#connections and solid social bonds
kleopatra45 · 2 months
Venus in the Houses [Solar Return]
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1st House
This year, you exude a magnetic charm and beauty that draws people towards you. Your confidence and sense of self-worth increase, and you find it easier to attract love and admiration. This is a wonderful time to focus on self-care, perhaps through a new wardrobe, hairstyle, or health routine. Personal relationships are likely to improve, and you may start new romantic connections. Your appearance and the way you present yourself to the world take on greater significance.
2nd House
Financial prosperity and a deep appreciation for luxury and comfort characterize this year. You may discover new ways to enhance your income, possibly through creative endeavors or partnerships. There is a strong desire to surround yourself with beautiful and valuable items, and you might find yourself indulging more in material pleasures. Relationships with those who share your values or can provide financial stability are highlighted, and there is a focus on building a solid foundation for your future.
3rd House
Communication and intellectual connections flourish this year. You are more charming and persuasive in your interactions, making it easier to form and maintain harmonious relationships with siblings, neighbors, and in your community. Short trips and learning experiences bring joy, and you may develop a love for writing, speaking, or other forms of expression. This is a good year to strengthen your social network and engage in activities that stimulate your mind and heart.
4th House
Home and family life become sources of great joy and comfort this year. You may feel a stronger desire to beautify your living space, perhaps through redecorating or making it more comfortable. Family relationships are harmonious, and you may find yourself spending more quality time with loved ones. This placement also indicates a deep emotional connection to your roots and heritage. You may feel a greater sense of inner peace and security, making your home a true sanctuary.
5th House
Creativity, romance, and fun take center stage this year. You are more playful and expressive, finding joy in artistic pursuits and leisure activities. This is an excellent year for starting new romantic relationships or rekindling the spark in existing ones. If you have children, your bond with them strengthens, and you may enjoy shared activities. This placement also encourages you to take risks and follow your heart, leading to a more fulfilling and joyful life.
6th House
Health and work are highlighted, with a focus on creating a balanced and harmonious daily routine. You may find more enjoyment in your job or work environment, perhaps through improved relationships with colleagues or a more pleasant work setting. Health-wise, you are motivated to adopt a healthier lifestyle, incorporating beauty and wellness into your routine. Acts of service and helping others bring satisfaction, and you may feel a greater sense of fulfillment in your daily tasks.
7th House
Partnerships and close relationships are the focus this year. You are more likely to attract harmonious and loving connections, whether in romantic, business, or platonic relationships. Existing partnerships may deepen, and conflicts can be resolved more easily. There is a strong desire for companionship and mutual support, making this an ideal time for marriage or committed relationships. Collaboration and cooperation with others lead to greater success and satisfaction.
8th House
Deep emotional connections and transformative experiences define this year. You may experience profound changes in your relationships, leading to greater intimacy and trust. There is a strong focus on shared resources and financial matters, and you may benefit from joint ventures or inheritances. This placement also indicates a heightened interest in the mysteries of life, including spirituality and the occult. You are drawn to intense, passionate relationships that challenge and transform you.
9th House
Exploration and adventure bring joy and fulfillment this year. You may develop a love for travel, higher learning, and cultural experiences. Relationships with people from different backgrounds or those who expand your worldview are favored. This is a great year for pursuing education, publishing, or spiritual growth. Your sense of aesthetics and appreciation for beauty may be influenced by different cultures and philosophies, leading to a broader perspective on life.
10th House
Career and public image are emphasized, with a focus on achieving success and recognition. You are more likely to attract opportunities for advancement and may find yourself in the public eye. Your professional relationships are harmonious, and you may receive support from those in authority. This is a good year for setting and achieving career goals, as well as enhancing your reputation. Your sense of style and charm can play a significant role in your professional success.
11th House
Friendships and social connections bring happiness and support this year. You are more likely to meet new friends and join groups or organizations that align with your interests. Your social life is active, and you may find yourself surrounded by like-minded individuals who inspire and uplift you. This placement also highlights your hopes and dreams, encouraging you to pursue your aspirations with the support of your social network. Collaborative efforts and teamwork lead to success.
12th House
This year, you may experience a desire for solitude and introspection, finding beauty in moments of quiet reflection. There is a focus on healing and letting go of past relationships or emotional baggage. You may develop a deeper connection to your spirituality and find comfort in creative or artistic pursuits done in private. Secret or hidden relationships are possible, and you may feel drawn to helping others through compassionate acts. This placement encourages you to explore the depths of your inner world and find peace within.
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geovanag · 7 months
Composite Chart #2
🌿 Rising in Composite Part 1 🌿
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The Composite chart, which is effective after meeting a person and is formed by calculating the common points of the positions in the charts of the two people, is the chart that many astrologers (and me too) often use. One of the things you need to know at a basic level is what sign your ascendant is in and what it means. (In one of my previous posts I talked about what houses can mean in general, if you want to read it: #1 ) Let's now examine what the rising between Aries and Virgo mean, the identity of the relationship and how the relationship visibly looks from the outside…
》Aries Rising《
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There's a strong drive to initiate new experiences and ventures together.
Both individuals may value their independence and individuality within the relationship.
A competitive spirit may be present.
There's a direct and assertive communication style within the relationship. Both individuals are likely to express their needs and desires openly and assertively.
Aries Ascendant can signify a love for physical activity and exercise. Engaging in physical activities together can strengthen the bond between the partners.
》Taurus Rising《
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Both individuals value reliability and consistency in their partnership.
There's an inclination towards creating a comfortable and harmonious home environment together. Both partners may prioritize material comforts and may work together to build a solid financial foundation.
Both partners are grounded in reality and prefer to take a pragmatic approach to handling day-to-day affairs.
They are willing to invest time and effort into nurturing the relationship and overcoming any difficulties that arise.
Both partners may enjoy indulging in good food, luxurious surroundings, and other sensory experiences together.
》Gemini Rising《
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Relationship may involve a lot of social interaction and networking.
The individuals may enjoy teasing each other, engaging in witty banter, and finding joy in the small pleasures of life.
The individuals to express themselves in diverse ways within the relationship.
The individuals may enjoy a dynamic and versatile partnership that fosters mutual growth, understanding, and appreciation for each other's unique qualities.
They may share a curiosity for knowledge, enjoy engaging in deep conversations, and have a mutual appreciation for each other's intellect.
》Cancer Rising《
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They may feel a strong emotional bond and a sense of closeness to each other, with an intuitive understanding of each other's feelings and needs.
Relationship may center around domestic life and familial connections. They may prioritize spending time together at home, creating a sense of warmth and security within their shared space.
They may form a close-knit unit, offering each other emotional support and security in times of need.
The individuals are likely to be caring, compassionate, and empathetic towards each other's needs.
There may be a strong intuitive connection between the individuals, allowing them to understand each other's feelings without the need for words.
》Leo Rising《
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They may enjoy being in the spotlight together and may attract attention wherever they go.
The relationship may be characterized by acts of generosity, kindness, and warmth, as the individuals strive to make each other feel special and valued.
They may enjoy celebrating each other's achievements and milestones, fostering a sense of mutual admiration and respect.
The individuals may take on leadership roles within the relationship.However, you should keep in mind that there is one feature to watch out for. Because in this leadership role, frictions/discussions will be inevitable.
Inspiring each other to shine brightly and embrace life with enthusiasm and zest.
》Virgo Rising《
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The individuals may pay close attention to the finer points of their interactions, striving for perfection and efficiency in their communication and activities.
They offering practical assistance and guidance to help each other grow and succeed.
The individuals may be down-to-earth.
They may work together harmoniously, supporting each other's goals and aspirations while maintaining a grounded and realistic approach to life.
Part 2 🌿 is coming soon...
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cosmicconversations · 29 days
Astrology Lesson of the Week: The 11th House
Every Monday, I will be doing my series Astrology Lesson of the Week where I dissect a certain astrological subject. I am going through the houses now and we are going to be discussing the 11th House today. On my Patreon, I will be doing an extended portion where we will go further in-depth.
So, let’s explore the 11th House!
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What is the 11th House really about? Every house has its buzzwords and this one is no different. Friendships, charities, communities, online activities. But, all of that has always seemed a bit vague to me. It is interesting because it feels like few people really dive in-depth into the 11th House and maybe that is fitting. It is associated with Aquarius, which is a sign famous for its detachment and distance. Maybe the best way that we can understand this house is from an objective standpoint. And that means that the things that this house represents needs to be looked at objectively in order for us to enjoy them.
