#construction contract software
Understanding the Three Types of HVAC
Heating, ventilation and air conditioning play a crucial role in your home or office building's comfort. While most building owners view it as a valuable addition, there is some confusion regarding the different options available. HVAC contractor marketing materials might highlight the benefits of split systems, hybrid setups and ductless systems. But what are the differences, and which one is right for you?
Split Systems
Heating and cooling split systems are some of the most common. They're referred to as "split" systems because they contain separate units for heating and cooling.
Outside the home is the cooling unit. It uses a series of components to cool and pump hot air out of the building. Ducts deliver the cool air back into the space, keeping your structure cool on those hot summer days.
During the winter, the heating unit takes over. It usually sits in a basement or dedicated storage room. In split systems, gas creates heat dispersed throughout the building. These units work independently, but everything is controlled via a centrally located thermostat.
Hybrid Split Systems
A hybrid system works similarly to a traditional split system. However, it has the added benefit of switching between gas and electricity to heat the building. The user has complete control over these systems, and the goal of the hybrid setup is to mitigate energy costs.
Gas is more efficient at heating a home during frigid winters. But when that high-powered heating isn't always necessary, users can switch to electric heating to keep operating costs low.
Ductless Systems
These systems are also known as duct-free HVAC systems or mini-splits. Instead of utilizing large units and complex ductwork, these systems use individual units for every room.
The units can mount on the wall or in the ceiling. While they take up space, they provide independent control for every room. Users can control the temperature to their liking without affecting the entire building.
As the name implies, they also don't need ducts. Instead, they have tubing to deliver refrigerant to an exterior compressor. The installation process is more flexible. As a result, HVAC contractor marketing typically touts ductless systems as an excellent choice for home additions, accessory dwelling units and more.
Read a similar article about contractor bid app here at this page.
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kanixinfotechpvtltd · 3 months
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concorderpsposts · 2 years
 Best contractor management ERP software to maintain a list of contractors, Given projects, contract billing, project budget etc
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seat-safety-switch · 9 months
"Hold on there, pardner. This here's a cognition hazard." said the holographic cowboy in the corner of my vision. He then took a series of poses that the designer must have thought looked heroic and protective, before flickering back to his original position and repeating the process. My artificial ranch-hand was not incorrect: the thing I was attempting to do would cause me unpredictable amounts of psychic damage, likely impacting my relationships with those around me and even my mental state at rest. Even so, I pushed the button and waited.
Software development used to be a sort of reckless task, undergone without care. Decades ago, hundreds of folks would cram themselves into a single building and then work hard on their computers to develop computer programs. Originally, these programs performed useful but difficult tasks, speeding them up dramatically for the varied needs of government and industry. At first, life improved. And then, as with every prior machine in human history, we looked for harder jobs for it to do.
A funny thing happens when a computer program gets longer than about a page of typewritten code. You have to hold a lot of it in your head. The best programmers could commit an entire system to memory, gliding through it like barracuda through a disreputable motel's swimming pool. We didn't know then how much trauma it caused. The doctors had no idea what was happening with all those isolated burnouts freaking out, moving into the woods, and hunting men for sport.
Watching the old newsreels now, seeing the 20th-century equivalent of coal miners delving willingly into fold-out charts of MFC inheritance diagrams, it's a little hard to stomach. It only took about twenty years of continued exposure to this kind of thing before the human mind rebelled, the manmade logical constructs providing a kind of sharp edge that ripped through sanity like a hot wire. Thing is, it still had to be done, and the folks who did it seemed to enjoy it up until The Void caught up to them too. So the government did what the government does best, and compromise. We'd all have warnings that what we were doing was insanely dangerous and life-shortening, and our employers would keep demanding that we heap more complexity atop ever-increasing mountains of irreducible cruft.
A good deal for all involved, especially the folks who got the contract to make the warning holograms about fifteen years ago. They must have loved their jobs, putting the little cowboy hats on them. You can tell in all the little complex details of his haunted face, begging me to turn back from my route to oblivion. One day I'd like to make something cool like that.
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iavenjqasdf · 6 months
👷‍♀️occupational hazards🐜
WorkerAnt, the world's app-first construction contracting platform, revolutionized the building-building industry. All you gotta do is just scroll through a couple of boring legal things on your phone and check some boxes and voila; you have everything you need to try and build a living with your own two hands! Who needs a fancy degree, or the hassle of going to a trade school? I certainly didn't!
They didn't even make me do a drug test, or ask why my name and sex didn't match what it still says on my license, so honestly it's like a win/win for everyone involved.
I did my paid training in like 20 minutes; I just needed to watch a few videos telling me where to go and what I’ll get fired for, plus one on how to use pronouns respectfully.
I already knew most of the stuff they were telling me, so I pretty much just got paid to relearn what the right things to call myself are for liability purposes. I usually do that for free!
Every day, all I gotta do is show up at the check-in location, get handed all my tools, and then I take my mandatory 30 minute lunch break in the app right as I wait in line for the elevator up to the job site, so I can focus on nothing but work for the next 12 hours. I don’t need to worry about food anyways, because they sometimes throw pizza parties for us, and there might be a few slices left when I come back down.
Most of the time work’s pretty boring; I'm just hammering some boards together or whatever. The whole building looks like it's basically already all built, so I'm not sure what all the things we're attaching and connecting to each other are supposed to do, and I don’t get paid enough to care.
But I can’t complain. It’s an honest job; I have tasks to accomplish and all the tools I need to accomplish them, as long as I don't fuck something up.
I'm very happy with this arrangement and it's all worked out really great for me so far.
It does get a bit lonely up there sometimes though.
