#consort tav
littlelovelyra · 3 months
In Darkness, Hope Flickers. Chapter 1 (Mourning)
Ascended Astarion x Female Durge vampire spawn/consort (Named Lilah)
"This was the best choice, you made the right choice. You repeat those lines in your mind several times. You do not regret this… do you?"
New Series! From Astarion and Lilah's (named F!Durge) perspective
(her previous name was Nyx but I wasn't vibing with it so I am changing it to Lilah)
Ao3 if you prefer
Notes on this series before you start: I explore Ascended Astarion. In this world, I have chosen to have him find himself again as the series progresses. Now I know there are heated discussions that Ascended Astarion is bad so please think of this as a re-imagining of his story where yes, he has a lapse in judgment out of fear and ascends. However, I think it would be beautiful to have him redeem himself, defying what it is to be a vampire lord. Eventually, breaking the cycle of abuse. There will also be some moments in this series with Lilah (tav) and Halsin as the story plays out. I won't say too much.
Series Summary/where we start:
It happened, Astarion’s ascension. The man you once loved is no longer present, instead, in his place looms a darker, dominant remnant of him. You foolishly accepted his offer of being his consort, believing that he would turn you into a true vampire, much like him. It has been one week since your turn, and as each day passes you start to doubt that promise. There are moments where you see flickers of his old self, however, they are small moments that do not last long.
Warnings: Ascended Astarion, Dom vibes, jealousy, possessiveness, Consort Tav, Dark urge tav, PiV, Sex, let me know if i miss anything
Thrust. “Hmph.” Thrust. “Gods, you’re perfect.” Thrust. Sweat drips down the side of your face as his grip tightens on your hips, gliding one hand up your spine he snakes it around and pulls you up by the base of your neck. The sweat that has settled on his chest feels cold against your back that is now pressed against him and you rock your body up and down his manhood. It is in these moments where you feel the most connected to him, you can close your eyes and pretend he is still the same man he was before his ascension.
“Hmph. So eager, my pet.” The curls of his hair tickle your face as he drops his head down nudging yours to the side, exposing your neck. As he clamps down to drink an orgasm ripples through your body and you feel his hand gently squeeze the base of your neck near your collarbone. He releases his bite and pushes you back face down on the bed. Firm hands once again grip your hips as his thrusts slam into you and you feel the pace quicken.
You feel his body stiffen behind you as he takes one last plunge deep into your core and ecstasy rips through his body sending waves of small spasms jolting through him. He pauses a moment, making sure all his spend has been emptied and he flips you over onto your back his crimson eyes are ablaze as he stares at you.
“My most beloved, spawn, my dark consort. How delicious you look, covered in sweat and breathing heavily for me.” His hand runs up your stomach as he catches your chin between his thumb and index finger. Releasing his grip he brings his hand to his mouth, punctures an opening on his middle finger and brings it down slowly pushing it to your mouth. Eagerly you drink the small amount he is willing to offer you as part of your hopes that this is the moment he allows you true vampirism. But this feels the same as any other time, the only intention he has is to show you he is in control and only he decides when it’s your turn.
Tears sting your eyes and your vision becomes blurry, how long would you subject yourself to these games? You could run away, you still have the tadpole but it won’t be forever. Even if you ran away, once the tadpole was gone, you were still under his control. What a fool you were in allowing him to ascend, at the time, you thought supporting what he wanted was the right thing to do. You knew what it was like to live in fear, Bhaal had the same effect on you. If you could take it all back you would. You now know that fear isn’t a bad thing, not if you have support around you. But what’s done is done, you cannot take any of it back and these are the consequences you now live with.
“Little love, whatever could be the matter?” He cocks his head to the side and for a moment you thought you caught a glimpse of genuine concern in his eyes.
“Astarion, it’s been a week… I’m starting to believe that maybe you have no intention of turning me into a true vampire.” There is a slight wobble to your voice, you are nervous. Bringing this up always ends with him angered and asserting his power over you.
“How many times do we have to have this discussion? It will happen when I am ready for it to happen. If you keep bringing it up I’ll make you wait longer. Do not test my patience.” He moves off the bed to dress himself for the day and you watch him move around the room, your heart aches for the loss of the man you loved.
Without a word, you clean yourself up, get dressed and move to the door to leave your private quarters.
“And where do you think you’re going?” His voice is cold and commanding, if it weren’t for the tadpole you assumed you wouldn’t be able to move in this moment. Instead, utilising the temporary freedom you have, you exit the room. Not a single acknowledgment comes from you at his question.
Before you know it you have found yourself standing in front of Halsin, as he is lost in whittling yet another duck for his collection. You softly clear your throat which grabs his attention.
“Sorry, I was distracted, you know what I’m like when I whittle.” He stands up and his brow furrows as he looks at you. “You have been crying. You have done that a lot recently. What can I do to make it better?” He pulls you into a soft hug and you let him, you know you shouldn’t but you and Halsin have had special arrangements previously. You weren’t sure where they stood now, but you didn’t care to ask Astarion. Not when he is the way he is and Halsin would gladly be whatever you needed him to be.
“Things are different with him, Halsin. He’s changed for the worse. I don’t know what to do, I feel like a fool.” You whisper into his chest unable to control the soft sobs that leave your lips.
