#constantine firespark
mystie-eyes · 8 months
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sheyri · 6 months
Meyser "Can't Remember Idioms" and Meyser "Can't Remember Names", I hereby pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss.
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Off to their wedding night they go.
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beck-nightengale · 1 year
playing around with effects in Video Editing Hell and I am losing my freaking mind at how perfect the filter came on Firespark send help I'm literally dying
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forevermarked · 1 year
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"What will you do now, mysir Dal'Varek?" He leaned back and blew out a gust of air. He rolled his cup on the table, and thoughtfully took a sip. "You know, I'm not sure yet. It seems the kind and benevolent Constantine Firespark has exhausted his need for my services, for the time being. I went down to the harbor earlier, looks like there's a ship leaving for Kile tomorrow. Perhaps my fortune awaits me there." It doesn't. You know that. Eris studied him with an unreadable expression. "Maybe... or maybe something even better than fortune awaits you here in Ark." Don't do this. "Not for me," he responded. "But for you, probably." "Hm..." she tilted her head. "We'll see. I should get back to the Temple, but I wanted to say... thank you. For saving me." "It was nothing."   Nothing. It was nothing. It was nothing. It was nothing. Eris smiled, and stood. "I wish you luck in Kile, or wherever you decide to go. I hope our paths cross again, Jespar, and if not..." She leaned over him. She smelled of bathhouse soap and oranges.  "I won't forget you." She leaned down and kissed him on the cheek. Chaste. Silly. Pure. Then, before he could say or do anything, she rushed out of the tavern, squeezing through the small crowd, disappearing among the backs of strangers. Jespar blinked. His hand went to his cheek, numbly. "What...?"
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dueliz · 3 years
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Day 20: The Relict
Probably the result of Fahlkun asking Firespark too many simple questions 🤣
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gabriellerudessa · 4 years
Vyntober 8: Forgotten Homeland - Constantine & Lishari
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Just two friends seeing Nehrim for the last time.
This last week was crazy because of college, so the drawings were just piling up. I managed to reach and finish day 14, so these drawings will be posted along the day.
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essythewolf · 4 years
Going through old WIPs and found that Pirate AU deep in the folder. Certain characters have assigned roles and for some ungodly reason Constantine Firespark is labeled as “The Cook”.
I don’t remember the reasoning behind this and I have left no other explanation for it other than “captured from a British Vessel then stayed because he couldn’t be bothered.” All I can think about it is him grumpily brandishing cooking equipment. Probably throwing them at the crew if one of them upsets him, yet still begrudgingly complying that this was “better” than an official position.
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cat-with-a-keyboard · 4 years
Prophet!Kim AU Part One
Heavy Nehrim and Enderal spoilers, but that probably goes without saying. IDK why, but I honestly love this idea.
KIM LIVES, (or he doesn’t, technically speaking). I did my own version of it, @anisanthus​ did one, etc... For the purposes of using mine, let’s say the the Veiled Woman brought him back as a Fleshless; neatly tying up why the hell they’d want to go to Enderal in the first place.
Second change: Of course they aren’t gonna be stowaways on Rocio’s ship, but rather unfortunate passengers. Still working out how they ended up in the sea, but doesn’t her ship crash?
I’m not so sure what to do about the Arcane Fever. It wasn’t present at all in Nehrim, so I’m just gonna say that...it’s a phenomenon associated with something about the whole continent of Enderal. Meaning, I suppose
The Shadowgod realizes something’s wrong essentially right off the bat. Kim’s acting a little... off. S/he can’t quite put her finger on it, but is definitely concerned. THEN Kim starts seeing things and the Shadowgod FREAKS. THE FUCK. OUT.
Be they friends, still-awkward-crushes, or lovers, the Shadowgod is going to have a very hard time letting him/her out of his/her sight. Something’s not right and the Shadowgod is determined to figure it out.
The Shadowgod trying to play undercover with Jespar, and only really succeeds in making everyone’s favourite mercenary REALLY curious about these two Nehrimese weirdos.
The Shadowgod getting really, really, nervous about going to Ark.
MEETING CONSTANTINE AGAIN!!! Just imagine how that would go down, especially with Jespar right there.
Running into Tealor again is...problematic, to say the least. The Shadowgod probably going out of their way to antagonize him on occasion, and Kim is just trying to keep the peace(roles reversed from Ostian, lolololol)
Big ol’ argument over joining the Endralean Order. Tealor totally has to play the ‘do-it-or-I-won’t-tell-you-anything’ card to get them anywhere NEAR those robes.