There is my one coworker, Lana; I think she might also be trans, though it's kinda hard to tell under the hard hat goggles and respirator I always see her wearing. But she's always polite at me and doesn’t give me any trouble, and the bits of her voice I’ve heard that aren’t drowned over by power tools sound really nice.
Sometimes I think about it even when she's not around, which now that I think about it is kinda like stealing from the job site, and that’s a firable offense, so maybe I shouldn't be doing it.
She tends to work late like me, too. It takes us both longer than everyone else to finish all our tasks, but at least they pay us almost as much!
Tonight, it's New Year's Eve, and we're the only ones still up there; hammering stuff together, unable to look out at the empty city below, lit up and then abandoned for the season, because I'm being paid the minimum tipped wage to cut a 2x4 with a dinky little dollar store dremel, and we have to finish up before the sun sets, cause the cost of running the lights gets taken outta your pay.
And now my finger hurts too.
I look down, staring at the little squiggly meat piece of guy lying on the workbench, and after a minute I realize that oh shit, that used to be part of my right pinky.
So might the scarlet mist that now covers most of the walls and floor. I’m gonna have to get THAT painted over before the end of my shift, too.
First things first, though.
"Um, hey Lana?"
The whirring echoing from the other side of the room powers down. Lana pulls her plastic goggles over the rim of her hard hat, both now spritzed ever-so-gently with my crimson phalangemarrow. She looks only mildly concerned as she swims upstream along the spatter pattern.
One of the stickers on her hat catches the sunlight, holographic prism reflections dazzling my vision before my pattern recognition software kicks in-
Y-yeah, I know what that logo is. I’m too afraid to ask her if she does, too though. They make s*x t*ys, after all, and I think those are by definition Not Safe For Work.
Without saying a word she grabs my wrist, yanking my hand up to her face to examine it. Even under the visor, her eyes are red; bloodshot, and they scare me a little, so I try speaking up.
"Um, Lana, I think I need to go to the, uh. Hospital, place,"
I stare at her, dumbfounded for a second, before a pulse of pain reminds me of the severance’s urgency.
"W-well, to get it, like, reattached, y'know?"
She looks at the little meat squiggum lying sadly on the bench, letting go of my hand.
"Not really anything left to reattach."
Her voice is muffled by the respirator, but her expression is one of almost boredom. I feel bad for offending her, even though I’m not sure how I did it.
I try flexing a bit. OUCH! Bad idea. I pinch hard just below the cut, to try to keep more things from coming out of me. "W-well, we have to at least try…"
She eyes her own workstation impatiently, dying orange skyfire burning in the reflections of her eyes. A little spurt of blood squirts out of my pinky stump.
"Look, if you keep wasting time worrying about stupid little things like that, you’re not gonna last long here.”
What the fuck is she talking about?! I’m very badly hurt, and I need to go get it checked out right away. Tears well up in my eyes as I keep staring at where my finger now ends, just above the second knuckle.
I'll never get to pinky promise silly things to my little sister again; I’d only have a reminder of this loss, something permanently removed I could never get back.
I inhale a sniffle. "P-please, we gotta go. I don't wanna go around rounding up the number of fingers I have for the rest of my life."
She rolls her eyes, reshielding them with her goggles. "Would a round number make you feel better?"
My dremel's motor whines to life as she turns back to face me.
"For symmetry, y'know?"
Her tone concerns me.
She grabs my good hand, forcing it flat against the workbench. I try to pull free, but my knees are still a bit wobbly from the pain, and I don’t want to risk any sudden moves around the little spinning amputation death motor, so I can't try too hard.
“L-listen, I’m sorry for involving you. J-just let me go and I-I’ll just clock myself out, and get to the hospital on my own…” My hand grasps at her, trying to push her away, but all I succeed in doing is knocking her respirator loose, and I gasp as all the gouges and scars and other missing bits of her face come into focus at last.
I see her teeth click as her jaw clenches, bone trembling with the purest expression of rage. Her knuckles are white around the dremel.
"Long term, working here is gonna take a lot more of you than I’m gonna.”
“Oh, hold on, it got stuck.”
My vision doubles and quadruples, the room swimming around me as I try to keep myself from passing out. This is obviously a dream, and hey, I haven’t had one of these in a while, let’s just try to keep it going right hahahaha-
The spinny deathblade plants another gentle kiss against my fingerbone, tingling my entire skeleton with electromechanical sparks. I stare at a bead of sweat tracing down Lana's cheek as the blade grinds through at last with a spray of calcium white.
The whine fades as the disposable plastic motor inside the tool gets gummed up with mutilated chunks of gore. My mouth hangs open making a noise and I'm afraid it's probably kind of a pathetic one. The bottoms of my goggles are filling up with tears, but that means I’m doing a good job of keeping the crying contained inside, so there's a chance Lana might still think I'm cool.
“There you go. Eight plus two halves equals nine. Almost as many as before.”
“ohgodohgodohgodohgod-” I wish I had something more interesting to say.
“What? I thought you wanted a round number.”
She pauses for a moment, then wanders off into the neighboring room, leaving me standing there, trembling alone in the dark.
I think about trying to find my own way back to the elevator, but I’m afraid of tripping over a lead pipe or something on the ground and having to use my damaged limbs to break my fall and mangling them further, and I don’t wanna get my phone all bloody to use the flashlight either, so I stay put.
Fireworks burst off in the distance, prematurely celebrating the dawn of a big new thing. I try not to look down at my mutilated handflesh, instead insisting my gaze on the sunset bathing over the city.
It's a really nice view, and I don't know if I'll get to be up here to enjoy it ever again.
“Okay, here, I can fix everything.”