Our friends, for example, have the potential to make or break us. There is that saying that “you are who you associate with”. And that’s a key energy in terms of this house: associate. This isn’t the house that is going to solely represent your closest friends. Your best friends are more so symbolized by the 7th House, which we will get to eventually. However, your bond with your besties is found here. It will just also be lumped in here with friends you have that you’re not close to or just general acquaintances. Your 11th House is how you will approach and experience friendships, in general. And it also shows how this connections can either bring positivity to your life or hold you back. People with 11th House placements feel this more strongly than others. These are people who value their friendships in a very powerful and notable way. They can be more socially active than others, past the age where many people stop going out and partying. Even into their more “mature” stage of life, 11th House people love housewarming parties, dinner parties, networking or business events. Any way they can gather with a large group of people that they are connected to in varying degrees, they’re here for it. Their most special friendships also have a way of surviving all the adult transitions that can make people drift apart, like moving or getting married or having kids.
“Friend groups” is another representation of 11th House energy and having planets here can give you a friend group that is a really colorful, fun, and powerful unit. It’s like the camaraderie you see on Friends or Girlfriends or How I Met Your Mother or Sex and the City. 11th House people can especially enjoy shows like this and identify with them because they, too, have a friend group that is formidable and always there for each other, through the ups and downs of life, with everyone having their own distinct personality. This can be a big group or a solid quartet or just a strong trio. But, friend groups can also get very exclusionary and closed-off. And infighting can also occur. This is when a seemingly ideal group of friends turns into The Plastics. Not only could there be a lot of inner conflict but people who aren’t a part of the group can feel very unaccepted. This often happens when there are difficult planets in the 11th, in particular, like Mars or Saturn or Pluto. It’s a “with friends like these, who needs enemies” vibe.
So, we can also see the downside of the 11th House: fractured or fake friendships, social alienation, being judged or picked on for being different or not following the “social rules”. The contradiction of the 11th House person’s life is while they may be very socially well known, they can also feel like a huge misfit. It often happens that these people become “cool” in adulthood while still haunted by the experience of being an outcast while growing up. So, they may not feel that cool or popular. As someone with Uranus in the 11th, I know the dilemma. It can actually be very hard for 11th House people to let go of the “misfit/weirdo complex” and receive or recognize the love and admiration that others have for them.
The thing is that everyone has a sign on the 11th House cusp. So, even if this house is empty for you, it doesn’t mean you’re immune to feeling misunderstood or made fun of or not accepted. (Empty houses matter, too!) It’s a pretty universal experience and the sign on your 11th House cusp indicates what you felt like your peers could not accept about you. The difference with people with an occupied 11th House, though, is that we are often more capable than most of resisting the urge to conform or of not responding to peer pressure. This is part of what contributes to that “cool factor” as time goes on. When you have the confidence or comfort within yourself to just own who you are or what you like, without a concern of what people will think of it, you earn more admiration than you do ridicule, especially as you enter adulthood. What makes you different while growing up becomes your superpower. If you have a planet or more in the 11th, it represents that superpower, a gift that you can just casually do all while making a big impact as you do.
It should also be said that the 11th House can focus on groups that are more interest-oriented. Any sort of fun organization or online community, centered around a hobby or goal or interest, falls into the 11th House domain. This is the form of socializing and connecting that is more impersonal and that can often suit 11th House people very well. Sometimes, having planets here means preferring these sort of groups to a specific friend group. We can go through periods of being immersed in one or the other. Often, an aversion to just one group of friends is a defense mechanism against having your independence or individuality taken from you. As much as the 11th House is about the crowd, it’s also about the people who go against the crowd. Maybe getting burned by certain friends or acquaintances in the past or feeling too alienated by them has made you more of a lone wolf. In this sense, it is easier to have more casual friendships, for the most part, and direct more energy toward Internet connections that still help you feel a part of something bigger than you. But, maybe this is a temporary phase and you just haven’t truly found “your people” yet. As an 11th House individual, you are meant to. So, hold out hope.
However, for everyone, you can still see through this house how you spend your time online and engage with various platforms or communities. For so long, people have attributed our social media presence to the 10th House, which I think is accurate. With the 11th House, we see more specific online platforms or spaces that are about something bigger than us, whether that is “stan Twitter” or fan message boards or Reddit communities or even communities on Tumblr. Through 11th House online spaces, it is less about us. We can remain anonymous if we choose and we gain validation more so for the individual perspective we are offering our community. But, it’s not just limited to the Internet. It’s also book clubs and casual athletic teams or organizations that help people in some fashion. It is something we all feel compelled to do, consciously or not. For some people, it is more often than others. But, it is healthy to join forces or energies with others and, because of our individual differences, doing so because of what we are mutually interested in or concerned about is highly effective.
Extended Portion of Astrology Lesson for the Week (11th House) (here we will discuss how this house rules the unexpected aspects of life, collaborations, making a difference, and how bullies and fake friends get their comeuppance)
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ts4ritsa · 1 month
.•° ✿ meeting an ultimate marksman who’s shy
ft. toko fukawa, kokichi ouma, & shuichi saihara from danganronpa * ˚ ✦
tags / cw ✎ shy!gn!reader, reader is the ultimate marksman, fluff, platonic, requested
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toko might be a bit initially intimidated but also curious when she learns about your ultimate. as a writer she does go off to learn in order to create accurate depictions. she often studied you from afar
getting to actually know you as a person was unexpected, toko wouldn’t have perceived you as the withdrawn type. much less timid. in a way though, it was a common ground, so she didn’t mind it. also since you’re a marksman, toko has a sense of comfort around you
even appreciated it, it brought along many nice moments of silence
kokichi asks you tons of questions about your talent upon meeting you. it might overwhelm you, but kokichi would just smile and laugh. despite this he does find your skill admirable. also is glad that you know how to remain composed and disciplined, even if you tend to shy away from others
considers you a powerful ally, and as time passes, a great friend too
regardless of all the pranks and mischievous schemes kokichi plays on you, he’ll seek to find a genuine connection with you and hold your friendship highly. your ultimates make a relatively solid duo
shuichi felt a bit drawn to you upon meeting you, feeling like your reclusive tendencies clashed with such a demanding ultimate as a marksman. but he still treated you with respect, since he didn’t want to come off as rude to someone like you
when the two of you later form a friendship, shuichi slowly became more comfortable asking you questions about you and your talent. he had always gotten along with you, your quiet yet precise nature matched his, so he found it easy to bond with you
over time as shuichi makes efforts to change, he’ll try to involve you in more social interactions, hoping that you can join him in his journey of making friends and becoming more connected with others
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©2024 ts4ritsa | req by anon
a/n: I don’t generally accept platonic requests but this was a cute idea
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aeth-eris · 11 months
Solar Return Sun House Placements
Solar Return Sun in the 1st House:
Theme: Personal Renewal and Reinvention. This year is about focusing on yourself, your identity, and your goals. It's a time for self-discovery and starting new projects that reflect your evolving sense of self.
Solar Return Sun in the 2nd House:
Theme: Financial Stability and Value. This year emphasizes your material well-being and financial security. It's a time to focus on building your resources, enhancing your earning potential, and reevaluating your priorities regarding money and possessions.
Solar Return Sun in the 3rd House:
Theme: Communication and Learning. This year emphasizes the importance of communication, networking, and education. It's a time for developing new skills, expanding your knowledge base, and fostering connections within your immediate environment.
Solar Return Sun in the 4th House:
Theme: Home and Family. This year revolves around your domestic life and emotional foundations. It's a time to strengthen family bonds, create a sense of security at home, and delve into your emotional roots for a deeper understanding of your past and present.
Solar Return Sun in the 5th House:
Theme: Creativity and Self-Expression. This year highlights your creative endeavors and personal passions. It's a time for self-expression, exploring your talents, and embracing joy and spontaneity in your life, fostering a sense of playfulness and authenticity.
Solar Return Sun in the 6th House:
Theme: Health and Routine. This year emphasizes your physical well-being and daily responsibilities. It's a time for focusing on self-improvement, maintaining a balanced lifestyle, and establishing healthy habits that contribute to your overall well-being and productivity.
Solar Return Sun in the 7th House:
Theme: Relationships and Partnerships. This year centers on your one-on-one connections and collaborations. It's a time for fostering meaningful relationships, enhancing your interpersonal skills, and addressing any imbalances within your partnerships for a harmonious and fulfilling year.
Solar Return Sun in the 8th House:
Theme: Transformation and Renewal. This year signifies profound changes and personal growth. It's a time for delving into your inner psyche, embracing transformation, and letting go of what no longer serves you, allowing for profound self-discovery and empowerment.
Solar Return Sun in the 9th House:
Theme: Expansion and Higher Learning. This year emphasizes your intellectual growth and spiritual exploration. It's a time for broadening your horizons, pursuing higher education or philosophical studies, and seeking meaningful experiences that contribute to your personal and spiritual development.
Solar Return Sun in the 10th House:
Theme: Career and Ambition. This year focuses on your professional life and public image. It's a time for setting ambitious goals, pursuing career advancement, and establishing a solid reputation within your field, paving the way for significant achievements and recognition.
Solar Return Sun in the 11th House:
Theme: Community and Networking. This year highlights your social connections and involvement within groups. It's a time for expanding your network, contributing to collective goals, and fostering meaningful friendships and collaborations that align with your ideals and aspirations.