“You did the best you could do, your choices were made in love. Do not fault yourself for loving someone the way you love him.” He bends his head and softly places a kiss on your forehead. A rush of shame fills you, you do not wish to lead him on, however, his warmth is welcoming.
“Halsin, I… I do not wish to lead you on. I love him… I just don’t know what to do.” You tilt your head to meet his soft eyes as he holds you.
“Lilah, I will be whatever you need me to be. The time we spent together intimately will be etched into my memory for as long as I live. If that is where our intimate connection stops, I will hold it dearly. If you require a friend, I will be just that.” He strokes his hand down the side of your face, his smile is earnest, and he means every word he says.
“Well, what do we have here?” A voice cuts through the air, you can almost taste the venom laced in each word. As you turn to face him, Halsin has respectfully let you go and stands at your side with his jaw clenched. “I leave my consort alone for five minutes and the animals descend. Have you no shame, Halsin? Or do you prefer indulging in my leftovers?” The words cut through your heart like a blade.
“Leftovers? LEFTOVERS?” You have never heard Halsin raise his voice and the entire camp stops. “If you dare speak that way of her again Astarion I will do what I must to protect her honour.” Halsin places a protective step between you and Astarion, you watch as delight spreads across his face at the challenge laid before him.
“Hah! You can try. She belongs to me and only me. I know we had our past arrangements but your… services are no longer needed, Halsin.” Astarion’s face is smug as he watches Halsin wince at the words. Your heart hurts for the druid and you wish you could do something to ease his shame. Rage floods your veins, it has been a while since your past affected you and you know you will never fully get rid of it.
“Astarion. That is enough. Halsin is my friend and I am entitled to spend my time however I please.” You watch as his crimson eyes glow with anger at your disrespect. “So long as I have this tadpole in my head, I have free will and I will enjoy every. Single. Moment of it.” You take Halsin by the hand and exit the shared quarters leaving Astarion speechless and seething behind you.
As you walk into the shared quarters you find her in the arms of the druid and you watch him run his hand softly down the side of her cheek. Something drops in the pit of your stomach, it feels like, pain. Nonsense. You are the Vampire Ascendant, you do not feel emotional pain, you do not feel jealousy and you certainly do not allow another man to run his hands over what belongs to you. A powerful being such as yourself does not need lovers’ quarrels and matters of the heart. You are no longer a weakling. Let her have her time with Halsin, you know that she would not dare be physical with him, no, your consort is infatuated with you.
However, you find yourself with some free time today, perhaps you could indulge with some good old-fashioned stalking. Put your pet to the test and see what she does with her delusion of freedom. While you are watching her you could think of a plan to reel her back in line, maybe dangle some warmth her way… tell her you love her, tell her she is the best thing that has happened to you and make her feel special. It would be easy, you know how she waits to be commanded. You hear it in the way her breath stills when you speak and see it in her eyes as they stay glued to your every move.
Keeping track of them isn’t hard, even in a crowd of people Halsin sticks out like a sore thumb. You can say what you want about the druid but the one thing he has going for himself is the sheer size of him. No one would want to mess with that. You carefully watch as they walk the streets and it doesn’t escape your attention that his hand brushes against hers now and then. You feel a twitch of something in your chest every time his hand touches hers. A feeling you should not be experiencing, is that… jealousy? It couldn’t be, no, you are merely annoyed that someone else is touching something that belongs to you. Simple.
You follow them through Balder’s Gate as they make their way toward Rivington. What is your plan druid? You think to yourself watching them descend the hill towards a secluded beach. You notice that just above the shoreline where they sit is a cliff that has many bushes surrounding it. As you stealthily make your way, you slip into the shadows of the shrubbery and listen.
“Are you alright, my heart?” The druid places his hand atop hers and you see her face flush as she turns to him.
“I am as good as I can be. Halsin, I… I am so sorry for the way he spoke to you. You did not deserve that.” She places her free hand on his cheek and you feel a deep rage settle in your chest.
“You’re apologising? You need not apologise to me. The way he spoke of you… as if you meant nothing more than scraps. It enraged me.” Halsin’s voice hardens at the memory and part of you regrets your choice of words when it came to her. She is not your leftovers… why you chose those words, you will never understand. The pain on her face when those words hit her left you feeling… ashamed. You will not dwell on it, that is yet another sign of weakness and you were past that. She should know better.
“Perhaps he is right, maybe I am not worth more than that. Look what I have done to myself… all for him. Have I no self-respect?” You hear the quiver in her voice it cracks and gives way to her sobs and a familiar feeling settles in the pit of your stomach.
Halsin pulls her into his arms, lifts her face to his and you watch as he brings his lips to hers. I am going to make him bleed for that. Your thoughts are full of anger and disbelief as you see for a moment she leans into him and suddenly releases the kiss.
“I still love him… I’m so sorry. I wish I could turn it off but I can’t, I’m pathetic.” Her voice sounds small, defeated and you are not sure how to feel about this. On the one side, this gives you the upper hand and you realise how much power you hold over her. On the other side, there is a small desire to show her that as your consort she is certainly not pathetic, you would never allow your consort to be anything but perfect.
“Love makes fools of us all, Lilah. Perhaps in time, you will learn how to move on from the man he once was and if you were to open yourself to another, I would be there. But if that doesn’t happen I am here all the same as your friend.” He wraps his arm around her shoulder.
“And you would be happy? Just as my friend?” She asks quietly.