She's returned, and I can’t get away from her because I don’t want to say no, so I let her take my bleeding broken hands and lead me to the workbench again.
Behind her gore-spattered goggles, I can see her eyes are swimming with tears now too, like she doesn't know what the fuck she's doing either, but I don't even hate her for it, I don't think.
"Here, just hold onto me. I'll fix you."
She presses up close, close enough that I can feel a bit of her heat even through her jacket. She takes my unrecognizably mutilated hand in her own and strokes it softly.
The lead in my stomach sinks deeper when I see that she's holding a staple gun in her other.
I tighten my grip, spilling blood onto her palm.
She sweeps the remains of my amputated digits off the ledge with her boot, sending little chunks of meat tumbling into the glimmering city grid. Thankfully, the night is cold enough now that I can't feel much of my hands at all.
Staple gun didn't work out too good.
She fiddles with something on the side of her hard hat, and a light comes on. It's kind of dim, but it's better than nothing.
We walk past piles of unsawed boards, boxes of nails and wrenches and other tool things. Neither of us say anything to each other. Even more fireworks are whistling and exploding above the city in the distance but I'm not getting paid to care.
She stands beside me in the dusk-filled elevator. We descend slow, neither of us averting our gaze from the doors sealed tight in front of us.
“Um, Lana?”
“I don’t think I'm coming in to work tomorrow.”
“You’re not,” she states plainly. “Any injury sustained on the clock is grounds for termination, remember?”
“Oh, right…”
We’re quiet for a while. I don’t like the silence, the emptiness, so I try to fill it as always. “Um, I’m sorry for getting you involved…”
“It’s fine,” she lets out a quivering little sigh and turns to face me at last. “I don’t think they were gonna keep me on much longer, either way. I waste a lot of staples…”
I pick at a little crooked piece of metal worming its way through the layers of fat and muscle that once made up our entwined fingers, wondering how much more might need to be amputated by the time we get to a hospital, then a laugh catches in my throat, when I remember we no longer have health insurance.
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lonestarflight · 6 months
Space Shuttle: Canadarm
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Officially named the Shuttle Remote Manipulator System, or SRMS. "In 1969, Canada was invited by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to participate in the Space Shuttle program. At the time what that participation would entail had not yet been decided but a manipulator system was identified as an important component. Canadian company DSMA ATCON had developed a robot to load fuel into CANDU nuclear reactors; this robot attracted NASA's attention. In 1975, NASA and the Canadian National Research Council (NRC) signed a memorandum of understanding that Canada would develop and construct the Canadarm.
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NRC awarded the manipulator contract to Spar Aerospace (now MDA). Three systems were constructed within this design, development, test, and evaluation contract: an engineering model to assist in the design and testing of the Canadarm, a qualification model that was subjected to environmental testing to qualify the design for use in space, and a flight unit."
"The Remote Manipulator System is plugged on a side panel (left side) of the pyaload bay. The shoulder is on the front (near the cabin) and 15.3 m long (35.7 cm of diameter). It is fasten by three points on the payload bay. It could have been plugged on the right side of the Orbiter but it has never be done because the Ku antenna must be moved. Only one arm can be controlled by the crew (rear wall), even if the wires are already plugged to control two.
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Its weight is 411 kg on Earth (carbon fibre), it can move payload of 29 tons in orbit. But it can't move its own weight on Earth, so to test it, it was lay on wheels. Equipped with video camera (one on the elbow and one wrist), it can move payload, bring them back or even act as a ladder for the astronauts during the EVAs. Finally, due to its high mobility it can also be used to look at different parts of the Orbiter."
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"The first Canadarm was delivered to NASA in April 1981. Astronaut Judith Resnik developed the NASA software and onboard operating procedures for the system. In all, five arms – Nos. 201, 202, 301, 302, and 303 – were built and delivered to NASA. Arm 302 was lost in the Challenger accident."
source, source, source, source
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hypergamiss · 4 months
Tips on becoming a freelance portfolio/ investment manager for private wealthy clients.
I’ve got a bit of experience as an assistant Portfolio manager, and I’ve been looking into starting my own business working with private wealthy individuals client.
There's so much to this, this is the shortest I could keep my answer:
Build Your Foundation:
Hone Your Skills: Sharpen your investment analysis, portfolio construction, and risk management knowledge as much as you can. Maybe consider courses or certifications to fill any gaps and boost your credibility more.
Define Your Niche: Are you drawn to specific asset classes (tech stocks, real estate, etc.) or client types (retirees, entrepreneurs)? Specializing adds value. This will boost referrals.
Get Regulatory Clarity: Depending on your location, there might be licensing or registration requirements for freelance advisors. Do your homework to stay compliant and track any changes.
Marketing and Client Acquisition:
Build Online Credibility: A polished LinkedIn profile and a basic website showcasing your expertise and background are essential. Network strategically!
Content is King: Share insightful market commentary through blog posts or a newsletter. You can try all the other social platforms as well. This establishes you as a thought leader and attracts potential clients.
Target the Right Audience: Where do your ideal clients hang out (online and offline)? Charity events, industry conferences, upscale networking groups – be where they are.
Leverage Your Existing Network: Don't underestimate the power of your current contacts. Let clients, colleagues, and friends know about your new venture(optional).
Pricing Model: Will you charge hourly, flat fees, or a percentage of assets under management? Consider your services and market rates.
Tech Tools: Invest in the right software for portfolio management, reporting, and client communication to streamline your workflow.
Contracts and Compliance: Have a lawyer draft airtight client agreements that protect you both.
Bonus Tips:
Get a Mentor: Connect with a seasoned advisor who can offer guidance and share their experience.