Solar Return Sun in the 12th House:
Theme: Inner Reflection and Spiritual Growth. This year encourages introspection and spiritual development. It's a time for exploring your subconscious, practicing self-awareness, and engaging in activities that promote inner peace and a deeper connection with the divine, fostering personal enlightenment and emotional healing.
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acourtofthought · 5 months
What would you say are the top 3 (or 5) strongest clues that say Elucien/Gwynriel are gonna happen? The ones that really feel so solid to you.
Ooooh, this is a good question.
For Gwynriel:
That Gwyn is the only character to treat Az's shadows as being separate from himself. It' like a guy who begins dating a girl who has children but he never pays attention to them versus the guy who goes out of his way to get to know the children, proving that he understands the girl and her children are a packaged deal.
That Az is not looking as Gwyn as someone in need of his protection. I'm sure there will be some of that in their book, mates always look out for one another, but there is a big difference between "we can do this together" versus, "I'll do it for you so you don't get hurt".
That Gwyn seems to have a bloodthirsty side to her personality, just as Az does. He can torture in a symphony of pain which means he has chosen to finesse his craft. He's not "let's get this over as quick as possible because I don't like it," it's, "I'm going to draw this out nice and slow and make it hurt in ways you never dreamed." I think he feels guilty about his enjoyment of it afterward because he thinks it makes him a bad person but I think he gets satisfaction from the actual act. Someone like Gwyn who was excited over the thought of the Valkyries cracking skulls and skewering their enemies is well matched for his brutality.
That Gwyn and Az seem to prefer a smaller group of friends over being extremely social, the life of the party. Neither seems to mind their alone time.
For Elucien, there are so many:
That Elain and Lucien share important core values. They are quick to apologize for failing others, they both prefer to avoid violence, they both enjoy being social and engaging with others. There will never be a time where they have to check up on one another, "I'm sorry, is this too overwhelming for you? We can head home if you need".
That Lucien has been loyal to Elain and only Elain ever since he found out who she was to him. No, he did not instantly love her but he chose to respect their bond while he took the time to learn about her whereas he could have easily continued his rakish ways especially after learning she was engaged to someone else. Loyalty to the FMC is sexy.
That Lucien was the one to meet Elain's father and live in the human lands. These are two enormous parts of Elain's past, things that mattered a great deal to her and it will only ever be Lucien who has insider knowledge of who her father was and what being human is about.
That SJM retconned Lucien's father so he'd have the power of the sun in his veins and had Elain constantly by the sunniest windows, as if any bit of darkness was abhorrent, claiming that she needs Sunshine.
That Elain has not yet touched or truly gotten to know Lucien. If the author wanted us to see why they were poorly matched, she would have shown them interacting. She would have shown that despite their best efforts to acknowledge their bond, they were just not fitting. Instead, she has Elain keeping Lucien at a distance book after book and I will never believe the answer to that puzzle is because "she doesn't like him," "she's clearly not interested." An author would more likely prevent two mates from interacting in a major way because she knows there is something there. She knows characters like Elain and Lucien need to remain apart because their chemistry will be obvious the second they start really talking.
Because Elain can hear Lucien's heart and because she is the most beautiful female he'd ever seen. Because he knew she needed fresh air when every single other person in the IC just accepted her being cooped up in her room for weeks. There is a connection between Elucien that is never going away and it would ruin any other romance for either character. No matter what Elain might share with someone else, Lucien is always going to hold a piece of her that the other cannot touch.
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mannatea · 1 year
🔥 fandom
I find myself missing the days where fandom was a private experience more and more, by which I mean to say: I miss the concept of "friends only" journals and blogs. I miss when the pace of the Internet and therefore also fandom was slower. I miss when memes stayed relevant for months if not years. I miss when a new person entered fandom and everyone and their grandmother would outdo themselves trying to befriend them. I miss the community feeling of fandoms where you were almost proud to be a "contributing member" whether that was as a writer, a reader, an artist, an extremely cool contributor with other crafts, or a supportive friend.
I absolutely hate huge Discord servers where things are so busy and nothing stays on topic for long, and someone is always spamming @ everyone and there are so many people you can't form a bond with any of them. I hate how posting anything in fandom now is posting it publicly; it's no longer some fun write-up you did for your friends but something you have to also check over to make sure it's suitable for the entire fandom to read.
I hate how fandoms in general have moved away from giving creatives feedback on their art, especially authors. There are more people reading fanfiction than ever before but almost no one comments, not even to just say thanks, not even in some larger fandoms. This goes right back to missing the community feeling of fandom. I understand wanting easy rebloggable content, and I very much get having almost nothing in the proverbial tank at the end of the day to say witty things, but if you read something and you enjoyed it: say so.
I think people have forgotten that fandom, and sharing creative works with fandom, is a social experience, and this gets truer and truer the older you are and the better your craft gets. You don't get good, solid writers in fandom by ignoring them. They cannot thank you for your kudos. They certainly cannot thank you for your silence. If we were all after money we would strive to write professionally. If we we wrote merely for ourselves we would let our stories rot on our hard drives. Writers in fandom are looking to share and socialize with an audience. That has been the backbone of fandom and all creation in fandom for as long as fandom has been around.
And it feels very much like that is slipping away into anonymous obscurity where nobody wants to take the time to make a connection—however fleeting.
And then people wonder why their favorite authors stop writing. They legitimately do not understand! They express sadness. But when you go look at the stories they're sad about losing, they never took the time to even give the author one word of encouragement, and no writer writes forever for free.
Fandom has always been a delicate balancing act of those who make gifts and those who take them. The thing about taking a gift, though, is that you say thank you for it, and in fandom spaces giving thanks functions as a link. It's what keeps things balanced. It's what spurs further creation and further thanks. On and on, back and forth.
In recent years, with the Internet moving so fast and fandom along with it, we've lost those slow and meaningful connections.
Take heed:
You cannot marvel in the halls of creation for all eternity without giving something back. Eventually the walls and shelves will be bare and there will be nothing new to behold.
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a lot of people think PunkNoir's first date would be smashing fascists, but people that is their day job--let Hobie relax. Noir can take him to dinner in a 1930's zeppelin over the city skyline, something nice and fancy. Spider-Ham can pull a swing band out of his hammer space
I feel this SOO bad I love this!!
Hobie is one of the only people that Peter connect with on older things, even if they're decades apart. Hobie is probably the only person at HQ who knows how to use a record player and owns one. Hobie is probably the only person who keeps record needles or a vinyl collection, and the can bond over the sound of vinyl and their collections! Hobie marvels when Peter shows him a new vinyl that would be considered vintage in his day
AND!! Something SO overlooked in Hobie - he's probably very smart and VERY well read.
Hobie is a punk, there was no internet back then. But based on his understanding of his ideology it's safe to say he has a solid complex understanding of world history and books about social theory so Im guessing he reads a lot. I wouldn't be surprised if he's read books by communists and socialists and stuff.
They could go on book dates and share theory books with each other, listening to records after dinner! Them bonding over 1930's and 1970's jazz!!
Hobie knows rain (he's from London after all) but he probably prefers it a lot more in Peter's universe cause of the ambience - and he's sitting in Noir's apartment it's raining outside and Hobie's the only color in the room, changing back and forth from pink to red AHHHHHHHHH
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nothanksjohnny · 1 month
Seekers are complex in their ways of existing. From how they define status between themselves beyond the standards of a theocratic monarchy or a more elective government. As the rest of cybertron had slowly shifted to unilaterally follow. No, they had a more refined way of presenting themselves. Not just limited to a blood given right but as a single being.
To a Seeker flying is every piece of them. Every wire and bolt was molded to aid in their obligation of living. Sleek forms that cut though weather and atmosphere alike. Silent in their hunt until they allow you to hear the hiss and rumble of their engines. Due to this it is no question that these features are used in everyday social mobility. One string of how to grasp their differentiated social ladder is to begin with their wings.
This is often a social cue used for more refined and noble status as well for more daily interaction with fellow airborne cybertronians. physique is another step for a seeker to pridefully present themselves allowing further chances to make oneself a eyesore. Another side connection to this is a polished and clean frame. While cleanliness is the basic standard for any species, seekers tend to use this as a social connection of sorts. This can allow someone to know how close they are to said winged mech or femme. Many will have to work up to the trust of a seeker giving full access to their back and wings. Believed to be close is hypersensitivity as a human's fingertips. Although further knowledge or suspicion has brought the hypothesis that it can further drift to more sensitive and personal areas. Crevices where the forearm begins to flow into the servo. Creating a wrist of joins and cogs as well as wires. As well as the metallic joints one's digit bends. A more stiff mimic to an organic flow of motion.
Gently clawing out stuck debris between shoulders and perhaps even freshening paint or polish can help strength or create a more solid bond. This is often found to be done between trines as well. Often subtly shown between the elite trine in more calmer moments While aiding a fellow cybertronian isn't that odd to see nor is it strange to witness a grounder and seeker clean each other. It does differentiate on how the cleaning is done between grounders,seekers,ect.