“As long as I am in your life in some capacity, I will be happy.” He replies.
“Halsin? If that day ever came, if I was ever able to stop loving him… I would come to find you and if you weren’t committed to another maybe we could be together then.” Her voice is soft as she places her hand on his shoulder.
“I would not settle down, perhaps take lovers, but settle down? I have only ever wanted that from you. I do not imagine it would change.” The druid smiles at her and looks out onto the ocean.
You do not wish to hear any more of this conversation and as you quietly make your way back up the hill you find yourself thinking of what you would do if she left you. If she were to move on to love another. Your stomach twists and you become nauseous at the thought. You would not allow that to happen. She is yours… she could never be anyone else’s.
After spending the day with Halsin you feel better. This morning’s drama rattled you and that word still lingers in your mind… leftovers… is that what he truly thinks of you? If that was the case, then perhaps it was time for you to rethink your relationship with him. You can’t spend your eternity like this, under his torment.
As you and Halsin enter the Elfsong Tavern and head upstairs to the shared quarters you notice the door to your private room is open. You glance at Halsin who gives you a small nod followed by an understanding smile. He places a soft kiss on your cheek and enters the shared room.
Sighing to yourself you slowly enter your private quarters and find Astarion sitting on the chair in the corner of the room.
“Did you enjoy yourself? You caused quite the scene this morning.” His voice is cool and unbothered, his ruby eyes glisten watching you, waiting for your response.
“It was not I who caused a scene this morning, master.” You spit out the last word at him and you see a quick wince from him, you would have missed it had you blinked.
“Now my darling consort… you need not address me as master, but you know that don’t you?” He rises from his chair and crosses the room. Gently he cups your face and leans in to kiss you tenderly. The softness of the kiss surprises you, he has not kissed you like this since his ascension. Maybe you have finally gotten through to him. He pulls back and holds your gaze while his thumb lazily runs along your jaw.
“I do rather like that, you know?” His voice is soft, and sweet and sounds almost vulnerable.
“Oh, you do? I would have thought you would have been disgusted since I am nothing but leftovers.” Your voice cracks and tears sting your eyes once more as you glare at him.
“My love, I didn’t mean it. I was caught up in the heat of the moment. You should know that you are much more than that. You are my consort, I would never think so little of you.” He trails kisses along your jawline and down your neck. Your head becomes dizzy at his soft touch. “You are my most beloved spawn.” As soon as the words leave his mouth you are snapped back into reality.
“That is all I will ever be to you, won’t it? Your spawn? You never intend for me to become a true vampire.” Your voice is soft as you whisper out the realisation.
“Darling, I’m hurt. You think so little of me… I simply want to get used to this power before we take the next step… after all, we have all eternity, what is the rush?” His words flow through you like honey and you cannot find the words to argue with him. “I don’t wish to fight with you, can’t we just forget what happened this morning?” He kisses you down your neck once again.
“Do you love me?” The question spills out from your lips and you feel him freeze.
“Of course I love you. Why would you ever doubt that, my love?” He turns you to face him and yet again for a moment, you see a small flicker of genuine concern that is soon masked by his newfound confidence. You pray to whatever gods are listening that he means it because you cannot let him go. Not yet.
“Little love, let me show you just how much you mean to me?” His breath is hot in your ear as he leads you to the bed.
“Do you think… we could just lay together? Like we used to?” You watch his face as he contemplates your request.
“If that will make my consort happy, then that is what we shall do.” There is a calculated look in his smile but you push it aside for this moment of intimacy. You have not held each other like this since his ascension and as you lay there in his arms you close your eyes for a moment, sleep finds you quickly.
As you lay there with her on your chest, memories fill your mind. Memories of nights when the two of you lay cuddled together sharing laughs, secrets and dreams. A small twang of emotion shoots itself across your chest and you shove it down, you were pathetic then and you will never be ever again. If she loved you then surely she would love you now, especially when you can offer her power beyond measure. She would never have to feel afraid again, and neither would you. This was the best choice, you made the right choice. You repeat those lines in your mind several times. You do not regret this… do you?
No. You can’t and won’t regret this. She will learn to appreciate the powerful vampire you have become and once she realises your power she will understand why this was the right decision. You will enjoy this and you will build yourself an empire. For the both of you. No one could stop you.
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rielzero · 3 months
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:( He wanted cuddles.
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marimosalad · 3 months
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Batsungi and Batstarion for @carooosa 🖤💛🖤💛🖤💛
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nirraart · 5 months
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pursuitseternal · 8 months
Fly through “The Fifth Day” in a new Batstarion update to “Antics of the Newly Ascended”
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Ascended Astarion x f!Reader | M | 1.2K of fluffy bat fluff
Summary: You wake not quite yourself… and your Lord will be the one to guide you this time into the night
CW: cuteness, fluff, toothrotting fluff, bat sex teased, garden ruins, one Ascended Vampire that’s really just his idiotic, ambitious self.
Previous ch | Ao3 link | Masterlist
It’s a quiet evening for once… you decided to lounge in your rooms, leaving Astarion to have to mingle bereft of your presence. He had pouted, but having you beg so prettily for a moment to yourself, he granted it to you. When you are happy, he is too. And of course he wants you rested, eager and willing for your nightly activities… You had scoffed at the implication in front of the rest of your party, even as your thighs grew hot and your body quivered with the promise of his adoration.