Start Small and Scale: Begin with a few strategic clients, and as your expertise and reputation grow, expand your clientele.
Embrace the Freelance Mindset: Be prepared for the hustle; managing your own business requires discipline and adaptability.
Remember, building a successful freelance practice takes time, dedication, and top-notch client service. Stay passionate, stay focused, and let your expertise pave the way to becoming a trusted advisor for your wealthy clientele.
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justforbooks · 4 months
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Phil Baines, who has died aged 65 of multiple system atrophy, was one of the most distinctive voices in contemporary British graphic design. His work included books, posters, art catalogues and lettering for three important London monuments – the memorial to the Indian Ocean tsunami in the grounds of the Natural History Museum and the 7 July memorials in Hyde Park and Tavistock Square, commemorating the victims of the 2005 London bombings. These projects point to Baines’s defining attributes: a scholarly appreciation of letterforms, a deep-rooted respect for materials and a love of collaboration.
Such attributes can also be seen in Baines’s cover designs for the Penguin Great Ideas series (2004-20), works by “great thinkers, pioneers, radicals and visionaries” that gave him a canvas on which to display his typographic philosophy. The Saint Augustine – Confessions of a Sinner cover, for instance, uses ancient ecclesiastical letterforms and yet looks superbly modern. For Chuang Tzu — The Tao of Nature, Baines arranged letters to suggest a butterfly in flight. David Pearson, one of two art directors for the series, described how his “often-oblique approach gave the series a crucial added dimension”.
Born in Kendal, Cumbria, Phil was one of the three children of Martin Baines, a construction contract manager, and Joan (nee Quarmby), a horticulturalist. Growing up in a Roman Catholic household, he began studies for the priesthood at Ushaw College, County Durham. During the holidays from Ushaw he worked at the Guild of Lakeland Craftsmen, Windermere, and from there his interest and confidence in art grew.
At the start of his fourth year, he quit Ushaw, and in 1980 began a year’s study on the foundation course at Cumbria College of Art and Design. In 1982 he moved to London and enrolled on the graphic design course at St Martin’s School of Art (now Central Saint Martins), where he met Jackie Warner, whom he married in 1989, and where he was among a talented cohort, many of whom went on to study, as he did, at the Royal College of Art.
Richard Doust, then leader of the first-year course at St Martins, recalled the portfolio Baines submitted for admission: “I was so excited … I was sure he was going to be someone very special. He quickly established his individuality. He made typography and particularly letterpress his own territory.”
Baines was fiercely individual – he did not join schools of thought or align himself with fashionable camps. Instead, he built a creative practice based on his belief in the “humanist” qualities of the English typographic tradition.
His contemporaries were using the computer to bring a new complexity to graphic communication. Smart software allowed for the overlapping and interweaving of text in ways that echoed the ecclesiastical manuscripts that Baines admired so much. He was no Luddite, and used the computer himself, yet his work invariably retained an element of the handmade.
Paradoxically, his work was greatly admired by the new generation of digital designers. Neville Brody, for instance, included Baines’s work in his experimental typography publication FUSE, produced to demonstrate the malleability of the new digital typography. Baines’s work does not look out of place among the other contributors, many of them American typography radicals whose multi-layered layouts were driven by modish theories of deconstruction and poststructuralism.
In 1988 he returned to Central Saint Martins (CSM), as part of the faculty. In staff meetings his willingness to say the unsayable was a frequent cause for consternation among colleagues. To his students he preached a doctrine of “object-based learning”, a typically contrarian notion in the age of screen-based and virtual graphic design. He was appointed a professor in 2006 and retired in 2020 as emeritus professor.
Despite his commitment to teaching, Baines did not give up his work for clients. As well as designing books for leading publishers, he worked for the Crafts Council and the Ditchling Museum of Art + Craft, and designed the signage for CSM’s King’s Cross campus. He designed exhibition catalogues for Matt’s Gallery, south-west London, relishing the creative three-way collaboration that existed between the gallery’s director, Robin Klassnik, exhibiting artists and himself.
He wrote books that contributed to the understanding of visual communication: Type & Typography (with Andrew Haslam, 2002), Signs: Lettering in the Environment (with Catherine Dixon, 2003) and Penguin by Design: A Cover Story 1935-2005 (2005), the last of which helped establish Penguin cover art as one of the most important bodies of graphic art in British design history.
With Dixon, he co-curated the Central Lettering Record, an archive of typographic history housed at CSM, and in November 2023 his work was celebrated in an exhibition, Extol: Phil Baines Celebrating Letters, at the Lethaby gallery, CSM. He was appointed as the Royal Mint advisory committee’s lettering expert in 2016, and reappointed in 2021 to advise on the integration of lettering on new coins and medals, with consideration given to special issues and the accession of King Charles to the throne. For this work, in 2023 he was awarded the Coronation medal.
Baines was an enthusiastic runner and cyclist, and loved music, especially the Manchester post-punk band the Fall. He was a collector of signs, lettering, and railwayana, and built his own studios at his home in Willesden Green, north-west London. A few years before his retirement he moved to Great Paxton, Cambridgeshire, where he took up bellringing.
He is survived by Jackie and their two daughters, Beth and Felicity, and by his father.
🔔 Philip Andrew Baines, graphic designer, born 8 December 1958; died 19 December 2023
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at Just for Books…?
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mightyflamethrower · 6 months
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A robotic malfunction at Tesla’s Giga Texas factory resulted in a violent encounter where an engineer was attacked by one of the company’s robots, resulting in significant injuries and leaving a ‘trail of blood.’
