#conner ruthereford
dandylion240 · 5 years
Hmh.. 😛 😎 🥶 😥 🤢 🤒 for whomever you most want, or all, all is good!
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All of them it is then. At least all of the TS4 characters I have stories for. We’ll start with Sage, Connor and Caleb.
😛Who is the best chef according to them?
Connor: without a doubt it’s Sage.
Caleb: I can’t cook. Never had to worry about food until recently.
Sage: I have to agree. I cook the best in this house.
😎Do they like sunbathing?
Caleb: yes. After not being able to move about freely for so many years I take every chance I can to soak up some sun.
Sage: it’s a good thing we live in Sulani
Connor: we all love the sun.
🥶Do they like cold weather?
Connor: it’s okay I guess.
Sage: I miss it. I love building snowmen and forts.
Caleb: snow is pretty but I prefer the sunny beaches of Sulani.
😥What makes them confused?
Caleb: feelings. I spent so long building up walls and trying not to feel. Sometimes it get’s to be overwhelming.
Sage: being a parent.
Connor: balancing everything. 
🤢What makes them sick (either food, disease, or a person, or an event, or a general behavior, etc.)
Connor: I’m a worrier. I worry every time Caleb leaves to be with the merfolk. I worry whenever Sage goes home to visit his family. I worry when I leave to visit mine.
Sage: me too. That and seafood
Caleb: blood. The smell and sight of it turns my stomach.
🤒The worst illness they have been through
Caleb: I’ve been lucky. Other than being turned into a vampire I haven’t ever been sick. (Connor and Sage nod in agreement).
More under the cut
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Next Jayden and Evan
😛Who is the best chef according to them?
Evan: Jayden is an awesome cook.
Jayden: I learned from the best. My dad’s the best chef there is.
😎Do they like sunbathing? 
Evan: it’s very relaxing
Jayden: especially when your getting a massage from me.
Evan: that’s always a bonus. 
🥶Do they like cold weather?
Evan: (shivers) no.
Jayden: (puts arm around him) don’t worry you have me. I’ll keep you warm.
Evan: I used to love the cold and snow.
Jayden: and you will again someday. I promise.
😥What makes them confused?
Evan: why everyone wonders why I continue working at the homeless shelter after what happened.
Jayden: they just worry about you.
Evan: I know but it’s not the shelter’s fault for what happened.
🤢What makes them sick (either food, disease, or a person, or an event, or a general behavior, etc.)
Evan: I don’t want to talk about it.
Jayden: you don’t have to. We’re both sickened by the thought there are people like Jasper in the world.
🤒The worst illness they have been through
Evan / Jayden: chicken pox? I don’t think we’ve been really sick ever.
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Next Ethan and Jonah
😛Who is the best chef according to them?
Ethan: between the two of us it has to be Jonah. I can’t cook at all.
Jonah: you can so cook.
Ethan: but can you eat it?
Jonah: well....
😎Do they like sunbathing?
Jonah: I don’t like the heat.
Ethan: it scares me to death when he gets overheated.
Jonah: I tend to either faint or puke when I get too hot. It came in handy when I was younger and didn’t want to go to school.
🥶Do they like cold weather? 
Jonah: prefer the cold over the heat of summer.
Ethan: I don’t mind it. 
Jonah: I feel energized when it’s snowing.
Ethan: he’s like a little kid. Running around dancing in the snow.
Jonah: I like it.
😥What makes them confused?
Jonah: why some people take pleasure in hurting others. I don’t understand it all.
Ethan: I wish there was a way to stop them before they hurt anyone.
Jonah: me too.
🤢What makes them sick (either food, disease, or a person, or an event, or a general behavior, etc.)
Jonah: all the sick people in the world.
Ethan: yes. It makes me want to wrap my kids up in bubble wrap so that nothing can touch them.
🤒The worst illness they have been through
Jonah: other than my reaction to the heat I don’t think I’ve been really sick.
Ethan: me either.
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Last but not least Hideaki and Raelyn.
😛Who is the best chef according to them?
Hideaki: me
Raelyn: you? what makes you say that?
Hideaki: one. I’ve tasted you’re cooking and it’s not that good. two. You never complained about my cooking.
Raelyn: true. I’m usually just thankful I didn’t set anything on fire.
😎Do they like sunbathing?
Hideaki: sometimes. I prefer being more active.
Raelyn: not really. My skin burns so easily. There’s nothing worse than turning into a lobster.
🥶Do they like cold weather?
Raelyn: I love a nice long run on a brisk autumn morning.
Hideaki: it’s the perfect weather.
Raelyn: we should get together and go running sometime.
Hideaki: I’d like that.
😥What makes them confused?
Hideaki: why people assume that I need to be in water or near water just becaude I’m a merman. 
Raelyn: because mermaids live in water. 
Hideaki: I know it’s just...confusing
Raelyn: sounds more like its irritating than it’s confusing.
Hideaki: it’s a little of both I guess.
Raelyn: what I don’t get is why it upsets you. I mean we’re just trying to make you feel more comfortable.
Hideaki: I don’t need special treatment for being who I am.
Raelyn: point taken. I do try not to think of you as a merman.
Hideaki: whick I appreciate.
🤢What makes them sick (either food, disease, or a person, or an event, or a general behavior, etc.)
Hideaki: bats. 
Raelyn: any creepy crawlie 
🤒The worst illness they have been through
Hideaki: I got really sick right after our vacation in the jungle. It’s a good thing you insisted I see a doctor. 
Raelyn: I’m glad you kept your promise. 
Hideaki: me too. I was in the hospital for a couple of days. Made me miss  your dates with Dante and Hunter.
Raelyn: It’s ok. As long as your fine now.
Hideaki: couldn’t be better. There might be some effects from the bat bite later on, like if we were to have kids in the next few years. 
Raelyn: gasps
@jenpants @izayoichan @justasimthing
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