This is due to differences in sensor placement. Seekers,coneheads and fliers require more sensors in their back and heels of their peds due to wings and thrusters. They also seem to take a more smooth transition to blindness and become easier to bear. This is because they take better advantage of additional sensors. Aiding in being able to mimic sight allowing clear awareness of surroundings. Due to these sensor placements a fellow seeker or winged mech/femme would more than likely be sought out over a grounder. Although this may differentiate if said grounder is the seeker in questions Conjunxs. Wing sensors tend to become hypersensitive and sore. Like straining a muscle or the deep ache after working out to compare. Knots can form and cause great discomfort in not only daily activity but if left untreated can cause faulty flying
This can lead to crashes or just wires becoming too strained. Creating unbearable pain can hinder a seeker to the ground or their berth. Oftentimes this is caused by being without a trine,death of a train or a now broken bond. Leaving a seeker without aid. To aid in this pain frequent preening is necessary. While a fellow flier or seeker does more precise petting of the wings a trusted grounder could offer assistance if allowed to. Starting in the outer middle of the wing is a preferred way to ease into aches. Soft long oval shaped pets following the wings shape can offer a soothing beginning. Slowing edging more into the middle of the wing can begin further going into the aches and possible knots. Its best to move up to the tip of the wing before you attempt to go towards the base of the wing.
This may be considered personal and may be reserved for trine. Patience and kindness as well as understanding is greatly appreciated for seekers who find themselves only allowing preening to happen between trinemates or at least more harder and precise ones. This is simply the beginning of trying to understand our angels or herpes of cybertron. Gliding elegantly through the sky as their claws glimmer in the ever lighted city of Vos. Seekers are complex. Beautify complex.
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blogdays · 1 year
Mybabyfor - Devasa+ (2)
Bonding and emotional connection between a mother and her baby are crucial for the baby's overall development and well-being. Building a strong bond with the baby helps in creating a sense of security and trust, which is essential for their emotional and social development. Mindfulness practices can be beneficial for mothers in reducing stress and enhancing their emotional connection with their infants. Spending quality time with the baby, engaging in activities such as talking, singing, and cuddling, can strengthen the bond between the mother and the baby. This emotional connection provides a nurturing environment for the baby's growth and development. Proper nutrition and a well-established feeding schedule are vital for the baby's growth and development. Breastfeeding is recommended as the best source of nutrition for infants, as it provides essential nutrients and antibodies that boost their immune system. Mother psychology should ensure that they have a balanced diet and consume enough fluids to maintain their own health and provide adequate nutrition to their nasal congestion in babies. It is important to follow the guidance of healthcare professionals regarding the introduction of solid foods and the appropriate feeding schedule for the baby's age and developmental stage. Regular check-ups with a pediatrician can help monitor the baby's growth and ensure that they are receiving the necessary nutrition for their development. Maintaining proper hygiene and ensuring regular check-ups are essential aspects of baby care. Baby care tips for mothers, should pay attention to keeping the baby clean and changing diapers regularly to prevent skin irritations and infections. Bathing the baby movements in the womb with gentle products suitable for their delicate skin is important. Regular visits to the pediatrician for vaccinations, anger management in children, developmental assessments, and overall health check-ups are crucial to monitor the baby's growth and detect any potential health issues early on. Additionally, seeking support from loved ones and joining parenting support groups can provide mothers with valuable advice and assistance in caring for their babies. By prioritizing hygiene and regular check-ups, mothers can ensure the well-being and health of their babies.
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hellyeahscarleteen · 11 months
"Relationships for anyone, not just ones that involve an autistic individual, should be built on and with openness and authenticity. To conceal your true self is only creating a layer of duplicity that will endanger your connection in the long run. Society may tell us that “masking” is the best route to meeting people, but the basic structure of any solid intimate relationship says otherwise. It’s integral to just be yourself as an autistic individual in these settings.
Contrary to what general society believes, embracing your own interests won’t immediately create a barrier between yourself and another person. In these social situations, a good idea, when talking about your own interests, is to use this opportunity to eventually ask the other person what their fascinations are. Use expressing your passions as an opportunity to click with another human being over their unique interests. Excitement can be infectious — use that to create a bond with the person you’re with rather than just getting anxious over how much or how little you’re “masking”."
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kleopatra45 · 1 month
Jupiter in the Signs [Solar Return]
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This year, you’re driven by a strong desire to take action and lead. Confidence, courage, and a pioneering spirit are highlighted, making it a great time to start new projects or pursue personal goals. You’ll feel more motivated to assert yourself and take risks, which can lead to exciting opportunities for growth and success.
If Jupiter is retrograde: You may need to reassess your approach to leadership and independence. Are you charging ahead without considering the consequences? This period encourages you to reflect on your impulsiveness and whether your actions are aligned with your true purpose. Retrograde Jupiter in Aries asks you to cultivate patience and thoughtful decision-making.
This year brings a focus on stability, comfort, and material security. You’ll be drawn to experiences that enhance your sense of luxury and well-being. Financial growth is possible, and you may find yourself valuing the finer things in life. This is a time to build a solid foundation and enjoy the pleasures of the physical world.
If Jupiter is retrograde: You may need to reconsider your relationship with material possessions and comfort. Are you overly attached to stability, preventing growth? This period encourages you to reflect on whether your pursuit of security is hindering your personal development. Retrograde Jupiter in Taurus invites you to find a balance between enjoying life’s pleasures and embracing change.
Communication, learning, and adaptability are key themes this year. You’ll feel more curious and eager to explore new ideas, making this an excellent time for intellectual growth, networking, and socializing. Opportunities for travel, education, or expanding your social circle are likely to arise, broadening your horizons and stimulating your mind.
If Jupiter is retrograde: You might need to revisit old ideas, projects, or communication patterns. This period encourages you to reflect on how you share information and connect with others. Are you spreading yourself too thin or getting lost in trivial details? Retrograde Jupiter in Gemini asks you to focus on what truly matters and to communicate with clarity and purpose.
Emotional growth, family, and home life are emphasized this year. You’ll feel a stronger connection to your roots and may seek to nurture your loved ones or create a more secure and comfortable living environment. This is a time for deepening emotional bonds and finding fulfillment through caring for others and yourself.
If Jupiter is retrograde: You may need to reflect on your emotional needs and how you nurture yourself and others. Are you giving too much without receiving in return? This period encourages you to reassess your boundaries and emotional well-being. Retrograde Jupiter in Cancer invites you to heal past wounds and create a more balanced and supportive emotional environment.
Creativity, self-expression, and leadership take center stage this year. You’ll feel more confident and eager to showcase your talents, making it a great time for artistic pursuits or stepping into the spotlight. Your natural charisma is enhanced, attracting admiration and opportunities for growth in areas where you can shine.
If Jupiter is retrograde: You might need to reassess your need for attention and recognition. Are you seeking validation from others at the expense of your authenticity? This period encourages you to reflect on your creative projects and whether they truly express your inner self. Retrograde Jupiter in Leo asks you to align your self-expression with your true values and purpose.
This year emphasizes growth through organization, service, and attention to detail. You’ll be more focused on improving your daily routines, health, and work environment. Opportunities for personal development may come through helping others, refining your skills, and paying attention to the finer details of life.
If Jupiter is retrograde: You may need to revisit your approach to work and health. Are you getting bogged down by perfectionism or overworking yourself? This period encourages you to reflect on how you can create more balance and efficiency in your life. Retrograde Jupiter in Virgo invites you to let go of unnecessary stress and embrace a more holistic approach to well-being.
Relationships, harmony, and balance are highlighted this year. You’ll feel a strong desire to connect with others and create more beauty and peace in your life. This is a favorable time for forming partnerships, both personal and professional, and for seeking justice and fairness in your interactions.
If Jupiter is retrograde: You might need to reflect on your relationships and how you maintain balance in your life. Are you compromising too much or not enough? This period encourages you to reassess your approach to partnerships and to ensure that your connections are based on mutual respect and understanding. Retrograde Jupiter in Libra asks you to cultivate harmony within yourself before seeking it in the external world.
Deep transformation, intensity, and personal power are emphasized this year. You’ll be drawn to exploring the mysteries of life and diving deep into your own psyche. This is a time for profound inner growth, where you may confront fears and desires, leading to significant personal transformation and empowerment.
If Jupiter is retrograde: You may need to confront unresolved fears or power dynamics in your life. This period encourages deep introspection and healing, allowing you to release old patterns that no longer serve you. Retrograde Jupiter in Scorpio invites you to embrace your inner power and use it for personal and spiritual growth, rather than control or manipulation.
This year, your spirit of adventure, optimism, and quest for knowledge are highlighted. You’ll feel a strong desire to explore new horizons, whether through travel, education, or philosophical pursuits. This is a time for broadening your worldview and embracing new experiences that expand your understanding of life.