According to the Daily Mail, while working on software programming for non-functional Tesla robots, the engineer was suddenly pinned against a surface by a robot tasked with manipulating aluminum car components, with its metal claws inflicted an injury that left an ‘open wound’ on the worker’s left hand.
“Two of the robots, which cut car parts from freshly cast pieces of aluminum, were disabled so the engineer and his teammates could safely work on the machines. A third one, which grabbed and moved the car parts, was inadvertently left operational, according to two people who watched it happen. As that robot ran through its normal motions, it pinned the engineer against a surface, pushing its claws into his body and drawing blood from his back and his arm, the two people said,” The Information reported.
Quick action was taken by Tesla workers who intervened and triggered the emergency shutdown button to halt the malfunctioning robot and prevent further injury to the engineer.
This incident came to light through a 2021 injury report filed to Travis County and federal regulators, which Daily Mail reviewed. Tesla is legally required to report such incidents to ensure the continuation of state-provided tax incentives.
Despite claims by Tesla that the engineer did not require time off following the event, an attorney representing the factory’s contract laborers suggests otherwise. Evidence hints at possible underreporting of workplace accidents, casting doubt on the official records.
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Daily Mail reported:
The injury report, which Tesla must submit to authorities by law to maintain its lucrative tax breaks in Texas, claimed the engineer did not require time off of work. But one attorney who represents Tesla’s Giga Texas contract workers has told DailyMail.com she believes, based on her conversations with workers there, that the amount of injuries suffered at the factory is going underreported. This underreporting, the attorney said, even included the September 28, 2021 death of a construction worker, who had been contracted to help build the factory itself. ‘My advice would be to read that report with a grain of salt,’ the attorney, Hannah Alexander of the nonprofit Workers Defense Project, told DailyMail.com. ‘We’ve had multiple workers who were injured,’ Alexander said, ‘and one worker who died, whose injuries or death are not in these reports that Tesla is supposed to be accurately completing and submitting to the county in order to get tax incentives.’
Elon Musk has yet to issue a formal statement in response to these allegations.
Just recently, Tesla revealed the second generation of its humanoid robot, Optimus Gen 2.
Optimus Gen 2 stands at a height of 5 feet 11 inches and weighs in at a light 121 pounds, shedding 22 pounds from the first model. It’s not just its frame that’s been upgraded; this robot can reach speeds up to 5 mph, which is a substantial 30% increase in velocity.
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erastaffingsolutions · 2 months
Understanding the Costs of Hiring Contractors for Small Businesses
For small business owners, navigating the world of contractors can be a daunting task. Whether you're looking to undertake a construction project, revamp your company's website, or need specialized services, understanding the cost behind hiring a contractor is critical for budgeting and managing your company's resources effectively. In this comprehensive guide, we'll take you through everything you need to know about the complexities of contractor costs for small businesses.
The Essentials: What Is a Contractor?
Before we deconstruct the pricing strategies and factors that drive contractor costs, it's essential to define what a contractor is. A contractor, in business parlance, is an individual or a business entity that provides specialized services in a particular field. Contractors are typically hired on a project basis and are not full-time employees of the hiring business, which can offer cost-saving benefits in terms of benefits and salary.
Demystifying Contractor Costs
Hiring a contractor has a myriad of financial implications, and a crucial decision point for any entrepreneur is understanding the overall costs associated with this choice. Whether it's a general contractor managing a construction project or an IT specialist working on a software development job, the cost of their services can vary widely based on multiple factors.
How Much Do Contractors Cost?
The answer is both simple and complex. In general, contractor costs are not uniform and can be influenced by a range of variables. Some rough figures to consider are that a typical contractor might charge between $50 to $150 per hour, while general contractors involved in substantial construction projects can have daily rates ranging from $400 to $1,000, depending on the scope and complexity of the work.
Determining General Contractor Rates
There are five key elements to consider when estimating what you'll pay for a contractor's service:
Specialized Skills and Experience
The more specialized and in-demand an individual's skills are, the higher the potential cost. Years of experience can also play a significant role, as seasoned contractors will naturally command a higher fee.
Project Length and Complexity
Simple projects with clear parameters will generally be less expensive than those that are complex and prone to scope changes, which can lead to additional charges.
Materials and Tools
In some cases, the materials and additional tools required for a project are not included in the contractor's fee. Always clarify these costs beforehand to avoid surprises.
Market Conditions
Like any service, contractor prices are influenced by the market's supply and demand equilibrium. High-demand periods usually mean higher rates.
Reputation and Portfolio
Highly reputable contractors with a strong body of work may charge a premium for their services. However, this could also mean a higher likelihood of a successful project outcome.
Understanding the Type of Contract
The type of employment agreement you have with a contractor also significantly affects cost. There are several common kinds of contracts:
Fixed-Price Contract
This type of contract outlines a predetermined sum that a contractor is paid upon the project's satisfactory completion. It's considered one of the least risky options in terms of financial surprises.
Time and Materials Contract
Under this type of agreement, the contractor is paid based on the time spent on the project and materials used. It can be more flexible but also lead to unexpected costs if the project scope isn't well-defined.
Cost-Plus Contract
This less common agreement sees the contractor reimbursed for project expenses and also receive a percentage-based fee on top of the costs. It provides transparency but can be the most expensive option if the project faces delays or cost overruns.
Choosing Wisely: Selecting a Reputable Contractor
Finally, the quality of a contractor can significantly impact the overall cost of hiring them. Here are some best practices:
References and Reviews
Always ask for and follow up on references. Take the time to read reviews and testimonials to gauge the quality and reliability of past work.
