#considering i wrapped up most of it pretty quickly (like with jane and jeff)
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apollos-boyfriend · 1 year ago
Currently in cinema class but i also wanted to know more about clockwork, she seems very interesting in what you wrote her relations as! (And shes been a favorite of mine for a long time lol)
Also once tim convinces her to take the infection george clock out of her eye socket, what do you think she'd do with it?
i’ve made a FEW posts about my version of clockwork [1] [2] [3] but there is never enough to talk about with her. she’s become a very central character which i think is fun bc i was never Too too much into her back in the day! finally giving her the attention she deserves
i have her as being one of, if not the, last people to arrive at the mansion, so by the time she gets there, everyone’s had a while to calm down and get to know each other. and natalie doesn’t arrive in the best state, having only been about a week after the events of her origin. she’s just recently snapped and she’s scared and angry and hostile. and her arrival is a different vibe than most, because for a lot of them, their origins weren’t personal. not to her extent.
jeff killed his family, but he was so pumped with pain meds he can hardly remember it. their deaths weren’t personal, he would’ve killed anyone around him at the time. nina’s origin was similar, with the exception of her bullies, who she doesn’t even think about anymore. theirs were Necessities. jack has no memories of his life before the incident, and his initial struggles were more with what he’d become than what he’d done. ben’s arrival is the closest, as he was struggling heavily with having his own body and autonomy again, but he leaned more heavily on needing control than anything else.
but natalie’s still so hurt and still so angry. she felt better for a short while directly after her incident, but that rush had left her by the time slender took her in. she’d taken care of the people who’d hurt her. she couldn’t understand why she still felt so helpless, so hurt. she lashes out and projects her unresolved issues onto the other residents—her medical trauma onto jack, her brotherly trauma onto jeff/ben and sally/nina. she never got the proper conclusion/resolution she thought she would by killing her family, so she attempts to find that in the mansion, which manifests in her lashing out. i said it somewhere before but she’s more just a scared animal. she doesn’t know why she bites, necessarily, just that she’s always had to to survive. her backstory just works really well with the other members and out of anyone i think she’s the one that needs the most healing TBH
as for what happens to her watch, i haven’t actually thought about it! i think the most logical and narratively rewarding solution would be for her to throw it away. to fully leave behind that aspect of her life and start anew, no longer fueled by anger and the need for revenge. but i think she doesn’t get there instantly. the mansion’s full of fucked-up keepsakes (jeff has a knife collection from victim’s houses, jack has his handful of preserved organs, etc) so it isn’t seen as weird for her to keep it. it makes sense, it’s sentimental, after all. i think she gets nina’s help and makes a necklace out of it (after jack thoroughly disinfects the thing. like by god girl) until she heals enough to fully leave that time behind her
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fearofaherobrine · 8 years ago
Roleplay Sever Log #148
“Attack on the Manor”
[Solace] -Peaks head in from a different room, quickly looking over everyone and the situation-
[Splender] - I think it would be best to take brother to his room and let him rest...
[Solace] That would be a good idea.
[Luna] Peeks out from behind Solace-
[CP] - Yeah, but first we have to get Doc to let go of him
[Solace] How hard would that be? -Enters the room proper-
[CP] - Doc is drunk and a giant dragon, you tell me
[Solace] We could probably peel them off...
[CP] Scoffs- Good luck with that, Doc can change their body so you will pass right through it
[Lie] - CP...- She grips his shirt her nerves starting to fray
[Solace] Hmm - looks at lie and tilts his head. He can tell she's distressed-
[CP] Growls at Solace a little- Stay away from my mate
[Solace] Why is age upset? - Just winning his hands a bit. Doesn't seem to have processed this was Cp's mate yet]
[CP] - She's not used to these sorts of places at all, she shouldn't even be here
[Solace] Well, if she would like  and you don't mind, she could come into the next room and help Luna and I fold clothes. It's much calmer and nicer there.
[Lie] Grips CP's shirt s bit tighter, not certain about being separated from her husband-
[Solace] -Seems to study Lie carefully before nodding.- You can stay here if you'd like, but the offer stands, miss. -turns to return to the other room, knowing Slender was going to be fine-
[CP] - Come on Lie, focus, don't you have anything that could help right now? What about some of your calming flowers?