If Jupiter is retrograde: You might need to reassess your beliefs, goals, or long-term plans. Are you overly idealistic or avoiding practical concerns? This period encourages you to reflect on your vision for the future and to ensure that it’s grounded in reality. Retrograde Jupiter in Sagittarius asks you to align your ideals with practical action and to seek deeper meaning in your pursuits.
Ambition, discipline, and long-term goals are emphasized this year. You’ll be focused on building a solid foundation for your future, whether in your career, personal life, or other important areas. This is a time for hard work and perseverance, as your efforts are likely to lead to lasting success and recognition.
If Jupiter is retrograde: You may need to reflect on your approach to ambition and authority. Are you too focused on external success, neglecting your inner needs? This period encourages you to reassess your goals and to ensure that they align with your true values. Retrograde Jupiter in Capricorn asks you to find a balance between ambition and personal fulfillment, and to build success on a foundation of integrity.
Innovation, independence, and social change are key themes this year. You’ll feel more inclined to break free from tradition and explore new, unconventional ideas. This is a time for embracing your individuality and contributing to collective progress, whether through technology, social activism, or creative expression.
If Jupiter is retrograde: You might need to reconsider your approach to freedom and individuality. Are you rebelling for the sake of it, or are you truly aligned with your principles? This period encourages you to reflect on how you can contribute to social change in a meaningful way. Retrograde Jupiter in Aquarius asks you to balance your desire for innovation with the need for practical and responsible action.
Compassion, spirituality, and intuition are emphasized this year. You’ll feel more connected to your inner world and may seek to deepen your spiritual practice or explore creative pursuits that connect you to the divine. This is a time for embracing empathy, healing, and a more compassionate approach to life.
If Jupiter is retrograde: You may need to revisit your spiritual beliefs or creative practices. Are you escaping reality through fantasy or avoiding emotional issues? This period encourages deep reflection on how you can bring more compassion and spiritual growth into your daily life. Retrograde Jupiter in Pisces invites you to heal old wounds and to connect with your inner wisdom, using it to guide your actions in the world.
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otterpiastri · 10 months
Lando's congrats to Oscar on every social media post following the sprint win totally showed he's all in for making this teammate thing work. It's like he's on a mission to keep their bond drama-free in the media's eyes, showing that for him, team success comes before the spotlight.
They hit some bumps in their first year, but honestly, they handled it like pros, putting their teammate connection first. Getting through those challenges without any drama says a lot. You can tell they're serious about keeping a solid bond. I have confidence they'll continue giving their best to maintain that.
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ridhearts · 1 year
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The first step to your lofty diplomatic dreams starts here...
*note: the housewardens all follow a specific order! please click below for the chapters as they're intended to be read!
overview. ♕ [chapter i.] chapter is. chapter ii. chapter iis. chapter iii. chapter iiis. chapter iv. chapter v. chapter vs. chapter vi. chapter vii.
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The Queendom of Roses is essentially the economic hub of the continent, at least when it comes to foreign markets. Though any remaining relationships are strictly for business, the Rosehearts family has managed to maintain contact with all the other countries of the continent except Briar Valley. The Coral Coast conducts all of their trade through the Queendom of Roses - while Pyroxene is closer, they have adopted a rather solitary policy, so the Queendom was the next best option. Additionally, the Rosehearts heir has a strong connection to the young heir Che’nya from abroad, solidifying their standing in international trade. Thus, the Queendom has become the unofficial central hub.
The ruling family has a firm hold on trade and on every day life of their citizens. From strictly enforced tariffs and trade routes, to specific tea times and daily beverages that must be consumed, those within the Queendom have a strict regimen that they must adhere to. When attending an important event, the only nobles more easily offended at a brash display than the Pyroxenes are the Rosarians.
The Card Soldiers are Her Majesty’s royal guard and are widely regarded as some of the best personal officers around. Many young hopefuls are trained within the borders of the Queendom before returning to their country to serve their lords, ladies and sovereigns.
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The Queendom of Roses maintained a hesitant relationship with your kingdom during the war. Once news came to the Queen that a new family was taking power, an invitation was bestowed upon you: visit her country, spend some time at the castle, and learn all about the social etiquette of the upper class.
Considering you were only a humble villager before becoming the next in line for the throne, you accepted the invitation. In fact, you were grateful for it. The fact that you had been invited made it easy for you to strengthen your ties to their kingdom, and hopefully reforge your bond!
You traveled to their Queendom as soon as you confirmed the arrangement, eager to start your diplomatic journey. Along the way, you were astounded by the wonderful smell of flowers and the bright, colorful landscape. People milled about the cobbled streets in fanciful suits and dresses, sporting fun decorated hats and eye-catching cravats. The foot traffic darted everywhere, even in front of your carriage, yet rather than busy chaos there was a sense of orderliness to it. A deep chime of a clock tower struck, spurring everyone on with a renewed sense of purpose. It was quite the contrast to your gray, rocky kingdom, where there was still physical damage visible from the dirt main streets and hopelessness seemed a day away.
Although, arriving on the castle grounds, you were surprised there wasn't much…fanfare. Your previous king always made a grand procession out of visitors, even when the visitors became a slow trickle of mages called in to protect the magestones and gorge themselves on food bought with taxpayer money. The guards, expecting your arrival, let you inside of the castle. It was quiet, so quiet your heeled shoes clicked against the floor and echoed. For a moment you thought you got the date wrong and worried that you were trespassing.
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Somebody's heels approached from the hallway, quick and steady against the solid, shining floors. You were expecting a regal queen with a large dress, akin to the dresses your mother now wore. Instead, you watched as a short boy with red hair appeared, taking the stairs with ease. He held you in a gaze that bordered between blank and narrowed while gracefully closing the distance between the two of you. No matter how he compared to you in size or how cute he appeared, his aura of command was simply too strong for you to reject. You couldn't decide if the scepter in his hand was an accessory or a weapon.
"Ah…" You trailed off dumbly. His expression didn't change, but something flashed in his eyes and you could tell that your introduction was a test which you already failed. Suddenly rushing in your movements, you fumbled with the fabric of your clothes, tried to remember how to position your hands, and did your best curtsy or bow.
"Greetings…your highness?"
A moment of silence stretched between the two of you, unfriendly and unforgiving. The boy's eyes were as cold as an iron sword left unsheathed in the dead of winter. The longer he looked at you, the more the corners of his mouth tilted down into a small frown. Admittedly, it looked more like a pout than a frown, but you didn't dare utter a word and push yourself further from his good graces.
"Unacceptable," he finally muttered, averting his disappointed gaze. You swallowed.
"Apologies," you tried again. "You caught me off guard. I was expecting the Queen."
"Mother will not be administering your courses. She has left the duty to me," He explained. With a glance, you finally registered the small crown on his head, but quickly ducked your head back down in apology.
"I wasn’t aware. We didn't discuss the details in our letters."
He examined your bashful expression before stepping back, deciding this argument wasn't worth wasting time on. "Very well. My name is Riddle Rosehearts. I am the son of the queen and the heir to the throne. It is my duty to ensure you pass the same etiquette training I received, so that you might not tarnish what little reputation your country has left."
Your heart sank at that. There wasn't a moment that passed where you didn't love your country and its people. Your family risked their lives to fight for a better future, and now you were the one responsible for enriching your people's lives in every way you could. Even if you didn't have much of a name for your country, the dig still hurt. But you needed this to go well more than anything else, so you forced a polite smile.
"Shall we start immediately, then?" You asked sweetly.
Riddle scoffed. "Yes. Our first lesson: do not smile so widely. It is most assuredly without grace."
You instantly dropped your smile and followed Riddle through the hall.
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The invitation didn't specify much of the details: who would administer your courses, how long they would take place, what exactly counted as passing - all these things were unknown to you. It appeared, though, that these lessons were going to be much more intense than you thought.
On the first day, Riddle nearly scolded you for coming so ill-prepared when you told him that you didn’t have anything with which to take notes. After staring at you for a moment, he huffed and left the room wordlessly. You sat on the edge of your seat, anxiously twiddling your thumbs until he returned with a bound journal and pen. Though he didn’t allow the book to slam on the table in front of you, he did pass it to you with a pointed look that served the same purpose as a loud thwack! Still, he was mostly addressing the basics verbally, indicating where you should be taking notes…which was practically after everything he said.
It lured you into a false sense of security. Maybe the prince had a bit of an attitude problem, but he was knowledgeable, and he’d pass his knowledge onto you for you to write down and review on your own time - preferably when you were far from the confines of this castle and on your way back home.
How wrong you were.
The very next day, he insisted that you put everything he told you into practice, without notes. You sputtered. “Certainly you don’t honestly expect that I’ve remembered all that?!”
“Why not? Any diligent student would have studied for at least an hour after lessons.”
“An hour?! We went over the information for hours after dinner, and I needed sleep!”
