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pureconnectt · 5 months ago
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barbthebuilder · 1 year ago
Hello hello! I was wondering if maybe you knew of/experienced any non-obvious or less talked about signs that could point to someone being genderfluid? Other than the obvious which is your gender changing. I ask because I've cycled through many labels, including genderfluid and I genuinely can't tell or not if I'm fluid or static or what have you lol
Yo! Thank you for the ask it's a good one!
I had to think about it some but there were some signs.
- feeling more comfortable in boy's clothes
- not liking dresses and rebeling against wearing them when I was little but sometimes weraing them like it was nothing?
- using different pronouns on the internet bc I liked being preceived as a boy
- feeling a weird longing to have more connecttion with boys not because I was not like other girls but bc I had a genuine connection to boyhood
- often wanting to look like a boy, wanting to have a flat chest and short hair in childhood
- not liking how feminine makeup makes me look
Those are things that are fery specific to me so they probably don't apply to most genderfluid folks. I'm pretty sure they are connected to my genderfluidity but again, it's a personal thing. If anyone else has something to add to that list- don't be shy and speak up!
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suenosyfantasmas · 2 years ago
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The ego seeks attention. The soul seeks connecttion 🦋
Fuente: Teresa Namasté.
Sueños y fantasmas. El arte de soñar.
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moneymovespress · 26 days ago
MWC 2025: HMD Barca Fusion, HMD Barca 3210 Debut AlongSide HMD Fusion X1
Hmd barca fusion And HMD Barca 3210 was unveiled on Sunday as part of the Finnish Company’s collaboration with Spanish Football Club FC Barcelona at the Ongoing Mobile World Congress (MWC 2025). The former is a collector’s edition smartphone that features exclusive themed content, while the HMD Barca 3210 Resombles the Company’s’s Classic Feature Phone, While Offering 4G Connecttivity. The…
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midnightmindfuckery · 4 months ago
tw: suicide mention
all the suicide notes I’ve ever written start with this:
a blank page in my diary, my journal, a wall.
and nothing is ever written in ink,
I just think about it.
think about what I’d say
if I had to say it.
but I never write anything down.
suicide isn’t a joke, I know that.
but I’m joking when I bring up the leap
besides, that’s not how I’d do it
your information is flawed
phone calls have a bad connecttion
our connection isn’t the same.
besides, I never write anything down on oaper
just in my head, on my thighs
in little red lines.
and then I move on.
it is a poem, it should be beautiful
everyone is supposed to weep when they read it
the only part is I’m not sure where to start.
how do you open a letter like that?
one girl walks into a bar and says-
-that’s a joke, and suicide isn’t.
but I don’t know how I’d even start writing
don’t know how to greet you from the grave
welcome you to my final statement.
I’d know what I’d say within-
I’d tell you not to cry, I’d tell you not to mourn,
I’d say where I want my ashes spread
-cremate me, don’t leave a tombstone behind-
and I’d say where to send my college fund
and leave you with kissed and comfort-
-really, I could have it all worked out-
it’s all in order.
and then I’d wrap it up nicely in a bow
say thanks for coming, I’ll catch you next time,
and give a kiss goodbye.
see, I guess that’s the funny thing about suicide notes-
I know how to end it,
but I don’t know where to start.
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akllljn · 1 year ago
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tianasdominicanlitblog · 1 year ago
Week 12 Blog
The most important quote of this week is, "To be dreadfully forgotten." This week was the last of my book and the finishing epilogue. Following the sisterhood and tragedy of the assanation of the sisters and the story of navigating dictatorship and the Dominican drug wars we are pulled into how life has unfolded after the events of the book and given insight into these characters' personal lives as well. This epilogue has a stronger focus on the sister Dede and follows her being visited by some of the main people in this story as well as her sisters and every visit carries an important message and recap of what was told in the book. It was a heartfelt recap of the book and revisiting the characters and it almost felt like a funeral and everybody visiting the casket to close out the story. It was very peaceful, and fitting closing for the book.