Clear and Detailed Estimates
A reputable contractor will provide a detailed estimate that breaks down all costs, including labor, materials, and any unforeseen changes. This transparency is vital for budgeting.
Professionalism and Communication
Do they arrive on time for meetings? Are they responsive to calls or emails? Good communication indicates a professional approach, which can save you time and money by preventing misunderstandings.
Legal Considerations
Is the contractor properly licensed and insured? Ensuring that they are adequately covered can protect your business from potential liabilities and ensures you're working with a professional.
By taking these considerations into account, you'll be better equipped to understand and negotiate the costs involved in hiring a contractor for your small business. Remember, the cheapest option isn't always the best, and investing in quality can pay dividends in the long run.
Hiring a contractor can be the catalyst for your small business success, but understanding and managing the associated costs is key to a fruitful and profitable relationship.
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painterofhorizons · 1 year
Meh. Just meh. Having pms and hormones that make your brain go upside down while specific work stuff going on is just no good combination. Gotta give a 4h workshop for some software tomorrow, while my technical/workstation setup is mediocre, there's a really loud construction site right in front of my window, hormones make me feel like I could simply slay any human being wanting to interact with me irl and I'm working like twice the amount I'm getting paid for and since it's academia my boss doesn't care (quite the contrary, good for the project of I put in twice as much time as my contract says I should).
Put in short, I cannot wait for tomorrow to be fucking done.
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mariacallous · 1 year
Carronne Sawyer took the week off work to get her husband Alonzo out of jail. She knew he was asleep on the couch with her at the time police alleged he assaulted a bus driver near Baltimore and stole their smartphone. But an intelligence analyst using face recognition software had labeled him a possible match with the suspect seen on CCTV footage from the bus, police records show, and an officer had confirmed it.
At a police station and in a meeting with her husband’s former parole officer, the person who had confirmed the software’s suggested match, Carronne drew attention to details in photos on her phone taken recently by her daughter. Her husband is taller than the suspect in the video, she explained, and has facial hair and gaps between his teeth. His right foot slews out when he walks, something she did not see in video footage of the attack.
“I said my husband is 54 years old. This guy looks like he could be our son,” Carronne says. Alonzo was eventually released after nine days in jail, she says, during which time he missed his wife’s Gladys Knight tribute show and his work as a barber, and could not complete a construction contract he had secured. “I’m just grateful I was able to do all the labor and running around, because had I not he would still be sitting there for something he didn’t do,” Carronne says. The Sawyers’ ordeal took place in spring 2022 but has not previously been reported.
Around the time Alonzo was released, the victim in the bus incident identified another man as the suspect in the video, Deon Ballard, who is 7 inches shorter and more than 20 years younger than Sawyer, according to charging documents. Ballard’s mother and a police officer who arrested him confirmed that identification, one document shows, and he is due to stand trial in April.
Maryland Transit Administration Police did not respond to repeated requests for comment and deputy state’s attorney for Baltimore County John Cox declined to confirm Ballard and Sawyer were arrested for the same crime. WIRED was unable to speak with Alonzo Sawyer, who is serving time in a Maryland jail on a charge unrelated to the bus incident.
The Alonzo Sawyer case adds to just a handful of known instances of innocent people getting arrested following investigations that involved face recognition misidentification—all have been Black men. Three cases came to light in 2019 and 2020, and another last month, in which Georgia resident Randal Reid was released from jail after a judge recalled an arrest warrant linking him to thefts of designer purses in Louisiana.
Carronne Sawyer recalled her husband’s experience in public this month, calling in to the Maryland State House by video chat to speak in support of a proposed law to restrict police use of face recognition. The technology is largely unregulated in the US, but a wave of local restrictions and even bans have been passed in recent years.
Debates that led to those policies have often focused on discussions of harms from police use of face algorithms, such as the chilling effects on free speech and protests, or the consequences of surveillance tools being disproportionately used against communities of color. In Baltimore, Sawyer’s case provided a more tangible reminder of the reasons to restrict the technology.
Charles Sydnor, a Maryland state senator for Baltimore County, says that learning of Alonzo Sawyer’s case in fall 2022 inspired him to reintroduce the senate version of the proposed bill regulating face recognition, after a version failed to pass last year. “Not only is it in Maryland, but it’s in my backyard, my home jurisdiction,” Sydnor says. “My suspicion is you may have some in law enforcement say, well, the man got freed in nine days, so the system works. If face recognition kicks off investigations that land innocent people in jail, there’s a problem.”
Sydnor has been trying to put guardrails on face recognition for years. In 2020 he introduced a bill that would have placed a one-year moratorium on state and local government use of the technology. False arrests of Black men after incorrect matches by face recognition software that began to come to light later that year brought a renewed sense of urgency.
Face recognition systems have a history of misidentifying people with dark skin, and more than 60 percent of Baltimore residents identify as Black. Sydnor says he feels a pressing need to get regulation into place to protect their rights. He pivoted to proposing restrictions on face recognition that fall short of a ban after concluding that the technology was too widespread for a ban to be practical.
Sydnor’s proposed bill and an equivalent introduced in the Maryland legislature’s other chamber, the House of Delegates, would limit police use of face recognition to cases involving violent crimes, human trafficking, or “ongoing threat to public safety or national security.” They would also restrict police to searching for face matches in only databases of driver’s license and mug shot photos, putting off-limits services like that of startup Clearview AI, which scraped billions of face images from the web, including from social media.
The bills also require annual reports detailing police use of the technology, proficiency tests for the human analysts who pick possible matches from a list chosen by an algorithm, and police to have evidence beyond just a face recognition match to make an arrest.
