#consider it rent lowering gunshots
sqrkyclean · 2 months
i could write a multiple hour long video essay about how gay doof and perry from phineas and ferb are and i'm not joking
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proosh · 6 months
someone should get to finger his eye socket
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mea-trinitas-profana · 4 months
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some butch pride john ward icons / pfps using the valentines day art
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decompose1 · 2 months
uh oh my post is trending. before you follow me from my trending funnypost, consider the following:
im a pervert
im violently attracted to plushies
i love all kinksters even "those ones" and i think any sexual liberation you post is weak & meaningless if it doesn't include "those ones"
psychiatry is stupid and institutionalization shouldnt be legal even if they were a threat to themself
drugs are cool
complete body autonomy means everything even if it is dangerous to the self. what someone does with their body is up to them
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You are literally one of the only reasons I'm still partially in the WH fandom /pos
🫡 just doin' my duty sir
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that-starlight-prince · 4 months
To be honest, it seems to me that laws against reproductive incest are a form of eugenics. Although to be even more honest I think that laws against all forms of incest are based on the fact that people find it icky and are looking for some argument based in science to justify these bans because "we think this is gross" is among many people no longer considered a good reason for making something illegal.
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stabknives · 1 month
Not immune to a dead twink.
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part 1/??? of a splatoon au where everyone’s roles are shuffled. sorry for exposing you to the horrors of war, big man.
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autistic-shaiapouf · 4 months
How much can I say about gabriel on main before people start telling me to tone it down bc I'm part of the reason they can't open this app in public
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siveine · 25 days
you thought play fighting your little sister would be an easy victory. sure, it was bigger than you, but not by a lot, and look how shy it gets when you stroke its hair or hold its hand! it couldnt grapple a fly, even if its life depended on it. yet, as you get pinned to the ground in a fit of giggles and sharp breaths, you realize youve sorely underestimated its strength.
"ehehehe, got ya!" it huffs playfully, flashing a satisfied grin above you. the pressure on your wrists increase with every attempt to wriggle your hands out of its grip, and you feel its knees dig into your sides keeping you in place. you dont want to concede, but there doesnt seem to be any way out of this--
a mischievous smirk slowly spreads across your face, almost involuntarily, but you catch yourself in time. shaking, between ragged breaths, you soften your gaze and whisper.
"hey sis..."
the reaction is immediate. your sister's face flushes red, and its eyes avoid yours out of embarrassment. it loosens its grip on your wrists slightly, just enough to slip out a hand and reach up to gently grasp the collar of its shirt. as you pull its face slowly towards yours, you slip one leg out from underneath it, pressing your other against the inside of its thigh.
"... you need to be higher on my chest."
in one fluid motion, you plant your foot firmly on the ground, buck your hips, and pull your little sister's collar downward, smoothly flipping it on its back and straddling its torso. it lets out a surprised yelp as you firmly, but gently, pin its wrists above its head.
"wha--! how--?!" it gasps, its face turning bright red. it tries squirming out from under your grip, but theres no use; youve got it held down tight. you cant hold back the smirk anymore, the satisfaction and victorious glee clearly plastering itself across your face. you take your time leaning in, eyes locked onto your little sister's lips.
you're really going to enjoy this.
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thepapernautilus · 9 months
my ascended astarion hot take is that i am the type of person to write an ultimate bad end for my favorite "good" characters so I'm simply ecstatic larian did it for me and how!
I want to write him at his absolute best and absolute worst. I want to crawl inside his brain like a tadpole and map out every wrinkle.
(and as for everyone else writing him differently for different reasons: great! have so much fun! 💕)
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proosh · 3 months
someone’s DNI having “proshitters” in it is remarkably effective because besides announcing themselves as a cryptofascist it also marks them as someone who’s deeply immature and annoying like. no I will Not be interacting, thank you for letting me know.
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musical-chick-13 · 1 year
"but there just AREN'T any well-written women in aNyTHiNg I interact with"
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hyperfixationtimego · 3 months
anyway I love you mspec lesbians + gays and also everyone whose identities might be considered “confusing” or “contradictory.” you deserve the world for putting up with all the bullshit that you get and I wish you to be infinitely safe and loved!!
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pixeljade · 6 months
Okay incredulous rants aside how did that person find my RHPS post yet somehow manage to miss my post about Super Mario Bros havin a "give birth" button. Did you seriously think this was a non-freak account???? Go back to Bluey we get freaky in this motherfucker. I have kinks even the old gods whose forgotten names are etched in obsidian cannot fathom. Slaanesh himself once called me a "sick bitch with no gag reflex"
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pleckthaniel · 10 months
Also it's a full year until the election and I am already so tired of the "Biden makes mistakes, but Trump is a rapist!!!" refrain.
So is Biden. Have some fucking principles.
Currently, Ole Joe's most politically significant "mistake" is active ongoing support for a genocide.
And then there's the whole "Well Biden may be bad, but if Trump gets elected he'll start genociding trans people!"
I became a political refugee in my own country because of an attempt at trans genocide while Biden was President and he didn't do jack. Do what you want, but if you try this line on me, I will gladly bite your head off and be quite justified in doing so
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