[Lie] M-maybe?- She tried focusing on her powers to spawn a calming flower
[CP] - That's it, just focus, listen to my voice and focus on spawning one of your calming flowers
[Offender] - So who's the babe?
[Doc] was making funny faces at Slender since he doesn't have one- she's the babe with the power... Flower power!
[Offender] - ah, she wouldn't happen to be the infamous mate of Herobrine we've heard about, would she?
[Doc] Thaaat she is but I am zhe infamous one!
[Doc] Fixer of anything put in front of me and professhional pasta botherer. - hic-
[Offender] - How about you let go of my brother there and we can keep talking?
[Doc] Why? Hesssh doing okay. I ain't hurting him. Ain't that right Slendie? My friends ill tell you, Immma comfy dragon, all fuzzy.
[Offender] -Yes but I know my brother, and he'd be happier in his bed
[Doc] Narrows hir eyes at him- I shink you just donn trust me.
[Offender] - Now what makes you say that?
[Doc] Because he doesn't trust me. - points a claw at Slender - Jest shinks Imma a Imma kid or somethin.
[Offender] - Well compared to us age wise? You kinda are
[Doc] Huffs- age isn't everything. Awww.... shit.. I jest remembered. Slendie? I got bad news. Can you hear mmme?
[Offender] - Pretty sure he's out of it dude
[Doc] Then I got a little time before he yells at me then. Isss okay. - Xe rolls hir head against the floor. - blargh.
[Lie] has spawned a few calming flowers-
[CP] - Doc, just let Slender go
[Doc] Meeeh. Okay, jest because you asked Cp. - Xe rolls over with a few angluar contortions and leaves Slender sitting in the middle of a loose circle of hir body. - If he stabs me or somethin I'm gonna swat your ass Cp.
[CP] - Yeah, pretty sure Lie could use your attentions more
[Doc] Scuttles along the floor and nuzzles Lie with hir snout. Hir eyes are bleary. - You need me?
[Lie] Is still trembling and gripping CP's shirt-
[Doc] Shhhh - Xe curls around them and lays hir fluff across Lie's chest - If anybody lays a finger on my buddies I'll do somethin terrible to em, yus.
[Offender] Jumps up and grabs his brother while he had the opportunity-
[Doc] Don't get all weird Offie, I patched him up good. I might, might be able to make him some new tentacles if those don't grow back. -hic-
[Offender] - Oh they'll grow back, they always do, I'm just gonna take him to his room for now
[Doc] Sweet dreams Slendie.
[Offender] Teleports of with Slender-
[Doc] Is just warmly cuddling Cp and Lie.
[CP] Is resisting punching Doc since he knows it's safer for Doc to be with him-
[Doc] Gives Lie's hair a smooch - Leetle Floof is safe with big dragon.
[Lie] Quietly- Thank you Doc
[Doc] Grins hugely - -hic-
[Doc] Dooes anybody else need tending Splender?
[Splender] - I don't know...  Anne?
[Anne] - The Master said the only ones not injured were Jane, Locklear, and now these two- Motions to CP and Jeff
[Jeff] - Speaking of, what should I be doing now?
[Splender] - You, Smile, and CP should head out there and get to killing, we need to get the SCP out of the woods so we can move them
[Doc] Go ahead Cp, protect your family, I'll keep Lie safe.
[CP] - But...- He looks down at where Lie is clutching his shirt
[Doc] Trust me.
[CP] Knowing he can't get Lie to let go he sighs as he slips out of his shirt, letting Lie keep it.  He stands up and Honedge floats up higher, having attached itself to his leg again- Let's go Jeff
[Jeff] - About time- He draws his knives, letting the light glint off of them
[Luna] Comes in just as the two leave through a side door, she has a warm fuzzy blanket draped over one arm and mugs of peppermint tea in her hands.  She shifts nervously before approaching Doc and Lie-
- Solace watches from the door Luna entered from, hands clasped together patiently-
[Luna] - Uh...  Um...  Here...- She puts the mugs down next to them and drapes the blankets over them
[Doc] Looks at the woman blearily - I know you... So glad you didn't get eaten. Thank you for the stuff- Xe sticks out hir long tongue and uses it like a tentacle to wrap the mug and pour a little of the hot liquid in hir mouth.