Sydnor concedes that the proposed bill may not prevent the next case like that of Alonzo Sawyer, but he hopes it will still lead to better outcomes. “This bill was introduced as a compromise. It certainly isn’t as strong as I wanted it to be,” Sydnor says. “They’re not going to stop using [face recognition]. So long as there’s nothing in place, they’re going to continue using it unregulated.”
The proposed Maryland bills were developed with input from a working group that saw state lawmakers meet with prosecutors and public defenders, law enforcement agencies, and civil liberties groups like the ACLU and the Innocence Project.
Maryland is a unique place to debate face recognition regulation, says Andrew Northrup, an attorney in the forensics division of the Maryland Office of the Public Defender. He calls Baltimore “a petri dish for surveillance technology,” because the city spends more money per capita on police among 72 major cities in the US, according to a 2021 analysis by the nonprofit Vera Institute of Justice, and has a long history of surveillance technology in policing.
The use of invasive surveillance technology including face recognition in Baltimore during protests following the 2015 death of Freddie Gray led former House Oversight and Reform Committee chair Elijah Cummings to interrogate the issue in Congress. And in 2021, the Baltimore City Council voted to place a one-year moratorium on face recognition use by public and private actors, but not police, that expired in December.
Northrup spoke in favor of the bill and its requirement for proficiency testing at the same House of Delegates Judiciary Committee hearing addressed by Carronne Sawyer this month. He warned that as use of the technology becomes more common, bad face recognition could replace bad eyewitness identification as a major source of wrongful convictions. Most people are bad at recognizing strangers, Northrup says, even when assisted by an algorithm.
Organizations representing Maryland police and prosecutors participated in the formation of the proposed bill through the working group but have still raised opposition. In the Judiciary Committee hearing, Maryland Chiefs of Police Association president Russ Hamill said that what happened to Alonzo Sawyer was horrifying, but he spoke in opposition to the bill. He said it too tightly restricted the type of cases in which face recognition could be used and also complained about its limitations on which photo databases police can search.
Nick Picerno, a police captain for Montgomery County, an urban area near Washington, DC, also said those parts of the bill would hinder law enforcement. He  said officers in his department have previously used the technology to identify an indecent exposure suspect caught on a doorbell camera and to identify a child abuse victim in a TikTok video. He asked that the proposal be modified to allow use of face recognition to identify both suspects and witnesses in many more categories of crime, including firearm possession, child pornography, domestic violence, and cruelty to animals.
Deborah Levi, a public defender in Baltimore, told the hearing that her public records requests indicated that the Baltimore Police Department alone used face recognition more than 800 times in 2022. In one case, police ran an Instagram photo of a person holding a gun through face recognition software, then secured a no-knock warrant for the address of the person suggested as a match, she said.
Carronne Sawyer supports the proposed law because she believes it stipulation that face recognition “may not serve as the sole basis for positive identification” would have made a difference in her husband’s case. His ordeal changed how she feels around police and took away her faith in due process, she says, leaving her convinced that society urgently needs regulation like that under discussion in Maryland.
“I’m just thinking about how many other people have gone through what my husband had to go through and didn’t have anybody to fight for them,” she says. “How many people are sitting in jail now for something they didn’t do because of facial recognition and law enforcement agencies not doing their due diligence?” The Maryland state legislature adjourns in April and won’t meet again until January 2024. If the proposed bills do not pass before then, police use of face recognition will remain unregulated in the state for at least another year.
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There is a strong need for digital transformation in the construction business
With rising demand for homes and building supplies, the Indian construction industry is anticipated to expand at a 6.2% annual pace in the next years. Construction materials, which make up two-thirds of the overall cost of building, will become more expensive as a result of this rise in material costs, supply chain problems, and inflation. Consumers are unwilling to cut corners when it comes to the quality of the materials used, despite price rises. According to Ashish Aggarwal, Director, SpaceMantra, the building sector is embracing digital technologies like virtual design, VR home tours, cloud-based software, and big data analytics more and more to streamline the real estate process. Mr. Aggarwal discusses his thoughts on the real estate market's current status and how digitization might be a key factor in the future in an exclusive interview with Sanjeev Sinha. India's real estate development industry is booming as a result of the nation's record-high housing demand. How will this impact how construction materials required to develop this infrastructure are consumed and priced? The market dynamics have dramatically changed as of 2023. Since that materials make up around two thirds of the overall cost of building, developers will be forced to raise prices as a result of increased material costs. The supply side shocks, increasing inflation, and the frail global supply chain all contributed to a decline in raw material prices. Customers won't compromise on the quality of the building materials used, therefore a price increase to some level could have a detrimental impact on the fast expanding real estate market. Nowadays, consumers like to choose each component of their ideal home individually. How does it impact online purchasing habits in the digital age?” Allowing clients to hand-pick each component of their dream home helps to give customers the autonomy to decide how their dream home will look in today's increasingly digital world. Yet, doing so can cause the procurement process to go more slowly. Customers and businesses may now choose their preferences from a variety of raw material types, grades, and pricing online in just a few simple steps. With this kind of digital procurement, you may quickly and effectively get the precise materials your project needs. How is the real estate sector using technology to better serve their clients? Due to the increased disruption of the global supply chain, rising competitiveness, and labour shortages, there is an increasingly urgent need for digital transformation in the construction industry. An increasing number of innovative technologies are being incorporated into the building business. Virtual design and visualisation are common in these technologies. The real estate process is made more tech-savvy and results in a smooth experience thanks to virtual reality home tours, cloud-based software, smart contracts, and big data analytics. What are some trends and predictions we can look forward to for the construction sector this year as we usher in a brand-new year? A strong strategy of infrastructure projects in numerous industries is predicted to help the Indian construction industry grow at a 6.2% annual rate from 2023 to 2026. Investment in the construction sector will increase as a result of government initiatives like Atmanirbhar Bharat, which is anticipated to boost domestic industries and micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), and the Pradhan Mantri Gati Shakti National Master Plan, which aims to drive economic growth through infrastructure development. What lies in store for SpaceMantra going forward in 2023? Building a one-stop eB2B platform is part of SpaceMantra's ambition to organise and unify the extremely dispersed and unorganised construction industry. 