Your body had grown exceptionally heavy, the pull of sleep too great, despite your vampiric powers, your own as his consort that seemed to grow more every day. Your dreams are sweet and soft, like you are wrapped in the plushest of furs, cloaked in a blanket of your bond with your lord.
You can feel his approach even in your dreams, his silken voice tickling your ear as he speaks to you.
“How adorable you are, my pet,” he rasps right in your ear. You yawn and stretch, his caressing touch weaving through the top of your head…. But as your eyes open, your stomach drops.
Your world hangs upside down… or you do. You flail your arms, body shaking as you realize Astarion’s smirking, sharp and handsome face looms below you. It isn’t his hand in your hair… it’s his single digit scratching at the top of your head.
Suddenly, you plumet, arms… no wings flapping wildly as you fall.
Until he catches you in the palms of his hands. “And just when I thought you couldn’t get any more darling… my darling,” he croons quietly, your sensitive ears thankful for his consideration. “Seems the extension of Mephistopheles’ gift has granted you even more abilities as well, my love.”
You try to reply, but all that comes from your little throat are the same squeaking chitters your love has made in this same… form.
“Hush, my treasure,” he smirks. “Now it seems to be my turn to guide you in how to use your powers. And one who has supped on my blood, it seems only fair I be your teacher.” He sets you tenderly down on the bed, careful to let your feet settle first. It’s a strange feeling, claws for feet and wings for arms and fingers. You stretch them out, looking to see the thin skin pulled between your fingers, a soft blue-grey, the same color you see down your belly.
Your fur.
He cocks one hip, his expression one clearly savoring your discovery. Amused. “Think of all the possibilities this adds, my consort… all the new positions and forms we can… experiment with that might just bring us together in new and… exotic ways.”
“No way,” you push your voice into his mind, irritated. “I’m trapped as a bat, and all you can think of are the endless possibilities of fucking in this form?” Your annoyance takes over your body, your wings flapping in rage as you suddenly feel yourself lift from the bedding.
“I will not be allowing you to fuck me as a bat… my lord.” You add his title just for formality, just to emphasize you vehement opposition.
Astarion gives a low, rumbling chuckle as he watches you dart around his face. “Well, my pet, we have an eternity for you to change your mind. But at the very least, I’ve spurred you to take flight.”
He crosses to the window, opening the lead-paned window into the cool night. Flashing that look of purest seduction, of ravenous desire in the twist of his smirk and the cant of his brows, he crosses back towards where you fly. A tingle of power pierces the air as he shifts. He swoops at you, the fluffy white bat you have held and pet and chided for being naughty. “Shall we?” he smirks on his pointed face, his voice like velvet even inside your mind.
He flits around you, running the claws of his feet through the fur on your back. It makes you… tingle—warm and molten.
“Dammit, I said no…” you dart away.
“Just a little flight, once around the City, my love. And I promise to be on my best behavior. No fangs or cock until we’ve returned, I swear.”
You give a high-pitched huff, flapping out the window and into the starry sky. You swoop and swirl through the air, following his fluffy white tail and outstretched wings. Diving through garden after garden, park and park, you can’t help but feel the rush of these powers, the way your bond with Astarion hums, vibrating like your membranous wings do as you fly. Flapping, he banks quickly to the side, you follow as best you can, realizing he’s led you back to the Lower City walls, and you instantly recognize these outer palace walls.
The Crimson Palace. Astarion’s old… new home….
He slows himself, an ancient garden enclosed by the palace’s walls, your destination it seems. A grand, stone arch, shadowed by the moonlight, is where he stops. Flipping himself around, he hangs from his own clawed feet in its pointed pinnacle.
You try to do the same, missing it by that much as you stop, fingers and toes clinging into the stone so you can scramble beside him. His body is still bigger than yours, wings wrap tight around you, his white fur that warm blanket you recall from your restful dreams. Nose twitching he holds you just so, the night darkening before dawn now. The garden is derelict, rotting bushes and broken stone figures. You wonder how anyone could think that C— that the former owner of this palace held any affluence.
Though you know the legers in the Counting House speak otherwise.
“Once the brain is defeated, this will all be ours, my treasure…” he purrs wistfully. You can feel the centuries of longing seeping into his thoughts. As if he had stared into this same garden countless times before.
Begging for freedom. For light. For growth.
“Needs some work,” you hum in reply. “Some improvements, to be sure. Blooming flowers for one would be nice.”
“Whatever you desire, my love.”
You feel just a tickle, a brush of his head between your twitching, pointed ears. His little snuffles of breath warming your fur and making you spine tingle to be so close to him.
He seems to pull you tighter, wings clutched hard on your body to make you face him once more. “Now, unless you’ve changed your stance on experimentation… I would very much like to… return to our bed, little love.”
“Camp it is,” you laugh into his mind, pushing off him with your little claw feet to launch you back into the night.
“One day…” you hear him chuckle into your thoughts, distantly. Half to himself.
A series of flashes cross from your mind to his…
One day, this will be yours, your palace… One day you’ll fly home here, not some Inn with rooms to share… One day, this garden will bloom, and one day he will fuck you in it. Bat or no, you will be his in his palace. As he will be yours.