Riddle wasn’t one to be reasoned with, however, and still insisted you repeat the information back to him. Feeling stuck in the castle, without much of an option, you sighed and did your best.
Of course, how could anybody remember the precise order of nobility in such a short amount of time? There were so many dinner, lunch and breakfast rules to learn, ones that seemed to change based on the meal, the day, the amount of time you were sitting at the table after finishing your meal…
Every day, Riddle heaped hours of information on you, then expected you to relay it back to him the next day perfectly. When you fumbled the order of nobility, he made you write the order in your journal fifty times without looking at a reference. If your handwriting wasn’t up to snuff, he made you write out entire sections of the Queendom’s law in perfect script. Your pace and posture had to be perfect, or else you were forced to walk up and down the massive hallways with books stacked upon your head. At meals, every bite had to be prim and proper, or he’d lecture you before you could even pick up your fork again. 
And don’t get him started on the dancing.
You were dreadfully ill-prepared for the dancing. How did you know? Riddle told you first thing in the morning when he met you in the library and immediately shooed you out to go to a ballroom. There was no good morning to preface the information; just, “This next lesson will be positively dreadful.”
The first few hours were spent learning simple steps and motions, where to put your hands, how to follow and how to lead, et cetera. He even brought in two of his staff to help you in practicing switching off. You didn’t spend long in their company, but one of them insisted you were the sweetest thing, while the other gave you a wry grin in silent apology for Riddle’s behavior. It was a welcome reprieve.
But then it was back to being the focus of Riddle’s vigilant attention, and you ended the day with sore feet and growing animosity towards the only country that bothered to remember yours even existed.
You were in the middle of drafting a letter to your father, letting him know that the lessons were intensive and you’d be staying another week but you missed him and the others terribly, when there was a knock on the door. Opening it, you saw the green-haired butler from earlier. He informed you that tomorrow morning, you’d have the day to yourself while Riddle went to oversee some business with the Card Soldiers and you were welcome to attend, but your presence was not an obligation of your lessons. The way he said it made it seem like the only smart option.
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Still, the next day you ate your breakfast slowly, trying not to notice how empty the large dining hall truly felt without Riddle berating you for doing something wrong. You barely even noticed how much care you were taking to eat the way he taught you, too lost in thought on what you should do.
After you finished, you glanced at the clock and then remained seated to think. You could explore the castle, or brush up on your assignments. Or, you mused dryly, you could hop in your carriage and leave, never to be seen or heard from by any Rosarian ever again. Or, a little voice said, you could check on Riddle.
You instinctively looked at the clock again, right as 15 minutes had passed. You hated when the universe gave you signs pointing in the direction you didn’t want to go.
Tentatively, you wandered through the halls the way the butler told you to go, walking past eclectic decorations of mainly red and black. Two large doors (that were, honestly, more window than door) led to the gardens, which then led to a training field. Walking through the lush green hedges and fragrant red roses, you were hit by how much you stuck out, dressed in dreary gray. Depressed, you realized that maybe you didn’t fit in at all - you were just a peasant playing royal, and maybe you were a lost cause.
Startled shouts caught your attention, snapping you out of your pity. You hurried towards the training field, a little less graceful than Riddle would have liked, and stopped right as you rounded the corner. 
You were just in time to see Riddle shouting and waving his scepter, summoning a heart-shaped collar around the neck of a redheaded recruit. He immediately yanked at it, though the annoyance in his face indicated that this had happened before. Still, he bit back at Riddle’s vicious words with venom of his own. You admired this future soldier more and more with each thing he said.
All at once, the commotion died down, and everybody fell silent. From the other side of the field, the queen approached, adorned in a great dress with a startlingly high collar. Her crown and scepter were both bigger than Riddle’s, though her hair was a similar, rich shade of red. As she approached, Riddle almost seemed to shrink back. It seemed like a smarter decision for you to duck back behind the corner and eavesdrop than stand and watch dumbly.
Due to the great distance between you and the other royals, you couldn’t quite make out every word that was exchanged. All you knew was there was a cold fury underlying her tone, and nobody dared to interrupt. Harsh words like ‘expected better,’ ‘utterly disappointing,’ ‘wasted authority,’ and ‘disgrace’ floated to you in the wind, so bitter and sharp that you almost felt like crying. After a while, you heard footsteps that you now knew were Riddle’s, and they were much faster than the pace he insisted you keep. For a moment you were worried he’d turn and catch you hiding, but he entered the castle through a nearby door instead. After a moment of holding your breath, you hurried back to the guest room and tried to avoid all the staff, as if you had heard a secret regarding national security and not a very public argument.
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For the rest of the morning, you stared aimlessly at your notes, something like guilt gnawing at you. Lunch was spent alone again, and you hurried to get out of the too-big room. Afterwards, you waited in the library for your lessons to begin, but nobody showed up. Hesitantly, you checked the ballroom - also empty. Huffing, you wandered the grounds aimlessly, hoping to run into Riddle and to not run into the queen. Eventually you did run into somebody, but it wasn’t anybody you held a conversation with before.
The orange-haired member of the staff that helped you in your dancing lessons bounded up to you with a bright smile. “Heya! I come bearing what I assume to be good news!”
“Yup! Your lessons for this afternoon have been canceled! Though I can see you figured that out from how difficult it was to find you.”
“Oh…” You trailed off, not sure why you felt disappointed. Then you asked, “Did something happen? Something I can help with?”
A sad half-smile took over Cater’s expression. “It would be rude to ask a guest to help settle internal affairs.”
Nodding, you waved farewell to Cater and resumed your mindless wandering for a while. It seemed royals didn’t know how to behave when the feelings and security of others were involved. The grand halls felt all too imposing all of a sudden, like an ominous picture of what you were to become. Would you, too, become callous and cruel, uncaring for your people, uncaring for your family? Would your temper become a small fuse, lit at the smallest infraction?
Shuddering, you spent the remaining hours until dinner distracting yourself with your studies. Dinner was spent alone, again. This time, once you finished, you stayed at your seat for longer than 15 minutes, stuck in a loop of rumination. It wasn’t until Trey called your name that you snapped out of your miniature trance. In his hands, he held a tray of slices of a strawberry tart.
“Oh, you’re still here. Would you like dessert?” He asked, already offering you a plate and a fork. You took it in your hands and held it, not sure if you were willing to spend another 20 minutes aware of how lonely the table was.
But Trey was watching you expectantly, so you cut off a small piece and tried it in front of him. A second after the bite hit your tongue, your eyes widened in surprise. “Woah! This is amazing!”
Trey looked bashful. “Ah, it’s nothing. Riddle thinks so, too. They’re his favorite, after all.”
At the mention of Riddle’s name, you focused your gaze on Trey rather than the tart. “Are you bringing those to him?”
Trey nodded. Then, almost conspiratorially, he added, “But if anybody asks, this is a welcome gift for you.”
“Very well,” you said instinctively, not wanting to involve yourself in personal affairs. As Trey left, though, you couldn’t stop the nagging feeling in your gut. Sighing, you stood and said, “May I take those up with you?”
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'Taking the tray up with him' wound up being you standing outside the door to Riddle’s room by yourself. Tentatively, you knocked, trying your best to balance the tray on one hand. In a firm, cold voice, Riddle called out, “Busy.”
You weren’t sure if calling out to him and revealing it was you would make him open the door or insist you leave him alone. Instead, you knocked again, more persistently. Again, Riddle called out, “Busy!”
Adjusting the tray on your hand, you huffed and hit the door solidly once with your fist. Then you stepped back, expecting the door to swing open in indignation. It did, revealing a very angry Riddle who was ready to chew out a member of his staff, or perhaps send them to the dungeon (if the castle even had one. You weren’t sure.) When he saw it was you, shock took over his expression - then indignation, annoyance, and finally, resignation. “What are you doing? I don’t need to tell you how inappropriate that was, do I?”
“You weren’t answering,” You defended, knowing full well that you sounded rather petulant. In an attempt to lessen his aggression, you displayed the tray of tarts. “This was important.”
Conflict flashed in Riddle’s eyes as he gazed at the tarts. Then he cleared his throat and looked away. 
“Dessert is not important,” he started, reluctantly. Trying to change the subject, he said in an accusatory tone, “For the record, it could be scandalous if you were caught outside my room, alone, at night, with a tray of sweets.”
“We haven’t gone over the dessert lessons. How was I to know? I’m also not sure exactly what quantity of dessert is considered appropriate, but I’m almost positive it isn’t eight slices at once. I’ve already had a bite of one, and if I’m left to eat these by myself, I will eat them all.”
Riddle tried to appear scandalized, but only seemed to be amused. “You’d think I’d have learned by now that there is no getting through to you…” But he stepped out of his room, shut the door, and led you to a balcony where you could eat your dessert together in peace.
