets. It also has a feature that helps you keep track of sales tax payments.
FreshBooks is designed specifically for service-based businesses that need help with time management. With FreshBooks' intuitive interface, it's easy to create professional-looking invoices complete with payment processing options and recurring billing. You can easily track billable hours using the built-in timer tool as well as monitoring project profitability.
Both software’s offer different features that suit specific needs - QuickBooks for managing overall financials while FreshBooks focuses more on invoicing and time tracking.
QuickBooks vs FreshBooks: Which is better for you?
When it comes to choosing between QuickBooks and FreshBooks, there are several factors that you should consider based on your specific business needs.
QuickBooks is better suited for larger businesses with more complex financial needs, while FreshBooks is tailored towards smaller businesses or freelancers who need a simplified approach to invoicing and time tracking.
If you prioritize user experience, then FreshBooks may be the right choice for you as its interface is sleeker and more intuitive compared to QuickBooks. However, if advanced reporting features are important in managing your finances, then QuickBooks would be the better option.
Pricing is also an important factor when comparing these two software options. While both offer plans at varying price points, FreshBooks’ pricing starts lower than QuickBooks' but can become more expensive as additional features are added.
Ultimately, it’s important to assess what your business requires from a financial management system before making a decision between the two.
When it comes to choosing between FreshBooks and QuickBooks, pricing is an important factor to consider. Both platforms offer different pricing plans that cater to the needs of various types of businesses.
FreshBooks offers four pricing plans starting at $15 per month for up to five clients. The Plus plan costs $25 a month and allows you to bill up to 50 clients, while the Premium plan supports up to 500 clients and costs $50 per month. If your business has over 500 clients, then FreshBooks Select Plan would be ideal as it can handle unlimited clients.
On the other hand, QuickBooks also offers four pricing plans with varying features and capabilities. They have a Simple Start Plan which starts at $25/month with basic features such as invoicing and expense tracking. Their most popular option is their Essentials plan which includes more advanced reporting tools starting at $40/month for businesses who need extra functionality.
Both FreshBooks and QuickBooks offer competitive prices depending on your specific business needs, so it's essential to evaluate exactly what you require before making a decision.
User experience
When it comes to user experience, both QuickBooks and FreshBooks offer intuitive interfaces that make it easy for non-accountants to manage their finances. However, there are some differences between the two platforms.
QuickBooks is known for its robust features and customization options, but this can also make the platform feel overwhelming at times. The interface is cluttered with menus and buttons, which may take some time to navigate if you're not familiar with accounting software.
On the other hand, FreshBooks has a clean and modern interface that's easy on the eyes. The platform focuses on simplicity without sacrificing functionality. You'll find all of your essential accounting tools in one place without any unnecessary distractions.
Another advantage of FreshBooks is its mobile app. The app allows you to manage your finances from anywhere at any time, making it convenient for freelancers or small business owners who are always on-the-go.
While both QuickBooks and FreshBooks have their strengths when it comes to user experience, it ultimately boils down to personal preference. If you prefer a more customizable interface with advanced features, then QuickBooks might be best suited for you. But if simplicity and ease-of-use are more important factors in managing your finances than FreshBooks would be an excellent choice!
After comparing FreshBooks vs QuickBooks, it is clear that both of these accounting software offer a wide range of features and benefits to their users. However, the choice between them depends largely on your business needs.
If you own a small business and looking for an affordable solution with easy user experience, then FreshBooks may be the perfect option for you. It offers simple invoicing solutions along with time tracking feature which help in monitoring projects easily.
On the other hand, if you're running a medium-sized or large enterprise and require robust accounting functionality tools such as inventory management or job costing then QuickBooks could be your best bet. Although its price point is higher than FreshBooks but it comes complete with more advanced features for businesses with unique requirements.
Regardless of whether you choose FreshBooks or QuickBooks as your accounting software provider, both platforms are solid choices that can bring great value to any business owner looking to streamline their financial operations and increase efficiency in their daily tasks.
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Full Information About Mobile App Development In Dubai - Process, Cost, Features (2023)
Mobile App Development in Dubai is a thriving industry, with many companies and entrepreneurs wishing to build mobile applications in order to reach their target audience and improve connections. This is an in-depth guide to mobile app development in Dubai, including the process, costs, and features.
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Idea Generation: The initial stage in app development is to generate an app concept. This might range from a simple game to a sophisticated corporate application.
Research: When you have an idea, you should investigate the industry to discover whether there is a market for your app. Examine similar applications to evaluate what features they have, how they are promoted, and how their reviews are.
Wireframing and Design: After you have a strong idea and have done your research, you can begin designing the app and developing wireframes. This is where you design the app's fundamental layout and structure. The design should be user-friendly and intuitive, with a focus on the user experience.
Development: The development step entails coding and constructing the actual app. This is the stage at which the design and wireframes are transformed into a working app. The app will be created by the development team using programming languages such as Java, Swift, or Kotlin.