For @marimosalad and @snowfolly
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bloodlust-1 · 7 months
The Consort ₊⁺જ⁀➴
NSWF | Explicit 18+ | Angst | Blood | Ascended Astarion | Spawn Tav | Dark | Smut | Trauma | Stockholm Syndrome | Violence
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Ascended Astarion x fem Tav
Chapter: 1 | The Consort
Summary: In a tumultuous tale of love, power, and betrayal, Tav finds herself entangled in a complex relationship with Astarion, a heartless vampire lord who will stop at nothing to maintain control over his newfound spawn. As Tav witnesses Astarion’s transformation and descent into darkness, their love is put to the ultimate test amidst love triangles, drama, and the pursuit of world domination. Redemption seems like an elusive goal while Tav grapples with the realization of who her lover has truly become.
Notes: Hi, hi ! New series cause Astarion is heavy on my mind. I’ve been writing this on the low so I’m posting the 1st two chapters today so enjoy :*
Lovely photo by @aristenfromwarsaw
Tav sat against the window of a palace, her eyes fixed on the bustling street below. She hummed a tune so sweet to herself, the laughter of children playing echoed through the glass, and she hugged herself in this peaceful solitude.
Tav's fingers grazed softly over the bite marks that scarred her skin.
Her lover, her home, and ultimately Tav's only reason why she couldn't step foot in the sun any longer.
Being Astarion's spawn changed Tav's life instantly, and everything felt so - silent.
This was her love, and she'd almost do anything for him, including going threw the ascension.
And because of this, Astarion was always gone during the day, and it was so unfair.
Memories flooded her mind as she gazed at the sunlight streaming in. She remembered the warmth of the sun on her skin, the way it kissed her cheeks.
A ray of sunlight pierced through the window, illuminating a small patch of floor near Tav.
What it would feel like to just...touch it. Would it really hurt? Maybe Tav could be the exception some how? Either way, the curiosity inside Tav chewed at her better judgment.
Tav bit down on her lower lip, whispering, "Just a - touch..."
With a hiss, the beam sizzled her skin, leaving behind a faint burn that quickly healed before her eyes.
“Ouch,” Tav winced and pulled back her hand with glossy eyes.
She watched as the mark faded away, leaving no trace of burns. That's it, no more daylight: this was Tav's sacrifice to Astarion.
As she leaned back against the window, Tav’s gaze lingered on the street below once more. She sighed and played with her hair.
They were so carefree and happy. She wished she could be like them again. Changing into animal form and feeling the warm grass beneath her feet. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Tav couldn’t not let her vampirism control her. She would find a way to live a normal life again.
Especially with Astarion at her side.
Astarion burst through the door, shouting, "Darling, I've got great news! I- " He stopped mid-sentence, his words trailed off as he noticed Tav suddenly jump away from the window.
She nervously smiled and waved at him, with a hint of unease. “Hi, Star… How was your morning?”
Astarion’s gaze lingered on Tav’s face and then shifted to her reddened hand. Whatta trouble maker. He shook his head and sighed annoyed while grabbing her hand, forcing it for closer inspection. “Were you playing with the light again, dearest?”
Tav murmured slightly, feeling a pang of shame knowing how much Astarion hated when Tav tested her new form.
It was dangerous and foolish of her to push limits with her life. Astarion claimed she was better than before and that she should accept his gift to her.
“Must you continue to do this to yourself? Remember, you’re better now. I made you this way; learn to love it, my consort,” he rubbed his thumb over Tav's knuckles. Despite his stern words, a soft smile graced his lips as he leaned in to press a gentle kiss against Tav’s forehead.
"I just can't help it." Tav turned her head to the window, "It still doesn't feel real." She looked back at Astarion with confusion etched deeply in her furrowed brows, "It's like I don't believe it's real until I get myself hurt."
Astarion stared at her, confused and maybe even a little weirded out. "Riiight - well, please don't take it too far, I wouldn't want you to crisp into a chip right in front of my eyes." He grabbed Tav by the waist and gave her hugs and squishes.
Tav chuckled against his hold and bombard of kisses.
“And I trust you haven’t been practicing your wild forms in the house, dear?” He glared down at Tav with a sternness again.
Astarion did not accept animals in the house, not even for poor Druid Tav.
Tav smiled. “Noo…”
Astarion's eyes glared down at her longer than usual. "Mhm. Do you want to try that again, Tav?"
She averted her eyes from his, “If I could just get some time to practice…I almost perfected my panther form!” Her eyes lit up with determination. If only she could just show him. It was quite impressive.
But no, shut down.
He scuffed with a slight squeeze of her body, “There will be no need for a panther form. I carry all this power and it’s all you need to depend on. Besides, I found animal fur on the carpet the other day.”
Oh, right.
Tav half-giggled against Astarion’s strength and pushed away with a smug look on her face, "Soo, what's the good news?"
"Ah, yes." He fixed himself before speaking while putting some distance between them, "I've been invited to Waterdeep, a party. I want to make connections with the nobles near us. I think it's a good opportunity to sniff out whatever advantages present themselves to us. Gossip and have fun of course."
Tav's eyes lit up and she clasped her hands together, "A ball?!" She took in a sharp breath, "It's been deathly boring here, I would love to get out and see new faces."
Being a spawn could be so sheltering sometimes, especially when Astarion kept her on such a tight leash. Not that she minded his attention, that was the plus.
Astarion rolled his eyes, "Of course, you're coming." He popped out a hip and with a smirk, "You are my lovely consort after all." He leaned over and brushed away a strand of Tav's hair, fixing it perfectly in place, "And you will put all those Waterdeep prissy noble-women to shame."