[Lie] Barely notices as she curls up closer to Doc-
[Splender] - We can give you two a moment, then you could stay in CP's room?
[Anne] - So long as they're out of my way while I work
[Doc] I'm not sure I'll fit unless I change and I can give her better snuggles this way. I'd rather stay put.
[Doc] Angry floof doesn't like it when I get my smell on her, and I'm sure my coat smells of a dozen different things plus Deerheart
[Splender] Can't help but giggle at the mention of angry floof while Anne gives them a confused glance-
[Doc] Gives Splender a tipsy wink.
[Doc] Do ya thing orphan Annie
[Offender] Teleports back down- Alright, brother's all squared away, where do you want me Anne?
[Doc] is laughing- naked? With or without the chainsaw?
[Anne] - Be ready to close most wounds, I'll only have time to deal with minor ones.  We could deal with more if we had EJ here but he's watching Sally
[Offender] Sputters out a laugh- Oh I've thought about it, but brother would have my head if I went after one of his proxies!
[Doc] is spawning splash potions and pushes them over with a paw - hahah you said head!
[Offender] - Oooh!  What are these?
[Doc] more of what I used on your bro, just dribble it on
[Offender] - Cool...
[Lie] Shifts uncomfortably as her subconscious recognizes Offender's voice-
[Doc] puts hir front paws around Lie protectively
[Lie] Holds CP's shirt closer to herself-
[Splender] - I'll get a bit of food ready for those who need it!
[Solace] -Quietly, from the doorway- I've got drinks handled.
[Splender] - Oh wonderful!  Thank you Solace
[Solace] It's nothing, Splendor. Least I could do.
[Splender] Goes into the kitchen humming-
[Doc] Sends some loud thoughts towards Lie to see if she wants to talk-
[Lie] Barely manages to look at Doc, there's obvious distress in her eyes as she struggles to find words-
[Doc] Looks a bit more focused from the inside of hir head- don't worry Lie, I won't let them get you
[Lie] - This place...  Doc... I don't know...
[Doc] I don't like it either, I'd likely be more frightened without this liquid courage in my system.
[Lie] Shudders and moves a bit closer to Doc-
[Doc] And I think would be bad to try and keep Cp from helping them clear the woods
[Lie] - I know, but I feel like I could start hearing her voice at any moment...
[Doc] Frankly, fuck that bitch. Dawn taught me how to make holy water just as good as hers, I'll dunk you if I have too
[Lie] - Thanks...
-There's a brief burst of static as Trender arrives with a few injured pasta's, the sleeves of his own clothes torn and blood dripping down his arm.  There's human blood all over his own clothes-
[Trender] - Anne, here's your first batch
[Doc] watches with obvious curiosity
[Anne] Springs into action, checking injuries and passing a few of them over to Offender for him to drool on.  She works quickly, showing a good grasp of medical skills as she works, bandaging and stitching wounds shut as she works as quickly as she can.  Some of the pasta's immediately rush back out to go back to fighting-
[Doc] Nice work Anne, very efficient
[Anne] Flips Doc off as she works-
[Doc] Sheesh... Don't be like that, I'll help if you want. -whispers to Lie - you can just lay in my hair if they need me, it'll keep you out of harms way
[Lie] Her breath hitches as her eyes widen a little in fear- No, don't leave
[Offender] - Nah, we got this covered
[Doc] I wouldn't leave you, I'd put you on top of my head, you could just snuggle down as safe as silverfish in a spawner block
[Lie] - Just...  Just don't leave...
[Doc] Never, and I have an idea. I kinda made this as.... A  decoration toy for Deerheart... But you can use it- Xe equips hirself with a saddle and rolls Lie into the stirrups.
[Lie] - Doc...  Do I want to know why you have this for Deer?
[Doc] Hir cheeks go a little pink and hir smile is coy and slightly embarrassed - she's uh.... Really liking her new body for playtime
[Lie] - DOC!
[Offnder] Having overheard- You know I have a number of toys you may find interesting then~
[Doc] She's a kinky little thing... I'm sure you do....
[Offender] - You're welcome to look through it
[Anne] - Offender focus!
[Doc] I'll consider it. But just know I'm talking about my beloved mate, not a victim.
[Offender] - Even better~
[Anne] - OFFENDER!