After the epilogue I really feel like i was given the perfect closure for this story, we got to revost all the charcatets and sisters and were reminded of core themes and moments in this book, remind of core values like sisterhood and family, and love. My great-grandmother’s name was Maria, but we called her Ramona. During this period documented in the book she lived in Dominican republic as a young girl. Growing up withher and hearing of her reading this book and actually recouting it as something that was familiar to her growing up was something that made this book such an incredible read, giving insight and new perspectikves onto an era and way of living i had no connecttion to myself it became brought to life as i felt in a way it brought me close to my great grandmother who is now passed. I loved this book personally and it felt like being by her side.
word count; 313
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kentrix11 · 2 years ago
Oh man if Tekken 8 doens’t have netcode on par with SFVI it’s gonna be fucking embarrassing.
It wouldn’t surprise me considering how Harada constantly talked about rollback in the same way a flat earther talks about the shape of our planet, he might just be straight up lying about it being rollback and the way the netcode works in bad connecttions seems to imply he might be lying.
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all-about-news24x7 · 2 years ago
AMN started in the year 2010, with the mission & vision called *Connectt Happiness
@ Vikash Sharma | Sr Journalist For the society to be happy two things are very important education & fine arts program. In education the most important these days is scoring of Marks. In scoring of marks the focus should be on scoring marks uniformily. In connection to the above we conducted EDUCATION CONCLAVE In the year 2017 from July to Nov *FIVE A SERIES* CONCLAVE. The focus was on making…
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connecttofood · 2 years ago
Home made Chena poda
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nyantry · 5 months ago
Had it not been for Nico, Nova's little spiel might have been received differently. As it was, though, Dmitry was used to Nico's own no nonsense attitude. Instead of finding it threatening, he found it oddly... endearing. The more he hung out with Nova, the more he saw similarities between her and Nico, and it only seemed to make Nico that much more adorable in Dmitry's eyes. No, this kinda thing he was familiar with. It drew a smile from him, not offense nor discomfort.
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"Hey... I love Nico; I'm not about to be a jerk at you. Like I said, I'm willing to answer questions, and you must have plenty. You're careful, I get that. I'm just saying I'm careful too. I'm sharing because I choose to, you matter. But I'm sharing only because I want to." He was quiet for a few moments before adding, "It's a compliment. I don't really know you yet, but I'm choosing to tell you things anyway because I know and respect what you've done for Nico. You just need to know no one can make me do things I don't want to do. That is a decision I made, and no one goes above that one. Not him, not Lisbeth, not anyone."
He realized, of course, that by saying that he was exposing that there was a deeper reason why he'd drawn that boundary so long ago. That, he hoped she would understand not to ask about. If she was as much like Nico as he had gathered, though, he was also half-expecting she would ask anyway, precisely because of the personal nature of the topic. In a way, he was trying to let her in, even if he wasn't quite sure how to go about it.
He was definitely interested in the geometry topic, though. As she spoke, he was visualizing what she was describing, playing with the figures in his mind to try and connectt he dots. She was basically telling him that with these pictures, he could do anything. "Holy shit, it's like... wormholes and quantum entanglement."
Then, a natural follow-up question. "When people mess up... How exact does it have to be drawn? I mean, there's gotta be a point where it's acceptable and beyond that, it's considered an error, right? So, a tolerance. I can get the stars pretty accurate, I measure the distances in ratios when I put them on the ceiling. I can tell Nico to get me a few tools and I can make it even more exact if need be. Circles, lines, it can be done freehand," he drew a few shapes carefully to illustrate his skills, "or there's stuff like stencils, rulers, projectors... Just depends." In another life, he could have been a phycisist or an engineer. He would have wanted the former, but he'd have been just as good at either field, really. What he had was a mind attuned to patterns, mechanisms, tinkering.
"Nico sucks at math. He's real smart, he just doesn't do numbers like I do, I think. Loves asking me about it though," he chuckled. "I'm sure if you or I explain it to him, he'll get it. He just has to want to get it, y'know?"