Finally, something to look forward to.
"You think so?" Tav bit down on her lower lip, flashing him playful eyes. Tav stepped closer to Astarion again, resting her hand on his chest and sliding his down to his stomach gracefully.
Astarion mirrored Tav's gesture and his fingers grazed over her hips, holding a hand full of her love handles, "I don't think. I know."
She smiled at his touch, and a sudden yawn escaped Tav's lips.
Astarion's ears perked up, "Tired are we?"
She rubbed her eyes and nodded softly, "Yeah...I'm still getting used to this whole nocturnal schedule." Tav tilted her head, "But I wanted to see you before I went to bed."
With one swipe, Astarion scooped Tav into his arms, "You'll see me for eternity." His crimson eyes fell on Tav as he craddled her in his arms, "My spawn."
Her stomach knotted. Did she really like being a spawn? Well...No. But she would definitely try to for Astarion. They were in this for life. Tav tries to find life's simple pleasures, but it's hard leaving a life she once had.
Regardless, she'd never admit it to Astarion. Tav didn't want him to think she was regretful or doubtful. Even if she felt like it deep down. He mustn't know. Tav loves Astarion. After all, he said he wanted this power to protect them.
Astarion held Tav bridal style and brought her into their bedroom. The king-sized bed was draped in red silk fabric, and he poured her onto the mattress like the rarest of jewels.
And to her surprise, Astarion crawled into the bed next to her, holding her body tight against his. He nuzzled against her neck, his breath warm against her skin, and it sent shivers down her spine.
He was unusually cuddly than most days.
"Are you okay?" Tav spoke out. This wasn't normal behavior, not after he ascended at least.
"Nothing." His eyes were cold and emotionless but the squeeze in his embrace contradicted that. "I'll stay until you fall asleep." He softly kissed the tips of her ears.
Oh...how sweet.
Tav smiled, her heart aflutter as she nestled into the soft pillows. Astarion held close and watched over Tav as her eyelashes fluttered closed.
She was so emotionally fragile lately, especially with her little accidents. It worried him when he wasn't home more than he'd ever tell her.
No, don't feel bad. She's made her choice.
Astarion's inner thoughts battled within himself. Mostly because Tav consumed his mind and thoughts, even when trying to engage in any political social climbing. Part of him despised how weak he was for her.
But for now...This feels nice.
Next part here
You made it to the end! Mwuah.
Also so sorry if this series triggers anyone
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Any thoughts? Comment 👇🏼 I love to engage!
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bardic-inspo · 2 months
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An eternity of thanks to my wonderful and incredibly talented friend, @sniickerdoodles, who did such a beautiful job bringing Consort! Naomi to life.
It means so much to get to see her how I pictured her in my head. Ammi, your work is just stunning!! I find something new to fall in love with every time I look at this. Please check out Ammi's other gorgeous pieces on her Tumblr!!
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mytavruin · 5 months
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POV you are a Drow matron and Ruin is your consort.
Reference: Here
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bloooodyconsort · 9 months
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Ascendant Astarion's dark consort fashion
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peoneys · 4 months
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‘what have you done to me ?!’
getting back awareness after decades of being under compulsion might not feel too good
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Ok I know I'm heavily biased here but like I kinda love that Astarion's romance is one of the few in this type of video game where you basically end up canonically unmarried and childfree in his "good" ending? Just travelling the world??
Like it's honestly the millennial dream lmfaoo cannot believe i chose what would undoubtedly be my favorite option, first try
#also love that he's basically atheist like ok thanks you made the man exactly coded to be my type#and the humor and beautiful curly hair is very much something my IRL partner has too so like... how can i resist#anyways not sure a lot of people relate cause i think a lot of people want that fairytale romance#even tho wyll is right there yall#but i love me an unconventional or nontraditional one!!#i'm TIRED of being married with children as the endgame pls let's not do it#also a lot of people seem into him being a dad and im like... how? why? where in canon did he ever lmfao#more power to ya if you dig it but i just dont see it being in character#like in DAI i loved cullen and my inquisitor getting married and having a dog#and they seem the type to wants kids one day. but Tav & Astarion? lol no#i just think it's neat#is this a hot take? i have no idea but i don't see it mentioned a lot as a new fan tbh#pls do not come at me you can enjoy whatever you like#i haven't seen the ascended stuff so idk if being his 'consort' is like being his bride#but i feel like overall it's not and the vibe isn't all that different in this sense#except that you're hosting evil parties instead of travelling :/#Astarion#bg3 spoilers#baldur's gate 3#baldur's gate 3 spoilers#bg3#also YEA he's nice to Arabella but you can tolerate certain kids without wanting one or being 'good parent' material#case in point: me lmfao#OKAY update i saw the AA stuff and yeah you're kind of implied vamp married and he does mention spawn as children 😫#but he also says in banter he won't make any other spawn??? so what is it dude#anyway that's also clearly the “bad” route and he doesn't seem as happy as unascended#who feels “truly free”#and if you're durge I'm pretty sure its even worse to consider having kids?? lol#but i digress#pk plays bg3
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rielzero · 5 months
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marimosalad · 3 months
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Batstarion x Bat!Consort YCH for a limited time 🦇❤️🦇
$35 for one of 2 themed options: Spring Morning or Autumn Evening, or $50 for both :)
>>Sign up link here<<
Above: Bat!Cordehlia for reference :3 (@pursuitseternal’s busty redhead Tav)
P.s. My regular comm info is pinned on my profile 🖤
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brabblesblog · 6 months
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I know I've commissioned a ton of art of this lady here, and I've even made her in-game. But I've yet to see art of her that is 1:1 how she would be in reality. The closest was of course the in-game one, but her physique was off. She's not taller than Astarion (she's 5'4"), has smaller boobs and is rather muscular - all lending to a rather stocky build. As my one and only Tav, Ban matters so much to me and I identify with her on a lot of things. Her story and her character growth has been one I've been working on since September (even if Whither is thy beloved gone? was written in December), and she's actually been my in-game character for so many games since 2020.