Shadowgod trying not to roll their eyes at Calia’s and What-Ever-His-Name-Was’ reactions to the fact the Lightborn are dead. Kim probably scowls at the Shadowgod for it, because even after the big fights (you know they had them) and explanations, he’s still coming to grips with Losing His Religion The Hard Way.
That’s all I have for now. I need to pull my head out of Nehrim and play Enderal again, but all in good time right?? Lol
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arkt-nehrim-archive · 4 years
Thoughts on Callisto vs. Conastantine?
(once again, no notification from this one sorry x.x. Tumblr. -Please-.) 
Hoo boy!  The two grumpy old gents! 
Of the two, I gotta say Constantine without a doubt.  Just, objectively the better character.
Both of them were crotchety old curmudgeons, but Constantine at least recognized the need for flexibility in problem solving to such a degree he even -went- to Enderal. Any self-respecting arcanist not -from- Enderal understands Enderal is the place where progress and expression of free thought go to -die-, and still he went! And convinced others to follow him!  There’s a boorish personality to be sure, but he knows his shit and he’s getting important work done with what resources are left after -most of his order died in their sole mission back in Nehrim-, to now deal with an evermore serious problem. To boot, he doesn’t dismiss the counsel and talent of those younger than him, with the Nehrimese mages working with the Holy Order it is -all- hands on deck, there’s no room for that ageist bullshit. On top of this, he’s got a sense of humor that, while as likely to be leveled at you as it is to get aimed at anybody else, has its charm to it. Hell I imagine he got -most- of that sass from having to -work- with Callisto in command for however many years, given you can find Constantine in Nehrim as a skill trainer.
Meanwhile Callisto is just a fuckin’, stick in the mud old jackass who suffers from an identity crisis of being caught somewhere between Gandalf the White (tho I’m doing Gandalf a slight disservice there) and the drill sergeant from Full Metal Jacket. He is consistently a dick up until seeing Narathzul in the flesh, in which he rolls the fuck over like an obedient little puppy dog and I just- I don’t.  I don’t like him. Literally his greatest service to the cause was bringing his arcane might against Jagal and then dying. I don’t even know why Narathzul put him in command for the operation in Ostian when by comparison, -we- the player as an individual by his own eye witness, have achieved much more in way less time and shown ourselves to be infinitely more capable?  Just...sdeuugh.  Of Nehrim’s cast of characters, he is a really weak one, he’s just a belligerent old man with zero redeeming qualities.
Now, the -other- Callisto. The one from Arktwend, with even less characterization and screen time is...  Cool?  But, only cause I like a theory I’ve concocted about him.  Regardless, HE had cool as fuck allies like, a weird monk/ninja dude that doesn’t talk (who might’ve been a super early take on a Petrified?) and a whole ass -dragon-. So there’s that I guess.  xD 
Thanks for the question anon! 
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mystie-eyes · 5 years
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nuka-zombie-archive · 5 years
Firespark: Joseph, I'm going to need you to swear-
Jespar: Fuck.
Firespark: ...Swear as in 'promise', Jesper.
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joycelikes · 5 years
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@henantier its your fault :D 
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annoyed-galaxy · 5 years
Firespark: *on the phone with Jespar*
Firespark: Hello?
Jespar: Hey what's up?
Firespark: Hey I need your help. Can you come here?
Jespar: I can't, I'm buying clothes.
Firespark: Well alright, hurry up and come over here.
Jespar: I can't find them.
Firespark: What do you mean you can't find them?
Jespar: I can't find them, there's only soup.
(yall should know what this is by now)
Firespark: What do you mean there's only soup?
Jespar: It means there's only soup.
Jespar: Alright you don't have to shout at me! *walk walk walk*
Jespar: There's more soup!
Firespark: What do you mean there's more soup?!
Jespar: There's just more soup!
Firespark: Go into the next aisle!
Jespar: There's still soup!
Firespark: Where are you right now?!
Jespar: I'm at soup!
Jespar: FUCK YOU!
If you know this reference, good on you. You can't not tell me this is perfect for Jes and Bushybeard.
Secondly, if you DON'T know the reference, watch this and then re-read.
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dueliz · 3 years
Enderal as Vines? In MY 2021?  + A few bonus clips
[Enderal as Vines pt 1] [Enderal as TikToks]
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Wish there was a mini quest where you can ask the mage squad to examine jespar's letter to determine if it's a date or not 😂
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