We are working hard to strengthen our vendor base by developing close relationships with brands and manufacturers. 
This will enable us to provide our product line to customers at lower pricing. 
We are also attempting to address the industry's long-standing problems with procurement. 
By providing a variety of integrated services that will help them overcome their operational issues, we intend to increase the number of customers we serve in the future.
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midnightvignettes · 1 year
If your waifu is any flavor of digital construct, make sure you’re getting full source access before tying the knot.  I’ve seen too many years of martial bliss fall apart to bit rot.  Understand your contract, keep backups and documentation, and know your software specialists.
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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Indian Navy officially receives aircraft carrier "Vikrant"
Diego Alves By Diego Alves 08/04/2022 - 15:00 in Military, War Zones
The Indian Navy made history by receiving the "prestigious" Aircraft Carrier (IAC) 'Vikrant' from its builder Cochin Shipyard Limited (CSL), Kochi.
Designed by the Directorate of Naval Design (DND) of the Indian Navy and built by CSL, a Public Sector Shipyard under the Ministry of Navigation (MoS), the aircraft carrier was named after its illustrious predecessor, India's first aircraft carrier to play a vital role in the 1971 war. Coinciding with the celebrations to commemorate the 75th anniversary of India's independence 'Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav', the reincarnation of Vikrant is a true testimony to the country's zeal and fervor in the search for capacity to increase maritime safety.
The 262-meter-long aircraft carrier has a total displacement of about 45,000 tons, much larger and more advanced than its predecessor. The ship is powered by four gas turbines totaling 88 MW of power and has a maximum speed of 28 knots. Built at a total cost of about Rs. 20,000 Crs (US$252MI), the project progressed in three phases of a contract between MoD and CSL, concluded in May 2007, December 2014 and October 2019, respectively. The ship's keel was "beated" in February 2009, followed by launch in August 2013. With about 76% of local technology, Vikrant is a perfect example of the country's search for "Aatma Nirbhar Bharat" and provides a boost to the Indian government's 'Make in India'.
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The Vikrant aircraft carrier leaves Cochin Shipyard in Kochi, India, after its launch on August 12, 2013. Reuters Photo
The Vikrant was built with a high degree of automation for machine operation, navigation and survivability, and is designed to accommodate a variety of fixed-wing and rotary aircraft. The ship is capable of operating an air wing composed of 30 aircraft composed of MIG-29K fighters, Kamov-31, MH-60R multifunction helicopters, as well as advanced light helicopters (ALH) and domestically manufactured light combat aircraft. Using a new mode of operation for aircraft launch known as STOBAR (Short Take-Off but Arrested Landing), the IAC is equipped with a "ramp" for launching aircraft and a set of 'retention cables' for their recovery on board.
The ship has a large number of locally manufactured equipment and machines, involving the main industrial companies in the country. The efforts also led to the development of auxiliary industries, as well as the generation of employment opportunities and reinforcement of the return effect on the economy.
Vikrant during the tests at sea in September 2021. Photo Cochin Shipyard Limited
A major offshoot of this is the development and production of treated steel, for use on warships through a partnership between the Navy, DRDO and the Steel Authority of India (SAIL), which allowed the country to become self-sufficient with respect to the steel used on the ship. Today all the warships that are being built in the country are being manufactured with 100% local steel.
Several design iterations, including the use of 3D Virtual Reality models and advanced engineering software, have been used by the Naval Design Directorate to shape the design of the aircraft carrier. CSL has also updated its shipbuilding infrastructure, as well as improving productivity skills during ship construction.
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Photo of the delivery ceremony. Photo MoD India.
The delivery of Vikrant was marked by the signing of acceptance documents on behalf of the Indian Navy by the Designated Commander of Vikrant, representatives of the Naval Headquarters and the Warship Supervision Team (Kochi), and by the President and Administrative Director on behalf of Cochin Shipyard Ltd., in the presence of senior officers of the Indian Navy and Cochin Shipyard.
Vikrant was delivered to the Indian Navy by CSL after extensive user acceptance tests carried out between August 2, 2021 and July 20, 2022, during which the ship's performance, including hull, main propulsion, auxiliary equipment, aviation facilities, weapons and sensors, as well as the maintenance and maneuvering capabilities at sea, proved satisfactory according to the test protocols and system parameters.
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Indian Navy service members with representatives of Cochin Shipyard on the flight deck of Vikrant. Indian Marine Photo.
The delivery of Vikrant is the culmination of a long phase of design, construction and testing, during which the Indian Navy and CSL had to overcome a multitude of unprecedented technical and logistical challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic and the altered geopolitical scenario. The successful delivery of the Indian aircraft carrier, in addition to an important activity and a historic event, testifies to the dedicated efforts of a large number of stakeholders in the Indian Navy, shipyard, industry, OEMs and M SMEs for more than two decades.
The aircraft carrier will soon be commissioned into the Indian Navy as Indian Naval Ship (INS) Vikrant, which will strengthen India's position in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR) by consolidating the Indian Navy as a local and global leader.
Tags: INS VikrantIndian NavyWar Zones - India/Pakistan
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citynewsglobe · 1 day
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