[Trender] Has stitched his own wound shut- I'm going out to see who else needs to be brought here
[Doc] Nods in appreciation of trenders nicely spaced stitches
[Offender] - Hey bro, guess what?  No pants
[Trender] - Oh for fucks sake, OFFENDER WHY!?
[Doc] Ah so what? I don't have any pants on either, wooo! No pants!
[Offender] - HA!  YES!  A BROTHER IN ARMS!
[Doc] Haha! Hey world! Make a wish on my dragon balls!
[Offender] Laughs- Mine could be bigger
[Doc] Beckons Offender closer with a single claw-
[Offender] Starts walking closer-
[Anne] - Offender!  Focus you asshole!
[Doc] Whispers to him. - I can pop mine off and replace them with a puss or as big a dick as I want.
[Offender] - I know that trick too
[Doc] You're modular?! Holy crapola! Did you build your body from scratch too?
[Offender] - Nope, all natural slender being~
[Doc] Digital here. You ever played with Legos? This whole body was built from 1x1x1 pixel bits.
[Offender] - Sweet
[Trender] - Offender, right now your healing skills are more important than anything else, SO GET TO WORK!
[Offender] - Oh fiiiine...  Spoil sport...
[Doc] Creeps along the floor a little closer so xe can watch-
[Offender] Approaches Bloody Painter who has a gash in his leg and opens his mouth, his tongue lolling out, dripping with black saliva. He runs his tongue over the wound, letting it quickly heal-
[Doc] Muttering- that's useful.
[Offender] - Can heal terminal diseases too
[Doc] Hmmm. Would you mind if I took a sample? When you're not busy?
[Offender] - It won't work, once it leaves my body it disintegrates in less than a minute.  I have purposefully let some people experiment with it just to see if they could get it to last, and they cant
[Doc] But I have somethin they don't, it's called an inventory.
[Offender] - I doubt it would work, I've asked the digital pastas to try that and it didn't work for tem, we think it's because of our natural affects on anything electronic
[Doc] That wasn't a no? I like a challenge.
[Offender] - You can try, but not now, I really should be focusing on others
[Doc] I'll work on something to hold it. Don't worry, I'll stay out of the way.
[Offender] Returns to his work-
[Doc] Trots a bit back from the activities and drops a command block.   Hir claws clicking softly on the top of it. After a bit xe pulls out a trunk as well and starts to shove the command block roughly inside of it. Melting it slightly to make it fit.
[Lie] Prods at Doc- Is there, someplace else here we can go?  Please?
[Doc] I don't think so.... I don't know my way around and this is probably where Cp will look for us when he comes back. I'm sure he'll need a little patching up. You know how reckless he is. - Xe sweeps some of the remaining healing flowers off the surface of the carpet and melts them on the surface of the command block in a rough bowl shape. - Besides I'd have to start over. Please Lie, you'll be okay, just hang on to me, it seems like they're too busy to mess with us anyway.
[Lie] Whimpers a little as she cuddles closer to Doc-
[Lie] Feels something bump against her leg and looks down with a little jump, there's a red and black cat there giving her a curious look, it has a sharp tooth grin stretched across it's face as it starts to crawl into her lap with a small purr-
[Doc] Wiggles a bit as the cat jumps up and turns back - A cat?
[Grinny] Looks at Doc before curling up in Lie's lap-
[Lie] - Didn't CP mention one before?  Grinny I think he said it was named?
[Doc] Just caught me off guard, be careful.
[Lie] - I'll try to be...
[CP] Comes rushing back in, a wide grin on his face as his torso is covered in blood before he quickly jumps through the tv, he's back out moments later with the baby wither- It's been far too long since I've used him
[Lie] - CP...
[Doc] Well then.... At least he's smiling right? And it's nobody we know....
[CP] Is about to head out the door when he switches directions and makes a beeline for Lie- Hey, you alright?  Oh, hey Grinny
[Grinny] Mews-
[Doc] I'm keeping an eye on her, she's just nervous, understandably. I was talking to Offender for a bit.
[CP] - Just keep Lie away from him- He's handling a bit of Lie's hair while the baby wither makes noises as it sniffs the couch in the room
[Doc] I know. You know I won't allow anything non-consentual in my presence.