She's been in the hands of artists, in the minds of readers, and each and every interpretation of her is beautiful and valid. This one is special however because if you walked into her at a coffee shop one day, she would look like this.
Thank you for bringing her to life, my dearest friend Angelica Leira 🩷
You can check out her work here.
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seaofdaydreams · 7 months
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A work in progress of the Acunin family. I’ll render it out more later.
I like to think that despite Astarion and Elysia having red vampire eyes, their children would retain the natural eye colors of their parents. That way they’d never forget what color they were. 🥲
Inspired by this post
Referenced poses from here
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bloodlust-1 · 7 months
The Consort ₊⁺જ⁀➴
NSWF | Explicit 18+ | Angst | Blood | Ascended Astarion | Spawn Tav | Dark | Smut | Trauma | Stockholm Syndrome | Violence
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Ascended Astarion x fem Tav
Chapter: 2 | Red Is Traditional
Summary: In a tumultuous tale of love, power, and betrayal, Tav finds herself entangled in a complex relationship with Astarion, a heartless vampire lord who will stop at nothing to maintain control over his newfound spawn. As Tav witnesses Astarion’s transformation and descent into darkness, their love is put to the ultimate test amidst love triangles, drama, and the pursuit of world domination. Redemption seems like an elusive goal while Tav grapples with the realization of who her lover has truly become.
Lovely photo by @aristenfromwarsaw
"Wake up." Tav was shaken awake by Astarion. She rubbed her eyes and looked up at him, confused.
"What's going on?" she asked. Her eyes darted to the window and the sun was slowly settling down into the horizon. Astarion was usually in the palace by that time, with no intentions of leaving.
"Don't question me, just get dressed," Astarion said, passing Tav an embroidered black cloak. "We must hurry before it gets too late and the shop closes."
Tav's eyes widened. "oh - okay." She sat up from the bed and hurried to put on the luxurious cloak and slippers. "Is there something going on..?" Tav stumbled as her finger got snagged while trying to slip on her flats.
"Wait," Astarion held Tav by her shoulder as she fixed herself. "You need to drink this first." He reached for a glass cup sitting on their bedside.
The thick liquid of blood filled the brim of the cup. It was darker in color than Tav's freshest pint of the slick, but he was right. She needed to eat before starving herself.
As Tav gazed at the glass in front of her, a look of disgust crossed her face. With a swift motion, she pushed it away, “I don’t want it..”
Astarion’s expression shifted into a frown, his eyes reflecting a hint of anger, "You can eat all the food you want, but we both know it'll never give you the proper energy your body needs."
With a subtle yet commanding gesture, he pressed the glass against her lips, his tone firm yet strangely alluring. “Drink.”
She held the glass lightly and sipped the thick dark slick. It coated her mouth in a bitterness that turned Tav's face sour.
"It's bitter," she coughed, dabbing away the excess spill from the corners of her lips.
"It's old," Astarion continued. "But it'll give you some energy."
Astarion had to bottle animal blood for Tav, and not every day was a successful catch.
Tav took another sip and forced it down. It tasted awful, but it did give her a little energy.
"Okay," she said. "I'm ready."
Astarion studied Tav's face, his dark eyes glittering with amusement. He cupped her cheek, pressing his thumb against the smeared blood on her lips. "You're a mess," he chuckled, his voice low and playful. "But you look so beautifully delicious."
He leaned over and licked the traces of blood left on her skin, pressing his lips into hers in a small kiss. Tav willingly opened her mouth, her heart pounding. She could feel his tongue against hers, and the taste of his kiss was intoxicating.
Astarion pulled away, his eyes still locked on hers. "Now we can go."
Tav nodded obediently, her mind still reeling. Her chest pounded with a heat that burned from the absence of Astarion's touch. She had never felt so alive.
They left the palace and headed to the market. Tav held onto Astarion’s arm as they walked down the familiar streets of the lower city.
"Where are we going?" Tav pulled her cloak's hood over her head, shielding her from any light left in the horizon.
"Fabrics. The party is formal attire and I wanted you to wear only the finest material." Astarion guided Tav up the ally ways and she gazed up at him, face flushed.
"Are you going to...sew me a dress?" She tried to peek up at his face, and when his eyes caught hers, he nodded once with a smirk on his face.
The rush of warmth squeezed Tav's chest and her smile beamed brighter than any star in the sky. Tav knew Astarion was a skilled sewer, but she had never seen it for herself. This felt special.
The city was still under construction from the Netherbrain and it was kinda sad to see all the rubble piled up in front of destroyed buildings.