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He was quiet when she asked what was after him, however. He thought about it carefully. What was it that he needed to be protected from? Many things, surely. Some more credible threats than others, too. On one hand, he was almost caught off-guard by the fact that she cared to ask at all. It made sense: she loved Nico, Nico loved him. Therefore, he mattered to Nova too. But some part of him had also always just been accustomed to being ignored, neglected, forgotten and abandoned. It was nice when people cared. It was terrifying when people cared.
Immediately, a few threats came to mind. His father, perpetually occupying first place, was not one he was currently concerned about regardless. The guy was dead, roasting forever. He'd made sure of that, and Nico had gladly confirmed. Chernabog, whose name he didn't actually know, was second. There was just something so deeply unforgivable about Nico having been harmed like that. His own death was something Dmitry could look past, but torturing Nico? No, that was unforgivable. So him, second place. Third...
"I don't like Murmur," he told her, plain and simple. "I don't think he'll hurt me, he has... good reason not to. But I don't trust him and I don't like him. Demons around him, even less. There's also... If I describe one of them to you, do you think you can figure out who it is? I don't have a name." He thought some more. "Not... so much after me, but after my mom. She's safe for now, but I wanna bring her here I think. She'll be safer that way. They're human, though, I don't think it'll take much to stop them from getting here. And... not to keep away, but to allow in, I trust Sammy. He can help, if we need. He's done so before."
She rose a brow when he deflected to Nico. He looked rather healthy for the rumors she had heard. With a comment like that she believed he was eating well. Still, the deflection struck her funny coming from someone who probably thought a normal sized meal was a fatty's calorie ridden smorgasbord. Who knew at this point? It was why she was asking questions.
"Good, good-good...good to know. Glad you cleared that up because I didn't want to have to call you out for the beligerance and immaturity it takes to cry out for autonomy by demanding you owe me no explantion about yourself when you're the one that brought me into this situation, welcome me into your home where I'm now expected to try and survive accordingly as a fugitive, and then act like I have to walk around in it blind if you so choose with no idea what I've gotten myself into. Just trust blindly. Ask no questions like a good mental freak and be thankful you walked with us as my son who I love but haven't seen in years broke me out of a demon's trap, who's current life I know absolutely nothing about. Mhm. Mhm. Got it. Try not to forget I didn't actually belong there."
She had to momma-zone mic drop the little welcome-home-I-owe-you-nothing-little-guy for just a moment.
Then she carried on because what else a momma knows is if that's her son's partner, he matters. What she was going to get that partner to figure out, a boy's momma always matters too. Owes her nothing her ass.
Back to sacred geometry. At least that he seemed to want to stay focused on. No deflections.
"Yes." Oh she was happy there. She could see he was getting it. "You got it. The lines on a demon's or angel's sigil aren't just a logo because it's pretty. They're all equations. Lines that link to their energy. It's the math to tune into their vibrations. Learn the codes to summon or protect. Ward and bannish. You've got the idea. You get it. It works for places too. Different realms. Dimensions. Higher plains. It's why you see yogis or meditators trying to use this stuff and claiming visions."
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She shimmied up a little closer going off on another tangent. "You've probably heard of dabblers in the occult making things go wrong. Like they meant to summon so and so and got someone else. It's not always because they're weak witches. It's because they did the wrong math. They're not practiced. It's why a weak sayer can accidentally tap into a power that overpowers them and unleashes something too dangerous to control or just something went wrong in a spell. The geometry wasn't mathmetically correct. Every line matters. The symmetry. The pitch on the tuning fork. Everything in a ritual. Whatever is being used. Every energy matters. Magic is science. Science is math. Geometry is sacred. We need geometry on our floors and walls, even the attic. We're going to keep a lot of bad things out. Murmur's sigils is his own equation. Things like this can be left as a calling card. It's a link in or an escape route. But we can block the gate. That's one step in making the house safe for Nico and me for that matter. I'll teach you everything."
"I never taught Nico." She admitted. She realized now maybe that was a mistake. He was so young. She did it all herself being mom taking it on back. She tried so hard to not worry him because he was always so worried. She'd see that look in his eyes and turn everything back to play time again wanting him to have some form of childhood in all this.