[CP] - Still, if anything happens to her...
[Lie] Reaches up to cup CP's face- Just hurry back, please
[CP] - I'll do my best, hopefully this will clear things out quickly
[Wither] Hisses at a bit of garbage under the couch-
[Doc] Don't you worry your pretty little pixels Cp. She's tight in my saddle and that's where she'll stay.
[CP] - I'm not even going to ask...  Do you remember where my room is?
[Doc] Noooo, but I'm kinda doing something and I can't move it now. - Indicates the mildly mangled command block in the open chest. There's a slightly glowing mass of greenish pixels pulsing on top of it.
[CP] Sighs in irritation- Go through that doorway over there into the main foyer, go up he stairs and turn left.  My door is recognizable
[Doc] Red torch, blue door. That I remember.
[CP] - Good- He gives Lie a quick kiss before picking up the baby wither and heading outside with it
[Doc] What no kiss for me?
[CP] - Fuck no
[Offender] - I'll kiss ya
[Doc] I was just fucking with mah buddy, Offender. But I'm ready for you if you can spare a drop.
[Offender] - Lets wait until we've finished this scuffle with the SCP, I'll be needing a lot of my saliva
[Doc] Don't forget you can use the potions I gave you. I've got cold slime stuff for burns too.
[CP] Once outside he sets the wither down and activates it's glitched code.  It spazzes before growing, it's body several times larger than that of a normal wither.  It's neck are long and move like a snake.  The heads look lupine with large fangs- Go ahead, go hunt
[Wither] Roars and lifts off up into the air, it's roar loud enough to vibrate the building and trees as it looks for prey-
[Doc] There's goes Cp's pet.... Hopefully it will at least move this debaucle along.
[Anne] Goes to find more bandages-
[Lie] Draws the blanket closer to herself-
[Doc] Hey Lie, - xe's trying to distract her- Look at this- The mush on the command block is twirling up under hir claws like a pot on a wheel and opens into a shape like a taco shell with teeth.
[Lie] - What is it supposed to be?
[Doc] Functionally? A container. The shell shape opens like a venus flytrap and there's a glassy looking well in the center of the jaws.
[Lie] - Interesting...- She reaches out with her own powers to see if she can mimic the shape with an actual plant
[Doc] Easy there, it's already made out of healing flower mush. Wait until I fill it up, then you can play with it.
[Lie] - I'm just trying to mimic the shape, perhaps with a succulent?  Their leaves are thicker
[Doc] It kinda looks like a more delicate version of your offensive plant anyway.
[Lie] - True...  I wouldn't mind having that here now, but I know how you feel about it...
-There are large explosions from the forest-
[Doc] Yeah and I don't think Offender should see it...
[Lie] - Good point- She starts idly petting Grinny
[Grinny] Purrs-
[Doc] Turns back to see how the Pastas are doing with their patients.
[Anne] Has returned with more bandages and more pasta's have arrived, including Jane-
[Doc] Hi Jane. - Waves sweetly-
[Offender] Is herding the pastas to spots they can sit to be worked on.  Trender suddenly returns with Jeff under his arm-
[Anne] - Jeff, you've barely been out there, what happened?
[Jeff] - Shut up!
[Trender] - He got shot in the ass
[Jane] Starts laughing-
[Doc] pfft. Jeff, you're digital. Come over here. I'll fix it.
[Jeff] - No!  Fuck no!
[Offender] - You'd rather I'd drool on it?
[Doc] Come on. I won't even tease you.
[Jeff] - NO!
[Trender] Irritated with Jeff he simply tosses him at Doc-
[Doc] Stays low to the floor and catches him neatly before he can hit the rug. - Just sit still for a sec
[Jeff] - FUCK OFF!
[Doc] Xe lifts up a foot and extends two claws into skinny points. Xe Pokes them into the remaining mush on the block and then wiggles them like tweezers into his little wound
[Jane] Is laughing harder-
[Doc] Makes a tiny pinch and pulls the bullet out, xe lets it fall next to him and smooths over the wound, closing it neatly with the back of hir paw.
[Jeff] - FUCKER!
[Doc] Smooths over his pants too, closing the little rip and sets him on his feet. - There you go. All better.