Astarion tugged on Tav's arm as she got caught between her feet staring out at the ruins of what was once a grand city.
“Come now, my dear," he said with a stern lilt to his voice, "We're almost there." He too looked at the rubble, remembering how weak and helpless he had felt back then. But now, he was stronger than ever.
With a small jingle of the door, a wave of natural fibers hit Tav and Astarion. The countless rows of material covered the walls and the store clerk greeted them,
"Good day!" The clerk's eyes sized up the couple and his eyebrows perked up. They looked expensive. "Looking for something as flawless as you two?"
Tav cracked a shy smile, her elf ears dropped with reddened tips. She waited for Astarion to speak, "Yes. I want nothing but the best."
The clerk's smile widened and he guided them to a section of the shop with a wave of his hand, "Of course! I have the finest material all available to the likes of you. Here - take a look."
Tav eyes trailed down the rows of fabric, and one caught her eye. A purple velvet material. It was soft to the touch, stretchy, and rich in color.
"Astarion, look how pretty." Tav rolled out a piece of the velvet from the roll, face flushed with amazement.
Astarion’s face turned bitter and he shook his head, "No, darling. Just feel how heavy it is. Do you really want to drag this dress around?" He scuffed, how foolish.
"I suppose..." Tav rolled the velvet back with a sigh. "I thought it just looked pretty."
"What you thought and what is true are two different things. Now - let us take a look at this." Astarion rolled out a silky red fabric with a glint of approval in his eyes. "Now this is something worth our attention. Red is traditional after all."
Tav hummed with a nod, yes it really was beautiful. Maybe he was right, the velvet would be a heavier material.
"That is our mulberry silk. It is made from the cocoons of silkworms. It is one of my finest materials in all of Faerun, everyone will know its worth just by its look and feel."
The feel? Tav would be wearing it and there's no way he'd let anyone touch her under his watch. Astarion frowned, "No one will be touching this material except me." Jealousy blurred his vision for a moment before clearing his throat, "This will be all."
The clerk's worried expression landed on Tav. It was like he was trying to telepathically send red flag signals to her, but alas, she knew this side of Astarion too well. And sometimes it was very abrasive.
To cut the tension, Tav spoke out with excitement, "Well! it's very beautiful. Thank you for your time, sir.
As they walked home, Astarion noticed the admiring glances from other prying eyes as they passed by, and a flicker of jealousy crossed his face.
It wasn't Tav's fault she was unique in beauty. She was definitely foreign in appearance compared to the city’s people. She bared clear crystal white eyes, that were eerie yet captivating. Growing up, the wood elves thought she was born blind, but it was just genetics. She looked ghastly with dark glowing skin like licorice and had long messy locs. Her hips were fuller than most, with petite shoulders. Even in a cloak, she shined in the crowd. Nothing could mask her beauty.
She was Astarion's vision, his muse.
He subtly tugged at Tav’s arm, a gentle yet possessive gesture that didn’t go unnoticed. Tav turned to him with a knowing smile, her eyes sparkling mischievously, "Jealous?"
Tav shrugged, she was used to people staring at her.
“Tav,” he murmured, his voice laced with possessiveness, “When people stare, they'll know your mine.”
Tav stopped in her tracks, turning to face him fully. She reached out to gently cup his cheek, her gaze unwavering. “You have nothing to worry about, my dear vampire,” she assured with a grin. “I have eyes only for you.”
Astarion’s expression softened at her words, a rare smile escaping his lips as he shook his head amusingly. “You are daring, my dear spawn. But I suppose I am reassured by your words.”
There’s no need to be jealous when he consumed so much of her already, mind body and soul.
Tav tried to pull his face into a kiss, but she was stopped mid-gesture. Astarion grabbed her wrist, and he loomed over her with dominance, "Now, now. We must save our energy. I still have to take your measurements."
Tav yanked her arm away from Astarion, slightly rubbing her wrist, "I really don't like when you grab me like that, Star." She felt a little crossed.
He leaned in closer to Tav, his voice low and seductive. "On the contrary, you do. It's Just when you're not on your knees is when it is a sudden problem."
Tav raised an eyebrow, looking slightly offended but also amused. She crossed her arms and scoffed.
“Oh, is that so?” Her tone teased. Despite the provocative comment, she refused to let Astarion’s charm rattle her composure. She met his gaze head-on, unflinching and bold.
“Well, if you think that’s a problem, maybe you’re just not used to someone who can stand tall in your presence,” Tav batted her eyelashes in amusement.
Tav took a step closer to Astarion, their faces merely inches away. “But don’t worry, I’m sure we can find a way to work around that little issue,” she added with a wink.
Astarion’s lips curled into a smirk, “That mouth is going to get you in trouble.”
He was entertained and impressed by Tav’s cheekiness. Without missing a beat, he reached out and grabbed her hand, intertwining their fingers. “Come now, Let’s not keep the night waiting any longer,” He appreciated her daring nature and found himself drawn to her fiery spirit.
But in the back of his mind, Tav would have to suffer punishment for speaking so rashly to her master. In all due time, of course.
Next part here
Any thoughts? Comment 👇🏼 I love to engage!
See ya next Monday ( for a smutty chapter! ;p)
I'm posting chapter 3 NEXT NEXT Monday (March 4th) since I couldn't wait to get this out. and then I should be able to stay consistent every Monday since I have a few chapters already written up :D
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