The two of you sat on opposite sides of the small table on the balcony, overlooking the rose maze. In the distance, the lanterns of the village glowed brightly, the buildings tall and concrete. You were too amazed upon your arrival to realize how different the Queendom of Roses truly was from your country. It was more…stable. Your people deserved such security and beauty.
When Riddle wasn’t breathing down your neck to overanalyze every motion you made during a meal, he was surprisingly peaceful company. You ate your first slices in silence, admiring the dark landscape and sorting through the tension that was thick within the castle walls.
Riddle broke the silence first. “What is it like in your country?”
“Hm?” You asked, before you could stop yourself from acting disgracefully. Riddle didn’t seem to mind, at least, not this time. It never occurred to you that you hadn’t really talked about your home while you were here. Everything was all business, all etiquette and lessons. “It’s…not as green, for starters.”
“You’re situated right beneath the mountain range, right?” He asked, though you knew he wasn’t truly asking for clarification. “Do you…dislike it?”
“No! Not at all!” You insisted, and finally the dam broke. “It’s great at home. The ground is solid and there are forests with rock shelves like giant staircases up the mountains. The peaks are majestic, and there’s almost always a comforting fog in the mornings that feels like a cozy blanket…”
As you talked about your country, Riddle listened with rapt attention and helped himself to a second slice of tart. Every now and then, he’d interject to ask questions, getting you started on a new tangent about your life before royalty and your favorite home traditions. By the time you slowed down and realized how much you’ve been talking, most of the tart was gone and your throat was dry. Doing your best to clear it gracefully, you avoided Riddle’s steady gaze.
“I…realize I forgot many of your teachings,” You said meekly, your voice significantly softer. Riddle widened his eyes and soon watched his lap. He frowned and, much like when you first met him, it appeared more as a pout.
“I wasn’t thinking about that at all,” He admitted. A warm breeze blew over the both of you, nearly carrying his voice away with it. This shy vision of him was far different from the authoritative version that usually walked through the castle. “It sounds lovely, back at your kingdom. I was simply enjoying your stories. And…you’re much better company than the previous king.”
You laughed at that, starting at the prim giggle he originally made you learn before it escalated into something a little more true. “The competition was really stiff, was it?”
Riddle chuckled with you, a warm and rosy blush crawling to his cheeks. After a few stressful weeks for the both of you, a healthy laugh devolved into near-hysterics, taking much longer than the situation truly called for. As the two of you tried to calm yourselves down, you avoided making direct eye contact for fear of starting up again. Instead, you both looked over the small piece of the village again, willing the serenity to reach you.
Your thoughts calmed, first at the beauty of the lights against the dark sky, then at the overwhelming pull of how badly you wanted to achieve this for yourself. There was so much to be done: even after your people fixed the battered streets and structural damage, even after the harvest came and went and you properly rationed the food that wasn’t destroyed, even if you managed to reinstill some semblance of trust in the government of the country, all that work would only bring you to sea level. After that, there was much to improve: defenses, infrastructure, overall quality of life, foreign relations…and, on top of it all, you still had to figure out how, exactly, to defeat the encroaching blot.
For a sobering moment, you realized exactly where you were. The results of the war caught up to you, a king and countless innocent people dead, you and your family on the throne and the final defense between everybody and an unknowable monster. There was so much you didn’t know, and yet it was up to you to save it all.
“I never brought it up,” You started quietly. “But…thank you for continuing to support us all this time.”
Riddle appeared bashful - or ashamed? “Ah…it was nothing. Actually, it was purely strategic. Whoever emerged victorious would be appreciative of our support.”
“Ah. Well, I am,” You admitted, shifting in your seat. “Who knows? Maybe there are a couple of magestones with your name on them back home.”
“I see I’ll have to add a lesson in negotiating to our plans.” Finally, Riddle stood, smiling the kind of grin that, on anybody else, would be accompanied by rolling eyes. He held out his hand, clearly offering for you to take it. “It was a pleasure talking to you. Here’s to reaffirming our alliance.”
Taken aback by his sudden shift into prince mode, you gingerly place your hand on his and let him guide you out of your seat. “Here’s to affirming our friendship.”
For a long moment, neither of you said anything. Then, slowly, as he watched with wide eyes for any hint of dissent, Riddle bent at the middle and pressed a chaste kiss to your knuckles so quickly, it was hardly anything more than an accidental brush.
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With your newfound understanding of each other, the future lessons went by quickly. No longer uncomfortable in the castle, you were able to study more efficiently, eventually reaching Riddle’s expectations. He split your workload into sections, taking you on frequent breaks to walk around the castle grounds. While you weren’t working on etiquette or any questions you had, you both planned ideal ways to welcome the other into your respective countries. It was like gossiping with your friends in the village all over again, and it gave you hope for the monumental tasks ahead.
Finally, with most of your lessons having been successfully completed, Riddle spent your final week helping you draft trade agreements, giving you a rundown of each nation’s specialty, the best trade routes, and other important information. For the time being, you knew you’d have to get most of your resources from him - all the other routes were in various states of disrepair, and your relationship with other countries was still practically nonexistent.
One day, he sent Trey to lead you to his office. As Trey opened the door, you were struck by how official Riddle looked behind the grand desk, framed by massive bookcases and an intricate tapestry behind him. However, his stern expression eased as soon as you walked through the door. He gestured at a seat across from his desk, waiting for Trey to shut the door before interlocking his fingers and resting his chin on them.
“We don’t normally do paperwork in here,” You mused, looking around. Once you settled your gaze on him, Riddle straightened his posture and tapped on the forms in the center of his desk with one finger.
“Yes, well. This one is a bit more finicky,” He explained. Curiously, you slid the paper your way and scanned the words carefully. As the words sunk in, your eyes darted from the paper to Riddle and back again.
“You’re transferring some of your Card Soldiers?” You asked. “Thank you, but I couldn’t take them away from home so suddenly.”
“Nonsense. They’re eager for the opportunity. Besides,” Riddle lowered his voice, eyes drifting from side to side as if somebody could simply appear. “You would be doing a great service for them and me.”
Glancing at the papers again, you read the names printed in Riddle’s neat handwriting. After a moment’s hesitation, the names clicked and you remembered which soldiers he was talking about. The two card soldiers had a propensity for trouble - not the kind that would endanger you, but the kind that would endanger them the longer they remained under the rule of the queen. Nodding slightly, you held your hand out for a pen to confirm the transfer.
“Personal guard, huh?” You mused. The situation in your kingdom was getting more and more official with each passing day. It gave you hope.
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When it was finally time for you to depart, you thanked Riddle for all of his help with a deep - and perfect - curtsy or bow. He bowed in return, then the both of you watched each other for a moment. The queen hadn’t welcomed you, and she wasn’t seeing you off; after your inadvertent experience with her, you figured that was best.
“I’ll write to you,” You decided firmly. Behind you, the door to your carriage was opened, signaling that it was time to start the long journey home.
“Yes. I look forward to hearing how my lessons have assisted you.”
“That,” you agreed, “and to check in on you. As friends. Interpersonally.”
Riddle paled and cleared his throat. “A-ah, right. I’ll…I look forward to that, as well.”
With a smile and a wave, you turned and made your way to the carriage. Though you would miss Riddle, you were eager to return home and see what progress had been made. You kept waving until the carriage rolled past the gates, but you only turned your back to him once you could no longer see the difference between his white uniform and the white castle steps.
Riddle watched you leave, not daring to release the wistful sigh in his chest until you were entirely out of sight.
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all-things-skylanders · 3 months
Could I request some boom bloom headcannons and share one of them (she’s bisexual )
Yeah, looking her over, I can definitely see that Boom Bloom has Bi Energy. This is actually the first requested character I don't have in my collection, so I'm relying on the wiki alone.
Updated Lore:
Boom Bloom was a sentient tree at one point, helpless and yet peaceful. She had no name, and yet everyone in the grove knew her, and she knew everyone else. Of course, that was because her only neighbors were other sentient trees! Boom Bloom lived for over a thousand years, meaning that she had watched the fall of the Arkeyan empire at the hands of the Giants, though she had never learned what it was like to meet the fabled Tree Rex.
After nearly twelve-hundred years of life, Boom Bloom found herself growing increasingly bored of the status quo. She had counted the leaves of every tree in sight a thousand times over, watched blades of grass wither with unwavering focus, and survived locust attacks for generations.
When change finally came, it was in the form of an Ent Ninja and his apprentice. The ent was the supposed Guardian of the Forest, though he mostly stuck to the more populated areas. The grove however, was the perfect spot for him and the little elf girl with him to train. For years, Boom Bloom watched as the elf grew into the future warrior, Stealth Elf. Boom Bloom herself watched the ninja training every day as well, soaking everything that she needed to know up, unlike the other trees who didn't care for learning such frivolities that they would never use.