Testing: Once the app has been created, it must be tested to ensure that it functions correctly and that there are no errors or issues. To detect mistakes, both human and automated testing may be used.
Launch: Once the software has been tested and approved, it may be made available on the iTunes Store or Google Play Store. To promote the app and drive downloads, the launch should be backed by a robust marketing plan.
Maintenance and updates: When the app is released, it will require frequent maintenance and updates to guarantee that it stays current and bug-free. This might include resolving any bugs that emerge as well as upgrading the app to add new features or enhance functioning.
To guarantee that the app development process proceeds smoothly and is under budget, it is critical to engage with a respected team of app development Dubai and set a clear strategy and timeframe for the project. Communication between the development team and the customer is also critical to ensuring that the app fits the demands of the target audience and adds value to the company.
The cost of app development in Dubai varies based on several factors, including the app's complexity, the features you wish to include, and the development team you employ. Here is a full breakdown of the aspects that might influence app development costs in Dubai:
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App Complexity: The more complicated the app, the more time and resources it will require to build. A basic app will be less expensive than complicated software with rich features.
Design: The app's design is a key component that influences development costs. A well-designed, visually beautiful, and user-friendly software will be more expensive than a basic app with a plain design.
Development Team: The cost of app development in Dubai is also affected by the development team you pick. Skilled developers with a proven track record will charge more than inexperienced new developers.
Features and Functionality: The more features and functionality you wish to add to the app, the higher the cost. The cost of including features like push notifications, social network integration, and in-app purchases, for example, will be more.
Platform: The platform on which you construct your app might also influence the cost. Creating an app for both iOS and Android will cost more than creating an app for only one platform.
Updates and maintenance: After the app is released, it will require frequent maintenance and updates to guarantee that it stays current and bug-free. Maintenance and upgrades should be included in the entire cost of app creation.
The typical cost of app development in Dubai is between AED 30,000 to AED 300,000. This range is subject to change based on the criteria indicated above. To guarantee that the cost of development stays within your budget, collaborate with a respected development company and define a clear budget and timeframe for the project.
Dubai is one of the world's most technologically savvy cities, and its app development sector is no different. Some of the features of app development in Dubai include:
Innovation: Dubai app development companies are well-known for their unique solutions. They are always creating new and innovative apps that are both useful and user-friendly.
Developers with Experience: Dubai boasts a pool of professional developers that are fluent in a variety of programming languages and app development platforms. They have experience designing apps for a variety of areas, including healthcare, education, finance, and others.
High-quality Apps: Dubai-based app development businesses make certain that the apps they create are of the finest quality. They use a thorough testing approach to verify that the applications are bug-free and function properly.
Customization: App development companies in Dubai provide their clients with customized solutions. They collaborate extensively with their clients to understand their goals and design apps that match those objectives.
Multilingual Apps: Dubai is a cosmopolitan city, and app developers in Dubai are skilled at creating bilingual apps. Businesses may reach a larger audience and cater to people who speak multiple languages as a result of this.
Integration with New Technologies: App developers in Dubai are well-versed in emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and virtual reality. These technologies are integrated into their apps to give a unified user experience.
Security: Dubai app developers place a premium on the security of the apps they create. They utilize cutting-edge security techniques to keep the applications safe from hackers and cyber threats.
Cost-effective: As compared to other developed nations, the cost of app development in Dubai is competitive. This makes it an appealing location for companies trying to produce high-quality apps at a low cost.
Support: Dubai app development businesses offer continuing support and maintenance services to guarantee that the applications continue to run correctly and are updated with the most recent features.
Overall, Dubai app development is distinguished by innovation, high-quality apps, customization, multilingual support, integration with emerging technologies, security, cost-effectiveness, and ongoing support.
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quickensol · 1 year
Exploring the Top ERP Providers in India: Streamlining Business Operations
In today's fast-paced business environment, effective management of resources, streamlined processes, and data-driven decision-making is critical for sustainable growth. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems have emerged as powerful tools that integrate key business functions, enabling seamless collaboration and boosting overall productivity. India, with its vibrant business landscape, hosts a multitude of ERP providers offering comprehensive solutions. In this blog, we will delve into the top 11 ERP providers in India, exploring their key offerings, strengths, and how they empower businesses to achieve their goals.
Here Is The Top 11 ERP Providers
SAP India :
SAP, a global leader in enterprise software, has established itself as a frontrunner in the Indian ERP market. Renowned for its comprehensive suite of ERP solutions tailored for diverse industries, SAP offers modules covering finance, supply chain, human resources, customer relationship management, and more. With a strong focus on scalability, robustness, and the ability to handle complex business processes, SAP India provides reliable support, extensive training resources, and regular updates to help businesses stay ahead.
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Oracle India :
Oracle, a prominent ERP provider, delivers integrated applications designed to streamline business operations. With modules spanning finance, procurement, manufacturing, sales, and customer service, Oracle ERP solutions cater to organizations of all sizes and industries. Its strength lies in handling large-scale enterprises, complex supply chains, and global operations. Oracle India boasts a robust customer base and offers comprehensive support, training, and implementation services to ensure successful ERP adoption.