She was running through her mind what she used to have in their house back when she lived with Nico when he was young as she nodded. What ended up being her undoing was the humans watching her plan for demons. Even that she realized was part of the demon's plan. He was grown up now so no more child services. This was a plus. That's why bear traps were on her list. For the humans. She'd be out digging booby traps before too long for trespassers. But then she had to wonder something else.
"What's after you? What do we need to protect you from?"
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4kadstv · 3 years ago
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Connectt Condos🏡 is located at 2230 Derry Rd W, Milton and is a new condo project developed byLindvest Properties Limited. @lindvest @spectrum_sky 💎 Minutes from the Milton GO 💎6-min to Hwy 401 & 8-min from Hwy 407 💎Steps away from nearby parks & green space 💎Close to premium outlets, eateries & other urban amenities 📢Register Now To Get VIP Access ☎️ 647-847-9666 ProCondo Realty Inc., Brokerage Procondo.ca #connectt #connnecttcondo #lindvest #Procondo #milton #miltonontario #TorontoRealEstate #GTARealEstate #GTAHomes #luxurycondos #condoliving #investwiththebest #torontobroker #returnoninvestment #investinrealestate #realestateinvestor #miltonrealestate #masterplannedcommunity #preconstruction #preconstructioncondos #toronto #torontocondos #TorontoHomes #NewHomes #GTACondos #NewHome #GTA Reposted from @procondo.realty.inc https://www.instagram.com/p/CWSK3lGsagG/?utm_medium=tumblr
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procondoca · 4 years ago
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🎆Connectt Condos 🎆is a New Condo development by Lindvest Properties Limited @lindvest located at Derry Rd W & Ontario St S, Milton. 🎊Family Friendly – With plenty of schools of every educational level in the area 🎊Highway Access – direct access to Highway 401. 🎊Lifestyle Amenities – The area surrounding Connectt Condos offers residents plenty of dining and shopping options. 🎊Green Space – Milton is a beautiful town full of lush and beautiful parks for residents ☎647-847-9666 ProCondo Realty Inc. #connectt #lindvest#TorontoRealEstate #TorontoHomes #NewHomes #Condo #TorontoCondos#DreamHome #preconstruction #Property #Investment #RealEstate #YYZ #TTC #GTA #GTACondos #TorontoRealEstate #procondo https://www.instagram.com/p/CPLrKPfjisd/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sethdomain · 3 years ago
the urge to redesign adrien with blue eyes in my rewrite because i cannot stop seeing the c!dream design in him. *grips bedsheet*
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cyber22 · 4 years ago
Telepathic adventures with my soulmate (And the things he does) pt.1
These are strictly my personal experiences, this post is for possibilities with your person and to relay knowledge to those who want to know. Feel free to ask me questions. 
 1. I was stressed the f*ck out due to the hectic schedule of my college and i was my inner voice was screaming complaining “This is just too much!”  his comforting voice came true telling me “It is gonna be okay.” Never have i ever felt so calm, that semester was my best one.
2. One late night i was not able to sleep, feeling lonely, all of a sudden a melody got stuck in my head, songs that we share between each other, i think we have similar music taste. Aaaaaaah i was blushing all the damn night, i still am uwu
3. My toxic ex reached out as it was getting emotionally unbearable talking to him, i pulled out my tarot cards for comfort, waiting to hear from my spirit guides but it had a message from him, “You got this, do not put up with things which are toxic for you. Trust yourself, i believe in you.” With the lovers card at the bottom signifying he’s got my back. Funny how he is not overbearing, just so gentle with me. 
4. Randomly singing a little bit sometimes, i hear few words at times, just to let me know he is thinking of me. I swear those are the best moments. 
5. Did ya’ll know you can get a bit nsfw with your person? Yup done that. Let’s just say you feel things on a different level all together 
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doppelnatur · 4 years ago
I used to just „not get“ abstract art
and i still dont
now i just see som shapes and go THIS FUCKING SLAPS
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