When Stealth Elf graduated and moved on, the status quo set back in, but only for a short while. The villanous Dr. Krankcase dug up the entire grove of its trees and brought them to his lab for experiments, mutating each of them into what were intended to be his minions. The trees didn't take kindly to this, and were quick to rebel with their new bodies. All of Boom Bloom's old friends quickly were destroyed, as they knew nothing of using their physical forms, but Boom Bloom had learned of combat through watching the ninjas train, so with the help of her mutated powers, she destroyed Krankcase's entire laboratory, where the villain only escaped by a hair.
Boom Bloom's ancient wisdom and prowess rivaling the most decorated skylanders in the team, Boom Bloom was quick to become a Sensei when she sought out the famed Master Eon, teaching giddy recruits in the pursuit of patience.
Other Stuff:
Boom Bloom is Bisexual, though not towards other creatures. Boom Bloom has been caught flirting with flowers and shrubs around the academy, and has yet to exhibit any attraction to something capable of returning those feelings.
Due to their pasts as mutated trees, and similar ages, Boom Bloom and Tree Rex share a connection, and are commonly paired as duos when big guns need to be called in.
Boom Bloom sees Stealth Elf as something like a daughter, and tries to go on bonding activities and hang-outs, only to confuse Stealth Elf more and more, since the elf herself never knew Boom Bloom had been watching, and therefor felt none of the bond that Boom Bloom did.
Boom Bloom has next to zero social understanding. While she talks very formally and is seemingly polite at first, she can be blunt, emotional and easily confused, since she knows very little of her world beyond what she eavesdropped. She also has next to no concept of mortality and time, so she's given quite a few skylanders existential dread over their short lives.
Boom Bloom has severe survivor's guilt, as she knew her grove mates for nearly twelve centuries, and now she is the last one left. On late nights, she may be found in the middle of Life Zones, mourning her kin.
WOAH! That was a lot more than I expected to write, Boom Bloom really spoke to me a lot! She has a really solid concept that lends itself to my favorite brand of angst quite well, so I guess I kinda went overboard.
That's what I could come up with for Boom Bloom. Do you like it? I'm always down for feedback, as long as it's polite ^^
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hikaritakaishi · 1 month
Takari Week 2024 - Day 2: Second Year
Days: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
Title: Invisible [Prologue II] (Second Year)
Characters: Hikari Yagami, Takeru Takaishi, Taichi Yagami, Yamato Ishida.
Summary: It takes time to find our place. And sometimes that place isn't a place, it's someone. And even if the castle falls, we can always put the pieces back together and build it again.
Note: A collection of stories that gives us an insight into Takeru and Hikari's relationship over the years. It was really hard to put all the prompts explicitly in the story, so I tried to metaphorize some of them, in order for them to make sense at the end.
It is composed of two prologues, one for Takeru and one for Hikari, exposing events before 1999. And a final epilogue, summarizing all the feelings exposed in the previous chapters. In the intermediate chapters, we follow all the challenges that a long-term friendship has to face when it becomes a romantic relationship, and how we form solid and permanent bonds with the ones we love the most.
She waved goodbye to her classmates from the bottom of the street and continued alone to the cluster of buildings where her house was located. It was Friday, finally.
She felt exhausted. Not physically, but emotionally. I mean, physically too, but not as much as emotionally. Her legs felt heavy, but her heart was feeling even heavier. What a suffocating week.
Several trips to the doctor later, and successive hospitalizations over the years made that physical weakness something customary to her. Casual almost. She was breathing heavily. Each step felt like a different kind of torture. And the worst of all, no one could tell her if she is ever going to be perfectly recovered.
Would she ever be healthy?
All of that caused her an almost constant absence at school. Treatments, days she could barely get out of bed, leaving classes earlier because she felt dizzy, tired, exhausted. Was impossible for her to make real friends. She barely knew anyone in her class. It's not like they ignored her, but they simply had no time to create a bond with her. A real connection. It was not something that was allowed to her.
She had no idea what they liked to talk about. What kind of games they liked to play. She felt out of place. Constantly. Most of them had good intentions, they were good kids, and they cared about her. But time. Nothing pays for the time we spend creating something with someone. It is rarely spontaneous. 
Time was cruel. And ironic. Hikari felt that no amount of time would be enough to heal that wound.
“I am home. “
She tried to sound as normal as she could.
“How was school, dear?” Asked her mother as she saw her cross the hallway.
“Great!” She faked a weak smile. “I just have a lot of homework to do.”
“I see. You must catch up the rest of the class. “
“I am trying my best…”
She went to the bedroom she still shared with her older brother and closed the door. She placed her backpack on her desk and sighed. Another day has passed, and no progress has been made. She took three steps back and fell back onto the bed.
Would it ever get better?
“Hikari! I have a surprise for you!”
Taichi’s voice sounded like an alarm clock to her.
She was at the dinner table finishing some schoolwork when he approached her. He came near her and stood by her side, irradiating confidence.
It was a sweet and warm Sunday morning, and she didn't expect her brother to wake up so early. He had football training on Saturday and usually rested until lunchtime on Sunday.
Today was not the case.
Taichi had woken up early and she had heard him on the phone with someone shortly after waking up. He wasn't exactly… careful with the noise he made or the tone of voice he used, so he ended up waking her up unintentionally.
“Guess who's coming to visit!”
She blinked. No idea, she thought. Taichi had so many friends that it was impossible to predict. School friends, football mates, neighbours… unlike her, he had unbelievable social skills.
“Sora?”  She finally guessed. He loved spending time with Sora, so it sounded like a plausible possibility.
“Oh, no, not Sora. Do you have a second guess?”
“Ah… not really.” She looked back at what she was previously doing.
“Oh, I see. “She said unsurprisingly.
 Yamato was a regular visit as well; he often came to play with Taichi or do some homework. Although they had some conflicts in the past, it seems that now they have learned to be best friends and support each other in every possible conceivable way.
“…and… Takeru is coming along!” 
“Really?” She got up from the chair where she was sitting. “Is he really coming?” Her eyes were like stars, bright and clear.
“Now I captured your attention!” Taichi let out a genuine laugh of delight before continuing. “They are coming after lunch. Me and Yamato have some homework to do together, and since Takeru is in Odaiba, we thought that it would be nice for you two to see each other again.”
“I don’t see him since… “
“Yes, I know. I am glad you still remember him. And I can see your enthusiasm!”
She never told anyone about it, but Taichi knew how hard it was for her, not to be able to make friends. He knew how wonderful his sister was, and he knew how cruel life had been to her. She was kind, honest, and caring, she just needed an opportunity. She just needed to be seen for who she really was.
And how could she forget about Takeru?
Everything that happened was still fresh in her memory.
The laughter, all the tears, the fear.
The way they had to act like a team to survive. The way he did not let her down and cared for her, even though he barely knew her at the time. They clicked so naturally. It had never happened to her before. Time did not mean a thing for them. 
But did he remember her, the way she remembers him?
“So…” She said shyly “Do you want to solve a puzzle or build a castle with some blocks?” 
“Oh, I love building blocks!”
“Great, me too!”
Despite everything that happened, they were still kids. They were still nine-year-olds. Who wanted to play, to laugh together and to forget their problems that seemed bigger than them.
“So, you decided to build a castle!”
Taichi’s voice sounded loudly in the living room. He looked like he had come to get something to drink from the fridge. He was in their parent’s small home office with Yamato doing schoolwork.
“Do you want something to drink as well, or to eat? It will not take us too long to finish but you can have something now if you want.”
They shared a look.
“We can wait for you!” Takeru said.
“Yes, we can wait!” 
Taichi smiled and went inside the room again.
He felt very content. Hikari never brought a friend home to play. And he was overjoyed by that little achievement of hers. It finally seemed like she was enjoying sharing a moment with someone.
Some time had passed, and they had made a lot of progress on that castle. It was almost as tall as them.
Takeru couldn't say anything more; after touching one of the blocks at the top of the castle and seeing them all fall to the ground, one by one.
He blinked nervously and looked at her in the eyes. He had screwed up, he thought.
“I… am sorry, Hikari.”
She smiled.
He couldn’t believe it, but she just smiled sincerely and started to collect the blocks again.  Wasn’t she even a little upset? After all the effort they put into building that castle.
“It’s ok.” She said after a few seconds. “The base was fragile, you see. If we want to build one that would not tremble so easily, we must focus more on the base next time!”
“Ah… sure.” He answered a little insecure. “But… It was my fault that…”
“Oh no!” She stopped him. “If anything, it was OUR fault. Because we built it together. And we can always re-build it again and again…” She continued collecting the blocks.” Until it’s perfect!”
“You are… right. We can always build it again…”
“That’s the spirit!”
Their brothers, who had heard the blocks castle falling moments before, were near the door listening to the conversation, exchanging the most genuine sights of pride.
They knew that those two kids would grow up to be wonderful adults if they maintained and cultivated that empathetic and caring attitude.
“You know what Yamato… can you please bring Takeru more often?”
“Yes… definitely I will.”
You can also find it at: Fanfiction.net & Wattpad
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