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Microsoft Dynamics 365 :
Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a popular ERP provider offering a unified platform for finance, operations, sales, and customer service. With a user-friendly interface and seamless integration with other Microsoft products, Dynamics 365 simplifies processes and empowers businesses to make data-driven decisions. Its cloud-based nature allows scalability, flexibility, and easy accessibility. Microsoft provides extensive support, regular updates, and a vibrant user community, making the implementation and maintenance of Dynamics 365 a smooth experience
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Quickensol it solutions QuickenSol IT Solutions emerges as a reliable ERP service provider, offering comprehensive solutions tailored to meet diverse business needs.QuickenSol IT Solutions empowers organizations through its robust ERP services, innovative technologies, and customer-centric approach. From seamless integration to enhanced data visibility, QuickenSol IT Solutions is dedicated to helping businesses achieve their growth objectives and stay ahead in a competitive market. quickensol offers a module covering finance, education, real estate, agriculture, laboratory, e-commerce, healthcare, insurance, logistics, construction industry, project management, and manufacturing. Quickensol offers strong customer support, an extensive knowledge base, and regular feature updates, making it a popular choice for Indian organizations seeking a reliable ERP solution.
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Tally Solutions: Tally Solutions has earned the trust of small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) in India. Their ERP software focuses on accounting and inventory management, enabling organizations to handle financial transactions, track inventory, and generate accurate reports. Tally's user-friendly interface, affordability, and localization capabilities have made it a preferred choice for Indian businesses. Tally offers comprehensive training, robust support, and regular software updates to ensure effective financial management for SMBs.
Zoho ERP :
Zoho, a prominent player in the business software market, provides a comprehensive suite of applications, including ERP solutions. Zoho ERP covers finance, inventory management, CRM, HR, and more. Known for its affordability, ease of use, and customization options, Zoho ERP caters to businesses of all sizes. The cloud-based nature of Zoho ERP allows for seamless data access, collaboration, and integration across departments. Zoho offers strong customer support, an extensive knowledge base, and regular feature updates, making it a popular choice for Indian organizations seeking a reliable ERP solution.
Ramco Systems :
Based in Chennai, Ramco Systems is an Indian ERP provider renowned for its cloud-based ERP software. Ramco offers modules for finance, HR, supply chain, manufacturing, and more, targeting various industry verticals. Their ERP solutions emphasize mobility, automation, and analytics, enabling businesses to make informed decisions and achieve operational excellence. Ramco provides comprehensive support, an easy implementation process, and regular software updates, ensuring a smooth ERP experience for organizations.
Infor India :
Infor, a global provider of industry-specific ERP solutions has a strong presence in the Indian market. Infor India offers comprehensive ERP modules tailored to specific industry verticals such as manufacturing, healthcare, hospitality, and more. Their solutions focus on process efficiency, supply chain optimization, and customer engagement. With an intuitive interface and robust functionality, Infor ERP empowers businesses to drive growth, enhance productivity, and respond swiftly to market demands.
Epicor India :
Epicor is a renowned ERP provider offering industry-specific solutions designed to meet the unique needs of organizations. Epicor India's ERP modules cater to manufacturing, distribution, retail, and services sectors. Their solutions enable businesses to streamline operations, improve customer experiences, and gain actionable insights through advanced analytics. With a strong focus on automation, scalability, and digital transformation, Epicor empowers Indian businesses to compete effectively in a rapidly evolving market.
IFS India :
IFS, a global leader in ERP software, serves businesses across various industries in India. IFS India's ERP solutions encompass modules for enterprise asset management, field service management, manufacturing, and more. The company emphasizes functionality, flexibility, and usability to ensure seamless adoption and improved operational efficiency. With their customer-centric approach and industry-specific expertise, IFS empowers organizations to optimize processes, enhance productivity, and achieve growth objectives.
Sage India :
Sage is a leading provider of ERP solutions, offering modules for finance, accounting, inventory management, and more. Sage India's ERP software caters to small and medium-sized businesses, providing them with robust tools to manage core business functions effectively. With a focus on simplicity, customization, and scalability, Sage empowers organizations to streamline operations, gain better financial visibility, and make informed decisions. Sage's commitment to customer support and continuous innovation has earned them a strong reputation in the Indian market.
Conclusion :
Selecting the right ERP provider is a crucial decision for any organization aiming to streamline operations and drive growth. The top 11 ERP providers in India, such as SAP India, Oracle India, Microsoft Dynamics 365, Quickensol IT Solution, Tally Solutions, Zoho ERP, Ramco Systems, Infor India, Epicor India, IFS India, and Sage India, offer diverse ERP solutions tailored to meet specific industry requirements. These providers empower businesses with advanced features, scalability, robust support, and seamless integration, enabling them to optimize processes, make data-driven decisions, and achieve their growth objectives. Careful evaluation of business needs, industry focus, and the unique capabilities of these ERP providers is essential to select the best fit for organizational success.
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