[Jeff] - I will fucking murder you!- He turns and raises his knife towards Doc
[Doc] Gives him a little push so he falls on the floor. - Rude.
[Jeff] Is very mad-
[Doc] Don't you have some more little army guys to murder outside? Take it out on them.
[Jeff] - CP's wither has taken out a majority of them
[Doc] That's good... well, for you guys.
[Lie] - So we'll be able to go home soon?
[Jeff] Shrugs-
[Doc] I say yes.
[Offender] - Hey Trender, who all is out there?
[Trender] - Herobrine, Judge Angel, Locklear, Smile, Seed Eater, and Strider
[Offender] - Go check on them, if they're areas are clear than bring them back.  The SCP should be almost completely gone by now
[Doc] Is just watching Offender, waiting for a chance to bug him again.
[Trender] Teleports off to check on those mentioned-
[Offender] Sighs and pushes his hat back a bit- Guess all we can do now is wait...
[Doc] Makes a small cough-
[Offender] - Hm?  Oh, right- He approaches Doc
[Doc] Okay, - Xe scoots behind the block and puts hir paws on either side of the back of the trunk - Just work up a good gob and spit in the center of the jaws. - The greenish pod is open and vibrating lightly.
[Offender] Takes a second before spitting- As it hits the inside of the pod already a quarter of it has dissolved into nothing-
-The plant snaps shut and Doc slaps the lid down on top of the block, there's a bit of light from the inside of it and a long stream of paper, thickly printed with codes, starts ribboning out from the front of it and gathering on the floor like an accordian. -
[Doc] Crawls on top of the trunk and picks up the end of the paper, speed reading what looks like nonsense - fascinating.... Thank you.
[Offender] - Sure...
[Trender] Returns with about half the group, the rapid succession of teleports is starting to take it's toll on him-
[Doc] Notices his faltering and motions for him to come over.
[Trender] - Sorry, but I don't have the time, I need to get the others
[Doc] Take this- Gives him a healing potion - I promise it tastes better then Cps.
[Trender] Looks at it in confusion-
[Doc] Just drink it. Or pour it over your head if you can't do that. It won't stain clothes.
[Trender] - No thank you, I just need to feed some, but I appreciate the offer- He teleports off again
[Doc] Stubborn....
[Offender] - Eh, it's one of the few traits we all share
[Anne] Has finished wrapping Jane's wounds-
[Jane] - So who's going to move the woods since Slender is out of commission?
[Offender] - Probably Splender, he's used none of his energy since getting here so he's really the only one that can...
This message has been removed.
[Trender] Comes back with everyone but CP who comes back on his own with the baby wither-
[Doc] Have fun Cp?
[CP] Is covered in blood- Very much so
[Doc] And the little guy?
[CP] - Exhausted
[Doc] Dawww. He's so cute. Who beat the shit out of everyone? You did!
[CP] - Dooooooooc...- He puts the wither down and turns towards Lie
[Doc] Lays flat against the floor so Lie is on Cp's eye level.
[Lie] Reaches over, not even caring that CP's covered in blood, she just wants to be in the safety of his arms-
[Grinny] Jumps off her lap-
[CP] Takes Lie and holds her close-
[Doc] Quietly puts the saddle and the trunk with the papers away-
[Trender] - The woods are clear
[Offender] - Hey Splender!  It's your turn!
[Splender] - On it!- An eerie silence fills the manor and it almost seems to vibrate a little.  The air gets colder as it starts to snow outside.  There's a shift in the air as well
[Doc] Vibrates lightly, xe's pretty much sober now.
[CP] - Come on, let's get cleaned up- He starts leading Lie out of the room
[Doc] Kind of hops up and shapeshifts back to hir human form before running after them - Wait for me!
[CP] Leads them out into the main foyer and up the stairs to his room.  He opens it and notes that the linens on his bed have been cleaned and changed thanks to Solace.  He ignores that and opens the door to the bathroom.  He looks down at his mate- Do you want to share or go by yourself?
[Lie] - Don't leave me...
[CP] - Fine, come on.  Doc?  You gonna be okay in here by yourself for a few minutes?
[Doc] Yeah, I'll just... I'll just stay right here.
[CP] - You can check on the server via my computer over there if you want
[Doc] Thank you. Is there a password?
[CP] Steps into the bathroom with Lie- No, the others are usually to scared of me to fuck with my stuff- He then shut the door and after a moment the sound of water could be heard
[Doc] Sighs and looks around for a moment, xe gathers up the little wither and puts it in hir lap as xe sits down. The sounds of the computer spinning up is like music to hir ears and xe logs in on their server with hir usual account before typing in the chat- Deerheart, I'm just logging in remotely. I had to step out suddenly to help the creepypastas. Everyone is safe, I'll be home as soon as I can. I love you.
[Deer] - I saw Lie left too, is she okay?
[Doc] She got bumped in by Smile. She's scared but Cp and I are sticking close to her. Physically she's fine.
[Deer] - Good, everything is fine here, Sally and EJ are at our place because the chests where Splender keeps the food is too high for them to reach
[Doc] Gets a little shiver - You knew where the pies were I suppose? Since Ej has such a... specific diet? Please be careful of him.
[Deer] - I am being careful, don't worry.  I'm more concerned about you right now
[Doc] I'm scared too my love. But it's going to be okay. I said a few stupid things while drunk but I don't think the repercussions will go beyond getting yelled at later.
[Deer] - I hope that's the case.  I need to go now, Sally wants some desert
[Doc] Take care, mwah- Xe logs off and stares at the start menu for a long moment. The small yellow text is just an elipses and it perfectly encapsulates hir feelings of trepidation for what will come next.
-After several moments the sound of water stops and both CP and Lie step out of the bathroom.  Both simply have towels around them as CP opens his wardrobe.  He hands Lie one of his shirts and starts getting dressed himself-
[Doc] Just kind of hugs the wither, forgetting it's not a stuffed animal or hir rather placid cat LH.
[Wither] Is too out of it to respond-
[CP] Looks outside- It's getting late, we might as well rest here for the night...  Splender will have a few things he need to do here too...
[Doc] Do we... have to?
[CP] - I might be able to open a portal long enough for you to get into the digital realm, but I'm pretty tired myself
[Doc] Swallows hard, - o-okay... - Xe takes out a crafting table and begins doing the familar layout for a bed.
[CP] Pulls Lie over to his old bed, noting the snow outside- It's gonna be cold tonight.  Normally I'd be downstairs where it's warmer, but since we actually plan on sleeping...  We might wanna stuff the edges of the window...
[Doc] I could just shapeshift and fill the room?
[CP] - Doc, pretty sure this room is a bit to small for that
[Doc] That's why I said fill. If you open the door to the bathroom I might be able to fit.
[CP] - Doc, no, we'll stuff the window, it will be fine.  Besides if we do need to move quickly your form will inhibit that.  And with an angry Jeff here I'd think you'd want to be able to move fast
[Doc] Shivers, - okay, then I'll just do this - Xe takes out more wool blocks and piles them in a wall in front of the window. Then xe takes a hunk of bedrock and puts it squarely in front of the door.
[CP] - Not necessary but okay- After a few moments his body temperature brings the room up to a comfortable heat
[Doc] Drags the extra bed as close to his as they think they can get away with and lays down on top of it. Doc curls into a little ball. Xe's shivering only partly from the remaining cold in hir body.
[CP] Pulls Lie under his covers, holding her close and whispering soothing things to her until she falls asleep-
[Doc] Is slipping into a fitful sleep and makes a small, pained noise.
[CP] Hears it but doesn't know what to do so he tosses a spare blanket on top of Doc-
[Doc] Reacts by clawing at the blanket and dragging it up against themselves desperately. Hugging the bundle close to their body.
[CP] Hears a slight scratching at the door and grumbles as he goes to investigate, removing the bedrock he opens the door a crack and Grinny slips in.  CP whispers at the cat- Well aren't you being friendly today...
[Grinny] Ignores CP and goes to Doc's bed, looking for a warm spot to curl up while CP replaces the block and returns to his mates side-
[Doc] Rolls over with a moan and hir fingers find the cat. Giving him a gentle pull to get them closer. Xe mumbles - LH... come here little guy...
[Grinny] Makes an amused face but does curl up closer to Doc, his blood stained coat against Doc-
[Doc] Snuggles the cat, and slides deeper into hir dreams, whispering hir lovers name like a prayer. - Deerheart....
[CP] Eventually falls asleep as well-
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